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David Cross Hammock Hero Challenge #5: Where Do Hammocks Come From? - Duration: 1:08.After a worldwide call to find Trek Light Gear's biggest fan, videos poured in from
around the globe and one unexpected fan stepped forward.
Does David Cross have what it takes to survive these grueling audition challenges?
His performance will determine if he'll be crowned Trek Light Gear's
Ultimate Hammock Hero.
(whisper) This could be his lucky break
By Trek Light Gear.
(whisper) Get Your Ass Off The Ground.
How do you say...? | LAS 4 PALABRAS MÁS TEMIDAS: ¿Cómo actuar? - Duration: 8:11.-------------------------------------------
O SHORT-DORAMA do momento: TEMPERATURE OF LOVE - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
FUNNY Momments with Solar 'Mamamoo" *Can you do this** :)))) LOL!! - Duration: 1:18.Can you do this?
Can you do this?
Can you do this?
Can you do this?
Can you do this?
O Outro Lado do Paraíso: Josafá toma atitude drástica e arma para matar Sophia - Duration: 3:04.-------------------------------------------
Which Ranged Champion Can Do 500 Damage Fastest With Just Left Click in Battlerite? - Duration: 4:19.Hey Brawlers, Berthen here.
In this video, I put all the current ranged champions, Destiny being the newest one, into
the practice mode and just recorded them holding down left click on the 500 hp dummy, using
a mouse feature that automatically holds down left click.
Then I timed it starting from when they begin casting the first attack and ending right
as the dummy's health bar disapears.
It's in alphabetical order.
Keep in mind though that just because a champion's left click does more damage doesn't mean that
it's strictly better.
Some left clicks interact with other abilities in the toolkit and there's also range and
such to keep in mind.
But nontheless, I thought it would be cool to see who can kill the 500 hp dummy the fastest.
I'll also be doing some damage per second estimates at the end of the video based on
what I find.
So see you in a bit.
Hi again, as you can see from the footage, there is quite a bit of difference in the
Taya can apparently kill the dummy 20% quicker than Varesh.
But Varesh heals 2 health per left click and inflicts corruption which reduces the target's
healing and damage by 15% for 5 seconds, so his left click is by no means 20% weaker,
but it's not as good at killing the dummy quickly as quick as Taya's is.
If they all dealt exactly 500 damage to kill the dummy, then you would just divide 500
by these numbers to find the damage per second but that's not the case.
None of them did that so we have to do a little bit of extra work.
I went ahead and found the time just before their last reload or boomerang catch for taya,
this let's us divide the damage by the time to get a more accurate damage per second number.
I also found the time before the last bullet that killed the dummy to find the dps according
to that.
But as I thought, it came out a bit less consistent as you can see in this table, which shows
the dps if you stop at the last bullet instead of the last reload in yellow.
It's not accurate because characters who need to reload or taya who's boomerang comes back
is much weaker if they don't finish their entire magazine or boomerang swing.
And unlike the order of fastest ranged champion to kill the dummy, Ashka's dps is higher than
This doesn't match likely because Ashka did 10 more extra damage than needed on the
last hit whereas Taya only went over 4 damage.
Same case with Ezmo and Iva, Ezmo went over only by 4 damage, whereas Iva went over by
12 damage.
So the highest dps order goes like this according to my experiment.
This isn't really helpful to know in actual gameplay but there's no harm in knowing and
maybe you found it interesting.
If you liked it then please like and subscribe.
Thanks for watching.
Destaque ONU News - 29 de novembro de 2017 - Duration: 4:21.-------------------------------------------
'O Outro Lado do Paraíso' e a vingança de Clara: final igual a 'Revenge'? - Duration: 3:18.-------------------------------------------
Almoço do outro lado do Rio em Italva| Wilton Contage - Duration: 2:22.-------------------------------------------
It's Trucking - SH!T Happens - How Do You Deal With It?? - Duration: 2:43.-------------------------------------------
JM - Flow Gaara do Deserto - Duration: 2:33.-------------------------------------------
Panelinha e São Pedro fazem semifinal do The Liga - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Protegendo os Filhos do Mundo Selvagem | COMUNICAÇÃO NÃO-VIOLENTA (CNV) - Duration: 5:44.-------------------------------------------
Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse Minnie Away From Home, Mickey Do Housework Part 2 - BOND STUDIO - Duration: 11:43.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT & SUBSCRIBE Video! Thank You Very Much!
Caesar the Talking Parrot - rocked to sleep - Duration: 1:39.PARROT CHAT
4th International Talking Birds Championship of Poland
Caesar - video no. 2
Ceasar: - Ceasar!
Ceasar: - Gimme a kiss!
Ceasar: - A kiss! Gimme a kiss!
Ceasar: -Ceasar!
Ceasar: - Gimme a kiss!
Ceasar: - A kiss! A kiss!
Guardian: - Your mistress' s going to work!
Guardian: - Come, you' ll gimme a kiss!
Guardian: - Ceasar's staying alone.
Guardian: - Come, Ceasar! You'll gimme a kiss!
Guardian: - Gimme a kiss! Bye bye!
Guardian: - Kisses! Ceasar's staying alone, yeah?
[Guardian's smacking]
Guardian: - What a kissing!
Guardian: - Bye bye, Ceasar! Bye bye!
Guardian: - You biter, you!
Ceasar: - You naughty boy!
Guardian: - You biter!
Ceasar: - You naughty boy!
Ceasar: - La la. La la la.
Ceasar: - La la. La la la la.
Ceasar: - La la la la.
Ceasar: - Hush! Hush!
Ceasar: - Good night! Good night!
[knocking sound]
Ceasar: - Come Ceasar! You naughty boy !
Ceasar: - Bye bye, Ceasar! Bye bye!
Ceasar: - Bye, byeeee!
Ceasar: - - Bye, byeeee!
Ceasar: - Good night!
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