Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily Follow Jan 1 2019

I wouldn't if you could expand upon something you said earlier I had a

question about my grandson one of my grandson's is 13 and he's a bit of you

know he goes in a different direction and you were saying that rather than see

him as he is now to look toward where you're in a being season we said

something almost like that but just a little bit different and we are so happy

that you've asked this question we are suggesting that in the same way that you

accept that there's the physical you and there's the inner being you and that the

best of all worlds is when you are really in sync in other words when

you're allowing yourself because resistance is slight or non-existent to

be fully integrated with your own inner being then you feel good your extra wise

you've got really good balance you are in the right place at the right time you

have really good timing you're in love with wife and so what we're suggesting

is that you recognize in every other especially this thirteen-year-old that

like you that he also has a physical human side which might be disconnected

or pinched off from who he really is but that he has an inner being part two and

that everything that he's been living is causing the expansion of this inner

being part so what we are encouraging you to do is to deliberately try to have

a relationship with the inner being part of him even more than you do with the

physical part of him it's the part I'm not quite on this we know it's tricky

it's tricky you said he goes a different way talk to us just slightly softly if

you want to on what way he goes that well he failed every every class last

semester and he only cares about games we're going to talk from your inner beam

point of view and from his but we're just going to give you a slightly

different perspective of him he succeeds at what interests him

and he makes no pretense is about what doesn't so don't you feel a little

warmer about his inner being then you did now we can tell you the story in

another way when I look at his failure of all of his classes my choosing to

look at that causes me to move away from my inner beam who is not looking at that

and I think it's his failure when really it's mine meaning that I should not look

at it failure meaning that when you do you don't feel good so why are you so

what would I be looking at I mean it's a great kid is that what you're talking

really good questions let's keep talking until it clicks into place because a

whole lot of people in this room are wondering the same thing so this is what

happens and what I do which is why I'm probably tighter with him than any of my

grandchildren is that I do see him I try to I've heard you say this before and I

try to do that focus on he is a great guy he is a great guy and he's a very

smart and loving guy and he told me that since we work together through summer

school and he passed everything in summer school he said why don't I just

do what I want for the 10 months and you and I'll work together for the one month

and I'll just go to summer school so I try to focus on that cleverness and that

you burn but I'm not so sure I'm not so sure he's he's not serious he is serious

let's introduce into this conversation the subject of path of least resistance

path of least resistance by that we mean the path of most allowance and by that

we mean the path of most connection to who you really are the path leading to

who you really are rather than away from who you really are we have a question

for you is your experience with him

if he more often feeling good or not feeling good

Oh feeling good so from what you know of what we talked about here what do you

think we think that means I know what do you think but it's just a society and

this teachers at school don't so what do you think we think that means

I mean he's following his path I guess his inner beings he's following and so

does that make him lady niche yes do you think he could ever go back I doubt it

if he's feeling good do you think that that means that his inner being is

calling him I think so would you rather he followed a teacher

that doesn't know or an inner beam that does yeah right do you think that he has

the potential of following his inner beam and then his teacher following here

man his inner being I think he has the potential or the ability to win over his

teacher he's won you over yeah sure I do think so I do think so it's just in the

meantime in the meantime I say in the meantime when I have to go see the

principal and these people and it's it's I guess I'm being distracted by them

that you're saying that I should just focus on the fact that he's happily

going in the direction of his inner being I'm pretty happy with that and

that these other people I guess will fall in line

well we liked your opening words to us you said he goes a different way or he

goes his own way you didn't want to offer any criticism you were just

pointing out that he approaches life in a sort of different way and we want to

say to you that when you look into your current population and you find those

who stand out rarely have they followed the norm but the norm clamors to condemn

them why do you think that is why do they condemn them I guess because

they're different they don't follow the society and so why do you think the norm

needs to control this YOUnique 13 year old of yours why would

anyone need to control him I guess he shows them he shows them a

different something higher yeah he's happy they want to be he's confident

they want to be they're not confident they're afraid and so many parents are

afraid they're afraid to turn loose of the guidance of their child they want

the safety of what is rather than the thrill and the adventure of what really

is you see if you said to us I have a 13 year old grandson and he is miserable

we'd be having a whole different conversation would be encouraging you to

encourage him to hook up with who he is but he's already hooked up with who he

is and he's already romping in the direction of magnificent things and what

you're worried about are the masses who don't get that and we say his intervene

isn't looking back at the masses and he's not looking back at the masses and

we're not looking back at them and we don't think it's a very good idea for

you to do it either if you need everybody to agree with your approach to

life then you're always going to be standing in the place of bewilderment

because there's so many different ways of approaching life experience but if

you just break it down to the simple understanding about your own guidance

system the thing that we enjoy so much and watching relationships with people

like you with people like your grandson is that what you get to demonstrate to

each other is alignment and you don't have anything else to give anyone if you

are not in alignment with who you are you have nothing to give

except rules and regulations and requirements and mediocrity and boredom

and defensiveness and rationalization that's no way to live

and isn't it remarkable how do you think this kid got that way in a society that

is pushing so hard the other way how do you think that happened I guess he just

doesn't adhere to what they think he follows the inner guidance so he was

born knowing and no one talked him out of it mmm I sure never tried to but I

like this confirmation that we're going in the right direction we'd like try to

talk him out of it either in other words the whole conversation and all the hours

that we are together with all of you it's all about you have guidance within

you that is calling you calling you calling you and let you have beliefs

that are blocking your ability to hear you'll always know which way to go you

see it's so much fun if you could look into his vortex if you could look down

the road like we are and see the magnificence of the life that this kid

has laid out before him and the absence of obstacles because he knows his own

way and because he didn't have the disadvantage of being talked out of his

own guidance he's following it right along the way you see most people have

to get beat up pretty good most people have to feel a lot of negative emotion

before they give up on things that are not working it's not nice to know

someone who didn't have to give up on what didn't work he just always got to

do what does which is probably why I feel closest to him yeah and he to you

you are the catalyst for him mm-hmm I appreciate that I just want to say one

thing I just really appreciate the the daily youtubes of the books and

everything and Esther and Abraham at Jerry I really really made a huge

difference in Robin everything he said today yeah thank you so conversation

took thought where it has not been before mm-hmm

appreciation is to you thanks so much

feeling pretty good hey now you've got the whole of this in your understanding

do you do you know that you're the creator of your own reality and you know

that you are the creation that you're the Creator off and you know that you

are an eternal being who is here in this physical body for the purpose of mixing

it up with others and becoming more of who you are and you know that every

negative emotion you have is a gift or a blessing that someone has offered to you

because it is helping you to realize that you're looking over here when what

you really want to do is look over there do you accept the fullness of your inner

being do you think that your inner being has benefited by your contrasting

experiences do you think that your inner being feels appreciation for the

expansion that your inner being has experienced as a result of your

willingness to play with one another do you think that your inner being stands

in that expansion at all times and hold steady to that frequency do you think

since Law of Attraction is responding to everything that vibrates and you have

the potential of vibrating as your inner beam does or vibrating apart from your

inner being do you think that Law of Attraction who is responding to your

inner being is creating an environment where expansion and wonderful emotions

are possible for you doesn't make you want to lean that way more doesn't make

you proud that your physical but happy that you're not physically focused -

doesn't it feel like you want to bridge this physical world with this

non-physical world does it seem possible to separate one from the other aren't

you now more keenly aware of every physical human who has ever walked this

earth who now stands in a non-physical realm aren't you happy that that

non-physical energy is still alive and vital and aware of you and still calling

you forward does it feel possible to you that non-physical energy can call you

into the creative energy that is in this vortex without you croaking don't you

want to be physically focused and still in this physical body and doing

something that self you do being fully engulfed and engaged with the

non-physical essence of who you are don't you want everything you

to be the beautiful painting that you have the potential of painting don't you

want to look at every single human being and instead of seeing them where they

stand instead see them in the potential that they have accomplished don't you

want to see and know the inner being part of every one that you engage with

don't you love knowing our friends 13-year old grandson aren't you excited

about who he really is and aren't you happy that he has not yet lost his way

and aren't you happy that you have now found your way don't you want to stop

standing on your head in all kinds of different ways in order to please others

who will never be pleased and don't you want to let them stand with you in the

place that they stand which is to stir you up into asking for more and don't

you want to let all of them off the hook and stop asking them to be the way you

think they need to be in order for you to feel better don't you want to look

where it's easy to feel better and just feel better and when you look where it's

easy to feel better and you just feel better then don't you think that you'll

be engaging with them and understanding who they are and you won't be asking

them to be the one that Shores you up because you don't need shoring up and

then don't you want to be the one who stands in steady concert with your own

inner being who is moving so forcefully and so specifically and so precisely in

the direction of joy and clarity and well-being that in your wake you create

an avenue or a tide that allows others who are wanting it to follow you along

in it as well isn't it fun to live happily ever after and is there any

other choice or is there any reason to do other than that we've enjoyed this

interaction more than any that has come before you are and we are happy about

what's coming next and we are encouraging you now that you have this

clarity to look into the nowness that is really who you are

and feel the fullness of who you really are and then notice the sort of tidal

wave that you are for the well-being that you came here to live there is

great love here for you and there's always the remain in your voice


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