This is going to be a quick follow-up video to my video that I posted yesterday about
a app called 24sessions if you like information on that app you can visit
and also have a link in the video description box down below here is the app it was a review
of this service and this special deal that's going on for limited time reading a lifetime
account for it for only $69 you just visit that link in the video description or
it'll take you straight to the deal page $69 and that's with that videos about also put
a link in the video description box to that video this is a follow-up video and I want
to cover out or just go over a few deal points will quickly I want to show you how to use
this to see you have paid to bookings and also some strategies for generating business
on your website using 24sessions that I've come up with almost no show you how to use
the availability of schedule where you do say what your availability is because there's
deftly some confusions I've seen people have with that okay someone go through several
bullet points updates okay so some people were saying wondering how long does an hour
of recording a video meeting how much sizes I take so it's about 400 MB is about the size
of one hour of meetings the deal includes two gigs of storage and there was a problem
and there still is today that it's good to be resolved in a few days worth you wanted
to enable that 2 GB of storage actually let me show you when you're in the back and here
you go under add-ons it's right here where it says recordings and when you enable it
right now you get this pop up that says the put a credit card in but you probably don't
want to put a credit card and you just want access to the 2 GB of storage capacity that
you're getting with the deal they have for that is can it just take me a few days to
implement so in a few days that will be implemented for you you'll get the 2 GB you don't have
to put a credit card and I reason it had it to put a credit card and is because what happens
if you go over the 2 GB but some people and it's totally understandable didn't want to
put their credit card and or number two they didn't have a problem putting a credit card
and but it wasn't accepting the credit card in their country so that's can all be resolved
soon enough number three the emails that get sent out to people that may have a booking
with you there getting redesigned and one of the nice things that's gonna be in those
emails is right now there's a link to join the video meeting and then there's an access
code that they'll have to copy and paste instead it's just going to be one link and then there
can a tag that access code into the link so the person that's joining the meeting just
clicks on one link bam take some straight on into the meeting so that's can be a lot
more convenient for the people that are trying to join your meetings when they booked an
appointment that's coming soon as well in the video yesterday said there to be offering
an upgrade for $99 I had that wrong they changed it to $49 so the add-ons going to be half
the cost it's gonna remove the very little branding that they have left here let me show
you what their branding looks like so here is a meeting page right here and it says right
here very subtly powered by 24sessions's you to be able to remove that for $49 as a one-time
fee and they're also going to enable the custom and page redirect and what the custom and
page redirect is it's a feature so at the end of your video meeting you can knit have
the other participant go to a specific page maybe on your website maybe an order form
or whatever makes sense to you you can do that and so that's can be the custom and page
redirect to me the branding doesn't bother me at all I've seen some apps where it's just
all over the place and it's overwhelming this doesn't bother me at all although for $49
I think I might like that custom and page redirect personally so those are two of the
things I know are included I don't know if anything else's but I know for a fact those
two are going to be included for the $49 that will be available later directly from them
I'm sure when they have it ready to go in a week or so they'll send a message out to
everybody and here's a common question that I've seen what if you just want to have an
audio meeting and what's really nice is you can easily do that so when you go into a meeting
or someone that is going to be in the meeting with you goes in the web browser that they're
using remembered Safari chrome or Firefox again asked them to questions what would you
like to use for video and what would you like to use for audio simply don't you something
for video and now it's audio only and you can share your desktop or whatever window
that urine that is really cool so if the person you're going to have in the meeting doesn't
want to use a video or you don't want to use a video you can easily just not choose a video
source and you should be fine in fact I actually did this yesterday was someone that jumped
into my life now room which I'm in a talk about this video jumped into that and I didn't
use a video camera and it was perfectly fine okay so those are the things I wanted to update
you on number two we came up with some ideas for paid bookings so if you're familiar with
the app already it doesn't have a way to charge for bookings it has a full booking form someone
can choose their date and their time and all that kind of stuff but it doesn't have an
option for paid bookings and truthfully I don't know if they're ever going to have that
option for paid bookings in my review video yesterday I said you know don't buy this in
the hopes that they're going to do it because there's a good chance that they're not going
to do it although I think the app would be in the platform would be better if they did
have that so here are some ideas that we came up with option number one is to charge someone
on your website for a booking maybe an hour of time or three hours of time or whatever
however you sell your time to sell that time and then as soon they make the payment on
whatever way you have to charge people for things then send them in an email automated
through whatever system you have for charging people then send them to the page where they
can actually book of the time so you just charging them for the time and then they will
pay in the know choose the time that's very simple to do if you're using WordPress with
WooCommerce there is a way to after someone completes the cell to redirect them someplace
so what you could do is you can redirect them to a page it says hey thank you for booking
some time with me or purchasing some time with me there's a booking form right below
just go ahead and choose your date and time and I look forward to meeting with you so
that's can be option number one very simple to implement option number two is going to
be an option if you already have some kind of third-party system for booking and for
selling those appointments a perfect example of this is if you use a book like a boss what
that is is this a booking software and you can charge for the bookings when they book
when they choose their appointment time so a lot of people are already using that it's
already integrated into other systems or you might have some other way of charter of actually
scheduling appointments and you want to continue using that well here's a real simple thing
there's a feature in 24sessions that I think is the power feature were to talk about this
throughout the rest of this video it's called live now so essentially what you would do
with book like the bosses you would have the booking let them create the booking and purchase
the booking appointment and choose the date and time and then what you do is send them
the link to this let's call the live now link they can click on the slide now link and get
straight to you as long as you're logged in and I'm in a show you what that means like
right now in this video and it will make more sense okay so that is some to go over this
so here is your just give you a quick example of it and then I'll explain how it all works
okay so when you log into 24sessions you can go to meeting overview and then you have three
tabs my all and live now when you click on live now the system knows you're ready for
a live immediate live now meeting and this is what it will look like for the person that
has the link to this page that you would set up so you would give them link and here it
is so I have it set up where they can choose a date and time but I also have this right
here since I am in on that page that says live now and here it will show them this is
start meeting now but if I'm not on that live now page it will know that I'm not this booking
page will know that I'm not there and available it won't say one person available and this
won't even be an option so when you have the live now and you're actually on that live
now page someone can get to you immediately and I'm in it give you a quick demo of how
that works okay so this brings me back to something called availability so if you go
in your dashboard and you click on availability here's where there's some confusion so if
I first click into availability it takes me right here into my availability there's three
tabs mind someone else and company if you have multiple users there is the sum some
someone else but so for you it's really just me and company now by default it kind of has
some blocked off times that you you on on first glance you have no control over changing
it's just kind of what someone would be typical like you know in the evening hours said the
midnight hours her lunch hour and so what happens when you click on any of these it's
all great out your options and it can initially be a little frustrating that's because these
hours here that are blocked out these are company hours so what you would do is click
on company and now you have full control to clear those out if you wanted to so for example
here's Thursday if I didn't want this I would click on it I would click on delete I would
confirm it and there goes it would be deleted so now if I went back to my hours by clicking
on me you can see that is no longer blocked out so someone's not able to book an appointment
if you have it blocked out and also right now someone's not allowed to do the live now
unless that is not blocked out and and showing available so you can play with your schedule
and the overall company schedule however you want I would just suggest we just gonna be
you using the system just going the company right here and make the schedule exactly how
you want it you don't want obviously someone trying to book a time when you know you're
not available or sleeping or something along those lines and so you can have it be that
way for here so if your attorney uses live now feature and it's not working it's probably
because your event your availability is set to blocked so you just need to clear this
out and make sure your availability is there actually here let me demonstrate this right
now for you this will be fun okay so here is a different web browser is Firefox okay
so let's see here let me do a quick refresh okay so right now it's showing that there's
one person available so I'm in a go back into chrome and then I'm going to make myself be
blocked so right now is somewhere in this time here some of the click right here and
so now it blocked this time and I can go like this and just hoops I went a little too far
can just go like this let go and now that whole time is blocked so now when I go back
in the Firefox right here you can see it doesn't show what it showed a moment ago that live
now option is gone because it knows that I have this time blocked even though I'm in
a live now so if I go here and I click on this I can delete its confirm it's in now
when I go back to Firefox you can see if I do a refresh this will go back and it will
show me that some that I'm available now for a live now in there that is okay so this is
your availability okay next tab so here's that live now I was talking about you would
go to meeting overview live now now what you need to do is actually create a booking form
for the live now so I have one right here that I created is called scheduled meeting
room so if I was selling the appointments in our and then they would come here in book
or if I was selling the appointments and doing it through some third-party booking system
and I just wanted to give them a link to jump into a meeting right away that's why named
it scheduled meeting room and so here let me show you the settings for that I want to
go into edits right here and will take a quick look at what I put in for the settings okay
so one of the things I want to show you was the button let's see that's underneath additional
options okay so you have control over what this button says so I put joined a scheduled
appointment that's better than book now because they've already booked a time with you if
you're giving them this link to get right on and so I change that to join a scheduled
appointment and then right here so if you notice on Firefox I have this option that
I'm given them to book a time or just jump into meeting you can control that so right
here under initial options is a scheduler live now you can just have it be this form
this page just for scheduling just for life or both so I had it set the both but if I
wanted to be live now only I would choose live now click on save and now when I go back
into Firefox and do a refresh on the page you're gonna see it doesn't give me the option
to book anymore so now it's you give this link to someone if they pop in their email
address and their name then they click on join scheduled appointment they're going to
go straight Ed into a room to be waiting for you let me show you what that's like okay
so if I go back to here so this is the page that you want to leave open on your web browser
live now this tells the system that you are there alive and ready to go and except meetings
so if I go back to Firefox and I want to go ahead and fill this information out we'll
see what changes happen someone to fill this out right now okay got ahead and filled out
my email and my name, and click on join a scheduled appointment and what were going
to see when I do that this is going to start flashing red and there's a little sound that
we would hear there it is right here you can see right here it's flashing I got that little
chime sound and it lets me know that someone's they are ready and waiting all I need to do
is go here click on accept and I am in the meeting with this person and it's that simple
to use this alive now feature so if you were selling the booking someplace else you could
just have them go to the slide now link just make sure you're there ready for them and
your sets I think it's a great tool there's also a lot of other ideas that I have for
this live now option and one of them being if you have actually here let me get this
get away from that that's gonna drive me crazy another idea for that is to say you have a
website and you're providing a product or service I know for me that the number one
goal in order to sell a product or service for me was just always get the person on the
phone or get them to take that next step from just looking at your website the calling you
because I always knew if I can get someone to call me I could build rapport with that
person quick and I can get them to point where they feel comfortable with me and want to
move forward with me versus other services or products that they might be looking at
so I thought that I had is if you say have a live chat software like maybe ConvertFox
or something like that someone hit your your pricing page you can have a chat be initiated
with them saying hey you know I'm available right now if you'd like I can go over a some
of the services that we provide to something like that and provide that live now link to
them so that they can get right on into a video chat with you or an audio chat audio
on their side video on your side will get to see your face immediately trust building
build rapport your real person and then you can show them some of your services or products
and kind of care clarifying get a better opportunity to sell them it's just about getting them
to that next point however you can there's a lot of ways you can implement that with
a live chat maybe with a pop up if you wanted to turn the pop up on when you are actually
available so someone comes to maybe your pricing page case study page or whatever just hit
them up straight up that you are available right there right now to have a conversation
with them about what they need and I guarantee you that's not a strategy for someone that
super busy right but that is a great strategy if you are new and starting out in your hungry
you are just a hungry person hungry for more business I think it is a perfect strategy
if you're sitting there ready you know your cameras ready you know you look presentable
enough your audio you can definitely use that strategy to try to get people to start communicating
with you in order to build rapport as fast as you can and try to get them more interested
in you the products and services and build trust with you say noise that was a lot right
there so I guy went over our five updates I went over to strategies for paid bookings
I showed you how to do the availability set your availability I showed you how that live
now works, what it looks like on your and what it looks like on their and thanks a great
tool to be I have a link to the original review video and a link
to the special deal in the video description box I really like this I think there are other
tools for video chat but it's just a lot to ask someone to download Skype create an account
and do all that and then go into the settings and said everything it's a lot to ask the
same thing with zoom to click on the link download the product install it not every
business user is even have permissions on their computer to install application so there's
all these barriers to that and then when you factor in the live now link which I think
is the killer feature when you factor that in then it you can see how this might be a
better solution than Google hangouts you know which I've always thought was of poor quality
you can see how this might be a better option than that and that doesn't even take into
consideration the quality with the branded and all that kind of stuff only I know is
it is a bout Google hangouts you still have to someone has to go and actually set it up
with the live now you just give the link and they just go right on and there's nothing
that needs to be set up or scheduled or created there is no back and forth with regard to
that is just here's a link I'm available right now just pop your name and email in and we
you are's chatting and that's how simple it is so anyways I think I've said everything
that I wanted to say in this video about this product if you have further questions you
can ask them down below I'll try my best to answer its and other than that I'll see you
in the next the video
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