Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily or Jan 29 2019

Which one?

Is Thai-style chicken kebabs?


is London

Style Chicken Kebabs?

Your comments are welcome.

For more infomation >> Is Thai chicken kebab? Or is London Chicken Kebab? Which one? - Duration: 5:58.


Olivier Giroud Open to France or Premier League Move Following Gonzalo Higuain Arrival at Chelsea FC - Duration: 3:11.

For more infomation >> Olivier Giroud Open to France or Premier League Move Following Gonzalo Higuain Arrival at Chelsea FC - Duration: 3:11.


Why I Don't Have FRIENDS or a JOB... | Confession Int'l living - Duration: 5:37.

So after they found out I was pregnant they took back their offer.

So for today's video I wanted to talk a little bit about

why I decided to quit my job.

So for those of you guys that don't know

I was teaching English here in Brazil.

Okay, so there was never really any type of professionalism.

There was never like a contract stating how much I was going to get paid.

Umm, what specific days I was going to have to work

What days were going to be holiday

It was kind of like they told you

as time went by.

There's like a bonus here in Brazil.

In December everyone gets paid double.

So since I was never on a contract


Obviously didn't have to pay that to me.

But they took advantage at the fact that I wasn't aware of that.

When we began training

It was me and a couple of other people.

I was the only international person so

when I walked inside a room they kind of just introduced me as the "American Girl."

So everyone was like "OMG she's American!"

Everybody already knew everything about me, so before I even arrived they

told everybody "She's Mexican-American,

She speaks Spanish and English, She's from Texas, She does this"

Everybody pretty much knew everything about me so

nobody really wanted to approach me and have that genuine "Hey so tell me a little bit about you."

When people did decide to talk to me they were like,

"So how many years did you live in Mexico?"

"When did you move to the U.S?"

It was stuff that really angered me because I feel like that was not professional whatsoever.

And I'm not ashamed of being Hispanic.

I love it.

I was just upset that I didn't get to introduce myself to people the way I wanted to.

And I think that really was the reason why I didn't really have friends.

People in the U.S, when their going to work we're usually a little bit more serious.

We're a little bit more focused.

Our vibe is just a little bit different.

Like yeah we want to have friends at work, but like that's not our main intention.

If that makes sense.

So it's completely different here in Brazil. So people in Brazil

they go to work, at least where I was teaching, and everyone's like BFF's

everyone hangs out after work, everyone went to go drink, everyone was really close!

There was like a group work chat and everyone was

texting and even on the weekends. So it was something that made me feel really uncomfortable.

Specially because a lot of the conversations were in Portuguese.

Which really upset me because it was an English school and

they knew I didn't speak the language as strongly as they did, as obviously them.

So how I quit.

Or why I don't have a job anymore.

So I don't have a job anymore and it's king of frustrating

because you move half way across the country (WORLD*) hoping to still be able to make a living.

Somehow, right?

I always knew that teaching was going to be the way I started off because I don't know Portuguese.

Umm, so my schedule was from 6:30 to 9:30 at night.

And Lucas got out of work at 6pm.

So that gave us a 20 minute window where we would chit-chat

while we were driving to my job, cause it was fairly far.

Umm, and I would get out of work we'd get home at like probably 9:40/9:50

take a shower, eat go to sleep.

So we didn't really get to interact that much for 5 months.

And it was something that we didn't feel comfortable

At least, I didn't feel comfortable with

I felt like I was getting really depressed, I just felt lonely.

I was at home all day

and then I would go to work at night.

So I ended up telling them that I didn't want to be working the night shift.

That I wanted to be moved to the earlier shift and

they initially told me no, because they thought I was bluffing.

So they ended up calling me and they told me

"Hey we miraculously have an opening would you be willing to take it?"

Which was after I found out I was pregnant.

So I was like "Maybe I should take it."

Because no matter what, I'm going to need the money for our baby.



Called them back and I told them "Yeah I'd be opened to taking an opening if you have it,

as long as it's in the morning, but there's something I need to tell you."

"I just found out that we're going to be having a baby."


The supervisor, coordinators

Like tone of voice was like "Oh, okay we will get back to you!"

But the thing is here in Brazil people don't like hiring pregnant people.

So after they found out I was pregnant they took back their offer.

Which is extremely unprofessional because they're obviously sexist to pregnant women.

That even put them at a lower level for me.

That was my experience working here.

As of now I do have a little bit of income coming in, I do give private classes.

At my house, and I'm a little bit happier doing this on my own.

I'm just hoping to get more students so I can make as much money as I was making while I was working there (school.)

So as of now that's the plan. That's how we make money!

Lucas has a job, he's an engineer.


He makes enough

for us


Umm, but yeah!

Right now, money wise we're just going to try to be saving as much as we can!

Because we need it for the baby.

But that's pretty much it for this video.

I don't know if you can see but I'm sweating.

But thank you for watching this video guys!

So don't forget to like this video and give it a thumbs up!

I don't know why I closed my eyes for so long.

For more infomation >> Why I Don't Have FRIENDS or a JOB... | Confession Int'l living - Duration: 5:37.


10 Tips to Edit Faster: Speed Up Your Workflow in FCPX (or Any Other Video Editor) - Duration: 7:26.

Hello everyone, my name is Jacob Landis-Eigsti, and I'd like to give you my 10 tips to be

a faster editor.

I've worked professionally as an editor in Hollywood on a variety of projects.

And at one point I had a job interview where I was asked to complete 16 editing tasks in

15 minutes.

I finished with about a minute to spare and the person hiring told me no one had ever

made it past step number 7, and I wanted to share with you some techniques I used to meet

that really difficult deadline.

Now, this is just what has worked well for me and what has helped me meet deadlines for

work and I encourage you to look up what other people have to say regarding the subject.

These aren't editor specific, although I'm planning some videos in the future with more

tips that are more specific to editing platforms.

I'm using Final Cut X in this tutorial, but I've used Avid, Premiere, Final Cut

7 and they have their pros and cons.

Final Cut X has worked well for recent projects because of it's ability to digest and sync

footage quickly as well as upload directly to Vimeo and youtube, but I do choose different

editing programs depending on the project and the strengths and limitations of each

editing platform.

So let's get going, tip number one: when I have a really tough deadline the most important

thing to do is have a good game plan before I start.

Taking a couple minutes to think about the best order to get your work done really makes

it so you're following steps you've laid out in your mind rather than making it up

as you go.

If you have to transcode clips, transcode the ones you can do the most with first so

you can begin organizing and editing those, while the rest of the clips are transcoding.

If you need to do any graphics work or work in any other program, try to work on that

when you are rendering your clips in your editor so two things are happening at once.

And if I have multiple things I need to upload online, I get the first one edited and uploading

as quickly as possible, so I'm working on other projects while that one is uploading.

You want to minimize your time twiddling your thumbs and waiting for a render or upload.

The second tip is to organize your footage both in on your hard drive and in the editing


Now here I think balance is important, like when I had to do the 16 tasks in 15 minutes

I could have easily spent the entire 15 minutes organizing and labeling clips and making subclips.

But, I ended up dedicating about a minute to just really efficient organization.

Now, your main goal is to understand where everything is, and not waste time later on

looking everything.

Set it up in a way that you should able to find everything you need in a couple seconds

. I highly recommend separating your audio, stills, and clips into various folders both

on your hard drive and in your editor.

And if you are working on something enormous like a feature film or TV episode I recommend

taking a lot of time labeling every single clip and segment or you'll get really lost

in the future.

Tip 3 is to know your hotkeys.

The less you use your mouse the better.

Dropping your clip in the timeline is something you do over and over and over, so make sure

you have one key to drop it at the playhead, and another to drop it at the end of the timeline.

Take the time to memorize these and realize what they do and how that can impact your


Tip 4 is to use markers.

You can place them to time your edit to music, sync audio manually, and indicate important


Placing and labeling markers help you to keep things organized and show where various elements

go in your timeline.

Tip 5 is have a good understanding of multicam and when to use it.

Some projects it's faster to line things up in the timeline, but on others it's absolutely

worth the time to create a multicam clip.

A lot of times it let's you edit in real time and work much much faster.

Becoming really comfortable with creating a multicam clip in your platform can really

speed up your workflow on projects where you can utilize it well.

Tip number 6 is to create a basic core edit quickly.

Now it varies from person to person the exact order they do their edit, but I've found

getting a quick edit that has your dialogue and a general idea of timing is a good starting


Sometimes I'll close my eyes, just to get the timing and flow of the dialogue down.

Building a solid foundation of a piece is important.

You can really tweak the exact frames and cuts and music and b-roll later on, but getting

down a overview of the piece and it's core elements has really helped me to move forward.

Tip number 7 is use realtime editing.

The ability to look over your work and edit it at the same time will really speed things


I'll usually play the video all the way through two to three times and I'll be tweaking

the cuts and adding in clips as I go.

It's really helpful to get a feel for the edit, but you can also analyzing what needs

to be added and what's missing, and you can changes things as you're going:inserting

clips, tweaking audio levels, and changing where clips stop and start.

I usually can get the edit 80 to 90 percent of the way there just using this method and

then do my fine tuning at the end.

Tip number 8 is to take a break.

This may seem counter intuitive but research has shown you're actually more effective

if you take some breaks every hour or so.

Find an activity that helps you recharge in a couple minutes.

If you are watching an edit over and over again and making tweaks, stepping away can

actually help you to come back with a fresh pair of eyes.

And sometimes I can even get tired of a specific task or program that's becoming repetitive

and I'll switch over to another task just for a few minutes.

Tip 9 is know each program and it's strengths and weaknesses.

For example, I knew what format we compressed all of our videos to at work, and I ran a

test with 4 different programs to see which could compress the same clip the fastest.

And the one we were currently using took 20 minutes longer to compress a five minute clip,

which translated to tons of time lost since it was a task we were doing several times

every day.

Figure out what programs are best at each task, and get better at the programs that

excel in certain areas.

Sometimes we're more familiar with a program and use that one instead, but really look

into the capabilities of of a number of programs can help you be faster in the future.

And don't be afraid to run tests.

Depending on where you work, they may require you to work exclusively with certain programs

and a workflow, but many jobs I've been at have given some freedom especially when

it comes to something like compressing files.

And tip number 10: is to watch your work as you are uploading.

Sometimes there's an issue with a clip or something you didn't notice something in

your edit.

I recommend starting to upload it online but then immediately watching it to make sure

everything is perfect.

If possible have someone else watch it with you to have a fresh pair of eyes.

If there is an issue, you can cancel the upload and then make the change and then upload the

new one.

It's awful to spend 45 minutes uploading a clip and then notice once it's finished

that you have to make a change and start the uploading process again.

And your last bonus tip is to: never stop learning.

A few summers ago I had been using Final Cut 7 for about 10 years, had done it full time

as a professional editor for several years.

But I took an online 8 hour crash course one weekend and even though 97 percent of what

they covered I already knew, the additional 3 percent really helped me to speed up my


I also recommend asking others about how they work and their tips.

Sometimes I'll even take a short project and 3-4 times with different workflows, to

try to figure out which one is the most efficient.

Don't forget to memorize your hot keys, don't be afraid to tweak your workflow and

just figure out what works best for you.

I hope this video was helpful for you.

I encourage you to look at what others have to say about the topic and please ask me any

questions at all down below.

If you enjoyed this video please give it a like or share, and please subscribe since

I'll have more tutorials coming soon.

This is Jacob Landis-Eigsti and thanks so much for watching.

For more infomation >> 10 Tips to Edit Faster: Speed Up Your Workflow in FCPX (or Any Other Video Editor) - Duration: 7:26.


IT'S NERF OR NOTHIN' - Duration: 0:02.


For more infomation >> IT'S NERF OR NOTHIN' - Duration: 0:02.



I read that this guy really did this whole thing during the filming.


This thing...with deer.

Oh, this is real?

How could he do it?

Maybe he did it in real life too.

They're twins?!

Oh my God!

Now she'll kill him, right?

She'll do something to him, right?

Who's this? Isn't she...?

Who's Robert?

He's not your son.

He didn't put..

Rightful heir...

She's trying to subtly impose.


He pushed her.


They chose him for steward.


He thought he'll be a ranger.

But is it?

That's true.

He agreed?

He put...rightful heir.

Look what she did!

He betrayed him?

You didn't expect this?'s so stupid that she can tear the paper with king's words.

Yeah, I never understood how can she do that.

I don't know. And all of them just stood there and listen.

So he'll be the king even though he's not...

You know how those things works...

When the war don' know who's on whose side.

Will they kill Ned?

Do you like this episode?

Yes, I like it, but..

How the things are complicating more and more. ..

I feel sorry for him.

Ned was honest man.

But he'll die.

I didn't say he'll die, I said he was always honest.

And all of his children and family...they're all honest.

Where are his daughters?

Were they in this episode?

No, I don't know...

Sometimes they don't show some characters.

It depends...

So, that dude betrayed him...

Yeah, i was surprise too..


For more infomation >> GAME OF THRONES - 1x07 "YOU WIN OR YOU DIE" REACTION - Duration: 15:24.


Anthem really sucks? | Good Or Bad? | VIP DEMO | BulbMan Plays - Duration: 14:27.

Hello Youtube! I am BulbMan.

Today is the day we had been waiting for.

A Day which all the mother's son will be crying for.

We brave through thunderous stormy typhoon just to get our hands on this game!

It is my honour to die now!

Ok Ok! Let us be serious! Yes! Anthem! Anthem the game!

We had been waiting for so long! Yes! but its only a demo access for 3 days.

So what can I say about Anthem? I am not a god of 3 days review of a game.

What I can say that, this demo really gets on my nerve!

Hiccup at the start where millions of people are unable to connect to server.

stuck at the loading screen when trying to start a game.

Kick out of the team when you are playing halfway through.

Yes! Many people are giving lots of negative feedback on these issue.

But for the sake of the holy Anthem god! Please..... Its only a Demo.

You can't expect things to work as smooth as a butter on the first day of demo.

It is a demo for a reason. Yes! you paid a heaps loads of money for this awesome game!

For all I can say, if you have enough patience, you can just reload the game

When you are stuck at 90% loading screen and rejoin the team. It always works for me.

I know some of you guys will smack the crap out of me

and comment what kind of bullshit I am talking about.

You think I would care? It is my own opinion by the way.

I've tried the game play, and the task given to me. They feel awesome.

The gun fights are awesome. The flying is awesome.

The boss battle is awesome. The graphic is awesome.

The item collecting is addicting. The gameplay is quite unique.

They also show a little bit of crafting, which I feel it kind of straight forward.

What I don't like is the team is only stuck to 4 person to a map.

Also moving or swimming in the water kinda hard for me. I have to slowly navigate.

Compare to flying, flying was much smoother.

Ok! Now let me show you some Anthem Demo game play! Lets go!

What the....

Basically, this is the boss at the end of the map.

Different map different boss, some is quite tough, some is quite irritating.

So you have to try your luck and kill it.

What you had just seen is the ultimate of the Ranger Javelin.

Quite cool right? Like Iron Man.

Basically, when you are dead, you just stay there and wait for your allies to come and revive you.

Basically, when you are low on health and shield. You have to and hide to recharge your shield.

The green color thing on the ground is Health and the red color thing on the ground is ammunition.

When the boss is destroyed, you can pick up your loots.

For more infomation >> Anthem really sucks? | Good Or Bad? | VIP DEMO | BulbMan Plays - Duration: 14:27.


OLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM - Help Or Sabotage Superman Zombie - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Song - Duration: 5:47.

Please leave a like if you enjoyed and tell me what you think in the comments.

For more infomation >> OLD MCDONALD HAD A FARM - Help Or Sabotage Superman Zombie - Nursery Rhymes & Kids Song - Duration: 5:47.


Foldable Smartphones : Futuristic or Gimmick - Duration: 4:18.

For more infomation >> Foldable Smartphones : Futuristic or Gimmick - Duration: 4:18.



Hi! I'm Marta Arce-Dubois, founder of Reconnexions, Support for Bereaved

Parents with a Holistic and Spiritual Approach. I lost my son Steven, my only

child, in 2014. I'm deeply sorry for the loss of your child or children. After my

son died, I looked for guided meditations that

would keep my mind focused while helping me feel my son's presence. I found a few

meditations aimed at connecting with the spirit of deceased loved ones. Some were

better than others, but none were specifically tailored for bereaved parents,

so I wrote my own. I shared a generic version in person on a few occasions

with other bereaved parents and, at the request of many of them, I decided to

find a way of sharing it in audio so that they could listen to them whenever

they needed to. It was no easy task. I first had to buy audio recording

equipment, do specific courses and learn to record, edit, mix and publish audio

with a professional quality and I had to find the right music and pay the

license to use it. I have created 3 different albums of these guided

meditations: one for parents who have lost a son, another one for parents who

have lost a daughter and a third one for those who have lost more than one child.

Each album includes 2 different versions of the Reconnexions Meditation:

one to listen to during the day when you need to get on with your daily

activities afterwards and the other one to listen to in bed, as you are getting

ready to sleep and to continue to dream about your child or children during the

night. Much thought, effort, time and work has gone into these resources and I feel

really emotional about having finally completed them. I am now a qualified

Hypnotherapist, NLP Master Practitioner and Transpersonal Grief Counsellor, so I

have incorporated safe and gentle meditation, spirit communication,

hypnotherapy and NLP techniques to facilitate a state of deep relaxation

but at the same time of expansive awareness which will hopefully lead to a

visitation with your child or children in the spirit realm. Don't discourage if

you don't get the results you expect the first time. Stay open-minded and


This is the day time meditation for parents who have lost two or more

children. I sincerely hope that it will help you reconnect with them. If you want

to have the full album in audio, including the day time version and the

night time version, consider purchasing it from the link below or from the

resources page on my website. Any proceeds will go into creating other

resources for bereaved parents. As always, a big hug from the bottom of my heart to

all of you who walk this path we never planned to walk.

Sit comfortably with your back straight, feet on the floor, legs and arms

uncrossed. Allow your hands to rest on your lap, palms up or palms down, whatever

feels better or, if you prefer, lie down in bed or on a comfortable sofa or

reclining chair and let your arms rest on your lap or by your sides. Close your

eyes and listen to the sound of my voice.

Feel the energy you are made of and allow yourself to go within. If any

thoughts come into your mind, push them gently aside and return your

concentration to the sound of my voice and to your breathing. You are now

preparing for a journey through the thin veil of energy.

Let the stillness of your spirit come through. Begin to let go. Allow yourself

to go to a deeper place of knowing, of hearing, of seeing and feeling, a place

only accessible once you enter a blissful state of calm, of expansive

awareness, another dimension, another level where you can begin to feel the

energy of your children's spirits.

Each time you breathe out you're drawn further into the spirit realm where your

children are waiting for you.

Continue to focus on the regular rhythm of your breath. Become aware of the flow

of air moving in and out of your lungs.

Breathe steadily and comfortably, allowing your abdomen to expand as you

inhale and to relax as you exhale. Relax deeply and completely.

A soothing and calming energy moves now into your head. You feel it spread all

over your scalp, around your facial muscles, your eyes, your mouth, your jaw.

Let go, relax, deeper and deeper. Feel this soothing healing energy travelling down

your neck. It feels your shoulders, relaxing all the tendons and muscles and

then it goes down your arms, through your elbows, down to your wrists, your hands

and your fingers. Your arms feel heavy, limp, relaxed.

Breath by breath this wave of relaxation now runs down from your neck to the base

of your spine, spreading slowly and sweeping away all the tension in your

back, relaxing each tendon, each muscle, each vertebra.

This calming energy now begins to fill your chest, then your abdomen, relaxing

all your internal organs one by one: your heart,

your lungs, your stomach, your liver, your kidneys, your intestines, your

reproductive organs, more and more relaxed.

As you continue to breathe gently, that healing soothing energy fills your

pelvis and spread slowly down your legs, first down your thighs, past your knees

down your calves and finally past your ankles into your feet and all the way to

your toes.

Let go, relax, deeper and deeper. Your whole body feels relaxed, heavy and limp.

You may experience a warm tingling sensation in one or more parts of your

body. This is good. You feel calm, comfortable, safe.

Allow yourself to be gently guided by this powerful protective Universal

energy which is now starting to vibrate at a higher level. As you continue to

allow yourself to sink into a deep state of peace, calm and tranquility, as you

continue to relax more and more completely, you are opening up to a new

awareness, to a new dimension, so that you can communicate with spirit, with the

spirits of your children. As you relax more and more, you are awakening to your

higher self, allowing your energy to tap into the realm where your children live.

Communication occurs through energy circuits, through a higher

consciousness which you are beginning to tap into. It's simple

and it's natural.

I'm now going to count down from ten to one and as I do that, you will feel even

more and more relaxed than before, but you will continue to hear everything I

say. 10, 9, you feel more and more relaxed. 8, 7, drifting further and

further into a state of complete relaxation. 6, 5, double the

relaxation. 4, 3, more and more relaxed.

2, even more and more relaxed, and 1, you are totally relaxed now. Continue to

breathe gently and naturally. There is another reality beyond the physical

world. You only need to tune out of this

reality and tune into that other subtle plane of existence. The key is to trust

what you receive. Do not try to control the process, just observe and trust. Feeling

the presence of your children in this guided process will help you maintain

your unique relationship with them from a place of knowing rather than from

wishing or wanting. You will know through your own senses that all it takes is for

you to relax into this state and to allow your children to connect with you.

You may have already experienced your children's energetic presence and during

this process you will confirm that it was true. The only requirement from you

is that you remain open-minded and that you trust the flow as it happens. Your

children are always communicating with you.

You only need to quiet in your thoughts and allow communication to occur. Trust

what you receive. You are a spirit housed in a physical body and you have the

innate ability to expand your awareness.

Your children are also spirits, energy which has a higher vibration than yours.

You are now going to raise your own vibration to match theirs. In a state of

complete relaxation your senses are more alert and active than you can imagine

and your energetic vibration increases.

You are only separated from your children by a thin veil that will soon

be lifted. This process will help you learn to tune into that higher vibration

whenever you wish, so that your energy, your soul your higher self can meet with

your children. Bring your attention to the center of your chest and visualise a

brilliant white light there, quite small at first. This is the divine spark

of your spirit. Slowly, one breath at a time, move your mind to blend with that

place in the very core of your being.

This is the power of your soul. See it grow and burn brighter and

brighter, expanding in all directions from your heart center, first to fill

your chest, then to fill your whole body until you become one with it. You are

spirit, an eternal soul without beginning or ending. With each breath, allow the

light to continue to grow and burn brighter, allow your power to increase.

Now, see it radiates out beyond your body,

imagine it filling the space around you, filling the entire room. Feel it expand

even more and push out beyond the building, into the earth, up into the sky

and even further beyond.

Continue to be centered in this light, in the power and radiance of your soul

which contains all that you are. It is this power, this love, that connects you

to all things, to the spirit of the universe, and it is this love that

connects you to your children and to all your loved ones in the spirit world. As

you continue to breathe, you become aware of a greater light, a greater power

outside yourself. This is the brighter light of the spirit world, the light and

power of spirit which has at its very core,

like a star, they even brighter light, they even greater power of the Great

Spirit, the universal source. With each breath,

allow yourself to move, to blend with this greater power, to become one with

the light, the power, and the love of spirit.

One breath at a time, as you merge with this light, as you connect with this

power, as you become one with this energy, your own light begins to burn so much

brighter, so much stronger.

Feel the power, feel the presence, feel the love of spirit as it surrounds you.

Recognise that this is the same light, the same power, the same love that is

within you.

You feel weightless as your soul drifts upwards towards this beautiful light, to

merge with it and its vibration increases. Sit in this light, in this

power, in this love, be at one with spirit,

with the universe.

Know that the potentials within you are beginning to unfold naturally and

effortlessly and that you will be given what you need. Be still. Know that you are

spirit and that you are with spirit.

Enjoy this oneness, this union.

Feel the connection and presence of spirit and begin to be aware of the

special spirits of your children around you. With your eyes still closed and in a

fully calm relaxed state, continue to focus your attention on the white light

which is cascading all around you. Feel its warmth, feel its high vibration. Let

go and trust this process of your awareness.

Now this white healing light is opening up a new vision before you. You see a

tunnel opening in front of your eyes and you begin to feel drawn towards it.

You are now floating up this tunnel which is illuminated by a beautiful soft

white light.

You travel higher and higher, weightless, drifting, floating effortlessly, faster

and faster. You feel exhilarated.

You now begin to slow down naturally as you get to the other end of the tunnel.

As you step out of the tunnel, you are surrounded by a hazy veil, like a fog, a

mist, as if you were standing inside a cloud.

As you walk forward, the veil that separates you from the spirit world is

slowly dissipating, only a breath away.

And as haze begins to dissipate, you see that you are now in the most beautiful

place you could have ever imagined. You feel immense love and the deepest peace.

The white protective universal light all around you continues to increase your

vibration. Expansive and heightened, you are exquisitely sensitive. Trust your senses

and allow them to come alive.

Tune in and be in this magical moment.

You are in the realm your children now inhabit. The mist continues to dissipate

in front of you and you see your children walking towards you. Allow the

visit to unfold. Trust this process. Here are your children right in front of you,

smiling happily at you.

Talk to them, hug them, ask them questions, listen to them.

Your children appear completely happy, healthy, at peace, and you feel the

eternal unbreakable loving bond that exists between you as strong as ever.

Allow yourself to feel the love, the peace, the joy your children feel. From

now on you will recall these wonderful feelings with ease and you will be able

to tap into them at will. I will leave you for a while to spend time with your


Understand that you have opened a new portal, a new awareness, where your

higher-self can connect with your children. You have made a powerful

connection and that connection will remain, becoming stronger with every


it's a new energetic pathway that is only a dimension away within a breath

away. Embrace this wonderful time with your children and know that you can come

back to this realm anytime you wish.

You don't have to say goodbye. Your children are always with you, in the

quietness of your spirit self or in the middle of a busy day. Whenever you feel

their presence or want to communicate with them, just tune out the outside

noise of the physical world, tune into spirit and trust.

As I count up from one to ten, you will slowly bring your awareness back to this

physical realm, the physical world. 1, slowly begin to focus on your breath. 2,

move your legs and arms.

3, wiggle your toes and fingers. 4,

more and more aware of your surroundings.

5, gently moving your head.

6, stretching a little.

7, readjusting your energy towards becoming fully awake in your physical

body. 8, feeling awake, aware, relaxed and comforted by this experience. 9, take

a deep breath,

and 10, when you are ready, open your eyes.

If this video has helped you, 'Like it', share it and comment below. Also, don't

forget to subscribe to my YouTube Channel and click on the bell so that

you can be notified when I upload more content. Visit my website and join my

Closed Facebook Group which is exclusively for bereaved parents, if you

are not in it yet. The links are all below this video.



How to Set up your Own Property Management LLC or Corporation - Duration: 7:05.

- Hi Clint Coons here

with Anderson Business Advisors.

And in this video I'm going to discuss

using a property manager with

your limited liability company.

Alright, you may be an investor like me

who invests outside the state in which they live.

So it really doesn't make sense for you

to try and manage the properties remotely

because that would just become a nightmare.

So what you'll end up doing oftentimes

is hiring a local property manager

to handle your real estate investments for you.

Now the issue often arises for people who do this

where do I have that property manager

send the rent checks every month?

Or my payment every month

After they've held out their fees?

Well I get the idea that it can be confusing

so you have to then look at your structure

and determine how are you set up

and where do you want that money to roll.

There's two ways you could do this.

Let's assume that we have

our limited liability company right here,

here's my LLC.

It owns this property here.

And let's say I have a few LLCs set up.

Here's another property over here.

Let's say these were Florida properties.

And if you watch some of my other videos

you know that oftentimes I'll tell you

if you're using a state specific LLC,

like these were in Florida.

Florida offers no charging order protections,

watch those other videos on charging order protections.

If you don't know what that is

it's very important that you understand that concept.

Then you'll have these LLCs owned down here

by what is referred to as a holding LLC.

And that's just a term that I put on it,

but this LLC is typically going to be in Wyoming.

And then you're going to own

that Wyoming limited liability company.

So, let's assume this is your structure

and you have this out of state

property management company over here

that's managing all of your real estate for you.

So they're managing these properties.

So where are they going to send the rent?

Well ideally what you're going to want to do

is have them send the rents to

the respective LLCs.

So property number one is going to send the rent check to here,

property number two it'll send the rent check to here.

This is ideally the way it should roll,

but oftentimes it's not how it's going to happen.

Because this property management company over here,

if you have multiple properties

they want to keep it as simple as possible.

And if you're telling them they need to have

different entities they're sending the rent checks to,

that means different EINs they have to account to

for these payments.

It complicates their business for them.

So they're going to ask you for one entity.

They may even try to send the money to you directly.

A, you don't want the money coming to you directly,

you want it to go to one of your boxes.

So this then leaves us with two choices.

Choice number one is you can have the money

sent directly down here to your Wyoming holding LLC.

So this is another reason why I like

this holding structure here,

having this LLC.

Because it makes the process of working

with out of state property managers a little simpler.

So you have the checks collected,

the money collected down here.

Now, if you watch my other videos,

I've told you how important it is

to run money through the respective LLCs,

keep in mind if you have to go this route

because of your property manager,

then you need to have really good books and records here.

You need to make sure that you're

properly accounting for each LLCs if it received the money.

So this is where you need to have

a superman CPA or bookkeeper that's in there

and they're doing a really great job

of keeping things clean.

Because if anything happened here

and this one came under attack,

a claim that a creditor could make

or an attorney might make

is that hey this is all one common enterprise.

You never collected any rents,

the rents went to the blue box,

never went to the brown box,

therefore we're just going to treat it all as one

as if the blue box owned the properties themselves.

Now that's an argument,

it's not a winning argument,

but it is an argument.

So your counter to that argument is,

well the property manager,

they wouldn't pay the box,

they wanted only one entity that they would pay

so we had it paid down here

and we just separately accounted for the income.

There isn't a legal requirement

that you actually have to run the money

through the brown box.

But you do get into that co-mingling issue

that's a potential argument that could raise.

So option number one, have it run to the blue box,

okay so that's how you would work with

an out of state property manager.

Option number two,

maybe you have your own corporation that you've set up.

Maybe you flip property.

Let's say you live in Texas,

so you have this Texas corporation set up,

because it's flipping,

it's engaged in wholesale,

something of that nature.

Well another thing you could do is manage your LLCs.

So, wow if we've got this company set up

where I have a management agreement

between these limited liability companies

and all this is is a piece of paper,

a four page agreement that you put together

with your LLCs.

Then what you could ask this out of state

property management company to do

is rather than sending the money here,

have it sent up to your corp.

Now your corporation will collect those proceeds

On behalf of these boxes.

So think of it like a subcontractor.

Alright, this is what this company is

to your corporation.

Your corporation is really the manager,

but it's subcontracts out the management

in that, in Florida,

because it's not registered to do business there

so it's subcontracting that money out

and so then it collects the money back here,

all the money comes in here,

then what it could do is separately account,

have really good Superman books up here,

and then distribute the money directly to the blue box,

or if you have bank accounts set up here

then I would run the money directly

through these brown boxes

before it goes down to the blue box like that.

So when you're using a property management company

to manage your real estate,

and you have boxes,

there are some complications that are going to come up.

I mean it's just part of doing the business.

I've seen a lot of people just say

oh I don't want to deal with this,

I'm going to put all my properties into one LLC,

because it's going to make it easier

for the property management company.

Don't let the property management company

dictate to you how you're going to run your structure.

Because at the end of the day

if one lawsuit develops in an LLC that holds 10 properties,

I doubt your property manager is going to come to you

and say let me help defend you in this lawsuit

because we refuse to pay multiple LLCs

and we forced you into this position.

You see how absurd this becomes?

Use sound planning,

you can work around companies

that will not allow you to do what,

you know, have the money go to the respective companies.

My name is Clint Coons with Anderson Business Advisors

and in this video we discussed

how to use an outside property management company

with your limited liability companies.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> How to Set up your Own Property Management LLC or Corporation - Duration: 7:05.


Matt Gil - Do you feel stuck or lost? - Duration: 5:59.

Do you feel stuck or maybe even a little lost?

I'm Matt Gil and welcome to another episode of mornings with Matt.

Do you ever feel like you're stuck and you want to be able to take the leap, but you

just feel a little bit afraid, like how do you compete in a world where it feels like

everybody's doing what you want to do?

So I've heard people share that there's so much competition out there out in the marketplace

and how does one really get started and really make a difference

when there's so much noise out there.

You know, one of the things that I've learned along the way is that no matter what you do,

there's always going to be competition, but there's a way that you can make an impact

that other people can't.

It really started to get me to understand the difference between standing in your calling

and standing in your career two really powerful words with completely different definitions.

You see, your calling is your purpose.

It's the thing that you were designed to do.

Whereas your career is kind of what you do to get by.

It's the thing that you, it's your bread and butter to be able to pay your bills and ultimate

goal is to be able to have your calling be your career.

Like I feel blessed to be able to do what I love and to know that I'm making an impact

in the world doing what I love.

And although this is my career, this is my job, this is also my calling.

This is part of why I'm here on this planet to impact people's lives and to help them

live a higher quality.

My job is to help reveal the inner giant that lives within each and every one of us.

So my calling and my career are both in alignment, but a lot of times we feel stuck.

We feel stuck like, I don't know what I'm doing because we're stuck in our career.

We're stuck in what we have to do to make ends meet.

One of the things that I've learned is that somebody can always do your job, but nobody

can ever do your calling.

So this week I want you to think for a moment.

I want you to sit back and ask yourself like, what is my calling?

What is it that I'm supposed to do?

And if you can't think of anything off the top of your head, go back to being a kid.

Go back to what are some of the things that you do naturally that you used to do as a

child or that you did growing up, like in junior high or in high school.

One of the things that I've also realized is that when we think about our calling, some

people think that we have to have a calling that

impacts the masses like I have to make a big massive impact, and for some people it's not

about touching the masses.

It's about touching that one person or touching that two or three people like your life and

your journey and your talent and your passion and your purpose is designed for somebody.

It may not be designed for everybody.

It may be not designed for an audience of a hundred or 300 or thousands.

Your purpose may be to impact one.

So go easy on yourself, like ask yourself, what is my calling?

What's my purpose?

What am I here to do?

And then what are the steps that you're taking daily to live in your purpose.

What I love is when the ultimate goal of living in your calling and living in your career

are blended and merged together like to me, that's kind of the perfect scenario and no

matter where you are, whether you know, listen, I'm, I'm on target,

I'm right there, or you're feeling stuck right now.

Go easy on yourself.

Give yourself the space to be creative, the space to reconnect back with you, the space

to ask yourself, what am I passionate about and what do I want to do and know that your

career is not where you'll always be, but you're calling is where you should thrive

and where you should always attempt to be live in your calling.

Listen, this is our place for us to share our journeys together for me to share mine

and for you to share yours.

A place where I get to share what I'm learning and you get to share what you're learning

and we get to grow together.

So leave a comment below and let me know what's your calling, what's your purpose like what

are you here on this planet to do and what are the steps that you're taking to live in

your purpose and your calling.

I can't wait to celebrate you, so make sure and write them down below so that way we can

celebrate you on your journey, read other people's comments and put on there #YANA Y.A.N.A.

You are not alone or #BOL, which is breakthrough out loud.

And let's celebrate each othe r along this journey like let's just be together as a community

the way that this was designed to be.

And this is our safe space.

This is our place to come together to grow, to learn to celebrate.

So make sure and leave a comment and leave a comment on somebody else's comment so we

can celebrate one another.

Listen this is your boy Matt Gil and I can't wait to see you in the next episode.

For more infomation >> Matt Gil - Do you feel stuck or lost? - Duration: 5:59.


8 GREAT Cheap (or FREE!) Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day - Duration: 8:15.

For more infomation >> 8 GREAT Cheap (or FREE!) Ways to Celebrate Valentine's Day - Duration: 8:15.




For more infomation >> PILIH JOKOWI ATAU PRABOWO ? TANYA GOOGLE ASSISTANT !!! - Duration: 3:14.


Thousands more will die of heart attacks or strokes due to Brexit, study says - Duration: 3:43.

 Brexit could lead to more deaths from heart attacks and strokes due to rising prices for fruit and vegetables, research has found

 Any deal in which the UK leaves the European Union will push up prices, cutting the amount of fresh produce people buy, the study said

 But the data indicated a no-deal Brexit will have the worst impact on the nation, with more than 12,000 deaths predicted between 2021 and 2030

A no-deal Brexit was found to have the worst impact on the nation's health (Picture: PA) The new study, from Imperial College London and the University of Liverpool, analysed data from the World Health Organization and HM Revenue and Customs to model the impact of Brexit on health

 Each model demonstrated a different way in which the UK could leave the EU on March 29

 All of the scenarios assumed an increase in trade tariffs and transaction costs, while also looking at how much fruit and vegetables the public ate on average

Mum 'diagnosed with ovarian cancer hours after different hospital sent her home' The National Diet and Nutrition Survey indicates that only 27% of adults aged 19 to 64 and 35% of those over 65 get their recommended daily amount

Advertisement Advertisement  Banana prices would increase by 17%, citrus fruits by 14%, and tomatoes by 15%, in the event of a no-deal Brexit, the study found

 This would lead the British public to eating between 3% and 11% less fruit or vegetables

 Low fruit and vegetable intake is a 'major risk factor' for a whole host of illnesses, including cardiovascular disease, which can cause heart attacks and strokes

Experts say 'staying within the EU appears the best option to protect public health' (Picture: EPA) A no-deal Brexit could lead to a 0.9% increase (4,110 deaths) in heart disease and 2.9% (8,290 deaths) in strokes between 2021 and 2030

 The least disruptive scenario was a free-trading agreement with the EU and half of non-EU fruit and veg importers, but experts reported this still led to an increase in poor health

 The UK is heavily reliant on imports, with 84% of fruits and 43% of vegetables imported in 2017

Facebook removes photo of sick girl, 9, for being 'too shocking' Paraskevi Seferidi, a PhD researcher and first author of the study, said the UK's imports have a 'strong protective effect on health'

 The researchers said the scenarios they modelled are not exhaustive and do not reflect all Brexit scenarios currently being debated

 But they said their study is consistent with previous research which estimated that the cost of fruit and vegetables is likely to increase by about £2.20 per week for a family of four

 Professor Martin O'Flaherty from the University of Liverpool, who jointly led the study, said: 'Unhealthy diets are a leading driver of ill-health in the UK and a critical policy lever to tackle chronic diseases

Advertisement Advertisement  'Staying within the European Union appears the best option to protect public health.' Got a story for  If you have a story for our news team, email us at

 You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter. Advertisement Advertisement

For more infomation >> Thousands more will die of heart attacks or strokes due to Brexit, study says - Duration: 3:43.


Civil Or Officially Registered Marriage - Duration: 3:54.

If you like our audio and video materials, you can support the project. Details in the description of the video.

Intelligent Humanity


Civil Or Officially Registered Marriage

Goddess Lada

What is the subtle difference between a registered marriage and a civil marriage?

Treaties are not only signed at the human level. And it is not the sign that is put on the document that is important; it is not the form of the contract that is fastened by something physically. But important is the contract, which is fastened at the level of souls. If two people agreed among themselves and declared that they are husband and wife, the existing document essentially changes nothing. Honesty of relations and fulfillment of obligations within the family and clan are important.

Documents need only to track the sequence of clans and record the experience. There are certain objects and signs that were used in marital relations. There are certain signs that reported that a woman married, a man married. These signs said that a woman could not enter into a relationship with other men, and this man could not enter into a relationship with other women. It has been reported not to attract the attention of potential candidates who are looking for their family. This was in aid for differences who is free, and who is engaged in a. Certain signs were intended for these purposes -

connections in the family, relationships were registered. At the level of the magic or at a level that is more correctly referred to as a more subtle relationship with nature, some signs of fixing the marriage were struck to the extent to show that woman is one or the other capacity, and in the or lesser extent important for the companies.

A woman who gave birth to a certain number of children wore certain signs on her clothes. For these the signs she was given some attention and respect in the society. Woman, which fulfilled a certain function for kind of, she had certain rights and a certain right vote. If a woman is just starting to form her family and did nothing for the Klan, then she's not possessed the capacity and knowledge to help your family with challenges for members of the genus when it was necessary.

Marriage itself means a contract, not the fact of fastening it with some documents. The fact of fastening the document can be as an additional option to help in some situations. It doesn't matter. What is important is the contract and the honest terms on which the contract was concluded. But when there is not enough responsibility in society, these signs and forms of giving special meaning to keep spouses from making mistakes. This is a question of insufficient level of consciousness, not some fundamental function that must be performed. A treaty is a conscious obligation,

which are accepted by both parties, and not some sign or document, a material object that obliges the spouses to a relationship with each other. The obligation binds them to the contract. And a contract is not a sign on paper or a symbol. It is a commitment to each other and an honest attitude in itself.

Intelligence, Impartiality, Mindfulness.

Intelligent Humanity, Center of Healing and Spiritual Practices

If you like our audio and video materials, you can support the project. Details in the description of the video.

This video was created by Intelligent Humanity. All rights reserved. Use of materials and making changes to them is possible only with the permission of the author. * Intelligent Humanity 2013-2018. Intelligent Humanity thanks all the authors whose materials were used in this video. In the video used: Music "zastavka RCH" was written by Krivalov Anton for Intelligent Humanity (the duration and volume of the composition was changed). It is published under the terms of the license CC BY Original:

For more infomation >> Civil Or Officially Registered Marriage - Duration: 3:54.


Pull in Location-specific Configurations from a Template or Plan - Duration: 2:22.

In this tutorial you will see how to pull in location-specific configurations or overrides

from a Template.

As you are building your budget, you may need to change the available countries.

In this example, you have a user-defined, late-stage, oncology template with several

locations already added.

Three locations have been customized, overriding ClearTrial's default assumptions, such as

the provider assignments and resource hours or fees algorithms, per location.

Navigate to the Assignment Tab, select the location you are interested in

and click Override Resources or Rates.

In this scenario, you are going to add Japan to a plan and see how the overrides made for

Japan are automatically populated.

This plan has been created using a template containing your organization's configurations.

Navigate to the Locations tab and add Japan to this plan.

And select the correct template.

Enter the number of sites and subjects you estimate for the Japan location and click


Navigate to the Assignment Tab, select Japan from the drop-down list

and click Override Resources or Rates.

If you remove Japan from your plan, you can add it back in later and all the overrides

you applied in the template are brought in as well.

To be able to use this capability for your plans and templates, your assigned ClearTrial

System Administrator needs to turn it on from the Customer Preferences page.

To learn more, see the documentation on the Oracle Help Center.

For more infomation >> Pull in Location-specific Configurations from a Template or Plan - Duration: 2:22.


Approve or Reject a Self Service Request - Duration: 1:28.

In this tutorial, you will see how to approve or reject a self-service request from a user.

To approve a self-service request you must have been assigned the Approver role.

To see all the requests for approval, go to Pending Approvals.

All the requests that are assigned to you are displayed.

To approve a request, click the title,

and then click Approve.

To reject a request, click the title,

Go to the Approvals tab and enter a reason for the rejection.

Click the Create icon to enter a comment.

Save your changes.

Click Reject.

To check your work, filter to see all Completed requests.

Select the request you just approved.

And to view the approval details, go to the Approvals tab.

The approval history for the request is displayed.

For more information, go to the Help pages.

For more infomation >> Approve or Reject a Self Service Request - Duration: 1:28.


What is more important... Your acting class or booking that next job? - Duration: 1:19.

I am just starting out in acting, what would you say is most important the acting class training or booking the job.

OK.. Well, most of you guys know... I have been in your shoes as an actor before

but I am also on the other side of the camera as a producer.

As an actor, you want to book the job... that's what pays the bills.

As a producer... you have better know your stuff before we actually book you for the job. Because if we book you for the job

and you are not on point. That is going to spell disaster for your career. What is going to happen is, we are entrusting you to

and we are bringing you on set and trusting you with this role. But if you are not prepared for that role.

You are going to really hurt your career.

Yes.. you want to book that job. Please do get acting coaching.. definitely be prepared before you enter that room.

Because... like I said, in the long run, if you are not ready, it is going to hurt your career.

I understand as actors you want to book the job.

but just make sure you are prepared.

For more infomation >> What is more important... Your acting class or booking that next job? - Duration: 1:19.


I Sell Money On EBay ( No or Low Value Foreign Currency ) - Duration: 1:34.

Hi everybody from Coach Dom just a quick eBay tip as you know I do to storage

locker auctions occasionally well quite a bit during the offseason but I do find

different foreign currencies and I stack those dollars up and I save them and I

try to bring them to a regular moneychanger like at the airport if I go

there and often they just see me coming with my bag full of money a clear bag

and they just start shaking their head like nah now that money is too old well

there's a little tip and trick that I've done to sell my money and here it comes

the Canadian money with this haul I simply put it together I make a nice

picture of it number of pictures showing both sides all my coins all the

denominations same with the paper money and I simply put it on eBay as a lot of

Canadian money and this batch here sold for 36 bucks at most just going straight

conversion if this money was still good they said it was 23 dollars so I made a

little extra the people pay the postage and that's it it's that simple

so I stack this money and Canadian money is kind of pretty money but I stack it

all up save it and that's how we let it roll hey don't forget like share

subscribe comment I love everybody's thoughts and ideas when they see me in

the streets they ask me about this stuff if I can make a dime doing this stuff

you can too there's a subscribe somewhere around here and there's some

other videos around the corners thanks so much and get out there and go hunt

and stack up those old bills and get them sold on eBay

you can do this see ya!!!

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