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I hope you enjoy watching this video
How Instagram Uses Machine Learning To Help You Explore - Duration: 2:03.Today we're at Instagram where we're gonna talk to the head of the community lab,
Dan Toffee, about how they use a combination of machine learning and
human curation to help curate the content that you see in the Discover tab
every time you open up Instagram
I've been on the community team for five and a half years now.
And what the community team does has really evolved as the community
has evolved.
And so using machine learning, we have this rich diversity of data
that we're able to use to look for kind constellations of accounts.
And then we can go in with humans and look at it and understand what they're doing.
And we can cut the data in all sorts of interesting ways, by country, by age,
all sorts of different things.
So what we're able to do is use this really high signal set of data and
curate those accounts.
>> I know that when I look at my Discover tab, a lot of it is very obviously,
personalized and catches my interest.
But then some of it's totally out of left field and weird.
How do you balance that machine learning versus human creation?
>> Our sort of, thesis is that there's a sort of, ideal Instagram experience, and
it's one that you are following a diversity of kind of lenses on the world.
And what's important is to give you opportunities to follow things
that are outside of the things that you've already expressed interest in.
And so we try and build some of that into the explore experience to give you new
opportunities to discover something that you maybe didn't have any idea existed.
>> When there's a new community or trend happening on Instagram,
how do you guys sort of detect that stuff as it's starting to take shape?
>> Today, a lot of the discovery that happens on Instagram,
I think if you ask somebody, how do you find new things?
Often, it'll be some variation of like, the certain serendipitous quality, right?
Where people are just like, I don't really know, or I saw this thing and
then I clicked on this other thing, and then, I sort of fell down the rabbit hole.
And I think we sort of view the explore tab like that.
CHOOSE YOUR FIGHTER - EVERYDAY vs INSTAGRAM MAKEUP (DARK SKIN) - Duration: 6:24.Brigitte hasn't fed me in hours..
- I offered to buy...- I need 10 euros for McDonalds !
Hello everyone ! Good eve...wait no, never mind, I'll do that again.
Hello everyone!
Introduce yourself.
Siga, ninet...
Brigitte (like Brigitte Bardot).
Don't ask.
Twenty-five, Senegalese, and this is my sister!
We're comparing our makeup style because I think she does too much.
And I'm simple! -...I don't speak English.
Let's go!
B: What makes you think your makeup is better??
S: First of all why are you using MY lip balm??
B:...we're sisters.
S: What's your first step? B: we just used facial masks, that's why our faces are shining.
And I'm going to start directly with foundation because I don't need to do my brows.
My brows are popping...naturally.
Everyone knows that.
S: Just sharpening my black pencil. B: You're struggling.
S: I'm now using an Estee Lauder concealer.
And a second concealer that's a bit lighter than the first.
B: I just realized I still have my bonnet on my head.
B: OK. I'm going to get a concealer. I got this pencil from my beauty box subscription.
Latte Highlighter...from Chella. I don't know anything about this brand.
B: This is enough.
B: I'm using the same brush to blend the concealer.
S: Now I'm using "Accord Parfait" by L'Oréal.
B: I' m pretty much done with my face, I'm just going to set everything with powder.
I'm only putting the powder where I want to make my skin matte.
The rest should stay in its original tone.
S (out of nowhere): This is good, especially when one is kind of ugly, like you and I.
B: I'm using the excess contouring shadow...
...to define my nose.
S: I'm going to put on eyeliner.
This is drugstore too, 2 euros.
Wait NO! Not 2 euros. This is from Essence, it's THREE euros.
B: Instead of using a darker brown for my crease,
I'll just use the leftover contouring color to blend the eye shadow with the rest of my face.
B: Eyeliner.
S: Some powder...to set everything.
S: I'm going to put on some lipstick.
S: The lipstick wasn't such a good idea. I regret it.
B: Take it off.
S: Nope. Too lazy.
S: But if I look ugly, you'll take down the video right?
B: No.
Instagram Login Tutorial Using PHP & Instagram App & API - Duration: 30:29.in this video you will learn how to add Instagram login functionality to your
login page
hey what's up guys Senaid here from codingpassiveincome.com the place
where I help others to become a web developer much easier and faster than
they will do it on their own so if that is something that interests you consider
subscribing so before actually start writing any code I want to explain it to
basics that you need to understand for this tutorial so we are going to create
one login page so this is just any normal login page here will be email
password login button and now here we are going to add another login button
with this login with Instagram and then when a visitor press this button we will
redirect him to the Instagram website so this is Instagram
if that person asset in permissions that we are asking for or even if he not
Instagram will resurrect him to our callback page so this will be our
callback and now on this cubic feet we are going to check what is the redirect
URL from the Instagram if that URL contains an error that means that person
didn't asset permissions on this Instagram page and then we will just
redirect him back to the login page again so this is in case of error and this
error doesn't exist then we are going just to assert the information from the
Instagram then we are going to query Instagram server to get an access token
and user details so we can say it like this and then once Instagram returns
those informations we will in the callback page create a session and redirect
person to our index page so maybe now this seems to be a little bit
complicated but actually the code is very simple so let me show you how to
write so now I'm here at my PHPstorm I have created a new project Instagram
login and I have created four new files index Instagram API load and
settings.php so now first let's make some basic design for our login page so
I'll go to the get mu sub calm I will hit download and then I am going to
include just a CDN library ok I'll dust that no document I'll say
Instagram and then in the head I will paste the link to the boot shop library
so in the body we are going to have one container and then till tomorrow and
this show I will just dust for it in the center and I will have one column so
let's say md6 and I'll set offset to the three so basically those six the column
of six will be in the center of the screen okay so now here maybe let let me
just quickly copy this to them so I will just at the top include my logo.png and
then make two lines and then let's say you have just one for but for now I'm
not going to include any attribute like method or action because I don't have
any I'm not going to create this morning for so now discrete few inputs here so
let's say first one will be type email
okay and then I will duplicate I'll say this is a password and this password do
it maybe we should just add class like for control so here I'll say that we're
going to have one submit button so let's say this should be hold it okay and now
I will duplicate this say this Islam button and then this will be low again
with Instagram of course you can use some image that will present Instagram
box for the simplicity of this tutorial this will be just enough okay
and pretty much that's it for this simple design let's make a test so I
will just upload everything
I have also image okay
and let's now take a look
and maybe we should just move this image also be down so does a style it's a
margin so hundred pixels and then let's say
and here we go so this is very simple and now next thing that we need to do is
basically to create an Instagram application that we are going to use so
I'll go to the instagram.com foresters developer and then after that I'll go to
the manage clients and then I will go to the register a new client so now we need
to specify some application name showed us a log in some description
so I think that the name of our coal but is I don't even have it so we need to
have it before we submit and try to create this application that is what is
required by Instagram and then what tell you is this thing
I'll hit you register and here you go my application has been created and now I
will need to go to the minute in order to get a client ID secret status etc so
here are all the information that I will need for the purpose of this tutorial
but now before I show you how to actually write the code I want to show
you how to how you can find what you need to do in order to get a user data
traffic a that sometimes Instagram trains so usually I will just go to the
developer and then I'll go to the authentication and here you will
basically have all the details and explanation how to get an access token
and how to really out and key the user so for example for the step one they say
that we need to direct user to authorization URL which is this one and
as you can see here we will need to pass client ID and then redirect URI and we
are going to do exactly that so let's say first in the settings file
I will just create here one more evil so save settings and then I will say
it will be an array and this array I will still have quite ID okay then we
will have clientSecret and then maybe project your eye
okay so I'll just copy those from here so this is ID okay secret okay and then
we will need to have read direct so I will just change this to the callback
okay and later I will just use this
information so for this tutorial I had decided to really create an a new class
and actually show you how to use object-oriented approach to do this
small project this is something that I'm doing for the first time because I mean
that I am doing for the first time but I'm showing in my tutorials how to use
object-oriented approach because now I have a tool on my channel I am
explaining the basics of OOP so if you want to learn it just go there and use
it so first I will say class and then I will say Instagram API and then in this
I will declare some variables so let's all say war and then I will say quiet
ID then quiet maybe sheep and then
graduate and that's it and then I will define a construct let's say that we
will pass settings which is an array by default he and he I will say that client
ID equal settings client ID and then
I see ok so now here at the top I will just include settings and then we'll
create a new variable that I'm going to use all the time and that's it so let's
say now that in this class I'm going to have one method so say public function
and maybe let's say get login URL and then this function will return a URL
that is specified by Instagram so does copy this and we'll say return this URL
okay so let me maybe just do like this so you guys can see so here for the
client ID I will specify the one that we have so I'll say this client ID and then
from the for the resurrection I will specify the one that we have okay and
that's it so now on our organ page at the top I'll include
or Instagram feed guard file Chelsea star API dot PHP and now we will need to
redirect the person to this URL so maybe I will define here on click method and
then I will say window notification equal maybe I should say JavaScript okay
and then inside here will just echo sorry guys maybe can see okay and here
our does say echo Instagram get login URL and this should basically work so
let's see
King so hit refresh not how Hitler with Instagram
I am redirected to the Instagram and I don't need to accept the information and
authorize this application to use actually my profile and here is what I
am asking in my application and if you want to add some other permissions you
can learn more about scope and here is
the explanation but as you can see for most it says application is no longer
accept so probably if you don't have already those permissions you are not
able to ask for them so basically doesn't need to ask for basic which is
use a profile in foreign media anyway so now let's say how does go here back
this is Wharton so far but now we will need to write something for our whole
back page and actually get all the data and verify if he has Sabbath or not so
that means that we will need here to go to the step to which they received the
read read from Instagram and here they have explained that if they return in
the get method error any of those three that means that basically the user
didn't accept in all of our application to get the data so for that reason we
will want first to make sure that this doesn't exist so on the call back I will
say if is that get error I will just rendered person say location
okay and now we can continue with coding the
page okay cool that page so now down below we can
see that they say that if we want to request the access token and basically
get the user profile data we will need to execute a cool request I mean cool
post request to this URL and then in that post request you will need to
include client ID secret grand type resurrect you arrived and also the code
that they will return in hello so if I say here logon Instagram and then I say
authorize you can see that in the URL they have specified the code so
basically we'll need to get this code and then send to Instagram to get up
excess stock so in our Instagram API let me just create a new method so say
public function and maybe let's say get access token and user details okay and
then let's say that the permit that we will need is cold
okay so in the callback here I will just say require Instagram API and then we'll
say data equal Instagram get access token used in this and then I will
specify the code from our URL okay cool so here now you need to define what we
will send in our cool request so here we go this is what we
need so I will just go and say post five equal array this associative array so
in client ID so this is our final tidy and find secret which is our client C
grant type which is authorization code so does so grant type and that is
Taxation code then the next thing is redirect URI okay we have it also so I
will say okay and then the last thing is code which is our code okay so now we
need to write code so sequel handler equal call in it okay and now I'll say
cool set all out cool handle and then option that I want to use first is URL
okay I'll write later so maybe let me just to placate this you'll need return
transfer I will set the one then they owe me so verify first I'll say no then
if I peer say to the no and then I don't need only push ok I'll say one and there
you will need post fields and those are our post feel that we have written right
here so URL return transfer where if I was terrified he peered post post fields
I think that is all that we need so far so maybe now I will just say
responds equal cool execute our cool handler and then I will just close oh
okay and now for us in order to get this data
from the response okay so first let me just copy this here
okay this is the URL that we need and now for us to get this data basically to
decode it as you can see this is how we'll get it so I will just say here
return JSON decode this response and then I will say true which means that I
want to get an associative array okay save and that's it so let's make a test
and see did you make
so I say login with Instagram so we don't see any error here so it probably means
that everything is okay so I'll go to the callback and then let's say I will
just print out everything from this data just to see what we have got and now
here we go as you can see now from the Instagram we
have got an access token and then we have also got a user which is another
array and this array we have user ID user name profile picture full name bio
website etc so let's now get those informations so access token is data
access token
so I will just maybe now save everything to them session so that we can use it on
our index.php so at the top out us say session stuff and then here let's maybe
save session access token so this is just in case that we will need it later
so say again session and then I'll say ID = data the user and then ID so we
can check that again such game see if we go here it says user and then ID okay so
I will just duplicate this I will say that this will be our username
okay so as you guys can see so let's say we will have profile picture okay here
and then maybe let's give full name
and then we'll have so I think this is four and then we have our website this
is the last thing that we didn't get already okay that's it
so now once we have stored all the informations to our session let's now
just redirect person to them our index.php and I will exit here okay so I
think this is going to work but now inside our index.php we will need to
verify this so maybe I will just add oh
and I will set to the one okay so now in side our index.php I will just steal the
design from Login I'll paste it okay and then here I will say session start okay
then I will check if the session exists I'll see if he said session all of it
I mean if not this said we will resurrect to the login.php okay and now
here I will delete those things and then maybe let's just create two columns like
this so this one will be three and then another one I will have will be nine and
the first one I will just include the picture and I will get it from our
obsession so I'll see echo session profile picture and then inside here or
let's first test all this just to make sure that everything is good so far
so first let me try to access login feed now index.php and you are not able it
has retracted aspect to the login page pivot is good now let's say older with
Instagram so we have been redirected now to the index.php and this is a picture
from my Instagram profile so now let's just display some other informations so
let's say I deem okay and then I will say here name and then website and then
I'm not sure what else do we have
I mean you can use do whatever you you would love to with those informations
it's all on you see here echo session okay and then outer say here ID o main
website and that's it I'll just upload index.php
and here we go I have my ID name website biography etc so guys basically now what
are you going to do with this date actually not that much important I have
decided to just display it here on the page but you can go here to the callback
and here instead of storing to the session you can also insert to the
database and do whatever you would loved so that's it guys I hope that you
enjoyed this video if you do please like it and share to your friends and also if
you have any questions please ask in the comments below
take care
FREE!!! Auto Like Instagram Sepuasnya - Duration: 5:29.-------------------------------------------
Farell Akbar - Live Streaming Instagram 22 November 2017 PART 01 - Duration: 1:42.-------------------------------------------
Als eine Frau dieses Bild auf Instagram sieht, weiß sie, dass ihr Mann sie betrügt - Duration: 3:58.-------------------------------------------
William Bonner publica foto com namorada no Instagram e se declara - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
UWA Instagram Takeover - Emily Lester (UWA PhD student) - Duration: 2:12.-------------------------------------------
Astuces Instagram: gérer facilement son compte // Hacks and tips - Duration: 7:30.-------------------------------------------
20 Easy Halloween Makeup Tutorial 2017 | Viral Makeup Videos on Instagram - Duration: 10:02.
Adesua Etomi Finally Adds 'Mrs W' To Instagram Profile After 'Heat' From Fans|NVS News - Duration: 1:05.Adesua Etomi Finally Adds 'Mrs W' To Instagram Profile After 'Heat' From Fans
Earlier today, fans of Nigerian actress and celebrity bride, Adesua Etomi, gave her constant disturbances and 'heat' for not adding her new surname 'Wellignton' to her social media profiles.
The actress has now added 'Mrs W' as they both shared new photos from their wedding.
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