Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily how Jan 29 2019

- So the two biggest questions that are gonna come up

when somebody watches this right now,

and I want to makes sure that we answer,

number one, that's completely bullshit,

because people are just gonna say that straight up,

which is awesome and I want to be able to answer that,

number two, how the hell has he done it?

So let's cover that.

So when it comes to what's going on

in Mr. Aaron Selkrig's world,

when it comes to the business,

let's just go, in a nutshell, what's going on,

what are you being able to achieve,

and what does the business actually look like now?

- What's the business look like right now,

I guess we're doing, is it,

137,000 Australian dollars a month.

And we have a hundred and I think it's 78

customers at the moment.

I have to double check that.

But yeah, we sell everything on subscription

as I've sort of told you guys before but--

- Yes, good.

- So, yeah, that's where the business currently is.

We just raised some money as well, from external investors,

because we want to open two new gyms next year,

so one in August and the next one in December, January.

So that's what's going on.

- Dude, that's exciting.

Okay, how many trainers are on board,

what does the business actually look like,

how's the operation running?

- We have 15 trainers and one,

well, 15 staff, 14 trainers,

so we have one guy who is not a trainer

and he works on the systems and the management side,

He's the financial guy and the operations guy

because I am pretty terrible at using Excel, so,

(both laugh)

and I struggle with one plus one.

So yeah, I do need someone else

and he's a good friend of mine

and like an economics student, you know,

studied master's of economics and stuff like that, so--

- Nice, nice, now okay, this is really good.

Now obviously I laugh as we go through this

because you're crushing it and you're doing such a good job,

because the first time we recorded

was talking about how you started at 300 a month.

I don't even know how to do the calculations between,

what's the percentage growth from 300 to 137,000 a month?

So whatever that is is pretty awesome.

Now, when it came to like the problems

that faced as you were getting started,

so let's help the coaches right now watching us

when it comes to, okay, how do I get started,

how do I actually get momentum

to be able to build to the level that you're at?

What were the problems that you were facing

that you were really struggling with?

- Well, the first problem was I couldn't get clients.

So that was the first problem, and now it's a lot easier,

but that's the first and main problem

I think most coaches face is that

everyone wants to be a personal trainer these days,

pretty much everyone wants to do it,

or a lot of people want to do it at least.

It seems like a very attractive job because you do,

what is it, I don't even know any more,

but like, you know, a seven-day course

and then you're then a personal trainer

who can earn, who can then earn $100 an hour, you know.

And like doctors don't make that much money,

so, you know, and they do a nine-year medical degree.

So it's a very attractive job for the money aspect.

And then it's also attractive

because of the freedom of lifestyle, you know,

like if you only want to work four hours a day

you can work four hours a day and be pretty happy,

you know, like those things as well, so,

and people like being healthy, the gym is very popular.

So it's a lot of competition and you have to work out

how to separate yourself from all that mass,

that mass that sort of wants to get

every single client they can get.

So I'd say that's one of the biggest things,

is learning how to separate yourself

and learning how to do marketing, that's a big killer.

Obviously you have to be very good at your job,

you can't be a shit personal trainer and charge a lot

and then expect people to stay with you.

So that's a big thing as well,

it's like you've finished a PT course

and then you think you're ready to fucking go,

but, you know, I am still studying, right,

I'm still studying, this morning I was still studying PT,

like how to be a better coach, you know,

and I have like fucking 14 coaches working for me,

and I'm still every week putting in like

five to eight hours of study to be a better coach.

- Dude, I honestly love it

and I think that's so important for other people to hear,

because I feel like one thing

when it comes to how do you actually,

how do you grow a business to the level that we're talking,

using you as the example,

is you've got to be providing an excellent service,

and I know Selkrig Performance

is providing an excellent service,

it's something we need to be focused on.

So when it comes to actually making sure

that you're, number one, you're being a good coach,

but number two, you're getting your coaches

to be a good coach as well.

How are you navigating that sea?

- So I hired a head of education for my coaches.

So we have one guy who's pretty much done

like every fucking course you can do.

He's a bit of a course, you know, a course slut,

so he's (both laugh),

I think he calculated something like

120 courses, you know, like something ridiculous,

like Poliquin, like top level, EXOS,

you know, PRI, NKT, like all this ream

of like-- - All the acronyms possible.

- Yeah, every single acronym possible.

So, you know, and he wasn't so good at business, right,

amazing coach, like absolute freak,

knows fucking everything,

and he wasn't so good at business.

So I made him an offer to come over here and work for us.

He's an Aussie as well.

- Yeah? - So, yeah, he comes,

he's coming over to work for us and he starts,

I've pulled him over for a month

to work with the coaches in educating the coaches,

and helping us create systems

to make our coaching more scalable.

So, you know, and then I made him an offer

to come and live here and work for us,

- Well done. - so, you know,

'cause, you know, he's better than me.

So you have to, I think one big tip that I got was,

when I was studying with this like, one of the CEOs

of this massive company that we work with, he said to me,

like, I said, like fuck, man, this is getting pretty hard,

and he was like, all you have to do now

is to work how to hire people better than you,

and then I was like, okay.

Right, so, and every-- - That's good advice.

- Every single time I try to look for someone better.

Like the guys that do my content, they are better than me,

you know, like there's no question about it.

Like one's a, he's a high school philosophy teacher

and he studied psychology, so he loves this shit.

I don't love making content, I'm terrible, and--

- Dude, this is really good that you touched in this

because I feel a lot of coaches

just try and do simply too much,

and especially if there's like,

okay, there's a level that you get to that is,

sure, you're gonna have to do a lot of stuff,

that's perfectly fine,

but to really grow, and to really grow especially past

like to a million, multi-million dollar business,

is you need to bring on people.

I had a mentor once teach me,

and this was the game changer for me,

is when you have a problem come in

or you have a task come into the business,

it's not how do you do it, it's who does it?

And you simply start delegating down.

And I know that's something

that you've gotten really damn good at.

So even to showcase that, let's say,

what does a day in the life of Aaron look like?

What are you actually doing for this business

to bring in what you're doing?

- Ha ha, not much anymore. (both laugh)

A lot, I'm still working a lot, I'm still working a lot.

It's unfortunate, but that's cool.

Well, okay, this morning, look,

we have our clients in the morning

but because of the time of year, it's Christmas time,

a lot of clients are traveling at the moment.

Basically my mornings generally look like this.

I have clients at 7:00, 7:15,

and I have like two or three clients,

and then I normally go for a breakfast,

and I'll sit at a cafe

and I'll go through our Facebook ad stuff

and then I'll transfer all the information

from the Facebook ads onto an Excel,

and then I'll, you know, check the CPM,

yeah, check the CMP,

check the CTR-- - Nice, nice.

- Yeah, and the video views,

what are the costs for a 10-second video view?

I transfer that all onto an Excel,

and then I send screenshots to my creative guys,

'cause I say, like, this ad's not performing,

we need to change something here,

you know, work out what to do.

So they go along and they do it.

I had to teach them all that stuff, you know,

like again, they are better then me in certain things

but then they didn't understand the concepts of it all,

so I had to teach them that stuff,

but, well, you know the guys, Janus and Jan.

- Yep, yep. - And, yeah,

and then I come down here and I have a chat

with the guy who runs the operation stuff.

Normally we have a bit of a 30-minute, about 20-minute chat,

about what we need to be doing today,

and then we go along and we tick off stuff,

in the, like we use Asana, and that's how we drop out

everyone's tasks for the days and all that sort of stuff.

So, you know, and then we have like weekly goals,

daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals,

quarterly goals, all that sort of stuff,

and we just chip away whatever that stuff is at the moment.

At the moment mostly my stuff is organizing

like big partnerships to companies,

you know, and we're - Big picture.

- doing some stuff on LinkedIn

and, you know, some stuff there,

but the rest of the stuff

is mostly outsourced to other parties.

And I also have to check with every single team,

we have, like, we've broken the companies down into teams,

so like a community team, a team that acquires customers,

and then a team that keeps customers,

so I just check that everything is going smoothly,

basically. - I absolutely love that.

Could we quickly dive into that,

'cause the think that's something

a lot of coaches need to understand,

is obviously we need to get people coming in,

we need to attract and convert,

and that's obviously a team doing that,

but then we also need to makes sure

that people are staying with us

and we're extending their customer lifetime as well.

Now, before, and maybe dive back

just to showcase some numbers,

what's an actual client worth to you

now that you've got these systems in place?

- Our estimated profit on lifetime,

so profit on estimated lifetime value, is 12,000 euros.

- 12,000 euros, I hope a lot of coaches

actually get that between their two ears right now,

because obviously it comes to, all right,

you're signing on clients-- - And that's profit,

that's profit, that's after, - Yes.

- like I've estimated what they cost in my gym,

so what sort of square meterage they use,

what they cost to me drink-wise, like with protein shakes,

with they cost to me, yeah, (interviewer laughs)

what they cost for us

on the coaching side,

so how much we pay the coaches to do the hour of coaching,

and all that sort of shit as well, so

- Okay, absolutely. - that's the estimate there.

- How many clients do you want to be signing on per week?

- So this is something really, really simple

that I think every coach should be focusing on,

and it becomes, really, really,

like they'll see this testimonial, right,

and they'll say, like okay,

he makes over a million a year, or whatever,

but I never thought I would make a million a year,

and I don't even think

that I'm gonna make three million a year.

I'm not gonna look at it that way,

because it's a massive, overwhelming number

that would just go, no one sees that,

no one can sort of grasp that.

But I broke it down into something really, really simple,

and it was when I first started

I was like, I need to get one person a week,

that was it, right, I need to get one person a week,

and I'm only allowed to lose one a month,

that was it, all right.

And then when we grew a bit more,

we got more coaches and I started to get more staff,

it was, I need to get two clients a week

and I'm only allowed to lose two a month, maximum.

If I don't I have to make it up

and get another one somehow, right.

And then like up until recently it was three clients a week,

I need to get three clients a week

and I'm only allowed to lose three a month.

And now it's get five clients per week,

I'm only allowed to lose maximum five a month.

So then your net client rate,

like with the net client ratio you're always getting more.

So I made it really, really simple,

and I found that just becomes so much less overwhelming.

It's like, okay, is it Wednesday and have we got clients?

No, we haven't got clients, and then we,

maybe we're meant to be doing something, right, so--

- I don't know, I think it's brilliance because like,

and you and I always laugh about this stuff

because we can't make it too complicated.

As soon as stuff gets too complicated

I know I'm just like, pfft, I have no idea what's going on,

and that's it, even if we're saying,

all right, sweet, earning three million a year,

but at the end of the day

the one number that we want to be looking at is,

is five clients being signed on this week,

yes, no, d'you know what I mean?

If not, we need to do something, change.

If yes, great, I mean, how do we improve upon the process

and move from there?

I think that's where you're doing it so, so well.

- Yeah, and I think like a lot of people get,

like you can do that by sitting on Facebook

without even running ads, - Yeah.

- you know, you can write content

and you can message people that engage with your content.

Like if they like it I would send them a message,

like, hiya, how's your training going?

You know, something so fucking simple

because I didn't know how to run ads,

you know, I had no idea.

Eventually when I started doing more work,

we started doing more work on the ad side

we eventually got that stuff down pat,

but like now we're still working on it, right,

we're still trying to understand it

even more and more and more,

and it's always changing as well,

so it makes it even harder,

and unless you have that time

or you have someone that can run your ads,

you know, it makes it a really tough job.

But yeah, I think keeping it really simple

is a big thing here because, you know,

when you first get out of being a personal trainer,

let's say out of the PT school, for an example,

it's like, okay, now I need to get hours, you know.

It's pretty simple if you only decide

that you need to get one a week, you know,

and that can be enough people.

Like it sucks at the start,

for the first few weeks it sucks,

but after six weeks you've got six clients, you know,

and if they train with you twice a week

that's 12 hours of work.

If you're charging $100 an hour that's $1,200 a month,

you know, like this is-- - And it doesn't matter,

at the end of the day, as well, like, and that's the thing,

I hope a lot of coaches understand

what Aaron just said there,

because this is, say for example,

if Aaron's signing on five new clients

into the business each week

and he knows that the profit from each client is $12,000,

that's an extra $60,000 coming through each and every week,

compounding on top of each other.

Like it's just, think of the numbers at the end of the day

when you have this simple process on board.

Do you mind sharing kind of like just the process

on how you're actually bringing in, say, attracting leads

and then getting them on board?

Because I think this will be a nice eyeopener.

- The onboarding stuff is getting better,

and that's something we really work on,

because I believe that's something that can,

we have a, we're a face-to-face company mostly.

We do some online stuff, as you know,

but we live in a city with roughly a million people,

so it's not the biggest city,

it's not like Melbourne or Sydney or, you know,

- LA or New York. - LA or New York, yeah.

So, you know, we need to sort of

nurture our leads in a way, right,

so keeping them is really, really important.

As for getting them we have multiple avenues.

We employ a cold calling company,

and we buy lists from our external sources,

and we sort of segment those lists

to people who make a certain salary

or live in a certain neighborhood, or, you know,

and then we employ a cold calling company

and we train the cold calling company

to do sales or to book us intros over the phone.

And, yeah, and those work pretty well,

but not as well as like a Facebook ad,

because a Facebook ad, the person

is taking action on their problem, you know,

so there's the difference there.

So the conversion rates are not as good,

you're looking at like a 40% conversion rate

where we would get like 55 on Facebook or something.

So, but yeah, in terms of the people that come in,

they are generally people that are more targeted

because we've given the list onwards,

so we've bought the list and we do it that way.

So yeah, Facebook ads is one way,

we just run simple funnels,

basically a problem video

and then retargeting with a lead ad,

like really, really simple stuff.

But we're building something out for the next year,

like right now we're working on it,

where we have basically like small problems, like we have,

'cause our clients are super busy,

so we know just like the watch-through rates

of all our videos, even if they're really engaging,

are not so high because our clients just won't sit,

if they see like three or four minutes

on a timer down the bottom corner

they won't watch the whole thing.

So we worked out that we need to do

one-minute videos over the awareness video,

and then we need to do a consideration video,

which is another minute retargeting 15%, 50%,

and then a lead ad at the end for, you know,

to get them in for an intro session.

So we have one campaign that's a grid campaign,

another campaign that's a straight-shooter campaign

which is like interest targeting

for certain things like business topics

and all that sort of stuff, different politicians,

and we just go straight to the point,

we take on, like the old ad was 12 clients a month,

if you wanna be one of those 12 you gotta sign up,

really straight, honest, takes one minute, tight video,

and that works okay as well.

And then we have a branding campaign which basically,

we talk about testimonials, case studies,

and stuff like what we're doing now, in a way,

and then we will insert the branding campaign

into the consideration phase of the first campaign as well,

so it supports that aspect.

So just in case they're sitting on the fence

of actually coming in and buying, you know,

because they haven't seen enough social proof,

we can just keep sending those touchpoints to them as well.

With our content, our daily content,

this is also to our fourth campaign,

we take photos of clients every single day,

and we document clients' stories,

so we will talk about clients' results

or, you know, we'll talk about

what problems they came here with or why they signed up,

you know, if their wife now likes them or some shit, or

(interviewer laughs) just make up some fun stuff.

And, you know, have a bit of joking around as well,

and we promote, we boost those posts for like a euro a day,

it's so cheap, - Wow.

- a euro a day, you know, just boosting those posts

back again into the consideration phase,

and then like the first funnel,

and into, we boost them to friends of friends

of the people who liked the page.

So a lot of the clients see it, so it works on retention,

because they see the community aspect

of people getting results,

and they're happy for each other.

- Love that.

- So a lot of people will think that's wasted money

because we're marketing to our clients.

It's not wasted money because it affects our retention,

you know, and that's a massive thing, so--

- That's why a client is worth 12,000, they--

- Yeah, that's why, yeah, so that's a big thing.

Yeah, okay, we'll talk about onboarding,

and I think this is where a lot of coaches would go wrong.

- Yes.

- So we have a lead ad,

let's say it's a lead ad, they sign up.

After they sign up they, a Wufoo form,

hopefully they do it, (interviewer laughs)

which is, yeah, basically a form,

it's a survey, ask them a few questions

about why they signed up and how interested they are

and we go through those things.

A coach will then immediately call them, right,

this is a big thing, this is one thing we notice as well,

if we leave that call from that lead form,

if we leave that for over an hour,

the difference that makes is massive to the conversion.

- Wow, that's so good to know.

- So we have basically one guy

who works on our systems and operations.

He also manages our sales systems, really smart techie guy,

and he basically, we put it through Pipedrive,

he calls them on the phone and he books them in for,

like asks them a ton of questions over the phone,

books it in for the coach that he feels

will be the best fit for that person.

That coach then gets a calendar invite for the session.

The coach will then see the guy's email,

he will shoot them a video,

the coach will shoot them a video

on an app called Bonjour. - Bonjour, yeah, love Bonjour.

- Yeah, yeah, shoot them a video,

send them a video talking about like

what they wrote in their Wufoo form

and what the sort of message it was

between the sales guy and the coach,

like what they're interested in, what they want to achieve.

The coach will then talk about

what he likes to help people achieve,

you know, maybe they're a little bit matched up.

And then he says, like, I'm gonna call you

the night before your intro,

so he'll text them and call them the night before the intro,

make sure everything's okay, you know,

so they feel a little less pressure when they come in,

right, because I think like a lot of PTs,

they say 70% of people turn up to the intro,

they just like don't turn up, right,

or you, like most online stuff as well,

it's like they don't turn up for the call,

like they just start to back out at the last second.

It's mostly because they don't trust themselves,

they're, you know, lacking self-confidence

and don't believe they can follow through

after they were to buy, you know,

they really want to buy but then they think

they can't follow through, they can't do what's required,

so you have to jump on the phone

and you have to handle that objection

before they even come in for the intro,

you know, and take the pressure off.

And if they feel like it's,

that maybe it's a little bit too much,

okay, let's catch up for a coffee then,

at a cafe across the road,

they don't come into the gym, you know.

So that might be the thing, what you have to do,

or you might say, all right, man, cool, I understand,

let's meet up for lunch next week then,

let's meet up for lunch.

So then we'll go for lunch with them instead, right.

So it depends on how we actually hold the intro sessions.

It can be very, very different.

During like a gym intro session

we will take them through an FMS test,

you know, FMS, functional movement screen,

some PRI stuff, some different assessments,

some breathing assessments, a modified Cooper's test,

and then shit like obviously a question

like do you, sitting down in the lounge,

talking about what they're trying to achieve,

what they want to get out of this,

and all that sort of, the basic stuff,

some motivational interviewing and all that sort of stuff.

So have a chat with them, then we go do the tests

and we show them all the problems they have,

then we tell them how it's gonna fix it,

the roadmap to fixing the problems, what they're to expect

in certain periods and certain checkpoints,

you know, and then what's required from them.

And then we make a sale,

and once we've made the sale we let them go home.

They're gonna experience some buyer's remorse,

this is always the way, right,

they nearly always experience buyer's remorse.

So we know roughly when that sort of happens,

it's when they get home and they tell it to their wife,

you know, most of our clients. (both laugh)

So then we'll jump on video and we'll shoot them

a personalized video on Facebook Messenger,

we'll add them on Facebook during the intro,

then we'll shoot them a personalized video on Messenger

saying about how excited we are to work with them,

you know, thank them so much for coming today,

having the confidence of turning up

and buying and trusting you,

like say trusting me with helping change their life

and all that sort of stuff, being grateful straight away.

Then the first time they come in they get a wow pack

which gives them like a protein shaker, a sweat towel,

fuck it, I don't know, protein, some protein powder,

some fish oil and some random shit.

So we give them like, and that's also

to seed the fact that we have supplements here to sell,

- Yes. - right.

So a lot of people forget the fact

that you can make money other ways, right.

And we also give them a meal,

so we also have food to sell.

- Ah, yes. - So that's,

so we give them a meal during the first session,

and they go, fuck, these guys have food,

it tastes really good,

and I can just come, I can come to the gym

and I can grab my food and I can go, you know,

so that's a really big thing as well.

So that's included in the wow packs,

they're called wow packs.

After one month, right,

after every single session the coach needs to send

a message the day after, a recap of the yesterday session.

Yesterday we did this, it was a five kilo increase

on last week's bench press, you know,

it looks like you have a ton more energy.

This stuff has a massive effect on how someone feels.

So, you know, if you think about this,

it sounds like a lot of work for the coaches,

but if the coaches only need to do this

to 12 different people it's not that much work.

- Yeah, no. - So, you know--

- And it's a system as well, so it's very like

quick, easy, efficient to get through.

- Yeah, and we have Asana, which tells every coach

what they need to do every single day,

and then they have to check it off.

And then we have a client success guy

who makes sure that all those tick boxes get checked,

and he's allowed to check up

on all the coaches' social media as well,

so makes it really, really simple.

Okay, one month in we give them a training shirt,

because then that welcomes them to the community.

At the one-month point they also,

so they take him out for a coffee like in a different cafe

that doesn't, still won't be inside the gym,

thus being a different scenario.

We'll look at the goals, we'll talk about the goals again,

and then we'll just talk about their life,

and then we give them a Selkrig shirt.

And the difference that makes is absolutely massive.

If you give it to them at the first session

they feel like it's something you give to everyone.

- Yeah right, that's good. - But when you feel that,

when you mention work, they've earned it,

so, you know, you're no longer a prospect. (laughs)

So you get the shirt, and then I send them a video,

that's the day I send them a video,

and then I really welcome them to the--

- Yeah, nice, I like that, head honcho comes swooping in.

- Yeah, so that's how that works.

Two months in we, this is, again, all the coaches

get notifications to start prepping this stuff,

two months in after the client signs up

we need to buy them a personalized gift.

So like yesterday I bought my client, not yesterday,

two days ago I got my client's gift delivered.

You know the saying, coffee is for closers?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Yeah, so I got him a big canvas for his VC fund,

like next to the coffee machine,

- (laughs) That's so good.

- saying, coffee is for closers, you know.

And yeah, that cost me a fair bit of money

but like he's a client that's worth a ton of money,

you know, he's got me five clients so far

in the few months that he's been training with me,

you know, he actually invested in my company in the end,

so he's one of the investors,

and, you know, he got that.

So we buy them a personalized gift.

In the three-month period, during the first session

we have to take a Polaroid photo with them.

We take two Polaroid photos, one goes on the wall

and the other one gets stored in the drawer here

for the coach to send to them at the three-month period

with a hand-written letter and a massage voucher, right.

So yeah, if you look at

customer retention and client satisfaction

it's the first 100 days that really, really count,

so, you know, we focus over 90 days.

Generally it gets stretched out to 100

because of waiting on presents and, you know,

booking the coffee and all that sort of stuff,

it ends up being over 100 days,

but the plan is that it ends up, you know,

in 100 days you really focus on that customer lifecycle,

and you can turn that person into a massive fan.

And at the three-month period,

that's when you also send them all the referral vouchers,

so you give them the five referral vouchers

for their five closest friends.

At that point they've got

a really good relationship with you.

So asking for a referral straight off the bat

is the wrong way to do it.

You've got to build that sort of know, like and trust factor

where they can really, really trust

that you're gonna help their friend,

not just that you're after some money.

- Yeah, yeah.

- So, and then they're in the community

and they wanna bring people into this positive thing,

and then you've given them

all this value and all this support

that they never thought they were gonna get,

and it makes it very, very easy for the coaches in the end.

- I love this, I do, I totally love this.

And that's the thing, that's the difference

between getting a client that might be worth

one, maybe 2,000, d'you know what I mean,

to having a client that's worth 12,000.

Like you're at least 10-timing their value.

And again, just for everyone watching, think of the numbers.

If you're signing on five clients a week

and they're each worth 12,

that's an extra 60,000 per week

that you're running on top of the income as well.

So it's just a compounding system,

and an engine of being able to come into it.

I tell you what, what would you say

to the dudes and dudettes right now

that just call BS on this, still don't believe

that they're looking at it from the horse's mouth right now,

what would you say?

- I understand (laughs), I understand,

that's the first thing, like I never thought

I would be as successful as what we are,

and granted I did get very lucky,

but you do create your own luck in a way.

You know, I do work long days

and I don't have many holidays,

you know, I work all weekend every weekend.

I'm sorry, I have half a day Saturday day off,

that's my rule, half a day Saturday,

so that's the only time I have off.

And, you know, next year I've planned in advance

that I would take one long weekend every two months,

and I told my investors that that's what I'm doing,

you know, (interviewer laughs)

and that's just the way I am as well.

So yeah, it takes a lot of work

but you try and make it really, really simple

by doing those really, really simple things

of getting one client a week or two clients a week

or three clients a week, whatever the systems are

that you have in your goals.

But like for us, I know

that we can get 950 leads next year,

I know that we can do that, right,

and I believe that's the bare minimum.

And, you know, so once you've tried,

and I've spent, I'd say the last three years

I've still been trying and testing

and I'm still trying and testing as we go,

but we have a bit more of an idea

on how to use a few different platforms.

And I completely get where people think,

oh shit, I get it, like I've been there,

you know, and I still think bullshit

to people that are making crazy amounts of money.

But then again I have some clients

that are making 50,000 euros an hour,

so, you know, like yeah, it's,

the money is out there,

I don't know how to convince the person that says bullshit

because I think that skepticism will always be there,

- Totally, I totally understand that as well.

- until they get to that point,

until they get to that point.

And yeah, I think just make it really simple,

keep it really simple and just keep going at it,

even when it feels like it's not really going anywhere.

Because a lot of the time I think a lot of people, you know,

they put these Facebook ads up

or they put content out,

it doesn't get likes, it doesn't get shares,

doesn't go viral, the first fucking bit of content you do,

like none of my content gets liked or shared, like--

- Yeah, I actually just looked this up,

so how many clients are on board?

- I think it's 178, let's say it's 180

'cause it's easier numbers,

180, yeah. - And, 180,

and Aaron has 1,240 followers. - Yeah, yeah.

- So I think it's just important

because it shows the importance

of not having to grow your social media following,

actually grow your business, there's a very big distinction.

I remember actually being in a mastermind,

this guy walked in, he was,

he'll probably crack the 50 million mark this year,

this guy that taught for a few hours,

and he was like, I caught myself

trying to write an Instagram post this morning,

it was taking me an hour,

and I was like, this is the stupidest thing I've ever done,

this is not gonna make me any money anyway,

what's the point of me wasting so much time?

And I think that's a really important thing,

like, yes, you can be producing content,

but do you know if you're doing it for a specific purpose

that will actually build your business?

Because if not, stop doing it.

- Yeah, 'cause a lot of my clients, where are my clients?

They don't sit there and consume shit on Facebook,

they're not gonna watch a YouTube video,

they're not gonna watch a video

that's more than one minute long.

So what's the point of me ever fucking sitting down

creating a ton of content, right?

I've got a guy who's an amazing content creator.

I pay him 1,200 euros a month,

he's at my gym 40 hours a week,

he gets his salary for coaching hours as well.

I just say, go for it, dude, I don't really care, like,

these are your boundaries, stick within your boundaries,

and just get some shit done, put some photos up,

write some blog articles, help me with stuff,

be my assistant, you know.

And he's started to mold into other roles as well,

like he's, 'cause he understands people really, really well

and I'm sometimes a terrible boss,

so, you know, he has to like sit me down and go,

Aaron, don't speak to that guy that way,

he'll get upset, you know.

So, like, you know, and like,

and he helps me understand myself as well

and then just completely refocus the shit I'm good at,

because there's not much point

in me putting Facebook statuses out,

it doesn't really do much for me.

Like you can check how much I post on Facebook

is like maximum once a week,

so, you know, I don't remember

when last I put an Instagram picture up,

(interviewer laughs) like I really don't remember.

Like LinkedIn, I don't do shit.

I message people on Facebook, like private message,

and then we talk that way, and that,

because my customer value is so high

I'd rather just message my current clients.

And then I'm in a position

where I can say to all my clients,

hey guys, we need to scale this business.

And like I have nine investors.

I can say to them, in January, once I sign the paperwork,

now you all have to get me five clients,

and they will go and get me five clients, right.

Five clients times nine, you know,

times 11 lifetime value is, yeah, you know.

But that's about building relationships.

I don't believe that it's always building relationships

by sitting there talking about,

like my clients don't fucking care,

like they just, they don't wanna hear about

my best fat-loss strategies for, you know, like,

it just doesn't fucking matter, like they don't care.

So, you know, like, yeah,

again, it depends on who you're trying to go for,

what type of clients you're after.

If you do want to get fitness people, you know,

maybe that's the better way to get them,

but I'm just not gonna waste time.

Like we just, with our content

it's a little bit of funny stuff

and, you know, some stories,

like client success stories, client success stories,

client success stories all the time,

and that just acts as testimonials.

And as soon as clients put their face on our Facebook page

or Instagram page it just works better,

and we just boost those posts for the people

who are on the fence about buying our product,

that's it. - Yeah, dude, 100%.

It's exactly what we're gonna do with this video as well,

so everyone that's watching,

most likely that's what's happening right now, so cop that.

All right dude, let's make this practical.

What's the one thing that you want

the coaches watching right now to actually do,

to take action on from now?

- I'd say jump on a call with you is the first thing.

I know a lot of people are really, really skeptical

about marketing mentors,

and the reason why they're really skeptical

is a lot of people want the million dollar business

but then they don't want to do the 15 hours a day work

and the little bullshit stuff that doesn't seem like,

it's the unattractive stuff.

When you look at social media

and the social media fucking business guys

and then they like, not like mentors

but like the ones who say they're balling,

you know. - Yeah, yeah.

- And, you know, they,

It's always there's a-- - Look at me in my jet.

- Yeah, look at me in my jet with my fucking Mac laptop

and then, you know, this girl giving me drinks.

And, you know, like I'm always in a cafe,

I'm always sitting in a cafe with my laptop,

and this shit doesn't happen, you know,

it barely happens, like, it's crap.

Like being an entrepreneur sucks a lot of the time.

And a lot of people become an entrepreneur

because they want to get rid of having a boss,

and the truth is I have 180 bosses

plus 15 staff who are also my bosses.

I work for them, they don't really work for me anymore.

Like that's not really how it works.

So, you know, and if you want to be an entrepreneur

to get rid of your boss, that's the worst thing.

- Worst one. - If you have one boss

you have one boss, and, you know, now it's a lot harder.

So yeah, I'd say take action and understand

that when you do jump on a call, when you do get a mentor,

whether it's you or even someone else,

the mentor's not gonna do the fucking work for you.

You know, and like me and you

have gone backwards and forwards

with launching my online stuff many a times,

you know, and I'm a big guy on focus,

so I really, if I see something

that's just like taking my attention

and I sit there and I do the maths

and I, you know, be real with myself

and I go, this isn't gonna work for me right now,

so now I need to develop focus back to this

and just focus, focus, focus and nail the one thing.

But yeah, jump on a call, get a mentor, whoever it is,

you know, I really like you,

you make stuff really, really simple,

but understand that when you do it

you have to put in the work.

And don't expect results for six months.

I always say like you should not think about it

for the first six months,

and then at one point, sometimes it will just go boom,

and then you like one day you get 50 leads, you know,

like fuck, what do I do, you know?

- Yeah. - Like, you know.

But that's all the sort of, I don't know,

like equity you've built up over that period of time,

you know, that social equity and all that

that you've built up over that period of time.

And then you put the right ad out,

the right offer at the right time, you know,

and then everyone was like,

fuck yeah, now it's the right time for me,

and everyone felt the exact same way,

and then you've got 50 leads, right.

And a lot of people think that they're gonna put one ad

and then they're gonna get 100 leads

and they're gonna get a calendar full,

and it's like fuck off, it just doesn't happen, you know.

Like I'm still testing shit, you know,

like every fucking day, so we know--

- It's like, I appreciate your sharing that

because that's the thing is,

you spend so long of having to pivot

and make these tiny small like two millimeter changes,

but then it's finally, once you actually hit that mark,

as you said, it suddenly starts coming in

and everyone goes, oh my god,

he just put that one ad out and everything came through,

but this is the fancy magic funnels.

Like no dude, you haven't seen the year, two years

of hard work that I've just done behind the scenes

that's actually built up to this point

that everyone disregards.

It's like the two-year overnight success.

Like you've got to dedicate yourself.

So I do really appreciate you sharing that.

- Yeah, I think that's the biggest problem,

I think that's why a lot of mentors and business mentors

cop a lot of shit, like they all fucking do,

because like one person doesn't get results

or a few people don't get results, you know,

and then I'll look at those people

and then I'm like, no fucking wonder,

like no wonder you didn't get results,

like you don't do shit, like you're not doing anything.

Like if you look at my social media as well, though,

it looks like I don't do anything, right?

- Yeah, yeah.

- But it's a different business.

- Exactly.

- So, you know, but like a lot of people think that,

you know, it's just gonna happen,

and it doesn't happen overnight.

But it could be at the six-month period

when you're thinking everything's going to crap

and it's not working.

The next day someone could get ahold of your ad, right,

and you could like, well, we did,

like we've been trying to get like corporate deals

for about six months, right,

and then one day one guy from one company

signed up through a Facebook ad for himself.

A week later he bought his whole like executive team,

like 10 people, coaching for nine months upfront,

right, so, you know, like two times a week

with a coach for nine months.

Well, he got it for three months and then he extended it

for another six months just recently.

You know, and like that's technically,

and then I can pay all my costs

with that one deal, like for my gym.

My gym runs at like breakeven just from that one deal.

And you know, and we've been trying

to get this shit for ages, you know.

But like it was about the fact that we built a brand,

and he went to our website

and he saw some testimonials of people that we work with,

and then he signed up from the ad.

So, you know, and then he messaged and he was like,

hey guys, I don't know if you know

where our building is across the road,

we'd like to meet up with you.

And, you know, and like so you never really, really know

like what's gonna come out of it in the end,

and a lot of people are just not fucking patient enough.

Business sucks, like - Yeah, yeah.

- it really sucks sometimes. - Well said, well said.

That's the thing, it's not glamorous, it's dirty,

and you've got to be with a whiteboard behind you

in an office grinding away for a long time

before you're gonna see some results.

So I appreciate you actually planting that seed,

because if everyone walks away

from watching this right now at least knowing

that they're gonna have to put some hard yacker in

and it's gonna take some time,

I think you've done the entire fitness industry

a huge good, and I appreciate that.

- Thanks, man, but yeah, I think like, yeah,

like I got to work at 7:00 yesterday morning

and I finished work at 10:45 last night, right.

And so, you know, I had a podcast at 9:30

and then I was like messaging people to jump on my podcast

up until, you know, up until just before 11:00,

I think, maybe even after 11:00.

You know, and like yeah, it's just

a lot of people don't want to do it,

like it's the crap stuff, you know.

That's what, I guess that's what sets you aside

from being an employee to an employer.

- A hundred percent, I totally agree.

- So you have to look at the hours you're not paid for,

and then like look at those hours

you're not paid for as an investment.

And you're always learning as well, right.

So like from this I've learned a ton,

and I know that if I went,

let's say I went bankrupt and I needed to find a job,

I could get jobs that pay me 300, 400,000 a year,

- Yeah, a hundred percent. - you know, so like--

- You've picked the skills up through the actual hard work.

- Yeah, so that's a big benefit as well,

so you can go look at it as another way.

It's like, I think it's a massive like,

what does education cost?

You know, so, and, you know, so it's a big thing as well.

That's the way I look at it.

It's like, okay, like I get the amazing ability

to work with these fucking geniuses of business guys,

and I get mentored by them when they charge,

like, they charge 30 grand for a one-hour speech,

you know, a one-hour keynote,

and I get them three times a week for one hour

and I can ask them whatever the fuck I want.

So I'm like, I told them, I would train them for free,

you know, like, and then they also said,

I would pay you double to work with you more,

(interviewer laughs) like, you know, so,

and that's really cool, that like.

And now they're all my investors, so I get them even more.

So yeah, you never know, you never know what's gonna happen.

Like I just made a fair bit of money,

I took some risk off the table, sold 22% of the company.

I get to buy my own apartment

and then two investment apartments.

So, you know, whenever the company, if the,

or a company always goes bankrupt,

and that's what people are always seem to remember as well,

it's just a matter of when, every company goes bankrupt,

you know, when that happens, at least I'm gonna,

my plan is to sell the company in four years,

so there you go, - Nice.

- it gives you an idea. - Nice.

- And what these investors want me to sell it for

is nothing below 30 million in four years,

- I like that, I love that. - euro, so I think

that's 55 million Australian. - Yeah, yeah,

55 million Australian.

- Yeah, so that's what their plan is, so yeah.

- It's on, and I know you'll do it, d'you know what I mean?

You've been able to absolutely crush it.

You're putting the work in each and every day.

And I appreciate you sharing this hour,

and I really do, mate,

you're an absolutely legend of a dude.

I'm happy, very happy, to call you a friend,

and being able to see you kick ass

is just one of the coolest things ever.

So dude, thank you.

- Thank you for your support, mate, really appreciate it.

It's been fun, it's still fun. - It's been fun.

Dude, there's a lot more fun to come as well. (laughs)

- Yeah, it will be good.

For more infomation >> How A Personal Trainer Earns $137K A Month - Duration: 42:47.


How To Make Money By Walking And Exercising In 2019 (3 Apps) - Duration: 10:52.

I'm so tired I think I'm gonna go out for a walk

yes. what's up everyone Attan here and in today's video I'm going to show you

how to make money by walking and exercising in 2019 I'm actually going to

show you three apps so all you have to do is stay with me but if you're new

around here make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel first because I upload

videos about how to make money online and work from home opportunities on a

consistent basis and hit that notification bell also to be notified

every time there is a new video uploaded

ok a little bit different video today but still you can make some money by

just walking and exercising well you probably won't get rich with this kind

of activities you will definitely make a few extra bucks there if you're serious

and want to make some real money online I want to build a real online business I

do have my number one recommendation in the link below in the description but

we'll save that for the end of course because now we want to get started to

exercise walk and make some money with that let's get started ok so the first

step that we are going to have a look at today is a sweat coin and if we are on a

desktop we can actually type sweat co dot I n otherwise you can go to the App

Store or Google Play you can see it is available on both apps here and just

type sweat coin and we track and verify your outdoor steps using your phone's

accelerometers and GPS location and those steps get converted into a

currency and they are called sweat coins and you can see here what you can get

for sweat coins you can get good services and experience ranges from a

driving yoga classes to high tech shoes you can also donate your sweat

if you want to so here is from the press sweat coiners risin to the top of the

App Store for helping folks getting something more than just an glow for

taking those daily steps so it's definitely I would say motivational

because it motivates you to make money while you're exercising the more you

exercise and walk the more you earn of course so if you have a look at it at

Google Play here is a new breed of step counter an activity tracker app that

pays your digital currencies wet coin for your steps to spend on gadget sport

kids fitness training healthy nutrition czar much more so there you have it with

sweat coin pretty popular app I would say and the next application that we are

going to have a look at is my achievement com my achievement com

and when we arrive here you can see that it says we seriously pay you to track

your steps we pay you via PayPal or direct deposits for doing healthy things

and for tracking steps sleep meals tweets and more so you make money

actually for more activities here basically for sleeping tweeting the

meals there also it's free to sign up for achievement and start earning here

is a testimonial when she said that she has already received $20 I signed up so

it was so easy and monetary motivation really encouraged me to get up and get

moving so basically it is in a free service used by over one and a half

million members so it's pretty popular application there and you'll be able to

see all your health apps in one place so this is how this works and you connect

over 30 Android iOS apps and they will reward you with points for activities

such as walking meditating logging food sleeping tweeting answering service or

opting in to challenge and you can see here the app set where they connect with

include Apple health fitbit's My Fitness Pal Garmin

stop breathing so really a lot of options there and redeem your points for

actual cash you can unten dollars for every 10,000 points rewards a payout

within three to seven business days and yeah you can see they also partner with

leading health companies to offer you with extra opportunities to learn for

contributing in health research so basically all you have to do is just go

here to the sign up and fill in your details or if you want to you can sign

up with Facebook so that is about my achievement dot-com the third one that

we're going to have a look at this live coin life coin available also both for

App Store and Google Play you can see your get paid to walk reading for radium

for amazing prices your life going up in exchange for gift card Sporting Goods

and more you can see here we have Amazon gift cards PayPal gift card and so on

turn daily walks into mining sessions so basically if we open it in Apple Store

here you can see live coin reports for walking earn rewards by walking running

or hiking life coin is a reward that's a reward app that converts your outdoor

steps into life coins and allows you to redeem them for gift course gadgets and

more so how it works is you do an outdoor activity you walk run hike life

coin recognizes the steps and mileage you take then accumulate life coins

automatically tracks the amount of coins you earn and you read am the life coins

for rewards you get gift cards gadgets discount codes and more so there is

about actually live coin now I will actually show you one more application

which is pretty similar a little bit different and is called the step bet

step bets you'll find it under way turn comm / step bets if you're on

desktop otherwise you can just type step bit and it will show up on your

smartphone there you select the game to get your step goals then bet into the

pot to join reach your personalized step goals for each week of the game and make

your goals for the whole game and split the pot get back your bet plus a profit

basically what you do is you actually betting on yourself here it is a more

like a game so workout game we can have a look at it's more in detail actually

if I go to FAQ here what is that bet it is a fitness game as I said that

motivates you to be more active players bet on themselves to meet a personalized

step goals during every week of the game and win money if they do the cash price

accountability and community supports help you build a more active lifestyle

so how do you win money if you hit your personalized step goal for the entire

game you split the pot with other winners that means you get you get your

back back plus a profit of course so how much do I have to bet bet amount can

vary from game to game but most bets or $40 January we don't have free games

because having money on the line is an important and powerful motivator and

this is really so true because every time you pay for something no matter if

it's ten hundred thousand or ten thousand bucks you definitely want to

get the most out of those money and you take it more seriously and you're more

motivated so you will definitely be more motivated actually by spending money

here so it is definitely a good application to apply for if you're

interested to get paid for walking or exercising you could say that you get

actually paid for a lot more than just walking here also so here are the more

details on FAQ here how your how are my active and stretch goals calculated

you don't need to connect your activity tracker they use your step history to

calculate personalized active and stretch goals that are manageable but

challenging for your level in some versions of the game goals may

incrementally increase week after week so there is few more actually but I'll

let you have a look at it at your own pace here so go to just way better comm

step bits or actually search for step bets on iOS or on iPhone I'm sorry or on

Android if you are available at Google Play okay so there you have it how to

make money with walking and exercising in 2019 three plus one apps to download

now keep in mind as I said in the beginning of this video you won't get

rich with this kind of activities so if you're interested in building a real

online business and making some serious money online you want to check out my

link in the description below on how to make a full time income online if you

got some value out of this video make sure to hit the like button make sure to

subscribe to both my channels that you see here at the end screen and so hang

on don't leave yet you find two channel recommendations subscribe to both these

channels you also find another video recommendation as well here at the end

of this video all right that's it for this video thanks a lot for watching go

ahead now go out start walking exercising and make a few extra bucks

see you soon


For more infomation >> How To Make Money By Walking And Exercising In 2019 (3 Apps) - Duration: 10:52.


How Bullet Proof Is an XBOX ONE??!! - Duration: 6:29.

For more infomation >> How Bullet Proof Is an XBOX ONE??!! - Duration: 6:29.


How To Show Love And Affection To Your Husband - Duration: 7:23.

This video is how to show love and affection to your husband. And I think

I've got a few tips that will really make a difference for you and your


Hey, my friend. I want to share with you something that would make a big

difference in how you and your husband connect together. You know, something I do

is I want him to hear my voice. I wanted him to hear me talk to him and to share

my affection, my love with him. You know men, they have a lot on their plates. They

have a lot of responsibilities providing and taking care of our family and our

home. And one thing that I can do for him, is for me to verbally express to him

my love and my affection. And sometimes, there was there was actually a time in

our life in our marriage when we were struggling. We were going through a

really difficult time in our life. You know, where my husband I were both

overweight. We were both financially just having a really difficult time in it

with our finances. We were just not living the life of our dreams at all.

Like not even at all. And it was kind of like at that time, our life was just kept

going down in and not a good way. And I decided that together, we could make a

difference. And so, I began to talk to him in a way that really boosted him up. Even

though we were really struggling and we were really having a... Just difficult

life, I would talk to him as if I was seeing him in the future of the man that

I knew he could be. Even though in that moment, it wasn't actually like true but

it was what I could see him to be. I talked him about being a great provider

for our family. Now, he was a good dad. I told him that he was like the best dad

on the planet. That there was no dad better than him. And I would tell him how

much I loved the way he took care of our kids and he and the way he touched our

kids and talked to our kids and loved our kids. And I would... I would tell him

those types of things and it made such a difference. Then I would talk about how I

appreciated all the things he did from our family and how I appreciated how

hard he worked for us and all the things that he did for us and how he took care

of our home. Even though at that time, he was not really providing great for

our family and he really wasn't taking care of a lot of things in our family.

But I kept telling him that story. It was absolutely amazing because it wasn't

very long and all of the things that I would tell him began to come true. And

that was awesome. And I would tell him how super sexy he

was, I would I would just just give him all the passion by my words. I know that

my voice, he'd loves to hear my voice. And so, I

would get really close up to his ear and I would tell him all these things in his

ear and it just made him feel good. He actually stood taller. He actually,

he was much happier. And I really saw the difference and even just me talking to

him, he would actually treat my kids even just how much better and it just really

made a difference in our relationship. By the way, I spoke to him. I spoke to him as

if he was the most amazing man that ever walked the planet and that made a

difference. Something I've found that men are... They are so physical. They just want

us to touch them all the time. And you know, it's so easy for us as women to be

so busy taking care of our kids and taking care of the house and taking care

of all the responsibilities that we have. But I know that when my husband gets

touched by me, even if it's just like to rub his back or to rub my fingers

through his hair or to tickle his back or to massage his back, it makes such a

difference for him. He loves feeling that touch and that connection because

you know these guys, they work hard. They're out doing stuff all day long and

they're make it happen. And so by me touching him, he feels important.

He feels loved and that can make... Your marriage just totally connected and

stronger when you could have that beautiful physical connection. So, the

more I touch him the happier he gets. Here's another idea for you. There was

this day that my husband decided he was going to clean our garage out and it

needed cleaning like it really needed cleaning. There was so much stuff in our

garage and so like, "Okay, you do your thing on the

garage." And it wasn't part of my plan that day so he was doing it on his own.

And he he's out there cleaning out the garage and he takes everything out to

her out of our garage and he puts it out on the driveway. And I come out there and

I would... At first I was kind of shocked. I was like, "Oh, my gosh. What are we going to do?

Are we going to like have our garage on the driveway for the rest of our life?" Kind

of scared me for a minute. But then I reeled that back in and I realized, "Okay,

what he needs right now is a good validation moment." So, I took that time

and I validated him. And I'm like, "Oh, my gosh! This is amazing, I love the garage."

It looks so clean. And it's going to be so amazing when you when you put everything

back in the garage. "And oh, you did great putting all these things together and

all the tools together and all the all the gardening equipment together. You did

so good on getting all that stuff organized. And oh, my goodness. We're going to

get rid of some of this stuff. This is awesome." And I just kept validating him

and telling what a great job he was doing and complimenting him and then

letting him know how I could like... I could imagine what its going to be like in

the garage when he's done. And he just stood because I could kind of tell he was a

little bit overwhelmed. I don't know about you but if you've ever gotten into

a really big project and you weren't sure exactly how it was going to turn out

and when I walked out I could see that look in his face on his eyes. And so I

knew that the way I could touch him and make a difference was would be to

validate him and help him to feel like he can pull it back together again.

And as as I did that, he stood taller and he got his confidence back and he got

right back at it and the garage looked amazing when he was done. Now, another tip

I want to give you at the same little situation here is you know how when your

husband puts up a shelf or a picture and it's crooked? You want to just say, "Oh, my

goodness. Honey this is so amazing. I love what you've done. Thank you so much for

taking such good care of our family and I thank you for putting up this

shelf and you are such a man." Because you know what? Sometimes they just need to

know how much you love them. No matter what the project actually

looked like, they just need to know if you love them. And then you validate them as a

man. Hey, I am super glad that you watched

this video today. My husband I have a class called Royalty

and Romance. Oh! It is amazing. It's 3 days here in Salt Lake City, Utah. I would

love to have you attend our class so that you can learn so much more to

support you and your husband and having the most amazing life ever in your

romance of marriage. You know what? If you've got a few tips you'd like to add,

go ahead and add them here to the comments.

For more infomation >> How To Show Love And Affection To Your Husband - Duration: 7:23.


How to Prepare Your Dropshipping Business for Chinese New Year - Duration: 4:26.

Have you already celebrated New Year 2019?


Do you know that Chinese New Year is coming, and it will definitely have some impact on

your dropshipping business?

So, how to prepare your store and what to expect for the next few weeks?

I'll tell you in this video.


My name is Anna and I'm one of the experts at the Dropship Club project.

Some of you are already a member of our club and others can easily join for free.

Simply register on the website to learn everything you need to know about

dropshipping from the professionals.

So, today's topic is the Chinese New Year's impact on dropshipping business and how we

can prepare for this holiday.

Chinese New Year is a wonderful holiday with its own traditional celebration.

It has a huge impact on life in modern China.

This year the Chinese New Year falls on February 5.

Most places in China will not fill orders and will stop manufacturing for two weeks.

Don't worry though, many manufacturers have enough inventory in stock so that they could

continue selling until the actual week of Chinese New Year.

We know the exact dates affected for the AliExpress sellers - they cover all the days

from Jan. 21 to Feb 10.

Expect no dispatches during this period.

So, your delivery time will become a bit longer than usual.

Is it really so bad?

Should you worry?

Well, not so much if your store is ready for that and you know how to deal with some angry


To limit customer frustrations during this holiday, try to smooth your site a little

bit before it.

First of all, you should look through your Shipping and Delivery info page

and your Refunds policy.

Pay attention to the estimated delivery time you put here.

Usually, shipping to the USA takes 10 to 14 days, but we put more days in the case of

any factors beyond our control.

Shipping to some European countries, in fact, varies from 17 to even 22 days.

Ok, now pay attention to this line: "*This doesn't include our 2-5 day processing time."

That gives you 5 days more to organize the shipping process.

Here is our Returns & Refunds policy.

We promise to refund or reshipment only after 45 business days.

So, if your customers place their orders on your website in the beginning of the Chinese

New Year your products will be delivered within the guaranteed time.

Don't send the tracking number to your customers during these days, because they will see when

the order has been shipped and might not like the date.

Here are the text examples you might need for the next few weeks.

The first one works if your customer worried about the long delivery time, the second one

for those who asked for a tracking number and the last one is for those who have the

tracking number but don't see any changes of the shipping status for a long time.

So, as you see you can easily minimize the number of refund requests.

Don't hesitate to contact your main suppliers about their working schedule.

Improve the info pages on your website and relax!

Everything will be great!

We are always ready to help you with your dropshipping business and even create some

powerful ads or emails to grow your profit!

Just check our website!

See you!

For more infomation >> How to Prepare Your Dropshipping Business for Chinese New Year - Duration: 4:26.


how I overcame my existential misery - Duration: 9:10.

I don't understand why everyone is fake on social media and why people only upload their happy moments

but when someone starts talking about their emotions and hardships

I make fun of them and call them an attention whore

... ok

I believe that it's very important for us to discuss these issues openly

so I want to share with the entire universe, with all 5 million people watching me,

my personal experience with something called double emotional penetration (???)

As a teen, despite being quite petulant, I have to say that I was a very happy kiddo

At 16 my parents and I decided to move to Canada so I had to leave my boyfriend, my friends and my life here

and go to a new city with new people, in a new school

All good up until this point

Of course I freaked out at some point in 12th grade and contemplated moving to the island of Tinos

and taking some sheep and chickens with me to keep me company

I was between this and going to study law

Yeah, I had in mind that I would become a successful lawyer

and that I would stand up for all the innocent people and save the world

Whoever knows me also knows that I would never be able to cope with law school

In the end I got into the University of Toronto and decided to study philosophy

which I like very much, but I haven't finished a book since 2011 so how exactly would I study philosophy?!

I hope I haven't disappointed you, but I think that like many of you, I have problems concentrating

When I entered uni I was doing really well in the seminar courses of 12-15 people engaging in discussions

but there was a limit to how many of these classes you could attend so I couldn't take any more

and I screwed up the rest

Ok, you have Intro to Sociology with 1200 people. Fuck this shit

Overall, I learn better when I can participate, when I can have a discussion with others

not like all over the place, "just look at this Powerpoint and bye"

While I was in uni I was going through a quite intense existential crisis

Thinking that I have no place in society, I won't amount to anything, nothing fits me

I believed I was useless and lacked confidence in every single area

so I ended up not setting foot in class in my second year, and just laid in bed, talking on Skype

being on Tumblr, playing WoW with my friends, watching shows

and eating absolute bullshit

At this point I want to point out how crucial it is to eat well when you're feeling like shit

Because what I ate was literally potatoes, biscuits, or pasta. That's it

I did go occasionally to a psychologist there but felt like she didn't understand me at all

so it didn't really help much

We said that if the situation went on like that we could see whether I would start taking anti-depressants

A message to all psychologists and psychiatrists

I understand that you have been to university for this, but let me give you only one piece of advice

Before prescribing meds, make sure that the person has first tried sleeping well, eating healthy, following routines

This whole antidepressant thing where they give them out like candy is unacceptable

To go back to our topic, generally I didn't come out of the house and I did have a social life but it was online

Now you'll probably ask me whether this is good or bad

Personally I think it was good because if i didn't have that, I would probably be sitting in misery

and crying all day

On the other hand, the sense of control that the internet gives you when socializing

makes it very hard for you to go out in the real world and socialize with others

I have to say that this online world gave me comfort in a difficult time in my life

Now you'll say "Eva, chill, you weren't homeless or something"

Precisely… And this was one of the things that burdened me a lot

because I was thinking that I have everything and yet I can't be happy

I was accusing myself of being ungrateful, of not acknowledging the good things I had in my life

And I was honestly having some very negative thoughts. I really wanted to die, 100%

But I was never able to act on it, which got me thinking things like

"See since you can't act on it, you don't really have a problem

which means that you just sit and complain for no reason"

Anyway I think you get the gist of it… I wasn't having the best of times

Meanwhile I had gotten out of a relationship of 3,5-4 years and had entered new one

In the summer I came back to Greece and expected that I would be ok, but I wasn't

I still had times where i didn't want to leave the house, I was crying for no reason and wanted to isolate myself

Fast forward to the summer of 2016… I had come back to Greece

and my thought process went somewhat like this:

"I am literally afraid to go back, I'm afraid of myself, I'm afraid of what I'll do to myself"

And I don't want to relive this shit

I discussed it with my parents and explained exactly what the situation was like

And we decided that I would stay in Greece to see how it goes

It looks like an easy decision but in my mind I had the following thoughts:

Canada, in one of the top 20 universities of the world

Toronto, one of the best cities to live in, offering countless opportunities

Greece, definitely not in one of the top 20 universities of the world

Athens, a very beautiful city to live in but,

in terms of opportunities?

As you can understand I did not even weigh the two options, I simply did what felt right for me

and ended up staying here

I started seeing a psychologist who taught me, without me even realizing it, to communicate better with myself

Not that I'm perfect at it now

It certainly helped that I got together with Angelo during this time

But I can say that for the next 1-1.5 years I still wasn't feeling the best

Honestly though I think everything fell into place when I found a job, so I began to have more self-respect

Not that the work itself is difficult but it's very important to be able to be independent

Ok I'm not entirely independent to be honest, but I pay for daily expenses

After a point I also started exercising which helped me feel even better

despite the fact that I absolutely despise exercising...

I think that last year's downfall was caused because I stopped exercising

And started eating uncontrollably whatever I wanted, without putting any limits on my self

This brings me to another topic… What defines our times is the lack of moderation

This has to do with capitalism in general

and the fact that we have completely lost touch with nature and the world around us

And we do everything for our pleasure

I'm talking in plural because I know that many of us make this mistake, without even realizing it

But what I really want to touch upon in this video is that I didn't suffer from depression

I was just a lost 20 year old who didn't take care of herself

I had no idea what I wanted to study, and thankfully when I came back one of the things I did

was that I attended career guidance sessions and came to the conclusion that I wanted to study Sociology

Apart from being a lost 20 year old who didn't know what she wanted to do

I was also quite lazy

I wasn't ready at all to become an adult and take on so many responsibilities

This was my biggest problem I think

And the whole argument of "oh I don't feel well, I have depression" etc

was simply a way for me to cope with all the responsibilities coming my way that I couldn't handle

I suspect that there are many people out there who find themselves in the same situation that I was in

and cannot exactly put a finger on the problem

Generally my fear is that we sit waiting for the answer to come to us

instead of going out to look for it ourselves

For example I was sitting in my house for 2-3 years out of the 4 I was in Canada

and was waiting for the answer to let me know what I should be doing

instead of going out to try new things and push myself to do things

so as also to also eliminate those that aren't for me

In fact I know too many people who sit all day on the computer playing video games

and saying "oh I don't feel well, I don't know what's wrong with me"

but who have absolutely no routine in their lives

They don't wake up at a certain hour, they don't eat well, they don't work

And I don't mean to say that all people should work and contribute to this capitalist train

but they should contribute to society in some way

Your self-worth, for better or worse, is directly related to the product of your work

and the way you contribute to society

You are now hearing this from someone who has crossed this bridge of despair and

what keeps us from getting shit done

but we all need to start from somewhere to get somewhere else

Truth be told I still fear sometimes that I will collapse

because I had gotten used to not being able to handle much

but I like to challenge myself at this point in my life

which is why I have included school, work, volunteering, and exercise in my schedule

And I want to start adding more routines so as to achieve what I envision myself of being

I'm obviously far from perfect. You know exactly my problem with food is and yet, the last 3 days

I've been trying to convince those around me to let me order pancakes

while having told them not to let me do it, eh?


In conclusion, I have problems but they can be solved and the only one able to do it is me

I feel like I've been talking for too long

and most probably the only person watching this until the end is my grandma


One last thing. If you are in the same position that I was in or in the same as I am now,

because I obviously still battle with myself a lot in order to become the person I want to be

I wish you courage. Try to make the right decisions, to find moderation in your life,

and the most difficult of all, to not to victimize yourselves

I'll see you next week, perhaps with a lighter subject…

For more infomation >> how I overcame my existential misery - Duration: 9:10.


How to Use Peerless Ratchet Binder Plus & Ratchet Load Binders - Duration: 3:16.

Securing loads with ratchet load binders provide more of a mechanical advantage and are safer option than using lever load binders.

In today's video, we'll talk about some of the features of ratchet binders and how you can safely operate and put them to use for your application

Ratchet binders have been one of the most popular choices for securing heavy machinery due to their simplistic design, affordable cost, and durability.

At E-Rigging we carry two different types of ratchet binders, our Standard Ratchet Binder and

the Peerless Ratchet Binder Plus which is of higher quality and has higher working load limits.

Our Standard Ratchet Binder is powder coated red and features drop forged binder chain hooks with size and grade markings forged into the hooks.

The binder is available in two different sizes, a 9,200 pound model

and a 13,000 pound model with working load limits that are matched to Grade 70 transport chain.

The Peerless Ratchet Binder Plus is powder coated yellow, features zinc plated drop forged binder chain hooks for greater corrosion protection, and is available in three different sizes:

a 7,100 pound model, a 12,000 pound model, and the 18,100 pound model

which can be used with either grade 70 transport chain or Grade 80 alloy tie-down chains.

Before operating, be sure to check and follow your equipment's manual and all transportation regulations for the jurisdictions for which you'll be traveling.

To properly operate a ratchet load binder,

First, turn the pawl to the neutral position so that it is disengaged from the binder gears.

Use your hand to unscrew and fully extend the binder hooks.

Be sure that you do not exceed the maximum extension length.

With your chain connected to the load at a 45 degree angle,

attach the binder hooks to the chain while taking up as much slack as possible.

Turn the pawl to the 'in' setting and begin ratcheting the chain to the desired tension needed.

Wrap any remaining loose chain around the binder and use the zip tie to secure it into place.

To remove the binder, unwrap the chain,

turn the pawl to the 'out' setting, and begin ratcheting the binder until the chain becomes slack and the binder hooks can be removed from the chain.

For a full video with more information on proper load binding techniques, please click the link to the video that we've posted below.

You can also visit our website and view the blog posts that we've made on there.

We'd like to give special thanks to Chauvin Brothers Tractor located in Belle Chasse Louisiana for allowing us to film at their facility.

As always, we hope this video has answered any questions or concerns you might have about the proper operation of ratchet binders for your application.

I'm Tyler with E-Rigging. Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> How to Use Peerless Ratchet Binder Plus & Ratchet Load Binders - Duration: 3:16.


Math genius couple bag $26million after working out how to win the lottery - Duration: 4:23.

 A retired couple won $26 million by using simple arithmetic to beat the game's odds

 Jerry and Marge Selbee owned a convenience store in Evart, Michigan before they retired and got rich by winning multiple state lottery games over the next six years

 Their scheme began in 2003 when Jerry, who graduated college with a degree in mathematics, saw a brochure for a new lottery called Winfall – and realized right away how to beat it

Jerry and Marge Selbee figured out a way to make $26 million with a scheme to game the lottery (Picture: CBS) The game featured a 'roll down' effect, which meant that if no one won the $5 million jackpot, the money would be spread across those who matched either five, four, or three numbers

 Lottery officials announced when this happened, so Jerry would buy thousands of tickets – knowing that he would get a certain amount of matches, according to CBS

Woman, 93, who killed son for trying to put her in care home dies before her trial starts Simply put, Jerry explained that if he bought $1,1000 worth of tickets, he would have at least one four-number winner, which paid him $1,000

Advertisement Advertisement  He would also get at around 18 or 19 three-number winners, which paid $50 a piece – totaling $1,900

 When he tried his plan for the first time, he bought $3,600 of Winfall tickets and won back $6,300

The Selbees would eventually buy hundreds of thousands of dollars in tickets when a rollback week was announced earning them massive profits (Picture: CBS) The next time, he bought $8,000 in tickets and nearly doubled his investment

 Jerry told his wife about the winnings and the couple began playing with hundreds of thousands of dollars

Teacher 'sent boy nudes and asked if he wanted to play "naked hide and seek"' Eventually, Jerry set up a corporation called GS Investment Strategies and invited friends and families to buy shares for $500 each

 The Winfall game later closed down in Michigan for 'lack of sales,' so the couple began playing in Massachusetts where the game was still being offered

 GS Investment Strategies grew to 25 members and, for the next six years, they won massive amounts of money during the anounced 'rolldown weeks.' GS Investment Strategies grew to have 25 of the Selbees's friends and family who all bought shares  (Picture: CBS) The Selbees said that they would sit in a hotel and sort through tickets for 10 hours a day, ten days in a row, playing more than $600,000 per attempt

 They did this seven times a year. Gender equality awards presented in UAE - but where are the women? 'It is actually just basic arithmetic

It gave you the satisfaction of being successful at something that was worthwhile to not only us personally but to our friends and our family,' Jerry Selbee said

Advertisement Advertisement  'The only thing I found really remarkable is nobody else really seemed to grasp it.'  In 2011, the Boston Globe got a tip that someone may be scamming the Cash Winfall game and later found that the Selbees and a group of math majors from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) were monopolizing the winnings

Jerry kept all the losing lottery tickets, which totaled nearly $18 million dollars and filled 65 plastic buckets (Pictured: CBS) More than $17 million was bet by the MIT group, earning over $3.5 million in profits, before the Massachusetts state treasurer shut down the game and began an investigation – which found that the chances of winning were not affected by the high-volume betting, therefore the Selbees did not commit a crime

 Their corporation earned $26 million total, including $8 million in profit, by the time they were done

The Selbees said the used the money to renovate their home and pay for the education of their six children, 14 grandchildren, and ten great grandchildren

 The couple recently sold their incredible story to movie producers who plan to make a film about their lives

Advertisement Advertisement

For more infomation >> Math genius couple bag $26million after working out how to win the lottery - Duration: 4:23.


How Netflix's Weird Approach to Debt Helped it Change TV - Duration: 3:55.

Dylan Lewis: Going back to their report for a minute, one of the things that we've watched

with this company over time is, what does the debt load look like?

I know that management has a slightly different philosophy about debt than maybe some of the

other companies that a lot of people follow.

It looks like we're going to see more debt coming onto this company's books.

We've certainly seen it in the most recent quarter, and there's no sign of that slowing down.

Evan Niu: Exactly. They've been adding so much debt in recent years.

At this point, it's over $10 billion. They added $4 billion in 2018 alone.

That's really hurting some of these other numbers.

For example, they expect free cash flow in 2019 to be comparable to 2018, which is to

say negative $3 billion, which is not a great number to forecast.

But, again, it's this long-term investment in the content business.

Another interesting thing that happened is they also named a new CFO earlier this month,

the beginning of January, Spencer Neumann. They hired him way from Activision Blizzard.

Their outgoing CFO has been CFO since 2010, it's almost 10 years that he's been leading their finances.

Under David Wells, they justified this growing debt load by pointing to their debt to market

cap ratio, which I've always thought was a really misguided way to look at it.

Market cap is just what the market's doing at any given time, whereas your debt is very

much a tangible number on your balance sheet that you're paying interest expenses on.

So, tying the debt to the market cap issue as a way to justify this endless amount of debt,

I've always thought, was a wrong approach.

So, one thing I'm interested to see going forward is if this new CFO changes that strategy

or changes that rationale at all.

Lewis: I'm reminded a bit of that famous quote, "The market can remain irrational far longer

than you can remain solvent."

I think the reason why most people tend to focus on looking at debt relative to cash,

maybe a net debt position or net cash position, is because if you're focusing on market cap

or share price, that can fluctuate pretty wildly.

Having the cash is the easiest indicator of whether you're going to be able to pay off

the debt that you're facing.

Niu: Right. If you're using this debt to market cap ratio show to justify it, what happens when your

market cap drops by 25% over the course of a few months?

And Netflix does that all the time because it's so volatile. Then, all of a sudden, your rationale is shot.

And at that point, what do you do?

And in the letter, they mentioned, "We do continue raising debt capital as long as the

marginal after-tax cost of debt is lower than the marginal cost of equity."

But, again, I think it's kind of a strange approach.

They could easily just sell more stock and secondary offerings.

It might have a higher cost of equity, but it doesn't have interest expense associated with it.

Again, it's a little too early to know if he's going to change how they approach their

capital allocation strategy. But that would be something to keep an eye on.

Lewis: That minor beef aside, I think looking at the results, where this company is going,

I know that the market reaction was pretty light to this.

They might have even been down a little bit on these results.

I look at this and I see everything that I want to see from this company.

They might have missed a little bit on the top line, but everything else is going in the right direction.

You want to be adding subscribers, especially knowing that they continue to have a willingness

to pay more than what the company is charging. I look at this report and I'm pretty happy.

Niu: I agree. Overall, I'm an investor, I've been a long-term investor.

I think the record subscriber numbers, record forecasts on subscriber numbers, those are

very encouraging to me, even though I might disagree with some of their debt strategy.

But overall, I thought it was a very strong report. A lot of analysts are still bullish.

A lot of price target increases today right after the results.

For more infomation >> How Netflix's Weird Approach to Debt Helped it Change TV - Duration: 3:55.


Asian Haircut Low Skin Fade | How to Cut Asian Hair With Long Thick Hair | Pompadour - Duration: 7:14.

Fellipe here bringing you the best tips and tools for growing your barbering

grooming and hairstyling knowledge to a whole 'nother' level, so if you're new here

please consider subscribing and turn on that notifications button and hey,

throughout this video feel free to check out the show notes and

links in the YouTube description below there I list all the steps and tools

used to achieve this haircut and anything else that I forgot. But before we

jump into the video I just want to mention that all my haircut videos are

done on real time with my own customers that have booked an

appointment and so I'm booked all day long and sometimes I just don't have the

time to play around with the lighting or camera angle so I apologize in advance.

But I think if you just pay attention to the explanation on the voiceover you'll

be able to follow along just fine. With that said, let's jump to the video. To

begin the haircut I section the hair in a horseshoe shape, clipping the hair

only on the sides because on the back is gonna be blended anyway. So, I take my

number one and a half plastic guard on my Wahl Magic clips and I am setting

that foundation. Basically I'm setting my top guideline for the fade. It is

important to know that in this process we do not.. we're not going up all the

way straight nor are we following the head shape of the client. It is important

that we are flicking out. We are leaving quite a bit of a shelf on the side of

the head, and so if we do go straight up then we're gonna cut all that weight.

We're pretty much setting a kind of a triangle shape on the head and so taking

a 1 and a half I go all around pretty much following the contour (dipping down towards the back of the head)

and once I'm done doing that I take my 000 using here the Oster Octane

with the detachable blade and I am setting my bottom guideline for the

fade. Now we are doing a very low skin fade and so what I like to do is I just

like to connect the front portion of the head, which is the temple, and then I take

the rear, and connect the dots. I am NOT taking

that bottom guideline up any further than his natural hair line

that is right behind his ear.

Once again, we're setting the top guideline set in the bottom guideline so we know exactly where the fade is you want to be.

Moving forward before we move on we got to take a little shot of bourbon.

so here with my slimline Pro, just cleaning up at the bottom and actually setting another

layer of transition. Now we're gonna be setting another guideline for that fade

by opening my blade with the wall magic clips which is equivalent to a 0.5 or

1/2 . Now, we have a 1 and a half on top we have a 000 on the bottom and so

we're just gonna break those two guidelines and those two lines right in

the middle with the half. Now, the reason why we're breaking that down in half is

just mathematical. it's very easy,.We have a zero, half, one, and one and a half so

there's only pretty much one step in order for me to blend from zero to a one

and a half which is set aligned with the half and blend the half to the one and a

half I like to set the half guide going one way and then close the blade and

start flicking out the bottom line going the opposite way just saves me a lot of

time with that line that we just set with the half you just take the number

one guard close it up and start flicking out that line now it's important that if

you do not flake you're gonna start setting very hard

lines that is very hard to get rid of so flick out the line and gradually start

opening the blade to smooth out the the fade even more if for some reason the

line is not coming off do not panic that's why we have a half guard you

throw on the half guard close up that blade and open it gradually and work on

that line it should come out nice and smooth

with no problems at all

all right so the fade is completed we're gonna be working on that midsection I'm

just gonna be doing a clipper over comb you could do a scissors over comb

I think this saves me a lot of time like I said earlier in this we're setting a

triangle shape so we're not we're not completely leaving the comb at a 90

degree angle once that's done it's time to start cutting the top of the hair now

in this case because the hair is so long so thick and he's going to be calling me

back and he wants to leave all the lengths that he has all I'm gonna be

doing is cutting the length that is just needed I don't want to cut any extra

lengths of the hair so I comb the hair back start taking about an inch sections

and start working my way from back to front and then side to side

it is important to blend this the top of the header with the side that he's going

to be throwing his hair to in this case he likes to throw his hair to the right

side and so I like to section that on a diagonal and then start working my way

from side to side on an angle keep in mind that his hair is very thick it is

straight so we do not want to cut too much off the sides because if we do then

the hair is start is going to start poking out on the sides and we don't

want that we want the most length we need in order for the hair to evenly

just lay flat

take my my white teeth texturizing shears just set a little bit of texture

nothing too crazy I take my other texturizing shear and just clean out and

smooth out the that midsection now the haircut is done here all I'm

doing is just cleaning up the bottom of the fade with my favor

that's the haircut in step-by-step explanation unfortunately I did not have

enough time to blow-dry in hair style the client but in any case I hope this

video helps you with anything that you might be struggling away but I'm curious

to know what are your thoughts on cutting Asian here if you like it do you

think it's difficult and try to avoid it tell me on the comments below to me so

thanks for watching this video click the like button subscribe to see more videos

like this one and I will see you on the next one

For more infomation >> Asian Haircut Low Skin Fade | How to Cut Asian Hair With Long Thick Hair | Pompadour - Duration: 7:14.


How to Combine Multiple Documents to a Single Scan Job | HP Enterprise MFPs | HP - Duration: 1:53.

Enable the Prompt for additional pages feature to scan multiple documents to

combine to a single job on HP LaserJet,

PageWide, and OfficeJet Enterprise MFPs with FutureSmart 4.5.5 or later.

Prompt for additional pages works for scanning documents that exceed the number of pages

the automatic document feeder can hold,

or documents that have multiple sizes that cannot be scanned together.

Load the documents to scan face up into the Automatic Document Feeder and slide in any

paper guides until they touch the edge of the paper.

Alternatively, you can load the documents face down on the scanner glass.

From the Home screen of the printer control panel, touch Scan, and then touch a scan option.

Enter any required information using the on-screen keyboard, and then close the keyboard.

If necessary, set any other scan options.

Touch Options, and then touch Scan Mode.

Touch Prompt for additional pages to enable the feature, and then touch Done.

Touch Save to start the scan.

When prompted to add more pages, remove the scanned document,

and then load the next document to scan.

Touch to select the size of the document loaded, and then touch Scan.

Repeat this process to scan all documents for the job, and then touch Done.

From the Home screen of the printer control panel, touch Print, and then Print from Job Storage.

Select the folder where you saved the scan to view and print the documents.

For more infomation >> How to Combine Multiple Documents to a Single Scan Job | HP Enterprise MFPs | HP - Duration: 1:53.


How to make Fire Noodle Cup Ramen (Bul Dak Bok Um Ramen) - Duration: 2:29.

For more infomation >> How to make Fire Noodle Cup Ramen (Bul Dak Bok Um Ramen) - Duration: 2:29.


How to draw simple cute bird ||pencil drawing||easy fraw bird ||pencil art|| - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> How to draw simple cute bird ||pencil drawing||easy fraw bird ||pencil art|| - Duration: 1:01.


HOW TO BE CONFIDENT (Even on your Worst Day) Alpha v Beta Mindset - Duration: 16:30.

how many miles you run and it's like 35 degrees oh you ever have a really really

bad day I mean like a really bad day like everything sucks kind of bad day so

this is about having a bad day in fact you could say that it's about having a

good day because part of this is is that in life we're gonna have bad days we're

gonna have days where everything goes to hell and we have tragedies and life

almost guarantees those things but in order for me to have good days I need to

learn the skills to maintain good days from having bad days let me rephrase

that if it weren't for having bad days I wouldn't learn the skill set to have a

good day I would always be dependent by something outside of myself that would

happen to me to have a good day and then who are we but for somebody

that allows life to happen to us instead of being able to make life so

yeah this is what we're doing we're having a good day while hiking with this

guy and he's going swimming you going swimming well let's just start the

podcast all right let's go hey guys my name is Steve Mayeda and i'm a men's coach

in austin texas I'm a BJJ practitioner wim HOF enthusiasts have an amazing

family for awesome boys and a beautiful wife and what this podcast is about is

about being the better man what we talk about is tried and true because we've

been doing it with groups of men just like so I am back at home and that is a

good thing just got back from Dallas and hey there's a few lessons I learned from

all of that it's currently 2:00 p.m. and there's a whole bunch of stuff I got to

do today number one I got to meet a client in about an hour and 15 minutes

and also I have to record some content for our TSL life program and I wanted to

get this out of the way because it's important so in Dallas what happened was

I got some really bad news some news that is gonna affect my family in a big

way so I wanted to talk about some of the ways where that news was processed

because what we can guarantee in our life and this is so important for you to

understand as a man and to be your best self as you're going to meet resistance

you're going to meet tragedy you're going to meet things that are going to

get in your way they're gonna mess up your life you know at any point in your

life you have an excuse of why you don't have to be your best self of why you got

screwed you're going to get screwed you're going to achieve tragedy people

are going to queue over and your stories of how bad it is gonna be are gonna be

worthy of a movie stranger than fiction even and all that sort of stuff I don't

give it now for better for worse I've had my fair share of that but also for

better for worse I'm Stu and just living a life of making a lot

of bad decisions you know having a lot of things with addiction and so on you

create much more of a tragedy based lifestyle and part of the road to

recovery is learning how to deal with those

things so I want to talk to you about what I did so number one let's get to

the situation I found out I was going to make about a third of the money that I

had been used to making for about the past year and a half that's a huge ding

okay that is terrible that was a bad bad call that I got and there wasn't really

anything I could do about it or whatever and that sucks okay and I was really

depending on that and in that I did an excellent job and all this sort of stuff

it's just they couldn't pay me the money that changes everything that changes my

family my life my well-being the future of my family car payments

house payments all this sort of stuff different things that were consistent

and all of a sudden this money is stopping so if you can imagine that like

if you basically talked to your boss and you talked about your income this isn't

the only stream of income I found out that you know you were getting 1/3

you're getting a 65% cut of your pay in fact it's really like a 63% cut of your

pay that's a huge amount that's massive that is crazy and this starts

immediately which is even more crazy so what happens so number two you get bad

news in what do you do with it well a lot of things you can do you can be

angry you can be pissed all these things that I was you can sulk you could panic

you could do all these different things but to me I gotta make the best decision

with what I got now first off I've had way worse tragedies than this and this

isn't even a tragedy I shouldn't call it that but I've had way worse situations

than this what do I need to do from those situations and I've had a lot

unfortunately and usually they're my own making what did I need to do to do that

I needed to get into my best self before I make any decisions before I talk to my

wife about it before I react before any of these things I need to get into my

best self so what did I do well I went for a run

it was early in the morning I needed to wake up I need you to move my body I

needed to use my body I needed to get in a wet in a space where I could do those

things the other thing that I knew I needed to do is I needed to call people

I knew I needed to talk to people and I knew I needed to get a perspective why

because when I call and talk to people I tend to vomit out all that stuff that

I'm thinking the anger the rage and so on and if I don't live in a feedback

loop like we talked about a lot here is that when you get into kind of like a

lot of these online groups they just gets to like echo chamber II it's like

you should be mad and fuck this in fact I'm not talking about that I knew I

needed to talk to good men now thankfully I have a lot of those people

around so let me tell you a story about what happened so number one it's like 35

degrees in Dallas at the time I'm not at home I take off I go for a run it turned

out to be a ten-mile run which was insane and I have not done that for at

least at least 10 years and my people it's not used to that but it was great

so I start moving and I feel much better it's cold I do all the wim hof stuff and

in fact I haven't been that steadfast on it and just being in the cold and that

sort of shock was something which really helped me out your body starts releasing

hormones whatever anyway all that sort of stuff

and it it feels good it's great you know it's like one of those things where my

brain starts to feel better and I'm like oh well it is what it is the situation

is okay well this what we'll have to do this what we did before when we're

making that money bla bla bla bla bla and it starts to have a solution I am no

longer in panic I am no longer in this mode where things seem impossible hold

that thought

all right we'll do this it's feeling I was a little bit underexposed there so

hopefully this is better in any case the thing is is that it made me feel great

so then I started to do what I always do in fact I didn't even wait for this is

I'm running by people I made it it's just a two-mile run to this area called

White Rock Lake which has this huge loop which I did not go all the way around

and I just started saying hi to people there's tons of people there people the

cameras I decided to bring my camera during all this thankfully and I started

saying hi and it's amazing how many people do not say hi back but to be

social to broadcast that is very important and this is another thing that

just the previous day we were talking about on our TSL call what is the

meaning of being social being social has so many benefits and it's the crux of a

lot of what I do but one of the things about that is that it doesn't matter

about your result the result obviously okay

in the long run does matter but it matters about what you're projecting out

all you can be responsible for in the world is what you're projecting out you

can't control what people give you you can influence in in a big way but then

you have to be the one who's it possible or able to take that feedback so I

started saying hi to people and not a lot of people were saying hi back which

is always a bummer but you know you put it out there those sorts of things I

decided to you know shoot a couple things about the experience it helps me

process it I have yet to talk to anybody about it but as I was running and I get

to about four miles and I didn't realize was four miles yet another story but my

app thing failed that records this anyway whatever somebody sees me with

the camera and they start going and then another person runs by and they're kind

of wearing the same thing yeah yeah yeah so bye all right cool I realized then

it's been four miles and I got to run back that four miles and like I said I'm

usually like a three maybe five mile kind of guy so I take a break I turn

around I do all that sort of stuff and on my way back about a mile back I get

to a parking lot which I had passed before where these five or six ladies

five ladies five ladies are standing and they're like hey hey

come here come here it was the funniest thing because they're basically like hey

what you know what are you shooting you know what's going on where can we see it

you know we're really into that stuff like two of the ladies say they're

photographers as well and I'm like oh cool what kind of camera do you have and

blah blah we talked a little bit about that and I said hey I'm gonna turn the

camera on and you know just say something like you know and they're real

nice and all sort of stuff afterwards they were like hey give me your contact

information I want to be able to see this so I'm like oh that's pretty cool

okay you seem like great this made my day this is freaking awesome in the

midst of all of that this is what's crazy we had a call at ESL life call

which is our life coaching courses this one in particular on purpose and

ambition and so I get on the call with my guys and I'm like man the coolest

thing just happened I do the call make the rest of the run back in on that call

there were only three guys on that call it was our morning call okay and usually

actually it was usually more but they were anyway whatever there were three

guys on that call and let me tell you what happens when you have a problem

where you can't see straight where you see no answer where your family then

goes like shit we can't get the car we wanted we can't upgrade it in the way

that we wanted we can't go on that vacation we can't do this and that that

we had planned because of my responsibility of making the money for

my family is now compromised that's it's screwed and when I tell the guys that

who live a good life who are on the same path as mine in living a life of

excellence and a dedication to that of always living that some good stuff

happens and it's basically like where do we get to Steve life is guaranteed to

give you problems life is guaranteed to give you tragedies life is guaranteed to

throw you curveballs what's the answer what do we live for what's in the answer

of the program that you came up with what is in the philosophy of what we

teach and how we teach how do I get to my best self how do I do that

and thankfully I was already on that road with those three actions one

getting in my body two being social and putting that out there which helps three

surrounding myself with some guys who could give me some perspective

and I want to make this clear because none of this gets me the $50,000 that

I'm going to be losing none of that gets me that and as you guys know I've lost

fifty thousand dollars in court cases and so on and paying lawyers or whatever

none of that repairs that none of it replaces the discussion that I have to

have with my wife none of that replaces us telling the

rest of my family that we can't meet them on our vacation

none of that replaces that but what it does do is it gets me in a place where I

can say yes I can I can believe in myself and this is what is the problem

with so much men's development you want a quick fix you want an answer but if

you do not have bad days and learn to make those bad days work you have no

skill life is happening to you and I really want to make that clear to you

when you have life happen to you you don't have freedom you don't have choice

you don't have expression you cannot know what it's like to be your best self

you got a win because of circumstance situation and all the things outside of

yourself that are tools to serve your expression not because of your

expression not because of you and you can never sit there as a man with one

integrity one knowledge of self but to truly say I am Steve my ADA

what's up life what's up you what's up and how can we work together and that is

the saddest part see I got the news I'm out

50k immediately starting immediately that's a big deal that is a huge deal

and what do I do with that there's a lot of reasons why I could have a bad day

from that but in all honesty god man thank you thank you life for giving me

this and because the one thing I know about myself is that if I don't give up

if I work hard I may have bad days I might have bad years I might have a long

period of time of stuff not going my way but I only get better and my life only

gets better see we as men have this thing where we

want to be men we want to be strong we want to be tough we want to be able to

take anything we want to be able to look life in the eye and be able to live it

as best we but how often do we allow and accept and

welcome the moments in life that are going to teach us how to do that when we

have the good days when we have the neutral days you got to learn to have

what you have you got to learn to surround yourself with the right people

because if you're like me when bad stuff happens

I do react man life is bigger than me it changes me so what do I do I have a

network of guys that help me out I have a protocol that I do get in my body be

social go out and talk to people that I can who have perspective then also an

extension of those things be of service get good sleep get good diet and

basically create a life where I can be responsible for myself and I have the

fighting chance to be the best possibility in any case guys man there's

a lot of stuff to work on there's a lot of stuff to do whatever I got some

curveballs throw in my way but it's only proven to make me better

and I know that it's just I can't see it right now thank you guys so much

check out what's going on on the board there's a lot of stuff changing

especially for men's development excellence that is really really cool

and like I always tell people like if you can't afford my stuff don't worry

about it do the free stuff and be involved in those ways but there's some

awesome stuff happening and I would encourage you to look at it of course

make a wise decision about anything to do with me because in that we have a

huge network of guys you can tag people on the Hostin men's development board

and if it's right for you you'll find out and if it's not right for you you'll

probably know right away like well we made a video about that too so hey that

wasn't so bad right made it through that one another podcast in the books thank

you guys so much for hanging out with me on this super super cool we record all

this stuff well being a part of our groups or answering questions from the

group's and to be honest what the groups do and say is much more powerful than

what I say let me just tell you that if you're a guy looking to better yourself

that's what this channels dedicated towards if it's not doing that let me

know man I'm pretty accessible you can email me you could comment on the

YouTube you can comment on the Facebook and do all that sort of stuff but

getting the know getting the works and uh man being a

great man is a good thing but it's a hard thing man I'm not always that but

that's why I have great guys around me to hold my feet to the fire with a bang

it's getting late my son's about to star in his premiere

play tonight whoa like father like son

pretty stoked for that so I got to get over to the theater let's see him I'll

talk to you guys soon

For more infomation >> HOW TO BE CONFIDENT (Even on your Worst Day) Alpha v Beta Mindset - Duration: 16:30.


Vicarious Liability: What It Is and How to Avoid It - Duration: 2:36.

For more infomation >> Vicarious Liability: What It Is and How to Avoid It - Duration: 2:36.


How to build a real starship enterprise part 4 – Force Field Deflector Shields - Duration: 6:43.

How to build a real starship enterprise part 4 – Force Field Deflector Shields

For more infomation >> How to build a real starship enterprise part 4 – Force Field Deflector Shields - Duration: 6:43.


Royal Az - Marie Osmond Reveals How Her 16-Year-Old Daughter Abigail Brought Her to (Happy) Tears - Duration: 3:20.

 While there are a number of reasons a teen can drive their mother to tears, Marie Osmond's daughter Abigail only makes her cry with loving words

 "They're so sweet. How many 16-year-olds tell you they love you?" Osmond, 59, tells PEOPLE of her youngest child while holding back tears, in an interview for Celeb Parents Get Real

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 "It's hard when you have to work — I was the provider, so for my children to understand that and love me and care enough about me to say, 'Mom, you're going to die, we need you

Please lose the weight.' … They went through a lot of tough stuff. They're survivors," she continues

 The proud mother of eight goes on to say, "They are the best things I've ever done, ever

"  Want all the latest pregnancy and birth announcements, plus celebrity mom blogs? Click here to get those and more in the PEOPLE Parents newsletter

  Marie Osmond Says She and Donny Osmond Will Likely Retire from Las Vegas This Year  As technology becomes more prevalent in her children's and grandchildren's lives, the singer says, "I hope that this generation knows how important it is to have real relationships with people, not just texting or how many likes you have

"  With her children's ages ranging from 16 to 35, Osmond has grown skeptical of social media's influence and calls it "a very dangerous thing

"  But over the years — and now, with four grandchildren — she values spending time with her family and seeing the people they've become

 "They're all really hard workers and they are kind to each other and try really hard to be kind to people," she adds

"Some of my kids are adopted and I can't remember which ones, but some of them are more like me than my biological and I'm like, 'I know why God sent you to me!' "  While Osmond jokes the last 35 years of parenting have been full of embarrassing moments, she knows, "There is no such thing as perfect

"  "I love studying the original intent of words, so I took the word 'perfect' back to the Hebrew meaning of it, and it doesn't mean being perfect," she explains

 "It means to strive for the best you can be at that time," Osmond says. "I learned a long time ago perfect is un-achievable and life is a lot more fun if you just try the best you can!"

For more infomation >> Royal Az - Marie Osmond Reveals How Her 16-Year-Old Daughter Abigail Brought Her to (Happy) Tears - Duration: 3:20.


How did Titan get its name? - Duration: 5:59.

Titan has a lot of modern meanings, usually to do with being big or powerful.

It also is found in TV shows, company names and really too many places to count.

Including a moon belonging to Saturn.

Titan is a medium sized moon, but it is Saturn's largest.

Making you wonder why you would call this small moon titian, especially when most other

moons and planets are named after specific ancient gods…

Well in this video we are going to see where titian got its name!

Before we continue though I want to give a shout out to Mr Emerald Banana who has been

asking for this video for quite a while!

Titan was discovered on March 25, 1655, by the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens.

Huygens was inspired by Galileo's discovery of Jupiter's four largest moons in 1610.

Christiaan, with the help of his older brother, began building telescopes around 1650 and

discovered the first observed moon orbiting Saturn with one of the telescopes they built.

It was the sixth moon ever discovered, after Earth's Moon and the Galilean moons of Jupiter.

Naming Huygens named his discovery (Luna Saturni),

the Latin for "Saturn's moon", but the discovery of four more moons of Saturn between 1673

and 1686, astronomers fell into the habit of referring to these and Titan as Saturn

I through V (with Titan then in fourth position).

This is a bit like how, if you remember in Star Wars a new hope, the death star was moving

to attack the rebel base on Yavin 4 – which was the 4th moon of the planet Yavin.

Titan did not stay called Saturn IV as with new discoveries and better telescopes astronomers

changed its name to Saturn 2 and 6, before deciding that they should stop with this confusing

numbering system.

John Herschel, an astronomer and the son of the famous William Hershel who discovered

2 of Saturn's other moons, including Mimas which looks suspiciously like the death star…

decided that the moons needed to be named.

John suggested that they be named after the titans of Greek and Roman mythology because

Saturn was roman name of Cronus the most important of these titans.

In Greek mythology, the Titans were a race of powerful deities, descendants of Gaia and

Uranus, that ruled during the legendary Golden Age.

Cronus, also spelled Cronos or Kronos, in ancient Greek religion, male deity who was

worshipped by the pre-Hellenic population of Greece but probably was not widely worshipped

by the Greeks themselves; he was later identified with the Roman god Saturn.

In Greek mythology Cronus was the son of Uranus (Heaven) and Gaia (Earth), being the youngest

of the 12 Titans.

Cronus took over from his father, and fathered many of the Greek gods we know such as Poseidon,

hades and Zeus.

Cronus was scared of his children though and swallowed them -apart from Zeus who was hidden

by his mother, because Cronus' parents foretold that he would be overthrown by one of them

– which turned out to be Zeus.

Cronus was then either imprisoned in the underworld or became a king in the afterlife, known as

Elysium depending on the story.

And so, as a quick summary Titan was discovered in 1655

Titan was originally called Saturn's moon, but was renamed when new ones were discovered

Titans name was changed to names like Saturn 2,4 and 6

Titan was then named by John Herschel in the mid-1800s

And titan is named after the race that Saturn/Cronos was a part of in Greek mythology.

For more infomation >> How did Titan get its name? - Duration: 5:59.


How to start talking to Polish women (ENG SUBS) - Duration: 3:18.

It's better when the guy is straightforward

And being clear from the beginning without hiding

Just do it!

Just tell her that you like her

"Can we sit somewhere and talk?"

Come up, smile and ask her out for a coffee

ask her out for a coffe

Ask her about anything

just don't use stupid pick-up lines

Don't be afraid, don't be shy. Be straightforward

but also nice

just walk up

and be very nice and direct

"What's your name?"

Just walk up and say 'hi'

'You look nice'

introduce yourself

don't come from behind surprisingly

because that would push you away

a girl would be 'what's going on? '

just be nice and smile and be confident

I like when he's confident

I like when he walks up and

and being specific ''My name's...'

'What's your name?'

He doesn't have to say right away that he likes me

That's enough to just walk up and start talking

What about a night club?

Don't say 'can I buy you a drink?'

Rather someting different

in a night club it's important not to be rude

It pushes people away

just ask for a dance

a dance is ok

but don't offer a drink

it pushes away

girls don't buy into that


It's funny when people say ambiguous phrases

Because everybody know it's half true and half joke

In a night club? It's a bit...

I prefer other places

In a night club it's better by dancing

Have you ever approached a guy you liked?

No, I never aproached first

I have a man , so...

I never approached anyone first

I've had this situation once

We were smiling at each other

But I saw he was shy, so I just walked up

No, it never happened to me


I don't hit on

Me neither

But I can smile nicely as a hint

I never seek (meeting guys)

Of course, but that doesn't often happen

No, I'm not brave enough

Maybe some of your friends doing so?

they do

If girls initiate communication, how they do it?

by dancing

or just walk up and start talking

"Hi, what time is it now?"

If you already know each other. And the guy likes you. What should he say?

"Do you want to go for a walk?"

ask out for coffee

talking about mutual friends is ok

invite to the movies

ask her out

Damn, I don't know

"hey, what's up?" is enough?

I think that's enough

"Hi, how is it going?"

"What are you doing?"

If he's shy he can write a comment, like her photo and then messenger

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