Top 10 Things You Should Do at Least Once in Your Life For Adventure
Memes da Copa do Mundo 2018: Alemanha eliminada - Duration: 14:45.A Alemanha perdeu de 2 a 0 para a Coreia do Sul e foi eliminada da Copa do Mundo ainda na fase de grupos
Veja memes e piadas feitos pelos internautas sobre a inesperada eliminação alemã: Alemanha eliminada (Foto: Reprodução) Who did this, lol 😂😂😂 href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/KORGER?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#KORGER > href="https://t
co/mPrAsuprzz" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Lo de Alemanha , ya lo predijeron los Simpsons href="https://t
co/qL2oiXAWDj" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 a unica coisa que a alemanha de 2018 herdou da alemanha de 2014 foi a sincronia href="https://t
co/Z04CuK8HMO" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Hora de dar tchau href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/Alemanha?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#Alemanha > href="https://t
co/tvGEhdAfVW" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 SOUTH KOREA 2 GERMANY 0 href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/KORGER?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#KORGER > href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/GangnamStyle?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#GangnamStyle > href="https://t
co/jPERkbjN5Y" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Alemanha foi eliminada e nós tá como
href="" url="https://twitter
com/hashtag/Copa2018?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Copa2018 > href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/alemanhaeliminada?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#alemanhaeliminada > href="https://t
co/RzlpkQfApp" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Eu vendo a Alemanha sendo eliminada da copa href="https://t
co/2w8SQm7D02" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 ESTA É A CAPIVARA DO K-POP 🇩🇪 /)─―ヘ _/ \/ 🇰🇷 🇰🇷| ▼ || 亠ノU ̄U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄U ̄U🇩🇪 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 🇩🇪REPASSE PARA COMEMORAR A ELIMINAÇÃO DA ALEMANHA! — June 27, 2018 Acabei de fazer um feijão tão gostosinho que vou chamar de Vitória Coreana
— June 27, 2018 독일선수들이 골을 못넣은 이유ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ href="" url="https://t
co/OmY4etfdT0"> > — June 27, 2018 eu: se a Alemanha for eliminada eu não vou nem rir pra não zikar o BrasilAlemanha eliminadaeu: href="https://t
co/GEjuSg1sJp" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 🇲🇽❤️🇰🇷 Now playing: gangnam_style
mp3 ¡Gracias Corea! 👊 href="" url="https://twitter
com/hashtag/MexicovsSuecia?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#MexicovsSuecia > href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/CoreaVsAlemania?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#CoreaVsAlemania > href="https://t
co/W0KOvX9R3r" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 "alemanha perde de 2x0 para a coreia e o time sai de campo em clima de choro"brasileiros: href="https://t
co/zlH7ciLaCk" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Godo href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/ultimora?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#ultimora > href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/koreagermany?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#koreagermany > href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/russia2018?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#russia2018 > href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/worldcup?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#worldcup > href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/germany?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#germany > href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/Deutschland?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#Deutschland > href="https://t
co/hwYP1RgtlS" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Kids, hoje eu vou contra pra vocês sobre o dia que a Alemanha perdeu pro BTS href="https://t
co/BFeMqMHLDn" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Tio pode sorrir ai no céu! Tchau Alemanha href="https://t
co/JkYeHhH1to" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 7×1 da Alemanha"Nunca mais assisto jogo do Brasil "Eu hoje: href="https://t
co/vnykaqHmxD" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Alemanha eliminada (Foto: Reprodução) Brasileiro torcendo pra Alemanha href="https://t
co/8b8dfqKCLz" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 "alemanha eliminada da cop do mundo" até 2022 querida href="https://t
co/OeaipOXF4d" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Alemanha eliminada (Foto: Reprodução) ALEMANHA 7 X 1 BRASILCOREIA DO SUL 2 X 0 ALEMANHALOGOBRASIL 1 X 9 COREIA DO SUL — June 27, 2018 Alemanha com a camisa do Flamengo: 7x1 campeã mundial melhor seleçãoAlemanha com a camisa do Palmeiras:eliminada na fase de grupo Coréia 2x0 — June 27, 2018 Alemanha homenageou o Flamengo, foi campeão do mundo /// jogou de verde cor do Palmeiras, eliminada href="https://t
co/KG3Et3koJs" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Quando você vence a Alemanha, mas lembra que também foi eliminado href="https://t
co/96C5Jd0AA9" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 toca pra coreia ai que eu vou servir o exercito no lugar do son href="https://t
co/owNd2FYsDZ" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Alemanha eliminada (Foto: Reprodução) Eu vendo os gols da Coreia href="https://t
co/odTPQZbcXo" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 eu e minhas meninas dando tchau pra alemanha href="https://t
co/oJVArC4tMX" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 coreia perfeita vou ouvir 2 kpop em forma de agradecimento href="https://t
TUDO O QUE VOCÊ FAZ UM DIA VOLTA PRA VOCÊ href="" url="https://t
co/Uo6rrItWKd"> > — June 27, 2018 Alemanha eliminada kkkkk esse momento é nosso href="https://twitter
com/hashtag/WordCup2018?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" url="">#WordCup2018 > href="https://t
co/EML0dIPwAq" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 o goleiro da Alemanha todo perdido eu to muito- href="https://t
co/6eIVF9KJYn" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 TCHAU ALEMANHA href="https://t
co/LmVy5XGUTl" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Coréia eliminou a Alemanha//Brasil joga daqui a pouco href="https://t
co/ZeoRm2n0wo" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 eu vendo a Alemanha eliminada// se o Brasil perder hoje tá eliminado href="https://t
co/dHUW9FcPHl" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 Nunca fiquei tão felizObrigado Coreia por eliminar a Alemanha href="https://t
co/mJ7UqOfquQ" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 MANO PIOR QUE PERDER DE 7X1 É PERDER PRO PAÍS QUE INVENTOU O KPOPVOCÊ É UMA VERGONHA ALEMANHA KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK — June 27, 2018 alemanha eliminada pelo kpop — June 27, 2018 ESSA É A CAPIVARA DA ZICA /)─―ヘ _/ \/ 🇩🇪 🇩🇪| ▼ || 亠ノU ̄U ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄U ̄URepassem para que a Alemanha seja eliminada da Copa — June 27, 2018 ALEMANHA CHACOTA href="https://t
co/9cn9PFyDXJ" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 A ALEMANHA ELIMINADA VAI DANDO TCHAU DANDO TCHAU DANDO TCHAU TCHAU 🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶 — June 27, 2018 Alemanha jogando de verde e querendo ganhar um mundial, ai não da né carai
co/GOJ6oQeaec" url=""> > — June 27, 2018 "Vive um drama a Alemanha"Se tornou a frase mais gostosa de se escutar nessa copa do mundo — June 27, 2018 Acaba o jogo do Brasil, mas não acaba esse da Alemanha — June 27, 2018 Eu toda vez que a Alemanha chuta no gol da Coreia href="https://t
co/NQRPgLL6Hk" url=""> > — June 27, 2018
EAD do Instituto Phala - Duration: 8:31.-------------------------------------------
Nữ nhân xuyên không tập 45 -nhan sắc do quỷ ban tặng - Duration: 20:14.-------------------------------------------
8 Must-Do Things at Hyper Japan July 2018 - Duration: 9:09.-------------------------------------------
Do you want to Make your own controller? - Duration: 6:53.what is up everyone king kaden here making another video for you guys today and I'm
pretty excited about this I'm going to make a three part series on making an
xbox controller this is Tim in my first time I'll be today I'll be showing you
what idea some what I have for the controller and everything next video is
gonna be more like the insulation like putting it all together and stuff and
thoughts can be how is it like the overall view fun ways you can't tell I'm
a boy Benny I'm with my boy Vinny yeah my boy Benny boy my boy but yeah Benny's
right now taking the nap yeah yeah this is a queen-size bed you can't tell Ben
takes up most of space he's gone to be a lot a lot bigger than
we expected but yeah um I obviously have all of this stuff going on a crazy lava
lamp which is it's been shot multiple times because the dogs and that's why I
make some noises it's really cool I got for sixteen dollars and only sells for
6d so that was good Pais must have other stuff healed including my this
controller which will be the one I do indeed use - I'm Kim Taylor's from Nepal
and make it into a really cool one because if it I'd do this with me use my
new one I got me using it wouldn't walk as well yeah Oh sunlight we're the cool
stuff well with let's dive into a ball all right because I do not have a screen
recorder on can do it like this this is control of chaos if you guys are
wondering and it's not like the control-m can get if control of chaos
hey if you guys watch this you guys are actually the cool is just I don't I
don't have the budget fall of that right now yeah this is somewhat what its gonna
look like at the end I might switch this to blue I have that option but in the
end it took me multiple days I'm can decide to get a green case and something
like the blue trimming and the bomposa triggers I don't know what color I make
them public green maybe also blue let's see this is a bound estimate how it's
gonna look
okay I didn't even change the triggers but look below it actually looks pretty
cool let's see green I'll probably end up doing blue no no whatever I decide to
but this is how I do it if you can't tell I slept on the ground real quick it
might pop off my head just a warning but on this is what I'm gonna try to get for
the it is commonly available because I'm pretty sure I posted celestron but if
not how there's also black potion to disease which looks equally as cool so
I'll do that but you can't tell is that the X a and y be bun-buns and stuff
which looks really cool it looks unique the joysticks all blue it's just
everything except for like the main Shou pop the d-pad everything like that you
probably tell all right know what I'm gonna get is the this except in the
color green I was thinking of again the transparent blue one what does does look
cool but in the end they didn't have the green button so I'm gonna go with the
green one it's almost like a clone the dog type of green and yeah this is $12
for the shell this was I believe it was under 10 definitely I think altogether
it's $20 or so which is a very good price because this is what it's
hopefully kind of like like at the end go ahead suppose just poke them and
everything they're really cool I'm not spawn Saudi though but uh yeah
we'll be making my own controller just cuz I I wanted the feeling making it I
want to see if I could make it yeah it's I'll show you the insulation stuff done
that video but yeah the main idea is what is having a control of that well
ultimately look like this green and blue which calls from my favorite colors you
guys don't know oh yeah this was my main idea fo it except the buns are come look
they actually can have a bean stuff but yeah my own ho entire idea to make it a
custom control and everything what you will need is a controller that you're
willing to basically tale about and I have used actually looks about on this
so I'm kinda done things it's it's gonna look basically like this except it's not
I probably didn't sound good for you guys yeah this one like quema one is I'm
not saying it's a bad it's really good but I just want to have something long
tone and I think this will be it yeah all my all my lip stuff so I will check
in when I get all of the stuff and I'll show you the insulation and
stuff and probably can be hobo at it which is actually probably can be more
enjoyable for you guys but yeah thank you guys also for over 70 views in the
first 72 hours of Lonesome Creek novo 13 likes that is crazy just thank you guys
hope you guys enjoy I'll see you guys later
Neymar se declara para o filho, Davi Lucca, após jogo do Brasil - Duration: 5:04.-------------------------------------------
M jak miłość bez Artura? Tomasz Ciachorowski nie załapał się do czołówki - Duration: 3:34.Co się wydarzy w nowych odcinkach "M jak miłość" po wakacjach 2018?
Czy Artur (Tomasz Ciachorowski) zniknie z życia Izy (Adriana Kalska) i Marcina (Mikołaj Roznerski)?
To bardzo możliwe! Aktor ostatnio coraz rzadziej pojawia się na planie "M jak miłość".
Psychopaty Skalskiego zabraknie też w nowej czołówce "M jak miłość". Przypadek?
Nowe odcinki "M jak miłość" bez Artura Skalskiego?
Mąż Izy na pewno pojawi się w premierowych odcinkach "M jak miłość" ale czy zagości na ekranie na długo? My mamy wątpliwości.
Aktor nie publikuje już zdjęć z planu serialu na Instagramie, a do tej pory był w tej kwestii bardzo wylewny.
Przeglądając jego profil widzimy, że Tomasz Ciachorowski skupia się na pracy w teatrze – czy znajdzie czas na "M jak miłość"?
W "M jak miłość" po wakacjach 2018 Iza trafi do szpitala, straci pamięć, a Artur oskarży Marcina o to, co się jej przytrafiło.
Skalski pojawi się więc w "M jak miłość".
Możliwe jednak, że Chodakowski znajdzie sposób, by się go pozbyć.
W końcu to on pozuje z Izą w nowej czołówce serialu "M jak miłość".
A Artur? Jego tam brakuje…
Iza została omotana przez męża psychopatę, ale chyba mu ucieknie.
Zrobi przecież wszystko, by ratować Maję (Anna Wierzchoń) przed tym szaleńcem!
Czy to znaczy, że Tomasz Ciachorowski zniknie z serialu „M jak miłość"?
Aktor spędza czas na próbach teatralnych.
Tomasz Ciachorowski zastąpi Mikołaja Roznerskiego w nowej sztuce pt. "Jaskiniowcy".
Jak myślicie, co się stanie z Arturem w "M jak miłość"?
Chyba nikt nie będzie za nim tęsknić...
S.01/Ep.03 - Do You Love Me? - Duration: 3:26.-------------------------------------------
History of Popular K-Pop Summer Male Songs (Collab w/ SinB Ssi) - Duration: 12:46.-------------------------------------------
[STATION] 선데이 X 김태현 (딕펑스) '보여 (Still)' MV - Duration: 3:48.-------------------------------------------
171230) 팬싸에서 ' Fall' 라이브로 불러 준 도경수(디오 D.O.) ㅠㅠ - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
[STATION] YOONA 윤아 '바람이 불면 (When The Wind Blows)' MV - Duration: 4:00.-------------------------------------------
[New MC] Kim Sae Ron & Kim Min Jae - Me Gustas Tu, 김새론&김민재 - Show Music core 20151121 - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
[MV] THE ARK(디아크) _ The Light(빛) - Duration: 3:32.Yeah SOMEBODY 4 LIFE, yeah, here we go
I've wanted to live alone always, everyday has been the solo story
I has been good in the deserted island I even try to build walls
I thought it was a freedom that nobody cares me, Stupid me
I cared only me out of the well of misunderstanding You gave your hands to me
Hold my hands when you need somebody I'll be that somebody somebody, we're in this for life yeah
Look at me when you need shoulders I'll be that somebody somebody, we're in this for life yeah
1 is loneliness and 2 is company
Together we're the A team, a match and gasoline
Like scissors always need two arms, lean on me
I know Always got my back back, and you know i always got you right back
From now on, even somebody talks about you, I will be on your side always. You Know it's true
I open my eyes after meeting you I only can see this vacant place Yo, fill this empty space
I haven't known the happiness living for others Now I will be there
Hold my hands when you need somebody I'll be that somebody somebody, we're in this for life yeah
Keep your tears and worries to me
Whenever you call you know that I'm right by your side I'll be there
Hold my hands when you need somebody I'll be that somebody somebody, we're in this for life yeah
Look at me when you need shoulders I'll be that somebody somebody, we're in this for life yeah
Never shed tears in any situation every drop doesn't worth it (we're in this for life yeah)
Lean on me I will hold your hands even when the world turns against you (we're in this for life yeah)
Wendy 웬디 of SMROOKIES '슬픔 속에 그댈 지워야만 해 (From Mnet Drama "미미")' MV - Duration: 4:57.-------------------------------------------
EXO-M 엑소엠 '上瘾(Overdose)' MV - Duration: 4:22.-------------------------------------------
Fortaleza Slow Food do Pinhão da Serra Catarinense - Duration: 5:34.I met Gedeoni... '89
I had come to work at his cousin's house, very close to here.
They are warriors.
They're warriors because they had four children
and so they were always looking for a way to support them.
The father had had always had cows, he had milk,
but it wasn't enough to support the family.
I have always said it, and I repeat:
that I don't grow organic in order to make money.
I got into agroecology for health reasons;
because I saw that, just as I had been poisoned several times
my children were being poisoned, too.
I asked myself:
"is it really worth it to earn maybe a little more and then end up in the hospital?"
As the doctor told me:
"you have two options: Either you keep farming how you are now and you don't have a long life, or you stop today."
Well, I thought, "I'm too young to go—let's see a little more of life."
I didn't think that one day we would be selling organic
or that we would survive because of it.
But one thing leads to another….
When you grow conventionally, you see that the taste of fruit
and vegetables is no longer the same.
They have a strange taste; they seem bland.
I prefer organic.
We produce all kinds of vegetables in general
and in the offseason
we collect pinhão (araucaria pine nut)
Since I was young,
I have always climbed the araucaria trees.
There are old photos, and in the background you see only trees.
The forest isn't the same now.
And so, because of Slow Food,
we have better market conditions,
while before we were at the mercy of the middlemen.
Without the guarantee of a minimum price.
Funds have arrived, and everything to build our…
the little house where the machines and the boilers are.
And they allow us to achieve a much higher price than we would be able to otherwise.
Today, in all the markets in the city, you can find packets of our pine nuts.
We are really grateful to the folks at Slow Food,
who came to believe in us
helped with our agribusiness and our packaging
and set up many events, including outdoor events,
which brought people together from many different places.
Each person came with their knowledge
about the pinhão harvest, for example—and to exchange seeds, to exchange recipes;
to teach people that pinhão is not only eaten boiled or roasted
that it's important and can be used in various dishes.
I haven't heard anyone say that they don't like pinhão.
The thing that makes me most proud:
is to see [people] with their hands in the earth, collecting products for the table or to sell.
We don't work just for our own good;
it's for others as well.
About 70-80% of people's food comes from family farming.
If family farming is neglected
it won't be long before people die of hunger.
Because who's going to live just on a monoculture of soy, or whatever?
If you get rid of family farming, you won't have anything else.
Lucimar, José Gedeoni, and their children, Patrick, Patrini, Cris, and Karin de Oliveira,
are part of the Slow Food Brasil network and, together with other families, the Serra Catarinense Araucaria Nut Slow Food Presidium.
The collaboration, which is 10 years old as of 2018, also works to raise awareness about the importance
of protecting and sustainably managing the araucaria forests.
Araucaria is a native tree and a symbol of the region, and today only 3% of the original forest remains.
This video was produced as part of the project Alimentos Bons, Limpos e Justos: Ampliação e Qualificação da Participação da Agricultura Familiar Brasiliera no Movimento Slow Food
a collaboration between Slow Food, the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), and the Special Secretariat Family Agriculture and Agrarian Development (SEAD), of the Federal Government, with the involvement of federal universities in the five regions of Brazil.
Direction and screenplay: Felipe Tomazelli and Patricia Moll
Director of Photography: Felipe Tomazelli
Editing: Ramiro Suárez
Art director: João Baltieri
Sound editing and mixing: Olivier Dherte
Research support: Giselle Miotto
Still photography and additional images: Pedro Kuperman
Coordination: Lígia Meneguello and Valentina Bianco
Soundtrack: Duofel The song "Mississipi Tietê" was kindly provided by Luiz Bueno and Fernando Melo, Duofel.
6 Things Men Do Only With The Women They Love - Duration: 3:42.
Six things men do only with the women they love love transcends genders
But there are subtle differences between how men and women display their affection to each other
Public display of affection might come easier to some than others
but usually when a man does this he is serious about the person he is with
One you will listen to you men do behave like children around the people they love
When they are passionate about something or someone they love they give it their full
Concentration if they love you everything you say will matter to them
however, listening doesn't necessarily mean understanding a
Man who truly loves you will actually listen and understand your words and thoughts
You will see it affecting their daily activities and gestures
Too he will fight with you fights don't generally mean that there is a rift in the relationship
Every bond requires fights in order to find their true standing and love
If a man truly loves you, he will fight with you and for you
He has invested his time and heart with you and thus makes sure he discusses and solves every rift that threatens to create
These discussions are signs of a healthy relationship and both of you should try to find middle ground to heal it
3 he will make sacrifices for your happiness
This could be one of the biggest signs that show that a man truly puts you before everything else
This shows their love and respect for your emotions
If he agrees to modify his plans in order to do something you prefer rather than something he prefers he is a keeper
By doing so he is showing his willingness to put you and your needs before his
For he will fight for your love a man who is in love with you will fight to retain that love
He feels lucky to have your love and show the same
For him losing you would be the worst pain
That is why he does everything in his power to prevent that
He will stand beside you during your best and your worst of times
Five he will be genuinely proud of your achievements when in love your man will view your achievements as his own achievements
The pride he feels about you will be somewhat similar to what a mother feels towards her child
There is no competition in love and thus he will never feel threatened by you
Six you will find you beautiful even on your worst days
No matter if you have a bad hair day or breakouts, your man won't care for it. Looks if he indeed loves you
He will love you for the person that you are not your looks
Superficiality will never be the base of his love
To him, you will look beautiful no matter what
Thanks for watching the video
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HOW TO USE TO DO LIST EFFECTIVELY - Duration: 8:28.-------------------------------------------
Przyjaciółki 12 sezon. Dorota wróci do życia w luksusie. Bogaty mąż zrobi z niej piękność! - Duration: 3:18.Trwają prace na planie 12 sezonu serialu "Przyjaciółki", a w internecie nie brakuje zdjęć zza kulis produkcji.
Agnieszka Sienkiewicz pokazała, jak będzie wyglądać w nowych odcinkach "Przyjaciółek" jesienią 2018.
Po biednej Dorotce nie ma już śladu! Mąż milioner Eryk (Olgierd Łukaszewicz) zrobi z niej piękność!
Pamiętacie przybitą i zdesperowaną Dorotkę, która po rozstaniu z Łukaszem (Mikołaj Krawczyk) źle zainwestowała wszystkie oszczędności i została z niczym?
Przebojowa bohaterka „Przyjaciółek" posmakowała normalnego życia i zwyczajnej ciężkiej pracy.
Musiała sprzedać drogie ubrania, zrezygnowała z zakupów i wizyt u kosmetyczki.
Brak luksusu wyraźnie jej doskwierał, ale to niedługo się zmieni!
Jak już informowaliśmy w „Przyjaciółkach"12 Dorota wyjdzie za bogacza!
Eryk (w tej roli właśnie Olgierd Łukasiewicz) będzie milionerem!
Nie dziwi nas, że brunetka zaciągnie go przed ołtarz.
Gdy w grę wchodzą tak duże pieniądze, dla Dorotki duża różnica wieku w ogóle nie będzie problemem.
Aktorka opublikowała właśnie zdjęcie z planu "Przyjaciółek".
Widać, że Dorota po ślubie rozkwitnie i znów będzie się modnie ubierać.
Ciekawe... Myślicie, że Dorotka pokocha Eryka?
A może zwiążę się z nim tylko dla pieniędzy?
Przeoknamy się jesienią w "Przyjaciółkach"12.
Esportividade do aerofólio em alguns carros é perfumaria - Duration: 1:30.-------------------------------------------
✅ Gisele Bündchen mostra filha jogando bola com camiseta do Brasil. Veja vídeo! - Duration: 1:25.Gisele Bündchen mostrou que a torcida pelo Brasil é forte em sua casa. Nesta quarta-feira (27), a modelo publicou uma foto rara da filha, Vivian, de 5 anos, nascida nos Estados Unidos, jogando bola com uma camiseta da seleção, que enfrenta a Sérvia pela Copa do Mundo na Rússia
"A 12 jogadora já está pronta!!! Vai, Brasil!!!", escreveu a mulher de Tom Brady, por quem foi elogiada nas redes sociais
Além da menina, a top também é mãe de Benjamin, de 8 anos. Nos comentários, os seguidores ficaram surpreendidos com o tamanho da garota
"Que maravilhosa!", "Que fofura!", "Menina, ela tá gigante", "Nossa, tá deste tamanho?", "Meu Deus, ela tá enorme!", "Que boneca" e "É uma gracinha a sua filha, admiro muito você, pelos seus valores
" foram alguns dos elogios.
10 People, 1 Question: What Would Not You Do During Sex? - Duration: 3:15.I just don't understand how that's actually possible
you know? physically
stop laughing
what would I not do in sex?
I think I would...
suggestions? help?
I would not have sex with two men or more
I guess more like extremely pain I'm not really into
what I wouldn't do in sex would be
heavy drugs like cocaine and crack
some pain is ok but
nothing too intense
I wouldn't do that because I get away from myself
I have to respect my boundaries
well, I'm not a big fan of having a fist in my ass
fisting, because it looks very painful
I don't understand how people can enjoy it
but I definitively don't see myself doing it ever
I think I would fist someone
but I would not be fisted
I would like to keep the integrity of my asshole for as long as I can
I guess I am not really into
I'm not a big fan of pee
I think, nothing to do with scat porn
not into number two
I'm not into scat
all respect for people who are into scat
shit and pee
not a big fan of blood either
probably I would not involve any
particular fluid
I guess, similar to pee
I wouldn't poop on someone
I am ok with, you know? cum
water sports maybe
pee I can go
but poo and vomit I think it's too much
I guess I associate those two thing with washroom
I just don't want to be someone's toilet
it's smelly
you know? you just don't want to get mixed up with that
would I do scat play with people pay me?
depends how much money we are talking about
how much money?
- never?
I think it would be a price for peeing
but not pooping
I don't think there's a lot of money
If I was paid a lot of money
I would probably do it
I would, you know? shut up and do it
if people pay me a lot of money
where are all these people?
I'm ready
It would depend on the logistics
of the scat situation
I'm talking about a shit ton of money here
if it was the most beautiful person in the world
if it was someone very...
the most beautiful person in the world
yeah, maybe
like David Beckham
yes, I'm down
the most beautiful person is gonna have the most stinky poops
so I'm just not
it's not like
I'm not oppesed to it
it's just not like something that I'm looking for
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and don't forget to subscribe
✅ Neymar encontra o filho, Davi Lucca, após jogo do Brasil na Rússia. Vídeo! - Duration: 1:15.Davi Lucca está na Rússia para acompanhar os jogos do pai, Neymar, na Copa e, nesta quinta-feira (28), conseguiu encontrar o jogador de futebol
O craque compartilhou vídeos com o filho em seu Instagram e mostrou o encontro com o menino de seis anos
Na rede social, o namorado de Bruna Marquezine riu ao mostrar que Davi estava com tinta verde no rosto após tingir o cabelo para a partida entre Brasil e Sérvia
"A carinha toda verde", apontou Neymar. "Sai, mas tomei banho ontem e dormi no banho
Foi isso que aconteceu", explicou o garotinho.
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