Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily how Jan 1 2019

Have you ever struggled trying to find yourself or find your purpose in life?

I'm going to lay out for you step by step what you may be missing all along. In

this video, learn how to find yourself and your purpose in life.

There's a big search that you and I and others are going through and that's

really to find our purpose in life. But why are there so many people struggling

with finding themselves and their purpose? Like what's blocking the way?

What's really in the way of us figuring this out? Now, I've got 6 ideas for you

here of what you can do to clear the space so that this can be discovered. And

over literally the last 15 years of mentoring people one-on-one and in large

groups, I have found a common thread amongst people who are confused or lost

in this area. And I want to share those 6 ideas with you. Because what if you

did take action on these 6 ideas? What if you did this? Well, then the fog and

the darkness would pull away. And you would find your purpose. You know what

would happen? You'd get moving. You'd feel some motivation, you'd make

some progress and wow, you're actually would feel really really good. Now, if

you're not into feeling good and knowing your purpose then this is not your video.

But here we go, I'm going to give you the 6 insights of what it takes to be able

to clear that space. First, what it takes. That it clear some room and seriously,

you have to clear up your stuff. A person who has a bunch of messy stuff, garage,

closet. All the things are in those boxes and

that one room in your house where it's all messy, if you got messy areas of your

life, how can you think clearly about your purpose and really discovering who

you are at that deep level? You can't. It really causes a lot of problems and

delays when we leave our stuff messy. But where do you start,

right? How do you start this? Well, to clean up your stuff, notice it's your

stuff. First, you take some responsibility accountability for your own shirts, pants,

socks, your undies. You know, your own things. Your own books,

your own part of the of the closet or the office or you know your side of the

bed. You... You clean up your stuff. And the more you start to respect and honor your

things, you begin to find yourself. Tough to find yourself when the things you're

managing are not put in a good order. So, start cleaning up your stuff. And

start with your own personal stuff. Second, get rid of stuff. If we have too

many things, if we have too much stuff what happens is our mind has to manage

all those things even when we're not around it. There's a portion, a little

portion of our mind that's connected to each item that we call our own or that

we've kept or we chose to keep it. But there literally is this little dose of

energy that leaves our mind and goes out to hold that thing in its particular

space. And so the more things you have, the more mind space is being occupied. So,

when you clean up your stuff and then get rid of some stuff, it

opens up your mind. And when it opens up your mind, it opens up your eyes. So, you

can find yourself and find your purpose. But too much stuff is going to block

your vision, block your ability to discover what this is. Number 3,

people. You find your purpose and you find yourself through serving others.

Because when you find your purpose, that purpose is going to be about helping

other people. It always comes back to that. Now, let's say that you decided, "Well,

my purpose in life is to be a veterinarian." Well, you're helping take

care of other people's pets or animals and that helps the people. If your

purpose in life is to be a home builder, well that home helps other people. No,

matter what you do in this life, it's going to benefit some other people. So,

how you find your purpose and find who you are, start being around people. More

people. And I there's lots of ways to do that. You get to decide what that looks

like for yourself, but the more you engage with people, the

sooner this will happen. Next is spending some time in nature. Nature has this

ability to be able to help us feel calm and peaceful. And also, Nature has no

"fakeness" to it. Nature is natural. So, when we spend time in nature and we see it as

it is, the way the trees are, the way the mountains are, the way the river is. The

way the stream and the lake and all the animals. They are what they are.

There's no covering up. They just that's who they are. And so the more time we can

spend in nature which if you can spend at least 30 minutes just being in nature.

30 minutes a week. If you can be an hour out in nature. Now, I'm not saying you're

out there fishing or hiking or camping. That's an activity. When I say be in

nature, like you literally are just being in nature. You're sitting on a rock

amongst trees for a half an hour, an hour. Just to soak up being in nature. There's

no hike, there's no camping, there's no fishing, there's no bike riding. There's

none of that kind of stuff going on. Because that's all those are

distractions. But being in nature helps us get past our cover-ups. Get past our

front that we put up to show everybody else. I mean, we we as people, we try to

show up in front of other people a lot better than what we are in our natural

state. Because we were worried that people are not going to love us for who we

are. So we show up to people. And so, when you get in nature, your natural side, your

authentic side comes to the surface to help you find yourself

and helps you find your purpose. We're just going to be about people. It really

is. Okay, number 5. Your health and nutrition. You know mom always said eat

your vegetables? It's true. See how mom always said you know, "Ho ride

your bike instead of staying inside all day long." Moms are right. They they're so

smart. They're so smart. But moms are right. The

more healthy we are and the more we focus on our nutrition, what happens is

it helps our brain function better. So, the better we take care of us, the better

our brain functions. And that helps us find what we're looking for. So maybe

it's time to pick up an apple, right? Or maybe it's time to eat something healthy.

And maybe it's time to go for a walk. Get out of the house for a while and go help

energize your body and take care of your body. When you take care of your body, you

take care of your brain. And when you take care of your brain, you discover who

you are and the purpose in which you are in life and what you're doing. Number 6

here is to write. I would suggest pulling out a pad of paper or opening up a

document on your computer. And just start with the sentence that says, "The purpose

of my life is." And then just let all your crazy ideas come out of your head. And if

you can't think of anything of what your purpose of life is, if you can't come up

with anything. Then what you do is you just write a make-believe story.

Just pretend. You're not writing to find the answer, you're writing to be creative.

And so when you type on your computer or write on your pad of paper and you're

writing, you know, "The purpose of my life is." You get to make-believe, pretend, come up

with funny, crazy ideas. Maybe it's... Maybe you want to be an an ice cream truck

driver where you can drive around neighborhoods and make all the kids

happy. Whatever it is. But you playfully write what you think your your purpose

of life is. Because as you playfully write all these fun ideas and... Maybe

maybe you saw a movie and you liked what that person did in the movie. It's like, "I

want to be able to do this and I want to be able to do this." If you can open up

your mind through writing, you can open up your creative side. And somewhere in

that playful writing, one of those playful stories is going to cause a twinch

on the inside. Just this a little emotional spark. We as people, we tend

to want to find the right answer at the right time at the right moment. But what

if the purpose of your life is to be creative. What if there's a thousand

options for you and all you have to do is pick. Maybe it's time to do number 6.

And playfully right. And if you comply fully right and just keep it playful and

just kind of just you know brainstorm and make-believe for a while. You might

find that spark. Because it's what I did. Years and years and years ago. Well we're

probably talking 17,18 years ago. I had this crazy idea. I playfully said to my

wife, you know, what I want to grow up... When I grow up, I want to be a

motivational speaker. And I busted out laughing. I said there's no way. I'm an

introvert, I have nothing to teach, I don't know anything. I barely past high

school. I'll never be able to do that. But when I said that at a very playful way,

there was this twinge that happened in the center of my chest. It was like,

that's weird. And my wife noticed it. She's like, "Hey, I just saw your face,

something happened." I was like, "No, I'm good." But I was being playful. I was not

being serious. I was just... Because I just watched somebody at this big seminar

standing onstage for a couple days and and I was like, "Well, I want to do that. I

couldn't do that." But there's no way I had the training, the education by blah,

blah, blah. But I was being playful. But it opened up my mind. When we're playful, it

taps into the child's side of us. And the child's side of us opens up creativity. I

really believe the purpose of your life is to be found and created. But you get

to step into that playful side. I am going to find some incredible, incredible

experiences here as you go to write about this. But

remember, it's number 6, it's not number 1. Do these steps along the way and

when you get to number 6, you'll find that you're much more open to discover

who you are and what your purpose of life. It's that's what we like to do here

at 3 key elements. This is our mission. It's our purpose in life. To

literally share what we've found with you. Help save time. Be able to help you

find direction in your life. So subscribe here to our You Tube channel and I'll be

sure to send you another great training video that'll help open up your mind and

help dial in on that purpose. And also check us out on our website at

We have some great training courses we love to share with

you there. So from for Kirk and Kim and my family

to you, hey your life matters. And that's why we do what we do.

For more infomation >> How To Find Yourself And Purpose In Life - Duration: 12:36.


HOW RAGNAROK STARTS | STORY OF RAGNAROK #3 | Norse Mythology | VIKINGS MYTHS Ep.7 | Myth Stories - Duration: 2:58.

Legend speaks of the Ragnarok, the Twilight of the Gods.

Many places have their own tale of how it all ends, but none are like the prophecy the

Vikings feared.

In short, Ragnarok sees everything ripped to shreds with just enough left for the world

to begin anew.

But, Spectators of Myth, there is one thing that is often forgotten in talk of this myth

and it is this.

Ragnarok is not a tale of what has been, but a warning of what is to come.

Here we'll do our very best to tell you what to watch out for.

The first sign is a changing climate: a trio of harsh winters, each littered with great


It is then said the fimbulwinter, a mighty frost, shall follow this and engulf us all

for three successive seasons.

This would be a time of scarce resources and zero hope, with no warmth from the sun.

Billions will perish as wars are fought all in the name of survival.

None would be safe.

Not even the Allfather himself.

The gods, it seems, are fated for an onslaught against foes both old and new.

The tomes tell us that next the sun would be eaten by a wolf, and the moon gobbled down

by another beast.

Next, the stars shall go dark as Fenrir terrorizes all the realms.

Jormungander, the world serpent, will escape the ocean and drown the world in water.

The Naglfar, a ship made of toenails and fingernails, will ferry an army led by a giant to the fields

of Vígrídr.

Elsewhere the fire giant Surtr and the sons of Muspell would ride hard on the Bifrost.

It is said Surtr and his sword, the radiance of which shines brighter than the sun, would

fracture the rainbow bridge that connects all realms.

All would come to the fields of Vígrídr.

And, of course, this gathering of villains and monsters would not be complete without

the god of mischief.

When free from his bonds, it is said this Loki will watch the world torn asunder.

For more infomation >> HOW RAGNAROK STARTS | STORY OF RAGNAROK #3 | Norse Mythology | VIKINGS MYTHS Ep.7 | Myth Stories - Duration: 2:58.


How to Pronounce JANUARY - Months of the Year English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 3:38.

hi everyone its Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation of months

of the year today we have the first month of the new year January and the

spelling of this word is not helping us so I wrote the syllables in words that

we would actually use so we have Jan like the girl's name you as in all of you

wonderful viewers and then wear I wear clothes and then e is just the vowel um or

the letter name so we have Jan you wear e now for the word wear yes that's we

wear clothes that's how we spell the word but it's actually the air vowel

here so the spelling in the word wear doesn't help us so I wrote that little

air there for you to remember so let's start with syllable number one Jan to do

this you're going to touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your top

front teeth and then you're going to pull it back into the middle of your

mouth just JJ your voice box is on for this you're going to open your mouth

into a wide circle for that American ah vowel and you can see the tip of my

tongue is low in my mouth and the back of my tongue is pulled up ah and then

end with the NN by touching the tip of your tongue to the back of your top

front teeth while the air moves out of your nose Jan next we're going to move

to you just like the word you or the letter u to do this the sides of your

tongue are going to be high in your mouth and the tip of your tongue is

going to be high be behind your front teeth the tip of your tongue is not

touching your teeth if it touches your teeth it will sound like a J sound again

so remember do not touch your teeth for the y sound so the tip of your tongue

should be pointed slightly down away from your teeth and again the in

the sides of your tongue are touching the insides of your top teeth y y

and then you're gonna add that ew vowel you you you

Jan you wear start with that w sound yes the W sound in there even though we

don't have that in our word and then move to the air vowel with a very open

mouth and then move to that er and then end with the long e by smiling

and then your tongue is going to be high and flat in your mouth do not touch your

teeth let's put that all together Jan you wear e Jan you weary January

January January January January January January is the first month in the new

year give it a try I know people they're going to notice the difference if you

liked this and found it helpful please give us a like and a share don't forget

to subscribe and if you are looking for our products you can find those at

google play itunes or at Tarle Speech dot com thank you so much and I hope

to see you again next month

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce JANUARY - Months of the Year English Pronunciation Lesson - Duration: 3:38.


How to Knit Crochet Digital mobile post Lace Tablecloth Pink Part 7 - Duration: 7:12.

okay this is part 7 of my digital knit crochet how to make a tablecloth how to

make a knit crochet tablecloth this is my digital post so we're working a chain

3 and then 4 more double crochet through the same space and we're just working

through the top of the stitch so the this chain here is always kind of a hard

one to get through so we just do the best that we can now it looks like I

might be working between and that's ok too

there's number 4 and 5 ok so I'm going to work in the next joint here in the

you know what I could have done right here well because I don't like that spot

right there like that so I'm just gonna pull it out now I might be making two

parts for this video possibly I mean for this specific round because it's going

to get kind of long so I'm going to work a chain 3 here and then I'm going to

work backwards into the single crochet right here one I'm working in this joint

that's three and four okay so I do I have four or five I need five like this

okay I've got five there now I'm going to work in the next joint working five

double crochet one two three four and five that's what we've got right there

work a single crochet in the chain thirteen okay now we're going to work

another chain of thirteen one two three four five six seven

eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen okay so we're going to work a single

crochet in the same chain now we're going to work five double crochet in the

single crochet joint one two three four and five okay now we're going to skip

over all of these stitches and work five double crochet in the next single

crochet joint one two three four and five okay let's work a single crochet in

the next chain thirteen work a chain of 13 okay so let's look take a look here

and see what we have what we got going on there that's really pretty

okay so we'll work a chain of thirteen one two three four five six seven eight

nine ten eleven twelve thirteen okay single crochet in the same chain

thirteen and in the single crochet work five double crochet in the joint well

one two three four and five now we will skip five double crochet and then work five

double crochet in the next joint of the single crochet one two three four and

five now we'll work a single crochet in the next chain thirteen we'll work a

chain of thirteen one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven

twelve thirteen okay now I'm going to work a single

crochet and I'm working five double crochet in the single crochet joint

right here okay one two three four and five okay let's skip the five double

crochet in the next joint work five double crochet one two three four and

five and then we'll work a single crochet in the next chain thirteen just

like that so let's put this down whoo that's pretty that's really pretty like

that okay so we're going to work a chain of thirteen one two three four five six

seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen okay

and so we're going to work a single crochet and then in the next joint

single crochet we're going to work five double crochet that's one two three four

and five then we'll skip five double crochet in

the next single crochet joint that's a joint right there

we'll work five double crochet that's one two

three four and five and then we'll work a single crochet in the chain thirteen

so I'm going to stop right here and make a part eight so we'll continue with this

round with a part eight because the rounds are going to get longer and so I

have trouble with my internet it's gotten worse and and so it takes longer

for mobile uploads to upload and we end up paying more money for a poor quality

service and so I'm going to make these shorter videos so they upload a bit a

little bit easier and so I'll continue on with part eight here soon

For more infomation >> How to Knit Crochet Digital mobile post Lace Tablecloth Pink Part 7 - Duration: 7:12.


मैदा पापड़ी रेसिपी | पापड़ी रेसिपी | पपड़ी - Duration: 5:55.

Papdi recipe hindi

How to make papdi recipe?

ਪਪਡੀ ਵਿਧੀ ਹਿੰਦੀ

പാപ്പി ഡിസൈറ്റ് ഹിന്ദി

பாப்புடி செய்முறை ஹிந்தி

పాప్డి రెసిపీ హిందీ

For more infomation >> मैदा पापड़ी रेसिपी | पापड़ी रेसिपी | पपड़ी - Duration: 5:55.


how to delete facebook account permanently 2019 - Duration: 1:27.

before starting the video

you can see the result here

you can see the result

my account is scheduled for permanently deletion

okay start

welcome to technical times

today I am going to show you

how to delete facebook account permanently

open facebook


click on the top right corner

slide down

here settings

here slide down

your Facebook information

account ownership and control

click on that

deactivation and deletion

select the delete account and click on continue

if you want you can download your information

then delete account

here need to give your password

click on the continue

final step

after 30 days your account will be permanently deleted

confirm permanent account deletion

as you see here

delete account

For more infomation >> how to delete facebook account permanently 2019 - Duration: 1:27.


How To Make Unipack #3 - Quaestio - Duration: 4:43.

For more infomation >> How To Make Unipack #3 - Quaestio - Duration: 4:43.


*NEW* How to get to the Battle Royale Island in Fortnite Creative! | Marloluk000 - Duration: 4:05.

Here is how to get to the Battle Royale island in Fortnite Creative.

First, change your spawn hight to off. Then spawn an airplane and respawn. Repeat this step until you spawn in the creative hub, after that, follow the steps in the video.

Then, when you jump into the rift, start flying ASAP, then go up for about as much as I did.

Then fly to the barrier and keep flying into it. After you have done this, tap respawn as you are going forward.

Then just fly to the island and then have some fun!!!

This is my second time doing this glitch, which is why there is building.

I had TONS of fun doing this and I hope you do too! Don't forget to like and Subscribe for more videos like this one!

For more infomation >> *NEW* How to get to the Battle Royale Island in Fortnite Creative! | Marloluk000 - Duration: 4:05.


Breastfeeding & How it Benefits: Awareness Week Video 🤱 - Duration: 6:15.

Um, excuse me.

A little privacy please.

Thank you.

Yo! It's "National Breastfeeding Awareness Month!" I know you've been waiting all

year, but it's finally here! So that means we're going to uncover those udder covers,

and talk about the other use of the word, nursing.

Now if you like the idea of a nurse, devoting his time away from his job to help you live

a better life. Go ahead and hit that subscribe button down there and the little bell next to it.

Or, if you're not watching this on YouTube, go there and make it happen. Because

whether or not you know it, I care about you. Just like I care about every patient I sit

down next to. So you deliver on your side, and subscribe to me, and I'll deliver what

I've got on mine. Deal? Let's jump right in.

Now, nipple tenderness aside, this can be a very sensitive topic. So I want you to know

if you have any strong religious, cultural, or any kind of belief against breast feeding,

then you do you "boo boo." But I'm here to give you an easy way to

remember the possible benefits of breastfeeding. Based on studies, research, data, and all

the **** I sifted through, so you didn't have to. With this simple mnemonic.

A B C D E F G H, I think I might breastfeed.

Thank you, thank you. You're too kind. I'm here all week.

Okay, the "A" is for allergies and immunity. That boob juice is more than just milk. It's

an immunologically active substance. Meaning it's got antibacterial enzymes, anti-inflammatory

properties, cells that fight infection. All sorts of goodies that could help your little

love bug fight off all the gunk that's in our world.

Next up is "B" for bite. Studies have shown that breastfeeding most likely reduces

the chance of malocclusion, which is bad alignment of your teeth or jaw. Trying to correct that

years down the line, might require jaw wiring, surgery, or braces. That's risky, or expensive

things which fortunately, I wouldn't know anything about.

Next up is "C" and that's for cancer. Okay, yes, the big "C" that no one wants to see.

Okay, Moms. You can reduce your risk of ovarian, endometrial, and breast cancer,

all through breastfeeding. That should be enough right there, but if it isn't, your

baby might appreciate you maybe lowering the risks of childhood cancers, like leukemia

and lymphoma. Cancer is one of the worst things in our world, that has affected almost everyone

in one way or another, and there's some promising research out there that I suggest you explore.

The "D" is for developmental. Visual function,

hearing abilities, behavior, cognitive development. Basically everything you want them to get

a passing score on. Even the slightest bit of research suggesting this, I'd take my

bra off right now and get it started. If I could only get the…

I've done this at least three times. "E" is for economical. Breastfeeding is free!

The powers that be, essentially have mind control over most of us, so if they really

wanted you to spend money on that first year postpartum, they'd scare you into doing it.

But no, extremely reputable organizations like the "American Academy of Pediatrics,"

the "American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists," and the "World Health

Organization," are recommending that you pocket the money you'd be spending on formula,

and use what you were born to use. The average savings of breastfeeding a child, is about

a grand per year. A thousand dollars! That's like eight years of Netflix! That's like

230 pumpkin-spiced lattes, girl treat yourself! The "F" is for functionality, and this

one is for you moms. Getting you back, to who you were, before you could barely walk,

got depressed, and started eating for two, and sometimes three. So when you breastfeed,

you secrete oxytocin, prolactin, and neuroendocrine peptides. Okay, all of these speed up the

recovery process, and can help you deal with the stressors that come along with being responsible

for a brand new human being, every moment of your life from now on!

Studies have also shown less child neglect and abuse, and an increase in mother-baby bonding.

How sweet is that? Okay, I'm guessing half of you are thinking, "Yeah, yeah, what about this

amorphic figure that used to get my partner all hot and bothered?" Well, if you haven't guessed it,

studies have shown that postpartum weight loss, increases with breastfeeding, and good nutrition and exercise.

The "G" is for gastrointestinal, and that

means everything from their lips to their ****. Your milk can work wonders on their

GI tract in way too many ways for me to go through in this video, but one that's really

worth mentioning is the decreased risk of "NEC," or necrotizing enterocolitis in

premature infants. Which is a disease of the intestines that causes the bowel linings to

perforate, and stool to empty out into the baby's gut. This can cause serious complications,

including death, and is one of the most common gastrointestinal emergencies in the neonatal ICU.

The "H" is for human milk, and this is just to remind you that breastfeeding is only

human… and dogs… and cows. My point is that it's natural. Now, I had a patient

once tell me that breastfeeding is weird and gross, which one, made me think she's never

seen anything on the internet, and two, made me think about our ***** up cultural norms,

and I kind of understood where she was coming from. But think about it, is donating blood gross?

It could save a life. Is swapping saliva when you're kissing gross?

Well, maybe, but either they're hot, or you love them, so, **** it.

My point is our bodies are made up of unbelievably complex designs, and one of those designs is to naturally nourish your

child, extremely effectively. Think about taking advantage of it.

Plus, there are all sorts of products out there that specifically designed to make breastfeeding

more easily, and sometimes fashionably integrated into your uniquely developed lifestyle.

Lastly the "I" is for infancy, remember infancy covers age zero to one, and

is widely recommended that you breastfeed for at least one full year. The first half,

exclusively with breast milk, and in that second half start introducing those solids.

A B C D E F G H, I think you might breastfeed.

Now remember, I am in no way telling you not to formula feed your child.

Women. It's your body. It's your baby, it's your family, it's your life. It's your choice.

I'm just giving you information I've learned about the elixir of the gods you've got

brewing in those breasts! Now if you want to share your experiences,

give advice, or want another video on tips and tricks for breastfeeding from specialists

I know. Or any other video for that matter. Drop a comment below, just don't forget

to hit that subscribe button, and the little bell too. I'm clocking out.

For more infomation >> Breastfeeding & How it Benefits: Awareness Week Video 🤱 - Duration: 6:15.


How to NATURALLY Cure a Hangover - Duration: 2:00.

For more infomation >> How to NATURALLY Cure a Hangover - Duration: 2:00.


how to treat zombies as babies-zombie rush roblox - Duration: 12:16.

oh cmon people r waiting



lets killem

yeah man!

so here we come

nice tom an' jerry

that's where we come to kill

awwwww man

bye bye

again we go

hey u !

I like this angry bird

bet those are not angry like him

oh boy


man come here idiots


For more infomation >> how to treat zombies as babies-zombie rush roblox - Duration: 12:16.


Channel Customization - How To Customize YouTube Channel Professionally (Home Page, Videos, About..) - Duration: 9:34.

YouTube Channel Customization in Bangla

How To Customize YouTube Channel Professionally

In This Video I am going to show you how to customize your youtube channel home page

home page, videos, about, links, layout and more.

Creating an YouTube channel leads to some other customization like the home page

For more infomation >> Channel Customization - How To Customize YouTube Channel Professionally (Home Page, Videos, About..) - Duration: 9:34.


[latest]how to get free google play codes-free codes for google play-google play codes - Duration: 3:22.

free google play gift cards

For more infomation >> [latest]how to get free google play codes-free codes for google play-google play codes - Duration: 3:22.


What is Olymp Trade? Is Olymp Trade Legal & Regulated? How to Register & Verify? Secret Facts? Urdu - Duration: 12:23.

What is Olymp Trade? Is Olymp Trade Legal & Regulated? How to Register & Verify? Secret Facts? Urdu

For more infomation >> What is Olymp Trade? Is Olymp Trade Legal & Regulated? How to Register & Verify? Secret Facts? Urdu - Duration: 12:23.


How to keep your New Year's resolution - Duration: 4:15.

For more infomation >> How to keep your New Year's resolution - Duration: 4:15.


Pet Questions: How to get cats to lose weight - Duration: 2:37.

For more infomation >> Pet Questions: How to get cats to lose weight - Duration: 2:37.


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Hey Felix !

You Know ...

League Of Legends ?

No , what is that ?









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How Apple Started, Grew & Became a Trillion Dollars Company (Animated Video) - Duration: 11:32.

How Apple Started, Grew & Became Successful

There are thousands of quotes on success and one thing the majority of them all have in

common (if you read them right) is: Innovation+ Hard work = Success

Not many companies are the embodiment of this ideology like Apple Inc.

The name is even more popular on Google Search than the fruit after which it was named.

A Titan of the technology industry that is valued at about $1 Trillion, its market cap

makes it larger than the GDP of each of 183 out of the 199 countries for which the World

Bank has GDP data.

Some of the notable ones include Turkey, The Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, and


With feats as grand as this, it is no wonder that Apple Inc. is synonymous with success

and a good reference for any tech startup company.


This story began on 1 April 1976, when Apple was founded by two college dropouts by the

names of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak who brought to the new company a vision of changing

the way people viewed computers.

Jobs and Wozniak wanted to make computers small enough for people to have them in their

homes or offices.

Simply put, they wanted a computer that was user-friendly and portable.

Their first office was in Jobs' garage where Wozniak designed and built the Apple I that

was sold without a monitor, keyboard, or casing but which they decided to add on in 1977.

The Apple II revolutionized the computer industry with the introduction of the first-ever color


Apple sales jumped from $7.8 million in 1978 to $117 million in 1980, the year Apple went


By the end of the 1970s, Apple had a staff of computer designers and a production line.

The company introduced the Apple III in May 1980 in an attempt to compete with IBM and

Microsoft in the business and corporate computing market.

Jobs and several Apple employees, including human-computer interface expert Jef Raskin,

visited Xerox PARC in December 1979 to see the Xerox Alto.

Xerox granted Apple engineers three days of access to the PARC facilities in return for

the option to buy 100,000 shares of Apple at the pre-IPO price of $10 a share.

Jobs was immediately convinced that all future computers would use a graphical user interface

(GUI), and development of a GUI began for the Apple Lisa.

In 1982, however, Steve Jobs was pushed from the Lisa team due to infighting.

Jobs then took over Wozniak and Raskin's low-cost-computer project, the Macintosh.

A race broke out between the Lisa team and the Macintosh team over which product would

ship first.

Lisa won the race in 1983 and became the first personal computer sold to the public with

a GUI, but was a commercial failure due to its high price tag and limited software titles.

In fact, many of you today may not have heard of the Lisa at all as compared to the Macintosh.


In 1983, Wozniak left the company due to dissatisfaction and a diminishing interest in the day-to-day

operations of the company and Jobs hired John Sculley to take over as CEO.

He would later regret this move because Apple's board of directors would eventually instruct

Sculley to contain Jobs and limit his ability to launch expensive forays into untested products.

Rather than submit to Sculley's direction, Jobs attempted to oust him from his leadership

role at Apple.

Sculley found out that Jobs had been attempting to organize a coup and called a board meeting

at which Apple's board of directors took sides with Sculley and removed Jobs from his

managerial duties.

Jobs resigned from Apple and founded NeXT Inc. the same year.

Wozniak released a statement that the company had "been going in the wrong direction for

the last five years."

After Jobs and Wozniak's departure, the Macintosh product line underwent a steady

change of focus to higher price points, focusing solely on profits as opposed to Jobs approach

to producing products aimed at the consumer market.

Newer models selling at higher prices offered higher profit margins.

Although some worried about pricing themselves out of the market, the high-rise policy was

in full force by the mid-1980s, notably due to the new Executive, Jean-Louis Gassée's

mantra of "fifty-five or die" referring to the 55% profit margins of the Macintosh


The policies may have seemed like a good idea but they began to backfire in the latter part

of the decade as new desktop publishing programs appeared on PC clones that offered some or

more of the same functionality as the Macintosh but at far lower prices.

Apple Inc. lost its monopoly on this market and estranged many of its original customer

base who could no longer afford their high-priced products.

The Christmas season of 1989 was the first in the Apple's history that saw declining

sales and led to a 20% drop in Apple's stock price.

Gassée's had to resign from the company in 1990.

Later that year, Apple introduced three lower cost models, the Macintosh Classic, Macintosh

LC and Macintosh IIsi, all of which saw significant sales due to pent-up demand.

In 1991, Apple introduced the PowerBook, replacing the luggable Macintosh Portable with a design

that set the current shape for almost all modern laptops.

The same year, Apple introduced System 7, a major upgrade to the operating system that

added color to the interface and introduced new networking capabilities.

It remained the architectural basis for the Classic Mac OS.

The success of the PowerBook and other products brought increasing revenue.

For some time, Apple did incredibly well, introducing fresh new products and generating

increasing profits in the process.

The magazine MacAddict named the period between 1989 and 1991 as the "first golden age"

of the Macintosh.

However, the 90s weren't as solid for Apple as the previous decade was, as Apple's lower

cost models outsold their high-cost models.

So Apple did something different, they made the mistake of creating identical products

at different prices.

It got worse as they experimented with the then unsuccessful franchise of consumer products

like cameras, CD players, and television appliances.

Jobs' Return

In a dramatic event, Apple Inc. acquired Jobs' company, NexT and got Steve Jobs back to Apple

on July 9, 1997.

It is worthy to note that even Apple experienced failure.

It happens to the best of us but the company didn't go down without a


It got back up and restructured.

Apple Inc. began its return to glory when Jobs collaborated with Microsoft to bring

Microsoft Office to the Mac and then proceeded to create a new custom line of products for

multimedia and file editing.

Jobs announced that Apple would begin producing Intel-based Mac computers in 2006.

On January 10, 2006, the new MacBook Pro and iMac became the first Apple computers to use

Intel's Core Duo CPU.

By August 7, 2006, Apple made the transition to Intel chips for the entire Mac product

line—over one year sooner than announced.

The Power Mac, iBook, and PowerBook brands were retired during the transition; the Mac

Pro, MacBook, and MacBook Pro became their respective successors.

Apple also introduced Boot Camp in 2006 to help users install Windows XP or Windows Vista

on their Intel Macs alongside Mac OS X.

On April 29, 2009, The Wall Street Journal reported that Apple was building its own team

of engineers to design microchips.

Jobs with incredible foresight announced he would focus on mobile devices.

In 2007, the company sold 270,000 iPhone units during the first 30 hours of sales.

The device was called a game changer for the industry.

Apple would achieve widespread success with its iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad products,

which introduced innovations in mobile phones, portable music players and personal computers


Apple Inc.


As at August 2018, Apple shares increased to $207 for the first time making it the first

American public company to top $1 trillion in market cap.

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