how Halloween started
why do we celebrate Halloween
how did halloween start
halloween facts
Halloween has its roots in the ancient pre-christian Celtic festival of Samhain
which was celebrated on the night of October 31st many dressed up as souls of
the dead and were understood to be protecting themselves from the spirits
by impersonating them many of us have fallen victim to a scary Halloween prank
or even played the nasty trickster ourselves from jumping out of bushes
dressed as zombies or spooking people in their sleep as ghosts the terrifying
list of possibilities is inless
For more infomation >> How did Halloween Start? Why Do We Celebrate Halloween Facts Revealed 🎃 - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
[SEO Tutorial] Search Engine Optimization - How Does Search Engine Optimization Work? - Duration: 16:33.
Closed Caption by YouTube hey we're talking about how does search engine optimization work stay tuned
hey hey what's going on so how does such engine optimization work my name is Ola
coming to you live from my empire proof studios I got some really cool
information I want to share with you but let's start with the emails okay because
we have email questions coming all the time you have questions about any of
these topics please you can use the comment below but if you prefer to send
an email in you can send email into TMT at Ola to calm all right but anyway
let's get on started with this one right here it says this question goes hi Ola I
launched my website in March of 2013 well as 2017 right now so it's before
yes right I think I've made a total of 70 dollars since that time
ouch four years later my website is still there which means I pay hosting
okay that's web hosting for those of you that don't know web hosting for every
website you see on the Internet it's actually residing on our server
somewhere okay that information is pulling from a database on a server
somewhere in the world okay so in order for you to have a
website you gotta have a hosting the minimum is like three dollars and change
per month okay so it can be pretty cheap my my hosting cost me twenty to
twenty-five dollars a month it could be cheaper if I do some research but I have
a whole dedicated server so because of the size of my website and the ton of
information that I've published over time okay so if you're making money and
you're doing well with your business obviously 225 dollars a month is nothing
right but you don't have to spend in the beginning like I said all you need in
the beginning is that three dollars and change per month I lost 35 cent per
month or something like that to have a hosting alright alright so I still pay
for hosting and other stuff every month about three months ago I sent this guru
one thousand dollars just for 30 minutes of
his time smart guy you know there's nothing wrong with doing that by the way
and I've done that before I've done more than that before
when you see somebody it looks like they're getting kind of results you're
looking for and you just send them a donation and say hey I would like to
spend some time with you there's absolutely nothing wrong with that
I see people sometimes just complain and complain for money that they spend on
their own education I'm like are you kidding me
education right is the well is the number one source of all the information
you need obviously you need to as a kid on the information but s cute on what
information if you're not educated what you want information right so if you
feel like somebody has information that if you feel I'm talked about just
playing feel like right you feel like somebody has information that you need
access to in order to get the kind of resort you're looking for
I would definitely always suggest to not hesitate to pull that trigger and do
what you got to do okay all right so yeah so I send this guru
$1,000 just for 30 minutes of his time I think it's probably worth it on that
coaching call he told me that I need to spend $3,000 a month on traffic
generation per month yeah I mean if all you want to focus on is pay per click on
paid paid media paid marketing paid traffic you could spend more than that
you know traffic generation you don't have to spend up to that but if you
spend there people that do that they're people that do that without getting any
resort that who that do that they are getting results okay
as a matter of fact if you go to all our talks - mastermind one of my key studies
on the inside it's a guy who spent $3,000 a month and his revenue is about
300 on marketing his revenue is about $100,000 per month okay so it's a good
bargain right three thousand one hundred thousand dollars the bargain right what
most people of course they're scared to drop that kind of money which is
probably you're one of them that's why you're sending me this email right but
you have to trade in life it's called trading trading all right that's a trace
is that your trading time or your trading money or combination of both
right if you have more money than you have time then you trade money you get
your money to keep working for you everybody's dream anyway right if you
have more time than you have money then it's time to put that time to work sell
that time and make some money and then eventually if you want freedom you want
that money to stop Tunney right that's the whole point so
yeah so traffic generation per month $3,000 per month in traffic generation
right now if you do engine optimization you don't need $3,000 per month okay if
you don't paid marketing completely paid market you need $3,000 per month you
probably do in order to create the kind of momentum that you need because I'm
gonna tell you right now success loves speed okay so is either you're really
excited about creating a lot of content but maybe the results are not coming but
you're excited you feel that momentum and you they're sure right but if you're
spending $20 on paid marketing on Facebook media it's gonna be so slow and
then you're gonna lose interest and then other things other gurus was trying to
sell you stuff in the middle of it and then you're gonna be distracted and
then guess what happens you're back to square one every other day right and
then you never get anywhere and then you're losing time which is the most
valuable commodity I don't know if I should call it commodity because you
can't really get get it back right you're gonna lose time right so but
anyway let's continue here so you see that you're either trading money or time
okay that wasn't my point I lost my train of thought for a second it's money
or time or combination of both eventually if you want freedom in your
life you want to be able to have your money working for you right but you have
to be willing that something I didn't want for a long time got to be willing
to trade your time for money in the beginning if that's all you have more
off okay sell the time after all the time is gonna dissipate right the time
is going to evaporate if you don't trade it for dollars okay you might say $24 so
you can get some more dollars so you can continue to trade that dollars for more
dollars okay so that's the point there okay he tried to sell me his
traffic package of course you know and that's a good thing that's a good guru
to follow because if it's not selling anything I mean he's of no value of
for you ultimately it's cousin knows how to sell that's why you sent him that
$1000 than the first place I bet you okay so don't take that personal it's
just what it is okay you try to sell me his traffic package but I couldn't put
you simply because he could give me he couldn't give me any type of guarantee
yeah there's no guarantee in life right right
imagine you want to send me $1,000 for coaching and you want me to guarantee
you're gonna get result I can't I'm sorry okay why because I can't guarantee
you're gonna wake up tomorrow morning I can't guarantee that you're gonna die
your work ethics is enough right I can't guarantee any of those things right and
I can't guarantee anything life no one any one that guarantees you stuff and
then trying to sell you stuff and guarantee well they probably charging
you a lot of money and you're gonna lose that money okay if people are up front
with your inter I can guarantee you Danny should buy from them because
chances are they gonna share some tips with you and you're gonna have some tips
to make up your old formula for success because everyone will have their own
unique formula for success and you just want that simple one little nugget to
push you over the hedge that's what you're looking for okay so he says there
must be a way out because everything says I should quit but my heart says
hold on you're being honest and and I like that you know and we've all been
there where we feel like we should quit okay you're trying to generate traffic
you're trying to figure this thing out now somebody's telling you right that
you need to spend $3,000 per month and you're looking at your pocket or like
three three thousand pennies right and you feel like quitting okay so a good
idea to to to send this question and I'm gonna ask you a question let me finish
the email so yeah absolutely I so you're everything else is saying is you quit
well I'm saying is you hold on to can you please share a few tips
is there a hack somewhere that I'm missing I need traffic so here's the
thing is there a hack somewhere there's always a hack okay it's a matter of fact
thing that anything you're gonna use in life to become successful is gonna be a
hat okay it's not gonna be as
straightforward something you can read in a textbook a textbook a coach a
mentor can give you a tip a nugget here and there but if you're gonna create
success in life you're gonna have to create your own I'm talking
extraordinary success I'm not talking about success you go to college you
graduate you get a job for $100,000 I'm not talking about any of those things
you can go follow that formula and go through the American dreams which is the
scam that's why I'm concerned but I'm talking about
extraordinary top to represent her in the world okay
which you can become in this moment if you want okay you don't have to have
money in the bank to become a top to represent her okay
as a matter of fact the top three presenter in the world it's already
created before it shows on the bank account okay so go go figure
okay I'm talking things outside of the box right now so that's my point you
gotta start thinking outside the box when you talk about a hack is there Huck
absolutely there's a hack but that hack if I handed it to you it becomes a
formula and that's not what you're looking for okay if I buddy can just
share the hack all over the place right that's just a formula right and every
time you have something called a formula there will be a cap over the kind of
income or resort that it can create because everybody else is using it over
supply right it devalues it right when when you create a hack that's yours from
a simple nugget you got from a guru from a simple nugget you got from a trainer
on a consultant or something somewhere a coach right if you get that one on it
and that Noga gives you an epiphany right then obviously that becomes a hack
that you hacked you created it right from yes obvious from other people's
nuggets so I'm gonna give you a nugget here
today to beat that $3,000 a month okay and it's called organic traffic okay
organic traffic the only way to not have to spend three thousand dollars a month
on traffic no boy is a hack okay but that hack I'm gonna give you a tip
right now you need organic traffic organic traffic could be search engine
optimization which is something I'm gonna talk about in a second right but
it could also be you on a stage somewhere right if somebody put you on a
featured on a podcast and the interview you and you have a free gift to give
away like I always say you give free gift in a shameful people's contact
information you can build a business from just being feature like that from
solid sitting on and looking to get on people stages go into meetups and become
Anna gasps speaker if you have the formula for that you can that's organic
traffic that will keep coming back to you because you're giving away again
you're giving away yourself in the form of speaking on stages that's one way
that's that's one way of organic traffic my favorite of organic traffic is the
one you create your own stage on Google ok because Google is here and Google is
not in the business of creating content YouTube is not a business of creating
content ok the content on this platform does a user-generated content that means
you have the ability to get into that marketplace and start creating content
on a topic you are passionate about and you can create and you can absolutely
build a big business out of that there are a ton of people doing that right now
ok you heard about the youtubers right well anybody's talking about it right
nine out of ten years it's you know it's gonna be all over the place but the more
important thing is not the youtuber because anybody can become a youtuber
becoming a top leader on those platforms become an influencer become the person
that creates content so creating content will never get old creating content will
never become a mainstream job ok at least not at the level of talking about
I'm talk about creating unique content I'm not talking about I'm not creating a
brand that's what I'm talking about so if you don't know any of this
bluffing stop creating content that people actually want solutions that
people actually want answers to questions that people are already asking
where and you do the perpetually on a regular basis on a consistent basis
those content are gonna attract people back to you and if you know how to do it
the proper way you can capture them or capture their contact information as
leaves and you can build a big business out of that and you can do it without
spending a dime on traffic or you can do it as a hybrid together with paid
marketing which is what I do I do it as a hybrid
ok but typically I try to make sure 80% of my activities and my traffic and lead
generation are coming from my content creation from organic traffic because I
created a stage for myself this is my stage and YouTube allows me to
the stage for free just so I can serve the audience and continue to serve the
audience because that's what they want they just wants to stay on YouTube and
if you can be one of the producers of content then you're spending your time
creating understanding gained in exchange or in makes a hybrid mix
together with spending money and even if at that I spent my money I try to spend
that 20% of my revenue spend it only on retargeting people that have already
come to me not on getting to know people not on getting people to get to know me
but on people that already know who I am I call them the heart and the warm
market not the warm market your family and friends I'm talking about people
that have actually consumed content that I've actually helped people that said
yes I watched a video and I love this video and I'm gonna keep watching a
video and they subscribing and things like that it's not everyone that likes
it but somebody likes it and people that likes it just enough to do business with
me I could I put food on the table for my family I help them go to the same
thing or get result that they want in their life you can do this in any niche
that's how search engine optimization works that's what it is people are
searching and boom you provide the solution and the answers to their
questions right or you provide some kind of solution or answer that that ease
their pain they have a pain that's already going on and that's how search
engine optimization work so essentially there are three things there are three
factors that YouTube Google any of these platforms especially Google okay there
are three things they are looking for and that's they want good quality
content I said that earlier right that means something that people actually
want to know about right good quality content the next thing is they want
links they want other website linking to your website they want other web
properties linking to your website the number one way that I like to do that is
to create consistent content because each one of my content and link to each
other plus I also use a do proper keyword
research so that you know day when when when YouTube aggregates in a search
result I have you get all the relevant videos when people search for certain
phrases my video shows up for at least 20% of all the videos I record and
that's enough to put food on my table not all of our videos but some but again
all of this stuff can be reverse-engineer
okay the third factor that they're looking at this day is called a ranked
brain essentially YouTube was records how long did you spend all your videos
on your website they'll record all of that and they use that to determine if
people want to see more the longer people watch your videos YouTube we
assume that somebody want to see your video more they will rank it more that
we show it I suggest that videos more on YouTube and that's how SEO search engine
optimization works you want more information on that obviously that's
going to be beyond the scope of this video I can tell you you can go through
all our talks calm slash mastermind I'll give you access to all my free training
on that topic that's Ola tu X at Xerox comm slash mastermind share like comment
below subscribe to this channel if you want more videos like this if you have
questions or you have thoughts please share them in the comments below
and I will definitely address them thank you so much hopefully you've been
enlightened and educated and I'll see you on the next one these
How This World-Champion Runner Won In The Face Of Resentment - Duration: 1:51.
[APPLAUSE] Gatlin is the World Champion.
>> Boo.
>> London is kind of like a second home for Usain.
It's gonna be his last race.
I've known the last couple of years I was the black hat to his white hat.
So when the boos happened, I kind was able to zone it out, and
not really focus on that.
It looked past that and focus on what my lane was and what my goal was.
You have a zone, everyone can get in the zone, everyone can get in their mind
frame of all right, I have to run, I have to compete.
But there are so many different variables that come with it.
All right, I have to run against seven other guys.
Who is that in the crowd?
Are my parents there?
Are they okay?
But when you are dialed in,
you don't worry about none of that, and that's what I felt.
I felt so dialed in.
Actually, if anything, the boos gave me more energy,
subconsciously to be able to go out and achieve my goals.
Simplify it.
Stop thinking about the things that you cannot control.
You can't control by changing the minds of 60,000 people in the stands.
You can't control if you got the right lane, you want it.
The only thing you control is what do you do after that gun goes off, and
that's all I'm really worried about.
Change people's perspective of you.
Sometimes hard work does go unseen.
But consistency, being a flash in the pan, yeah, that'll get you recognition.
You get pats on the back and you get bonuses, but
what are you gonna do after that flash.
Are you going to stay consistent?
You have to in a way kind of set your emotions to the side.
It's a job you're doing.
The only emotions that I use on track is passion.
I don't use anger, I don't use happiness.
That's why you get up in the morning, brush your teeth, put your clothes on,
tighten up your tie, grab your suitcase.
And then you head over to the office, and then you get your job done.
How to have an effective prayer? Explanations (Medjugorje) - Duration: 3:30.
Open his heart ... yes .. open his heart to Mary or Jesus
... The secret of prayer is the opening
of the heart … Whether you are Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox
... whatever Open your heart to Heaven ...
Your prayer will be effective if your heart is open …
Some will say: "yeah how can otherwise we pray with the heart? "
Other, more humble say, "how can we pray with the heart? "
Already see that we have the heart open or closed ... it's not easy ....
Pray with the heart is to talk about his problems ... problems of his family
that touches us .... the difficulties you encounter in life ...
Sometimes it is the anger ... anger at a poor job of ...
out of money ... not to succeed his sentimental life ... to see that France
collapses ... to see people who are dying and suffering ...
To pray with the heart ... no need to be in a church ... obviously it's better
in the church ... but your room will the deal ... you arrange to be quiet
10 minutes 1/4 hours ... and talk all topics you want ... same thing
unimportant ... the best thing is to talk about
your problems or those of your loved ones ... issues affecting you ... look no
not to make beautiful sentences ... speak normally ...
if it takes an effort to get out of prayer ... tell yourself that you
pray deeply with the heart ...
If you feel a little happy after your prayer or if you become aware
that here you pray with the heart ... it's that your prayer has been effective ....
this does not mean that you will receive tons of graces ... but it tells you
you are on the right path .... So keep ...
How to deal with ghosts on HALLOWEEN! - Duration: 1:50.
How to hide wifi Router name(SSID) - Duration: 2:29.
Hi Friends My name is ChandreshSinh Jadeja & Your Watching CJ Tech
Today i Will Show you How to hide your wifi Name
If you Dont Know How to change wifi name and password you can watch my previous video
Open Your Browser and enter IP Address
Enter You Useer Name And Password
Go to Wireless and Remove tick from Enable SSiD
Click on Save
Click on Click here to reboot
Click on Reboot and you router will be rebooted
know settings are saves
you can see my wifi network is gone
its showing Hidden network
Now i will Connect to my hidden wifi
Click on Connect
Type you Wifi name (SSID)
Type your Password
and Done your are now connected
Thanks For watching
I hope You liked my video
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How To Download MODERN COMBAT4 ZERO HOUR For Free On Any Android Device - Duration: 9:00.
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How to draw a still life with plums with soft pastels 🎨 STILL LIFE - Duration: 27:16.
This is a sandpaper.
Here's How To Prepare Your Own Rosemary Alcohol At Home And Eliminate Cellulitis! - Duration: 2:22.
Here's How To Prepare Your Own Rosemary Alcohol At Home And Eliminate Cellulitis!
Instead of buying it, you can prepare Rosemary Alcohol in your kitchen and use it in order
to eliminate the annoying cellulite.
This amazing solution will definitely help you get rid of cellulitis once and for all
and you will say goodbye to the skin that looks like orange peel.
Nevertheless, in order to get the best results, you should definitely combine this rosemary
alcohol with being more physically active and maintaining a balanced diet abundant in
The key factor is to eliminate all those saturated fats and carbonated drinks.
2 tablespoons of rosemary alcohol 2 cotton balls
Use: First off, soak the cotton balls into the
Next, spread the solution from the thighs to the knees and cover all the parts of the
Make sure to cover the part at the back of your legs considering that this is the area
where cellulitis is mostly accumulated.
Make sure to massage the area while applying the solution since this will definitely contribute
to the activation of the blood circulation and the removal of the cellulitis will be
much easier.
Moreover, this exfoliation will allow the rosemary to penetrate in your body far better,
hence removing all the dead cells.
It is very simple to prepare, all you need to do is to put several branches of fresh
rosemary into a clean bottle then cover it with 96% alcohol.
Next, allow the mixture to stay in a cold and dry place for 2 weeks, but remember to
shake the bottle every day so that the alcohol can soak up all the properties from the rosemary.
After 14 days, move it to an area where there isn't sunlight.
As we already mentioned, this solution will help you remove cellulitis due to its anti-inflammatory
In fact, it has the ability to fight water retention and the skin that resembles an orange
peel will disappear in no time.
The best part is that rosemary alcohol will also activate your blood circulation.
To get the best results in a short period of time, make sure to combine this solution
with some exercises daily.
How to Make a Succulent Wreath Arrangement (Tutorial and Helpful Tips) - Duration: 9:03.
Hi, this is Sheila, and today, I would like to share with you how to make a succulent
wreath, because the holidays are fast approaching.
First, we will start with this huge 18-inch form.
I'll tell you in bit where I got this nice, lovely, burlap wreath form, and you will also
be hearing some very, very useful tips as I go.
And, imagine that this is a clock face, so we're starting at the 6 o' clock position,
so that it is going to be the center of our wreath.
And since I'm using my Echeveria Imbricata as my center, I had to open a big hole onto
my wreath form.
So, you can easily poke holes into this wreath form, so you can use pretty much whatever
is handy.
So, like here, I'm actually using the handle of my brush, and I'm able to poke hole into
And as you go, you will find that you'll be needing greening pins, to hold them in
Some would actually choose to use glue gun, but I would rather use greening pins instead,
'cause these greening pins are actually super, duper easy to work with anyway, so
I would rather use them.
And throughout this video, I'll be telling you where to purchase all of the items that
I've used in this project, and if you have questions, feel free to comment it down below.
If you may have noticed as well, it is really easy to poke holes into this burlap, and it's
easy to work with, and the moss that's inside is easy to push around, and it's because
I actually soaked this wreath form for about 3 hours in water, so that's important.
You have to soak the wreath form in water for about 3 hours, and they are going to be
super, duper easy to work with after.
So, as we go, we will be working with all of these textures, colors and lovely, lovely
shapes, too, like this tall Crassula Mini Pine Tree that I have.
This will give such an interesting height and character to this succulent arrangement.
As you will see here, I'm actually putting each of them in pairs, to give it, like a
real good aesthetic balance.
See how exciting this is!
We've only put 5 succulents and it's already looking really pretty!
Let me just show you, see, how the pin does a great job of keeping it in place?!
Now, I'm looking for the 9 o'clock position, again, as I've said, to give it a good proportion.
But, it's totally, totally, up to you.
Believe me, you can try whatever you want.
It's just going to be fun, either way.
You can just throw in everything in there, or you can be as imaginative and as creative;
it's totally up to you!
Just have fun with it!
And in a bit, I'll also show you and tell you a little secret, too.
'Causer there's another reason why I would do that, but I'll tell you in a bit.
Now, we're here at the 3 o'clock position, so we're doing the same thing.
I'll be using the same succulent, the same kind, and I'm using my Echeveria Imbricata
again to match it.
And then, for variance of color, I'm adding in a reddish, brown Echeveria.
And if this is not an Echeveria, please feel free to tell me.
I'm not a pro at this…with naming them, but as far as I know, that's an echeveria.
What do you think, Libby?
So, Libby is one of my favorite subscribers.
She has her own YouTube Channel , which is Libby's Little Garden.
I'm pretty sure, she's gonna be watching this, so tell me what you think, Libby!
Put your comment down below.
And now, see, like how that's one, and two.
So, if you decide to stop here, you have a pretty product already.
As I've said, just keep those creative juices flowing.
And again, I'm matching the colors with the other side, so I'm using my reddish
By the way, since this succulent arrangement has wet moss inside, we won't be watering
it for about 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the season.
And if you wanna watch other succulent wreath arrangements, please tap on the white bar
on the upper left hand side of this screen and you'll find one of my favorite YouTube
channels, which is Laura's Garden Answer, 'cause that's where I found most of my
Okay, so since this baby has roots on her, I had to cut through the burlap, to give it
more room.
I had to make sure that her roots are not gonna be damaged in the process.
So far, so good, I can tell that this is going to be a lovely project.
So, after I have established my 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock position, I'm going back
to my 6 o'clock position, which is the center of the wreath, and I'm gonna be working
And if you feel like you don't have enough cuttings in your succulent garden, please
tap on the bar on the right-hand side of the screen, and you'll find my video on how
to gather succulent specimens without having to break the bank.
And if you are totally new to the world of succulents, I have a very helpful tip for
beginners, you just need to simply tap on the small letter "i", or the white bar
on the upper right-hand side of your screen, and it will take you to that video.
If you may have noticed, around this part, I'm just connecting the 6 o'clock group
and my 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock group with single succulents, side by side, and this
is why I'm doing this pattern.
So, at this point, you can stop here.
And if you decide to stop here, it's still going to be pretty!
And that's the reason why I would start at 6 o'clock position, and then go to the
3 o'clock position, and then head over to the 9 o'clock position.
So, if you're out of succulent, that' fine.
You don't have to use all of your succulents in your collection, and you'll still end
up with a nice succulent arrangement!
And if you may have also noticed, I would space out my lovelies, instead of crowding
them together, and this is because I'm using just about 2 to 3 inch succulent cuttings.
So, spacing them out this way allow some room for growth.
'Cause when you crowd them together, they would adjust and decide that they need to
grow slower than when there is more space between them, so if you want them to grow
into this wreath, you need to allow more room for growth.
And if you want to see a showcase of about 70 cuttings, please click on the white bar
on the upper right-hand side of your screen, or the card above, and if you wish to watch
a breath-taking assortment of succulents, please tap on this awe-inspiring unboxing.
So here you go, let me just show you how pretty this turned out.
I actually decided to add my fern-looking succulent, and by the way, the succulent wreath
form that I used in this project was hand-crafted by yours truly.
And I've also created a video on how I made this succulent wreath, so please do look out
for it, and as promised, the materials that I used for this project are 70 of this assorted
cuttings, and nail to poke holes with, my brush with the pointed tip, and about 2 boxes
of greening pins.
I'm also excited to hear how your succulent arrangement turned out, so please tag me on
Instagram @Succulent Fame, and lastly, please subscribe and share this video with your friends,
and today, as always, before I go, here's something to think about.
In an argument, keeping your silence does not always mean that the other person is right.
Sometimes, it also means that you just know better.
So, instead of getting into a heated argument, remember this quote.
Thank you.
This is Sheila again for Succulent Fame.
Holiday Help: How to know if you are donating to a legitimate charity - Duration: 2:15.
How To Lose Weight If You Hate Working Out - Duration: 4:33.
Visit Our Website Here :
How To Lose Weight If You Hate Working Out
Let's admit it, we all want to shed those pounds off our body without taking the effort
of following a weight loss workout session.
We dream to get an amazing beach perfect toned up body, but our lazy bones just want look
for easier way out.
So how do the lazy bumps (including me) get there?
You can easily drop a few pounds without having to follow strenuous workout.
All you need to do is watch out for what you eat.
Yes you read it right, more than 70 % of your weight loss depends on what you eat and while
following a workout contributes only 20 to 25 % of to your weight loss.
Scroll over as we explore how our eating habits effect our weight loss process and you can
burn fat without having to hit the gym:
Follow Healthy Diet Fast foods may give you a feeling of satiety
temporarily and they even satisfy your sweet cravings, however you all know these are our
worst enemies especially when you challenging yourself to lose weight.
Instead indulge in a balanced diet that provides your body energy and all the essential nutrients
for your body to function every day.
Switch your diet plan to nutritious and low calorie diet plan.
Include fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats and cut down on white flours and sugary treats.
Boosts Up Your Metabolism Each of you has different metabolism and your
weight loss also depends on metabolism.
There are many individuals who have a super fast metabolism and this is why you may come
across some people losing weight faster than other.
The Heavier You Are, Better Are Your Chances To Lose Weight
Another factor affecting your weight loss is your starting weight.
Women who weigh higher lose weight faster than those with less weight.
This applies even when you switch your diet to healthy foods.
Sleep And Stress Levels Also count Apart from your diet and metabolism, another
factor that affects you weight loss is your sleep and stress levels.
People who are stress free and get enough sleep often lose faster and more easily than
with those who sleep for lesser hours or are under stress.
This generally happens due to the fact that the longer you are awake, the more you eat.
Similarly, when stress yo u binge on eating which adds weight to your body.
Maintaining an Active Lifestyle
While it is try that we all want to lose weight without making many efforts, it is important
to note that maintaining a sedentary lifestyle will simply weaken your bones and muscles
over a period of time.
An active lifestyle helps to maintain low blood pressure, lowers the risk of cardiovascular
diseases, improves mental levels and provides better bone density.
Disadvantages Of Not Exercising
You may want to sit on weight and do nothing about it – not even hit any gym – but
this attitude in longer run causes loss of muscles.
Losing weight without hitting the gym could actually be muscle loss.
This means after your body uses up stored fats from your body, it starts using the muscles
to get the energy.
Losing muscles slowly rips your body of the strength and eventually lowers your metabolism.
Alternative To Hitting The Gym If for some reason, you don't see yourself
hitting the gym, bring a few changes in your everyday routine to keep your body moving.
Talk your pup for a walk, instead of elevators use stairs and put your best forward and go
Pick up an activity that interest you, like dancing, swimming, boxing, running or cycling.
These activities will long way in reducing your weight.
High Intensity Interval Training for those of you who are aiming to get their
body back in shape, it is best suggested to take high intensity interval training (HIIT).
Try to get moving and include excercises like squats, pulls, battle ropes, lunges and other
such exercise which will not engage your core but all other muscle groups.
Target yourself to to HIIT twice a week and follow it together with a healthy diet plan
and cardio moves like walking, jogging or running.
Keep stress away and make sure that you get proper sleep.
Combine all these factors will for sure give better results than depending diet alone to
lose weight.
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పిల్లలకు దిష్టి దోషాలు పోవాలంటే | How To Remove Drishti Problems | Nara Dishti | Drishti Problems - Duration: 3:04.
How To Grant Facebook Admin Access - Duration: 1:37.
One thing we might ask you to do when starting social media marketing
campaigns with Pizzazz Group is to grant us access to your existing Facebook
business page.
If that's the case, here are simple step-by-step directions to do just that.
First, make sure you sign into your Facebook business page successfully.
You'll know you're in the right place if you look up at the top of the page and see
Insights and also in the URL to make sure
is a part of your URL.
Once you've confirmed that you're on your Facebook business page, select
settings in the top right-hand corner.
From there, select Page Roles on the left-hand side
which is about halfway down the page.
Once you've reached the Page Roles page, you'll notice an option
to type a name or email
and to select the appropriate Access Type.
For social media marketing management, we'll require Admin Access.
Type the name we provided you.
Select Admin from the dropdown.
And then click Add.
Once you've done that, be sure to click Save
which will appear toward the bottom of the page
where your existing page roles exist.
As soon as you hit save, it will prompt you to type in your password for security
Do just that, and then you're all done!
How To Watch YouTube Videos Offline Without YouTube Red - Duration: 2:42.
do you want to watch your favorite YouTube videos without internet
connection will in this video I will show you
how to watch youtube videos offline without YouTube red of stay tuned
guys this is great this tutorial in this video I will share with you a way you
can watch videos offline within YouTube you don't need to have a paid
subscription like YouTube red as this method is free and I do watch videos
offline without internet connection all the time and I will show you
how towatch YouTube videos offline without YouTube red number four we get started
consider subscribing if you're new here as you make videos on YouTube go to fast
YouTube success and tutorials just like this one to help you improve your
content so people subscribe to and before we get started can I hit 12 likes
in this video if you could that would be awesome with that being said let's get
right into this video so the first thing you want to do is go on to your mobile
app or YouTube and once you're there you want to select a video you want to
download so for me I'm gonna select one of the videos of Derral Eve's so I'm
just gonna click on its icon and then I'm gonna click on this video so once
you have selected that video all you have to do is click on that download
button next to the share button so just click on download and then it will say
downloading now you can view the downloading process by just clicking on
view on the bottom of your screen and then here you will see a viable offline
so you want to click on downloads and you'll see the download link in progress
now I will come back to you guys after this is done downloading but before I go
I want to give you guys a quick disclaimer that downloads will remain
available as long as the device has internet connection every two days so
your download will be automatically delete it if you don't have internet
connection every two days and I think that's not a problem for most of us
because we do live in an era where we all have internet connections and we
just can't live without it so I don't think that's a problem for you guys so
I'm gonna come back to you guys once the download is done
so as you guys can see the download process has been completed and it says
video downloaded now once your download is done all you have to do to watch that
video is just press on that video and the video will start loading up so just
click on now as you guys can see the video has been downloaded well now
you'll be able to watch youtube videos offline without YouTube read if you
enjoyed this video and learn something be sure to hit that subscribe button for
more amazing and awesome tutorials just like this one drop a like share this
video so that we can know how to watch YouTube videos offline without YouTube red
wood that being said this is create this tutorial and I'm Sonia
How to Draw and Coloring Pages Wedding Dress, Hat and Bow | Coloring Videos and Drawing for Kids - Duration: 10:47.
Thank you for watching! Don't forget like & subscribe ;))
New Canon Printer Pixma IP4500 How to Open it for repair in HD Vol.2 - Duration: 15:16.
Welcome to the second part of the video, congratulations if you made it so far.
In the first part we took the upper plastic off from the printer, now we will focus on
the buttom side.
So lets get our screwdrivers ready.
And lets GO!
Before we continue, if you like this video, please remember to give it a thumbs up or
even subscribe to my chanel.
Now lets go back to my video.
On the right back side of the printer.
You will find a piece of plastic.
It is a cover from USB-port.
It usually stands completely lose.
You can take it off, just like that.
Without any unscrewing.
Nice and easy.
Going back to the front, you will find this printerhead-basket on the right side.
And we need to move it to the left side.
Because direct underneath there is a screw which we need to unscrew.
So we need to have this basket for the printerhead in such a way that it can move to the left
Usually when you shutdown the printer, the sponge, the cleaning sponge of the printinghead
moves so high up that it will lock the basket.
There is an easy solution for this.
On the right side of the printer, there is a wheel.
We will turn it few times and this will move down the sponge and unlock the basket.
So now all we have to do, is just place our finger on that wheel, push it firmly down
and try to turn the wheel like two...two and half times.
Till the sponge, that you can see there locking the basket, moves enough down to free the
basket to move it to the left side.
So as you see near the pump there is a place for a screw.
I already unscrewed it but if you look carefully there is a place there.
Use a Phillips screwdriver, try not to use a flat screwdriver, it is more difficult to
work with.
They are easy to unscrew those screws but actually Canon does use "Loctite" on those
So you have to have a little bit of grip to, youknow, to unscrew them.
So once we have unscrewed this screw, near the pump.
We will move a little bit to the right.
Over there we will locate three screws.
Importand is the middle one, it is a ground calbe.
Also if you put everything back to its place remember to screw it also down.
You need to have it there.
Then of course we have the control panel.
And the control panel itself, you can take it off very easily.
Just like by pulling it off.
Put it on the side also put the cable comming from the control panel.
Also on the side this will help you to access those three screws.
Alright, so you can unscrew those screws now.
I use same screwdriver.
It is a Phillips screw driver.
It is actually quite handy to have a magnetic end of the screwdriver.
It helps not to lose those screws, especially when you reassable it, something can fall
down very easily into the chassis.
And you do not want to have a situation where you need to open it up again to get a screw
So also I would advice to put those screws somewhere in a cup so you do not lose it.
And actually, you can maybe lable them where they ware.
So put them in a small sack and say; " ok, this was from the right side".
And if you have any markers, like few colors.
You can even, you know, color the heads of those screws in the same color that you will
color, for example piece of metal.
So lets say I would color it in red, so I will know exactly where those screws goes
And if you have few colors, like I do not know, lets say five, six.
I think, you can color each location in different color.
Or put a bit of paint on them if you are really picky to put exact the same screw back in
same place.
Next step is go to the right back side of the printer, where the mainboard is.
Try to locate the screw there, you see here I have black spot that is the spot where the
screw is.
In my exaple there is non, but in your case, you for sure will have a screw.
If you have troubles to locate the screw.
Look at the mainboard, there is a cable, the white cable, goin into the mainboard.
Then from that spot look down and you should find screw.
And yes please unscrew it.
So once again, the spot that we are looking for the screw is right there.
Alright lets move to the upper left side or actually the back side of the printer.
Lets locate there the screw.
It is much more easy this time.
You can easily find it and easily access it.
Then the screw on the right side.
Now we are almost done here.
We will move to the front left, to unscrew another screw and just remember collect all
your screws and put them somewhere in a cup.
You do not want to lose them, especially if you are planning to reassemble your printer.
Now we are just a step away from getting into the absorption tank absorption sponge, When
you go to the left side you actually can see already the absorption sponge absorption tank.
In this case it is all gray usually when it is new it is nice and white.
Last part can be a bit tricky.
We have this flap with "Canon" printed on it.
First flap this flap down.
Once it is down and only when it is down, you can detach the printing mechanism from
the casing.
Otherwise if you do not do it, you will break an handle, that is between the flap and this
metal piece that goes up and down.
So really watch out there!
Now hang in there we are almost done here.
The first thing is here to put this flap down, the flap that we mentioned earlier.
Then use two hands, one of your hands put on the plastic where the paper is comming
Another hand put on the printing mechanism it self.
And then you can pull those pieces easier.
Now you see here, the front goes first, we pulling the front first.
You can see a hook there.
This is this "arm" connecting from the flap to this metal piece.
But importand is pull it up first, because if you pull the back first.
The whole pressure will go on those hooks( one is on the left and other on the right)
and they will break.
So it is not very difficult here, just make sure that the front goes first.
Use two hands one is on the black piece of plastic another on the mechanism and it should
go fine.
And it should go just like this, just like now.
So, make sure the flap is down not up like that, flap is down and then try to pull those
pieces appart.
Good luck!
And so there is nothing left to do, then just lift that thing and separate those two pieces
from each other.
I already shook it a litte bit loose so I can lift it with one hand.
And off it goes!
For sure if; you use two hands one on the plastic and the another on metal.
You lift the front first have this flap down like noticed.
It should go quite easily off, if it still giving you some resistance.
Double check if you unscrewed all the screws.
You should have like seven and maybe you missed one.
So that is the staff.
Now we can see here the sponge itself.
Some parts of absorption tank, but it is actually a sponge, is placed under the printing mechanism.
Directly under where you print.
You have a hose going to a smaller part.
We are looking at the bigger absorption sponge.
Which will be, you know, if you, let say print a lot and have a lot of cleaning cycles.
Yeah it will be useful! and it, as you can see, it was really used a lot.
I printed myself on this printer and a lot of boxes, really hundres for sure thousands
of pages ware printed on this printer.
So it is, it does not look so bad actually.
If you look how much you have printed.
This is the right side of the absorption tank.
There goes the most ink form the the cleaning cycle after the closing of the printer.
So you know, it looks pretty dirty there.
I would not recommend to, you know, clean it or exchange it.
The most ink will evaporate.
But if you need for some reason to get in there.
This gives you the options.
Congratulation if you made it so far, congratulations if you opened it, really, without breaking
It is really awesome, if you plan to do it, just take your time.
Take a cup of tea and just, you know, Take it easy, it is nothing very, very, very difficult.
So this is how a cleaner absorption tank looks like.
It exists out of three layers.
The material is more like a cloth, like a fabric then a sponge or paper.
Left you have a really large one, long one and on the right side it is a very small one,
absorption tank.
During the closing cycle and during the cleaning cycle the excess of ink will be sucked down
by the pump and it will come out through two outports.
Those are two small hoses and from there the ink will go into the absorption tanks.
Some times those pipes are a bit stuck with ink so you can clean it up, usually just with
water, it is ok.
You got one on the right side and one a little bit to the left side, closer to the
And, yeah, you can just check if they are clean.
Should you have the need for this.
And that was it from me, for today.
I thank you for watching.
I hope you enjoyed this.
I hope it will be also helpful for you.
Bye bye!!!
If you like this video, please remember to give it a thumbs up or even subscribe to my
How To Choose The Gender Of Your Baby (+18) - Duration: 4:01.
Pre-order the gender a boy or a girl and
Now a bit of education on the topic
males produce sperm cells of two types
X big strong, but slow and
Y small quick active but delicate and short-lived
females produce egg cells containing on the X chromosomes if a Y sperm cell gets to it first
the baby will be a boy X Y
If an expert cell reaches the goal first you will have a girl
sperm cells prefer a slightly alkaline environment
While the environment in the uterus is on the contrary slightly acid
But it does not stay the same all the time it can get more or less
acid like while having an orgasm or a strong emotional outburst and
Now let's think how we can get a white chromosome
Win the race
if the sperm is injected one or two days before the ovulation the
Process when the egg is being discharged from the ovary the male chromosomes
simply will not make it in the uncomfortable for them acid environment and
The expert cells will have an advantage over them
As a result we will have an X X a girl
so if you want the girl
have sex one day before the ovulation or
on the day of the ovulation and
Make the trip longer for the sperm cells
practice shallow penetration
so that only the more enduring expert cells would live through the marathon if
You try to conceive on the day of the ovulation or a little later
The test ones will have an advantage that is the smaller and more active wiles
There is no
100% guarantee of course, but the probability is definitely higher
So if you want a boy have sex right on the ovulation day or on the next day
Make the trip for the sperm cells as short as possible
practice deep penetration
To minimize the influence of the host tile acid environment if you are really set on having a boy
Think of ways to weaken the acidity of the vagina and uterine environment
It might help if a woman has one or two orgasms during the intercourse
Strong emotions cause the acidity to weaken
How does your diet influence the gender of your future baby it?
Makes sense for a woman to change her diet one week before conception
This match shifts the pH ratio in the organism to weaken the acid environment
That is to conceive a boy you should eat more meat and fish
potatoes rice
oranges and
while focusing on dairy products eggs
and vegetables
apples pears and
Strawberries will significantly raise your chances to conceive a girl
How to make a Toy Story Cake Part 1 - Cakes for Kids - Duration: 15:40.
We're doing a Toy Story 3 tier cake today
Move our cake along
Double check that it's all the way round
which it is
and we're just going to start working down
smoothing out creases
don't be frightened to lift your icing off the board
just turn it
we'll be using the smoother as well or you can use a ball of icing (to smooth)
use this part of our hand
just going to trim up our excess for the moment because we don't need that
like so
we can roll it into a ball
the fondant make it smooth as much as the smoother (tool) makes it smooth.
sometimes with the fondant you get a little bit more cleaner edge
where sometimes the smoother will stick
I'm just using my hands as well a little bit of my corn flour off because my
icing is getting a little sticky
you can use icing sugar, I prefer corn flour, I find it doesn't dry out as much
so what we're going to do now
trim around
anyway that's our cake iced ready for our Buzz Lightyear bits to go on it. I'm going to ice
up this six and the four inches now put them in the fridge, I'm going to then
whilst they are in the fridge I'm going to cover our board
put the dowels in this one and make this into our buzz lightyear and then we can concentrate
on our Woody afterwards... start icing the board
put a little cornflour down, my blue icing
the same process, roll, turn, roll, turn
keep doing this until it's at the right size that you want
I need it for a 10-inch but I'm gonna cut the middle out to get it around the
8 inch cake. take your 8 each bottom from your pushed
pan, place it onto your fondant
take the fondant out, put to one side, take the rolling pin, pick the fondant up
don't worry if it stretches, it's fine. I'll put it over the top and then we're just going to manipulate
it back in
you can always wet the board once you're comfortable with how you're icing looks
if you wet the board now you're icing will stick. I'm just going to cut a
little bit because it's a little too long, out don't worry we can work the cut a little bit
rub, you can see if I
turn it around you can see that it goes
I'm going to do the clouds for our board and all I've done is got some baking paper
or parchment paper, I went on to Google and got a cloud template
just cut it out onto the parchment paper , went onto Google and got a cloud template, then what I'm going to doing simply
place it onto our white fondant and I'm just
going to use my craft knife
just to
and then what I've done is I've made a template the same method I went on to
Google from the buzz lightyear green bit he wears on the top, transferred it
just traced it off onto the parchment paper and I'm literally going
to do the same thing so I'm gonna roll out my green icing, so what I'm going to do now
I'm gonna put my rolling pin to one side, get my craft knife, place
I suppose you could get a cocktail stick or something to keep it in place but I'm just gonna do it by hand so all
I'm doing is I've just placed it on I'm gonna take my craft knife and I'm just
going to cut
my breastplate, is that what you call it?
so I you can reuse that for another time, I have them box I keep it in
I'm going to put that over there, I am going to take this bit of, tidy
the edges a little with my finger, taking our bit of green, I've cut it in half because basically
because it is easier to manage. I'm just going to put a little bit of water
on it keep it from and then I'm just gonna place it
on to our cake
and this time I think what I'll do is I'll place the water onto the cake
going to tidy up
the side of it so I've got more of a defined line and I'm just going to use the palm of my hand
get it in place
okay so that's our buzz on
so there we have two lines and then I'm just going to get a measurement
of what I need
I've got all my bits down here ready for our Buzz Lightyear breastplate
so now what I'm gonna do is I'm just going to take and position our plates
I will show you a trick soon on how we use Vodka
clear off if you make mistakes
and a little bit of water
for this bit I'm just going to turn it round at and angle so I can actually see
what I'm doing a little bit better
I'm gonna trim this off, just wanted to get it into position as much as I could
I don't want to score too much because I've been I'm scoring into the cake so
I'm just lightly going to
I am going to take my sharp craft knife
How to renew your licence online maharashta state 2017 - Duration: 3:49.
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