we know not every year Oh where's a cane
President Trump is firing back after the New York Times leaked a supposedly
secret memo by Andrew McCabe suggesting that the president obstructed justice by
firing Jim Comey Trump tweeting I never fired call me because of Russia the
corrupt mainstream media loves to keep pushing that narrative but they know it
is not true the DOJ is Inspector General report on the FBI and DOJ is handling of
the Clinton email probe will be released imminently so could that be why we're
suddenly seeing these leaked stories leaked stories favorable to come--and
McCabe let's put that two former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer and
former whitewater deputy independent counsel Saul Weisenberger a lot to
unpack ties but you get the sense that this is all swirling around the
obstructionist issue Saul and the fact that the McCabe memo suddenly is out
there it's either you know it seems like McCabe it's getting ready for himself
perhaps to be prosecuted but why do you think that's out there now
well The Times does a history we know of leaking things in a certain way before
an unfavorable news story is going to come out I don't think this is any
exception but also keep in mind any story that's really sourced by McCabe or
that has to do with a memo written by McCabe you're not talking about a very
credible source according to the latest OIG report so I wouldn't I wouldn't
worry about it too much the big thing to keep in mind is that the president has
the constitutional authority to fire Comey as he had to fire McCabe absent
something extra like paying hush money to somebody or lying to a government
investigator it just simply is not obstruction I would I would ask
everybody who comments on the other networks and acts like it is obstruction
to read the Arthur Andersen case where the Supreme Court and a 9 to nothing
boat talked about what was needed for something to be corrupt
ari fleischer look this seems to be very conveniently timed we do have the new IG
report which we keep hearing is going to be released any minute now and watch
them release it tomorrow at 5 o'clock p.m. I hope I hope I hope that's not the
case but this is what the New York Times reporter on this issue of mccabe and
this memo what they said let's watch mccabe goes into this meeting of the
justice department it's a it's a it's a crowded meeting and Rosenstein is
telling his version of the story and he says well as a matter of fact the
president originally asked me to mention Russia in the memo but but I didn't
think that was a good idea and I didn't do that so to to mccabe as we understand
it the memo was there to write down like hey this may not have actually been
about hillary clinton there may have been some russia interest going on here
it's a game of telephone tag re but I mean I don't see how even if that's the
case Rudy Giuliani kind of hinted at this it's not obstruction of justice
I mean he can fire him for whatever reason he wants unless there's a I guess
in Sawle we'll get into this more that the corrupt intent your reaction to this
again wild swirl right before this new IG report comes out and before they
decide whether they're gonna charge McCabe well Laura I spent 21 years in
Washington and one of the things I noticed about the bureaucrats and the
people who make it to the top of the agencies they are superb at maneuvering
through the Washington system and that includes how to handle the media and so
anytime there'd be something bad looming coming out in the press that inspector
general's report for example now that's about to come up from the FBI that's the
time you go into overdrive to get your story out ahead of time to preempt the
bad stories that you know are coming so I leave you all of this in that same
context now here's the thing about the word Russia we've gotten to the point
now where people just are no longer being precise everything is so vague the
word Russia to a Democrat equals automatic guilt for Donald Trump
automatic collusion and now potentially automatic obstruction the word Russia
can also mean that President Trump was frustrated with James Comey because
James Comey would never say in public what he said in private that Trump is
not under investigation the russia investigation and i think
that is a very understandable sentiment for the president to have if you are
innocent and you're told you're not under investigation and you're a public
figure of course you want that out it's not an unreasonable request for a
subordinate to a subordinate and Comey wouldn't do it I think that's why Trump
fired call me and I think it's similar to why he didn't want Jeff Sessions to
recuse himself he wanted a fair investigation of this he did not want
this taken over by someone else and maybe even a special counsel he wanted
this done fairly because he knew he didn't have anything to hide on the
Russia issue Saul on the point you made about obstruction a Bloomberg reporter
addressed it let's watch there is a lot of concern right now around this
obstruction investigation based on our reporting and what we're hearing from
people close to the president that there could really be a risk of obstruction
here obstruction in an impeachment sense because you get into interpretation you
get into intent I'm not sure you know whether she's a lawyer or not Saul but
again this is this rank speculation before this IG report drops which we are
led to believe is going to be quite damaging to the DOJ during that entire
2016 period of investigating Hillary's emails well I think it's going to be
embarrassing both to the DOJ into the FBI which is you know as a part of the
DOJ but again if you want to talk about obstruction and I'm not talking about
you can impeach somebody for anything if you want to talk about obstruction as a
matter of criminal law I I say let's say for the purposes of argument let's
assume the worst about President Trump let's assume that he was guilty of some
underlying crime and that he fired Comey because he didn't want Comey to get to
the bottom of it if that's all they have that is not criminal obstruction of
justice I don't know of one Supreme Court case that we support that
interpretation there are a handful as you know and I mean just a handful of
appellate court cases over the last twenty or thirty yeah they can't I know
exactly that's ridiculous fantastic conversation
guys thank you so much up next will divulge a twisted revelation on the
floor to school shooting case but mark fuhrman has some serious questions about
the prosecution's motives stay right here for that
it's a control enthusiast prosecutors have released three harrowing videos
made by parkland Florida shooting suspect Nicholas Cruz in one video
the accused killer calmly states is going to be the next school shooter of
2018 prosecutors shouldn't have much
difficulty making their case against him and these videos don't really provide
any new information or answers but do they raise some big questions why
release them well media wanted them media we're making all sorts of Freedom
of Information Act requests and let's get some answer from retired LAPD
detective Mark Fuhrman and Andrew Pollack who's 18 year old daughter
meadow was killed in the stone Douglass High School shooting in February and
Andrew you were on radio today it was so moving
you've done so much already to bring sanity to this conversation about school
safety and so forth and you know our viewers just you know our heart goes out
to you and thank you for being with us tonight you had very poignant and
pointed words Andrew about this video these videos being released I wore I
really couldn't I didn't watch it I just really I read the transcripts and
reading those transcripts made me sick to my stomach just reading it so I'm
glad I didn't really look at the videos but what bothered me was the the fame
aspect of it how even he knew he was going to be glorified in the news and I
think that that's a big problem in this country with the media using their names
and showing their pictures throughout on the media throughout the country so I
think that we could learn a lot from this as in this country and not really
show their names or their faces are in the media I think it would make a
difference that's what they want and he you're right he referenced that you're
gonna know who I am mark Fuhrman premeditated murder in
Florida this this really kind of explodes that like there's no way I
think they couldn't charge him now with premeditated murder and that would mean
possibility of the death penalty but you're very against the release of these
videos and tell us why well the release of the videos has no
evidentiary or information value whatsoever he is confessed and he wants
a life sentence in exchange for no death penalty the media at large requests
because of Florida law of discovery once discoveries made they can ask pretty
much anything that that the defense attorney and the prosecutor have so they
do that but they obviously show no responsibility by releasing this because
this information now in front of every juror in the country not just Florida is
seeing something that makes a death penalty case very difficult for the
prosecutors because now when you go into that courtroom the jurors have all seen
this not only does he show premeditation but he really kind of argues against a
mental defect he seems completely in control of his planning right completely
in control of the motive and this is his manifesto Andrew you made this point
throw you up yeah you made this point in radio that the guy is like oh he's
insane oh he has autism he doesn't have control as faculty it's always crazy
well yeah may as maybe as mental but he knew what he was doing and you know Lord
even gets worse there's other videos my daughter happened to get murdered in
the hallway so that that's going to be the next videos the media is going to be
looking at and they're going to look to put that in the media also on the third
floor she was shot nine times and that was uh that's on the camera too so
they'll be looking for those videos next and that's going to be heart-wrenching
oh no and there's what they they were trying to do is keep school shooting
video games going for the longest time and thank goodness that's been shut down
andrew has been lobbying against that mark I know you have strong feelings
about that as well parents are worried about copycat killers who want Fame they
know they're not they're not focused on what Andrews focused on how to make
these schools safe metal detectors whatever we have to do to make these
schools safe they're practical things that Texas is doing thank goodness and
other places mark final work we Laura we have we have
legislation on my website that people could look at because now is the time
for these governor's to act they need to look at what Florida did what Governor
Scott helped get passed and look what we what we're doing in Florida with the
Senate bill 702 six and they should be proactive why should they be waiting for
another shooting because there's some other sociopaths out there planning
another shooting so they should be proactive mark I think we should just
leave this with what mr. Pollack said and and here is outrage in his anger and
his self-righteous purpose to actually stop these school shootings it could
probably be done if everybody really wanted it to be god bless thank you so
much much needed tonight and by the way Google is making a mistake and am making
one it's really bad suggesting extreme left-wing bias we report you decide up
next with Kevin McCarthy you wouldn't accept a neat little story
Google has a lot of explaining to do if you googled the California Republican
Party lately the information buck would inform you about the party's ideology
what it said is jaw-dropping let's examine it with House Majority Leader
Kevin McCarthy Republican from California it's great to see you
Majority Leader McCarthy what is going on Google said that this
was a mistake but you've got wind of this and when you typed in California
Republican Party what showed up it said our ideology was Nazism
it wasn't the party of Lincoln it wasn't the party of Reagan it's suddenly were
Nazis and remember Google is the largest search engine in the world ninety
percent of all internet searches goes through Google and this is what they
said the California Republican Party was now I got wind of this so I went to see
are they pulling it from Wikipedia and I went over to Wikipedia for the
California Republicans it did not say Nazism and so it concerns me greatly
because this isn't the only situation the bias that is happening here if you
searched on Instagram for Donald Trump jr. this weekend you know what it told
you it warned you that his site could cause you harm or even death then Amazon
kicked off the alliance for defending freedom to give their charity program
Amazon smile where if you're you're conservative and you're purchasing
something there you can send some charity money to a non-profit they
removed them because the Southern Poverty Law decided they weren't good
example who defend religious freedom before the Supreme Court that Southern
Poverty Law Center has turned into a left-wing rabid radical group that tries
to you know malign people myself included because we stand up for against
Christians being persecuted in the Middle East and now we're anti Islam
okay it's ridiculous so what can be done Google says this they blame Wikipedia in
their statement with it they release they said they usually catch vandalism
congressman afford impact search results but occasionally errors get through and
that's what happened here you know they gave that explanation after we went
forward and public with it but I had already searched
Wikipedia it wasn't on the Wikipedia page so this is why we need transparency
this bias against conservatives has to stop and they always they always explain
it away or something small no I want to know did an employee in there go forward
and put the idea that the party of Lincoln that brought us Ronald Reagan
that decided we were Nazis that's unacceptable yeah well yeah it's a
liberal culture there in Silicon Valley certainly at Google I want to move on to
other topics a lot of conversation on Capitol Hill about who's gonna be the
next speaker your name is always at the top of the list but your friends over
there in the LA Times yesterday said why California's Kevin McCarthy is having a
hard time locking down the speaker's job again
what's happening here congressman from North Carolina's name mentioned who you
know I don't even know who's that what's his name I never know his name but we
have other people's names mentioned but what's going on yeah well one there's no
speaker race right now it's Paul Ryan decided that he's not gonna run for
reelection so after the election we will have won but what's most important here
is we have to focus to make sure we can have a Republican to be Speaker I feel
very confident that race going forward that I can win that vote inside
conference but my whole focus right now is making sure we're winning the
majority and that's why I traveling the country defending the individuals and
making sure we have the resources to win because remember what we've been able to
accomplish here unemployment at 18 year low
we just reformed the VA look what we did last week alone right to try for those
for those sick individuals being able to have a new medication that hasn't been
approved yet dodd-frank then we just did prison reform and we also did the NDA
national defense that was just that week are you guys gonna do an amnesty no
we're not gonna do Manistee we're gonna we're gonna no we're going to protect
our borders because we know and you know so well this idea of the current system
right now is broken you got to be able to one build the wall you got to end
catch and release we got to have a system that's based upon merit yeah if
we really want this country to grow and it's very simple I mean yeah well the
good lab villains are that's bill but is John Cox have a chance in California is
a GOP have reason to hope in California yes look we have a lot of hope remember
remember this is a state that brought us Ronald Reagan John Cox will come through
we have this crazy system of tariffs bringing back which I do not like now
this is crazy John cops will come through but there's
another reason for
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