Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 3, 2018

Youtube daily is it Mar 31 2018

Dear friends welcome to another video!

In this video, we are going to take a first look at the impressive BBC micro:bit board.

This board, although small in size, is very capable and very easy to program.

But is it better than an Arduino Uno for a complete beginner in programming and electronics?

Let's find out!

Hello, guys, I am Nick and welcome to a channel that is all about DIY electronics


In this channel, I share everything about the projects I build to help you develop similar

projects or inspire you to start making things because it is easy, fun and creative.

Subscribe to the channel now if you do not want to miss any future video.

The micro:bit development board is a relatively new development board which was released in


It is developed with the intention to encourage children to get involved with programming,

electronics and making in general.

The purpose of this board resonates with me because I worked as a computer teacher for

over 6 years in the past and I taught kids to code.

I think coding is a very important skill in today's world, and that's the reason I

created this YouTube channel in the first place; to show people that programming can

be fun and easy to learn!

Thousands of micro:bit boards were given away to every 11-year-old school child in Britain

last year.

Now the board is also available as a commercial product.

It costs around 15$.

I got the micro:bit GO bundle for around 17$ from website.

You can find a link to it in the description below.

The micro:bit comes in a small box inside which we can find, a safety guide, a small

instruction leaflet, the board itself, a small battery box, two batteries and a USB cable.

Let's now take a closer look at the board.

As you can see the board is very small in size, way smaller than the Raspberry Pi or

even the Arduino Uno.

The micro:bit features a 5x5 led matrix and two push buttons on the front side and some

sensors and microcontrollers at the back side.

But first, let's power it up and see what it does out of the box.

At first, the board welcomes us with some cool animations on the LED matrix, and then

it displays a Hello Message and guides us to press the buttons, shake the board or even

play a small chase the dot game on it.


Lastly, the board encourages us to start coding, but first, let's take a closer look at the

hardware of the board because it is very interesting!

The board offers two 32 bit ARM processors at the back of the chip, but only one of them

is available to execute our code on.

The other one is responsible for the USB communication with the computer.

So the Micro bit features the following: A 32Bit user programmable CPU which is clocked

at 16 MHz.

It also offers Bluetooth connectivity, 16 KBs of RAM memory, 256 KB of flash memory,

19 GPIOS pins, I2C, SPI and UART Buses, 3 Analog to Digital Pins; a 5x5 LED matrix,

an Accelerometer, A Magnetometer, A thermometer, and a light meter!

Impressive stuff!

Compared to an Arduino Uno, the micro:bit is much more capable since it features many

sensors, two buttons, and many LEDs!

As a result, all you need to get to start making projects is the micro:bit and nothing


In comparison, with an Arduino Uno board, all you can do is to blink an LED which is

not very compelling to children in an age of smartphones and game consoles.

But, with the microbit board children can build a simple game in minutes so this might

get their attention!

We are not limited to the embedded sensors that the board offers though.

We can use some crocodile clips and have easy access to three pins of the microcontroller!

Of course, we can have access to all the pins of the microcontroller if we use the Edge

Connector Breakout board.

But even without it we can build many projects with this fantastic board.

Let's do just that, let's create a simple project.

There are 5 ways to program this board: • The first one is Javascript

• We can use the Block Editor developed by Microsoft

• Another way to program the board is the Touch Develop interface

• We can also use Micro Python • Lastly, we can use our familiar Arduino

IDE The most fun and easy to way to program the

board is to use the Block Editor.

All we have to do is to open a web browser and visit this website: The Block Editor loads up, and we are ready

to develop our first program simply by dragging and dropping commands!

There are commands for everything the board offers.

Simply by dragging the command show string, for example, we can display text on the LED


If we place that command inside the On Start block, for example, the text "Hello" appears

on the LED matrix of the simulator.

The commands click together like Lego bricks!

How cool is that!

Also, the Block Editor environment supports many languages.

Microsoft has done a great job on this software!

Programming a development board this way is very fun and easy!

Let's now build our first useful program.

Let's build a thermometer!

When we press button A, the board will display the temperature on the LED matrix.

It won't take us more than a minute!

First of all, we delete all the blocks.

Then from the input tab, we drag and drop the On_Button A Pressed block.

Then we go to the Basic tab we select the show_number block and we attach it to the

On_Button pressed block.

Now, all we have to do is to get the temperature.

We go to the Input tab again, and we drag the temperature command and drop it on the

input of the show number command like this.

We can test our program on the emulator and then we can download the code to the board


We copy the .hex file that is created and we paste it into the micro bit drive that

appears if we plug in the board to the computer.

Now press the reset button and our first program is running on the microbit board!


Coding can be so simple and quick!

Have you ever seen a more user friendly programming environment?

I haven't seen anything as easy as this one!

Even though the Block Editor programming environment was designed to be used mainly by kids, I

think it is great for adults as well.

If you are a complete beginner to electronics and programming, this is the best way to start.

Forget about the Arduino or the Raspberry Pi.

Get a micro:bit board.

Learn the basics of programming, like loops, conditional structures, functions and so on.

Build some simple projects with it.

Then, if you are limited by the Block Editor environment, switch to microPython and learn

a real programming language!

After that you are free to move on to an Arduino or a Raspberry Pi to build more complex projects.

Don't just copy and paste the code I or other people provide online.

Learn to code; it is an extremely useful skill to have!

Don't miss the opportunity!

Learning how to code today is extremely easy and fun.

Just get the micro:bit and you are done!

I learned how to code about 20 years ago when I was in high school.

We were taught GW-Basic under DOS, and we were typing text commands on a black window,

and all we could do was to make some calculations or to display some text on the screen.

Using the knowledge, I got from School I managed to program my friend's Commodore 64 for

the first time to display some custom text.

That was the first program ever developed, and I was so excited.

As you can see I am still excited about programming, programming became my career.

So, as a final word, if you want to learn how to program, I truly believe this is the

best way to start.

I would love to hear your opinion on this board.

Do you also think that this the best development board for a beginner?

Do you know any boards that are even better than the Micro:bit board?

Also, if you are an experienced programmer, I would love to know on what machine you learned

how to code.

Please post your comments below and don't forget to press the like button if you find

this video interesting!

If this is your first time here, I would love to have you subscribed.

In this channel, I post videos about DIY projects twice a month.

I love making things, and I believe that anyone can make things, anyone can become a maker.

That's why I created this channel, to share my knowledge with the community and learn

from the community.

I hope you will join us.

I will see you in the next video!

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For more infomation >> BBC micro:bit Review and makecode Programming Tutorial - Duration: 8:09.


Spring is Coming! Dalgety Bay to Aberdour Chatty Vlog | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 16:21.

Hi everyone! Today when I woke up it was a beautiful sunny day

and it was the sort of day where I just didn't want to stay inside at all.

So here I am again, I'm gonna walk to Aberdour from Dalgety Bay

we've got the radioactive beach here

and I think I'm gonna answer some questions

and just have a little chat on the way to Aberdour.

Now if you've watched my channel before you're maybe thinking

haven't I seen this before?

Haven't we seen the radioactive beach and the castle and everything else?

You have. So this time

I'm going to be doing just more of a chat really

we'll have some nice scenery in the background

but ultimately it's just gonna be a bit of a chatty vlog.

If you want to see the version of this walk

where I go into great depth about the different landmarks

I'm gonna link it down below so you can check that out

but otherwise I hope you enjoy.

When I was picking out stuff to wear today

I wanted to have something on that was lightweight

but would keep me warm if it got really dark and horrible and wet.

And I found my YouTube jacket

and I was given this at the end of last year and then

the community that I'm a Top Contributor for closed down

so I don't actually have a use for this jacket.

So if you can think of anything fun I might be able to do with this jacket

I might customize it, it's a nice little bomber jacket

then do let me know down below.


I'm round at the old church again

because I find it so hard to walk past this place

and not come and say hello because

it was somewhere I just really thought was amazing as a kid.

And I know I said that in the other vlog but I don't care.

So let's go up here and just get some amazing views again.

Look at this, it's just wonderful.

And it's amazing to me that this hasn't been knocked down at all

or tried to be replaced with something else.

It's just managed to stay standing here, which is really really cool.

So anyways I'm gonna get back on the walk because if I don't

I'll end up just staying here, let's be honest cause I could.

It's nice and peaceful and there's lovely views of the sea.

Now I'm heading along the path to Braefoot Bay,

which is... I think it's owned by the military or something.

It's not really an area you're supposed to go in

but this path you are allowed to go along, it's like a right-of-way thing.

So usually I'd be along the path

by where that set of bushes is.

But today I'm going to come along this path instead

and I think eventually I do join that path again

but this is like a little mini adventure.

Like I've been along this walk so many times as a kid

but I've never been along this bit so this is a little bit different.

And I don't know what I'm gonna see so this could be good.

Hello darling, are you a fan?

It's nice to meet you, you don't have to hide in the bushes though.

You can come up and say hello to me.

Do you know that? Hello my darlings.

I'm making loads of new friends here.

I get the feeling they're not gonna subscribe though.

Maybe they're just like fair-weather friends.


That thing there I thought was the Eiffel Tower.

And when I was little I used to climb up on a climbing frame

at the playground we used to go to

and I'd be like "I'm so high, I can see the Eiffel Tower!"

And my mum was just like "Sweetie, that's not the Eiffel Tower"

that's just a telegraph tower somewhere.

Like a transmitter is the word I'm looking for, transmitter.

So yes I obviously wasn't well-traveled as a child.

This is Braefoot Bay and it's owned by the Ministry of Defense

so it's not really a place where you can go and snoop around and stuff.

I can't remember exactly what they do here

but I just know from childhood it's a place that we didn't ever go to.

So yeah, there's a mystery for the video.

I am just gonna go home and Google it

and then I'll put a link down below in the description

or I'll say in the description what I found out about it

if anybody's particularly interested.

I can see something in this field. Now is it a duck?

I think it's duck. I'll know for sure when I get home.

It could just be a pigeon.

Just call me David Attenborough, have I just spotted a pigeon?

Update for you all, I just turned the camera off, it flew away

it was a pigeon.

This is why people come to my vlogs, to see good quality nature.

Sorry guys, that was a pigeon.

Three weeks ago we were totally snowed under in Scotland.

And when I say "snowed under"

I know that some countries have more snow than what we got,

but in Scotland we don't really know how to handle it, if I'm totally honest.

The roads suffer and as a result everything shuts down.

So we were unable to really leave the house.

We could walk to places

but then places like the shops were shut because the staff couldn't get in

and there wasn't really anywhere to go unless you were walking a dog.

Let me just get that thing off there, okay there we are.

This is a super casual vlog, I'm not even gonna edit that out.

We're just going to keep that in.

So it's really funny to me that we've went from that to Summer so quickly

and I know that this doesn't look particularly summery

but realistically this is what Summer's like in Scotland.

A nice Spring day is like a "meh" Summer's day.

So I'll take it, I'll take it

and I'm glad I've made the use of it.

I know I've said that a few times but I really am glad I've made the use of it.

Because when I was stuck indoors I just wished that I could go anywhere.

Anywhere. Even if it was just to the other side of the town.

I was just wishing that I wasn't in the house.

It's fairly serene out here today.

There's not as many cars as I expected to see on the roads

and I don't know if that's cause everybody's getting ready for Easter.

I don't really know.

But all the same it's been really nice, the blue sky is coming out again there

and I've had a fun day.

I think I'm just gonna sit down here for a minute, in the sand.

Because again it felt like when the snow was everywhere

like I wasn't gonna see sand again.

And I know that's awfully dramatic, but there we go.

And I was talking about my YouTube jacket earlier.

The reason they usually give people YouTube jackets

is so that when they go to events and things, they can represent.

And that kind of got me thinking about which events I'm going to this year.

I've already missed VidCon EU, I'm not really sold on that one if I'm totally honest.

I don't really know what to think of it just yet.

It might be that in the future I decide to go

but this year I wasn't overly enthused by the idea.

And then the next one that people'll probably ask me about is VidCon US

and I'm definitely not going to that because I'm going to see Taylor Swift instead.

So I won't be there and then Summer in the City is in London

and London is one of those places

where I can take fairly last-minute journeys to and it's not a big deal.

So I feel like it's way too early to decide whether I'm going to Summer in the City or not.

I'd love to go and if I'm able to sort it out with work and things

then I would love to be there again, see everybody

but I don't know for sure at the moment.

And I feel like Summer in the City is one that you really need to ask me about nearer the time.

Like maybe July.

July I'll probably have more of an idea of whether or not I'm going.

I'm just kind of sitting here digging and I've found this massive stone

and it reminds me of the Philosopher's Stone, so there we are.

I'm just casually sitting on a beach digging like I'm 5 years old.

There's actually a toddler down there who's really-

I don't know, she's better behaved than I am right now.

I'm just kind of picking through the sand and enjoying myself.


While we're in Aberdour I'll just show you something that,

if you've been listening to the Weird Funny Stories I Wrote As A Kid,

this is the inspiration for one of the stories.

If you've heard me talking about the story called "Brats"

which had Tash and Bex in and they were twins

they were going to live with the mum for the first time in a big house.

The big house is just over here! I'm just going to show you on the camera here.

I don't know the story behind this house

whether it's somebody's residence, whether it's an office block...

If anybody lives there just now, I have no idea.

But I used to see this view on the way past as we'd drive by Aberdour

and it just looked like the middle of nowhere.

And I wrote that story about it, I could see it pictured there

and whenever I imagined there being like a movie version,

that's the house I pictured.

So there we are, because right now we're in a village

and then that just looks like it's just the middle of nowhere.

Like if you didn't know there was a town around here you would think this was the countryside.

And that's what I really love about it.

Now this is an area of Aberdour I've never seen before,

it's the Aberdour Sensory Garden.

And I'm guessing it's for people to really like feel different things? I don't know.

I don't really know what constitutes a sensory garden.

I'm just reading about the history of this site.

And it used to be Aberdour Primary School years and years ago

like over 100 years ago and then in 1967 they built a new primary school,

I actually walked past it earlier. And this one got demolished in 1974

and the Village in Bloom, who do all the wonderful flowers around Aberdour

decided to modernize it

and I really like how it turned out, it's a beautiful beautiful area.

So I really think they've done a good job

and it's like really well looked after and things.

so I am pretty pleased for the result. I can't believe I've never been here before!


I'm actually really pleasantly surprised by this.

I've walked past this place so many times

but I've never stopped to have a look

so I think this is definitely gonna be somewhere I come back to

whenever I'm visiting Aberdour because it's really really pretty.

And now that I've been there I feel like it's somewhere that shouldn't be missed.

I've just bumped into a lovely lady, that's her cycling away there.

And she caught me vlogging and wondered what I was up to.

So we've just had a bit of a chat about, you know, the whole channel and things.

The kind of industry as a YouTube creator.

Cause she said there as well and I think it's a popular misconception

That YouTubers make a lot of money.

And you know like YouTubers can make a lot of money,

but they don't make a lot of money just purely from their videos being on YouTube.

You really need to have a following, you need to have merchandise and things,

get paid for appearances and everything like that.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that

but when somebody says "Don't you make loads of money from that?"

I do feel like I need to correct myself there.

I'm heading home now, we're just going along the same path.

I don't think I'm going to go via Braefoot Bay again.

It was a nice enough path

but I feel like the real nostalgia comes from the path that I used to walk along.

And this time we haven't got the big steep hill to go up as well

so it's all good, it's all good.

I've been thinking a bit more about what that lady said to me

back at the bottom of the hill there. We were talking about YouTube

and I said "I've just walked from Dalgety Bay to Aberdour"

"and I filmed the whole thing" and she said "You're putting us on the map then."

And I don't think really one videos gonna put them on the map.

Obviously you know I've not really got that big a following

but it did make me think. If we're gonna put Aberdour on the map,

just over there is Edinburgh.

You could totally come to Aberdour on a day trip if you were in Edinburgh.

It's like an hour on the train

and you can see all of this for yourself.

So yes if you're ever visiting Edinburgh

and you want to see one of the hidden gems of Fife,

I definitely say come on a day trip to Aberdour.

Or even Dalgety Bay, you can go along this lovely coastal walk.

It's always here, all year round.

Although to be honest I'd probably only do it in the summer.

It's totally somewhere that you could go

that is little bit different from everywhere in Edinburgh.

When I get to the end of this path

I'll probably start to get all camera shy about vlogging again and things.

Because this is starting to be Dalgety Bay again

and I'll probably see more dog walkers and things again.

Like everybody's pretty much gonna come back.

I really need to be less embarrassed

and less apologetic when people catch me vlogging.

You'd think after 3 years that would be

something that would come a bit more naturally but not really, not really.

Okay and for those of you who are following along

I'm pretty much back at where I turned to go off to Braefoot Bay

instead of carrying on along that big road there.

So that's a lot of fun, I really enjoy that walk

and I am glad I came out today, I'm genuinely glad.

Like I would have just sat at home and not really done anything.

So I'm back at the Kirk again

and the sun is starting to go down...I think.

Like I said I'm not very good at figuring out these things

but certainly it's in my face more, it's got kind of a red-y vibe to it

so I'd say that's the sun going down.

So I think I'm going to end it here for today guys.

Thank you very much for joining me on this adventure, this local adventure.

And I hope you enjoyed it.

If you did enjoy it and you haven't seen the other version of this video

then I'm gonna link it down below so you can check that out as well

and thanks very much everybody, cheerio!

Thanks again for watching everybody

if you'd like to see the original version of this video, you can check it out here.

I go through the landmarks a lot more on that one.

And YouTube have suggested a video you might like over here,

so go and check that out. And if you haven't already

and you want to stay up to date with my latest videos,

don't forget to subscribe over here.

Thanks again everyone, cheerio!

For more infomation >> Spring is Coming! Dalgety Bay to Aberdour Chatty Vlog | Kate's Adventures - Duration: 16:21.


I Was Very Skeptical But It's Been The Best Choice In My Life | HTC Testimonial - Duration: 1:52.

For more infomation >> I Was Very Skeptical But It's Been The Best Choice In My Life | HTC Testimonial - Duration: 1:52.


Breaking Out Of Washington: Turns Out It Was Obama, Not Comey! This is Unbelievable! - Duration: 6:19.

For more infomation >> Breaking Out Of Washington: Turns Out It Was Obama, Not Comey! This is Unbelievable! - Duration: 6:19.


Is Cardio Worth it - Summer Shredding Episode 7 - Duration: 11:56.

alright guys so the question of the day today is is cardio worth it and my

answer is it kind of depends on what your goal is so if your goal is to go on

an extended cut because you want to get it pretty lean then yes it's definitely

worth it if you would have asked me this about two weeks ago I would have said no

it's not worth it just because you know if you think about it you can spend an

hour doing cardio and you'll burn maybe like 300 to 500 calories you can eat

that easily in like 5-10 minutes so that's why when people you know trying

to tell you that so that's why when you try to tell people that your that's why

when you're trying to lose weight people are always going to tell you to try to

create a calorie deficit through food because it takes a lot of time and

effort to create a calorie deficit through cardio however doing both can

give me an advantage now for example let's say you do two 300 calorie cardio

sessions a week now yes that's only 600 calories per week that's only a little

over a fifth of a pound each week which you might think right away it's not a

whole lot that's not worth it that's what I used to think not think about it

if you're going on extended cut twelve weeks like I'm doing right now then 12

weeks in sintra calories burned per week 7200 calories that's almost two pounds

of fat and in an extended fat loss phase towards the end two pounds of fat is

huge so it's cardio worth it if you are going for an extended fat loss phase yes

very worth it I would definitely recommend that you do it now what if

you're just doing a short mini cut what depends how short that is I mean at the

most you know with the short mini cut doing the same amount of cardio

it's like 2,400 calories so you know maybe 3/4 of a pound half a pound it's

still you know gonna be pretty significant but it won't be as much as

if you were doing you know a long extended cut where those two pounds at

the very end really really matter so if you're at a higher body fat percentage

and you just want to do a mini cut do you have to do it and if not really

probably won't make a huge difference but it'll still do something now what if

you're bulking you know do I recommend that you do cardio in your bulking you

can I mean I would really recommend it just for your general overall health but

is it necessary no it's not necessary it's not necessary to do cardio when

you're it's not necessary to do it when you're

cutting is it gonna help I'd say so you know cardio has lots of benefits

just regarding cardiovascular health and it's also gonna help increase your work

capacity which is always really good so what type of cardio would I recommend

that you do I would recommend low intensity steady-state cardio if your

priority is weight training now if your goal is to get stronger and to build

muscle doing low intensity cardio is going to help you just recover better

and it's not gonna affect your training as much now if these aren't your main

goals you know maybe you're someone who enjoys doing a lot of running or like

bodyweight calisthenics circuit type training then probably hit training

would be really great for you because you can burn a lot of calories really

quickly and it's like pretty much all over any part of what you're already

doing in your training anyways that's our little cardio

discussion for the day if you guys have any other fitness or nutrition related

questions for me please just comment below send media on my Instagram

whenever you guys want and I will talk about those topics in future videos so

it's Tuesday night it's about 10:30 and I am just starving just gonna go to bed

probably in a little bit and then just wake up in the morning so struggle is

getting real getting hungry as the days go by but we're gonna stay strong and

I'll see you guys in the morning with my new weigh-in morning everyone

here is this morning's weigh-in so you can see a little bit of progress I feel

like we're coming in a pretty big drop in the next couple of days especially

towards the weekend but so you can see we're consistently a lot lower than the

world last week which is really great I was a little worried that we were

gonna be stuck at that plateau for a little bit I just want to talk about the

scale really quick with you guys I know that it's very exciting when you wake up

and you see a new low weight on the scale but you really can't let that

determine you know higher days gonna be I know a lot of people who wake up you

know they weigh themselves and if that number is not a kneel away and it's a

little bit higher than it was a couple of days ago it just ruins the whole day

I keep saying it you know my videos just trust the process be consistent and

you'll get to you need to be I think the usual

breakfast so just chopped up a little bit of onion using my frozen peas three

whole eggs living garlic salt and a little pepper all right guys so look at

what I have here this delicious chocolate chocolate-chip cookie and it's

one of those soft ones it's not for me I brought it from work

for my girlfriend for those of you guys who might or might not know people who

you meet in the field of nutrition and dietetics while you might expect them to

be some of the healthiest people in the world they are like complete foodies

like we just want to eat everything all the time and so that's pretty much who I

work with right now and as much as I would like to eat this cookie right now

I really want to save my calories for something that's actually gonna fill me

up so it's a very sad day it's actually really not that bad it's only 150

calories but I really want some rice like I really want a rice dish so I

really need some extra macros for the day so save me this for my girlfriend

and we'll see what I end up cooking up for dinner all right guys so this is

what I whipped up I know it looks so boring and Glen probably gross but got a

serving in a quarter of tofu some rice and added some soy sauce some pb2 powder

and some sriracha sauce I'm gonna be going over a little bit on my calories

today that's okay I did do some cardio today so I'll kind of make up for it so

I'm not too worried about going over on Collard right now because it is earlier

on and cut if anything these extra carbs are gonna help me for my deadlift

workout today but right now honestly the most important thing that I can do in

terms of helping my cut progress it's just getting sleep and getting rest so I

just took an hour nap feeling a little groggy grumpy right now but didn't eat

this and then we're gonna little bit early today because that really is the

best thing that we can do in order for this diet to be successful smacking me

my calorie intake it's gonna be sleep tonight so I finished my food and I'm

still really hungry and it's not like I'm just a little hungry I feel like I

am starving right now so I popped some popcorn gonna

have this popcorn is perfect when you're hungry just cuz it's such a high volume

so this will bowl right here as you can see here it's only 220 calories which

isn't bad at all so I'm gonna have this I don't know why I'm so hungry maybe

it's the cardio I did today kind of sucks is kind of defeat the purpose of

doing it but oh well I'll just try to get an extra session sometime this week

and then just really try to plan my meals accordingly in the next couple of

days maybe even tries to track some calories but I don't know we'll see some

really early on the cut so it doesn't really matter if I go off track a little

bit I'm still gonna be within like 20 300 calories which is kind of what I

wanted to shoot for in the first place Thursday morning you guys know when you

sleep more than you usually do and you still feel tired well that's one feeler

today but I know we're gonna be feeling really good later on in the day so

that's all that matters woke up a little bit late too so I got a

rush get ready for work and let's do it the way in this today it's about to head

to the gym my back has been really aching these past few days like my lats

and just throughout the day like just feels really really tight so we'll see

how the session goes honestly I'm I'm a little scared or intimidated to attempt

these Dedalus today so we're going with 380 pounds today only 5 pounds from last

time just because last time it was pretty

heavy I only got three on the MRAP today I don't know what's gonna happen I

feel like I'm gonna stall I'm even considering just you know trying to take

a little bit easy today and do some a little bit of a deal load so instead of

doing five sets of three I would only do three sets of three but I'm not sure yet

we'll see I think it'd be the smartest thing to do but I think it just really

depends on how we're feeling

so I just showed you guys my little back pump right there looking pretty good in

my opinion I can't wait to see my back looks like while I'm leaner but as you

guys saw in my workout footage today I switched over to sumo the reason for

this was I was pulling conventional and it was just feeling so heavy I started

to feel my background in a lot of the sets and I just I couldn't keep that

straight neutral back and so I said you know what let's just try sumo see how it

feels I tried it on my third set and it felt amazing like I did not pretty much

didn't through my backward thing at all I felt it all in my legs which is

awesome I mean that's pretty much what you want and then you know I went back

to conventional so what I did three sets of conventional and then two sets of

sumo so I didn't sumo for my third set I went back to conventional for that

fourth set still wasn't feeling it so I decided to give sumo try on the amrap

and it felt so easy so you guys saw there I stopped that eight reps I

could've kept going but I just didn't want to push it you know I always want

to leave at least two in the tank but I honestly think I had like four or five

left right there that's how good sumo is feeling I honestly I think I'm just

gonna stick to sumo for the next couple of weeks that way we can just keep

progressing originally I was thinking I'll stick to conventional and maybe

we'll transition to rock pools and then just slowly elevate them and keep adding

adding weight but I think if I could pull off the ground and just go as sumo

I'd be the better option like sumo felt so good today I'm calling it right now

like at the end of this cut a month or two at the most

afterwards I'm gonna pull 500 so 500 coming I can feel it and I am just so

excited so that's going to include this vlog thank you guys so much for watching

you guys can expect my next video to be up on Saturday it's gonna be a physique

update so two weeks in we'll see where so stay tuned and I'll see you guys on



For more infomation >> Is Cardio Worth it - Summer Shredding Episode 7 - Duration: 11:56.


Bentonite Miracle Facial Clay Mask with Vitamin C and Glutathione (With English Subtitle) - Duration: 14:35.

hello my loves welcome back to my channel Anne here and if you are a new

viewer on my channel, hello girl and welcome to my channel. I hope that you

will consider subscribing to my channel because I do upload video videos every

single week. So for today guys I am back with another

product review for you guys and for today we are going to review a new

skincare product that I've been trying out and the product that I'm talking about

is the bentonite miracle facial clay mask with vitamin C and glutathione.

(That's what it looks like) So I've been using this for a couple of weeks already and I think that

I am ready to share my thoughts about this product with you guys if you guys

If you wanted to know my thoughts on this product, then just keep on watching

Okay so what is bentonite clay? Bentonite clay has been used for a couple of

centuries or generations it's a very popular healing clay that also helps

cleanses the body so if ever you guys are wondering (where does bentonite clay came from,)

it's from volcanic ash and it's composed of minerals so that is

according to the research that I did prior to buying this product out and

I've also found out that bentonite clay, in general, has a lot of benefits by using

it so the benefits of using bentonite clay is first,

It unclogs the pores and it shrinks it down or helps in shrinking your large pores down

It helps control overproduction of sebum or oiliness

on your skin. It draws out toxins from your skin which is really good.

Forth, benefit is it also helps in making skin softer. Next is it gives you a

definite glow on your face it also helps exfoliate your skin (because)

(it has sand or beads in it)

Gently scrub it on your skin to remove the dead skin cells on your face.

It also helps prevent the appearance of breakouts on your skin, which is really good because

as I've said, I have very oily skin and I am prone to breakouts most especially

(when our pores gets clogged which causes breakouts)

It can also be used to regenerate your skin tissues

so (if your skin has damage, it can help repair it) and what's great about bentonite

clay, in general, is it can be used by people with different skin types

so this is what we are going to need. bentonite miracle facial clay

mask, a non-metallic bowl and spoon to mix it or even spatula, and your

mixing medium you which can be a water or an apple cider vinegar

you can use water (if you have sensitive skin type) and for oilier skin type you

can use the apple cider vinegar but I personally prefer to use water because

(I can't stand the smell of the apple cider vinegar) so that is what we are going to use as our

mixing medium for today. Okay so what usually do is to get a tsp. of the bentonite clay mask

By the way, this is what the product looks like. It's just a powder.

(And as you guys can see, I've already used a lot of the product because I really love it.)

(When I bought this product it's full and now, I'm almost out of it since I use it more often.)

I'm going to show you guys how I mix it. (I'll get a tbsp of the bentonite powder and put it on the non-metallic container

And this is already good for the entire face. (I'm just going to put it inside

the bowl then I'll add the water.

you just have to estimate the amount of water that you'll mix with the powder. Just add a little bit of water first.

Then if it's not enough, then add some more.

If you put a lot of water, add more until you achieve a creamy or paste consistency.

Just mix it until it has a smooth consistency.

That's what it will look like.

Then you can use your fingers in applying it or a synthetic brush.

I just let you guys see what my skin looks like before we apply the mask on my face.

As you guys can see, I do have a lot of skin imperfections

Let's apply the mask on my face. (What I do is I just apply it all over my face using a brush)

But make sure that your face is already clean. Wash your face first before applying it.

And you have to let it set on your skin for

15-20 minutes.

When your using water as your mixing medium,

it doesn't have strong smell.

but when I use the apple cider vinegar (it really has a strong scent.)

I also break out on the jaw area, I also apply the mask there.

First, I make sure that I apply this product all over my face.

And if I mixed more of the product than what I needed, I just layer it up on my face.

As you guys can see, there's some left over so I'll just apply it on my face.

Even though we only mixed a little amount of the product earlier, we still have leftovers.

So I'm just going to apply it on the areas that has thinner layer.

And (I don't feel any strange feeling when I'm applying this product on my face.)

And my face didn't have redness when I first apply it on my face.

I also have sensitive skin because I have skin asthma,

but this product didn't cause any allergic reaction on my skin

Which is really good because I am also careful with the products that I apply on my skin.

because sometimes it cause rashes to appear on my skin and it reacts on my skin

But with this product, that didn't happen. So I've used up all the products that we mixed earlier. And I am just going to wait

for 20 minutes for it to dry up and it's already 6

o'clock in the morning so at 6:20 I'll be back to show you what it looks like once it's completely set

Okay guys, so it's already 6:22.I totally forgot about the time

because I am starting to clean the house already

and I forgot that I have the mask on my face. (joke)

So this is what it looks like when it completely set on your face. I can feel that it's already tightened

but I can still move my face as you guys can see

I'll just rinse this one off with water and let me see what it looks like after

you apply the product on your face. Okay, so I already rinse off the mask on my face

and this is what it looks like

so for my final thoughts about this product if ever you guys are wondering if

I am going recommend it or not definitely I would recommend it because

as I've said I've been using this product for almost a month already and

I've seen a lot of difference on my skin it helps minimize the appearance of my

pores. It makes my skin feels smoother and softer

it also helps lighten my skin on my face because, you guys have seen my

videos before and I do have an even skin tone. My face is much darker than

the rest of my body and I was looking for a product that would help in lightening

it up maybe (just to even it out with the rest of my body)

I think that this part of is really helping in doing that. Compared to Aztec

this one has vitamin C and with glutathione and I think that that is one of

the thing that makes the two products different from each other. Because I think Aztec

it's it's just made of pure bentonite clay but with this one it has vitamin

C and glutathione in its ingredients and its also going

to help in lightning or brightening of your skin on your face it also does help

in controlling the oiliness of my skin I noticed that after couple of weeks of

using this one, my skin produces lesser oil

And I can already use products like foundation that I didn't like before

because it makes my skin very oily. Dermacol and that is what I am using

on my face right now I've been wearing this foundation for (maybe more or less than) three

hours already and my skin is still looking okay it's not very oily yet compared to when I am

not using this product on my skin so I think that it really helps in controlling the

oiliness of my skin and it also helps in preventing breakouts on my skin

as you guys can see you my face looks clearer now compared to

when I was not using this product so I highly recommend for you guys to try

this without because it's really really helping me out in clearing out my skin, in

making it softer, in shrinking my pores,in brightening my skin and this is not

something that I just made up I have been using this for a couple of weeks

already and it does wonders on my skin already

how much more if I continuously use this product maybe my skin will be clear and

all and I will definitely give you guys my update on that so yeah that is it for

my review on the bentonite miracle facial clay mask with Vitamin C and

glutathione I hope that you guys find this review helpful and if you did don't

forget to give this review a thumbs up HUGE thumbs up you guys and please

don't forget to subscribe on my channel if you guys haven't already and if you

guys are already subscribed and you guys wanted to be notified every single time

that I upload my videos, please click the bell below

so that you'll be notified whenever I've uploaded new videos

because I upload my videos later than my schedule because I am super busy

with my clients especially that's graduation season here in the Philippines. I will be late in

uploading my videos but I will do my best to you know pre-record videos for

you guys for me to not miss out my uploading schedule

yeah that is it for today guys thank you so much very watching you guys know that I

love you so much don't forget what I always say to you

guys don't let your dreams just be dreams make your dreams possible and I will

see you guys on my next video! Bye guys! Mwahh

For more infomation >> Bentonite Miracle Facial Clay Mask with Vitamin C and Glutathione (With English Subtitle) - Duration: 14:35.


Aim For A Life That Is Full of Purpose - Islamic Perspective by Hasnain Rajabali - Duration: 3:05.

The first level is to ask Who am I? Why am I here

What's my goal in life? You know how many people don't bother to discuss that. You

see them doing the dumbest things, using the foulest language. You find

them running for the most mundane material things in life. You're looking

at them, like are you serious? you really yeah my dream is to have that, and I'll

kill to have it. I said that's your dream? That's what you've concluded

your purpose in this short world? That you're living in this short life?

You know how short this life is? If you're 90 years of age

which is a long period.

90 Years old person. 30 of the 90 Years the person was sleeping. You are left with 60

30 of those 60 you were busy working, you left with 30 years if you and I live to

be 90 most people don't live to be 90 the average lifespan is 70 so bring it

down to 20 years. You mean I pursued all these dreams for

20 years and if I ask you for that 20 years give me a videotape of what is

your most profound moments in life, maybe a hundred hours, 200 hours you mean this

world was only worth 200 hours for me? Allah says YEAH.

بَلْ تُؤْثِرُونَ الْحَيَاةَ الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَىٰ

You love this world the Hereafter is what's forever. You are

fooling yourselves into thinking something's important, but when a person

need to sit and say yes why am I here? You know I speak in

universities, I get non-muslim audiences, after my lectures you see youth

come to me and say wow never thought this way!

you're right! I said look I'm not here to proselytize you. I'm not here to make you

Muslim I'm here to wake you up you choose your own way. You're smart enough

you are sharp enough. you know! you've been planted with some

of the greatest gifts you can ever imagine and I'm here to strike them and

you strike me too. Let's wake each other up there's a purpose in this life. The

guy says to me you're right. I said take account يَتْلُو عَلَيْهِمْ آيَاتِهِ Look in the

skies? Why is all this happening? What is all the signs why do people behave the

way they do. Observations! Basic observation will lead us to so much

understanding. That's why the Prophet says man arafa nafsa faqad arafa

rabbah. The one who knows himself will know his lord indeed that's first

For more infomation >> Aim For A Life That Is Full of Purpose - Islamic Perspective by Hasnain Rajabali - Duration: 3:05.


Steamed Hams but it is a Fantastic Let's Play - Duration: 3:45.
















































For more infomation >> Steamed Hams but it is a Fantastic Let's Play - Duration: 3:45.


NEW PROOF That Jeff Sessions Is Working With Deep State – He Must be Fired! - Duration: 10:09.

NEW PROOF That Jeff Sessions Is Working With Deep State – He Must be Fired!

For quite a long time it's been certain that AG Sessions is an aggregate disappointment.

He recused himself and after that contracted hooligan Rod Rosenstein as Asst AG who at

that point made the screwy Mueller examination.

On the off chance that this republic is to proceed with, Sessions must go!

The US can't have various layers of laws.

It's difficult to have a few people who don't need to submit to an indistinguishable

laws from whatever is left of the populace.

We likewise can't remain for the degenerate FBI, DOJ and State Departments (among others)

that can spy, lie and ambush Americans for defective wrongdoings.

Obama's Administration was degenerate and deceptive at all levels as it's nothing

unexpected that the whole central government is degenerate.

These individuals must be cleared out.

It's begins with AG Sessions!

AG Sessions lauded Asst AG Rosenstein that day Rosenstein was distinguished in the FISA

notice as one of the people who approved the derogatory FISA update to keep an eye on President


Mueller's examination is loaded with previous Clinton and Obama degenerate comrades.

The FBI and DOJ proceed to defer and keep Congress from seeing data asked for month.

A great part of the data is pointlessly redacted from the people (Congress) who has the order

to administer these same foundations.

Numerous Congressman are calling for Jeff Sessions to leave or be substituted and have

for quite a long time

For more infomation >> NEW PROOF That Jeff Sessions Is Working With Deep State – He Must be Fired! - Duration: 10:09.


Is Trump's Impeachment On The Horizon Or Is It A Fantasy? - Duration: 2:54.

Our final question today comes from @Serocco3 who asks, "Are we sure Congress will impeach


Republicans will never meaningfully oppose him and Democrats keep offering concession

after concession like they always do with every Republican President."

No, I do not and have not ever believed that Congress will eventually 100% impeach Donald


Republicans won't do it.

It doesn't matter what the Mueller investigation concludes.

They could conclude that Donald Trump personally, single handedly was behind the entire Cold


They could prove that somehow he built the atomic bombs and made the decision to drop

them on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and they still wouldn't do it.

I know those aren't possible things.

I'm just giving those as examples of how spineless the Republicans in Congress are.

It doesn't matter what they find from this investigation.

Republicans will never act on it.

As for the Democrats though, I do think that if there's a blue wave in November, in the

midterms, and if the investigation shows criminal wrongdoing by the President, and Democrats

take over with that information, I think they would pursue it.

I really do.

Now, maybe I have too much faith in them.

Maybe I have a little too much hope.

I've been told that about my feelings towards the Democratic Party, but I do think they

could do it.

I do think they would do it, but if they don't take back the House, there is absolutely no

way Donald Trump's not finishing at least his first four year term.

If they don't take back the House, it proves that they don't know how to beat a guy like

Trump and the Republicans who are sucking up to him, which means that they could very

likely lose the 2020 Presidential Elections as well.

Every election has lasting consequences.

I predicted right after the midterms in 2014 that the Democrats would lose in 2016 if they

didn't change.

They didn't change and they lost.

I wasn't one of the only people who were saying that.

That was a very common theme among Progressives.

We saw what happened.

We saw what the Democrats did.

We saw they didn't learn anything from it, and so they lost again.

This year's midterms are no different.

If Democrats lose, it's not just losing the ability to impeach Trump, it's about the possibility

of having to suffer through another Donald Trump term if he gets reelected in 2020.

It's up to Democrats.

We can't force them to learn.

They got to do it on their own.

For more infomation >> Is Trump's Impeachment On The Horizon Or Is It A Fantasy? - Duration: 2:54.


Trump Is Just A Symptom Of America's Decline, Not The Cause - Duration: 5:14.

Our next question comes from Phillip Schaps, who says, "Isn't it time to accept that with

Trump in the White House and the corporate democrats scheming to screw over strong progressive

candidates, that America is in the terminal stage of its nearly 40 year decline (which

was of course started by Reagan's election)?"

I think so.

I think we've seen quite a sea change in Washington DC, really just in the last few years.

It's been remarkable.

I started doing this.

I first came into politics as a profession when I just turned 21 years old, still in

college, started off as a researcher.

Back then some of the things we covered were unheard of at the time.

The kind of pay to play type stuff.

And yes, it had been going on for a while, but nobody ever focused attention on it.

And that's what we started doing with Ring of Fire when we were a part of Air America,

and all the other shows on there were doing the same thing.

We finally started shining the light on this, of what is been happening to politics.

It was bad under Bush.

It got worse when Sarah Palin, and Michele Bachmann, Joni Ernst.

People like that started coming to the forefront.

Jim Inhofe, one of the worst senators ever.

But then it kept getting worse, and at the same time that the Republican Party started

getting worse, the Democratic Party started getting worse, and again it typically does

go back to Citizens United.

Before the Citizens United ruling was handed down by the supreme court, the two top donors

to the Democratic Party were trial lawyers and labor unions, two groups that work for

the benefit of the American public against greedy corporations.

As soon as Citizens United happened, Wall Street banks and securities firms took over

as the top donor to the Democratic Party.

It was at that point ... You can go back and look through the legislation at what happened

at the beginning of 2010.

It was at that point that the democrats, to an extent, became indistinguishable from the

Republican Party on certain issues.

That's why people like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, and Keith Ellison are household

names at this point because they're the few speaking out against what's happened to the

Democratic Party.

We're still in that decline, and there's not enough Sanders, and Warrens, and Ellisons,

and even those three are not perfect on every issue; nobody is, and that's the problem.

Take a guy like Sheldon Whitehouse.

Probably the best democratic senator, best senator on the issue of climate change.

He's also been not so great on a ton of other issues, so we don't really have anybody to

100% rally behind that represents us.

We used to.

Back in the day, there were plenty of them.

There were plenty of democrats who were willing to stand up to the banks, to stand up for

the climate, to stand up against the fossil fuel industry.

But today, you have to pick and choose.

With republicans, it's even worse, obviously, because they just want to do whatever they

can for corporations.

And yeah, you're right, Phillip.

This goes back to Reagan.

The de-regulation of the Reagan era, the attacks on labor unions, the attacks on the so-called

welfare queens that sparked a whole generation of people hating poor people, that's when

it started here in the United States.

Because of those attacks and the lasting damage that, that has had, politics has gone to an

area that it's unlikely we can pull all the way back from.

It's going to be difficult, if not impossible, to ever convince the republicans that are

alive today that people on welfare aren't 'living it up' on the government's dime.

Or that people who get unemployment payments, unemployment checks, that they're just lazy.

They'll never not believe that.

Reagan drilled that into their head.

Bush drilled that into their head.

Bush junior drilled it into their head.

And now Fox News, Donald Trump, Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, all day every day are feeding

them that false information that has zero data to back it up.

And the problem is that there aren't enough good democrats out there explaining why this

is a lie, explaining why these programs are vital for the survival of the United States.

Instead, they just want to talk about how bad Trump is or how bad republicans are, without

offering a very clear alternative.

So you're right.

This is part of the decline, and unfortunately because it's gone on for so long, I don't

know that it's possible to ever completely pull back to what we used

to be.

For more infomation >> Trump Is Just A Symptom Of America's Decline, Not The Cause - Duration: 5:14.


Is the 2018 iPad Worth It? - Duration: 6:15.

- Hey guys this is Austin.

This is the 2018 iPad,

and at $330, it seems like the one to get.

However, there's always the question,

is it worth it?

Take a look at the box, and it looks like,

well, every other iPad ever.

Flip it over, though, and what you're going to see

is it is called the 6th Generation iPad.

Because, you know, iPad 6 doesn't have the right ring to it?

Really what this is, is this is the lower end iPad

that slots not only below to iPad Mini,

which for some reason is still around,

but also the iPad Pro.

So, Apple actually announced this

at their education event just a couple days ago,

and the main idea with this

is that the iPad, at least on the lower end,

is trying to be a Chromebook competitor.

Now, for schools I get why Chromebooks are so popular,

and there are some advantages to the iPad,

especially the Pencil support

which we'll get into in a few minutes.

However, whether this is actually a good idea

is a little bit more questionable.

Open it up, and we see

it looks exactly like every other iPad ever.

So, if this looks a little bit familiar to you,

that's because they actually really haven't changed

the design on this guy for quite a while.

So, previously they did have a lower end $330 iPad,

and as far as I can tell,

hardware-wise, it is completely identical.

Inside, we're going to be getting our paperwork,

which I'm sure is gonna include stuff

like Apple stickers and other things

that you're never gonna wanna actually use.

We do have the USB to lightning cable

as well as the power adapter.

Which, this guy is going to be 12 Watts,

which is actually still a little bit slow

for something like an iPad.

It's actually going to take a while to charge,

but, I mean.

Sorry, you bought a $300 iPad. (laughs)

I just imagine Tim Cook in his office, like,

"Yeah, sorry.

"If you want it to actually charge in less than three hours,

"you're just gonna have to, you know,

"buy an iPad Pro and a lightning to USB-C cable,

"and MacBook charger,

"because money." (register bell rings)

So, for some context, this is the 2017 iPad,

which is exactly what this is going to be replacing.

Now, this is actually something that we use

pretty much everyday around the office.

So, while we're shooting,

we'll usually put like notes up on this,

or use it to look up specs and that kind of stuff.

If I put this side-by-side with the 2018 iPad,

you're going to see that they look completely identical,

besides, well, the different colors.

One of my main complaints against the 2017 iPad

is that there's actually

a kind of fairly large air gap with the display.

So, it is still going to be 9.7 inch retina display.

It looks fine when you look at it directly head-on.

However, unlike the higher end iPad Pros

which have a laminated display,

which makes it look like it's printed

just right on the glass,

take a look at this at any kind of angle,

and you're going to see that the screen

looks like it's sunken in.

Now, unfortunately, if you take a look at the 2018 iPad,

it has the exact same screen.

Fine when you look at it dead-on,

but if you look at it from the side,

it definitely looks like there's a huge air gap.

One of the big upgrades with the new iPad

is going to be on the inside.

So, whereas the last generation model

used the Apple A9 processor from the iPhone 6S,

this bumps up to the Apple A10 from the iPhone 7.

Still not going to be super cutting edge,

but it's fast on the iPhone 7,

and it's fast here on the iPad.

Take a look at at the Geekbench results,

and it's pretty much identical to the iPhone,

which is, well, a solid thing.

I mean, this is a $300 iPad.

One thing you should keep in mind, though,

is that this still only has two gigs of RAM.

Now, for normal apps that's going to be no problem.

And it does support a lot

of the same multitasking features as the bigger iPads.

However, you cannot actually get three apps up

at the same time like on an iPad Pro.

And of course, to show off the power of the iPad,

we have Fortnite.

So, this runs really well on a wide range of hardware.

And the idea that we do have that Apple A10 processor

actually does make a pretty big difference.

You're not running it quite on the same level

as something like the iPhone X,

but it still looks really nice.

For a lot of apps, you're actually not going to notice

a huge difference with the Apple A10.

It's going to be snappier, for sure,

but it's not like a revolutionary difference.

But, considering that this is going to be a $300 iPad,

every little bit of extra performance

is going to be helpful.

And of course, one of the biggest things to consider

is how long this is going to be having updates,

how long it's actually going to be supported by apps,

and having that newer processor does make a difference,

especially when you're using this

three, four, five years from now.

It's so weird playing this on an iPad.

I mean, it totally works,

but, oh man.

I think with this bigger screen,

I really wish I did have a controller.

Hopefully they actually add

that controller support at some point.

- [Austin Recording] Take one look at Twitch,

and you'll see hundreds of thousands of people wa--

- So, the screen is decent like I was saying earlier.

It doesn't quite match the iPad Pro,

but I mean, come on.

For $300 bucks, I don't think you're really

going to be complaining.

Now, some other areas that it doesn't match the iPad Pro in,

is with audio quality.

So, you do have stereo speakers,

but they're both on the bottom,

so they sound decent, but,

I mean, you can cover them both with one hand.

But it's going to be totally fine

for casual video watching.

Another new feature of the iPad

is going to be Apple Pencil support,

which weirdly, up until now,

has been held back to the iPad Pro.

Now, it works exactly as you'd expect,

so you can use it to navigate the interface,

or you can actually use it to do drawing and typing,

if I can actually hit the correct thing.

So, I want to just write out a simple note here.

It actually is gonna look pretty decent.

So, the only thing this is missing

is the ProMotion display from the iPad Pro.

So, that actually does help cut down latency

by running the screen at 120 Hertz

as opposed to 60.

But for most people, I think this is gonna totally fine

for writing notes and that kind of thing.

Now, alongside the new iPad

were a couple of other accessories,

but they're mostly aimed at the education market,

which I think is kind of the main market

that Apple is sort of aiming for with the iPad.

So, so many schools right now are using Chromebooks.

And I think for most schools,

the Chromebooks make more sense.

I mean, it's a proper laptop.

You have a keyboard.

Whereas with this guy,

you know, if you unplug your (clears throat) Apple Pencil,

what you're gonna find is no smart connector.

So, you can't even use the same keyboards as the iPad Pro.

You're going to have to rely on something

that's either going to be using Bluetooth,

or you're actually gonna have to use something

over lightning, which is just not an elegant solution.

Sure, you can get some typing done

on the actual touchscreen,

but I think for most kids,

you're gonna want an actual keyboard.

Now, software-wise, of course we are running iOS 11.

Now, there are pros and cons here.

I actually do think iOS 11

was a pretty major update to the iPad.

So, you get some things like you actually the dock.

You have the multitasking, which all works well here.

But again, it's fine as an iPad.

As something that's going to replace a computer?

For some people, it's fine,

but for a lot of people, it's not quite there yet.

I actually think the 2018 iPad is worth it.

Now, sure, you can get extra features

and bigger screen sizes with the iPad Pro,

but at around twice the price on some of the SKUs,

I really don't think it's gonna be worth it

for most people.

This is gonna do pretty much everything you need,

even though it might not be

the most exciting update in the world.

Now, of course, the real question

is whether you need an iPad in the first place, though.

And that one's kind of on you.

But I'm curious.

What do you think about the 2018 iPad?

Let me know in the comments below,

and I will catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Is the 2018 iPad Worth It? - Duration: 6:15.


This Is the End of the Silicon Chip, Here's What's Next - Duration: 4:06.

Electronics keep getting smaller, and it's all thanks to electric switches called transistors.

When these little fellas replaced vacuum tubes, computers went from the size of entire rooms

to merely the corner of a room.

In the 60-odd years since, transistors have kept shrinking, scaling down and powering

up our electronics with them.

But many think we are hitting a choke point… what if we can't make anything smaller?!

Transistors have 3 terminals, a source, a drain, and a gate.

Current flows from the source and, if the gate allows the electrons to pass, out the


You know how computer code is ones and zeros at its most fundamental level?

Well, this is where that physically happens.

Current flowing through an open gate represents a one, a closed gate and no current represents

a zero.

Pack thousands of these transistors together and they can do calculations and act as a

computer's brain.

Early computers had thousands of transistors, but one way to build a better brain is to

squeeze more transistors onto a chip, and today's chips could have billions.

That means scaling all the parts of a transistor down.

Not only do smaller transistors allow for a higher density, but it also means they can

switch from on to off faster, so small is good!

Right now, commercially available chips typically have transistors with gates about 14 to 20

nm across, depending on the chip.

The problem is, as gates get thinner, quantum mechanics (the physics that govern tiny parts

of atoms) start to come into play.

For example, if the gates are too thin then they won't be able to stop electrons because

the electrons will tunnel through.

Not in a literal sense, they don't bore through the gate like an escaped convict.

They tunnel in the quirky quantum sense, where essentially electrons disappear on one side

of the gate and reappear on the other.

Eat your heart out, Andy Dufresne.

If the gate is supposed to be closed to current - meaning a zero - and it ain't, that's

a big problem.

Researchers predict that the lower limit for silicon gate is 5 nm, and by 2021 it won't

be economically efficient to keep shrinking transistors.

So, where do we go when the laws of physics stop the march of technological progress?

Well, the good news is, there are other ways of improving performance.

Machine learning could help develop more efficient algorithms to use with current transistors.

Or, we could switch to light based computers with optical gates.

That, could actually boost performance 20 fold, though the hardware is a bit larger.

Or, we could stop using silicon.

Researchers have managed to make a transistor out of molybdenum disulfide with a carbon

nanotube gate thats just one nanometer across.

It gets around electron tunneling because electrons don't flow as fast through the

molybdenum disulfide as they do through silicon.

But, mass production would probably be expensive, it was hard enough to make the proof of concept.

The point is, progress can happen even if we can't shrink.

Keep in mind when transistors were first used in a computer they were 20 times more expensive

than vacuum tubes.

Even though transistors were much costlier, computer scientists knew they had more of

an upside in the long run, and look where that led us!

...Watching cat videos on your phone while you avoid eye contact on your commute to work.

Thanks nerds!

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For more about the problems with ever shrinking computers, watch this video on the end of

Moore's law and the whole new chip design they're proposing.

Fun Fact: The first point-contact transistor was invented in 1947, and it was made from

strips of gold foil, a plastic triangle, then pushed down on a germanium crystal.

Boy have we come a long way.

Thanks for watching

For more infomation >> This Is the End of the Silicon Chip, Here's What's Next - Duration: 4:06.


Is it time for Hillary to withdraw from the public eye? - Duration: 11:12.

For more infomation >> Is it time for Hillary to withdraw from the public eye? - Duration: 11:12.


Republicans Are Afraid Of Children, And It Isn't Just About Gun Control - Duration: 4:30.

One thing that I've found interesting over the last few weeks is the fact that Republicans

always like to talk about Liberals being these little triggered snowflakes who can't handle

any kind of opposition, they just fall apart at the sight of anybody arguing with them,

and all this other nonsense that has no basis in reality.

Republicans like to talk tough, act like they're the toughest people on the block, but in the

last few weeks, they've shown that they are afraid of children.

And to be honest, they should be.

The students that have organized and started a massive nationwide movement with other students

who've been in the same position as they were in are terrifying Republicans across the country.

People like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, once thought to be pretty safe and secure Republicans

in their home states, are now terrified about losing their next elections because of these


They're spending time on Twitter, especially Rubio, attacking them.

The NRA is having to come out and release attack ads against these kids.

Steve King from Iowa is attacking high school students.

There is a pattern here, and it shows that these crusty, old white Republicans are terrified

of children.

And if you think it's only about the gun control issue, you're sadly mistaken.

That may have been what united these kids and what got them started but that is not

the only issue that they are concerned about that scares Republicans.

For the last several years, we have had young adults in this country, age 17 and below,

some as young as 11 and 10 years old, suing states, oil companies, and even the Federal

Government over their inaction on climate change.

Those lawsuits, every time they go in front of a judge, the judges have ruled that those

lawsuits can go forward, so those lawsuits are still happening.

Children have taken action on the issue of climate change to sue the Federal Government

for screwing them out of a future.

That's exactly what the students from Parkland and many of these other schools that have

witnessed these horrific shootings are doing on the issue of gun control.

They're being robbed of their future, and they want to hold these politicians accountable

for letting this happen.

They want universal healthcare.

They want debt-free college.

They don't care about immigration as much.

They don't think that that's a big problem that needs to see hundreds of thousands of

people deported, they support them coming in.

They support same sex marriage, even the more conservative of that younger generation, by

a large margin.

They support higher taxes on corporations.

Essentially, even the young Americans, and that includes the millennials who are in college

or who are working jobs out of college, they actually have more liberal beliefs than their

conservative, elderly counterparts.

The face of the Republican Party will be changing in just a few years.

The makeup of the Federal Government will be changing in just a few years, and it is

because of this upcoming generation that is getting active and, to be honest, getting

pissed off.

That is exactly what some of us have been waiting to see for years, people getting pissed

off and using that anger and converting it into activism.

We have needed that for some time in this country and it terrifies Republicans any time

it happens because they understand what it means.

It's not just about the issue of gun control, it's not just about climate change, it is

about every single thing that these people have built their careers on that is about

to come crashing down because of the harm that it has caused on the younger generations.

They know that their time is up, and that is why these attacks coming from Republicans

on children are only going to ramp up until their voices are finally voted out of office.

For more infomation >> Republicans Are Afraid Of Children, And It Isn't Just About Gun Control - Duration: 4:30.


Baby Is Born At 23 Weeks, But 3 Months Later Mom's Back In Delivery Room Pushing Her Out Again - Duration: 3:18.

Baby Is Born At 23 Weeks, But 3 Months Later Mom's Back In Delivery Room Pushing Her Out

Again When you're at the hospital, you're either

going to be delivered good news or bad news.

For pregnant Margaret Boemer, not only was it bad news, but it came as a double whammy!

The results of a routine ultrasound would not only affect her, but her unborn child's

life as well.

The frightening scan revealed a massive growing tumor at the base of the baby's spine.

It was so big, it looked like the fetus had a second head!

Doctors saw the sonogram and knew they needed to act fast.

At this point, there was only one option left to save the little girl's life - fetal surgery.

It was risky, but doctors warned her parents it needed to be done.

A team of experts at Texas Children's hospital in Houston operated on the baby through an

incision in the uterus.

Only in this case, a very large cut had to be made to accommodate the tumor's gigantic


The "unborn" baby was essentially hanging outside of mom's body for a full 20 minutes,

which meant that this was actually Lynlee's "first" birthday!After the life-saving 5-hour

operation, little Lynlee was lovingly tucked back inside the womb, where she'd have another

3 months to continue growing before it was time for her second birthday.

The baby who was born twice is now 17-months-old, and this rambunctious toddler is pretty much

the only person in the world who gets to celebrate a birthday twice every year.

Wow, I didn't even know

this was possible!

For more infomation >> Baby Is Born At 23 Weeks, But 3 Months Later Mom's Back In Delivery Room Pushing Her Out Again - Duration: 3:18.


If Jason Chaffetz is Right, Jeff Sessions Will be Terminated ASAP - Duration: 14:50.

If Jason Chaffetz is Right, Jeff Sessions Will be Terminated ASAP

This past Saturday night brought a hurricane of new data about Attorney General Jeff Sessions,

and if this data stands to be valid, he ought to be booted from his position instantly.

Jason Chaffetz showed up on Judge Jeanine Pirro's show, and he had a considerable

measure to say in regards to the lawyer general.

Their discussion went as takes after:

Judge Janine:"I need to know a certain something and I need to know this for my group of onlookers

– for the Jeanine gathering of people – I'll call them the Jeanine crowd, alright?

I'm a prosecutor.

I was a judge.

I did this for a long time.

I know how to assemble a case and all that stuff.

Barack Obama and his organization did things that on the off chance that we did we'd

all be in prison at this moment.

Presently the Republicans are in power and I am not recommending that the Party has anything

to do with it, yet when we see glaring check of equity like we have found in the Obama

Administration – illustration, when you have Eric Holder submitting prevarication

and being held in disdain.

You were Head of Government Oversight and Reform, adjust?

You all held him in disdain, yes or no?"


"Truly, Yes."

Judge Janine:

"Alright, why is he not being accused of a wrongdoing?"


"I can reveal to you that while I was in Congress and the Chairman of the Oversight

Committee, I went over and visit with Attorney General Sessions and it was a standout amongst

the most disappointing dialogs I had in light of the fact that whether it was the IRS, Fast

and Furious, the email outrage that we experienced, I didn't see the Attorney General willing

to simply give Lady Justice a chance to oversee equity and afterward complete.

I saw possibly the most recent a half year of the Obama Administration…


Judge Janine:"Hold up a moment I don't have that much time.

You talked with Sessions on IRS, Fast and Furious.

Did he give you a reason?

Did he say he was introducing anything to a great jury?

Indeed or no?"

Chaffetz:"No, he essentially let me know he wouldn't seek after anything on the significant


Judge Janine:"So IRS, on the significant cases?

Are we discussing Hillary Clinton, since I haven't gotten to her yet."

Chaffetz:"Truly, the email embarrassment of Hillary Clinton.

We had Bryan Pagliano.

I issued a subpoena for him to show up before the Committee and he said "No".

He didn't appear.

We issued another subpoena.

The US Marshals served it.

Also, you know in my reality, in case you're in court, I promise you that a subpoena isn't

a discretionary action.

We needed the Attorney General to indict him and he said 'No.'"

On the off chance that what Chaffetz says stands to be valid, Jeff Sessions ought to

be expelled from his position IMMEDIATELY.

This would imply that he is endeavoring to square President Trump from expelling the



of Washington.

For more infomation >> If Jason Chaffetz is Right, Jeff Sessions Will be Terminated ASAP - Duration: 14:50.


Robert Mueller Was Hiding An Explosive Secret That Could Change Everything - Duration: 12:33.

Robert Mueller Was Hiding An Explosive Secret That Could Change Everything

Robert Mueller rocked Washington when he dropped a 37-page indictment against 13 Russian nationals

for alleged election interference.

The media treated it as the smoking gun that could finish Trump for good.

But Mueller was hiding an explosive secret that just changed everything.

Upon closer examination, the indictment was not much of a bombshell.

It flatly stated no Americans were knowingly involved in any illegal activities.

And it threw a wet blanket on the whole collusion conspiracy.

Journalist Paul Sperry also noted other interesting facts.

The indictment did not mention the Russian government or any intelligence operation they

may have conducted.

These 13 nationals were not identified as spies or agents of the Kremlin.

The indictment also made zero references to hacked emails.

Mueller will also never have to prove his charges in court.

The Russian nationals – and the companies they worked for – will never stand trial

because they are not in the United States.

So no evidence to back up any claims Mueller made will ever be evaluated by a jury.

Mueller's indictment was for show.

It was his attempt to breathe life into his witch hunt to take down the President and


the will


the voters.

For more infomation >> Robert Mueller Was Hiding An Explosive Secret That Could Change Everything - Duration: 12:33.


What is the White House Easter Egg Roll 2018 and when is it? All you need to know - Duration: 4:07.

The annual White House Easter Egg Roll is just about here and this year's will feature

something a little different.

In addition to the commemorative Easter eggs that will be available for purchase, there

will be eggs on display made by children across the United States.

There are a few, in particular, that people are buzzing about.

According to KRQE, students at the Arts Academy at Bella Vista in Clovis, New Mexico, put

together a design that will be shown at the 2018 White House Easter Egg Roll.

The design features mountains, hot air balloons, White Sands and a Zia symbol - featured on

the flag of New Mexico.

Another design, this one chosen by the Nebraska Department of Education, was created by students

at Dorchester public schools.

The design features Nebraska's state emblems.

What is the White House Easter Egg Roll?.

According to the White House website, the White House Easter Egg Roll is an American

tradition that dates back to 1878, or earlier.

It's traditionally planned by the First Lady, allowing her to incorporate her taste.

First Lady Melania Trump is responsible for the egg rolling races people have come to

expect at the White House Easter Egg Roll.

The event features games, an appearance from the President, First Lady and other members

of the family, an Easter bunny sighting and more.

It's customary to receive a wooden Easter egg upon leaving the event.

It's been done since 1981 and has become something people look forward to.

This year's White House Easter Egg Roll is the 140th.

White House Easter Egg Roll history.

While some believe it was started by President Rutherford B. Hayes, others say it began as

an informal celebration hosted by Abraham Lincoln.

Egg rolling on the United States Capitol's grounds became so popular in the 1870s that

while he was president, Ulysses S. Grant banned it.

He cited landscaping concerns as his reasoning.

In 1878 President Hayes changed that, after being approached by a group of children who

hoped to play egg-rolling games at the White House.

He told his guards to let the children in and, since then, Easter Monday at the White

House has been a tradition.

President Benjamin Harris introduced music to the White House Easter Egg Roll in 1889,

inviting the United States Marine Band to play during the celebration.

As the years went by, the White House Easter Egg Roll grew bigger and bigger.

It was around that time that it was decided the number of guests invited had to be limited.

The White House Easter Egg Roll did not occur from 1917 to 1920 or from 1943 to 1945 because

of World War I and World War II.

It didn't happen from 1946 to 1952 either because of food conservation and construction

on the White House.

When is the White House Easter Egg Roll 2018?.

This year's White House Easter Egg Roll will be held on Monday, April 2, 2018.

Donald Trump and Melania Trump will host the event upon returning to Washington, D.C.,

from Mar-A-Lago in Florida.

Each year, the Easter Bunny makes an appearance at the White House Easter Egg Roll.

In 2017, former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer revealed that before landing that

gig, he was assigned to be the Easter Bunny at the event according to CNN.

Twitter took this tidbit and ran with it, throwing together hilarious memes about Spicer's

past as the beloved bunny.

It was even spoofed on Saturday Night Live by Melissa McCarthy, who famously portrayed

Spicer on the show.

It's unclear who's been tasked with filling his bunny suit following his resignation from

the White House.

For more infomation >> What is the White House Easter Egg Roll 2018 and when is it? All you need to know - Duration: 4:07.


Why Is It So Hard to Make a Male Birth Control Pill? - Duration: 5:35.

[♪ INTRO ]

At a meeting of endocrinologists this month, researchers presented new work that suggests

they're one step closer to a male birth control pill!

Do you feel like you've heard this news before?

Well, that's probably because you have.

Scientists have been looking into a safe, reversible kind of male birth control for

decades and they've gotten close, but not quite there.

Even here on SciShow, we've reported on things like chromatin remodeling, hormone

injections, and a dissolvable gel that plugs up the vas deferens — AKA the sperm tubes.

Researchers call these treatments "male birth control" for short, because they're

tested in cisgender males who are making sperm.

So why's it so tricky to make a male pill?

The short answer is: it's a lot easier to stop one egg a month than millions of sperm

a day.

The female birth control pill has been around since 1960 — nearly 60 years ago!

And it's one of many options out there.

The pill has synthetic hormones — either a combination of estrogen and progestin, or

progestin alone.

So it stabilizes hormone levels and prevents the spike in estrogen that normally happens

midway through the menstrual cycle, setting off a chain of events that lead to ovulation.

Without that spike, no egg is released and no babies are made.

Very rarely, the female birth control pill can have serious side effects, like blood

clots or heart problems.

But it has some potential health benefits too, like reducing bone thinning, anemia,

or risk of some cancers.

Other than condoms, vasectomies, and withdrawal… there aren't many male birth control options.

And nothing based on hormones has panned out.

On average, men release around 180 million sperm every time they ejaculate.

It only takes one to fertilize an egg and get their partner pregnant.

So… that's a lot of sperm to deal with.

Instead of physically stopping them, like a condom does, male pills aim to lower the

sperm count.

Basically, stopping the production of sperm cells, but leaving the rest of the semen alone.

And the basic strategy for this is kind of counterintuitive.

It turns out that if you give men lots of testosterone, they stop making sperm.

Sperm are produced in the testes, which are also testosterone factories.

So testosterone levels are really high in there, like 25-125 times higher than in blood.

And sperm need those high concentrations of testosterone to develop correctly.

But when a dude gets an injection or a pill of extra testosterone, the brain and pituitary

gland sense that body-wide levels are high enough and shut off production in the testes.

With no testosterone being made down there, the concentration drops, and sperm don't


Previous attempts at male hormonal contraception involved weekly or monthly doses of synthetic


And if you add progestin, these injections, implants, or patches worked even better.

But even though they were good at stopping sperm production, there were drawbacks.

It was difficult to get synchronized, steady levels of testosterone and progestin.

And weekly, or even monthly, injections aren't as convenient as a daily pill you can take

at home.

Birth control doesn't work if you can't get people to use it.

Plus, some men had unpleasant side effects like pain at the injection site, acne, or

changes in mood including more aggression.

Researchers were wary of giving the necessary big doses of oral testosterone, too, because

previous studies have shown that this can be really hard on the liver.

Not to mention, the body clears this orally-delivered testosterone pretty quickly so pills have

to be taken twice a day.

So what makes this new male pill different?

This research is a team effort from scientists at the University of Washington and the Los

Angeles Biomedical Research Institute.

And they presented their work at the recent Endocrine Society meeting in Chicago.

Their experiments focused on a compound called dimethandrolone undecanoate or DMAU.

It has a different structure than testosterone that lets it hang around in the body longer,

which keeps levels steady even if it's only taken once a day.

DMAU is considered a pro-drug, because it's converted to an active molecule that interacts

with the body after it's ingested.

In this case, enzymes called esterases change DMAU into dimethandrolone or DMA.

And DMA binds to the same hormone receptors as testosterone and progestin throughout the


Just like testosterone given in a pill or injection, DMA tricks the body into producing

less testosterone in the testes, so concentrations there drop and sperm aren't produced.

When the researchers tested this in animals it worked pretty well.

It even stopped sperm production in rabbits, who have legendary fertility.

Sounds promising, right?

This research is getting a lot of attention, but it's still in the early stages.

Here's how the recent experiment went down: researchers had 83 men between ages 18 and

50 take DMAU pills daily for 28 days.

They also took blood samples before and after, to check for hormone levels and other health

markers like cholesterol.

And the scientists found that the testosterone in the participants' blood decreased to

very low levels — levels that suggested that sperm production was effectively shut


Now, it's important to note though that they didn't actually measure sperm count.

This study was mostly to test whether the pill is safe.

And it seems like it is!

The participants didn't report any significant changes in sex drive, sexual function, or

any serious side effects with their livers or kidneys, which were all potential concerns.

Some men had mild weight gain and increased red blood cell count.

And some had slightly decreased levels of the good form of cholesterol, but these weren't

serious problems.

The research team is starting another study soon that will follow men taking the DMAU

pill for a longer period of time, and take semen samples to measure their sperm production.

So whether it's this team or another than makes the breakthrough... safe, convenient,

reversible male birth control will definitely be a pretty big deal.

And you know who else is a big deal?

SR Foxley, our SciShow President of Space.

He's actually pretty humble, but he's a big deal to us because he helps make SciShow

possible every month so we can bring you the latest in science news and dig deep into big


Thanks SR!

You are the best!

And to learn more about how you can help us out too, check out

[♪ OUTRO ]

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