Best songs for Playing Fortnite Battle Royale #130 | 1H Gaming Music Mix | Fortnite Music NCS 1 HOUR
Anitta - Indecente Live (Official Music Video) REACTION ( Hannah Stocking, Pabllo Vittar, and other) - Duration: 3:58.ok
Hi everyone, it's me and this is Anitta - Indecente (Official Music Video) REACTION
ok Anitta
I like that red her outfit
WOW Anitta, you really look very sexy
This song is cool
And the music video looks good
Hannah Stocking
Hannah oh wow
come on Anitta
Anitta kissed some boy wow
Pabllo Vittar
I see many famous people here
Another great Anitta video. You look very sexy .I have to say that I have seen many famous people there
Pabllo Vittar
Hannah Stocking
Everything turned out nice. You had a nice red outfit
It looked cool because there were no cuts, the camera followed you
This is cool. I did not know there would be a new music video now
Another good music video. A nice song that gets in the ear
Good job
I like it for me, you are the queen of Brazil and I love your music
All your music videos are great
This one also belongs to the good ones
It's really fun
Siren-Run Away(free music-Nocopyright) - Duration: 4:16.-------------------------------------------
More Than 8 Years After Aspiring Music Producer's Mysterious Murder, Parents, FBI Ask Public For Hel - Duration: 1:54.-------------------------------------------
Slurns - Lush (ft. Jaya Blue) (Ghost Music Release) [Trap Music 2018]👻 - Duration: 3:37.-------------------------------------------
Doc McStuffins - Music Box - Best Cartoon For Kids & Children | Rico Media - Duration: 11:33.Please LIKE, SHARE, COMMENT And SUBCRIBE Videos! Thank you!
Coogie - Movin' & Movin' (Ft.Bla$eKid) [Official Music Video] - Duration: 2:44.-= 🏧Minitape 'Coding Black' 🏧=- Available on iTunes,, Melon and More...
Reekado Banks - Pull Up (official music video) - Duration: 2:30.
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pull up playing during baby shower.
subcribe ,like,share and comment on the video
I'm Scared of Chickens | Funny Kids Songs | Live Children's Music | The Mik Maks - Duration: rings
Dean, we're in the middle of a show, you shouldn't... I'll just get this, Oh
Hello grandpa, how are you going? Well fantastic it's nice and sunny
Okay you have a job for me.
(chicken noise)
You want me to collect the eggs out of the chicken coup, but grandpa, I'm scared of chickens
Boys and girls I think grandpa
has just asked Dean to collect the eggs
He's very scared of chickens
He's very scared of chickens
He's so scared that he wrote a song about it Al
I like horses, and I like dogs. I like things that live in a bog
I like turtles, and I like frogs but chickens really scared me, dance like a chicken
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you? I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
Chickens really scare me
I like wombats and cockatoos
I like emus and kangaroos, snakes and spiders, bugs it doesn't matter who
Cause chickens really scare me
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you? I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you? Chickens really scare me
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you? I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
Chickens really scare me
I was walking down the street just the other day
When a big scary chicken came walking my way, he gave a big!!!
Mmmm, BEEEKERK!!!!! (egg laying noise)
What, did you just lay and egg?
Awwww they're gunna be the best pumpkin scones ever.
and he ran away, cause chickens really scare me. Kids dance like a chicken
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
Chickens really scare me
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
I'm scared of chickens, how bout you?
Chickens really scare me
Okay, boys and girls can you help me out by shooing this giant chicken away
Shoo, shoo, shoo, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, shoo, whoosh, whoosh
Whoosh, whoosh, shoo, shoo, ARGHHH (laughter)
Look out Dean, the chickens are after. Well that was lucky!
Technology of Music Production: Visualizing Sound | Beginner | Berklee Online - Duration: 13:37.When working with the DAW and with sound in general, it's useful to have kind of a
visual representation of sound. And because sound is a longitudinal wave,
it becomes very hard to visualize it or display it in that format.
So we tend to use three different displays to give us a good visual of
sound. And I really believe that having a good
visual representation can really help you hear and understand what you're hearing.
It also is almost necessary if you want to start relating these numbers
we've been talking about to the sounds. And by the numbers I'm talking about all
these frequencies. Frequencies.
You know, people talk about 5K, or 2K,and 1K.
And, if you've never seen the numbers, it's very hard to relate it to what
you're hearing. So, I really believe that have a good set
of visual eyes and understanding what you're seeing can really help you hear,
and will make you a better music producer.
So in this segment we're going to look at three different ways to visualize sound
and why are they useful. The first is an Oscilloscope display, and
this really is like the waveform display on, in your DAW.
If you zoom way in. And you see the wave form.
You recognize that up and down is amplitude and horizontally is time.
And really we're representing the compression rarefaction of sound.
And that wave form is actually the exact path that the speaker's going to make
when sound is eventually made in the air by the speaker.
So, the oscilloscope display is really important, and the first one we look at.
After that we look at the Spectrum analyzer.
The problem with the oscilloscope display is its had to tell what the frequency of
the sounds are. because you would have to see how many
times it changed per second to figure out what the frequency is.
So while it's good its giving us an accurate representation of what the
speakers movement's going to be. It doesn't give us a good idea of the
frequency or timbre of the, of that moment and that's where the spectrum
analyzer comes in. In a spectrum analyzer, on the horizontal
we're going to see frequency and vertically we see amplitude.
And so that way we can see that this sound has a lot of energy at 2K or 1K or
500 Hz. So its going to be really useful in
associating the, those numbers to what we're actually hearing.
Problem with the spectrum analyzer, it doesn't give us a sense of where things
change over time. It's kind of a momentary picture of the
sound of the frequency and the amplitude. So when we want to get the full picture
of sound, we move to a Spectrogram analysis.
Which is like the spectrum analyzer, but repeated over time.
So we can get a sense of how the timbre, the frequency, the amplitude, all change
over time. And I think this one most represents the
way we really hear. and it's a great view and we're going to
explore all three of those right now. >> Here, we have the three main sound
visualizers that you'll find when working in a DAW.
The first one on top is our Oscilloscope display and this shows us, kind of, a
microscopic view of what's going on with sound.
It's like a very, very zoomed in, real time display of what you see in an audio
track. We'll see that one the time scale, which
is the horizontal access here, in this display we have roughly 50 milliseconds.
We can see that 48 milliseconds is listed right here.
So this is a very, very fine snapshot of time.
And it's showing us exactly how the pressure is varying in the air or the
voltage is varying in a wire after it's been converted in a microphone.
We'll see that if I play a tone, and I'll play the C below middle C, [SOUND].
I'm playing a sine wave, which we consider to be the simplest of wave forms
because it's energy at a single frequency.
And in this display, if I hold a single note, we're going to see that there are
seven repetitions of this waveform in the display.
I can change the amplitude of the signal. And we see that the height of that
waveform is changing. Representing less pressure variations in
the air, or less voltage variation in a cable or wire of some sort and I can
bring that up. Now it's important to note, as I change
amplitude, it does not have any effect on the frequency.
If I were to play a higher note [SOUND], we're going to see that, now I went an
octave up. And we're going to see that there's twice
as many repetitions here. So if you go up an octave, that's going
from the C below middle C up to C again. You'll see that you're going to have
twice as many repetitions in the same amount of time.
So, an octave, in notes, so going from C and up an octave to another C is the same
as doubling frequency. Notice, as I change frequency, it does
not have an impact on the overall amplitude.
The final thing we can see with this, is going to be a change in timbre.
So, I will now morph this waveform from being a sine wave to being a sawtooth
waveform, and we can see how that changes in the ocilloscope display.
[NOISE] So, we have the same exact pitch. I'ts still C, I still perceive it and I
still recognize it as the same exact note.
But the sound is dramatically different. And that change in sound, is what we call
a timbre change. Right, that's one aspect of timbre is how
much brightness is added to the sound. but you'll notice that changing the
timbre did not effect the amplitude and it did not effect on the frequency.
The next visualizer we will look at is the Spectrum Analyzer.
We have in the bottom left hand corner here.
Again, the Spectrum Analyzer is showing us frequency horizontally and amplitude
vertically. Let's try some of those same exact
experiments. I'll start with a sine wave [INAUDIBLE]
the C below middle C. [SOUND] Now, here, instead of seeing the
actual motion of. Of the sound or the actual pressure of
the air. We're seeing the exact frequency that,
that's at. So we see a peak right at 130 hertz.
We also see amplitude on the vertical scale.
If I was to change the amplitude of the sine wave, we'll see that bump will raise
and lower. Now one aspect of spectrum analysis is
that even if you have energy at a single frequency it shows up as kind of a wide
bump in the analysis. Now that's just a limitation of spectrum
analysis in general. So don't worry about it, it's still
energy at a single frequency. If I was to increase the frequency of the
sine wave. So like before, I'll raise it by an
octave. [SOUND] We're seeing that, that bump
moved up double the frequency. So now its at 261 hertz, and frequency is
shown again on the horizontal plane. Now the last thing we'd like to try with
this is to change timbre and see how that is reflected in a spectrum analysis.
So I'll morph this into a sawtooth waveform [NOISE] .
And we see that timbre is shown as a series of peaks in the spectrum analysis.
Now this is a very important concept in sound.
In that any periodic waveform, like a sawtooth waveform is going to have peaks
at a number of frequencies. And each of these frequencies is an
integer multiple of that fundamental. So this is at 261 and then we're having
two times that frequency, three times that, four, five, six, seven, eight, etc.
This is called the harmonic series and it's a major function in timbre.
In that the difference in sound between a sine wave and a sawtooth waveform.
Or even between a piano and an oboe playing the same not, is going to be the
relative levels of the partials. That's not the only thing that describes
timbre, but it's a very important thing. And it's much easier to see here in the
spectrum analyzer than it is to see in the oscilloscope display.
You will very often see spectrum analyzers in EQ's because the role of an
EQ is to manipulate the timbre. Manipulate the spectrum and there is a
direct correlation between what you do in the EQ and how the sound changes within
this display. The final view we're going to have in our
analysis, is going to be a sonogram display.
And hopefully as you've been watching this, you've kind of seen how this is
functioning. In that we can see all these different
parameters at the same time. The sonogram analysis is really like a
spectrum analyzer flipped on it's side. In that, instead of having frequency left
to right, frequency is up and down. Then we have time going by slowly
horizontally. This is like a zoomed out wave form
display. Kind of, in that we see instead of having
the 48 milliseconds we had in the oscilloscope display, we have showing 6
seconds here. Let's try similar experiments and use the
sonogram display. I'll play a sine wave.
[SOUND] We're going to see one horizontal bar.
And if I change the amplitude, we're going to see the color of that bar
change. It's going to fade out and be a little
more blue. And if I increase the amplitude, it turns
green. And we also see over time how that
amplitude changed. And that's the beauty of the sonogram
display. Is it gives us a history of how the
timbre and how the spectrum changed. If I play up an octave like before, we're
going to see a rising line, right. So we see frequency as vertically, and we
see the same exact thing going up an octave double the frequency.
If I change the timbre by bringing in the upper harmonics by converting this into a
sawtooth wave form. We're going to see those additional
harmonics up here as additional lines in the sonogram analysis.
And I can bring those in and I can remove them and see that upper end and how that
changes. And I can see how it changes over time.
So we see how all this functions with a simple sine wave and sawtooth waveform.
What if we use more complex sounds? How can these function for us?
Well, this next example, I'll use simple vowel sounds and show how they actually
change in the sonogram analysis. So I'll just sing.
A E I O U on that same exact note and we'll see what changes with those
different vowel sounds. Here we go A, E, I, O, U.
So, we see in the sonogram analysis, we can really see that, when I sing on a
single pitch, I'm in I'm singing in that kind of C, below middle C.
We're seeing a single, what we call fundamental frequency, which is the note
that we perceive as the note, and we see all the harmonics.
Now, one of the great things is Every little variation in that fundamental
frequency is also seen in the upper harmonics.
And that's variations in pitch because we're seeing it change on the vertical
scale. Now, it's very obvious what is changing
between our vowel sounds. This is A, and we see that the letter A
or the vowel A has a kind of a void. We're missing the frequencies around one
kilohertz. E has an even wider void around 1K.
I has a lot of energy around 1K, in fact there's a very distinct, powerful
harmonic around 1K. And we see changes in a variety of ways.
And U is a complex vowel sound, in that it changes sound over the course of the
note. And we see that changing kind of filter
shaped with that, that emphasis change over the course of the vowel.
So we see in this, that we have a single device our vocal folds, that's actually
creating the pitch. And the mouth's creating kind of this
complex filtering. It's removing and emphasizing certain
portions of the frequency range. And we can think of the mouth as kind of
an EQ, a complex filter and the vocal folds as being kind of an oscillator or a
sound creator. So I hope this demonstration has helped
to show how these three parameters of sound, amplitude, frequency and timbre
interact and are displayed on these three different displays.
Let's review. If I play a note at a single frequency,
which is a sine wave [SOUND] and I change its amplitude, we see it as a vertical
change on the oscilloscope. We see it as a vertical change on the
spectrum analyzer. And we see it as a color change in the
sonogram display. [SOUND] If I change frequency, we see it
as changing the number of repetitions within the oscilloscope.
We see it as a horizontal motion in the Spectrum Analyzer.
And we see it as a vertical motion within the sonogram display.
If I change timbre, we see it as a change in wave shape on the oscilloscope.
We see additional energy and additional frequencies shown in the spectrum
analyzer. And we see additional lines show in the
sonogram display. Remember those additional energies are
called harmonics and they're integer multiples of the fundamental frequency.
I hope this helps to kind of solidify in your head how these parameters work with
each other and how the displays work. And hopefully the next time you see
these, they'll make much more sense. Again, I think it's important to start
getting a correlation between what you hear and some absolute numbers.
And these displays will make that much, much easier.
Beautiful Instrumental Series: Hallelujah (Beautiful Instrumental Music) - Duration: 3:40.Title: Beautiful Instrumental Series: Hallelujah (Beautiful Instrumental Music)
Summer Special Feeling Happy Mix 2018 Best of Vocal Deep House Music, Nu Disco & Chill Out Mix 2018 - Duration: 1:23:14.-------------------------------------------
Celebrate Piano Day with free music around Portland - Duration: 1:37.-------------------------------------------
Kontinuum-Aware (Free music - Nocopyright). - Duration: 4:32.-------------------------------------------
RAFEEO: Get Lit With Me! What's On My 2018 Music Playlist? - Duration: 17:10.SUBSCRIBE. It's free!
>>RAFEEO: Why, hello there.
>>RAFEEO: HA HA! [RAFEEO theme music]
>>RAFEEO: Hello everybody! Welcome back to another exciting episode of RA-FEE-O. I got a Jake hat on!
>>RAFEEO: Yeahhhhh! Looks like I'm flying with my Jake hat. Yeah. [Old phonograph music] I'm not showing off it's not new.
>>RAFEEO: I've had this for awhile. It's like Jake is sad. Come on Jake.
>>RAFEEO: Come on. It's a fun video. Get up and move Jake. Jake's just been on my head for a while.
>>RAFEEO: I don't know what his problem is. So I'm gonna be doing something pretty
>>RAFEEO: awesome and something a little different... a little different.
>>RAFEEO: I call it my playlist thing. Uh Uh...My playlist...The list of things...Me talking...
>>RAFEEO: Me talking about my playlist. Yes! My playlist is awesome. I got a bunch of
>>RAFEEO: music on my phone that I would love to talk about.
>>RAFEEO: Post in the comments what your favorite song is. BAM. Yeah. So yeah I got my phone here.
>>RAFEEO: It's got a bunch of songs that I listen to. A bunch of awesome songs, a bunch of
>>RAFEEO: awesome songs and I am gonna talk a little bit about them- why I like them, why
>>RAFEEO: I have them on my list and you know why you should listen to them. [Creepy laughter] Hahahahaha...
>>RAFEEO: Alright, let's get started! Alright let me just open up my thing here. Shaba bop
>>RAFEEO: boop beep bop it up boom bop. Okay, first song, first song, first song, first song...
>>RAFEEO: Bohemian Rhapsody. Bohemian Rhapsody. Why I love Bohemian Rhapsody...well I know it
>>RAFEEO: on the guitar.
[RAFEEO playing Bohemian Rhapsody on a Fender Stratocaster electric guitar]
>>RAFEEO: That's why, that's why I wanted to learn it on the guitar.
>>RAFEEO: Cuz Bohemian Rhapsody is such an awesome song. Such a awesome song, that I had to
>>RAFEEO: learn it on guitar. That's how awesome it was. And I
>>RAFEEO: committed, I committed to learning that song. That's why I love Bohemian Rhapsody.
>>RAFEEO: [laughter] Bohemian Rhapsody is an awesome song. Queen is awesome.
>>RAFEEO: Who doesn't like Queen? Who doesn't- I mean it was probably...Queen is awesome.
>>RAFEEO: Alright, moving on down, moving on down, moving on down. Man On The Moon.
>>RAFEEO: R.E.M. I'm to- R.E.M. Awesome. I'm pr-I'm probably gonna say that to every single
>>RAFEEO: album that pops up on here. I'm just gonna go-Awesome! Best! I'm like they are
>>RAFEEO: such an awesome band and uh Man On The Moon was the second song I heard by them.
>>RAFEEO: The first song I heard by them was Great Beyond, which is on the same album and
>>RAFEEO: that was the second song that I heard by them and I was like oh man! R.E.M. is awesome. I'm adding
>>RAFEEO: them. R.E.M. is so cool. Riff-Raff. AC/DC. One Riff-Raff. Two Riff-Raff. Add one up
>>RAFEEO: here. Add one right here. Add one of them up in the corner. Add one on my face.
>>RAFEEO: But yeah, Riff-Raff, um, also another song that I know on a guitar.
[RAFEEO playing Riff-Raff on a Fender Stratocaster electric guitar]
>>RAFEEO: Because AC/DC is awesome and yeah. Moving down, moving down, moving down,
>>RAFEEO: moving down. Blue Moon. Beck. Awesome. Beck is awesome. First song I ever heard by
>>RAFEEO: Beck, Girl, off of of his albums. I forget. It's up here. I'll put it right here.
>>RAFEEO: But yeah, Girl was the first song I heard by him and then I was like who is that? I looked up, looked it up,
>>RAFEEO: found him...found him. It took me years. No it didn't. I just searched Beck and a bunch of
>>RAFEEO: his stuff came up and I was like yes! Oh my god..yes! Play some more of that! Beck is awesome. Do I Wanna Know? Arctic Monkeys.
>>RAFEEO: Awesome song. Awesome video. Oh let's see. What
>>RAFEEO: else. Today. Smashing Pumpkins. Ah ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba...
>>RAFEEO: Numb. Linkin Park. I love Linkin Park so much. Leave Out All The Rest, Breaking The Habit,
>>RAFEEO: which is off...album..still, still can't...still can't figure out that album.
>>RAFEEO: Mr. Blue Sky! Best song ever. Happiest song ever.
[RAFEEO playing Mr. Blue Sky on a Fender Stratocaster electric guitar]
>>RAFEEO: If you ever have a bad day, play Mr. Blue Sky. It will cheer you up
>>RAFEEO: super fast and I'm not even lying about that. It is awesome!
>>RAFEEO: Moving on down. Ok, this band is awesome. Covet. Just started listening to Covet.
>>RAFEEO: Their stuff is so amazing. I got, I gotta admit- favorite song off of Covet album...
>>RAFEEO: Sea Dragon. Love Sea Dragon. When I first heard Sea Dragon, I was like oh man, like
>>RAFEEO: I will never play this in a million years on the guitar. [Laughter] But yeah, Sea Dragon is one of
>>RAFEEO: their, one of the first songs I heard by them when I when I first found out about
>>RAFEEO: Covet and, and then I was hooked! And you will too. Check out Covet. Their stuff's
>>RAFEEO: awesome. They also do live performances. Go check out the live performances.
>>RAFEEO: They're awesome. [Deep voice] They're awesome. Further down, further down...
>>RAFEEO: Dizz Knee Land. Dada. Ah that song brings back childhood memories.
>>RAFEEO: It does! Cuz I would listen to Dada all the time cuz it was when I got my first
>>RAFEEO: phone and it was like a little, little tiny like doll phone and it had iTunes on
>>RAFEEO: it. It was back when iTunes wasn't as good as it is now. But I got that song, that song was the
>>RAFEEO: first song and I was like I'm gonna listen this every single day and Dada is um,
>>RAFEEO: Dizz Knee Land. Go check out that song. Video is cool too. When that first guitar
>>RAFEEO: riff comes on, you're gonna be hooked with that song. Further down, further down...
>>RAFEEO: Fortunate Son. Creedence Clearwater Revival. Hear that airplane outside? Be quiet
>>RAFEEO: airplane. I'm trying to film something here. It's the airplane. It doesn't listen.
>>RAFEEO: Virtual Insanity. Jamiroquai. Love Jamiroquai. Jamiroquai is awesome. Steam. Peter
>>RAFEEO: Gabriel. When I first started listening to Peter Gabriel, first song I ever heard by
>>RAFEEO: him was Sledgehammer, which I also have on my list. MGMT. Electric Feel.
[RAFEEO playing Electric Feel on an Ibanez bass guitar]
>>RAFEEO: Love that song so much. Just love it. Further down, further down...All Night Long.
>>RAFEEO: Lionel Richie. Second happiest song ever. That's, that's one of the happiest songs
>>RAFEEO: ever. It's like, it ranks second of Mr. Blue
>>RAFEEO: Sky. Mr. Blue Sky is a very happy song. Um let's see...
>>RAFEEO: Re-Hash by the Gorillaz. First song I ever heard by the Gorillaz was Feel Good Inc.
>>RAFEEO: Cuz you know that was when I even heard of the Gorillaz, was that song. I was like oh my god...
>>RAFEEO: who is this? Who is it?? And then um, their songs Re-Hash, um, On Melancholy Hill,
>>RAFEEO: there was a bunch of them. Love Gorillaz. Awesome!
>>RAFEEO: Further down, further down, further down... Feel The Pain. Dinosaur Jr. I found
>>RAFEEO: Dinosaur Jr. from Guitar Hero. Yep. It's like everyone finds their songs off of
>>RAFEEO: Guitar Hero. Well yeah I found this one and I got it on my list and now I'm
>>RAFEEO: listening to it. But yeah, Feel The Pain. Dinosaur Jr. Awesome song. Further down, further down....Dig. Incubus.
>>RAFEEO: First song I ever heard by Incubus was Dig. It um- I also learned
>>RAFEEO: that song from the Lego Rock Band. Yes, I was very in to Rock Band. But but yeah, um, Dig was the
>>RAFEEO: first song I ever heard by Incubus and then, ya know,
>>RAFEEO: I started listening to Pardon Me, Pardon Me by Incubus, Miss You,
>>RAFEEO: Incubus. Incubus is awesome. Breaking The Habit. Linkin Park. Alright, further down,
>>RAFEEO: further down...[singing] Eye Of The Tiger, it's the thrill of the fight, rising up to get on my list...
>>RAFEEO: Alright, further down, Adventure Of A Lifetime.
>>RAFEEO: Coldplay. First song I ever heard by Coldplay was Yellow. Yellow was the first
>>RAFEEO: song I ever heard by Coldplay. Further down, further down, further down, further down,
>>RAFEEO: further down...Radioactive. Imagine Dragons. Favorite song. Fireflies. Owl City. First
>>RAFEEO: time I heard Owl City was that song Fireflies. Fireflies is awesome. It's off
>>RAFEEO: of Ocean Eyes. Awesome. Awesome, awesome, awesome,
>>RAFEEO: awesomeness, awesome awesome. Yes. Yep, pretty awesome. Further down... Shake It.
>>RAFEEO: Metro Station. Third happiest song ever. You could break the song out anywhere and
>>RAFEEO: instant dance party for this song. Best song ever. Found The Fixer. Pearl Jam.
[RAFEEO playing The Fixer on a Fender Stratocaster]
>>RAFEEO: Second song. Love that song. Song is awesome. My hat. I gotta pull it down. Now I look like I'm
>>RAFEEO: about to go diving. Let me fix it, let me fix it. There we go. [Pop music]
>>RAFEEO: Oh hang on, one more time [Pop music] Further down, further down...The Underdog. Spoon. Another awesome one.
>>RAFEEO: If you haven't heard of this guy, go check out his stuff.
>>RAFEEO: Ken Ashcorp. I gotta admit, Ken Ashcorp,um, I haven't been listening to his stuff for
>>RAFEEO: that long, but his stuff is so awesome. When something has to do with video
>>RAFEEO: games and cartoon mixture, mix that get Ken Ashcorp. Go check
>>RAFEEO: out his stuff. He has a YouTube channel too. It has all his music on it.
>>RAFEEO: I gotta admit, his stuff is so cool. Go check out Ken Ashcorp. Love his stuff. Go
>>RAFEEO: check out Ken Ashcorp! Alright, further down, further down,
>>RAFEEO: further down, further down, further down further down.... The Kill (Bury Me). Thirty Seconds to Mars.
[RAFEEO playing The Kill (Bury Me) on a Fender Stratocaster electric guitar]
>>RAFEEO: That was the very first song I ever heard by Thirty Seconds to Mars. Glasses!
>>RAFEEO: First song I ever heard by Thirty Seconds to Mars was The Kill (Bury Me). That song is
>>RAFEEO: awesome. Put it up there. Make it bigger. Enlarge. Bigger!
>>RAFEEO: Alright, further down, further down...Yeah, awesome song, Heavydirtysoul. twenty one pilots.
>>RAFEEO: Their stuff, I gotta admit, is so cool. Love their band. It's awesome.
>>RAFEEO: Listen to Heavydirtysoul. You're gonna be hooked when you hear that song.
>>RAFEEO: Completely. Go check out that song. That song is awesome. Further up, Movies. Alien
>>RAFEEO: Ant Farm. Best song ever. Another song that if you break that song out, instant
>>RAFEEO: dance party...if it's, if it's a rock party. Andrew McMahon. Fire Escape. Fire Escape.
>>RAFEEO: That song is awesome. Andrew McMahon, so cool. Float On by Modest Mouse and Ocean
>>RAFEEO: Breathes Salty. They're both the same so let's combine those two..BAM. Makes one album.
>>RAFEEO: Go check them out. Doo doo doo doo buh buh buh buh be boot a boot...
>>RAFEEO: My favorite song for the last song is 3 Libras. A Perfect Circle.
[RAFEEO playing 3 Libras on a Fender Stratocaster electric guitar]
>>RAFEEO: Their stuff is so cool. Love that song. It was first song I heard by A
>>RAFEEO: Perfect Circle. Go check out A Perfect Circle. Their stuff is amazing. It's so
>>RAFEEO: cool. And um, but yeah go listen to 3 Libras. Awesome song.
>>RAFEEO: Thank you guys for joining me and checking out the songs on my list. But yeah, those are my top ones I
>>RAFEEO: didn't make a list, I just kind of went through my-my phone to find a song, the
>>RAFEEO: songs I liked, and like to listen to. I got a way bunch more or this video would
>>RAFEEO: have been longer. But yes! Comments! Post in the comments! What is your favorite
>>RAFEEO: song? What is your favorite song in the world? Favorite-ist, favorite song of favorites?
>>RAFEEO: Put it in the comments down below. Hope you guys enjoyed this little video that
>>RAFEEO: I created about going into my music. Hang on...Center myself. Of me going into
>>RAFEEO: my music and my playlists and stuff. Hope you guys enjoyed this video and as
>>RAFEEO: always thanks for watching.
[Happy music]
>>RAFEEO: Hey guys! Thank you so much for watching this here video. Click right here to
>>RAFEEO: check out my social media. Click right here to watch some mo' videos. I think
>>RAFEEO: they're pretty funny. And click right here to SUBSCRIBE.
>>RAFEEO: Costs nothing. No money whatsoever. Completely free.
Best Fitness & Trainings Music 2018 - Duration: 54:22.Best Fitness & Trainings Music 2018
UPBEAT BACKGROUND MUSIC | Happy Instrumental Music - Duration: 2:04.Happy and upbeat music for any kind of positive video or film!
How To Download Music Directly On Your iPhone/iPod/iPad Without Computer/Jailbreak - Duration: 5:38.Hello viewers welcome to my channel how to
Today i'm going to show you guys how to download
musics on your iphone ipad ipod
devices without no computer and no jailbreak
solace ted i
think you have heard a name of her app called up humans okay
So today we will download the music and keep it in documents and then transfer it from
Documents to our icloud so true process
Ok, let's start first let's go to app store
app store
Then search here for
D oh, see you am ii and he as documents search
You, see here this?
Documents this is the app documents so just go here so
this is our app called the caymans
First we will download the music and keep it here and then transfer from documents to icloud
Okay, so there are two process so this is our app
Ninety nine point five megabytes okay let's download it i've already downloaded it so you need to download it and then open
Ok let's open the documents
so this is our app called documents okay now go and
Select your song for me too ok let's go to youtube
So now we'll download this song ok wiz khalifa see you again let's see it
it appear months after going to dock you must go and click here this right button
Ok, after plugging it here now go to here and search
To mp3
Ok, so i'll show you 2 p.m., 3 after searching here you will get these results and click on the first page
online video converter
Then paste the link you copied ok paste it
There's the link of the video see you again then click on more settings?
more settings and select the audio quality i
To export in 320 kbps to get the quality good and format is mp3 okay you can choose any other format oh?
gcse and before a your choice
So now we will
Format is mp3 so let's start
click on the start button
So our video is now converting to am p3 so we'll get the song
See you again okay?
So the songs not converting now let's download
you, can the download button you'll cover with this page and click on here save
So now go and click here this button
You, see it's downloading now go to this and
click on downloads
So you see it's downloading wiz khalifa see you again?
22.7% 23 percent it's downloading okay less so now the song is downloaded
So you see here this song is downloaded wiz khalifa's here again in the folder downloads
So this stuff older downloads here you can see let's hear the song
Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist - Duration: 5:03:20.Title: Title: Morning Coffee Music for your morning coffee: 3 Hours of Morning Coffee Music Playlist
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