so, hello everyone, it's skeptic pork here
today we are NOT, targeting a video
wow, what a surprise, i know, i know
I came across this site on twitter, which i saved the link for, but i couldn't find the original tweet to show you guys
but whatever
so we are responding to a blog post entitled:
ok, also, as a side note, i will be modifying my voice
from my reading voice
which will sound like this {says in diferent tone}
and my normal voice
with that being said, let's began
[playing intro]
[reading from screen]
yeah, that describes the majority of the people that i have met
[reading from screen]
Depends on what you define by "ought to do"
", for instance if you mean what you do to preserve your liberty and to have a choice on subjects
then it probably is a good idea to build relations that ensure trust among the people you interact with
but if you mean what we, at a societal level ought to do
then simply acting in ways which promulgate the well-being of our integrants, is another route to take
but this is simply on the basis you care about your own existence
since this is dependent upon others
now, cosmically speaking you don't "ought" to do anything other than follow the physical laws of the universe
but if you care about your society, and your rights
you are also accepting the responsibilities that come with these
[text is on screen]
A way in which morality is often described is, as a social contract
in other words
the rights, responsibilities and value that we each put onto each other
, in the case of humility, well, in a tribe where all of the members have to cooperate
the willingness to share what you gather with the rest will in the long term help sustain the tribe that you yourself are dependent upon for survival
in the case of forgiveness
it's more of something we do in order to no longer hold crutches, against the other members of our community
who again, would also be part of our social circle and, directly or indirectly affect our survival
in our modern capitalist societies,
the countries are no longer the entangling community,
except for regulating laws and things of that nature,
but there are still social circles and entanglements that we are responsible for,
when it comes to our community, we know we can't succeed on our own,
so we look to have safety nets that can help us, this can come in a number of ways,
from having good relationships with your customers, employees, friends, and relatives
as well as helping the poor so that other people may have a reason to want to help you if you ever needed it
. I extended myself a little bit here, but that may be a trend on this video,
[text is on screen]
I really wish there were citations for this point,
it would make my life so much easier, but either way,
so, to be honest while I do happen to think the gospels were based upon a real historical figure,
I am skeptical on whether there was a tomb to begin with,
, since the most likely case scenario for that, was for the bodies of criminals were thrown away, not given a special burial
let's for the sake of argument assume that the accounts of the empty tomb were true,
can we say, God rose Jesus from the dead?,
well the problem is that, that would already presuppose the existence of god
so it would really just be begging the question
and since apologists have often said that, the super nature can't be tested
therefore we couldn't replicate a resurrection in a lab,
it pushes the preposition to the "unfalsifiable" category
i will put it in other terms
if I was to say that aliens stole his body, that would sound ridiculous,
because we have no indication aliens exist to begin with in the modern day
so it would be unfounded as an explanation for the past,
but, similarly if we cannot test super nature in the present, it's no more than an unfounded explanation for the past
as for the 500 figure?
as far as I know there is only one source for that, which is Paul's writings
and honestly, a guy claiming 500 people did X,
is not sufficient evidence that 500 people, actually did X
and for the last point, people die for their beliefs,
that happened back then,
it also happened with heaven's gate more recently
and it happened with Jews in world war II
so that is really just evidence that they were convinced it was true,
but not whether or not it was true
[text is on screen]
Mathematics, logic and rational are tools we use to interpret the universe,
they are not some platonic concepts that exist beyond it
[text is on screen]
Our interpretation of the universe came as a tool of this, they are not two separate things
the universe is in the language we are able to understand it,
because, We MADE the language with the intention of understanding it!,
and what is not in this metaphorical language,
is what we still don't understand
[text is on screen]
Well, this is where I can only answer for myself,
I subscribe to utilitarianism,
in other words, the value of something must be dependent upon it's desires, potential for desires and the implications this has upon others,
so, I personally don't think that the value comes with human DNA,
but rather with personhood,
or the ability to appreciate your own existence,
which can be upon different degrees,
, and these degrees is what determines the standards that you are, to be hold by
in other words,
I do think human life is more valuable than the other life forms on earth,
not because they have human DNA,
but because there is a person behind that human DNA,
and if say, really intelligent aliens or a self-aware conscious AI, was able to interact with us in the same way humans can
I believe they should be held to those same standards.
And when we say that the purpose of the existence of living things is procreation,
this is true but, in the level of a species,
in the level of an individual, we are able to make whatever we want of our future,
I mean we can appreciate our own existence, meaning we can also draw the reasons for doing so
[text is on screen]
All right, this goes to defend the prochoice positions,
well I am a pro-choicer so I may as well answer it,
though suffice to say, that not all atheists are prochoice and not all theists are prolife either,
so I will be answering it for myself only,
people have rights over their own bodily anatomy,
this allows them to refuse to donate blood, organs, steam cells, if they so desire,
in the case of a human foetus, it does not develops inside an egg external to the mother,
it develops inside the uterus of its mother,
, this means that It is constantly taking nutrients from her,
and, as it grows it affects more and more her internal anatomy,
not to mention that given birth is one of the highest pain experiences a woman goes through,
so, in the same way you can refuse to give your blood and organs to someone else,
you should be able to refuse allowing someone to develop inside you for 9 months,
taking nutrients from you.
As for the question of "what standards do they use to determine the value of human life?"
well, see my previous answer
I value personhood, not just human DNA.
Well, this was quite a different subject,
thank you guys for watching,
let me know your thoughts in the comment section,
I have feeling there may be a bit of a debate down there,
but, just try to be respectful with each other,
I have been skeptic pork,
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