Concrete Decor Myanmar Training Center (09259343260, 259343261)
How to: BBQ LIKE A REAL KOREAN! - Duration: 9:37.hi everyone!
and welcome to this new video!
today I'm here with Valentinaaa! Hiiiiii!
and Felix is here!
and what are we going to do, Valentina?
we are gonna eaaat!
yeees, becasue we didn't eat today, we are so hungry!
are you hungry?
He is always so excited....
ok, so today we are going to try Korean BBQ
he is trying to kill my dog!
so, today we are going to try Korean BBQ
we are going in a place called Hanam doeji
which is...Pork of Hanam?
Hanam's pork...?
is a franchise
but is so god, and the most important thing
is that the guy working there is gonna cook it for you
so you don't have to cook it by yourself!
but in case you want you can do Korean BBQ in your house as well!
and...yeah...let's go...
I can't think I'm to hungry....LETS GOOO
This is us after we finish eating it...
are you ready to be fat??
Felix, please explain to us the menu!
in Korean...
there is this one which is "all in one set"
and is the one that probably most Koreans eat
look at it...
Pork belly...
ah, this one, pork belly...
neck meat
those are the one Koreans eat the most
and this one is the special one
and is special because there are more types of meat inside
what will we order?
mmmm we are going to order this one....?
the one that we always eat!
which one is that?
can you guess?
the special one?
good job!
4 portions of galmegi!
4 people!
we are 3 but we are gonna eat for 4 people!
and there are other stuff too....
yes, rice!
1 rice!
and for me... the lunch box!
me.... mushrooms?
the ding dong! Because, you should know that...
there is the ding dong!
when you have to order after having decided what to eat
you will press the ding dong button...and..
the stuff will come to get your order
but we have no ding dong button...
where is it??
the fun part about coming to this place!
creating water tissue!
you should know that I am a magician....
we will now transform these into tissues
with water...
what are those?
please, use one of them to show us
this is how you clean your hands before eating, because we are really clean people
we are clean people!
he is not clean!
ohh looks good!
so... here we got the meat!
ok this is my favorite sauce!
Im gonna eat it with this one
it is not spicy, but is red!
and we will put some salt
and I really like kimchi...
so im gonna eat some of it too
which is your favorite way to eat meat?
just salt?
she likes basic stuff
yeah, basic
I'm basic... She is basic...
can you show us how Korean people eat it?
with this one?
oh with this one!
this is a type ok leaf with a lot of oil in it
it is called Meyongee Namul
and then you take the meat
you put salt..of course
and garlic!
how does it taste?
like.... sour? Sour taste?
because that one is sour!
so first you take the leaf of salad
and then you take the meat
and you can chose the sacue
I will chose this... and...
I will put A LOT of it
and then you have to put something inside
we have some mushrooms
and here we got some eggs
oh..thank you...
we got some garlic....2 garlics!
really big garlics! No one will ever kiss me again!
and this, because garlic is not enough
so we need green onions
you have to try to make it all fit inside this leaf
and you close it
to make a ball
is a really nice ball
and you put it all inside your mounth
you open your mouth!
how is it?
describe it...with words!
so...the big bang happened in your mouth!
really good!
we finished everything...we are such pigs!
Im so full right now
are you pregnant?
yeah I am pregnant... and I couldn't finish my rice too
is was too much
because I wanted to eat more meat
how was it?
Im not full yet...
did you eat it all??? Yes, we did....
I think I ate it all....
he was talking so we were just eating...eating...
and everything finished...
right right!!!
yeah...we did it on purpose...
it was a perfect tactic!
we made him speak so much he didn't eat anything
we still have this one!
oh we didn't eat it!
this is special mushroom
you cook it there
and then it created water inside and it is really good fro your skin
and you put this sauce inside
and now is skin will become perfect...
karma is a bitch!'s same..
please, make the closure of this video
so...if you liked this video...
give us a thumbs up!
and like our page
it's not mine....but...
facebook, twitter,
what's our site name??
yes, you can find a lot of products there!
...and a lot of video, a lot of Anna and a lot of Felice!
How Does Chiropractic Work? - Duration: 5:01.How does chiropractic work? Coming right up.
Hey I'm Dr. Ekberg with Wellness For Life and if you'd like to truly master
health by understanding how the body really works make sure that you
subscribe and hit that notification bell so that you don't miss anything. So just
in case you're wondering what this is if you happen to see it throughout the
video this is called poison ivy it's the end stages and I can't recommend it so
stay away from poison ivy so how does chiropractic really work so often people
tell me that oh I believe in chiropractic or I don't believe in
chiropractic but it's not whether you believe it or not it's do you understand
how it works it's simple physiology it's simple neurophysiology so first of all
the brain controls everything about you it controls your blood pressure your
digestion your hormone regulation your ph balance it controls your thoughts and
it controls the posture and the muscle tone and everything about how your body
behaves in gravity and the way that the brain can do that is because it receives
feedback from the body that's called proprioception and the brain receives
somewhere on the order of a billion bits of information of proprioception every
second and the brain turns things on and off in response to that proprioception
and the sum total is called regulation and it allows the body to return to
homeostasis and to proper posture so chiropractic is not about moving the
bone it's what happens in the brain as a result of moving the bone how does the
adjustment affect proprioception how does the adjustment improve
proprioception see if the world looks like this but the brain is told it looks
like that then the brain doesn't have a true picture of reality and the
depends on how the spine is moving how all the body parts are moving if the
different body parts are not moving properly if they don't have a full
smooth range of motion then they're not signaling correctly to the brain and the
brain does not have a true picture of reality and now the brain cannot manage
the body accurately so when we make an adjustment we're identifying an area
that has less than optimal feedback and then we make an adjustment and we
improve that feedback by putting pressure on receptors we stimulate
receptors we stimulate pressure receptors and motion receptors joint
mechanoreceptors muscle spindle cells and in doing that we give the brain more
information more precise information and the brain has a true picture and the
brain can do its job so it doesn't matter if you do a twist or pop
adjustment or if you do an activator adjustment with a little spring-loaded
pin or if you do what I do mostly called an Arthostim which is a powered
adjusting tool that pulses 12 to 15 times per second all of it is about
stimulating receptors giving the brain more information and based on some
research that they've done an adjustment can increase the activity of the frontal
lobe by about 30% so you're increasing the activation of the frontal lobe the
frontal lobe is the main manager of the rest of the body so that is how
chiropractic works it is not whether you believe it or not it is whether you
understand it or not the techniques don't matter so much all chiropractic
techniques work some of the time nothing works all of the time but an experienced
doctor can find the appropriate solution more of the time hope that helps you
understand a little bit more about chiropractic please share this video
with some of the skeptics and then maybe bring them over to a seminar
that we have every Wednesday if you're in the neighborhood (3480 Keith Bridge Rd Cumming GA 30041) so that we can tell
you a little bit more about how this works if you're new to this channel make
sure that you subscribe and hit that notification bell so that we can keep
bringing this information to you and the more people we get this information to
the more people we can help get healthy thanks for watching
How to make a cheap foam bouquet - Duration: 2:15.How to make a cheap foam bouquet
how to repair Laptop and Mobile Charger | Bangla tutorial - Duration: to repair Laptop and Mobile Charger
HOW 'NOT' TO MAKE A TINDER PROFILE! (24 HOUR CHALLENGE) - Duration: 7:41.Greetings amigos and welcome to the HoaxShow, today I'm making a tinder
pro... cro....
I'm making a tinder potato.
so let's go...oh no, cos I've already got the Let's go bit. I've already done the intro.
Today I will be making a tinder profile. cos I'm gonna try to see if I can get a match.
This is a four step process. Step number 1: I'm gonna sexify myself. Using photoshop.
Step 2: Download Tinder... Of course I need Tinder to find myself some lovely chicas!
Step 3: upload onto Tinder with a random name, and then Step 4: hopefully get a match!
Because if I don't, then.. I've kind of wasted this video.
so, we should go, over to that chair there!, we're going to that chair, ok, I'm going to jump cut right now!
You missed it! AHHHH!!!!
ok guys, so I'm currently on photoshop at the moment, you'll probably see the screen... Here somewhere.
so first of all, we need to make myself look sexy.... so let's make myself look sexy shall we?
Making myself look sexy!
Ok. You may of seen I've given myself a black eye, well, you know, I want to show that I'm a tough guy.
I'm a tough man, I like to rumble, Rumble in the jungle, have a fist fight,
Women like men who are strong!
And we're done!
Well done.. ok. so you'll see my image on the screen now! I hope you like it. so let's move on to the next part.
Ok guys, earlier on I asked my instagram followers 'what name I should give for my tinder profile?'
So lets see what they suggested..
'Shock Sound'
Zero comments.. I got zero comments...
Let me refresh this.
'Shock sound'
Still zero comments..... I got zero comments... Oh thanks guys! SERIOUSLY THANKS!
I want to be liked. I want to be liked by someone. If you post a damn picture, you like, comment and you Subscribe!
You're not YouTube famous they tell me, Only fifty seven subs they told me, No ones going to comment they told me.
Why does nobody comment, Why does nobody comment!
I got zero comments on my instagram picture , @hoaxshow make sure you follow.
Now, I'm gonna have to do this myself. All website links in the description below,
First of all, I'm going to need a random nationality, so let's check that out now.
And I got English. But I'm...I'm...I'm already English.
We're going to do that again! Canadian, ok, now that's more like it, so we're Canadian.
Now I think it's time to find myself some hobbies, you know, you can't have a tinder profile without hobbies,
Those girls need to know They're getting in for. Ok, I can work with this, Speed reading.
What girl doesn't love a guy who likes speed reading. They're fast in everything!
Cycling, Girls love guys who like to speed read and cycle. So far so good.
COMIC BOOKS? Some girls like comic books..
Let's do one more hobby, Bird watching...
Ok, so I'm A speed reading, Cycling, Comic book collecting, Bird watcher. I mean it could work.
Ok, now it's time to find myself a career. Every Woman wants a guy, who has success in his life.
So let's find out what my career is Shall we? Generate and...
Lighthouse keeper. I'm a bird watching, comic book, speed reading, Cycling, lighthouse keeper.
I'm going to get so many girls!
I think we'll go with a French name, Cos Canada. Canada, French, Yeah, it works.
Marmion Lagrange, So there you go, I'm Marmion Lagrange.
Why hello there chica. My name is Marmion Lagrange, Would you like to go eat some froggies?
That's a very bad accent, and I'm sorry for that, I'm sorry if I've offended any french people there.
Ok guys, We're done, So I think it's time now to start constructing our Tinder profile.
First of all, I'm gonna have to download tinder.
oooo... It's installing. Tinders installing guys.. Now I'm just going to start setting up my Tinder profile.
Let's find my first name, Mar-Marmion, Marmion.
Make sure I get my tattoo in there, you know what I'm saying, like, A little bit of HoaxShow there!
I think it's time to edit my profile.
I've just finished my description, for my profile, I think you'll find it's pretty genius, you wanna check it out.
I watch the birds, like I'll watch your soul, I'll speed read your heart, like a book of gold, the comics I collect,
are rare just like you, as you cycle into my heart from the summer months of june!
Also I'm lonely, incredibly lonely, My ex girlfriend left me because she said I was seeing other Women!
But I wasn't, It was just a blue tit! a blue tit Karen! Why.. Why did you sleep with Steve... You fickle bitch.
Looking forward to matching with you. Marion.
P.s. I do bum stuff. You know, you gotta get em, I do bum stuff.
My profile is now set up, I'm going to be swiping right for awhile, and I will let you know tomorrow if I get any matches.
I'm swiping the wrong way.
ten seconds of filming, I got a match! I got a match! OH YEAH!
She's offering me twenty percent discount on Jeans. It's not a good match, But it's still a match, I got a match
I'm going to spend the next twenty four hours or so just swiping right. as much as I can.
I don't think you really want to see that, that's going to be quite boring. so I think this video calls for.
A swiping montage.
Ok guys, so it's been about twenty four hours and I'm going to go see now if I got any matches on my tinder profile.
OK, Yes! yes, I got a total of two real matches, ok, so we've got Angela. Angela here she said.
'E'. just 'E' So I'm gonna reply.
The games afoot.
And then we have, Meska, Meska? meska?
So I just replied this, 'Hola Chica, Buenas dias! Amiga!
Ok, so I'm gonna keep you posted, if these guys reply, maybe in a later video. so I will see you later, ok bye.
Ok guys! thank you for watching don't forget to like, comment and subscribe on this video.
And remember, Smile, Because life is beautiful. I'll see you in the next one, Hasta luego.
Goodbye everybody!
How to clean oven glass door? - Duration: 11:41.Hi I'm Lisa from Active Domestics and a couple of weeks ago I actually cleaned the
inside of my oven but there was a couple of things that I missed doing. I didn't
quite complete the job. So I'm going to do that today
and that as you can see through here there's still streaks and stuff that you
can see on there and what that is, is all the stuff that's built in. There's two
bits of glass in here and a lot of that dirt is actually sort of and grease is
trapped in there. So first of all before you do anything with the oven you want
to get yourself some old rags and put them on the floor for any drips. Absolutely
particularly if your clients got wooden floors down here you want to really
think ahead and protect the floors. Now with this it's basically a Phillips head
screwdriver for this one and you're just going to undo these bits here. See I'm
not very good at using a screwdriver and that just doesn't come all the way just loosens it....
yes it does come all the way out. There you go.
So you can see actually how greasy that is just through my hands and of course
one of the best things for grease is usually you know some kind of a
detergent or something like that so I'm actually not using gloves here
because I don't want to accidentally
drop that and actually I'm going to need a knife first to get that out (Excuse me)
I just need the knife to lift that up ever so carefully. It really takes a lot of the
weight off actually but you can see where the build up is all along there
and look at it that's disgusting..all the drips and all the drips along here.
So anyway I'm going to take that over here. This is the side that's dirty. I'm just going to give it a good
spray with some.. I'm just using a natural product by Green Addict called the
Grease Muncher and I'm just gonna really spray it on and let the product sit for a
little while before I wash that off so it can really have time to work you can
see it's starting to move that grease already and I'm also going to spray down here look
Oh Yuk! Look at that! at that I just...okay maybe I've got this spray on on the wrong setting or something, okay
so I've got more cleaning to do... so just to leave this sit for a little while
keeps wanting to sit up that's pretty gross
see how about dripping down there now if we didn't have if you were using some
sort of toxic cleaning chemicals and you didn't have anything to protect the
floor then that's going to be a real problem. That's not a toxic one, now
that's a cleaning product that's made with essential oils and natural very
natural products so I know it's not going to cause any damage but I'm still
just going to let that sit for a while. I'll give it a good old wash up and then we'll
come back at the end and see how we're going ,.. so Paul, if you want to press pause ..
So that Grease Muncher did a really good job of it in here and make sure you get make sure you
clean right around these bits actually where the screws and that go because
that's sort of what leaves a gap sometimes that actually allows all that
dirt to get in so you can see that's actually come up perfectly. It came up really well
and then basically make sure you wipe all the way down there as well because
the drips you can see how much better that is and I've still got the other bit
of glass over here that I'm going to need to just put give it a little bit
more of a scrub and a bit more of a soak to get some of these other bits off it's
a lot better but while I've got it off I'm going to actually try and and make
it as good as I possibly can so we'll check in at the end when I'm finished
and and you can see I've given these a nice clean and there they're all clean
and ready to to go back on.. so I'm just going to use a little bit more product
I'm gonna use a Magic Eraser and just give it a little bit more of a work
over and see how good I can get it. So check in with you soon.
Right so I've been scrubbing away with
this I have tried a
Magic Eraser .. I'm actually one thing I want to mention too is that when you're
doing something like this I mean obviously the biggest thing here is that
I don't want to break this so I've got to think ahead
and I'm constantly moving my tap fixture out of the way so I'm not going to
accidentally sort of lift it up and bang it and break it and anyway so it's just
bit by bit and I just wanted to quickly show you what I'm doing I mean I'm not
going to tape me doing this the whole the whole way I'm just putting some more
of this product on here and and basically it's just takes time you
Can you see quite closely there Paul how it is actually coming up?
(That's my button banging into the glass)
like I said I'm not using harsh chemicals so I'm not wearing any
gloves but if you're wearing using the harsh chemicals while you're doing this
of course you would be wearing gloves you just have to be extra careful that
you don't actually break it or it slips through your fingers or something
like that it's getting pretty darn close. It's getting close.
just keep turning it over and scrubbing it. It's hard to tell sometimes which side
it's on but yeah it's coming up look it's really coming up so anyway while
I'm scrubbing I just want to say thanks to everyone who's been watching my
videos and giving me encouragement I'm trying to get to get better at my
editing and get better at my taping.. it takes time and if anyone has any
suggestions as to things that they would like me to make videos of or stuff like
that just let me know but yeah this is how I spend my Sundays...Yay it's fun! My
husbands here's trying to watch his Bellator fight but I keep dragging him
over here too..he's missing it now lol
okay so I'm just gonna keep going again try and get these last little bits and
you can see that looks so much better and very soon I'm going to very
carefully put it back and hope like heck I don't drop it in the process and smash it
So I've scrubbed this.. I don't know it's probably taking me about 5-10 minutes something
like that and it's just been a matter of keep turning it over and sometimes
I've used my fingernails to detect whether it's on one side or the other
yeah I'm just giving it a good old rinse. This is quite good.. you don't want to use anything harsh
because if you scrub something that you know like a steel pad or something like
that you might actually scratch the glass and if you do
scratch the glass then you're just going to give more grooves and stuff inside
the glass for the dirt to stick to stick to. So you can see that's pretty good. I'm
really happy with that. Give it a good old rinse. There's maybe one or two bits I haven't got but that's good enough for me.
So the careful part want to make sure it's dry and that you're not going
to drop it. It fits on both ways so it doesn't matter which way you put it.
Giving that a good old wipe. Turn that around
That's pretty good I reckon. So carefully I'm gonna bring my bits ... That keeps flicking up.... Carefully pop it back in it's slot.
That makes it easier (it can stay down now) and then we just have to screw it back on
Get that back into it's little hole first. It's got these little rubber bits to keep everything in place
And whollah. A job well done. I've actually the last couple of times I've cleaned this oven I
haven't quite gotten to this stage yet. I've kind of cleaned the oven and then
thought yeah I'll get around to doing that and of course didn't but you want
to try to put like with all screws you don't them do them too tight otherwise
might cause problems and then whollah! It looks a lot better! I probably could have
made it a little bit more dryer in there so what I'm actually going to do is undo
them and dry it again but you don't have to see this part it's just because I
want to do this really good because I know it's probably going to be about a
year or two before I do do this job again so I'll say goodbye thank you for
watching and catch you later
Please subscribe
BOMBSHELL Evidence How CIA Made Obama A US Citizen – DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!! - Duration: 14:04.BOMBSHELL Evidence How CIA Made Obama A US Citizen – DRAIN THE SWAMP!!!!
Whistleblower Dennis Montgomery may have discovered the CIA and/or other government entities illegally
hacked into the Hawaii Department of Health records in an effort to search for birth records
on Barack Obama.
Investigators report government breaches began on November 14, 2008.
This was just after Obama's first presidential victory.
Those breaches continued through January 12, 2011 – some three months before the White
House issued a computerized version of what Obama claimed was the authentic long-form
version of his birth certificate from 1961.
Meanwhile, the mainstream media scoffed and laughed at anyone that dared to question the
authenticity of said document.
A database created in 2013 by Montgomery contained large sections of an electronic surveillance
database was provided to Michael Zullo, formerly the commander and chief investigator of the
Cold Case Posse (CCP), a special investigative group created in 2006 in the office of Joseph
M. Arpaio, formerly the sheriff in Maricopa County, an Arizona State Certified Law Enforcement
Agency, headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona.
It shows this database was created by the NSA as part of the NSA's illegal and highly
unconstitutional surveillance of American citizens in violation of their 4th amendment
rights under the label of Project Dragnet.
Dennis Montgomery is former U.S. intelligence contractor and he walked away with more than
600 million classified documents on no less than 47 hard drives from both the NSA and
the CIA.
His breach is considered even larger than that of Edward Snowden.
The evidence provided by Montgomery detailed warrantless collection of phone, financial
and personal data and the unmasking of identities in spy data about millions of Americans.
He has accused the Bureau of massive and flagrant amendment violations of the American people.
Among those 47 hard drives included information supplied to Zullo regarding Obama's fraudulent
birth certificate.
Montgomery also filed suit against the FBI, NSA, DOJ, and several other government agencies
in June 2017 for their illegal conducted surveillance of millions of American citizens for years,
as reported by AFF in June 2017.
Circa reported Montgomery divulged to the FBI "a pattern and practice of conducting
illegal, unconstitutional surveillance against millions of Americans, including prominent
Americans such as the chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, other justices, 156 judges,
prominent businessmen, and others such as Donald J. Trump, as well as Plaintiffs themselves."
As such Montgomery is represented by prominent Conservative attorney Larry Klayman of FreedomWorks
in U.S. District Court.
The case is being heard by the exact same federal judge who has already ruled that the
NSA's collection of data on Americans is a Fourth Amendment violation making for a
legal proceeding that will affect all Americans for the future.
With Montgomery's information in tow, Arpaio and Zullo held a press conference on December
15, 2016, in which the contents of a multiple year forensic investigation into the validity
of Obama's birth certificate was released.
The conclusion reached was that the Long-Form Birth Certificate released by Obama in April
2011 was indeed a forgery and the evidence they supplied strongly suggests CIA involvement
in the forgery with the following breaches of known Hawaiian IP addresses accessed by
known CIA IP addresses –
According to –
The IP addresses, both from the Hawaii government offices breached and from the CIA proxy IP
addresses used in the breaches.
"Montgomery also traced the IP data paths of the breached servers and discovered on
a number of occasions information was sent from the breached Hawaii computers, only to
be routed to a server located in Jakarta, Indonesia," Zullo said.
From Indonesia, the data was sent back through the server in Jakarta, routed back to government
servers in the United States.
Montgomery claims the server used in Jakarta was operated by the CIA at the time the breaches
were executed."
Montgomery brought forward to Arpaio and Zullo the information presented here regarding the
CIA breaches of Hawaii government computers that Montgomery alleges was collected while
he was employed as a subcontractor for the NSA, working on PROJECT: SPEARIT and various
surveillance projects.
Court documents do verify Montgomery was contracted by the NSA, in part to develop computer breaching
software that has been utilized in government mass surveillance operations targeting American
citizens without legal justification.
While Montgomery's credibility has been called into question, Zullo maintains that
the amount of information provided by Montgomery related to Operation Dragnet was extraordinarily
voluminous and that Montgomery had shared information with investigators in 2013 that
is only now being revealed by media outlets.
Zullo claims to have received information from top officials with the Hawaii Department
of Health claiming prior to the release of the long Obama's Long-Form Birth Certificate
by the White House the Hawaii Department of Health was in the process of forging a birth
certificate for Obama.
Arpaio's investigators also revealed that this same source revealed the attending physician
named on the forged document was known to be deceased and was believed to have destroyed
all birth records after leaving practice making him an ideal candidate for forgers.
Zullo also claimed to have received information from two different hospital administrators
independent of one another regarding meetings held in 2008 as Obama was preparing for his
initial presidential bid where all hospitals on the island worked to identify which hospital
Obama was born in.
Both administrators attested to the fact no hospital in Hawaii could locate any records
to prove Ann Dunham Obama had been a patient, or that Barack Hussein Obama was born there.
Zullo states –
"Queens Hospital was the hospital originally named by the Obama family as the birth hospital,
but when it developed that Queens did not have records of Obama's birth, the family
shifted to story to claim Obama was born at Kapiolani Hospital.
Queens Hospital quickly reported publicly that Obama was not born in their hospital.
The admission of Queens Hospital that no birth record existed presented a serious problem
for the already belabored Obama birth narrative.
Kapiolani refused to comment neither confirming nor denying Kapiolani Hospital was Obama's
birth hospital.
To date, Kapiolani has not produced a single shred of evidence that any original birth
records exist, nor has Kapiolani Hospital ever produced any supporting documentation
or released any information that proves Stanley Ann Dunham was a patient at Kapiolani in August
1961 who gave birth to a son, Barack Obama, supposedly born on Aug. 4, 1961." also reveals that Zullo went on to point out that a written statement of
former Hawaii Director of Public Health Dr. Chiyome Fukino issued in October 2008 cast
further doubt that an original 1961 LFBC for Obama ever existed in the Hawaii Department
of Health archives.
On Oct. 31, 2008, Fukino issued a statement that read in part:
"Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar
of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital
records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health
has Sen. Obama's original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies
and procedures.
No state official, including Governor Linda Lingle, has ever instructed that this vital
record be handled in a manner different from any other vital record in the possession of
the State of Hawaii."
Zullo was not convinced, stating –
"That statement would indicate, if true, that Fukino simply walked in to the file vault
at the Hawaii Department of Health, went to the shelf containing the bound book volume
holding some 500 certificates including Obama's, located it inside that bound book, touched
it, and returned the bound volume back to its proper place, back on the shelf along
with 500 others.
The CIA breach would also enable the undetectable insertion of fraudulent digital information
of a fictitious birth event to be surreptitiously implanted into the Hawaii Department of Health
vital records computers database.Once the fictitious record has been created that would
allow an unsuspecting clerk to simply locate the fraudulent record in the computer database
and print a computer-generated Short-Form Birth Certificate (SFBC) without ever verifying
the existence of the original Long Form Certificate (LFBC) in the file room vault.
Hawaii did in fact originally produce a Short-Form Birth Certificate in 2008.
In an attempt to quell the growing controversy and to satisfy the questions surrounding the
Obama birth narrative, a Short-Form was released in 2008 during Obama's presidential campaign.
However, that was a digital record and not an original Long Form Birth Certificate.
This did not satisfy the growing number of skeptics.
In various discussions with Montgomery, he suggested 'three-letter agencies' had
the ability to not only hack into a computer network unnoticed and to download information
out of that computer network undetected, but also had the ability to upload information
into a computer, again undetected.
That upload capability would allow the implantation of completely fictitious or altered information
at will.
Once implanted, this would grant an unsuspecting clerk the ability to create and issue a Short-Form
Birth Certificate that was retrieved from Hawaii Department of Health legitimate computers
in accordance with Hawaii Department of Health procedures and customary practices."
Montgomery turned this information over to the FBI along with 600 million records illegally
obtained by the federal government for an immunity deal 2 years ago.
Zullo went on to explain –
"The Obama birth certificate information was included in the information Montgomery
turned over to the FBI.
The FBI has done nothing with Montgomery's information for more than two years.
That's when the White House released to the public via the internet a computer-generated
PDF File of a purported Long-Form Birth Certificate claiming to be a copy of Obama's birth records
located in the Hawaii Department of Health vault on April 27, 2011.
What the White House released was not a physical hard copy document.
It was not a copy of any verified authentic document, it was absolutely nothing.
It was a computer-generated PDF file containing a copy of something that had its metadata
erased from the electronic file, making it impossible to determine origin and authenticity
of the file.
This PDF file cannot be relied on as proof a birth event in any legal setting," Zullo
"It is not paper, it was created in cyberspace and resides in a computer.
On April 27, 2011, Obama showed the nation and the world absolutely nothing."
Arpaio and Zullo held a press conference showing Obama's birth certificate where a forensic
expert explained it contained "nine points of forgery," establishing that Obama's
Long-Form computer-generated birth certificate released by the White House on April 27, 2011,
had been copied
from Johanna Ah'Nee's birth certificate.
How to Make Kali Linux FULL SCREEN in VMware 2018 - HowToHack - Duration: 4:30.How to make kali linux full screen in vmware 2018
In This video "How to Make Kali Linux FULL SCREEN in VMware 2018 - HowToHack" i'm going to tech you
How you can Easily make kali linux full screen in VMware Workstation
if you want to know How to Install Windows 7 on Vmware Player? then check out my previous video Or If you want to know How to install Windows 7 on VMware Workstation 14 Pro.then you can check out My Playlist
Today You you will Learn How to Install Kali Linux 2018.1 on VMware? From This Video"How to Install Kali Linux 2018.1 in VMware + VMware Tools - HowToHack"
How to Save Money on Medicine - Duration: 3:18.Hey guys!
We were on our way to church this morning and we got pulled over for a speeding ticket!
Terribly frustrating!
I hate it when that happens!
You're just going along in life and then a huge financial burden comes and hits you!
Well in today's video I want to share with you a little about my story, Just dealing
with the high cost of medicine, and give you hope that there is a better way!
About 8 years ago I found out that I was pregnant with my third child.
We were overjoyed, but unfortunately I found out that I have an auto-immune disorder that
presents itself during pregnancy.
You know I had to give myself injections everyday to keep myself and my baby healthy.
That was wonderful except I found out at the pharmacy that it was going to cost my $900
a month, with insurance.
Unfortunately we have seen medicine prices hiked dramatically over the past few years.
You know whether you have been affected by diabetes, MS, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis,
depression, psoriasis or any number of diseases you have probably noticed it being a lot more
expensive when you go pick up your medicine.
Well, in today's video I want to tell you that there is hope.
There's a better way.
You know the reason this is happening, one reason, is because there is a drug company
called, Valeant, and they are acquiring medication that has an expired patent.
One example is a medicine called Cuprimine.
If you go to the neighborhood drug store right now, you can get Cuprimine, 120 capsules for
around $39,000!
Now it's not because of research or because this is a cutting edge drug.
As a matter of fact, this drug has been around since the 1950's.
In 2013 you could go pick up Cuprimine for around $800.
The reason that they are having such a huge, huge pike in drugs right now (in some instances)
is because companies like Valeant, groups of shareholders, are buying out drugs and then
hiking the price.
So what are you left to do?
Well, there is a place called CanadaPharmacy.Com.
If you go there, you can get Cuprimine, around the same number of capsules (it's 100 capsules)
For $555!
We are talking about a savings of over $30,000!!
I'm going to put a referral code in the description below.
If you want to use it, after you have spent $100 at, you can get a
$50 credit on your next purchase.
So that is an extra bonus in savings.
I just want to offer you hope.
If you are dealing with the high cost of medication there is another way.
If this video has been helpful to you, subscribe, I will come out with other videos to share
with you about how you can save money on healthcare costs.
Please like, share and subscribe.
How a health provider improved their patient care using Dynamics 365 - Duration: 2:42.(music)
She was outside.
16 years old.
I could hear the wind blowing.
Not sure what to do with her newborn.
The oldest person, 104.
The patient was diagnosed with gastric cancer.
The line went quiet again.
Hello hello hello? No response.
He was anxious about test results.
She said she was on 27 different medications.
He feels like we saved his life.
Patients are at their most vulnerable state.
This is our charge, to really help those patients
navigate the complex health system that we have.
Part of what we focus on within Providence St. Joe's
is know me, care for me, ease my way.
And we were missing a core component of that,
not knowing our patients when they were contacting us.
We're at the Patient and Provider Engagement Center
here in Renton, Washington.
We had started with five liaisons
and now we're close to 60 liaisons.
A white glove service,
providing concierge experience for everyone.
We have been working with Microsoft to make this happen,
using their Microsoft Dynamics platform,
to really help personalize that journey.
When the call comes in, a screen pop appears
showing who that patient is, based upon their phone number.
We're able to capture insights on the patients
that have been calling in, to really help improve
our health care organization
whether it be through navigation, through online tools,
or insuring that we have the right physicians
in place in different locations, based upon demand.
We serve patients in eastern Washington, Oregon.
Montana, California, and then we also have
an international line.
We take so many different calls.
It could be someone that is ill or has a sick child
or is new to the area and looking for care.
They're more than a voice.
I feel like I'm really advocating for someone
who maybe doesn't have family.
That's pretty powerful.
I love coming to work every day
and knowing that I'm going to help somebody.
We're translators.
We're navigators. We're problem solvers.
We're communicators.
There truly is a need out there,
and I think other health systems are starting to catch on
that it's beyond a hospital operator.
I will guide you through this whole process.
We're going to do this together.
We're not just looking at the transaction
or the length of time that you're spending with somebody.
It's the human connection
that really matters in all of this.
You treat them like family.
The callers are
an extension of us.
How To Detox Your Armpits In 7 Days To Prevent Udder Cancer- By Healthy Ways - Duration: 3:07.How To Detox Your Armpits In 7 Days To Prevent Udder Cancer- By Healthy Ways
How to Download Free Music on Your iPhone - Duration: 4:32.Hello and Welcome to TechSpot.
My name is Rahul Poonia.
Let's get into it.
In this video I will show you How to Download Free Music on iPhone from SoundCloud++ App.
Watch the video till the end to know where to save your Downloaded Music.
You can easily download any song for free directly on your iPhone using this trick shown
Before we get into it, Like this video, Subscribe to my Channel and Turn on Notifications for
Quick and Easy Tech Tips and Tricks for your Smartphone or Computer.
First of all search for TweakBox App in Safari and Open this website
You can directly open it from the link in the description of this video.
You will see a download button, tap on it.
Allow this to Configure iPhone Settings for UnIdentified Developers.
It will now take you to iPhone Settings to Install the TweakBox App.
Click Install, Enter Your Phone Passcode and Again Click Install.
This will install Tweak Box on our iPhone.
Now Open TweakBox app and Tap Apps Column on the top.
Click on Tweaked Apps and Scroll Down for SoundCloud++ App.
Once you find it, Tap on it and Click on Orange Install Button, It will open Tweakbox App
again in Safari and Again you will have to navigate to Apps->Tweaked Apps and Scroll
down to find SoundCloud++.
Again Click Install and you will get app Installation PopUp.
Select Install and our App will be installed in a few seconds.
Once it is installed, Tap to Open SoundCloud App and It will show a popUp saying Untrusted
Enterprize Developer.
Cancel this and Go to iPhone Settings->General->Profile and Device Management and Trust the Developer
to start using the SoundCloud App.
Now go back to home screen and Open SoundCloud App.
Inside the app, browse for your favorite music tracks and you can play them or Download them
to listen when you are offline.
Tap the three dots on any song and Select Download Track from the menu that appears.
Hide the player and go to Downloads to see your downloads and progress.
You can see how quickly you can download any song for free on your iPhone.
Now i will download two more songs and then will show you how you can move the downloaded
music to Documents or Files or Notes App to listen Offline anytime anywhere.
If you go to home screen in SoundCloud, You will find many Playlists, You can not actually
download whole playlists but you can download as many tracks as you like one by one.
Once you have downloaded all of your music tracks, You can click on the three dots next
to each song and Click on Share to Move the downloaded music in either Documents App or
ShareIt or Whatsapp or any other option you may like.
I will also show you how you can Save Music Files in iPhone Notes App to listen the tracks
when you are offline.
Just select Add to Notes from the Share Menu and Create a new note or save it in an existing
Rename the note and Save it.
I hope it works well for you, If you like this video, Please Subscribe to my Channel
and Share this video with your friends and Comment below if you have any trouble downloading
songs this way.
I'll see you in the next video,
How to get the Windows 10 April 2018 Update - Duration: 2:06.[MUSIC]
>> Hi, I'm Cedric from the Windows Update team.
Today, I'm happy to announce the latest Windows update,
the Windows 10 April 2018 Update, is here.
Everyone with Windows 10 will get it,
just not all at once.
The Windows 10 April 2018 Update
is the most secure version of Windows ever.
It has the latest security protections against
threats and hardware vulnerabilities.
It has an improved set-up experience for privacy settings
and helps you make
more focused choices about your privacy.
The best part: You don't have to do anything.
The Windows 10 April 2018 update
installs automatically through Windows Update.
The release is part of a phased roll out.
It's rolling out as fast as it's safe,
to provide a great customer experience.
As the update rolls out,
we carefully monitor updates access.
We address issues that come up,
and the update goes to more computers
with each successful experience.
If it's been a while and your computer isn't updated yet,
don't worry, you're still in line.
If you rather not wait, you
can check if the update is available for you.
From the Start menu, type Settings into search.
Go to Update and Security and
then select the Windows Update tab from the left.
There you can select "Check for Updates".
If you have any problems getting or installing
the Windows 10 April 2018 Update,
please tell us about it through the Feedback Hub.
To get to the Feedback Hub,
type "Feedback" into search or press the Windows
key and F. We're excited to
share the Windows 10 April 2018 Update with you,
and hope you enjoy it.
Thanks for watching.
How to Grow Long and Thicken Hair With Spinach | Everyday Beauty Tips - Duration: 3:32.Spinach watt strong thick and long hair spinach has lots of health benefits
which makes it one of the best vegetables to include in your daily diet
it is green and leafy and highly nutritious it is rich in antioxidants as
well as vitamins and minerals minerals like iron manganese and zinc are also
present in it along with omega-3 fatty acids other than its role in making your
healthy it is also good for your skin and hair including spinach in your daily
diet is an excellent way to increase the growth of your head this is because
spinach is a rich source of vitamin A and vitamin C which help in promoting
hair growth these vitamins increase the production of oil in your scalp and
therefore help in increasing the growth of your hair so include spinach in your
daily diet if you want to have long and thick hair hero the different ways by
which you can use panache for taking care of your head
spinach mixed with hair oil you can also mix spinach with hair oil and apply this
on your head take 1/2 cup of spinach and grind it well you can take raw spinach
or cooked spinach to make the pulp mix this with half a cup of hair oil that
you use on your head if it is only while it is all the more better as it promotes
hair growth you can also take coconut oil heat the mixture and then applying
it while it is still warm apply the oil will on your hair and
scalp by parting the hair and making sure that it covers all parts of the
scalp apply this on your hair and scalp and let it remain for about 1 hour after
they stipulated tone wash off with shampoo and then apply conditioner this
mixture works well on your hair especially if you have frizzy or dry
heat making this mixture is very easy and you can apply this mixture on your
head every week with regular use you will see that your hair is growing
strong and healthy this oil keeps your hair smooth soft and well moisturized
spinach head back helped Ahmed with spinach is very beneficial for having a
healthy head to make this head back take one cup of spinach and add one
tablespoon of honey the oil treat
you can take any oil like olive oil coconut oil or castor oil take only the
leaves of spinach and throw away the stem put all the ingredients in a
blender and blend them well to get a smooth paste the piece that you make
should not be too thick not watery it should be thick enough so that you can
apply it on your hair without any difficulty and wash it off easily after
making the paste apply this on your scalp and hair
well detangle your hair before you apply this paste on your head also make sure
that your scalp is clean let it remain on your head for ever 30 minutes and
then you can wash your hair with a mild shampoo and water if you use this path
every week you will soon get healthy hair applying this on your hair can
repeat the damage done to your hair and you will soon get smooth and silky hair
that is healthy strong and long thank you for watching this video like and
subscribe for more videos
How To Build Social Media Presence - Duration: 7:25.Hey, what's up, guys? Welcome back. It's Grant Thompson, Kris Krohn. In this video,
we're going to tell you how to get started building your own social media presence online.
Alright, so you need to build social media presence online and the
first thing that I just want to share is don't get crazy. It's amazing. I mean, you
can get lost and even inauthentic like, okay, I'm going to take this, I'm going to post
on Facebook and then I'm going to open it my Instagram channel then I'm going to
tweet this thing out and then after that I'm going to you know, I'm going to move it
over to what's that LinkedIn thingy over there and if you try to do it all at
once, they can feel like a commitment that is so big that if you're
not really going to be committed and stay with it, I don't know how effective
really social media is if you're like doing it in waves if I'm in, I'm out, I'm
in and out or I started my channel but then I've never really been present. I
mean, bottom line is, at least my experience, is that social media is
impactful if you stick with it. Like Facebook, I'm really loyal to Facebook. I
do a really great job connecting that way, I've got I think twelve different
pages that I manage and that's what work for me. Instagram,
honestly, I keep trying to like get into it I just.. Definitely don't do my
Linkedin, drives some people nuts but I would just start by saying do social
media where you feel like you can be consistent with it because that way it
gives your people the opportunity to predictably be able to connect with you.
- As you guys are getting started, there are four main platforms that you really
need to be concerned about. We have so many different social media platforms
popping up but the major players are going to be YouTube, Facebook, Instagram
and Twitter and they all have their own different advantages. YouTube's kind of
like your own TV channel where you can build channels and put out stuff and it
even seems like lower quality content like just being yourself filming with
your camera in your house does better than highly commercialized
content. Same thing with Twitter, you know, Twitter is looking for you to be super
professional. The most successful posts that I've had on platforms like Twitter
are just like how you're feeling about your day or what your opinions are.
Twitter is a place where people want to know just more about the way that you
think. Instagram I found it's kind of like a lookbook, it's a place to post all
your fancy pictures about yourself, it's basically like look
how awesome I am and all these places with nice cars or whatever the case
may be. It's really just glam photos of you and then Facebook is a
place where you can give a very short digestible content to people with ADD
who just wants to run through all kinds of ideas very quickly. So when you're
studying these platforms, Kris is right, you don't need to be overwhelmed with
having schedules and plans to build everything out but one thing that is a
consideration is if you do get popular on one platform, somebody will take your
name on another so as you're getting started, I would suggest signing up for
all of these platforms, just to lock in that username so that you have it to
come back to later on when you actually are serious about some kind of strategy.
- Now when you've picked the platform that you really want to run with, what I would
do is I have some kind of strategy for what it looks like for you to, a strategy
that feels organic and natural, maybe you don't need to program in your phone, it's
just something you want to do like right now I don't need anyone to remind me to
connect on Facebook, I find that I do usually two three four or five posts a
week so sometimes they're daily, like I was in Thailand last week, there was a
lot going on so there was a lot of posting and when my life has a lot going
on, I share a lot on weeks that are kind of slower. I'll be a little bit more
contemplative maybe share something I'm doing with the family and you know for
me, every one of these platforms, you have to learn how to do them well, you don't
just want to put your stuff out there, it's like self-made, here we're teaching
you how to do YouTube for example so that you can do it well instead of
crappy. Facebook, I know how to write a post and get massive traction but for me
it takes some time, I've got a people on Facebook generally they want if you want
it to be high interaction, you're doing one of two things,
you're either sharing something or you're saying select A or B and then
everyone wants to contribute on contribute, contribute make choice a or B
for you and I want to give you my opinion or the other thing that will
happen is it's a great place for vulnerability, not the easiest thing for
people to do but people are willing to be raw and open with their feelings and
emotions or what they're going through you're going to get a lot of support
through through Facebook for example so for me I've got a strategy of like hey,
if I was only going to hit up Facebook once or twice a month, that's not really a
strategy, I'm not really going to build an audience, I'm not connecting frequently
enough with them so the strategy has to allow you to connect frequently enough
with the right kind of content that they're interested in because I've
learned on Facebook there's some things I'll chat about, there's crickets, there's
no likes, there's no comments almost, no one
really cares so as you're contemplating like Grant's talking about these four
different, these four different major platforms, make sure that you're using
them appropriately so that you can do also the intended purpose which is I'm
expanding my influence by using the channel the appropriate way. - And I would
also suggest to take baby steps. Once you've initialized your presence and all
these and you've locked in your username, just go through and make them look nice,
put in your your little icon, put in a banner, update the description or the bio
to describe a little about who you are. If you have that then at least you've
got something and when people come and check you out you're going to look like you
know what you're doing and also by doing this it helps you establish who you are,
where you're branding messages and being consistent through all the platforms and
then once you start getting into producing content, it's very easy to take
that content and rework it for the different platforms. For example, if you
make a video on YouTube, we can take one or two seconds of that video and turn it
into an animated gif and post that on Twitter that just loops back and forth
you know, sometimes they love that kind of stuff or we can just make a comment
on Twitter that relates to the video makes people want to go watch it, we can
also take that content and cut it down from ten minutes down to two minutes and
post them to Facebook so it's very easy to watch and very quick and we can also
take a picture from behind the scenes or you know, just us posing with the thing
that we were doing a video with and post that on Instagram so the same content,
from one channel can be used for all the different platforms altogether and
because you're posting all around the same time, it helps build the momentum
between all of them as well. - As a final thought for today, can you just imagine
being born a hundred years ago? Like it would have been like no social media, no
interaction like the only people you know are your neighbors and the people
you go travel to or the people you can penpal and and I'm going to write you a
letter and tell you I shall meet you in two fortnight's, even though I mean, with
such different times, today we live in such a blessed time that means that we
have the ability to connect with anyone anywhere in the world and so it's a huge
responsibility of how you use this, it's never been easier to meet people, connect
with people, get to know people and also establish what that core brand is like
Grant's talking about so take this advice and information that you've been given
today and use it wisely to go ahead and spread and build that amazing presence
for yourself online. - Hey, guys. Kris mentioned a
couple times the word connect and I think that's what building your social
media presence is all about, it's about connecting with people so no matter what
your content is, make sure you take time to engage with the people who are
commenting a liking make them feel like they're part of your club, that's how
you're going to grow. - Awesome. Friends, listen. If you want your next pro tips on how to
build your YouTube channel for example, that's one area in particular that Grant
and I have tons and tons of tons of deep dive training in so if you really want
to dive in and tear open and get an entire system of how to do it like a pro
from A to Z, make sure you go check out the website, we'll share what that looks
like for you.
How loud is too loud? - Duration: 3:51.- Proud boys?
How can being proud stop you hearing?
I've never heard anything so silly.
- Loud noise!
Not proud boys.
His hearing's gone again.
How can volume cause hearing loss?
(playful music)
- [Narrator] Hallux's Hearing Helpdesk.
- So professor, have you been anywhere really noisy recently
or been listening to loud noises?
They're common causes of hearing problems.
- Proud boys?
How can being proud stop you hearing?
I've never heard anything so silly.
- Loud noise!
Not proud boys.
His hearing's gone again.
How can volume cause hearing loss?
- Well, loud noises can damage the tiny hairs
inside the inner ear that send messages to the brain.
Once damaged, they can't fix themselves
and this can lead to tinnitus,
an annoying ringing sound in your head,
or even hearing loss.
- Crikey!
How loud does the sound have to be?
Should we all be whispering?
- That might be kinder to our ears,
but I'm not sure it would help us understand each other!
We measure sound in decibels,
it helps us put sounds into categories
from the quietest to the loudest.
The quietest sound audible to a healthy human ear
is zero decibels.
Let's check it out with my audiometer.
It's very difficult to find complete total silence in fact,
but this is pretty close.
My whispering is about 15 decibels.
- [Hallux] You'll have to speak up, Mel,
I can't hear a thing!
- Alright!
Normal talking, like this, is about 60 decibels.
Things get much louder than this in everyday life.
Let's go outside to find some more noises.
- Well, this is nice!
What a lovely sunny day!
People enjoying their gardens.
Looks like barbecue weather!
(electric lawnmower buzzing) - Is that a bee?
- Nope, just a lawnmower.
That's about 90 decibels close up.
(car horn beeping)
- Oh, that made me jump!
- Car horns like that come in at around 110 decibels.
That's a level that can be harmful to our hearing.
Fortunately, things like lawnmowers and car horns
are only loud for a short time.
Someone though who uses a lawnmower all day
should use ear protectors,
a way to protect ears from damage or hearing loss.
Sometimes you might find yourself somewhere even louder!
Rock concerts and jet planes
create very high volumes of noise.
Time to put these ear protectors on!
- Why, don't you like the music?
- No, it's just that sounds above 140 decibels
can cause instant damage to your hearing.
Let's get inside the clinic.
- So how might someone realize
that they've damaged their hearing?
- Signs that you may have a problem with your hearing
include having to sit close to the television
or having to turn the volume up on the radio,
even when other people are telling you it's too loud.
Or you might find it difficult to realize
that your name is being called
unless the person is very close to you.
Or you might have to change ears
when you're using a telephone.
So, you can see why it's so important to protect your ears
from loud noises, they can cause hearing loss.
You need to be especially careful when listening to music
or playing videogames on headphones
because it's very easy to turn the volume up
to unsafe levels.
Once those tiny hairs inside your ears
have been damaged there, you cannot fix them.
- Ear protectors all round then!
Although I can't hear much without them at the moment!
- Yes, we haven't got to the bottom of your problem yet!
- My bottom's not the problem, Mel,
and it's rather rude of you to say!
- Professor.
- [Narrator] Hallux's Hearing Helpdesk.
Find out more about your ears and hearing at
Episode 179: How to Trade Bearish Engulfing Pattern - Best Candlestick Patterns - Trading Strategy - Duration: 4:34.welcome to another episode after 10,000 trade show review mastering trading and
creating excellence through the deliberate practice and analysis of
10,000 trades in this episode we are going to look at a bearish engulfing
trade setup a bearish engulfing trade setup is an easy to identify trade setup
it's a reversal pattern and we're looking for price to drop a once we see
this setup so let's go onto the charts and we'll take a look at how to identify
this trade setup we're to enter the trade where to place our stop loss and
as always how to exit the trade with a profit
here we are looking at a bearish engulfing trade setup this is euro yen
one-hour chart a bearish engulfing candle is one that takes over or engulfs
the previous price action so this is our parish engulfing candle this is a
bearish trade setup which means we're looking for price to move lower after
this point so generally will find this bearish engulfing candle at a support
and resistance level as we can see price has reacted at this level before and
once price gets into this level we get this bearish engulfing candle which
means there are no more buyers left and prices willing to move lower because the
sellers have stepped in right now so after we get this candle we look for a
bit of a pullback or you can take an entry at the close of this candle our
stop would go above this previous high just in case price decides to come and
test this level once again and we stay with the trade for as long as prices
moving lower here we see that price tries to push lower but then we have
price coming back and closing above our pivot point level here which is our s3
pivot point level and here we can also see that prices into the next support or
resistance area so this is a good time for us to close our trade out from entry
to exit here we get 90 pips in our trade so just to recap a bearish engulfing
trade setup is where we see a bearish engulfing candlestick formed at an
important support and resistance level we look for this candlestick once we see
the candlestick we look for price to move lower so we enter the trade short
here our stop would go above the previous highs here and we stay with the
trade for as long as prices moving lower once we see that price comes into the
next support and resistance level we get a bullish candle close here and price is
not able to hold below our s3 pivot level here we can exit the trade from
entry to exit we get 90 pips in our trade so our profit is 90 pips or $900
if trading one standard lot if you'd like to learn more profitable forex
trading strategies like this one I invite you to visit my course at
trading with Venus com forward slash Forex course in the course I will show
you how to read the candlesticks and different chart patterns will do a deep
dive into technical analysis and I will show you how to read the charts properly
what trade setups you are looking for and how do we trade these setups
properly I will also show you what are the important fundamental things that
you need to pay attention to how the different fundamental factors drive
market price I will also share with you the trading strategies that I personally
use that I have found to be the most profitable we'll also talk about trade
management and how to manage your account and manage your risk so that you
become a profitable trader I will also show you tons of examples that you can
go and check out so that you are able to see these trades set up in the live
markets as well as a bonus you will get access to my pivot point indicator if
you have watched any of my videos you know I really love trading the pivot
points so you will receive that as a special bonus the price of the course is
four hundred and ninety seven dollars to sign up for it please go to trading with
Venus com forward slash forex course thank you so much for joining me today
if you liked this episode please feel free to subscribe to the channel and
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How Switzerland Managed to Remain Neutral with WWI and WWII Raging Around Them - Duration: 18:40.-------------------------------------------
Vlog #30 How to climb a date tree in Dubai, UAE - Duration: 9:32.Thanks for watching a vlog of NN in Wonderland.
This time Dubai.
Linda was so sweet to take me to the airport.
We are on time.
Very on time.
Thanks for watching the vlog of NN in Wonderland.
It's 25 degrees.
At 0700 am.
I just rang the door at Khadija's.
Would be nice if she opens the door...
I am in.
It's so nice.
Actually really hot.
I wanted to show you the date tree.
A date tree must be fertilized.
This is a ladies villa. No men allowed.
So these date trees are also female.
They should be fertilized by a male tree.
The gardener dropped by and said: "You know what, I will search for a male tree and
I will get some kind of a...
I didn't check the story btw..
A stick, a something.
He would go all the way up in the tree.
He puts something in it and
And then we will have dates in August.
We will pick dates in August.
From this tree.
I will show you know how we are going to do that.
Attempt number 1.
In April.
To see if it will work.
Make this strong.
Wrap it.
Perhaps double, so it doesn't break.
Let's do it!
Say what?!
How are you going down?
I don't know!
I didn't think of that...
My feet are hurthing a bit.
This is how we go up.
Lesson number 1.
What if I fall down?
Where are we going?
We are going to Umm al-Quwain.
You only have camels there.
And people that don't speak Arab, no Urdu, no nothing.
You said Illie before right?
We are used to that right?
We are going for a ride.
We are going to Umm sequm.
I can never pronounce it. Umm sequin.
With our car. Borrowed. It's huge!
We are here.
I am covered up.
Something like that.
I am gonna play a bit.
The heat is gone.
Behind me you only see
construction, construction, construction.
It looks like I am in the middle of the desert, right?
Ah no, we are not in Dubai.
Something like that.
This is so much nicer.
To sit like this at the back of the car.
Like a...what was it again?
Burned chicken she said. I don't know.
Hungry! When not...?
So we are going to order.
I just saw a Lamborghini!
We just order in the car. They come all the way to car.
You just drive around and around.
You can not just go to people and invite them for a drink.
It works like this:
Show us!
Window halfway down.
If the other also opens the window halfway down.
Then you can exchange numbers.
It happens!
If your window is all the way down.
And the food is also ready.
We are at Zaineb.
And we are going to eat camel meat.
Camel with rice.
What's the difference between these two?
Really nice.
Today is Easter.
We are going to hide the eggs.
So I called everyone together.
because it's gezellig right?
We are having a Easter breakfast.
In this plant?
I stood on something sharp.
Thanks for watching this vlog of NN in Wonderland.
And see you next time!
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