And with this I'd like to welcome you back to RikuNaceLand. My name's Julez
and as you can see today we're gonna start playing The Swords of Ditto. For me
it's still the 25th of April 2018 so I can still say: yesterday this game came
out, it looked pretty amazing, it seems to be kind of like the old Zelda games if
you remember them. The closest one would be "A Link to the Past" and I know that
some of my friends loved this game or used to love this game and I surely did
too. But it is a roguelike game, so...well I haven't played it yet but as far as I
know you can die in this game and not like in other games just load your
save file but it's a permadeath. So if you die you are dead and you have to
restart but you get some bonus for restarting or something like that and...
Do you hear the kazoo in the background? I think this is the most amazing part so
far about the game...well I haven't played it but
come on you gotta love this game when you hear this kazoo in the
background, it's just amazing! Wait why does it say "continue story"? I didn't
start the game yet... Let's just press "continue story" and see what happens.
We seem to be at some sort of beach...
Yes I heard the waves.
Okay it reminds me of the fairy that we had in some of the Zelda games but it's
even more beautiful.....SO beautiful...
Yes, pinch my nose! Pinch it hard! Sorry :D
But the glowing light is...
that beetle thing! But I wasn't able to move...
Puku?Puku? [different spellings]...let's call him puku for now!
Okay now I'm able to move. Wait there's the sword. Ah that's what it is about! Okay
let's move to the right though.
It's kind of cute.
Okay we can't do what we want in this game. Can we pick up
It looks pretty cool with these palms. Oh I like that
we can see ourselves behind that rock!
I hate games where you just don't know where you are there are probably secrets
behind that but you don't know even if you've looked everywhere. Can we enter this? No...
...neither with space nor with enter but Oh here's a sign. Or no we can't click it.
Apparently we can't read either or there's gonna be a tutorial on how to do that because the
keys I usually use don't work so let's get to town now. There's an anvil over
here but I guess we can't use that either...of course why would we! So further
to the north...or just ahead no proof it's north but in video game directions it is
north and yes this is the town and...
It's...what's that? Did I just here a sound on my right ear? Thought I did...anyway! I
like that there's this grass over here. I hope we can slash that
Air kazoo......sorry but I love this game already! I haven't done anything and let's
face it: our hair is not that beautiful from looks really silly! Anyway
let's jus...Okay there has to be some key for this!!! Give me a second...control...options...
Define Keyboard...up-down-left-right X for action...I'm gonna do that another way.
The action key is gonna be A. The a tech key is gonna be S. Space for roll...that should
work. Toy that's gonna work with D then and the item...oh no! The item hotkeys
1 2 3 4 - ok another thing! Let's do this like this: action is Q, attack is W
and roll is E. For the! Toy is E, roll is obviously space so that we can use the
item hotkeys fairly easily.
Quick health: V. Or we could just use R. The map with Tab. Next
menu with Tab. Okay this should work. Sorry about that - as I said I
haven't played the game before.
It says we have to press A although it's Q...never mind let's grab that sword
We are the Sword of Ditto so we are the
hero - as we are in most games!
We can just...okay let's just go to the end boss!! -.-'
He said it's off script and I'm expecting nothing less from this game
but taking us to the end boss right now! I'm really not sure if they're going
to do that though. It looks kind of evil here and I'm not so sure if we can defeat
whatever that stuff is!
Okay so he/she/it didn't return yet!
It's true! The audio...just got louder...
Let's just turn it down a bit.
I hope it works better this way. Let's see...we attack...okay we have combos. Three
times combo. And we have unlimited arrows as far as I can see! Uuuh that's
nice!! I like that!! Come on friends! Okay it should take some
time. We did hit it, didn't we? Yes we did!
Okay I thought these would be too strong for us but it works with these arrows!
Come on! Crit hit whyever we can crit hit on level one!
Or I think we're level one...Is there even a level system in the game? I don't
know. But there's no loot here and we unlocked the door by killing them all
so it was our task anyway...we should have tested the sword probably...hmm
Anyway let's head for the tower. I'm kind of scared.
A bit of armor for us? yes it actually is! No it's not...back?
Okay we can pick up all this stuff and throw it around. I thought
we could use the helmet...yes we can destroy the grass but it doesn't really
help. Apparently we can't get any currency yet or any loot or whatever.
Okay we are - ouch - these things are kind of easy to defeat although the arrow was
even stronger against them, but this guy has a shield - oh oh wait a sec for some
reason ouch...we don't have any hp-system here?
Okay we can't die yet or it's just not displayed?!
Can I do something with this thing?No let's just advance.
What's gonna happen next? I'm kind of scared
Ohh that's a spawner!
Okay apparently these things do more damage if we wait until the circle
is full, because outside we insta-killed every creep but inside here
by just pressing the shoot button shortly we only did SOME damage. What the
heck?? Okay so theat was not the
arrow-thing key. Okay we just broke the armor, didn't we?
So if we hit this guy a couple of times he actually can be hurt so that's
the clue! That's a way to defeat those guys.
I have to be faster with the arrows now
although there are only these guys left now so could also just kill them with my
sword but who cares ;D Nothing else to do here so let's just advance.
can we charge our sword? No we can in some of the Zelda games where we can
charge our sword like we also can do with the arrows here...but apparently we
can't. I'm still confused if we can attack that guy from behind but he seems to be
moving towards us all the time so that would be kind of hard. Since there is no
XP-system or gold-system yet...or currency-system I don't have to kill
every enemy - unless something like this happens where we HAVE to kill every
enemy, because otherwise they will respawn and this was kind of nice!
He wasn't looking directly at us and we were able to hit him so maybe that is
the clue after all! ...or just attacking him multiple times
What's going on with these things over here? Nothing... Let's just advance then!
Do we have a map? Ehm sort of...we started here! Level two, level three. Oh there's a lot
of stuff to do here!
Stickers okay the stickers are this sort of
- yeah - revival system or whatever so if we die we start as a new hero. We still
gain some stickers or something from the previous playthrough as far as I
know with which we will be stronger the next time we try this game.
That shouldn't be a problem because we have something to start a fire on us.
Pressing E when it's equipped...with what exactly?
oh it's this one two three quick slot thingy! Okay quick slot three
and then E. Okay now let's move back to the arrows though.
Hmm I really need to get used to these controls but apparently we're now at the
end boss of the game...after 17 minutes (almost)...
Yes Puku doesn't seem to be the smartest
Seems kind of
logical because he/she/it is the bad guy...
Thank you...thanks you...
Thanks a lot!
I like him! Or her! Or it!!
just wow.
"The sword falls" - Thank you so much for tuning in! I hope you liked the let's play
of the sword of ditto! ...........Okay let's just try to press Q. This really wasn't
that smart!
Yes puku is back! That really reminds me
of one of the Zelda games!
And we have this little Nintendo
Entertainment System here. This reminds me of the first Pokemon games where you
had a console in your room. Can we just set ourselves on fire and end this once and
for all? Or for the next hundred years? Apparently we can't...DO A BARREL ROLL!
Okay let's just head out it - also reminds me was "A Link to the Past", too, wasn't it?
Where we had to go out at night and get into the castle?
Okay so we're just gonna trust that guy again.
He was nice last time but also pretty stupid - and we can't open the map here.
We can't go to the upper right as we were able to see before. This is
another outpost of this kazoo flying mail thingy. But apparently there's only
one way to go which is down here...
Is he serious?!? Am i stupid? I'm probably just stupid...
How? How the hell are we supposed to get there? There...there is a secret path behind our
house, isn't there? I'm just gonna go up here...
I'm starting to hate myself again - for obvious reasons!
This looks pretty amazing, too - I want to look at it but I guess that
Puku is gonna tell me to not do this..........or there's just nothing going to happen
there! But the statue on the left looks pretty amazing! It looks like it has an
open mouth on the upper half of it :D Wow there was a stone in our way...
Amazing! Okay let's head to the right - shouldn't be too far until we get to the least I hope so!
Yeah what the hell man?
Why is he eating poop at all and why
aren't we just using the normal entrance??
Seriously? The swords just sticking out of the ground and nobody pulled it out?
Because nobody was able to do that or something? And we also got (for some reason)
a tiara or whatever on our head... Just because we pulled out the sword!
Just like 100 years before - and we just got the achievement......... That's in German! :D
Wwe just got an achievement for doing what we just did...
hey everybody once again and thank you so much for watching today's episode of "The Sword of Ditto"!
I hope you enjoyed it. If you did feel free to leave a thumbs up down below,
a subscription or to just comment down below. I'd always love to read your
comments! As I said I hope you enjoyed it, I hope you tune in next time again and until
then obviously: Have a great day, a great morning, a great evening and an
awesome night depending on what time it is when you're watching this video.Until then:
Bye everybody!
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