Hey everybody, my name's Jen and
welcome to my channel!
Ok, so today I'm going to be doing the 25 facts about me video
Hopefully you'll get to know me more after this, or maybe not. I don't know.
Alright, so the first fact is I am 25.
Most people think that I'm a lot younger
Recently, I got asked my age when I went to see rated R movie. So yeah
but I'm 25.
Fact number 2 is that I am a photographer. I've done some weddings, but mostly I do portraits. I do families,
engagements, newborn, kids,
whatever really will sit still long enough for me to take their picture
And I really enjoy it.
It's fun.
Fact number 3 and why I have kind of a lot of Frey Life merch around me is that I actually
manage their store Instagram account and I take a lot of the photos are on there. So
For those of you that have been living under a rock and don't know who they are
I will link them down below. But the rest of you that know they are and already love them like I do
Yeah, now, you know who actually runs that account.
Number four and maybe the worst fact about me is that I have a major
Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi addiction...
I have one right here.
Honestly like three other cans next to it that I've already had today...
I'm trying to cut back but it's a hard process and
I don't know it tastes good and I don't want to stop drinking it, but it'd probably kill me. So I'm working on it
Alright so the next fact and maybe I should have lead with it is that I have a genetic disease called
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I have the hypermobility type and
Basically it affects everything. All of me, all of my life, but for a more technical definition of what it is, I will read
Lets see, Mayo Clinic
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome is a group of inherited disorders that affect your connective tissues primarily your skin, joints, and blood vessel walls.
Connective tissue is a complex mixture of proteins and other substances that provide strength and elasticity
to the underlying structures in your body.
Basically it
affects every part of the body.
Most specifically I dislocate my joints all the time. My stomach does not work.
My neck is
horrendous at holding my head on my body and
I don't know. All the things. It affects all the things, it hurts. I will make more videos about that
it's kind of a main point of this channel, but
it's just a glimpse.
For now, if you're curious you can go see my first video that I made which was kind of like a
glimpse of what it's like behind closed doors, what's like behind our smile that we put on every day and
the truth. The unseen truth behind EDS. So you can go check that out and enjoy.
The next fact about me is that I am from California. I currently live in Massachusetts, kind of in the Boston area, but
originally, I am from the Silicon Valley. So kind of the heart of
technology, Apple, everything. And
Honestly, I like it here better, I'm sorry mom, um, it's just slower and
Just better.
So next fact and kind of ties in to me being from California is why I moved here.
And that is because I love the snow. I love the cold. I love everything about being frozen. I just don't do well in heat.
I don't like the heat. I don't like feeling like my skin is burning off and
honestly, I just feel really sick. I'm pretty bad heat intolerance. So whenever it's hot,
I just don't do well and New England is perfect for that
because most of the year it's pretty cold or at least 60 degrees and that's fine.
Alright, so the next fact and again ties in with me being from California is that I am obsessed with In-N-Out. I miss
In-N-Out, I think about it all the time. I have nightmares about the fact that I've gone home to visit and
I've somehow
forgotten to eat In-N-Out up until the end of my trip and I have to come back to
Massachusetts and I've realized I've wasted all this time not eating In-N-Out, it's horrible. It's a repetitive dream. In-N-Out needs to expand.
Alright, so the next fact is that I actually have mild to moderate hearing loss.
I didn't find out about this officially until last year, but I mean
I knew I couldn't understand people very well and I had to put volumes up pretty high and all things but
Yeah, I'm gonna do more videos on that as well and of how I
figured out I had hearing loss and the whole process of getting hearing aids and everything
but yeah, they assume it's genetic and
probably unlinked to my EDS. So I just kind of won the genetic lottery.
The next fact is that I actually was going to be a respiratory therapist. I came here for a respiratory therapy program
I was really excited, I was doing really well, and then
I decided that would be a good idea to drive home in the middle of
a snow storm. So the hospital where I was working had a really big hill
by it and I had to drive down it but I did not know it was covered in black ice and my car slid all
the way to the bottom, I couldn't stop, went into the front yard of somebody's house.
I got pretty bad whiplash, but otherwise was fine. But with my EDS
It's not good.
My neck became super unstable. My spinal cord was giving me problems like
my whole body was just ruined and I could not heal so I had to quit.
And that was
probably one of the hardest things I've ever had to do because I loved it so much and I was really passionate about it
What can you do?
Next fact is that I play piano, kind of and some guitar. I say kind of because I can't read music
I just played by ear which is funny because I have hearing loss
Anyway, I have not played piano in kind of a while so it's mainly muscle memory for me
but now that I have hearing aids I'd be really interested to get back in it and see if I can kind of
play songs by ear again and get them out better and faster.
It definitely took a while before.
So the next fact is that I love books. I love reading them. I love looking at them. I love buying them. I love
everything about books. Um, I have some right here
there's a dresser behind me. It's actually full of books because I just ran out of shelf space. I actually have a bookstagram account
I don't really use it that often, but I'm gonna get back into it.
It's called @thebookhooligan, and I actually also make some bookish jewelry.
So, I don't know if you like books too, go ahead and check that out and talk to me because I love talking people that
like books too!
So the next fact and maybe the most important is that I love The Lord of the Rings.
I love the movies, I love the books, I love everything about Middle Earth and just
I love it.
I sleep to it every night. I watch it all the time. I have multiple copies of the books [sighs]
I just love The Lord of the Rings.
Next fact about me is that I love candles. I have a ton of candles, some bookish candles that I paid way too much for
but overall just
any candles I mean I'm kind of particular about smell but...
It doesn't really matter. I just love candles...
I need to stop buying them.
So the next thing about me is why I wear glasses so I got glasses a couple of years ago and
up until then, doctors thought I kind of needed reading glasses or whatever. I just, I struggled to read, I struggled to see things. I
I often closed one eye in order to read anything or
see straight.
Basically while I drove I kind of took my head because I just I had double vision.
And finally
I saw some eye doctor that figured out. "Oh, you know you'd benefit from prisms in your eyeglasses." So that's what I have
I have prisms in here, no distance correction or anything.
I just
I couldn't see straight without it.
Not really sure if that's EDS related or not. I'm assuming maybe like we connective tissue in my eyeballs.
I don't really know, but without these I just kind of
run into things.
Alright, so the next fact about me is that I am a Christian. I have been basically all my life
Yeah, I mean
it's basically the main reason why I'm still sane I think dealing with all my chronic illnesses and
health struggles and all the struggles.
Well, the next fact is that I have been to Italy and Puerto Rico, otherwise, I've just been to States.
um and
I have to say I really want to go back to Italy because the pasta is just unreal.
I mean, yeah, the buildings are great too. But oh my gosh, the pasta was unreal. It was just so good
So hopefully one day soon I will make it back there and just spend every day
Alright so the next fact about me is that one time a Disneyland employee made me cry on my birthday.
So much over the happiest place on earth
I was quite upset and my friend had to go in and yell at people and they made it better
But I think I might make that a separate video
because it kind of has to do with
accessibility for people with invisible diseases whatever so yeah. It was a bad day, but it turned out okay.
The next fact about me is that I have a crazy clothes addiction.
I'm looking at so many piles of clothes right now. It's kind of horrible.
But my defense is that I have to share a one-bedroom apartment with my friend, and we just don't have enough space. So
No, I really just need to stop buying clothes.
The next fact is that I know some ASL. I took two of three classes in college.
I've also studied German, Japanese,
Spanish, Italian,
I started doing French...really hard. Not a big fan.
And one day I hope to be fluent in at least
one language. Maybe ASL in case my hearing keeps going and I kind of feel like communicating with people. I don't know but
yeah, I really love languages and they kind of just
I don't know, they fascinate me.
So the next fact about me is that I grew up a major tomboy.
I mean, I still basically am I'm not really into super girly things but
growing up I just was always outside with my friend, he lived across the street and we grew up together. He was basically my brother and
Yeah, we just play sports, biking, rollerblading, skating...
Everything. I did a lot of sports growing up, for time were like boy clothes
That was a great time in my life. I looked great.
So the next fact about me, is that in middle school I ate pizza
with John Lithgow. And at the time I only knew him as Lord Farquaad,
so I would tell people I had lunch with Lord Farquaad.
But now I realized that that's actually kind of bigger deal than I thought it was.
Um, I guess my friend at the time was family friends with him
and he was writing some children's book and he wanted a kids opinion on...
I don't know, the plot or something. I don't remember. I just remember pizza and eating lunch with him. So that was cool.
Next fact about me is I'm kind of an animal whisperer.
I love animals, like maybe an unhealthy amount...
And they tend to like me too, a few times
I put goats to sleep in my arms at petting zoos or farms or whatever, they just kind of end up in my arms and asleep.
Yeah, I just I love every creature. I mean even scary things.
I don't necessarily want them on me, but I'll probably talk to it.
So another fact about me is that I drove across the country from
Cupertino, California all the way to the North Shore of Massachusetts
in about three and a half days.
When I moved here, me and my friend and her sister
drove across the entire country and it was one of the worst experiences of my life. I don't recommend doing it that fast.
I also had my dog with me and that made it difficult. I don't think I'll ever do that again if ever move back.
I'm flying, I'm crawling, anything. Anything but a car ride for 3,000 miles.
So the fact about me is that I cannot say the word
Insert here. I mean I can try it pop up plip flip up plip.
I can not say it. It's like the biggest tongue twister ever. I just can't so hopefully that never happens so that I don't have to tell anybody
Hey the "pop up plip flips" is here and they don't take me seriously.
All right, that's it. I really hope I counted right if not, sorry.
I lost count somewhere around 5. So...
Yeah, I hope you like a little bit more about me, I hope I didn't bore you to death, and I'll see you in my next video! Bye!
[outro music]
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