Hey gang, Kris Krohn here.
Grant Thompson, how you're doing?
And today, we're talking about how you can expand your influence on instagram through
When I got a manager on my YouTube channel, he actually has connections which had a benefit
of being a manager.
Actually connected me with somebody who works at instagram so I had the benefit of having
multiple phonecalls as well somebody on speed dial at instagram for when I have questions.
Now, what I am going to suggest you is what they suggested to me.
I put this into practice some of it works, some of it hasn't and I'm just going to give
it all to you.
Along with my thoughts and opinions.
So if you're trying to build up your instagram channel, you know that's actually the first
suggestion from instagram was to leverage what you've already got so if you have a YouTube
audience or if you have a facebook audience, try to use that audience and drive them to
your instagram page.
Now one of the things that I did Kris when I was building my instagram page originally,
was to cover the YouTube and runs one kind of a contest.
I think I was giving away something fantastic.
I can't remember what it was.
But it probably cost me a couple of hundred dollars.
And in order for people to qualify, I actually dedicated the actual contest to instagram.
They came up with this new feature called stories which is a 24 hour video, after 24
hours it disappears.
So it's kind of like modelling snapchat.
It's relatively new feature but I thought hey if I can get people to engage in my stories
long enough they'll actually become a long term subscribers on instagram.
So the rules of the contest were everyday, on my instagram stories, I'm going to post
one piece of a puzzle, one piece of a clue.
And after 7 days, you'll have seven clues and then you can submit that code word or
like clue for chance to win.
Dude that's cheating.
That's way to clever.
I was giving away x-box 360.
So I actually had about 40,000 people coming on my YouTube channel and start following
my daily instagram stories.
And my stories were getting you know 50-100 thousand impressions, whereas you know before
I was virtually getting nothing.
So what that is it spiked me in the algorithm.
I was getting like millions of impressions per week.And I had people coming back every
single day to see what I was doing on instagram.
And I wasn't just posting clues to the puzzle.
I was posting my regular stories, what I was doing, what I as uploading on YouTube, how
is it engaging.
And so at the end of that 7 days, I'd captured some of the audiences' attention, even when
the contest ended, my stories, every time I post it were still getting 50-70 thousand
The next time I talked to YouTube, they were just mind blown.
They say, "you're stats were off the chart, it's unreal, how much engagement you've got."
And that's what I told them.
I feel like I'm cheating because you know I expect this momentum would die down but
that was the initial push that rally you know brought my instagram from 40,000 subscribers
to now about 300,000.
So one of the things I love about Grant is that he is always finding way to game the
system and he just does it by being clever the most.
And I think he did it here and I think what he is sharing with you right now is actually
really big deal that we recently ran contest on this channel.
An we got some of the stunning results but part of it was this desire to do something
on a regular basis over a short period of time.
So I love what you shared here over.
Hey the next 7 days keep coming back and I'll drop the next clue on you and then it's going
to reveal the code and the code can lead to an x-box.
That's really brilliant.
That's a fantastic way to keep people like going back.
That would be an awesome idea for you to take and steal.
And frankly it doesn't have to be instagram.
You can use that on most platform.
I can go on facebook right now and do exact same thing.
It was a hot idea.
It's really, it's about thinking what you want people to do and then train them on that
behavior with some kind of incentives.
So x-box 360 was the incentive.
Si the next clue that I would give you will be to look at instagram live.
There's a live feature where you can actually just turn on your camera and the suggestion
that instagram gave me was to treat it like I you know live chat with your family.
It doesn't have to be professional, it doesn't have to be like done up at the studios.
Literally just turn it on, and facetime with your audience, All they really want is for
you to say their name. and that's really true.
I tried this and I turn on my camera and I just got everybody, "say my name, say my name,
say my name."
And I was just sitting there for 10 minutes straight reading peoples names and they would
freak out.
So when we're in convo and when we were doing this together, and I was "like what are you
doing just sitting there?"
I thought the conversation was going somewhere but really he was just saying, "hey are you
doing? and then you'll like talk with them and ask them a question that they respond
on a little then you move on to the next person in.
Yeah dude it was crazy amounts if engagement.
That's right and also, if you have enough people watching your live instagram, it actually
puts you up in the top live section.
And that''s something that appears on the top bar of the search so if people are just
casually browsing through instagram, you're going to be kind of a primary real estate
for people to notice you.
And if they see that you're live, They tune in for couple of minutes, like what they see,
they'll find your instagram feed and quite likely follow you.
So it's just more exposure because out of millions of people out there, how do you stand
Live is one of the probably the top ways to get yourself recognized, it's because the
place meet on the platform.
So you got live, you got instagram stories which do the same thing.
You know bring you up in search and then just posting regularly.
You want to have pictures, posting to your feed.
And the pictures that I have seen pretty well are personal type of pictures.
You know that look really good so you know if you can touch them up, make them look more
like a photoshoot but of yourself, and occasionally drop some raw pictures of just things that
are funny or you just being yourself.
One last thing guys while Kris munch some mango on some mangoes here.
I just want to talk about frequency.
Videos doing really well in instagram right now, videos picking up.
So if you can drop some short videos, there's a good chance that they're going to get shared.
Pictures do really great as well but you got to be careful how frequently you post these
Instagram is looking to see how much engagement you're getting per post, so if you're posting
4-5-6 times a day, there's not enough time for people to actually be engage with your
post for the algorithm to see that it is done well.
So as you're starting off, post once maybe once a day, maybe once a every couple of days
until that post is kind of like lived it's life cycle and then come in with another one.
Don't post too much.
Don't post too much.
Too frequent.
That's right.
It's kind of like you know when you're blowing ambers in the flame, you got to judge how
much smoke's coming out of it so same thing with your instagram post.
See how well it's smoking, and only give it you know little more fuel, when it looks like
it's ready for it.
So it'll be smoking hot.
Hey, friends thank you so much for watching today.
We hope that you enjoy this video on how you can boost your instagram.
I'm really appreciative of Grant here for the knowledge that he has on this because
frankly I just use facebook and YouTube, I do not use instagram.
But when I'm with Grant and I watch the way that he interact, I'm like " due how are you
freaking blowing it up and having so many followers."
Go find Grant and then go watch him and study how he does it because he's freaking ninja.
I'm sickening cowboy poolside and I'll take a picture and I'm like drawing inside of the
corner and put some hearts on it.
Anyway, he knows what's going on.
He's a good model to follow on how to do and how to make it.
And instagram is a lot of fun.
I guess it's a place to jump in and have a good time.
Check out the website where we can go on the way more detailed.
In fact we just finished our amazing Self Made event.
It was incredible.
Everyone that came out there had such an incredible experience.
and if you missed it, don't worry, we've taking the best parts of it, you can find it on the
website right now.
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