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[IG Live Full] 171130 SNSD Yuri 소녀시대 유리 Instagram Live FULL - Duration: 17:33.-------------------------------------------
How Instagram Uses Machine Learning To Help You Explore - Duration: 2:03.Today we're at Instagram where we're gonna talk to the head of the community lab,
Dan Toffee, about how they use a combination of machine learning and
human curation to help curate the content that you see in the Discover tab
every time you open up Instagram
I've been on the community team for five and a half years now.
And what the community team does has really evolved as the community
has evolved.
And so using machine learning, we have this rich diversity of data
that we're able to use to look for kind constellations of accounts.
And then we can go in with humans and look at it and understand what they're doing.
And we can cut the data in all sorts of interesting ways, by country, by age,
all sorts of different things.
So what we're able to do is use this really high signal set of data and
curate those accounts.
>> I know that when I look at my Discover tab, a lot of it is very obviously,
personalized and catches my interest.
But then some of it's totally out of left field and weird.
How do you balance that machine learning versus human creation?
>> Our sort of, thesis is that there's a sort of, ideal Instagram experience, and
it's one that you are following a diversity of kind of lenses on the world.
And what's important is to give you opportunities to follow things
that are outside of the things that you've already expressed interest in.
And so we try and build some of that into the explore experience to give you new
opportunities to discover something that you maybe didn't have any idea existed.
>> When there's a new community or trend happening on Instagram,
how do you guys sort of detect that stuff as it's starting to take shape?
>> Today, a lot of the discovery that happens on Instagram,
I think if you ask somebody, how do you find new things?
Often, it'll be some variation of like, the certain serendipitous quality, right?
Where people are just like, I don't really know, or I saw this thing and
then I clicked on this other thing, and then, I sort of fell down the rabbit hole.
And I think we sort of view the explore tab like that.
How to Excel on Instagram - 2017 - Duration: 2:43.Hey guys, it's Jenna
I wrote a really quick list and I just want to give you a bunch of tips for Instagram and how to make your Instagram
feed just a little bit more engaging
First of all only post high quality pictures, I know I know I'm like I say this too often
but only post high quality photos because that's what we want to see it's just so easy to take a good quality photo with
Simply an iPhone now that I think we don't have any excuse not to be doing it
Secondly post on a regular schedule the Instagram
Algorithm will reward you if you post basically the same time every week the same time every day on a pretty regular schedule
Generally, I like to tell businesses three times a week if you're an individual you can post as much as you want no more than five
times a day
Even if you're in Disney World that would be my recommendation
Tag your friends in the caption as well as the tag. If you tag people in the caption
business's friends other people in the photo
they're gonna get more traction than if you simply tag them there's a better chance that new followers are going to click on them
and go and visit their feed so it's a nice thing to do if you tag people in the caption instead of just as a
Tag. Check into locations - use all the features available
This point stands for any platform that you're using if you can say how you're feeling, where you are,
Tag friends, any other features always try and use those things because they're just gonna get you more traffic.
They're there to help they're there to classify your content. Think about a colour scheme. Just think about it
What sort of colours do you generally surround yourself with and does that show through on your Instagram feed?
Think about how the negative space in your Instagram feed and even in your individual photos. Any
photographer will tell you the rule of thirds we want to try and have negative space space that's clear for our eyes to
rest within each
picture this is how you avoid having a really clogged up feed is that you have negative space within your feed as a
Whole. Now that I've said it you're gonna see it everywhere. It just makes a feed look less busy and a lot more aesthetically pleasing.
Listen, your feed is your feed you can do whatever you want with it.
It's meant to be an expression of you if you want to keep in touch with friends and family using social media or
Promote your really cool life and share your experiences with others
Please post whatever you like. If you're a business and you want to take it to the next level
These are tips and tricks that you can also apply (Or contact me!)
Bye guys have an amazing day.
Romina Power: il dolce ricordo su Instagram commuove i fan | K.N.B.T - Duration: 3:22.-------------------------------------------
Astuces Instagram: gérer facilement son compte // Hacks and tips - Duration: 7:30.-------------------------------------------
20171130 横山結衣 (AKB48 チーム8) Instagram Live - Duration: 30:23.-------------------------------------------
Amazing Instagram Hair Hacks | Viral Hairstyles Tutorials on Instagram December 2017 - Duration: 10:38.Thank you for watching!
Hope you have a great time!
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20171130 倉野尾成美 (AKB48 チーム8) Instagram Live - Duration: 32:49.-------------------------------------------
Nach Verlobung - Prinz Harrys Ex feuert auf Instagram los! - Duration: 1:02.-------------------------------------------
What is the $1.80 Instagram Strategy for Follower Growth? | DailyVee 351 - Duration: 13:32.-------------------------------------------
[IG Live FULL] 171129 Jessica Jung 제시카 - @Jessica.syj Instagram Live - Duration: 22:10.-------------------------------------------
Link's Perfect Instagram Photo Search Part 2 - Duration: 5:26.-------------------------------------------
Top 15 DIY Halloween Makeup Tutorial 2017 | Viral Makeup Videos on Instagram - Duration: 10:34.
Cecilia Rodriguez e Ignazio Moser a letto insieme: la foto su Instagram - Duration: 4:11.-------------------------------------------
PROOF 🍊 of Pregnancy Posted on Instagram?!🍊Jinger Duggar - Duration: 2:45.Jinger Duggar is trolling us, y'all.
She knows that fans of her famous family want nothing more than to hear a pregnancy announcement
in time for the holidays, but like Kylie Jenner, Jinger is playing this one close to the vest.
And yes, that's the one and only time you'll see a comparison between Jinger Duggar and
Kylie Jenner.
Rumors about Jinger being pregnant began circulating the same week she exchanged vows with husband
Jeremy Vuolo.
Of course, pregnancy rumors always make the rounds immediately after any Duggar pregnancy.
And in the vast majority of cases, they turn out to be accurate.
But Jinger is a rebel, and her defiance of her parents' belief system goes well beyond
her decision to wear pants.
Jinger recently became the first Duggar woman of her generation to be married for an entire
year without announcing pregnancy,
But it looks like fans might soon receive the news they've been clamoring for.
"Sugar and spice.
Think about it," Jeremy captioned the above photo.
Naturally, fans of the couple immediately seized the opportunity to jump to conclusions:
"Girls are made of sugar and spice.
You're having a baby girl," wrote one eager follower.
"It's a girl!" commented another, who really cut right to the chase.
Other fans were more skeptical, and they make some pretty good arguments to the effect that
Jinger is not, in fact, expecting:
"If it was a little girl, she certainly doesn't look big enough to know yet even though I
hope so."
"Sugar = lollipops, Spice = Jinger," wrote another, who may have just blown this case
wide open.
We're beginning to think this "pregnancy" announcement was actually just an attempt
at humor of Jeremy's fault.
So we wouldn't get your hopes up too high, Jinger boosters.
But it's worth noting that Jeremy's comment definitely qualifies as ... a dad joke.
So make of that what you will.
We'll certainly keep an eye on the situation for you, but for now, it looks like Jinger
and Jeremy are content to remain a family of two.
Watch Counting On online for more from reality TV's most controversial family.
Jinger Duggar: Secrets & Scandals of the Family Rebel!
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Monica Iozzi volta para o Instagram após perder processo contra ministro - Duration: 4:37.-------------------------------------------
The Weeknd Quietly Deleted All Photos With Ex Selena Gomez Off Instagram|Justin Weeknd After Breakup - Duration: 3:18.Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos
Selena Gomez makes cryptic comment as she posts to Instagram after ex the week and deletes all trace of her from his page she was
Dealt a slap in the face when her ex the week and deleted all trace of her from his Instagram account
but Selena Gomez seemed rather
Defiant as she shared a series of
Saucy poses on her own page on Wednesday
And the singer who is back in the arms of pop pixie lover Justin Bieber
Also used the cryptic caption of all apologies on one of her shots, though
It is not clear if she was merely being facetious
Or was expressing genuine regret?
in one of her snaps the 25 year old strikes of sultry pose in a car while adorned in a
Generously sized knitwear sweater while in a brief video snippet, she wears the same outfit
But with the letter X pinned over her eyes however the Wizards of Waverly Place star made sure she went out on a cheerful note
Sharing a snap of her wearing Minnie Mouse ears, which she joked she stole from my sister
It comes after the weakened deleted every single Instagram posts that featured his former lover
Which itself came in the wake of the couple and following each other on social media quite the statement of intent in these heady times
the 27 year old singer recently split from the pop stone after 10 months of dating and
Decided to remove any trace of his ex-girlfriend from his page on the photo-sharing website
The Canadian star previously had a number of sweet snaps of Selena on his page
Including one dating back to April this year in which she is seen clutching his face and giving him a kiss on the cheek
by contrast
Who recently rekindled her romance with Justin Bieber still has a series of pictures featuring her ex on her own Instagram page?
The most recent is one from September 5 where the fetish tick maker is sat at a table beside her beau
She also has one of her first red carpet appearance alongside the weekend at the Met Gala in May
The Wheaton's decision to remove Selena from his Instagram account
Came shortly after it was reported that her family are still getting comfortable with the idea of her reuniting with Justin
Selena and the siring musician recently decided to give their relationship another try
Having ended their five-year on offer mance in 2015
Selena and Justin have been nearly inseparable as they try to pick up their relationship
The purpose singer loves how supportive selena has been of his new healthy lifestyle adding that Selena brings out the best in Justin
Selena and the pop star 23 began dating in 2010 and the two had an on-and-off relationship
before ending it for good in 2014 since their split the popstar has turned around his wild ways keeping sober and
Dedicating his free time to his faith and studying Scripture with his spiritual adviser Carl Lentz
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