Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily can't sleep Apr 26 2018

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For more infomation >> Beat Bugs And Your Bird Can Sing Best Cartoon For Kids & Children - Olivia Woods - Duration: 17:55.


Crazy Effective! Natural Hair Tonic Can Regrow Thick & Strong Hair In No Time! - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> Crazy Effective! Natural Hair Tonic Can Regrow Thick & Strong Hair In No Time! - Duration: 2:24.


Men Can't Flirt These Days - Duration: 3:13.

I didn't mind feminism at first when it was just about the things women do - but

now they're trying to make it about the things we do! And I'm worried about the fate of

the human race! Like: we're not even allowed to flirt at girls anymore

without them crying harassment, and it's concerning! If we keep going down

this road - with women in the driver's seat - human race will die out. And I don't

think women have thought that far ahead.

My whole life, whenever I've liked the look of someone

be they at work, at a party, reading a book,

talking to someone other than me

I'd flirt! I'd walk up to them, take their earphones out if they're listening to

music, grab their chin with my forefinger and thumb

turn their head to one side, and yelp right in their ear, again and again,

really high-pitched, short sharp bursts, really try and pop the eardrum...

Then with my free hand... pat her on the belly like she's full of food.

Textbook! Lets them know I'm interested. Physical cues!

And if she says "oh I'm not interested..."

Which they never did!... They usually said something else...

I just walk away and try again on someone else! It's not a big deal!

But now all these women is speaking up!

Partly 'cause they've lost their hearing and they can't judge the volume - and they're

saying that I'm the one that has to change! And I'm frightened for the next

generation - if there is one at this rate - 'cause they're not gonna know what's

okay and what's not! And all these girls are like, "well, we'll tell you what's okay

and what's not" but: why would you want to take advice from a woman, when they're

not the ones doing the flirting! We are the ones flirting at them.

INTERVIEWER (O.S.): Well, you could just talk to them like they're human beings...?

And say what?

Look: 90 percent of communication is nonverbal - and there are no verbs in a high-pitched yelp.

I'm just happy that I found someone and settled down before all this got out of hand.

Sorry - she keeps doing that! I don't - I don't know what that is!

For more infomation >> Men Can't Flirt These Days - Duration: 3:13.


Can I Use Other People's Videos (PART 2) - Duration: 6:51.

So just to recap on this point. If you're going to use anybody else's content that's

not 100% yours, if you're going to do it without permission

you know, keep it under four seconds for sure but then also you want to think

about the will that you're creating, is a good will or is a bad will. If this

person whose content you're using we're to see your video and there's a good

chance they will, how are they going to feel about it? Are they going to feel like it's

validating them, that it's supporting them, it's making them look good and

bringing good things to them or are they going to feel a little bit ripped off?

Are they going to feel like you're taking something that they've worked hard to

create and you're taking it for yourself? So put yourself in their shoes, think

about it from their perspective. Chances are if you're bringing good

attention and good things to them they're going to be quite happy you know,

that you're using this. Even if you didn't have permission but if

you're just taking it for yourself, you're trying to you know, get views,

you're trying to make something off it and they get nothing in return then

there's a good chance that they will flip that switch to have your video shut

down and that's not going to lead to a good place for you. - So I do have to say here

maybe this is a great way to end this video, Grant. I remember sitting down with

you and realizing wait a second, your back-end YouTube creator studio looks a

little bit different than mine and as you've reached some higher levels

of success, you've got some options that my creator studio actually

doesn't have and I remember when you started showing me this like the actress

people are ripping me off all the time but look YouTube flats it they put in my

back-end and then I've got some options on what I can do. Do you want to just

share for a moment because I don't think some people understand what might happen

that if they want to just rip you off or take your stuff or copycat you and do

some of that, YouTube actually instead of them necessarily being the judge and

jury and executioner they actually give you as the Creator some options on what

you want to do with the content that these people have ripped off. - Yeah, that's

right, it was a huge issue for me where I was filing hundreds of copyright

complaints a day and having videos taken down almost became a full-time job just

to take down all the videos that were being stolen so at that level YouTube

gave me some options to manage my own account,

they give me a Content ID system which is basically an automated process that

uses an algorithm, it fingerprints my videos and then anybody who uses content

from any one of my videos, it matches those who - Check this out, this is so so

cool. When I saw it I was like, no way and it got me thinking okay, Kris,

make sure you always do things aboveboard because you don't want upset

anyone especially if they have this kind of power. What power do you have when the

algorithm says, hey, we've taken your fingerprint on your stuff, we've matched

it to theirs and what can you do? - Well the cool thing about this system is is

completely automated so any video that pops up that matches my content, I can

have it automatically process that however I want, I can even have I can

have the video taken down. - Which not YouTube doing it,

Grant doing it. - Yeah and if the video is taken down because of a copyright

issue, that could give the channel a copyright strike and if you get three

copyright strikes your channel is terminated so think about the risks

you're taking there. The other option is you can keep the video up but you can

take the monetization. - Just for a moment I was like, what beautiful irony, it's like

so these people like.. and they start making a pile of money with

it and you're like, yeah, we're just going to transfer their every penny of that every

day into my account. - Yeah, so theoretically you know, if somebody were

to take 10 or 15 seconds of my video and put it into their 10-minute video and

their video got 10 million views, you know, because my content idea has claimed

that video all the money for that monetization would actually float to me,

the creator would get none of it because they didn't get permission and it wasn't

authorized in advance so that's the risk that you take by using somebody else's

content if you're not getting permission upfront you're taking the risk that you

may get your channel terminated 3 strikes and you're out. You're taking

the risk that somebody else might take your monetization but you know, I think

the safest way to go is get permission, if you can't get permission, use as

little of the content as you can you know, if you can't make it original

yourself, use about 4 seconds or less and as far as the music goes, there's plenty

sites out there where you can get royalty free music you know, is one place where for about 20 dollars a track, you can get

some really great music. Actually there's a whole music library in YouTube. YouTube

has a whole music library, all of that's free, all that's royalty-free. If your

video gets featured on TV, you don't need any extra licenses, it's all included so..

- You know what I think about this whole trademark issue, I think years ago my

wife and I we travelled to the Holy Land, we went to Israel and one of the things

that we noticed is that we had all of these citizens that were just packing,

these big guns everywhere, they went on the street and and at first that made me

really nervous is like, that is so weird that people

in public carrying you know, these ak-47 you know, guns over their

shoulders. I'm like well, that's kind of crazy and I was talking to someone about

and said actually, we have one of the safest and most polite societies and

said, really then why is everyone carrying guns? They said, that's why it's

so polite because everyone's always packing heat, everyone always knows that

everyone's packing heat, it's actually a safety measure for the entire state of

israel and to why they do that, that's what allowed them to win their last war

because they had an immediate call to arms but what that does is it creates a

really polite society and you know, when you think of our copyright here, take

care of people, do right by people, give people credit where they should, bottom

line is, if you keep it above board, you're keeping it polite and you're

doing right by other people and that means at the end of the day, you get

taken care of too. - And if you have any other questions

about whether what you're doing is okay or not, you can look into fair use copyright

law. There are some circumstances where you can use people's videos without

their permission as long as it meets the fair use criteria but you do need to be

careful because if you abuse that privilege or if you're outside of it

that can become a legal issue, you can go to court, there can be attorneys fees and

a lot of stuff that you really don't want to get into so be say if you use a

hundred percent original content if you can, if you must use somebody else's

content, get permission to do it, if you're not willing to get permission

then just understand you're taking a risk and just use as little of it as

possible and then from there just goes downhill so we wouldn't advise you get

into that but hopefully that get some perspective puts it in a nutshell

and you can get on Google look for royalty-free providers out there there's

pond5 and there's also providers out there like epidemics sound where you

just pay a monthly subscription fee and then all the music that you want to use

is fine, lights for television and there's just no questions asked. - Oh we

love them we use them all the time, we got their subscription actually so we've

got unlimited you still using all of their tracks. - Yeah, so we may put a link

down in the description to where you can sign up for one of our affiliate links

but there's a lot of options out there for royalty free stuff you know, get

permission and get the licenses and you have nothing to fear. - Hey, friends. Thank

you so much for joining us here, thank you for watching this video. We want you

to know that we appreciate you. If you're not currently a subscriber and haven't

rung the bell, we can't notify you about the new video that we're going to be

sending you tomorrow so make sure that you subscribe, ring the bell so that we

can get you some more information and remember, above all,

when it comes to copyright, keep it above board.

For more infomation >> Can I Use Other People's Videos (PART 2) - Duration: 6:51.


Mark of the FEAST Researchers invent edible graphene, paving the way for food that can be tracked - Duration: 4:54.

Mark of the FEAST Researchers invent edible graphene, paving the way for food that can

be tracked through embedded RFID patterns

by: David Williams

Do you think you will ever be able to eat your electronics? It�s a strange concept,

but it depicts a very real future situation wherein you�ll have to decide whether or

not it�s okay to partake in edible electronics.

This is because of a new development created by a team of scientists from Rice University,

wherein they managed to further enhance their laser-induced graphene (LIG) technology to

produce foods that come with embedded electronic parts in them.

To be more specific, the scientists took their LIG techniques and effectively etched graphene

patterns onto food items as well as other materials in order to put so-called conductive

identification tags and sensors onto them. The etchings look like they might have been

written on the items, but that couldn�t be farther from the truth, according to the


James Tour, one of the resident chemists at Rice, clarified the basis of their technology.

�This is not ink,� he explained. �This is taking the material itself and converting

it into graphene.�

Indeed, the method is based on his lab�s contention that it�s possible to turn anything

with the necessary carbon content into graphene, with the use of proper equipment and techniques.

Ever since the lab discovered a way to turn Girl Scout cookies into graphene, they�ve

tried looking for other ways to apply their findings.

As of this time�s writing, the lab has managed to develop a method to quickly make graphene

foam only through the use of a commercial laser that can transform the top layer of

an inexpensive polymer film. It is said that the graphene foam is made up of microscopic,

cross-linked flakes of graphene, which is basically a two-dimensional form of carbon.

With LIG technology, it�s possible to �write� directly on target materials and follow certain

specific patterns.

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by Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Get your daily news and videos directly from

the source! Download here. The great thing about this is that the �target

material� can be any one of a number of different things, including obvious items

like paper and cardboard to cloth and even certain foods, such as toast.

The scientists set their sights on food items in particular as they were conducting their

research. �Very often, we don�t see the advantage of something until we make it available,�

said Tour. �Perhaps all food will have a tiny RFID tag that gives you information about

where it�s been, how long it�s been stored, its country and city of origin and the path

it took to get to your table.� (Related: Clean water graphene breakthrough could allow

millions to drink filtered seawater.)

Although the researchers also mentioned the possibility of adding sensors that can detect

dangerous elements such as E. coli or other microorganisms on food by way of the trackable

etchings, that could be a potentially dangerous setup. It could be dangerous to people�s

privacy, for instance. By eating food that can be traced, you could thereby expose yourself

to being tracked as well.

Imagine eating one food item that came with an embedded RFID (radio-frequency identification)

chip through the laser-etched graphene. Now, for some time after having eaten it, you could

be tracked and it might be possible to tell exactly where you�ve been. From the type

of food that you ingested to get the graphene inside your body, it could be possible to

deduce other information such as the kind of food you prefer. It could open the door

to many more potential privacy violations. And while the scientists may not intend for

those things to happen, they�re still a very real possibility.

For what it�s worth, the scientists also managed to apply the same method onto other

materials, such as paper and clothing. Perhaps those could be more suitable for laser-etched

graphene applications instead.

For more infomation >> Mark of the FEAST Researchers invent edible graphene, paving the way for food that can be tracked - Duration: 4:54.


Fox & Friends 4/26/18 | KANYE:Mob can t make me not love Trump - Duration: 3:27.

in a new Wall Street Journal op-ed a former Hillary Clinton staff member

writes a warning to my fellow liberals from one liberal to another can we stop

the ideological purity test and admit that there are more ways than one

solving a problem can we please stop being such jerks that former Clinton

staff member anafi wahood also is the founder of flipside IO and joins us now

live good morning to you good morning thank you for having me you're calling

your friends jerks are they doing I really am I think they're I won't say

all but most of my liberal friends are very well-intentioned but their comments

are so arrogant so elitist and it's a symptom of a much larger problem the

media bubbles and the echo chambers are so persistent that they don't know how

to engage constructively with ideas that are not their own right you write that

you know 63 million Americans voted for Donald Trump they can't all be

nincompoops exactly and it's incredibly arrogant of liberals to think that all

63 million were duped or are sexist or racist or xenophobic or you know enter

some other negative connotation right I know what kind of blowback have you

gotten from your friends after you wrote this it's really if asking I there have

been plenty of comments and one friend actually texted me yesterday to say hey

I do have some critiques but I understand if you're overwhelmed by the

negativity but I really appreciated that the flipside the premise of the subside

is surprisingly simple we provide readers with a daily 5-minute

digest of what both sides are saying I can't believe it's an all controversial

let alone invoking such strong reaction look at that you're interested in both

sides like Kanye West yes we actually wrote about Kanye West this morning and

it was fascinating he didn't say he didn't even express his political views

he just expressed that he likes the president and if he's being you know

bashed by so many people for just saying he likes a person you know what does

that tell us about where we are as a society well what does that tell you

about the not so tall left your side yeah I I will say our

side does not do a good job of reaching out to others of admitting that there

may be more than one way of looking at a problem and that's what my op-ed is

about I'm really worried about 2018 you know we thought Hillary Clinton would

win in 2016 and right now we're expecting a blue wave but you're not so

sure I'm not so sure I'm really not you know what's interesting about your Wall

Street Journal editorial is the fact that you submitted it to the New York

Times in the Washington Post before and they rejected it yes they did not pick

it up and I was sorely disappointed because I was really hoping that it

would be read by liberals so for me it was oh the New York Times The Washington

Post those are my liberal friends favorites so I would have loved to have

it in there but of course the Wall Street Journal you know is an amazing

publication I was happy that I'm so lucky that they accepted it interesting

words and we thank you very much an Ottawa head we thank you thank you so

much for having me you bet all right 6:20 in new york city public school

sparking outrage for displaying an anti republican anti nra sign our next guests

and students including her son are being you

For more infomation >> Fox & Friends 4/26/18 | KANYE:Mob can t make me not love Trump - Duration: 3:27.


Researchers Developing Robots That Can Walk Like Humans - Duration: 1:47.

For more infomation >> Researchers Developing Robots That Can Walk Like Humans - Duration: 1:47.


Can Mr. grover Do the Floss? - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> Can Mr. grover Do the Floss? - Duration: 3:12.


Every Video Can't Be Great (The Truth) - Duration: 4:04.

so here's what happened we filmed two days ago and finished the video today we

looked over it and realized it was two-thirds garbage

that's too many thirds of garbage and mind you there's been times where in the

middle of filming we stopped the video because it's all garbage and do it in

the garbage can and make some gold but like I said it was only two-thirds

garbage so we're gonna roll the part that we liked and didn't want to throw

away forever

this idea is pretty crazy I'm gonna jump rope and then throw a

water balloon and tie myself and break the water with it or else you can see it

with the water balloon alright nice water you time right that's what I think

we can replay that everything I knew

what bag is wrong with you okay alright give you some rapid fire this is

hilarious good you have to get one tiny I'm that yeah almost

creator block

road block

keep your head up

on to the next

yeah I did yeah us beauty I'm always it's all my shoes

bro how do you think I stopped eating rubber you're not a rubber dog if you

knew and have not subscribed do it do it just do it do it we post twice a week

every video cant be great (the truth)

creator struggles

jump out when you freeze they don't see you Oh

For more infomation >> Every Video Can't Be Great (The Truth) - Duration: 4:04.


Can I File a Lawsuit for This? - Duration: 2:26.

Hi I'm Reed Bloodworth founding partner of Bloodworth Law PLLC.

I'm often asked by my clients can I file a lawsuit for a trust dispute?

Can I file a lawsuit for a probate dispute?

Can I file a business lawsuit?

The answer to that question is you can file a lawsuit for just about anything.

However that's not the right question.

The right question is can I file a valid successful lawsuit for one of these topics?

That is a very different question and requires a very different answer.

When you call Bloodworth Law we're going to talk about your case.

We're going to talk about the facts of your case.

We're going to get your story be it a trust dispute an estate dispute or a business dispute.

We're going to ask you to send us the documents pertaining to your case.

If it's a business dispute is there a contract involved?

Is there some type of paper trail?

For a will or a trust dispute we're going to want to see the estate planning documents.

We're going to want to see any correspondence pertaining to those documents.

We're going to vet your case.

It's important for us to to do that because at Bloodworth Law we're not going to take

a case we don't believe in.

We're going to take a case that we believe we will be successful in for you.

It's not my job to just sign up cases that I don't believe in drag you into the courthouse

and bill you for hours.

I don't believe in it.

It's not what my firm does.

So the question to be answered here is can I file a successful lawsuit?

We're going to talk about that.

We're going to figure that out and we'll meet and we will be able to come up with an

honest answer for you.

So if you want an honest assessment of your potential lawsuit give me a call.

Let's talk about what happened to you.

For more infomation >> Can I File a Lawsuit for This? - Duration: 2:26.


Can I Live Animal Right Music Festival Promo - Duration: 1:30.

hi guys I'm Philly and I'm Kiirstn and we are so excited to bring to you the

Can I Live Animal Rights Music Festival coming to you this June 23rd at the

Knitting Factory in Brooklyn New York. All the artists performing are either a

either ARAs or vegans and we have a great lineup for you guys, we have genres from the

hip hop to Hard Rock to electronic electronic it's we got it all for you so

come on down and have a great time by supporting this event we will be

supporting these artists which are part of our community but most importantly

you will also be supporting the animals because all proceeds from ticket sales

are going to Catskills Tamerlane and Skyland sanctuaries so please support

this tickets are $25 you can get them from the Knitting factory's website or

you can contact us directly and we will send them along to you you can also

contact us on social media through Twitter Facebook or Instagram just

search um can I live 2018 and all the information will be right there for you

so definitely make sure to put it in your calendar come on down and join us

we are gonna have a great time for the artists and for the animals

yes also don't forget to bring your appetites because we're gonna have the

cinnamon snail truck outside feeding everybody all night long

so it's gonna be a great night can't wait to see everybody come on come on down

For more infomation >> Can I Live Animal Right Music Festival Promo - Duration: 1:30.


#FiveThings that TypeScript Can Do for You - Duration: 8:26.

>> Did you buy something for yourself?

>> Yes.

>> On my card?

>> Yes.

>> By the way,

thanks for getting dressed up for this interview.

>> Oh thanks.

>> I appreciate it.

>> I wanted to- well I'll wrap in.

>> You look really nice.

>> I got this at the campus store.

>> Hi Burke Holland.

>> And I'm Jonathan Creamer.

>> And we're in Historic Downtown

Franklin Tennessee to bring

you five things that TypeScript can do for you.

>> Grays on Main is an amazing restaurant,

and I love the bar up here.

They have this drink called the Anthem Spirit.

>> What's an Anthem Spirit?

>> Man, hands down on my favorite drinks around.

>> Really!

>> They stir it for like five minutes- whiskey.

>> You can't talk about alcohol.

>> Sorry.

>> Number one. TypeScript can help

prevent bugs, but how does that work?

>> Well, part of it is the

whole static vs dynamic typing thing,

that's kind of like a rift in the community,

you've got your static people

and you've got your dynamic people.

But, really static typing can help save

bugs or prevent bugs whether you like it or not,

and there's actually a really cool study,

I've forgotten the name of the guy who did it,

but basically what they did is,

they analyzed a bunch of GitHub repositories,

and they came up with this pretty accurate study on

all the different types of bugs that they had found in

all these top trending repositories in GitHub,

and they found that on average,

just by adding static typing with

either TypeScript or Flow to your repo,

you could reduce your bugs by like as high as 15 percent.

>> 15 percent. Wow!

>> Yes. And there's a lot of good reasons why,

especially with something like JavaScript

that's dynamically typed.

You can easily pass in

a number where you expect a string,

and call some sort of method that

doesn't work on the perimeter you passed in,

so just adding TypeScript or Flow

really helps solve a lot of those kinds of

problems were just boneheaded things or

misspellings in a class function,

and then you get into working with VS Code or

tooling that supports TypeScript and static typing,

then that really helps even further because you're

not just guessing at what a function is,

you actually know because

the TypeScript Type-Checker tells you what's on your.

>> And it enables the tooling to do that?

>> Yes, it does.

>> That sounds great.

Plus you've referenced a vague scientific study,

so it must be true.

>> Absolutely yes. Of course.

I can't remember the name of it,

I'll have to find it.

But yes, it is a thing. I promise, it's a cool thing.

>> Okay. We'll take your word for it.

>> Yes.

>> Number two. TypeScript can help you

ship built-in documentation. What?

>> Well, that kind of comes with 7.1,

which is that static typing

enables you to do things where

you can suddenly infer what your methods have on them,

what your class have on them,

without you having to go read through docs.

Especially in VS code,

you can just basically say,

new thing and then say hit a dot,

and then all of sudden

you're Microsoft IntelliSense stuff

pops up and you see what's all on it.

>> Right.

All the methods and properties that are available.

>> Right. Exactly. And especially if you have that in

there and you just hit

that dot and you see it's all there,

you don't have to go read docs to find

out what your API methods are for classes.

Actually, there's a cool tool,

I forget the name of it, but you can

basically run TS Docs,

I think it is, and it will actually

go and parse all of your classes

and methods and generate

a huge documentation file thing for you.

>> Really?

>> Yes.

>> TS Docs. You should check that out. That sounds good.

>> Yes, and that's a really nice feature too,

and you get that just by

adding that static typing to your doc-.

>> It's great when your documentation is in

your code because nobody reads the docs.

I definitely don't read the docs.

>> No.

>> But it's something the JavaScript Developers

aren't really used to having.

Actually, I remember going to

through the jQuery documentation

like 600 times a day,

trying to remember what methods

and properties that were involved.

>> Exactly. So what's cool is,

there's a library called DefinitelyTyped that has

tens of thousands of different typing files in it,

so there is one for jQuery.

If we had that now, you would imagine where,

like you said, you'd go to read JQuery docs or whatever.

Now, use a dollar sign,

parentheses and all of a sudden it's like,

this takes this selector and you can say dot

and do whatever thing underneath it.

>> It doesn't say, if you put a dollar sign,

it doesn't say, you put

dollar sign and then it says, use React?

>> No it does not say that.

>> Okay. I'm never going to give them.

>> That would be a funny history.

>> Yeah. I'm never going to give you

up jQuery. Never. You can't make me.

>> Never going to give you up.

>> Like Rick Astley.

>> Number three. TypeScript can help you

work with JavaScript files.

This is kind of a weird one because

it's not what you would expect.

>> Right. I think it was the 2.5 release of TypeScript,

they released some features that allow

you to work with JavaScript files.

You can adjust your tsconfig a

little bit and then all of a sudden,

you don't even have to start writing

TypeScript just straight out of the gate,

you can actually start adapting your

JavaScript projects right away,

and there's a couple of ways you can do that.

It comes, in VS code there's

a setting that can start checking that for you,

and then what you can do, speaking of documentation,

the one thing I have seen a lot of libraries uses JSDoc.

It's just that little waxed star, star,

and then you can say add param and add whatever on there.

The texture compiler now will read

those JSDoc comments and attach typing to the IDE.

>> So you can put types in the

JSDoc comments and the compiler will use that?

>> Correct, yes, exactly. And it's just

standard what you would writing JSDoc.

If you say like add param,

num and then you say in curly braces number.

>> So what the compiler allow me to

use things like Async/await

in JavaScript would automatically transpile that for me?

>> Yes. The TypeScript compiler can do that as well.

>> On regular JavaScript files?

>> Yes. You can change your allowJS,

there is a setting called allowJS in tsconfig.

And then all of a sudden you're basically just writing

JavaScript and it'll still-.

>> But without its features.

>> Yes. Your target can be set to

ES 5 or whatever and it will ship with.

>> Nice.

>> I did find this out recently,

you do still need to provide

Polyfills for Promise, for old browsers.

I had a bug report come in like

literally yesterday because of this,

because it doesn't ship with Promise.

IE 11 doesn't, so I had to

go in and add a Promise Polyfill-.

>> Wait a minute. You got a bug report coming in,

but thing number one was prevent bugs.

>> Well, that's my fault for.

>> Jonathan either prevents bugs or he doesn't.

>> That's my fault for not testing it in old browsers.

>> Testing?

>> Yes. IE 11.

>> Nobody tests.

>> I didn't browse a test.

>> Testing is for conference sessions, not for real life.

>> Thankfully we have a QA guy now,

who finds bugs for a living.

>> And if he doesn't then it's on him. You're fired.

>> Yes, that's true. What's this?

>> Number for four.

>> Coughing my in lungs. That was a disaster.

>> Number four, you can use

TypeScript to build Serverless functions in Azure.

>> Well, kind of.

It's experimental but by the time you see

this video it may be,

so Azure functions, is

coming with support for TypeScript.

>> I built one, so

hopefully that means it's good enough to.

>> You already build a Serverless function in TypeScript?

>> Yes. I definitely did.

>> Am I supposed to be impressed?

>> You should be. Like.

>> All right. I guess I kind of am, to be honest.

So be like Jonathan, check out the

experimental or production support for

TypeScript in Azure functions when you

watch this video. We don't know when that would be.

>> Number five. TypeScript can make building

of React apps even easier.

>> Yes, this is true.

>> How's that?

>> Well, because of the fact that you

have the static typing,

one of the things that I found

building just JavaScript React components was that,

with TypeScript you write

these interfaces and you say this is

a React component that

takes generic types for your props.

So all of a sudden in VS Code,

when you create a new Dashboard component

and you hit that props dot,

you see all the different props,

and even drill down further,

like if it takes a color,

could say Dashboardprops. blue

>> So basically it provides IntelliSense

for your components?

>> Yes, which is incredibly helpful especially like we

have a crap-load of React components in our app.

>> That's an actual measurement?

Crap-load is a number,

Google metric crap ton.

>> Yes. So yeah we have a lot of components and so

it's really hard to remember which things take which.

So with this tooling,

with the TypeScript's interfaces and props,

you'd only have to remember that stuff which is built in.

>> That does sound nice.

>> It is nice.

>> Check that out. I'm Burke Holland.

>> And I'm Jonathan Creamer.

>> And now you know five things

the TypeScript can do for you.

For more infomation >> #FiveThings that TypeScript Can Do for You - Duration: 8:26.


3 DIYs You Can Do With Embroidery Hoops | Collab With Everyday Mama - Duration: 7:54.

Hey what up you guys? My name is Emily and in this video I'm going to show you

three DIYs you can do with embroidery hoops.

This is also a collab with Everyday Mama

and on her channel she shows organization tips, crafts and much more.

She is also going to be showing three DIYs you can do with embroidery hoops in her video

and I'll leave a link to her channel and her video in the description down below.

Also check out her other videos and subscribe to her.

Lets get on with the video!

The first DIY I'm going to show you how to make is a embroidery hoop memo board.

You're going to need a embroidery hoop of any size.

You want to layout some fabric with any color or pattern

and then you want to put your hoop on top of the fabric

and you want to cut a square around the hoop out of the fabric that's bigger than the hoop.

The square doesn't have to be perfect.

After you're done cutting out your square, you want to iron the fabric.

When you're done ironing your fabric

you want to place the square on top of the inner embroidery hoop.

Then you want to take same string and you want to layout the string in many different directions.

You can put as many pieces of string that you want onto it

and make sure the string is longer than the hoop so you can pull the string later.

Now you can take the outer hoop and put it over the fabric, the string and the inner hoop.

Then you want to tighten the screw at the top

and then you want to pull the string and the fabric

as needed so the fabric and the string are tight in the hoop.

Now you can flip the hoop over and trim off the excess fabric.

The last thing you can do is that you want to glue the string onto the hoop

so the string doesn't come out of the hoop

and if you need to you can cut the extra string off.

When the memo board is done you can take some pictures or notes

and put them onto the string with clothespins.

When you're done putting the pictures or notes onto the board you can hang it on a wall.

For the next DIY I'm going to show you how to make a dreamcatcher.

You want to use the inner hoop for this dreamcatcher

but you can make another dreamcatcher out of the other hoop if you want.

You want to take a piece of yarn and tie one end of the yarn to the hoop

and make sure you leave a little bit extra yarn from the knot because you are going to use it later.

What you want to do is that you want to wrap the yarn

all the way around the hoop like how I'm doing here.

If you roll the yarn into ball it will be easier to wrap the yarn around the hoop.

Once you wrapped the yarn all the way around the hoop,

you can cut off the yarn you don't need

and then you can tie the yarn that you were wrapping with

to the yarn you tied into a knot together into a knot.

Now you can tie one end of a another piece of yarn into a knot onto the hoop.

Then you want to take that yarn and make a loop

and then you want to go around the hoop

and then you want to pull the yarn through the loop and tighten the loop.

You want to do these same steps all the way around the hoop and make sure you space the loops out.

Once you've gone all the way around the hoop the first time

you can do the same loops

but you want to do the loops on the yarn and not on the hoop.

You'll do this everytime you go around the hoop

and you can make as many rows that you want

and you can stop making the web of the dreamcatcher when you like how it looks.

If you roll the yarn into a small ball it will be a lot more easier to make the dreamcatchers web.

When you're done making the web of the dreamcatcher you can cut off the yarn you don't need

and then you want to tie the yarn at the place where you stopped at into a knot.

Then you can cut off any of the extra yarn.

Now you want to take another piece of yarn and tie into a loop and then into a knot.

You want something like this and this is how the dreamcatcher will hang on a wall.

Now you can put anything that you want onto your dreamcatcher.

I put some lace, beaded string, and feathers onto the dreamcatcher.

The way how I put the lace and the beaded string onto the dreamcatcher

is by folding the lace or the beaded string in half.

Then I put it under the hoop and then I pulled the tails of the lace or the string through the loop.

You can do what I did or you can just tie them onto the dreamcatcher instead.

Now you want to hang the dreamcatcher onto the wall

and trim off anything you don't want with scissors.

If you want you can glue some feathers onto some string

or whatever you have on your dreamcatcher.

Then you'll be done with the dreamcatcher and you can put it onto the wall.

For the last DIY I'm going to show you how to make a embroidery hoop pocket.

You want to take an embroidery hoop that's any size

and you want to put it over fabric that is any color or pattern

and this will be behind the pocket.

Then you want to cut a square around the hoop

and make sure it's bigger than the hoop.

The square doesn't have to be perfect.

Now you want to layout another color or pattern of fabric that will be for your pocket

or you can just use the same color of fabric

you used for the fabric that will be behind the pocket

and you want to put the first square over the fabric

and you want to cut around the square to get an identical square.

This square doesn't have to be perfect either.

After you're done cutting your squares

you should have two squares and you need to go iron the squares.

When you're done ironing your squares

you want to place the square that will be in the back on top of the inner embroidery hoop.

Then you want to take the square you're using for the pocket and fold it in half.

Then you can place it over the first square

and make sure the folded part is what will be in the hoop.

All you have to do now is that you want to take the outer hoop

and put it onto the inner hoop.

Then you can tighten the screw at the top

and if you need to you want to pull the fabric tight.

The last thing you have to do is that you want to flip the embroidery hoop over

and cut the excess fabric off.

Then you'll be all done and you can put pens, pencils, or anything that you want into the pocket

and you even put a picture onto the pocket with a clothespin.

and that's how you make all of these DIYs!

In the comments down below let me know what you think about these DIYs

and if you like this video give this video a thumbs up

and if you're new here I do DIYs three times a week

and a bullet journal video near the end of each month

so subscribe if you want to see more DIYs and bullet journal videos

and also don't forget to go check out Everyday Mamas channel and her video

and subscribe to her channel.

I've put a link in the description down below to her channel and to her video.

I will see you in the next video. Bye!

For more infomation >> 3 DIYs You Can Do With Embroidery Hoops | Collab With Everyday Mama - Duration: 7:54.


How Can We Know Who What Information To Trust - Duration: 8:54.


the answers may come from automatic writing meditation intuition higher self

guides channeled or from soul group question number two there is often is so

many different viewpoints and a lot of the information seems to conflict with

other information how can we know who and what information to trust heather

knowing who to trust or what you should trust is not a matter of finding an

outside source it's an internal mission each and every one of you have your

truth and the ultimate truth within you as you ascend through your soul journeys

you are in fact remembering your own truth as well as working towards

becoming one with the ultimate truth again instances of a change in beliefs

are no longer resonating with a specific person or ideology is your own truth

coming back to you sometimes you are shown what you do not agree with for you

to remember what you do as each of you gain more knowledge you will

instinctively know where you stand you will be confident and comfortable within

your own knowing that anything or anyone who does not fit will fall away from

your frequency the more work you put into yourselves

and the stronger you get the less you will feel the need to follow others or

to get answers from others you are the truth and you should be trusting

yourself Archangel Michael ion 5d patreon HTTP / /ww slash in

5d add your name to rin 5d wall of gratitude with a minimal donation on

patreon Genoveva within you the answers lie you must look within to know the

truth granted everyone may have or perceive a different truth because it

can get muddled through the filters of the ego fear not your heart will always

vibrate when the truth that is meant for you is presented one will immediately

hear a tiny voice say no that doesn't seem right that little voice is us

trying to tell you when the information you are receiving is not for your

highest good trust and know that we are always looking after you

trust and know that you are not alone follow your heart

it will never steer you wrong because that is where we live

we love you we cheer you on all for the one creator peace and love to you all

higher-self nation ooh who and what information to

trust will resonate different for each us we each have our own reality and have

to figure out what feels right to agree with or disagree with this comes from

within but how it comes from within can happen in various ways it can be in

knowing feeling sensation first impression or other ways unique to you I

have found that when I come across someone or information that is of a high

vibration in a place of love light and truth energy it's uplifting I can feel

the love and light energy and it feels good to connect with that energy I will

often get a confirmation tingle the last few months I have started sneezing here

and there it's always just a single sneeze which seemed random but figured

out that was an additional form of confirmation when a thought crosses my

head that I should pay attention to there have been a few live videos that

ended up on my feet in Facebook recently of people I immediately had to hide the

video or unfollow who shared it right away without watching the video there

was this sense that the person didn't have energy that I resonated with I've

encountered people with possessed energy that are charging 150 to 200 dollars a

session to help people I've tapped into energy of a video before and have gotten

a sharp pain in my head which is a sign for me to stay away

other times I've found if the video is not working for me or an article doesn't

seem to want to load so I can read it that is also a sign not long ago I went

to get a haircut at one of the cheaper places I was waiting and my name was on

the monitors / screen with other names after waiting just a little bit my skin

started reacting like being very tingly and itchy in an uncomfortable way it

felt like something was reacting really bad to my skin at the same time my name

just disappeared off the monitor without anyone doing anything I was reacting to

one of the employees in there who was messing around with some really bad

energy I had to leave there and after I got in my car and cleared my energy that

feeling went away I've noticed that same feeling one other

time since then and that's a big sign for me to immediately know there's some

negative energy coming into contact with me from somewhere so overall I've found

that if I pay attention then it's fairly easy to determine if the energy is a

good fit for me also there are chances that someone is coming from a place of

love and light but their information was just being interfered with and they are

unaware of it if I feel like checking into it further

I can ask questions such as is this person a Clear Channel have they put in

the healing / clearing work for themselves are any entities or energies

that are not of love and light attached or interfering with this person's energy

and messages was there any interference when they

wrote this oh our did this video is this person and information coming from a

place of love light and truth energies if they are a channeler and channeling a

specific being or group can ask was this person truly channeling Archangel

Michael and did the information come through as it was meant to without any

interference then I would just pay attention to what feelings I get when

asking the questions or use the pendulum as a way to double-check if needed as

well you can ask any questions you feel you are guided to

I also like to be cautious when information comes through that is

exactly what I want to hear a lot of this for me relates to some sort of

event happening that fixes all my problems for me whether it be this wave

slash event that has been circulating Pleiadians coming and making first

contact and will help us fix all our problems or something else like that

whenever the information switches from guiding to empower oneself to waiting

around for something else to fix / change things I try to notice that and

make sure I sit with it a handful of people can get a handful of different

answers and everyone can be right just because I don't resonate with someone or

pick up that their energy is not great someone else may get the opposite and

feel that person is helping them most if not all of us have experiences where we

trust someone or information that ended up not working out it ends up being a

great learning experience so if you do end up having a bad experience on some

level you were wanting to have that experience so you could learn from it so

either way there's nothing to be afraid of you will always get the experience

and information that you are wanting or needing to have for your soul growth

love and light

For more infomation >> How Can We Know Who What Information To Trust - Duration: 8:54.


Injury news, Gerrard to Rangers rumours & Emre Can's decision imminent – Liverpool FC News Roundup - Duration: 7:00.

Injury news, Gerrard to Rangers rumours & Emre Can's decision imminent – Liverpool FC News Roundup

Another busy week for Liverpool on and off the pitch; heres all the latest news regarding the Reds from Thursdays media.

Reds to review Salah contract Klopp focus turns to massive game Two men charged over Anfield attack Lovren: Salah on same level as Messi and Ronaldo.

Gerrard linked with Rangers manager job.

Liverpool U18s boss Steven Gerrard is being linked with a surprise move—to take over as head coach of Scottish side Rangers next season.

The Echo report the SPL chairman Dave King being at Anfield for the recent win over Roma, which Gerrard acted as a pundit during for BT Sport.

Gerrard is only in his first campaign as a youth manager, so it would be something of a surprise if he departed already to seek out a senior position.

He has never held back in his ambitions to become boss—eventually of the Reds first team—and Rangers are said to want a new manager next season.

The Glasgow Evening Times report that Gerrard is waiting to hear what financial backing he will get in the transfer market before accepting the offer.

Injury updates: Mane and Oxlade-Chamberlain.

There is hope that Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain may not have suffered ACL damage to his knee despite the Reds admitting his season was over.


coms Neil Jones reports that the swelling is as yet still too severe around the affected area and that specialist medical advice will be taken in due course.

#LFC yet to give full diagnosis on Oxlade-Chamberlain injury, waiting for swelling in knee to go down and further advice from specialist.

Ligament damage for certain, but hopeful he has avoided ACL tear, which would be a significant boost in terms of recovery time.

While a cruciate tear could result in nine months or more out, partially damaged or strained ligaments would be significantly less.

Meanwhile, Sadio Mane has sparked injury fears after he was seen attending the Spire Hospital in Liverpool.

The forward was there for around half an hour, report the Mail, though the club has not released any information regarding an injury.

Jurgen Klopps pre-Stoke press conference on Friday may shed more light.

Emre Can decision imminent.

While the Reds remain rampant on the pitch thanks in no small part to an athletic and impressive midfield setup, one member has had to watch on from the sidelines of late.

Emre Can has not featured since a back injury against Watford and, with his contract up in the summer, there are fears he has played his last game for Liverpool.

Juventus have long been suitors and now they may finally get their answer, with Tuttosport claiming Can will inform them imminently of his plans for next season.

Bayern Munich have also been interested in signing the German international, who started out in their academy, but the report suggests Juve remain front-runners.

Rumour mill: Max Meyer on a free.

While Emre Can might leave on a free transfer, another German midfielder could yet take his place—also after running down his contract.

Schalkes Max Meyer has played the deepest holding role for his side this term after having originally come through as an attacking midfielder.

He is out of contract in the summer and the Bundesliga runners-up-in-waiting have announced there will be no renewal of his deal, per Goal.

Max will definitely leave Schalke in the summer.

We are dealing with this situation professionally, said sporting director Christian Heidel.

The player is planning his future, we are currently planning Schalkes future, and our plans head in different ways.

Lijnders on leaving the Reds.

Former Liverpool coach Pepijn Lijnders is loving life as manager of NEC Nijmegen, but has noted the ongoing influence Jurgen Klopp has had on him.

In an interview with ESPN, Lijnders, who left the Reds midway through this season, describes his old boss as one of the most important people in my career.

The emphasis on playing the same way as Klopp has tried to with Liverpool is clear throughout.

Lijnders speaks on the identity of his team in a similar vein to the current Reds manager and plans to follow a similar approach.

The style of playing 100 percent pressing and 100 percent counter-pressing is a style that doesnt [arrive] in two, three weeks.

I want to keep fighting to win prizes, but only in a certain way.

I want people to feel the identity of my team every game, wherever we play, against whatever opposition.

They have to feel that we dominate, press and are offensive and aggressive in defence.

For more infomation >> Injury news, Gerrard to Rangers rumours & Emre Can's decision imminent – Liverpool FC News Roundup - Duration: 7:00.


You Can Make All 10 of These Easy Meals in Under an Hour - Duration: 4:53.

For more infomation >> You Can Make All 10 of These Easy Meals in Under an Hour - Duration: 4:53.


Easy Freezer Meals for Gifting | Avengers Unite! You Can Be A Super Hero Too - Duration: 8:42.

Karrie: Hey guys, it's Karrie, and I'm here today with my daughter, Grace.

Grace: Hey.

Karrie: Today we're talking about freezer meals and gifting.

And stay tuned because we're gonna have a super fun time.

Karrie: Are you guys ready to get your geek on?

Seems like every other month, there's a new superhero movie coming out.

Grace: "Avengers Infinity Wars " is coming out.

And I am super excited.

Karrie: Me too.

Grace: I can't wait.

It's gonna be so good.

Grace: Well, everybody knows that every superhero comes to the rescue, right.

Ironman has a suit, Captain America has his shield.

Karrie: This is true.

This is true, you know.

But you know we have our own superpower.

We do.

It's true.

It's called Super Freezer Meals

Grace: of Power.

Karrie: So, in honor of the new Infinities movie coming out, I thought we'd have a little

bit of fun today.

Grace: And show you our super powers

Karrie+ Grace: IN ACTION

Karrie: Yes, it's true.

I'm a mom and a blogger.

Grace: And I'm a seventh grader.

Karrie: But what you don't know is that when people are in trouble, we're also


Karrie: Wait, wait, wait, no, no, no.

Wonder woman is not an Avenger.

Grace: But we did the spin, Mom.

We did the spin.

Karrie: No, no, no, no.

Let's try that again.


Much better.

That's great.

Grace: Good.

Grace: Hey Black Widow.

Karrie: What's happening, Captain.

Grace: So, today what we're gonna talk about is freezer meals for gifting.

To do that, we're gonna be superheros today.

Basically we're gonna go and deliver freezer meals to some busy, busy people that could

really use it in their lives right now.

Grace: But before we get to cooking those freezer meals, first we're gonna share three

super tips for gifting.

Karrie: Super tip number one.

Grace: Give them disposable containers if at all possible.

Buckets are freezable and at the dollar store.

You can use paper plates.

These are little containers you can get at the cash and carry.

Foil pans or freezer safe bags.

Everyone knows they can toss them when they're done.

Karrie: Super tip number two.

Grace: Give really good instructions about the meal.

I like to use really cute labels when I'm delivering freezer meals for gifts.

I like to include the name of the recipe, all the directions, and I love to leave my

phone number just in case they have any questions.

Karrie: Super tip number three.

Karrie: Ask about food allergies and diet restrictions.

Just in case your having nuts in your soup or something like that.

You don't want to deal with food allergies for sure.

Karrie: Captain, you're allergic to peanuts.

Grace: Ah man.

... Karrie: Now on to the recipe cooking.

Grace: Ahhh.

Karrie: How dare you.

Karrie: The first thing we're gonna cook is three batches of my Hazelnut Wild rice Soup.

I wanted to triple batch it because that way we can split it up into thirds and deliver

to three people.

Karrie: Because this soup is a triple batch, we're gonna separate these meals into two

large ones for the bigger families that we're giving to, and one person has just two people

in their family, so we're gonna make it into two smaller containers.

Karrie: In the recipe, there is optional red pepper flakes, which do add quite a bit of

goodness to the soup.

Grace: These are hazel nuts for the soup, and they make it like so good, so we took

them out just in case they have allergies like I do I guess.

Well, they're optional, so we give one pack to each person.

Karrie: Now, these three freezer meals are done.

Super duper.

Grace: Super.

Super duper cooper awesome.

I win.

I win.

Karrie: Yeah.


Grace: Oh.


Karrie: Okay.

So for our next recipe, we're gonna to be making teriyaki chicken, and it's a triple


Here we go.

Karrie: For our last recipe, we're gonna be making tortellini pesto bake.

I'm making this one not a double batch.

Not a triple batch.

I'm making this a quad.

That's a four times, only because I'm a mom and I'm a super hero, and make a dinner for

tonight too.

Grace: It's like salad.

It's like tongs.

Karrie: It's cheese.

Grace: I know, but I was, yeah.

Okay, let's get started.

Karrie: Thanks for watching everybody.

We hope you loved making freezer meals with us today.

Make sure to go watch the Avenger's movie.

We're super excited.

Grace: Yes, I am.

Karrie: It's gonna be epic.

So, if you like this video, make sure and hit that thumbs up button below.

Grace: Yep.

And like and subscribe.

Karrie: Now, we're gonna go and deliver these meals right now.

Grace: Bye.

Karrie: Bye.

For more infomation >> Easy Freezer Meals for Gifting | Avengers Unite! You Can Be A Super Hero Too - Duration: 8:42.


How can Liverpool boss Jurgen Klopp deal with his midfield injury crisis? ● News Now transfer ● #LFC - Duration: 3:11.

The injury to Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain made many Reds start thinking about the future

midfield permutations down the line as we're at the business end of the season.

Jürgen Klopp's comments that Liverpool 'would need to be creative' will divide

opinion on its meaning, but there aren't too many options to consider.

The blow to the Ox comes on top of Emre Can also being ruled out for the season and the

continuation of Adam Lallana's injury nightmare.

Liverpool have gone from a team with a carefully planned rotation policy to seemingly short

of options.

All possibilities have become credible and will be carefully considered behind closed

doors at Melwood.

The U23s could well see their numbers depleted as the manager has proven he has no qualms

about promoting youth.

Conor Masterson may find his chances limited with Gomez, Clyne and Klavan returning, but

there may be chances for those that can play in the middle.

Rafa Camacho and Curtis Jones were called up previously for the Merseyside Derby and

the clamour for Ben Woodburn to be given a chance may well come to fruition.

James Milner, Georginio Wijnaldum and Jordan Henderson can't be asked to play every minute

at the required intensity.

Formation-wise, it's been clear that Klopp does favour a 4-3-3 where possible, yet has

opted to change when required.

The 3-5-2 formation deployed in the Derby could well be utilised due to the available


Gomez and Klavan could easily come into a back three, whilst Moreno and Clyne provide

alternatives in the wide positions.

With Solanke and Ings also available, Klopp would have the option to rest a few of his

front three and one of his middle trio.

With every game being a crunch tie, there's always the possibility of tried and tested

adjusting positions without any major formation changes.

Trent Alexander-Arnold could potentially play in a midfield position as he has for academy

teams, due to players returning from injury.

There's been a clamour at times for Roberto Firmino to drop deeper too, but having notched

27 goals and 16 assists it seems nonsensical to adjust the position of such a crucial player.

With Liverpool seemingly unable to recall Marko Grujic, a personnel addition looks the

least likely of all the options and the manager won't be relying on the return of any players

currently unavailable.

There are some important midfield decisions to be made in the coming weeks.

Let's pray for everyone's sakes that Jürgen Klopp gets them right.

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