Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily do Jan 29 2019

Co to jest zapalenie krtani? Zapalenie krtani czasami nazywane jest potocznie zapaleniem gardła. Krtań jednak jest krótką,

cylindryczną strukturą położoną poniżej gardła i powyżej tchawicy. Łączy usta z przełykiem.

Znajduje się tuż za wystającą chrząstką na szyi, powszechnie znaną jako jabłko Adama.

Krtań współpracuje z układem trawiennym i układem oddechowym, ponieważ może otwierać się na dwa sposoby. Jeden pozwala pokarmowi przejść do przełyku,

a drugi pozwala na przejście powietrza do tchawicy.

Oprócz tej podwójnej funkcji krtań chroni struny głosowe.

Kiedy jest zainfekowana, dotknięty jest cały obszar i powoduje duże uczucie dyskomfortu zarówno przy jedzeniu, jak i przy oddychaniu.

Zapalenie krtani – jakie są objawy? Pierwszym objawem zapalenia krtani jest pieczenie w gardle i to,

co jest znane jako ochrypły głos (afonia i dysfonia). Niektóre osoby mogą nawet stracić zdolność mówienia na dłuższy czas.

Ponadto odczuwa się mrowienie, ból i trudności w połykaniu jakiegokolwiek jedzenia lub napoju.

Występuje również suchy kaszel i niekomfortowe uczucie guza w gardle.

Częste przyczyny zapalenia krtani: Zapalenie krtani może być ostre lub przewlekłe. W większości przypadków zapalenie krtani może trwać około 3 tygodni.

Ostre zapalenie krtani występuje na skutek infekcji wirusowej.

Bardzo często zapalenie krtani występuje razem z grypą,przeziębieniem, a nawet zapaleniem zatok.

Istnieje również tak zwane przewlekłe zapalenie krtani, które może trwać 3 tygodnie.

Jego główną przyczyną jest nadmierne spożywanie alkoholu.

Może również rozwijać się z powodu refluksu żołądkowo-przełykowego, przewlekłego zapalenia zatok, nadmiernego i ciągłego wysilania głosu.

Może również wynikać z obecności guzków, polipów lub zmian nowotworowych w strunach głosowych.

Zapalenie krtani mogą też wywoływać alergie, które mają wpływ na drogi oddechowe.

Inna przyczyna to nadużywanie strun głosowych,które może prowadzić nawet do ostrego zapalenia krtani.

Przygotuj płyny do płukania gardła z rumianku, szałwii i mięty.

Właściwości rumianku: Rumianek to zioło znane z wielu właściwości przeciwzapalnych i antyseptycznych.

Zawiera kwas kawowy i linolowy, które zwalczają reduktazę aldozową.

Jest to enzym, który powoduje wiele uszkodzeń ciała.

Ponadto, jego właściwości uspokajające pomagają złagodzić ból w dowolnej części ciała.

Można go spożywać w postaci naparu, zewnętrznie w postaci okładów lub w płukankach do ust.

Korzystne właściwości szałwii: Dzięki wyjątkowym właściwościom, szałwię stosuje się,

aby skutecznie leczyć rany wewnętrzne, takie jak owrzodzenia i wrzody.

Jest również stosowana w leczeniu zapalenia gardła i zapalenia dziąseł.

Jest tak dlatego, że jest bardzo dobrym naturalnym środkiem ściągającym.

Szałwia to zioło, które może być spożywane w postaci naparów lub tylko miejscowo.

Właściwości mięty: Mięta jest rośliną leczniczą używaną bardzo często jako środek kojący, gdyż działa rozluźniająco na mięśnie.

Zawiera kwas askorbinowy.

Dzięki temu wspomaga bezpośrednie wydalenie śluzu, więc stanowi bardzo dobry lek obkurczającypomocny w leczeniu infekcji układu oddechowego.

Zawiera również tymol, który jest skutecznym organicznym związkiem zwalczającym kaszel.

Każde z tych ziół ma zatem właściwości lecznicze pomocne w łagodzeniu bólu spowodowanego przez zapalenie krtani.

Można je stosować w oddzielnych herbatkach lub połączyć w jeden mocniejszy napar w celu zwalczenia infekcji.

Wybór należy oczywiście do osoby cierpiącej na dolegliwości.

Poniżej przedstawiamy sposób, w jaki można przygotować płukankę do gardła na bazie trzech wyżej wymienionych roślin.

2 szklanki wody, 500 ml. Składniki: ½ szklanki rumianku, 55 gramów.

½ szklanki mięty, 55 gramów. ½ filiżanki szałwii, 55 gramów.

Co należy zrobić? Najpierw trzeba gotować w wodzie rumianek, szałwię i miętę przez około 20 minut.

Następnie odcedzić i pozostawić mieszaninę przez kilka minut, aż osiągnie temperaturę pokojową.

Tak przygotowaną mieszkanką należy płukać gardło co najmniej 3 razy dziennie, aby zobaczyć wyniki i złagodzić objawy.

For more infomation >> Zapalenie krtani – jak zrobić płyn do płukania gardła? - Duration: 6:29.


Luka Chuppi: Poster Lagwa Do Song | Kartik Aaryan, Kriti Sanon | Mika Singh , Sunanda Sharma| SCU - Duration: 1:08.

For more infomation >> Luka Chuppi: Poster Lagwa Do Song | Kartik Aaryan, Kriti Sanon | Mika Singh , Sunanda Sharma| SCU - Duration: 1:08.


Shamse Do Alam Conference | Babu Huzoor | Qari Nisaar Jalsa - Duration: 40:16.

For more infomation >> Shamse Do Alam Conference | Babu Huzoor | Qari Nisaar Jalsa - Duration: 40:16.


PEDIDO DO PREFEITO | Declarado inconstitucional direito de vereadores a fiscalizar e requerer cópias - Duration: 4:05.

For more infomation >> PEDIDO DO PREFEITO | Declarado inconstitucional direito de vereadores a fiscalizar e requerer cópias - Duration: 4:05.


【ENG SUB】The Demon Master EP14【Master Devil Do Not Kiss Me Season 3】1080P ENGLISH SUBTITLE EPISODE14 - Duration: 24:10.

Sister Yuanyuan, where is the key

Yesterday, madam asked me to throw the key away

threw away???

Sister Yuanyuan

what are you doing

this is not convenient at all

I paid a lot of money to buy the herbal tonics soup, which is helpful for having a baby

and also bought the handcuffs

I don't know when I will have a little Chuxia or little Qilu

the herbal tonics soup???!!!

Is it the one I drink it yesterday???

He did not drink it then I drink it

Sister Yuanyuan, please free us

You two should behave nicely

When everything goes well, I will invite the locksmith to free you two

but when???

I also do not know

I tell you that this handcuff was bought from abroad with extremely high price

the local locksmiths near here definitely cannot open it

I think you two should better to think how to finish the noodle soup at front of you

otherwise you will be hungry before opening the handcuff

I gonna have a meeting. you two, fighting!

Sister Yuanyuan

Episode 14

Han Qilu is such an excellent student

He make a great achievement at academy and also help his girl friend to improve

I am not sure the student from Design major can understand it or not

thanks for teacher's caring. My understanding is much more important

the question in the board is for you guys here to solve

I want to test you whether you fully understand it or not

It seems that most students here cannot solve it

no one here can solve it with the required time

including Han Qilu

It show that love can lower one's IQ

Is it truly difficult?

The student from Design major

How about you come here? using your arts creativity to solve it

what's that???

never mind.

just draw it

Teacher, I accept that I cannot...

teacher. look. she is drawing right

She truly solved it

you are amazing

how could it be possible

thanks. teacher

a talent one is always left-hander

if you can draw, then you do it


are you coming here for studying or for loving

creation needs the emotions

If Han Qilu staying here can motivates you

I agree


Did Qilu and Chuxia sleep at the same room?

which year are you living in

right. I am old now. my thought cannot fit the new century

anyway, my way is always the best

they will have no class tomorrow

they will stay together longer than usual

Madam, you are so smart

How about the key?

the key? what's that

You said it this morning that inviting a locksmith to unlock the handcuff


What's up? do you want to learn cook there


I just look it for pleasure

your cooking is awesome

I believe you can do it

Le Cordon Bleu is for those who want to learn French food. does not fit for him

so what??

Cooking French food is much easier than cooking Chinese food

You all agreed that this meal is for celebrating my being back from abroad

someone is jealous and someone is showing love. and nobody care about me

You have been in abroad for so long. We two were locked together by Sister Yuanyuan. we cannot be apart right now

Once the locksmith comes, you will be apart very soon

Is it truly difficult to unlock?

Sister Yuanyuan just said that only locksmith from abroad can unlock it

How could be possible for Qilu's mother to truly lock them

that is Sister Yuanyuan's trick

I have known that you'd better prefer to lock with Chuxia forever

Mingyuan, I have not seen for a long time

I will not go back home today

letting these two guys stay together

take care. do you need the car to go back school

nope. You'd better stay with your Li Shendong

MIngyuan, what are you trying

there will a after party of Younger Painters Exhibition

I plan to join, but I do not have fit jewelry

must wear jewelry?

you are the fiancee of Han Qilu

this meeting is official.

a woman should wear jewelry

maybe Han Qilu planned everything for you. then you did not know it

that's fine. I will not participate in tomorrow

otherwise I would be laughed at that time

Mingyuan. look here. How is it? is it ok

this is too beautiful

If you truly have to join tomorrow

I lend it to you for tomorrow

but keep in your mind. you have to protect it well

value of this is not important

this ring is meaningful for me


Li Shendong, why do you looks sleepy?

What did you two do last night


My application of transferring school failed

you can talk it with you father

It must be done by my dad

we do not have common topics

give it to me

I want this

I also want it


What do you eat

which one is the most expensive

five-start hotel is located outside

Dean Long

Why do you come here

Today the chairman of college board visit our school. he wants to taste the food from cafeteria

My dad is here???

right. look there. he is sitting there

your dad must love your food

I am really looking forward your works



Unexpectedly, I meet you here

It is very ordinary party. you should not be surprised to meet me here

It seem that you have a very close relation with An Chuxia

What shitty ideas are in your head

I dare not

I really appreciate the close realtion between you and AN Chuxia

The fully funded abroad study opportunity should have belonged to An Chuxia

This opportunity is earned by myself


What the hell do you want to say

What I am saying is that

if you want

I, Nan gongyin, will give whatever you want

but with conditions

I am sorry

I am not interested in it

by the way

If you dare to hurt An Chuxia, I will let you die

do not beg me in future

where is the ring

I left in the dormitory

you promised me that you would wear it every second

When I was taking shower last night, I left it in dorm

such a naughty girl


I am sorry. I am so sorry

I cam promise that it did not miss in the party

When I went back, I was afraid that this ring was seen by Han Qilu

When I was back here, I took it off to a box

When I was back, there was nothing in the box

sorry. I am so sorry

How about that? we go to find it separately

take your legs off

What's wrong wit you? did you quarrel with Han Qilu again

Did you quarrel or not

we gonna quarrel very soon

what did you do

I made a huge mistake

If he knows it, he will be pissed off

You do not know a man at all

I tell you

Find a romantic place. explain to him carefully and speak softly

If all cannot work, then pretend to be coquetry. it must work


of course

then you show coquetry to me

How do you find this romantic place

Qilu, I...

do you prepare a surprise for me

don't be shy. just say it

I lost our ring


When and where

I have no idea

An Chuxia, why do you always like this

do you truly care about the ring

I care

I was looking for it for a whole night

I really take our ring very seriously

I also feel very bad since I cannot find it

You were not willing to wear the ring at your finger

do you truly care

that is not the truth

because I need to draw everyday. I was worried that the ring became dirty

hence I wore it on my neck

by the way. is it truly important that I wear it or not

who cares

I do care

excuse me


this is my name card

are you an artist manager of Star Times Entertainment?

Is it the Star Times Entertainment that produce a lot of famous movie stars?

Miss. you really know our industry

I am a big fan of your company

Excuse me, what do you want to do

I was watching you for a while a few minutes ago

In my past ten years' working experience

your condition is one of the best to be a movie actor

If you choose our company, I believe you will be a super famous movie star in future

I am not interested in

there is my contact info in my name card. please consider it carefully

Are you looking for the name card? I have threw it away

why did yo do that? this company is super famous

so what

If you were acting this movie, you would have been better

surely I will be better than them

right. I want everyone know that my boyfriend is the best

are you sure

at that time, there will be a lot of fans surrounding me

will you be jealous?

of course not. I will be proud of you

by the way, if you do not catch this opportunity, you possibly will regret

ok. I will go there for audition

please do not change the channel

the leading actor is ugly

are you blind? there is name there, called "Mingyuan"

is she the one that is extremely famous and talent majoring in Design?

OMG. it is impossible

I cannot believe it

How can SD College have a student like her

please give me a space

who did it?

coward!!!! dare to do it but dare not to accept that he did it


Mingyuan, please do not look it

An Chuxia, those things were only knew by you

I have still thought that Li Shendong's dream is so cool

a chef?

right. it is unexpected

there is no much differences between dreams

Having a dream is happy

I know that you are the one with full of dreams

For more infomation >> 【ENG SUB】The Demon Master EP14【Master Devil Do Not Kiss Me Season 3】1080P ENGLISH SUBTITLE EPISODE14 - Duration: 24:10.


Rap do Hyakkimaru (Dororo) | Retalhador Das Trevas | Tributo #33 - Duration: 4:04.

For more infomation >> Rap do Hyakkimaru (Dororo) | Retalhador Das Trevas | Tributo #33 - Duration: 4:04.


How to start talking to Polish women (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 3:18.

It's better when the guy is straightforward

And being clear from the beginning without hiding

Just do it!

Just tell her that you like her

"Can we sit somewhere and talk?"

Come up, smile and ask her out for a coffee

ask her out for a coffe

Ask her about anything

just don't use stupid pick-up lines

Don't be afraid, don't be shy. Be straightforward

but also nice

just walk up

and be very nice and direct

"What's your name?"

Just walk up and say 'hi'

'You look nice'

introduce yourself

don't come from behind surprisingly

because that would push you away

a girl would be 'what's going on? '

just be nice and smile and be confident

I like when he's confident

I like when he walks up and

and being specific ''My name's...'

'What's your name?'

He doesn't have to say right away that he likes me

That's enough to just walk up and start talking

What about a night club?

Don't say 'can I buy you a drink?'

Rather someting different

in a night club it's important not to be rude

It pushes people away

just ask for a dance

a dance is ok

but don't offer a drink

it pushes away

girls don't buy into that


It's funny when people say ambiguous phrases

Because everybody know it's half true and half joke

In a night club? It's a bit...

I prefer other places

In a night club it's better by dancing

Have you ever approached a guy you liked?

No, I never aproached first

I have a man , so...

I never approached anyone first

I've had this situation once

We were smiling at each other

But I saw he was shy, so I just walked up

No, it never happened to me


I don't hit on

Me neither

But I can smile nicely as a hint

I never seek (meeting guys)

Of course, but that doesn't often happen

No, I'm not brave enough

Maybe some of your friends doing so?

they do

If girls initiate communication, how they do it?

by dancing

or just walk up and start talking

"Hi, what time is it now?"

If you already know each other. And the guy likes you. What should he say?

"Do you want to go for a walk?"

ask out for coffee

talking about mutual friends is ok

invite to the movies

ask her out

Damn, I don't know

"hey, what's up?" is enough?

I think that's enough

"Hi, how is it going?"

"What are you doing?"

If he's shy he can write a comment, like her photo and then messenger

For more infomation >> How to start talking to Polish women (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 3:18.


Top Sertanejo 2019 Mais Tocadas - As Melhores do Sertanejo Universitário 2019 (Lançamentos) - Duration: 52:50.

Hello friends ! If you like this mix please Like & share, sub channel. Thanks you very much !!

For more infomation >> Top Sertanejo 2019 Mais Tocadas - As Melhores do Sertanejo Universitário 2019 (Lançamentos) - Duration: 52:50.


Save Our Fire Museum - My Halifax - Things To Do In Halifax - Duration: 7:30.

For more infomation >> Save Our Fire Museum - My Halifax - Things To Do In Halifax - Duration: 7:30.


How do I get my new website in Google? - Duration: 5:07.

Hello, this is John Locke, and today's question is coming to us from Alignable.

And the question goes like this.

How do I get my site to where the pages are being indexed in Google?

How do I make sure that my pages are in Google?

Okay, so just because you publish a website doesn't mean that Google is going to crawl

it and index it, and put it in it's list of pages that it knows about.

So what you're going to want to do is look up this thing called Google Search Console.

Just type "Google Search Console" in Google and you'll find it.

Basically, what you're going to want to do is if you have a website that is already up,

and you're hooked into this already, it's going to ask you to verify your domain.

It will either ask you to add a text record (TXT) to your domain name settings, your DNS

records, or upload a small HTML file to the root folder of your website.

And then, it will verify that you own that website.

Then what you're going to want to do is add an XML sitemap to your website.

Now if you have a WordPress site, this is pretty easy.

You can use a plugin like Yoast, or there are several others that you can use.

But it will generate a sitemap that is specifically for Googlebot to crawl.

And you'll submit that under Sitemaps, on the left hand side navigation.

There will be a spot for you to submit that in Google Search Console.

So basically what will happen then is Googlebot will go and each month or every couple of

weeks, it will go out and get the content from your pages, and put it in the Google


Until Google crawls a page on your website, that page cannot come up in Google Search.

Google has to actually go to the page, to the website, get the pages, and put them in

it's list of web pages that it has found, for those to be able to come up in search.

If you're on Squarespace, I think they have XML sitemaps built in.

Just submit the web address where that is located into Google Search Console.

There will be a button where you can test to make sure that Googlebot is finding everything

without errors.

So you should know right away.

That is step one to making sure that Google is able to crawl your website, making sure

that is has an XML sitemap, which is built specifically for Google to go and get those

pages, and put them in the Google index, so they come up in search.

Now, if you have done all that, and your site is indexed in Google -- and one way to test

this is to do a search in Google, where it is -- and if you type

that search in, you should see any web pages that Google has indexed from your site.

It should show all that pages that are on your site.

If you don't see anything come up, or if you see just your home page, or nothing come up,

then you've got a problem somewhere, and you need to get that fixed.

Now, if Google has all your pages indexed, but when people are searching for whatever

service or product it is that you provide, but you're not coming up anywhere -- you're

not on Page One, or 2, or 3, or 4 -- then you need get with a SEO consultant or a SEO

agency, so they can help you take steps to give signals to Google that your site is a

quality site, that your website is helping your customer base, your site is something

that can be trusted, and that it should rank higher than it currently is.

I hope that answers your question.

This is John Locke for Lockedown Design and SEO.

We help manufacturing and industrial firms with SEO, so they get more Requests For Quotes.

If you have a SEO question you'd like to see us answer, leave it in the comments below,

we'll answer it out in a future video.

We're publishing videos every week, so be sure to subscribe.

Until next time, peace.

For more infomation >> How do I get my new website in Google? - Duration: 5:07.


Do I spend too much money? #TightwadDad Podcast with Neil and Joe 003 - Duration: 3:06.

Okay it's episode 3 of tightwad dad podcast.

With me Neil and Joe.

So hi thanks for joining us - Joe you were just saying these podcasts are very short.


But Mummy read that micro-podcasts are gonna be the thing, so maybe this is a good thing.


And I did want to mention - you didn't want to talk about it.

Sorry, I've got your headphone lead wrapped round.

I've got a cold.

You've got a cold, so that's why you sound a bit...



I can't remember what my next question was.

Do you want to blow your nose while I look up the next question?

Oh yeah I know the question: do you think I spend too much money?

I think you spend a decent amount money Just the right amount?

yeah not too much not too less If I feel like we haven't got enough money,

it's either because I'm not earning enough.

Or because we're spending too much.

Or maybe you should not spend anything and be proud of what you've already got

That's a good idea.

Cos some people don't have anything.

That's a really really good idea.

Oh the making money thing in Episode two I whispered looking under the... and another

way I know this would look weird but I have earned about fifty pounds by doing it altogether

by looking under vending machines or coin machines

anything that would involve coins which have a gap underneath they are coins like coin

stars, look under claw machines especially in arcades you get quite a bit

Don't you remember No!

Ugh, bad memory.

It's cause I'm getting old.

What I thought you were gonna say...

You're not old... ...was looking under sofa cushions, oh yeah

in the cracks because when like heavy people sit down if

they've got a lot of change in their pocket it would just fall out into the cracks yeah

I found - remember in that Southsea I found like two pounds 50 in different couches or

sofas So that's the end of - is this episode 3?

yes Thanks for watching.

Can't remember...

You've got a bad memory...

If you've got this far into the video we'd love it if you gave us a thumbs up - if you

got this far.

And make sure you subscribe because I think it would be nice

It'd really help us.

yeah Because when we hit 1000 subscribers, we start

getting money from youtube.

Hey, that could be our next podcast.

What, how to get money from youtube?



Make thousand gaming channels I think I've said too much

Can you please help my daddy get 1000 subscribers just click on his face thanks bye

For more infomation >> Do I spend too much money? #TightwadDad Podcast with Neil and Joe 003 - Duration: 3:06.


Feira do Fumeiro Montalegre grupo folclórico Ronfe Guimarães - Duration: 4:42.

For more infomation >> Feira do Fumeiro Montalegre grupo folclórico Ronfe Guimarães - Duration: 4:42.


Five exercises you MUST do if you work behind a desk - Duration: 5:13.

five exercises to have a better posture.

Coming up!


what's up everyone I hope you're having a good time wherever you are in the world before I share with you

Before I share with you these five exercises for better posture I want to share with you a short story

few years ago I used to work as a personal trainer at one of the big gyms

and I used to schedule my clients as early as possible in a day back to back

so I can finish early and go home early and do something else so I was so

fixated on making money and whenever somebody asked me if I have an opening

in my schedule I always add him or her to the end of my schedule so I add an

extra hour for me to work some days I get to work eight hours back-to-back

non-stop and that was too much work for my back and then my back said dude

you're on your own and then my back gave up and I started having severe pain in my

lower back and I start limping so I had to go to the doctor because I was

unbearable pain so they did x-rays and they did posture screening and the

numbers are- they said your weight your head weighs 20.7 pounds instead

of 11.2 pound which is I believe it's correct and accurate

because I was in so much pain so I couldn't hold the upright posture like

this so the doctor start using these numbers to to tell me not to kick the

heavy bag anymore not to do intense exercises anymore

and then he tried to sell me packages and treatment sessions and

stuff like this and then, I admire doctors I admire their work... they do a great

work but it's sometimes it's very hard to trust their opinion when there are

more salesmen than doctors so I went home and after listening to him to his

advices I thought my life is ending and so I start working on my back

strengthening my back stretching more and not working as hard as I

used to and I am now able to do this


okay okay I'm gonna shut up and do the exercises all you need is a resistant

band like this that you can get from Amazon or from any sporting goods stores

and also we need like couple handles like this that we can hook to the band

and that's all we need let's get started.

The first exercise will be stretching and activating our back and hamstrings while you are

sitting on your chair slowly bend over try to position your shoulders between

your knees and when you reach a comfortable position try to hold it down

for eight to ten seconds since your head is lower than your heart lift yourself

up slowly so that we don't get dizzy.

The second exercise will stretch our chest and activate the upper back and rear delts.

Loop the band around your hands and secure your grip position your hands straight (eye level)

with slight resistance open your arms away from each other

and we will do this exercise for ten reps and move to the next one

The third exercise will activate the triceps keep the band looped around your

hands position your arms one next to your hip and the other one straight

above your head keep your bicep as close to your ear as possible and bend your

elbow to bring your hand behind your head and pull it back up.

We will do this exercise 10 reps for each side.

Next exercise will activate the quads and back as main muscles and the glutes and biceps as supporting muscles.

Loop the band around your desk leg and connect the handles to it, move away from the

desk until you feel slight resistance with your arms straight squat down and

pull the band to your sides as you stand up from the squat we will do this for 10 reps.

The last exercise will activate mainly your chest and your triceps will

be the supporting ones. Position your chair against the wall or your desk and

place your hands on the chair arms and do a regular incline push-ups make

sure to squeeze your glutes and engage your core if you cannot do a push-up

this way you may do a wall pushup or use a higher surface we will do this

exercise for 10 reps.

I am excited to make and share this video with you guys and I hope you benefit from it and I suggest you do these exercises 3 to 5

times a day especially if you don't follow a workout

routine and the only takeaway I want you to take from this video that we destroy

our health to make money and we pay this money to get our health back and

unfortunately 90% of the time it doesn't work out well thank you for watching my

video guys and if you find it helpful please share it with others

and I hope to see you on your next one


For more infomation >> Five exercises you MUST do if you work behind a desk - Duration: 5:13.


What Does a Lawyer Do | North Carolina Attorney Eben Rawls Explains - Duration: 1:23.

For more infomation >> What Does a Lawyer Do | North Carolina Attorney Eben Rawls Explains - Duration: 1:23.


News24 - Ole Gunnar Solskjaer reveals what he must do as Man Utd manager - Duration: 4:10.

  Ole Gunnar Solskjaer is adamant trophies remain the only measure of ­success at Manchester United

  Mauricio Pochettino, ­Solskjaer's rival for the Reds job, dismissed silverware as only being good for "egos" after Tottenham went out of the EFL Cup and FA Cup in the space of four days

  But caretaker boss Solskjaer, who will be aiming to make it nine wins from nine on Tuesday when Burnley visit, said it is still the only currency that ­matters at Old Trafford

 And that means United will be going all out for FA Cup glory as well as trying to beat ­Pochettino's Spurs into third place in the Premier League

 "We've got the Champions League, we've got the FA Cup, we can't just say top-four and that's it," said Solskjaer

 "We've got to look at, 'Can we win something this year?' And I go into every single game as United manager thinking we can win

 "We're about winning ­trophies, of course we are.  "We can't win the league this year, but we're still in the FA Cup, so we're going to try to win it, of course

I think every manager wants to win every game, so I don't think that's the point he was making

"   The Norwegian, who won six Premier League titles (top, with the crown), two FA Cups and the Champions League as a player with United, said Sir Alex Ferguson left a winning legacy that had rubbed off on him

 "If you win trophies that's a fantastic day for everyone in the club," said Solskjaer

 "It's just the best time of your life, that day when you win, ­because you never know when the next one is going to come

  "The manager always said, 'Enjoy whatever trophy you win', but it's not up to me to discuss what anyone else says

 "I'm just saying that we, here at this club, we're looking to win trophies."  United were 11 points off fourth spot when Solskjaer took over from the axed Jose Mourinho last month, but six league wins in succession have narrowed that gap to three

  Beating Burnley tonight would see them move level on points with fourth-placed ­ Chelsea , who play tomorrow

 Solskjaer claims his team can get better as the ­season goes on.  "I've been really impressed with the team, the players, the desire to improve and the team spirit," he said

 "We need to use these months now to be ready for the challenge next season.  "We came second last ­season, we wanted to be ­challenging for the top place

  "It didn't happen. Now it's about reorganising and starting next season ready to challenge

"  Asked what had pleased him most about his winning spell in the hot seat, Solskjaer said: "When you go away to Spurs and win that game, it's ­fantastic

  "But when you go to Arsenal , and win that one in a much better manner, that's what pleases me the most

 "Everyone buys into the ideas we're having and if they keep the same attitude and ­application in training, we're going to get better


For more infomation >> News24 - Ole Gunnar Solskjaer reveals what he must do as Man Utd manager - Duration: 4:10.


✅ TOP 10: Things To Do In Prague - Duration: 5:18.

Prague is the capital and largest city in the Czech Republic.

It is situated in the north-west of the country on the Vltava river.

The city boasts some of the most picturesque architectural landmarks in Europe and with

its medieval streets, world class museums and baroque style churches and bridges, Prague

is an excellent tourist destination.

Before we get into the top 10 things to do in Prague, we've included links in the description

to various discount codes and links to resources of things to do, so make sure you check those


10) At number 10 is the Charles Bridge

The Charles Bridge in Prague is a historic, stone bridge that is rich in statues and decorative


It crosses the Vltava river and connects the Old Town and the New Town.

Its construction started in 1357 under King Charles IV, and finished at the beginning

of the 15th century, with the striking statues added in the 17th century.

One of the most beautiful bridges in Europe, it is a must see for any visitor.

9) Number 9 is Prague Castle

Prague Castle is a castle complex dating from the 9th century.

It is one of the largest ancient castles in the world and is classed as an UNESCO World

Heritage site.

The vast castle complex with buildings revealing architecture from Roman-style, to Gothic and

20th century, is one of the most important cultural institutions in the Czech Republic.

Located in Hradcany, this fairytale Castle is without doubt one of the city's most

popular tourist attractions.

8) At number 8 is Petřín Tower

The Petřín Lookout Tower is one of the most prominent landmarks of Prague.

It was built as part of the Jubilee Exhibition in 1891 and was inspired by the Eiffel Tower.

It is 63.5 metres high, and 299 steps lead to its peak, with the view from its top, it

overlooks not only the whole city, but on a clear day you can see nearly all of Bohemia.

7) At number 7 explore the Old Town Square

The square is home to some of the most historic attractions in the city, including the Old

Town Hall, one of the best places to get a bird's-eye view of the city and the Prague

Astronomical Clock, a beautiful timepiece dating back to the 1400s.

Known for its beautiful architecture, colourful history and vibrant atmosphere, the square

hasn't changed much since it was established in the 12th century when it functioned as

the city's original marketplace.

6) Number 6 is Prague Astronomical Clock

Whilst in the Old Town Square watch the spectacle of the mechanical clock marking the turn of

an hour.

The clock itself is on the south face of the town hall and is the pride of Prague.

It was built in the fifteenth century and is widely regarded as one of the best-preserved

medieval mechanical clocks in the world.

Take a tour of the clock tower and learn about the history, significance, and meaning of

this remarkable piece of medieval engineering.

Get spectacular views of the City from the top and see the insides of this amazing astronomical


5) At number 5 is St. Vitus Cathedral

Built over a time span of almost 600 years, St Vitus is one of the most richly endowed

cathedrals in central Europe.

Many treasures await visitors including the 14th-century mosaic of the Last Judgement

and the tomb of Charles IV, to the ornate Chapel of St Wenceslas and the art nouveau

stained glass by Alfons Mucha.

4) Number 4 is Prague Zoo

Prague Zoo opened in 1931 and during its existence has risen to become one of the most prestigious

zoos in the world.

With over 4,600 animals living in the Zoo visitors can explore 12 pavilions and 150

exhibits over 58 hectares.

There is also a chair lift, mini-train, observation tower, paddling pool and Children's Zoo

to be enjoyed by all the family.

3) At number 3 is Wenceslas Square

The historic Wenceslas Square is one of the main city squares and the centre of the business

and cultural communities in the town of Prague.

Many historical events occurred in the square, and it is a traditional setting for celebrations,

and other public gatherings.

More a broad boulevard than a typical city square, it was originally a medieval horse

market and the square was named after Bohemia's patron saint during the nationalist revival

of the mid-19th century.

2) Number 2 is the Prague City Museum

This excellent museum, opened in 1898, is devoted to the history of Prague from prehistoric

times to the 20th century.

It is located next to Florenc Metro station and houses historical artefacts, documents,

and weapons and maps documenting the history of Prague.

The highlight of the museum is a huge cardboard model of the city created between 1826-1834

by Antonín Langweil.

1) And at number 1 is a River Cruise

Seeing Prague from the river Vltava is a unique experience and offers a way to see the many

historical buildings and monuments from a different perspective.

Cruises within the city are competitively priced and often include lunch or dinner depending

on the time of day you choose to embark.

Encounter the very grand and historic Charles Bridge from below and spot the magnificent

Prague Castle in the distance, the River Cruise is a brilliant experience for any visitor.

So that sums up our top 10 things to do in Prague, we hope you enjoyed, if you did please

leave a like and if you're new here feel free to subscribe.

Until next video have a great day.

For more infomation >> ✅ TOP 10: Things To Do In Prague - Duration: 5:18.


Na dobre i na złe, odcinek 730: Julka przyzna się Bartowi do seksu z Marcinem - Duration: 13:07.

Julka (Aleksandra Hamkało) po nocy spędzonej z Marcinem (Filip Bobek)

w 730 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" zacznie mieć potworne wyrzuty sumienia.

Chwila namiętności okaże się niewarta nadchodzących konsekwencji związanych ze zdradą.

Bohaterka "Na dobre i na złe" zacznie miotać się, nie wiedząc, co ma dalej zrobić.

W końcu w 730 odcinku zdecyduje powiedzieć Bartowi (Piotr Wysocki) całą prawdę.

Jak zareaguje Artur? Czy to koniec ich związku? Julka w "Na dobre i na złe"

da się porwać chwili i pojedzie do mieszkania Marcina, gdzie spędzoną upojną noc.

Młoda anestezjolożka szybko pożałuje tej decyzji.

Budząc się obok kochanka zdecyduje jak najszybciej wrócić do domu, do syna i narzeczonego.

Molenda obudzi się, kompletnie nieświadomy, że wkrótce wybranka złamie mu serce.

- Zrobię ci kawę… - Wypiję w domu! (…) Zapomnijmy o tym… OK?

- Zaciągnąłem cię tu siłą? Skrzywdziłem cię? - Nie…

- Więc o co chodzi? Coś nie tak zrobiłem? Odwiozę cię…

- Pojadę sama! - Burska postawi na swoim. W międzyczasie Bart w 730 odcinku

"Na dobre i na złe" domyśli się dlaczego partnerka nie wróciła na noc do domu.

Nie zrobi jej awantury - zamiast tego przyjmie postawę buddyjskiego mnicha

co dodatkowo wyprowadzi kobietę z równowagi. - Zimno na dworze? Nie wiem, jak ubrać Tymka.

- To wszystko, o co chcesz mnie spytać? - A o coś jeszcze powinienem?

W pracy Burska nie wytrzyma.

Rozpłacze się i tylko dzięki Hani (Marta Żmuda-Trzebiatowska) będzie w stanie podjąć dalsze decyzje.

Podczas kolejnego spotkania z Marcinem definitywnie zakończy ich relację.

Później w 730 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" powie Arturowi całą prawdę o poprzedniej nocy.

- Bart… przepraszam. Za to, że nie chciałam cię zrozumieć, że oceniałam… że nie mogłeś na mnie liczyć.

- Nie przepraszaj... - Kiedy zacząłeś mnie oszukiwać, ukrywać prawdę…

Kiedy o tym się dowiedziałam… To był koniec. Początek końca...

Wiedziałam, że już nie będzie, jak było. Że już ci nie zaufam tak, jak ufałam.

Czułam się tak strasznie… Tej nocy byłam u Marcina… Z nim...

Jak zareaguje profesor na wiadomość o zdradzie? Czy to koniec ich miłości?

Widzowie "Na dobre i na złe" przekonają się w nadchodzących odcinkach.

Sytuacja uczuciowa Julki z serialu "Na dobre i na złe" zmieniła się w niezły bałagan.

Uzależnienie Barta bardzo wpłynęło na ich relacje, ale Marcin również swoje namieszał.

Nie wiadomo dlaczego, ale od samego początku upatrzył

sobie Burską i postanowił ją zdobyć - za wszelką cenę.

W efekcie Artur w ośrodku uzależnień starał się wyjść na prostą dla rodziny

a w tym samym czasie jego ukochana coraz bardziej oddalała się od niego

aby na końcu wylądować w łóżku z kolegą z pracy.

W nowych odcinkach serialu "Na dobre i na złe" Bart wszystkiego się domyśli

gdy Julka nie wróci na noc do domu. Lekarkę zaczną zżerać wyrzuty sumienia.

Po kolejnej szczerej rozmowie z partnerem zdecyduje, że musi zakończyć krzywdzącą relację z Marcinem.

To ułatwi anestezjologowi wyjazd z kraju.

Zaplanuje dziką ucieczkę do Bueons Aires, ponieważ sprawa z upozorowaniem śmierci

"biznesmena" zacznie śmierdzieć - wszystkie tropy prowadzą właśnie do niego.

Czy to oznacza, że Julka i Bart naprawią relacje i stworzą szczęśliwą rodzinę? Nic bardziej mylnego.

Artur w 732 odcinku "Na dobre i na złe" przejdzie załamanie nerwowe.

Uzna, że najlepszym dla niego rozwiązaniem będzie altruistyczny wyjazd do stolicy Nepalu.

Tam, pomyśli, będzie najbardziej potrzebny.

- Wiem, że to nie Molenda jest naszym problemem, ale kryzys między nami - powie Julce na pożegnanie.

Czy kiedyś wróci? na pewno ma taki zamiar.

Według doniesień Świata Seriali obieca synowi przed wyjazdem

że po tym wszystkim będzie dla niego lepszym ojcem.

Marcin z "Na dobre i na złe" pomaga Julce jak tylko może

więc głupio będzie jej omówić, gdy Molena zwróci się do niej z nietypową prośbą.

W 720 odcinku „Na dobre i na złe" lekarz będzie jadł z koleżanką śniadanie w barze „Pod kroplówką"

gdy na miejscu zjawi się agentka nieruchomości i poinformuje Marcina

że zwolnił się jego wymarzony apartament.

W 720 odcinku „Na dobre i na złe" Julka pojedzie z Marcinem

do pięknego apartementu w centrum Warszawy i będzie udawała jego żonę.

- Skąd masz na to pieniądze? - zapyta lekarka.

- Giełda...- Molenda będzie bardzo wiarygodny i

nie zapomni o czułych gestach i pieszczotliwych słówkach.

Wszystko tylko po to, by agentka uwierzyła

że lekarz na miejscu chce zamieszkać z wybranką swojego serca.

- Długo są państwo po ślubie? - Trzy lata...

To zdecydowanie najlepsze lata mojego życia - powie rozpromieniony Marcin.

- Mają państwo dzieci? - dopyta agentka. - Pięcioro... Asia, Kasia, Basia, Marek i Darek.

To są naprawdę cudowne dzieci. Są takie prawdziwe - wyjaśni Molenda.

Jego miłością nie będzie jednak Julka, a Wera, z którą już kiedyś się spotykał.

W 720 odcinku „M jak miłość" narkomanka zauważy Burską

w towarzystwie Molendy i postanowi wypytać o ich relacje.

Uspokoi się, gdy Julka powie, że z Marcinem łączy ją tylko przyjaźń.

Tymczasem Marcin zaprosi Werę na wspólny wieczór w klubie.

Postanowi nawet zamówić alkohol, bo uzna, że oboje wyszli już z nałogu.

Czy ma rację? W „Na dobre i na złe" Marcin będzie chciał zamieszkać

w apartamencie z dawną kochanką – oby tym razem nie złamał jej serca!

For more infomation >> Na dobre i na złe, odcinek 730: Julka przyzna się Bartowi do seksu z Marcinem - Duration: 13:07.


Charlotte NC -Things to Do in Charlotte NC ( TOP 10 !) - Duration: 13:38.

For more infomation >> Charlotte NC -Things to Do in Charlotte NC ( TOP 10 !) - Duration: 13:38.


Top Sertanejo 2019 Mais Tocadas - As Melhores do Sertanejo Universitário 2019 (Lançamentos) - Duration: 52:50.

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