Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily can't pay Jun 2 2018

so, hello everyone, it's skeptic pork here

today we are NOT, targeting a video

wow, what a surprise, i know, i know

I came across this site on twitter, which i saved the link for, but i couldn't find the original tweet to show you guys

but whatever

so we are responding to a blog post entitled:

ok, also, as a side note, i will be modifying my voice

from my reading voice

which will sound like this {says in diferent tone}

and my normal voice

with that being said, let's began

[playing intro]

[reading from screen]

yeah, that describes the majority of the people that i have met

[reading from screen]

Depends on what you define by "ought to do"

", for instance if you mean what you do to preserve your liberty and to have a choice on subjects

then it probably is a good idea to build relations that ensure trust among the people you interact with

but if you mean what we, at a societal level ought to do

then simply acting in ways which promulgate the well-being of our integrants, is another route to take

but this is simply on the basis you care about your own existence

since this is dependent upon others

now, cosmically speaking you don't "ought" to do anything other than follow the physical laws of the universe

but if you care about your society, and your rights

you are also accepting the responsibilities that come with these

[text is on screen]

A way in which morality is often described is, as a social contract

in other words

the rights, responsibilities and value that we each put onto each other

, in the case of humility, well, in a tribe where all of the members have to cooperate

the willingness to share what you gather with the rest will in the long term help sustain the tribe that you yourself are dependent upon for survival

in the case of forgiveness

it's more of something we do in order to no longer hold crutches, against the other members of our community

who again, would also be part of our social circle and, directly or indirectly affect our survival

in our modern capitalist societies,

the countries are no longer the entangling community,

except for regulating laws and things of that nature,

but there are still social circles and entanglements that we are responsible for,

when it comes to our community, we know we can't succeed on our own,

so we look to have safety nets that can help us, this can come in a number of ways,

from having good relationships with your customers, employees, friends, and relatives

as well as helping the poor so that other people may have a reason to want to help you if you ever needed it

. I extended myself a little bit here, but that may be a trend on this video,


[text is on screen]

I really wish there were citations for this point,

it would make my life so much easier, but either way,

so, to be honest while I do happen to think the gospels were based upon a real historical figure,

I am skeptical on whether there was a tomb to begin with,

, since the most likely case scenario for that, was for the bodies of criminals were thrown away, not given a special burial


let's for the sake of argument assume that the accounts of the empty tomb were true,

can we say, God rose Jesus from the dead?,

well the problem is that, that would already presuppose the existence of god

so it would really just be begging the question

and since apologists have often said that, the super nature can't be tested

therefore we couldn't replicate a resurrection in a lab,

it pushes the preposition to the "unfalsifiable" category

i will put it in other terms

if I was to say that aliens stole his body, that would sound ridiculous,

because we have no indication aliens exist to begin with in the modern day

so it would be unfounded as an explanation for the past,

but, similarly if we cannot test super nature in the present, it's no more than an unfounded explanation for the past

as for the 500 figure?

as far as I know there is only one source for that, which is Paul's writings

and honestly, a guy claiming 500 people did X,

is not sufficient evidence that 500 people, actually did X

and for the last point, people die for their beliefs,

that happened back then,

it also happened with heaven's gate more recently

and it happened with Jews in world war II

so that is really just evidence that they were convinced it was true,

but not whether or not it was true

[text is on screen]

Mathematics, logic and rational are tools we use to interpret the universe,

they are not some platonic concepts that exist beyond it

[text is on screen]

Our interpretation of the universe came as a tool of this, they are not two separate things

the universe is in the language we are able to understand it,

because, We MADE the language with the intention of understanding it!,

and what is not in this metaphorical language,

is what we still don't understand

[text is on screen]

Well, this is where I can only answer for myself,

I subscribe to utilitarianism,

in other words, the value of something must be dependent upon it's desires, potential for desires and the implications this has upon others,

so, I personally don't think that the value comes with human DNA,

but rather with personhood,

or the ability to appreciate your own existence,

which can be upon different degrees,

, and these degrees is what determines the standards that you are, to be hold by

in other words,

I do think human life is more valuable than the other life forms on earth,

not because they have human DNA,

but because there is a person behind that human DNA,

and if say, really intelligent aliens or a self-aware conscious AI, was able to interact with us in the same way humans can

I believe they should be held to those same standards.

And when we say that the purpose of the existence of living things is procreation,

this is true but, in the level of a species,

in the level of an individual, we are able to make whatever we want of our future,

I mean we can appreciate our own existence, meaning we can also draw the reasons for doing so

[text is on screen]

All right, this goes to defend the prochoice positions,

well I am a pro-choicer so I may as well answer it,

though suffice to say, that not all atheists are prochoice and not all theists are prolife either,

so I will be answering it for myself only,

people have rights over their own bodily anatomy,

this allows them to refuse to donate blood, organs, steam cells, if they so desire,

in the case of a human foetus, it does not develops inside an egg external to the mother,

it develops inside the uterus of its mother,

, this means that It is constantly taking nutrients from her,

and, as it grows it affects more and more her internal anatomy,

not to mention that given birth is one of the highest pain experiences a woman goes through,

so, in the same way you can refuse to give your blood and organs to someone else,

you should be able to refuse allowing someone to develop inside you for 9 months,

taking nutrients from you.

As for the question of "what standards do they use to determine the value of human life?"

well, see my previous answer

I value personhood, not just human DNA.

Well, this was quite a different subject,

thank you guys for watching,

let me know your thoughts in the comment section,

I have feeling there may be a bit of a debate down there,

but, just try to be respectful with each other,

I have been skeptic pork,


For more infomation >> 5 questions atheists can't answer, answered - Duration: 12:15.


'Can ban' returns to New Braunfels, tubers already receiving citations - Duration: 1:57.

For more infomation >> 'Can ban' returns to New Braunfels, tubers already receiving citations - Duration: 1:57.


🔥Force Z - I CAN'T FEEL 🔥 - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> 🔥Force Z - I CAN'T FEEL 🔥 - Duration: 2:51.


What Is A P38- How To Open a Can With a P38 - Duration: 2:05.

what is a P38 how to open a can with a P38 how to use a P38 can opener

hi it's alaskagranny do you have a P38 can opener and you're wondering how it

works you can see it's a very tiny can opener it has a little hole if you

wanted to clip it on your keychain you snap up the blade it goes at a 90 degree

angle then you can see there's a little notch and the little notch goes against

the edge of the can then you set your P38 can opener notch on the edge of the can and press

to open the can then you pull it towards yourself you rock it back you press you

rock it back you press you rock it back and you keep going around the can it's

called theP38 because supposedly it takes 38 rocks to get it around the can to open it

if you're looking for the perfect little can opener for your Bug Out Bag or other

emergency situations stock up on the P38 can opener just make sure you buy quality ones that

say Made in the USA by Shelby Company they're the ones that are really made to last

learn more at please subscribe to the AlaskaGranny channel

For more infomation >> What Is A P38- How To Open a Can With a P38 - Duration: 2:05.


Can type 2 diabetes be cured - Free book amazon download -Can type 2 diabetes be cured - Rating ★★★★ - Duration: 0:58.

For more infomation >> Can type 2 diabetes be cured - Free book amazon download -Can type 2 diabetes be cured - Rating ★★★★ - Duration: 0:58.


Day 18: Sing a song. Even if you can't sing! (ReUPLOAD) - Duration: 6:42.

For more infomation >> Day 18: Sing a song. Even if you can't sing! (ReUPLOAD) - Duration: 6:42.


Doctor Who | Can't Take More - Duration: 1:54.

For more infomation >> Doctor Who | Can't Take More - Duration: 1:54.


ML: WCQ and I Know Each Other Well - Can Handle Schedule Just Fine - Duration: 1:11.

I played not too shabby in this match

WCQ also played fine as well

Because we train from time to time

we are familiar with the "lines" of each other (TL's note: lines as in the paths of the shots)

So there were many great shots

After dropping the 1st game when I had some lead

I didn't let it get to me and adjusted myself quickly

I did pretty well on that point

I n the 5th game, you called timeout at 9:8, why?

It's just instinct

After 9:6, I didn't handle too well in the next 2 points

so I wanted to calm myself down...there wasn't much thought

The schedule is getting tighter now

Do you find it harder as a veteran player?

First, (couldn't make out) veteran player, so I feel it's normal

The match intensity has been the same

Boll is still playing

I think every athlete has to adapt

whether it be the court, the schedule, whatever

Thank you

Subbed by zeio

For more infomation >> ML: WCQ and I Know Each Other Well - Can Handle Schedule Just Fine - Duration: 1:11.


[8 ball pool ] level24 good for shot PC {You can Open captions} - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> [8 ball pool ] level24 good for shot PC {You can Open captions} - Duration: 3:05.


Doug Addison ➤ "Need To Hear God, 5 Things You Can Do Now" - Duration: 15:10.

Listen here. It is Thursday, May 17 2018 and

I want to get this out to you right away. I heard the Lord say for this month the month of May

It's so important that we hear the voice of God

and I've been training people on how to hear God for a number of years and

I want maybe you need the herb right now and he told me this I need to share with you my recipe

with how God speaks to me now, I get the daily prophetic words and you know

I I do a lot of different things on the internet with the prophetic but it wasn't always this way

I mean

I seriously I had to do things and I want to share with you five things that God showed me a long time ago

that what I've been doing these five things every single day and as I do them

It opens up

The ability to hear the voice of God and you know what it comes to here and God maybe it brings up things

Maybe I had a bad experience some people did or maybe you've you know, you feel stuck in your current situation

Maybe God speaks to you sometimes and you're wondering

Wow, is that the pizza I ate or what was going on, but you know what?

Even if you had a bad experience if it's a good experience or if you're in a dry time right now

What I'm about to share with you can get you a breakthrough. I'm telling you

I want you to write these things down and we listen to this again

Maybe God speaks to you already and you need to go to the next level

but we just pray that open this up right now, you know for a number of years I

Was receiving revelation and downloads from the Lord, you know

And I wouldn't hear consistently and it would I don't know I would kind of go kind of like The Wall Street

Journal I was all over the map and up and down, but then God downloaded me

downloaded to me some strategies that actually

Opened the heavens over me

and now I trade millions of people all over the world do the internet to hear the voice of God and discover your just

Destiny, you know, we're in a season right now. It's strategic that this time of year

it's very important because this weekend is


Pentecost and it's a Jewish festival called

the feast of weeks was Pentecost when the Holy

Spirit came upon

the church for the very first time and God wants to

Release something this weekend and we are at a time

I just say it it is a time this time last year in May

I had the fifty days behind the heavenly veil encounters

This is a time they've started up again, by the way, and that's why I want to release to you this and you know

I've gotten a lot of positive feedback from people as I've trained and you don't need to be a

Prophet to hear God. First of all, there's strategies that you can get I'm telling you

There's new things that if you grab hold of the new and let go of the old God says bold

I'm doing a new thing don't focus on the old. I want to give you the recipe

I said that that God began to speak to me. I wish someone would have told me this 25 years ago

It would have saved me a lot of time of misinterpreting what I was hearing or stepping out to suit or miss it. God completely


You know God is is releasing new revelation right now

And this is something that if you apply to your life is gonna change you right now

So I want to give you the five things that I do five steps I do on a daily basis to hear God accurately

number one is

establishing a foundation of love

Jesus said the greatest commandment

upon me is all of the laws of the Prophet is to

Love the Lord your God with all your heart all your strength and all your might and love your neighbor as yourself surprisingly this simple

Commandment and not just a commandment the simple lifestyle that's supposed to be the most powerful thing for us

and following out of some people's Bibles these days, especially out of the internet, but if you establish a

foundation of love in your life love God love yourself of other people it will actually

Develop something that's going to hold the weight of what's coming though

weight of the foundation of what God wants to bring to you step two is

to cultivate the


There's a there's a spiritual atmosphere. You could actually call debate the spiritual atmosphere

Around you the spiritual atmosphere exists you ever notice it could be negative or positive around someone so there's a spiritual principle

Galatians 6:7 what you sow therefore you shall reap so if you're doing negative things or

Focusing on the negative that it may close the heavens over you and God showed me this back in

2004 during during an angelic encounter I receive revelation from the Lord that radically changed my life

Opened the heavens over me based on this near we talked about it a lot. I call people into the negative thought the negative talk

Fast and things like that. But listen, this is why it can be stopping your blessing

It could be stopping Revelation from flowing from you. So you need to cultivate the

spiritual atmosphere of love and shift the spiritual atmosphere by flipping

Those things around step 3 is to track what God is saying?

Habakkuk 2:2 then the Lord answered me write down the vision and make it plain on

Tablets that he that he may run that whoever reads it may run with it

I tell you this is a time that if you don't write it down

It might not be able to allow you to run with God

I write things down on a regular basis and the I'm convinced

The only way to hear God

Accurately is to record it is to write it down in some way

If you don't value what God says

it will stop most likely if you're not hearing God you used to maybe you used to dream and you're not anymore as

Possible that you're not valuing it so God usually speaks over time and tracking it will help you

It's a good habit to track prophetic words dreams. What God's speaking to you in your life

you don't have to do like dear diary stuff, but I do write I

Mean I journal 365 days a year when I started doing that a few years ago Wow

That's what I suddenly got so much revelation. I started releasing the daily prophetic

I get too much revelation right now to be able to track because when you start valuing something God

Will set it to spiritual principle this comes up now with step number four that to hear God

Accurately is to activate it in your life James 2:7 says by by faith by itself

Is dead and unless you take an accompanied by action faith is dead

And so we need to take our faith take the words that God has for us and do

Something doesn't mean go out and do everything is that you there's things that you can do

That might activate it so that you first of all one way is to write it down my goodness

Step number two would then be to look in the Bible and see if a comparing it we don't what's going on do some research

The Lord called me

Really some radical things years ago

I remember someone gave me a prophetic word twenty years ago and this Ruby that was a mess at the time

I was coming out of

You know and they called I was in a bad laughs lifestyle going through a mess

And this prophet comes along and says you're gonna come into dreams and visions. You're gonna be traveling around the world helping people

And you know, my friends weren't looking at me like what you know this guy

Must be wrong because Doug Addison is not in that condition, but guess what? I grabbed ahold of that word

I recorded it and I wrote it down and begin to pray it in and I activated it

So what was the word that I would get into dreams and visions? I started to study

I read some books, you know, I started understanding biblical dream interpretation

Was it no years later that I started to do this, but I activated it in my life and did these steps?

You know, you don't have to actually do the full thing

Or maybe you've stepped out too soon on things and there's a way that you can actually bring that back around

David said that he brought down Goliath by

By you know doing the same thing. He killed the lion in the bear watching his father's sheep

And so he was able to do that because he had practice and activated that God was gonna call him someday

step number five on hearing God

Accurately is to learn to discern

Someone asked me years ago

How is it that you could know if something that as saying is from yourself, is it from your from God or Satan?

I remember someone jokingly say, you know

If you can come up with that answer, you could have a best-selling you could have a best-selling book, but guess what?

I actually found this. I have a solution that I've helped train

thousands of not over a million people over the years with this that you can

Indeed learn to discern and you can know the voice of God from that of yourself and that of the enemy Hebrews 5:14

But solid food is for the mature who by constant

Use have trained themselves to distinguish good from evil. Most people are afraid of being deceived

That's because they haven't read or activated Hebrews 5:12 by constantly using your gifts

You can actually train yourself to learn to discern

Well, you know, it's also working with the Holy Spirit and in a relationship with the Lord, but you could break off fear

And when it comes to hearing God one of the biggest fears people have today is being deceived

All you need to do is step into Hebrews 5:14 and do something on a daily basis, you know start to practice

You know people actually spend more time and money on their sports and hobbies. They do hearing the Lord and

I consider this like working out. So I've given you my five steps. These are my recive

This is my recipe for how I do what I do

so I've given those to you and now I've developed a lifestyle and if you practice these things if you do them you

You'll go you'll grow closer to the Lord. You'll move into a deeper relationship

You'll be able to hear his voice all about, you know

It's not never automatic, but it starts once you start knowing his character. It becomes even easier

So this weekend we celebrate Pat Pentecost

which is the the celebration of when the Holy Spirit came upon the church for the first time in the book of Acts and

You know

It's no longer just one anointed man or woman now. The Holy Spirit came in is we can all operate in the gifts

You don't have to be a prophet to hear the Lord, but we all have the prophetic gifts

We all have the ability to discern or learn to discern

So this is true teaching time

Especially this weekend and I've been prophesying this I've been saying get ready because just right after Passover, you know

Pentacon Passover started in march through pentecost at may god's opening the heavens over the next few months

You want to be ready and I want to help you with that

so i've actually released two free trainings that you can do right now and one or three if you count

This one this one's powerful

But there's two things that I want to offer you which on my website

Doug Addison comm and then there's two more that we have coming up. I want to talk about my on Saturday

May 19th this Saturday we have a training on how to hear the voice of God

Oh that's that we charge for but let me tell you first of all about the to free things that I have and that is a

new blog that came out today with

It's called get in tune with God and there's a small assessment you can add questions

You can ask yourself to get yourself aligned with this season

and with what God is saying and I went along with it is the new podcast episode 53 is

How to hear God clearly to fulfill your destiny and I talked about in the podcast

I talked about the things that God has shown me. I talk about financial breakthroughs

I talked about some of the principles I've already said but also I've got two more things that if you really want to go deep

The Lord spoke to me that we need to do this right now and it's the two hour workshop on on this Saturday

And it's called how to know God's voice and timing listen up and discern Saturday, May 19th 10 a.m

To noon pacific time it is not that much money

Considering it's two hours. I give you my notes. I also have for the very first time listen

hmm for the very first time i'm releasing some

Some different forms and things that I used previously how I developed myself

To be able to learn to discern so it's gonna have some extra forms. I'm gonna go through the five things

I just told you but I'm gonna go through them in detail. I'm gonna touch deeper

In fact, we're gonna dive into those difficult things if they tell you not to prophesy about, you know

Marriages major relocations and babies. I'm gonna tell you to hear the Lord for those things. We're going to talk about

How your God if you've gotten a difficult word in the past, maybe you got a word from the Lord and went opposite maybe

Married, someone got divorced and something happened

I'll bring you back into into what the

reasoning behind some of this and help train you and learn to discern what God is doing right now and then

You'll get the recording. You don't have to be there live, but you do have to sign up for it

I really want to encourage you because this is the first time I've released some of this most of its in my school

Hearing the voice of God

365 online activation school. I have some of this at my school now. My school is 18 hour an online course

But I brought this down to two hours

So I was even telling the students them, you know our students at our school

I was saying you want to take this as well because I've now added some new things

I brought this into the season or in right now and we're gonna see something happen

And so also I mentioned there was two things at training

Opportunities one is a small book I have and it's by my team picked for me. They think it's great

It's called God spoke. Now. What activating your prophetic word? It's a book I wrote and

Anyway, I'm just excited because God's gonna open something up right now

And so this is the Pentecost and the feast of weeks it coming right now Lord

I pray that you would open up the heavens over each of us to hear your voice understand dreams encountering you and

Understand who you are and break through all the lies that's going on right now out there all the next negativity

I pray Lord that this would happen right now on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus name. All right bless you guys

Hope you have a great weekend. I hope you can see me - see you at the workshop Bob

It'll be live and you can quite a type in your questions to us

We take those seriously, but go to my website Doug Addison comm for all the things. I just said. Alright, have a great weekend

For more infomation >> Doug Addison ➤ "Need To Hear God, 5 Things You Can Do Now" - Duration: 15:10.


The Boy Next Door I Ep. 7 Can we kiss? - Duration: 6:57.

For more infomation >> The Boy Next Door I Ep. 7 Can we kiss? - Duration: 6:57.


Omeprazole, A Pill Of Care To Consume It Can Cause You These Health Problems - Duration: 3:28.

many blessings and health to all

our followers and welcome to a

new video from our channel today

we will talk about omeprazole a pill

careful to consume it can cause you these

health problems the omeprazole is a

of the pills that he took back his

popularity in many places in the world

because of its effectiveness in calming

havoc in the stomach because the

properties that make up this

decompressed are the ones in charge of

maintaining a healthy stomach flora prevents

combat and eliminate any kind of

discomfort that occurs after

consume certain foods however

there are some negative aspects of this

medicine and today we will talk about them

this medicine is one of the causes

of anemia because it causes insufficiency

of vitamin b12 and this may originate

that you have memory problems and

depression besides that alters the

nervous system generates diseases

psychological and creates insufficiency

cerebrovascular disease decreases calcium

your bones causing them to

become weaker and fracture with

more easily

It also affects the respiratory system

that increases the chances of

get infections and bacteria prevents

the formation of the proton pump and

without it hydrochloric acid is not created

avoiding the decomposition of

food the intestine possesses acids from

natural way certainly the acid of

our stomach is the first obstacle

natural to prevent bacteria virus

and fungi enter our body

also without the secretion of these the

Digestive enzymes do not work

correctly and consequently

begins to suffer from gas pains

stomach and overweight what is your

function this acid is indispensable for

carry out the digestion of the

food and in turn break down the

so it allows the food bolus

go correctly to the intestine and

absorb the necessary nutrients if there

inadequacy of this one there is not a good

absorption of calcium iron and magnesium in

this sense the foods are not

digested and accumulate in the stomach


indigestion constant nausea and vomiting

how to control acidity maintain a

diet and a healthy lifestyle is

the best way to control acidity

of gastric juices consume fruits

rich in fiber and foods that promote

the cleansing of the organism can you

be very helpful although one of the

main elements that are used

to reverse acidity is the

baking soda and if you ingest it

with a little water will make your

Stomach upsets disappear in

few time lapses if you suffer from

hypertension it is recommended that you look

other alternatives because of its great

amount of sodium you should also take in

mind that you go to bed immediately

finish eating allows the flows

gastric reach the esophagus and

consequently you will feel burning in the

stomach so avoid doing it if it has

liked this information share it in

your social networks if it turned out to be

utility this information share it with

your family and your friends

do not forget to subscribe to my channel to

many natural remedies


For more infomation >> Omeprazole, A Pill Of Care To Consume It Can Cause You These Health Problems - Duration: 3:28.


World Cup Wreckers: Can Costa Rica do it again? - Duration: 11:40.

I'm very proud to be Tico [Costa Rican]

Proud because...

we're a country without an army

So we still feel a sense of peace

Despite being a small country

we like to do things right

Very pura vida like we say here in Costa Rica

Us players realize the responsibility we have with the country.

To represent it..

with a lot of pride

and we're a step away from the World Cup

I'd like to achieve what

Costa Rica achieved in Brazil in 2014

We know we have to fight and work hard

because we're in a really tough group.

The national team is my life

When the MLS opportunity arose

I didn't even have to think about it

I now feel appreciated and part of a team

I change once I'm on the field

I'm concentrated on my task

I'm very explosive and emotional

I can become Kendall the grinch,

the ogre.

Off the field I'm someone totally normal

and sensible.

Just wanting to live a happy life

That's what I miss

when I'm in Vancouver

... eating the food of my childhood.

He's known me since I was a baby

He's always been very humble

I had a nice childhood

The neighborhood...

had some drug problems.

There were times I wanted

to try something, but that would have caused problems

and I didn't want...

My grandmother to ground me

I like to take everything

that could be "negative"

or difficult,

and change it into something positive

I've got a strong personality

A little harsh at times and very direct

There's times when it's better to be quiet

and not participate.

because silence also has its value.

I'm a player with a god-given talent,

which is my speed.

I grew up in a really rural community.

Around 3 hours to train at Alajuela.

Every day, then the return was another 3 hours.

Every day I did it with a lot of love and,

with a lot of hope that one day I'd become a pro soccer player.

All of those houses you see there...

that's all the village of Palmichal.

It's been a long journey.

This is the entrance to Palmichal,

the village where I was born and raised.

For my first 15 years.

He's the oldest and I'm the youngest in the family.

Soylas, what we call them here in Costa Rica

It's me that does everything.

It's me who sweeps, who irons, who cooks... I do it all.

I told him one day I'll buy it for him.

I'd like to introduce you to my family.

This is my Dad, the famous Danilo Ureña.

I'm not famous

The famous Danilo Ureña.

This is where we grew up.

We've lived here for years.

I'm the only one they kicked out of here.

We lived there until I was 9.

So, I lived in this house for 7 years.

Then, my Dad decided to sell this house.

He built another one right next door.

That house was remodeled with...

with... when I went to Russia

That was the gift I got my parents.

I see them whenever I come to Costa Rica.

Not everyone, but a lot of them

In spite of the distance, we've stayed friends,

and that fills my spirits.

There didn't used to be so many houses.

This all used to be a coffee plantation.

This is my cousin.

His Dad is a goal-scorer too.

He scores goals with his head, no?

Are you tired? Did you run over here?

I came on motorcycle

You get tired riding a motorcycle?

You seem worked up

You play here?

I started playing soccer here too.

I started as a goalkeeper, imagine that.

This is the head of all the soccer in Palmichal.

He never charged. We're still here with the soccer school.

That kid you were just talking to...

is also in my school.

Marco told me he wanted to be goalkeeper.

Like my brother Cesar,

he was a goalkeeper too.

So we gave him a chance,

and over time...

decided he'd be a better forward.

Now the whole village wears #21.

I've got one as well.

The whole village puts on #21

with M. UREÑA on the back.

That inspires me a lot because

it's my village, my people.

This is my in-laws' house

We always come here when we visit from Vancouver.

For Mom's cooking.

We'll win the World Cup...

if he makes this header goal.

My son was born during a semifinal.

On a Saturday morning.

That Sunday, I scored.

So that became a truly important moment.

And I started to think, "Ok..."

"For him, I have to keep fighting."

To help Costa Rica qualify for the World Cup,

was impactful for Costa Rica.

Even historic, because

Costa Rica had been suffering through 3 storms

So we wanted to use that specific match,

as a way to bring joy to those people who

were having a really difficult time.

In the final minutes, Bryan Ruiz centers the ball

So I jumped

and headed it.

It was an explosion of happiness,

and I saw all the fans jumping for joy.

He moved the country from border to border.

Kendall became a hope,

and a legend for our country.

It's difficult to go out in public with him,

because you can't walk,

you can't eat,

you can't do anything,

because people adore him.

We grew up...really the majority of us

maybe 85% of the country, in very humble families.

So it's a country of hard-working,

moral, honest people.

He was the first goalkeeper I played with in 1st Division.

He's now the goalkeepers' coach.

You going to the World Cup now?

I hope, great to see you!

This stadium was my home for many years.

This is La Liga Deportiva Alajuelense.

An important club in Costa Rica with a lot of history.

I won 2 national championships here,

and after that I went to Russia.

It's nice being here again.

Brings back a lot of memories.

I scored my first Division 1 goal,

and later I also scored my first goal in a classico.

It was the winning goal and everyone went crazy.

They started throwing flares at the field.

and the astroturf went up in flames.

He was always a good kid, from right when he arrived.

With a lot of charisma and humility.

Just like he is now.

He was really quiet at first, no?

Then bit by bit he came out of his shell.

One day, a friend of mine,

Julio Carvajal, came over,

and he said, "Kendall, I have a tryout at Saprissa."

"Come with me so I don't have to go alone."

So I said, "let's go."

Into the monster's cave.

When we got to Saprissa,

one of the coaches came out and said,

"Hi Julio!" But he kept looking at me.

I said, "I just came to accompany him."

He kept looking at me and asked "Do you play too?"

So I said, "Yeah!"

Nice memories.

You were so young!

That was when I was 16 years old.

I got there

and had my first match against a younger division of Saprissa.

and scored 3 goals.

The coach calls me and says,

"We need your info,"

and your parents' info,"

"because we want you to come play for us."

I was hopeful and super happy.

And yeah... wow!

Time really flies.

And my friend, when I came out,

I asked him, "So, Julio?"

And he said, "No, they didn't tell me anything"

That's how I got to Saprissa.

This is the Purple Club.

Look, here's a little history.

Here I am.

Here it is, but you can only see my teeth.

So I started playing there,

Worked my way up to the Junior league,

and kept on growing.

When I come to watch a match,

my feet start itching to play.

I brought some pictures from when you were little.

Well, imagine that.

This always scares me.

This was when you used to collect balls.

That's my brother, the goalkeeper.

That's a great picture.

This one's worth taking a picture of.

That national team jersey I have on in the picture,

I didn't take that off until it was discolored.

It started out red, and ended up orange.

Look, when Marcos had curls,

but you don't wear your hair like that anymore.

No, it doesn't grow like that anymore

You had too much hair. You hadn't cut it.

We're very humble,

and seeing all he's done, and continues to do,

As a Mom, it's been an amazing experience.

For me it's been special.

I got to the US and was happy to have friends,

and teammates who are from Central America.

That helped me a lot to become part of the team.

And what helped my wife a lot was,

that the wives of the other latinos,

already had a Whatsapp group.

So they were talking before they knew her.

Latino players compared with US players,

are characterized by the fact we play in the streets.

There's a really solid infrastructure in the MLS.

So I decided to come to the US and,

I'm really happy about that and am enjoying the experience.

In the end, I can say --

I don't regret it. It's been a great year in my life.

Being such a small country,

I think that there are too many players with great talent.

In the MLS, the rhythm is greater,

more aggressive,

Whatever team I'm representing,

I always have to go in full force,

because I'm fighting for mine,

and him for his.

It fills me with pride to know,

that of the 5 million people here,

I'm one who gets to represent the country in something so important.

We're looking for another achievement in Russia.

We already know the path and what we have to do to achieve it.

It's not easy, but not impossible,

to hopefully go to Russia.

I want to enjoy it all I can.

For more infomation >> World Cup Wreckers: Can Costa Rica do it again? - Duration: 11:40.


How Much Muscle can you Build Naturally? [Hindi with English Subtitles] - Duration: 9:08.

For more infomation >> How Much Muscle can you Build Naturally? [Hindi with English Subtitles] - Duration: 9:08.


Nightcore - You can be king again (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:41.

lyric on screen. enjoy

For more infomation >> Nightcore - You can be king again (Lyrics) - Duration: 3:41.


How Apple Can Fix Siri And HomePod - Duration: 4:13.

- [Interviewer] What is there that

Apple needs to be doing today to Siri, to its AI systems,

to really catch up to what we've seen recently

from Google and MSOG.

- They made some small changes that are

impacting their AI and one of them is really subtle

but important is that they, about a year ago,

allowed their AI developers, their AI scientists,

to publish some of their work.

It's part of the community of being an AI scientist

is being able to publish your work

and Apple and its secretive society

certainly hasn't let them do that,

but they've opened up with that.

And then recently, they've hired the head of Google's AI.

That's a big deal.

It's a big deal because Google has said,

over the last two years in each of their earnings calls,

they've always led with we're an AI first company.

So to poach the head of AI from Google

I think sends a message to the market

that Apple wants to be serious about it.

And they need to be serious about it because so far,

they really haven't, there's a lot of AI

that's built into how your phone makes recommendations

on text messages or organizes photos, things like that,

how Siri works, but it still lags kind of

where the other players are like Google.

We measure smart speakers and the intelligence

of smart speakers and Google gets about,

this is 800 queries we do twice a year,

and Google gets 84% of them right in our last one we did.

And then we did HomePod when it came out

and it was more like 57% percent so it lagged.

There's good news, though, for Apple

is that there are categories that right now,

Apple doesn't even participate in

in some of the Siri functionality.

For example, navigation.

This is with HomePod in particular.

Navigation or with commerce.

If they would just turn those on, essentially,

and we think we're gonna hear more about that

at WWDC about opening up Siri to new verticals.

If they turn those on, you can see some quick gains

against like Google when you compare these two.

- Right, especially if that's part of the success

about Alexa may be, right out the gate,

it wasn't as capable but the fact that Alexa was open

to so many third parties, boom.

Overnight, it becomes much more capable than Siri.

Is it too late for Apple and the HomePod?

This smart speaker category really took off from Amazon.

Google's eating into Amazon's market share a little bit.

It seems like a two-man race right now.

Is there room for a third player

and can Apple be that third player?

- They can be a third player, a distant third player though,

in terms of market share.

- Is it too late?

- No, I think they're on track.

I think they've got the right product

and I think that and they add these other

functionality to it and adjust the price a little bit,

I think that they can kind of get to that,

and we think that third place kind of looks like

15 to 20% market share longer term.

So right now, there's some hundred million

smart speakers worldwide, and when you think about

the smart phone when you've got three billion, more or less,

there's a big opportunity for smart phones to grow.

Excuse me, for the connected device

or smart speaker to grow.

And homes have multiple ones within it.

Usually you have one and a quarter phone

so you might have several of these in your home.

So I think that we've got a long way to go

in terms of market share gains

and so I think that Apple is still in a great place

but I think that their market share in HomePod

is probably gonna gravitate to a similar market share

they have with iPhone which is

kind of mid to high-teen percent

and part of it is because they want to make money

on their hardware and they want a great hardware experience

and that shuts them out of a huge part of the market,

that price point.

- Had they announced the HomePod at WWDC,

I would have thought that would have been a good excuse

to say hey we're opening Siri up to

this many more verticals or all verticals.

Instead, we got a delayed HomePod

and Siri is still functioning mostly the same.

- Yeah, we were doubly disappointed.

Like you, we were expecting something

when they announced HomePod.

And then so HomePod was announced in the fall of last year.

And then when they delayed it,

we thought well then that's gonna be

in combination with the announcement

that they're opening up Siri.

So I guess maybe it might be three strikes and I'm out here

if they don't deliver on opening up Siri.

- Gene, thanks so much for joining us.

- I had a ton of fun.

Hope to see you soon!

- Thanks.

For more infomation >> How Apple Can Fix Siri And HomePod - Duration: 4:13.


Flat Stomach : 6 Simple Exercises You Can Do While Sitting - Duration: 3:44.

Flat stomach: 6 simple exercises you can do while sitting

More and more people work at jobs that require them to sit at a desk for long periods of


However, sitting for a long time can be devastating to both your health and your waist size.

But there are some things you can do, even if you're in the office or at home, for

that matter.

Here are six exercises that everyone can do — and best of all, you don't even have

to get up.


Knee-to-chest lift How to do it:

Sit with you back straight and not touching the back of your chair.

Keep your feet on the ground and as wide apart as your hips.

As you exhale, lift your right knee to your chest.

Hold a few seconds before slowly releasing your foot to the ground while breathing out.

Now, do the same with your left leg.

Repeat 20–30 times on each leg.

This exercise helps you burn fat, improves your metabolism, and strengthens your abdominal



Double knee lift How to do it:

Straighten your back and hold each side of the chair with both hands.

Then, hold your legs together and bring both knees simultaneously against your chest.

Keep your stomach muscles tense and slowly lower your legs without touching the ground

before lifting them again.

Repeat 10–20 times.

This exercise works your stomach muscles in an effective yet gentle manner.


Double knee lift with side bends How to do it:

Sit on the edge of your chair with your back straight.

Hold your chair firmly with both hands so that you're sitting on one glute.

Hold your knees and lift them to your chest and then lower your legs without touching

the ground before lifting again.

Repeat 10–20 times on each side.

This exercise is perfect for those who want to trim a little at the waist.


Bends How to do it:

Keep your feet on the ground and lift your arms to shoulder height.

Then, twist right and stretch forward to touch your left hand to your right foot.

Hold the position for a few seconds before returning to the starting position.

Then do the same motion on the other side.

Repeat 20–30 times and change sides between each bend.

This exercise burns fat on both your hips and stomach.


Body lift How to do it:

This exercise requires a stable chair with armrests.

Hold the armrests firmly and then stretch your arms while lifting your entire body from

the chair so that your legs are in the air.

While hanging in the air, raise your knees to your chest and try to hold the position

for 15 seconds.

Then slowly lower yourself and breathe.

Repeat four times.

This exercise burns fat effectively and gives you a well-toned back, shoulders, and stomach.


Knee-to-elbow life How to do it:

Sit down on your chair with your back straight without touching the back of the chair.

Place both your hands on the back of your head.

Then, lift your right knee and try to touch your left elbow.

Return to your original position and repeat with your left knee and right elbow.

Do four sets of 15 lifts on each side.

This exercise is very good for your abs.

Just make sure your knee touches your elbow.

These exercises are easy to do and don't take much time.

In addition to getting a well-toned body, you'll feel full of energy all day long.

Why not start a routine at work and save time at the gym?

Share these smart exercises with everyone you know.

They'll thank you later when they get a flat stomach!

Published by Newsner.

Please like.

For more infomation >> Flat Stomach : 6 Simple Exercises You Can Do While Sitting - Duration: 3:44.


How can I afford a SPORTSCAR at age 26? - Duration: 14:29.

Hi guys and welcome to THE video

that was requested most frequently by everyone

topic for today is

How can I afford and supercar with an age of 26?


many of you

commented under several videos what my actual job is

I thought for a long time that it is actually obvious

But it actually wasn't

So I'm gonna explain to you

what I actually do

How I earn money and how I can afford my sportscar

I will explain you also what my jobs where in the past

and what made me to get self-employed

this video is gonna be extensive

if you want to visit the restrooms again or if you want to get a drink, do it now

let me start about 2.5 years ago

I was doing an apprenticeship as a car sales manager


I thought that this was my dream job, because I wanted to something with cars

then I realized that this job

did not fulfilled my dreams

you sit in your office and sell the cars

but I wanted to drive more

I wanted to do something with sportscars

I wanted to experience something more and

my boyfriend and me thought that

we could

to post some pictures of cars on my Instagram account

just for trying out some things with social media

we didn't know what we could do with the channel

actually I just wanted to delete my account

because usually I don't post private stuff on there

Claus already had the Porsche and we visited car events and tours with supercars

and we always had very cool supercars with us

that you barely see on public roads

and we were like, hey!

let's take some pictures, post them online

and maybe a video too

and this point we didn't know anything about

camera gear

video-, photo apps and we had no clue about that

but we started that whole thing and we learned

those apps

we watched tutorials on the internet

how to edit videos and photos

which cameras are good?

at first this was a hobby for us

Last year in May (2016)

one year ago

I finished my apprenticeship successfully and I quit my Job at the very same day!

I didn't want to continue that Job

I felt like I was in prison

my creativity was not unleashed by its full potential

and I always knew that I always wanted

to be self-employed

to be my own boss and

I did that from that day on

Today, no not today.

exactly one year ago, last May

it's not that long ago

I can't really understand how fast time flies

About one year ago we had like 3,000 subscribers

we didn't earn any money with YouTube

we actually spent a lot of money for that

because we travelled a lot

we participated in all those car tours which were not cheap at all

So the point is

what do I do?

I do YouTube videos

and we really got self-employed with creating YouTube videos

my boyfriend is also self-employed of another company

but this is another story that we would like to remain as private

it is absolutely no big deal at all by the way

we founded a GmbH (equals Ltd.)

as web video producer which is the actual branch to sort us in

because YouTuber is actually not a real job title

we make video for the web/internet and this basically is my job!

that is my daily work that I live for

we really enjoy working for ourselves

it's my dream Job and it is Claus' dream job

we love cars, we love travelling

we can live our hobby and earn money with it at the same time

there is actually no job that i would enjoy more

I am my own boss, I can work at fast as I want

I can do whatever I want


I know it sound pretty awesome but it all has to do with a lot of work

there is actually a lot of work involved!

many people think: okay, those YouTubers just upload videos and earn lots of money with it

this is the most frequent reaction to it

because most people don't know what this job demands

First, I wanted to get more into the GmbH (Ltd) foundation

how do you sign up a company?

you go to a notary and register it in a commercial register

you have to do a primary deposit of


at least 50% of that must be deposited on your business' bank account

you have lots of costs at the beginning: notary, accountant,

commercial register costs money

you have lots of bills to pay

then we started to make a business-plan

then we thought: what can we achieve with our business and how can we achieve it?

what kind of videos do we want to create?

what is our target audience? How can we earn money with it?

such a business plan can be very challenging

but you have to think

How can I earn money in my company?

what are the requirements for this job?

for a web video producer?

First you need to think of a story

it is very important to post content regularly

Then you have to think of what to present in your videos

what is more interesting what is less interesting

then you have to shot your actual video

for that we have to travel a lot

we visit lots of destinations, that's normal when it is all about sportscars

of course there are YouTubers who can work from home too

I do it as well today, but for everything else I'm traveling

then you have to shot the actual video

which is very time consuming

sometimes a video that is ready to watch and which is 10min long was created within 3 days

it looks like little little work but usually it is a lot of work

you have to learn the apps like

you have to learn Lightroom, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects

that took a very long time and I'm still not a pro today

Claus and me edit videos together

Claus always translates all videos manually into English

that takes hours as well

then you have to learn to handle your equipment

with all the cameras

you can take videos with your phone too of course

but the quality is not as good

we use many slow motions

and scenes with music and effects

you need a more professional camera for that

to edit a video is work that can take forever

sometimes I sit here and think: oh dear

to edit a video took longer a year ago than it takes today

but still today I need sometimes 2 full days for that

it's not like put each clip to another

you have to add a color grading on the clips

stabilize the clips when it is too shaky

you have to sync the sound

I work with an external microphone to get a better sound

you have to adjust the sound level

sometimes you want to add text to a video

then you have to edit all the pictures

which I post on Instagram, Facebook and so on

all the postings have to be edited

with the correct hashtags, video description

in German and in English

you have to create the homepage and it needs to be up to date

having the most recent texts and pictures online

then we have to update our media data

and this is the next big important thing

why do I need media data?

with the media data you can show the stats of your channel

how many impressions and reach do you have for example

what's your target audience

everything that is important for potential cooperation partner

and this leads us to the next question: how do I actually earn money?

First, as a YouTuber you earn money from YouTube of course

how does that work?

first I have to say: that has absolutely nothing to do with my subscribers count

you don't get money from subscribers

once you subscribe to a YouTube channel

it is always for free and it only means that

you'll get notified once a new video is online

Therefore the subscribers count is


The clicks are important

the more clicks you have the more money you earn

but that is actually a topic that is way more complex

if you want me to get more into detail about that I can do another video if you want

the short description is, there are

companies or manufacturers who want to advertise their products

they pay YouTube money

so that YouTube puts ads on videos

you have probably seen ads on this clip as well

that means that I have earned money with that

I didn't earn that from you, but from the companies who paid YouTube for that

so that they are allowed to show their ads on different videos

this is nothing else than a placard which is on a wall

that wall is part of a house and the owner lets the wall on a lease

to someboday who placed the placard there

it works the same way with YouTube

YouTube is only a side-income

I earn the main income from

companies that I personally run ads for.

For example a product placement in my videos

an entire ad-video, an ad posting on Instagram

and also external things that are not visible on my channels

we also create videos that only appear on the channels of the companies that we work for

that means that there are many videos that you don't actually see on my channels

now let's get to the point how I actually could afford an R8 with the age of 26

within the last year my business perfomed very well

Claus and me grew very fast

our income went up quickly but until that point it was very tough

we actually started 2.5 years ago

But I was only able to work for it full time a year ago

everything we did before that was way less ambitious

I didn't had enough time due to my apprenticeship

when I quit my job I was able to focus on

creating videos

and now I can live from that

I earn money with it and

I was able to afford my Audi R8

the car is leased which is not a secret

I mentioned that in other videos already

for example where I configured the car

if you don't know that it will appear somewhere over here

But also such a leasing of a sportscar

is not cheap at all

most people underestimate that as well

what I pay for the leasing each month

is about what I've earned in 2.5 months 5 years ago

and I didn't even add the maintenance

I can also add a video of the maintenance costs of the R8

if you want to see that, write it in the comments under the video!

then I can tell you more about that

that was actually the most important part

I hope it was a little bit insightful

now you probably know what I actually do for a living

what I'm doing right now is my job

I don't do anyhting else, I love it, it's the best thing I can do

when I turned my hobby into my job

saying that, I can also recommend this to you

when you thought of doing something similar

that makes you happy

if you aren't happy in your current job

if you want to have a change in your life

then do it! Don't wait too long

we did it as well, even when it was not easy at all

such a standard metaphor

you won't be successful overnight

you cannot earn money and be successful overnight

every start-up business has to invest lots of money and time

we still invest plenty of time, it is a 24/7 job

for us there are no holidays, no sundays

we use especially those days for uploading videos

because most people are at home then

to watch our new video

just do it!

don't think about it for too long

don't let yourself turn down by what others say

that is basically my tips that I can provide you

Did I forget anyhting?

there is still much to say and there are still many videos that I can create for you

I can also get into detail about several things if you like

write it in the comments what you want to know

okay, I say goodbye now

if you like this video click on thumbs up

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel

don't forget: it is for free

see you next time! Bye bye!

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