Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 6, 2018

Youtube daily how Jun 2 2018

How to make Cake Decorating

For more infomation >> How to make Cake Decorating and Rose Cake Design - Duration: 3:01.


How To Fix 3 YouTube Video Problems For Busy Business Owners - Duration: 6:42.

Do you ever wonder why your videos have disappeared down the YouTube black hole

and wonder why nobody ever sees them? And are you aware there tends to be 3

types of YouTube problems business owners have that result in their videos

disappearing down that YouTube black hole that could be easily fixed? And equally

how easy it is to get those videos generating views? Welcome to this video

entitled: "How To Fix 3 YouTube Video Problems For Busy Business Owners", which is

centered around ways on how to: re-use old videos; videos not yet optimised; and

knowing how and where to start using video strategically in your business.

Before we find out how to fix these 3 YouTube video problems

be sure to watch this video to the very end where you'll be able to download my free

PDF entitled:"The 7 Critical Reasons Why You Should Be On YouTube" Hi, my

name's Jeff Laming of Video Cashflow and in this video we're going to highlight

3 types of problems facing business owners when it comes to maximising the

benefits of YouTube videos - and how to quickly fix them. And if this is the

first time you're watching a Video Cashflow video and you like what you see,

hear and read tehe please click the "Subscribe" button to get more video

marketing and business videos on a weekly basis. So what are these 3

YouTube video problems that need fixing? All 3 centre around the fact that

there probably was no video marketing strategy implemented from the

outset, and so many business owners experienced the following 3 types of

problems: 1. Videos listed on YouTube that are not getting many, if any at all,

views and so they are not ranking on page 1 for their main keywords. Why page

1 you ask. Because in some cases it's estimated that up to 90% of viewers

don't look beyond page 1 for your main keywords so page 1 ranking is critical;

2. Videos produced but are not posted to youtube yet for whatever reason - and

they're collecting dust on your hard drive; and 3. Videos not yet purchased

simply because the business owner doesn't know how or where to start!

The first problem - videos listed on YouTube but are not ranking well and are

getting hardly any views, if any all, can be quickly fixed by all or a

combination of the following: (1) Changing the title in line with the

subject matter; (2) Changing the file name so it's in line with the title; (3)

Improving the keyword tags; (4) Adding in relevant content in the description box

that aligns with what's being said on the video; and (5) Correcting the auto

transcription in the video itself. These solutions will help you to: (i) re-use

existing videos; (ii) revive and revitalise old YouTube videos; (iii)

optimise your old YouTube videos; (iv) re-post your old YouTube videos; (v) get more

views; (vi) get more engagement with your viewers; and (vii) improve the overall

ranking of your videos. The second problem - videos produced but not yet

listed on YouTube - can be fixed by: (i) determining what the purpose of the

video is; (ii) establishing who your target audience is -

this requires undertaking research to determine where your target audience

hang out and what their main problems and issues are; (iii) changing your video

file name and aligning it with your video title name; (iv) re-edit the video,

for example, to bring it up to date or to either remove images or to trim and

remove parts of the video itself; and (v) optimising the video file to improve its

ranking capabilities. See my earlier video entitled: How To Prepare A Video

File Before Uploading To YouTube". I'll put a link in the top right where the "i"

icon is, and a link in the description box below this video. These solutions

will help you to: (1) focus on your video marketing strategy; (2) determine who your

potential clients are; (3) establish yourself or your business as the "Go to"

resource in your niche; and (4) drive traffic to your landing page or website

or opt-in box. And finally, the third problem - videos not yet produced because

you don't know how or where to start. Now, this is probably the biggest

challenge most business owners have. They recognise that using video has

tremendous benefits and they either don't have the know-how or the

confidence to start or they see the lack of time as

an inhibiting factor. There's usually 2 ways to fix this particular problem -

number 1. Take time out to formulate a strategy as to how you want video to

work in your business and the overall result you'd like your business to

achieve by implementing video. Video must be looked at as part of your

overall marketing strategy so to get the most from video it should be looked at

how it can integrate with your other means of marketing. And secondly, to work

with a local video marketer to determine a viable strategy so that you

can use your time more effectively in your business, such as driving sales and

supporting clients etc. These solutions should help you to: (1) systemise your

business to make your marketing strategy work; (2) be specific with the video

content you provide so that it's relevant to your viewers; and (3)

identify areas of your business where you can outsource. Summing up then, the

3 main problems business owners face are: 1. Videos listed on YouTube that

are not getting many, if any at all, views; 2. Videos produced but not yet posted to

YouTube for whatever reason; and 3. Videos not yet produced simply because

the business owners do not know how or where to start. If you found any of this

information helpful please enter: "Video Business" in the

Comments section below this video. Don't forget to download your free PDF copy

entitled: "The 7 Critical Reasons Why You Should Be On Youtube". You'll find the

URL link in the description box underneath this video. Thanks for

watching. Look out for another video on video marketing and YouTube coming your

way next week. And if you liked this video please click the "Like" button

underneath the video. Feel free to share the video with friends, family, business

colleagues and associates. And by all means leave a comment or ask a question

in the Comments section also underneath the video. And don't forget to hit the

"Subscribe" button if you'd like more videos on video marketing and business tips,

tactics, techniques and strategies that could help you with your own online

business. Until next time....bye for now!

For more infomation >> How To Fix 3 YouTube Video Problems For Busy Business Owners - Duration: 6:42.


(ENG,GER SUB) How to Hold a Violin Bow / 바이올린 활 잡기/ Geige-Bogenhaltung. - Duration: 8:10.

This video is based on the methodes of Simon Fischer,

Lucien Capet, Ivan Galamian.

Hello, Here is Jiyoung!

Today we will learn about how to hold a violin bow.

I had to think a lot about this particular topic, because it is subject to individual preferences,

and depends on the size of an individual´s hands, as well as their individual schooling.

Let´s work together today, and find a position

that is right for you based on the theories I have prepared.

Thumb Pressure against the Bow

Thumb pressure against the bow is sometimes weak, and sometimes strong.

This depends on the amount of pressure applied to the string,

and the section of the bow in which we are playing.

Directly under the frog, the pressure between the thumb and bow

can be very light despite making a very loud sound,

while at the tip of the bow, the thumb must use a lot of force

to counterbalance the pressure coming from the other fingers.

No matter how big a sound you make, or how great the pressure from the other fingers,

the thumb pressure should always be as light as possible,

depending on each situation. No more than necessary!

Flexibility of the Thumb

Thumb movement is a very important part of nearly every kind of bow stroke.

A stiff thumb can negatively influence the entire bow arm.

let´s practice our thumb flexibility together!

We will repeat one note many times,using the whole bow.

The hand and finger should remain flexible and relaxed.

At each bow, we bend and straighten our thumbs,

the other fingers as well.

Thumb and middle finger

The thumb and middle finger create the very central structure of the bow grip.

The middle finger should sit squarely to the left of the thumb.

A bow grip with the thumb between

the middle and ring finger can

cause a great deal of unnecessary strain and tension in the thumb saddle joint.

The right hand naturally takes the shape of a propper bow grip, even without a bow!

Try moving your thumb towards your little finger.

The closer you get,

the more tension you create in the muscle of your thumb!

The thumb should also not sit between

the middle and index finger,

because this can cause an imbalance in the hand.

In this case, you would have three fingers

on one side of the thumb,and only one on the other.

Little finger

When you play in the lower half of the bow,

the little finger controls the pressure of the bow on the string, and functions just like a seesaw.

In the upper half of the bow, your index finger does the balancing

, to control pressure and prevent the sound from being pushed or squeezed.

Some violin schools suggest that you must remove

your little finger from the bow when you play

in the upper half of the bow. If you do this,

just be careful not to damage the sound

by pushing excessively with the index finger!

Spacing between the fingers

When holding the bow, the four fingers should be placed

with spacing similar to when the hand

hangs loosely from the wrist.

The gap between the index finger and the rest

can be greater, so that the fingers can

control most of the bow, and hold the rest securely.

Be careful! Maintaining too wide a gap

between these fingers can cause the entire hand to become stiff.

And maintaining too close a gab between these fingers

can reduce our ability to control the bow.

This can cause too much pressure on the string, making an irritating sound.

The worst case is to hold your fingers together

, which is very unnatural and

you can get unnecessary tension.

Relaxed Bow Position

Professor Ivan Galamian compared his right hand to a spring, saying

"Sometimes you need to be loose, and sometimes you need to be flexible and resilient."

Sometimes it seems like the bow doesn´t move at all.

Sometimes the activity is very obvious.

How much you need to move depends on each individual hand,

and the degree of muscle movement required for each movement.

Relaxed Hand

The bow hand fingers must always be flexible while playing.

Because of the constantly changing nature of our bowstrokes

while playing any piece of music,

we need to anticipate the changes our bow grip

will need in the coming notes as we play.

Note by note, our brain sends millions of signals

to our fingers, constantly changing

their contact with the bow.

These nearly imperceptible modifications are

instinctive reactions to musical ideas,

changing the contact between bow

and string, and cannot be taught or learned.

The bow needs to maintain a reserve of control,

so that spontaneous problems may be dealt with promptly

and without interrupting our sound or musical progress.

The more relaxed, and quick-reacting our muscles are, the more clearly we can differentiate our movements.

We must be able to make distinct, immediate changes in our bow hand when we have different markings,

for example, when we must make an immediate switch between a legato and staccato stroke.

You can make this change quickly if the muscles in your hand are relaxed enough during your Legato

Strong and Powerful Performance

In a strong and powerful performance, the fingers hold the bow firmly.

It is not incorrect to hold the bow strongly, if you always release tension in the moment

when it is no longer necessary or required to maintain your sound.

However, it is important to remember to balance

your bow and grip strength, to avoid rigidity in your hand!

Weight Division in the Hand

When you apply weight to a string and play,

you sometimes apply pressure only with the index finger, distorting the sound.

To avoid this, you must apply weight with the entire hand.

Let´s compare the sound when we play with pressure

applied only by the index finger vs. the whole hand.

Pressure applied by index finger

No Pressure applied by index finger

Let´s see what it feels like to divide our weight.

As if holding a cello bow, lower the bottom of your little finger

to the outside of the frog and play several up and down bows in a forte dynamic.

Can you feel the weight spread through your hands?

This time, I am going to try to feel it while holding the bow normally.

Today we worked on a few things that we need to know to hold the bow.

As I said at the beginning, search for the right bow grip and position

for each individual based on the techniques outlined in this video.

See you next time!

If you like the video, don't forget to subscribe by hitting Like.

For more infomation >> (ENG,GER SUB) How to Hold a Violin Bow / 바이올린 활 잡기/ Geige-Bogenhaltung. - Duration: 8:10.


How nursery schools look in St. Petersburg, Russia - Duration: 4:11.

Hello! Alex's here and welcome to my vlog where I practice English.

Today I want to talk about children, to be more specific, about nursery schools.

I'm think you know lots about nursery schools in your county.

What about that schools in Russia?

Let's talk about this topic today.

Majority of nursery schools in St Petersburg, Russia are public.

That means you don't have to pay for it.

Honestly, you have to pay for the meals. It's about a thousand rubles per month.

If you have two children, you will pay half of this amount.

It's something like a fifty percent discount if you have two or more kids in your family!

Usually, kids go to nursery schools at the age of from 2 to 7.

The schools start working at 7 in the morning, and you have to take your kid home not later than 7 in the evening.

What about the amount of kids in a groups?

Usually there are not more than thirty kids in each group.

So, let's see how a nursery school looks inside.

That's all for today. Thanks for watching. Take care, love your kids.

For more infomation >> How nursery schools look in St. Petersburg, Russia - Duration: 4:11.



- Good morning YouTube.

In this video we're gonna talk about

how to deadlift with the minimal experience.

(upbeat music)

All right, guys, so I'm gonna get breakfast first,

oatmeal with zucchini.

If it sounds weird, it is,

but it tastes really good.

And then I'm also gonna make some

egg whites or something.

So I'll go ahead, let you kind of watch that,

and then I'm gonna head off to the gym.

Zucchini, oatmeal.

And what you do is you take the zucchini,

you shred it, like half a cup.

Then go ahead, take this, just sift it out.

About, I do half cup, so just 40 grams.

Okay, so then you got this, right,

this is what it looks like.

It looks kinda gross, I know,

but you see the zucchini in there and stuff,

but I'm telling you, once you have it,

it's voluminous, so like,

if you do a half a cup of oatmeal,

you'll actually get double it and that's why I like it,

'cause it not only fills me up,

but then you get some grains in,

so it's a win-win.

Okay, so while that's cooking, eggs.

Like, this is the easiest thing for me to do in the morning.

I'll take this.

Small pan,

make sure it doesn't stick.

And then what I do is I just take these eggs right here,

just pop a few of those there.

I got six so I'll do one whole

and then I'll do the rest with the egg whites.

♪ Would you like to hide out ♪

♪ Where we can dream again ♪

♪ I'll tell you all my secrets ♪

♪ Wearing courage like a second skin ♪

♪ The kids are all dying ♪

♪ We're dying to believe again ♪

- Okay, so while that's cooking, this is done.

So look, you've got the eggs right here.

One yolk, couple of the whites.

And then, this is what it looks like.

And now, I know it looks kinda weird,

but what you do is you come in here,

in the pantry, see Splenda.

Now I know some of you are not gonna like that,

like the thing is, it's Splenda.

If you're not into artificial stuff, that's fine,

but at the end of the day, guys,

for me, when it comes to body composition,

all I'm worried about is making sure that

I don't go over my calorie amount.

So I take one of these.

Rip it open.

Put a little of that on.

Next thing is this sugar-free syrup.

So it's Ms. Butterworth's.

I like this.

You can see the macros.

And so, it's really low.

And then I'll just put a little bit.

So what you have there is basic.

Cup of oatmeal, for only half the calories,

because what the zucchini does,

it's very voluminous, it fills it up.

Then what I do is I come here,

I'll just put a little bit of pepper,

you're good to go.

Guys, here's the finished product.

Now, it might not look like much,

but that is super voluminous.

Like, if you take this, all right,

and you look, like, you can tell the volume.

It's super thick, right, and you just mix it up.

You can't taste the zucchini, okay,

you can't taste the zucchini.

Then there's just some egg whites.

So, super simple.

It's like 6:30.

When I go to Alphalete,

I can't get there till about seven,

because of their hours.

I like to train earlier,

because then I have my day to work,

and do things with my clients and so forth,

but that's what I'm gonna have,

hop in the car,

listen to some audiobooks,

and then I start that deadlift routine,

and show you guys how to do it.

♪ You're gonna act like you don't want me ♪

♪ But how come the second I leave you alone ♪

♪ You pick up your phone and call me ♪

♪ We got that crazy connection ♪

♪ Don't mess with the laws of attraction ♪

♪ When you're in my heart, I'm out my mind ♪

So, Sissy is my dog,

and the other two are my parents'.

So the situation right now is I'm in Houston.

I'm trying to pick a place to live,

like for good, for good.

The biggest issue I have is settling down.

It's like one of my biggest scare,

freak outs, whatever you wanna call it,

so that's what I'm doing right now.

So she's here, she's a good dog.

She's half shepherd, half pit.

I don't tell most people she's half pit,

'cause they get mad, but look how cute she is.

Sissy, how cute are you?

How cute are you? Sissy.

If you work at home,

or you do something online,

it makes you ever wanna get dressed.

So half the time I go to the gym in the morning,

I don't do my hair,

'cause I just woke up,

but just wanna let you guys know.

So I'm headed to Alphalete now.

I'm gonna pop in an audiobook.

I'm huge on audiobooks.

If you don't listen to audiobooks,

and you want some recommendations,

just comment down below,

'cause I have a lot of great ones.

To me, audiobooks are well worth the time,

because instead of listening to music,

even though that's great,

I think audiobooks are way more beneficial,

because you could be learning

or doing something that's way more productive.

So I always try to kill two birds with one stone.

Anyway, see you at the gym,

and then we'll get into that deadlift stuff.

Just got here to Alphalete.

Hopefully you can see that.

I'm gonna head inside and start showing you

the workout of the day,

but then also how to do deadlifts

without a lot of experience.

Some of you out there,

it's a very easy exercise to hurt yourself,

and so, one of the best things you need to make sure you do,

is that you're using correct form.

Okay, guys.

So let's get into the deadlift form.

Now, you will notice,

I do the same thing every time,

no matter what happens with the weight.

Now, watch as I pull the bar

very close to my shins.

My toes are pointed slightly out.

I get set and then I push through my heels.

Now, right before I push,

you'll see I raise my butt.

Okay, what that does is that

it pulls my hips back and my knees back,

so that the bar goes straight up and down.

If the bar is rounding over your knees

and not going straight up and down,

you're gonna hurt your back.

Okay, simple as that.

Watch right here.

So, watch how my knees go back,

and I push, and the bar goes straight up and down.

Okay, the bar should be

as close to your body as possible.

If it's not, what's gonna happen is

you're gonna start hurting your back

and it's gonna cave.

All you should be doing with your back

is pretending there's a pencil

that you're trying to squeeze

between your shoulder blades. Okay?

The entire process,

notice I get set,

and I push,

and that's the same thing every time.

This is a leg exercise,

so just make sure you're following this

very, very closely.

Appreciate you watching the video,

and I'm gonna finish it up.

(upbeat techno music)

Big thing is, notice that

you wanna keep your heels down.

That's why I wear those special shoes,

to make sure you're pushing through your heels.

Keep your back straight.

A lot of people wanna muscle deadlifts.

They wanna use their back strength and their arms,

but that's gonna be the wrong way to do it,

so the best thing to do is,

make sure your heels are down.

You push through your heels,

keep your back straight.

It's a leg exercise.

While your back is strong, yeah,

but that's from supporting the bar,

keeping your shoulders back,

pretend there's like a pencil between them.

So, I'm gonna go ahead and finish this workout.

See you guys a little bit later.

So guys, I should have done a voiceover.

I'm sorry, I forgot to record the ending.

I'm still getting used to this YouTube thing again.

So the biggest thing to keep in mind

for your form, guys,

is make sure you keep your back straight

and flat, okay?

A lot of times what people will do

is they'll start hunching their shoulders like this,

and the second they do that,

their back will cave in.

So what you need to do is pretend

that you're holding the bar,

put a pencil between your back.

Pretend someone is putting a pencil

between your shoulder blades,

and you need to keep your shoulders back.

Now, this is a leg exercise.

It will strengthen your back,

because you, if you're keeping the bar tight

and your back tight,

and the bar close to your body,

you will strengthen your back, but you need to keep in mind,

this is a predominantly leg exercise,

and lower back strength movement.

Okay, this is gonna be

one of the best exercises for your lower back.

At the same time,

if you're not careful,

what will end up happening is

you'll hurt your lower back.

So make sure that you keep your back flat,

keep the bar close to your legs

the entire time,

and gently raise your butt.

I should've done that voiceover,

so make sure to go back and check it out,

if you didn't understand.

So, question of the day.

Do you like to deadlift?

Down below, yes or no,

and make sure guys, if you liked the video,

to hit that Like button,

go ahead and subscribe over here,

and make sure to check in for my next video

on how to shred fat

and keep it off forever.

(techno music)

For more infomation >> HOW TO DEADLIFT WITH MINIMAL EXPERIENCE - Duration: 8:24.


How to Get Rid of Weeds in Flower Beds - Duration: 5:20.

Weed control for your yard is important for the health of your lawn, but what

about gardens and flower beds? in this video, we'll go to a residential lawn and

I'll show you how to kill weeds in flowerbeds, and keep them from coming

back for months to come.

Hi, I'm Jason with Solutions Pest and Lawn. Sometimes we're so concerned with weed

control in our yard that we forget about weeds that pop up in our garden, flower

and mulch beds. Not only are certain weeds an eyesore that can really hurt

the look of a landscape flowerbed, but they can also compete for resources with

your ornamental plants. Weeds grow much faster and will steal water, sunlight, and

other nutrients. Invasive species, such as dichondra, also compete for space and

will eventually overwhelm and kill other plants. So it's important that we don't

forget about weed control in our gardens and flower beds. Keep in mind that a weed

is technically any plant that grows where you don't want it to or where it

shouldn't. So if you've got some grass popping up in a flower or mulch bed, hey,

go ahead and take care of that too. Luckily, getting rid of weeds in flower

beds is easier than you might think. All it takes a little bit of elbow grease

and choosing the best weed control product for you.

There are a lot of weed killers out there and some of them are designed for

ornamental bed spring, but we recommend taking care of weeds before they've popped

up. For that, you'll need a pre-emergent weed killer. A pre-emergent herbicide is

used as a protective barrier to prevent weeds from sprouting. Prevent as a key

word here because a pre-emergent will not kill grown weeds, it will just

prevent them from growing. You can watch our video on pre-emergent herbicides to

learn more. We'll have a link for that video in the description below. You can

use an Oryzalin or Prodiamine product in your flowerbeds. We recommend using

Nitro-Phos' prodiamine pre-emergent, Barricade. This is an easy, ready to use

granular herbicide that is extremely effective in preventing weed growth in

flower beds, and offers up to a six month residual. Okay, so you might be asking

yourself, "well, what about the weeds that have already popped up in my flower bed?"

Well, we'll go to a residential lawn and I'll show you the best way to get rid of

them and how Barricade will keep them away. Okay so we're out here at our

residential lawn and as you can see we've got a lot of broadleaf weeds

popping through the flowerbed over here. Now, the best way to get rid of them

initially is just to get in there and dig them out. Now, you can do this by hand

or you can use a garden tool to make it a little bit easier. So today I'll be

using this garden hoe. Now, removing weeds this way is super simple: what you'll

want to do is, you'll want to get down about three to

four inches to try to get as much of that root as possible. Now, depending on

the weed the root system could be a little bit deeper and that's where

pulling them by hands might be better. Now that that's done, you can see that

the soil is nice and broken up and that we've smoothed out any of the potholes or

any of the dugouts. This will give us a nice foundation to apply our Barricade

pre-emergent. Barricade needs a uniform application to the soil surface to be

most effective. You'll also want to remove any of the cut-up weeds,

any of the dirt clods, or any other dirt debris. And if you leave any of the

weed clippings behind, don't worry; they're just gonna dry up and die. Now,

even though we removed all the grown weeds there's likely more weeds and

seeds waiting to germinate beneath the soil. Now, if you just pull the weeds and

call it a day then eventually more weeds will sprout up in their place causing you

to start back at square one. This is where our Barricade comes in. Now,

Barricade is a pre-emergent herbicide which will stop any immature weeds that

are left over from germinating. Now, according to the label we're going to

apply two point five to five point nine pounds for every thousand square feet.

You'll need to pre-measure your treatment area first; . And always read the

label for proper usage and application rates. So today, we're using our hand

spreader. Now, you're gonna want to spread the Barricade nice and evenly to get a

uniform application. Now that that's done, you'll need to water the granules in.

You'll want to get at least a half inch of water over top of the granules. So you

can do this with either a garden hose or if there's rain in the forecast let

mother nature take care of it for you. Now, another option that you have is to

use a post emergent weed killer before applying the Barricade. You'll want to

use the glyphosate product to spot treat and kill the weeds. Now be very careful

with glyphosate products because they're non selective herbicides;

they'll kill any plant that they touch. So the good news is that glyphosate

doesn't have any soil activity, which means it won't leach into the ground and

kill any of your other plants. You actually have to spray the leaf surface

in order to kill it. So if you intend on using a glyphosate product to rid

yourself of those weeds in the garden, you're gonna want to make sure you use

something to block off the plants you want to keep from the weeds you intend to

kill . For example, we're using a flattened piece of cardboard to shield our plants

from the glyphosate application. You can also purchase a sprayer with a little

cone tip on the end of it for easier application. You can then apply the

Barricade once the weeds are dead for long lasting control. Using a

pre-emergent weed killer like Barricade is great for your flower beds

and gardens. And it also offers a residual from up to three to six months

depending on your application rate. And what's great about Barricade is that you

can use it on your turf to control weeds in your lawn. Just make sure that it's

listed for your grass type and the weeds you're trying to control. One final tip:

Prodiamine products can stain surfaces yellow.

So if you're trying to control weeds around decorative rocks, on patios, or around

pavers, you might want to use a pre-emergent like Dithiopyr to

keep them from discoloring. If you have any further questions, leave a comment in

the comment section below. And don't hesitate to reach out to us by stopping

by one of our stores, giving us a phone call, dropping us an email, or visiting

our website. If you're new to the channel, subscribe for more product and how-to

videos. I'm Jason Baker with Solutions Pest and Lawn. Ask us how, then do it

yourself. Man everybody - why is everybody deciding to do their freaking yard work on a

Wednesday at 11 o'clock in the morning. That's so weird, isn't it? Yeah I've never

gotten up on a Wednesday and been like, "you know what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna cut the

freaking grass, man."

For more infomation >> How to Get Rid of Weeds in Flower Beds - Duration: 5:20.


How to Make a Bookmarklet - Duration: 0:31.

First, create a new bookmark

Then name it

Now type in what I type or after the javascript:, put in your own code

Now test it

It works!!!

For more infomation >> How to Make a Bookmarklet - Duration: 0:31.


How to make a 'Bangle' in Solidworks 2016 - Duration: 6:39.

copy the bend radius

Now, paste the value of bend radius by CTRL+V

For more infomation >> How to make a 'Bangle' in Solidworks 2016 - Duration: 6:39.


How to Build a Benchmark Map in ArcGIS Online - Duration: 2:26.

How to Build a Benchmark Map in ArcGIS Online

Choose "Change Style"

Choose an attribute

Choose "Options" on the suggested map style.

The color ramp is next to the histogram. Zoom in on it.

This is the average of the data. When you don't have any other benchmark to reference, use this.

When you do have a benchmark to reference, use the "Above and Below" theme.

This theme centers the color ramp around whatever benchmark value you use.

Maps are sensitive to where you assign color, so use meaningful values.

A quick search yields a meaningful benchmark to apply.

$59,000 is the U.S. median income

At what point do you consider median income to be "high" or "low?" Again, use a meaningful value from your research of the subject.

Choose a color ramp that helps you talk about the interesting parts of the data (high, low, both?)

This three color ramp is rather busy.

In the U.S., green is the color of money... areas above the U.S. median income level are shown in green. Areas below, in purple.

Your map is now directly connected to a known benchmark, and can be discussed in that context.

You can see which cities are above, or below the benchmark $59,000

For more infomation >> How to Build a Benchmark Map in ArcGIS Online - Duration: 2:26.


How To Use Honey and Cinnamon Mask for Acne! - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> How To Use Honey and Cinnamon Mask for Acne! - Duration: 2:06.


HOW TO LVL UP FAST Put on Sub titles - Duration: 3:31.

Check out new discord link down below

Get in a potion where you can hot both snakes

Then get ur auto clicker out i put one down below

Ok as you see here i pulled up the settings but i forgot to put it on right click and not left so when you get on the settings for the auto clicker

Where it says left click in the settings click on it and put it on right click i forgot to do this so skip to 2:45 and i find out

Like and subscribe to the channel and sub to godthegamer a channel link will pop up in a sec

For more infomation >> HOW TO LVL UP FAST Put on Sub titles - Duration: 3:31.


Records Show How DNA Leading to Golden State Killer Was Found - Duration: 1:58.

For more infomation >> Records Show How DNA Leading to Golden State Killer Was Found - Duration: 1:58.


How to Install and run android apps on PC || Latest Updates 2018. - Duration: 10:49.






Download any game and Play..

Download any game and Play..

Download any game and Play..

For more infomation >> How to Install and run android apps on PC || Latest Updates 2018. - Duration: 10:49.



Hi guys!

In today's tutorial we will teach you how to vote on The Show through Starpass

First you will download the "Starpass" app from Playstore

Now you will open the app and log in with your Google account

You will agree with all terms and create your username

We put this name '24ubrasil' but you can write any name you like

This is an add, you can click on 'Don't show today' so it will close.

Then the first screen will show up

You click on the tab on the left corner and it will show the settings where you can see your points

The stars are the stars points that you can

convert to vote points, the purple ones. As soon as you create your username,

you earn 100 starpoints and 3 votes points, that you can use to vote on 24K

or on other group you want.

There are two ways two earn more starpoints and convert to vote points.

This screen will show up but you can click on "Cancel"

Then you will choose the option "Contents" on the menu,

so you can post a content on Starpass, and it doesn't have to be an specific video

or photo, it can be anyone you want, the points are earned once you publish it

Then you select it and post a photo. You press "Select Star",

24K isn't here, but you can choose a random one. Then you will write a random title,

choose a picture and write a description, that can also be random.

You just need to press "Upload" to publish.

You will earn 20 starpoints with this, so you can convert them in vote points and vote on 24K.

The second way is to earn starpoints through lockscreen

You will select "Use icon password"

and then choose the icons to your lockscreen password

You can choose any picture, I'll choose a random one but you can choose any one you like

Starpass just created a lockscreen for you, and it will work like this:

you will unlock your phone and you will select the pictures you chose before.

Then when you choose your phone will unlock.

You earned 3 starpoints to convert into vote points. To do this, you need to

select the tab on the left corner,

and click on the points. This screen will show up. 10 starpoints are 1 vote point.

Here you can convert, click on 'Convert to The Show vote" and click use all.

On the menu you will click on "The Show" and this voting screen will show up.

You can choose the number of votes you want to vote, I'll choose 12 votes to 24K.

And you just voted on 24K with all your votes. The two ways can be done several times during the day.

and when you reach your voting limit,

you can also log in through a different google account to get more votes to 24K.

Now you can vote on 24K and let's vote a lot to get them their first win.

Don't forget to follow us on our social networks, and press "subscribe" to our channel"

like the video and share it with your friends, so we can get a lot of votes to 24K.

Thank you and see you!

For more infomation >> [ENG SUB] HOW TO VOTE ON THE SHOW / COMO VOTAR NO THE SHOW - Duration: 3:44.


How to make money fast, Profit With Alex - Duration: 2:03.

For more infomation >> How to make money fast, Profit With Alex - Duration: 2:03.


How to Pronounce English Alphabet B and V | Bangla - Duration: 10:29.

For more infomation >> How to Pronounce English Alphabet B and V | Bangla - Duration: 10:29.



For more infomation >> UN-HELPFUL GUIDE - HOW TO TIKTOK - Duration: 16:22.


paypal gift card codes, how to get paypal gift card,it's 100% work. - Duration: 2:55.

please subcribe my channel

For more infomation >> paypal gift card codes, how to get paypal gift card,it's 100% work. - Duration: 2:55.


How may I help you - Duration: 0:48.

Welcome to my channel

This was probably a bad first video

What the hell was I doing

Why the hell am throwing stuff now?!

Just frick it

Throw in the towel

Now what am I doing

Well, I guess this is bye for now


For more infomation >> How may I help you - Duration: 0:48.



showing the cracked account

this is an cracked account

not belongs to me



subscribe to my channel

to get

more videos like this

likes target is 20likes

signing out

add the extension

from the link given in the description

open hotstar offical link

download the cookies file

from the description

copy it



the extension

which was


click on dustbin icon

and now click on import

and paste the cookie which


have copied previously





colour tick mark



















let's watch the proof

sample video






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