Viola baby crying whlie Toni push her fall from the stone-baby Viola learn walking#Wildlife Trailer
Why Eating Healthy Is So Expensive In America? - Duration: 18:42.Hey today I wanted to comment on something I found by the Vox channel on
Why eating healthy is so expensive in America - or is it? Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg
with Wellness For Life and if you like to truly master health by understanding
how the body really works make sure you subscribe and hit that notification bell
so that you don't miss anything so is food expensive well that's a relative
term there's a lot of opinion and value in that so let's look at the bigger
picture so in 1950 we spent 24% of our income on food and in 9 2010 60 years
later we spent 6.8% so the percentage dropped more than three times and yet we
think of food is expensive because inflation drives the prices up and we
only remember what it was last year but over time we spend less and less and
less on food at the same time in Europe they spent 11 to 15 percent almost twice
the percentage of their income on food and in terms of real dollars the u.s.
spends $2,200 France spends over 3000 and Norway spends almost twice as much
as the u.s. at just under $4,500 we don't spend so much as we think on food
we spend a lesser percentage than ever and we spend less than most other
countries in terms of dollars on food what has changed is our priority we
don't see it as really important anymore we've been sold the idea that it doesn't
really matter what you eat as long as you get enough calories or it's this or
that or the government puts a percentage of vitamins and nutrients and
cholesterol satisfied in the food so we've forgotten what real food is we've
lost track of what healthy food is and convenience is a big deal we've gotten
more and more busy so we don't want to take the time if we think that we can
get the same result picking up something on the way home from work from
McDonald's or some fast food rather than spending the time if we don't understand
and the difference then we'll go for the convenience so we need to get back to
understanding how much of a difference it is in the quality of the food so we
have to get back to understanding why we eat and the first reason that we eat is
to get fuel that's why you get hungry that's what you need you need the energy
to get through today and tomorrow so the primary reason to eat is fuel and that's
that ugly word called calories all right so we've been taught to think of
calories as something bad oh don't eat that it's got too many calories don't
eat nuts don't eat avocado has too many calories eat the the crispy rice cookie
it only has less than a hundred calories so you can eat as much as you want it's
guilt-free we've gotten the ideas the basic principles on food completely
turned around and we're so lost in our low-fat and our calorie principles
calories are a good thing they keep you alive every other animal on the planet
eat to get calories and they try to get as many as possible when you fill up
your car you're getting your car calories in the terms of fuel and you're
trying to get as many calories as possible for a few dollars as possible
and this is how we need to start thinking about food also we need to get
the largest amount of calories for the fewest amounts of dollars but it needs
to be whole food it can't be processed it can't be sugar it can't be grain or
starchy things or mass-produced or packaged food none of those are
actually food and they will ruin our health the second thing we need is GRP
genuine replacement parts and that is building blocks it's everything that
whole food has that your body needs to provide fuel and to convert the fuel and
the building blocks into new tissue so we're talking enzymes we're talking
vitamins and minerals all of it in the complex form in the combined form that
nature provides it but also the amino and the essential fatty acids that your
body needs that it can't get elsewhere and the third part that food provides is
cleansing vegetables in particular our cleansing we don't eat vegetables to get
fuel or genuine replacement parts or building blocks we eat vegetables for
cleansing so the reason we want to eat them is different okay we I'm not
opposed to vegetables but that is not the key to turn your health around when
I've watched this video they said oh if we could only have more produce if we
can only get people to eat more fruits and vegetables then there would be less
obesity and diabetes because people who eat more fruits and vegetables have less
diabetes yes but the reason that they have less diabetes is that by the time
you start eating more fruits and vegetables you understand more about
food so you eat less cereal and grain and bread and soda and sugar and cookies
and candy and donuts etc that's why they have less diabetes not because they eat
more produce and again I'm not opposed to produce I think you should eat
several cups every day but the reason is cleansing not to get fuel or building
blocks primarily and a lot of people feel better when they eat a lot of
vegetables because a lot of people are toxic the more toxic you are the more
desperately your body needs cleansing that's why it works so great for a lot
of different disease conditions especially cancer and or autoimmune
diseases people are so toxic they need a lot of cleansing vegetables are great
for that right throughout the last 50 years we have been very very misled on
what whole healthy real food is the food pyramid just confuse things and most of
the stuff that's really really good for us most of the stuff that has a lot of
fuel calories most of the stuff that has a lot of building blocks has been deemed
bad has been demonized vilified cursed so we're
talking here meat fish fowl game fat nuts those are the stuff that gives you
the most fuel and the most building blocks and the most nutrients that are
the most suitable for humans in the long term to rebuild and heal your body then
we add on the vegetables and the berries for the cleansing and all of these are
low glycemic meaning they don't raise your blood sugar they don't trigger
insulin so these are the safest foods to eat for anybody then if you're already
healthy you don't have insulin resistance or a weight problem or a
disease now you can add some fruits and some beans and some tubers like potato
sweet potato various different routes because if you don't if you're not
insulin resistance then you can tolerate some of this and they give you a good
nutritional value for the amount of food you eat so that's why we eat food to get
calories to get things and that's the type of foods that have the most of them
so now you probably say yeah but that stuff's still so expensive I can't
afford to buy organic I can't afford to buy grass-fed because it's 30% more it's
50% more or this or that so we want to think differently about these and I'm
gonna give you some examples of how inexpensive this food really is think in
terms of calories and we're going to give you prices in terms of dollars per
1000 calories and then assume that the average person needs about 2,000
calories a day now you would only need to eat two times whatever this amount
here is and of course it doesn't work like that you're not going to eat just
two things off off all this you're gonna eat eat a variety but it will give you
an idea of how much money you would have to spend 15% fat ground beef grass-fed
organic I found that at Walmart I tried it it's excellent some of the best
tasting ground beef I've had one pound about 550 and gives you a thousand
calories so that's enough to feed at least two large people if you only eat a
few meals a day if you eat smaller meals smaller people that's probably enough to
feed four people chicken thighs organic and I'm lazy trying to save some time be
convenient so I buy the skin free bone free boneless skinless and it cost me
350 per pound gives about a thousand calories sardines try to get something
in a good oil about four dollars per thousand calories cheddar not the cheap
stuff I'm talking grass-fed organic raw the the stuff that your body can utilize
that doesn't stress your body 550 per thousand calories eggs six dollars for a
thousand calories so these eggs are the pastured they are the ones where the
chickens run around like they used to they have at least a hundred eight
square feet per chicken that's the standard for pasture so these eggs cost
about four to five times as much as the cheapest cheapest eggs but it is so
worth it because if the animal is healthy the food is healthy if the
animal is stressed and sick and medicated then you're gonna be the same
sour cream you can find some as low as a dollar fifty for a thousand calories so
these are primarily with proteins this is the amino acids the building blocks
that builds most of your tissues then we look at your main energy source this is
where you get the most calories the most healthy natural calories in their
natural form per dollar butter grass-fed organic cultured butter dollar eighty
per thousand calories sure it's twice as much as the cheapest you can find but
you still can't eat more than a dollar of butter a day okay even at this price
so switching from the worst - the best butter is still only costing
you 50 cents a day coconut oil a dollar 30 olive oil less than a dollar 93 cents
per thousand calories so just drizzle it on everything put it on all your
vegetables put it in your omelet put it on everything you can think of because
it is good energy I just came back from Crete earlier this year and they
consumed 35 liters of olive oil per person per year it's a third of their
caloric intake and they are some of the had some of the lowest rates of
degenerative disease anywhere black beans not a fad but I just kind of threw
it in here dollar 29 per thousand calories again if your insulin resistant
if you have trouble losing weight then you want to leave those off but if not
you can tolerate some some of those flaxseed a dollar per thousand calories
hemp seed a buck 90 - peanut butter dollar 29 again organic not sugar and
margarine and shortening and all that stuff but organic natural with sea salt
dollar 29 per thousand calories walnuts dollar 50 so a lot of different nuts a
lot of different seeds get them as natural as you can and you have a
tremendous value of fuel and replacement parts per dollar so now we get to the
vegetable kingdom now we get to what they're calling the the healthy food
which again I agree but we eat it for a different reason
avocado $4 per a thousand calories eggplants $9 bell pepper $22 broccoli 12
cauliflower 13 and then spring mix these organic little baby greens $62 per a
thousand calories so then you're saying oh I thought you were going to show us
inexpensive things look how expensive that is true per thousand calories but
you would never ever try to eat a thousand calories of spring
greens trust me that's like 15 pounds that's like 15 buckets of spring greens
to get you a thousand calories so that's not why you eat those that's not why you
eat the vegetables you eat the vegetables for the cleansing you eat the
meat and the fat the animal product and the fat to get the fuel and the building
blocks so here's how you want to think about this okay
you start off trying to get a regular supply of vegetables get several cups
get as many different kinds as you like it asparagus and green beans and
broccoli and cauliflower and bell pepper and kale and whatever else that you like
and enjoy a good variety then you pour fat on it you pour butter olive oil
coconut oil you put nuts and seeds on it you've seasoned it with lots of healthy
good salt the pink salt the sea salt season to taste salt is not a bad thing
your body needs it as long as it's not a chemically pure sodium chloride table
salt and then you add on some for protein so this doesn't need to be most
of the meal this is maybe 20 30 % on average you get a good variety of
different animal products and there you have a good balance of food and it's not
going to cost you an arm and a leg and the more you eat like that the more
you'll notice you don't get so hungry so you don't have to eat three times a day
with snacks in between you eat twice a day with one snack and then once a day
with a small meal and maybe a snack okay so that's also time-saving and then in
some future videos we'll talk about how to lard make larger batches how to buy
in quantity how to prepare and freeze things because a lot of this stuff you
can make a larger batch and freeze and then it is not so time consuming so we
have to chain some things that we do but we have to
also learn and understand why we're doing it
so that we understand why it's worthwhile as you probably notice the
absolute cheapest calories are not up here
that's the grain and the sugar and the soda and all those different things they
are dirt cheap and they're not food they are the things that cause disease and
that caused the obesity and the diabetes humans have not had them for a very long
time we've certainly not had them in the abundance and the processed form that
we're getting them today so that's one thing that we start have to start
understanding is that certain things they're not food and we just can't go on
consuming them if we want to be healthy so is food expensive not really we spend
less than we've ever had we spend less than most countries and the reason we
think it's expensive is because we don't understand where we get the biggest bang
for the buck and we've been told the wrong things about most of the really
good food like meat and fat chicken fish not just beef but all sorts of animal
products and the fat that comes from them and from nuts and seeds in in their
natural form the other way to think about this is that the most expensive
food is the one that makes you sick because you either invest in a little
bit better food and health or you pay for disease later and we have the most
expensive health care system in the world and it's accomplishing very very
little because we keep ruining the body with the wrong kinds of foods so when
you look at that doughnut which is arguably the worst possible food out
there it is processed sugar it is processed flour processed vegetable oils
topped off with chemicals then that is not something that can sustain your body
so it's gonna make you sick and if you think about that doughnut
and it costs you a dollar to purchase what if you weigh in the cost of the
future medical costs and the emotional and physical suffering then that
doughnut suddenly becomes very very expensive
maybe it's not a dollar maybe it's more like a hundred bucks now and maybe it's
not so attractive anymore so I hope this was helpful I hope that you know a
little bit more about how to eat healthy what healthy food is and how it doesn't
have to be expensive if you're new to this channel and you enjoy this sort of
content make sure you subscribe so we can keep this content coming your way
thanks for watching
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Why Vanilla Destiny 1 Was SO GOOD?! - Duration: 17:04.when people hear the word destiny they either react like this your game sucks
and this is what we get we get this and this destiny these guys made this and
now it give me this where they react like this
whether you love it or you hate it it's obvious that the game has a large and
dedicated fanbase and despite its many many controversies it continues to be
one of the most popular franchises in all of gaming destiny was announced in
February of 2013 and later showcased at that year's e3 I didn't have much
interest in destiny when it was announced but I was definitely in the
minority as everybody I knew were excited and hyped for another Bungie
game now for context I grew up playing Halo at friends houses or at my cousin's
on occasion but I never really got into the games like a lot of my friends I've
come to appreciate the Halo games though as I've researched and learned more
about the series and watched a lot of the act man but just know that my
excitement for destiny was low as I hadn't been a longtime fan of Bungie
games when destiny finally released in September 2014 and was receiving such
negative reception I was a little shocked that so many people seemed to
hate the game from what I had seen into my own surprise I thought the game
looked pretty fun and something I would enjoy despite it looking similar to halo
but everywhere I looked online people were so pissed off at the game that I
stayed away for a bit if it weren't for my three friends who constantly kept
saying bro why don't you have destiny yet what are you still playing Call of
Duty for what are you ten years old then I would have missed out on what I
consider some of my favorite moments I've ever had in gaming since vanilla
Destiny's one I have almost 3,000 hours in the franchise and the fun I've had
with my friends throughout those years since vanilla or unforgettable
while many fans are glad the game today isn't anything like vanilla destiny one
other destiny fans look back at vanilla with such fondness in nostalgia some
will claim that vanilla was destiny at its best and others claim it to be when
it was at its worst so today I'm on a mission to go back in time and see if
vanilla destiny one was as good or as bad as we remember it to be there's
always a lot of excitement when playing through a story for the first time in a
video game BioShock Infinite The Last of Us The Witcher 3 all games with
incredible stories that can only be experienced for the very first time once
of course these games stories are enjoyable to play through multiple times
but you can't re-experience that first playthrough
a lot of people had high hopes for Destiny's storytelling characters and
plots they fall in love with and want to re-experience again and again like they
did with Halo but sadly that wasn't the case for destiny by the end of the story
most gamers were left thinking but now don't get me wrong destiny does in fact
have some of the greatest stories and mysteries in any fictional universe the
amount of lore and depth this game has is mind-blowing and I highly recommend
that if you're into the story of destiny at all go ahead and watch some lore
videos on YouTube there's some great destiny lore channels out there if you
really want to get the most out of your destiny experience but as for the
in-game story it suffered severely paired with some awful mission structure
after replaying the story missions you realize how bland and boring each
mission was in its design defending dinklebot from waves of enemies while
the open doors isn't exactly exciting but there were other things that kept me
and many others playing after the story campaign
levelling in progression in vanilla were pretty straightforward in a lot of ways
your character level goes up by gaining XP just like most games and it could be
done through just about anything in the game weapons and armor how to attack and
defense values to show that your character was getting stronger leveling
your character subclassed took time but was easy to understand it was fully
customizable but when progression began to make no sense was when you hit the
level cap of 20 most players were level 20 or nearing it by the end of the
campaign and to level up past that required you to wear gear the Hat light
on it farming fur armor the Hat light was the
next step once you hit the cap and this meant running weekly and nightfall
strikes hitting up the loot cave doing crucible or higher-level story missions
or you could simply buy armor from vendors in the tower but all legendary
gear from these sources would cap at light level 27 and the only gear that
allowed you to get to the light level cap of 30 was acquired from the raid
iron banner or if it was an exotic armor piece this will always be remembered as
the forever 29 era because so many guardians were just one gear piece short
of hitting level 30 and RNG wouldn't be on their side not to mention that light
level had such an impact on the gameplay for instance somebody who was a level 29
did 30% less damage than someone who was a level 30 and a level 28 would do 40%
27 50 percent and so on this system added another problem in that every
Guardian would look the exact same since everyone had to wear raid gear to be
their highest level so everybody had raid gear on therefore there was no
diversity in gear and everybody looked the exact same many people never got to
30 and tell the release of dark below needless to say this leveling and gear
progression system had many problems and would continue to stay this way
throughout the entirety of year 1 although slightly improved with the
etheric light in the house of wolves I think it's fair to say vanilla leveling
was far more inferior than the system we have now although feeling like a god
amongst peasants when you were the only level 30 in the tower was pretty cool
I'd argue that this was the number one most important aspect of the game as I
think it's the main driving force into its popularity and longevity without the
loot grind meaningful rewards our gear that made you feel powerful then you get
what became destiny 2 at launch a game that handed out exotics for doing
nothing legendary gear and weapons with boring
and uninspired perks for the sake of balance
vanilla destiny though was made famous by highly sought-after god-tier and
basically overpowered weapons and armor ice breaker last word vex mythoclast
fate bringer Gjallarhorn these weapons are what made people return every week
for another raid completion another nightfall and it's what kept them
farming heroic strikes or anything in the game just for a chance at some of
the most powerful rewards nothing can compare to the excitement of loot during
vanilla rng was brutal and these weapons weren't easy to come by but it's what
kept us playing something a lot of hardcore players went for during the
first year was collecting every exotic in the game or every raid weapon or full
armor set doing so wouldn't give you triumphs or a title below your name it
just gave you one of the best feelings of accomplishment that you had a full
raid set whether you had every exotic weapon in the game there's a good reason
why people shot into caves for so many hours days on end
destiny is described as a persistent open-world always online first-person
shooter with MMO elements and a sci-fi fantasy setting that's a mouthful but
Bungie has explicitly referred it to simply a shared world shooter the
supposed new genre of games fitting for titles like the division and anthem
before Destiny's release many thought of destiny as Borderlands meets halo
Borderlands being a popular cooperative looter shooter and it seemed destiny was
to have many similarities and take inspiration from that franchise and to
an extent it does like Borderlands destiny is a Loutre shooter at its core
a game where completing various activities reward you with loot a simple
concept that is complemented so well by its gameplay whether you're a fan of
destiny or you hate destiny I think everybody can agree that destiny feels
great to play the core gunplay the supers the abilities and the mobility
and fluidity of its gameplay is unmatched and it's the best in the
industry right now in my opinion personally there was also a sense of
mastery and depth and Destiny's gameplay in both PvE and PvP the possible builds
with specific classes and subclasses paired with certain exotic armor or
weapons added depth and unique play styles the Titan hunter and warlock all
felt different to play and each had their own strengths and weaknesses not
to mention the crazy things people were able to pull off by simply mastering
their character's abilities and other gameplay elements from Titan and warlock
skating Sparrow flying to soloing raid bosses and night falls or speedrunning
raids and night falls destiny players have never ceased to amaze
so we talked about how the story mission structure was garbage in this game but
how are the other activities the raids the strikes the PvP the open world first
off let's talk about the open world and public events and patrol one of
destiny's main selling points and a huge part of its marketing was coming across
other players in the open world and defeating world bosses or completing
activities together another fire chief coming in first showcased in destiny's
III demo back in 2013 was the Fallen walker tank public event this idea I
think sold destiny for a lot of gamers but did it live up to expectations not
really initially doing fall and Walker on earth defending conflux is on Venus
or doing otherworldly activities with random Guardians or your fireteam was
exciting but the charm of public events quickly wore off due to public event
being trash and the event themselves not being unique and different enough from
each other that they all kind of felt the same I think it's pretty safe to say
that patrol and public events were a bit of a letdown in vanilla the open world
kind of sucked the activity Yuri played the most though in vanilla was strikes
whether nightfall or heroic strikes were your main source of leveling past 20 and
one of the best ways to get exotics and legendaries
the five strikes in the game that it launched with were pretty
straightforward and without any real mechanics involved they mostly consisted
of bullet sponge bosses with a grand slam ability but each felt unique enough
and we're a conic for one reason or another strikes that when you say their
name you know what they're famous for Valles Tariq the tank is esto B in the
entire universe or the Nexus you think about the challenging servitors in the
beginning the cool boss arena in the chief spots phogoth because he was super
replayable and fun to speed run and suffix prime for its difficulty strikes
in destiny would continue to be a huge part of the experience and that got
better throughout time and expansions and there's some of my favorite
activities to do in the game now moving on to the PvP vanilla Destiny's PvP was
some of the most fun I've ever had in any FPS game full of imbalances sure but
it felt incredible to play PvP during vanilla is revered as some of its best
in part due to it being new and fresh as nobody was a master yet and everybody
was learning and getting better at the exact same time it was a very simplistic
design and extremely addictive thanks to the fluid and crispy gunplay destiny had
66 was always fun especially with friends my clan and I would clear raid
that all six of us would hop into crucible together and just destroy teams
3v3 skirmish was fun as well and was competitive enough if you were looking
for a less chaotic game type skirmish was also used for those in the
competitive scene in tournament play people went to great lengths and destiny
wanted to matchmake for tournament playing before private matches existed
and the community is basically responsible for creating the game's
competitive scene I'll always have a love-hate relationship with the PvP and
destiny and it's still fun and destiny too but only after the Forsaken update
when they reverted all changes to make it more like destiny 1 but nothing will
compare it to destiny 1 itself PvP and most specifically the vanilla Destiny's
PvP was it was the best
the vault of glass the games only raid during vanilla I'd argue that if any one
thing kept Destiny alive and gave its fans hope for the future of the
franchise it was the vault of glass many dusty
fans favorite memories with the game come from the vault of glass and for
good reason array like experience traditionally
found only in MMOs that wasn't really ever experienced on console as well as
destiny being the first FPS game to feature array like experience was a big
deal and it made sense why it was so popular the mechanics found in vogue are
far simpler than the mechanics in the raids that have come out in recent years
King's fall and last wish to name the most complex but for vog being the first
raid in the franchise it was incredibly impressive each encounter was memorable
from opening the door to the vault to fighting the Templar to navigating the
Gorgon maze and of course defeating atheon
many attempted the raid but only few prevailed the world's first team took 14
hours to complete it but for many destiny players like myself it would
take weeks or months to finally clear it vault of glass was an elusive and
exciting adventure to take part in and not everyone had what it took to beat it
at the time but whether you beat it or not
vault of glass was something special if you hadn't beaten it or had only beat it
once or twice when you saw a guardian with chatter white in the tower you knew
he was a legend but when you saw a level 30 you knew he was a god and lastly the
community the Destiny community is one of the best to be a part of in gaming
now it's not without its toxic members of course but it houses some of the most
helpful dedicated and talented members in all of the video game communities put
together arguably the community is what held this game together in vanilla and
it's what still is keeping the game alive today I'd have to say that if my
clan members quit completely it wouldn't be long before I left the game - during
destiny two's launch that almost happened and I'm glad things have turned
around and allowed destiny to live a bit longer so many sub communities have
popped up and exists in this game from speedrunners and Raiders PvP sweats and
completionists to lore lovers and artists destiny is home to so many
different kinds of players in my experience members of the community and
my clan members offer help to each other of any kind whether it's completing
raids quests offering tips or anything else the community is always there and
willing to help not to mention outside of the game
destiny charity events and streams raise insane amounts of money all thanks to
the awesome members of the community destiny will always be an incredible
game flawed absolutely but one-of-a-kind destiny has been more than a game for so
many and I hope it will continue to stay that way it's crazy to think of where
the franchise is now and the experiences we've had in the things we've done since
vanilla to sum it up I think bad ash gaming said it best when he said this
Destiny's not about the story it's not about the multiplayer it's not about the
missions or the strikes or the raids or even the loot you chase after and never
get until you buy some hand-me-downs from dirt it's not even about all the
flaws people love to mention or constantly complain about destinies
about the experiences and the fun you're about to have with your friends while
doing all those different things and more so what do you guys think was
vanilla destiny one of your favorite times in the game's history or did you
quit destiny and come back after expansions or the sequel I'd love to
know so leave your thoughts on the video and any opinions of destiny in the
comments below I'd like to thank you again for watching the video and I'll
see you guys in the next one
So 2018 Wasn't Great | Life Update, What Happened and New Year's Resolutions [CC] - Duration: 21:05.I'm back!
So this is like a "life update new year's resolution roundup new year's
resolution setting kind of" video thing. So I haven't been around on YouTube much.
Uhh this year has been... [pause]
Just a big old nope for this year! There's been good
things you know, there's been some really amazing things I got to do or be part of
or go to and they've been great. Just that the bad things have been so so bad
they kind of like eclipse a lot of the good stuff. Some lowlights include I
basically had to take someone to court - it was their fault -
I had to go through the whole legal process, it took about six months. They
weren't cooperating so I had to escalate it and escalate it until I set a court
date, then finally he got settled out of court
like before we both had to appear (I won by the way). But that wasn't - that was not
fun to go through, that was really stressful and horrible and also I had to
deal with the thing that made me have to take them through the process and like
push them towards court anyway. I can't go into details because I don't have a
lawyer on retainer, so it's probably not smart for me to do so. That's kind of
kind of all I can say. There was some really bad people in my life, I'm still
upset thinking - just thinking about it and like, mentioning it because they were
so toxic and horrible and they had such a big role to play in my life at the
time because like they just had to and they were awful like I'm still - I'm still
recovering. I will probably need to find a therapist to deal with the
after-effects because it's been months and I'm still affected. They're now like
completely cut out of my life basically - took one of them to court!
As far as I'm aware I will never have to see them again or
speak to them again but it was really bad. Obviously that affected my mental health
a lot - a lot a lot! I had a couple of breakdowns, there was a really bad moment
but I have a support network, I'm okay I'm fine, honestly. I got so worn down
that my mental health was starting to affect my physical health as well, so
I've now started passing out on the tube which is not fun! I've also had like some
other symptoms as well so I'm gonna have a go to a GP soon get myself checked out.
I'm genuinely doing a lot better, I've got my support network my
mental health being a lot better, I'm out off a lot of toxic situations, I've got
my hoops on! So since we're kind of like reviewing this year I might as well
watch back my new year's resolution video and review my goals, most of which
I have failed! It's not looking pretty in my defence, I had a lot going on - a lot
- A LOT - too much! Also my priorities changed a lot throughout the year and just
watching this video in preparation to record this, I'm like a completely
different person now. So I've got the video here on my laptop-
same laptop, more stickers - so let's go!
Past me: I want to learn how to code
Present me: Did I learn how to code? I did not. I was doing it at the
beginning of the year but I found out it's really hard. Like, really hard to do and
it's a great skill to have, it's really super valuable to have which is why if I
ever had issues arising where I would need like fix or code something, I'mma
hire someone to do it rather than me being like "oh I've done a course online
and then having a tinker around a background that that will
probably not turn out well I wouldn't put me in charge or anywhere near any
code - why would anyone put me in charge of any code? I'm probably gonna
refresh the basics but I'm not gonna make it very high priority and I'm
not gonna be like putting it on my CV anytime soon.
Past me: I want to get better at maths
Present me: Again I tried with this one, I actually really tried I tried a couple
of websites, from the one the government issued to one my friends gave me
access to. None of them worked for me - I mean they were either really badly built
or they just weren't applicable maths. One of them I used - they kept trying me
to use the app that they built and I hated it, I just wanted about to like
learn how to do maths I can apply to my life and instead they were making me do this
stupid app thing that calculates for you and I was like I'm not into this!!
So it just frustrated me so much that I just kind of like gave up!
Trying another website soon though it's called Khan Academy which was
recommended to me so I will give that a go. Also! New discovery! So I've always
kind of struggled with maths and I was like "oh I'm just bad at it, I don't have
the head for it, I'm too *creative*" because that's kind of what you're taught in
school. That either some people have the gift for maths and some people don't -
which is bollocks because it's a skill. That's all. It's a skill you learn but
looking at how I react to having to do maths and thinking about
it as though they were symptoms, I think I have something which I can't pronounce
it's called dyscalculia. Essentially it's dyslexia but for maths. A lot of things
do check off like difficulty with mental maths, difficulty holding numbers in my
head, difficulty applying maths concepts to money,
I'm very easily lost when trying to do maths problems,
I have trouble understanding place value - so with like decimal points, it kind of doesn't quite
make sense what the number is where the decimal point is - I don't quite know how to explain it!
Very slow, very anxious about maths and I still count
my fingers in order to work something else. I'm just there like [mimes counting on fingers]
Currently I'm not sure if I have this - I don't know how I would actually be diagnosed and I
don't know what value it would have bring to me if I was properly diagnosed
but there we go. Also there's not a huge amount of
research into this issue so I don't know what to do!
Past me: now the other language I'm
gonna learn is French.
Present me: I pushed at it on and off but ultimately it's going to
have to become a lower priority or just hit pause on that skill set because as
much as I like - I genuinely just love the language and I've always wanted to learn
it - but I don't need it in my day to day life. Learning French doesn't mean as
much personally to me as it would if I was better at Cantonese and Mandarin.
I only have so much energy and time and need to focus it on Cantonese and
Mandarin. I really sad to be giving up French but it's for the best.
Past me: Also gonna try and perform at more poetry night because spoken-word
scene in London is just beautiful.
Present me: I did perform at more poetry nights!
I did some really big stuff and cool stuff. Earlier on in the year I had my Barbican Young
Poets showcase, so my collective and I, it was essentially our final end of the
six-month program performance show thing and it was one of the most
beautiful experiences because all these wonderful people you've been
around for six months and you're all so close and you love each other so much
you're all there celebrating yourselves and each other and
it was just so beautiful. Another thing I did, which is one of my
most favourite memories ever, I did a show called A Change is Gonna Come. It was
a collaboration with Barbican Young Poets and Boy Blue Entertainment who is
this amazing hip hop dance group who are also based
in the Barbican Centre and we collaborated and we kind of like fused
our poetry and dance together and we performed at the pit theatre and it was
great! It was so amazing, seeing all our work meshed together in such a short
amount of time as well and created something really really beautiful and
really really special and I'm so proud of it everyone. I'm so happy I got to be
a part of it, and it like changed a lot of things for me for the better.
I also headlined a show called the Jazz Verse Jukebox - that is one of my
favourite nights in London! It's jazz music and it's poetry and if you perform poems you
can have the band on with you and they improvised music to go over your poems!
What happened was I went to one of the nights, I got pulled out of the box
for the open mic, got on the open mic and apparently did a really good job! So much so
that the host then came to me afterwards and said "I would love for you to
headline", and I was like "YES! YES! YES! I mean I think about it".
And of course I've been doing a
couple of open mics here and there. I'm now feeling much more confident and I've
been starting to ask people "are you looking for hea liners because I'd love
to headline your night" so that's been getting some positive responses so far!
I'm going to try and push more and talk to some friends
and see how they have managed to do it and maybe I'll be headlining more shows!
Life has been terrible, but poetry? Great!
Past me: I want to make 3 pieces of art this year
Present me:I did not make 3 pieces of art, I made one. Better than none! So I think
on New Year's day actually, I did some self-portrait photography - I'll put them here -
They were inspired by Robin Torkar (I believe that's how you pronounce his surname)
aka PixlPit who is this great animator and he's Jacksepticeye's video editor. He just
takes these gorgeous gorgeous photos and there was one that I was really inspired
by and I just really wanted to like create pieces inspired by that. Those are
sound like my favorite photos I've ever taken
I took maybe 300 - 400 photos across two sessions to get these shots but I think
they turned out reading really great and I'm really really proud of them!
I'd love to do more interesting shots like that but I will think about it and
get back to you!
Past me: I want to make more of a YouTube channel
Present me: Ah, YouTube. That's a thing, isn't it?
So as you have noticed I have been very
absent from YouTube. Sometimes two or three months pass between uploads.
Life got in the way, motivations disappeared and I just didn't!
Also I really fell out love doing BookTube videos - that is a topic for a
different video - but I just really wasn't enjoying it. I remember I filmed a video,
I was bored filming it, I started editing it and I was bored editing it and I was
like "why am I doing this? Why am I making this video, why I'm making these kinds of
videos?" and I just stopped. I don't mean BookTube videos overall, I
mean stuff like you know TBR's, Wrap Ups etc. They're easy videos to film but they're
not fun for me to make, so I stopped as you can tell. That's a topic for another
video. If you have questions or thoughts on that, please let me know in
the comment,s I will read all of them.
Past me: I want to actually exercise this yeah
Present me: I kind of exercised! So back in my old place I joined a gym and that was actually really
good, I was like "I don't hate it!" I was terrified of the weights all the
time, I went on it like five or six times because, I don't if you've noticed, but
I'm very small and just tiny me in this massive machine?! I look ridiculous
and I feel ridiculous and I'm just there like pulling at the littlest weights!
We're now near a 24-hour gym, I've got a membership so I'll be going to that
Past me: I want to travel more.
Present me: So this was a resolution I thought I'd fail but this
is the resolution I completely smashed. I, myself and some people close to me, we
went to Bristol, I've been to Exeter, I've been to Brighton this year. I only needed
to travel to three places this year to achieve my goal and I already did that
just UK-based and then I also got a job that involved a lot of travel.
So this year I've been to Boston America, Singapore and Hong Kong which was pretty
awesome. It was for work and it had its own... issues. But it's been amazing to go
abroad because I wouldn't have been able to afford it otherwise. But I got the
opportunity to, so that was a perk. I still haven't made it to
Scotland but I really really hope I will in like spring or summer so Marta, I'm still coming for you!
AJ: I'm going for a hefty chonk
[Marta dies laughing]
Marta: Do you see what I mean?? It's endless comedy!!
Marta: I'm so tired!
[Christy clicks light switch]
Christy: That was the wrong light!
[Marta laughs]
Marta: oh my god that's going to be so smooth!
Past me: I've written down "call home more, you little shit!" [laughs]
Present me: I did call home more! So what I did was I set a calendar reminder every Sunday, 8pm.
It would go off and I would have to call home. I didn't call home every
single week because, as mentioned before, sometimes when I wasn't doing very well
mentally, I was just like "I don't want to talk to my parents, I don't want to call home
I don't wanna talk to anyone" but generally I have been calling home more, which has been nice.
Past me: I will fix my sleep this year
Present me: GUESS WHO DID NOT FIX THEIR SLEEP THIS YEAR?? (points to self)
I went through a bit where I thought I fixed it, so I was going
to sleep at midnight and waking up at 6:00 and I was like "oh I need six hours
sleep then, that works out, that works out with like the REM cycles and whatnot" and
I felt fine and I thought "oh, I finally cracked it!" And then after a while my body started
saying like "noooooo" and then it turned out I needed 7.5 hours sleep actually.
Also sleep patterns are so delicate, they're so easy to break, they're so fragile and
you can just snap 'em like a glow stick. I've also been having a lot of anxiety this year, when
l'm going to sleep and when waking up. It's just - you just wake up and you're
like "OHHHH THE ANXIETY IS HERE" and you go to sleep and "OHH THE ANXIETY IS BACK".
A big symptom was like, feeling this awful tightness and pressure
in your chest, so the only thing that really resolved it was - let me make an introduction.
This is Dog. So I got this cuddly toy when I was
maybe 12 or so and he's been in the wardrobe for a long time. Even though I'm
in my early twenties, I need to sleep with a cuddly toy. Also this toy dog is
named Dog because - this is the kind of child I was okay - I just thought it was
ridiculous to name your cuddly toys and give him like a real human name so I
just didn't, I just refused to name it. He's been across the world with me and
has been helping me sleep and has been providing a lot of comfort!
Past me: I will be posting a mid-year update in August to reassess all these resolutions.
Present me: [snorting and sarcastic laughter] mid-year update! [more laughing] That did not happen!
Ok, so 2018: bonfire, trash fire, multiple fires but hey 2019 is happening!
I mean it's just a date, it's just a year
but you know what? I need hope, okay?? I need it.
I've set myself some new goals. I think two - three - big issues I had with my resolutions was
that I knew what I wanted but I didn't put work in. I didn't know how to, I
didn't put the systems in place except etc etc.
2: my mental health played
a big factor in 2018 [clicks tongue] thank you! and also I need to just simplify, really simplify
my resolutions and goals so I actually focus on what I want
and know that it's okay if my priorities change. Anyway - goals for 2019 - here we go!
Learn the phonetic alphabet for realsies this time! I'm actually gonna make it my
screensaver on my phone.
Maths! Might actually get better at maths
in 2019! I don't know, we'll find out! I'm gonna go through the Khan Academy
website and figure out if there are like modules and whatnot and set a
concrete goal of "complete certain amount of modules by what time etc.
Improve my Cantonese and Mandarin! I don't know how to set concrete goals on this but
I'm just gonna like hack at it a few hours per week and see how that goes!
I wanna do more poetry nights! Not just open mic but headlining as well! I'm
gonna be bold and brave and knock on some more doors.
I'm gonna get back into
my side Instagram for TwiggedBeauty. I want to hit 2,000 followers - I know numbers
are just numbers and following counts doesn't matter and all that stuff but I
just want to set a goal for myself so 2,000 followers it will be!
Make more art
So I finally kind of figured out what kind of art I want to do now. Basically I
painted this back in 2016/2017? I don't know? But I painted this - you might
recognise this from my "My Difficult Relationship with Art" video that's but I
just really love cityscapes and I love this kind of like floating city on a
rock kind of concept thing, so I just want to stick with this style and
obviously make it better and a bit more interesting. Also a big thing
was that I didn't want to make art and then just have nothing to
do with the art afterwards like I'm not going to hang it up because I don't feel
like that's something I'm uncomfortable doing, just painting and then hanging my own
artworks everywhere, it feels a bit obnoxious for me to do - no shade artists
who do do that because your art is amazing -
I just don't want to do that for my own art pieces. I want to start putting prints up on
Etsy because that's something I've never done and it would give me a
purpose to like push the artwork, like the art would have a place to go afterwards
I've got some amazing friends who do do art and make prints of them
and put it up on Etsy so I'm gonna message them and see what I can do.
And if it sells, it sells. If doesn't sell - [shrugs]
Probably will also do something like
painting time lapses as well to put a channel
YouTube! I'm gonna try and get
back into it a bit more because I do love filming videos, I do love anything I
do love putting them out there and just like interacting with responses and
things like that, that's a huge thing for me, I love interacting with responses so
please do comment, that's kind of why I'm here
I've also got some
collaborations coming up which is really exciting for me.
I want to bake a cake. Just the one cake -one cake and then my resolution is done. What kind of cake?
I don't know, I just really want to bake a cake and do the frosting and stuff and
just make a cake! I'm such a domestic goddess!
Get 7.5 hours of sleep a night
because that is what my body needs so might as well actually listen to it and then
maybe finally my sleep will be fixed!!
I'm gonna try and go to the gym twice a week
I wanna get as healthy as I can now because it will pay off in the future.
The final big resolution: I've always wanted to start a podcast. I've been thinking
about it like all of this year. It's time to actually do it because there's not
actually a huge amount stopping me it's just me
fussing out being like: "I don't know when a good time to start
would be" - just do it. So, podcast - it's coming.
Thank you all very much for watching, I'm sorry I've been away, but you know I have to take
care of myself. Please send me good thoughts and wishes for 2019 because I
can't have another year like 2017 or 2018 - I don't - it's just - I can't!!
Thank you all so much for watching I wish you all a very very happy New Year and all the
best to you.
Take care, byeeee!
The 1 Reason Google Reviews Work So Well | Social Proof and Reputation Management - Duration: 2:39.Have you ever driven into the parking lot of a restaurant?
Could be a pizza place, Chinese restaurant,
Italian restaurant, doesn't matter any kind of restaurant,
and there were only three cars there?
So as I was presenting just the other week,
you know, I,
I kind of had this epiphany, this light bulb moment,
right? And you've probably gotten those before
and people were asking me, well,
"Why do online reviews matter?"
And I thought to myself, hmm,
let me give a good example to this audience.
Have you ever driven into the parking lot of a restaurant and there were only
three cars there right away? You knew that those three cars belong to
the cook, the manager and one of the servers on
staff or the bartender. So really it was the three people
working there and there was no one else there.
No diners whatsoever. That is basically the simplest form of
social proof. When I drive into that empty parking
lot, there's social proof that this
restaurant is not good. What happens is you're not seeing any
social proof that people are dining there,
that they enjoy the experience, the ambiance or the food.
In your gut, you get this feeling that this isn't a
good choice, I'm going to pull U-turn and turn around
and go somewhere else. So social proof is what really drives
this power of online reviews and when we're looking online and we're
researching a business, we want to see social proof,
so we want to see how other customers, other leads and prospects of this
business like us have experienced the business,
how they've experienced the products and services,
and ultimately how the overall the overarching experience was because
that's what they're giving a rating or review on.
So if I'm seeing a bunch of four and five star reviews on a business,
then I know that this is a good business.
I have social proof, whereas,
and I'm seeing one and two stars, I'm a little apprehensive,
there right? And nearly 90 percent of consumers are
apprehensive to do business if they see negative reviews.
Again, that's social proof.
So what I want you to take away from this is the idea that social proof is
what drives online reviews, and that's why online reviews are so
important to your business. I hope this helps.
Hey, thanks for watching.
You know, Bigger Better Biz is dedicated to
equipping you with the tools and know how to grow a bigger,
better, small business.
It all starts with you, so if you enjoyed the video,
please click like below. Feel free to ask questions in the
comments, and if it's not too much to ask,
subscribe to the channel and click that bell because you will be notified every
time we have a new video to help you grow that bigger,
better business. Here's to your success.
The beauty is so beautiful, it is wrapped up by the devil, every night! - Duration: 3:05.Thanks you for watching !!
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So Fortnite Is Trying To Ruin Building Again... (Fortnite NEW Boom Box Item - Update 7.10) - Duration: 10:36.Hey what is going on guys, in this video today we're going to be discussing yet another very
concerning addition to Fortnite, and how it plays into the major theme of Epic continuing
to do every thing in their power to counter building.
So for those of you guys unaware a new item was added to Battle Royale on December 30th
in content update 7.10 #2.
So this content update had been scheduled for today since last week.
However, we though for sure that this update was going to give us the drift-board, which
if you recall was kinda added to the game about a week ago, but then immediately removed.
Instead of the driftboard though, we got a different new item named the boom box.
And, when I woke up today and checked Twitter this is what I saw from the official Fortnite
twitter account announcing this new item: "Drop the bass!
Destroy enemy structures with the newest item addition to Battle Royale, the Boom Box."
And when I saw that, I basically just shook my head and sighed.
So, without further ado let's get right into discussing that, as well as the other super
controversial item/feature in Fortnite at the moment.
Alright, so according directly to the patch notes this describes what exactly the boom
box does in game: "Activate to create powerful blasts of music that deal structure damage
in a large area!
Newly built walls in the radius of the box are destroyed with every blast.
Shoot the Boom Box to stop its effects."
Some other important information that wasn't included in the patch notes for whatever reason:
The boom box is purple rarity, it drops in stacks of 2, and each boom box has 600 health.
And I'll just play a quick little clip right now that just shows kinda how it works in
case you haven't seen it in action yet.
So, as you guys can see this item is simply a structure destroying beast.
The radius on it isn't huge, but, it's definitely large enough to be absolutely dominant in
a lot of situations.
And as you just saw in that clip, it isn't like it only destroys newly-built structures
or destroys structures somewhat slowly.
No no no, if there is any kind of structure within the boombox's range it is going down
and it is going down almost instantly.
Here's another quick little clip of me using the boombox against a player in-game.
And keep in mind, this clip is literally my first time ever using this item, so I just
kinda threw it and hoped for the best.
So, as made obvious by that clip, this boom box is simply way too overpowered.
I hit that guy with a few AR shots earlier, beat him to high ground, and then put some
more damage on him.
So, he decided to make the smart play and turtle in a 1 by 1 while he heals up.
All I had to do was throw that boom box anywhere near the middle of the structure, and the
entire thing came down and prevented him from any further building in the immediate area.
I'm not sure if anybody has made this comparison yet, but, the boom box is basically like a
C4 from season 5 that is just constantly exploding, it's almost totally uncounterable.
And I know what someone is going to say, "how is it uncounterable, you can just shoot at
it and destroy it."
Yes, in theory you could just shoot at it and destroy it.
But, let me tell you the 4 reasons why in most situations, that simply isn't possible.
First off, the boombox is a relatively small object that can be really hard to locate in
any kind of chaotic fight.
Second, even if you can locate the boombox despite all the craziness going on around
you, it has 600 health, which is a ridiculously high amount for such a small object.
Third, since the boombox destroys all structures within it's range, you can't even build to
protect yourself while shooting at it.
So, any player that is somewhat decent is gonna hear you shooting at it and just pop
out and easily kill you.
And finally, even if by some miracle you ARE able to destroy the boombox, they spawn in
stacks of 2, so the player will probably just throw his second one.
Now, I believe that Epic's intention with adding this boombox was to eliminate that
exact type of turtling you saw that enemy try to do in the second clip.
But Epic, this is definitely not the way to go about it.
At this point in Fortnite's life, turtling is simply a necessary part of the game.
It's actually a skill that I believe is super under-appreciated and is one of the main things
that separates the good Fortnite players from the great Fortnite players.
This addition of the boombox is plain and simple going way overboard.
Although people certainly don't like it, we can live with an item like dynamite.
It was obviously added as an item for newer players, but, I'd say it's probably more annoying
than overpowered.
But this boombox is honestly probably closer to being as overpowered as the infinity sword
than it is to being like dynamite.
And that is obviously a major problem for the experienced players that play this game.
But, that's enough about the boombox for now.
I think you're going to be hearing a ton of people complaining about it over the next
few days and hopefully major changes will be made.
Now, I wanna talk about the other super controversial item in Fortnite right now, the plane.
The plane has easily been the most popular and polarizing topic of discussion within
the entire Fortnite community since the beginning of season 7.
When the planes were first added into Fortnite I think every body agreed that they were fairly
overpowered, maybe not gamebreakingly overpowered, but definitely way too strong for how many
of them spawned on the map.
And this feedback was definitely communicated fairly quickly to Epic, and it led to them
making multiple changes as an attempt to keep them balanced and to keep every body happy.
Have those balance changes worked?
Well, based on my experience, and I think this is the most common opinion, the answer
in no.
And the reasons why they haven't worked is pretty funny and kinda interesting.
So the biggest nerf that the pane has received since being added into the game is the fact
that players now take damage when the plane is destroyed.
Initially players took no damage, then in update 7.01 this was bumped up to 25 damage,
and then in the most recent update, 7.10, it was bumped up again to 50 damage.
Now this is actually a change that a lot of people were asking for, and, in theory it
should have been a pretty effective nerf, but, it wasn't, and here's why.
In the same update where damage dealt to players from a destroyed plane was changed to 50,
there was another small thing mentioned that not many people even noticed at first.
At the request of a lot of players, Fortnite "Added a vehicle health bar above the player
shield bar."
Before this, you really wouldn't ever know the exact health of your plane, but now because
of that change, you always do.
So, here's the funny/sad thing about all of that.
50 damage to players who get their plane shot down is a legitimately considerable amount,
and, in a perfect world, would probably make players flying in planes play a lot less fearlessly
aggressive, which is exactly what we want.
But, because of the fact that you can now see the exact health of your plane at all
times, anyone with even half a brain is just gonna jump out as soon as their planes health
gets low to prevent taking the 50 damage.
So that nerf ended up being pretty much pointless, which is a pretty major issue, because it
seems that Epic was really relying on that damage buff to be the thing that finally made
planes balanced.
But even though that was a flop, there were some other notable plane nerfs contained in
patch 7.10, maybe those were a bit more effective?
So there were actually 3 separate ones: "Stormwings now take 50% more damage from hitting objects",
"Boosting now reduces the damage taken from impacts by 50%, previously boosting prevented
all impact damage.", and finally "Stormwings will now take more damage from destroying
structures by running through them."
So, that does sound like a lot, and it was smart of Epic to really focus on limiting
the structure destroying potential of the plane, but, I have a question for you guys
regarding these changes, have you honestly even noticed them?
Now I'm not saying these are like fake changes or anything because they definitely aren't.
It's just that even though the damage numbers were increased for actions like hitting objects
and destroying structures, the damage done still feels really minimal and not even noticeable
in most situations.
And that seems to be the consensus of what I'm seeing the majority of other players saying
as well.
So now, despite Epic's best efforts, the plane hate within the community is pretty much at
an all time high right now.
You still have players flying around without a care in the world just using their plane
to plow through every build fight they see.
And I personally think there's almost no chance planes will be vaulted.
They are basically the signature addition of season 7, seriously, if you load up Fortnite
right now on console the image you see as the game is loading is a bunch of season 7
battle pass skins flying on a plane.
So, if vaulting isn't an option, Epic needs to continue to nerf the planes in a considerable
Because, the current state of planes mixed with the boombox is totally killing building,
which is obviously the #1 feature that makes Fortnite so unique and enjoyable.
So, I hope you guys enjoyed this video and if you watched the entire thing be sure to
let me know with a comment down in the comment section below.
I want to hear your though on the new boom box and current state of planes in Fortnite.
I'm guessing that it's mostly going to be overwhelmingly negative, but, let me hear
it anyway.
Be sure to leave a like, leave a comment, subscribe, turn on post notifications, do
whatever the heck you want, and I will catch you guys next time.
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Khloe Kardashian & Tristan Thompson Kiss At NYE Party & Look So In Love After Xmas Apart - News Toda - Duration: 2:47.Our hearts are melting! Khloe Kardashian & Tristan Thompson shared the sweetest New Year's Eve kiss. See a photo of the moment here!
Khloe Kardashian, 34, knew exactly who would be her midnight kiss on New Year's Eve this year. Despite being apart from her beau Tristan Thompson, 27, for Christmas, she was right at his side in the last moments of 2018. As the clock struck 12, the two stars shared a sweet smooch and the video of the moment will melt your heart! Koko shared the clip via her Instagram stories, along with a ton of fun-filled snaps from her night out with her man.
Khloe and Tristan's snaps came from the city of Cleveland, where they served as the New Year's Eve hosts at Rumor nightclub. By the looks of it, the two stars threw one epic party! In more of her snaps, it Khloe revealed that there was bottles popping, music blasting, and a disco ball spinning. What a night! Khloe looked gorgeous as she rang in the new year, in a silver and black sequin dress, which featured an all-over cheetah print design.
It's so sweet to see the couple spending the NYE holiday together, especially since Tristan was nowhere to be seen at the 2018 Kar-Jenner Christmas party. Despite this, Khloe still had the most incredible night, and shared the pictures to prove it! Koko showed off her post-baby weight loss in a white long-sleeve crop top that featured silver embellishments, and rocked a white, high-low tulle skirt to match! Her icy platinum blonde locks were hard to miss, and she even dressed Baby True in a mini-me version of her outfit. Awww!
Before ringing in the new year, Khloe took to Instagram to share an incredibly honest message about her year in review. "2018 was a roller coaster of emotions," Khloe wrote. "My soul endured, the highest highs and the lowest lows. Praise be to GOD because at this moment, I'm at an all time high," she added.
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