Thứ Ba, 29 tháng 1, 2019

Youtube daily google Jan 29 2019

Google believes that in the future every company,

regardless of size or industry,

will differentiate itself from its competitors through

technology largely in the form of software,

great software centered on data.

Thus, every company will become a data company,

if it isn't already one now.

Google Cloud provides a wide variety of services for

managing and getting value from data and doing that at scale.

For more infomation >> Every Company is a Data Company - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #4 - Duration: 0:27.


Google anuncia 20 vagas para estudantes em 2019 - Duration: 7:57.

Google announced this January

opportunity for twenty young students.

I'll talk some more to you about this, but something cool

Something that was a requirement was knowledge of fluent English.

Since the Brazilian does not have this knowledge

this requirement was withdrawn.

So if your dream has always been to get into Google, do not quit then I'll talk about this process.


In this video I'll show you the Google page

where you should go, how the process will work,

and some details that are normal in some companies of this size that everyone wants to get into.

It is very good, this case, because you will see what the process is like and how these demands,

how you should qualify and what I said earlier are not things in my head.

but something big companies want and you, and they, will need!

So watch the video as it will help you prepare for this Google process

there will be other process being opened by Google itself and other large companies

which I'm sure is the dream of many young people.

Follow me with some information, watching my computer screen.

and then you make your way there in your house.

Then we will see all that on the computer screen.

This home page you see is the official Google site, right?

Here's Google's business and products, and you're coming down

remembering that I'll leave the link afterwards for you, okay,

you will notice, I will adjust the screen, you will find something very interesting in the bottom, in the footer.

You will find 'Careers'. You can search for "employment"

to understand better how the processes work there and until each selective process.

Something I'm going to talk to you about later.

Come on, by clicking on it you will have several pages ... a very interesting one is here

which will guide you to how to register or search for vacancies.

We have the location, skills and qualifications.

Reminding you that I posted videos teaching how to do resume by talking about your skills

and skills. That's what Google is asking!

So you realize that the guidelines I pass are not my inventions, but what the market wants!

Some Brazilian companies do not even know, or even work with, competence requirements

but it is something that has started and from now on will dominate the labor market.

Note "types of work". "Total time", "temporary", "part-time" and "trainee"

Not all opportunities are in these items here!

Although I will leave this link also for you then browse and read it calmly.

It's ... I who show you that here, you can find out how to Apply, or apply.

note that they ask two questions:

"Find your game"; "Focus on your resume."

Find out your game enters into what I talked about Skills and Skills.

See how interesting what they say: "Combine your skills and interests with jobs you

is excited and the problems you want to solve.

If you watch my videos, you know that's what I tell you to say at job interviews,

when you assemble your resume. This shows that you are very well guided by me,

something that you also realize that others do not tell you say or alert you.

The second point: "Focus on the curriculum".

Notice the first point mentioned here:

"Align your skills and experiences with the job description."

If I do not have experience I count my skills and my strengths.

But you have to do it! Not sure how? Remember I posted several videos about this. OK?

Ok, let's go, but come back later and read more.

This is important because it has a lot of information that prepares you for other opportunities.

Then you ask me, "What is this, Professor?"

What you observe is the edict.

is ... from Google. Google partnered with this company to do the entire selection process.

This is a company that works in needy communities.

and that will do the whole process. It does not mean that you have to be from a needy community, right?

Here you will bring everything you need and how to enroll, where they are offering vacancies

I remind you that here Paul will say. But sometimes opportunities appear elsewhere.

So you have to always keep up. OK? But this specific, with the inscriptions

starting January 28 and going through February 22

is to work in São Paulo, in the São Paulo grid.

And here shows the level of schooling they are accepting. What level? They want graduation.

who will graduate, that is, take the certificate in

July or December 2021.

So here you have more information than you can check it later.

The most interesting point of seeing, reading and navigating here is that it gives you a lot of information

that will help you later ... this is another page of Empondera that I will leave the link,

which brings more information and also brings the link, see, the edict.

It is always important to read the edict. I always warn you to read in the other process that we speak.

But, there's something I'll try to find ... I had found something cool that Google showed ...

and that helps us realize how we can prepare us even better for their opportunities there.

I found .... Here at the top, you'll see two tabs.

"Student", well above apply, and "Jobs". Employment I already showed you.

But tracking this student page is very important.

That's because, notice what this blue frame says, right above, the first one:

"Learn how to create a great resume and apply."

So if you are not from São Paulo and make this resume and tomorrow appear another great technology company

and you have to know how to apply a resume you already saw know.

So even if you are not from São Paulo I advise you to do it!

So you get used to the process.

Class I stop here the video is getting big.

we'll talk again in another video and I hope one of you listening

get one of these vacancies. Another thing, these vacancies are meant for diversity.

There are twenty places for black people.

But you can still learn a lot from this selective curriculum application process.

and also read what it says about the selective process.

Do you have proof? Is it a robot that does the filter? How is it?

All this is here, I will not extend it so the video will not be too long.

Depending on what happens, if you have interest and requests, on Wednesday I do a live about this process

and how other processes have run on technology companies like Casodo Google.

A big hug, see you later. [music]

For more infomation >> Google anuncia 20 vagas para estudantes em 2019 - Duration: 7:57.


GCP Computing Architectures - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #5 - Duration: 1:24.

Virtualized data centers brought you Infrastructure as a Service,

IaaS, and Platform as a Service, PaaS offerings.

IaaS offerings provide raw compute,

storage, and network organized in ways that are familiar from data centers.

PaaS offerings, on the other hand,

bind application code you write to libraries that

give access to the infrastructure your application needs.

That way, you can just focus on your application logic.

In the IaaS model,

you pay for what you allocate.

In the PaaS model, you pay for what you use.

Both sure beat the old way where you bought everything

in advance based on lots of risky forecasting.

As Cloud Computing has evolved,

the momentum has shifted towards managed infrastructure and managed services.

GCP offers many services in which you

need not worry about any resource provisioning at all.

We'll discuss many in this course.

They're easy to build into your applications and you pay per use.

By the way, now that I've mentioned PaaS and IaaS,

you might be asking yourself what about SaaS?

Of course, Google's popular applications like, Search, Gmail,

Docs and Drive are Software as

a Service applications in that they're consumed directly over the internet by end users.

G Suite is outside the scope of this course although I hope you like it.

For more infomation >> GCP Computing Architectures - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #5 - Duration: 1:24.


The Google Network - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #6 - Duration: 0:45.

According to some estimates out there publicly,

Google's network carries as much as 40 percent of the world's Internet traffic every day.

Google's network is the largest of its kind on earth and

the company has invested billions of dollars over the years to build it.

It's designed to give its users

the highest possible throughput and the lowest possible latencies for their applications.

The network interconnects at

more than 90 Internet exchanges and more than 100 points of presence worldwide.

When an Internet user sends traffic to a Google resource,

Google responds to the user's request from

an edge network location that will provide the lowest latency.

Google's Edge-caching network cites content close to end users to minimize latency.

For more infomation >> The Google Network - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #6 - Duration: 0:45.


How do I get my new website in Google? - Duration: 5:07.

Hello, this is John Locke, and today's question is coming to us from Alignable.

And the question goes like this.

How do I get my site to where the pages are being indexed in Google?

How do I make sure that my pages are in Google?

Okay, so just because you publish a website doesn't mean that Google is going to crawl

it and index it, and put it in it's list of pages that it knows about.

So what you're going to want to do is look up this thing called Google Search Console.

Just type "Google Search Console" in Google and you'll find it.

Basically, what you're going to want to do is if you have a website that is already up,

and you're hooked into this already, it's going to ask you to verify your domain.

It will either ask you to add a text record (TXT) to your domain name settings, your DNS

records, or upload a small HTML file to the root folder of your website.

And then, it will verify that you own that website.

Then what you're going to want to do is add an XML sitemap to your website.

Now if you have a WordPress site, this is pretty easy.

You can use a plugin like Yoast, or there are several others that you can use.

But it will generate a sitemap that is specifically for Googlebot to crawl.

And you'll submit that under Sitemaps, on the left hand side navigation.

There will be a spot for you to submit that in Google Search Console.

So basically what will happen then is Googlebot will go and each month or every couple of

weeks, it will go out and get the content from your pages, and put it in the Google


Until Google crawls a page on your website, that page cannot come up in Google Search.

Google has to actually go to the page, to the website, get the pages, and put them in

it's list of web pages that it has found, for those to be able to come up in search.

If you're on Squarespace, I think they have XML sitemaps built in.

Just submit the web address where that is located into Google Search Console.

There will be a button where you can test to make sure that Googlebot is finding everything

without errors.

So you should know right away.

That is step one to making sure that Google is able to crawl your website, making sure

that is has an XML sitemap, which is built specifically for Google to go and get those

pages, and put them in the Google index, so they come up in search.

Now, if you have done all that, and your site is indexed in Google -- and one way to test

this is to do a search in Google, where it is -- and if you type

that search in, you should see any web pages that Google has indexed from your site.

It should show all that pages that are on your site.

If you don't see anything come up, or if you see just your home page, or nothing come up,

then you've got a problem somewhere, and you need to get that fixed.

Now, if Google has all your pages indexed, but when people are searching for whatever

service or product it is that you provide, but you're not coming up anywhere -- you're

not on Page One, or 2, or 3, or 4 -- then you need get with a SEO consultant or a SEO

agency, so they can help you take steps to give signals to Google that your site is a

quality site, that your website is helping your customer base, your site is something

that can be trusted, and that it should rank higher than it currently is.

I hope that answers your question.

This is John Locke for Lockedown Design and SEO.

We help manufacturing and industrial firms with SEO, so they get more Requests For Quotes.

If you have a SEO question you'd like to see us answer, leave it in the comments below,

we'll answer it out in a future video.

We're publishing videos every week, so be sure to subscribe.

Until next time, peace.

For more infomation >> How do I get my new website in Google? - Duration: 5:07.



For more infomation >> GOOGLE İÇİNDE SAKLI OYUNLAR - Duration: 5:10.


Google Cloud: How did we get here? - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #3 - Duration: 1:46.

But why is this model so compelling nowadays?

To understand why, we need to look at some history.

The first wave of the trend that brought us towards cloud computing

was colocation which IT shops have been doing for decades.

Instead of building costly capital intensive data centers,

they can rent space in shared facilities.

That frees up capital for more flexible uses than real estate.

In the first decade of the 2000s,

IT departments need for efficiency drove them to use virtualization.

The components of a virtualized data center match the parts of a physical data center;

servers, disks and so on.

But now there are virtual devices separately manageable from the underlying hardware.

Virtualization lets us all use resources more efficiently and just like colocation,

it lets us be more flexible too.

With virtualization you still buy houses and maintain the infrastructure.

So, you're still in the business of guessing how much hardware

you'll need and when setting it up and keeping it running.

About 10 years ago, Google realized that its business couldn't move

fast enough within the confines of the virtualization model.

So, Google switched to a container based architecture on

automated elastic Third Wave cloud built from automated services.

We'll explain exactly what containers are later in this course.

In Google's internal cloud,

services automatically prevision and configure

the infrastructure that is used to run familiar Google applications.

Google has spent billions of dollars building

this platform and making it resilient and efficient.

Today, Google Cloud platform makes it available to Google customers.

For more infomation >> Google Cloud: How did we get here? - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #3 - Duration: 1:46.


Google Maps Tips and Hidden Features - Duration: 4:38.

Hey friends!

I'm Tasia and in this video I share my top 7 Google Maps tips and hidden features, plus

a bonus tip at the end, so get ready to work with Google Maps like never before.

Google is constantly updating Maps and adding or tweaking great features.

There are a lot of things you can do in Maps besides basic navigation, that you may not

even know about!

Some of these tips work on both the Google Maps web app and mobile apps, so start exploring.

First up - Time travel with Google Maps street view!

Google has been snapping street view photos since about 2007, so to step back in time

on the web app, take the little person icon from the bottom right and drag and drop on

a spot you'd like to take a street view of.

Now if Google has been snapping street views of that location from 2007 and onwards, you're

going to have a little clock icon in the top left.

Click on that, and you can view on a dragable timeline how that spot has evolved over time.

The white dots let you know how many photos there have been of that specific location.

And now you can see how that spot has evolved over time!


Next, search for needs, not addresses.

This is a tip for both web and mobile by the way.

You don't have to put just addresses into the search bar.

You can search for a need too.

So if you're visiting somewhere and want to see all the coffee shops, or gift shops,

just type that in the search bar, and hit the search icon and look at that, you've

got dropped pins on all the gift shops near you, as well as a list.

If you click on one, the panel will change to display the business info for that dropped


OK, In the Google Maps app, you can share your location with multiple people.

Tap the menu icon in the top left, then tap location sharing.

Click get started at the bottom and you'll have the option to share for a set amount

of time, or until you manually turn it off.

Your location is then stored in a viewable link you can share in multiple different ways

- like w contacts, via a messenger service, or email.

If you share with a friend that you're meeting, they'll be able to see your location and

then share theirs as well, so you both can see where each other are on the map.

You can also drop a pin somewhere on a map that you want to meet someone, or let someone

know you'll be at that spot later.

Just tap and hold on the map and you'll drop a red pin.

Then on the bottom, select the share option to share the dropped pin location with someone.

Next up, also in the app, save your parking location and find parking using maps.

Thank you, Google Gods for this one.

To save your spot, just tap your blue location icon on the map.

Then select, set as parking location.

You can add other details too.

On mobile, to find parking for somewhere you're going, type your destination details in and

tap the menu icon, then select find parking.

This next one is both web and mobile app friendly.

Add multiple stops to your journey.

Simply enter in directions to the first stop you need.

On web, just hit the plus underneath to add another destination.

On mobile, you'll tap the 3 dot menu icon by the search bar and select 'add stop'.

Did you know you can hail a ride directly from your Google maps app?

When you input a destination, scroll the transit options underneath and select the icon that

looks like a figure hailing a ride.

Google will tell you the different ride sharing services supported and how long of a wait

for each one, as well as the price.

Alright next, get familiar with your route options.

This is a web and mobile tip.

After pulling your directions, on web tap on options underneath the destination.

You can avoid highways, toll roads, and ferries.

In mobile, this same feature is found in the menu.

So I promised a bonus and here it is: Download your maps for offline navigation - this is

the number one most handy feature for when I'm traveling.

You can click up here to watch a video on how to do that.

That's it for my tips.

Who knew all the amazing things Google Maps can do?

What are your favorite features?

Let me know in the comments below.

You can click right here to subscribe to my channel and right here to watch another video.

If you liked this video, I want to know so give it a like, a share or leave a comment


See ya next time!

For more infomation >> Google Maps Tips and Hidden Features - Duration: 4:38.


Pricing innovations - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #9 - Duration: 1:39.

GCP offers a lot of ways to save money.

Google was the first major cloud provider to build by the second,

rather than rounding up to bigger units of

time for its virtual machines as a service offering.

This may not sound like a big deal,

but charges for rounding can really add up for

customers who are creating and running lots of virtual machines.

Per second billing is offered for virtual machine use

through computer engine and for several other services too,

which we will also look at in this course,

Kubernetes Engine, which is container infrastructure as a service, cloud data proc,

which is the open source big data system Hadoop as a service,

and app engines flexible environment,

which is a platform as a service.

Computer engine offers automatically applied sustained use discounts,

which are automatic discounts that you get for running

a virtual machine for a significant portion of the billing month.

When you run an instance from more than 25 percent of a month,

computer engine automatically gives you

a discount for every incremental minute you use it.

Here's one more way computer engine saves money.

Later in this course, you'll learn about how virtual machines are configured.

Among other things, you'll specify

how much memory and how many virtual CPUs they should have.

Normally, you pick a virtual machine type from a standard set of these values,

but computer engine also offers

custom virtual machine types so that you can

fine-tune the sizes of the virtual machines you use.

That way, you can tailor your pricing for your workloads.

For more infomation >> Pricing innovations - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #9 - Duration: 1:39.


Multi-layered security approach - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #12 - Duration: 3:49.

Because Google has seven services with more than a billion users,

you can bet security is always on the minds of Google's employees.

Design for security is pervasive,

throughout the infrastructure, the GCP and Google services run-on.

Let's talk about a few ways Google works to keep customers data safe.

Starting at the bottom and working up.

Both the server boards and

the networking equipment in Google data centers are custom designed by Google.

Google also designs custom chips,

including a hardware security chip called Titan

that's currently being deployed on both servers and peripherals.

Google server machines use

cryptographic signatures to make sure they are booting the correct software.

Google designs and builds its own data centers which

incorporate multiple layers of physical security protections.

Access to these data centers is limited to

only a very small fraction of Google employees not including me.

Google's infrastructure provides cryptographic privacy and

integrity for remote procedure called data-on-the-network,

which is how Google services communicate with each other.

The infrastructure automatically encrypts our PC traffic in transit between data centers.

Google central identity service which usually manifests to end users as

the Google log in page goes beyond asking for a simple username and password.

It also intelligently challenges users for additional information based on

risk factors such as whether they have logged in

from the same device or a similar location in the past.

Users can also use second factors when signing in,

including devices based on the universal second factor U2F open standard.

Here's mine. Most applications like Google access

physical storage indirectly via

storage services and encryption is built into those services.

Google also enables hardware encryption support in hard drives and SSDs.

That's how Google achieves encryption at rest of customer data.

Google services that want to make themselves available on the Internet

register themselves with an infrastructure service called the Google front end,

which checks incoming network connections for correct certificates and best practices.

The GFE also additionally,

applies protections against denial of service attacks.

The sheer scale of its infrastructure,

enables Google to simply absorb many denial of service attacks,

even behind the GFEs.

Google also has multi-tier,

multi-layer denial of service protections that

further reduce the risk of any denial of service impact.

Inside Google's infrastructure,

machine intelligence and rules warn of possible incidents.

Google conducts Red Team exercises

simulated attacks to improve the effectiveness of it's responses.

Google aggressively limits and actively monitors the activities of

employees who have been granted administrative access to the infrastructure.

To guard against phishing attacks against Google employees.

Employee accounts including mine require use of U2F compatible security keys,

I don't forget my keys as much as I used to.

To help ensure that code is as secure as

possible Google stores its source code

centrally and requires two party review of new code.

Google also gives its developers libraries that keep

them from introducing certain classes of security books.

Externally, Google also runs a vulnerability rewards program,

where we pay anyone who is able to discover and

inform us of bugs in our infrastructure or applications.

For more infomation >> Multi-layered security approach - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #12 - Duration: 3:49.


GCP Fundamentals - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #1 - Duration: 0:48.

Hi. I'm Brian Rice from the Google Cloud training team.

In this course, my colleagues and I are going to introduce you to Google Cloud Platform.

GCP offers four main kinds of services: compute,

storage, big data and machine learning.

This course focuses mostly on the first two together with the topic of networking.

After all, you can't use resources in the Cloud without Cloud Networking.

The Cloud is a great home for your applications and

your data because using it frees you from a lot of overhead chores.

And the Google Cloud gives you reasonably priced access to

the same planet-scale infrastructure that Google runs on.

What exactly is Google Cloud Platform? How is it organized?

And what makes it unique?

In this module, we will orient you to the basics.

For more infomation >> GCP Fundamentals - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #1 - Duration: 0:48.


Sejarah Singkat google (ASAL USUL) - Duration: 4:03.

For more infomation >> Sejarah Singkat google (ASAL USUL) - Duration: 4:03.


What is Cloud Computing? - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #2 - Duration: 1:21.

The cloud is on everybody's lips these days.

What exactly does that mean?

Turns out there's a simple clear definition.

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology created it,

although, there is nothing US specific about it.

Here it is, cloud computing as a way of using I.T.

that has these five equally important traits.

First, you get computing resources on-demand and self-service.

All you have to do is use a simple interface and you get the processing power,

storage, and network you need,

with no need for human intervention.

Second, you access these resources over the net from anywhere you want.

Third, the provider of those resources has

a big pool of them and allocates them to customers out of that pool.

That allows the provider to get economies of scale by

buying in bulk and pass the savings on to the customers.

Customers don't have to know or care about

the exact physical location of those resources.

Fourth, the resources are elastic.

If you need more resources you can get more, rapidly.

If you need less, you can scale back.

And last, the customers pay only for what they use or reserve as they go.

If they stop using resources, they stop paying.

That's it. That's the definition of cloud.

For more infomation >> What is Cloud Computing? - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #2 - Duration: 1:21.


Open APIs - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #10 - Duration: 1:23.

Some people are afraid to bring their workloads to

the cloud because they're afraid they'll get locked into a particular vendor.

But in lots of ways,

Google gives customers the ability to run their applications elsewhere,

if Google becomes no longer the best provider for their needs.

Here are some examples of how Google helps its customers avoid feeling locked in.

GCP services are compatible with open source products.

For example, take Cloud Bigtable,

a database we'll discuss later.

Bigtable uses the interface of the open source database Apache HBase,

which gives customers the benefit of code portability.

Another example, Cloud Dataproc offers the open source big data environment Hadoop,

as a managed service.

Google publishes key elements of technology using

open source licenses to create

ecosystems that provide customers with options other than Google.

For example, TensorFlow, an open source

software library for machine learning developed inside Google,

is at the heart of a strong open source ecosystem.

Many GCP technologies provide interoperability.

Kubernetes gives customers the ability to mix and

match microservices running across different clouds,

and Google Stackdriver lets customers monitor workload across multiple cloud providers.

For more infomation >> Open APIs - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #10 - Duration: 1:23.


Environmental responsibility - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #8 - Duration: 1:15.

The virtual world is built on physical infrastructure,

and all those racks of humming servers use vast amounts of energy.

Together, all existing data centers use roughly two percent of the world's electricity,

so Google works to make data centers run as efficiently as possible.

Google's data centers were the first to achieve ISO 14001 certification,

which is a standard that maps out of framework for

improving resource efficiency and reducing waste.

This is Google's data center in Hamina Finland,

one of the most advanced and efficient data centers in the Google fleet.

Its cooling system uses seawater from the bay of Finland to reduce energy use.

It's the first of its kind anywhere in the world.

Google is one of the world's largest corporate purchasers of wind and solar energy.

Google has been a 100 percent carbon neutral since 2007,

and will shortly reach a 100 percent renewable energy sources for its data centers.

Just like its customers,

Google is trying to do the right things for the planet.

GCP customers have environmental goals of their own,

and running their workloads in GCP can be a part of meeting them.

For more infomation >> Environmental responsibility - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #8 - Duration: 1:15.


Google Maps neue Funktion | Massenkarambolage wegen Motorrad ohne Winterreifen |Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 7:34.

For more infomation >> Google Maps neue Funktion | Massenkarambolage wegen Motorrad ohne Winterreifen |Motorrad Nachrichten - Duration: 7:34.




For more infomation >> PILIH JOKOWI ATAU PRABOWO ? TANYA GOOGLE ASSISTANT !!! - Duration: 3:14.


Google for Education, Product Management Director, discusses partnership with itslearning - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Google for Education, Product Management Director, discusses partnership with itslearning - Duration: 0:59.


Wie kann ich die Kosten für dein Google Ads Klicks senken? - Duration: 2:16.

For more infomation >> Wie kann ich die Kosten für dein Google Ads Klicks senken? - Duration: 2:16.


Why choose Google Cloud Platform - Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure #11 - Duration: 1:05.

Google Cloud Platform lets you choose from computing, storage, big data,

machine learning and application services for your web,

mobile, analytics and backend solutions.

It's global, it's cost effective,

it's open source friendly and it's designed for security. Let's sum up.

Google Cloud Platforms products and services can be broadly categorized as compute,

storage, big data, machine learning,

networking and operations and tools.

This course considers each of

the compute services and discusses why customers might choose each.

The course will examine each of Google Cloud Platform storage services,

how it works and when customers use it.

To learn more about these services,

you can participate in the training courses in Google Clouds Data Analyst learning track.

This course also examines the function and purpose of Google Cloud Platforms,

big data and machine learning services.

More details about these services are also available

in the training courses in Google Cloud Data Analyst learning track.

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