Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily will Jan 1 2019

I'm excited to bring up two amazing attorneys and I think it's important

because do we have a great product does our value proposition outweigh the costs

and so we're excited to have in front of you guys tonight

we have miss Berlin from the great state of Missouri from the law firm of do Bell

judge please help me bring up miss Berlin along with mr. Farrow they're

great the great attorney from the great state of Mississippi and Alabama Wow

thank you thank you thank you very much Laura and I are pleased to be here

because we love being in front of associates all right without you guys we

could not do what we do so love you thank you also home office absolutely

thank you so much Carrie chief legal officer for inviting us to come here

today thank all of you for coming as Ben said we do love being in front of

associates this is something that is near and dear to my heart filling out

the will questionnaire filling out the will app it's something that I do with

my associates in Missouri any Missouri people out here today yeah all right

anyone in the Midwest really I'm your attorney so anytime you're traveling

through the great state of Missouri coming to get some delicious barbecue or

going to Branson Missouri which is the Vegas of the Midwest I'm your attorney

so thank you for letting me be your attorney and thank you for having us

here today all right you're gonna have a lot of fun talking about the day you're

gonna die all right hopefully everybody's got their phone out right

all right most of these super Saturday's I tell everybody don't be looking at

your phone be looking at me now I'm saying look at your phone all right you

should be seeing this screen this is the Start screen okay if you push that

estate plan and you're gonna get to see this that's kind of an overview that's

the that's the table of contents you're going to walk everybody through and

we're gonna do this here so you guys are gonna

be the smart ones in the room and if anybody you see them out of dinner and

they weren't in this room you're gonna say I did my will

did you write that's how you're gonna know you're the smart ones because

you're in the room all right after you hit that general information this is

where you're gonna go now I want to tell you we do have a few attorneys here we

have my great friends Mike Beaton from a bunch of states Minnesota for the most

part we had Salter Ollie from Texas and we have Mary rounds from Oklahoma firms

so the if you have a question while we're going through this not a computer

question we are lawyers okay if you give us your phone and say I have

a problem there it's told to bring it up here and we get to take them home and

sell them so don't do that alright if you have a question while we're going

through this about maybe you don't understand something or we didn't

address it they're gonna be there to help you alright there are also a few

technical people around and may be able to help you with the app to but not

loading somehow loading guys crashed the system sorry Nikki well this is a good

opportunity then for us to say as the lawyers you know we have to do the

disclaimer we're just giving legal information we're not giving legal

advice so if you have specific something that you need to ask call your provider

firm we're just here to provide information actually I does bring up an

important point there are some people that don't like the app right they I'm

gonna talk around this column for a little bit they don't like the app they

want the paper questionnaire the firm's are okay with a paper questionnaire

absolutely so someone doesn't like the app for whatever reason right we've all

got a grandmom we've all got a granddad we've all got a me I like old school

paper don't worry about it the firm's will get it to them one way or another

we do the paper we can do the app the app is faster app is way faster the app

is faster and the important thing is get your will done right I mean the numbers

show that retention improves when you get the member across the table from you

to complete that will and when when you get retention we all win right that's

the point of it that we want to keep those members on the books so all right

we're gonna go a little slower than if it didn't load for you all right do you

know your name if you know your name write it down all

right that first one your legal name all right

so don't put your grandmaster flash or something like that it has to be the

name you were born with the name a judge gave you the court whatever it is you

want to write your full legal name all right my name is Benjamin Henry Pharaoh

v all right my son is the sixth so how would he how would he do that he would

write Benjamin Henry Pharaoh the sixth because he's not giving away my stuff

he's gonna give away his stuff all right hoping next one is do you know where you

live raise your hand if you know where you

live all right you know where you live write down what is your address that's

the next question does everybody see how simple this is already we don't have a

timer but we're maybe one minute into this thing you're already halfway

through all right then that's that country it says County what county do

you live in the reason that's important is that gives Lauren eyes and my ideas

about will talk about real estate a little bit later some property some

other issues with that but we need to know what county you live in the app

already tells us what state you live in right if you're in one of my states

Alabama Mississippi I already know you're now been with Mississippi

resident mistral thoroughly knows you're a Texas resident mr. Nita knows if

you're one of his seven or eight states that he's got Minnesota Wisconsin

whatever and Mary knows if you're in Oklahoma or some other state for the

cheap services we know that but we need the county all right this is the last

easy question because they're gonna get real hard I guarantee do you know when

you were born everybody got the date when you were

born all right that's actually a trick

question because you don't know when you're born because that's actually

hearsay cuz someone told you when you were born that's such a lawyer answer

all right next up next up right so everybody's got that down if you don't

does anybody have any questions about do they not know their name do they not

know where they live they not know where they were born or when they were born

excellent question no questions yet actually mr. Salter LT I'll help you all

right step three spouse partner all right this is

actually going to be a little tricky so we're gonna look at this one a little

bit longer the first question is what is your spouse's

full legal name do you know your spouse's do you know who you married

let's find that out if you do go ahead and input that information do you know

their date of birth you should if not perhaps you should send them a text real

quick just fill in that information when were you married and where were you

married these things are important it's important for your estate planning to

know perhaps did you have a prenuptial agreement a post-nuptial agreement these

things are all important for your attorneys to know the more information

you provide us with the better we can help you so if you give us the

information then we can prepare the documents that you need to do what you

want with all of your hard earned money at the end of the day that's that's what

I love about what I do the estate planning piece of it is you've worked

your whole life you've given your whole life to have these assets and to and and

to do with them what you will is is what I want to do for you so give us as much

information as you can by completing this app and and we'll make it work for

you alright everybody got that those we're having a problem down low and you

wrote wrote that down right again we're almost halfway through if you do have a

question and remember raise your hand the attorneys will get to you all right

we haven't gotten that we can't went over here guys all right step four

dependent information do you know who your kids are all right how easy I told

there's gonna be a test at the end all right so take your notes there's me a

test and I'm gonna we're gonna look at this time we're gonna go back and talk

about some of those other issues so write down these questions we'll come

back to them do you know your child's legal name all right you know what is

your first child's date of birth easy all right would you like to add another

child I'd made a joke earlier those just kind of show up but on this when you get

to decide if you want to add another child and then you have any

grandchildren or great-grandchildren all right everyone hopefully everybody's

good I'm gonna go back to Laura and I need to talk about this in a little

detail you do not need to talk about what we're going to when you're out

there but we're gonna jump back and give you some background why it's important

to us why we need to have when you're doing this with somebody

just blackout for the next five minutes all right we're gonna tell you the why

that you don't need to talk to prospects about it again as we're saying it's it's

just about getting us the information letting them let us know what the

information is so that we can make the best choice for them as their attorney

you're helping them complete their wishes

so the names and birthday it's very important of course names and birthdates

of grandchildren special needs children they might have someone who is meeting

you know disability needing some kind of federal aid some kind of state aid those

are all important bits of knowledge for your attorney to know without knowing

that we don't know the best course of a state planning for you or for your

member so we need to know if there is someone that they need to disinherit

perhaps because if they inherit something under a will it could mess up

the benefits that they get and we don't want that you don't want that just write

down the information let us help you that's what we need all right on the

custodian that's where you're just you're saying who you want to raise your

children right informally it would be your godparents that kind of thing the

reason that you need to know that is because you in this story you are dead

right there's no way for us to talk to you or or listen to you or have you

answer that question so if you don't answer that question for me what am I

gonna do all right I'm your your mean old mother-in-law who wants that kid to

raise them so bad you hate it but I'm your sister the drunk no way I don't

want that or your your brother you know your knee or do brother if he's been

waiting to get into your house to steal all your stuff all right

that's why these questions are important to us all right you don't need to go

into that with someone who's doing it you don't need to go into it for

yourself now but that's why it matters to us that's why these questions are in

here if you skip that you're gonna get a call

from the attorneys because without this without this stuff we can't really do it

you need to do all right this is still preliminary because this is just the

names of your kids in your grandkids all right now I lied earlier about being

halfway through now we are really about halfway through step 5

your stuff right your bag of gold right your house your real estate your pickup

truck your money you work for your whole life your life insurance everything

right when everybody says they don't have anything are they in a loincloth or

they live in a grass hut outside everybody's got something right

everybody's got something they care about if if I asked everybody here to

just come up here and put your $20 up here would you like that

I'd love it right you have something it doesn't matter how small it is you have

something that needs to be taken care of if you don't do this you're not going to

have that choice right you need to make that choice you need to speak for

yourself if you are here you are empowered today to do that because again

in this hypo when we're actually reading this you are David and why that's

important for us to know your stuff I mean people don't necessarily want to

share their business but you can share it with your attorney that's what we're

here for were your attorney and we need to know this information you listing out

your assets lets us help you figure out the best way to dispose of those assets

and quite frankly it's different in every state as state planning and

probate law varies greatly state to state so while in Missouri we may handle

your bank account one way or your car one way Alabama or Mississippi may be

very different laws vary state to state so that's why you need to get us the

information fill out the app and make it easy for all of us

all right does everybody know what assets are there's my example of the $20

bill good enough for you anybody have any hands anybody want to give us that

money no not yet okay there you go the tough stuff right mmm end of life

requests so special arrangements what do you want to have happen are you one of

those people that wants to have your remains cremated and blasted out of a

cannon perhaps let us know that we can include that in your will do you have a

pet do you have a pet that you want someone to take care of after you're

gone let us know that we can include that in your will what kind of social

media do you have are you LinkedIn Facebook are you connected let us know

what you want to have happen with that these are all things now that we

include in your will in your estate plan and it's your choice to make

have your members fill that out how would you like your remains to be

treated burial cremation memorials do you have pets

the all the social media content that you have these this is a location for

you to put that the reason these matter all right today we're not gonna ask for

a show of hands right but you know if you want to be buried or cremated right

most people really care about that question you know what you want done if

you don't write that down right now you're stuck alright so let's go through

these ones there are there any special arrangements you would like for your

end-of-life events do you want a brass band we want to ride with 16 white

horses do you want flowers you want someone to give a eulogy do you want

anything special right that's where that one who goes apparently this person

wants to die taking a test but it is what it is and this the next one and for

those of you it did not load how would you like your remains to be treated

alright do you want to be shot out of a cannon you want to be shot to the moon

you want to be buried in the backyard you want to be thrown her in a ditch you

want to be putting a pine box right just let us know we'll complete it for you

exactly and then this is very important to know because I mean I we have as the

attorneys we've seen the horror stories right I've seen grandma's remains be

shifted from one relative to the next because no one really wants grandma's

remains well grandma probably should have come up with a better plan of how

to dispose of those remains but we we've seen it all so write it out let us know

what your wishes are get your members to let us know what their wishes are all

right last one do you want your pet at your funeral you want to fight over

there to see you go away or not right do you have any pets actually that one does

matter because pets are becoming kids right and guess what all right how many

of you guys just went through that with us right a lot of you right hopefully

everybody in here how hard was that and we took time to go through stuff

that you would not have to and we're gonna go through a little bit more but

done right is it complete have you disrupt with what was the nice phrase

you have a body in motion stays in motion how easy was that now what's

going to happen with that that's gonna come to our provider firms and we are

then going to be able to prepare the will alright so your questionnaire is

not your will alright that's the directions to the attorney I'm gonna

talk to you guys behind and call me in its the directions to the attorney about

how you want us to draft it right if we have questions if we can't read your

handwriting or what the app you don't really have that problem but if we can't

read your handwriting or it seems like you've given your house away twice or

you've made some kind of listing of another problem we're gonna call you

we're gonna call the member up and say hey it looks like you wanted to do this

you wanted to do that from everything I've been told from doing this world

while that's a good thing right does everybody want whoever they just talk to

about buying this product call Laura myself and all my other provider firms

yes right yes or yes isn't it how you say it yes sir yes all right yes or yes

this is very easy right I've already got your information and guess what you're

gonna get you're gonna get a full will packet from us it's gonna have it's

gonna have all the badging on it it's not gonna be some flying Knight piece of

folded paper that you write on a hand or anything like that the firm's put a lot

of expense and effort into this to make sure that first touch with your members

is fantastic right it's fans that we want we want them to say wow this was

worth it this was worth it now we're gonna tell you some horror stories oh

now yeah all right I'm not gonna ask for a show of hands again but if you've been

divorced right or if you've not been divorced or if you maybe have step kids

or adopted kids or something like that guess what your stuffs not going where

you think it's going I don't care what you think you're wrong alright you need

to you need to make sure to take care of it the number one problem that I see in

my practice is a divorced parent right because what let's assume that Laura and

I are married alright she's my second wife my first

wife I hated her she stole all my money she's gone right lowers bors great

perfect yes I am great thank you

so when I die where are you I've got two kids I got two kids by the first wife

I've got one kid by lora all right when I die what do you think what do you

think no yeah really are there any employment lawyers in the

house good I think I've just violated a story true story true story when I die

okay what do you think my stuff goes does it go to her does it go to her kids

eventually does it go to my biological kids does it go to my ex-wife yeah

whoever whoever said it depends you're right it depends on the state depends on

how you screwed this up all right but if in your will if you

said if I hate my kids because I hated my ex-wife so bad I now hate my

biological kids by them I could say Laura I'm gonna give everything to our

kid you know a little Johnny so great he's not as bad as old Benjamin Henry

four over six that's how you control it that's how you can you get to say where

your stuff goes if you spent your whole life getting your stuff at the end of it

you're just gonna say I don't care whatever happens happens does that

apparently 56% of the country does that that's a true story I had a client who

was touring the wineries in France with his third wife and it wasn't me yeah

who's been was not in this story had a heart attack and a third wife you know

had to transport his remains home well he hadn't updated the will from the

first wife so we had kids with the first wife kids with the second life

third wife who he was madly in love with wasn't included in that state plan so

these are the kinds of things that we see these are the horror stories that

that your lawyers can help you fix your lawyers in your state that you need to

talk to can help you fix that all right I'm gonna back up a little bit on this

one and again if you do have a question

about this now the attorneys cannot answer your personal legal question

they'll direct you to your provider firm but if you have a question about the app

or something like that they still are out there just raise your hand but in

your in your will all right let's talk about disinheriting kids that's another

big thing we run into right you don't like let's use my son I

hope my son's not here but it wasn't but she's my son right

little Benjamin so the little terror he's always gambling the money away I

don't want anything to do with him and my lovely girl Camille is angelic and

she does everything right well what's gonna happen if I die without a will in

that situation right some of my stuff's gonna go to my wonderful daughter that I

love and some of that's gonna go to my terrible son that I don't love alright

it's gonna get half and half for the most part if I wanted everything to go

to my drug-addled gambling son I could do that to will if I want everything to

go to my angelic daughter I can do that as well if you don't say you're not

controlling that okay you're not controlling that and I'm gonna I'm gonna

take a gamble that everybody in this room wants to take control of their life

right that's why you're here you're trying to take control of something

maybe you don't have control over this is how you're gonna do it this is I

gonna take care of the most important thing that you hope never happens but

guess what it will happen alright and hopefully for a long time for everybody

in here absolutely no I completely agree you're the CEO as you were saying you're

the CEO right so take control of your life make what you want to have happen

happen give us the tools this app is the easiest way to get your members to fill

out that app give us those tools to make your life the way it needs to be you're

in control of it all right we're gonna bring Brandon back up because he's more

dynamic speaker than we are because we're dry lawyers thank you so much for

letting us come in today we appreciate it

good job we're gonna once again let's give Ben and Laura another round of

applause would you guys agree they actually don't have a dry personality

they're actually pretty funny huh so just a couple other things and then what

we'll rethink are to our incredible attorneys couple action action steps for

for everybody is well first of all we apologize on the internet connection but

that's okay cuz we all have our will done anyhow correct okay

so couple couple action steps is is number one raise your hand if you are

going to ensure your will gets finished or done no later than next week raise

your hand excellent regardless just everybody

raise your hand just anybody raise your hand just very good okay just just get

Matt May yes whether you are 18 or 19 really doesn't

matter because once again how many of you number 1 want to protect your assets

but number 2 you want to ensure that you increase your residual income so now we

talk money and everybody gets excited yes okay second thing is is one

challenge every single one of you here tonight that has one or more clients

raise your hand if you have one or more clients okay personal clients I want to

challenge every one of you after you get your will done and create that personal

what testimony want to encourage you to go through your entire book of business

and raise your hand if we have failed to help some of our clients get their wills

done let's just be honest right key to success is self-awareness and taking

responsibility so we need to go back and I'm going to do the same thing and we

need to go back starting this week and take inventory on our clients that we

pray that we haven't lost yet yet right and we need to go through that book of

business and we need to hold their hands whether it's through the paper doc I

mean of course our current and credible attorneys can send it but would you guys

agree we don't need the attorneys the law firms to send them that will

questionnaire who should be sending that to them if

they need that us right no not legal shit no no I mean what we

need a second cuz we are the CEOs correct so we need to take inventory on

our business and go back to every single client that we have written a deal on

and we need to encourage them through the mobile app and orcs are all

professionals now and or through the documentation whether you gotta mail it

to them whether you got to figure out how to gain that document and get it to

them and encourage them and press them you know every other week until they

give you a yes you know hate you now love you what later impress them until

they get that document done the less number two and number three how many

would agree that you are going to now create a happy clients

how many degree now you can do it the wonderful gal said earlier on stage that

now you could pull out that referral sheet and start collecting referrals I

mean just that alone business partners that can keep every single one of us in

the performance club every single month by front-loading value and just getting

our clients to get that will done we can stay in performance Club every single

month by default just by the referrals that you and I will gain from our

existing clients how many of you by default want to stay in performance Club

yes absolutely we want to stay that could be your number one lead generating

source right there what grant cardone says marketing just by going back and

helping everyone in your book of business by taking inventory get that

will done because our incredible attorneys they're there to work cows

hours to ensure that we look darn good by getting that document done versus

them spending hundreds if not thousands of dollars so how many of you are gonna

commit to number one getting your will done number two take an inventory

everybody raise your hand cuz you're all CEOs very good number two take an

inventory on your book and some of you have thousands of clients well we're

gonna have to spend thousands hours taking inventory because let's keep them

on the books and teach them so we can come back and create added value and say

let's get some referrals because you know

somebody that obviously needs a will done they may not have a legal question

but they all need a will done now we can ask for that referral yes okay once

again business partners if we can stand and let's give another huge round of

applause to our attorneys Laura and bed from the great law frog of do Bell judge

and Andersen law let's give them another round of applause people don't do a hash

tag I had my world oh yes very good okay so mr. abend just said we need to do for

all of you he's seen commitment yes you need to go and do hash tag I got my will

done yeah yes who's gonna commit hash tag I got my

wheel done alright thank you so very much for coming out this evening have an

incredible evening be safe we'll see you guys tomorrow thank you very much

For more infomation >> Will Workshop L@AL 2018 - Duration: 26:43.


Avengers Endgame to Break Record of Avatar! 7 Reasons Why Endgame will be the Highest Grossing Film - Duration: 5:19.

Most of our videos including this one

falls under the banner of 'Fair use' since

all of them are used for Criticism, News reporting, Comment, teaching, research and purely entertainment purpose.

Finally, the Endgame!

The Movie for which the fans were waiting for more than 10 years

is finally coming out in this April

Its trailer has been dropped and took the minds of fan with a storm,

and became the highest viewed Video on

YouTube on the very first day.

So let's begin the journey of revealing 7 Reasons why

Avengers: Endgame will break the record of Avatar.

1) Growing Suspense for 365 day:-

The previous version of Avengers

i.e. Infinity War was released on 27 April of 2018.

of 2018.

Since then the fans have lost their track

and only thought of where are all the disappeared


In the Climax of Infinity war many things remained unveiled

like "Why didn't Hulk show up?

What is Dr. Strange's plan?

Infinity war was left at a point

where sensitive people might get a heart attack!

To cope with it Fans Have made numerous theories,

Spoilers, Suppositions and concepts of what might happen,

which is our 2nd reason why? Multiple assumptions:-

Multiple assumptions:- Since the Infinity war,

Spoilers have gained a huge attraction and it is quite

correct to state that it emerged as a Massive market for You Tubers

and bloggers. Taking the advantage

of this situation people have derived

thousands of theories, due to which the curiosity

is highly growing and popularity is Spreading like a Virus.

Fans mind are infected by a lot of contradicting theories,

therefore to figure out the truth of

who will actually Rescue Iron man,

people will rush themselves to the theaters as quick as possible.

The curiosity is so high that the

trailer busted out with a Great Opening and that

is itself our 3rd reason why?

3) 289 million views

in 24 hours: Marvel Entertainment's

Avengers broke their own record of 230 million

set by Infinity War. Apparently, it indicates

the popularity of Marvel all over the world.

If Infinity war won the spot of 4th in the list of

highest grossing films of all time with 230 million views

first day

what Endgame will do with 289 million views

is anybody's guess. If we take the ratio

of first day views to the box Office collection

which is approx. 10 million $ per a million views,

the estimated collection of endgame is

2890 million dollars i.e.

103 million $ more that Avatar.

4) Recognition by 3/4 Population

In the last legendary 10 years of Marvel,

it is highly successful to grow its recognition across the globe,

it accounts to ¾

of world's population including ¼ of die-hard

Fan base and ¼ of Haters.

According to the history of box office collection,

Lovers definitely make it to cinemas while haters make it possible

as well just for the sake of Criticism.

Reason no.5

Crowded with Superstars:-

One thing people love about Marvel

is efficiency of portraying all

the characters with wonderfully adjusted importance to

all of them.

The Endgame includes 27 Superheroes

which attracts its own individual fan base to the


Not only the Characters are famous

but the Glamorous actors like Robert Downey,

Scarlet Johansson, Bendict Cumberbatch and

the three chris also have a huge following

Reason no. 6 Rewatchable: Although Avatar

was a Great Success financially, it failed


It only earned fame due to its amazing graphics.

Most of the Public criticizes its storytelling

and some of them even consider it lengthy and over-rated.

In contrast, Marvel is not only

successful financially but also critically.

It has large number of die-hard fans across the world

and its Movies are always fascinating to watch. .

And comparing its Graphics to Avatar, the Marvel is not a loser,

and this makes our Last reason

Reason no. 7 High-Tech

Since the release of Avatar

it's been Almost 10 years, in which film productions

have advanced dramatically. Considering the level

of The Endgame, it is undoubtedly made with high .

Technology and graphics. It will also

release in Imax and 3D's in 70+ Nations.

The film will be also screened in

4DX theatres in 59 countries

Considering these 7 Reasons we could assume that

The Endgame will become the highest grossing film of all time.

because you know…

We Are in the Endgame now!

For more infomation >> Avengers Endgame to Break Record of Avatar! 7 Reasons Why Endgame will be the Highest Grossing Film - Duration: 5:19.


My Heart Will Go On - Titanic - VERY EASY SLOW Piano Tutorial - Celine Dion (Synthesia) - Duration: 8:12.

For more infomation >> My Heart Will Go On - Titanic - VERY EASY SLOW Piano Tutorial - Celine Dion (Synthesia) - Duration: 8:12.


Free Will 자유의지 - Duration: 4:32.

For more infomation >> Free Will 자유의지 - Duration: 4:32.


Retiring GBI director: Georgia will do away with death penalty - Duration: 2:33.

For more infomation >> Retiring GBI director: Georgia will do away with death penalty - Duration: 2:33.


Colorado Guard helicopter unit will deploy to Afghanistan - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> Colorado Guard helicopter unit will deploy to Afghanistan - Duration: 0:22.


Only Time Will Tell | Official Trailer - Duration: 2:22.


You won't leave me, right?

Of course

For me, love is a simple word

but it has a lot of different meanings

Why did you bring me here?

This is your favorite place, right?


It can be love for our family

It can also be our love for our friends

and last but not the least

Let's not forget the kind of love that we all know

Your love to the person that you will treasure the most

I wish we are always like this

I agree

Can't you prioritize your schedule? Huh?

You won't answer my texts

You broke your promise


You told me that I broke your promise

You promised

Why did you leave me?

You promised!


I love you

For more infomation >> Only Time Will Tell | Official Trailer - Duration: 2:22.


What will you do if your best friends do this to you ? - Duration: 1:05.

For more infomation >> What will you do if your best friends do this to you ? - Duration: 1:05.


Feds: 300 people will die by New Years Day - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> Feds: 300 people will die by New Years Day - Duration: 1:18.


2019 Will Make Or Break Star Wars - Duration: 8:04.

2019 will make or break Star Wars. Hello there, welcome to Pace Maker gaming's

latest video on the Star Wars and the future 2019. If you guys are new to the

channel don't forget to subscribe and drop a like on this video if you've

enjoyed it. So let's start of with the big ones so let's start off with Star Wars

Episode nine. So Star Wars episode nine is currently being directed by JJ Abrams

and will release on December the 20th. It's going to be the final installment of

the Skywalker sequel saga, which has been over forty years worth of story

telling so there really is a lot resting on this film.

Other than that, Episode nine would have to be more than just a good film it's

gonna have to be a great Star Wars movie and I think we're well-deserved of one. It's

going to have to reconnect the fans because after the last Jedi no matter

whether you like the film or you didn't like the film there's been a clear

divide in the Star Wars fan base since that film arrived and I think everyone

within reason can see that has evidently happened. So this film is going to be more

than just happen to be another Star Wars film. It's gotta be a stolid film that

reconnects the fans gives us those great stars moments that we're

after and just reconnect the franchise. If we take it back a bit and

talk about let's say Justice League which was an OK film not a great film

not good film an okay movie. It would have had to have been a phenomenal film

to repair the DCU which it wasn't and which his part of the

reasons why the DCU is in the state it is in now and in order to fix that the

Justice League movie would have had to have been fantastic but it wasn't and

and since then just the DC franchise hasn't really taken off. And don't get me

wrong Star Wars is in a much better position

and a much better shape than the DCU by leaps and bounds better but after

episode 8 we need a great Star Wars film to bring the fans back together.

So now let's talk about this year so 2018 so what have we had for Star Wars in movies?

Well we had SOLO which everyone is well aware. There was a huge boycott

for the SOLO movie and a lot of people seemed generally uninterested with the

concept of the SOLO Star Wars movie. Looking at the figures so the solo

movie only made $392.9 million at the box office

a massive disappointment for a movie franchise as big as Star Wars it only made

three hundred and ninety two point nine million at the box office! That is insane.

Rogue One the sequel movie the Star Wars sequel

maybe the first old sequel movie that we got made over a billion. $1.056

billion dollars at the u.s. box office. Solo made sixty three percent

less at the box office then Rogue One. That is a horrific figure Disney can't

afford another failure like SOLO Star Wars films and it's because of the

failure of SOLO the Star Wars film that the releases of future Star Wars spin-offs

like the Kenobi movie which was highly anticipated have been delayed and this

is a shame and because the stars franchise is one of my favorite

franchises by far I'm really looking forward to a Kenobi movie I mean I think

the idea of a movie all about obi-wan Kenobi if it is set in between Revenge

of the Sith and a new hope I mean it's just a perfect timeline to explore the

obi-wan Kenobi storyline. There's plenty of material in the Canon comics for

them to follow to make a really great film.

It's just a shame that the box-office failure of SOLO has

delayed that. So Disney can't really afford any more mistakes like that when it

comes to film. That was one of the most expensive Star Wars films ever to

be made so to come in with a box-office revenue of only over 300 million is

yeah incredibly disappointing. So let's talk about TV now so, what have we got? What is coming up in

2019 so the Mandalorian 2019 and the thing about this is that Star Wars

fans generally seem to be excited about this new series which is great to see and

very encouraging. Pedro Pascal is rumored to play the in the main character,

the show will be appearing on Disney's new up-and-coming streaming service and

will be the first live-action TV series for Star Wars which is well needed, well

needed. The fact that this is going to be the only live-action content we've got

in a while is incredibly surprising but this is well needed and we've had

the cartoons, we've had the animations, we've had the anime take on Star Wars

Resistance if you will and some live-action TV is is well deserved and

well needed. The expectations for this TV show are high and I generally want his

series to be a success I think the idea of a space Western focused on the star

wars criminal underworld with a Mandalorian main character sounds

awesome. This show has to be a success in order to contribute towards the increase in

the Star Wars fan base. So there's a lot at stake here but this one I'm quite

confident with the Mandalorian. Jon Favreau is a good director I respect him

as a director he makes some very good films and some very good

content so I'm generally looking forward to watching this TV series. And speaking

of animations the Clone Wars season 7 will be arriving although there was no

confirmed release date it is going to be on the new Disney's streaming service.

It is expected to arrive in late 2019 or early 2020 this is a show that is

at the heart of a lot of Star Wars fans and it's actually generated quite a lot

of Star Wars fans so this show I'm not so concerned about.

I don't see this show going to wrong it's still being directed by Dave Filoni

and we're getting 12 more episodes to the the Clone Wars series. The Clone Wars

series is loved by many and this should be a great addition to Star Wars content

within 2019 and hopefully generate even more fans and generate even more of

those fan favorite moments that we all love to see. Onto gaming so gaming so we

had Stat Wars Battlefront 2. It had a very tough year the search interest in

YouTube for battlefront 2 has dropped 91% since its original launch

which is again a horrendous horrendous figures unlike Fortnite another

online multiplayer game which I'm sure you've all heard of which is

surprisingly still actually grow in search interest since its launch. The Clone

Wars DLC was a great addition to the game and certainly helped increase

overall interest but the game still has a long way to go until it can reverse is

negative trend in search interest in YouTube. Anakin and Count Dooku

arrive in January and February along with a large-scale game-mode similar to

conquest mode from the original battlefront and hopefully these two additions

will help to drive the overall growth to the game. So 2019 will certainly be a

huge year for Star Wars and I'm certainly optimistic of that and the

future that holds. I have faith that JJ Abrams is the right director to complete

the Star Wars sequels and reconnect the fan base but the movies the TV shows and

the gaming there is a lot at stake here for the Star Wars franchise. I hope they

all do well but we're all going to have to wait and see. So what are your thoughts

what do you think will happen for the future of Star Wars in 2019? I'm

personally looking forward to it I hope that we don't have any more mistakes and

I hope that Disney have learned from their mistakes especially from SOLO and

I look forward to the year that 2019 has to bring so happy new year all guys

I hope you have a great night 20:19 and if you're new to the channel please

subscribe and leave a like in the video if you've enjoyed it so far and I'll see

you all on the next Star Wars video.

For more infomation >> 2019 Will Make Or Break Star Wars - Duration: 8:04.


Arsenal fans will love what Unai Emery has picked as his 'best moment' of 2018 - Duration: 2:39.

 It was a whirlwind 2018 for Unai Emery.  The Spaniard started it in France and led PSG to the domestic treble before swapping Paris for London in the summer after being chosen as the man to replace Arsene Wenger

 His first seven months at the Emirates have been mixed, with a 22-game unbeaten run having been followed by some poor results right at the end of the year - including a 5-1 mauling at Liverpool

 But on the whole it's been a solid start to life in north London for Emery and he admits taking over from Wenger was the highlight of a memorable 12 months

  "We start a new New Year and I feel very good with how my first few months in England went," he said in his programme notes ahead of Arsenal's game with Fulham on January 1

 "I am feeling very good here and every person is helping me to feel good in my work and also in my life

It's positive.  "My strongest memory of 2018, and the best moment for me, was when I signed here at Arsenal

But for me every day is important because my philosophy in life is that every day you can enjoy working, you can enjoy with good moments and with bad moments also

 "So I enjoyed all of 2018 and especially when my new challenge started at this club

"  Emery added: "I hope the new year will give me a new challenge here for improving with the team, with the club and also I want to find this improvement with doing something important for the club, for me and the players

 "In every competition we can play with this ambition and I also want to enjoy every day in my work and also here in London

" Keep up to date with the latest news, features and exclusives from via the free football

london app for iPhone and Android. Available to download from the App Store and Google Play

For more infomation >> Arsenal fans will love what Unai Emery has picked as his 'best moment' of 2018 - Duration: 2:39.


HOW MUCH Will I Make My FIRST Month? 100-Day Prosperity Challenge 🤑 - Duration: 5:38.

Hello everyone, my name is Timesha aka Mesha and I'm so glad to be on with you guys today

I am

Doing this video log

basically recording my internet marketing journey because I

Am a newbie and I want to help others

Basically in the business and show them that if I can do it you can do it as well

This is not my first time starting a business

but I believe this time is the right time for me and

I'm excited to get started and I can't wait to share everything that I have for you guys and

though I'm new there are some things that I'm really really good at and

I want to make sure that you guys have all the tools that you need so you can be successful as well

I am married. I have three children and

They're all in

middle school or out of school

Currently my profession by day is I am a sped, well

special education high school math teacher and I teach

students Algebra one


math models and

Algebraic reasoning so if you need a math tutor?

You know where to find me,

I've been teaching currently for nine years and though I enjoy my students immensely

Teaching is not my first love

It was not my original

calling and I am basically doing it to pay the bills


That hopefully will not last for long

Because my calling is something totally different and it took me a while to figure it out

but my calling essentially is to lead others to be healthy and wealthy and

to help others succeed in life

You don't have to be stuck in the same situation that you are and live the way you've always lived

you can have whatever you want to have and I am the motivational voice that will help you get there and

So in order to help you on your journey, I of course have to look at the man in the mirror and start my own

so I appreciate you watching this video so far and I hope that we have a

Wonderful time together. I hope I provide you with value through my journey

I hope you enjoy all of the content but more importantly I pray that you join me on my journey

I mean stepping out into this business is scary and


enough, but I hope that

with my confidence and my

Go getting attitude and my encouragement

That hopefully you'll join me and that you will do the same thing in

Enjoying your life and making your negatives into your positives. So

What are my upcoming plans for the video?

Since this is not my first time starting a business

I have those tried and true failure blues

I've tried it all from

affiliate marketing before

To starting an in ecommerce store twice. I have been a real estate agent.

I've been in insurance. I have tried to

sell a Primerica. I mean whatever you can think of I have done it and

after failure after failure after failure, I

Finally realized it wasn't the businesses that were the problem

It was me. It was my mindset and

How I approached things and the feelings that are brought to

Making money and being in business in this and it wasn't my fault

It was the stuff that I was taught whether it was at home or at school

But I had to realize I had to look in the mirror and change the way I was thinking if I wanted to be

effective in my business so

my goals and my next videos are to help you set up your

millionaire mind and get you in the million mind frame and me as well because I need it just as much as you do and

Like I like Joyce Meyer always says, you know if you don't take it, I'm a preach to myself

So that's what I'm gonna be doing and as I learn and grow in my next levels of success

I will share everything that I have with you and

Even my failures the things that I don't do quite as well. They all will be a learning experience

Not only for me but for you as well. And as long as you continue to join me on this journey, I

Promise you it will be one of the best things that you've ever done. So again, thank you for being here with me

Thank you for watching this video

Thank you for joining me on the start to

Changing my life radically and I pray that it gives you the confidence and bonus for you to do the same yourself

And so until next time

Be blessed with love joy health prosperity without strife

And by all means, do everything you can do to live your best life

For more infomation >> HOW MUCH Will I Make My FIRST Month? 100-Day Prosperity Challenge 🤑 - Duration: 5:38.


Donated outdoor wheelchair will give Scott County girl new freedom - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> Donated outdoor wheelchair will give Scott County girl new freedom - Duration: 2:47.


The 5 European giants Aaron Ramsey will hold talks with ahead of Arsenal exit - Duration: 1:49.

 Aaron Ramsey is reportedly set to hold talks with a quintet of European giants before leaving Arsenal for free in the summer

 The Welshman is out of contract at the Emirates and has failed to agree fresh terms with the Gunners

 Ramsey is into his 11th season with Arsenal and has featured over 350 times for the club but it looks certain to be his final campaign

  WIN £25,000 for FREE with Footie5 - click here to play  Despite facing the prospect of losing him for free in the summer, Arsenal are set to retain the services of the 28-year-old in January

 But he will then be free to join a list of potential suitors at the end of the season

  And Ramsey will hold talks with Bayern Munich, Inter Milan, Juventus, PSG and Real Madrid before sealing his exit from north London, according to the BBC

 Ramsey is able to negotiate a pre-contract agreement with clubs after January 1, but has reportedly not yet made a decision on his destination

 The Wales international arrived at Arsenal for just £4.8million from hometown club Cardiff in 2008 and has won three FA Cups with the Gunners

For more infomation >> The 5 European giants Aaron Ramsey will hold talks with ahead of Arsenal exit - Duration: 1:49.


The facts that will help make new kit deal biggest in Reds history - Duration: 5:09.

 Liverpool are in the market for a record-breaking new kit deal which puts them on par with other giants of world football

 The Reds' current arrangement with New Balance expires at the end of the 2019/20 campaign and the club are exploring their options

  The ECHO understands that discussions are underway with New Balance over a possible extension but Liverpool are also open to offers from rival kit suppliers such as Adidas, Nike and Puma

 The Reds' association with the Boston-based New Balance has been a fruitful one both creatively and financially

Their 2017/18 kit was the highest selling Reds strip of all time and the current deal is worth around £45million per season

 Such was the demand for the 17/18 kit, Liverpool moved to establish a pre-order system, which was set up ahead of stock replenishments in October 2017 after the strip sold out

 Liverpool will continue to wear New Balance shirts until at least May 2020 with the new deal they are currently pursuing set to kick in prior to the 2020/21 season

 Such is Liverpool's global standing in football - and sport in general - they won't be short of forthcoming offers from other manufacturers when they open the bidding

 According to Brand Finance in June this year, Liverpool's brand value has increased by 33 per cent in the last 12 months - the largest growth by any Top 10 World Football club

Look at some of Liverpool's greatest kits down the years HERE  Their online followers and digital connections reached an eye-watering 1

07bn, which included 881m from television and club-owned media, which made 63.5m.  The Reds were the most watched team across all competitions in the 2017/18 season with 880million viewers, which was the second most of any club in European football  The club's social following online has reached staggering levels too as the Reds continue to explore their horizons in the digital age

 Liverpool received the most total Facebook interactions in world sport during October this year, surpassing both Barcelona and Manchester United in the process

 The Reds also recorded the best interaction rate on Instagram in October amongst the top six Premier League clubs

 Liverpool reached the 10m landmark on Instagram in October, having also attracted the most new followers to the platform amongst Premier League clubs last month (+620k)

 The club were also able to boast the second highest volume of new Facebook followers (+45k) & third most on Twitter (+122k)

Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now  Liverpool had the highest YouTube viewing figures in the Premier League and the third highest in world sport during October

 The five-time European Cup winners also had double the viewing figures of second-placed Manchester United so far this season

 The club remain the most followed UK account on YouTube and the fourth most popular in world football behind Spanish giants Barcelona and Real Madrid and Italian champions Juventus

 As well as United, who earn £75m a year from Adidas, Arsenal (Adidas £50m per year), Manchester City (Puma £50m) and Chelsea (Nike £60m) all currently earn more than Liverpool from their kit suppliers, too

 However, with the club's off-field growth dovetailing superbly with matters on the field where Jurgen Klopp's side have taken a six-point lead at the top of the Premier League, big-money offers are surely likely to be on the table

 And it's likely that a new deal will be the biggest in the club's history.

For more infomation >> The facts that will help make new kit deal biggest in Reds history - Duration: 5:09.


Jak KONKRETNIE zachowa się RYNEK KRYPTOWALUT w 2019 roku? - Duration: 3:28.

2018 is already behind us and many people wonder what the future of cryptocurrency prices will be,

how they will be shaped in 2019, 2020, 2021 and later.

I will try to briefly present the four different scenarios.

Here is what won't happen:

in my opinion, it will definitely not be the same as it was before,

with slow drops, digging holes, then many months of consolidation, then slow increases and in two or three years new all-time highs.

I think this story will not repeat again.

Wall Street will not allow it, big capital will not allow it.

It would provide too much time for everyone to prepare for the next cycle so it must be played in a different way this time.

The scenario in which Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies fall to zero, their value is $0 and stays there.

I consider this an unlikely scenario.

New all-time highs, or at least half of the previous hype. Very quickly, very dramatically, I think it could all take place in 2019,

so there is no time to prepare and accumulate when it comes to small investors, so they start to feel FOMO, a fear of losing potentially gigantic profits.

And I think this is a very likely scenario.

The fourth, most likely scenario, is the scenario in which the prices of Bitcoin and some altcoins show disparities.

Bitcoin, with derivatives usage, shorts, naked shorts, forks and other attacks,

will be brought to boring and stable levels and kept there

while the prices of bank-issued cryptocurrencies and cryptocurrencies issued in the near future by large IT corporations, crypto with dividends,

crypto assets that are securities... will begin to increase dramatically, so the community around bitcoin will turn away from bitcoin to a large extent.

Let's not live in a bubble - it was strongly about the price.

If there is a disparity, and Bitcoin is on boring levels, stable levels, while other coins start to rise strongly,

interest in bitcoin will drop very much. And this is the most likely scenario.

In my opinion, this will happen pretty soon as well, not within years, it will be in 2019, maximum 2020.

What is the advantage of gold, dollars and good crypto over real estate in Poland, Polish stocks or euro or zlotys...

I will clarify in the future.

I invite you to discussions in the comments section and contact via e-mail.

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