what's going on guys it's friend from BG media innovation and today I'm gonna be
talking about an upcoming Q&A that I'll be doing where you can got you guys can
go ahead and ask me whatever questions you like whether that's relating to
e-commerce and your digital marketing anything across the board with any my
business models or anything that you want to implement that you want to go
ahead and ask me you'll have the opportunity to do that and we're
starting right now
alright guys so the first question I want to answer is basically where will
the Q&A happen you know what platform we'll be on and how you guys be able to
go ahead and ask me questions well the platform is ask me anything and
the URL is AMA feed comm and I get a bunch of kind of you know solicits and
reach people reaching out to me not obviously for specifically YouTube
because we haven't even had hit a thousand subscribers yet but we're
definitely approaching that fast but for my you to me you know instructor profile
because I have about 60,000 students and and a bunch of followers there and so I
get a bunch of these you know kind of solicitation emails the solicitation
offers to kind of do these things to help promote things and I usually just
ignore them but this kind of you know it's struck a chord with me because I
think that this website is really really cool so I think that not only is a good
opportunity because I always keep it transparent with you guys it's a good
opportunity obviously for me to kind of reach out and you know increase my my
reach and my student base and obviously my YouTube subscribers but it's also an
opportunity to you know give you guys a different look and a different feel and
a different platform to ask questions so obviously you can go ahead and ask me
questions and I'll be hosting I'll be talking about one I'll specifically be
hosting like my Q&A in a second but I kind of just want to touch on the
platform because I think it's really really cool actually I was looking
through it and that's what actually prompted me to go ahead and do this
because I think it's a really really cool opportunity for people to go ahead
and ask you know kind of experts questions and you know get a legitimate
response and you can literally like the obviously the website says ask them
anything so this is the homepage right here it's a bunch of different things
but you can see here that there's a bunch of different channels as well now
mine's obviously hosted on like marketing and business and money there's
a bunch of different channels here that you can look through I think it's hosted
on freelance and business as well but you know maybe you're an artist maybe
you you know you you're an aspiring CEO maybe you're into crypto maybe you're
into dating maybe you I think there's a gaming here we're gambling at something
I did maybe five years ago out of it really into but uh there's a bunch of
different things health you know it's something I'm into so you can kind of go
to one of these and you can see here that there
potential experts that you can you know obviously look into and you know ask
them any questions that you might have and they'll specifically give you
answers so it's a really good interaction platform where you can kind
of touch base with experts in any field and really get your you know bounce
questions off them and get responses that you know they obviously want to
help you with so before you don't just don't just take any word anyone's word
for it kind of look at their credentials but I have been kind of literally going
through these and looking at you know the type of not just instructors but the
type of people on this platform and there are obviously there are some duds
here and there or people that don't really have that much to offer it
appears at least but there are a lot of great people on here that are you know
as answering questions and that you can kind of reach out and touch base with so
feel free to check it out it's really really cool I'll be hosting on this
platform I have one here coming up it's a you know obviously just everything
that I'm doing with you know online entrepreneurship anything how to with
entrepreneurs digital marketing e-commerce anything like that you guys
can go ahead and ask me questions my specific Q&A will be hosted on the
second so it's this Saturday at noon so you guys can go ahead and ask me
questions or hop in live on Saturday and I'll be going through them obviously or
you can feel free to go ahead and ask a question now because you can ask a
question all the way up until Saturday as well and obviously I can go ahead and
answer them ahead of time so this is a good opportunity for you guys to really
kind of bounce whatever questions it doesn't matter literally anything you
can ask me anything so you know whatever questions you might have as a pertains
to a protected particular business model that you might be implementing maybe
it's just an overall general question about entrepreneurship or how I got
started you know the trials and tribulations and the struggles that I
might have faced initially you know because I'm sure there are a lot of you
in a similar boat like that or that are just getting started whatever you can
think of whatever you want to ask go ahead and feel free to ask this so I'll
be talking about this and touching on this you know briefly throughout the
week just to kind of give you guys reminders but you don't have to wait
until Saturday you can go ahead and ask questions now and I will obviously post
pin this link excuse me needed some water before I die before I
started this but you guys can go ahead and ask me questions all throughout the
week I'll actually pin this link to the actual home thing here and you can come
down and submit your question and I can answer them ahead of time but you
obviously won't see them until Saturday so I'll be touching on this I'll also
have a brief reminder you know probably in in almost every video throughout this
week to kind of you know remind you guys that I'll be doing this on Saturday but
I'll pin this like I said with the today's two winners because I forgot to
announce the winner yesterday in the first comment of you know obviously pin
like it usually is so this link will be there along with the two winners go
ahead and check that out now I do want to touch on the winners really fast I
did pull them up here because I forgot to announce one Saturday there will be
two today so gins jus in June and I can't even pronounce that I'm not gonna
try but gins I'm gonna obviously you're a winner I landed on you and ma I landed
on you as well so you two are entitled to a free course of your choice feel
free to go ahead and email me at Brian that's Brian with a why at BG media
innovation calm and obviously let me know your free choice a free course
choice and I will get that right to you okay guys so if you don't know I've been
really every single day I've been kind of giving away a free course kind of as
a promotion to not only help engagement on the channel you know but also got you
know to prompt pretty much you know comments on the channel so that we can
kind of grow our subscriber base and the engagement on a on a particular video
because if you don't know anything about the way YouTube ranks videos it
basically one of the key factors is engagement rate on that video and
obviously watch time and so on and so forth but the way that you're entitled
to win a free course is you simply comment on any video one comment equals
one entry so you can feel free to comment on multiple videos if you want
and if you were looking for my free courses simply go to my website BG media
innovation comm you can check them all out or search me on udemy under Brian
that's Brian with a why I can almost said my email there cheese prying with
the why Gera gue RRA okay guys so I kinda just want to touch on that am a
and you know the the Q&A that I'll be doing this Saturday feel free to go
ahead and post a comment like I said that will be linked along with the two
winners in the first comment pin that so go ahead ask me literally anything I
think it's a really really great opportunity for me to interact
with you guys and kind of help you out a little bit more obviously as always if
you don't want to just go ahead and ask me on the ama you can shoot me an email
to i'm always responsive and i'm always willing to help so i kind of just want
to touch on that today i think it's a really really good opportunity for us to
engage and with that being said i'm gonna end the video here comment and
subscribe it really helps the channel grow and I will see you guys tomorrow
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