hey give them back for another video and today I'm actually gonna be talking
about something a little meta so I want to address something that I've been
getting a lot of comments on lately why so much hightail content xxx virus
you have been milking this thing for months now and that's usually as far as
a comet scope but today I would like to address this all right so for one thing
height it looks like it's gonna be an amazing game it is made by high pixel
the owners of the best server that minecraft has they have the most players
they know what the players want they do everything they can to work with
Minecraft engine in order to prevent cheats to make new game modes even after
years of mojang not listening to their community and not implementing the
features that we want so of course high tail is going to be an amazing game and
now to address why so many videos on the topic 30 device well for those of you
that don't know that are new that have been seeing my videos and recommended
and you don't know who I am I am a youtuber that started posting videos in
2010 eight years ago I'm not gonna say 9 yet because we're still early in 2019
but eight going on nine years ago I started this channel with a Garry's Mod
video that was called riding a firework in gmod and then a few weeks later I
uploaded a video called my awesome Minecraft world at the time I was
playing the alpha versions of Minecraft I was extremely early to the punch I
started playing back when the nether was a brand new thing just to put that in
perspective but I uploaded a lot of things including stuff that interested
me or whatever and then eventually started giving comments people asked for
tutorials I made redstone tutorials and then I continued on I made a my first
let's play survival island season 1 of course in minecraft my first let's play
overall was actually portal 2 no one really remembers that one only got like
20 30 views video feel free to look at if we want some healthy cringe anyway
three years I struggled to get views if you guys know anything about me I work
extremely hard to grow on YouTube I was getting maybe 10 to 20 subs every day
for the past six years six years okay and the first time my channel ever had a
large explosion was when a survival island stream of mine got like I think I
was getting something like 20,000 views a day for like two or three days and
then it died down again that was nuts and it was a season two of survival on
with had woody my friend but um anyway yeah so my channel wasn't doing so hot
you know I was growing but very very slowly if I was looking to get myself a
youtube plaque it was gonna be five ten years down the line even from 2017
onwards it was gonna be another five six years before I got myself a plaque and
my view count didn't go up as my sub count did so I would be getting 20 30
subs a day but my view count would stay the same it would be at about a thousand
views per video and it was like that for years and now off on a whim I posted a
hightail video that got 40,000 views in the first week okay and then right after
I made another one that got 50,000 views in a month and now I'm posting videos
and I'm guaranteed at least 3 4000 views per video on a hightail topic it could
be talking about anything about this game and not only does it look to be an
amazing game but for the first time in 8 years my channel is going somewhere I'm
getting messages from very large youtubers saying hey man just want to
let you know I'm seeing you in my recommended do you know what this means
yeah I finally hit my big break guys I'm in recommended which 2015 onwards is
something that is extremely important my channel succeeded pretty well back in
2013 21 but once 2015 came around that was like
the end of it and 2016 through 18 were really rough years for me so now my
channel is finally getting recognized for something and I think it's time to
just run with it anyone that's been with my channel for any length of time knows
that I as a person I'm not going to change the game I play doesn't even
matter half the time there are people that have been through like three or
four different topic changes on my channel and they know I am the same guy
and me doing content about hightail doesn't change the fact that I am still
me so they understand that this is a great thing for my channel and finally I
can make room for myself on the YouTube platform and finally call it a career
and it's a great feeling you know that in the past month I've gotten just shy
of five hundred thousand views in my YouTube network I was told if I hit five
hundred thousand views in a month and now that I've hit over fifty thousand
subscribers I can be brought up to I can be given a promotion basically I'll be
brought from the newb rank the rank where you know people just joined and
they have like a thousand plus subs that'll be brought to the second tier of
youtuber in their network which is called grey Shore by the way and that's
a big deal because it opens up a lot of opportunities for collaborations it
means I can easily get verified if I get a hundred thousand subscribers then I'm
going to get a YouTube plaque just imagine 30 virus official YouTube right
so it is pretty obvious at this point that doing a minecraft letsplay and
uploading two to three episodes per week it's just not going to work I need to
evolve with the times guys and to those of you that are commenting 30 virus why
are you milking hightail that is that is the reason why I've switched my content
to this type of game am I going to quit minecraft no of course not one game
coming out should not mean that I completely stopped playing another game
altogether that's just ridiculous if anything I'm gonna be playing
Minecraft less often but at the same time I will be producing content that is
first off way more original way better and it will finally get attention I'll
be in sub boxes which is something that's never happened but I know bein
recommended this is the route I think I'm going to take with my channel and
those of you that do not like it then give it a chance alright because at the
end of the day I'm still the same person the game I'm playing shouldn't matter
for how much enjoyment you get unless it's something that's completely out of
your league like I can imagine if you came here for call of duty and saw
civilization content then I mean that that's completely different but
something like a difference between minecraft and hightail it's not gonna be
that horribly big of a difference it is going to be a new brighter time for my
channel and I cannot wait to see what happens so those of you that are still
here after all this time come join me we are going to finally
become a community that has a voice well anyway this was a really short video
make sure to leave a like down below if you enjoyed and that's answering the
question for you guys why hightail because I've been doing YouTube for
freaking years man and this is the first time that I'm actually getting a chance
to become a youtuber because I mean sure I've been making videos for all this
time but I am not making a living out of it I go to college every freaking penny
I make go straight back towards tuition and rent and food and it is stressful so
it's really cool that I'm finally going to have a real job and Oh before I go
make sure to join the 30 virus botnet if you want to stay up to date on my
uploads and the YouTube algorithm isn't giving you your content like you
promised then you can get pinged in the 30 virus uploads chat also if you'd like
to talk about hightail stuff there is a chat for that as well and there's a few
other chats like media stuff and you could share your opinions with members
of the group you can integrate yourself into the community maybe find some
buddies to play games with there's a whole community right now
of up-and-coming youtubers that play minecraft bed Wars all of which are
dedicated subscribers and they upload really frequently and it's really cool
to just see this little group it's like a mini team crafted just rising up and
it's because they met through my channel's discord like how cool is that
the link to the discord is going to be in the description and in the pinned
comment for those of you that are interested well anyway that is it so I
hope you guys enjoyed and I'll see you guys later
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