Thứ Sáu, 27 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily can Apr 27 2018

Today's format is everyone who always wanted to do, is Sports Competition with 2018 best Girlgroups,


Donghae Team member is, Cosmic Team, from Cosmic Girls (WJSN)

Cosmic Team member is, Seola, Xuan yi,

Bona, Meiqi, Yeoreum, and Yeonjeong, find their picture now and the time is 3 minute


I think i'm too long in military


Xuan yi



This is our team member

I make a "new" WJSN...

Hey this is real special project!

Next to 2nd team! Leeteuk : Donghae who's your team?

WJSN Shindong : WJSN coming all right know?


Woaaa it's reaal!! They come!!


Donghae-ya where do you go?

Captain team!!

Donghae is really shy

Why are you seeing us and then runaway?

Hi i am WJSN Yeonjeong

Hi, i am WJSN Yeoreum

Hi, i am WJSN Seola

Hi, i am Xuan yi from Cosmic team

Hi, i am WJSN Bona, nice to see you

Hi, i am WJSN Meiqi

Donghae team!

You can do it well right? Help me

Hey! You the one the black hole!

Don't make girls nervous

You're the one who has to be good

You're the problem

All is prepared just you who has to be good


It should be Minus! Yeah for sure! It's zero or minus


For more infomation >> Funny Donghae can't even look at WJSN | 슈주 동해, 우주소녀를 못본다 [ENGSUB] - Duration: 2:27.


How Can We Know Who & What Information To Trust - Duration: 7:50.

How Can We Know Who & What Information To Trust

by Meashenu

Each week we ask a question in the Bridge To New Earth Facebook group and like to share

the question and answers we get. We will be sharing the admin�s answers here, but Feel

free to join the group to see answers from everyone in the group who participates

The answers may come from automatic writing, meditation, intuition, higher self, guides,

channeled, or from soul group.

Question #2: There is often is so many different viewpoints and a lot of the information seems

to conflict with other information. How can we know WHO & WHAT information to trust?


�Knowing who to trust or what you should trust is not a matter of finding an outside

source. It�s an internal mission. Each and every one of you have your truth and the ultimate

truth within you. As you ascend through your soul journeys you are in fact remembering

your own truth as well as working towards becoming one with the ultimate truth again.

Instances of a change in beliefs or no longer resonating with a specific person or ideology

is your own truth coming back to you. Sometimes you are shown what you do not agree with for

you to remember what you do. As each of you gain more knowledge you will instinctively

know where you stand. You will be confident and comfortable within your own knowing that

anything or anyone who does not fit will fall away from your frequency. The more work you

put into yourselves and the stronger you get the less you will feel the need to follow

others or to get answers from others. You are the truth and you should be trusting yourself.�

-Archangel Michael


Within you the answers lie. You must look within to know the truth. Granted, everyone

may have or perceive a different truth because it can get muddled through the filters of

the Ego.

Fear not. Your heart will always vibrate when the truth, that is meant for you, is presented.

One will immediately hear a tiny voice say, �No, that doesn�t seem right�, that

little voice is us, trying to tell you when the information you are receiving is not for

your highest good.

Trust and know that We are always looking after you. Trust and know that you are not


Follow your heart. It will never steer you wrong because that is where We live.

We love you! We cheer you on.

All for the One Creator.

Peace and love to you all.

-Higher Self


Who and what information to trust will resonate different for each us. We each have our own

reality and have to figure out what feels right to agree with or disagree with.

This comes from within, but how it comes from within can happen in various ways. It can

be a knowing, feeling, sensation, first impression, or other ways unique to you. I have found

that when I come across someone or information that is of a high vibration and a place of

love, light, and truth energy, it�s uplifting. I can feel the love and light energy & it

feels good to connect with that energy. I will often get a confirmation tingle. The

last few months I have started sneezing here & there (it�s always just a single sneeze)

which seemed random, but figured out that was an additional form of confirmation when

a thought crosses my head that I should pay attention to.

There have been a few live videos that ended up on my feed in Facebook recently of people

I immediately had to hide the video or unfollow who shared it. Right away without watching

the video there was this sense that the person didn�t have energy that I resonated with.

I�ve encountered people with possessed energy that are charging $150-200 a session to help

people. I�ve tapped into energy of a video before and have gotten a sharp pain in my

head, which is a sign for me to stay away. Other times I�ve found if the video is not

working for me or an article doesn�t seem to want to load so I can read it, that is

also a sign.

Not long ago I went to get a haircut at one of the cheaper places. I was waiting and my

name was on the monitor/screen with other names. After waiting just a little bit, my

skin started reacting, like being very tingly and itchy in an uncomfortable way. It felt

like something was reacting really bad to my skin. At the same time my name just disappeared

off the monitor without anyone doing anything. I was reacting to one of the employees in

there, who was messing around with some really bad energy. I had to leave there and after

I got in my car and cleared my energy, that feeling went away. I�ve noticed that same

feeling one other time since then and that�s a big sign for me to immediately know there�s

some negative energy coming into contact with me from somewhere.

So overall I�ve found that if I pay attention then it�s fairly easy to determine if the

energy is a good fit for me. Also there are chances that someone is coming from a place

of love and light, but their information was just being interfered with and they are unaware

of it.

If I feel like checking into it further I can ask questions, such as:

-Is this person a clear channel? Have they put in the healing/clearing work for themselves?

-Are any entities or energies that are not of love and light attached or interfering

with this person�s energy and messages?

-Was there any interference when they wrote this or did this video?

-Is this person and information coming from a place of love, light, and truth energies?

-If they are a channeler and channeling a specific being or group, can ask: Was this

person truly channeling Archangel Michael and did the information come through as it

was meant to without any interference?

Then I would just pay attention to what feelings I get when asking the questions or use a pendulum

as a way to double check if needed as well. You can ask any questions you feel you are

guided to.

I also like to be cautious when information comes through that is exactly what I want

to hear. A lot of this for me relates to some sort of event happening that fixes all my

problems for me, whether it be this wave/event that has been circulating, Pleiadians coming

and making first contact and will help us fix all our problems, or something else like

that. Whenever the information switches from guiding to empower oneself, to waiting around

for something else to fix/change things, I try to notice that and make sure I sit with


A handful of people can get a handful of different answers and everyone can be right. Just because

I don�t resonate with someone or pick up that their energy is not great� someone

else may get the opposite and feel that person is helping them. Most, if not all of us, have

experiences where we trust someone or information that ended up not working out. It ends up

being a great learning experience. So if you do end up having a bad experience, on some

level you were wanting to have that experience so you could learn from it. So either way

there�s nothing to be afraid of, you will always get the experience & information that

you are wanting or needing to have for

your soul growth.

Love & Light

For more infomation >> How Can We Know Who & What Information To Trust - Duration: 7:50.


Sledge You Can't Breach There! [Rainbow Six: Siege] - Duration: 0:18.

For more infomation >> Sledge You Can't Breach There! [Rainbow Six: Siege] - Duration: 0:18.





Fish has long been touted as a super food from doctors, nutritionists and specialists

from around the world.

Many people choose not to eat meat or other animal products, but show pride in their presumed

health conscious decision to consume fish.

But, as with almost everything else that is promoted heavily in the media, there�s something

fishy about this�

There�s no denying that it contains many essential omega 3�s which are known to be

good for your brain, many consider fish �brain food� because of how essential these nutrients

are for brain health.

Unfortunately, farmed fish, particularly salmon and tilapia, are doing more harm than good

and as awareness grows, many experts are now claiming for farmed fish to be one of the

most toxic foods in the world.

What�s The Problem With Fish Farms?

Fisheries of today face a series of issues including overfishing, chemical pollution

and even genetic mutation from toxic exposures.

In Nicholas Daniel�s documentary, �Fillet-Oh-Fish� a critical eye is pointed at the fish farming

industries across the globe and features exclusive, insider footage from fish farms and how they


According to the producers of the film, �through intensive farming and global pollution, the

flesh of the fish we eat has turned into a deadly chemical cocktail.�

Unfortunately, Aquaculture often promotes itself as a sustainable solution to overfishing

of the world�s oceans.

The reality is that fish farms are actually causing more problems than they are solving

and once again, it seems that turning a profit is more important to these corporations than

actual sustainability or environmental concern.

Farmed Salmon Is One Of The Most Toxic Foods In The World

The film mentioned above starts off in Norway, documenting the chemicals used in fish farms,

Kurt Oddekalv, a respected Norwegian environmental activist, also believes that salmon farming

is a disaster for human health as well as the environment.

Below the salmon farms of the Norwegian fjords is a layer of waste that is about 15 meters

high and as you can imagine, it is absolutely teeming with bacteria, drugs and pesticides.

Because these farms operate in open water the entire seafloor has been destroyed and

the pollution created by these farms is not contained.

A salmon farm can hold nearly 2 million fish in a fairly small space and because of these

crowded conditions disease among the fish is rampant.

In an effort to stave off diseases various pesticides are used, and there is no doubt

that if you�re eating this fish then you are also eating these pesticides.

Toxicologist, Jerome Ruzzin has confirmed some of the claims made by Oddekalv.

Having tested a number of different food groups sold in Norway for toxins he has found that

farmed salmon contains the greatest amount of toxins of them all, and to an extremely

large degree.

The farmed salmon was five times more toxic than any other food product that was tested.

A study, which involved feeding farmed salmon to mice showed how the mice grew obese, specifically

with fat around their internal organs and they also developed diabetes.

In recent years, the evidence that diabetes is caused by a lot more than just sugar, specifically

toxic chemicals and air pollutants in the food we are consuming is coming to light and

this case, we�re learning that salmon farmed in this manner will inevitably contain far

more toxins than those in the wild.

Surprisingly, as pointed out in the documentary, the most significant source of toxic exposure

to the fish aren�t even the pesticides or antibiotics, but the regular dry pellet food.

This contains a whole slough of other toxic chemicals including dioxins and PCB�s, man

these fish never stood a chance.

Literally, the list of everything that is wrong with the farmed fish industry just goes

on and on, and if you would like to learn more about it I highly suggest checking out

the documentary below.

So, What Can We Do?

Stop eating farmed fish at all costs!

This is the single most effective thing you can do to save your health and stop this industry

from polluting the oceans and our environment.

if you haven�t decided to stop consuming animal products and still resonate with eating

fish, stick to wild Atlantic salmon, Alaskan salmon (which is not allowed to be farmed)

or pick up a new hobby and fish your own.

You can tell the difference of farmed and wild fish by it�s colour, farmed fish tends

to be very pale pink and wild caught is a deep red.

Wild caught salmon can be pretty pricey, so sardines and anchovies can be a good alternative

for their nutritional value and level of sustainability.

However, there are a number of plant-based alternatives that can give your brain what

it needs without the risk of toxic contamination, these include, but are not limited to, walnuts,

brussels sprouts, chia, hemp and flax seeds � just be sure to choose organic.

Saving a few dollars for cheaper fish just isn�t worth it and if you are out at a restaurant

or eating sushi, make sure to ask if the fish is farmed and where it comes from.

The only way to stop this industry in it�s tracks is to quit supporting it and quite

frankly this should be made illegal and in all likelihood, as awareness grows about this

massive issue, it is only a matter of time before this will happen.

Much Love



Anne-Marie - Can I Get Your Number [ Lyrics ] - Duration: 3:26.

Don't know really what I'm looking for And don't mind dancing here all on my own

But then I see you standing on the wall Now all I want to is to get you all alone

Tryin' my best to be honest Don't wanna break any promise

But what if this shit is love

Don't wanna start any carnage Isn't it time to be modest

But what if this shit is love Can I Can I get your number tonight oh huh

If I don't then I might regret it for the re-

The rest of my life

See I See I got you feeling my vibe oh huh Gotta hurry and make a move

There's no time to be wasting time

Can I Can I get your oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Can I Can I get your oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Uh Feel like I have seen you here before

Somethin' 'bout you make me feel at home Don't take it slow come give me what I want

And all I want to is to get you all alone I'm tryin' my best to be honest

Don't wanna break any promise But what if this shit is love

Don't wanna start any carnage Isn't it time to be modest

But what if this shit is love Can I Can I get your number tonight oh huh

If I don't then I might regret it for the re-

The rest of my life

See I See I got you feeling my vibe oh huh Gotta hurry and make a move

There's no time to be wasting time

Can I Can I get your oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Can I Can I get your oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Uh What you say

When we're face to face I wanna see

What the conversation do Ah ah ah ah

Let's run away No time to waste another day

'Cause I wanna be with you Can I Can I get your number tonight oh huh

If I don't then I might regret it for the re-

The rest of my life

See I See I got you feeling my vibe oh huh Gotta hurry and make a move

There's no time to be wasting time

Can I Can I get your number oh oh oh oh your number Can I Can I get your number oh oh oh

oh your number Can I Can I get your number oh oh oh oh your number

For more infomation >> Anne-Marie - Can I Get Your Number [ Lyrics ] - Duration: 3:26.


OFFICE EXERCISE These 6 Movements Can Be An Inspiration To You - Duration: 5:47.

Tips on exercising when busy working in the office

Many people assume that the sport can only be done during leisure time and in the fitness centers only.

if it can be creative many ways can be done for healthy and exercise even though you are busy working.

following OmLamis will provide some simple movement tips that you can do to exercise

even though you are busy working in the office

Anything? please see directly

Calf Raises

When busy working in the office,

usually almost 90% of you will spend time sitting

so as not to get dangerous diseases due to sit down then do this exercise

The trick is to stand for a moment from the seat and then lift the body and make a tiptoe position

so that your position on the floor with your toes only.

Do it for a few minutes when you've been sitting too long.

Believe me, your body will feel healthier and cooler.

Shoulder Shrug

When working in front of a PC or laptop,

usually you will sit with a tense position that makes your shoulders feel stiff.

If left unchecked,

position like this can make you so quickly experience back pain

and diseases that have something to do with the joints.

to avoid the risk of the disease

do this movement for several times when the shoulder has started stiff.


shrug as you sit in front of the desk

and give a good contraction for about 5 seconds and release.

Repeat 5 to 10 times until the body, especially the shoulder, is relieved.

Arm Circles

Who says if you work out your time to work out?

By following this one exercise you can still exercise despite busy work.

Steps to make this one move is by stretching your arms to the side while sitting.

Then rotate in small rounds forward and backward

until you feel the pressure in both your hands.

Buttocks and Thigh Toning

In addition to the shoulders,

buttocks are vulnerable parts of the body if used work in front of a PC or laptop for hours.

For that, do this exercise deh so you do not tired while working.

The trick is to tighten and contract the butt for 30 seconds.

Perform this movement about 5 to 10 times.

Hand Squeeze

This exercise is very fitting done when your body is getting tired of working.

The trick is to spread your hands forward and fist your hands tightly aka squeeze.

You can raise your hand in the air and go straight to the side to change the angle.

Perform this movement as much as 30 to 40 times for your upper body feels fresh.

Wall Sit

Most sitting can make your thighs big

Especially if you never make a movement to train and make sweaty thighs.

to solve the problem try to make this one movement.

Very easy

You can do this sit sit movement while working break.

The trick is to position your body against the wall.

Then slowly lower yourself to a sitting position

and hold that position for a few minutes.

Guaranteed, you will feel fresh and your thighs will not grow

very easy to do right movement to train the body when in this office?

There is no reason because of time or laziness,

Because with the simple movement earlier

You can follow the exercises as well while working in the office.

may be useful

and do not forget to subscribe channel omlamis to get the next informative video update.

For more infomation >> OFFICE EXERCISE These 6 Movements Can Be An Inspiration To You - Duration: 5:47.


How Real Estate Agents Can Make Their Open Houses Unique - Duration: 2:13.

Hey are you a REALTOR® throwing open houses, but you're struggling to make

them stand out? I'm going to give you three unique tips on that today.

As a REALTOR® open houses are a great source of leads for your business. You

should be striving to do a couple every month. I've heard that every open house

should really produce between two and four new leads for your business. In

today's video I want to show you guys how you can utilize ReminderMedia's

tools to help make your open house stand out. The first is take advantage of our

open house kit. It's a download that we'll link to in the description below, but it

will give you a welcome sign, it will give you a sign-in sheet, it will make

you look really professional give you a great first impression. But not only that,

it will allow you to capture the needed information so you can follow up with

those open house leads. Second. Replace your business card with your magazine. So,

when someone visits an open house usually they visit multiple in a weekend

and so they're gonna show up at the end of their day with eight different

business cards, eight different fliers, and there's nothing on their kitchen

table that makes you stand out as an agent. But, if you replace your business

card, and give them your magazine, now when they get home, they have your

magazine and seven other business cards and now you've separated yourself from

the competition. Third. Take advantage of the promotional

copies feature. This is when we bulk ship magazines to you. Take advantage of this

by customizing your front inside letter specifically to your open house and then

even more adventurous utilize the recipes in your magazine. Go into your

account interface choose a recipe like a cookie recipe, a pie recipe, something

that's gonna make your open house smell sensational when you make it. Make that

recipe at your open house and now set your promotional copies by that recipe.

So, when they're leaving give it to them as a gift, as a takeaway, and then

reference that. Hey that recipe of the cookies right there that's actually in

the magazine. This is gonna build a great first impression for you. So, there you

have it guys. There are three unique tips to help you utilize ReminderMedia's

tools to make your open house stand out. If you like these tips, subscribe to our

YouTube channel, comment below, let me know your successes and failures so I

can share it with the audience. Check us out on Facebook and Instagram, but most

importantly take action on this today.

For more infomation >> How Real Estate Agents Can Make Their Open Houses Unique - Duration: 2:13.


We can't feel anymore - Duration: 0:59.

We can't feel anymore

We can't feel anymore

We're not happy. We're not sad.

We're stuck In everlasting emptiness.

We're in between the extremes, Not up or down, Nor high or low. Forever nowhere.

We've tried, Without success, To experience again.

Pain is fleeting; It won't satisfy

We are lacking, In every way, Save callous numbness.

What belongs to us Is not ours.

It is placed on others, The ones who Suffer with their care.

We have the scars, But they the pain.

We have the knife, Yet they the wound.

They lose, And we are lost.

We can't feel anymore

For more infomation >> We can't feel anymore - Duration: 0:59.


003 - Democracia | Can I return this? (Dá para trocar?)* - Duration: 23:34.

For more infomation >> 003 - Democracia | Can I return this? (Dá para trocar?)* - Duration: 23:34.


These Thoughts Can Make You Poor - Duration: 7:36.

- Two money phrases that are busy making you poor

and why you absolutely have to ban them

from your vocabulary.

I'm Ann Wilson, Wealth Chef,

and in today's episode we're gonna be unpacking

these two key phrases that most of us unconsciously use

really often and don't realise quite how dangerous

they are and why using them could be a huge

contributor to keeping you poor

and away from living your rich, juicy life.

So the first phrase you absolutely must ban

from your financial vocabulary

is the phrase, "I can't afford it".

And you might go, well Ann,

if "I can't afford it", "I can't afford it".

Yes and no.

The phrase - whether you can or can't afford something

has got nothing to do with your money.

This has got to do with the principles of

how you're living your life.

Are you living this rich, juicy life?

The real problem when you say,

"I can't afford something", is you actually

shut down your creativity.

You shut down your unconscious's ability to go,

"how can I afford it?"

So it's not about you,

unconsciously whipping out the credit card

or going into debt and going, to hell with it,

I'm just gonna have whatever I want now.

That whole "buy now, pay later", "you deserve it",

"because you're worth it" - kind of mentality.

No, that's also just daft because that's taking you

to real poverty, and you're gonna be paying that

in costs, in real terms, in terms of your future well being.

But this is about if you're really clear

that this is something that you really value,

that you really want in your life,

that's going to really add to your wealthy living.

Be it a specific experience or maybe it's education

or if it's really,

maybe it is that handbag,

but you know why you want it.

The question is then, not "can I afford it"",

but "how can I afford it?".

So it's about then going, what can I do

to enable me to have that thing in my life

in a way that is wealthy,

for me, for my family, for my community,

and ultimately for the Earth?

This is about conscious wealth.

This is about expansive wealth of going,

"how do I afford it?"

How do I have what I want in my life

in a way that is expansive?

So no longer "I can't afford it",

but "how can I afford it?",

and "what am I prepared to exchange for it?"

Because ultimately every single thing in our life

is an exchange.

Even an exchange of time, value, your energy,

and so you're going, "what is this worth to me

in terms of what I've got to exchange it for?"

And this is what's so great,

because you can really get congruent about

"do I really want this thing?"

It no longer becomes a matter of just "can I afford it?"

So there we go, that is the first phrase you're banning.

"Can I afford it?"

So the second phrase you're absolutely

banning from your financial vocabulary,

and it's more of a mindset is,

what I call the "minimum repayment mindset".

This is "what are those monthly repayments?"

and you making your spend decisions

based on a minimum monthly repayment.

This happens all over the place.

We've created a culture where it's almost

as though everything is based on

these little slices of minimum monthly repayments.

This is the most fatal thing you can do

for your financial wellbeing,

getting sucked into the minimum repayment mindset.

Whether this is from the size of your mortgage

or your home loan or bond, whatever you call it,

where you're gonna go okay,

how big a mortgage can we take out based on

the minimum monthly repayment?

And this is where so many people make

their purchasing decisions on this basis.

Fatal, fatal, fatal.

This is the tail wagging the proverbial dog.

No, no, no.

You go, "what is going to be the home

that fits into my financial plan

in a way that doesn't deplete me,

that still allows me to have the other money

in the other wealth pie aspects,

and that serves me for now in the better whole good?"

And then you go, "how am I going to slice that down

and afford it and bring it into

your monthly repayments in the best way?"

So here's the thing,

you always want to look at what is

your total cost of ownership of

anything that you're bringing into your life.

Be it a car, be it that home, be it that gym membership.

Understand what the full implication is

of this buying decision.

And that total cost of ownership is virtually

the amount of money you're going to spend on it

in that term.

So if it's a 24-month contract,

what is that real cost?

And that is going to include the interest

you're going to be paying.

It is so important that you add this in.

Because when you're paying for something on a credit card

and you're paying that minimum monthly repayment

on that credit card,

typically that's set up, it's structured in a way

that the minimum monthly repayments on credit cards

are designed to actually keep you in debt

for as long as possible.

Because, as we cover elsewhere, debt is power.

He who holds the debt has the power, or she.

And so, if you knew that that pair of shoes

that you're about to put on the credit card

and just pay that monthly repayment on,

if you knew you were actually going to end up paying

between 12 and 18 times the cost of that pair of shoes

would you really, really be buying that pair of shoes?

Or that car?

Or even that home?

So understand the full total cost of ownership.

But you've also got to understand the phantom costs.

These are the costs that you now bring into your life

as a result of owning that thing

or entering into that minimum monthly repayment.

So in terms of the car you drive,

that could be the insurance premium.

That depends on the kind of car you have,

the cost of the fuel,

the cost of maintenance and so on,

these are the phantom costs.

And this is where you see why the relationship

between your liability drawer and your expenses,

there is that relationship,

which we cover in the money flows video so succinctly

So, never make your money-buying decisions

or decisions about whether you're going to

enter into something based on the minimum monthly repayment,

which as you can see, is also directly linked to,

"can I afford it?"

Break that minimum repayment mindset,

and that is going to be your fastest way

to claiming back your power,

claiming back your life,

and getting a hang of a lot more from your money.

So there you have it, the two phrases

that from today you're banning

from your financial vocabulary.

From the, "I can't afford it" to "how can I afford it""

and not "what is the minimum monthly repayment",

but "what is the total cost of ownership"

of this buying decision that I'm about to make.

And just those things are going to

make your life significantly wealthier.

So if you're watching this anywhere other than

over at,

head on over there,

and while you're there,

let me know in the comments below the video,

"Which of those phrases have you used a lot in the past?"

And that have either

prevented you from having the things you've wanted

or made you make buying decisions

that haven't been great for you.

So let us know, and then you can consciously change

that in your life.

And if you haven't yet subscribed to our channel,

do so, so that you don't miss one of these great episodes

to really bring in ways to master your money

and get it working hard for you.

For more infomation >> These Thoughts Can Make You Poor - Duration: 7:36.



a small coffee cream only please that's it thank you I need a 12 ounce

coffee to power through this afternoon hey plumbers youtubers and plumbing

apprentices as you know we do everyday plumbing the good the bad the ugly and

if you haven't subscribed please hit that subscribe button turn on that Bell

notifications leave a comment if you liked today's Adventure is a callback I

did this renovation six months ago I have a Veiga mana block manifold that is leaking in

the crawl space so we're going to go check it out and see what's happening here.

we got a couple problems here

replacement parts for Viega mega Blok one thing another problem is I got a leak on

a crimp ring and and I want your opinion I just hope I got what I need

it seems to me that when I crimp with the pro press it crushes the ring too

much is that a possibility I'm going to show you when we get downstairs so let

me just load up this tray and we'll get downstair today as you see we're in a

half basement and soon as I locate my glasses I will show you the problem

we got a joint leaking here again I cranked down all these and it's dripping

all the way down so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna recut it and put a new piece

on there but in the meantime look at this ring. now can anybody tell me why that does that the

crimper I don't get it the three-quarter crimper from Ridgid on

a rigid pro press am i doing something wrong so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna cut

this out and change this I got my Dremel cuz of course I don't have no 3/4 90s

small leak this is crazy I don't know why it's doing that I really want to

find out why this is leaking so we're gonna do this I'm gonna shut the water off

Right here.

we shut the water off I'm gonna turn the outside of water on

to take the pressure off

okay want to fix this leak first and I'm sure I've already tightened the crap out

of it no I haven't why is it even loose? let me turn the water back on

lets see what happens here. Can it be that easy?

can it be that easy

I think I got it I got to figure out what's happening here

I don't like this

this leak is fixed over here

we're gonna make sure wipe everything down nothing's leaking on the

cold alright so what I'll do is crank down everybody gets a little crank now I know

it I tightened all these all down

six and a seven. alright!

so here is what we gonna do is shut the water off

water is off baby open the hose outside take the pressure off

how about that. Huh! lil dremel action

come on now. ahh there we go. Now here's my problem with this

why is that ring going that does anybody know comments below because I don't like that

and it doesn't do it on the 1/2 inch it's just a 3/4 I don't get it so

everyone change the section of pipe because maybe you clamp the plate too

hard I'm not quite sure. Im gonna fix it right here right now.

let me know what you think

give me some shortcuts here people as plumbers I'm not a big fan of this but

that's what they want wanted and thats what they got now look who's back to me

leaking right here

lets cut a fresh piece of pipe

a couple 3/4 rings ready to go

Am I gonna get wet? No. Very Good.

of course I did not bring the razor knife . I should of brought the razor knife.

now look at that there's the leak right there that crimp

tighten that too much


and again

I don't know why does that all I can tell you one thing this is the only 3/4

crimper I got with me and guess what I gotta use it and I gotta find out why

because this is no good

did it again alright this is a pending situation here I gotta

find out why

why oh why is that doing that why is the crimper pinching the ring like that

oh look at that its leaking right out the gate

ahhh it wasn't the ring.

it was the gouge alright here's the deal we try this one more time

because I don't feel like going to the supply house right now.

looks to me that I'm gonna have to change all these

right now virtually impossible for me to do that right now by the plan is out

yes ticket I hate to tell you that that's what's got to happen

I'm definitely going to change all these clamps

all right now I am NOT happy but in my world I know I got to do it

it's on me

Thats how I operate.

let's see what you do here can we get can we get a temporary reprieve

I'm not happy with this at all the leak stopped but

they're definitely an issue

and look there is goes its dripping a little bit

I'm gonna take this apart

gonna crimp it one more time I'll be honest with ya I think the ninety is actually bent.

from me crimping it.

so I'm gonna give it a recrimp

I got a feeling I ordered the wrong crimper for this

I really do.

thats what Im thinking.

inclusion is this the leak has stopped I am NOT happy so we're going to change

all these rings I'm gonna make the appointment with the folks I got out one

two three four five five seven

about 20 there all right here gonna change the hot water ones too. I don't know

what I'm gonna do over there I'm gonna make an appointment and change all them

rings but now this has got me thinking that maybe I'm using the wrong type of

ring maybe the viega has a ring just for that jaw so now I gotta think back all

the good news is I haven't done much pex so Im gonna go thru my invoices make

sure we're good because I don't want no headaches and with that we're gonna make

sure that there goes another satisfied customer

For more infomation >> CAN MY RIDGID PRO PRESS OVER PRESS PEX RINGS? - Duration: 18:28.


Can 🌟 I Please See Baby True?!?🍆Lamar Odom to Khloe Kardashian - Duration: 3:11.

Khloe Kardashian likely feels very alone right now.

Yes, the reality star has a number of family members in her corner, but she just gave birth

to a little girl while living in a foreign city (Cleveland), which she moved to in order

to be close to Tristan Thompson.

And then she found out that Thompson had been cheating on her. A lot.

We feel terrible for Khloe.

We can't imagine what she has been going through over the past few weeks.

But we're comforted by the knowledge that she isn't truly going through it alone.

No, aren't talking about Khloe's famous sisters or her mother.

We're actually talking about her ex-husband, Lamar Odom.

"Lamar's been texting Khloe, checking on her and the baby and making sure she's good,"

an insider tells Life & Style, adding:

"He just wants to be a bed of comfort to her."

First: LOL. Who actually talks like that?

It makes us question whether this supposed insider exists.

Second: Odom actually wants to be more than a "bed of comfort."

The same source goes on to say the following:

"He's hopeful to meet baby True soon. Like her mother, he knows that True will be absolutely

gorgeous and he'd love the honor of holding her in his arms.

"He's adores that name and only wishes he could have lived up to her name when he was

with Khloe."

This last part has been fairly well-documented.

Ever since he and Kardashian divorce many years ago, Odom has made it clear that he

wishes he had acted differently during their marriage.

By the end of the four-year union, Lamar had fallen off the wagon and was back to using


Sadly, he also admitted to cheating on Khloe during this difficult period of his life.

But that was a long time ago.

Just a day after Thompson's cheating scandal became public knowledge, Odom supposedly dialed

up Khloe and said he wanted to get back together .

We somehow doubt this will happen, despite the strong feelings that still exist between

the stars, but a reconciliation with Odom would certainly be a worthy act of revenge

on Khloe's part.

She could really stick it to Tristan that way, sort of how he's been sticking it to

many random women over the past several months with his penis.

" Lamar really wants to be part of Khloe and True's life," says this same tabloid source,


"He still loves her and doesn't want her to have to be a single mother given the state

of her relationship with Tristan. He really feels heartbroken for her."

So do we.

We also feel sort of bad because for her daughter because, well... True Thompson?!?

Where did that name come?

An explanation is below:

Khloe Kardashian Baby Name: Explained, Mocked to Death

Start Gallery

For more infomation >> Can 🌟 I Please See Baby True?!?🍆Lamar Odom to Khloe Kardashian - Duration: 3:11.





Fish has long been touted as a super food from doctors, nutritionists and specialists

from around the world.

Many people choose not to eat meat or other animal products, but show pride in their presumed

health conscious decision to consume fish.

But, as with almost everything else that is promoted heavily in the media, there�s something

fishy about this�

There�s no denying that it contains many essential omega 3�s which are known to be

good for your brain, many consider fish �brain food� because of how essential these nutrients

are for brain health.

Unfortunately, farmed fish, particularly salmon and tilapia, are doing more harm than good

and as awareness grows, many experts are now claiming for farmed fish to be one of the

most toxic foods in the world.

What�s The Problem With Fish Farms?

Fisheries of today face a series of issues including overfishing, chemical pollution

and even genetic mutation from toxic exposures.

In Nicholas Daniel�s documentary, �Fillet-Oh-Fish� a critical eye is pointed at the fish farming

industries across the globe and features exclusive, insider footage from fish farms and how they


According to the producers of the film, �through intensive farming and global pollution, the

flesh of the fish we eat has turned into a deadly chemical cocktail.�

Unfortunately, Aquaculture often promotes itself as a sustainable solution to overfishing

of the world�s oceans.

The reality is that fish farms are actually causing more problems than they are solving

and once again, it seems that turning a profit is more important to these corporations than

actual sustainability or environmental concern.

Farmed Salmon Is One Of The Most Toxic Foods In The World

The film mentioned above starts off in Norway, documenting the chemicals used in fish farms,

Kurt Oddekalv, a respected Norwegian environmental activist, also believes that salmon farming

is a disaster for human health as well as the environment.

Below the salmon farms of the Norwegian fjords is a layer of waste that is about 15 meters

high and as you can imagine, it is absolutely teeming with bacteria, drugs and pesticides.

Because these farms operate in open water the entire seafloor has been destroyed and

the pollution created by these farms is not contained.

A salmon farm can hold nearly 2 million fish in a fairly small space and because of these

crowded conditions disease among the fish is rampant.

In an effort to stave off diseases various pesticides are used, and there is no doubt

that if you�re eating this fish then you are also eating these pesticides.

Toxicologist, Jerome Ruzzin has confirmed some of the claims made by Oddekalv.

Having tested a number of different food groups sold in Norway for toxins he has found that

farmed salmon contains the greatest amount of toxins of them all, and to an extremely

large degree.

The farmed salmon was five times more toxic than any other food product that was tested.

A study, which involved feeding farmed salmon to mice showed how the mice grew obese, specifically

with fat around their internal organs and they also developed diabetes.

In recent years, the evidence that diabetes is caused by a lot more than just sugar, specifically

toxic chemicals and air pollutants in the food we are consuming is coming to light and

this case, we�re learning that salmon farmed in this manner will inevitably contain far

more toxins than those in the wild.

Surprisingly, as pointed out in the documentary, the most significant source of toxic exposure

to the fish aren�t even the pesticides or antibiotics, but the regular dry pellet food.

This contains a whole slough of other toxic chemicals including dioxins and PCB�s, man

these fish never stood a chance.

Literally, the list of everything that is wrong with the farmed fish industry just goes

on and on, and if you would like to learn more about it I highly suggest checking out

the documentary below.

So, What Can We Do?

Stop eating farmed fish at all costs!

This is the single most effective thing you can do to save your health and stop this industry

from polluting the oceans and our environment.

if you haven�t decided to stop consuming animal products and still resonate with eating

fish, stick to wild Atlantic salmon, Alaskan salmon (which is not allowed to be farmed)

or pick up a new hobby and fish your own.

You can tell the difference of farmed and wild fish by it�s colour, farmed fish tends

to be very pale pink and wild caught is a deep red.

Wild caught salmon can be pretty pricey, so sardines and anchovies can be a good alternative

for their nutritional value and level of sustainability.

However, there are a number of plant-based alternatives that can give your brain what

it needs without the risk of toxic contamination, these include, but are not limited to, walnuts,

brussels sprouts, chia, hemp and flax seeds � just be sure to choose organic.

Saving a few dollars for cheaper fish just isn�t worth it and if you are out at a restaurant

or eating sushi, make sure to ask if the fish is farmed and where it comes from.

The only way to stop this industry in it�s tracks is to quit supporting it and quite

frankly this should be made illegal and in all likelihood, as awareness grows about this

massive issue, it is only a matter of time before this will happen.

Much Love



Researchers Say Headset Can Help Lose Weight - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Researchers Say Headset Can Help Lose Weight - Duration: 1:35.


Can A Mcqueen How to stop The Train Kids Fun Video A Lot Of Mcqueen Chickhick Hot Wheels - Duration: 10:16.

Can A Mcqueen How to stop The Train Kids Fun Video A Lot Of Mcqueen Chickhick Hot Wheels

For more infomation >> Can A Mcqueen How to stop The Train Kids Fun Video A Lot Of Mcqueen Chickhick Hot Wheels - Duration: 10:16.


MORNING MOTIVATION - This 8 mins can change your ENTIRE LIFE! - Duration: 9:05.

The secret to success is doing a lot of little things consistently over a long

period of time like people see the headline in the 50 but they don't

realize there was a decade that went into that

it's easy to to embrace

hopelessness when things seem insurmountable and yet it's

actually just a matter of time until all the elements come together for things to

be all right I mean I believe that you know most difficult situations will

resolve themselves if you are persistent and if you don't give up

entirely and that's what I never did I never gave up

One of the things I've been telling myself and also thinking about a lot is

apart from the fact of learning which we'll go into is just that space

of actually understanding that there may be a different route see we get so attached

to having one route one method one way of working we believe that there's only

one pathway to where we want to be there's this conveyor belt of things we

have to do whether it's you know get a degree find a partner buy a house you

know play golf whatever it is like this conveyor belt of efficiency and

productivity that we hear that becomes a part of our natural progression and when

that breaks apart that's when we start to worry that's when we start to think

but notice that then actually it's a lot better when that happens earlier in life

see regret has some really important roles the first one is that it helps us

make sense of the world from our perspective for one of the first time

see most of us have spent our lives learning what's important to us based on

maybe what families thought what communities - or parents taught what

education - whatever it is, when you start regretting something you think you did

something wrong when you start thinking that I could have done something

differently you're making sense of the world from your perspective it's crazy

how powerful this is right you're starting to make sense of the world from

your perspective the second thing is it allows you to avoid future negative

behavior if you you regretted something

write it down right now, right if you regret something write it down right now

because it will teach you so much in the future you've got to write down the

lesson you learn now otherwise next time when you think you're making another

tough decision you're gonna say to yourself what did i do last time how did

I not make myself regret that and then you're gonna be upset you're gonna

regret that you didn't write it down so write it down right now

I always felt like an outsider because I knew of people you know that were in the

industry I just didn't know how to get into it and I remember going to cast

different agents when I was 9 or 10 years old I was rejected twice I

remember there was like this sort of cattle call of kids and I lined up

it was like a prison and I had this crazy breakdancing haircut and when I

was breakdancing and I kind of dressed in hip-hop clothing and they remember

they went yes yes got to me and went nope yes yes No and that was it so I got

rejected a couple times and then I just kept asking and asking and asking I

remember my dad saying just stick with it someday you'll have your day and

then I came back I think two years later and finally got an agent

I think failure is the highway to success and I know that sounds like a platitude but what I

try to do in all of my books and my presentations and my tweets is

you cannot get to the mountaintop without taking a few missteps and so a

business that wants to win you have to out fail your competition and as human

beings you know failure is not a bad thing you know ask yourself what's the

opportunity from the failure and get in the game because when you get to

the last hour of your last day it will not be the failures you regret it'll be

all the risks you didn't take

if we could celebrate every breath that we take

because nothing's a guarantee if could celebrate the breath and the exhale just

being alive without you know my car won't start

oh geez you know the cat dropped dead hey i think ill need a lobotomy there are things that are

very very important in life that we just don't think about you know and

one of the most worrisome things that I went through through for years is

you freaked out about your past you worried you're scared to death of

the future that's all you're thinking about but then now doesn't exist

And I think that's a grave mistake that we make

no matter what type of

circumstances that you have been raised in or have experienced you always have

the ability to find a way out and create success for yourself and I had to do

that in my own life my childhood was very rough I grew up in South Central

Los Angeles I was a person who was in a single-family home it was my mother took

care of four of us by herself as she struggled and we were on welfare we

didn't have money and sometimes we didn't have food to eat and we didn't

know any different but what the difference was was when we

would go pass at the time it was USC was close by us and I'd see all the college

students go towards the campus and I thought to myself where are they going

what are you doing why they look different than the rest of people that

are in the group and that always kept in the back of my head and our mother

said whatever you do in order to change your circumstance you're gonna have to

get an education and so I kept that in the back of my head no matter what

I had to educate myself I had to get a degree the people that I saw going to

the school down the street that's something I could do and I had that

vision and it through a series of circumstances it was very rough

when you are expected to succeed by your mentors or parents or teachers

when there is an expectation on your life

to do well at an early age you adopt it you

address it you adhere to it you create it but if you are never given that

opportunity to know what you are capable of doing if you are never given that

that word that encouragement that says you know what you can be good at

mathematics even though you failed algebra and geometry and calculus and chemistry

which I did, you can actually do well in mathematics, if there's not someone

showing you your worth when you can't see it you'll forever be looking in the

mirror thinking that you are not worth what you want and for me every single

time I went to that school across town it was like around two hours

away from where I was every time I would come back it was like a wake-up call I

would go to this school that was like in a predominantly well-off area and

everyone had books and paper and really nice shoes we were looking at

this thinking oh I don't have any of that and every time I would come back

into my neighborhood I would see the graffiti and I'd see the the trash and I

thought to myself what makes a difference why are there people here in

this situation versus here in this situation and every single day i'd come

back and it came down to this it was the thinking

how we think how we look at situations

whether or not we see ourselves doing well and being

successful or versus if we see ourselves as a not successful person in an environment

our thinking defines our life and when we can take hold of our

thought and see it for what it is and change it and transform it and change it

to convert it into an energy that unleashes a brain power

that allows us to change a situation

that my friend is how we change our lives and that's how we

change everyone else

a great life is less about doing one brave act on a

beautiful Sunday afternoon it's more about what you do every single day right

your days are your life in miniature take care of each day and a great life

will take care of itself so if you were to achieve five little wins every single

day at the end of thirty days that's 150 little wins at the end of one year

it's 1850 little wins so the daily five is another

tool to help you do that

For more infomation >> MORNING MOTIVATION - This 8 mins can change your ENTIRE LIFE! - Duration: 9:05.


How cities can use urban design to prevent attacks - Duration: 3:23.

There are people out there that if they're bent on creating harm to other

human beings, they just might be successful.

I think Ottawa is a really safe city I think Toronto is a safe city too so no

I don't feel unsafe at all.

I was walking downtown Bank and Albert

I'm not sure that ten years ago we would have

seen someone reacting as this young man did.

The public needs to be educated needs to be alerted but not alarmed.

and need to send a clear message that we will continue to live our life we will

continue to attend outdoor concerts we will continue to gather and enjoy what

life has to offer here in Canada.

For more infomation >> How cities can use urban design to prevent attacks - Duration: 3:23.


BIG NUMBERS in Spanish Practice | Can you do better than Cody? - Listening Practice 2018 - Duration: 15:18.

For more infomation >> BIG NUMBERS in Spanish Practice | Can you do better than Cody? - Listening Practice 2018 - Duration: 15:18.


Can You Use Pottery Tools With Polymer Clay? Arteza Sculpting Tools Set Review-Friday Findings - Duration: 13:12.

iI you work in polymer clay you may have at some point looked at tools meant for

pottery clay sculpting and wondered if there were any of them that you could

use in your work. Well, today I have a review for you of a set of pottery clay

and sculpting tools by Arteza. I'll show you what's in it and talk about

ones I would use in my work. Hi there, Sandy here, welcome to another Friday

findings video at So this is another product that Arteza

sent to me to review, it's a set of 42 polymer clay and sculpting tools, premium.

So a big bag of tools, let me take all these out and spare you all the crinkle,

crinkle. Well, my goodness that is quite the pile of tools. Right off the bat this

sponge i don't know that i would use it much on my polymer clay. i might find a

use. Obviously when you work with earthen clays water is a tool that you use with

it and a sponge would be useful for smoothing and i don't know what else,

it's been ages since I did pottery ,but you could find other uses for this. Like

if we flatten out a piece to make a flower petal I often see folks... we'll use

one of these little ball tools, they thin out the edges, sometimes in their hands,

sometimes on a sponge. That seems to work pretty well, it would probably be better with a

bigger ball tool, but, so not its intended purpose but something you could find a

use for and speaking of the ball tools: wow, that is a truly tiny ball tool so

that could be handy. I don't know that I have one that small. So there's... that's

another it's bigger but...

You can see it now. So far a nice variety of sizes of ball tools, so those

are definitely useful in our polymer clay. This is for cutting blocks of clay,

the earthen clays often come in big blocks and you would undo the wire. I

don't know that I would use this much in polymer. There's a lot of these loop

tools and I can see these being useful for polymer clay if you work in a bigger

scale. The scale I work in is little miniatures often usually no more than

something that can fit in the palm of my hand so most of these are really too big

for that. These ones are wire tools which cut

through the clay in different ways than these ones that are flat pieces of

wire but they certainly look like they could be useful depending on, again, what

it is that you do, the scale you like to work at. Here's a needle tool, a fairly

thick one and a little sharp blade on the other end. I kind of have a love/hate

relationship with two sided tools because I like to have my things out

where I can see them. I've mentioned it before I'm very visual and if they're in

a jar then by design you can only see one end so that bugs me sometimes but it

is efficient, it does take up less space. Here's another wire tool, let's see I've

got a little bit of clay here to play with. I can see where that would be

useful. How do you do that and get a clean

channel? Hmm, that looks like a little a little doorway for a fairy house. Okay so

I'm already seeing some potential. Now this one looks like it's good I think

it's the exact same thing on both ends so that begs the question: why is it two

ended? The tool is the same on both ends but I can see that being

useful. Let's see like this big honkin' one here... I suppose even at the scale that I work

at there have been times when something that would dig out a channel like that could

be very useful. So, yeah. Hmm, yeah can you think of

possibilities and uses? I can. So yes, I think that that's pretty useful. Let's

see how well this cuts, this looks like the other one that I just shown you,

showed you, only bigger, and also you can use that to make shapes like scales or

a sunburst pattern.

Yeah, I can definitely see the usefulness of those tools, this one's very similar.

That was one thing I noticed when I was going through these was there,

it said 42 tools and I think there are let's see 2 4, 6, 39, 40, 41 and 42. Yeah okay,

42. So if they're double ended they may not all be unique.

Do you have 42 completely unique tools? Maybe, maybe not. I'm not sure. Let's see...

Yeah, I got them all mixed up, we looked at the ball tools, the needle tool with

the slicer, here's another slicer triangular slicer shape and here's yet

another shape so I could see these more, in polymer clay what I do, more for

creating impressions than for cutting. So, gouging, yeah. I mean they definitely have

uses but there are duplicates like these scoopy bits are the same, and that's

interesting. I wonder if there's a smaller one in here because there have

been times when I wished to have something like that for really scooping out a nice

smooth round channel. I can't think of what, but I know I've wanted it. Yep, more

of these, that's a slightly different shape just barely scooped, another knife

depending on what you're doing it might be nice to have something not as sharp.

Oh, that was that's loose in the handle, that moved, it would be nice to have

something maybe not as sharp as a clay blade and with a handle so it's a little

bit more maneuverable and safely managed. Oh, I'm so happy about this tool and not

because it's a needle tool, that's a nice needle tool, great. Needle

tools are fantastic. I've seen so many people making things and using the

texture from their handle and I didn't have any tools with that texture and I

love that texture. Isn't that awesome? Waffle cone! So many things, so I'm happy

to have that and that's probably what I'll use it for mostly. I actually have a

tool very very similar to this, the Kemper wipe out tool, which I do use quite

a bit for smoothing and blending. Lots of repetition, shingles, you know,

wherever your imagination goes. Is this for something in particular in

pottery? Cuz I don't know what that's about,

it's makes an interesting shape and impression. I can see using that but it

looks like it's for something very specific. If you know chime in the

comments and let the rest of us know. Same thing again only I think a

different... nope, exact same thing not even a different size. Different

shape and these both look like the same diameter drills, this looks a little big

and most of the time I would use a drill on a piece of baked clay and that's a

pretty big hole. I don't know how much use I would get out of this, it depends

on what you're doing again, the scale in which you work. Is that another one? Oh,

it is.

And more scoopy. Now this is a fantastic tool, this actually I just bought not

that long ago. It's a dental tool now though these are,

I think these are a bit softer but they're great for smoothing in small

areas. Yeah, what was it? Oh, a gum stimulator, that's what it is, and a lot of artists

especially those work at miniatures use them. You can poke, you can draw soft

lines, this is actually very useful. This is fun because those of us are in

polymer clay we love all things texture. This is much faster and more efficient

than using a tooth brush to get that kind of texture. So I like that, I'm gonna

use that. This, again it depends on what you're doing, you know one of these days it

may be just the thing you need. We've all seen tools like these. Sometimes I do

prefer wooden tools to metal. I have the Christi Friesen stainless steel tools

and I love them, they're wonderful, they're beautifully made. Sometimes though I

like the way wood grabs onto the clay better than the way stainless steel

behaves. And that just looks downright scary. Wow, yikes, that's just a really

rough saw. Again, I'm looking at the textures you can create with it which...

that is pretty cool. I can see that being a bit of decorative trim around

something. Oh it looks kind of like from the side like the edges of a coin.

So, possibilities. So another ball tool, this one bigger than the other ones so

that's nice. Now this I am certain there are uses for this.

I can't remember what it was that I was doing, I wanted

something like this, I can't remember what it was.

Yep. Palette knife. I may find myself using this more for

mixing up paints than working in my clay, but again you can use it for cutting and

can use it for making an impression. You can use it for smoothing. For

mixing this would be good for mixing liquid clay with polymer clay to get

like icing effects. This one I was pretty excited about this is a nice tool for

texturing and really quickly roughing up a surface as opposed to taking a

toothpick and doing all that to get like a cake like texture. Now I'm making a

mess of my work surface, but I can definitely see the benefit of this. So,

and it's got that wonderful waffle cone texture! Oh, another size ball tool and

yet another needle tool, and then a couple of spatula things. This one I

don't know that that would replace my clay blade. I suppose in some

circumstances it might be nice to have something this wide and flexible. You

could also use it as a cutter to a certain degree to get nice smooth cuts

and curves, so I can see that. This, ummm, yeah. So there you go,

that is everything in the Arteza set of 42 Pottery and Clay Sculpting Tools,

Premium. If you like to find different ways of using tools and are always

searching for something different and interesting to work in your clay you

might find this useful. So if you, if you want to check it out there will be a

link at my blog post which you will find in

the upper right or down in the description box that will bring you to

my blog where I'll have more information and a link to the products. So thanks for

watching, happy creating, bye bye.

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