Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily so Jun 2 2018

Johnny Depp gibt mit seiner Band Hollywood Vampires ein Konzert in Hamburg War der lange Flug schuld, oder steckt etwas anderes dahinter? Hamburg - War der lange Flug schuld, oder steckt etwas anderes dahinter? Schauspieler Johnny Depp ist kaum wiederzukennen, als er am Freitagabend in Hamburg landet

Das Gesicht aufgedunsen, die Haut blass, dunkle Ringe um die Augen: Der Fluch-der-Karibik-Star wirkt sichtbar kaputt, als er für ein kurzes Foto am Flughafen posiert

Muss man sich um den 54-Jährigen Sorgen machen? Bereits vor einigen Wochen soll der Weltstar am Set seines aktuellen Films "Labyrinth" im betrunkenen Zustand einen Mitarbeiter bedroht haben (TAG24 berichtete)

Bereits Ex-Frau Amber Heard berichtete vor zwei Jahren, dass Depp ein großes Problem mit Drogen und Alkohol habe

Hinzu kommt: Mit seinen Hollywood Vampires ist der Schauspieler noch bis Juli auf anstrengender Welttournee

Am Samstag tritt die Band im Hamburger Stadtpark auf. Danach geht es direkt weiter nach Berlin

Bleibt zu hoffen, dass Johnny Depp die Strapazen gut übersteht.

For more infomation >> ✅ Hättet ihr ihn erkannt? So schlimm sieht Johnny Depp jetzt aus - Duration: 1:44.



hey guys I got a lot of content that I need to get out and I'm I'm kinda backed

up as you can see here I have notes that I make to myself of stuff that if I

don't write it down I will forget because I am a youtuber who I don't run

out of things to say I think that some youtubers that are out here that come

back to their channel a month later and they say oh well the reason why you

haven't seen me is because I don't really have much to talk about

I'm glad in the content that I do I always have something to talk about

especially when it is helping a person live longer and be healthy and in some

cases if you're trying to lose weight or maintain your weight or try to eat

better this is the channel to be subscribed to so if you're not already

subscribed please subscribe to the channel

always remember to also share my videos and give the video a like I wanted to

talk about something that I had seen on a video that I didn't even realize was

up into a few days later I don't know what's going on with YouTube sometimes I

get my notifications and sometimes I have to go hunt around when I see that

someone that I'm following hasn't uploaded any content I'd like to go to

their channel because sometime they may uploaded something and I didn't get a

notification for it but I just want to clear something up on my channel I talk

about my experience and I hope from my experience that it uplifts you to want

to do better in your life I'm not a professional I'm not a doctor or

physician or nutritionist someone who is recording

and showing accountable videos of the progress the good and bad the ugly of my

weight-loss journey I'm on phase one of the journey phase two is maintenance I

can't wait till I get to maintenance and I will still continue to help you in

your journey or healing or whatever you're trying to do might not even be

weight loss you might want to detox the body and you want to come back to my

channel and see videos on how I for an example cured my anxiety or my sleep

disorder or things personally that was going on with me and try to apply some

of what you've learned from my videos in your life but always remember that we

are always going to be different and what works for me is not gonna always

work for you I think the reason why a lot of people have been successful who

have followed my channel and started juicing or perhaps juicing and eating

clean is because they had someone that they could relate to someone who was

going through the same struggles who wasn't trying to tell them that this is

how you're supposed to do it but you know do something to help your situation

even if you don't do it the way I am doing it do it the way that works for

you I'm never going to have a set of rules and tell you that if you don't do

them that way that you're not on a juice fast or a juice feast or you're not

eating clean that's not my job my job is to motivate my viewers and I find it to

be really suspect when you have someone who and I'm not talking about myself

there's another YouTube book I'm talking about and I'm not gonna say any names

but when you've been struggling all of your life with weight loss and I don't

um knock anyone whose bitch with your life all their life but wait

but you haven't figured it out you're still juice fasting or feasting or water

fasting and trying to figure out how everyone else around you is able to do

the same regiments plus go back to solid foods

and they they they might be working out or they're eating clean or maybe not so

clean and they're still maintaining the weight after the juice piece or they're

losing more weight like in my case even after the egg salad just because that's

working for me that doesn't make that that doesn't make that doesn't make it

you know your issue because we're all different you might try to do what I'm

doing the same way and it might not work for you everyone is different and I want

to get this into this person's head because I know that they watch my videos

in all the people's heads that let's not make a fool of ourselves when we talk

because I'm really starting to get that even when this person says yes it's a

juice feast you're only saying it because I'm correcting you I use the

word juice fast because that's what they're calling it in the community

that's what they're calling it out here in the world but people who are more

educated will tell you yes I might call it a juice fast because that's what

we're calling it but what it really is is a juice feast we are not really on

juice fast there's no such thing as a juice fast because juicing is a form of

eating just in a liquid form you're drinking fruits and vegetables

that is why you can stay on juice feasts or the keyword that we

ranked for juice fast for the 90 days or a hundred days well even 350 days out

the year you could do a juice fast no solid foods and drink juice and go to

work every day and work out and do all of the activities that you could not do

on a water fast or a dry pass now if you want to give advice like you're a faster

and you did over a hundred days of any kind of a fast put in front of fast

water fast or drive fast then say to someone that they should not be eating

or calling themselves on a fast if they're eating once or every other day

or every seven days or every 10 days or every twenty days a meal then you can

say you're not on a fast you have to start back on square one day number one

and stop the fast over once you break that fast from eating solid foods when

you're on a juice fast if you are eating clean foods fruits and vegetables prefer

a purpose QZ preferably if you take a break a day or two on your weight loss

journey and eat clean fruits and vegetables you are on your juice feast

which is called in our society juice fasts okay which is in the YouTube

community just a keyword people wait for juice fast is the key word we we rank

for and I'm getting tongue-tied it is a juice peace it is a form of

eating so whoever has been on a juice feast who calls it a juice fast like

myself including myself and I've done one over a hundred days we

were eating we just was eating it in a liquid form so if you choose on a juice

feast that we call a juice fast to consume clean foods you are still on

that feast slash fast as we call it so please do what works for you

do not let someone who has had a weight problem in an eating disorder like we

all do to some levels who is addicted to food like we all are on some level and

our eating processed cooked foods like we all are on some levels and fast foods

that are not good for us like we all are on some levels tell you

how to do any kind of juice feasts fast or anything until they look into their

own glass house that they're living in and fix it none of us can tell you what

is the correct way to do anything because we're we're broken too

we're learning along the way to our jobs up here are just to share our experience

that's what I'm doing and I'm not here to get in a video and when the time is

right you know stop bringing up again because you know you haven't let it go

from the first time that you see what I'm doing on my channel like my weekly

weigh-ins after my win towards the end of my juice fees that I was eating one

meal per week every seven days there's some people that can't go seven hours

without having a meal so for me at the end of my juice feast

have a meal at the weigh-in on Mondays that's my prerogative that's what worked

for SL Davis what Evers Channel and while you're you're saying something

about that without saying my name but it's directed towards me

you're still struggling with weight while I went on a 28-day eating solid

foods after my juice piece and I'm still losing weight while I'm quite sure when

you got off of your juice feast you've gained weight and I can bet you the

house that I live in and all the money in my bank account that you did so I'm

just trying to tell you guys you're supposed to take information that you

learn from my channel from anyone's channel and then you do your own

research and then after that you sit at the table and then you say what makes

sense it's gonna work for me because what I might do you might do but you

might have to tailor it a little bit different soil to work for you

and the only way you're going to lose weight and this is raw and uncut is if

you do like how I did when you fall you get back up and if you're on a journey

and you're doing good your momentum is good and you fall off and you eat

McDonald's or you cook some dinner at home that doesn't mean you messed up

your whole weight loss diet or regiment I like to call the regiment I don't deny

it um that doesn't mean you take a week break or that the whole journey is over

because you you you went out to a pizza party and you broke um the two weeks

that you were doing well you get up the next day or right after you eat that

food that same day and you continue consistency not

taking long breaks within the journey you have to be consistent when you fall

off get right back up the next day and keep added you can fall 10 times every

day sometimes you can fall on a weight-loss journey

10-15 times in a row and because you've been trying each day you might get on

the scale you've lost weight it might not be a lot a lot but it's something to

show for your exits or you lost a few inches or your clothes are fitting um

good maybe you didn't take a tape measure to know if you lost any inches

or maybe you don't weigh yourself but your clothes are feeling good you have

to do what works for you don't get up here letting any channel be the ruler of

your success you are the one that sets the destination of where your weight

loss journey is going you're going to also be the one that makes it or breaks

it so this video is getting a little bit long and I have a few other videos that

I need to get up so please subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and

also like and share this video and make it a favor and I'll see you guys in the

next video bye for now



Tag of the month // Darling, I love you so much (Paul Olguin) - Duration: 6:05.

For more infomation >> Tag of the month // Darling, I love you so much (Paul Olguin) - Duration: 6:05.


Al Bano torna a parlare di Ylenia: "So che è in Paradiso e la raggiungerò! - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Al Bano torna a parlare di Ylenia: "So che è in Paradiso e la raggiungerò! - Duration: 3:59.


Marie Wegener: So war die Studio-Arbeit mit Dieter Bohlen - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Marie Wegener: So war die Studio-Arbeit mit Dieter Bohlen - Duration: 2:06.


Marie Wegener: So war die Studio-Arbeit mit Dieter Bohlen - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Marie Wegener: So war die Studio-Arbeit mit Dieter Bohlen - Duration: 2:19.


Susan Sideropoulos-Gerüchte um GZSZ-Comeback: So reagiert der Sender - Duration: 5:01.

For more infomation >> Susan Sideropoulos-Gerüchte um GZSZ-Comeback: So reagiert der Sender - Duration: 5:01.


So I opened a case in TF2... - Duration: 0:27.

Let's go to shop

Let's try open a case maybe?

My last money

Dear Gaben. Please, bless this unboxing

Come on

Sh*t. Well, we still have next item

Oh for f*ck's sake

Damn you Gaben

For more infomation >> So I opened a case in TF2... - Duration: 0:27.


Prinz George und Charlotte: So verbringen sie ihre Ferien ! - Duration: 2:45.

For more infomation >> Prinz George und Charlotte: So verbringen sie ihre Ferien ! - Duration: 2:45.


This Is America, so Don't Stop Believing - Duration: 0:27.

Journey dedicated this song about memes.

For more infomation >> This Is America, so Don't Stop Believing - Duration: 0:27.


Rabbit Showjumping - The New Animal Craze - So Cute (2018) - Duration: 3:33.

For more infomation >> Rabbit Showjumping - The New Animal Craze - So Cute (2018) - Duration: 3:33.


Top 8 Electric Skateboards So Small You Can Even Fit Them into a Backpack - Duration: 10:52.

Greetings from Must see tech!

When the first electric skateboards came out they immediately impacted the way we travel

within the city and have fun.

However, those initial models were rather bulky, long and heavy, simply put, not ideal

to be taken on the city transport or carried around.

Fortunately, manufacturers haven't taken their time to realize that the market was

demanding compact models to cope with the electric longboard disadvantages, so more

and more new shorter electric boards have started appear.

In today's video, we will demonstrate to you the smallest of those, they are super

tiny, lightweight, short, but still rather fast and powerful.

Before we get to the lineup, subscribe to our channel!

Lets roll!

Bolt Motion One of the most portable electric vehicles

in the world, Bolt is a 23-inch long skateboard designed in Bergamo, Italy.

It weighs only 9 lbs and can easily fit into a backpack.

But don't let Bolt's small size fool you, as with a top speed of 18 mph, it is as fast

a city bicycle.

Plus, it features new tech, including Electronic Speed Controller for smooth riding and easy

acceleration, regenerative braking for additional range, and smartphone connectivity.

Spectra This futuristic looking skateboard is the

first in the world to offer 3D Step Posture control.

Spectra comes in 4 models with a starting price of $399.

Depending on the chosen trim, the range varies from 6 to 20 miles and the top speed from

9 to 22 mph.

The deck is made from either maple, carbon fiber, or magnesium.

It is currently sold on Walnutt Tech's website and on Amazon under the Swagtron brand.

Linky Though technically a longboard, Linky has

a unique foldable design that cuts its length in half.

Being airplane safe, the board is great for travelling, and fitting into a bag, it is

comfy to use for every-day commuting.

Linky weighs 12 pounds and has sturdy frame and deck constructed using carbon fiber and


Its performance characteristics do not lag behind: the board has regenerative braking,

4 riding modes, and USB charging.

The range is 11 miles, and the top speed – 18 mph.

GoRide This is a versatile electric skateboard offered

in four options different in size and performance.

All models are made with premium machined aluminum frame, regenerative braking technology,

and intuitive remove control.

Two smaller GoRide boards have one-of-a-kind deck design and are backpack and carryon friendly.

The starting price is $599, and the base riding parameters are 12 mph top speed, 20-mile range,

10 % hill climb, and 250-lb weight limit.

Kuickwheel Serpent C Probably the cheapest and the smallest skateboard

on the market today, C from the Serpent Series by Kuickwheel is perfect for last mile transportation

and short campus rides.

It is 18 inches in length, less than 7 pounds in weight, and costs only $200.

Due to such small parameters, it can even be ridden by children, under supervision of


The remote control is pressure sensitive, making operation more intuitive and beginner


The board is already in production and can ordered on Indiegogo.

Lou Electric Skateboard Currently sold on Amazon and directly from

SoFlow, this electric board has a reduced length of 25 inches and weighs under 12 lbs.

Lou comes in three modifications, featuring a single-powerful motor in 1.0 and 2.0 and

a dual-powerful motor in 3.0.

It has sturdy and durable construction, multiple deck colors, and swappable spare parts.

It also beats many competitors in terms of riding capabilities, as even the cheapest

trim priced at $450 has 17 mph top speed and 10-mile range.

Boosted Board Mini If you were to google an electric skateboard,

it goes without saying that Boosted Boards will be popping out everywhere you look.

Wondering why?

Because they are a legitimate benchmark of eboards of today.

In 2018 the company released a more affordable and compact model called Boosted Mini to broaden

their lineup and tend to the wider public, who seek affordable boards.

This is a 29.5-inches version available in two trims S and X.

The only difference found is the range 7 and 14 miles.The new Boosted is shorter, hence

more maneuverable, while it still remains a true performer reaching 18 mph top speed

and being able to climb 20% grade hills.

Acton Blink S and S2 Acton is among those electric boards manufacturers

who have already managed to gain a good reputation, for bringing reliable and powerful models

to the market, that at the same time wont make you go bankrupt.

At the moment three small boards that comprise the lineup include Lite, S and S2.

While the Lite and S have rather humble specifications, it is the S2 with dual electric motors and

1 kW output that stands out.

A 250 lbs rider can travel as fast as 18 mph, tackiling 20% hills for 14 miles.

And lastly Acton boards stand out by featuring special LED safety lighting.

Are you currently shopping for an electric board?

If so follow the links below the video, some of these boards are sold on Amazon!

Share your thoughts about electric last mile transportation vehicles!

Subscribe to Must See Tech for more content like this!

We are informative, modern and fun!

We will be waiting for you to come back soon!

For more infomation >> Top 8 Electric Skateboards So Small You Can Even Fit Them into a Backpack - Duration: 10:52.


Why is Fortnite so good? - Duration: 4:56.

Ahh Fortnite, it's the game we know and love, yet sometimes come to hate.


Before we talk more about it, let's discuss the original Battle Royale games.

No, not that one, we don't talk about that one.

Ahh yes, H1Z1 and PUBG.

H1Z1 is no longer really relevant, so let's talk about PUBG.

PUBG's early access was released about 6 months before Fortnite, and the game soon

hit the top of the charts, having more hours played than Valve's popular games CSGO and

Dota 2 combined.

PUBG proved that Battle Royale games would become the next big thing and there was a

wide open market for a free Battle Royale game just like PUBG.

This is where Fortnite came in.

Originally, Fortnite was never meant to be a Battle Royale game, but a zombie survival


In fact, when Fortnite (Save the World) released in July of 2017 it actually wasn't an instant


Minecraft in 2009 had more traction than save the world did.

Regardless, when they released their Battle Royale Gamemode just a few months later, it

was instantly greeted with wild success.

The game has even made the news countless times and celebrities even play the game.

Why has Fortnite become such a worldwide phenomenon?

Well, I'll tell you why -- It's simply because the game is good (*cough* and free *cough*).

Fortnite's building and combat systems reward the player for their fast-paced gameplay and

allow for a diverse range of playstyles.

You have the guy who builds over you You have the camper

You have the 4 damage headshot enthusiast You have the John Wick

You have the one no skin who you 1v1 in the end of the game and lose to because he gets

a pump shot to your head and then you realize that you were his only kill...

You have the guy who snipes you from 250 meters away in the head while you were jumping.

You have the guy who lands at the house that you landed at first that somehow gets a weapon

before you.

You have the guy who only plays to complete the challenges

You have the sky base builders. and you have the guys who only want to land

at Tilted Towers every single game.

There are also a wide variety of weapons to choose from, whether it be the pump shotgun

or the tactical shotgun.

The guns come in a variety of rarities, giving you the color satisfaction you never had in


The gameplay is also much more fast-paced than the likes of PUBG, as the map size is

much smaller and the movement and gameplay is faster and more fluid.

As well as this, Fortnite has a great anti-cheat, very different from PUBG.

Although PUBG is more realistic, why would you spend $30 on it when you can get a game

like Fortnite for free?

You know, in my day, the price for hours of entertainment was about $49.99, sometimes

a bit cheaper with the occasional Gamestop or EB Games discounts.

Nowadays, some of the most popular games in the world are free, making their profit from

in-game cosmetics and skinsssss.

The top free competitive games like League of Legends and Dota 2 require hundreds of

hours to learn, with League even forcing you to grind for hours to buy the champions you


Other free games are generally garbage.

In contrast, Fortnite feels like a premium paid-game, anyone can pick it up pretty quickly,

and you can actually play the FULL GAME without having to grind or pay money.

There around 700 people at Epic Games working on Fortnite, adding new content on a weekly

basis for free!

New weapons, items, and balance changes make for a very dynamic game, (jetpack) and ever

since the release of season 4, even the map is getting weekly changes.

Epic Games is a company who cares about the average gamer.

The gamer who wants new content, but doesn't want to fork over $20 per DLC.

Another thing that makes this game great as well as profitable is the seasonal battle


If you're the type of gamer who likes cosmetics and customization, but don't want to pay

$20 for a good looking legendary skin, then you can pay a 1 time fee of $10, unlocking

a few skins, dances, and emotes.

You'll even be able to save enough V-Bucks to get the battle pass the next season, granted

that you complete all the challenges.

Fortnite also has options for people who like to purchase skinsssss (ie use their parent's

credit cards).

There are currently 119 player skins, 53 pickaxes and 55 gliders -- with all the paid skins

totalling in at just over $1,100.

I personally haven't bought any skins, but you know, whatever floats your boat.

Fortnite also allows for crossplay, meaning a PC player such as myself can finally play

a game with an old friend who decided to buy a PS4 rather than build a computer.

This revolutionizes the gaming industry as Fortnite is one of the first major games to

allow for this.

I can even queue up with a friend who doesn't have a console or a PC, but a mobile device!

No not that one (yet).

You know, the guys at Epic Games did a pretty good job with Fortnite.

They've outdone other game studios and seem to care more about the players than the money.

For more infomation >> Why is Fortnite so good? - Duration: 4:56.


[GDVH][Vietsub|Engsub] How NielOng became so close - Duration: 0:59.

Daniel: When asked how I got close with Seongwu hyung...

Daniel: ... it's Produce 101

Daniel: Usually with people who you are really close to, you can't clearly remember how you got so close.

Daniel: Me too. But recently, I remembered it~

Daniel: During P101, I got into "A" Class & we had to film Nayana with 101 ppl.

Daniel: Me & Seongwu hyung were in the same row.

Daniel: All of us in "A" class had to dance 100x from start to finish.

Mark: Wow...

Daniel: It was really tiring & so like that we sat down.

Daniel: And we met eyes and started talking. From that moment on we got close.

Mark: Yeah there definitely has to be something like that, so...

Daniel: Yeah, we understood each other super well.

Daniel: I was really happy~~~

For more infomation >> [GDVH][Vietsub|Engsub] How NielOng became so close - Duration: 0:59.


Prinz George und Charlotte: So verbringen sie ihre Ferien - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Prinz George und Charlotte: So verbringen sie ihre Ferien - Duration: 2:37.


So... I jumped off a mountain. - Duration: 7:30.

So, I don't know if it's obvious or not

but I'm the kind of person who's afraid of

most things

social interactions, heights

the decay of modern political discourse.


And I'm aware that some of these fears are

a little irrational, like no one thinks that it's

weird that I'm a little afraid of cars given the fact that

it's the leading cause of death for people ages

15 to 29, and I'm 20.

uh-oh. But suddenly I'm weird for engaging

in a staring contest with a giant bug with wings

for an hour because i was waiting for my roomate

to come back from the store with bug spray

because after seeing the bug, I yelled at her

to go buy some bug spray. It was really big

it was like this big!

Or like how when I was 10 years old, I was lying in

bed and looked up at the ceiling to find a spider.

Ah! Forced myself to go to sleep only to wake up

the next morning to find that the spider had vanished

So I did the rational thing and told

everybody that the spider had laid eggs

in my ear, and its little spider babies

were gonna eat my brain, just said my final

goodbyes, wrote out a will. I owned

nothing though, because I was 10 years old.

These fears have haunted me my entire

life. And even though I'm used to them,

it still gets kind of embarrassing. So I

figured now was as good a time to

figure out what the heck is wrong

with me. And when it comes to mental disorders

the authoritative guide has got to be,

the diagnostic and statistical manual of

mental disorders... or the DSM.

The DSM recognizes three kind of

phobias: social phobia, or social

anxiety, which is where you fear being negatively

judged in a social environment.

Agoraphobia, which is where you experience

fear in situations where you feel you

can't escape, and specific phobias

where you're afraid of a specific object or

situation. That object or situation is

known as the phobic stimulus.

And specific phobias are where you might find

fears that seem irrational. If you have a

specific phobia, the phobic stimulus might

make you feel anxious, and you

actively try to avoid it, even if it

doesn't seem rational. And this fear

needs to persist over 6 months.

In some cases, even impairing your ability to

function. Also it can't better be explained

by another illness. The worst part is, is that

when you have a specific phobia, you

probably know that it isn't rational.

But your brain just runs through the most

dangerous and unrealistic situations,

making it feel more and more real.

Your heart starts pounding, your hands

start to sweat, and your breathing

gets shallow. You might have a panic attack.

It's happened to me more than a few times,

and it sucks.

Because objectively, it's kind of

silly, there are people with coulrophobia,

the fear of clowns, or trypophobia,

the fear of clustered holes.

or even omphalophobia,

the fear of... belly buttons.

It might not make sense, but you can't stop

the fear reaction from exploding

inside of you, but why?

Why do phobias develop?

Well even though there are some genetic and

environmental correlations, phobias

usually develop through trauma.

Whether it's one you personally experience,

or one you witness. These

situations can be violent, or

sexual, or one that you just had

a panic attack in and just ruined

every future interaction.

And these usually occur in early childhood,

which is why, if you have a specific phobia

you probably can't remember,

why. It may have happened so long

ago but your response is ingrained in

the way that you live. It is incredible

how much a single moment

can affect the rest of your life in

a way that you cannot expect or

explain. And unfortunately, if a

phobia exists into adulthood, you're

probably never getting rid of it.


But there are some treatments,

meditation and relaxation techniques to help

calm down around something scary, or

cognitive behavioural therapy to help

rationalize your response, or

most popularly, exposure therapy.

Where you face your fear. Gradually.

I wish I remembered that part!

But since I'm not quite ready to even look

at a picture of a spider.

Exposure therapy take one.


why am I doing this? So that basic

goal is that I am going to

look at a picture of a spider on my

phone and see if I can do it for 5 seconds.

Spiders are my fear,

this is my nightmare, but I wrote the

script, so I guess I'm

doing it!

I could've just not written this in.


Spiderman Homecoming. That's what I wanted!

No no no. Just searching up spiders

and... go! I'm gonna let you look

first 'cause I don't want to look.

Oh, they're blurry on the preview

but i can tell, I could tell

that they're there. I know it's

stupid but I'm scared it's just gonna jump

off the screen and be like, "Ha ha

gocha!" Alright I'm looking at my phone. 3... 2...

1... NOPE!


There's not reason for them to have that

many legs. Change of plan, we're going

with my second greatest fear:


So I went to Gaisberg mountain and

jumped off of it.

Let me explain.

This is Walter, he's been

paragliding for over 30 years and

it was his job to make sure I

didn't die.

He's also literally the best.

So, after falling 4226 feet, or

1288 metres if you wanted to use the units of

measurement god intended.

Am I still afraid of heights? Yeah.

The entire time I was just

succumbing to gravity, my brain was just

switching between two modes.

This isn't real, all of this is fake.

And, ah yes, so this is

how I die. But really the second one

kind of came out as: [yelling]

Like at one point, Walter just went

"Oh no!" which are the two words you could ever

say if you are in control

of somebody's life, but

maybe staying scared

is kind of the point. Maybe facing your

fear isn't that you just stopped

being afraid, it's

just that you found the courage,

or the bravery, or the

stupidity to

just keep going. Maybe

I will always have that sinking feeling

in my gut whenever I look at a bug

or out a window. But maybe

I'm one step closer to

not letting that stop me.

Now what about you guys? What is you biggest

fear, let me know down below. I hope you liked

this video, I am still playing around

with this new style, but I hope you like it.

I do. Speaking of which, if every

thing goes according to plan, in one

week's time, I will be premiering

the documentary I made in partnership with


I premiered it in real life at

Buffer Festival LA, speaking of which

there's a Getty Image of me from

the red carpet, I can't afford

the licensing rights to this picture of

me! Didn't think we'd make it this far.

So there are seven days until

The Sourtoe Cocktail. I will be

dropping behind the scenes stories, footage

and teasers on my Instagram story and

Twitter, so make sure you're following me there.

But either way, have a lovely day!

For more infomation >> So... I jumped off a mountain. - Duration: 7:30.



We are going to react to BTS's MV // So direct! // Extended version.

Did I said it right? // Yes!

It dropped a few hours ago.

We were going to made a video and we were like "do we react to what?"

And then BTS dropped an MV and I was like yaasss.

I'm already nervous.

It's another perspective // Wait it's diferent.

You start spelling bad already lmao.

He was closing the other, he's closing everything.


Now Jungkook comes. // His beauty! // The flower.

(His beauty) hurts here! Okay is that smeraldo flower? (lmao)

It will get dark. // Now Jungkook comes. // The MV's part.

Okay so far so good.


There's a guitar!


It has a lot of new things!


Does this mean that they- // VKOOK! // recorded 2 versions??

Nobody deserves this. // It has a lot of tHINGS!

It's a band version fghjk

Oh my god!! JIMIIIN!!

He's protecting the flower!

Wait! // He's looking.. / No, the mirror reflection he was wearing a suit.

It's a fake love.

He's pretending to be something he is not.

Are you seeing his gaze? // I hope that the water doesn't fall down.

The lenses, okay.

Jungkook is looking at him!

Jungkook save your boy! JIKOOOK!

Jin is seeing them too?

Jin, what are you looking at? // He gave up. // HE DOESN'T HAVE THE FLOWER!

This music make the MV look more dramatic!

This is were the house is falling apart.

Oh, it's V! // So beautiful!!


This scene! // It hit here.

Go, Jungkookie!

Wait, everything is turning into sand!

It's like... their world is falling apart. // Exactly!

They are on top of each other.

They're smartphones I think.

They're mirrors.

His facial expressions!

Touch it! // I'm already not understading.

He got through! // No!

The guitar from the instrumental. (lmao)

He's eating snickers.

What a fright! // Me too!

Thought he'd fainted with the snickers. // Same!

Jungkookie save Suga! YOONKOOK!

It's the fire.

Is he imagining the fire?

Are they all dreaming about things that don't do good to them?

I don't know. I think that this scenes are real

Look! That is a fireplace! // I know!

It's now! // Don't enter. Whatever that is DON'T ENTER!

I won't cry right now because I already know what is going to happen (sort of).

With water.. // Okay we have already seen this because it's part of the mv.

Now.. when it cames to the minute that is left..

Let's see what's coming. It is from now on, it is from the "evil sir".

Let's see what's going to happen to the sir.

The flower petals..

And the sand! // Gosh, he's so beautiful!

He is trying to figure it out what's happening.

What's happening x2 WHAT?? x2

Whatever that is.. don't enter! Jimin no, water not.

Did you say Jimin? // Yes because of the water scene right now. // Oh, that's right.

There she goes.

This scenes were real!

It's hurting. // It's hurting so bad.. JIMIN!

Snickers ate him!

More fire!

He is being consumed by things. // Suga's smile..

He's going to enter! I told you not to enter!!

Inside is the men!

I think..

Jungkookie... ABS!

I'm not understading, it's a key?

It's a lock? // It's the key he didn't get in the magic shop (I WAS SO CONFUSED LMAO)

I'm shivered in the face (AHAH).

He's lost in the world.

V, you can do it. /

Save me, I'm fine. // I'm fine, save me. (lmao)

He'll give the hand now.

It's now the bad sir.

It's the bad sir.. He's so scaring!! // So scaring!!

This is worse than a horror movie.

It's not over yet.

It's now.

It's the bad guy! // Their performance of FAKE LOVE WITH THE COVERS!!

THEIR PERFORMANCE!! // Wait I was going to say that the bad men is Jungkook

It has to do with the performance, they gave a huge spoiler.

Is it now that they go to the store?

Magic Shop?

Wait what if all of them are-

wAIT, NO! // They are the members with the masks, I think.

Because in the performance it was also.

Jungkookie... // Put yours! Oh, what a king, look at him.

This is the carnival of Venice with the masks.

They are scaring me. Will they-

Since the beginning have they been the bad men? // Are they the evil of themselves?

It's scaring me.. Oh!

Is it over?

I thought it was going to have more explanations.

I'm so confused! // Same, I'm even more confused!

What? // Do you remember that in the teaser they were exchanging.

Yes // I also do not know if I'm thinking well because this affects a person's brain cells.

I think Jungkook gave a key.

Or they gave him the key to Jungkook. // Yes, for him to enter the door.

To go to the bad guys. ""bad""

That man is not BTS.

Unless it was Jin. // But why are they wearing covers? THAT IS THE QUESTION.

They're wearing hoods because that's their true identity.

Or rather they are trying- // It's kind of their subconscious.

No. You see when you pretend to be someone you're not? Like putting on a good student mask? (Example of our philosophy stor) // Yes.

Someone save Jikook.

And Yoonkook. // And Vkook. // And Yoonmin.

Because... fire and water.. My poor babies.

You're doing great sweetie.

Darling, what's happening to you... SWEETIE?

We hope you enjoyed our reaction. // Yes.

Give it a thumbs up for more videos and more reactions of kpop groups.

And.. comment down below if you want us to react to something.

In the next video we will react to a theory. A fake love theory.

And then we'll see what happened here because I'm very confused.

My brain cells are not working. // Neither mines.

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