Master Teacher or Not - Duration: 1:01.-------------------------------------------
How Activate or Renew Jio Prime Membership FREE till 2019? - Duration: 2:11.-------------------------------------------
Python Tutorial - Bitwise Operators 1 (AND | OR | XOR) - Duration: 12:01.Hello Guys and welcome to Python Programming tutorials by amul's Academy.
Today in this tutorial we are discussing about the bitwise operators, so these are the operators
which will work on the bits it won't do the operation on the value it will do the operation
on the bits ok.
So for example if i take value 20 we can convert this value 20 to binary form.
We can convert value to binary in two ways. one is we can divide the value by 2, that
is i will divide 20 by 2 ok so 2 * 10 = 20 so reminder is zero next again i will divide
2 * 5 = 10 so again reminder is zero. 2 * 2 = 4 again reminder is one,
2 * one = 2 so reminder zero ok so now i will write this reminder like this that is first
1 followed by 0 1 0 0. 10100 ok. so if i want to represent it in the 8 bits
here we can see 5 bits i can join 3 zero here now this is the value 20 in binary form so
this is the one way. Or Second way is here we can write down the
values like this. This is 2 power 0 , 2 power 1, 2 power 2,
2 power 3, 2 power 4, 2 power 5, 2 power 6 and 2 power 7 ok.
so now we want value 20 right, we want to represent value 20 in the binary form here
20 is not there, so we can write 20 as 16 + 4 right so here we can see 16 and 4 so in
this place i will write 16 and 4 as one, that is true in other places i will write zero
ok so this is the binary representation of value 20.
In both the ways we got the same answer right that is 00010100 so this is the binary form
of the value 20 and here we can see 0 and 1 these are called as bits and bitwise operators
works on these bits ok.
So now we'll see what are the different bitwise operators in Python.
So there are 6 bitwise operators, first one is bitwise and, bitwise or, bitwise xor, bitwise
complement, bitwise left shift, bitwise right shift ok.
so here in this tutorial we'll discuss first three ok that is bitwise and, bitwise or,
bitwise xor. In the next tutorial we will discuss left
3 alright.
So first is "bitwise and" operator, so we can represent this "bitwise and" operator
like this, that is and symbol ok so this is the operator.
so if i take "a" equal to 20 and "b" equal to 4 and if i want to find out "a",
so if you want to find out the "bitwise and" of both this inputs then we can write
like this ok. so now we'll see what is the output for this
so here in the IDLE first i'll take "a" value as 20 and "b" value as 4, and now
i'll do "a" next and next "b" ok. This is the "bitwise and" operator.
enter answer is 4 ok. so now we'll see why it is 4 so we will do
the calculation manually. ok so before doing the calculation we need
to know this, in the "bitwise and" if both the inputs are 1 then only output is
1, otherwise it is 0. Here we can see when both the inputs are 0 output is 0, when one
input is 0 another is 1 then also output is 0.
When one input is 1 and another is 0 then also output is 0.
when both the inputs are 1 then only output is 1 ok.
so you need to remember this so now we will do the calculation.
so we took "a" is equal to 20 and "b" is equal to 4.
so first we need to write down the binary form of these values so binary form of "a"
is 00010100 okay so binary form of "b" is 00000100 ok so now we will do the calculation
so here we can see first 0 0 so we can see when both the input are 0 then output is zero.
so first output is 0.
Next here we can see 0 0 so output is 0. Here we can see 1 and 1 ok.
so here we can see when both the inputs are 1 output is 1. so i'll write 1.
next 0 0 so output is 0. Here we can see one input is 1 and 0 this
case 1 and 0 so output is 0. So 0. so here we can see both are 0 so 0.
Here also 0 0. so we got the output like this, this is the
binary representation of value 4. Here we can see this is 4 and this is 20.
so we got 4, that's why in our output here we got 4 OK .
ok so this is about the "bitwise and" operator.
Next we will discuss about the "bitwise or" operator and the "bitwise or" operator
is represented by this ok so if you take "a" is 20 and "b" is 4 .
and so if you want to apply "bitwise or" operation then we need to write "a bar b"
ok so now we will do this and we will check the output.
So here next we will do "a or b" ok this is the "bitwise or" operator so answer
is 20 ok so when we apply "bitwise or" operator on "a" and "b" when the value
of "a" is 20 and "b" is 4 then the answer is 20.
Now we will check this manually so in the "bitwise or" you need to remember,
the output is 0 only when both the inputs are 0 otherwise it is 1 ok.
Here we can see when in both inputs are 0 output is 0 otherwise it is 1 ok.
so next we will do the calculation. Ok so first 0 0 so that is 0, both the inputs
are 0 so 0. 0 0 so 0
1 1 so 1 0 0, 0
so next 1 0 so it is 1 0 0 0
ok so this is the binary representation of value 20 so that's why we got output as 20.
Here we can see ok so this is about the "bitwise or" operator.
so next we'll talk about the "bitwise xor" operator and the symbol is this, ok this is
the xor symbol so we can write this like "a ^ b" ok we can represent it like this.
so now we will see the output.
So here "a" value is 20 and "b" value is 4.
so i'll do "a xor b" answer is 16.
ok so now we'll see why it is 16 so in the "bitwise xor" when the one input is 1
then only output is 1, if both the inputs are same then output is zero.
Here we can see when both the inputs are zero output is zero when we have different inputs
output is 1. when we have same input then output is zero
so now we will do the calculation so here we are doing "a xor b" and here we can
see 0 0 both the inputs are same so that is zero.
here also we can see both the inputs are 0 so 0.
next here we can see 1 and 1 both the inputs are same so 0.
0 0 both the inputs are same so 0. 1 0 so here we can see both the inputs are
different so here 1. Here 0 0 both the inputs are same 0.
0 0 both the inputs are same 0. 0 0 both the inputs are same so output is
so this is the output we got ok so here we can see this is 2 power 0 , 2 power 1, 2 power
2, 2 power 3, 2 power 4 . we got the one at the place 2 power 4.
2 power 4 is nothing but 16 so this is the binary representation of value 16 that's why
here we got the output as 16 ok so this is about the "bitwise and", "bitwise or"
and "bitwise xor" operator
And if you want to convert number to binary digits then you can use the built-in function
also for that, that is called "bin()" so you need to write "bin" and here you
can write 10 so any value , if you enter it will return the binary representation of 10
In this tutorial we discussed about the three bitwise operators.
bitwise operators are nothing but these are the operators which will work on the bits
rather than the values it will treat a value as string of bits and it will perform operation
on this bits one by one . so first we discussed about the "bitwise
and" operator this is the symbol and in the case of "bitwise and" operator the
bits are set to 1 if both the inputs are 1 otherwise it is set to 0 ok so here we can
see when both the inputs are 1 then only output will be 1 otherwise it is zero.
Next we discussed about the "bitwise or" operator and this is the symbol and here in
the "bitwise or" operator bits are set to 1 if both the inputs or any one of the
input is 1. so here we can see if anyone of the input
or both the inputs are 1 then output will be 1 otherwise it is zero ok.
so next we discussed about the "xor" operator and the symbol is this and here in the "bitwise
xor" operator bits are set to 1 if any one of the input is 1 otherwise it is zero if
both the inputs are same like 00 or 11 then output will be 0 if both the inputs are different
like this 01 10 then output is 1.
ok so this is about the three bitwise operators, in the next tutorial we will discuss about
the remaining bitwise operators so thank you for watching don't forget to subscribe to
my channel i'll meet you in next class till then take care.
How To Change Dress or Clothes Color In Photoshop CC 2018 | Photoshop CC 2018 Tutorial - Duration: 9:07.In this tutorial, you will learn
how to change the color of anything in photoshop.
You will learn four techniques to Select and Change any Color in Photoshop.
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RezQ Dogs: foster or adoptive parents needed as flooding threatens - Duration: 0:53.-------------------------------------------
Do Numbers 1111, 911, Or 2121 Keep Popping Up Everywhere This Is What It Means - Duration: 5:52.Do Numbers 11 11, 9 11, Or 21 21 Keep Popping Up Everywhere This Is What It Means
by Katherine Hurst
As you may already know, certain numbers are associated with particular meanings.
If you�ve studied numerology, for example, you may be aware of specific numbers that
are linked to your life�s journey, or to a specific aspect of it (such as your love
However, what does it mean if you keep seeing a particular number � or numbers � everywhere
you go?
It�s especially important to understand the significance of the numbers 11:11, 9:11
and 21:21.
Here�s why.
11:11 The number 1 is connected to new beginnings,
fresh starts, independence and ambition.
When it appears in the form of 11:11 or 1111, the power of the number is amplified, suggesting
very positive things about your future.
In general, the number 1 is deeply connected with the Law of Attraction, as numerology
experts link 1 to the fact that we create our own realities with the force of our intentions,
desires and beliefs�and we may be more capable of doing so at moments when the number 1 keeps
appearing to us.
11:11 or 1111 is often the first repetitive number sequence that people notice appearing
in their lives�it is often thought of as a type of wake up call, or a sign that your
subconscious is currently being unlocked.
As such, after 11:11 appears to you, it�s likely that you�ll experience more coincidences,
a stronger sense of intuition, and more seemingly �lucky� events than you used to.
So what should you do when you notice this powerful sequence of numbers?
Firstly, take note of what you were thinking or feeling, as 11:11 often marks a moment
at which your thinking is aligned with your inspiration.
In other words, if you had a new idea or urge at the moment you saw 11:11 somewhere, this
is a good sign that it�s wise to pursue that idea.
In addition, since this number sequence suggests your manifestation powers are currently supercharged,
be careful to think positively and avoid dwelling on anything negative�the Law of Attraction
is working overtime for you when you see 11:11.
Practice your affirmations daily, focus in on your feelings of gratitude, and chase success!
9:11 Seeing 9:11 or 911 means you�re connected
to the energies of the number and 9.
As noted above, 1 is linked to the start of a promising journey and suggest you�re currently
particularly adept at tapping into your manifestation potential.
Meanwhile, the number 9 is intimately related to Universal Spiritual Laws, and to kindness,
compassion and leading by example.
In some cases, 9 also relates to an ending or conclusion.
In conjunction, then, 9 and 1 leave you with a number that�s all about breaking through
the old in order to create the new.
When you see 911 or 9:11, ask yourself what you need to move away from, and where you
need to move to.
You�re at a time of transition in your life, either just beginning or ending a significant
More specifically, note that you may be progressing towards a future where your success or fulfilment
is at least partially found in giving back to the world in some way�perhaps through
a new career, volunteer work or just a change in approach to your daily life.
Whatever changes are coming, they�re sure to model inspiration and positive behavior
for others�a leadership role of some kind could be on the horizon.
21:21 21:21 or 2121 symbolizes a combination of
the energies associated with the numbers 2 and 1.
Once again, the presence of 1 here suggests that you are vibrating on a high frequency
and highly capable of shaping your reality in accordance with your will.
It also marks a phase of inspiration or awakening, as noted.
However, the number 2 is just as important in this combination.
It is linked to balance, harmony, receptivity and fulfillment.
When these two numbers are combined, your life is currently centered on a theme of self-knowledge,
identifying your true values and figuring out what you really want.
People often see this combination of numbers when they�re at a crossroads in their Law
of Attraction work�for example, perhaps you�ve honed a lot of the key skills but
are not quite sure where you want to devote your manifestation energy to.
21:21 or 2121 tells you that now is exactly the right time to look for new opportunities
and engage in serious self-reflection that will help you understand yourself on a deeper
It�s also worth noting that 21:21 and 2121 are reminders to be grateful for all the good
in your life.
Take some time to express positivity and thankfulness to others when you see this number, and notice
how the universe begins to reflect that goodness right back to you.
Largest number less than or equal to N in BST (Iterative Approach) | GeeksforGeeks - Duration: 2:21.-------------------------------------------
Are You a Builder or an Operator? PART 1 - Duration: 1:39.Hello everyone, today we are going to speak about the builders.
There are different ways to characterize your team. One of them is to differentiate between
builders and operators. Builders are those people who very much like to start
new projects, they like to enter uncharted territories, to go and get new
customers, to do something that nobody has ever done. So they get extremely
great fulfillment by building something, starting something from the scratch,
laying the foundations, setting up the main structure. They are
usually very brave, very well self organized and they tend to think outside
of the box. However not to limit these great features that they possess, we
should not put them within the frame of bureaucracy, administration, hierarchy
which all are very typical for big organizations. So this kind of people
like to try, to test, they're like pioneers. So as a leader if we have this
kind of people in our team it's crucial to show them that we trust them,
that they can fail, that they have our support and they can fail fast, fail forward and
learn from it. The other type of people are the operators and about them we're
going to speak in the next video. Take care and be well!
Ben 10 : Alien Force Double or Nothing Episode 36 - Rober Tabot - Duration: 17:46.PLEASE LIKE, SHARE, SUBCRIBE video! Thanks you very much!
Got stopped by some fans how long does it take to sign a couple of autographs?
Hey, it's the least I could do for my adoring public
You mean you're paying public
See the world's greatest hero on a stage here
I'm telling you. It's just wrong
Pretending to be you in a stage show for money sure is unless they pay you right I mean no
Okay, nice work on the priorities
Don't mind him he's had a long flight will take three please I'm sorry, but that's impossible it's sold out
Atención earth planes I am Vilgax the Conqueror
Here on my moon base
on the moon
nobody is destroying anything so says I
Ben Tennyson
You are trapped Ben Tennyson you cannot save yourself
Well in that case. I had better call for a little help from the
Telegrams that is so wrong um exactly what I was thinking
When did you become the voice of reason since you two became theater critics I am perfectly calm
Okay now I'm perfect ah the producer is right inside. I gotta go
We've got some business to discuss
Some chili fries care to join me. I mean what are you doing with this show?
Truth be told I am making the best of a bad situation
than he did some way to earn a living I
Realized that the most fitting if ironic choice would be to make money
But I call for you now your business
Really really great timeout
Okay now what we miss?
Albedo just played a collection of his greatest hits
But I thought he said yeah, no
Ultimatrix plus he was really easy to I'm gonna check with our beat. Oh
How's it hangin
You know reasonable explanation?
Look who we found
And that would be it Peter
So I used it to find performers who would lend my show a certain verisimilitude
What you see here are the winners
Such as the ever since I escaped from vilgax's ship
every second-rate resorts sales convention and County Fair in one night out the next the Omnitrix or the
Ultimatrix or kidnapped you or might I had tried to kill me
And now here. He is again
Ripping me off using my fate. Oh isn't a threat anymore?
He's a nuisance you
Needn't worry
Tonight was our last performance
What I
Still think he deserved a major beatdown why waste the energy you?
Parenthetically, I am not much of an athlete. What do you want you I?
Came to warn you about Obito's real plan he's selling toys, and yes
And he's gonna set it off tonight
Because that's what doomsday bombs do no think for a second if albedo stuck on earth
What does he gain from destroying it it doesn't make sense I?
Didn't say destroy it's horrifying
No offense
Then would you wait a second nope hold them off
Actually, that's very complicated well, let me know when you figure it out
Guess I'll have to do this the hard way
Your where's albedo there
My DNA at Wilin, I'm ready for anything you can throw at me, why would I throw anything at you?
I'm no longer trapped in your hideous human form in person
still trying to catch up so you're saying that wasn't a doomsday bomb of what a
Doomsday, bomb course it was
What no it can't be
Afeared with the alteration field so now whatever I turn into I'll always change back to this
It's all my fault how beat up Liberty
Most importantly I had friends
especially you
That's why I told Ben Tennyson, so he would stop you
That's okay, I'll take care of them he's my friend and
Sorry I went a little nuts about that whole show thing a little
Okay, a lot I guess if you want to be a world-famous hero. You gotta give up with this
What is it a summons we're suing you for the damage you caused to our theater
There's a spot right there on it
I'll go up to the gate with you
Security won't let you in without a ticket
Sure, they will what's the point of international mega stardom if I can't abuse it for a few more minutes with my girl
Nothing, I can handle it anyway
What's on the scanner?
Then you can go tomorrow no I can't my life is just as important as yours
Go after her
This isn't going to turn out like our previous encounters
Been studying you
Learning how you
You do for this
You're beginning to separate out into your components
Police another time
Then Julie
Like shopping want to go
Okay, but I thought you wanted to spend more time with Ben. I do that's why he's coming with
You bringing Kevin
guess so
Sumo slammers, this wasn't in the channel guide
Record it
We do others. Why don't you go, and I'll stay here and watch
Would that make you happy?
I'll get you a snack before I go
Don't know he's never acted like this before not around you anyway. It's not normal. It's just as well
He didn't come I wanted to talk to you about not going to Europe
I already told you it was an easy choice for each other. What's been giving up?
Look Julie is there any way you can get back on the tour you've only missed a day, but I don't want to
The only place you're going is home, I want that elevator given the once-over
Okay, I guess this is where a normal couple would work out some kind of
Comprehend she won't let me take her home until I get someone to check it out meaning me
No except my friend got hurt. How do you think I feel this thing is almost like a person to me?
There's never been a problem ever till now
What was I supposed to know it didn't have a label on it. Can you please calm down?
Obviously the brake was on no. It wasn't I just took the break-up
Let me know if you find out by I think this all has something to do with Julian ship
Remember how he barked at her?
Maybe he's got dysentery
wandering out which
So uh, what do you want to see when since from now on well in that case?
Definitely something wrong well. What'd you think this time? It's starting to grow on me?
What is it nothing come on Ben you know it's no hurry, don't worry about me. I'll take the bus
It's just his skin he shed it he's probably 50 miles from here by now, I gotta go
What's she doing
Yeah, not exactly a garden spot
How'd you know I was here
Gwyn cold
But she didn't say what you like her but come on all the enemies
We've had over the years any of them could have done this
animate buildings
Up high can I see Julie she's not here you should know that
Thanks oh
I just saw your dad. What for
Just wanted to see you, that's all
Got a surprise for you
You've gone along with everything. I've wanted to do these last few days now
We're going to see whatever you want to see I'm fine with sumo slammers really
Hey, it's you must be a replay
It is a replay, but if you don't like them I
Can be anyone you want me to be you almost killed Kevin to use them for us to give you everything you want
What's wrong with that?
Elena what do you want?
Does it matter don't you understand? I just want you
That's not enough
Julie I came back on the first flight
What are you going to do kill them if you can't have him no one can is that it I
Are you okay, maybe I don't know what love
[MMD x Aphmau x Collab] Dinner,Bath or Me? - Duration: 0:22.Welcome home Onii~Chan!
Would you like your dinner?
Or your bath?
MacGyver - Deal or no Deal - Duration: 2:36.-------------------------------------------
Is Trump's Impeachment On The Horizon Or Is It A Fantasy? - Duration: 2:54.Our final question today comes from @Serocco3 who asks, "Are we sure Congress will impeach
Republicans will never meaningfully oppose him and Democrats keep offering concession
after concession like they always do with every Republican President."
No, I do not and have not ever believed that Congress will eventually 100% impeach Donald
Republicans won't do it.
It doesn't matter what the Mueller investigation concludes.
They could conclude that Donald Trump personally, single handedly was behind the entire Cold
They could prove that somehow he built the atomic bombs and made the decision to drop
them on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and they still wouldn't do it.
I know those aren't possible things.
I'm just giving those as examples of how spineless the Republicans in Congress are.
It doesn't matter what they find from this investigation.
Republicans will never act on it.
As for the Democrats though, I do think that if there's a blue wave in November, in the
midterms, and if the investigation shows criminal wrongdoing by the President, and Democrats
take over with that information, I think they would pursue it.
I really do.
Now, maybe I have too much faith in them.
Maybe I have a little too much hope.
I've been told that about my feelings towards the Democratic Party, but I do think they
could do it.
I do think they would do it, but if they don't take back the House, there is absolutely no
way Donald Trump's not finishing at least his first four year term.
If they don't take back the House, it proves that they don't know how to beat a guy like
Trump and the Republicans who are sucking up to him, which means that they could very
likely lose the 2020 Presidential Elections as well.
Every election has lasting consequences.
I predicted right after the midterms in 2014 that the Democrats would lose in 2016 if they
didn't change.
They didn't change and they lost.
I wasn't one of the only people who were saying that.
That was a very common theme among Progressives.
We saw what happened.
We saw what the Democrats did.
We saw they didn't learn anything from it, and so they lost again.
This year's midterms are no different.
If Democrats lose, it's not just losing the ability to impeach Trump, it's about the possibility
of having to suffer through another Donald Trump term if he gets reelected in 2020.
It's up to Democrats.
We can't force them to learn.
They got to do it on their own.
Tony Ferguson's Dream Match Is George St. Pierre; Neil Magny Not Afraid of Darren Till or Wonderboy - Duration: 4:41.MMA Fighting reported that Ben Saunders will be replacing Bryan Barberena to fight Jake
Ellenberger on June 1st.
Ellenberger has only won 3 of his last 10 fights and his last two losses have come via
TKO and KO.
Saunders has gone 6-4 in his last 10 bouts and has also lost his two last fights via
KO and TKO.
This very well maybe a retirement fight for either veteran since both are over the age
of 33 and are outside of the top 15.
Tony Ferguson was asked at a media lunch if anything in his life has changed since winning
the interim belt he answered the question but then also delved into how he stays driven
to keep improving and continue his winning ways.
Here's what he had to say: "I've become more humble.
Instead of carrying it around and really tarnishing it.
I kept it up where my pictures at where my black belt where my coach Eddie Bravo is at,
and, I like it for a long time, and I had it in that spot and took it down from there.
I put it in it's case.
Why would I do that?
What do you guys think?
Stay hungry.
Stay Driven.
When you lose that track, when you start worrying about the shiny gold and all that stuff, I
wear, did you guys ever notice that I used to have silver glasses right?
Metaphor, second place.
I will always be second, always be second.
When people realize that, they reach that first top tier and you think that's it,
you will never get to that spot.
You will never be number 1 and that's what keeps me going.
Because, I get it.
I will never be #1 and that's in my head.
When you adopt that into your head how hungry do you get? and do you think, look it, when
people wanna go up a mountain, I bring people to these places and I have to encourage them
to get to certain spots.
When there's a spot with a hill can I go around it?
Or can I go up it?
What do you guys think?
You go up it.
Because I know it will make me stronger.
My first task that I do every single day is make my bed.
Straight up, where does that sound familiar?"
He was also asked who his dream matchup would be.
His answer was interesting but Ferguson did have more than 10 fights at welterweight and
even won TUF 13 in that weight class before ultimately moving down to the lightweight
Here was his answer
That's what I signed up for in the beginning.
I was at 170 pounds.
155 was forced on me.
A force to move, right?
Ultimate reality is that it's not the end result.
170 pounds where I have 12 fights.
A GSP match, I mean really, he wants a money fight but he's an athlete.
We all have to pay bills, you have to pay your taxes.
Straight up, pay attention because when your not doing it your not paying attention your
going on just fighting for money fights, you forget and this thing becomes tarnished."
and finally Farah Hannoun interviewed Neil Magny ahead of his fight vs Gunnar Nelson
and asked him where he felt Gunnar is most dangerous and what his game plan for the fight
Here's what he had to say.
"I feel that gunnar nelson is most dangerous on the ground.
I mean, I think he has 10 or 11 submission wins under his belt so, I won't underestimate
his ground game I feel that's where he prefers the fight to go I feel that's where he has
the most success.
But, I still can't look past the fact that he's an orthodox striker with a pretty good
karate background, so, at the end of the day it's one of those fights that's gonna
keep me on my toes and force me to take every training session throughout this training
camp seriously in order to grow across the board.
I feel that Gunnar Nelson is going to bring out the best in me.
I'm gonna have to be a better striker, better grappler, better wrestler, in order to be
successful in this fight and that's what I'm looking forward to.
I know that I can rise to that level of competition that my opponent is going to be at and it's
gonna bring out the best in me.
So, I'm looking forward to it."
He was also asked whether he would be willing to fill in and fight Darren Till or Wonderboy
if one of them pulled out since they're both fighting on the same card in Liverpool.
Here's his response: "If something happens where Darren Till
or Wonderboy has to pull out of the fight and the UFC needs me to step up and be a replacement
to headline that card, I wouldn't have hesitation whatsoever in stepping up to fight either
one of those guys even if it's as little as 12 hours notice.
So, I'm excited about it.
I mean, whether I fight Gunnar Nelson in the Co-main event or if something happens and
I have to bump up and fight either one of those guys I'm ready for it, but, at
the moment I'm 100% focused on beating Gunnar."
BROTHA CAN BARELY TALK,SO EMOTIONAL...KIDS OR NOT,HER ### "GOTTA GO"!!! - Duration: 15:43.-------------------------------------------
I've Never Been Comfortable or Good With Sales Until Applied HTC Sales Training | HTC Testimonial - Duration: 2:57.-------------------------------------------
페라리 포르토피노 이탈리아 현지 시승기, 슈퍼카 or GT - Duration: 15:23.-------------------------------------------
Angelina Jolie DEMANDING Brad Pitt Dump Jennifer Aniston Or Never See Kids? - Duration: 7:56.Angelina Jolie DEMANDING Brad Pitt Dump Jennifer Aniston Or Never See Kids?
Angelina Jolie is demanding Brad Pitt dump Jennifer Aniston or never see his kids again, according to a completely wrong tabloid report.
FASHION CHANEL can debunk it.
This story is based on the entirely false premise that Pitt and Aniston are back together when they aren't.
As we already pointed out, the latest issue of NW untruthfully claims Pitt and Aniston were married again in Paris, even though he is still legally wed to Jolie.
To sell this fabrication, the gossip magazine is using an old photo of Pitt and Jolie, in which the actress' head is swapped with Aniston's to deceptively make it look like the actor was photographed kissing his ex-wife.
He was not.
In another trick, the outlet features photos of Aniston in a white wedding gown, but fails to mention the pictures are from when she filmed a wedding scene with Owen Wilson for the movie Marley & Me.
It's alongside these outright lies and misrepresentations that the publication has a sidebar with a headline blaring, "Ange's Rage: 'Dump Jen Or You'll Never See Your Kids!" According to the article, Jolie is "seeing red over Brad's newfound happiness with Jen, and it's kicked off a new round in their long-running divorce war.
" A so-called "insider" is quoted as saying, "She's giving him an ultimatum… It's Jen or the kids.
Jolie currently has temporary primary custody of their six sons and daughters, and the tabloid contends she's "opposing his requests" for more time with the brood because "she can't stand the idea of her children being around Jen and, even worse, calling her stepmom.
" The magazine goes on to allege that if Pitt "doesn't remove Jen from his life… Ange [is] going to go hard for full custody and demand that their agreement stipulates that he can't see them if Jen's around.
"Angelina is very well connected in L.A. and is also a woman who is very used to getting what she wants," asserts the outlet's supposed source.
However, this purported tipster further claims, "Brad's assured Jen he's not taking Ange's ultimatum seriously.
There's no way a judge would give in to her demands." And that's just one of the reasons this storyline is entirely bogus.
No matter how "well connected" Jolie is, she has no legal ground to threaten Pitt in this way.
Of course, Jolie never actually issued such an "ultimatum" anyway, as she has no reason to make this kind of a demand.
The whole basis for these claims about the Oscar winner supposedly threatening her estranged husband is Pitt being back in a relationship with Aniston.
But he isn't.
While it was reported over a year ago that Pitt and Aniston were in touch very casually and occasionally, there hasn't actually been an Aniston-Pitt reunion in the wake of her separation from Justin Theroux.
As evidenced by the marriage fabrication pointed out above, the outlet clearly wants readers to believe otherwise.
But again and again, reps for both Aniston and Pitt have separately confirmed to FASHION CHANEL that there is no romance between them and there hasn't been for more than a decade.
Given those facts, it obviously makes no sense to claim Jolie is ordering Pitt to dump her.
The only aspect here that is remotely true is that Jolie and Pitt are still working on a divorce settlement, including a custody agreement.
But NW is a publication that's run previous tall tales about Jolie and Aniston ending their "feud" at a Golden Globes party and Jolie wanting to date Justin Theroux to "get even" with her and Pitt.
Neither of those claims, which FASHION CHANEL debunked and can be seen in our archives, jive with this current narrative.
If the "feud" was ended, why would Jolie object to Aniston being around her kids? And if Jolie wanted a romance with Theroux, how could she then hypocritically object to Aniston and Pitt being together?.
None of these claims hold up because the tabloid is apparently set on delivering fan-fiction instead of the truth.
But as tangled as this web of lies appears, it's abundantly clear that it's all phony and untrue.
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