hello people this is Bhushan here welcoming you to the geek freak Channel
first of all a huge thank you to all my viewers and subscribers due to which I
have been able to achieve 10,000 views on my channel almost within a month I am
really glad and delighted when I received the acceptance email from YouTube that
my channel has been reviewed and accepted for monetization and it is a
great feeling guys so today I am going to show you all the steps you need to
take care of once you reach 10,000 views watch my video till the end and make
sure you do not miss any of these steps
let's go to my channel on the YouTube and I click on my channel and I come to
the homepage of my channel and then I go to the creator studio and you can see
all my videos here uploaded so first we check out the dollar sign which is not
colored and which means it is not monetized so this is how you monetize
your videos after your channel is approved and these are the different ads
and you make save the changes and now you will see the dollar sign turning
green for you which means your video has become eligible for monetization the yellow
dollar sign denotes that the content of the video is not suitable for publishing
any advertisements in such case we send a review request to YouTube and wait for
a week for YouTube to give the decision so now we come to the channel where you
see you have to see if the your monetization is enabled or not so yes if
not then you have to enable it and this is how your monetization tab greets you
these are the options and then you assess the adsense acount adsense is a
place where you keep a track of all your earnings my channel has been approved
today itself so my earnings are zero as of now so that's all about it guys
thank you for watching my video please make sure that you like you share you
care and you subscribe my channel guys thank you so much I will see you soon
For more infomation >> 10000 VIEWS REACHED | STEPS TO FOLLOW POST APPROVAL OF MONETIZATION - Duration: 2:38.-------------------------------------------
2 Balloon Airplane - Simple TO Follow Step by Step Instructions - Duration: 4:04.
We're gonna make an airplane using two balloons
blue and red in this case feel free to use any color that you like we're gonna start with the
body of the blue body of the airplane
I'm gonna blow this up all about
This much leaving I would say a good four or five fingers left of tail
Tie it off
And we're going to start with the tail of the airplane. I'm gonna make a
hmm two three finger measurement pinch twist
Take the knot of the balloon
Bring it down another three
three inch measurement pinch twist
And then take the knot of the balloon and push it between
the two bubbles
So that it stays into place now. We're going to make two flower petal twists about three fingers and measurement
Wrap it around like the flower petal pinch twist
And make one more of those wrap it around up three fingers negative pinch twist
And this will give you
The back
Of the airplane now, I'm going to make the wings
Take the other balloon
Put it on the pump hold on to it and blow it all the way up there we go leaving now
Let's just say leave about two three fingers of the tail at the end give it a burp
Now you're going to make two ear twists two finger measurement pinch twist
Pull onto the nut bring it down to the joint and twist
You're gonna repeat that two finger measurement pinch twist
Connect this joint to that joint
By putting them together
Holding onto the small bubble pulling away and twisting very tricky technique
And now you take
the end of the balloon the little tail
And you're going to twist the uninflated part into
the two twists on the other end just twist around
So you end up with a
Circle and two little twists at the end you're gonna take this circle
Pull it apart, so you can see that their links are even and put your hands together
so if you turn one circle into two and
Then you squeeze and twist
So now that we have
Two airplane wings
Now we need to attach the airplane wings to the body of the airplane
Pick a spot on the body of the airplane
Whatever looks good to you and you basically squeeze
Wherever you want to connect the wings. That's where you squeeze on the body of the airplane and you twist everything together
Check it out now at www.test.com
Vegetable stew || വെജിറ്റബിൾ സ്റ്റ്യൂ by tuttuze kitchen || follow subtitles - Duration: 5:34.
Air Force: Failure to Follow Policies Allowed Texas Shooter to Buy Firearms - Duration: 3:13.
Welcome To The Top Daily Breaking News and Here is the latest news updates for you.
Texas church shooter Devin P. Kelley, who was known to have a violent past, should not
have been able to buy firearms and body armor because of his domestic violence conviction
back in 2014 while serving at the Halloman Air Force Base in New Mexico.
However, according to the Washington Post, the Air Force has admitted that it dropped
the ball and failed to follow the appropriate procedures to alert federal authorities about
Kelley's past, thus enabling the former airman to purchase weapons before he attacked
a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, killing more than 20 people.
Kelley had been court-martialed while in the Air Force and was ultimately convicted in
2014 for abusing his wife and his stepchild.
He was sentenced to a year in prison before being kicked out of the military with a bad-conduct
"Initial information indicates that Kelley's domestic violence offense was not entered
into the National Criminal Information Center database," Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek
said in a statement Monday.
Stefanek added that Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein
have ordered an investigation into Kelley's case and "relevant policies and procedures."
The New York Times notes that under federal law, Kelley—who assaulted his wife and toddler
stepson to the point where he cracked the child's skull—should not have been able
to legally purchase the military-style rifle and the three other guns that he had accumulated
over the past few years.
The Times reports that federal law has about 11 criteria that would prevent someone from
purchasing a gun.
Two of them, it appears, would apply in Kelley's case: conviction of a crime punishable by
more than a year in prison—i.e., the assault of his stepson which carried a maximum sentence
of five years—and conviction of a domestic violence misdemeanor.
The Air Force will also be investigating whether other convictions had not been reported to
the federal database for firearms background checks, according to the Times.
Academy Sports, a firearms retailer, confirmed Monday that Kelley had bought two weapons
from its stores after clearing federal background checks this year and last year, according
to the Post.
It is still not clear whether those weapons were the ones that were used in Sunday's
massacre, but nonetheless, it showcases the Air Force's failure to follow Pentagon guidelines
in making sure that certain violent offenses get reported to the FBI.
A separate law should have prevented Kelley, a violent offender, from purchasing the body
armor that he was seen wearing during the mass shooting.
Geoffery Corn, a former Army lawyer and a professor at the South Texas College of Law,
told the Post that there seems to be some confusion in the armed forces about what gets
reported to authorities.
That is all from the news center, Thanks for watching Top daily Breaking News.
Follow Montblanc Into the World of 'The Greatest Showman' - Duration: 1:09.
Welcome to my world.
The world of P.T. Barnum,
the Greatest Showman,
if I may say so myself.
Dream with your eyes wide open
And be inspired by all of the wonders
of this miraculous place.
Imagine, you could share this magic
at the most festive time of the year.
Create a look of wonder on people's faces
cause that's what it's all about!
Make their eyes shine
and their faces light up!
Let them enjoy the magic!
Have a magical Holiday Season
with Montblanc!
Lung cancer patient story – follow-up with Kath - Duration: 2:22.
Running for me is therapy.
The simplicity of it,
it's just your running shoes and then it's you.
When you get in that rhythm
and you're looking at the sky, looking at the sea,
you just run.
And it makes such a difference mentally, as well as physically.
Two and a half years ago I was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.
My first fear was obviously the danger to my life,
but also the danger to my fitness and my health.
Running makes such a big difference to my life, it always has done.
And to not have to stop, was very very precious indeed.
Having the option of targeted treatment
has transformed my ability to live my life the way I want to live it.
It's made every difference in the world.
I thought I had a matter of months left to live,
and through the last two and half years
I've competed in a few half marathons
and last year managed a full marathon,
slowly but surely!
Travel has always been important to me,
and I've been able to carry on doing that.
India, Sri Lanka, Kenya,
just carrying on the travel that I have always loved my whole of my life.
Targeted therapy can change the course of your diagnosis
and it becomes a condition to live with.
Looking back now to the start of this
two and half year journey with lung cancer,
it was really important to have the conversation
really early in my treatment pathway.
I started one targeted therapy
when I was first diagnosed, with great results,
and it has allowed me to start having another targeted treatment
to push chemotherapy a bit further away.
A diagnosis makes you feel weak,
and it makes you feel as though you're in no position to ask,
but just remember one thing:
just ask about targeted therapy and treatment sequencing,
because it changes the course of the rest of your life.
Shifting Your Consciousness? Your Work May Need to Follow - Duration: 5:34.
Work; let's talk about it, shall we?
I know it's on your mind.
I mean, it takes up a whole lot of your time.
You may be one of the few who really loves their work, and whose work truly supports
More likely, you're someone who's thinking, "There's more out there for me… but
Are you awakening to more soulful work?
The more conscious you become, the harder it gets to stay in situations that simply
don't honor your new-found energy.
And for many, there is no bigger test of this spiritual up-leveling than with their work.
More and more people are waking up and realizing that their work is no longer aligned and that
misalignment is all of a sudden just too much to bear.
But what happens when you feel so beaten down that you have no idea what you want?
Our culture and work-world have drained so many of us that, sadly, it's not unusual
to feel as though you have no idea what you want.
It's as though a part of you has turned off.
Someone says, "Well, what do you want to do?" and you feel blank and simply say,
"I have no clue."
If you're one of the masses walking around feeling as though you are so ready for something
new with your work life, but have no clue as to what that would be or how to go get
it, the starting place is to open the flow of energy around your own creativity.
The truth is, your energy is in a rut, and that's a second chakra thing.
Your second chakra holds the energetic ability to guide you to what feels good to you, what
you want to say yes to, and the awareness that you are safe to go do that.
So, do your inner work.
Spend time with your second chakra.
Lean into it in meditation.
Observe what is happening energetically and emotionally there in your lower belly when
you infuse that chakra with the thought of leaving what doesn't feel aligned "as
work," and stepping into something new (even if you have no clue as to what that is).
Know what you'll do next is not important yet; feel the emotions around simply the thought
of change… even the confusion around it.
Start by working with where you are, not where you want to be.
There may be all kinds of old beliefs and past experiences that come up when you simply
acknowledge what you are feeling from your second chakra.
As you open the energetic flow in that second chakra, begin to seek out what your true interests
and gifts are… what feels inspiring and interesting to you.
Go do new things.
Take yourself into new experiences and follow what you find interesting in them.
Plan a day where you simply go where the wind takes you.
These new interests and activities may have nothing to do with work, but you doing those
opens a flow of energy that you'll use to recognize your new work when ready.
This is about you giving yourself the inner ability to recognize what you want, without
going numb.
So for now, simply ask yourself what you want to do.
Insist on an answer!
"First thought = best thought" works really well here.
Begin to open that flow of energy that feeds your own inner creativity.
Then, start doing some of those things.
Work on you, then on the new job.
It's easy to want to keep pushing past this oh-so-important energetic step in your healing
process and just keep trying to mentally figure out your next move.
But rushing past this healing part and not re-aligning your energy is only going to land
you somewhere that is still vibrationally incompatible.
You've got to start by activating your energy in a way that allows your creative energy
to flow… where you can access YOU again.
You need to flip the switch around the things that have restricted your innate energy, talents,
and desire so you run that energy without getting stuck.
Then, you'll have the means to tap into your desire and begin to manifest that.
Is this all part of the awakening?
I think so.
I see people moving all about the work chess board these days, into more aligned work.
The lines between work and vocation are blurring, which is a good thing.
Stepping into work that is aligned to your Soul is how you will thrive.
The leap, however, can be scary.
It means finding your power and claiming what is important to you.
For some, it means stepping into new roles of leadership that put you on the front lines
of changing corporate rules and mindsets.
And for others, it means trusting that the change you make will still support you financially…
maybe even more so.
No matter what, as you shift into more soulful work, you will find yourself.
And it all begins with understanding what you want – at a soul level – and how you
can let your own creative energy flow so you manifest that.
Lean into that and your work shift will be a good one.
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