Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

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10 Cool Things To make With a GLUE GUN

HANDCRAFT at home for kids

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For more infomation >> 10 Cool Things To Make With A Glue Gun or Handcraft - Duration: 13:37.


Man wanted for taking photos or video of child in Walmart changing room - Duration: 2:18.

For more infomation >> Man wanted for taking photos or video of child in Walmart changing room - Duration: 2:18.


Every Episode Of SpongeBob Season 6 Reviewed In 10 Words Or Less! - Duration: 10:10.

Hey ladies and jellyfish, wumbos of all sizes, welcome back to A.S.K.

Air's videos!

If you're new here, I do cartoon reviews and if you enjoy that kinda stuff, consider


Welcome back to my never-ending project to review every episode of SpongeBob in 10 words

or less!

Today: season 6.

I think I've done this so many times that the rules are just redundant.

But, for newer viewers, I will rate every episode of this season great, good, meh, bad

or boo and give each a short review in 10 words or less.

Anyway, we have 44 eleven minute episodes, 2 specials and 1 TV movie to cover, so let's

get it on!

House Fancy Good

Way too overhated because of the stupid toenail scene!

Krabby Road Good

A clever and unique episode that could've ended better.

Penny Foolish Bad

Flanderization of flanderization, ladies and jellyfish!

Nautical Novice Bad

It could've been at least a good!

Spongicus Good

Sponge-i-weirdly good!

Suction Cup Symphony Good

Even the good season 6 episodes have to be weird...

Not Normal Great

The only shred of complete decency this season so far.

Gone Boo

Way to mean to SpongeBob as a character.

The Splinter Boo

Haha, yeah no.

Slide Whistle Stooges Boo

Can I strangle someone, PLEASE?

A Life In A Day Good

Livin' like a cartoon reviewer without bias.

Sun Bleached Bad

Racial discrimination comments coming in 3, 2, 1...

Giant Squidward Bad

These writers STILL don't get it, do they?

No Nose Knows Meh


Patty Caper Bad

An utter letdown on the writers' part.

Plankton's Regular Bad

A cool premise, but execution was really hard on Plankton.

Boating Buddies Boo

Some of the worst this series has to offer!

Krabby Kronicle Meh

Would've been a great without Krabs winning in the end.

Slumber Party Great

Very funny indeed.

Grooming Gary Bad

They really can't do a good Gary episode, can they?

SpongeBob Vs.

The Big One Bad

The Bored One is what they called me.

Porous Pockets Great

One of Patrick's best appearances thus far.

Choir Boys Boo

Despise is too nice a word for this.

Krusty Krushers Good

That twist actually got me!

The Card Bad

A bad episode for a simple reason.

Dear Vikings Bad

Was this episode cut for time or something?

Ditchin' Meh

I don't know how to feel about this one.

Grandpappy The Pirate Good

The lying moral is so easy yet so effective!

Cephalopod Lodge Boo

At this point I'm struggling to spare myself.

Squid's Visit Boo

And I thought I was uncomfortable...

To SquarePants Or Not To SquarePants Boo

Not To SquarePants was the better choice...

Shuffleboarding Meh

Why is that even the title?

Professor Squidward Bad

Not memorable, clever or unique in the slightest.

Pet Or Pests Bad

I think the title was misread from Pet and Pests.

Komputer Overload Good

That failure was too easy!

Gullible Pants Meh

They probably think I'm gullible too, don't they?!

Overbooked Good

The plot is really good!

No Hat For Pat Great

They finally got Patrick's character right!

Toy Store Of Doom Meh

That title is as clickbaity as a Vine compilation!

Sand Castles In The Sand Great

Great, but still overrated.

Shell Shocked Meh

The first half is decent, the second not, what's that?!

Chum Bucket Supreme Meh

Slow and boring, but mildly cheeky!

Single Cell Anniversary Great

Oh my Plankton, oh my beautiful character Plankton!

Truth Or Square Boo

Should've picked truth!

Pineapple Fever Bad

Frustrating, but I did laugh a bit.

Chum Caverns Meh

Good, but not special.

The Clash Of Triton Boo

Unfunny, unsensical, un-good-characters, ungood…

Now it's time for the top and bottom 5.

I think doing them separately like the last videos is a little mundane, so let's intermix

them and do each number together.

#5 Best: Porous Pockets This is a great callback to when Patrick was

a likable character.

The plot and moral work and the characters make this all the more enjoyable.

#5 Worst: Truth Or Square This episode is amazing guys!

It is funny, the flashbacks are pretty fanservicey and the characters hilariously bounce off

each other!

The plot is very classic and simple and the solution is well paced in the episode and

not too early or late.

And I loved a lot of jokes, such as Patchy's awesome casting scenes, Mr. Krabs losing his

wallet and of course Patrick breathing on Squidward's neck, cause who doesn't love


So why is it #5 worst?

Because this season is so good that the comparison knocked it down a lot.

#4 Best: Sand Castles In The Sand Now, before I start this review, yes, I do

think this episode is severely overrated due to multiple reviewers such as Mr. Enter making

videos on it, and making it look better than I think it is.

However, that's not to say this isn't AWESOME!

It may start a little wanky, but the plot and characters make this episode so worthy

of watching.

The battle of the two characters is epic and the animation makes this really creative.

#4 Worst: Cephalopod Lodge This episode is so annoying.

We've seen Squidward getting tortured before.

We've also seen SpongeBob and Patrick wanting to have Squidward join their club.

We've also seen SpongeBob try to help Squidward and screw up.

But we haven't seen them all together, so I guess that's the excuse we need for this

to exist.

#3 Best: The Slumber Party This episode is so hilarious!

There were so many jokes interspersed in the plot and it was just awesome all the way through!

The plot of Mr. Krabs having a slumber party with SpongeBob while Pearl has one with her

friends, and Krabs wanting SpongeBob to check on them is a great idea for an episode, and

it leaves so much room for humor and character development.

#3 Worst: The Splinter This episode is wrong in all the ways.

It is boring, stale and unneeded, the animation is horrible, the characters of Squidward and

Patrick are the worst.

The comedy is non-existent, the plot is stupid and the disgusting overtone this has the nerve

to put out is so insulting.

#2 Best: Not Normal This episode is way too overrated for its

own good, and that applies to most of the episodes in the top 5, but this is still great,

and it would fit perfectly in season 3 or 4, I think.

The plot is very smart, and it matches the characters of Squidward and SpongeBob, as

well as Patrick's nice side.

There isn't any gross-out, except SpongeBob's eyes falling out if you consider that gross-out.

The comedy is on point, like the joke when the lady says she only talks to normal people

as SpongeBob and Patrick are being weird.

#2 Worst: Boating Buddies So, if you're a long time fan, and you've

seen my disgusting trash video on the top 10 Squidward Torture Episodes, you'd see

that this episode was my least favorite Squidward torture episode.

It is so utterly irritating that we still get Squidward getting tortured for no reason,

literally NO REASON, SpongeBob being a disgusting creeper who can't see 3 inches in front

of his long stupid nose.

The world is against Squidward which I absolutely hate as Squidward did literally NOTHING to

deserve it.

He wasn't mean, disgusting or even egotistical.

The plot may be fine, with Squidward joining SpongeBob for boating school, but execution

was so poor!

It actually takes talent to take a concept so simple, and make it into this thing.

Can you really blame me for hating it?

Golden Ep: No Hat For Pat Wow, I love this episode.

Now, this episode, unlike literally every other choice on this list, aside from maybe

Porous Pockets, is extremely underrated for its own good.

The plot is about Patrick wanting to have a work hat like SpongeBob and actually being

determined to get it, by asking Mr. Krabs and gradually going from being the guy outside

who holds a sign, to being the Krusty Krab's main attraction by him falling on his head.

And Patrick's determination and cool nature makes it all the more enjoyable as you know

Patrick is not being hurt mentally.

And Mr Krabs getting money from Patrick's pain is fine as he gets his karma at the end.

And it doesn't tick you off by having him still win in the end like Krabby Kronicle.

And the Squid torture at the end is completely justified, as it doesn't go on too long,

and Squidward actually deserved it.

And this is actually funny.

This is definitely season 6's best and one of my all-time favorite episodes of SpongeBob.

Rotten Ep: Choir Boys But, we can't all be winners.

Although No Hat For Pat being amazing and awesome overall, this episode takes the cake

for how atrocious it is.

The plot, characters, comedy, animation, tone, dialogue, music, gross-out, sound effects

and everything put into this episode sucks.

That is enough to say.

Now that all of that's done, let's get into the stats.

I'm predicting, at the time of writing this, that this will be a bad season, and in fact

the worst season so far in this project.

So, anyway we had 6 greats, 9 goods, 9 mehs, 13 bads and 10 boos.

Clearly this season is strongly bad.

Just like last season, let's see which side, better or worse has more episodes, and then

find the average rating later.

So, with the which side is better thing, we can split meh into about 4 and 4, and add

great, good and meh vs meh, bad and boo, and we see that the better side has 19 episodes,

while the worse side has 27.

So we know that the bad side has more episodes, pretty obvious and self explanatory.

Then, for the average, like last season, which if you haven't seen the link is in the description

and in the pinned comment, we'll give each rating an average percent, and find the average

percent, and we get about 60.11, which just barely gets into light meh, as in it's almost

bad, but just barely meh.

Therefore, I think season 6 fits into bad perfectly.

Anyways, don't forget to leave your thoughts on the SpongeBob season 6 in the comments

down below, like the video if you enjoyed, and subscribe if you like what you see.

If you're new, feel free to check out my YouTube homepage for more videos, and check

out my website for links and tons of spoilers!

Links as always in the description and card up above!

Thank you so much for watching, and I'll see you guys next time!


For more infomation >> Every Episode Of SpongeBob Season 6 Reviewed In 10 Words Or Less! - Duration: 10:10.


Best Smartphone Hack | How to get Unlimited Storage on your iPhone or any other Smartphone - Duration: 6:49.

Hey there this is Ankush Now today I wanna talk about a problem that everyone faces with

their smartphone ahh...

Anyone with a smartphone that is less than 64GB in 2018 will probably face this problem.

And that problem is your Smartphone running out of Storage.

You go on to download an App but your phone can't do it because there is no memory on

your phone.

You go on to take a video but your phone can't do it because there's no space on your phone.

So what do you do about it?

Now turns out that most of the Storage that is on your Phone is being taken up by the

Photos and Videos that is on your phone right now.

Those photos and videos might have been taken by you from your Camera itself or it might

have been sent to you through WhatsApp or something, but whatever's the case, the Photos

and Videos that are on your phone right now that is the main culprit for taking so much


Now when you go to Download an App and your phone is out of memory, you don't want to

delete those Photos and Videos because those Photos and Videos might be your memories,

memories of your friends, memories of your Families.

You don't wanna delete them.

What you want is transfer the memories and save them in a place other than your smartphone.

Now that place can be a MicroSD Card or an External Hard Drive.


most people save it on their Laptops or their Computers.

But none of these solutions are like perfect! you can lose your MicroSD Card, it is also

possible to lose your Laptop or your Hard Drive.

But my problem with these solutions is like you have to store your memories in Folders,

and storing memories in Folders is like... its.. its not elegant.

I have a better solution.

And that solution is Google Photos.

Did you know that you can upload unlimited amount of Photos and Videos on Google Photos?

That's like having unlimited amount of Storage on Google Drive!

I didn't know that.

Now if you're running an Android Phone, you already have Google Photos.

And if you're running an iPhone, you can download Google Photos from the App Store.

But if you're running something that isn't an Android Phone nor an iPhone ... What are

you running?

When you open Google Photos, all the Photos and Videos you have on your Phone will appear

right there.

And those Photos will have this mark on them.

This mark means that these photos have not yet been uploaded to Google Photos.

Now when I turn on this option to automatically upload my Photos and Videos to Google Photos,

ah whenever my Phone is connected to a WiFi, Google Photos will start uploading my Photos

and Videos. and once this Photo is uploaded this sign will go away.

Now there's this one awesome feature that this App provides and this awesome feature

is Free Up Space which is built into the App itself.

It does exactly what it says, this feature frees up space on your phone by deleting those

Photos and Videos that has already been uploaded to Google Photos.

It doesn't delete all the Photos and Videos that are on your phone, only those that have

already been uploaded to Google Photos.

Isn't this feature like the complete package?

You can go on about your day, take as many photos and videos you want and when you come

back and connect to your Wifi, Google Photos will start uploading them automatically.

And then when you run out of storage, you can use this feature to Free Up Space!

This is the trick I wanted to talk about!

If you're someone who's facing a problem of Storage on your Smartphone because of too

many photos and videos on your phone you should use this method and you'll never run out of


Just keep this option ON to automatically upload my Photos and Videos to Google Photos

and then when you'll want space, you'll have space.

But I don't do that.

I personally keep that option to automatically upload OFF because when I take photos I take

multiple photos of the same thing, you know, to find that perfect shot.

And I don't want all those Photos to be uploaded to Google Photos.

I want my Google Photos, you know, to stay a bit clean, like organised a bit.

So what I do is that when I come back home, I just go though my Photos and find the best

one and then upload them myself.

And I also use these options given by Google Photos you know where you can make Collages

and you can Animate your Photos, you can add music to your videos and make movies out of

your Photos and Videos, these options are built into the App and I always use them,

but that is just me.

You can keep that option ON to automatically upload and there is no problem with that .

So how is Google even able to do this?

They are providing unlimited amount of Storage to every user, free of cost.

Isn't Facebook doing the same?

You can upload unlimited amount of Photos and Videos to Facebook, there is no limit

to it.

You can upload unlimited amount of videos to YouTube, there's no limit to it.

The question is not how Google is able to do this, the question is why's Google doing


Because on Facebook and YouTube when you upload something other people come to watch it.

A community is built and then Facebook and YouTube show ads to that community and they

earn from it.

But on Google Photos, there is no community.

There are no ads shown.

Every photo and video that you upload stay private, only you can see them.

So why is Google doing this, I don't know.

The point that I wanna come to on this is, anything you upload to Facebook and YouTube

it gets compressed.

The photo you upload to Facebook it gets compressed, the video you upload to YouTube, it gets compressed.

By compression I mean degraded to a lower quality and file size.

Same is with Google Photos.

The Photos and Videos that you upload, they are not exactly the same quality as they were

taken from your Phone, they are degraded a bit, but let's see how bad is that compression,


So on the left hand side is the video that was taken directly from this Camera and on

the right hand side is the video that was taken from this camera but uploaded to Google

Photos and then downloaded back from it.

So there's no compression of the left hand side, but there is compression applied by

Google Photos on the right hand side, okay?

Can you see much difference?

I personally cannot see much difference at all.

Yeah maybe when you zoom in a bit you might be able to see the difference, but this is

very minute.

Maybe if you're a Photographer it might matter to you, but to a normal person like me, I

have no problem with this.

So this is it.

This is everything that I need to tell you about Google Photos, and the trick I mentioned

by which you can basically have unlimited amount of storage.

My advice for you is that in 2018, buy a phone that is 64GB or more, anything less than 64GB,

you will run into a problem.

Ah... you can download as many songs you want, you can download as many apps you want, I

don't think you will be able to fill that space and for the Photos and Videos, use this

trick and basically you have a Phone with unlimited amount of Storage.


I forgot!

What about the Photos and videos that used to be taken before there were smartphones

and digital Cameras.

They used to be printed on sheets like these remember?

So how to back these up, so that we never lose them?

Ah... there's this another App by Google again called PhotoScan.

Ah... it is the best Photo Scanning App, trust me on this.

It removes all the glare and the reflection that are coming from the surrounding and you'll

always have a pristine scan.

And now that you have that scan and you want to upload it to Google Photos, Google Photos

also has this option to backdate a Photo.

And by backdate I mean you can change the Date and Time of when that Photo was taken.

And so this way, you will have a perfectly chronological timeline, if you want to do


Right now Google Photos may not sound much to you, but there is no other service that

comes even close to what Google is providing.

So when you start doing this and you continue to do this for a year or two, and actually

you have to do nothing, everything is done automatically by your phone.

So when your phone has been doing this for a year or two and you come back to see those

memories, Google Photos will be the most cherished app on your Phone.

Okay, bye!

For more infomation >> Best Smartphone Hack | How to get Unlimited Storage on your iPhone or any other Smartphone - Duration: 6:49.


GALICIAN OR ELVISH? *wtf* Language Challenge - Duration: 10:01.

hey howr you, welcome to a new video

today we're gonna take a test related to galician

(speaking galician)

i have uploaded 3 days in a row

its true, here we are

i've been too long without speaking galician

6 years, i study in madrid

lets switch languages because...yeah

i dont wanna mess up

with a language i should know perfectly

as you can see im wearing a celta sweatshirt

im looking to the mic but

i have to lok there

celta is my team and its a sweatshirt

of a galician team and its gonna help us

get good grades on this test that says

do you know if these words are galician or elvish?

before i start the video let me remind you

if you havent subsribed to my channel

you can do by clicking down below

if not, next time you come to galicia

or you eat pulpo a feira

youll choke with the pulpo

and you'll die

because if you choke on octopus you die

and thats it

since i always forget something, today too

you can play with me this test

while you watch

and tell me in the comments where

do you come from, where are you watching

this video, in galicia, spain or anywhere in the world

lately when i post a language video

we try to learn a bit about the language

and today's language is galician

maybe some of you know some galician already,

others dont

let's begin with a saying

this means that each person will get what they deserve

it might look good but in the end it'll get what it deserves

then we're gonna tell a galician joke

yesterday's jokes were awful so

i think i found some galician jokes

that could be better

not gonna lie

this is not the best joke in the world

i think we have better jokes than this one

but yeah

centolo is a type of crab

typical from galicia

tolo/a = crazy person

thank you, havent i explained it well?!

before we face this test we still need to

learn a new galician word

even though this word is now a spanish word

they adopted it from galician

its origin is galician

morriña is being homesick

missing your homeland

your family or origin

the true morriña is only felt by


because galicia is different

and galician people too

lets start the test now

we're ready

can you tell if these words are galician or elvish?

we have a pic of legolas

a character from the lord of the rings

we have to choose if agarimo

is elvish or galician

agarimo is galician

not very complicated

friendship, tenderness for somebody

rag is real academia galega

i dont know about you but i know 0 elvish

i do know galician

but i think there's people who've learnt the elvish

alphabet and how to speak

i dont think this is galician

if it were elvish it'd sound like ambaronys

or ambaronidys

lets click elvish

this is galician

X in galician is pronounced like SH in english

while in spanish it'd be said like aCsouCsere

you say the X differently

this word means rattle

in galician, i was gonna say english

something that makes sounds

i think this means foggy

a bit of fog

in the morning

it is galician

not a doubt on this one

this is elvish

we dont say this in galician

unless you're a bit crazy

to be fair we have a wide variety of people in galicia

very very different people

it means western people, friends of aragorn

i dont know anything about elvish

i havent even watched the movies

dont kill me

be right back

theres a famous galician book called

a esmorga

and yes if you're doubting

we have important galician exams

to access university

and we study galician literature as well as the spanish

if you think exams in galicia

is easier than other places


it means party

a party where you drink a lot and you get home on 4 legs

any night, for some people

for some other people

end of the year party

it depends on your taste

lareira is galician and it means

a crop field

i think

it means chimney

when i said my galician is leaving me

because i live in madrid now i'm telling the truth


it was chimney, sorry dont kill me

i havent spoken it in so long...

joy in galician

this test is not very elvish, only one word

clickbait title though

galician vs elvish

lua means moon

luada might be something related to the moon

in fact its galician

interval between the two phases of the moon


moon is lua

and sol is sun

next word is macar

i dont think this is galician

i dont know, is it elvish?


it means swordsman

how cool man

who came up w this language

the writer jr tolkien

let's create a language, called elvish

create new words, not related to anything

and there will be people willing to learn this language

to brag about it

man dont learn elvish

learn basque cause it's wa harder

and you can use it for someting at leas

why do you need elvish?

there are no elves anymore

there have never been

this is elvish as well

the mount of fate

if you want to know your fate

you go to orodruin and they tell you

i said it yesterday on the video

if you havent watched you should

you can subscribe as well, dont forget

this means dumb or stupid

lack of intelligence

this is elvish

this test is too easy

voronda is elvish for loyal

can keep a promise

very useful

when you have a loyal friend

you're a vorondo

i got them all


not even legolas could have topped that

evidently, legolas does not speak galician

i'm overwhelmed


i nailed everything

this is the end of the video

finally we passed the test

in galician but yeah, we naild every answer

like this video if you liked it

tell me where you're from in the comments

where are you watching the video

tell me video ideas and suggestions in the comments

see you soon

For more infomation >> GALICIAN OR ELVISH? *wtf* Language Challenge - Duration: 10:01.


Xero, QBO, or Both? | Business Process Improvement for Your Ecommerce Accounting Company - Duration: 4:41.

hey it's patti scharf CPA and co-founder of catching clouds the leader in

e-commerce accounting today I want to just tell you about a conversation I was

having with a couple of other accountants they both specialize in

e-commerce and one of them was saying hey I've got this opportunity to work

with a client but they want to use QuickBooks Online so you know what what

would you guys say or do in this situation

and one of the other people in a group was like well you know you could

consider working with QuickBooks on I know you're a hundred percent zero only

but you you could consider working with QuickBooks Online and you know maybe

opening up additional markets and more services and I was just like oh oh no

and it's not because I don't like QuickBooks Online it's I've got a couple

of thoughts on this and one is the the ik at the the clients that we're serving

they aren't accountants that's why they're coming to us and they are

trusting us to know the right tools to use for them so I would hope that they

would place enough trust in us to pick that tool if they're really

adamant and they maybe they are super tech savvy maybe they're our CPA and

just want somebody else to do the day-to-day bookkeeping great fine and

and they love QuickBooks Online great I would just be like let me introduce you

just somebody else who uses QuickBooks Online but I wouldn't change my own

practice and work with other tools and let me give you a little bit more

context on this so I actually used QuickBooks QuickBooks desktop and

QuickBooks Online QuickBooks it like all the QuickBooks is from like 2005 to 2016

as late as 2016 we had one last client that we didn't have the heart to fire

until we were like we just can't do it anymore

unless I want to just do the bookkeeping forever more so so we I've used

QuickBooks a lot I've got no problems with QuickBooks but here's what happened

back in 2013 I think maybe even earlier maybe two

thousand twelve but definitely 2013 I was like okay I need somebody else in

here to help with the bookkeeping and I'm not gonna do it all myself I'm

building a business and not a job so I need to standardize my processes and

things like that so I was like okay well with this situation with QuickBooks

Online and integrated with Bill comm for example you do it this way and with Xero

and Bill comm it goes the other way and it was just I found that I was having to

duplicate all of the processes it was super confusing for my team when when

people weren't as tech savvy as me it was really hard to train them because

they just be they get mixed up about you know not understanding the workflow and

things like that so so I made the conscious decision and it was a

strategic decision in 2013 to only pick one tool and run with it and that ended

up being zero partially because I just loved it the more you 0 the more I liked

it the more I used QuickBooks Online the more hated it

but that's a personal preference thing but the other reason was around that

time we started specializing in e-commerce businesses and at that time

it blew away the competition as far as being able to integrate with other

systems and things like that so it was really a no-brainer for me to become 0

only and I would never pick up well never say never but I have no intention

of picking up another tool just because it's not necessary you can do everything

with Xero that you could with QuickBooks Online and I would say vice-versa too so

it really comes down to personal preference you hear me say this all the

time over and over I guess that's my soapbox

I hope you liked this video if you did please like share comment and actually

if you're using QuickBooks Online or you're using Xero and you have a

preference and you you can articulate why leave me a comment down below

because I'm just curious to see and I'm always kind of keeping my eye on the

industry and seeing where things are going so I hope you liked this video and

I'll catch you later

For more infomation >> Xero, QBO, or Both? | Business Process Improvement for Your Ecommerce Accounting Company - Duration: 4:41.


Oc Speed paint part 1: Line art(or-whatever you want to call it) - Duration: 7:13.

Time: around 1 hour

Tablet and pen: wacom

Program: Krita

For more infomation >> Oc Speed paint part 1: Line art(or-whatever you want to call it) - Duration: 7:13.


How to Centering Text or Object in After Effects - Duration: 3:00.

Type any text or insert any object in the timeline.

Now enable the Title/Action Scale.

This is the crapy way right?

Now,I talk about how to quickly center stuff horizontally and vertically using the 'Align' panel

If you don't see the "Align" panel here then go to Windows and add it to your custom workspace for easy access.

Now you can align text to one edge of a paragraph (left, center, or right for horizontal text; top, center, or bottom for vertical text)

If you have any questions, feel free to leave them down below as I love doing these quick tip videos!

And be sure to subscribe our channel. Thank you.

For more infomation >> How to Centering Text or Object in After Effects - Duration: 3:00.


Serums VS Facial Oils for Acne Prone Skin || Which Facial Oil or Serums to use for Acne Prone Skin - Duration: 7:42.

- ah, Malika me me

And so with all the youtubers and bloggers sharing new and new

faces to be a face oils and serums to be included in our beauty regimen you're probably thinking

Which one should you be using? How should you be used?

When and where should we apply should you apply it should you be using it at all if you're wondering any one of these?

Don't worry. I got you today

I'm going to answer how wish when and where to use a facial oil or serum?

specifically for acne prone skin

Okay, so first of all

Facial oil versus the serum. What is the main difference between the two?

facial oil mainly adds hydration to your skin

Sometimes it also serves as a spot treatment

While Astra has a water like consistency, which is easily absorbed into your skin

It adds glow and helps in reducing wrinkles or fine lines it whole also

Helps in tighten up your pores. There are various benefits to a facial oil and I

Will be discussing with you later on

But if you're wondering which one to use I would highly suggest to know which what problem you are facing

If you're facing if you're looking first

You should do add glow or reduce fine lines or scars then just go

For a serum rather than a facial oil because facial oil will target

If you're not sure then I would highly suggest

Keep watching this video. I have a solution for you as well

now that you know that what is the difference between a serum and

A facial oil you're wondering which one should you be using?

Specifically for acne prone skin because acne prone skin can be sometimes very hard

If you already know which oil suits best for you, then that's great

but if you don't know then I suggest going to a store like Sephora and

Ask for samples of different facial oils and then test them on your hands first

Obviously then use them on your face

This way you will not have to go and spend a lot of money on

Something that might not even work for you for treating acne prone skin

These free facial oils have worked very well for me. Number one tea tree oil tea tree oil has antibacterial


Compounds it was it is also

antiseptic absorbs deep into this and unblocked sebaceous glands thus

Unclogging the pores and it also helps in removing dust and grease and getting rid of acne. Number two is

I'm sure you have heard great ease about this facial oil and it's used in many great DIYs and

Skincare regimens basically, ho ho-ho-ho oil is anti-inflammatory

Which means that it will also get rid of the redness on your face that or the rashes that you get before

Getting a pimple. It is antibacterial

Anti-aging and very moisturizing so you don't need another moisturizer after you say ho ho boy

Number three is rose hip seed rose hip seed oil is high in

Antioxidants. It's very anti-inflammatory that it can help in fading the acne scars that had that have appeared over time when

Choosing a facial serum for acne prone skin. I highly recommend looking for the ingredients

This acid is very popular

specifically for highly acne prone skin

It penetrates deep into the pores filled with serum there

It loses the clogged pores by exfoliating and allowing the oil to move freely

acetic acid is also sometimes known as

butyne a salicylate or

bh8 Williams in a state willow bark extract


Acid tropic sa truck elitism. There are a lot of serums that are a blend of facial oils

That is also great options

for example this one by

OWP a money that I use I have been using it for the past year and

It's very amazing

it gets absorbed by the skin very easily and it's a blend of

Tea tree oil and many other of natural oils that are great for acne prone skin

Oh, if you don't know which there are me you want to use then just get one serum

That is a blend of the future or is that you that are good for your skin?

Okay, so a lot of people wonder when or how should you be using a serum or facial oil?

So the number one tip, I'm going to give you is that make sure that your face and hands are freshly washed

To avoid any dirt touching your skin


your skin should be damp that way just a drop of the product will be able to

cover up the whole face if you're wondering the order of the

Products you need to be applied then just remember that you have to apply

something you have to go from thinnest to thickest the proper manner in which are you should be applying your

facial products would be


Moisturizer and then a facial oil to use a face serum just on a damp face pour some

product gently massaging

Or as I like to do it gently tapping it into your skin. Some people recommend applying it all over your skin

That but I only use a face oil on Jeff affected areas. Now comes the question

When should you be applying a facial oil or?

For this definitely check the label of your products because some products are not

Suitable to be won in during the day time

because if your skin is exposed to Sun wear exam then it might harm your skin rather than hopping it so

Definitely check your labels. Otherwise for facial oils. Just remember that our skin

Secrete the least amount of sebum during the night and most during the day

So the best time to apply a facial oil would be night. The last question that people often worry is

Should we use the these facial oils or serums every day? The answer is no

You should always listen to your skin first

During summer. I

personally prefer serum on the days when my skin feels dull or

Before makeup and oils on the days when I get a rash

lastly I would like to say don't just start using a product just because somebody told you to

Research yourself

Experiment ask experts and just listen to your skin

I hope this video was helpful

But helpful

If it did help don't forget to hit the like and subscribe button down below and I will see you guys next time. Bye


For more infomation >> Serums VS Facial Oils for Acne Prone Skin || Which Facial Oil or Serums to use for Acne Prone Skin - Duration: 7:42.


In a single jump, the end is here... Or not? - Duration: 4:01.

For more infomation >> In a single jump, the end is here... Or not? - Duration: 4:01.


paper clips for your planner or journal - Duration: 7:23.

feeling a little art craft crazy hi I'm Donna from art craft crazy and

today I'm going to show you how to make these paper clips for your planner or

your journal, they're very easy to make. they're just using everyday store-bought

paper clips. They're a double-sided paper clip, one side they've got a

rhinestone crystal, the other side they've got a little teddy bear charm

I've put a little O ring at the top so you can hang a charm off it.

the way I've put this teddy bear on. it holds the pages together and then you

push the teddy bear down over the front page. it doesn't matter which way

you're looking at the paper clip it looks good either side. you need a charm

I use the teddy bear you need a rhinestone crystal chaton, an O ring, and

a paper clip. You don't have to use the O ring on top, that's an optional extra.

now this is the rhinestone chaton, it has that little pyramid at the top

rather than a flat back. now this is the teddy bear charm, it had a little ring at

the top, and you can cut that off or bend it over the back like I did. I'll use

e6000 I find it's the best glue for this sort of craft work, it holds everything

together really well. the only downside is once you've put it together you've

got to wait overnight for it to set really hard. I put my e6000 on a non-stick

paper, I've just used baking paper for this. we're going to put the

rhinestone on the paperclip, work out which way is the way you want your

paperclip to be upright. you see how it's coming through the back and you'll see

why I've used a chaton rather than a flat back crystal.

now I'm going to use a toothpick actually, and just swirl the e6000 around

the back of the crystal chaton and make sure it goes over the paperclip, and be

careful not to get this everywhere. you've got to get it in a nice controlled, tidy,

manner. you don't want it spilling out everywhere. have it so it's building

up high.

then get your split O ring, and the split part you can put down to the bottom you

don't want that showing at the top and just sit it in there don't push it in

too hard, just have it sitting in the glue now's the time to cut off the the

o-ring at the top of the charm or bend it over I've just made mine bend towards the


once that's bent towards the back just use the head part of the teddy bear and

on the charm and I'm going to sit that over the top of the back of the chaton

and the o-ring. and that's going to lift that the pyramid part of the sheet on is

going to lift that teddy bear up a bit higher off the paper clip. I don't want

it to lay flat on the paper clip I want a little bit of space between the teddy

bears legs and the paper clip so I'm just going to use the toothpick to make

sure it stays up. now you need to lean it on something to let it semi dry, the

o-ring at the top of the teddy bears head it will start to sag a little bit

because the glue is so wet. just lift it up and let it sit on top of something so

it's all parallel about 30 minutes later when the glues started to go a bit firm

just check and make sure that your tooth pick isn't glued to the e6000. my e6000

started to sink a bit and it was nearly grabbing onto the toothpick, so lucky I

got there in time to pull it out. and if it starts to spread, because it just does

that on its own just because it's still a little bit firm, just push it back up

behind the chaton. you don't want it spreading out and seeing it... and don't do

this don't press it together with your fingers you want that height when a

bit of space between the paper clip and the teddy bear like this. make sure your

O ring at the top if you're going to use that o-ring for your charm, or to add

another charm. make sure it's level now. Don't hang the charm on

until it's dry! and leave that overnight to dry, and once it's dry you can come

back. and there's your double-sided paper clip here it is with the teddy bear on

the front and turn it over and you can see the rhinestone to the back. Now

we'll hang the charm. I just used a split ring on this charm and that way I can

change the charm out any time I like and it's just like putting keys on a

key ring, it's that type of spit ring. if you haven't got one of these just use a

normal o-ring and that's it. the optional extra charm and the paper clips finished.

once I know these hold together well enough I'll be stocking them in my shop

at art craft crazy I'm Donna from art craft crazy thanks for watching and bye

for now

For more infomation >> paper clips for your planner or journal - Duration: 7:23.


Renault Duster or Kaptur? - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Renault Duster or Kaptur? - Duration: 7:34.


*lilla93RG* free xbox gift card xbox codes or xbox live gold - Duration: 2:34.

For more infomation >> *lilla93RG* free xbox gift card xbox codes or xbox live gold - Duration: 2:34.



For more infomation >> HOW TO GET FREE PS4/PS4 CODES OR FREE PS4 GAMES/PSN FREE CODES - Duration: 3:08.


Yanny or Laurel Explained - Duration: 5:08.

An audio snippet with just two syllables has gone viral and the debate is raging everywhere:

Do you hear Yanni or laurel?

I thought it would be fun to see what our viewers actually hear, since you guys are,

for the most part, music producers.

You have probably already heard the clip, but in case you haven't, here it is:

Now, did you hear Yanni or Laurel?

Let's hear it again:

Some people clearly hear Yanni, or Yammi, while others clearly hear Laurel.

People who hear Laurel loud and clear are puzzled that anyone can hear Yanni, and vice


So what is this?

What's really going on here?

Well, there's several factors at play here.

But to make it as simple as possible, what you hear depends on where the energy is placed.

For example, if the most energy is placed towards the mid and high frequencies, people

will tend to hear "Yanni".

When the low frequencies are more emphasized, people tend to hear hear 'Laurel'.

When it comes to frequencies, there's a lot of things that can affect them.

What you hear will depend on your listening environment, your speakers or headphones,

and also your hearing.

You might find that if you use headphones, you may hear Yanni for example, but if you

listen on some different speakers, or in another room, you might hear Laurel instead.

Every room reflects frequencies.

Some will get amplified, and some will be canceled out.

So the room plays a huge role here.

Also, the speakers themselves differ a lot.

Especially hifi equipment.

This goes for both speakers and headphones, as most manufacturers will tend to boost various

frequency ranges in order to sweeten things up and make their speakers or headphones sound

better than the competition, and this can affect the result.

The most important factor though is your hearing.

Most people don't appreciate how different our hearing is.

What I hear might be very different from what you hear.

The frequency range of human hearing is approximately 20 – 20.000 hertz.

That might be true of small children, but with age, and exposure to loud noises, our

hearing declines over time.

What often happens is that some frequencies are affected here and there.

Eventually, you end up with certain holes in your perceived frequency range.

You might have a weakened sensitivity to frequencies around 4000 herts, but then you might hear

fine at 5000 hertz.

There might be another dip at 8000 hertz, but then again you might hear 13000 just fine.

This will be the case for all of us, and it means that we all experience sound very differently.

Let's pretend that I have some dips in my high frequency perception.

I might hear a track and think that the high end is too weak.

But someone else will say it's too strong..

This may also be part of the reason why some people says that a specific pair of headphones

is the best they have ever had!

While others says it sucks..

It all has to do with the fact that our hearing is so very different.

This new sound clip that has gone viral is a good reminder of that.

So… what do YOU hear?

Is it Yanni or Laurel?

Feel free to test it out in different rooms and on different speakers to see if it changes.

Let me know in the comments bellow what you hear.

It will be fun to see

what you producers actually hear!

For more infomation >> Yanny or Laurel Explained - Duration: 5:08.


Is human nature evil? Or is the violence of nature to blame? | Steven Pinker - Duration: 4:09.

As Bertolt Brecht said, "Grub first, then ethics."

A lot of people have an expectation that society ought to work in uniform harmony and affluence,

and any deviation from that is an outrage that requires identifying which bad people

made it possible.

And when I began Enlightenment Now I wanted to really orient the reader in a very different

mindset about the human condition.

Namely, as we find ourselves in the universe nothing is expected to work in our favor,

beginning with what many scientists consider one of the most fundamental of scientific

discoveries, namely the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or the law of entropy.

Namely, that in a closed system—one that isn't receiving inputs of energy or information—disorder

naturally increases.

The ability to do useful work/life-enabling structure.

Just because there are astronomically so many more ways for things to go wrong than things

to go right by any definition of things going right.

So right from the start we don't have any right to expect that the universe is going

to be particularly kind to us.

Indeed, the universe is not out to get us, but it just doesn't care about us, and there's

a lot of ways for things to go wrong unless we deploy energy and information to carve

out local zones of beneficial order that keep us alive and healthy and happy.

That's a different way of just thinking about the human predicament, namely we constantly

have to expend effort, intelligence, knowledge in order to make things work, and our background

expectation should be that things fall apart.

It's advances in energy capture that lead to the beneficial complexity of life.

Perhaps back to the axial age, the period of about 800 years in the first millennium

B.C. which saw the emergence of a number of moralistic philosophies arising in different

parts of the world around the same time.

The age of classical Greek philosophy, the age of the Hebrew prophets, of Confucius,

of Buddha, a kind of uncanny coincidence seemingly of movements that went from merely propitiating

gods and making sacrifices and begging him for victory and better weather and relief

from misfortunes to a more universal system of human betterment, human flourishing.

So what led to this development seemingly in different parts of the world at the same


According to one hypothesis by a team of scholars including Ian Morris and Pascal Boyer and

Nicolette Molnar, there were gains in energy capture in the ability to use the products

of agriculture – oil and fiber and calories from food to allow for a priestly cast separate

from the people who actually have to scratch out a living from the ground.

And also, once people's minds are elevated from just putting a roof over their head—or

to keeping the wolf at the door, where their next meal is coming from—they have the cognitive

luxury to think about, "What's it all about?

Why are we here?

What do we strive for?"

And according to this theory it was something as mundane—but really not mundane—as energy

capture: Not mundane given that the second law of thermodynamics determines our fate

unless we can push it back.

And so perhaps it's not such a homely pedestrian explanation for how so many civilizations

made this leap to further moral horizons.

For more infomation >> Is human nature evil? Or is the violence of nature to blame? | Steven Pinker - Duration: 4:09.


Hawaii residents told to evacuate or be arrested - Duration: 0:58.

As lava continues to spew from the Kilauea volcano, authorities in Hawaii have issued

a new warning to residents: Obey mandatory evacuation orders or face possible arrest.

Big Island Mayor Harry Kim issued the evacuation order Thursday for a roughly 17-block section

of a subdivision that's been hit hard by lava.

Residents were given 24 hours to get out.

A spokesman for the Federal Emergency Management Agency told Fox News that officials had no

plans to search for residents in the restricted area after that 24-hour deadline and that

anyone found there could be arrested.

This spike in volcano activity has been going on for almost a month.

As of Thursday, the U.S. Geological Survey said lava from Kilauea had covered 5.5 square

miles of the island.

As CNN reports, that's more than four times the size of Central Park in New York City.

Prior to Kim's order Thursday, officials said roughly 2,500 people had evacuated the area.

For more infomation >> Hawaii residents told to evacuate or be arrested - Duration: 0:58.


Thiago Alcantara is better than Pogba True or False ? | Man United Transfer News Now #mufc - Duration: 1:47.

Pogba has everything in his locker but Thiago is an artist, who has simply proved himself

more capable of dominating elite games than the Frenchman.

He was brilliant as Bayern narrowly failed to qualify for the Champions League final

despite a dominant performance in the second leg of their semi-final clash, with eventual

winners Real Madrid in April, and has the class and technique United's midfield is

sorely lacking.

He is valued at £54m by Transfermarkt but given that Bayern are open to a sale, there

may be wiggle room and in the current market, anything under £50m for a man who will travel

to the World Cup this summer, as one of the main playmakers in a team jam-packed with

midfield talent.

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