by breaking right now new report just came out Washington Post federal
prosecutors have now interviewed James Comey as they now weigh whether or not
to charge his former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe with a crime for his
obsessive lying which is why he was reportedly now fired it looks like two
key members of the deep state yeah they're now turning on each other and
this could be the signs of the wall collapsing so yzma cave and others now
finally going to be exposed about their constant extreme wrongdoing I've said
many times on this show starting in January this is the year of
the boomerang we'll give you all the breaking developments and also tonight
according to reports the disgraced former deputy FBI director McCabe who as
we said was fired because of his pattern of blatant lying
he wrote a personal confidential memo detailing his so-called concerns over
the president's decision to fire his former boss and personal friend
McCabe reportedly turned that memo over there you see it Robert Muller's team of
witch hunters the so called investigators Democratic donors Hillary
supporters to help their efforts and as you can imagine the Trump aiding press
and their friends in the left they were very excited very wrong as I'll explain
in a second but very excited take a look now we find out that the president
wanted the fire company on the grounds that he wanted he was concerned about
the aggressive Russian and trope in other words he did it to protect himself
to obstruct justice this is clearly clearly it seems to me close to the
smoking gun of obstruction we have enough information about this president
and his attempts to control Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions and to literally have
them protect him from this investigation I think it is clear that he's obstructed
justice the question about the President and commis firing has always been what
did it mean about the Russian investor rod Rosen sentence one of the people
that Donald Trump has been hammering you know that he doesn't trust them
and all of a sudden sign put it really did try to give him cover a cover story
to fire trunk to fire co me wonder why I mean talk about repaying a favor I'm
just saying that's that's pretty amazing how this is all turning out pretty
amazing how dumb my so-called colleagues in this industry are you know what it's
not a real news story more lives more in serie Moore breathless reporting of
so-called news and while McCabe expressed concerns about Trump use using
a cover story to fire Comey okay here's what they're not telling you the
president had the full authority to fire Comey for any reason he didn't need a
cover story at all remember even Comey himself said the President had the right
to fire him for any reason that's fake news that's hysteria
that's outright lying to you the American people now this comes after our
own Adam Housley reported that McCabe allegedly threatened to take others down
with him if he was fired get it they're now turning on each other now in reality
this McCabe memo provides literally no evidence that the President did anything
wrong instead the memo does reveal something else according to the document
the Deputy Attorney General rod Rosen Stein I've been warning you to keep that
name in your head he told McCabe about conversations he had with the president
surrounding the FBI's Russia investigation and the firing of Comey
now this means rod Rosenstein again it's obviously a witness to the special
counsels investigation witness number one this very investigation he's
overseas he's even more compromised than we thought tonight so how is it possible
again the Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself over so-called possible
conflicts of interest citing the wrong law and statute in doing so but rod
Rosenstein he's not conflicted remember he also signed that final FISA warrant
he put his signature on it then that was with the bought and paid for Hillary
Clinton dossier Russian propaganda a foreign agent literally used in Russian
lies yeah to lie to you the American people just one more wrinkle to Muller's
completely flawed fraudulent witch-hunt it needs to end look at what this is
to this country and by the way you the American people have already paid more
than 16 million dollars to fund this partisan effort a robert muller and for
what three hundred and seventy nine days without any evidence of any russia
so-called collusion whatsoever nothing and also breaking tonight we're peeling
back even more layers of this deep State John Solomon will join us tonight brand
new information details on serious and shocking abuse of power you will be here
in moments to preview this upcoming bombshell report which reveals that in
2016 the Obama administration pressured the FBI to ramp up their spying
operations against the Trump campaign and the Trump administration a massive
exclusive stay with us also yesterday in the Washington Examiner Byron York
highlighted the 2017 congressional testimony from fusion GPS founder Glenn
Simpson he told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that quote the FBI
had a human source inside the Trump campaign okay that was way back in 2017
don't forget last week former CIA director turned CNN hack while Director
of National Intelligence James clapper actually said that Trump should be so
happy that the FBI was spying on his campaign really oh the United States of
America or Venezuela take a look so I asked you was the FBI spying on Trump's
campaign no I know they're not they were spying on a term I don't particularly
like but on what the Russians were doing trying to understand were the Russians
infiltrating trying to gain access trying to gain leverage and influence
know what they do so why doesn't he like that he should be happy there should be
why didn't you go to him in the spring of 2016 and say hey there's this guy
that you never met that we're watching he would have helped you remember the
most experience in the Comey memo was I didn't do this but if anyone around me
did I want the world to know so it's crystal clear that the Trump campaign
yes was spied on was monitored was closely observed by the deep state which
was hell-bent on making sure Donald Trump never became the president a major
abuse of power it's all unraveling now meanwhile clapper who you just heard
from he's now actually in a really twisted distorted way blaming
Republicans for obstructing federal efforts to warn the American people
about the Russian election and appearance in 2016
remember the núñez Washington Examiner piece 2014 he warned us way ahead of you
take a look there was concern on the part of the
President himself because of the allegations of rigging which the
candidate Trump was then espousing that anything that the President did would be
viewed as political and he would be putting his hand on the scale in favor
one candidate to the disfavor of the other so I think Ben's exactly right and
my book comports with his account and he says but not for Mitch McConnell the
Senate Majority Leader perhaps there would have been more said did Mitch
McConnell stand in the way well the Republicans in general did we encounter
reluctance on their part to enter into a very aggressive statement about the
Russian do Republicans really mr. clapper known liar maybe clapper should
read this 2016 report from NBC News they titled it
why didn't Obama do more about Russian election hacking according to NBC News
the Obama administration didn't act because quote they thought that Hillary
Clinton was gonna win and a potential cyber war with Russia just wasn't worth
it looks like clapper is righty-right fitting right there in at CNN fake news
he gets paid and of course while clapper everyone else in the deep state tries to
drag this president down the president has been up to serious business to
actually attend to on the world stage you know important things like peace the
upcoming talks with the North Korean dictator little rocket man Kim jong-un
well last night the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held a productive meeting
with a high-ranking member of the North Korean regime first time in 18 years on
US soil and this is what Pompeo had to say earlier today today Vice Chairman
Kim and I discussed our countries could come together and take advantage of the
unique opportunity that our two leaders have created through their visions of
the future that they have so clearly articulated the proposed summit offers a
historic opening for President Trump and Chairman Kim to boldly the United States
the dprk into a new era of peace prosperity and security our two
countries face a pivotal moment in our relationship in which it could be
nothing short of tragic to let this opportunity go to waste sir that if Kim
jong-un denuclearize --is there is a brighter path for North Korea who
envisioned a strong connected and secure prosperous North Korea that maintains
its cultural heritage but it's integrated into the community of nations
great news the President himself he's set to meet with this high-ranking North
Korean official tomorrow and by the way that Korean official will be delivering
a letter from Kim jong-un himself take a look he were doing very well with
North Korea our Secretary of State has had very good meetings he's meeting
again today I believe they'll be coming down to Washington on Friday and a
letter is going to be delivered to me from Kim Jong onin so I look forward to
seeing what's in the letter hopefully we'll have a meeting on the
12th that's going along very well but I want it to be meaningful it doesn't mean
it gets all done at one meeting maybe you have to have a second or a third and
maybe we'll have none but it's in good hands as the president manages the
ongoing negotiations with North Korea well he's also been making waves right
here at home and I think good waves today the president pardon friend of
this program conservative activist author Dinesh D'Souza remember he was
prosecuted under the Obama administration for violating a campaign
finance law one that has rarely ever punished like this president Trump is
also he is considering a pardon for Martha Stewart and even for the
Democratic governor former Democratic governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich and
while the media barely yawned over Obama's pardons and Clinton's infamous
pardons there are absolutely spinning out of control because the president is
using his absolute power of the pardon he has the right do whatever he wants on
this too bad take a look raise questions of whether the president is sending a
message with these pardons sending a message to people like Paul Manafort
Michael Flynn those are the obvious questions that are going to come about
here he's through or meet a bone to the far right here
dinesh d'souza for over three decades has been an extreme peddler of I D ology
far-right ideology and you have to say hatred president Trump's seemingly
passing out pardons to heroes of the far-right almost as eagerly as Oprah
once gifted Pontiacs to suburban moms or one step closer to being a third world
power as of today I mean tariffs and pardons these are things that we see
from Banana Republic president not only announced he is pardoning a darling of
the far-right Dinesh D'Souza as you said mr. Trump added he's also considering
levy an c-- four two stars of his former TV show making this White House once
again seem detached from reality mark rich FAL n Clinton drug dealers
Obama okay we don't need lectures from these people
leave it to the media to totally ignore the massive abuse of power that took
place during the prosecution of say Dinesh D'Souza remember he pled guilty
using straw donors to contribute $20,000 to a senatorial campaign only after
being threatened with much larger charges bigger charges from a biased
anti conservative prosecutor then let's take the case of Martha Stewart member
she was found guilty of obstruction of justice after prosecutors tried and
failed to send her to prison for on an insider trading charge after well in
other words she had a stock transaction it couldn't get her on that so they went
after her for obstruction and don't forget scooter libby the
public servant who had the book thrown at him over an alleged unproven leak
when they knew who the leaker was the first day the patrick fitzgerald took
over the case these strong-arm tactics to elicit
guilty convictions from individuals perhaps who otherwise would never have
been charged because they can't get them on the charge that are investigating it
deserves a serious conversation in this country and not coordinated outraged by
the hypocritical double standard in the Trump ad media and let's just compare
all of this to James Comey and Peter struck at least a page and Andrew McCabe
and of course the tarmac meeting with Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton remember
they cleared Hillary Clinton of wrongdoing she deleted 33,000 subpoenaed
males classified top-secret special access program information again
subpoenaed on a private server she covered it up obstructed justice by
deleting him right there and then of course the acid-wash and then of course
the breaking up of the devices with hammers really I say free Martha Stewart
give her the pardon and compared to former Clinton National Security Adviser
member of Sandy the burglar burger he stole classified documents from the
National Archives he stuck them in his pants and in his socks he never got
charged with a crime could you say a two-tier justice system what happened to
equal justice under the law what happened to equal application of the law
what happened to our constitutional rights that we're all equal in this
country finally tonight a story from a so called comedian named Samantha be
those know what B had to say about Ivanka Trump
it'll make you puke but look anyway as was on TBS last night Ivanka Trump who
works at the White House chose to post the second-most oblivious tweet we've
seen this week you know Ivanka that's a beautiful photo of you and your child
but let me just say one mother to another do something about your dad's
immigration practices you feckless
and tell your father to stop it tell him that was an Obama thing and see how it
goes okay disgusting right on cue be revealed just
one more blatant example of what we have discussed on this program for years if
you're a liberal in the public spotlight you can pretty much say and do anything
else you want and no consequences and of course the opposite is true for
conservatives we just saw Roseanne show canceled after the comments seat she
made but for Samantha be an apology that's good enough no problem she said I
would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump to my viewers for using an
expletive on my show to describe her last night it was inappropriate
inexcusable TBS shares the same parent company as fake news CNN also apologized
and then they praised their late-night so-called star for doing the same look
let me be clear I don't call for boycotts I don't call for people to be
silenced I don't want shows canceled I don't want anyone I'm not calling for
anyone in the media to be fired you think Samantha bee is an untalented nun
not funny bitter partisan mindless hack like I do you have the power turn the
channel you don't have to watch her hateful show sadly just one more example
of what is a blatant double standard in America Republicans conservatives sent
to the chopping block and those on the Left they're given a pass
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