These Gorgeous Small Houseboats Will Cooling Your Summer Hollyday
When the boss is away, RockPunch will... play? - Duration: 2:14.sound speeding
Sammie's coming back, right?
Pfft, on Monday.
Where will you go for Canada day? 溫哥華13個加拿大國慶日必去活動!! - Duration: 5:03.-------------------------------------------
Lottery for drawing 1000 BIP will be held weekly - Lottery for Ethereum smart contract addressees. - Duration: 1:02.Hello everyone!
Today I want to introduce you to our loterry smart contract that will draw BIP tokens on weekly basis.
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Joachim Low: Will Germany boss be sacked after World Cup nightmare and South Korea loss? - Duration: 2:30.Germany are out of the World Cup after South Korea beat them 2-0 to end their four-year spell as champions
Low signed a new deal shortly before the tournament started but now, after their shocking nightmare, his future is shrouded in uncertainty
Germany are usually up their with the elite when it comes to World Cups. They won it four years ago and were expected to take the tournament by storm once again
However, it was not to be. Dire in their first game against Mexico, they have failed to find any sort of World Cup momentum
If you lose your opening game, you're in trouble. And, despite Toni Kroos sparing their blushes against Sweden, Germany have never looked likely to respond
Against South Korea today, they were abysmal again. And Low, who has been in charge ever since 2006, may have ran out of steam
The 58-year-old was tipped to join either Arsenal or Real Madrid before he signed a contract extension
Arsenal wanted him to replace Arsene Wenger but, after being rebuffed, were forced to turn to Unai Emery instead
Real, meanwhile, were eyeing him as their heir to Zinedine Zidane. But, like Arsenal, Low chose to reject them in favour of managing Germany
Now, though, that looks like the wrong decision with the World Cup winners of four years ago out at the first stage
And Low's head may be on a stick, with fans likely to demand action after their nightmare campaign this year
However, it would mean them forking out a huge £13.6m to release him from the contract penned in May
"God Will Judge the World" - Duration: 28:32.In all the hurry and hustle and confusion of modern living,
the Lord has a way.
We believe that the Bible is God's revelation of His way.
We invite you to join us for
In Search of the Lord's Way with Mack Lyon.
My friend, we welcome you to our program of Bible
study in Search of the Lord's Way.
The Lord's way to live: that's a great
and noble ideal, isn't it?
But there are so many ways that are supposed to be
the Lord's way, it's confusing; just which way
is His way and how can a person know?
It is in the New Testament.
Of course, that is where it is.
Now over the years since the last New Testament
book was written, there've been lots of ideas about
it, and some of them have been formalized into
church creeds and catechisms, but you and I
can go around those and before them, right to the
New Testament as the source of our faith.
Of course we can, and that's
what we're doing in these programs.
We're glad to have you with us today.
This one today is our fifteenth in a series of
messages from the apostle Paul's sermon about God
delivered on Mars' Hill in the city of
Athens in Acts 17:22-30.
He has spoken of God as Creator of heaven and
earth and everything that's in them; as the
Sovereign Ruler of everything He created.
He's shown Him to be Spirit so that He isn't
restricted to our limited concepts of space and time.
He has revealed God as the sole object of man's
worship; as the great Giver of life, breath and
all things; and as the loving Father, giving
mankind identity as His offspring.
He's spoken of God's great grace in granting the
sinner man repentance unto life.
But, there's one thing more everyone must know
about God and we come to that in today's study of verse 30.
God Will Judge The World, and that is the title
we've given today's program.
God, the Almighty, the all-knowing, the all
loving God, the judge of the world? Yes!
We hear and read in the news media of the
injustices of our justice system, which is probably
the best such system in the world, and we're
amazed and disgusted, and sometimes made to wonder
if there is such a thing as justice at all --for
anyone, anywhere, anytime?
By the frequent miscarriages of justice in
our society, our concept of justice can become so
warped that we wonder.
But, oh yes, there is justice for all.
And after Ken Helterbrand leads the Edmond, Oklahoma
Church of Christ in a hymn of praise to God the
honorable Judge of the universe, I'll be back and
we'll read those verses from the Bible and pray together.
I'm reading from Acts chapter 17 beginning at
verse 22 then Paul stood in the midst of Mars Hills
and said you men of Athens I proceed that in
all things you're very religious far as I passed
by and beheld your devotions I found an altar
with this inscription to the unknown God whom
therefore you ignorantly worship Him declined to
you God that made the world and all things
therein seeing his lord of heaven and earth dwelleth
not in temples made with hands neither is
worshipped with men's hands as though he needed
anything seeing he giveth to all life and breath and
all things and hath made of one blood all nations
of men for to dwell on the face of the earth and has
determined the times before appointed in the
bounds of their habitation that they should seek the
Lord if haply they might feel after him and find
him though he be not very far from every one of us
for in him we live and move and have our being as
certain also of your own poets have said for we are
his offspring for as much then as we as offspring of
God we ought not to think that the God that is like
in the gold or silver a stone graven by art and
man's device and the times of this ignorance God
winked at but now commandeth all men
everywhere to repent because he has appointed a
day in which he will judge the world in righteousness
by that man whom he hath ordained wear off he hath
given assurance unto all men in that he hath raised
him from the dead now let us go to this great God in
prayer a father we bow before you humbly and
approach you only in the name of Jesus Christ they
give you thanks and praise for life and all things in
it we are aware the source of our blessings and we
are grateful before you fought them we're thankful
for the blessings of this privilege in this way of
communicating and studying together in your word and
we pray your blessings on our study too draw us
nearer to you as we meditate upon these
precious truths in the name of Jesus amen
Having preached the true God to the Athenians and
assured them that in the past God had no universal
plan for turning men from idolatry, but now He does,
He now commands all men everywhere to repent,
"Because," says Paul, "he hath appointed a day, in
the which he will judge the world. . ."
Judgment day! Judgment day for the whole world!
It's already been set; been set by
none other than God, Himself!
And, quite frankly I am a little more than
surprised, I am astonished that Paul, the greatest
advocate of God's unbounded grace that ever
has been, doesn't appeal to the grace of God, as
motive to repentance --or the goodness of God as he
mentioned in Romans 2:4.
Instead he uses, what modern ministries strictly
avoid, the dreadful thought of judgment day.
Men everywhere are commanded of God to
repent, not because the marvelous grace of God is
going to reckon everything and everyone alright, or
because He loves us so much and is so good to us,
but because He has set a day in which He will judge the world.
Say, that borders on what some of us would call
"hell-fire-and-brimstone-p reaching," doesn't it?
We really shouldn't be surprised at Paul in this,
though, because in the book of Romans, admittedly
the greatest dissertation of the grace of God ever
written, he wrote, "After thy hardness and
impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself
wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of
the righteous judgment of God; Who will render to
every man according to his deeds: To them who by
patient continuance in well doing seek for glory
and honour and immortality, eternal life:
But unto them that are contentious, and do not
obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness,
indignation and wrath, Tribulation and anguish,
upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the
Jew first, and also of the Gentile; But glory,
honour, and peace, to every man that worketh
good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:
For there is no respect of persons with God" (Rom. 2:5-11).
The Holy Spirit says in Hebrews 9:27 that it "is
appointed unto men once to die, but after this the
judgment." And again in Hebrews 10:30-31 He says,
"For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth
unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord.
And again, The Lord shall judge his people.
It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the
living God." No presentation of the
gospel, the good news of God, would be complete
without reference to Him as the Judge of all mankind.
Here in Athens, Paul says of Him that He "will judge
the world in righteousness." That is good news!
It is a righteous judgment to which we are summoned.
I'm reminded by this statement of an incident
in the Old Testament.
When God saw the extreme wickedness of the people
of Sodom and Gomorrah and planned to exercise His
righteous judgment and destroy them for it, He
confided in Abraham, because you see,
Abraham had family there.
And Abraham interceded for Sodom.
He asked God, if fifty righteous people could be
found in Sodom, would He spare the city,
and God said He would.
Well, you know the story.
It's found in Genesis 18, how he finally reduced the
number to ten; if just ten righteous people could be
found in Sodom, would God spare it.
And it is in verse 25 that Abraham expressed the
faith in God that is important to our message today.
He said, "Shall not the Judge of all
the earth do right?" Oh yes!, my friend.
We approach the final judgment of God with the
fullest confidence, with absolute faith, that our
God will do the right thing by us
--and by everyone else, too.
There will be no bias or
prejudice or discrimination there.
There will be no favoritism, no
partisanship or one-sidedness with God.
God is known by His justice.
It is hard for us to conceive of such absolute justice.
Paul wrote the Corinthian Christians, "To me it is a
very small thing that I should be examined (judged
KJV) by you, or by any human court; in fact, I do
not even examine (judge) myself.
I am conscious of nothing against myself, yet I am
not by this acquitted; but the one who examines
(judges) me is the Lord" (I Cor. 4:3-4 NASV).
Three things are important there: (1) In the final
judgment of the world, we won't be judging one another.
Oh, we pass such rash and careless and hateful and
mean --and uncalled-for judgments against one
another in this life.
People make such uninformed, unfounded and
unjust judgments against others they don't like,
that it's sad and discouraging.
God, forgive us!
Well, we won't be judging one another
when we appear before God.
I'm glad! Aren't you? That's good news!
(2) This may come as a surprise to a lot of
people, but we won't be judging ourselves, either.
Paul put it this way in the passage we just cited
from I Corinthians, "I am conscious of nothing
against myself, yet I am not by this acquitted." If
asked, I would imagine by far the most of us would
see no reason why we shouldn't go to heaven.
But, that won't be the determining factor.
(3) The one who will judge us all is the Lord.
Ah, that's good news.
Now we have confidence in the justice of it, don't we?
In Paul's sermon we're studying, he said that God
"hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge
the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath
ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all
men, in that he hath raised him from the dead."
Despite the fact that He isn't mentioned by name,
this is an obvious reference to Jesus Christ
--and so far as we can tell, it is the first
reference to Him in Paul's Mars' Hill sermon.
Some of the apostle's modern critics are swift
to point this out, and to hold that that was undoubtedly
a contributing factor to His "failure" in Athens.
Did Paul not preach the gospel of Christ in Athens?
His critics say, "No, he did not." However, we know
that Luke, the author of the book of Acts gave us
only a brief summary of the sermon and, it would
have been totally without meaning and effect to talk
about our Lord's resurrection, without
having preceded it with something about His life
and death and burial.
But the point of interest here is that God is going
to judge the world by Jesus Christ, whom He has
ordained or appointed, and confirmed it by His
resurrection from the dead.
But, if Christ is actually going to be our judge --by
the authority delegated to Him by the Father --what
about all those verses that say He
came not to judge but to save?
Let's look at some of them.
There is the familiar and beloved "golden text" of
the Bible (John 3:16) that says that "God so loved
the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
but have everlasting life." And the next verse
says, "For God sent not his Son into the world to
condemn (judge NASV) the world; but that the world
through him might be saved." That thought is
repeated in John 12:47 in which Jesus is speaking
again and He says, "If any man hear my words, and
believe not, I judge him not: for I came not to
judge the world, but to save the world."
Well, there are others.
Then, there are those passages such as John 5:22
in which Jesus says, "The Father judgeth no man, but
hath committed all judgment unto the Son."
And He continues in verse 26, "As the Father hath
life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to
have life in himself; And hath given him authority
to execute judgment also, because he is the Son of
man." Does Jesus contradict Himself when in
one set of passages He says He came not to judge
the world, but to save; and in another set He says
He will judge the world by the authority
given Him by the Father?
No, no of course not.
There's no conflict in the Scriptures.
The point is that Jesus Christ came the first time
to save, and when He comes again, He is coming to judge.
He is now our Savior, but when He comes again, He
will come to judge. That's right.
Look: In the twenty-fifth chapter of the gospel of
Matthew, Jesus tells three parables all of which
relate to His second coming, the end of the
world and the judgment.
The third one begins in verse 31 where He is
saying: "When the Son of man shall come in his
glory, and all the holy angels with him, then
shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And
before him shall be gathered all nations: and
he shall separate them one from another, as a
shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And
he shall set the sheep on his right hand,
but the goats on the left.
Then shall the King say unto them on his right
hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the
kingdom prepared for you from the
foundation of the world. . .
Then shall he say also unto them on the left
hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting
fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. . .
And these shall go away into everlasting
punishment: but the righteous into life
eternal." (Now I have had to leave out some verses
because of the limitations of our time.
You need to read the whole story for yourself because
what was omitted was the basis on which some were
saved and some were lost.
It was a matter of works, my friend.
No, no, no, they were not saved by good works, but
those were lost who didn't do them.) And, what we
read was our Lord's own teaching about the
universal judgment of mankind.
Please notice, He said, "When the Son of man shall come. . .
there will be judgment.
No, it hasn't happened; it's future.
"When the Son of man shall come. . .
Before him were gathered all nations," Jews and
Gentiles, men and women, all nationalities, all
languages and tongues and ages.
While it will be a universal judgment, it
will also be a personal one.
We'll not be judged by nations: "Oh Lord, you
know I was a citizen of a Christian nation." Nor
will we be judged by families: "Well now Lord,
I had a good old mother and one of the finest
father's a boy ever had, and all my brothers and
sisters were Christians, too." No, it won't be that way.
We won't be judged by churches or congregations.
"Well now, Lord, the church I joined was a
great church, lots of lovely people."
No, no, don't count on it.
The Holy Spirit wants us to know that.
He wrote in Romans 14:11-12,
". . . As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to
me, and every tongue shall confess to God.
So then every one of us shall give account of
himself to God." And again in II Corinthians 5:10-11,
He says, "We must all appear before the judgment
seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things
done in his body, according to that which he
hath done, whether it be good or bad."
Let us go to God in prayer dear father we thank you
for the message that you've given us about
judgment grant us the courage now and the faith
to respond to your teaching and prepare for
judgment in the precious name of Jesus Amen
That God will judge the world by Jesus Christ just
has to be one of the best-news parts
of the Christian gospel.
You see, it's certain.
"Justice delayed is justice denied." Justice
is as much a part of God's character as
grace or love or generosity.
God's judgment will be impartial and thorough.
It will be universal and personal.
It will be thorough and just.
It will be final and irrevocable --never
overturned by a higher court, for there is no higher court.
There's one other question about it that we need to
answer, though, before we go: on what
basis will mankind be judged?
The beloved apostle John, while exiled on the island
of Patmos for preaching the gospel of Jesus
Christ, had a vision.
He wrote it all down.
It's the book of Revelation.
And in it, he was given a vision of judgment day
which he wrote in Revelation 20:11-15: "And
I saw a great white throne," he said, "and him
that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the
heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them.
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before
God; and the books were opened: and another book
was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead
were judged out of those things which were written
in the books, according to their works.
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and
death and hell [hades] delivered up the dead
which were in them: and they were judged every man
according to their works.
And death and hell [hades] were cast into the lake of fire.
This is the second death.
And whosoever was not found written in the book
of life was cast into the lake of fire." Are you
ready for the judgment day, my friend.
I pray you are, but if not, get ready, now --today.
Let us help you, will you?
Call or write me.
Here's our address: In Search of the Lord's Way,
P.O. Box 371, Edmond, OK 73083.
Our toll-free telephone number is 1-800-321-8633.
If you'd like a free printed copy or an audio
cassette tape of today's program --or any other
program in this series, please use that same
address or telephone number.
You won't need to send money, because everything
we do for people is free to them.
This is a ministry of Christians and
congregations who love you and want to share the
message of New Testament Christianity with you.
We would like you to worship with us though at
your very first opportunity.
There's probably a church of Christ right near you,
but should you need help locating it, please call us.
We're planning to be back next week at this same time.
We hope you'll plan to do it too.
God bless you now, we love you.
"It will be passed on to our children" - Bans Lopez - Miskitu people from HONDURAS - Duration: 1:05.-------------------------------------------
June 28th Morning Rush: Trump says Justice Kennedy's replacement will come from list of 25 - Duration: 8:23.-------------------------------------------
Man Utd: Why Jose Mourinho will be delighted with the World Cup so far - Duration: 4:05.Mourinho has been in Russia working as a pundit for RT, keeping an eye on his players and potential targets for this summer
And so far so good in many ways with much of his previous ideas justified and a mixture of success for his players
Prior to the tournament in Russia, when making his predictions, he said he wanted Nemanja Matic out early so he could get a rest
"It's very difficult, I don't want to be emotional but I have to be," the Portuguese coach told RT
"I want my players to win but I also want my players to go on holiday. "I need Matic to go on holiday so Switzerland to finish second
I'm sorry Nemanja but you need a holiday." Yesterday Serbia bowed out after a 2-0 defeat to Brazil, meaning Matic will have the next few weeks off before pre season
Elsewhere Marouane Fellaini is yet to play but should be involved tonight against England, meaning he should be relatively fresh if Roberto Martinez sticks with the same group for the knockout rounds
Fred, his £52m signing, is in the same boat and is yet to feature after three games
Phil Jones and Marcus Rashford likewise. Had Rashford played and shone fans would be wondering why Mourinho has been unable to get the best out of him this season
He may still get a chance tonight against Belgium and if he impresses he could get an extended run
On the other end of the scale are players Mourinho has backed through thick and thin and he will be delighted with their influence so far in the tournament
Romelu Lukaku and Jesse Lingard have been two of the stars so far with both Belgium and England cruising into the second round before tonight's showdown for top spot
Lingard scored the goal of the game against Panama and has looked lively throughout, while Lukaku has four goals, trailing only England's Harry Kane
While Ashley Young has done OK at left-wing-back for England. And then to players who Mourinho won't mind struggling through the tournament
David de Gea has been United's best players for the past four years and is constantly linked with Real Madrid
And now in as Spain's No 1 he was expected to help them to glory, but it hasn't quite been so positive
He dropped Cristiano Ronaldo's shot in the first game and has conceded five goals in all, which may convince Madrid to look elsewhere
Mourinho will certainly appreciate that. Paul Pogba has also been criticised for his performances for France following a difficult season at Old Trafford
An underwhelming campaign will add to Mourinho's power over Pogba in getting him either to fit into his system or to sit on the bench
And, like with Rashford, had Pogba excelled, Mourinho may have faced tough questions over his management of him
And finally a player who Mourinho may be looking to get shot of has helped his reputation, with Marcos Rojo scoring Argentina's last-gasp winner against Nigeria
How the SCOTUS decision on union fees will affect Central Ohio workers - Duration: 2:30.-------------------------------------------
Will Democrats face trouble in California primary? - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
The best ad you will ever see. - Duration: 1:45.Aren't you tired of working all day?
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Will the compromise immigration bill ban separating families at the border? - Duration: 8:17.-------------------------------------------
How will the kilogramme be defined in the future? - Duration: 2:15.We have a good definition already for the second
Maybe there will be a redefinition, but not in the next years.
We have a good definition for the metre as well.
But all the others have to be revised, in particular also the kilogramme.
Because, as I said before [in episode no.
3], this is still the artefact.
The kilogramme in the new system, now can be realised by two possibilities.
One is that you really have a balance.
And on this balance on the one side you have a kilogramme and the gravitational force brings
it to the ground.
And you balance this one kilogramme on the other side by some electrical force.
And these electrical forces than finally can be expressed in terms of the so called von
Klitzing constant and the Josephson constant and they connect them to quantum properties,
to the electron charge and to the Planck constant, finally.
So, you can relate the gravitational force to an electric force and this you can express
by these defining constants.
This is one way in the new system to realise the kilogramme.
Another way is that, what we proceed in a large international collaboration: You measure
the number of atoms in a sphere, in a crystal sphere, of about nine centimetres diameter.
You measure the number of atoms.
When you know the number of atoms then you need some mass scale.
And this you get from basic quantum mechanics.
And there the Planck constant comes into play again, you have to fix it in order to then
realise it.
So, you have on the one side the number of atoms, on the other side you have a mass scale
given by quantum mechanics.
And by that you can define the kilogramme; by so many atoms where you know that each
atom weighs so and so much.
McDonald's Takes a Cue from Seinfeld and Will Start Serving Muffin Tops - News Today - Duration: 1:38.McDonald's is seemingly taking a page out of the Seinfeld playbook. In an effort to revamp their breakfast offerings, the fast food chain will begin testing "Muffin Toppers" in Baltimore-area restaurants, according to Bloomberg
The baked goods consist of various flavored muffins without their bottom half, which just happens to be Julia Louis Dreyfus' character Elaine Benes' favorite part of the muffin
In the '90s sitcom, Benes obsessed over just the tops of the muffins, and even went so far as to open a shop called Top of the Muffin to You! However, Benes and her co-founder quickly ran into a problem when they couldn't find a solution for what to do with the bottom half of the treat
The stumps were even rejected from a soup kitchen because they were missing their tops
Bloomberg reports that they will be "baked fresh daily" and include flavors like blueberry, double chocolate, and lemon poppyseed
There's no word yet on what's happening to the stumps. According to a spokesperson from the burger chain, the muffins will be part of a larger roll out of other breakfast items and baked goods in the McCafé repertoire
The First Thing Khloé Kardashian Ate After Giving Birth Was a McDonald's Hash Brown "We took our eye off the ball on breakfast," the company's Chief Financial Officer Kevin Ozan told Bloomberg in May
"With everything else going on, we just lost a little focus on that breakfast day part
" Alongside their muffin toppers, the brand plans to launch coffee cakes, cookies, and apple pies with lattice crusts that are baked in house
Click here to subscribe to the People Food newsletter. "We continue to look at ways to offer new breakfast menu items and experiences at the compelling value of McDonald's," the representative said
"This includes our commitment to coffee, and continuing to give customers more tastes and choices from McCafé
" In recent months, the burger joint has focused on revamping their coffee through their Cold Brew frozen drinks and limited-edition Turtle Beverages, and they are testing breakfast catering in 195 Orlando restaurants
Tags Breakfast Fast Food McDonald's News
Bridgit Mendler - Love Will Tell Us Where To Go - Duration: 3:22.Bridgit Mendler - Love Will Tell Us Where To Go
Bridgit Mendler - Love Will Tell Us Where To Go
What 🔴 Will Jim Bob Say?!🔔Jill Duggar Posts Most Revealing Pic Yet - Duration: 3:33.-------------------------------------------
10 Hot Weather Girls Who Will Motivate You To Watch The News - Duration: 8:22.10 Hot Weather Girls Who Will Motivate You To Watch The News
What's one of the first things you do every morning?
Ah, we know you attend to "nature's call" but what after you you've flushed your morning
business down the drain?
Yes, you check the weather app but suppose we drag you back to what you'll probably
call Stone Age then you'll switch on the TV and tune in to some weather channel.
Though this may sound SO "last decade" but the female news presenters are motivation
enough for us to go through this morning ordeal.
Don't believe us?
Check out our list of the 10 hottest weather girls and then you can dutifully delete the
app in your phone and go back to the good old days of TV weather reports!
Number 10.
Evelyn Taft This "blonde bombshell" doesn't quite
shows off her looks but when you are a weather girl for a news channel, you can't help
After all, thousands of people are looking at you and admiring your looks!
That's exactly the case with Evelyn Taft, the famous American journalist, news anchor
and news director.
She is very beautiful and stylish to say the least.
In an interview with Life of Liberte, Taft explained how she makes it a point to keep
it "classy" instead of "trashy.
CBS Los Angeles, KCAL 9, the channel that Taft works for, has been number one at a key
ratings hour ever since she began working with other members of the team.
No points for guessing that Taft knows how to attract audience!
Number 9.
Lluvia Carrillo When your bio reads- weather girl, TV host
and "Mexican MODEL", there is practically no doubt about your beauty!
Lluvia Carrillo fits this description perfectly and since 196k people are following her on
Instagram, we know for sure that she is doing something right!
Apart from working as a weather reporter, Carrillo participated in "Our Beauty Nuevo
Leon 2014" in which she placed second overall.
That clears any doubts you had about her looks, right?
Now you already know that Lluvia is a journalist but did you know that she has a degree in
Number 8.
Kristi Capel Before you even begin to question the beauty
of this American television newscaster from Springfield, Missouri, let's get some facts
Kristi completed a Bachelor of Science degree in Broadcasting and Public Relations with
honors in 2005.
That proves why she is in this profession but as for her beauty, she won the 2005 Miss
Missouri USA pageant.
Kristi may not be all over Instagram like her other weather gal comrades, but she's
definitely known as one of the hotter weather women around.
Number 7.
Leticia Castro Weather anchor and bilingual journalist seen
on Telemundo, Univision and ABC Sacramento is Leticia Castro.
You have also seen her as a host and ring girl for Lucha Libre USA Masked Warriors.
She was born in California on October 17, 1988 to Mexican parents but she grew up in
Las Vegas.
Basic information is good but what is about her that makes the heart go racing?
Well, she came into limelight as a model and pageant contestant with the hit reality show
"Nuestra Belleza Latina".
She was the fourth runner up nationwide.
In short, she is a model and it is her enigmatic charisma and charming personality that makes
her captivating to her audience!
Number 6.
Mayte Carranco At 43 years, Mayte Carranco is breathtakingly
Oh come on, she didn't win the beauty pageant Miss Televisa Monterrey for nothing!
Apart from being a model, Mayte is also a TV presenter.
She is this popular weather girl who knows that she's got ample "talents" and manages
to get due attention for them!
Her Instagram following of 249k proves the worth of her beauty, you don't expect all
these people to be oblivious of her charm, do you?
Plus her dress sense is impeccable, especially when she decides to flaunt her curves and
put them to the right use!
Number 5.
Jackie Guerrido It is safe to say that Jackie Guerrido is
one of the most seasoned weather vets on this list and also one of the hottest!
Even at 45, she looks flawless and we can't have enough of her!
The San Juan, Puerto Rico native may be one of the most celebrated weather women around
but things had not come easy to her.
When she was 7 years old, her mother was mistreated and she had to seek shelter at a domestic
violence shelter with her mother and sister.
Time went by as she worked for radio in Miami and then Univision took notice of Guerrido
and made her an offer to become the meteorologist for Morning News at Channel 23.
The fact that Jackie is gorgeous only made sure that she rocked the TV scene!
Number 4.
Sugey Abrego If you've ever watched weather news on Noticeros
Televias and seen Sugey Abrego do her thing, there's no way you haven't been smitten
by her!
The woman is gorgeous, beautiful, pretty and HOT!
She has a huge following of 227k followers on Instagram and she readily flaunts her awesome
body for them!
But that's not all about her, in 2016 she created real tsunami and we aren't talking
about the weather that she was reporting!
It was a wardrobe malfunction that was witnessed by thousands of people.
She wore an incredibly tight pair of shorts that appeared to create a familiar shape below
her belt.
She didn't notice it but she definitely garnered a lot of attention!
Number 3.
Ximena Cordoba Are you familiar with the name?
Well, it belongs to a Colombian model, actress and TV presenter.
She has worked as a weather reporter for Despierta América on Univision.
Yes, that same woman who has a cute smile and amazing eyes.
She is quite a sensation in the online world, her following of 1 million on Instagram speaks
for itself!
If there was anything lacking, Ximena has made sure that people had their eyes glued
only to her with that flirtatious style of news presenting and body hugging outfits that
compliment her curves so well.
You'll put on weather news just to watch her!
Number 2.
Sheena Parveen Born in India, Sheena Parveen moved to Florida
with her parents, early in life.
She later enrolled at the Florida State University where she studied meteorology.
She took up an internship at Tallahassee News, one of the biggest TVB markets in the US,
after graduation before joining WCTV located in Tallahassee, Florida as a journalist, reporter,
and weather forecaster.
From there everything changed and gradually she landed a position at Washington, D.C.'s
NBC4 after a 5-year stint at Philadelphia-based NBC10.
All good but what about her looks?
She is unbelievably hot and could have been a model easily with those looks but she chose
meteorology, hard luck for magazines and ramps!
Number 1.
Yanet Garcia When a woman is dubbed as the sexiest weather
woman, there is basically no doubt about her looks.
But if we don't focus on every curve of Yanet, it'll be disappointing to you.
Let's start with the most beautiful one, her smile.
Oops, were you expecting something else?
The woman has a gorgeous face and the smile that shows off her pearly whites is enticing.
When this weather girl for La Noticias on Televisas Monterrey talks about weather, things
turn pleasant for the viewers!
She hasn't got 6 million Instagram followers for nothings, the woman has got the looks
and nooks for it!
Which of these weather girls motivated you to watch weather news on TV?
Tell us in the comment section below.
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And while you're here, check out our other videos and tell us what you think of them.
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Thanks for watching.
How Princes William and Harry will mark Princess Diana's birthday on Sunday - Duration: 3:03.Prince William and Prince Harry will be remembering their mother Princess Diana this weekend, as Sunday marks what would have been the royal's 57th birthday
The brothers will no doubt be thinking of their mum on the day, from the privacy of their home; no official event has been scheduled
Last year, William and Harry attended a rededication service at Diana's grave as 2017 marked 20 years since the Princess' tragic death
Harry, William, his wife Kate and their children Prince George and Princess Charlotte travelled to Althorp where Diana is buried
The private service was conducted by the Archbishop of Canterbury and attended by Diana's family
In 1997, it was decided that the late People's Princess would be laid to rest at Althorp Estate in Northamptonshire – Diana's family home that still belongs to the Spencers
She is buried on an island in the middle of The Oval Lake. Given the milestone anniversary of her death last year, William and Harry took part in two documentaries where they spoke fondly about their mother, and shared some of their favourite, as well as most painful, memories
It was the first, and possibly last, time the brothers spoke publicly and in depth about their mum
Filmmaker Henry Singer who was behind the BBC's Diana, 7 Days told the Radio Times: "I think the Princes hope they have answered these questions once and for all
And they don't need to be asked them anymore, and that people can refer back to this film and our words within it if they have questions
That this is their first, and final word on it." In the documentary, which charted the seven days following Diana's shock death, William spoke of viewing the funeral procession through the "safety blanket" of a bowed head and his long fringe
Harry, who was 12 at the time, also talked about deliberately trying to suppress any tears while the huge crowds around him wept openly
"I remember people's hands were wet because of the tears that they had just wiped away," said Harry
William added: "It was one of the hardest things I've ever done, that walk. I felt like she was almost walking along beside us, to get us through it
Sergej Milinkovic-Savic transfer news: Will Serbia World Cup star join Manchester United? - Duration: 3:27.Serbia need to beat their South American opponents at the Otkrytiye Arena to have any hope of escaping Group E and progressing to the round of 16
Milinkovic-Savic will be eager to make his mark in Mladen Krstajic's midfield, just as he's done under Simone Inzaghi at Lazio this season
Milinkovic-Savic's performances at the Stadio Olimpico have seen him linked with summer moves to a whole host of top clubs, including Manchester United
Express Sport brings you a rundown of how likely the 23-year-old is to rock up at Old Trafford after the World Cup
Will Sergej Milinkovic-Savic join Manchester United? Sergej Milinkovic-Savic is certainly on Manchester United's radar as Jose Mourinho looks to add to his midfield options
The Serbia World Cup star fulfils the criteria of the box-to-box player Mourinho wants to complement Paul Pogba, Nemanja Matic and Fred
Lazio are demanding a fee of more than £88m (€100m) though - with the Manchester Evening News revealing United have reservations about that figure
United are therefore said to have lined up Lorenzo Pellegrini as an alternative, with the Roma ace likely to cost far less
Mourinho's search for another midfielder could be abandoned though if Marouane Fellaini puts pen to paper on a new contract
Where should Sergej Milinkovic-Savic go? Sergej Milinkovic-Savic should stay in Italy and join Lazio's rivals Juventus, according to his father Nikola Milinkovic
"I've told him many times that Juventus would be perfect for him, the ideal club," said Milinkovic
"In Turin there is a prestigious club with multiple trophies that has been dominating the scene for years
He'd have the opportunity to grow and improve until reaching full maturity. "After three seasons in Rome, Sergej knows the Italian championship perfectly, he has settled and integrated in a big way, he has learned the language well
"With top quality teammates like Paulo Dybala, Douglas Costa and so forth, he could win the Scudetto, Coppa Italia and why not give an important contribution to triumph in the Champions League? "Juve always go far in that competition and if they were to win the most prestigious trophy, Sergej could even dream of the Ballon d'Or
"Sergej Milinkovic-Savic to join Juventus? Former England boss Fabio Capello has offered his backing to the idea of Sergej Milinkovic-Savic linking up with Juventus
"[Milinkovic-Savic] is like an Ibrahimovic of the midfield," said Capello. "If Juve sacrificed [Miralem] Pjanic to get to him I would understand, but it would be better to give up another player because with a midfield with [Emre] Can, Milinkovic-Savic and Pjanic would cause problems for everyone
" Asked specifically about joining Juventus himself, Milinkovic-Savic tried to play it cool, adding: "I can smile, but I have to think solely about the World Cup
Then we'll see what to do." What about Real Madrid? Real Madrid have been credited with interest in Sergej Milinkovic-Savic too as they seek to overhaul their squad
But Nikola Milinkovic says Milinkovic-Savic should wait before leaving Serie A for the La Liga giants
"It's true, but he could go to Spain after he turns 25, when he has completed his football maturity in Italy," said Milinkovic
"That's what Zinedine Zidane did."Sergej Milinkovic-Savic transfer odds Manchester United 5/1 Juventus 5/1 Real Madrid 3/1 (Next club odds courtesy of Betfair)
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