Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily do Jun 2 2018



When I came across this discussion triggered by Josh Jones, a writer and musician based

in Durham, NC, from, I couldn�t help but ponder just how many people

out there feel the same way about �work� and what we do in exchange for food on the

table and a roof over our heads, among other things.

advertisement - learn more From the day we are born, we are put into

school for a couple of decades and told, not taught, how the world works, what path to

take, why to follow it, and how to fit in and become a �productive� member of society.

This basically means we have to spend a large majority of our lives striving for a degree

or a diploma in order to qualify to work long hours and subsequently earn the right to live.

There are many other roots than that as-well, much more appealing but they also require

us to put in our time.

This sentiment reminds me of a video published by The School of Life (click link to see),

which brings to light the fact that no matter how little sleep we get or what problems we

are having at home, mental blockages and other things that can arise during the human experience,

we are and always have been told that we must be at work on time, ready to go without excuses.

This doesn�t seem normal or near natural, yet it�s something we are forced into.

Mental illness is on the rise, take depression for example, an issue that�s now affecting

more than 15 million adults, and that�s just in America alone.

Could the current human experience be one that�s contributing to this rise?

Are there more miserable people now because we basically spend our lives doing what we

can to survive while ignoring what our hearts want?

Are we not giving enough time to our wants and desires beyond the material world, and

do we even have time to do so?

Josh sums it up quite well in his first paragraph:

�Why must we all work long hours to earn the right to live?

Why must only the wealthy have access to leisure, aesthetic pleasure, self-actualization�?

Everyone seems to have an answer, according to their political or theological bent.

One economic bogeyman, so-called �trickle-down� economics, or �Reaganomics,� actually

pre-dates our 40th president by a few hundred years at least.

The notion that we must better ourselves � or simply survive � by toiling to increase

the wealth and property of already wealthy men was perhaps first comprehensively articulated

in the 18th century doctrine of �improvement.� In order to justify privatizing common land

and forcing the peasantry into jobbing for them.�

My favourite part of that excerpt is the fact that he calls attention to the fact that all

of us are simply working for a small group of elite people that, through the corporations

they run, basically control almost all aspects of our lives.

Their idea of �globalisation� or a �New World Order� is one that requires our participation,

and our consent.

This type of system, one in which basically all of us are economic slaves, is one that

we�ve become accustomed to.

A great quote comes to mind here:

�Humans are so strange.

We can climb mountains, explore the deepest oceans and travel to space.

But for some reason we can�t move past this idea that we need political overlords who

tell us what we can and can�t do with our own lives.� �Unknown

While we blindly continue to follow others, the world has experienced something it has

never really experienced before.

A massive paradigm shift is happening, a shift in the way we view, feel, and perceive our

world and the current human experience.

Not everybody is happy, and how could they be?

When living on a planet where you die if you cannot pay for your life, our passions and

heart�s desires slowly drift out of sight, unless we do something about it.

While we�ve remained complacent, and simply accepted the human experience for what it

is, those that created our current economic model continue to destroy our planet and have

absolutely no regard for preserving the integrity of the planet and all life on it.

At the same time, large amounts of information are kept from us, all we know of our world

is what�s given to us by the same people who designed this life for us: the corporate

mainstream media.

Information alone is a threat to so many corporate interests.

This shift has come as a result of new information that�s now hitting the eyes and minds of

millions, if not billions.

This became evident when alternative media sites that cover global corporate corruption,

as well as new discoveries in various fields that are ignored by the mainstream, like new

energy, started to receive up to a billion views per year.

Furthermore, whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and organizations like Wikileaks have also

helped out hugely.

That all stopped when some of these sites, like CE, were labelled as �fake news.�

An ironic title from mainstream media, isn�t it?

They even appointed who they felt just to determine what�s real and what isn�t,

as well as started a massive campaign to censor information that does not come from mainstream

media news networks.

There is a lot more to the world than what we are presented with.

Being so busy with our 9-5 and trying to survive, many people still can�t be bothered about


When presented with information that�s outside the box, it�s common for cognitive dissonance

to sink in.

What�s most frustrating about the current human experience is that it doesn�t have

to be this way.

This is where Buckminister Fuller comes in.

Fuller, one of the most creative and interesting minds in modern history once said that �One

in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the


The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a wage.�

This is something we at CE are well aware of.

We�ve personally come across technologies that can revolutionize the planet.

Although it depends what consciousness is operating behind that technology, it exists.

Our entire planet could be, in a modern way, completely off the grid.

There are so many wonderful creations and ideas out there that make a utopian society

possible, it�s so simple that most people have a hard time believing it.

The idea that we don�t really have to work to live on this planet and live a good live

is still impossible to imagine for most, and that�s because we�ve been indoctrinated

to believe that the current world economic model and globalization are the only way for

humanity to move forward, when it�s doing the exact opposite.

In my opinion, food, clothing, shelter and more should not require little pieces of paper

along with a bits of our soul to receive it, a human experience that utilizes all of our

developments instead of concealing them, one in which our leaders look out for humanity

and the best interests of our planet instead of following the orders of their financial

masters is desperately needed.

Michael Jackson�s famous line, �they don�t really care about us,� rings true, but it�s

not true for everyone.

Along with this consciousness shift, this realization that the wool has been pulled

over our eyes, is the fact that consciousness interacts with our physical material world

in ways that are not yet understood, and that is an encouraging thought given humanity�s

change in thinking with regard to concepts that might not have fit the frame approximately

a decade ago.

I won�t go into any specific examples.

I�ll let you ponder how a utopian society would work, or how all of our needs could

easily be provided for.

Scarcity is something that doesn�t have to exist, neither does supply and demand.

These were all creations by what�s known today as �the 1 percent.� The system was

designed to benefit them, not us.

Something new needs to be created, a new way of life that requires the complete shut down

and change of our current economic model.

Just as Fuller said:

�You never change things by fighting the existing reality.

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.�

Fuller did not believe that we need to have wage earning jobs to live, and that if we

do, we are not able to pursue our passions and interests unless they are for monetary


That�s an interesting thought, since when we grow up there are several �careers�

to choose from.

Is this simply the illusion of free will?

We already have set paths chosen, there are only so many options, and our entire purpose

of being �educated� or, as I like to call it, indoctrinated, is to make money.

Do we really love what we do?

Or do we just tell ourselves that?

Can we even determine or identify our passions, wants, and needs in this world?

Or are all of our wants, needs, desires, and passions given to us from the corporate world

in the form of mass media, advertising, and marketing?

Why is it that so many of us are all into the same material things, acquiring the same

material things, yet never questioning the human experience?

Have we become too comfortable?

Change is never easy, and always greeted by ridicule.

This is exactly what the human race is going through: we are recognizing the need to change

currently on that path.

In a New York Times column on Russell�s 1932 essay �In Praise of Idleness,� Gary

Gutting writes, �For most of us, a paying job is still utterly essential � as masses

of unemployed people know all too well.

But in our economic system, most of us inevitably see our work as a means to something else:

it makes a living, but it doesn�t make a life.� Bertrand Russell, a prominent British

philosopher, mathematician, historian, writer and political activist agreed, stating that

�Immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous.�

Jones puts it well:

�In far too many cases in fact, the work we must do to survive robs us of the ability

to live by ruining our health, consuming all our previous time, and degrading our environment.

In his essay, Russell argues that �there is far too much work done in the world, that

immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous, and that what needs to be

preached in modern industrial countries is quite different from what has always been


I agree.

We do tend to glorify the idea of �hard work� as something to be proud of, without

ever really taking a step back and looking at this human experience through an observer�s


Russell referred to this type of an existence as a �slave state� operated by �those

who give orders.� He calls it politics, which he elaborates on as having no real �knowledge

of the subjects as to which advice is given, but only to manipulate: the art of persuasive

speaking and writing.� This reminds me of the Sophists in ancient Greece, who used their

intelligence and their ways with words to make life difficult for people.

�What is work?

Work is of two kinds: first, altering the position of matter at or near the earth�s

surface relatively to other such matter; second, telling other people to do so.

The first kind is unpleasant and ill paid; the second is pleasant and highly paid�in

a world where no one is compelled to work more than four hours a day, every person possessed

of scientific curiosity will be able to indulge it, and every painter will be able to paint

without starving, however excellent his pictures may be.

Young writers will not be obliged to draw attention to themselves by sensational pot-boilers,

with a view to acquiring the economic independence for monumental works, for which, when the

time at last comes, they will have lost the taste and capacity.� (source)

His stuff has been talked about for decades:

�The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the

masses is an important element in democratic society.

Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government

which is the true ruling power of our country.

We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely

by men we have never heard of.� � Edward Bernays (�the father of public relations�),

Propaganda, 1928

So, you see?

Our lack of questioning and/or complacency has led to an interesting experience, one

in which many are desiring change.

Can We Really Do What We Love In This Type of Human Experience?

So, is it possible to do what we love?

Well, it might be a task to even figure that out when we are given our choices and paths

in life.

Furthermore, we have to pay rent, put food in our stomachs, and provide ourselves with

the basic necessities.

Even individuals with full time jobs are struggling to do this.

These jobs take up to 8-10 hours of our lives every single day, so if you come from the

belief that you cannot pursue your passions, you are in the company of many, including

the two brilliant minds listed in this title.

To pursue something you love in this world, and are extremely passionate about it, it

won�t be for monetary gain all the time.

But we still have time to pursue the things we love as opposed to spending that time going

to bars, or partying with friends.

No matter how many excuses you have, if you love something there is always time to pursue

it, but tell that to someone who just came home from a hard day�s work and has no mental/physical


I am a big believer in the power of manifestation, meaning that one can manifest experiences

into their lives with a shift in consciousness.

Sure, the current human experience is a very hard one.

It�s not easy, and for a soul to thrive here means they are very strong, especially

if they will not quit in their pursuit to follow the call of their heart.

That being said, what happens if you let the fear go and just start doing what you love,

as much as you can?

What if you take that road, and if you do so without worry, things workout for you?

I believe if we want something badly enough, through the power of consciousness, we can

manifest our own human experience, especially if it is something that�s rooted in the

desire to do good for all.

Based on all the science, history, philosophy and most of all, my intuition, this is something

I firmly believe.

I�ve been able to be part of the CE team for several years now, and prior to it, it�s

what I dreamed about.

Being part of a team and having a platform to share information that we�ll never see

in the mainstream media and to be in a position to bring new ideas and information to the

world is all I wanted to do.

I wanted it so bad that it�s what I did during school and when I had to work another


I was always engaged in my passions, yet always heartbroken that I could not go through life

solely pursuing what my heart beats for.

But look at me now � I�m doing it.

I had a tough experience waking up to facts I was once unaware of, and on top of that

was the normal human experience that just wasn�t resonating with me.

What helped me manifest my experience?

The first thing was changing my perspective of the human experience.

Instead of seeing it as a slave-like system, and labelling it as that, I chose to view

it as an experience.

I believe that this short lifetime is not our only one, and that this is my opportunity

to �play� within the human experience.

I looked at it as a challenge, and an opportunity to overcome many obstacles.

This helped my outlook on life big time, and instead of taking on a victim role where I

felt hopeless and unable to change anything, the very perception of me looking at life

as an opportunity is what helped me.

Life is too short to not put forth the effort into pursuing what your heart beats for.

Yeah, it�s not easy I know, and it�s not hard to see why so many people believe it�s

downright impossible when we have so many other duties to tend to.

Personally, I never perceived it as impossible.

I was willing to die, go homeless, or whatever.

There was no fear in me.

We even have modern day science conforming that factors associated with consciousness,

like thoughts, feelings and emotions, can actually affect our physical material world.

If you believe it�s possible, it is.

If you don�t, it isn�t.

The last thing I would say to you is that it�s not going to be easy, and will provide

your life with a number of challenges/opportunities for growth.

The joy lies within the journey itself, not within the ends.

Just Imagine Just imagine, if human beings created an experience

where all of our needs were provided for.

As mentioned above, we have more than enough potential to do so�What would we do with

our time?

It�s simple, we would explore, contemplate and discover.

After all, that�s our natural state from birth, until we are told how the world works

and what we are to do in it.

We�ve been brainwashed for so long and taken out of our natural state that it�s really

time to create a human experience that resonates with all of us, and what we and all life are

meat to do, and that�s thrive.



A TURMINHA DO SULCA 2 VISITA: Natálio Vassoler #2 - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> A TURMINHA DO SULCA 2 VISITA: Natálio Vassoler #2 - Duration: 2:13.


If You Do These 7 Things Negative Energy Won't Harm You - Duration: 6:29.


energy is something we don't want to vibrate and don't want to receive from

other people but the days of advancement carry with it a negativity that can

drain us without our awareness the media most especially spread more of the

negative news than it does with the good ones and even if you know how to sift

the good from the not-so-good stuff your loved ones may not they may be affected

by the negativity they pick up somewhere and bring that negativity home or when

you're at work some of your workmates may have these negative vibes and infect

the workplace with it failing to detect the infection may change your mood from

positive to negative which may drain your whole body and lower your energy

levels thus it's important that you will recognize these negative vibrations so

that you can turn your day around and can boost your mood seven steps to block

negative energy do these things negative energy won't harm you one recognize

where the negative energy comes from it's easier for you to beat the negative

energy when you clearly know where it comes from if it comes from someone you

know avoid committing the mistake of trying to make the other person happy

you might have the good intentions of helping out

but it's not what the other person needs at the moment if this person is going

through a tough time give them the space to process their emotions don't force

them to feel positive when they're not ready to feel it

give a listening ear if they need it but if they don't give them respect try to

be more understanding and tell yourself that it's not about you you can distance

yourself from this person to keep your energy levels functioning at its best -

in times of trouble focus more on the solutions

the idea behind every problem that arises is for us to grow and evolve into

our best selves there are just things we need to learn the hard way whenever you

are faced with a seemingly insurmountable problem try not to focus

on its size instead look at that problem in the eye and in every angle

this way you can get different possible solutions to handle the problem with

then focus your energy on how you can implement those solutions 3 surround

yourself with good company there are situations when you can't choose who to

surround yourself with like in the workplace or in public places if the

situation is favorable make sure to surround yourself with the

people who bring out the best in you they're the people whose positivity

seems not to run out spending your time with awesome fun and loving people

enhances your well-being and provides lasting benefits for be open to any

possibilities and let go of expectations no matter how much you plan your day or

prepare yourself to tackle a specific problem the outcome may not always be in

your favor but this doesn't mean all your days are going to be like this

don't start your day feeling you're already beaten because if you do then

certainly you will be open to all possibilities that this could be your

great day and open enough to accept if it won't when you prep yourself for the

good things that are going to happen you're able to maintain your high

spirits even if they don't turn out the way you want them to 5 be compassionate

with yourself no one has the greater responsibility to shower yourself with

compassion than you loving yourself must start with you be

gentle with yourself for all the past mistakes you've committed be always

aware that you're an evolving being and committing a mistake is a part of your

existence engage yourself in a positive self-talk every day look at yourself in

the mirror and tell yourself all the things you love about you one more tip

be your own best friend six focus on the things that make you feel great the

negativity around won't take hold of you if you go out into the world carrying a

strong positive vibe you can do this by listening to a calming music in the

morning writing in your journal all the things you are grateful for in the

things that make you feel good also increases your positive vibration before

you go to bed at night do the things that can relax your mind such as reading

a good book or having a warm bath the negative energy will slowly fade when

you know how to pamper and protect yourself 7 change your perspective when

you have to when something doesn't feel good change it if there is no way you

can change it look for its brighter side for example if you are stuck in a job

you don't like and getting away from it isn't possible at the moment

look for the reasons why you need to stick the situation might not be as

awful as how it seems having a different perspective is what you might need at

the moment besides no one or no situation is able to dim your light

without your consent just keep your light shining so that the

negative energy would have a hard time dragging you down

For more infomation >> If You Do These 7 Things Negative Energy Won't Harm You - Duration: 6:29.


Melania Isn't Messing Around – Issues Direct Order To The Media About What They Must Do Immediately - Duration: 4:49.

Although Samantha Bee, just like Roseanne Barr, is a comedian known for her sometimes

vulgar and outlandish humor this time they have both gone a bit too far.

The whole world is pretty much aware of the fact that because of an offensive tweet Roseanne

Barr's show reboot was canceled within hours, even though she apologized.

But on her TBS show "Full Frontal" this Wednesday night Bee took it upon herself to

call our first daughter and presidential advisor Ivanka Trump a "feckless c**t."

First Lady Melania Trump quickly came to her stepdaughter's defense after Bee's comment.

The First Lady's spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, responded to the "Full Frontal"

remark on Thursday by saying, "The double standard is truly astounding.

Time and again the Trump family and members of this administration are subjected to false

reporting, hateful rhetoric and outrageous lies all in the name of freedom of speech

or comedy, yet the mainstream media stays silent."

Later White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders also joined in on the "fun" and

added that the comments by Bee were "vile and vicious."

And made it clear that the silence from the media is appalling.

She added, "Her disgusting comments and show are not fit for broadcast."

Samantha Bee also commented on her remarks by saying, "I would like to sincerely apologize

to Ivanka Trump and to my viewers for using an expletive on my show to describe her last


It was inappropriate and inexcusable.

I crossed a line, and I deeply regret it."

Here is the issue.

Both comedians messed up and both apologized, but only Roseanne lost her job.

Samantha Bee is still employed.

So do you still want to try to convince us the media isn't skewed?

And here is more on the Samantha Bee saga via BizPac Review:

So much for that apology.

Following a statement from Samantha Bee saying she was sorry for her "inappropriate and

inexcusable" insult of Ivanka Trump, the embattled TBS late-night host was back defending

herself and lashing out at the Trump administration.

The network has been under fire to terminate the so-called comedian for referring to President

Donald Trump's daughter as a "feckless c***" during her "Full Frontal" show

on Wednesday.

Condemnation has been pouring in as even the White House weighed in as first lady Melania

Trump's office called out the "astounding" double standard.

That double standard was more clearly seen on Thursday as the Television Academy Honors

awarded Bee for 'social change' by covering the Time's Up and #MeToo movements.

This on the heels of ABC firing Roseanne Barr for tweeting what many condemned as a racist

comment about former President Barack Obama's senior adviser Valerie Jarrett.

The folks at Turner Broadcasting, which also owns CNN, apparently have Bee's back and

she thanked them at the event on Thursday reportedly held at Neuehouse in Hollywood.

"You know, the thing is our show is steeped in passion.

Every week I strive to show the world as I see it, unfiltered.

Sometimes I should probably have a filter.

I accept that.

I take it seriously when I get it right and I do take responsibility when I get it wrong,"

Bee said, according to Indiewire.

"Our piece attracted controversy of the worst kind," Bee said, referring to the

show's segment about the Trump administration's immigration and border policies which prompted

her to call on Ivanka Trump, a "feckless c-t" who needed to "do something about

[her] dad's immigration practices."

"We spent the day wrestling with the repercussions of one bad word, when we all should have spent

the day incensed that as a nation we are wrenching children from their parents and treating people

legally seeking asylum as criminals," Bee added.

"If we are OK with that then really, who are we?"

But while TBS and the liberal media may turn a blind eye to the appalling double standard

they apply to conservatives, it seems some advertisers have already begun severing ties

with "Full Frontal."

But the 48-year-old comedian seemed unrepentant at the awards event.

"I can tell you, as long as we have breath in our bodies and 21 minutes of airtime once

a week, repeats on Saturdays, that we as a show will never stop shouting [about] the

inhumanities of this world from the rooftops and striving to make it a better place"

said Bee.

"But in a comedy way."

Bee also thanked her bosses, saying "you always have our back and we appreciate that

so deeply."

It seems while the network and its star may be touting freedom of speech protections,

the Television Academy was more interested in controlling the narrative.

The Hollywood Reporter revealed that media attending the event would not be allowed into

the reception "as a result of today's events involving Samantha B.," leading to

"the need to limit access to tonight's activities."

For more infomation >> Melania Isn't Messing Around – Issues Direct Order To The Media About What They Must Do Immediately - Duration: 4:49.



For more infomation >> 🔥FREE FIRE; A PARTIDA MAIS INSANA DO MUNDO 😱 (FREE FIRE BATTLEGROUNDS. - Duration: 13:34.


COREIA DO NORTE x COREIA DO SUL - Comparação Militar (2018) - Duration: 3:09.

Military Power Comparison

North Korea vs South Korea

Defense Budget

Total Population

Active Military Personnel

Nuclear Weapon


Armored Fighting Vehicles

Multiple Rocket Launchers

Self-Propelled Artillery

Towed Artillery


Attack Aircraft

Transport Aircraft

Trainer Aircraft


Attack Helicopters

Air force

Aircraft Carriers






Patrol Boats


Military Ranking

For more infomation >> COREIA DO NORTE x COREIA DO SUL - Comparação Militar (2018) - Duration: 3:09.


Ask Karl: What do you classify as an ideal business coaching client? - Duration: 6:02.

Hey party peeps Karl Bryan here coming at you for another edition of Ask Karl

Bryan I'm here in my garage you're gonna see my

my lawn mooer there like a good hubby and good husband so I've got a question

here it's from Bella. Bella is asking Karl what do you classify as an ideal

business coaching client? Okay and quote alright Bella so I'm thinking that

Bella's looking for an answer of dentist chiropractor that sort of thing I'm

gonna go about this a little bit differently what I'm looking for is

number one right psychology okay if you give me somebody who's hungry

I'll show you somebody who I can have a long-standing coach client relationship

with so how do i ascertain the right psychology if I open up the local

newspaper and I see that they're advertising I know that they're trying

to grow their business and they've written a check in order to do so taking

a little bit of a gamble that's somebody who's hungry to me if I run a live event

and you've taken the time to show up and you've gotten up early and you fought

traffic and you got the kids you know just to you know the the breakfast table

a little bit early and you show up I know that you jump through some hoops

that tells me that you're hungry that tells me you're gonna be a great

coaching client so it's stuff like that so I'm looking for somebody who's hungry

what's the difference between a Serena Williams and then the rest of the gals

on the tennis tour it's hunger difference between Roger Federer Wayne

Gretzky Michael Jordan LeBron James you name it basically it's psychology so

that's what I'm looking for probably first and foremost I'm also looking for

a high unit of sale again I dub said this many times before I'll continue to

say it if you're taking on coaching clients you want to be able to get them

three or four close deals per year and well and truly pay your way versus

somebody who's just charging a hundred dollars that's not an ideal scenario

because they know there's a good chance they're gonna cancel not because they

want to not because they need to or not because they don't getting the value

it's just that they need to they're not making enough money and then I also like

to see people that have joined membership groups like the Chamber B and

I I said earlier somebody who's advertised if you can catch them early

on like if you watch the chamber listings or more to the point you build

a relationship with the girls or the guy that sells the memberships at the

chamber you're gonna find that's gonna be a great waiting a coaching client is

to get them at the point or early on when they join because this is when

they're of the mindset I got to do something different I got to start

getting to know some more people I got to be putting my business out there I

need some more referrals that sort of thing so if you get them early in that

relationship that can be very very valuable build some relationships in and

around that and now I just put another little star at the bottom of that

another thing that I will classify is an ideal coaching client

I like clients that I can get started in the industry okay like guys I'm my

Nicias business coaches okay that's something that I've been very you know

I've been honored to have been very successful with it I've got some

expertise or certainly like don't think so maybe somebody might argue with that

but I've got some expertise and then around it fell to five and a half

million dollar coaching company where we used to do four hundred thousand dollars

a month so it puts me in a position right where I have some expertise and

some value to give well and truly at least again I hope so but I love the

idea of business coaching because I can take a sales guy or a corporate guy or

gal off the street out of their corporate job and turn them into a

business coach within 90 days I can have a you know on

you know on course too well and truly do six figures without doubt as can so

that's one of the other things I like to think about so that's what I would say

so high unit of sale again you want somebody doing high-end kitchen

renovations rather than a massage therapist charging a hundred dollars the

guy doing the high-end kitchen renovations is charging you know twenty

to two hundred thousand dollars you get him a few coaching clients you pay your

way well and truly again somebody has come in to live events advertising

joining groups they're good if you open up the local newspaper and you see

somebody there good idea that they're looking to grow

their business and again if you can get them started in an industry like against

someone who's really handy you can help them get started in a business doing

kitchen remodeling ok so so that's what I would call an ideal call coaching

client for me this isn't black and white stuff it's very much grey but I hope

that is handy and Belle I hope that is a value so guys if you liked the video I

would SuperDuper appreciate it hit the like button if you know a coach that

needs this information you can comment with their name below super appreciate

that you want to give us some comments and you tell us that you liked the video

maybe you can tell me that you hate the video but if you give us a comment down

below that would be pretty cool and of course if you would share it that would

be fabulous because if you don't have your

subscription of a six-figure coach magazine make sure you do that

ace up grab that and also at the Six-Figure Coach magazine I've got some

coaches training totally free of charge all video-based you can do it in your

pajamas I've also got that free of charge so grab that as well so thanks so

much for being here thanks for the question Bella and I look forward to

speaking to you guys next time on ask Karl Bryan

For more infomation >> Ask Karl: What do you classify as an ideal business coaching client? - Duration: 6:02.


Com dores no joelho, R. Augusto está fora do amistoso contra a Croácia|n123snow - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> Com dores no joelho, R. Augusto está fora do amistoso contra a Croácia|n123snow - Duration: 1:52.


I Do Adore - TodoDeku Animatic - Duration: 0:51.

1, 2, 3, 4!

Everything you do, it sends me

Higher than the moon with every

Twinkle in your eyes, you strike a

Match that lights my heart on fire

When you're near, I hide my blushing face

And trip on my shoelaces

Grace just isn't my forte

But it bring me to my knees when you say

Hello, how are you... darling, today?

I fall into a pile on the floor

Puppy love is hard to ignore

When every little thing you do I adore~

For more infomation >> I Do Adore - TodoDeku Animatic - Duration: 0:51.



Hello everybody and welcome back to islasworld!

So today I'm going to be giving you MuLtIpLe tHiNgS tO dO wHeN yOu'Re BoRed!1!1!

Make sure to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe.

And, let's begin!

So the first thing you can do when you're bored is online shopping.

You don't even have to buy anything, I mean...

I never actually do.

But, just looking around websites and finding your favourite things, it's fun.

My favourite website is Urban Outfitters because they literally have everything.

Some websites will even let you make a wish list, which I do all the time.

It's actually kind of bad.

Another thing you can do when you're bored is go for a bike ride.

Going for a bike ride is great because it's exercise, it gets you outside.

You could go for a full-on 10k bike ride, or maybe just cycle around your neighbourhood?

The next thing you can do when you're bored is have a pamper session... and I know that

sounds incredibly cheesy.

All you need to do is just run a hot bath, light a candle, put on a face mask and...

watch netflix.

You could even find one of those tWiTtEr SeLf CaRe tHrEaDs and follow one of those.

Although, they always seem to say the same thing...

Having a picnic is a good thing to do when you're bored because you probably already

have food in your house.

You could have one in the park, in your back garden, or maybe even a lake?

You could have a picnic with all of your friends, or if you're like me and don't have any friends,

you could bring a book?!

And if you literally cannot be bothered to make food, then... buy some.

And it's also a good opportunity to take some instagram photos, per example.

You could also read a book.

Reading is amazing, and nobody seems to do it anymore... don't know why.

There are so many benefits to reading I do not know why you wouldn't want to do it.

So, make sure you read something at least once a day, or whenever you're bored- doesn't

really matter.

And, if you actually hate reading with a passion, just set a timer for an hour, pick up a book

and read it.

Even if you don't like the book, at least you can say that you've read something...

and I guess that's a good thing?

When you clicked on this video, you knew this was going to be on the list, but... you should

watch netflix.

I highly HIGHLY recommend you watch Stranger Things, or... watch friends?

Stranger things is amazing.

I don't have to explain it to you, do I?

And, if you don't have netflix, then maybe watch youtube.

I mean- I have a few other videos...

And you could even watch TV, although who actually does that anymore?

If you're watching this right now and you've been thinking about starting a youtube channel,

just do it.

I basically have no other hobbies but youtube, and it's a great thing to do when you're bored.

It allows you to eXpReSs yOuR CrEaTiViTy!1!1!

And... yeah.

You don't even need to know that much about filming or editing, as long as you have something

to film with- maybe a phone.

And if you're hesitant about filming, just set a timer for an hour (again), film wHaTeVeR

and upload it, no matter how good or bad it is.


If you're extremely bored and want to make some money!1!1!

You could sell your clothing.

There is literally nothing bad about selling your clothes, I mean, you make money!

I use Depop to sell my clothes which, by the way, you should add me.

All you have to do is take a picture of your clothes, set a price and upload it.

I'm not sponsored by the way.

Even if you're not creative, painting something can help you relax AND it also gives you something

to do!1!1!

And last but not least, you could paint your nails.

You could do a bold colour, a natural colour, a shiny colour.

You could also attempt some nail art, but I really do not recommend that.

So I hope you enjoyed finding out 10 things to do when you're bored, although you probably

already knew all of these things.

If you did then make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe.

Also, if you've made it this far, comment your favourite... um...

Comment your favourite season.

And I will see you in my next video.

For more infomation >> 10 THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU'RE BORED IN SUMMER! - Duration: 4:28.


Do you even need home charger? El's Electric Dream GUEST VLOG 🔋🔌🚗 - Duration: 7:04.

hi and welcome to my guest vlog my name's Eleanor or some of you may

already know me as she's electric, El's electric dream on Twitter and Instagram

I'm very grateful to Nicolas for inviting me to do the guest vlog all

about my day-to-day life with my 24 kilowatt hour Nissan leaf the

special thing is that I don't have a home charger so let's show you and how

I get by okay so my situation is that I live in a second floor flat and the

sunny city of Dundee in Scotland I'm fortunate to on my flat and have an

allocated parking space I don't know if you can see my leaf down there

Paddington we get out of the way and so I have my parking space but it's at the

far side of the building from my flat we do have a power supply to the carpark

you might see some lights along the back wall but unfortunately that supply is

not powerful enough to run a home charger so yeah um it's just me in the

car and public Chargers so it's my afternoon off and I'm gonna try and be good

and head to the gym since I've not got a home charger I take advantage of

opportunities like this to pick up a few electrons when I'm out and about so

let's turn on the leaf and see how much battery I've got

okay so I apparently

have a 50% battery with 46 miles on the guessometer so I'm not flat by any

mean I'm out in about tomorrow so let's go and see if I can find a charger

that's free

I've pulled up at a charging point in Dundee just on the campus at the University of

Dundee that's right in the city centre we're really lucky that the university

are very Pro electric cars and have a couple of mini hubs across the campus

to be able to activate my charge I need one of these charge place Scotland

RFID card or you can use their app to activate the charge this little card is

literally worth its weight in gold at the moment the majority of chargers are

free to use hence no charge to charge so this little card which there's an annual

subscription of £20 ok so let's have a little tour of this charging

point as you can see I'm plugged in here at one of these very nice little fast

chargers that were allowed to park at for a maximum of three hours I've got

some company just now there's one of the University of Dundee Leafs that you can

borrow and if you're a student or member of staff and if I come round there's again

another fleet van from the University of Dundee looks like a Kangoo

if I'm correct me if I'm wrong and then not a couple of nice little cheeky

chargers which can come in handy we've got standard three-point plug I use this

sometimes if the other charges are in use this one here not a Scooby and what

type of electric car plugs into that maybe somebody can leave a comment at

the bottom in this video so I can find out some nice Rolex chargers there but

the piece de resistance is our evolt charger rapid charger which for this one

you're only supposed to stay up to an hour which is great we have 22 kilowatt AC connector

on this side and then I've got an elusive CCS and

CHAdeMO charger and you can see the screen there and again you would swipe your

charge place Scotland card to activate there we go its telling me to press the screen

but I'm not needing a rapid charge just now so I'll stick with my type2

and again another member of the University of Dundee fleet this rather

nice env200 Nissan van I will leave my little leaf charging up

nicely and I'm gonna head to the gym see you later

that's enough from the gym for me today so I've unplugged thought I might take a

little detour I wonder if anyone that's familiar with Dundee might guess where

I'm headed to so give me a couple of minutes and I'd like to show off a

little gem that we have in Dundee

welcome to the Dundee electric taxi hub which you might be able to see behind me

there is a plethora of Nissan Leafs at the moment charging up on not one but

two but in total five lovely evolt rapid chargers this has been here for a good

few years now and there's almost 90 registered fully electric taxis and

Dundee so this is a pretty cool place if you love nissan Leafs you'd come to

the right places but this was the first taxi company and Dundee to take on

Nissan Leafs there is no other companies starting to take up electric cars as

well for their taxis and if I Pan round I can see one two three brand new Nissan

Leafs and an amongst at least one two three four normal Leafs that are parked

up just now they aren't on duty but if I Pan round you can see some of the

leafs charging up in those five rapid heart chargers that i mentioned getting ready to

taxi the people of Dundee out and about on their Saturday night

speaking of Saturday night I'm gonna head home now and have my dinner have a

great weekend folks and I'll check in with you tomorrow

Hope special guest vlog this week so far there's gonna be some special guest

vlogs more randomly now on my channel to promote other youtubers and over Twitter

people who are big in the eV world so if you are enjoying el's vlog so far

please make sure you click the subscribe button down here for me and also if the

new video has been uploaded yet it will be up here check out my most recommended

video for you here and my most recent upload video is up here thanks very

again for much for watching and I'll see you again next week goodbye

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