Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 6, 2017

Youtube daily google Jun 29 2017

Even when the android screen is off, you can still give commands to "OK Google"


see you again in this simple channel

This time I will share a video how to enable OK Google on any screen

Meaning you can more easily and practically to give commands to OK Google

To send a WhatsApp message, open an sms, or give another order

Without having to open the OK Google app

If you don't know how, follow this video

The first one you have to open the Google app

Click the top left corner

Click settings

Click sound

Click the language

To add English

click save

Click "Ok Google" detection

Enable or move menu "from any screen"

Click continue

Say "OK Google" A total of three times

Click yes I'm participating

If your device uses a password, just type the password

Click next

Click finish

Now you can give commands to "OK Google" from any screen

Can from facebook app, while playing the game

Even when the android screen is off, you can still give commands to "OK Google"

Like that video from me, hopefully useful and useful

If you like this video, do not forget click likes and subscribed on my channel

For the latest Android tricks

Thank you

For more infomation >> An easy way to use OK Google anywhere and anytime - Duration: 2:14.


App Engine Live Load Demo - Duration: 1:59.

So I promised a demo of App Engine

in action taking Load.

So--oh! The--

There's my Kubernetes app.

It decided to load. Okay.

So I have here a set of ten VMs, Compute Engine VMs.

And they're gonna hit that URL. Please--

You can hit the URL. Don't hit that URL.

No, no, don't.

Because you'll break the whole, like--

from cold, we're gonna see how App Engine scales.

So you can hit it after I'm done with the demo,

if that's your thing.

So I'm gonna go ahead and run one make command.

And I'll explain what I'm doing.

I'm instructing each one of my VMs

to send a thousand hits at that URL,

and to do it concurrently at 50 a piece.

So a 500 QPS query.

So I'm gonna run that.

We're gonna switch back over here.

Someone hit the URL! Someone did it!

That's all right. You'll still see some magic.

So, in a moment, they're gonna--

You see, as soon as Compute Engine gets the traffic

and starts sending it, they start bouncing?

And that is App Engine spinning up instances of my application

in order to handle the load that's coming in.

And basically what'll happen is it can handle each instance

can handle a certain amount of traffic at once,

and it'll say, "Hey, I'm a little pegged,

and will start spinning up more instances to take it.

That's how quickly we spin up instances

in order to deal with your traffic.

And that's why the whole scale to zero is awesome, right?

Because it quickly responds when you have traffic,

but then when you have-- when you don't have traffic,

it starts going-- starts spinning down instances.

And three of you. Yeah, queues.

Three of you--four!

All right, well, now I don't care.

Now you can just ping it away all you want,

and you can see the numbers go up in real time.

Yeah, yeah, you're really doing that.

You're really hitting the URL.


Oh, all right!

I've challenged people there.

They're feeling feisty.

So that's just a quick demo

of what App Engine can do.

For more infomation >> App Engine Live Load Demo - Duration: 1:59.


GCP's Sydney region is now open - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> GCP's Sydney region is now open - Duration: 3:35.


I Google Myself - Duration: 14:13.

Hello, everybody!

My name is Markiplier!, and welcome to the video where I google myself to see what the internet has to say about my everyday

Lives or at least what you guys want to know so I'm gonna do this in a few ways!

I'm going to let Google decide what to auto fill in the search for myself

And then I'm going to try to guide it a little bit

I don't know where it's going to go with this, but I'm gonna assume it's gonna go somewhere bad, so let me just search up

Markiplier. Just baseline. Oh ah


So nice. Ooh cool goodness grievous. Oh, there's my search popularity over time

Well, it peaked there, so I think we can all agree

That's when I peaked and now I'm just- I'm basically operating in 50% value

This is pretty much what I expected it to be but I want it to be a little something

More than this so let's let Google decide Markiplier is....

"Dead! Dead-"

"Asian and short"

Markiplier "is this the end"

What is that "is this the end?"Is this the end for all of Markiplier's HUNIE's?

Have I Finally accomplished my goal of bumping glorious sexicles? Tune in right now to find out

[X-Files theme plays]

[MLG version]

["It's Everyday Bro" remix plays]

People think that I peaked with Five nights at Freddys


I'd like to think I peaked with HUNIE POP

And I'm just waiting for the sequel to come out though that I can peak once more

Markiplier is....

Dead oh


Markipiler is Dead

100% proof



Right. Ok cool.

Markiplier is Asian, in case you didn't know

Yes, I am. Yes, I am

Asian, I am half Korean it is uh

Next Markiplier introduces his extremely asian looking brother Tom

What the fuck does that even mean?

"So I have some proof that

Markiplier is just a big act just a big stick. He doesn't really care about his followers

It's a play like like no shame at all

He's purposely trying to be funny, and it doesn't work cuz he just looks like a little bitch

He's just it's so sad to see how pathetic he is for money where he's all like well

'Oh I gotta make a funny face. Yeah'"

He's just- he makes me sick

I know this has to be a joke because there's- Look at the top left, in the top tab "Free porn sex tube"

Merry Christmas, op oh


Christmas markiplier is awful

"Ok so I just wanted to say merry Christmas to all my fans out there and a

Terrible fucking Christmas to Markiplier

I hope he got coal from Santa claus this year and by the way if you notice something different

I got a great awesome new microphone that my mommy gave me and it sounds fantastic

So yeah, Merry Christmas my fans and fuck you Markiplier fanboys and markiplier, okay?"

Is the quality gone today I want more *laughs*

Markiplier is short. Oh am I? Oh am I really?

Bystander: "You're so short! You're so short!"

"I know"

Let's go with something, a different angle to this. Is Markiplier


to Jacksepticeye

No thank you. How tall is Markiplier?

5'10" hell yeah

Markiplier, Dad oh

There's my pictures of my dad

That's me and my brother. Oh look at us

Oh look at us we're so cute

Oh look at me

Look at me, oh my God

Markiplier crying, oh here we go.

Okay "Try Not to Cry Challenge"

Markiplier version, oh oh

Great. Oh, this is what we need. Oh, this is what we need oh

Great look at this bullshit here. I know what this, this is from my twenty thousand fan

Twenty thousand Subscriber fan video, and I just was

Bawling like a baby

Well, it's not the first times I cried on camera, and it wouldn't be the last

Oh look at me, Oh of course it was Bob and then again just

Recently Bob on the tour made me fucking cry on stage like that asshole

He said that in no uncertain terms

he was just like "I know he doesn't need anything else to inflate his ego"

But he honestly and truly thanked me you know for bringing him on the tour, and I was like

"I'm fucking- come on dude I'm in front of people." Yeah

As if I haven't cried in front of like forever a fan-made subscriber

Milestone video apparently this one has over a thousand fans reacting to me reacting to something or other as with the six million

Oh, I should do another fan reaction video. I know I should I'll cry like a bitch

Well crowd like a biatch. I cried so much more in this one than I did in this one

Hey guys is the lightly different video than what you're used to oh jeez that was I wonder if those

Other of those have they actually made another one yeah, I don't think that this video has ever come out. This is

It was originally markiplier sings badly, and now it's friends always mattered just to make it a rebranding. Which is totally fine

But then like this video was supposed to be the 10 million, Subscriber, Milestone

but then it came and went so fast and the the video got so

Ambitious that I think it just became harder and harder to manage

And then there probably was like a file loss or something

but either way if this video is still under way like because if you guys haven't seen the the the

you guys haven't seen the video and I know there are other reaction compilations here because even

the Fuck I

Didn't notice that before ething. You come come come and bummer punch you so nice oh geez oh

Yeah, if this video is still under way in any capacity just leave

Let me see it. I would love to see it. I would love to react to it

I would love to do another reaction video I

Don't even care if it's late. I don't I don't care if it's late. If it is that's fine

I I want to see it. I still want to see you. So please support

Markiplier Friends always Matter and

Anyway back to the whole reason I'm doing this which is google "fuck markiplier". This is one video for fuck markiplier: fuck you


And fuck you

It's so shitty quality too I love it.

"Fuck you Markiplier" here we go. I'm ready

Hey Marky player, you're so stupid fucking idiot, I hate your stupid fucking Mario games

What's up, *intelligible* how you doing today dudes?

Good so today. I hate- what's his name again, Mom?

I don't know Michael. You cannot be offending people on the-

on the videos.

You see about that choice

You see - is good very used to change guy. It's just lets you know that the blue hair boy too far

Well, I'm trying to be cleaner with the guy

look, I can go click it it ah

Ok so girlfriend. We are so good job

View is incredible

You're Gonna get

Troubles coming fuck us to the sun's like to Iran songs that kids two years old

Is very tough about?

Where is it goes fuck you Markiplier faust? Oh my God see you stupid Chinese guy?

Huh, I know your name monkeys. We remember that name

Marc Cairo

Alright, let's just do a time you guys

Tensley a blue hair guy with my glasses as you know about that guy

We become small start mark Carla or something just like this this era

Channel suck

Those like both the funniest and the craziest thing I've ever seen in my entire life

I am subscribing. Oh

so funny

Jeez oh that's a nice one markiplier fan art. Oh, that's so nice

I've seen some of this, but I don't think I've seen all of it. Oh, that's a good one. That's a classic

That's the original piece of fan art that is my channel icon

If you recognize that head that's what my channel icon is and has been for years


Classic so happy oh this stuff is good

Oh this stuff is good this person wolf Jedi Samuel

I think I remember the name is ooh fucking look oh my God. I've seen this one boy. It's so cool

Oh handsome Devil. Hey handsome Devil

Oh my God, lady that one look at this one. Look at this one. Oh the pinterest thing ooh hello

Look at that one. Oh

Oh, this is uh this one of the one this is their baby

This is stupid me, but you know they made uh yeah that was made by the person that also did the tour?

Poster art and did an amazing job at it

It's a Vicar on


Omicron oh yeah "VickoRano" does amazing work and she actually made the tour art

Hahahaha, oh I remember grumble. Oh, oh man. That was actually just recently what am I remembering it was just happening. There is also

I bet if we go over back a few things. There's the markiplier fans devianart

This has existed since pretty much the beginning of my channel and has been the one place to go that I go to

For fan art if you have fan art that you want everyone or me to see and you have a devianart hosted here

I also in rien rating my subreddit if you want to go there check that out post it up vote it

I want to see all of it

I wanna and I want to start putting into videos again cuz you got like this timeline

You can actually go and see all of it way back in the past what what is that? Well back in the pajama stream

Oh, oh, I wish oh. I wish look at that balls



Oh my god. Oh yeah, re are dead ight oh, I are dead

I was one of the first people to like really get into the dark of our fan, er. Oh my God. Yeah

I've seen so much of this stuff ah they do such good work. Yeah, but it's just it's really cool

There's so much history here

It's so much fan art so that's been posted, and you know it's something that I really love good stuff. Good stuff. Good stuff

Markiplier x


That went down a rabbit hole real quick. I don't know what lemon means, but I'm gonna

I'm gonna back off on that one Markiplier memes

exactly what everybody always


Yes, oh

Ha ha ha ha look at this meme guys ha ha ha oh

Ha ha ha oh man


I know right so relatable ha ha ha ha ha it's not

It's not one of those relatable means. I'm not 100% sure ah

oh my God herb was

earlier earlier born

Herb-lore it's such a weird word herblore

Herblore it stops becoming a word more or more oh yeah

boy, oh

Yeah, oh, yeah

we'll be


Lorimar more Herbal or just say it herbal or say it herblore herblore


Hablar larlarlalrarlalrlar



That's it. That's my birthday

And that is a good one to end on so thank you everybody who has joined me thus far on my birthday

I don't know if there's gonna be posing on the same day or every day but thank you for watching us. I google myself

is Markiplier a engineer the, no

Anyway, so that was one I googled myself. Go Google yourself

maybe you'll find something interesting so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know you thought down the comments below and

As always I will see you in the next video

Bye, bye

For more infomation >> I Google Myself - Duration: 14:13.


Featured News vom 29.06.2017: Sonic Forces / Google Wifi / Ataribox / LoopBall - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Featured News vom 29.06.2017: Sonic Forces / Google Wifi / Ataribox / LoopBall - Duration: 2:31.


Google Maps Screencast - Duration: 10:22.

For more infomation >> Google Maps Screencast - Duration: 10:22.


The photos can be automatically shared "Google Photos" in the "Shared Library" - Duration: 2:10.

The photos can be automatically shared "Google Photos" in the "Shared Library"

Hello everyone

This time, we will discuss the photos can be automatically shared "Google Photos" in the "Shared Library"

"Google Photos" on June 29, 2017, can share the photos with automatic "shared library" function now been added can be used

This "shared library" is, in one of the specified user, all of the photos or have saved to the "Google Photos" of its own, is the ability to share classified photos "Face grouping"

Further, when the photo to be in the "Google Photos" in the original user to share is added, the photographs will be automatically shared to the other party

Using the "shared libraries" of the "Google Photos", and then touch the "shared library" from the first "Google Photos" the upper left corner of the menu icon

All you need is basically to proceed in accordance with the instructions on the screen

The sharing partner to specify one person, are specified from the "photos that captured the particular person" by "all photos" or face grouping the photos you want to share

"Photos that captured the particular person" is can be specified multiple of persons

In addition, by specifying a date in the part of the "old photos", it will be only object photograph of after that date will be shared

Finally, to send an invitation to share partner, the share if the share partner is "consent" will start

Since the "Google Photos" in the "shared library" can share any photos automatically with the partner, such as sharing photos of memories and family of travel

This function is useful for the photo sharing with familiar people

Please by all means try to take advantage by reference to

Above, was the discussion of the photos can be automatically shared "Google Photos" in the "Shared Library"

For more infomation >> The photos can be automatically shared "Google Photos" in the "Shared Library" - Duration: 2:10.


Testimonials and Demos of Page 1 Google Placement - Duration: 6:22.

Campaign started in 2011

2014 testimonial after 5 years

Still going strong bringing in hundreds of thousands of dollars revenue

For more infomation >> Testimonials and Demos of Page 1 Google Placement - Duration: 6:22.


Tạo tài khoản Google Drive Unlimited 2017 - Duration: 19:18.

For more infomation >> Tạo tài khoản Google Drive Unlimited 2017 - Duration: 19:18.


How To Add Google Maps In WordPress - Duration: 4:34.

In this video, you're gonna learn how to integrate Maps into your WordPress Pages or Posts using

the Google Maps plugin by intergeo.

Hi, my name is Robert from and I welcome you to our channel.

With this tool, you can display a Map in your sidebar as well and I will show you how to

do that in the next minutes, so stay tuned.

After you install and activate the plugin, you'll need an API key from Google, and this

is a very easy but mandatory step before moving on.

Please find the link in the description box below this video and then click to create

a new project like this.

Select the project from the drop-down, if you have more than one project, and click

to enable API.

Go to Google Maps JavaScript API link and then click to enable it.

Create credentials then click the blue button "What credentials do I need?"

, your API key will be generated automatically.

Copy that API key, click DONE, then go back to your WordPress dashboard and paste the

API key in the specific field.

Click Save Changes and then you will be ready to create the first Google Map.

Head to the Intergeo Maps link in your Settings tab of your dashboard then click Create New

Map and then Add New.

Drag and zoom the map to your location.

After that, head to the options in the right sidebar.

Add a Marker to your map with text and link that represent your business or any info about

the location.

If you have more than one location just click the Add Marker button as many times as needed.

If you want to set specific map position and a certain level of zooming, just set it up

in the preview here, and those settings will be automatically used on the published map.

Set the initial map type from this drop-down menu and uncheck this box to disable draggable


Set the zooming range values and disable the scroll wheel zooming if you wish.

Set the Preview Settings as needed then move to the controls settings where you have access

to Zoom, Pan, Scale, MapType, Street View, Rotate and Overview Map Controls.

The Style of you map can be chosen here with options to set the Container's, Predefined

Map and Custom Map style.

Directions, Layers, Adsense Integration and the Import/Export of custom Markers are available

just for the Agency Plan and they are a huge step forward you can take for your online


I am a creator so I definitely choose to get the Agency Plan because of these big custom


After you are done with all the settings here, click Create the map and then copy the shortcode

below this preview.

To insert this map into a Page or Post, just click to create one or edit existing pages

and posts.

Paste this shortcode into the text editor of the contact page for example then click

update and you are all set.

This is how it looks live!

In order to do that, head to Appearance/Widgets and drag a Text widget to your sidebar in

the desired position.

Set a title for that widget and paste the shortcode into the text field.

Click the blue save button below and then visit the blog page or any of your posts to

see the sidebar map.

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