Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily but Jun 2 2018

Nabil Fekir has told Lyon president Jean-Michel Aulas he wants to join Liverpool.

But Aulas is refusing to sell his man before the World Cup - because he thinks his value

could rise in Russia.

The France international is valued at around £50million but Aulas believes that value

could sky rocket.

Liverpool want to do their deals as early as possible and already have two key additions

in the bag.

Naby Keita will join the club from RB Leipzig on July 1 while they last week wrapped up

a deal for Fabinho.

While Lyon are keen to wait to see how it develops, Liverpool plan to up their efforts

to bring Fekir to Anfield in the next 10 days.

However, as yet there has been no formal bid for the attacking midfielder.

Fekir himself has insisted he won't complete a move until after the World Cup.

"Will Fabinho be my future team-mate?

I will discuss my future after the World Cup, not before," he said.

"If I will sign somewhere before the World Cup?

Honestly, I don't know."

Fabinho had previously told a French radio reporter that he wanted his Fekir to join

him at Anfield.

"He is a very good player, of international level," the Brazilian told RMC Sport.

"In Ligue 1, it is not only this season that he has demonstrated things.

It's been a few years since he demonstrates his quality.

If he comes, it will be good


For more infomation >> Liverpool transfer : Nabil Fekir tells Lyon he wants to join Reds, but there's a problem ● News #LFC - Duration: 2:01.



don't freak out what is up everybody this is Chris from the rewired soul

where we talk about the problem but focus on the solution yeah the channel

is changing okay and like some of you might be freaking out but I told you not

to freak out it's gonna be alright stay with me here but the channel has doubled

in size in the last couple weeks which is mind-blowing a lot of you found me

through 13 reasons why videos some of you found me through addiction videos

borderline personality videos all sorts of stuff and I love each and every one

of you I do my best to reply to all of your comments at people who message me

on Instagram and Twitter and email me I love all your faces so please feel free

to reach out at any time like while I can still manage all of the responses

now is a great time to reach out to me or the comment section is great too

anyways yeah things are gonna change just a little bit so the first thing I

want to talk about is an underlying message of my channel okay is kind of

empathy and kindness and understanding I talk a lot about mental health and

addiction in the stigma and I just you know I often think about how much better

this world would be if we could try to empathize a little bit more porous and

other people's shoes and you know my life started getting better when I

started you know being a little bit more selfless it definitely helped me out

with my mental health for example I lived most of my life beating myself up

in my own head but the more I did for others the better I felt about myself so

if you struggle with some self-love self compassion issues doing things for other

people without expecting anything return is a beautiful way to get started now

that being said here's the change that I'm talking about so basically I have

people coming in to my channel for all different reasons all right so like I

mentioned some of you found before addiction or anxiety or depression or

show reviews or whatever the case may be and what I want to start doing I want to

start diving deep into different subjects okay so basically the plan is

is to dedicate like a week to a certain topic right personality disorder

addiction anxiety depression PTSD is what I want to do I definitely want to

do something directly for teens as well as children and parents because as you

notice with my channel I kind of just pick and choose and jump all over the

place but I want to provide videos like going deep on a certain topic all right

now here's the favor I want to ask of you okay no matter what you came to my

channel for please check out the video alright so one of the issues with humans

as a whole right it's part of the way our brains are wired

we're very selfish okay we browse through YouTube Instagram Facebook you

know whatever it is and oh does this have to do with me no does this have to

do with me no does this have to do with me no well the way we create empathy and

compassion towards others and start being more selfless is that we start

educating ourselves on things that don't necessarily affect us so like say you're

here for anxiety and I post a video about addiction I would ask that you

watch that video because addiction affects one out of every 12 people which

means there's a great chance that you know somebody who's an addict so you

might stumble across a video and maybe you're your mom dad brother sister

cousins friend somebody struggling with addiction you're like oh wow this video

might be able to help them and you can pass it along to them maybe you're here

for depression right and I make a video about BPD or PTSD and you're like okay

well this isn't about depression but I do know somebody with PTSD maybe I can

pass this video on to them but the other reason why this is very hopeful I can't

find the comment right now but I'm one of my borderline personality disorder

videos this mother said thank you so much for these videos my daughter has

BPD and this has helped me understand what she's going through and her

symptoms and I'm like yeah like that is what I'm trying to do so

again the only favor I ask of you is try to watch all of the content try to watch

and get educated because you might be able to help somebody else okay now a

couple last things okay I listed some of the topics just off the top of my head

that I'm thinking of leave comments down below if there are certain mental

illnesses or disorders or struggles that you're dealing with that affect your

mental health leave them down in the comments so I can work them into a

schedule and see what's going on okay the second thing the second thing is

this doesn't mean I'm just gonna not pop on certain topics okay like for example

one of my favorite shows is having the series finale this coming Friday since

8:00 on Netflix I'll be doing a video on that this week I have to I might do two

three four I don't know I love that show and I suggest you all watch it but you

know I'm gonna I'm gonna sprinkle in some other types of content too

throughout so you know hey like sometimes something comes up that I'm

really passionate about and that's usually how I make my videos I'm like

people need to hear this people need to learn about this right so like I will be

sprinkling in other types of content throughout but anyways I'm gonna try to

dedicate a week per topic so again please leave comments down below let me

know what you want me to cover make sure if you haven't yet go through my

catalogue a lot of you are new here I have over 300 mental health videos on

this channel okay so anyways thanks for staying with me thanks for joining if

you're new but if you like this video give it a thumbs up and for some reason

if you're new here and stumbled across this video click that red subscribe

button I'm always making videos to help you out with your mental health and if

you wanna check out some other videos you can click or tap on one of those

thumbnails right there alright so anyways thanks for watching thanks for

your support and I'll see you next time

For more infomation >> THE CHANNEL IS CHANGING...BUT IT'S OKAY - Duration: 5:59.


Trump Family Boards Marine One, But Instantly Everyone Notices Something Is Missing - Duration: 6:14.

For more infomation >> Trump Family Boards Marine One, But Instantly Everyone Notices Something Is Missing - Duration: 6:14.


Sermon Clip: "The person that is now being offended is no human being, but God." - Duration: 2:50.

He doesn't care about the reputation that he's got in the eyes of men,

he only cares what his reputation is in the eyes of God.

And this is where we get messed up,

because you live a life every day

where all you care about is what people think about you.

What men and women think about you,

what they testify about you, what they say about you.

And Jesus' only desire in life is to please the Father, not you.

And we've got that all messed up.

We spend our life trying to figure out how to please people.

The only person - listen to me,

the only person that Jesus does not want to offend

is God.

He doesn't care about offending people.

He doesn't care that Caiaphas, the high priest, is about to have a crisis of faith

because this guy won't talk to him, he won't say anything,

"Aren't you going to defend yourself?" He stays silent.


Because Jesus doesn't care about his reputation in the world of men.

He only cares about his reputation in the world and what God thinks about him.

And that frees him up to be anything.

That frees him up to do whatever.

Your weakness is -- all you care about is what people think of you

and you don't care if you offend God.

This is one of the big problems of our culture.

See, this is where your theology begins to evolve and change.

You read in the text and you go - okay, at home there's supposed to be different gender roles.

there's equality of essence,

but there's roles that are different.

And the husbands are supposed to do this,

and wives are supposed to do this,

and we go, "We don't really like that anymore."

"So we're going to shift it up because we don't want to offend."

Then we read about sexuality,

that male and female are supposed to be this in the context of marriage

and then you have sex in the context of marriage, but outside of it it's a violation

and those who are sexually immoral, Paul says in Galatians 6

won't inherit the Kingdom of God,

and we read all of that and we go, "Oh man, I don't know about that."

So then we start to adapt it because we don't want to offend people.

And we don't want to offend ourselves.

And so we start adapting our theology

and we forget that the person that is now being offended

is no human beings, but God is.

But you don't care.

'Cause God can handle it.

And we have a church world

that has left the only one offended being God himself,

who told you what to do about all that stuff in the scriptures - clear as day.

It just says, "Here, do this."

You don't even need the Holy Spirit to give you a special message about stuff.

Sometimes it's in the text, just read the text.

It just says here's what it is.

Here's what sexuality is, here's how to do money, it's just there.

For more infomation >> Sermon Clip: "The person that is now being offended is no human being, but God." - Duration: 2:50.


Hannity: How is it Sessions is recused but not Rosenstein? - Duration: 16:16.

by breaking right now new report just came out Washington Post federal

prosecutors have now interviewed James Comey as they now weigh whether or not

to charge his former deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe with a crime for his

obsessive lying which is why he was reportedly now fired it looks like two

key members of the deep state yeah they're now turning on each other and

this could be the signs of the wall collapsing so yzma cave and others now

finally going to be exposed about their constant extreme wrongdoing I've said

many times on this show starting in January this is the year of

the boomerang we'll give you all the breaking developments and also tonight

according to reports the disgraced former deputy FBI director McCabe who as

we said was fired because of his pattern of blatant lying

he wrote a personal confidential memo detailing his so-called concerns over

the president's decision to fire his former boss and personal friend

McCabe reportedly turned that memo over there you see it Robert Muller's team of

witch hunters the so called investigators Democratic donors Hillary

supporters to help their efforts and as you can imagine the Trump aiding press

and their friends in the left they were very excited very wrong as I'll explain

in a second but very excited take a look now we find out that the president

wanted the fire company on the grounds that he wanted he was concerned about

the aggressive Russian and trope in other words he did it to protect himself

to obstruct justice this is clearly clearly it seems to me close to the

smoking gun of obstruction we have enough information about this president

and his attempts to control Rosenstein and Jeff Sessions and to literally have

them protect him from this investigation I think it is clear that he's obstructed

justice the question about the President and commis firing has always been what

did it mean about the Russian investor rod Rosen sentence one of the people

that Donald Trump has been hammering you know that he doesn't trust them

and all of a sudden sign put it really did try to give him cover a cover story

to fire trunk to fire co me wonder why I mean talk about repaying a favor I'm

just saying that's that's pretty amazing how this is all turning out pretty

amazing how dumb my so-called colleagues in this industry are you know what it's

not a real news story more lives more in serie Moore breathless reporting of

so-called news and while McCabe expressed concerns about Trump use using

a cover story to fire Comey okay here's what they're not telling you the

president had the full authority to fire Comey for any reason he didn't need a

cover story at all remember even Comey himself said the President had the right

to fire him for any reason that's fake news that's hysteria

that's outright lying to you the American people now this comes after our

own Adam Housley reported that McCabe allegedly threatened to take others down

with him if he was fired get it they're now turning on each other now in reality

this McCabe memo provides literally no evidence that the President did anything

wrong instead the memo does reveal something else according to the document

the Deputy Attorney General rod Rosen Stein I've been warning you to keep that

name in your head he told McCabe about conversations he had with the president

surrounding the FBI's Russia investigation and the firing of Comey

now this means rod Rosenstein again it's obviously a witness to the special

counsels investigation witness number one this very investigation he's

overseas he's even more compromised than we thought tonight so how is it possible

again the Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself over so-called possible

conflicts of interest citing the wrong law and statute in doing so but rod

Rosenstein he's not conflicted remember he also signed that final FISA warrant

he put his signature on it then that was with the bought and paid for Hillary

Clinton dossier Russian propaganda a foreign agent literally used in Russian

lies yeah to lie to you the American people just one more wrinkle to Muller's

completely flawed fraudulent witch-hunt it needs to end look at what this is

to this country and by the way you the American people have already paid more

than 16 million dollars to fund this partisan effort a robert muller and for

what three hundred and seventy nine days without any evidence of any russia

so-called collusion whatsoever nothing and also breaking tonight we're peeling

back even more layers of this deep State John Solomon will join us tonight brand

new information details on serious and shocking abuse of power you will be here

in moments to preview this upcoming bombshell report which reveals that in

2016 the Obama administration pressured the FBI to ramp up their spying

operations against the Trump campaign and the Trump administration a massive

exclusive stay with us also yesterday in the Washington Examiner Byron York

highlighted the 2017 congressional testimony from fusion GPS founder Glenn

Simpson he told members of the Senate Judiciary Committee that quote the FBI

had a human source inside the Trump campaign okay that was way back in 2017

don't forget last week former CIA director turned CNN hack while Director

of National Intelligence James clapper actually said that Trump should be so

happy that the FBI was spying on his campaign really oh the United States of

America or Venezuela take a look so I asked you was the FBI spying on Trump's

campaign no I know they're not they were spying on a term I don't particularly

like but on what the Russians were doing trying to understand were the Russians

infiltrating trying to gain access trying to gain leverage and influence

know what they do so why doesn't he like that he should be happy there should be

why didn't you go to him in the spring of 2016 and say hey there's this guy

that you never met that we're watching he would have helped you remember the

most experience in the Comey memo was I didn't do this but if anyone around me

did I want the world to know so it's crystal clear that the Trump campaign

yes was spied on was monitored was closely observed by the deep state which

was hell-bent on making sure Donald Trump never became the president a major

abuse of power it's all unraveling now meanwhile clapper who you just heard

from he's now actually in a really twisted distorted way blaming

Republicans for obstructing federal efforts to warn the American people

about the Russian election and appearance in 2016

remember the núñez Washington Examiner piece 2014 he warned us way ahead of you

take a look there was concern on the part of the

President himself because of the allegations of rigging which the

candidate Trump was then espousing that anything that the President did would be

viewed as political and he would be putting his hand on the scale in favor

one candidate to the disfavor of the other so I think Ben's exactly right and

my book comports with his account and he says but not for Mitch McConnell the

Senate Majority Leader perhaps there would have been more said did Mitch

McConnell stand in the way well the Republicans in general did we encounter

reluctance on their part to enter into a very aggressive statement about the

Russian do Republicans really mr. clapper known liar maybe clapper should

read this 2016 report from NBC News they titled it

why didn't Obama do more about Russian election hacking according to NBC News

the Obama administration didn't act because quote they thought that Hillary

Clinton was gonna win and a potential cyber war with Russia just wasn't worth

it looks like clapper is righty-right fitting right there in at CNN fake news

he gets paid and of course while clapper everyone else in the deep state tries to

drag this president down the president has been up to serious business to

actually attend to on the world stage you know important things like peace the

upcoming talks with the North Korean dictator little rocket man Kim jong-un

well last night the Secretary of State Mike Pompeo held a productive meeting

with a high-ranking member of the North Korean regime first time in 18 years on

US soil and this is what Pompeo had to say earlier today today Vice Chairman

Kim and I discussed our countries could come together and take advantage of the

unique opportunity that our two leaders have created through their visions of

the future that they have so clearly articulated the proposed summit offers a

historic opening for President Trump and Chairman Kim to boldly the United States

the dprk into a new era of peace prosperity and security our two

countries face a pivotal moment in our relationship in which it could be

nothing short of tragic to let this opportunity go to waste sir that if Kim

jong-un denuclearize --is there is a brighter path for North Korea who

envisioned a strong connected and secure prosperous North Korea that maintains

its cultural heritage but it's integrated into the community of nations

great news the President himself he's set to meet with this high-ranking North

Korean official tomorrow and by the way that Korean official will be delivering

a letter from Kim jong-un himself take a look he were doing very well with

North Korea our Secretary of State has had very good meetings he's meeting

again today I believe they'll be coming down to Washington on Friday and a

letter is going to be delivered to me from Kim Jong onin so I look forward to

seeing what's in the letter hopefully we'll have a meeting on the

12th that's going along very well but I want it to be meaningful it doesn't mean

it gets all done at one meeting maybe you have to have a second or a third and

maybe we'll have none but it's in good hands as the president manages the

ongoing negotiations with North Korea well he's also been making waves right

here at home and I think good waves today the president pardon friend of

this program conservative activist author Dinesh D'Souza remember he was

prosecuted under the Obama administration for violating a campaign

finance law one that has rarely ever punished like this president Trump is

also he is considering a pardon for Martha Stewart and even for the

Democratic governor former Democratic governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich and

while the media barely yawned over Obama's pardons and Clinton's infamous

pardons there are absolutely spinning out of control because the president is

using his absolute power of the pardon he has the right do whatever he wants on

this too bad take a look raise questions of whether the president is sending a

message with these pardons sending a message to people like Paul Manafort

Michael Flynn those are the obvious questions that are going to come about

here he's through or meet a bone to the far right here

dinesh d'souza for over three decades has been an extreme peddler of I D ology

far-right ideology and you have to say hatred president Trump's seemingly

passing out pardons to heroes of the far-right almost as eagerly as Oprah

once gifted Pontiacs to suburban moms or one step closer to being a third world

power as of today I mean tariffs and pardons these are things that we see

from Banana Republic president not only announced he is pardoning a darling of

the far-right Dinesh D'Souza as you said mr. Trump added he's also considering

levy an c-- four two stars of his former TV show making this White House once

again seem detached from reality mark rich FAL n Clinton drug dealers

Obama okay we don't need lectures from these people

leave it to the media to totally ignore the massive abuse of power that took

place during the prosecution of say Dinesh D'Souza remember he pled guilty

using straw donors to contribute $20,000 to a senatorial campaign only after

being threatened with much larger charges bigger charges from a biased

anti conservative prosecutor then let's take the case of Martha Stewart member

she was found guilty of obstruction of justice after prosecutors tried and

failed to send her to prison for on an insider trading charge after well in

other words she had a stock transaction it couldn't get her on that so they went

after her for obstruction and don't forget scooter libby the

public servant who had the book thrown at him over an alleged unproven leak

when they knew who the leaker was the first day the patrick fitzgerald took

over the case these strong-arm tactics to elicit

guilty convictions from individuals perhaps who otherwise would never have

been charged because they can't get them on the charge that are investigating it

deserves a serious conversation in this country and not coordinated outraged by

the hypocritical double standard in the Trump ad media and let's just compare

all of this to James Comey and Peter struck at least a page and Andrew McCabe

and of course the tarmac meeting with Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton remember

they cleared Hillary Clinton of wrongdoing she deleted 33,000 subpoenaed

males classified top-secret special access program information again

subpoenaed on a private server she covered it up obstructed justice by

deleting him right there and then of course the acid-wash and then of course

the breaking up of the devices with hammers really I say free Martha Stewart

give her the pardon and compared to former Clinton National Security Adviser

member of Sandy the burglar burger he stole classified documents from the

National Archives he stuck them in his pants and in his socks he never got

charged with a crime could you say a two-tier justice system what happened to

equal justice under the law what happened to equal application of the law

what happened to our constitutional rights that we're all equal in this

country finally tonight a story from a so called comedian named Samantha be

those know what B had to say about Ivanka Trump

it'll make you puke but look anyway as was on TBS last night Ivanka Trump who

works at the White House chose to post the second-most oblivious tweet we've

seen this week you know Ivanka that's a beautiful photo of you and your child

but let me just say one mother to another do something about your dad's

immigration practices you feckless

and tell your father to stop it tell him that was an Obama thing and see how it

goes okay disgusting right on cue be revealed just

one more blatant example of what we have discussed on this program for years if

you're a liberal in the public spotlight you can pretty much say and do anything

else you want and no consequences and of course the opposite is true for

conservatives we just saw Roseanne show canceled after the comments seat she

made but for Samantha be an apology that's good enough no problem she said I

would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump to my viewers for using an

expletive on my show to describe her last night it was inappropriate

inexcusable TBS shares the same parent company as fake news CNN also apologized

and then they praised their late-night so-called star for doing the same look

let me be clear I don't call for boycotts I don't call for people to be

silenced I don't want shows canceled I don't want anyone I'm not calling for

anyone in the media to be fired you think Samantha bee is an untalented nun

not funny bitter partisan mindless hack like I do you have the power turn the

channel you don't have to watch her hateful show sadly just one more example

of what is a blatant double standard in America Republicans conservatives sent

to the chopping block and those on the Left they're given a pass


For more infomation >> Hannity: How is it Sessions is recused but not Rosenstein? - Duration: 16:16.


mii channel theme but something's wrong with the pauses - Duration: 1:17.


I imagine you feel forced to watch this

In which case, I apologize

But it's going to be okay

What defines something that is "okay", anyway?

What is good? What is bad?

Why do we choose to use such specific labels?


Are you still here?

If so, it's much appreciated, sir/ma'am!

welp, see ya

For more infomation >> mii channel theme but something's wrong with the pauses - Duration: 1:17.


It's hard to believe, but this cat eats veges. (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:01.

Hey, Lulu...Is there anything you can't eat...



Did you just stick your tongue out?



Lulu: Hi, I'm Lulu.

Lulu: Is this a treat?

No. It's a banana.

Lulu: Huh? It looks like a treat.

Lulu: My nose is moving quick.

No, it's not a treat.

Hold on.


Geez, it's popping out!




Did you get upset? I'll let you smell it.


Lulu: Oh...

Lulu: It smells really nice!

Do you wanna have a bite?

Just a little bit...

Just a little bit!


Shoo! Shoo!

Let's play "Bite the banana."

Bite it!

No! (lol)


Is there anything you can not eat in the world?

You eat cabbage, you eat broccoli...

You eat fruits,

You even chew a pill.

Tell me. Is there anything you don't eat?

I've got a question, Mr. Lulu.

Is there anything you don't eat?


Oh my...! (lol)

Stop! Stop! (lol)

This is mine...

Is there anything you can not eat?

I think you there is nothing you can not eat.

I think you can eat my finger too...For real...(lol)



I'm watching you, Lulu.

Hold on...

What are you doing?


Is it yummy? It's mine.

And it's boiled broccoli...

Wow...It's incredible, kitty...

You like veges...

Give it back! (lol)

I'm leaving.

It's weird...


It's broken...


Did you eat something, kitty??

That's strange...

Look, chairman Momo.

It's a carrot.

I'll eat this one, and plant rest of them.


You again...

Hey, smell the carrot.

Are you gonna eat this too?

Is it good?

It's a raw carrot...



Stop it, Lulu!

Do you wanna try this too, chairman Momo?

It's a carrot, chairman Momo.

A carrot.

Momo: Hmmm...

Momo: Well...I don't think it's for cats.

Is that you again?

Are you gonna try apples too?

Just little bit, kitty.

You gain weights if you eat apples too much.


Doctor Coco.

It's time to take a pill.

A pill!

Coco: (Geez...)



No! That's for Coco!

He just swallowed it!

What are you doing, Lulu?

Are you saying, "Give me treats or food, bro."?

DD's saying he doesn't want to!


Oh, I'll help you out.

Why are you looking for treats on his belly?

I'll give you a massage, TT.

On your head~

On your butt~


Why are you licking the mic?


Could you put your head and tail down?

Good. Ta ta ta~

Sit down.

Good boy!


Oh...TT, look at him!

I can't believe this.

(Licking the mic)

Good boy, kitty! Good boy!

You're a good kitty~

You had dinner so...


Hey! Why do you eat DD's hairs?? Oh my...

Oh my god...

What the heck are you doing??

What is this? You made a little hole on it!

No! Later.

I'll put this in the fridge. Let's eat it later.


Did you just bite this cucumber?

OK. Try this. I'll see how you do.

You're licking it and...

seem to like it...

So you're smelling it...


Give it back!

Hey, Lulu...Is there anything you can't eat...


No! Stop!

Knock it off!

Lulu! You are...

How could you try to eat everything??

Is there anything that you can not eat?

Stop eating the banana, and let's go work out!

You gotta do some exercise, Lulu.

Yeah, I know. All look yummy when you're on a diet.

Got it.


I can't help anymore!



Come follow me. I'll give you this if you follow me.

Treat's here, Lulu!

Let's work out!

A badger is running so quick!




Let it go! Gotta work out more.

You saw how chairman Momo did. Let it go!

Let it go!

Let it go!

Lulu: Grrr...

What's that 'grrr' for, you little kitty!

Hold on. I got an idea.




I got this, kitty! (lol)


Give it back!


Oh, he's enjoying it...

I'll eat you up unless you let it go!

For more infomation >> It's hard to believe, but this cat eats veges. (ENG SUB) - Duration: 7:01.


Trump's North Korea Deal: They Keep Their Nukes But Will Open A Fast Food Restaurant - Duration: 3:00.

So the CIA has issued an assessment on North Korea ahead of the potential talks that may

or may not eventually happen between Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un and here is what the

CIA has found.

They have found out that North Korea really has no intentions whatsoever of denuclearizing.

They're not getting rid of their nuclear weapons right now as they had, I guess, said and if

they actually do end up "denuking" as Donald Trump says, it's going to take no fewer than

15 years for them to really get to the point where they don't have a nuclear weapon capable

of striking somewhere in the world.

So North Korea's not gonna denuke.

But North Korea has agreed, according to the CIA assessment to give some concessions and

one of those concessions is that they might be open to building an opening a Western style

fast food restaurant in the capital of Piyungan.

Now here's where we're at and this is all Donald Trump, right?

He's the great negotiator.

So this is what he's gotten us.

North Korea gets to keep their nukes.

But they might open a McDonald's or a Burger King or something like that.

So I guess everybody wins at this point and here's where it gets even worse.

The CIA assessment itself actually says that North Korea said they want to open this fast

food joint as a potential place to have meetings with leaders from the United States.

So they know Donald Trump so well, they know this guy loves fast food, that they're actually

willing to kind of break their own rule, build a western fast food company there just so

he might be tempted to come into North Korea.

We're dealing with cartoon characters at this point, folks.

Kim Jong-un thinks he can put a cheeseburger out on the floor and pretty soon, he's gonna

have Donald Trump stuck in a bear trap because he can't keep his hands off those cheeseburgers.

I mean, this is the level of crazy that we're dealing with here, not just with North Korea,

but with the United States.

Oh and another thing North Korea actually said they would be open to is having the United

States come in and invest in infrastructure projects.

So US businesses might be able to go into North Korea, build some roads, bridges, build

some buildings, maybe even build some hotels.

So who do you think they're pandering to here?

They're pandering directly to Donald Trump because they understand you give him a little

bit of money, maybe a cheeseburger or two, and you can get away with not having to destroy

any of your nuclear capabilities because the only thing Trump cares about is money and

again, occasionally a cheeseburger or two.

For more infomation >> Trump's North Korea Deal: They Keep Their Nukes But Will Open A Fast Food Restaurant - Duration: 3:00.


Sick Dog Called a 'Werewolf' But No One Stopped to Help Until Someone Put Out a Plea - Duration: 5:24.

For more infomation >> Sick Dog Called a 'Werewolf' But No One Stopped to Help Until Someone Put Out a Plea - Duration: 5:24.


Samantha Bee Apologizes To Ivanka, But White House Still Wants Her Fired - Duration: 4:05.

This week, Samantha Bee, the host of Full Frontal on TBS, came under fire for comments

that she made about Ivanka Trump. On a recent program, Samantha Bee was talking about the

fact that Ivanka Trump posted a picture with her child and how loving and wonderful that

was, while, at the same time, ignoring the fact that her father's policies on immigration

are to quite literally rip children out of the hands of their parents and then apparently

just lose them in the process. Samantha Bee referred to Ivanka Trump as a

"feckless c***." Now, Samantha Bee, once the uproar started, she came out. She issued

a video apology. She apologized on Twitter. She made it clear that she believes that she

screwed up, that she used inappropriate language, that it harmed people, and she was not happy

with herself. She apologized to everyone, said this is something that's not going to

happen again. Here's the thing. Even after that apology,

which actually did sound sincere, unlike Roseanne's apology, the White House ... Friday morning,

Donald Trump tweeted out the following. "Why aren't they firing no-talent Samantha Bee

for the horrible language used on her low-rating show, a total double standard, but that's

okay. We are winning and will be doing so for a long time to come."

Donald Trump is echoing what a lot of conservatives are out there saying right now, that Samantha

Bee should be fired for this vulgar language that she used to describe Ivanka Trump. Now,

I don't know if conservatives are aware of this or not, but there are actually plenty

of photos online that you could easily find. We've got some we can show, as well, of conservatives

wearing T-shirts referring to Hillary Clinton as a c***. T-shirts that say, "F*** your

feelings." Now these same people, who say, "I don't

care about your feelings," or "Hillary Clinton is" this horrible word, now they

act like they have the right to be outraged because somebody else on the other side of

the aisle used this language? Yeah, not how it works, not to mention the fact that Donald

Trump himself has invited people like Ted Nugent into the White House, who also referred

to Hillary Clinton as a c***, as has Roseanne Barr, but Ted Nugent also threatened to murder

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and he gets an invite to the White House for his horrible

language. Where's the outrage there, folks? The Republican Party has a massive double

standard today that is just unbelievable hilarious, because they're incapable of looking at their

own side and seeing how disgusting they truly are. It's like these people have never walked

past a mirror to find out that they're the ones, in fact, covered in mud right now. The

reason that this whole crusade against Samantha Bee even started ... Again, it all goes back

to Roseanne being canceled, so these conservatives are mad that their white trash hero got her

show canceled, so they're doing everything in their power to get liberal hosts canceled,

as well. Not going to work with Samantha Bee. She did issue her apology. TBS has accepted

it. They have not shown any signs so far that she's going to be fired.

She's going to keep on doing what she does, because her voice is actually pretty vital

right now. She is out there, and yes she uses humor to do it, but she's actually telling

stories that the rest of the media's not even talking about. Yes, we do need Samantha Bee

out there. Personally, I have no problem with the language that she used, although I'm glad

she apologized. I know some people may have been offended, but okay, that happens. You

don't have to agree with the language somebody uses all the time, and I get that. Nonetheless,

Samantha Bee is a vital voice out there. She may have, in her opinion, used the wrong word

there, but when you're talking about a policy that is to rip children away from their parents

without ever knowing whether or not they'll see them again, I think harsh language is

fully justified.

For more infomation >> Samantha Bee Apologizes To Ivanka, But White House Still Wants Her Fired - Duration: 4:05.


TRUMP's family weekend in Camp David but WITHOUT Melania - Duration: 3:52.

President Donald Trump headed off to Camp David on Friday with most of his adult children

in tow, but with wife Melania Trump staying behind after not being seen in public for

22 days.

The president boarded Marine One solo after a day where he met with North Korea's former

top spy chief.

According to a White House pool report, also on board were eldest son Donald Trump Jr,

Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and Tiffany Trump, who is Trump's daughter with his first wife,

Marla Maples.

There was no immediate mention of Eric Trump and his wife Lara.

The family weekend getaway at the presidential retreat in Maryland comes three weeks after

she was in the hospital for a kidney procedure.

He is planning to hold meetings in preparation for a possible summit with North Korean dictator

Kim Jong-un.

He told reporters shortly before leaving he has a busy schedule.

Don Jr. and Eric Trump run the Trump Organization along with an executive, although the president

still own the company.

Melania Trump hasn't been seen in public for 22 days.

She was last seen in public on May 10, when she joined her husband to welcome the return

of three Americans who were being held captive in North Korea.

The first lady underwent an embolization procedure on Monday, May 14, likely to remove a cyst

from her kidney.

Her office said it was benign, or non-cancerous.

She spent a week in the hospital recovering at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

She returned to the White House on Saturday, May 19.

Some medical professionals said the five-day hospitalization was long for such a procedure.

She didn't join her husband at a White House sports and fitness event, where Ivanka Trump

was present with the president.

A CNBC reporter tweeted this week: 'Not that this will deter the conspiracy theorists,

but I saw the First Lady walking with her aides in the West Wing yesterday afternoon.'.

In a May 30 tweet, the first lady needled the media for speculating about her whereabouts.

'I see the media is working overtime speculating where I am & what I'm doing.

Rest assured, I'm here at the @WhiteHouse w my family, feeling great, & working hard

on behalf of children & the American people!'.

However, the tweet only brought more questions, as President Trump has been known to use phrases

like 'working overtime' in his own tweets.

The White House has swatted down some conspiracy theories that have popped up – including

one that held she wasn't even in the White House.

The White House slammed a report that the first lady was missing because she's caring

for her 'ailing' mom in Bedminster, New Jersey, where PresidentDonald Trump owns a golf resort.

The blog Showbiz411 quoted a source as saying the reason the first lady hasn't been seen

in public in 21 days is because her mother, Amalija Knavs, is very ill.

A source told the gossip website: 'She's taking care of her mother,' who is battling a pretty

serious illness.

Viktor and Amalija Knavs moved to the Washington DC area after Trump won the election to help

care for their grandson, 12-year-old Barron Trump, who is in a local school.

They are legal permanent residents of the United States and often travel with the Trumps.

The first lady's public absence and lack of photos of her working at the White House as

she claims has led to multiple conspiracy theories.

There has been so much speculation Melania Trump addressed it on Wednesday with a tweet

saying she is at the White House and 'working hard.'

For more infomation >> TRUMP's family weekend in Camp David but WITHOUT Melania - Duration: 3:52.


11 Famous TV And Bollywood Celebrity Couples Who Are Separated But Not Divorced - Duration: 4:33.

11 Famous TV And Bollywood Celebrity Couples Who Are Separated But Not Divorced

For more infomation >> 11 Famous TV And Bollywood Celebrity Couples Who Are Separated But Not Divorced - Duration: 4:33.


Ireland can play, but can they tour? - Duration: 7:25.

There is a certain nervous wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth by Australian fans who can't stomach the idea of a repeat of 2016 with the much-anticipated series between the Wallabies and European champions, Ireland, approaching

Who could forget witnessing our beloved Wallabies getting their collective backsides handed to them by the old foe of England, three-zip, in a historic series long be remembered for the wrong reasons? This formidable Irish side, who recently have conquered all in their way when you consider Leinster's emphatic performances in Europe have – to a degree – justified Australian fears of seeing the Wallabies yet again put to the sword by a northern hemisphere powerhouse

But to quote the great American president Franklin D.Roosevelt in his inaugural address, "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself

"A wonderfully abstract statement perhaps, but in context of this forthcoming series I asked myself a simple question; I know the Irish can play, but can they tour? History would suggest the Irish don't play particularly well on extended tours against the same opponent

Interestingly, in the rich history of Irish rugby, they have only ever attempted a three-test series tour twice – to New Zealand in 2012 and South Africa in 2016

There is no shame in touring New Zealand in 2012 and losing three-nil against a side that had recently won a Rugby World Cup

As Australians know all too well, New Zealand is an awfully difficult place to win

That aside, there is shame in losing the final test of that tour 60-0.Despite Ireland not being coached by Joe Schmidt, they had a very good team with names like Rob Kearney, Cian Healy, Johnny Sexton, Peter O'Mahoney and Sean Cronin

All of whom will be touring Australia this June.The three-test tour of South Africa in 2016 got off to a better start for Schmidt's men who won the opening encounter with the Springboks at Newlands, putting forth a dominant performance, winning 26-20 despite losing their own South African CJ Stander to a dubious red card early on

Yet Ireland could not sustain the effort for the length of the tour and lost the final two tests, 32-26, in Johannesburg and, 19-13, in Port Elizabeth

The interesting thing about the Johannesburg test is that Ireland was actually winning that test match 19-3 at intermission, but wilted in the second half

This occurred only two years ago, featuring players such as Robbie Henshaw, Conor Murray, Jack McGrath, Rory Best, Tadhg Furlong, Quinn Roux, Devin Toner, Rob Henderson, James Kilcoyne and Kieran Marmion

Since then, there is no doubt Ireland have improved and dominated tournament rugby when they play against singular opposition and return home after each away test

However, touring rugby is a different equation altogether.In the summer of 2017, the Irish toured the USA and Japan and had emphatic victories

But dear friends, there simply is no cogent evidence to support a hypothesis that under Joe Schmidt, his team can win a three-test series away from home against a tier-one nation

In fact, I would suggest such touring for the Irish is presenting as an exposed 'Achilles heel'

If Australia can rise to the occasion in Brisbane on June 9th and come away with the win – will the men from the Emerald Isle have the juice to go the distance for the rest of the series? For star players touring Australia, they are nearing the end of what has been arguably the most intense 12 months of rugby

Out of the touring squad, no less than eight of them toured with the 2017 British and Irish Lions

They then prepared and played a brilliant Six Nations Tournament.Furthermore, at least 17 of the squad are part of the Leinster unit who dominated the domestic scene in Europe of late

Yet the stark reality is that this team have played an awful lot of rugby leading me to wonder if they can maintain a level of intensity and excellence for an extended period of time to ultimately reach a zenith Irish rugby have never reached before – a three-test series away from home

The last time the Irish came close to a three-test tour of Australia was in 1979.Skippered by the legendary flanker Fergus Slattery and accompanied by other Irish greats Ollie Campbell, Tony Ward, Willie Duggan, Ciaran Fitzgerald, Mike Gibson, Moss Keane, Gerry McLoughlin and Phil Orr, they defeated the Wallabies twice and nearly won every match on tour

Eventually, they stumbled when they were defeated by a Sydney Team that featured a young Mark Ella

Ominously, Slattery was quoted after a test, "We prepared well.It was our aim to contain them in the loose, and most of the game we had them going backwards, or sideways, perhaps more sideways

"We knew they were dangerous on the loose ball, particularly that back row of Shaw, Cornelson and Loane

"Such a game plan would succeed today, but can the Irish get the Wallabies to go backwards and sideways for three tests? Have Ireland prepared well enough? Could this side compete with the likes of David Pocock and Michael Hooper for loose balls? For either team to win this series, they can take heed to what Irish Coach Noel Murphy said about his players of 1979 and apply it themselves

He said, "We might not be the best rugby team to come to Australia, but in terms of discipline, courage and character, I'm sure there have been none better

For more infomation >> Ireland can play, but can they tour? - Duration: 7:25.


Advertisers Dump Samantha Bee Over Ivanka Comment – But One Company is Staying Loyal - Duration: 2:56.

After comedian Samantha Bee used a vulgar term to mock Ivanka Trump, her show "Full

Frontal with Samantha Bee" has been under siege, and now they are getting hit in the


Two major advertisers have already dumped the show, answering the outcry from critics

to companies that they should pull support.

One company, however, is refusing to bow to pressure and will continue to advertise on

the show.

On Wednesday night's show, Bee called Ivanka a "feckless c*nt" and demanded that she

convince her father to change his immigration policies.

The statement was not a spontaneous one, but rather part of a scripted monologue.

Yesterday, both Autotrader and State Farm Insurance pulled their advertising from Bee's


The New York Post reports.

"The comments expressed by Samantha Bee were offensive and unacceptable and do not

reflect the views of our company," read a statement from Autotrader.

"As a result, we have suspended our sponsorship of Full Frontal with Samantha Bee."

In a statement obtained by The Wrap, State Farm said, "We have asked TBS to suspend

our advertising in the program and are reviewing any future placements."

The fallout comes after Bee slammed Ivanka Trump with the vulgar word in a rant.

"You know, Ivanka, that's a beautiful photo of you and your child, but let me just

say, one mother to another: Do something about your dad's immigration practices, you feckless


Bee said in the segment.

Bee later apologized for the slur.

As the furor grew on Thursday, Bee apologized.

"I would like to sincerely apologize to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an

expletive on my show to describe her last night.

It was inappropriate and inexcusable.

I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it," she tweeted.

That didn't stop Autotrader and State Farm, but one company is staying on as an advertiser

– Discover Card.

They responded to calls to pull ads with a generic statement saying they shouldn't

be held responsible for what is said on the shows they advertise with.

In response to a tweet, the company said "Thank you for reaching out!

As a national brand, our ads run on national broadcast, cable, digital, social, outdoor

media, and just about everywhere in-between.

Our media buys consistently change and reflect the diverse content and audiences we serve.

Editorial direction and content are created by the individual program."

Thousands appear to be tweeting at Discover in an effort to get them to pull their support.

The pressure appears to be working, despite their statement.

In a new tweet, the company added the note "We are evaluating our advertising options."

Even President Trump has weighed in.

In case you missed the video clip of Bee's comments, here it is.

Note that even CNN is calling Bee's comments over the line.

For more infomation >> Advertisers Dump Samantha Bee Over Ivanka Comment – But One Company is Staying Loyal - Duration: 2:56.


Women's title favourite crashes out, but Djokovic progresses - Duration: 7:09.

After one of the favourites for the women's title crashed out of the French Open overnight, another continued on her merry way, while in the men's draw there was another scare for Alexander Zverev as Novak Djokovic lined up a fourth-round showdown against Fernando Verdasco

Already decimated by the departures of reigning champion Jelena Ostapenko as well as Francesca Schiavone, Sara Errani and Venus Williams, the bottom half of the women's draw claimed its biggest casualty when Elina Svitolina crashed out of the tournament on Friday night (AEST)

Regarded by many as the favourite for the title, Svitolina suffered an unexpected straight-sets loss at the hands of 31st seed Romanian Mihaela Buzarnescu, who prior to this year had never won a grand slam main draw singles match nor reached a WTA final

After the 30-year-old Romanian won the opening set 6-3, fourth-seeded Svitolina claimed an early break in the second, putting her in the position to serve for it at 5-4 and thus level the match at a set apiece

However, Buzarnescu would break right back and would claim the final three games of the match to secure her passage to the second week of a major tournament for the first time

She will next face 13th seed Madison Keys, who defeated Japan's Naomi Osaka in straight sets

This section of the draw will guarantee a first-time French Open quarter-finalist, with neither player having got past the fourth round at Roland Garros

There were no such problems for reigning Australian Open champion Caroline Wozniacki, though, as she eased her way to a 6-0, 6-3 win over French wildcard Pauline Parmentier

The Dane won the first 11 games of the match, leaving Parmentier in a position to serve to avoid the humiliation of a double-bagel

Luckily, she pegged back three games, all to the delight of the local crowd on Court Philippe Chatrier, before Wozniacki eventually closed out the win to progress to a fourth-round clash against Russian Daria Kasatkina

While it's fair to say that Wozniacki has assumed favouritism to reach the final from the bottom half of the draw, the biggest obstacle facing her is a 0-2 record against Kasatkina this season, with losses in St Petersburg and Indian Wells

Ties involving Petra Kvitova and Sloane Stephens were suspended due to poor weather

Should both players win their respective matches against Anett Kontaveit and Camila Giorgi, they will face each other in the fourth round for a likely quarter-final shot at Wozniacki

Meantime, there will be some interesting matches to take place in the top half of the draw, including those between Simona Halep and Andrea Petkovic, Garbine Muguruza and Samantha Stosur, and Maria Sharapova and Karolina Pliskova

Following the aforementioned early departures of Jelena Ostapenko and Elina Svitolina, Halep has now assumed the title favouritism and it is one she will be hoping to take with both hands

The other Australian in the draw, Daria Gavrilova, also remains alive, with her major obstacle to a likely fourth-round showdown against Halep a third-round engagement with Elise Mertens, the same woman who defeated her at the Australian Open in January

Former world number one Angelique Kerber remains alive, as does Serena Williams, who will almost certainly start favourite against either Sharapova or Pliskova should she defeat Julia Goerges in her third-round match

In the men's draw second seed Alexander Zverev survived another five-set marathon to reach the fourth round of a major for just the second time

The German, who has come under fire for underachieving at the majors, won the first set of his match against Damir Dzumhur but then fell two-sets-to-one down as the Bosnian upped his level of play

Zverev then claimed the fourth set in a tiebreak to take the match to a deciding set, where he would save a match point in the tenth game and then win the final three games to claim it 7-5

Incredibly this marked his first win over a top-50 opponent at a major in eight attempts

He now awaits the winner of the tie between Lucas Pouille and Karen Khachanov, which is suspended at one-all in the third set with the pair having split the first two

Former champion Novak Djokovic progressed after defeating Roberto Bautista-Agut in four sets in a match lasting four hours

He next faces another Spaniard, Fernando Verdasco, who upset fourth seed Grigor Dimitrov in straight sets to reach the fourth round of the French Open for the seventh time

Seventh seed Dominic Thiem and former US Open finalist Kei Nishikori also advanced

For more infomation >> Women's title favourite crashes out, but Djokovic progresses - Duration: 7:09.


Teen But Really It's Very Big Back | Teens Live Stream Video Call #Phono Live BD-31 - Duration: 1:33.

Plz Subscribe

For more infomation >> Teen But Really It's Very Big Back | Teens Live Stream Video Call #Phono Live BD-31 - Duration: 1:33.


Djokovic demolishes racket but rediscovers old fire at French Open - Duration: 5:38.

French Open: Novak Djokovic destroys racket but rediscovers old fire to reach round of 16 An explosion of rage saw Novak Djokovic mangle his racket at Roland Garros overnight, but the former champion proved the fires are still burning as he spent nearly four hours battling past Spaniard Roberto Bautista Agut to reach the fourth round of the French Open

The 31-year-old Serb is still wrestling with his own game as much as the man across the net, but there was plenty of evidence in his 6-4 6-7(6) 7-6(4) 6-2 victory to suggest he is approaching the form that earned him 12 grand slam titles

There were the 51 winners and the way he dug himself out of a hole at the back end of the third set

There was also the boilover of frustration which saw him demolish his racket near the end of the second-set tiebreak

External Link: GIF racket smash "In these kind of circumstances, sometimes emotions get the worst out of you, you know, or the best out of you, whatever you want to call it," Djokovic, who is at his lowest seeding (20) in a grand slam for 12 years, told reporters

"At times in my career, these kind of situations when I would scream or throw a racket, it would kind of wake me up and help me to just kind of free myself from that pressure that is just building throughout the match

"But there are times when it doesn't help, so it's really hard to say what's the right thing to do

"Survival instincts kick inBautista Agut was the first to blink in the opening set after the first nine games went with serve

Djokovic worked his way to 15-40 with some rugged baseline play and converted his second set point

Thirteenth seed Agut, playing days after the death of his mother, battled back from 1-4 in the second set, breaking serve when Djokovic missed an easy volley and dragging the set into a tiebreak

At 6-6, and having already saved two set points, Djokovic took aim at an open court with his forehand but his passing shot flicked the net and bounced wide, provoking the racket-smashing tantrum that earned him a warning

His new racket looked in danger too when a baseline error allowed the Spaniard to level

When Agut broke to love to lead 5-3 in the second set, Djokovic was rocking. But the survival instincts that have served him so well throughout his career came to the rescue

He broke back, then never looked in danger in the tiebreak, bringing up set points with a flukey netcord that had him casting his eyes to the heavens

Bautista Agut faded in the third set as Djokovic marched into the last 16 of a grand slam for the 43rd time, second on the all-time list behind Roger Federer

External Link: Djokovic Twitter video After consoling his opponent at the net, Djokovic saluted the crowd who raised their colourful umbrellas in approval, clearly enjoying the 2016 champion's resurgence

"I think for a set and a half and the fourth set, I have played pretty well. The fourth set was the best performance I have had in the tournament," Djokovic, who next plays Spanish left-hander Fernando Verdasco, said

After some dark moments since completing his career grand slam at Roland Garros in 2016, the sky appears to be finally brightening for Djokovic who needed elbow surgery this year

"You go through a rainbow of emotions. Every possible level of the colour of the rainbow, you go through it," he said

"That's when you have to deal with this kind of emotions and understand how you can get better, how you balance everything that is happening inside so you can come out the next challenge and learn from it and be better


For more infomation >> Djokovic demolishes racket but rediscovers old fire at French Open - Duration: 5:38.


Trump has many motivations -- but power rules them all - Duration: 10:05.

Trump has many motivations -- but power rules them all

    Washington (CNN)There are multiple explanations for President Donald Trumps latest pardon storm but they are all rooted in a defining character trait -- his relish for wielding unchecked power.

  Trump pardons Dinesh DSouza -- and hints at more celebrity pardons By expunging the conviction of conservative filmmaker Dinesh DSouza, and by hinting at more controversial pardons to come, Trump is showing his willingness to test the limits of his power and to crush the conventions and unwritten restraints surrounding the Oval Office.

  Critics are protesting that his move reveals political shallowness, subverts the justice system and sends a message to aides under duress from special counsel Robert Mueller.

But Trump seems to be saying,I have this power, so why not use it? The Presidents DSouza pardon, and possible pardon for Martha Stewart and commutation for Rod Blagojevich, is not part of a larger strategy to send a signal to Mueller and fired FBI Director James Comey, a senior White House official told CNNs Pamela Brown.

  The official said that often people will bring up potential pardons to the Presidents attention and then hell start floating the idea internally.

The official added, though, that Trump naming Stewart and Blagojevich came as a surprise to staffers.

The question is not whether Trump did anything wrong legally, but whether his use of this supreme authority is timely and appropriate.

Trump has not shown much interest in the idea that the office of the presidency itself is sacred and in need of protection.

And he seems perfectly OK using its trappings as a vessel for advancing personal or political interests.

        The DSouza pardon adds to growing questions, including Trumps attacks on the Justice Department and the FBI, about the Presidents willingness to submit to checks on his own authority.

I think the President is beyond just messaging -- I think he is testing the boundaries of the presidency, Carrie Cordero, a former counsel to the assistant attorney general for national security, told CNNs Wolf Blitzer.

I think he is trying to use the presidency, potentially in ways that we have not seen in modern times, Cordero said, noting that most other presidents since the end of the 19th century used the Justice Department to review pardon decisions.

A Justice Department spokesman told CNN Thursday that Trump did not run the pardon through the agencys Office of the Pardon Attorney, as was also the case for the controversial pardons of Dick Cheneys former chief of staff I.

Lewis Scooter Libby and former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio.

What this President has done, which we have not seen in centuries, literally, is the President making unilateral decisions.

absolutely 100% bypassing any of that policy process.

I think he is looking for ways to expand his presidency and he is seeing how far the other branches of government are going to let him get away with it, said Cordero.

Corey Brettschneider, a constitutional law professor at Brown University and Fordham Law School, said pardon power is meant to be a merciful gesture to those who have suffered at the hands of the law.

Part of the idea of mercy is showing regard for others rather than self-interest, he said.

The worry is that these pardons are not about that -- they are about the Presidents own ambitions and own desire to show his own power and his desire not to be subservient to laws or constitutional ideas.

The President explained on Twitter that DSouza had been treated very unfairly by the government.

But by pardoning a vehement pro-Trump agitator, the President made a clear statement that if other supporters who are wildly popular with his base stick with him, he will protect them.

That dynamic was clearly at play when Trump caused a storm last year by pardoning Arpaio after he was convicted of criminal contempt in a case relating to his hardline policies towards undocumented immigrants.

Arpaio was a vocal proponent of Trumps 2016 campaign and used his national notoriety to advocate for Trumps similarly aggressive stance on border security and deportations.

  President Trump keeps pardoning his political friends His reprieve outraged civil rights groups and some Republican critics of the President, such as Sen.

John McCain, who said the move undermined respect for the rule of law because Arpaio had shown no remorse for his actions.

Trumps decision to use his power to pardon DSouza similarly worried electoral reform advocates because at the time of his sentencing he admitted he knew he was breaking the law by using straw donors.

Donald Trump has sent a message to his friends and cronies that if you break laws to protect him or attack our democracy, hes got your back, said David Donnelly, president and CEO of Every Voice, a money-in-politics watchdog group.

White House deputy press secretary Raj Shah, however, said that DSouza had made restitution and accepted responsibility for his actions.

But Shah, speaking on Fox News, also hinted at a partisan motive, by saying that the conservative hero was the subject of selective prosecution by the Obama administration.

And in a comment that could start alarm bells ringing -- he said that DSouza was convicted of infractions and crimes that are rarely prosecuted.

 Its not impossible that a similar rationale could be used should Trumps personal attorney Michael Cohen be found guilty of infringing campaign finance laws with a hush payment to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

So far Cohen has not been charged with any wrongdoing, but his office and residences were raided by the FBI in April.


Steve Cohen, D-Tennessee, told CNN Thursday that a GOP colleague had told him to expect more signaling pardons from the White House.

What he was saying, basically, was we are going to have a Saturday Night Massacre, when there is going to be several pardons in one day.

I think Manafort knows it.

I think Michael Cohen knows it.

I think Robert Mueller probably knows it, Cohen said.

Trump has also shown he is willing to use the muscle of his office to satisfy personal grudges.

Thats one reason why his comment to reporters Thursday that he was thinking of pardoning jailed former Illinois Gov.

Rod Blagojevich, a Democrat, and design guru Martha Stewart, who said she voted for Hillary Clinton.

Stewart was prosecuted by Trumps nemesis James Comey when the former FBI director was US attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Blagojevich was sent down for political corruption by one of Comeys best friends -- Chicago prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald.

And Fitzgerald was also behind the conviction of Libby.

It could all be a massive coincidence, of course.

A senior White House official told CNNs Brown on Thursday that it was doubtful that Trump even knew about the involvement of the former FBI director and his circle in the convictions.

But hes surely relishing the notion that he could use presidential power to gut the legal legacy of a political enemy -- Comey -- just as he is doing in a political sense with former President Barack Obama.


For more infomation >> Trump has many motivations -- but power rules them all - Duration: 10:05.


'Probably fool's gold‚ but they are desperate': KZN village in the grips of 'gold rush' - Duration: 1:39.

'Probably fool's gold‚ but they are desperate': KZN village in the grips of 'gold rush'

Probably fools gold‚ but they are desperate: KZN village in the grips of gold rush.

A "gold rush" has hit the small rural village KwaMachi, near Harding, KwaZulu-Natal, after "gold" was discovered in a quarry near the village.

A cloud of dust flies upward as Nontutuko Shebi strikes at the bedrock of the "Marikana" quarry‚ her hand clutching her hammer as each blow joins the clinking chorus of tools against rock that echoes all around her.

Her nine-month-old daughter Okuhle – bound closely to her mother with a blanket – is unperturbed by each strike.

Shebi has come to the shale quarry set in the hills of rural southern KwaZulu-Natal hoping that "gold" locked in the hillside may change the destiny of her youngest child‚ otherwise bound for a life of poverty.

The mother of four‚ who lives in KwaMachi‚ like hundreds of others‚ believes that gold has been found and‚ with it‚ wealth and prosperity is close at hand.

-For more on this story‚ please visit Times Select.   .

For more infomation >> 'Probably fool's gold‚ but they are desperate': KZN village in the grips of 'gold rush' - Duration: 1:39.


ES06: You think you know, but you have no idea | Part 7 - Duration: 1:33.

- Aahh, I need to eat! - I'm sorry you had to wait for me, one time, in your life.

- I haven't eaten anything!

- Go, go, go, go...

- You can eat little by little. - My body's destroyed on the inside right now.

- I'm about to explode.

- This is the most naive thing I've ever heard.

- Have you been waiting 6h to meet up with me just to eat?

- Yes, I've been hungry for 6h.

- I already ate.

- That's the problem! - I could almost skip this meal.

- That was all I needed to know.

- Cause that means that we can both agree that you've been an asshole...

- No. - No.

- How the fuck was I supposed to know that you would wake up at 9am in the break of dawn?!

- How the fuck was I supposed to know that?

- The thing is; all I hear is excuses.

- I don't really consider this my problem.

- I don't get how you don't..?

- I don't understand how it's my responsibility that you, a grown man, haven't eaten anything for 6h?

- Cause you already ate...

- Ahh, Sibel, I'm so hungry.

- At this point, I could eat helmet.

- I need to eat!

- I'm about to eat the car...

- ... and drive the El Maco home.

- I'm rollin' in the car

- The car is rollin

- I'm rollin' in my El Maco...

- ... in the car.

- What's happening, I have lost my mind from being hungry.

- I thought it was funny.

- Yeah, I'm hungry.

- I starting to think this El Maco will eat me.

- You're acting as if you need to pee but you're only hungry.

- Maybe both...

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