Thứ Ba, 30 tháng 10, 2018

Youtube daily instagram Oct 30 2018

Let's talk about Instagram because that's a very popular social network right now. I post a lot of photos on Instagram.

That's where a lot of the people who come on my tours wind up posting their tour photos.

So obviously you can go around the National Mall you can get the photos of the monuments, the Capitol, and all that stuff

but what are some of your

favorite Instagram spots that might be a little off the beaten path or a little different something you can say

"I came to Washington DC and I did something other than all the standard tourist stuff."

So I'm not sure if if tourists typically know about this spot

but I really liked the Exorcist Stairs in Georgetown. And basically if you're just walking by you might not realize what they are.

It's a very long set of stairs and very very steep and a little bit intimidating looking.

You'll see a lot of runners running up and down those for a workout,

but the Exorcist stairs were actually featured in the movie The Exorcist and that's where Father Damien tumbles down the stairs to his death,

and the movie The Exorcist was actually filmed in the house at the top of the stairs. So

it's sort of a cool spot and you can get a great photo of yourself

like on these creepy looking stairs, and then you can talk about the story in your caption and

it's definitely impressive for people that haven't been here.

So I like that spot. Another cool Instagram spot that I like is Gravelly Point

which is a park right by Reagan Airport, and you can actually watch the planes take off and get cool photos with, you know,

the planes literally flying behind you and kind of a unique area.

Yeah, if you're an airline or an airplane enthusiast that spot is heaven.

I mean you can watch, depending on which way the wind is blowing,

obviously either the planes landing right above your head or taking off right above your head and

I've never really seen any place else like that in my own travels. I'm sure somewhere in the world

there's an airport like that

but definitely very very unique. Anywhere else that you like to go?

I like going to Roosevelt Island

which is sort of the island across from Georgetown and you're going to have to access that from the Virginia side, I believe.

Yeah, and just for people who don't know that this is Teddy Roosevelt, his cousin Franklin Roosevelt has a memorial on the National Mall that

is included in my monuments tour and a lot of the other tours

but Roosevelt Island is a monument for Teddy and that's technically in Washington DC but the only access point is from Virginia,

so it's a little bit tricky to get to.

So if you have a car it's no problem, but you could also just take a very very short Uber right over there and

there's trails that go on the island. It makes you feel like you're kind of in this like

isolated forest oasis in the middle of the city, and if you walk towards the water

you can actually see the entire city from, you know,

Roosevelt Island and you're going to get pretty cool shots from over there as well. So that's another photo worthy place.

For more infomation >> Pro Photographer's Favorite Instagram Spots in DC - Duration: 3:20.


10 tips on HOW TO GROW FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM organically - Duration: 23:00.

- Look, I get it okay, your Instagram account

is not growing, you're having troubles,

that Instagram is a pain in the ass.

I get it okay, so in this video we go

over 10 simple tips that you can implement

right now in order to improve

your account and grow it organically.

(rhythmic instrumental music)

What is up guys, my name is Josue Pena

with Online CEO's helping you grow and monetize your brand,

business, and influence with social media and marketing.

Today we're going over the most common question ever.

How do you actually grow organically on Instagram?

Here are 10 simple tips that you can implement right now

to have your account growing by the end of the day.

Tip number one, you've got to do

your competitor and influencer research.

What does this actually mean?

This is how it actually looks like.

Here we are at my account on Elation Fitness, and let's say

for example you are starting from scratch, right?

So what you want to do is go on

the Instagram feed, and let's say

for example you're gonna create a fitness account.

You just type the hashtag or word fitness.

Then have a bunch of different things are gonna appear.

First off, several pages at the top

the hashtag fitness is gonna appear as well.

What you want to look after is find the best accounts

that are in there, the competitors and the influencers.

In this case, for example, Fitness Lovrs is an influencer,

so I write it down, and just see the content,

and see the influence that's there, and I keep going.

Let's see, this guy, it might be in this case

our competitor, meaning it has less followers.

It might be closer to your own follower range.

We keep going, let's say for example,

Fit Methods, one million followers.

In this case that one might also be an influencer.

Again, we write it down, and then we keep going.

Fitness Dominate, in this case is a competitor.

He's closer to my own following, 1.1 million,

Fitness Union, this one is an influencer.

And I keep going, and just write the influencers

and competitors that are in my space.

This applies, again, let's say I'm in travel.

I'm just doing it for my one million

follower page, you know, for our

one million follower page, Explorer, right?

Same thing, same thing.

We go there, boom, we put travel, #travel.

And the same thing, we look at

the content, then, boom, we go over here.

Let's see, 1.2 million followers

in this case is a little bit of our competitor

because we have already one million

followers on that page itself, so we want

to look for accounts that are even bigger.

So, in this case, it might be Luxury World Traveler.

There you go, boom, this one has 2.7 million,

which is double our own following,

so this one might be an influencer.

We want to look for influencers and competitors

in our space in order for us to just model success.

That's the goal because these people, the influencers,

know already what's working, know what content is working.

So we just simply want to model

success, that's tip number one.

Now, tip numero dos on this is do your research

in terms of the content itself.

You're reading, research the influencers

and the competitors, so let's take that same research

and see the content, the profile picture,

the bio, caption, and all that good stuff.

Again, let's say you have a fitness account.

And this applies whether you have a fitness account

in terms of brand, or personal brand

in terms of like the niche of fitness, right?

So let's say, for example, we go to Fit Methods, right?

Let's say you are in the weight loss,

you're in the fitness account,

and you're a girl, or whatever it is, right?

We first see the type of profile picture this person has.

It's pretty clear that's in fitness, a guy and girl.

We see the bio itself, we see in

the top fitness, health, and motivation.

That's actually the name of the account,

and that's actually searchable.

So you'll want to model that as well.

We see that, you know, simple bullet points,

three, four in this case, bullet points.

And then it has a link in the bio.

And then it has this highlights right here.

Then we see the actual content itself.

In this case we see right here,

this is (mumbles), we're actually good friends.

You can actually see there's also a promo

in this case that was running.

So you can actually see different

types of content that you have.

In this case, well, let's see for example

an actual normal post, right, because this one is a promo.

Let's see a normal post, boom, right here.

We see right here, boom, is a carousel image.

We're able to see what type of content that works.

We're able to see what captions work as well.

You can see right here, how to pose

and look better in your pictures.

And then tag two friends that need to see these posts.

That's the actual call to action,

which we obviously want to model after once we understand

what triggers that audience in particular.

So we see the comments itself, and you can actually see

right here, boom, a bunch of different comments.

And then we see how the audience is reacting.

So we're able to see that everybody's

tagging their friends right here.

They're tagging their friends, they're just

commenting back and forth, tagging friends.

And we're able to see that this image itself,

and this type of caption trigger the audience

to engage with the current content itself.

So this is the things that we want to model it after.

Now, the next thing we'll take a look at

is the actual Instagram Stories and Instagram Live,

and see if they have any right here.

We can actually see this person right here

just have a bunch of different pictures and ads.

This one is an ad, right?

Just pictures and ads, pictures and ads.

So in my opinion that's not really engaging,

and I don't particularly like that, just having a bunch

of different pictures in your current Instagram Stories.

What I personally like to do is just do video.

So, for example, in this case I just have, you know, videos.

We can see right here I decided

to post this a little while ago.

And this applies, you know, to anything really.

This applies whether you have a brand page

or personal brand, let's say for example

you want to put your face behind the brand,

which is extremely important, and I always suggest this.

So I'm gonna show you another example right here.

Let's just go right here, right?

As you can see right here, actually,

these people in this page actually know me.

I just did this like two hours ago or something like that.

And I actually told them, like,

go to this picture right here,

and go comment and leave your questions, right?

It is an account in Spanish,

and look, actually people went there.

And I have over 41 comments right here

of people asking questions, all right?

So it's a really, really great way to engage your audience.

Again, if you want to do the market research

on this, and that's actually what

you want to do in your current niche.

So, again, check out the Instagram Stories,

and the fitness and influencers to make sure

that actually if they're doing it,

if they're not doing it, is a blue ocean

that you can actually tap into with Instagram Stories

and Instagram Live very, very easily.

Now, tip number three, this is also part

of the market research, that you want

to research what hashtags to use.

Hashtags are extremely important

because they categorize your content,

and tell Instagram what your content is about.

It also helps in terms of keywords, and SEO,

and ranking with your current page and content.

But you want to make sure that you're using

the right hashtags, not the most popular ones.

This is what I actually mean by not using

the most popular ones, but using

the right hashtags for you and your page.

Again, let's just jump in again into my phone,

and let's type the word fitness.

We go to the top, and we put tags,

and we actually see all of these different hashtags

there are in the fitness let's say niche, right?

But let's say for example we

start using the hashtag fitness.

#fitness is extremely big, it has

over 265 million posts, okay?

Now, this is way, way, way too big for

almost any account to rank in.

Now, at the top we also see for example

different related hashes, so maybe if

we start going down the rabbit hole these hashtags

we can actually rank in and actually use.

Let's say, for example, triceps.

This one actually has only, only 3.1 million, right?

So we actually see at the top, right?

And we want to use the top, and see

what accounts are actually ranking

in the top of that particular hashtag.

Let's see, for example, Rich Piana Tribute, 7000 followers.

This guy, 36,000 followers, and the same guy at the top,

okay, a thousand-something followers.

So this account and this hashtag in particular you could

actually rank in a lot easier than #fitness.

Why, because it only has 3.1 million.

So we want to keep looking around and see what content,

what hashtags to use for our own specific channel.

In my case I have over 261,000 followers.

I can probably rank in accounts and hashtags that have

one million to three million users without a problem.

So that's usually the hashtags that I would personally use.

I would try to avoid hashtags that,

you know, have over 265 million like #fitness.

Again, we can go down the rabbit hole, you know,

in whole different cases like different hashtags.

So, again, fitness or fun, 500,000.

Maybe in your case if you have a smaller account

this might be the hashtag to use

because you're able to rank in the top nine

or in the top posts a lot, a lot easier.

So, again, let's go to fitness workout.

This one, it might be a little bit too small.

It only has 64,000 users or posts.

This one might be a little bit too big.

Fitness trainer, this one might be also a perfect one

for you to use if you're starting out,

or if you have let's say 10,000, 20,000

follower page or something like that because you're able

to rank in this particular hashtag a lot, a lot easier.

This also applies with Instagram Stories.

For example, you can actually see

right here Instagram Stories that are

being used in the current hashtags.

So you actually want to use hashtags

with the Instagram Stories as well because you will be able

to rank your Instagram Stories as well.

For example, you can see right here, boom,

this guy has 251,000 followers in that particular hashtag.

So, obviously, he's able to rank

with Instagram Stories in that particular hashtag.

This one right here, boom, was able to rank

in the hashtags with Instagram Stories

as well with only 1800 followers

because the Instagram hashtags in the stories themselves

is not of any competitive niche or space if you want

to call it that versus the normal post.

That's kind of like a blue ocean as well.

If you're able to create great

Instagram Stories for your own content

and use the hashtags right then and there.

Again, only 10,000 followers, and he's able to rank

in the #fitnessmotivation, which has 40 million users.

Tip number four is make sure that

your content has a consistent theme,

and it flows naturally with your page.

This does not mean that it has to be

a same color scheme or whatever it is.

If you want to go that route you can definitely do it,

but it just has to flow one content

with the next in your account.

This is how that actually looks like.

For example, we're right here on my account, right,

and let's just go to the normal Instagram feed.

Let's say we are looking to create,

let's say, an entrepreneurship page, right?

Alex Becker, he's a great guy

that's doing great with his account.

You can see right her for example the theme

is not consistent in terms of color scheme,

but you can definitely see a pattern in terms

of the content itself that he's posting.

We see a content that's from him.

We see content that's going out

to (mumbles) space or more targeted to that.

We see content that's from him again.

We see content from him again.

He's creating both engaging content,

and content from himself, and that actually

has a consistent theme around them.

This is a perfect example of how to mix brand,

like, viral content with your own personal one to make sure

that we reach a broader audience, your account goes viral.

But you also have the personality and engagement

with your current followers that they know,

like, and trust you at the same time.

But let's say, for example, you are in the travel space.

Let's see, let's go to our account, and say you want

to build an account that's all around art.

Let's go to our account that has 2.2 million

followers World of Artists, right?

As you can see right here we have a consistent theme

with pictures and videos that is

all around art and amazing imagery, right?

That is all about art and amazing imagery,

so it has a consistent theme on the page itself.

But, again, it's not a consistent color scheme.

You can definitely go around that route,

but it's just consistent theme, and it flows

naturally one picture and one content to the next one.

Remember, the only place where people can follow you

is right here, that's the only place.

And when they go and follow you, especially on their phones,

the first thing they see is the first nine posts.

So if your last nine posts on your account are not great,

and they do not flow well one to the next,

the people are not going to follow you, all right?

Now, one great tool that I really

like to use is called Planoly.

Planoly allows you to create engaging content,

and just be able to craft and schedule your posts

in advance to make sure that you see how they look,

and you're able to drag and drop one to the next.

And then from there just import them

to the actual Instagram, and then schedule them

to actually post them directly.

So Planoly is a great solution if you want

to make sure that your feed looks consistent,

and it looks great, and your content flows

really good from one place to the next one.

Tip number five is creating with purpose.

This is one of things that I see

a lot of people not getting right.

They think that just because you can post an image

or video very quickly on Instagram

that it's gonna perform well, and that it

should go there, but that is not the case.

Why in the world would you put a picture of your cat

or your food if you do not have a cat or a food page?

Nobody cares about your cat or

your Taco Bell that you ate for lunch.

They care about the value that the account

is actually providing to them.

For example, if I have a fitness

account, why would I put a cat?

Unless the cat is like freaking ripped and jacked.

There's no point in putting my cat on it.

Or if I have a car page, why would I put a picture

of my Taco Bell that I ate for lunch?

It does not make sense.

This also applies to your Instagram Stories as well.

Just because you're able to whip out your phone

and take a quick 15 second video

or picture doesn't mean you should do it.

Make sure you're thinking about what content

you're putting out there before

you actually put it out, okay?

If you're a marketer, and you want to share tips

on how to do marketing, yes, you can be personal,

but don't put videos and pictures of your kids,

and going to the gym, and things like that, nobody cares.

They're following you because of your marketing,

and entrepreneurship tips, or whatever, right?

So make sure you just share that.

Go on Instagram Stories and tell them,

hey, three tips on how to become a better entrepreneur,

or three tips on how to improve your marketing.

Or three tips on how to improve

your fitness, and weight loss, or beauty.

Whatever the account in your niche

is make sure that your content is consistent

and your are creating with purpose.

Tip number six, and that is post consistently.

Make sure you show up every single day on Instagram,

and post content that's relevant to your audience.

Posting every single day will dramatically increase

the likelihood of your account going viral and growing.

As a general rule the more you post the more you grow.

So if you're able to even post more

than just one time a day, but multiple times a day,

that's going to be even better.

Here's a little extra hack for you,

make sure you analyze the timezones,

and what best times to post for your specific account.

Instagram actually just tells you this information,

so make sure you're actually posting

when your account and your followers

are currently active on your current Instagram account.

If you have a local business or you want

to reach a specific local market make sure

you're posting at all the times that they're waking up,

or when they're getting out of work,

or things like that just to make sure

that you reach that audience in particular

when they're having their phone out,

and they might be searching on Instagram.

Tip number seven, and that is networking.

Remember the saying that, you know,

multibillionaires say that your net worth

is determined by your network, same thing on Instagram.

Same people that you just researched at the beginning

in tip number one with the influencers and your competitors,

these are the exact people that you are going to reach out

to in order to network and collaborate with.

This is the importance of networking

when it comes to the Instagram algorithm, okay?

Let's say, for example, you start networking

and start talking to the same people,

the same influencers and competitors

you just reached out to, this is what's actually

gonna happen when they like and comment on your picture.

Okay, let's say you're in fitness, right?

You're in fitness, yo, my hand writing is awesome.

You post, let's say, this picture right here.

And you have 1K followers, right?

And let's say right here we have

a huge account that has 100K followers.

When that account goes, likes,

and comments on your picture these 100,000 followers

are going to see your content on their phones, okay?

This is super powerful.

And since we already know that they're interested

in fitness as well because this is

a fitness account too we know that when

they see your content, which you're already creating

with purpose, and it's actually good

because you did your market research already,

when they see your content they're going to be more likely

to like, comment, and follow your account as well.

Now, what happens when you start,

let's say for example you do that with one account.

Well, look what happens when you start doing it

with another one, and another one, and another one.

And maybe like a huge one that's actually

like a million followers, right?

You start seeing the power of networking,

and your content is going viral, and spreading

like wildfire on Instagram itself.

This is the importance and the power of it.

Okay, this is why it's so crucial

for you to network with the current influencers

and competitors in your niche, okay?

But now that you understand this the question now becomes,

how do you actually reach out to them?

What do you actually say, right?

Just provide value to them, if they are

a brand page, and you're a personal brand,

just provide amazing content to them.

I have hundreds of pages that's reaching

out to me, and just telling me,

"hey, I would like to collaborate with you.

"I want to collaborate, I want to showcase

"your content and things like that."

If you're able to collaborate with different people

and different influencers you will be set

and golden for the rest of your Instagram life.

Tip number eight, and that is keep people

longer on the Instagram platform

by doing livestreams and Instagram Stories.

Right now livestreams and Instagram Stories

is in a whole untapped market because

not many people are doing it.

And very few that are actually doing it are doing it right.

They just decided to go live on Instagram.

And they just ramble and talk crap.

Without having a specific direction,

without creating with purpose, and without

actually giving value to the audience

in the current niche that they're actually in.

So if you're able to create livestreams

that are around the content and niche

that you're in with a specific purpose

and direction in mind, or Instagram Stories,

your audience will be kept longer

on the Instagram platform itself.

And two things are gonna happen.

The first one is that Instagram

is going to suggest you and boost you up

on the Instagram algorithm because

you're keeping people longer on the platform.

And that is what Instagram ultimately wants.

That's how they make their money,

okay, by keeping people on the platform

and showing ads to those people.

So if you're able to make money

to Instagram they're gonna be happy with you.

The second thing that happens is that your audience becomes

more engaged, and you start building more rapport with them.

By putting a face behind your brand

with doing livestreams and Instagram stories

that is extremely powerful, and your audience

will start seeing your personality.

They'll start knowing, liking, and trusting you more.

And that means that when you actually sell

them something they will actually buy.

And you just turned your followers into dollars,

and built an actual business just

by having an Instagram page,

and just posting random pictures and videos,

which is pretty cool in my opinion.

Tip and hack number nine, use Instagram direct messages.

You've heard the saying, it goes down in the DM.

Well, it doesn't just go down

in the DM, it is where it is at.

I've helped and consulted with people

who have built six-figure businesses

in three months just by using Instagram DMs.

Why is this so powerful?

Think about this, the number one way major companies

make a ton of money is by phone sales.

Direct message is the phone sales of Instagram itself.

You're able to build rapport, you're able to connect

with your audience on a more personal level.

You're able to talk to each person one to one.

And you're able to engage them in a much more

deeper connection with you than almost anything else.

On top of that you're also keeping people

on the Instagram platform longer,

which we already know that Instagram likes its money.

And if you're able to make more money

to Instagram they're gonna reward you.

So make sure you start conversations with your audience.

Tell them to DM you, start talking to them.

Engaging back and forth, answering questions,

replying to comments, and all that good stuff.

Yes, it's a little bit of extra work

in terms of manual labor, but, hey,

who wouldn't take an extra 100 grand

in three months just by direct messaging a few people.

And tip number 10, it's be human and social.

What do I mean by being human and social?

It's just be part of the community.

Social media is called social for a reason.

If you think that just going on Instagram,

posting a picture, and just forgetting

about it is gonna cut it, I'm sorry to say it's not.

Unless you're like a super hot chick then it's gonna cut it.

But no, for real, if you're able to be part

of the community on the Instagram platform

in your specific niche and industry,

whether in hashtags, on influencers and competitors pages,

replying to comments, and starting conversations

with other people, you're gonna be,

so, so, so far ahead of everybody else.

I have been able to build a multiple six-figure business

just by being part of my own community,

not only on Instagram, but on Facebook as well.

This applies to any platform,

if you're able to provide value,

be part of the community, and not just only try to take,

but also give without expecting anything

in return people are gonna see you as a high-value person.

And they're gonna naturally go follow you,

engage with you, and ultimately buy from you.

So just be part of the community.

Just reply to comments, provide value.

Go on the hashtags, go on your

competitors' and influencer pages.

Engage with them, comment on their pages,

and just be human and social.

Don't try to be a bot, don't try to automate this.

Instagram knows what you're doing,

and they will dramatically decrease your account,

and engagement, and reach if you try to do this.

The reason is because you're being spammy,

and you're being a little bit over the top,

and people do not like that.

If you're being spammy that means that people

are leaving the platform because of you.

And Instagram doesn't like that,

so they're gonna spank you, pow, pow.

Question of the day, what is your favorite Instagram tip

and hack that helps you build

an organic following on Instagram?

If you liked this 10 tips and hacks,

but you want to learn more, and you want

to take your Instagram game to the next level and become

an IG boss, make sure you check the link down below.

There's a free training and masterclass that teaches you

how to go from zero to hero extremely quickly on Instagram.

Not only that, but if you stay until the end

on that particular masterclass, I'm actually gonna show you

how with only 3000 followers you can build

a six-figure business step by step without any guesswork.

If you want access to that make sure

you click the link down below.

It's completely for free like I said.

Make sure you take advantage of it right now

because that masterclass and free training might

be coming down soon, don't know yet.

If you found value on this video make sure

you hit that red subscribe button down below

because here on this channel we're all

about helping you grow and monetize your brand,

business, and influence with social media and marketing.

This has been Josue Pena with Online CEO's,

and I'll see you at a million followers.

And, you know, a successful business too.

Yeah, I mean, after all, heck,

the free masterclass teaches you how to make

over $100,000 like in a year with only 3000 followers.

That's like, yeah, that's too good.

And it's free, too, I should probably take it down.

Why are you still watching?

Just go lick the link below, like, jeez.

(rhythmic instrumental music)

For more infomation >> 10 tips on HOW TO GROW FOLLOWERS ON INSTAGRAM organically - Duration: 23:00.


How To Choose The BEST Instagram Profile Picture - Duration: 2:42.

Hello beautiful people, happy Tuesday and welcome back to my channel.

My nae is Ortal Levitan, AKA The Workout Unicorn on all social media platforms.

So today I want to talk to you guys about your profile picture.

Is there an ideal picture you should upload to get more followers and get more visibility

for your page?

Before we dive in, make sure you hit that subscribe button, and that little bell so

you are notified every time I upload a new video.

So, okay, is there an actual picture that you should put there?

Is there something that will get you more followers and more engagement on your page?


The answer is yes.

So we're going to break this down into whether or not you're a business or whether or not

you're a personal brand or a personal page.

First off, if you are a business.

Now I'm not talking about personal brands or bloggers, or influencers, or anything like


An actual business, like a brock and mortar, or online store, or company, or something

like that.

In that case you always want to use your logo as your profile picture.

Not a picture of you or your staff or anything like that.

Put your logo up there.

That is the number one most important thing I can tell brands.

Because a lot of times they will just leave it blank or they'll upload a picture of the

CEO, or something like that, or whoever's in charge.

It's not ideal.

If you have a logo, use your logo if you're a brand.

Now let's talk about personal brands and influencers.

If you are a personal brand, an influencer, a blogger, any like that, an entrepreneur

of sorts.

Kind of like, you have your own online business, you should upload a picture of your face.

Yes, guys your face.

Not a full body shot, not something that's totally zoomed out, people need to see your



Well studies have actually been done about this, and people that have a profile picture

of their face as their profile picture get on average about 40% more followers, people

hit that follow button more.

And they get more engagement.

And the reason is because we connect as human beings, on a subconscious level we connect

when we see a face.

And so if you were to see a zoomed out picture of someone, even though they look really great

in that picture, if you can't totally see their face, subconsciously that connection

is not being made.

And so if you want to see a little bit of an increase in your engagement and in your

follower number, make sure to upload a picture of your face.

Obviously make sure it's bright and visually appealing, not you in a dark bathroom with

a selfie camera in front of your face.

But make sure they can see your face and they can see your face clearly.

So that's my best recommendation in terms of profile pictures.

And again, if you're a brand use your logo.

But if you're a personal brand or an influencer or blogger, even if you have pictures that

are really, really pretty and the view is insane, forget that.

Upload a picture where they can see your face.

You will see a change in your engagements and the visibility on your page.

So I hope this helped, I hoped this made sense.

And as always if you enjoyed my content, make sure to give it a thumbs up and drop a comment

below, I really really appreciate it.

And I will see you guys next week.

For more infomation >> How To Choose The BEST Instagram Profile Picture - Duration: 2:42.


Como EDITAR vídeo para INSTAGRAM STORIES? - Duration: 7:02.

For more infomation >> Como EDITAR vídeo para INSTAGRAM STORIES? - Duration: 7:02.


[ENG SUB] 181030 AKB48 チームK 武藤十夢 Muto Tomu Instagram LIVE - Duration: 12:26.

Yahhoo!! Good evening

Good evening

I'm Muto Tomu from AKB48 Team K.

Hi, I'm Tomu-san


Yahhoo! It's been a while

It becomes a popular live video


I haven't done it in a while

So, I tried to do it (re: Instagram Live)

Yahoo! Good evening

Today, I finished my work

Now, I'm already home

I ate at home


I had photoshoot, then rehearsal

and media interview (re: Diamond Zai study meeting)

Good evening! Hey, it's a bit noisy (re: she was talking to Orin)

I'm doing it at Orin's room

Ah right, the Akuma no Onigiri (Devil's Onigiri)

There was Akuma no Onigiri during this morning photoshoot

Orin: what is the flavor?

Tomu: That one..

Probably tempura bits and dried green seaweed

It was delicious

Orin: Why is it called Akuma?

Tomu: Maybe because

They said your rustling sound is noisy

They asked, "is it Oguri?" (re: Tomu and Orin's dog)

Orin: It's Orin

Tomu: It was delicious

Isn't it because we don't know what flavor it is (re: Akuma no Onigiri)

Something like that

I think

Halloween is getting closer


Ah, Halloween? This year I'm not doing it

But tomorrow there is a live event

I'm looking forward to it

The signal

Happy Halloween!



We'll be doing it

I'm looking forward to that

Fan: Did you do your tip of hair by yourself?

Tomu: You said that (Orin), right?

Orin: Probably I said that, I shouldn't say that?

Tomu: It's okay, but not exactly

This hair is for Majimuri, so it's still pink

But perhaps I'll change it soon

Orin: But it's amazing that you did it by yourself and it looks beautiful

Tomu: But it's not beautiful at all

Look at it properly

This hair is for Queen Bee

It ended two days ago

Orin: It is good for tomorrow's Halloween

Tomu: Not really

Tomu really wanted to change it for today photoshoot (re: Tomu always refers herself as "Tomu" instead of "I" while talking to Orin)

But I couldn't change it

But I will eventually change it

This one

From this part until this part

I went to beauty parlor as usual

Orin: Did you go?

Tomu: Yes I did

I went to Beauty Parlor and dyed it Pink, but it faded fast

The pink part

So, I did it by myself

But I accidentally put a dark color

It remains on the tip of hair

Something like that. That's why it looks like a gradation

Fan: The one next to you is your little sister?

Tomu: Yes

Orin: Sister-desu

Fan: What color will you dye your hair next time?

Tomu: It won't be pink

Fan: I'm feeling lost without Majimuri

yes, Majimuri

Fan: It's a good timing because it's Halloween

Tomu: Certainly

I won't do bob (hair cuts)

Last year it was short

I was thinking to have a short hair

But I like long hair better

Ah Abe-san! (re: Abe Maria, AKB48 TeamTP)


Abe-san is here

Abe-san! I couldn't meet you when you were in Japan although I really miss you

I'm sad


I don't know when you're coming again to Japan

We should absolutely meet that time, I also want to go to Taiwan

If I come to visit Taiwan

Abe: Your voice is low

Tomu: You're right. It's always like this

Next time when I go to Taiwan

Please show me interesting places

I want to eat a lot of xiao long bao

I will go together with Saho


I'm happy

Abe: I'll think about it

Tomu: Understood

With Saho

Saho and I said that we want to go to South Korea

We also want to go to Taiwan

Satone also?

Can she? Will it be alright?


The other day

When we had Naana-san's. event

Abe: Your face is cute. Bye bye

Tomu: Thank you for praising me at the end. Bye bye

Please take care of me when I go to Taiwan

Naana-san had fun by herself

Fan: Your hair has an impact

Tomu: Yes, it is

My hair has become like this

In AKB at the moment

There are not many members with blond hair

Perhaps it's only like me and Renacchi-san

I talked about it with Renacchi-san today

It's for Majimuri

It's Halloween-ish


I'll change it

Fan: Isn't it good to be stand out?

Tomu: Then, please find me tomorrow

Tomorrow there are only few members, 16 members?

I'm glad that people told me that it looks good on me

Thank you very much

For tomorrow's live

It will be fun

Please look forward to it

Fan: Your little sister who is with you right now, is she an idol?

Orin: Eh? Am I not an idol?

Tomu: For the time being, she is an idol

Somehow there are quite a lot of people who asked for support for their exam

Good luck for your exam everyone!

Orin: Good luck!

Tomu: Ah everyone is having exam

Good luck!

Orin: I also had it the other day

Tomu: Ah you're right. Studying is tough.

But when I got home now, I think it would be good if I get average mark for all

Tomu: Why is that?

Is it?

Tomu: You're a third-year high school student, right? You must do your best

Everyone also do your best!

Fan: Office workers should be on every year as well

Everyone, do your best for work!

Ah, Yuka (re: Tano Yuka) is here. Yahhooo!

We met the other day

Yuka went to watch Majimuri Gakuen. Yahhoo!

I said let's meet again, but I completely forget

When shall we meet?

November or December?

Please contact me again at your convenience

Tano: What are you doing?

Tomu: Instagram Live

I'm waiting for my turn to take a bath

It seems that it will be my turn soon

Probably I'll take a bath

Next to me, Orin is packing sweets for tomorrow

Orin: Tano-san!

Orin: Is she still watching?

Tomu: I don't know

Tano: the wallpaper is amazing

Tomu: This is Orin's room

Orin: It's for Halloween

It's amazing, right?

Is it from Daiso or 3 Coins?

Orin: Yes

It's the 200 Yen

Tano: What's up with that, Orin? Orin

She called you

Orin: Ah, I'm happy

Orin: Tano-san

Tano: Rin! Rinko!

Tomu: I don't understand it. She commented a lot

Orin: Tano-san?

Tomu: Yes

Orin: I'm happy


We met the other day after a long time

Happy Halloween

Good night, see you (re: to Tano)

I also have to go now

I'll call it a day

I'll take a bath

Then, review for tomorrow

I'll do my best tomorrow

Let's have a fun Halloween!

See you. Bye bye. Thank you!


For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] 181030 AKB48 チームK 武藤十夢 Muto Tomu Instagram LIVE - Duration: 12:26.


Cristiano Ronaldo: Juve star overtakes Selena Gomez on Instagram - Lionel Messi way behind - Duration: 2:40.

 The Portuguese star overtook singer Selena Gomez at the summit. Cristiano Ronaldo currently has a staggering 144million followers on the social media app

 The 33-year-old uses the channel to give fans an insight into his life away from the football pitch as well as on it

 His latest post shows him training by himself in the gym. This summer, he completed a £105m switch to Juventus from Real Madrid

 It took Ronaldo a little bit of time to adapt to Italian football, but he has since found his feet in the famous black and white

 The forward has seven goals and four assists from his first ten matches in Serie A

 Ronaldo is keen to end a fine 2018 with some personal success as he sets his sights on the Ballon d'Or He said: "I already know, in my heart, that I am one of the best players in history

 "Of course, I want to win, this sixth Ballon d'Or! And yes, I think I deserve it

" Ronaldo won the Champions League with Real Madrid in May before saying goodbye to Spain

 Lionel Messi has 100million followers on Instagram and is some way behind his former Real Madrid rival

 Singer Gomez was surpassed by the Portuguese star this morning, but she is also on 144million - just a few thousand behind

 Ariana Grande is the third-most followed figure on Instagram with 132million followers

 Kim Kardashian is in fourth place with 120 million.

For more infomation >> Cristiano Ronaldo: Juve star overtakes Selena Gomez on Instagram - Lionel Messi way behind - Duration: 2:40.



what you should know the best thing

you possibly can to improve your


in instagram the key is how

It works its algorithm video you today

I want to talk about how works

instagram algorithm for it

We try to figure out what best

the name

or entrepreneurs in life my name is

John Merolla Welcome to a new video

If this is your first time and want to learn

all tricks on digital marketing

and how to be an entrepreneur success

Subscribe to my channel algorithm

instagram is based on a series of

ecuaciones que junto a la inteligencia

artificial lo que busca es decir para

cada usuario que fotos y vídeos son los

más importantes para él y van a tener

mejor aceptación y para ello usa tres

factores principales interés tiempo y

vinculación vamos a ver lo uno por uno

el interés cuanto más cree el algoritmo

que algo te va a gustar más

probabilidades hay de que aparezca en tu

cuenta todo esto está basado en

comportamientos pasados que has hecho

con tu cuenta para ayudarles a predecir

tu comportamiento futuro el tiempo

instagram da mayor prioridad a las

publicaciones más actuales esa es la

razón por la que normalmente

publicaciones pasadas no te vuelven a

aparecer o no las ves no pero instagram

está empezando a tener en cuenta este

factor al igual que lo hizo en su

momento con facebook y es en ciertos

momentos no muestran de nuevo ciertas

publicaciones pasadas que tuvieron un


de interacción estoy convencido que esto

es algo que cada vez iremos viendo con

mayor frecuencia la vinculación qué

grado de cercanía tienes con el creador

de contenido si tú haces un montón de

comentarios interactuar normalmente con

determinada cuenta o aparece ese

etiquetado en sus fotos es mucho más

probable que instagram os catálogo y

como amigos cercanos o familias y dé

prioridad a estas publicaciones entre

vosotros al igual que en el anterior

factor este cada vez va adquiriendo más

importancia pero aquí no queda la cosa

hay muchos más factores que suman o

restan a la hora de dar visibilidad a

tus publicaciones entre ellos la

frecuencia con la que publicas por lo

que a mayor frecuencia teóricamente

mayor visibilidad pero cuidado con esto

ya que estos factores no se analizan de

una manera unitaria sino que van

mezclando variables es decir que si

tienes por ejemplo una alta frecuencia

de publicación pero la interacción de

tus publicaciones es muy baja al final

será contraproducente el tiempo que

pasas dentro de la red social también es

otro de los factores que tiene en cuenta

a la hora

contenidos personalizados para ti

obviamente nunca vamos a conseguir

desvelar el cien por cien de ningún

algoritmo de ninguna red social porque

si no quién lo consiguiese tendría un

poder prácticamente total sobre la misma

lo que sí podemos hacer es en base a las

indicaciones que nos dan intentar

comprenderlo mejor y aplicarlo a cómo

usamos diariamente nuestros canales

sociales en este caso estamos hablando

de instagram para potenciar la

visibilidad de lo que en ella publicamos

y por lo tanto el alcance que tenemos y

su potencial conversión por lo que mi

recomendación es que siempre bases tu

uso en prácticas permitidas por

instagram que evites todo tipo de

herramientas que te prometen ganar

seguidores eso me gusta de una manera

digamos poco natural y que analices

todos los datos de tu cuenta para ir

entendiendo mejor qué es lo que tus

seguidores quieren para que se lo puedas

dar ya que recuerda hablamos de

algoritmos pero la realidad es que es

más bien un sistema personalizado que

aprende por cada usuario

quiero que participes en el sorteo

mensual de mi curso online de estrategia

de marketing digital

no tienes que dejar aquí abajo en los

comentarios la respuesta a esta pregunta

crees que inviertes el suficiente tiempo

en tu cuenta de instagram

te doy dos opciones que verás en

pantalla tan sólo por dejar tu respuesta

entrarás en el sorteo mensual ahora te

quiero compartir un vídeo muy importante

sobre instagram no sobre el llamado

shadow band es un vídeo que hice hace

poco y habla de una penalización que

instagram aplica a las cuentas por lo

que echa un vistazo al vídeo y comprueba

si te ha pasado y cómo puedes evitarlo

te lo dejo en la tarjeta aquí arriba y

en la descripción del vídeo y recuerda

si te ha gustado este vídeo darle a me

gusta y suscríbete a mi canal para no

perderte ninguno de los vídeos


For more infomation >> ⚠️ El ALGORITMO SECRETO de *INSTAGRAM* ¿DESCIFRADO? - Duration: 4:40.


Jenna Fischer's Instagram Endorsement Led To Insta-regret - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> Jenna Fischer's Instagram Endorsement Led To Insta-regret - Duration: 1:48.


We Tried Recreating Noah Centineo's Instagram Posts - Duration: 5:32.

For more infomation >> We Tried Recreating Noah Centineo's Instagram Posts - Duration: 5:32.


INSTAGRAM CAMBIA SU FORMA DE NAVEGAR | Noticias 29/10/18 - Duration: 10:52.

For more infomation >> INSTAGRAM CAMBIA SU FORMA DE NAVEGAR | Noticias 29/10/18 - Duration: 10:52.


İnstagram'dan Gömlek Siparişi Ettim Temizlik Bezi Geldi ? - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> İnstagram'dan Gömlek Siparişi Ettim Temizlik Bezi Geldi ? - Duration: 3:55.


Meghan Markle Is Getting Prince Harry Into Social Media — See His First Instagram Story! - Duration: 4:02.

 Meghan Markle isn't the only royal with a knack for Instagram!  Prince Harry snapped a shot of Abel Tasman National Park in New Zealand from the sky, which was shared on Kensington Palace's Instagram Story on Monday

Despite the gloomy weather, the beauty of the land was evident in the image of a lake surrounded by mountains

 "Traveling to the beautiful Abel Tasman National Park," the post was captioned with a helicopter emoji and a photo credit to the Duke of Sussex

 The post from Harry, 34, comes just days after Meghan, 37, made her own contribution to Kensington Palace social media

 The Duchess of Sussex took a sweet photo of her husband as they rehearsed their speeches for the Invictus Games' closing ceremony on Saturday

In the striking black and white snapshot, Harry walks across the stage in a dark button-down shirt as he holds a microphone

 "📷 The Duchess of Sussex," the tweet says in part, making it clear Meghan was the photographer

 The photo was posted via the Kensington Palace Twitter and Instagram accounts, which Meghan shares with Prince William, Kate Middleton and Harry

It's the first image taken by Meghan that fans have been able to see since she deleted her Twitter and Instagram accounts earlier this year following her engagement to Harry in December 2017

Royals, with the exception of Princess Eugenie, do not have individual social media accounts

 Meghan had to give up her personal social media accounts before officially becoming a royal earlier this year

The former Suits star was an avid tweeter and posted regularly to her Instagram page

She also contributed to the social accounts for her former lifestyle blog, The Tig

Now that she's settling into her life as a duchess, she's found a new place for her social media skills: the Kensington Palace social accounts the couple shares with William and Kate

 Meghan might be able to further flex her artistic skills when taking photos of her and Harry's new arrival in the spring, just like Kate has done with Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis

 While at the scenic Abel Tasman National Park, Meghan and Harry learned more about its local conservation program

 Upon arriving at the park, which is famed for its golden beaches and sits at the northeastern tip of New Zealand's South Island, the couple were greeted by a traditional welcome ceremony

(Meghan proved she has perfected the traditional hongi greeting!)  Harry offered a personal message when they arrived on the island via helicopter, saying, "From myself, my wife and our little bump, we are so grateful to be here

We bring blessings from my grandmother the Queen and our family. We are so grateful for your hospitality and the work to look after this beautiful place


For more infomation >> Meghan Markle Is Getting Prince Harry Into Social Media — See His First Instagram Story! - Duration: 4:02.


Selena Gomez Is No Longer The Most Followed Person On Instagram - Duration: 1:39.

Sorry, Selena Gomez someone has more Instagram followers than you the 26 year old

Gomez has lost her titled as instagrams most followed person after holding the record for the past two years

The singer has been dethroned by soccer player Cristiano

Ronaldo who is now the most followed person on Instagram with

144 million three hundred thirty nine thousand six hundred five

Boasting more than 15 thousand more followers than Gomez

The news comes just after Gomez announced

She's taking a social media break as much as I am grateful for the voice that social media gives each of us

I am equally grateful to be able to step back and live my life present to the moment. I have been given

kindness and encouragement only for a bit just

Remember negative comments can hurt anybody's feelings o me she wrote in September

Shortly after her post Gomez entered a mental health treatment center following recent hospitalizations

Gomez, took over the Instagram crowd from her pal Taylor Swift in March

2016 other celebs with major Instagram followings include ariana grande with

132 million Kim Kardashian with

120 million and Beyonce with

119 million Swift currently has 112 million followers

For more infomation >> Selena Gomez Is No Longer The Most Followed Person On Instagram - Duration: 1:39.


Se filtran fotos del Instagram privado de Alexia de Holanda, hija de Máxima - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> Se filtran fotos del Instagram privado de Alexia de Holanda, hija de Máxima - Duration: 3:25.


Les photos "parfaites" sur Instagram sont souvent retouchées, voici comment - Duration: 1:50.

BEAUTÉ - "Instagram n'est pas la vraie vie", les photos "parfaites" sur Instagram étant bien souvent retouchées

C'est ce qu'explique Kate Wasley dans un court clip, comme vous pouvez le voir dans la vidéo ci-dessus

La mannequin pour Sports Illustrated a partagé les quelques retouches photos basiques que certains Instagrameurs utilisent pour lisser leur peau ou affiner leur silhouette et supprimer ce qu'ils considèrent comme des défauts

"Tout le monde se compare d'une manière ou d'une autre, mais souvent ce n'est pas un combat équitable", explique Kate Winsley en légende de sa publication

Ça n'est pas la première fois que l'Australienne publie des messages pour inciter les femmes à aimer leur corps

Elle a fondé avec Georgia Gibbs, elle aussi mannequin, le projet Any Body Co pour encourager les femmes pour s'apprécier au naturel

À voir également sur Le HuffPost:

For more infomation >> Les photos "parfaites" sur Instagram sont souvent retouchées, voici comment - Duration: 1:50.


Walker Buehler's Girlfriend McKenzie Marcinek's PDA-Filled Instagram Posts | - Duration: 4:01.

Walker Buehler's Girlfriend McKenzie Marcinek's PDA-Filled Instagram Posts |

Walker Buehler's girlfriend, McKenzie Marcinek, isn't too shy when it comes to showing off her relationship with the rookie Dodgers pitcher she is currently dating.

On Sunday, leading up to the World Series against the Red Sox, Marcinek posted a sweet photo of the young couple kissing on a sports field.

Marcinek captioned the photo with a simple, "W.".


Marcinek and Buehler have been dating for just under a decade, and reportedly met in high school at Henry Clay High School in Kentucky.

According to Marcinek's saved Instagram story, she and Buehler recently purchased a home and are living together, but they are not yet engaged.

While Buehler works for the MLB, Marcinek reportedly works as a "Website Assistant Manager" for Bluetique, per her LinkedIn.

She and Buehler may have maintained a long distance relationship in the past, but she always makes sure to post photos of herself supporting the Dodgers, as well as photos of the two of them.

Buehler keeps a slightly more professional slant to his social media, and has an Instagram almost entirely devoted to the Dodgers.

Buehler will be the starting pitcher for Game 3 of the World Series, marking his first postseason debut as the rookie pitcher who defied expectations already in the postseason.

It's unclear where Marcinek will be cheering him on from, since she hasn't posted anything on social media since the World Series started.


In addition to showing her love for the Dodgers, Marcinek often posts photos of her family time, especially the time she spends with her nephew and godson, Liam, as well as her other nephew, Wesson Lock Marcinek.

On her sister's wedding, Marcinek wrote, "My most perfect and wonderful sister that now longer shares the same last name as me but will forever remain my best friend! I know I say it all the time but I have no idea what I would do without you! God blessed me with you so I would I always have someone to keep me on track in life.

I hope I was able to step up and be there for you like you are for me all the time! I love you Paige Albarado you were the most beautiful bride I have ever seen ".

In another post of her family, Marcinek wrote, "Happy national siblings day to the three most perfect(ish) siblings! I am constantly amazed by the things you guys can can do and handle.

A little sister couldn't ask for any better older siblings! Thanks for contributing to the person I am growing into and for always taking care/looking out for me!".

READ NEXT: McKenzie Marcinek, Walker Buehler's Girlfriend: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know.

For more infomation >> Walker Buehler's Girlfriend McKenzie Marcinek's PDA-Filled Instagram Posts | - Duration: 4:01.


Audience Insights | 60 Sekunden Instagram Marketing Tipp - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Audience Insights | 60 Sekunden Instagram Marketing Tipp - Duration: 0:59.


How to download video from instagram? I Instagram से वीडियो कैसे डाउनलोड करें - Duration: 2:20.

Subscribe to our channel the tuition center and don't forget to hit the bell icon

to see the videos first

The series of videos will save your time and make you technically strong

Hello friends, welcome back in this video you will learn how to download videos from instagram

Many times when we see videos on instagram we feel

like downloading them on our computer for future viewing

But we don't know how to download that video

In this video we will tell you

how can you download the

instagram video on to your computer

Their are many websites which helps you to download the instagram videos on to your computer

Some of the websites are

Now we learn the procedure how can we download

the instagram video using one of the above websites

Step 1: Type the URL in the browser

Step 2:- Copy paste the url of instgram video

Step 3:- Click on download

Wasn't it easy friends, in just three clicks

the video have been downloaded to your computer

Now you know how to download your favorite video from instagram on to your computer

How you got what you were looking for

and the video was useful to you

Stay tune to get more such useful videos

and don't forget to subscribe and hit the bell icon to see the videos first

Also do mention in comments what type of video would you love to see next.

For more infomation >> How to download video from instagram? I Instagram से वीडियो कैसे डाउनलोड करें - Duration: 2:20.


|instagram par like kaise paye| - Duration: 4:31.

For more infomation >> |instagram par like kaise paye| - Duration: 4:31.


How to ANIMATE A STILL PHOTO for INSTAGRAM - Duration: 8:54.

Aloha, Stan Trevis here

in this video I'll show you how to make images like these

easy, fast and for free

to not waste your time I'll focus on the animation

of pics that we'll upload on Instagram

so a kind of content that doesn't need a very high quality

but if you are interested on creating this effect

with Photoshop, consequently on an higher quality

just let me know in a comment so I can make

a more detailed and technical video tutorial

this effects is so cool but my advice is to not exaggerate

let's animate only things we already use to see moving

so don't use it with static elements as I saw for example

in a case where the sand of a beach was animated

my advice is to animate things like water, hair

the lights

clouds, clothes when for example during the shooting

there was wind so there was a headscarf while…


What the f is the word I need...?

While flying!

the earth if the image allows it, for example

if we have a pic with a motocross tossing earth in the air

here the animation makes sense

but during a picnic…

the app we'll use is Pixaloop, link in the description

it's the app I'm always using to make my Instagram Stories

to animate them

the con is that it's available only for Apple devices

there are Android alternatives for sure

but I didn't test them, so I can't give you an advice

if you know some, please write them as a comment

so other users can discover these apps

great, let's move…

in this way...


Ok let's jump into the app

we immediately reach a waterfall pic

that allows us to discovers the tools the app gives to us

let's bypass this step and let's open our image

I'll use a one of the default pics, this will let me show you

how I use the app on different cases

the only section we'll use is the one called Animate

focusing on:

Path allows us to choose a direction for the animation

Anchor allows us to fix certain point of the image

Remove to delete functions we wanna delete

Freeze to draw areas we don't wanna animate

and Unfreeze to remove them

I never use the other tools

but my advice is to "play" with them

in this way you'll be able to completely know

settings that are useless for me but useful for you

this allows you to completely "tame" the app

in this case I'll start freezing the areas I don't wanna animate

using two fingers we'll be able to zoom in and zoom out

so let's zoom in and draw the top area

always using two fingers we can move the zoomed area

here too…

no wait, here I'll use the Anchor tool

so to undo what I did, I just click on these little arrows

with the same function of cmd+z or ctrl+z

so, let's choose the Anchor tool

an advice, when you have edges as in this case

let's anchor them, otherwise your animation

will start moving repeatedly the edge, dissolving it

the only thing we wanna move is the water

here I'll apply to the water a direction

and to the right part of the pic the opposite one

this is why I'll need to anchor the center point of the image

in this way I'll avoid to influence some areas of the pic

with both the directions

now that I have my anchor points

let's give a direction to my animation


now by clicking on the play button we'll see a preview

great, just let me add some new anchor points

it isn't easy to obtain a perfect animation

because of the kind of platform we are working on

we cannot demand a result like the one we could get

working with Photoshop

and here is the result

as already mentioned, usually I never use the other tools

but in this case for example I could add an overlay element

let's bring down the opacity

and let's see the preview

ok it should create a nice effect

it obviously depend by how much you wanna affect the pic

but remember, "less is more"

so don't exaggerate with the elements and effects

it's very important, remember this advice

great, once we obtain our animation

let's export it, by choosing also the duration

we already have formats for Instagram, Facebook

also the vertical one to export them as stories, etc…

Let's click on export and we are ready to use it

Let's move into another case

for example this one, with a person

as always, let's start freezing the areas we don't wanna animate

here I don't know if it's better to use

the Freeze tool or the Anchor one

well, let's freeze him!

Now I think it's better to choose the directions

and then we'll anchor the points we don't wanna move

perfect, now let's anchor some points

in this case for example pay attention to the water

because it is possible to see what there is behind it

the risk here is to animate both, the water and the element behind it

so let's use the Anchor tool

don't be too choosy, remember you'll upload it on Instagram

so we'll lose some details, making the slight defects subtle

let's see the preview

great, I like it!

Now I wanna show you the Remove tool to delete the effects

once selected, every point/tool we touch will be deleted

I think it is an helpful tool

first I thought it would delete everything

resetting the pic to the starting point (not logical)

instead it works very well

ok, let's see the last case

ah, my advice for this kind of pics is that

it isn't worth working on long exposures

because there aren't details on the water

I show you an example so you can verify it

and as I said, we didn't obtain a great animation

let's move on the example with waves

here we'll surely have"problems" with the sea foam

because we'll see it moving and dissolving repeatedly

it is a defect we could avoid on Photoshop

here it is not possible, but it is not a big obstacle

it's only a smartphone app and it works great

if we need something more specific

we should work with more professional tools

anyway, let's try with this one

and here is the result!

As always I hope you enjoyed this video

tag me on Instagram to see your results

now I'm going to jump, see you on my next video

big hug from your friendly neighborhood Stan

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