Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily do Jun 29 2017

It is a scorcher out here!

Welcome to summer.

A lot of stuff to cover in this video, so we're going to jump right into it.

Let's talk about how to get rid of pests in the yard.

Especially if you know you have a problem with a specific pest each year, it's best

to treat them before they get there or at the very early stages of it's life cycle.

Now that we're getting into the heat of the summer let's talk about two of the biggest

ones that a lot of people are going to start noticing, Sod Web Worms in the the North and

Chinch bugs down here in the South.

Let's start off by first talking about Sod Web worms, now these are very small in the

soil and will even curl up into little balls when they're disturb.

The larvae construct silken tubes which they live in, and they can vary in color from tan

to brown, or green and gray and will have dark spots on dark heads.

And they can grow to be about three quarters of an inch long.

Now the adults, or the moths, are often very small and they're sometimes refereed to as

snout moths because of snout like protrusion that come off of the head.

Now it's important to know that it's not the moths that cause the damage to the yard, rather

it's the larvae that do.

But if you do see the moths, that means that the larvae are present and you should probably


Now let's talk about finding the damage or the signs of Sod Web worms in the yard.

After the eggs hatch in late Spring, the web worms will start to feed on the grass.

As they continue to get bigger, they'll start to eat larger chunks of the grass blade.

This will kind of make the grass look a little notched, as they're taking larger chunks out

of the grass blade.

Eventually whole blades will be clipped off at the crown, they'll take it back to their

silken tubes and have themselves a nice little feast!

Since the worms cut the grass off at the crown, brown patches will start to appear.

They'll start out small and they'll eventually start getting bigger and they'll combine with

other brown patches and now you've got a dead yard on your hands.

Two times you're most likely going to encounter Sod Web worms, Spring and Summer.

Now the eggs that hatch in the Spring will do the most damage because they feed throughout

the Spring, going into the summer.

You'll most likely see the worst of the damage, depending on where you live, in July or August.

Now if you're not sure if you have Sod Web worms, but you suspect that you might, there's

a test that you can do.

The soap flush test.

For a soap flush test, you're going to take about two tablespoons of detergent, mix that

up with two gallons of water, and then pour it in a square foot area of your yard.

You're going to let that soak in and wait for worms to become visible at the top of

the grass.

If you've got about ten to fifteen that float up to the surface, this is a good sign that

you've got a problem and you should treat.

We have a lawn pest guide on Sod Web worms, I'll link to that in the description box below

so that you can go over to the treat section of that guide and see what products are recommended

to treat for them and how to use them.

Now let's talk about the other major pest that you're probably going to encounter in

the yard at this time of the year, especially for us here in the South.

Chinch bugs!

Now Chinch bugs belong to what is known as the "true bug" category and they have these

piercing sucking mouth parts that cause damage to your turf grass.

This action will inhibit water movement throughout the plant which will cause the lawn to brown

and die.

Chinch bugs have different stages of growth with slightly different appearances at each

one of those stages.

Adult Chinch bugs are oval shaped and have wings that are black and white, with a triangle

type shape on them.

Their legs are a slight orange brown color and they're very very small.

They only get to about a fifth of an inch long.

Immature Chinch bugs start out extremely small and they're a bright orange color.

Even though they're a bright orange color, they can easily be over looked because of

how small they are.

As they mature they'll start to darken in color until the resemble the adult stage of

the life cycle.

Now let's talk about Chinch bug damage, which again can often be confused with drought damage

or disease in the lawn.

Chinch bug damage starts out as a small yellowing area in the yard.

As the grass begins to brown and die, the Chinch bugs will move to the perimeter of

that dying area and continue feeding outward, causing the area to expand and grow bigger.

Again, depending on where you live, you'll most likely notice the largest amount of Chinch

bug damage in late Spring and August, and parts of early September, when eggs laid in

the early Spring hatch and nymphs develop.

Damage usually occurs in very sunny areas of your turf, especially when weather is hot

or dry.

There are two main ways that you can inspect your lawn for Chinch bugs.

The first is to mainly spread the turf at the crown to look for any kind of Chinch bug


Because they're so small, I would recommend getting a magnifying glass to help with the


If you have damaged grass near sidewalks or pavement, you may be able to see adult bugs

crawling across the ground on hot sunny days.

The other way to inspect, and probably the easiest, is to do a float test.

The best way to do this is to grab a metal cylinder open on both ends.

I would recommend a coffee can.

You'll take that metal cylinder, now open on both ends, and you'll press it down into

the soil about three inches.

You'll fill it about three quarters of the way with water, and keep filling it with water

to maintain that level as soaks down into the ground.

You'll want to do this for about ten minutes, and all the while agitating the turf that's

underneath that water.

If you do have Chinch bug problems those bugs will float to the top of the water off of

the turf.

Count the number of bugs that you see, and if you've got about more than fifteen in a

square foot area, that's your sign that you need to treat for Chinch bugs!

Again we do have a guide about Chinch bug treatment; I'll link it in the description

box below.

Now let's go on to the most common pest problem which are nuisance pests.

This includes ants, fleas, ticks, and the king of them all, mosquitoes!

In the learning center of our website, we do have pest guides that go more in depth

on each one of those, I'll link them in the description box below for you.

But in a nutshell, a Bifenthrin granule will do a really good job of taking most of those


So let's talk about that, Bifenthrin granules.

I should say, a granule that contains Bifenthrin, and even better than that is a granule that

contains Bifenthrin and Zeta-Cypermethrin, which is great for fire ant control.

And that is the granule that I'm going to be using in my yard!

Which by the way we have a couple of videos that talk about fire ant control, I'll link

all of those in the description box below.

For this granule, the application rate will vary depending on the type of pests that you're

treating for.

But basically, you're going to use anywhere between two to four pounds per 1,000 square


For my particular yard, I've got six thousand four hundred square feet, so I've done the

math and I'm going to need about ten pounds to treat the entire yard.

That being said, always read the product label so that you get it right!

Remember people, label is law!

So enough talking!

Let's get to walking!

So there we go!

That's a general application of a granule that you can throw in the yard to take care

of a lot of those nuisance pests!

One other tip that I want to throw out there, especially when it comes to mosquitoes, if

you've got lots of rain or you're irrigating the lawn really well, mosquitoes are most

likely there, and reproducing in the yard.

You got a nice, thick, robust lawn, perfect for mosquitoes and keep your eye out for them.

I highly recommend you check out those pest guides in the description box below to learn

more about the pests that we covered in this video!

If you have any further questions, you know what you can do!

Leave them in the description box below, email the customer service staff, or pick up your

phone and give us a call!

That was a lot to cover.

I hope you found it helpful, and I hope you'll continue to follow along by clicking this

button to subscribe to the channel, clicking this playlist to see all the videos in the

lawn care series, and clicking this playlist to see the Do My Own Gardening series!

And as always, thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> Do My Own Lawn Care - How to Get Rid of Pests in the Lawn - Ep22 - Duration: 8:46.


How Much Do Youtubers Make - Duration: 3:43.

Hey guys, I wanted to do something a little different today and give back to the Youtube community

Specifically the small-time YouTuber I created my YouTube channel less than one year ago

And I was hoping to have a lot of fun, and maybe make a little money along the way

Lately I've actually started to make some pretty amazing money here in Youtube over $500 a month on this channel and over

$700 a month when you added my other two smaller channels

I'm not saying this to brag but to teach those who are interested in what it takes to make this kind of money on your

small YouTube channel

I'm going to go into my youtube dashboard now and show you my exact stats so you can see what it takes to make over

$500 a month on YouTube

So here's my dashboard for the last 28 days

As you can see my total revenue for this period is over four hundred sixty five dollars

During this time I racked up almost a quarter of a million views and another stat that I find absolutely crazy

Is my channel has been watched for close to 600 days in this period That's just incredible

So you can see my total revenue for this channel does not come up to

$500 but my ad revenue does not tell the complete story

Here and my videos I also beat your Amazon affiliate links to the products that I use in like

If you're not familiar with Amazon affiliates you can set up an account with Amazon and create links to products

If the user clicks on your link and buys that product or any other product for that matter you make a 4 percent or greater

Commission off their total Amazon purchase. I put these links in the description of my videos where the products are being used

So here's my Amazon affiliates dashboard over the course of this month. I've made over

$65 this is pretty typical month for me on Amazon

So you can see my total for this channel for the month

Which still has a few days left is already over five hundred and Thirty dollars

So you might be saying a quarter of a million views in a month is not a small YouTube channel

But it wasn't always this way actually this month was my first month that my youtube ad revenue has been this high quite honestly

and it was due a large part to my 100 push-ups a day for 30 day challenge video which went semi Viral that received about

200,000 views over the course of 10 days and it is still continuing to pull in the views I

Had a little over 200 subscribers less than a month ago

But when this video took off my subscribers shot up to over 1100 in just a little over a week I

Do hope that Sunday I get a silver YouTube play button so with that being said I will

Shamelessly say I'd be thrilled if you'd subscribe

So if you're a small youtuber hoping to start making some money on YouTube hang in there keep making videos

For more videos you make the better

They'll get and it only takes one video to take off to make all the difference before my video took off

I would get about 1500 views a day on my channel and I made about 10 to 20 dollars per month I

Hope you found this video helpful, and if you have any questions feel free to drop me a comment

I do my best to try to answer any earnest comments, I get

if I do get a lot of questions

I may make another video more in depth on the topic going into Keywords Seo and affiliate info I

Also, want to say thank you for watching my videos and helping make my YouTube channel as successful as it has been so far

For more infomation >> How Much Do Youtubers Make - Duration: 3:43.


Blue Apron Delivery Service Has Changed The Way We Do Dinner | TODAY - Duration: 3:04.

For more infomation >> Blue Apron Delivery Service Has Changed The Way We Do Dinner | TODAY - Duration: 3:04.


Vụ án Hoa Hậu Phương Nga phát hiện lí do Cao Toàn Mỹ bằng mọi giá kiện cô ra tòa khiến ai cũng sốc - Duration: 10:52.

For more infomation >> Vụ án Hoa Hậu Phương Nga phát hiện lí do Cao Toàn Mỹ bằng mọi giá kiện cô ra tòa khiến ai cũng sốc - Duration: 10:52.


Summer in London Things to do in June - Duration: 21:23.

For more infomation >> Summer in London Things to do in June - Duration: 21:23.


Basel Switzerland Best things to do and eat - Duration: 4:41.

Have you been to Switzerland before this is where we are now we're in Basel

It's a beautiful, quaint, little Swiss city

There's a beautiful church called Basel Minster (Munster) and you can go all the way to the top

which is what we're doing now.

You've got to squeeze yourself in. I can barely fit.

When you get to the top here, we're on like the tiniest ledge.

There's like just enough space to fit.

The views from up here actually exquisite

Basel is quite a small city but from up here can really appreciate the beauty of it. It's really lovely.

This is probably one of the best churches I've been up.

There's actually four different levels that you can go on.

We're now at the top and the views are just spectacular they

get better and better each time really incredible

one of the iconic things that you have to do in here is take a boat across the

river it's the Rhine that's beautiful it's

strong and they've got these boats that use the natural strength of

the river to take you across really nice

It's so nice and then you get magnificent views of the church where we've just come from

what a great way to experience the Rhine. Costs 1.60 and take less than two three

minutes to get across. Wonderful.

That was incredible. Actually essential.

It's so nice just to walk along the Rhine there's beautiful Lane with trees

people are really friendly and you will get to enjoy the architecture

Swiss architectures quite unique it's really beautiful

There's something you need to look out for here and try it's called a pfefferkuchen

It's a pepper biscuit is really nice it's sweet with a bit of a pepper after taste

really really good apparently it's a secret recipe from Basel

There's another thing out of that shop that you have to try, it's called

Lackerli and it is a cinnamon spice biscuit which is from these parts, secret recipe

and this is a little tin with the city emblem on it. Nice.

this is such a quaint little place there's some streets where you walk

through like an entrance way and you just see amazing buildings on either side

it's so picturesque and beautiful

incredible this everywhere you look this amazing building

Basel got a lot of street art and various sculptures and installations

There's a beautiful water fountain here. Very unusual.

We're on Marktplaz which is one of the central squares, market square. There's a market here selling

cheese, dried meats, various things and of course there's some magnificent

buildings especially this red one behind me, it's really incredible

When you come to Switzerland you have buy cheese. We just bought a delicious mountain

cheese and my favorite Emmentaler

just off the main square is an incredible

swiss chocolate shop, no surprise. it's got the biggest selection of

chocolates I've ever seen. It's just magnificent

The red building is actually the city hall (Rathaus) you can walk into the courtyard and it is magnificent

It's got murals all over and the painting was fabulous, so nice. The detail is incredible.

and that's just for my time in Basel if you enjoyed this video don't forget to

Like and subscribe thanks for watching see you next time bye

For more infomation >> Basel Switzerland Best things to do and eat - Duration: 4:41.


BART's Cameras Still Can't Do One Important Thing - Duration: 1:45.






Out with the decoy cameras... "I

feel better they cameras that


working "

...and in with brand new working

security cameras on all 669 Bart

trains. 4 cameras per train.

All of them installed and ready

to record. Alicia Trost

Bart Spokesperson

"They provide good quality

images If something happens in a

car - police can pull it and we

have video and image of to

share with police."

Bart's dummy cameras came to

light after a fatal shooting on

a Bart train January 2016. there

was no video of the murder.

The only still photo taken was

from the platform. The killer is

still at large

Standup Sot :"And now that these

working cameras are on every

Bart train - the question now is

how many people are monitoring

the Bart feeds "

"If there is Crime in progress

can anyone monitor the feed in

live time ? No that's just not

possible ... Butt :

"We have to have reliable wi fi

service that has high security "

Terence McCarty

Bart Police Commander

"It's not a live feed -- it's a

DVR video system so if we need

the video we can go out to the

camera and download the video "

Bart employees can monitor Live

Camera feeds in Bart's

Maintence shop , from Bart

platforms and in Bart

elevators....but not on the

trains .

"The new train cars ...the way

of the future - The train

operator can actually punch in

and see live from his cab ---

We don't have that in these old

cars" Until the new train cars

roll out ....passengers say the

new cameras given them a

heightened sense of security .


For more infomation >> BART's Cameras Still Can't Do One Important Thing - Duration: 1:45.


'I had to do what was right as a father' - Duration: 1:19.










































For more infomation >> 'I had to do what was right as a father' - Duration: 1:19.


LanChuon Vacuum Bags for a Cruise - Do They Work? - Duration: 3:23.

Hey Cruisers, Today we are going to look at Vacuum storage bags from LanChuon.

If you watched our video on the awesome LanChuon Camera Lens mug, you may remember how pleased

I was with it.

So when they asked if we would check out these storage bags, I said "let's do it!"

If you're not familiar with these things, you'll want to check out our previous compression

bags video, but essentially the idea is to shrink things down so you can get more in

your bag, and perhaps be a little more organized and efficient with your packing.

That's the idea- at least as it applies to cruising.

Now, of course, these could be used for home storage etc' but we aren't going to cover

any of that.

If you've watched any of our packing videos on CruiseTipsTV, then you know we like to

use compression bags like these for packing our pillows.

They're surprisingly effective.

So that's going to be our main test with these, but we'll also try out a few stacks

of clothes, just for reference.

This box was about $26 dollars on Amazon at the time of this video, and it comes with

1 large, 3 medium, 3 small bags, a pump and some caps and zip type closers.

Let's not waste any more time and let's see these things in action.

Here is a before and after with a stack of my husbands standard cruise wear, .... and

here's a look at what it can do with our pillows.

Which as you know is the most important thing to us.

There you have it.

These seem to work great.

The plastic seems durable and high quality, so it should hold up pretty well for a good

number of cruises.

Alright, so you know what we think about this product, and you know we love our friends

at LanChoun, but let's talk about this box.

Obviously there are some translation issues, but let's look at this lovely young women

on the cover.

Even she seems to be confused about why she is there.

"Wait, what's my motivation again?"

Now let's check out the back.

At first everything seems in order.

You've got your standard "keep away from children warning", but wait, what's with

the little space baby here?

Keep away from babies … unless they are wearing proper space gear?

Not sure what the message is.

Of course, we are just having a little fun.

It seems like great product, and if the reviews on Amazon are any indication, you aren't

likely to be disappointed.

We'll put a link in the description below, and you can also find them at

Check them out, and let us know what you think.

Thanks for hanging out with us, and until next time get in gear and get cruising.

For more infomation >> LanChuon Vacuum Bags for a Cruise - Do They Work? - Duration: 3:23.


Dia do Pescador - Manter a saúde em dia é um desafio - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Dia do Pescador - Manter a saúde em dia é um desafio - Duration: 2:46.


Do not play one man hide n seek at 3 am (3 am challanges) - Duration: 3:59.

want to join my free fidget center giveaway and subscribe and comment down

below that you did that so that today we're going to be going to don't brush

your teeth at 3:00 and challenge I read online like something different add-on I

just read online it's scary something happened some I don't you know some goat

happens so it says don't let it can or don't do anything but like haunts you

won't do anything or just like do one scary day and then go and finish and I'm

going to look at the time it's three versus challenge so says it will brush

your teeth I think I'm actually a pretty good camera angle to the whole video

bomb ability to do so I put toothpaste on to third base okay okay okay

mm so this is brushing teeth from one minute association

object writing that and like look as it literally looks like nothing even

happened at all we've got oh my gosh I really just ran out I'd relevant over

here the glutens then drive home because I kind of wish I killed my innocent

daughter whenever I like to do folks what's the Hang quite late on like when

I left I left that light off why is the light on why is the bath top

door closed I'd love to okay oh my god it's time sure I love I was doing it

with it open and laid off when I ran out this shot I guess oh you guys it is

serum I just will go up as you can see nighttime and today with every through

the 3m challenge don't tie your shoes at 3 a.m.

don't tie your shoes at 3 and challenge yeah what the fuck my Georgia snapshot

what the fuck what what

what is that double go back to the real this year I'm hungry you know 3 a.m. one

man hide-and-seek challenge let's get writing this tag what the heck what the

heck you love footsteps what but what the heck why don't you sunshine don't

wrinkle okay you're the Freak I'm so scared and what don't freak what doe

foot injury see that this literally slammed shut with the fritters what you

gonna what don't freak what the what dog breath dude whatever

yeah yeah yeah die obviously I can tell in the background of the video it was

daytime this is a serious mistake I my little sister in there and yeah this is

a skate just to make fun of all those three am challenge youtubers like they

were entertaining right now they're just stupid go infinity cigarettes a weirdo

big cyber 3m such as made this is a little sketches to show that is I mean

some of them are pretty cool but it's honestly stupid no one's that stupid and

even wonder though he was a good I'm not gonna say he was I'm not going to see

them but he was a good you know 3m challenges like person like he would

act it was look really real binding was fake and now he's just stupid you can

tell by his voice he's not scared at all but yes that's where this to you or how

provides enjoyed please like if you did happy birthday subscribe more

For more infomation >> Do not play one man hide n seek at 3 am (3 am challanges) - Duration: 3:59.


Homem-Aranha: De Volta ao Lar "Resgatando a Balsa" Clipe do Filme (2017) Tom Holland Marvel Movie HD - Duration: 0:27.

For more infomation >> Homem-Aranha: De Volta ao Lar "Resgatando a Balsa" Clipe do Filme (2017) Tom Holland Marvel Movie HD - Duration: 0:27.


Desafio do Dardo com Corote | Participações - Duration: 15:24.

For more infomation >> Desafio do Dardo com Corote | Participações - Duration: 15:24.


Decepção do Rukencio ( Habilite a Legenda) - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Decepção do Rukencio ( Habilite a Legenda) - Duration: 4:00.


Alton's Cutthroat After-Show: Do You Really Wonton Hurt Me? | Food Network - Duration: 3:24.

- Hi, food fans, welcome to the

I'm Alton Brown, and this is-- tell me if I get it right.


Donal Skehan.

You got it perfect.

This is his first time.

We're going to go easy on you.

I mean, if you talk to people like Antonia Lofaso or Jet

Tila, they'll tell you the horrors that I put them

through here in the post show.

But we're going to go easy on you,

and just kind of break you in so that when you come back,

we're going to set you on fire.

Oh, great.

I'm kidding. No, I'm not.

Am I? - I don't know.

It doesn't matter. Anyway--

What is this?

We had two sabotages in the final round, pina colada.

You know the song, walks in the rain, right?

So one of our chefs had to do all of their cooking

while taking a walk in the rain the entire time.

How's that aquarium with that pina colada?

Out of control, man.

The rain is absolutely covering my station

soaking everything, soaked my toasted coconuts,

had to throw it away and start over.

I'm like on a sinking ship here.

I'm impressed the food didn't look worse.

Let's just take a stroll over to something

from the second round.


I'm seeing lots of tins.

Oh, I have a feeling where this is going.

Wanton soup.

I won a ton of soup.

I won a ton.

I see what you did there.

So two chefs, it was Chef Matt and Chef Jen, our finalists,

lost their baskets and had to harvest

all of their ingredients from these cans of soup.

Opening cans is ruining my time.

Bamboo shoots.

Opening up the cans is like-- it's like Christmas.

You get excited, and then you just get let down though.

Escargot, come on.

So why don't you go ahead and crack open a couple

and see what you get.

Oh, this is squid.

Go ahead drink it. - No, I'm OK.

Thank you. - OK.

I thought I would ask.

That one's squid, what did you get?

Oh, my gosh.

It's like-- what is that?

What is that?

Is that like cream of chicken soup?

Ali, our shopper is here.

She would know.

Come on in. Ali.


Is that what that is.

It might be cream of mushroom.

Taste it.

Taste it.

Taste it.

I'm gonna taste it.

It's definitely chicken.

There's definitely meat product in there.

Meat product.

Thank you, Ali.

Lovely job.

I'm seeing this evil side to you, Alton.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

It's not evil.

It's not evil.

No no, no.

It's fun loving and wonderful.

In the first round--


You remember it was a popcorn dish.

I do.

Two chefs lost their ingredients

and had to go diving to get all of their ingredients

back from the giant popcorn, and right now,

this bob is looking for a container of sesame seeds.

Oh, I had it here all along.

Oh, well.

Keep looking, Bob.

You're getting there.

I think it's over there.

Bev, you gotta let me in here, girl.

I'm finding all these things that I don't need

like licorice and marshmallows, but I

can't find the popcorn kernels.

This is the worst.

My mind is blown right now.

So next time, you're going to be the one in there finding it.

Oh, I think it's still down there.

You keep going. You're doing great.

Oh, and I think I hear a little kitten calling.

Oh, do find the kitten.

Well, that's all the time we have.

Thank you, Donal.

Please continue to watch "Cutthroat Kitchen"

here on Food Network, and then afterwards

go to a

to see things like this.

Keep looking.

It's dying.

It's suffocating in there.

Oh my gosh, the kitten.


For more infomation >> Alton's Cutthroat After-Show: Do You Really Wonton Hurt Me? | Food Network - Duration: 3:24.


TJ Aparecida | Previsão do tempo - 28 de junho de 2017 - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> TJ Aparecida | Previsão do tempo - 28 de junho de 2017 - Duration: 1:47.


Donald Trump Just Got NATO To Do One Thing Every Other President Has FAILED On - Duration: 1:34.

Donald Trump

Just got nato to do one thing every other

President has failed on while the mainstream media has been obsessing about fake news outlets like Cnn

and white times and Washington post

President trump

just managed to pull off a win and nato that Obama could only dream of

every nato member

Other than the united states will be forced to increase their pay four point three percent per year talk about the trump bump

This is a massive victory for the United States and the whole world

We finally won't be screwed by our allies anymore today, nato Chief Jens stoltenberg

announced that in

2017 we foresee an even greater annual real increase of

4.3 percent. We are really shifting gears the trend is up and we intend to keep it up sure

4.3 percent may not seem like a ton at first but think about it like this in the next year

That's a whole extra 12 billion dollars

Not only that it actually sets a real standard to force the others to catch up on their bills

This all came as a result of trump's historic nato meeting this year where he said the u.s. Is sick and tired of paying

66% of the Defense budget that we never use it turns out that the nato Chief is a big fan of trumps

Policies and now it is showing

That's a huge win does nato serve a purpose sure it protects Europe from another invasion however

We saved them from the last one and are now expected to pay forever. That's crap. Are you tired of all this winning yet?

For more infomation >> Donald Trump Just Got NATO To Do One Thing Every Other President Has FAILED On - Duration: 1:34.


Codigos do GTA V - Duration: 4:21.

For more infomation >> Codigos do GTA V - Duration: 4:21.


🔵Confiança não significa ... - Linda mensagem de Osho - Mensagem do dia (#18) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> 🔵Confiança não significa ... - Linda mensagem de Osho - Mensagem do dia (#18) - Duration: 0:31.


1aViagem nos Estados Unidos (Making OF) - A arte do improviso. - Duration: 0:46.

And now is to teach you how to pic a photo

The person is having fun, walking with no shoes

At the Central Park (USA)

He used his slippers to lean a bottle to support a Camera

Turttle's lake

And here is our picnic!

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