Can Cellphones Cause Cancer? Experts Surprised By Latest Tests - Duration: 2:08.-------------------------------------------
Absent Dads Can Cause Brain Damage to Their Children! | FFF 118 - Duration: 7:21.-------------------------------------------
They Can't Invest In You If They Don't Know You - Duration: 0:50.[APPLAUSE] >> I just don't get how we put so
many limitations these days on what is acceptable for
a first date, what's not acceptable for a first date.
A lot of people actually date people that are in similar circles as them, so
they've gotten to know them.
They've hung out with them a few times, and they'll be like, yo,
dude I like that one girl.
And then you go on a date with her, but you've met her before.
You can't expect for someone to invest in you when they don't even know you.
>> [APPLAUSE] >> Give them a chance.
Have some coffee.
See if there's a connection there.
Like for instance, if he only met you on Match or has seen your photo on
social media, at least give an opportunity for coffee, which is very simple.
It's short and it's not a big investment,
which it shouldn't be on the very first day.
How Can We Reduce Sugar in Blood | Slowed Down To Blood Sugar Levels - Duration: banana juice cures diabetes bananas are rich in a fiber called
pectin which gives the flesh aids structural form it moderate blood sugar
levels after meals by reducing appetite by slowing stomach emptying it also
helps in weight loss to make this juice we need 2 to 3 green bananas and water
take clean bananas and cut into small pieces along with peel now take a bowl
and add required amount of water
and start boiling add banana peas into boiling water and leave for 15 to 20
minutes after boiling completely separate pieces and water now add boil
the banana pieces into your blender and start blending finally add banana boiled
water to blender and blend thoroughly to become juice preserve this juice in a
glass or container consume 2 to 3 tablespoons of this juice daily early in
the morning and after your meals follow this natural remedy regularly to control
your blood sugar levels and white glass walk route with rice water cures
diabetes the seeds and peel of okra have anti-diabetic properties which led to
stabilize the blood glucose levels whereas a moderate amount of healthy
whole grains such as brown rice or white rice instead of processed grains may
reduce the risk of complications like diabetic neuropathy firstly prepare rice
water by boiling rice in a bound now strain this water into a glass or jar
and keep aside take 4 medium sized okra parts cut both ends of parts and make
okra into small pieces
place the okra pieces into your glass
and cover them with the rice water allow water to sit in rice water overnight
space okra pieces before removing from the rice water finally discard the
pieces and GUG down the water do this once in a day to reduce the efforts of
existing diabetes or to keep diabetes at bay as a pre diabetic person it takes
almost no effort on your part and could potentially save your money in reducing
the need for expensive treatments say goodbye to diabetes without any
medications diabetes is one of the most common diseases nowadays it's a lifelong
condition resulting from the body's inability to use and store the form of
sugar called insulin this metabolic disorder effects the way human body uses
digested food for energy the hard mode insulin produced in the pancreas helps
the absorption and use of glucose for energy so if your body is not able to
produce enough insulin or use it effectively it will lead to diabetes
anyone can develop diabetes as there are many factors that can cause this health
condition some of them are obesity hypertension high cholesterol physical
inactivity and they major one genetics the risk of diabetes increases as we get
older so people over the age of 40 especially if they all wore weight have
more chances of developing this disease unfortunately type 2 diabetes is
adolescence is becoming more and more common health problem this is mostly due
to the inactive lifestyle followed by unhealthy diet in most adolescents
nowadays although officially there's no cure for
this lifelong health problem there is a way to control it and this led a normal
life you can try this natural remedy before you go with insulin shots but if
you are already taking it try to lower the amount and stimulate the function of
your pancreas this homemade remedy will flush of the excess fluid from your
system and normalize the levels of blood sugar in your body all you need is just
two simple ingredients that can be found in most kitchens right now the required
ingredients a leek with roots liters of water now let us see the directions wash
the leek with roots thoroughly then empty about two ounce of the bottle with
mineral water and put the washed a leek with the roots in the bottle leave it
there for 24 us after this period drink the water from the bottle throughout the
whole day prepare another dosage once you finish the first one by doing this
regularly you can reduce your high blood sugar levels in a short period of time 3
best home remedies to control diabetes and blood sugar levels diabetes is a
lifetime disease that requires dieting exercises and medications while there is
no cure for diabetes you can control these sugar levels naturally try these
remedies and effectively control your blood sugar levels make sure you are
trying home remedies in addition to your regular diabetes treatment how to
control diabetes with natural home remedies home remedies like okra water
apple cider vinegar cranberry and cinnamon are very effective in naturally
controlling your blood sugar levels common symptoms of diabetes and increase
in blood sugar levels fatty a dull feeling in the head is a common symptom
a person who is suffering from diabetes or high blood sugar experiences for
fatty he or she would get tired very soon when compared
the others weightless people with diabetes often see rapid weight loss
this one of the common symptom associated with the diabetes frequent
urination people who suffer from high blood sugar levels use the toilet more
often the ERG for urination is felt slow healing if a person gets cut due to any
reason he or she has to be careful these cuts or bruises take a long time to heal
when your blood sugar levels are high vision problems diabetes causes a black
division in one or both the eyes this can be a cause of concern for many
therefore it is necessary to keep a check on your sugar levels so that they
are under control preparation okra water for diabetes
what is okra water it belongs to the hibiscus family and the world
okra refers to the edible seed pods of a plant it has many medicinal values and
come in a water form powder form and even as okra peels okra is filled with
potassium calcium vitamin B and C and is low in fiber content okra is known to
successfully treat diabetes by the Centers for Disease Control okra water
improves and balances out the blood sugar levels in Turkey people suffering
from diabetes to sue the seeds of war Kragh
to this treatment called diabetes take 2 okra pods and cut off their ends sticky
liquid will ooze out once you slip the pod
do not wash it take a glass full of water and drop these pods into it at
night and cover with a dish in the morning take out Deportes and drink the
water in the glass apple cider vinegar and cranberry to control diabetes and
blood sugar levels take a glass and add some cranberry juice mix water with
cranberry juice now add 2 spoons of apple cider vinegar pour few drops of
lime juice to stress up its taste and take it daily
cinamon water to control diabetes and blood sugar drink a cup of water mixed
with one teaspoon cinnamon powder daily you can also add cinnamon powder to
beverages smoothies and baked foods by doing all the above home remedies you
can reduce your high blood sugar levels thank you for watching this video like
and subscribe for more videos
Is Honey Fattening? Can Honey Be Fattening? | Abee Honey - Duration: 4:46.Is Honey Fattening? Can Honey Be Fattening? | Abee Honey
I Can't Stop Thinking About Programming After Work! - Duration: 8:03.I gotta be honest with you one of the hardest things for me and software development has always been
letting go of work when I get home.
I think there's just something about the type of work that we do and how focused we have to be
that makes it really difficult for us to just put it aside and get back to our life when the workday is through.
Hi, I'm Jayme, and at Healthy Software Developer
I want to help you have a long career where you don't get burned out
you don't get pushed around by people that don't really understand software development
and you can just make sure you have a really healthy career. In the many years that I've been writing code
it's really frustrating that while I'm at work. I try to give it my all. You know sitting at the computer
we often get these problems thrown at us, and we try to work through them over and over and over again
and, you've probably been in the situation
I have many times where you'll be trying to solve a problem
and you've been reading all these things online you've been doing all these searches
you've been trying everything and you go over to a co-worker and you're like "hey
can you come look at this for me for a little bit?". And they come take a look at it and while you're going through
showing them the problem - it works! And
you know there's just something about when you just keep working on the same problem and
pressing against trying to solve it over and over and over again that I think
we don't give ourselves enough of a break at least
I certainly don't and so
one of the things I just wanted to talk about today that we can maybe talk about in the comments too is
there's something about
technical work and especially
programming and software development that I think the way that we engage our mind so much throughout the work day
when we go home,
man at least the first probably 5 to 10 years that I did this, I would often
get out of the car come into my house and immediately
just try to find something
totally other than you know anything technical to try to get my mind off
it I'd try to play a video game, I'd try to play some music -
just anything to try to get my mind off work
and it would never last. You know within probably a couple hours, I'd find myself
sort of subconsciously just thinking about
whatever problem I'm in the middle of solving at work. And
You may have had this happen to you, too
I actually have had many times when I've been trying to solve a problem
and I'll be working on it for weeks and weeks and weeks
and you know my first job when I was younger was really working in a pizza place and
something about when you can do a job where you come in in the morning
and you start flipping burgers or making pizzas or whatever that is and at the end of the day, you're done. There's there's no like
special pizza that you're building that takes you two
weeks where you know the the work that we do in software development the problems that we try to solve they're
ongoing problems that can take us days weeks months years to solve.
And so I think I'd like to hear just things you've maybe tried that have helped you with this I still struggle with this myself.
You know some of the things I've done
are you know I did do yoga for a while which was really hard for me being a guy
and you know all my own personal hang-ups about it.
You know I looked at yoga is kind of like something that you do that's like super
just out of my comfort zone at least for myself where I was and when I first started trying to do it and
my wife you know she's been doing yoga for many years, but I
found when I was doing yoga more often, and I and I really need to get back into doing it probably again
she actually teaches a little bit now
that would really help kind of bring me bring myself to like a present moment when I'm just thinking about
that moment where I'm doing yoga
and I'm not thinking about you know past things that have happened at work or maybe in my life
I'm not thinking about the future. And
I think when I would come home from work and just try to throw myself into you know a video game or
watching YouTube videos, or you know just something I could do that would sort of distract me
it would focus me on something
but it would it was just a short-term really escape and it didn't really help me really let go of the workday.
And so you know I've had situations where I've woken up in the middle of the night
and all of a sudden, I'll open my eyes
and I'll think I have a solution to something I've been trying to solve with my code
and if I've got you know the code on my computer at home which often times I do with whatever
I'm working on unless it's for you know
let's say a client where I can only work on their computers because I have had sensitive clients like that.
You know I'll come rushing over to my computer and just
start banging away at it and try hammering out code
you know in the middle of the night at like 3:00 in the morning to try to solve the problem that now I think I
have a solution to.
And I mean I had dreams probably the first four or five years when I was doing software development where I dream
I'm standing at a whiteboard. You know
whiteboarding certain aspects let's say of the software architecture or something like that.
So you know work can become at least for me really all-consuming
and I think you know just the nature of corporate America
this isn't a true of course of all jobs, but it has been for me. You know it seems like
The company always wants more out of you
which I understand you know people who run a business they want their employees to grow, but at the same time
you know I've had a really hard time sometimes. Just setting good boundaries for myself, and I think that sometimes leads to
coming home from work and
not being able to really just let go of work and and treat it like you know what it's gonna be there tomorrow
I'll have plenty of time to solve it tomorrow
I shared in some of my my software development journey videos where I just sort of talked about the last 20 years and everything I've
went through how I
tried a couple startups me and a co-founder of mine and when we were doing those startups, you know I got completely
consumed with work because I had a day job, but I also then had the startup that I was trying to do at night and
It was horrible. I mean when I look back on it. This was a couple years ago. You know I had no social life
I had no real way to just kind of relax and unwind because it was really almost like
every moment of the day, I was thinking about either things I was on the hook for at work or
my startup that I was trying to startup
and you know this is just my situation not everybody has done something is maybe stupid as I look at it
you know I mean I learned a lot of things from that experience, but at the same time I
really blew it
having three kids. There were many there were a couple years there about two and a half years where I was trying to do those
startups where you know I really sacrifice some time that I should have probably spent more with them.
But you know such as life right. So I just wonder. Maybe what are some experiences
you've had. Have you had situations where you come home from work,
and it's just really hard to unplug and short of you know
drinking and other stuff that just completely like uses a chemical to get you out of it -
What are some like healthier things that maybe you've done to help you
Let go of work, and just have a nice boundary for yourself
So you can go "you know what I've done everything I needed to do. I'm not gonna think about it"
"I'm gonna enjoy my life outside of work because it's gonna be there for me in the morning."
Hey, if you're new here subscribe to my channel
I try to put videos out multiple times per week about healthy software development
and you can also listen to this as a podcast on Google Play,
Stitcher, iTunes, or SoundCloud you can search for "Healthy Software Developer" and you'll find me. So until next time,
Health provider Equitas says pill that can help prevent HIV is being dramatically underused - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Learn Colors with Snacks Lay's and Can WOODEN FACE HAMMER XYLOPHONE For Toddlers Soccer Balls - Duration: 2:41.-------------------------------------------
Mississippi Town Can't Stop Pride Parade: March 30 Debrief - Duration: 3:19.This week, Tennessee lawmakers tried and failed to interfere in a lesbian couple's divorce.
Alaska has just a few days left to defeat a measure banning trans people from bathrooms.
And the Mississippi town that tried to ban Pride parades just had its very first Pride
We'll have the week's top LGBT news and how it affects you on Weekly Debrief.
Weekly Debrief is made possible by folks who pledge a dollar or more a month on Patreon.
Thanks to everyone who makes the show possible -- visit or click the
link in the description to help keep these videos going.
A state court in Tennessee just sent lawmakers there a strong rebuke: no, you cannot interfere
in private citizens' divorce proceedings, even if they're queer.
Two Tennessee women had filed for divorce, and a court recognized both women as parents
-- the first ruling of its kind in the state.
That's when a handful of politicians petitioned the court to become a party to the proceedings,
arguing that they should be involved in the divorce because the marriage wasn't "natural,"
and they should get to decide which parents can be recognized and which ones get no rights
at all.
It's taken nearly a year of back-and-forth, but now a judge has finally issued a ruling
that amounts to: "knock it off."
In the decision, the court ruled that politicians don't have a right to interfere in any private
legal proceedings they want.
This ruling strengthens legal protections for queer people in Tennessee, re-affirming
that laws -- at least in cases like this -- apply equally to everyone.
In Ohio, the ACLU and Lambda Legal just filed a lawsuit challenging the state's refusal
to correct the birth certificates of trans citizens.
Only three states refuse to correct birth certificates -- Ohio, Tennessee, and Kansas
-- and having the wrong gender marker puts people in those states at risk.
One plaintiff was threatened with assault by a coworker when they had to show their
birth certificate to be hired; another was unable to get dual citizenship.
It's too early to gauge the likelihood of success in the case.
But Lambda has a powerful new tool in their arsenal: Diana Lynn, who's been a top civil
rights attorney at the Justice Department since the Reagan administration.
This week she announced she'll be leaving her decades-long role to work directly for
Lambda Legal.
In a statement, Flynn said that it had become clear that she could do more good at Lambda
than in government.
A few weeks ago, Starkville Mississippi was in the news when aldermen blocked a permit
for a Pride celebration.
After a nationwide outcry, this week Starkville held its very first Pride, featuring three
thousand people marching in the single largest parade in Starkville history.
Congrats to everyone in Starkville who made it happen.
And we're less than a week away from a huge vote in Anchorage, Alaska.
Voters there will decide whether trans people are allowed to use bathrooms consistent with
their affirmed gender.
The deadline for mailing in ballots is April 3rd.
And the results won't just determine policy in Anchorage -- if voters approve the measure,
we're likely to see copycat laws pop up around the country.
This week's action item: help get the word out about that Anchorage vote.
Head over to -- follow them on social media, post about the upcoming election
and why it matters, and make sure what Anchorage is going through doesn't spread to your
town too.
Let me know about stories that need covering @MattBaume on Twitter and in the YouTube comments.
Thanks to everyone who keeps Weekly Debrief going with the pledge of a dollar or more
a month on Patreon -- head over to or click the link in the description to join
the folks who make the show possible.
And I'll debrief you next week.
DAY 79 OF MY JUICE FAST YOU CAN DO A JUICE FAST AND STILL EAT HOW TO MY JUICE FASTING WEIGHT LOSS - Duration: 4:51.okay guys I talked about this a lot in a few of my videos but I just want to keep
you know reminding you guys that you do not have to be on liquid juice fast like
myself you still can be on a fast and replace one or two meals and then if you
feel comfortable once you replace one or two meals you can replace the third meal
with the juice and then do a 2 to 20 I mean not a 2 a 2 week to 21-day fast and
you still can lose weight if you never move yourself up to replacing all your
meals with a juice by replacing one or two meals you're still on a weekly basis
can lose start to lose weight people have this misconception that they have
to eat will drink solely liquids in order to lose weight and that is not the
case at all you do not have to just drink straight liquids but I do
recommend if you're going to go on a juice fast that you eat clean and when
I'm what I mean by cleaned is stay away from a lot of cooked foods and on a
juice fast I would recommend if you feel as though you need to have solid foods
it would be stuff like salads and you have you know so you wouldn't be bored
with the same salad you'd probably want to make like different types of salads
with different type of leafy greens and vegetables in it so you don't get bored
because if you're doing a 14 to 21 day fast you will find quickly than even
your favorite salad eating that every day just to have something in your
system well just to feel like you're chewing
something can get boring doing something day in day out
can sometimes make people quit the whole process so you want to be able to go to
the grocery store and really map out and you really want to map out what it is
that you like in a salad and how you can change it up everyday because if you're
gonna do a 14 to 21 day fast after you work your way up by doing a prep which
is taking one or two meals away and juice that's considered a prep and while
you're prepping like I said before you can still lose weight but if you work
your way up to removing the solid foods and you do like a 14 to 21 day fast you
might want to so that you can stay on the juice fast longer incorporate one
meal and I think that if you do incorporate one meal you should eat
stuff like raw fruits and vegetables and like I said again make sure that those
salads are not boring make sure that you make that salad like it's the end of
your life because sometimes when we stop eating the same sorts of foods day in
day out then you get bored with it and then you end up don't not staying on the
regimen so it's very very crucial to make sure that you plan out different
salads that you can make for each day of the week get creative looking at YouTube
videos for ideas on different salads and clean foods that you can eat while on a
juice fast and you should have a successful juice fast
so please do not listen to people telling you that in order to be on a
juice fast that you have to be drinking just juice that is not the truth it's
far from the truth and it's holding a lot of people back from doing a juice
fast because of the fear of them not being able to eat solid foods so I don't
want to stay too long on the video I hope that I answered everyone's question
that was concerned about this please subscribe to the channel like and share
the video and give this video a thumbs up I'll see you in the next video guys
Who can dive? Who cannot dive? - Duration: 6:02.What is he doing there?
When we enter the water ..., we will swim a little bit on the surface,
to practice surface swimming, and reach some depth that we can go down.
Peace, man.
One of frequent questions for the instructor.
Who can dive with scuba and who should not?
Usually you ask about the minimum and maximum age that allows you to dive.
Of course local laws or rules of diving federations may be different.
But mostly the rules say that…
Children can dive from 8 years old in confined water.
It means in the pool or calm natural water.
So guys, welcome to Las Eras.
Really nice place, actually one of my favorite places on the island.
You can see we enter from the shore, from the beach.
We enter the water, put the fins on.
And swim a little bit.
Sometimes we can see something big, Usually barracudas, a lot of barracudas.
Sometimes some tuna fish.
Scorpion fish, stingrays.
Stuff like that.
A lot of trumpet fish, because is a lot of small caverns.
Questions about the air, yah.
Hundred, fifty, one finger ten.
Let me know when you will be on 120.
The diving course can be started from the age of 10 years.
With some limitations.
The main limitation is the maximum depth of 12m.
The maximum age for a diver is ...
Of course, there is no limited age.
However, each diver should have good health and be in shape.
If you have been seriously ill, consult your doctor.
Pregnant women should not dive.
People with disabilities can dive and get diving license.
Some instructors specialize in training disabled people.
I have heard many times from people that they can not dive because under water they feel
the water pressure too strongly.
It is because they have no proper training and do not know how to get out of this feeling.
Almost everyone can dive, desire and some courage are enough.
I suggest you to go to a dive center or instructor and sign up for a beginner's course.
I assure you that it will be an amazing adventure.
Sometimes, you know the bikini comes off.
They really, really hate London or really love it.
Like every big city I think.
Yeah, maybe that's true.
🍒 You Can't Fire Me, I QUIT!🎇Jenelle Evans to MTV - Duration: 4:30.Jenelle Evans has been in career limbo ever since her husband, David Eason, was fired
from Teen Mom 2 .
Not only has the Carolina Hurricane not been filming , but she hasn't even been scheduled
to film.
Which has led fans to wonder if she's fired.
A new report says that she's not fired, and that MTV is going to try putting her on camera
If she'll even agree to do it.
RadarOnline reports that Jenelle is scheduled to film ... but that she might not be in a
cooperative with producers.
"Jenelle really didn't want to film again, because she wanted David to be on camera with
In fact, Jenelle wanted two things -- for David Eason to be un-fired, and for MTV to
pay her more money .
"So she hired a lawyer but the network refused to give in to her demands"
But she must have gotten something ... or decided that she had too much to lose ... because
she has reportedly relented.
"She finally came to an agreement with MTV."
And she's now scheduled to film.
There's just one problem, RadarOnline 's source reports.
"But no one is certain that she will actually film."
You might be thinking that, gee , Jenelle Evans would have to be a fool to turn down
that sweet Teen Mom money .
But you have to remember that the Carolina Hurricane's personal history is littered with
terrible decisions with life-altering ramifications.
Her drug use, her criminal history, and it seems like every romantic relationship that
she's ever had -- up to and including David Eason -- has been disastrous.
So many Teen Mom 2 fans have a number of questions and concerns about Jenelle's judgment.
She might just balk at filming because she's too proud to film without her husband.
"Jenelle is being so stubborn, and no one is sure she will show up."
Imagine the awkwardness of being a television crew, standing around in one of the most sparsely
populated areas of Eastern North Carolina, hoping that a capricious reality star decides
to cooperate.
"There is so much money on the line, but Jenelle makes really dumb decisions since getting
together with David."
Hey, that's unfair.
Jenelle worked very hard on building a history of dumb decisions.
David doesn't deserve credit for all of them.
"MTV is worried she won't let them film after all."
It might come down to how she's feeling that day.
There's also a chance that Jenelle Evans might try to do her own show .
Recently, she's been plugging her Off The Grid Adventures on social media.
This is just a YouTube channel.
Some people make a living -- some even make millions -- on YouTube, but whatever level
of money Jenelle hopes to rake in through streaming her own content, it's not likely
to match up to what MTV can pay her.
In general, it's said that people need at least a million subscribers before they start
making real money on YouTube.
At present, Jenelle has under 50,000 subscribers.
That's not even 5% of what she'd need to start making headway.
David Eason was fired for, totally of his own volition, going on a homophobic and transphobic
rant in which he bashed gay parents and trans parents, calling them immoral.
Perhaps the strangest thing was that it was totally unprompted.
No one had asked about LGBT+ folks at all.
In fact, what had been brought up is the allegations that he's aggressively violent with his family.
Remember, this is a man who's served time behind bars for domestic violence.
He's since been accused of being abusive towards Jenelle's children.
Some fans may be happy that David is no longer on their screens or being paid by MTV, but
others continue to be concerned about the children.
And even about Jenelle herself.
It may be that the presence of cameras and producers is what's best for everyone.
But there's no guarantee that Jenelle will see it that way.
David Eason Goes on Insane Homophobic Rant; Jenelle Evans' Husband Fired By MTV [UPDATED]
Start Gallery
Trump Has A Genius Plan To 'Rig' Next Election And Liberals Can't Stop It! - Duration: 6:12.Trump Has A Genius Plan To 'Rig' Next Election And Liberals Can't Stop It!
According to Mother Jones, President Trump is planning to "rig" the 2020 election,
just like the "rigged" 2016 election (with the help of Russians, of course).
In a piece titled "Hidden Figures: How Donald Trump Is Rigging the Census," they theorize
that the President is going to wield his presidential power to rig the election, and other political
issues, in his favor.
The only problem with their logic is that they believe he's going to rig a census,
to win the election, when the census results won't go into effect until after the election
is over.
Mother Jones starts the piece with some very heart-wrenching narrative about how the workers
assigned to get a handle on those in "low-visibility housing" were mistaken for ICE, and how
depressing the conditions are to those illegals who live in poverty.
"Quezada and Sanjuan were working with the Central Valley Immigrant Integration Collaborative,
a network of organizations embarking on a pilot program to identify "low-visibility
housing" in Fresno in preparation for the 2020 census.
That's why Quezada and Sanjuan were in Fresno, where 70 percent of residents are people of
color, 20 percent are immigrants, and one-third live in poverty, making it one of the hardest
places in the country to count.
Only 73 percent of residents in the east Fresno neighborhood they were canvassing mailed back
their census forms in 2010—if they ever received them in the first place."
They go on to explain how the census, which takes place in the same year as the upcoming
Presidential election, is something that will dictate how the government budget is allocated.
It will also potentially re-draw the congressional districts, and that, as we well know, can
rearrange the political landscape in Washington.
The fear among the left seems to be that illegals won't get a fair shake when it comes to
government funding and a voice in Washington.
To that, conservatives say "it's about time."
However, Mother Jones goes on to explain:
"But with the Trump administration in charge, voting rights advocates fear the undercount
could be amplified, shifting economic resources and political power toward rural, white, and
Republican communities.
The census is scheduled to begin on April 1, 2020, in the middle of the presidential
election season.
Of all the ways democracy is threatened under President Donald Trump—a blind eye to Russian
meddling in elections, a rollback of voting rights, a disregard for checks and balances—an
unfair and inaccurate census could have the most dramatic long-term impact.
'It's one of those issues that's often the least sexy, least discussed in certain
corners, and yet the ramifications for communities of color and vulnerable communities are so
high in terms of what's at stake for economic power and political power,' says Vanita
Gupta, who led the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division under President Barack
Obama and now directs the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.
A 'perfect storm' is threatening the 2020 census, says Terri Ann Lowenthal, a former
staff director for the House Subcommittee on Census and Population.
Budget cuts enacted by the Trump administration and the Republican Congress forced the bureau
to cancel crucial field tests in 2017 and 2018.
The bureau's director resigned last June, and the administration has yet to name a full-time
director or deputy director.
The next census will also be the first to rely on the internet.
The Census Bureau will mail households a postcard with instructions on how to fill out the form
online; if they don't respond, it will send field-workers, known as enumerators, to knock
on their doors.
But in an effort to save money, there will be 200,000 fewer enumerators than in 2010,
increasing the likelihood that households without reliable internet access will go uncounted.
Enumerators will carry tablets instead of paper forms, and the reliance on technology
raises cybersecurity fears in the wake of high-profile hacks and foreign election interference.
'They're putting together the census under a pall of uncertainty,' says Kenneth Prewitt,
who directed the 2000 census.
'How much money, who's going to be in charge, what are we going to do on the core
questionnaire itself?
To do that under such a level of uncertainty is literally unprecedented.'
And then, on Monday night, the Trump administration dropped the biggest bombshell of all.
The Commerce Department, which oversees the Census Bureau, announced that it would include
a question about US citizenship on the census for the first time since 1950.
Civil rights groups say the move will cause immigrants, particularly undocumented ones,
to avoid responding to the census for fear of being reported to immigration authorities.
The result will be a massive undercount of the Latino population, leading to reduced
political power and federal resources for places like Fresno.
The state of California, which has the country's largest immigrant population, quickly filed
a lawsuit against the administration over the question.The left is concerned that the
census will not only allow the government to enforce the laws already in place, but
they're also afraid that if the proper amount of illegals voices aren't heard, they might
not get a say in what happens in government.
They also fear that if the high-density areas don't keep their numbers up, like the one
being filmed in the video above, the heartland might get a more significant say in who is
elected President in 2024.
The Can-Am Spyder & John was Bad! - Duration: 12:04.Well hi there and welcome back to my garage today I'm going to answer a
question that I've received several times
some of them online and some of them from just some of my friends that want
to know exactly what is the km Spider RT well that's what we're going to talk
about today in today's video
so exactly what is the Can-Am spider well the manufacturer BRP refers to it as a
three-wheeled luxury touring roadster touring roaster which is what the RT
stands for actually be roadster touring but you get the idea the parent company
of BRP is based in Quebec Canada and they first started production of these
machines in 2007 the very first production unit to roll off the assembly
line is actually owned by Jay Leno and they actually started with the arty
now kam does make several other versions of the spider and they are the RS which
was discontinued in 2016 the st sport touring the f3 sport cruising now to
give you some idea of how many of these things have been produced in 2015 the
100,000 spider rolled off the assembly line in Canada now this particular model
spider r/t uses the Rotex 1333 cylinder engine before 2014 they relied on a two
cylinder 900 cc engine now the spider features five and a half cubic feet of
internal storage which is located in the right and the left side panniers rear
top storage glovebox storage and the large forward storage area
for our view of the fit the first thing we will point out is
the optional GPS then moving down to the toggle switches the first one is the
optional fog light selector switch the suspension control system for soft or
firm suspension seat and hand grip heat which is really handy in the wintertime
and your park brake I note about the parking brake the spyder requires that
you engage the parking brake before shutting off the engine are you over
receive a very annoying tone until the park brake is set on the main
instrumentation panel you have the optional analog temperature gauge the
digital interface analog speedometer and tachometer and on the far left the
optional fuel gauge on the right hand grip you have the
throttle hazard flashers emergency cutoff switch cruise control and your
Start button on the left side is the command interface for the digital
display turn signals high beam headlight control horn windshield position control
and the transmission selector and on top is the transmission reverse button to
access to fuel tank you simply unlock the seat release look the seat and the
gas tank is located on the left hand side a note the kam spider requires
premium gasoline on the right hand side you will find the oil dipstick and the
brake fluid reservoir
fighters pretty much stock with only a few exceptions and I'll point those out
I have some extra storage areas the top of the - storage or a Velcro - in place
there after market the tank storage over top the glovebox as an after market the
beverage container beverage holder which I absolutely love is after market Oh
GoPro mount after market and Miriam's drink holder other than that everything
is pretty much stock one of the other features the Spyder is all three wheels
have a brake control which is right here it's a foot pedal it controls all three
wheels the system has anti-lock brakes now the
starting sequence is pretty unusual for a vehicle like this kion and you'll
notice that the display will go through a self-diagnostic and boot up where it
boots up all the on-board computers and then we're waiting for the once that's
complete so we have to read the safety card and then acknowledge by pushing the
mode button this is something that the lawyers and engineers got together now I
don't do this every single time it's a safety car that basically says it
operates different than a regular motorcycle press the mode button to
accept the terms and then you all ready to start fill on the brake engage
okay my flashing red light on the instrument panel tells me that my puck
brake is on because the park brake has to be on on the spider or you'll get
this really annoying tone park breakers off so we'll cool outside so I've got
two hand warmers on
I shall return
okay now we have to put the spider reverse to do that you
push the reverse button and the backside of the transmission is selector to
downshift push down downshift and she goes into reverse this is the only
three-wheeled motorcycle with a transmission geared Reverse other
vehicle other three-wheeled motorcycles do have a reverse but they understand
use the starter okay we shift forward to first gear and or off my spider is uh
got about a little less on half a tank I generally don't like doing that because
you can build condensation in the tank and water doesn't burn very well um
transmission is pretty similar you did not let off the throttle when you shift
gears and you simply use the paddle to up shift the other one bought computers
that standard with the spider are the stability control traction control so if
you ever get to the point where you start to lose traction within the wheels
the the on-board computers will decide to override the throttle inputs and
automatically get the spider in control which increases safety I am told there's
a way to bypass that but you know I'm not looking for that so I'm not gonna
use that it down shifts by itself so it goes right back to first gear without
any any coaching whatsoever now with your in mountainous terrain you can
manually downshift to get traction on on back roads if you need to for the sins
and climbs or if you want to use the transmission is a dynamic braking when
going down the mountains that have actually having to use the brake pedal
which can overheat the brakes and long mountain
raids now I have the my on board I have the control center set to the
speedometer so I have the digital displacement on there along with the
analog display and although there is a protocol of when to shift gears based on
your rpm I typically use my ear I've been driving manual transmissions
gosh why my first and second vehicle was
was a manual transmission the outside air temperature today is a 53 degrees a
little chilly I have the heated hand grips on and I'm here to tell you they
are toasty turn signals your automatic cancel unless you're just changing lanes
in that case you slip to push down and that cancels the turn signal I also
wanted to mention when we did the walk around for the Spyder you probably saw
the backrest for the driver that is an option which I have on my spider it's a
factory option it really makes the spider more comfortable for long
duration trips shutting down is really quite simple heartbreak on key off
well one of the other things I forgot to mention the onboard computer system
knows if you have a passenger on the back of the spider because of the
difference in weight and it automatically adjusts the suspension so
the attitude of the spider does not change with your backseat passenger
we're just kind of cool one of the other features that the spider RT has is power
steering when you're trying to maneuver at slow speeds you've got a lot of
restriction from the two front wheels so the power steering helps greatly it
makes it much easier to steer at lower speed the headlights come on
automatically during all operations so they stay on constantly we talked a bit
about the how you could elevate and lower the winds windscreen and I'm
raising it then you Laura I find that personally I don't need the
windscreen elevated for me but to keep the airflow off of Miriam when she's
behind me we have she likes it raised to keep the wind straight off her face well
that's gonna be about it for today's video we appreciate you guys watching
and we just realized we just crossed over the 100 subscriber mark and I know
that's no big deal in the big terms of YouTube but for us that's pretty good
considering where we started the last spring with eight so we're moving right
along it I get to live out my fantasy of producing videos other people are
interested in watching so it's a great thrill for me so again thank you very
much if you knew the channel please press the subscribe button that's
probably down here somewhere we I think there's also one over here we greatly
appreciate it and until next time y'all take care
John 4:46-54, If Religion Cannot, What Can? - Duration: 10:15.If religion can't guarantee insight into who Jesus is, what can?
In this video, we will explore this through the story of the nobleman from Capernaum.
We will do this first, by conversationally reading his story in John 4:46-54 and then
by briefly touching on 3 nuances that I heard in this story; ones that have helped this
passage come alive to me.
Buckle up, here we go.
My name is Charles Yerkes, and this is the Simple Not Shallow YouTube Channel.
The whole purpose of this channel is to help you relate to the Bible by helping it come alive
to you; one reading at a time.
If you like what you hear, please click that like and subscribe button and make sure
to tag that grey bell icon that tells YouTube that you want to be notified as each new video
is posted. And please, feel free to share this with whoever you'd like.
So, if religion does not guarantee insight into Jesus, what does? Well...
Let's begin by reading John 4:46-54 from the World English Bible.
Jesus came therefore again to Cana of Galilee, where he made the water into wine.
There was a certain nobleman whose son was sick at Capernaum.
When he heard that Jesus had come out of Judea into Galilee, he went to him, and begged him
that he would come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death.
Jesus therefore said to him, "Unless you see signs and wonders, you will in no way believe."
The nobleman said to him, "Sir, come down before my child dies."
Jesus said to him, "Go your way.
Your son lives."
The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way.
As he was now going down, his servants met him and reported, saying "Your child lives!"
So he inquired of them the hour when he began to get better.
They said therefore to him, "Yesterday at the seventh hour, the fever left him."
So the father knew that it was at that hour in which Jesus said to him, "Your son lives."
He believed, as did his whole house.
This is again the second sign that Jesus did, having come out of Judea into Galilee.
So, it would seem that the answer to what can give insight into Jesus is Jesus himself.
Keep watching because now we're gonna touch on those 3 different nuances that I told you about, that made this answer leap from the page.
Nuance number 1. This comes from remembering our last two videos on John 4, yes I'll link to those below,
but these are where we learned that Jesus was not as honored by the religiously correct of his own country
as he had been by the religiously incorrect of Samaria.
For the Samaritans sought the Messiah and his own people merely sought trinkets and wonders.
And by remembering 2 other stories in which people also asked Jesus to heal someone.
In these stories, those asking were commended for having a greater faith than anyone else
in Israel.
These stories appear in Matthew 8:5-13 and Luke 7:10.
Each of these passages tell a story about a Roman centurion, a Roman commander, who
asked Jesus to heal a servant.
Like the Samaritans, the Romans would qualify as not being from Jesus' own country. Right?
They asked for the healing and Jesus said he had not seen such faith among all the Israelites.
Whereas, our man begs for the healing, and Jesus says to the people, "Unless you see signs and wonders,
you will in no way believe."
What's the difference?
All were simply asking for a healing, right? Perhaps....
Perhaps it's that they weren't asking from the same perspective; and this is nuance number 1.
Notice that when the Romans asked, they acknowledged that they were unworthy of Jesus coming to
their house and both of them knew that he had the authority to command the healing.
That is, he could simply speak it into existence.
The Romans knew that there was more to Jesus than his gifts of healing and they asked accordingly.
The nobleman, on the other hand, did not.
Oh, he knew the gifts that had been given to others, he knew they had worked and he
trusted in those signs.
He even knew that it was Jesus handing them out.
But he didn't know or even suspect the authority that Jesus had.
And unlike the Romans, he was missing out on the fact that there was more to Jesus than
his being a giver of gifts. He missed out that it was Jesus' authority to command the gifts.
Yet, and here is where the sparkle is, and yet, and here is where the magic lies, and
yet, and here by the way, is nuance 2, when Jesus said to those standing around,
"Unless you see signs and wonders, you will in no way believe."
Something changed for this nobleman, something clicked.
For the nobleman's next words, "Come down" are a request that borders on a command.
He is no longer begging.
It's like he suddenly sees that there is more to the one his is asking than he first realized.
He is now asking a favor from one how has the authority to command it.
Which is more than merely asking for a handout; and is quite similar to how the Romans were asking.
Now, what if, and here is a mind bender for you, what if, and this is also nuance 3, what if verse 48,
which says, "Unless you see signs and wonders, you will in no way believe;" what if this
is a statement of amazement over their lack of faith, much as his statement of amazement was
in Mark 6:6.
This is where Jesus marveled because of unbelief.
I am also reminded of Mark 9:24 where a man asks Jesus to heal his son. And he says, "if you could."
Jesus in reply says, "If? All things are possible to those who believe."
At which point that man says, "I believe, I believe! Help my unbelief!"
What if that is what was happening right here?
That when Jesus marveled at his lack of faith, at that precise point, the nobleman's religion
stopped getting in the way and he saw Jesus.
Notice, after this, he no longer insists that Jesus come down to Capernaum, he simply
believed Jesus when he said the boy was healed.
Much as the Romans had done.
It's like Jesus' amazement and disappointment at a lack of faith was the personal touch
needed by this man to start him seeing who Jesus was.
A personal touch from Jesus….
Once again, Jesus has interacted with an individual as that individual needed to be interacted
with; and the individual came to believe.
The need for this personal touch runs throughout the entire Bible.
We've seen it in our video of Psalm 1, I'll link to that below, and it's even stated clearly in John 15, which will be a future video.
For abiding in Christ always involves a very personal touch.
Anyway, what do you think?
What examples have you seen of Jesus' personal touch making a difference in somebody's life?
Do you have a personal example of Jesus doing what mere religion could not?
I'd love to hear from you.
So, please, please tell me in the comments section below.
Also, if you liked this video, please click that like and subscribe button.
And once you've clicked the subscribe button, make sure to tag that little grey bell icon.
This will help you keep informed each time a new video is posted. And please, share this with whoever you'd like.
Thank you.
Until next time, love simply, love wisely, love well for that is where excitement and
meaning in life dwell.
Here's How You Can Block Those Fake IRS Robocalls - Duration: 3:14.-------------------------------------------
How Many Hits From Turret Can Saber Sustain | Mobile legends | Slothy Sloth - Duration: 1:33.Hello and welcome back to My Channel. In
this video I am gonna test how many
continuous hits from the turret can
saber withstand. Like always I will first
test it when saber is on level 1. I will
test the damage from the inhibitor
turret as by the time I reach level 15
the exterior turrets may not hold. Here
we go for the first test 1 2 3 4 Saber
can withstand four hits went on level 1
now let us test it on level Fifteen 1 2 3
4 5 on level 15 saber can sustain 5 hits
from the turret. As you saw Lolita hit
saber, but the damage was negligible so 5
hits is the final result. Thank You for
watching this video please leave a
thumbs up if you liked the video
subscribe for future contents, for
suggestions please contact me on the
links provided in the description.
I shall take my leave now until next
time and remember to stay SLOTHY and
SLEEPY every day
Trump Has A Genius Plan To 'Rig' Next Election And Liberals Can't Stop It! - Duration: 6:04.-------------------------------------------
Soo Ji & Shi Hyun ► Can You Hold Me - Duration: 1:32.Just concentrate on me
Should we do it first?
I don't want a fake marriage
Shi Hyun...
What's wrong with you? Did you get hurt?
All the people I like disappear...
I won't disappear
I'm next to you right now
She isn't here...
My mother...isn't here
You have us
We like...
each other...
You can kiss me once
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