Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily is it Jan 29 2019

This is the very interesting title that Harry and Meghan's baby may receive So, you may have figured it out by now

but we're kind of excited about the fact that Meghan Markle is pregnant. We love her and Harry so much, and are so pleased by their lovely news

And while we may not know the gender of the baby, there are some things we do know

For instance, we may have figured out the title that the royal baby is due to receive

That is, of course, if Meghan and Harry choose to give their baby a royal title

It has been speculated that the couple will take a leaf out of Princess Ann's book, and not give their baby a title

However, if Harry and Meghan's baby is a boy, it will automatically inherit the title of The Earl of Dumbarton

This is a title that was given to Prince Harry by the Queen on the day of his wedding

And if the lovely baby is a girl? If the royals have a daughter, she could be called Lady Mountbatten-Windsor - which is a nice little title

Any subsequent sons would be named Lord Mounbatten-Windsor. It is still not known if the child will receive a royal title, but we probably won't find out until April (due date alert)

Prince Charles has been speaking about a 'slimmed down' monarchy in the future, focusing on the direct line to the throne

That would, of course, be Prince William and his children. When Harry and Meghan's baby is born, he or she will be seventh in line to the throne

Oh WOW, we are excited!

For more infomation >> Meghan Markle Royal - This is the very interesting title that Harry and Meghan's baby may receive - Duration: 2:28.


Vicarious Liability: What It Is and How to Avoid It - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Vicarious Liability: What It Is and How to Avoid It - Duration: 2:36.


What are social media impressions? What is social media reach? NOT the same thing! | #ChiaExplains - Duration: 5:55.

What Is the difference between Impressions and Reach?

And where can you find a Social Media Reach calculator?

I'm Chia and I'm going to explain all this inside this video.

Hey, it's Chia again, and today I want to look at Social Media Impressions and Reach

- and I will also show you where to find an automatic Social Media Reach calculator.

Anyway, first things first, what are Social Media Impressions?

Well, your Social Media Impressions are basically the number of times that your post is SHOWN

to someone, like in their social media feed.

So, then, what is Social Media REACH and how is it different?

Well, to put it really simply, your Social Media Reach is the number of PEOPLE who will

see that post - or, actually, it's more like a super close estimate.

Now, there are a few factors that will affect your Reach, like the number of followers you

have, and what percentage of them actually SEES the stuff that you share on any given day…

but, it basically all comes down to how many people will see your post.

And that is another thing to keep in mind: Social Media Impressions and Social Reach

refer to individual POSTS or pieces of content - NOT people.

And your number for Social Media Reach is almost always going to be lower than your

number of Impressions, because one person can easily be shown the same post more than


So, for example, let's say you publish a new post on your Facebook Page.

And one of your fans sees it.

This counts as ONE impression and ONE person Reached.

But then, when they're scrolling through their feed, they see your post again because

it was shared by one of their friends.

Now, that same post has TWO Impressions - because it was seen twice - but it still has ONE for

Reach, since both times it was shown to the same person.

So, hopefully, the difference between Impressions and Social Media Reach is a little clearer now, but I do have

a little quiz for you guys, just to keep you on your toes.

So, again, let's say you share a new post to your Facebook Page, and this time, 5 of

your followers see that post TWICE.

How many Impressions and how much Social Media Reach does that post have?

You should see a tiny pop-up in the corner right about now - so click on it to take the

quiz - you can pause the video and then hit play again when you're ready.

OK, so... if 5 people see the same post twice, that means it had 10 impressions and a 5 for

Social Media Reach... remember, the post may have been SHOWN 10 times, but that was to

the same 5 people.

So how'd you do?

That wasn't so bad, right?!

If you have any questions now, you can ask away in the Comments section, or feel free

to just let me know how you did! I'm really curious.

So, to recap: your Impressions are the number of times your post is SHOWN to people, while

your Social Media Reach is based on the number of PEOPLE who see that post.

So, these terms kind of overlap, and some people even refer to Social Media Reach as UNIQUE

Impressions, which makes sense.

Now, as far as social media metrics go, your Social Media Reach is a really big one - and it's

something that usually varies for each platform - and that's totally normal.

Assuming that you're not trying to be just as active on Twitter, LinkedIn, and everywhere

else, all at the same time - and you're focusing on the best social media sites for your business

(which is great!), this is why your Social Media Reach can be really high on one platform,

and really low on another...

So, hopefully, it's HIGHER on the platforms that you're actually working on - and you can definitely check


So, Brand24 has an automatic Social Media Reach calculator - it actually shows you a bunch

of social media metrics - but I'll show you guys another time.

To check the Social Media Reach of your posts, you can track your content in Brand24, and

then see everything from the dashboard.

So, here, we have a chart that shows us the Social Media Reach of posts about the Balenciaga

Triple S - you know those weirdly popular "old man sneakers" that Instagrammers

really love - and we can see the Reach of these posts on individual platforms, like Instagram - and

we can also look at Reach over a period of time.

I find it helpful to see if the Reach of a post is increasing or decreasing over time,

and this also lets me observe patterns, like seasonal or weekly peaks and valleys in Social

Media Reach, and what may have caused this.

So, it's a really good idea just to check up on your Social Media Reach, since this is a metric

that will have an impact on pretty much all of your social media marketing activities

- which means that it's actually a good common factor for gauging your KPIs

(your key performance indicators).

For example, we can use our Social Media Reach to see how much of our audience is really

engaged by our content.

So, just take one of those social media metrics that you're really interested in - If you're

working on getting more interactions, then you're probably looking at your number of


And if you're trying to spread a message, then you're gonna be more excited to see

'retweets' and 'shares'.

Either way, just make sure the metrics that you're focused on line up with your goals - so that

you measure your progress the right way.

Now, let's say we're interested in interactions - and what part of the audience commented

on posts about Balenciaga's Triple S sneakers (these are NOT the real numbers for them,

just an example) - so, just take the number of comments and divide it by the Social Media

Reach (yeah, this can be a little scary), but this is the percentage of the audience

that's engaged with your content for THAT goal.

You can apply this formula to your other metrics of engagement to see how you're doing in

other areas.

And this was just a quick look at the difference between Social Media Reach and Impressions!

I hope I managed to clear up any confusion between these terms.

If not, you're welcome to leave any questions you have in the comments section, and I will

definitely answer them.

And if you found this video helpful, feel free to 'like' and 'share' it so that

we can answer this question for even more people.

And you can also subscribe to our YouTube channel, where I'll be explaining how you

can do even more in social media & digital marketing.

Thanks for watching - and I hope you learned something new - see you next time. Bye!

For more infomation >> What are social media impressions? What is social media reach? NOT the same thing! | #ChiaExplains - Duration: 5:55.


Back with the Ex: Does it work? And where are they now? - Duration: 15:19.

have you ever thought about getting back with your ex I mean the ex not just any

ex but like the ex that if you sat down with your friends and said I'm thinking

about getting back with my ex you wouldn't even have to say their name

your friends would automatically know who it was and probably look at you like

you're out of your mind I mean I think most of us have at least had the thought

about getting back with an ex and in this episode I am confident that I am

going to be able to help you determine if it's a good idea or not I'm Thomas

and I'm a sex researcher in this episode I'm going to help you decide if you

should get back with your ex or not but before I do that I want you to go ahead

and click that subscribe button down there give this video a thumbs up and

then leave a comment when you're done watching I love to get feedback and I

would love to hear from you but now back to helping you figure out if you should

get back with your ex or not and well I'm going to use them it's a little bit

different than what I usually do I'm actually gonna use a reality TV show to

help you figure it out back with the ex is a reality show that just premiered on

Netflix in January but actually came out about six months ago in Australia and it

is a quite the roller coaster I'm going to tell you a little bit about each

couple and what their biggest strength is what their biggest weakness is how it

all ended up for them and then a little bit of a spoiler of where they are now I

did some research I did some Instagram stalking I'm not proud of it but I kind

of build into that rabbit hole but now I have a ton of information for you so to

start with I have to tell you the premise of this show it is a people for

couples are they broken up one of them has contacted the show to try to get the

other one to come on and see if they can still make it work so they're going to

spend three weeks together they have an initial first date and they spend one

week at one of their homes the other week have the other ones home and they

go on vacation together for a week and then at the end it decide if they

actually want to give it another shot or not so beginning with the worst meg

and Jeremy this is the couple that always fights all the time they could be

having a great time and then two seconds later they're fighting

you don't even know what they're fighting about and it's unclear if they

know what they're fighting about so the lowdown is they met when they were very

young I believe 14 and 17 this is from information I found on the internet so

there could be a little bit difference there I don't know if that's legal or

not in Australia but we're just gonna roll with it anyway they were off and on

for seven years at one point he leaves and goes away to travel she's devastated

doesn't date anyone for a year then he comes back they started dating then he

leaves again so it's just a lot of back and forth and now it's three years later

and he has decided that he wants to make it work with her again so their first

date he shows up at the restaurant and she just loses her mind right away she

can't be there's just too much anxiety she starts crying she runs away

this becomes a theme throughout any argument they have so this is the couple

that fights all the time but they like love fighting that is their biggest

weakness is that they simply can't get along now their biggest strength as a

couple is their commitment they are committed to being in this relationship

even though they are both miserable all the time all the time there's one

episode where his friends are there and she comes out and he's just told his

friends that he's gonna try to make it work with her again and his friends are

pissed so that is a big red flag if you were thinking about getting back with an

ex and none of your friends think it's a good idea it's probably not a good idea

so their story ends with them going to Africa having a great time going to this

beautiful dinner and then fighting at dinner because they can't forgive each

other for how they've hurt each other in the past not only can they not forgive

each other they can't even admit what they've done they never take

responsibility for their actions so they have this beautiful dinner outside under

the stars she ends up getting upset and leaving and he had just shaved his head

because he wanted to impress her this is kind of a theme throughout the show a

little bit of people trying to change themselves for the other person which

we'll get into that also another red flag and then they meet

back the next day to decide if they're going to make it work or not this is the

weirdest scene ever they sit next to each other talk about how much they like

each other and how much they want to be together whether they both a know that

they make each other miserable and then they end up hugging and saying that

they're going to make it work I I don't know what what they were thinking so I

did do some sleuthing online and it looks like they broke up shortly after I

think the biggest takeaway from this couple do not try to make it work with

someone you don't get along with the second worst couple is Lauren and Eric

so Lauren and Erik work together for six years they also broke up six times

within that period and they only had sex six times the entire time they were

together now I'm not a religious man but that is three sixes right in a row and

that is a sign they are not good but it is not her fault Lauren seems great she

seems caring she has her life together she has confidence she believes in

herself I don't think it was always this way and she definitely says that it

wasn't and Eric is a narcissist all Eric cares about is himself

one year for her birthday he gave her a birthday card with ten thousand dollars

and he told her that she could either pay off her student loans or get a boob

job and he was serious he wanted her to get a boob job even though she didn't

want to get one additionally during their relationship he told her that she

needed to cut her hair or he was going to break up with her so she cut her hair

again back to changing appearance to try to get someone to like you more or to

care about you more now this couple resonates with me a lot in that respect

because I've dated someone in the past the person who I would consider to be

the ex and that person tried to get me to change a lot of things about myself

and it's very painful and I did change a lot of things about myself to try to

make that person happy so I'm a little bit biased because I really connected

with Lauren their biggest weakness is Eric he's a narcissist and if you are

not a narcissist you can't date a narcissist you will never

be happy and you will never be enough for them and they will constantly make

you feel like shit what is their biggest strength I have no idea I saw zero

strengths with this couple whatsoever their story wraps up with them going on

vacation to New York City so they meet on a bridge he asks her if they can make

it work and she just says no I was like thank God I was so glad that she was

like no I'm not doing this I have too much respect for myself and they kind of

just go their separate ways and this really made me like her so much more so

of course I did some more research and it looks like she is currently dating

someone else and pretty happy with the photos that they post on her Instagram

the big takeaway from this couple is that if anyone asks you to change

anything about yourself or threatens that if you don't change it about

yourself they're going to break up with you believe them that is a red flag and

that is not something that is going to change we're now gonna shift to the

couples that seem to have it together a little bit more and that first one is

Kate and cam so Kay and cam met in high school they were together for three

years and then someone cheated the trust was broken and well they broke up the

show does a really good job ad setting it up so that it seems like he cheated

but it was her that cheated and you find it out pretty quickly but I was very

surprised by this just in how the setup was she calls the show she wants to give

it another shot so cam shows up their personalities are very different but

they get along really well she's a little bit more rigid he's very goofy

but they kind of poke fun at each other and they laugh a lot

and they just have instant chemistry watching them interact together makes me

smile their biggest strength is literally how well they get along they

seem like they're really good friends almost from the beginning at one point

in the show all of the women that are in the couples go to dinner and meet each

other and one of the other women looks at Kate and says you cheated on him

before clearly something was missing why do you want to try to make it work how

do you know that thing isn't still missing that wasn't

there before and Kay doesn't have an answer I thought that was really

interesting because you were seeing it from the perspective of the person who

did the cheating and I think that has a good question you know if you cheated

why would you want to try again if you made a mistake have you guys worked on

whatever it was that led you in that direction now of course their biggest

issue is trust there are multiple times throughout the show where she says I

need him to trust me I need him to trust me I need him to trust me

and she kind of wants it all to happen right now when she just wants to be in

control they haven't moved past it yet and that's something that if they were

to stay together who's gonna take some work and was gonna take some time and

I'm not sure if she has the patience for that because she really wants to be able

to move on now they go on vacation together I believe somewhere in Canada

it was the most boring location of all of them they could have gone not the

Canada's boring but they just went and like played in the snow which is

actually kind of cute for them I guess so they meet up and they decide that

they're gonna make it work they want to be together and they want to try so I

did some more research it's not always happy ever after it looks like they

moved in together they tried and then they broke up now on Kate's Instagram it

looks like she's dating someone new and cam comments and makes jokes and

everything seems fine the biggest takeaway from this couple is that being

friends and getting along isn't always enough and I think that if you have had

a rupture in the trust in your relationship you really need to go and

get therapy and try to work through it together the last couple the coupled it

from the beginning you think has the biggest shots Diane and Peter Diane and

Peter are in their 50s and they met when they were in their 20s they have not

seen each other for 28 years when they originally met she was living in Florida

he was living in Australia they dated for two years and just couldn't make the

long-distance work in that period of time they both got married they had kids

and they both got of first and now they're seeing each other

for the first time and the moment they see each other you just see the

fireworks again they're so excited they're instantly happy but Diane might

be one of my favorite people in the entire world she is like this very seems

earthy spirited person who is just positive all the time but has a lot of

beliefs about herself and what she wants out of life and isn't willing to

sacrifice any of that and Peter seems extremely easygoing and happy and

passionate and you you just think like okay this is like the throwaway couple

this is the couple that is going to figure it out and the magical couple

that's going to rekindle what they had in the past and everything's going to be

perfect they go skinny-dipping together they go hiking they go grocery shopping

he cries in almost every episode and it makes me wonder like what other

emotional damage is there what else is going on with this guy and I'm not

saying that there's anything wrong with crying I cry you probably cry but every

single episode I mean maybe he is just super sensitive but I'm guessing that

there's something else going on there their biggest strength is their

communication they tell each other what they're thinking what they're feeling

why they're feeling that way and they work on it they apologize if they've

hurt each other and then they move forward they have a better communication

than any other couple on the show and probably 90% of the couples that I've

seen in therapy however their biggest weakness is the distance she lives in

North Carolina he lives in Australia in the last episode for their vacation they

go to Paris because of course they do Paris way I believe was actually where

they met so it all kind of comes back full circle which is adorable now Peter

decides that he is going to propose to Diane in front of the Eiffel Tower and

she says yes so the show ends with them being engaged now from what I was able

to find online that may not have lasted for very long there was

an Australian magazine that printed that shortly after filming ended they broke

up and I think the big takeaway with this couple is maybe sometimes it's okay

to leave the past in the past Peter seemed to really have his heart

set on that she was going to be the one at one point even says that throughout

his 20-year marriage he thought of her every single day which is also a sign

that there might be some other things going on there that are more than just

this romantic love that's the four couples the young love the passionate

fighters the narcissist and the resurgent couple the big takeaway of the

entire show is that people don't change sorry they just don't the vast majority

of the time the person you originally dated is going to be the same person

that you date later there's probably a reason that you broke up and if you

decide to get back together you might just end up repeating that pattern again

so you need to think long and hard about is it worth it that's my little spiel on

and getting back with your ex I don't recommend it but I have seen it work and

in fact one of my very good friends has been back with their ex for well over

ten years and they are very happy so things do happen and it is possible back

with the exes streaming now on netflix so I hope that you will go and find it

it's actually a great show I know I gave away a lot now but it's actually pretty

good and you can learn a lot from it and like I said it's not a bunch of fake

drama it's actually kind of quality TV so I highly recommend it

I'll see you next time

thanks for watching I've got a lot of content in production and I don't want

you to miss out so go ahead and click that subscribe button and in the

meantime check out one of these other videos then don't forget to send me your

questions about sex to

For more infomation >> Back with the Ex: Does it work? And where are they now? - Duration: 15:19.


ISO Performance !!! Does it really matter when you buy a new camera? Hindi - Duration: 3:18.

I hear this very often

whether its when you are clicking the photo or buying a camera

at least while buying the camera

you don't have to compare the iso performance of 2 cameras

I will give you 2 reasons

why you need not worry

about ISO performance of any camera

Firstly, lets think practically

Do we ever compare a 1300D

with a 1D X M2...?

Either I have a budget for 1300D

or I have a budget for 1D XM2

So, obviously before I buy any camera

I wont do such comparisons

If I start comparing an entry

level camera to a high end professional camera

then obviously , I see a difference in the specifications

But just think for example

we are thinking of buying Canon 200D

with what are we going to compare? Nikon 5600

Canon 800D

Nikon 5300

may be a couple more cameras from Sony

but all these cameras are around the same budget

and in the specifications

if we see the differences in ISO

we dont see much difference

whenever there is a new model being released ...!

just because they want to make it look better

with specifications

they will make sure that

technically there is an improvement

and when we compare the list

We do not have to fall prey for the slight increase that they show in comparison..

It will be so negligible

that it hardly makes a difference in our work

Always keep in mind

when we are comparing 2 cameras of approximately same budget

ISO performance of a camera may not be the right criteria to choose the best one..!

Instead of being dependent on Cameras ISO

its always better to have better control on shutter speed and aperture

that we will be able to keep minimal ISO in any situations

For example: I have always seen a lot of people not

coming less then 1/200 shutter speed in most cases

and always keep aperture more than 4....

and in dark situations

obviously , we need to keep ISO high

instead try to keep your hands steady, may be practice for the same...

you can come down to 1/160 and 1/120 in many situations

In fact , many times

I have kept 1/80 shutter speed when required

when we start using the shutter speed efficiently

and keep widest possible aperture depending on the situation

then definitely

we will keep minimal possible ISO

as we have best possible shutter speed and aperture

whatever little difference you would see in the camera

we will get 100 times better photos (lesser noise)

when we keep optimal shutter and aperture

Also, during photoshoot....

you have used shutter

and aperture properly

with best possible combination

we should actually

not be too worried about cameras

ISO performance. Also, if we focus

on how we can use the light properly

how to use the ambient light

how to place the artificial light

if we concentrate on all these

the we can be sure that Cameras ISO performance itself will have lesser impact..!

this message is specially for beginner photographers

What you think? ISO performance is important factor

Or you feel ISO performance of a camera should not be a major criteria to buy..!

If you liked the video

let me know by giving it a thumbsup

For more infomation >> ISO Performance !!! Does it really matter when you buy a new camera? Hindi - Duration: 3:18.


What is Long-Term Care Insurance? - Duration: 2:37.

Long-term care insurance policies provide coverage for those that need assistance with

daily tasks either in a long-term care facility or in the home.

There are six activities of daily living or ADLs that are relevant to long-term care policies.

They include bathing, dressing, transferring (that's getting from the bed to the chair,

or the chair to the wheelchair, for example), toileting, maintaining continence, and eating.

If someone cannot perform two of those tasks or needs to be monitored to prevent injury

when performing at least two of them and a physician certifies this, that is when most

long-term care insurance policies kick in.

There are a couple different ways that you can purchase a long-term care insurance policy.

The first type of policy is a stand-alone long-term care policy.

That just means that it only covers long-term care.

This is probably the most common option for many people.

You'll get a quote, and it will be customizable to your situation for the maximum amount of

coverage per day, throughout the policy overall, as well as any features such as inflation

protection that you might have the option to add.

The upside of a stand-alone long-term care policy is that they can be fairly robust and

customizable based on the quote that you prefer for your situation and budget.

The downside is that they can be fairly expensive overall and they can be difficult to

get underwritten for.

So keep that in mind.

This is one of the reasons why many applicants also consider hybrid policies.

Those are policies that couple long-term care with another insurance need.

You may for example purchase a life insurance policy that has the option to add coverage

for long-term care through what's called a rider.

That's just a fancy term for a part of an insurance policy that can be optionally added.

The advantage of the hybrid policies is that they might be less expensive than purchasing

each type of insurance on their own.

The downside is sometimes the coverage might not be as robust or comprehensive as purchasing

those policies independently.

Thanks for listening today and please come to for more information.

For more infomation >> What is Long-Term Care Insurance? - Duration: 2:37.


Finding Love after 50: How Finding Your Soulmate is Like Finding Your Dream Job! - Duration: 9:56.

I'm thinking of people there that are popping in my head is like oh my god I

can totally see them doing that they're intimidated to go out there for you know

with rejection and what they might face but they're not intimidated you know

when they interview for a job thanks so much for tuning in again to our second

act with Paige and Silke I'm happy to say that Frank Wieger stayed over for

another segment talking about his seriously seeking soulmate program Frank

thanks for staying over thanks Silke it's so much fun I love talking about this stuff

well what I want to get into deeper here is is is a concept or analogy I suppose

you bring up that makes so much sense to me in terms of giving people confidence

to get out and and you know make a plan put it into action and finding or

creating their soul mate and that is what you say is that finding a mate is

like you know getting a great job start you know treating it as a job search tell

us what you mean by that well yeah actually when you stop and think about

it that that having a great marriage or relationship is the best job in the

world it can be the most rewarding the most

fulfilling the most passionate wonderful experience of all so if you're if you

want to use the metaphor I love the metaphor of like finding a job so first

of all if you want to find a job and you're starting out you say well what

kind of work do I want to do I mean in do do I have the talent and skills to do

this kind of work so assuming that you do then you say okay well then excuse me

I need to find companies that use people that have this kind of work and

companies what's the metaphor that well you let you need to find a partner yeah

that matches your skill set okay you know the type of work that you desire to

do maybe you want to have a relationship that doesn't mean for example if you're

a woman that doesn't mean you're a housewife

you may be a career woman and you don't want to do housework but so you

want to find a partner who will either share the chores or hire them out and so

so you need to think about all that stuff and that's part of it is to design

how you want how you want this job to be and does it does it require you to move

does it require you to stay in a certain I mean do you have requirements where

you might have to stay in a given location maybe you're taking care of

elderly parents or you have children or whatever so so you've got to take all

that into consideration and then of course you have to get your resume up to

date in that in the in the dating analogy that means that you really have

to know who you are and what you what you want in in the last thing when we

talked about the beliefs and values you have to know if there are some beliefs

that are getting in the way of you finding made some cultural mores that

really are not applicable I mean they're they're not true they just came from

cultural conditioning so the corporate culture

the corporate I'm thinking of people they're they're popping in my head is

like oh my god I could totally see them doing this they're intimidated to go out

there for you know with rejection and what they might face but they're not

intimidated you know when they interview for a job

so it's almost like changing your mindset to something that you're so

familiar with and applying it to finding a mate I love I'm sorry idea right you

know and and by knowing by polishing up your resume for example you can say oh

wow I did this I did this I've got these accomplishments I'm gonna

you know I'm a pretty good match you know - candidate - so then that that's exactly right

so that gives you the confidence to go out there and when you go on the job

interview you can say you know here's Who I am here's what I can do and of

course then that company wants to know well you go to the interview and excuse

me and then put on nice clothes and you know good you dress the part dress the

part yeah so you go looking nice and you put on your your your game face and you

get out there and you do it so that's kind of like going on a

date and then if you get a callback then that's when it gets really

interesting because they want to know if you can do the job for them and you want

to know if you can work in their corporate culture I mean you mentioned

corporate culture is a casual or is it corporate is it you know do they have

Human Resources what kind of vacation plan health plan all that stuff and see

that all dates to you know and how are the people that you would be working

with well in the dating analogy that's the friends and the family you know you

wanna you want to meet their friends and you want to meet their family and how do

they interact with that how do they interact with the waitstaff on the in

the restaurant when you go out to dinner you know all that stuff all piles into

how how's your corporate culture so then you get the call back and then you want

to know what's going on and it really takes more than one interview so then

you decide what you and then you start negotiating what we're salary and all

that other stuff so it's really kind of a really good analogy for the whole

dating process and if you kind of look at it that way you say well you know

maybe I want to interview with a couple other company companies so you go

looking around and that's just kind of the idea I thought it was kind of a fun

analogy well it's not just fun it's you can actually know with a little bit of

sense of humor you can almost approach a first date

like that and talk about that you know it's almost like you know I got this bit

of advice from this you know really cool guy Frank we course he said I should

play you know and that could be a fun icebreaker Wiegers you know it's

something you could laugh at I mean have you told people that well no I never had

that's a good idea - a tip from me - right so Silke said - people have I find that sometimes you

know people aren't natural socialites or you know it is that first those first

conversations are are difficult so if you have something else that you can

talk about and get to where you really want to

get to well why not yeah and and I think the same thing on a job interview

you know the idea is you of course you talk about the job so you've got

something there to talk about but then most of the interviewers want

to know about your background and where you come from and your family and what

your hobbies are and what you like to do they want to know what kind of a person

are they dealing with here so it's the same thing well and what comes to mind

there what would people tell you in job interviews you know is to ask questions

about the company as well right you know that's so good because I always tell

guys I said you know if you want to get a woman interested in you you have to be

interested in her and ask her questions about herself I love that analogy and

this is something that you teach in in the seriously seeking soulmate ...yeah and it's all

part of the action plan I mean there's all kinds of tips and strategies and

do's and don'ts and and things that you do when you're actually out there after

you've done all the work to prepare yourself so you know what you want and

who you are you had the conviction and confidence then you get into the focused

action part and that's where you know you know here's some dating strategies

here are things to ask and I actually have a whole list that I got from the

New York Times actually on questions to ask your potential partner to develop

intimacy so so there's a you know the whole thing on creating the soulmate is

that you have to test that person to see if it's really there if you don't do the

test then well you could be leaving yourself wide open for you know

something that doesn't work out we don't like that no no well Frank I you know I

I can't wait till the program comes out I I'm happy to recommend it you're

always so full of good advice of course you bring so much experience to this and

frankly somebody at you know my age and I'm about to be sixty and I would find

it difficult at this point in my life to take advice from somebody much younger

than me I'm sorry I I want to talk to has actually gone through this and

that's when what reason why I so you know happily recommend you in counseling

others because you bring that experience to the table and of course we will link

to your information to the new site seriously seeking soulmate dot com will be

in the video description Frank is there anything that you want to add on this

segment before we go on to our next one well yes and the the key again is take

action you know if you polish up your resume and figure out where you want to

go look and get out there and start looking well and so if the whole concept

of turning this into a job search makes more sense and may gives you that

confidence go out there and do it like Frank said we'll see you next time on

our second act with Paige and Silke

thanks so much for watching if you haven't already done so please be sure to subscribe to our Channel

buttons right over here and for more information on finding love again after

50 please visit our websites see you soon bye bye

For more infomation >> Finding Love after 50: How Finding Your Soulmate is Like Finding Your Dream Job! - Duration: 9:56.


Consent to Search | What Is It & When Is a Search Warrant Needed - Duration: 4:37.

For more infomation >> Consent to Search | What Is It & When Is a Search Warrant Needed - Duration: 4:37.


Robotic Process Automation (RPA) - What it is and how it works - Duration: 9:11.

RPA - What it is and how it works.

There are many different definitions of robotic process automation out there, but most include the

words "software", "manual activity" and "repetitive tasks".

And that is it:

RPA is simply computer coded software that automates manual activities by performing repetitive

rule-based tasks.

And if that sounds confusing to you right now; don't worry - we'll soon see a demo.

The RPA software can easily be programmed to do basic tasks across applications just us human workers do.

The software can be taught - using recorders and easy programming language -, a workflow or process with

multiple steps and applications and reduce the burden of repetitive simple tasks on employees.

The higher volume and more mundane a task is, the better it's suited for robotic process automation. And just like industrial robots

transformed the factory floor,

RPA bots are transforming, and will continue to transform, office tasks.

How does it work?

Well, RPA replicates human interactions on a computer using proven underlying technology like image recognition,

text recognition, screen positioning, XML fragments and attributes and so on;

and this technology is interacting with various windows buttons, folders, drop down-lists and so on,

in the graphical user interface (GUI) of a computer. The graphical user interface of the computer is the

user interface layer that we humans also mostly use,

and this is one of the advantages of RPA, as it means the robot is able to automate work without compromising

the underlying IT infrastructure.

The robot can handle tasks like button clicks, cut/paste text, merging documents, do calculations, send

emails, etc. like humans.

It also reads applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel or Outlook; Notepad, customer relationship

management systems (CRMs) such as Sales Force, enterprise resource management systems (ERPs) such as SAP and so on,

which makes it a very powerful tool.

The robot can be implemented at the desktop or in a virtual environment.

So now that you have a firm understanding of what RPA is and how it works, let us have a look at

a demo; that will clear things up.

What you will see is an actual robot process automation and a robot performing a process on a desktop.

The process consists of 1) Pulling a PDF attachment from an e-mail inbox. 2) Transforming the data from

PDF to a row in a master Excel document that is saved on the machine.

3) The robot logs into a web system and enters the data from the Excel sheet in the web system to generate

an invoice, and 4) finally designated users are notified that the process is complete by email.

The demo you will see is made by Deloitte, and the RPA software used in this demo as Automation Anywhere.

You might want to see the video twice, as the robot is working very fast. Pay especially attention to

the fact that the robot works in the graphical user interface layer and that it works perfectly fine

in multiple applications and across those applications.

In an RPA solution, robots are capable of mimicking most user actions in the graphical user interface layer,

stretching from very manual and simple activities to more judgment-based and complex activities.

From the demo,

you already saw some of the capabilities of RPA like opening mail and extracting attachments, logging

into and navigating applications, copying and pasting data, filling in forms and extracting structured

data from documents.

Other capabilities of RPA solutions are creating, moving and deleting files and folders;

reading and writing to different databases,

following simple decisions and rules, collecting statistics - for example from social media -, and connecting

to APIs. Robots are also capable of making calculations and scraping data from the web.

Most RPA solutions are also capable of working in several systems, applications and platforms.

In the demo, you saw the robot work in desktop applications like Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Outlook,

and you saw the robot work in a web application that was available through a browser.

RPA solutions are usually capable of working in most enterprise resource planning systems, like SAP or

Microsoft Dynamics Navision,

- to mention a couple. They can be integrated with most databases, work with text-based file

formats - like CSV, JSON or XML files -, work with mainframe green screens,

obviously work with Microsoft Word, and work with remote desktop terminals like Citrix.

The ability to work across different systems, applications and platforms is one of the main advantages

of the RPA technology.

We will address the pros and cons of RPA technology in a later lesson.

For more infomation >> Robotic Process Automation (RPA) - What it is and how it works - Duration: 9:11.


The Next Revolution in Gaming Industry is Slowly Coming - It's Cloud Gaming - Duration: 8:53.

If you need video editing, logo animation, explainer video or anything other regarding

animation, hire us at

Looking into the future and also predicting something,

isn't a very easy thing to do.

For kind of obvious reasons.

But let's imagine one particular scenario anyway.

You are at home, playing your favourite singleplayer game.

It's 5 pm already and you have to turn it off and stop playing,

because you have a flight leaving in 2 and a half hours.

So you have to go.

You call yourself a cab and get to the airport.

Few minutes before you arrive you get a message from your airlines that your flight has been

delayed by 3 hours.

It's a pretty long way back home and you would also have to pay for 2 additional taxis,

so you decide to just wait it out.

This is, as many of you know, not that uncommon thing to happen.

Nothing too special about it.

But now, with that time on you hands, you head out to a specific room, where there are

tens of screens with seatings prepared.

You sit down in front of one of those, take the controller or a keyboard and just continue

to play the same game and the same save of that singleplayer game, as you were just before

you left home.

Right there, at the airport.

Together with many people around you doing the same thing.

Yea, just like in an arcade.

But there aren't any computers here.

Just the screens with controllers.

Let's now talk a bit more about why this scenario is quite likely to happen.

Even though it is still in the future, because there are still some limitations that need to be sorted out.

But the technology is already existing, and it's called cloud gaming.

So what is cloud gaming?

It's basically what you would imagine from the name, or even the scenario I have just explained.

It's a service that streams the video output of a game via internet into the screen you are watching.

Which means that all the computational power is located elsewhere.

The game is rendered there and what you see is just the final output sent to you through the internet.

Basically it acts similarly to streaming a video or movies.

So you don't need any expensive hardware that way.

You just need a good internet and a screen, to run almost any game in full details.

But this technology and services are not new at all.

Experiments began as early as 2006 and you might also remember the service called OnLive

which started in 2009, but failed to achieve it's goal and was shut down later in 2015.

Well, it was actually aquired by Sony who are working on a similar technology to be

implemented into their network.

But the point is that technology companies know very well why there lies such a huge

potential in cloud gaming services.

Companies like Google, Nvidia, Sony, Microsoft and running services like Parsec are all working

on improving the technology and finding the best possible way of bringing this to gamers.

Our cloud engineers are building a game streaming network

To unlock console-quality gaming on any device.

We see game streaming as a great technology, giving you access to the games,

that you want to play, on the device you want to play them on.

The benefits of this technology are quite real.

But first it has to be said, that it probably never will be aimed for the hardcore gamers.

The ones that might benefit the most from this are casual gamers.

What can be more practical then just starting up a chrome browser and play a game instantly,

without any installation, without any download, without any setting up, in full details on highest settings.

This technology is not like VR for example.

With VR the market is still finding out if people even want VR in their homes.

It's a different way of gaming and not for everybody.

But cloud gaming is something almost everybody would like, if it works properly.

Instant gaming without much of a hustle.

People will always prefer to immediately get what they want.

Like it has always been.

Another thing that speaks for Cloud gaming is current game development industry.

AAA companies have troubles everywhere you look, for like a half a year now and it seems

that almost every bigger game release is met with smaller or larger uprising of the community.

Bethesda, Blizzard, EA, Ubisoft, Activision.

People are getting tired of buying $60 priced unfinished games and it's starting to show.

Cloud gaming is a technology that would help indie developers get their games to the wider audiences.

Same as platforms like Steam did several years ago.

It's never been as easy to publish a small game as it is today.

Speaking of Steam, more and more stores are emerging to be a competition to Steam.

Like Epic Store or a Discord store.

It's not a new thing, but these stores provide higher percentage to developers of those games,

which creates competition and again uplifts indie scene of game development.

I am not talking about tons of bad, low quality, 1 person games, which will also be the case of course.

But it enables small studios to focus on quality and not yearly releases of the same IP

over and over like we see in AAA companies.

All of these things signal that the game development market is ready for a change.

Big or small.

And how did the entertainment markets changed till now?

Well we don't have to look too far to find some examples.

Starting with music industry and continuing to the movie industry, both are moving, or

you could say they already moved, to streaming, subscription based services.

Summarized in one sentence, the game development industry and gamers are ready for cloud gaming.

It may bring a breath of fresh air into the industry.

The AAA companies might not like that, but we gamers don't like what they are doing as well.

But even though we might be ready for a change, the technology is still not there.

So let's talk a bit about the downsides.

You can imagine that technology behind streaming a movie and streaming a realtime fully rendered

game that reacts to your mouse movements and other inputs with less delay than 30 ms,

is quite different.

If you read about the specific services that are offering Cloud gaming now as a test projects,

like beta of Google Project Stream, Nvidia GeForce NOW or Parsec, you will find similar

opinions about them.

That the technology is neat, very potential, but not mind blowing just yet.

Well, at least until you realize, that the game you are playing on highest settings isn't

taking any computional power and run a full virus scan while playing without any change

on a 6 year old laptop.

It's seems like the technology is mostly limited by the internet speed.

Google's Project Stream requires 25 megabytes, not megabits per second, of a stable internet connection.

But even if the internet is not 100% optimized you will first get degradation in video stream

quality and not lagging.

Which is amazing to me.

Internet speeds are also getting higher every year and that's also what these projects

are counting on.

Other thing we have to think about is how these services will be monetized.

As I have said before, it can not be aimed primarily on the hardcore gamers, because

everybody like that already has a console or a PC.

However, I have been a gamer my whole life as well, and even I can see the appeal of

running AAA games in my chrome browser instantly.

It can bring a huge new market into the equation and if the pricing will be set properly,

it can be a success.

It will of course take a while to be able to play competitive Counter Strike or Fortnite

in 4K without a PC, but that is not the aim of Cloud Gaming anyway.

We will see how all this will turn out pretty soon I think.

Several factors play into Cloud gaming and I think the year 2019 might be a very good

year, maybe even revolutionary, for indie developers.

Because of the ever growing issues of AAA game development industry.

But don't think that I try to compare cloud gaming to Netflix or something.

I understand very well why we have Netflix and why we don't have streaming of playable games.

The point is that it's a holy grail for technology companies and they are doing their

best to get there.

All these things combined are why I think the cloud gaming has a bright future at the moment.

The technology has still some way to go.

But even today you can already see the potential.

I have talked about the airport scenario, which is a little bit more science fiction

at the moment, but even by seeing something like this you can imagine where this can lead us

and why I think the gaming will look much different in upcoming years.

I am Miloš Černý and Thank You for watching.

For more infomation >> The Next Revolution in Gaming Industry is Slowly Coming - It's Cloud Gaming - Duration: 8:53.


Women become masculine if they do weight-training ! Is it a myth? Learn the truth. By Dr.kamal. - Duration: 4:30.

Many girls think that they will become like boys if they do weight-training

with cuttings, looking masculine?

Absolutely not. Work out without worries.

We will see now why is it so.

And females also have testosterone, but in a very low quantity.

In a male body

Males have approx 7 times more testosterone than females

So the main ingredient for building muscle i.e. testosterone is high in males and low in females.

To cook Fried Rice, the first thing you need is RICE.

Similiarly, to build a muscular body, the first thing you need

It is anyway naturally low in females.

Work out without worries, you will not have hugely chiseled, muscular bodies.

Now the question comes that if we do not have muscular bodies then should you exercise?

You should because

Illness will be less.

Now you might be wondering as to how some women in magazines, TV have muscled, chiseled, sculpted bodies.

If you are a female then too you have to exercise because the you will be fit, you will be healthy.

You do not like my video or if you want to know something then write in the COMMENTS section

For more infomation >> Women become masculine if they do weight-training ! Is it a myth? Learn the truth. By Dr.kamal. - Duration: 4:30.


Why blowing on the tea helps to cool it down? - Duration: 5:27.

For more infomation >> Why blowing on the tea helps to cool it down? - Duration: 5:27.


What is he saying?(101) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:08.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today, I'm going to say something three times quickly

and I'd like you to guess what I'm saying.

Are you ready?

It'll take about an hour.

It'll take about an hour.

It'll take about an hour.

Could you catch that?

Alright, let's try that again, but this time with a hint.

Are you ready?

It'll take about an hour.

It'll take about an hour.

It'll take about an hour.

Did you catch that?

Alright, let's try that again but this time a little bit slower.

Are you ready?

It'll take about an hour.

It'll take about an hour.

It'll take about an hour.

Did you catch that?

Alright, the answer is "It'll take about an hour."

It'll take about an hour.

Alright, so "take about an hour" are connected.

So it sounds "takeaboutanhour", "takeaboutanhour".


So let's practice this together.

First slowly, then a little bit faster.


So please repeat after me.

It'll take about an hour.

Great, Even faster.

It'll take about an hour.

Great, even faster than that.

It'll take about an hour.

Great, so let's practice this three times quickly.

So, please repeat after me.

It'll take about an hour.

It'll take about an hour.

It'll take about an hour.

Great, so now you know how to say this expression.

Remember to please click like, share, and subscribe.

My name is Richard and I'll catch you next time.

For more infomation >> What is he saying?(101) (Listening Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:08.


I'm not bulletproof when it comes to you. - Duration: 1:15.

Is that all it is? Just... friends?

I have never felt... Whatever it is I'm supposed to feel with her.

We're best friends.

I can't give you the answer you want.

- I'll never be good enough for you. - Yeah... Me too.

"R U up? Can we talk?" "No.. And no."

Wait! C'mon, listen me.

I hate that I hurt her.

I don't think I can handle it.

- I need know the truth! - I'm crazy about her...

Can we talk?

I confirmed how I've been feeling this last week...

I just want to you know... I love you.

For more infomation >> I'm not bulletproof when it comes to you. - Duration: 1:15.


Is Solar Energy the Future? Yes, if it Can Overcome These Challenges - Duration: 4:28.

Nick Sciple: Let's talk about some of the challenges that we're going to see in solar over time.

The first thing I want to call out is called the duck curve.

Traditionally, what we see with power generation is that it starts to tick up after the sun rises,

folks go to work. It rises throughout the day while people are at work, then reaches a peak right after folks

go home, say, six, seven.

Folks are home making dinner, turn on the air conditioning, all those sorts of things.

The duck curve is that middle of the day where we start to see a surge or increase in energy demand.

Once you get a certain amount of solar into your grid, you start to see demand from your

traditional energy sources, whether it's hydrocarbons or otherwise, really start going down.

The sun goes up during the day, you reach your peak of solar production, so you don't

need to use another energy source.

Where it becomes an issue is when the sun goes down and that solar power rolls off the grid,

you really have to ramp up very quickly your hydrocarbon or other energy-producing

sources to meet that demand.

It's led to some complications for utilities navigating how to shift between those demands,

particularly with energy sources, say, like coal, that are really difficult to bring on

quickly intraday. Jason Hall: Yeah, especially coal.

These baseload power generation facilities, these legacy facilities, were never intended

to be able to handle these really quick surges like that.

They just weren't built to be able to do that. This has been a major challenge, it really has.

The thing with the duck curve that's interesting is that, if you go back four or five years ago

when this first started becoming a major concern, especially where I live here in California

where we have a massive amount of solar, huge populations, so it's really the perfect environment

for something like the duck curve to happen and to be a problem, batteries weren't even

really on the radar as a long-term solution.

But the technology has improved as global scale of manufacturing batteries has grown

and the costs have come down. It's really become an interesting potential solution.

Energy storage, great big batteries, as Elon Musk has called it, has an amazing amount

of power to fill this need.

I think it's gotten to a point now where you have utilities that are even looking at using

battery storage as a solution instead of building a peaker plant.

So, instead of building a small natural gas plant that can quickly surge to meet those

quick peak demands, bringing in a battery storage system that's capturing power even

from carbon sources, maybe getting power from a coal plant that's charging batteries during

the day, if that just happens to be your cheapest incremental source of electricity.

Then, using those batteries instead of a peaker natural gas plant to meet that surge demand.

It's really interesting what we're seeing. So, think about battery storage.

In the near-term, you may see battery storage getting rolled out that's not even connected to renewables.

It may be connected in the short-term, pulling power from the natural gas plant to meet those

peak periods in demand.

Over time, obviously, the long-term goal from a carbon reduction perspective is to tie it

into solar and wind and capturing those resources that aren't on all the time, to meet those

surges in demand. Watch the battery space really closely.

Sciple: Yeah, batteries are going to be very important to store that production we have during the day.

Then, you mentioned the peaker plants for natural gas.

That's one of those things where, as that gap filler fuel, natural gas serves a good

role there because it's really easy to turn on, get production quickly, and turn your

production off quickly. With coal, it's not economic unless you run it 24/7.

You could say the same for nuclear.

Bullish for both batteries and natural gas having a continued role in energy production over the long-term.

For more infomation >> Is Solar Energy the Future? Yes, if it Can Overcome These Challenges - Duration: 4:28.


Is A Vegetarian Diet Safe For My Child? - Duration: 2:47.

If you are vegetarian parent, you have probably considered putting your child on a vegetarian


Not only would it save time and make meal-planning easier, but for dietary and ethical reasons,

you believe it is a better choice for your child.

Conversely, you might not be a vegetarian yourself, but have a child who is going through

a vegetarian "phase," where she rejects meat, but doesn't consume enough healthy foods

to compensate for the nutritional gap.

Whatever the case is, you may have wondered whether or not a vegetarian diet is sustainable,

healthy choice for your child.

You may have heard that putting your child on a vegetarian diet could potentially stunt

her growth.

These concerns probably prevented you from putting your child on a vegetarian diet up

to this point.

And all of these concerns are legitimate.

In fact, if a vegetarian diet is poorly planned, it can cause serious short and long term health

problems, especially for children, who are growing and developing--and who do not yet

have sufficient stores of vitamins.

If you aren't well-prepared to put your child on a vegetarian diet, you definitely


However, if you have done your nutritional research and you are familiar with the nutrients

vegetarians commonly lack, then you know that these problems can easily be overcome with

some meal planning.

You also know that putting your child on a healthful vegetarian diet can greatly improve

her health in both the short and long term.

It can also reduce her exposure to animal products that contain hormones and preservatives,

which have been linked to developmental problems and cancer.

If you haven't researched vegetarian diets thoroughly, but you are anxious to start your

child on one now, you should start by ensuring that you plan meals to boost amounts of the

following nutrients (that most vegetarians lack):



Make sure your child is consuming enough protein by adding additional sources, such as wheat,soybeans,

isolated soy protein, and nuts.



Ensure your child is consuming enough calcium by adding calcium-fortified processed foods

and leafy green vegetables to his diet.



Add more iron to your child's diet by increasing servings of soybeans, pinto beans, tofu, and




Enhance your child's zinc intake by increasing his servings of almonds, peanut butter, and


If you concentrate on compensating for all of these common nutritional deficiencies,

you absolutely can put your child on a vegetarian diet without any negative health consequences.

Just ignore the mythology surrounding vegetarian diets and instead focus on research and meal-planning.

For more infomation >> Is A Vegetarian Diet Safe For My Child? - Duration: 2:47.


Chadwick Boseman after SAG win: 'There is a place for us' - News Live - Duration: 2:19.

When it comes to equal representation in films and storytelling, Chadwick Boseman believes, "There is a place for us."

The "Black Panther" star, along with his fellow cast mates, won the top prize for Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture at the 2019 Screen Actors Guild Awards.

The film also won Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture.

After the ceremony, Boseman, 41, posted a snap of the cast holding their coveted trophies.

He added the caption, "'To Be young, gifted and black…' There is a place for us. Thank you to SAG-AFRTA for the appreciation and celebration of our work."

The phrase Boseman quoted references Nina Simone's song of the same title.

During his acceptance speech, Boseman simply explained, "We know what it's like to be told there's not a screen for you to be featured on, a stage for you to be featured on. We know what it's like to be the tail, but not the head. We know what it's like to be beneath, but not above. And that is what we went to work with every day."

The film has gone on to become a fan favorite – earning more than $1 billion at the box office – perhaps making way for more movies starring black actors to enter the mainstream.

Speaking to reporters backstage, according to Entertainment Weekly, Boseman explained why the phrase "To be young, gifted and black" is one of his favorite sayings.

"It speaks to the fact that you have the same dreams as other people [and] you have equal if not more talent at times, but you don't have the same opportunities," the actor explained. "You don't necessarily have the same doors open, the same nepotism or the same money, the same resources that could be put forward for you to achieve dreams. So when you aspire to do something that is outside the realm of what the world would see you doing, to be young gifted and black is all of that. It's to have everything but not quite be able to grasp it, and to be able to persevere through all of that."

For more infomation >> Chadwick Boseman after SAG win: 'There is a place for us' - News Live - Duration: 2:19.


Hollywood Is A Sewer That Produces Gold - Peter Russell - Duration: 9:28.

Film Courage: Issues that were facing the family at that time…like the TV show EIGHT

IS ENOUGH when I would watch it, that wasn't a representation of how I lived or I didn't

have siblings and things like that but I watched it as Wow?

That's what "the normal families" dealt with.

And I could watch it as a little girl and think "I want to be one of them."

Peter Russell, Screenwriter: Well Think about this, think about this.

7TH HEAVEN and THE COSBY SHOW were both run by.

So you have to ask yourself what were we watching then?

We were watching myths.We were watching at a time when I think the family was actually

breaking up (it was in dissolute) we were watching guys who were literally in their

own personal lives (allegedly) committing crimes.

So what does that tell us about what that period of time is for television?

It was a time when we had a much less sophisticated view of what art could be.

Television then was I think propaganda for a particular way of life that was mostly BS


I think.

Film Courage: So we can go back father to FATHER KNOWS BEST, LEAVE IT TO BEAVER, was

it the DONNA REED show?

So that's even more safe within this little box…I mean I LOVE LUCY was silly and you

could have fun with [the characters] but I'm talking about where you saw very defined roles

for the mother and father and the good children versus the Eddie Haskells.

And now it's almost like Okay we know a lot of stuff has been a big lie and that many

of the mighty have fallen in some ways.

Let's just let it be and revel in that.

Peter: I think art always does that.

You know LEAVE IT TO BEAVER was considered a groundbreaking show when it came out, a

very realistic show because it had kids talking back to their parents.

Eddie Haskell actually said some mean things on camera.

It was a ground breaking show at the time it came out compared to THE DONNA REED or

the others which was very sanitized.

So I think an art form if it's growing continues to show you (this is going to be pompous I'm

sorry) but I think this is why television is great it shows you better and better what

the world is really like.

So television today I think is better because it's more sophisticated and it actually

shows us more of the world then TV did 30 years ago.

You know movies were cool because they showed us stuff that TV couldn't.

Movies were cool in the 70's because we could see nudity, we could see violence, we

could see obscenity, we could see themes that TV just couldn't tackle, right?

Movies lost its edge over TV because now we can see all those things on TV right?

That's part of why TV is cool, those rules don't exist anymore.

And I think when an art form is at its freest it can also be at its best.

When it's able to show everything about a society.

Now we're not there yet.

There are still things we can't show on TV.

I'm working on a crime drama right now that is very controversial.

It's got a guy in it who is supposed to be the anti-hero of the show.

That's very, very controversial and I don't know if it's going to succeed but I hope

it does.

Because when you can't talk about something you can't face it.

And when you can't face it, you can't heal it.

And so I'm not a big fan of political correctness and I believe television is at its best when

it doesn't have anybody say "Oh you can't do that?

No…no…no…you can't say that.

No…no…no…that's beyond bounds."

And I think sometimes we have political correctness from both left and right that are keeping

our art forms from being free and you can say all you want about Hollywood being a horrible

place full of awful people and it is.

There are tons of terrible people here.

My dad was a Southern Baptist Minister.

He used to rail against Hollywood.

And I used to tell him "Dad you're absolutely right.

I've been out there and it's absolutely full of horrible, evil people.

You were totally right talking in the pulpit.

I couldn't have put it any better."

But as Milton said in Areopagitica you can't praise a cloise to virtue.

You can't say "Hollywood sucks.

We've got to shut it down."

They've done that in so many countries in the world.

They don't have vibrant TV industries.

Why is our entertainment industry…why do we sell all over the world?

It's not because people love us.

They hate America.

They think America is awful.

Why does America sell all over the world.

I think it's because Hollywood for all of its faults doesn't get its money from government,

doesn't have a bunch of puritanical judges saying "You can say this, you can't say


It gets its power from people paying money to see its product.

No rules, no regulation.

Honestly it's the most free market product produced by these warm-hearted socialists

at the top of every entertainment company, they are the most cut throat capitalists on


That's why I love Hollywood, it's anarchy.

At its best it has no rules.

Film Courage: It's funny that you mention this.

I was in a restaurant after some sort of scandalous news broke (I won't go into what it was)

but I was in between going to another destination and I was reading some press notes from a

screener that I just watched.

And so the woman behind me was with a man and they were both in what seemed like the

same line of work (maybe attorneys or social workers) and she's complaining about her

day and he is not listening.

And I can feel it happening behind me and I can feel her frustration and then she kind

of turned to me and said "I used to work in Film and Television and I hated it!"

And it was like I think it's time for me to go.

And it was right after a scandal had broke and it was on the news and on Twitter and

everyone was giving their opinion and it's interesting because I wasn't even aware

of how that's how it's perceived [that Hollywood is filled with evil people].

Peter: There are so many people I know that quit working in show business because they

say "It's such a poisonous environment.

There are so many abusive people."

And there are.

I don't know how many people work in Hollywood.

Probably very few.

Everyone in it is damaged, terribly damaged.

But I think that was true in Shakespeare's age too.

Look the theater was banned by the Puritans.

It was a place of unhealthiness where unhealthy things happen.

I think when you have no rules, you have society's gangsters move in.

But I think that is where most great art happens.

And I also think that nobody really knows how show business works.

And so part of the reason I think you guys do the work that you do like "How does Hollywood


Where are the rules?

I want somebody to give me the way things work?"

And I think what you have to say to people "Guess what?

There aren't any rules in this field, this is shadow town."

This is where you have to make up your own rules.

Nothing is going to be given to you.

There's no schooling where they go "Here's your degree.

Now you can go get a job, here's the field, here's the desk, here's the office, after

20 years you get a pension."

No, this is for chancers.

This industry is for unhealthy people who are deeply damaged and hurt by life and they

want to create story for a variety of terrible reasons.

But I think out of that comes the greatest art.

I think it's always been that way.

I don't remember which French guy said it but he said "Art is a sewer and from this

sewer emerges gold."

And I think that's Hollywood.

It's never going to be a place of healthy people doing things…and I don't know if

you should get in it if your goal is to lead a healthy, productive life, with predictable

outcomes where at the end of your life you're like "Well that's great.

I've got my pension.

I'm going to retire now, I'm going to Florida, everything is great.

I've got my health insurance and it's fine.

This town is not for you and I think that's just the way it always is.

Art is dangerous and scary and it's made by dangerous and scary people.

For more infomation >> Hollywood Is A Sewer That Produces Gold - Peter Russell - Duration: 9:28.


If You Think Aim Assist Is OP Watch This Video... (Controller Fortnite Aim Assist Abuse) - Duration: 10:18.

Hey what is going on guys, in this video today we're gonna be diving into what is probably

the most debated topic throughout the entire Fortnite community, aim assist.

Wanna start the equivalent of a virtual war between controller fortnite players and mouse

and keyboard fortnite players?

Just bring up aim assist, it's really that easy.

And to understand how heated these aim assist arguments can get from both sides, let me

share with you 2 tweets from pro players which pretty much highlights the extremes of both

view points.

Representing one side you have Ghost Kayuun saying "I really don't understand this debate

between controller players with aim assist vs PC players.

Like dude, they're playing the game using two plastic sticks.

If you're a good PC Player, you're going to hit your shots anyways.

And if you're not, go play some csgo, please."

And now the opposite from razzero, this tweet was in response to someone saying that since

mouse players aim with their entire arm, aim assist for controller players is fair game:

"I hate this excuse so much, literally whenever someone says that I gave up on his IQ already.

Imagine u make the decision to use a worse setup ( as they say, stick instead of mouse)

and justify use of an aimbot with that...."

So, that kinda showcases the very contentious nature of the aim assist debate as a whole.

And, at the end of the day, I don't really think you can truly summarize everything to

do with aim assist in just a 140 character tweet.

My hope is that this video will be a very open and fair discussion covering all things

aim assist, and it'll take a look at the arguments from both the PC and the console side of things.

So, without further ado let's get right into it.

Alright, so I want to make it very clear at the beginning here, that this video will not

be debating whether or not controller players should have aim assist.

As I say every time this is brought up, aim assist is 100% a necessity for all players

that play Fortnite with any kind of a controller.

Without aim assist it would almost be impossible to consistently hit shots no matter how great

your aim is.

And in the past when I've said that in my videos, I'll see some people bring up PUBG

or other games without aim assist and say things like "How are you gonna say nobody

will be able to hit shots on Fortnite without aim assist when plenty of controller players

do just fine on PUBG?"

What you need to realize is that the combat system in Fortnite is way different than all

of those other games.

With how good players have become at building, the majority of chances you get to deal damage

now comes and goes in a matter of split seconds.

Missing 1 or 2 AR shots is a huge deal, because as soon as you miss those shots, any half

decent enemy will throw a wall up immediately, and now they're safe.

In PUBG for example, there is no building.

If you get behind a guy it isn't a huge deal if you miss 1 or 2 shots because there's nothing

he can really do to protect himself.

And those split second damage opportunities are even more prevalent in close range shotgun

fights, which are basically the bread and butter of Fortnite engagements.

And also, if you take away aim assist there goes ANY chance whatsoever, that controller

players would ever be able to truly compete against mouse and keyboard players.

Even now, WITH aim assist, there's probably about 20 mouse and keyboard pro players for

every 1 controller pro player.

That's in large part due to the fact that there are so many advantages of playing with

a mouse and keyboard compared to playing with a controller.

Even in a world where controller players are totally separated from mouse and keyboard

players, I still wouldn't want aim assist removed.

And now, with Epic making it clear that every one will competing together in competitive

events no matter what equipment you play with, simply removing aim assist isn't even an option.

So, now that that's established, let's get into what the real aim assist debate should

be, is Fortnite aim assist for controller players too strong?

Now, I'll admit right off the bat here, that there are definitely certain very specific

situations where aim assist can be a little too strong.

I know most of you guys watching this are gonna be controller players, so you may think

that I'm kinda betraying you by saying that, but seriously, I think I can change your mind

with this one 8 second clip.

So yeah, that was a clip of aim assist literally being able to track and hit an enemy that

was totally covered by the in-game fog.

And, on top of that.

I'll be the first person to admit that a weapon like the deagle, is probably a tad bit overpowered

when used by a player who is really good at taking advantage of aim assist.

And yeah, it is true that Fortnite does have one of of the strongest levels of aim assist

of any shooter game out there.

However, I'm sure that a lot of you guys have probably seen other short 10-15 second clips

similar to the one I just showed, of people, and most of the time it's non-controller players,

trying to quote unquote expose the power of aim assist.

One example I remember specifically was a clip from a few weeks ago, of mongraal connecting

a controller and using it at the very end of a scrim game where he had high ground.

And he basically ended up lazering like 2-3 different enemies with it.

And a lot of people saw that and were like "oh yeah there you go, that's 100% proof that

aim assist is overpowered."

Like, really?

You're telling me that because maybe the most mechanically gifted gamer on the entire planet,

was able to get 2 kills with a controller, that settles it?

Like he doesn't do that same thing practically every single game with a mouse?

And, what a lot of non-controller players don't even realize is that taking advantage

of or "abusing" aim assist, is honestly a skill in itself.

If aim assist was as grossly overpowered as so many people think, then why is there such

a huge skill gap when it comes to aim on controller Fortnite.

Other than people asking me for my sensitivity/settings, the #1 most common video request I get, is

to make videos which contain tips on how to aim better.

I mean if you believe some of these people you see online, all I would have to do it

make a 10 second long video saying "spam LT while you're shooting", and then bam every

body who watched it would have nickmercs or aydan aim just like that.

No matter what aim assist haters say, you can't just press LT in the general direction

of a player and have your crosshair teleported onto them.

Aim assist will certainly help you when aiming down sights, but, for it to actually move

your crosshair onto an enemy, you need to be really close in the first place.

And a lot of PC players also don't realize that having aim assist does have a fair share

of negatives.

There are certain in-game situations where aim assist can do more harm than good.

Examples of this include aim assist locking on to vehicles, zombies, and items like the

mounted turret when you're instead trying to shoot enemy players.

Also, there are random places on the map, like certain windows inside of tilted, which

for whatever reason don't give you aim assist if you're shooting at someone through them.

And, another disadvantage of aim assist that I don't feel people give enough attention

to, is the fact that it makes it way harder for you to practice aim.

PC players have aim training programs like kovaaks, a wide variety of in-game aim training

courses, and even something as simple as just going into playground and practicing flick

shots on random objects will help.

Because of aim assist, pretty much none of those things are available to controller players.

To my knowledge there's no controller equivalent to Kovaaks, there are very few aim training

courses that are controller friendly because only 1 specific prop provides aim assist,

and because of the fact that no inanimate objects give off aim assist, flick shoting

trees or rocks will probably end up hurting you more than helping you.

Plus, the fact that every single shooter game on console has a different type/strength of

aim assist certainly doesn't help as well.

Now, I do want to make it clear that I understand where mouse and keyboard players that dislike

aim assist are coming from.

Some of those people go way too far and say some pretty stupid things, but, I've also

seen that happen from the controller side of things as well.

Does playing on Mouse and Keyboard undoubtedly give more of an advantage than playing on

controller, of course, but that's doesn't mean that it still doesn't take an unbelievable

amount of skill to use.

I've tried playing a game or 2 with a mouse and keyboard before and it made me look like

someone who was playing with my feet instead of my hands.

And, I'm sure that any mouse and keyboard player who tries to use a controller for the

first time in their life, would be the same way even if they had the most powerful aim

assist in the world.

This topic of aim assist isn't as simple as one side being totally right and one side

totally being wrong.

And, I'm interested to see how the whole aim assist debate continues to develop, because

aim assist abuse is still kinda a relatively new thing.

Although top controller players have been doing it for a while, it really became super

popular to the general public when Aydan showcased it at PAX West, and that was at the beginning

of September.

And the last thing I'll say is that if you're a mouse and keyboard player that thinks aim

assist is overpowered now, remember, it actually received a considerable a few months ago,

it used to be even stronger.

For more infomation >> If You Think Aim Assist Is OP Watch This Video... (Controller Fortnite Aim Assist Abuse) - Duration: 10:18.


Why I Stopped Smoking Weed and How It Changed My Life... - Duration: 14:12.

This video, I'm going to be sharing with you why I stopped smoking weed or marijuana, how

I did it, and how it's absolutely transformed my life since I've done so.

Welcome back to another video.

My name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness.

Now in this video I'm going to be sharing with you the why I quit smoking marijuana

and how I did it and how it changed my life and baby.

A perspective that you haven't heard before.

Now, first off, let me say with this that I quit back in 2012, so it's been a while

now, but I feel like I want to make this video because there's a perspective that I have

with it that I think is a little bit different than you've heard of other people that may

have talked about the same thing, how they used to do it and how they stopped doing it.

First off, let me say, you know, I live in Vegas.

It's legal here, is legal becoming more and more legal other places.

I'm not in any way saying that weed is bad or marijuana is bad.

The question is not whether it's bad or good, I think the question is is isn't efficient

and does it work for you?

Because for a long time I was smoking and just to give you a little bit of a background

on it, I used to have what is called Adhd, which means I was taking adderall so that

I could focus which would like really help me focus, but the side effects of adderall

where I couldn't eat very much and I couldn't sleep very much, so I took adderall for years.

I worked a sales commission job at the time selling women's shoes and I remember I would

take that during the day at work.

I'd be very focused.

I would make a lot of money and then I would go home and at the end of the night it was.

It would have trouble sleeping and I have trouble eating well.

What takes care of that?

Well, weed is something that when you do it enhances your appetite and it also enhances

being able to sleep good.

So what I would do is during the day I would take adderall.

I would make money at work selling women's shoes at Nordstrom's here in Las Vegas and

I would come home at night and then what I would do is I would smoke so that I could

kind of wind down and get to a place to where I could eat and I could sleep.

And I did that for a long for, for probably a year and a half, two years very consistently.

And it worked at the time.

However, one of the things I realized was that I felt like I felt like I was dependent

on it as dependent on both the adderall and that of the weed.

And I remember just starting to get little signs.

It was almost like little signs that there was other ways to go about this.

And there was other ways that I could balance out my energy.

And I remember I actually came across and found a, a, a, a research article on meditation

and the powerful effects of meditation, how meditation can balance out the hormones.

Um, and I was like, oh, that's cool because it's adderall is making me feel more dopamine.

But then I'm crashing and I don't feel as good, and meditation is something I can do

that I can balance myself out and there's only positive side effects, then why wouldn't

I try that?

So the idea was I'm going to try meditation.

So what I did is I started meditating and at first I thought it was kind of annoying

to meditate.

I remember sitting down and a.

What I did is I started at a candle flame because I read that somewhere.

If you started a candle flame, it keeps the eyes focused on one point.

And when your eyes are focused on one point, your eyes aren't moving around.

If you've ever heard that saying that when your eyes wander, your mind wanders.

It's like every time your eyes shift, you have a new point of stimulus.

So if you keep it focused on one point and it becomes much easier to focus.

So what I did is I focused on that candle flame, that one point, and then the first

day or two that I decided to learn meditation, there wasn't a huge difference because I was

still trying to control my mind.

I was like, can't think negative thoughts.

This is also shortly after I learned that I learned that have the secrets and the power

of it.

I was really starting to apply it in my life, which is like the law of attraction.

So what I was thinking negative thoughts as I can't think negative thoughts.

I was trying to block them out because I didn't want to manifest something bad, but what I

did is a. by the third day I read somewhere and I just had this feeling that if I would

just observe my thoughts and allow them to be there, that that would change a lot, that

I would get a completely different result.

And I remember that I made this choice, that I sat down and it was Kinda like this, this

unconscious choice I made.

I said, I know my life is going to change forever from learning this and doing this


I just had this feeling about it.

So what I did is I sat down and I stared at the candle flame and I observed my thoughts

and I started to detach.

I started these hats from the thoughts.

I started to see them as thoughts rather than as me.

I started to observe my ego in a new way and as I did that I started to relate to myself

in a new way and then I saw how a lot of the thoughts I had or just on recycle, they're

just recycled over and over again and from that it was like I could see these thoughts

come in and I could see them leave.

I could see the come in and leave and I was allowing them to be there, but the more I

did that, the more I began to feel better, the more like my vibration began to raise

and I began to feel high naturally because I wasn't smoking when I was doing that meditation

and it was just this.

It was just this feeling that began to elevate within me and over the course of like another

couple of days of doing it, I started to feel like a completely new person simply because

I was observing my thoughts rather than reacting to them.

Now this is when my life really began to change.

I remember that I went back and forth for awhile with weed because what I did is, uh,

I, I still, my mind still wanted it, so I remember that I have good friends here in

Vegas that own the best smoke shop here in Vegas.

And um, I used to go in there and get pieces and stuff and I remember one time I got a

bong and I brought it home and I knew I should've already quit.

Like, like I knew that I already decided to and I felt kind of guilty about getting it

because I knew I was going into a new direction, but I bought this really Nice Bong.

I remember I took one hit out of it and I knew that was the last hit I was ever going

to take.

And when I, when I took that hit, I, um, it was like I knew it as I was hitting it that

that was going to be the last hit I ever took.

And in the moment that I realized that it was the only hit I ever took out of that bank,

I started to cry and I was crying.

And as I was crying, I was letting go of all the past emotion that I felt from smoking

weed so consistently because I was using it as a crutch because I had a painful childhood

growing up.

I had an abusive ex stepmom and I had all these emotions that were kind of suppressed.

So I would do that and that would kind of help me to like, numb that pain or that remembrance

of those thoughts.

And when I was going through that and I was crying, I was bringing up these emotions from

the past of, of, uh, of remembering how I made people feel when I was doing it because

I used to go to my dad's house a lot.

Not that I'm not saying that there's really anything bad about this, but in general I

felt guilty because I go over to my dad's house and um, I would hang out with like the

family and stuff, but I would be, you know, I would kind of be there but not be there

in a way.

And I knew he knew that.

So I kind of felt his emotion of what he felt.

And I felt emotions of other people's in my life that felt that the residual of me doing

it and kind of always been in that state and um, I felt this release of energy flushed

through me and it was like I was releasing it.

And after that, uh, I never, I never had a desire to do it again and I was able to then

just meditate and then my vibration and began to raise.

And I want to share with you this chart of consciousness right here just to show you

that once you raise your vibration to a certain point, smoking weed or even drinking will

bring your vibration down because your natural vibration is to be in a high vibrational state.

I would say that on a scale of one to 10, I normally felt like I was at about a three

to a five out of 10 with 10 feeling amazing.

One feeling not so great.

After I learned meditation and after I went through what's called a spiritual awakening,

where I realized that I'm not my ego.

I'm not just my thoughts.

There's more than that.

I went to like a seven or eight out of 10.

I started to feel really, really good, so because I was feeling really good, anytime

I would do anything like smoke weed or drink, it would bring my vibration down, so I was

like, why am I doing this?

So eventually I just completely got rid of it.

So that was, that was something that changed my life is learning how to raise my vibration

and once you raise your vibration, you don't need anything else.

Not saying this to Brag, but I don't smoke, I don't drink, I don't drink caffeine, I just,

I have a lot of it.

You may notice my videos.

I have a lot of energy.

I have a lot of energy all the time.

It's our natural state.

As you feed your body good food, if you are doing that of what you love, especially I

make videos, I do what I love.

Then I'm in a high vibrational state majority of the time and that I believe is our natural

state of being.

I want to show you this chart right here just to show you the chart of consciousness that

I share in many videos because these are different calibrations on this, so your see at the bottom

shame, fear, guilt, and then you'll see a powerful step is neutrality.

When we learn how to observe our thoughts, that's what I started to do was to observe

my thoughts and then my vibration began to raise above that, and then what happens is

you get that to acceptance, willingness, acceptance, and then you'll see that of reasoning, love,

joy, peace, enlightenment.

Now this is the scale of consciousness that is from a book called power vs force.

Now these states of emotion have different calibrations, and based on these calibrations

you can calibrate things using muscle testing.

That's what the book power versus force talks about two to identify truth or false hood

and to also calibrate different things.

So there's certain activities that vibrate at a certain calibration.

Now, let me share that.

A couple of calibrations just so you get a feel for this.

Einstein calibrated at four 99 because that's reasoning.

That's the intellect, he took it as far as you could possibly go, and in order to get

to love, he would have had to let go of that intellect.

So that's reasoning.

He was out for 99.

If you look at certain other things though, that calibrate at a certain frequency now

alcohol calibrates at about two 75.

So you see two 75 on the scale isn't necessarily high and when people do it, they may feel

relief if they're in the lower emotions and then they drink, they may feel a little bit


However, then you see that of acceptance.

Now we'd calibrates at about 340 to 370, which is right.

I've acceptance now.

It's a funny thing because when you smoke, what kind of state do you get in to kind of

accept the moment as it is?

You're kind of like, oh, it's all good.

Uh, you, you're more just more just in that state of allowing.

Now, the thing is is for a lot of people, maybe if you're in the lower states or you're

feeling a certain way and you do it, you will get a pick me up.

You will feel better, but the thing is is when you raise your vibration to a higher

state of consciousness, then you are above that.

So when you do those things, it didn't brings you down.

You may be at reasoning and then bringing yourself down to acceptance, or you may be

at a at acceptance and bringing yourself down to drink.

If you drink, you might bring you down even more to pride.

You know, it's funny because drinking is close to courage, but courage still has a little

bit of pride in it, but why do they call it liquid courage?

You see?

So that's kind of an interesting idea, but as you look at the scale right here, what

you'll notice is there's different calibrations.

Now, when you raise your vibration by observing your thoughts not attaching to the ego and

reasoning, it's about understanding that you realize your beliefs create your reality.

You start to let go of all of the, the things that power, anything that has power over you,

and you start to realize things and you start to relate to life in a different way.

As you raise your frequency, you will then resonate with new people.

You will then resonate with you opportunities in your life.

So what I would say to anyone that is smoking weed, it's first off, I'm not telling you

it's bad.

I'm not telling you to even stop.

I'm saying, just be honest with yourself because the last thing you wanna hear is somebody

telling you when you smoke, especially, it's almost like you want to block out anybody

saying anything different.

I wish that was me.

I didn't.

I would come across an article and I wouldn't want to read it because I didn't want it to

interfere with me and join the the, the process or the activity of smoking.

However, I'm just.

See if this resonates with you, maybe instead you, you move and you focused on raising your

vibration and by doing so you'll find that some things just don't resonate anymore.

Everything within you, everything is within you to feel joy, love and peace that's within

you and if you do the inner work, you will actually raise your vibration more.

I think a lot of people hold themselves back with smoking weed because like Alan Watts

said, once you get the message on the phone, once you get the message, hang up the phone,

but sometimes what we do is we get the message and we just keep listening and keep listening.

Keep listening.

When we already got the message and we can move and I see a lot of people that I think

have even more potential what they could accomplish and some people justify it and they'll say,

oh, well I spoke.

I'm more creative and more of this.

I think that the most potent energy we have is within us and when we align it to what

we want and we have a desire, or at least we align with it, vibrationally will create

what we want in our life, but the best way to focus with that is through our own energy

and we don't need anything else other than that.

Now I'm not saying to never do it, I'm just saying to be honest with yourself and see

is it really sufficient for you?

Is it really serving you?

Because if it is serving you, then I think that's great, but be honest with doing it

and whether you can make the transition and maybe let it go.

I have a feeling that a lot of you reading or watching this right now, if you were to

let it go, I have a feeling you would and will raise your vibration because right now

on the planet it is a time of raising our vibe and as you raise your vibe, you're going

to resonate with new things in your life and it may actually be holding you back in many


Even just unconsciously without you even knowing it.

And when you do that, know that yes, there might be a week or two period.

That feels a little bit weird if you do it a lot.

I remember when I quit, there was a little bit of a weird feeling for a week or two,

but guess what?

It eventually went away and my natural state of being was who I am.

So what I'd say is if you quit use meditation as something that will help you do it.

Observe your thoughts, supplement it with something that's very positive and doing so.

You'll begin to raise your vibration as you raise your vibration up to scale of consciousness,

you'll realize that you don't need to smoke, you don't need to even drink.

You can just feel good and high.

All of the time being high is your natural state of being.

And I believe that the more you look into that and the more that you, you realize that

the more you could have beaten to embody who you really are.

So with that being said, um, I also will be doing more live Kennedy's on instagram.

If you want to ask me questions about this, if you want me to make a followup video as

to exactly how to do it, rather than just supplementing it with meditation, you want

more information on that?

Leave a comment below.

Let me know what you think of this video.

Is that something that resonates with you?

Is this a video that maybe will help you to let go of it and start to be in your own high

vibrational state?

Let me know what you think below.

Uh, and also, yeah, daily live q and a's on instagram.

You'll see me there.

I post twice a day there as well.

Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this video.

Feel free to like this video if you liked it, subscribe.

If you haven't already, hit the little notification here next to the subscribe button so you can

see the daily visit I do.

Other than that, as always, peace, much love and not mistake.

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