[music playing]
There's nothing Bob can't do with his Husqvarna Chainsaw - Duration: 1:15.This is Bob. Bob's a Husqvarna guy and
Bob's mind has been truly blown by his
brand new Husqvarna chainsaw. From the
paddock to the home, and back to the
paddock, and then back to the home.
There's nothing Bob can't do with his
Husqvarna! No no Bob use the razor.
Safety first.
Recently Bob has made that all-important
transition from man-child to Husqvarna
Man Man!
Cutting through timber with ease, the
down cut and the up cut. Prepping his
firewood to give Bob more time for
manscaping! Husqvarna doesn't turn you
into a man it turns you into a Man Man!
huh we're not judging you Bob, after all
you're just a man, a Husqvarna man!
Caravana_SP: sentimento do Jeca - Duration: 10:24.-------------------------------------------
[4x4]How to do the OLL parity faster [and some special case ] [CC] - Duration: 3:46.-------------------------------------------
Do you ever wonder whats going on inside someone's head? - Duration: 0:13.do you ever look at someone and wonder, "what is going on inside their head?"
The Richmond RCMP wanted to do something special for #Canada150 - Duration: 1:30.[No Audio]
Internacionalização do movimento de mulheres - o caso de Rojava [ENG sub] - Duration: 12:26.Internationalization of the women's movement: the case of Rojava
Globalization is an economic, social and political process
that establishes an integration between states and individuals,
promoting a network of interaction between them.
This process began with the Great Navigations, but was intensified at
the end of the Cold War, with the universalization of Western values and with the advent of the Internet.
However, do we really live in a globalized world?
In the context of social's movements, more specifically women's movements,
globalization is shown as a selective process.
The dialogue between women's movements around the world is not perceived by the general public,
making it harder to recognize different struggles and different thoughts.
We will focus on the case of Kurdish women in the Rojava region -
situated in the north of Syria and in the globalization of their own movement.
I'm from northern Kurdistan, territory that currently corresponds to the state of Turkey.
I am the representative of the Kurdistan women's movement in Latin America.
I'm here to make an exchange not only between the women of Kurdistan and the women of Latin America
but also between the continents, the Near East and Latin America, to learn from each other
and to bring the experiences of the women's movement from here to the Kurdistan.
What is most important for us is to bring here the struggles of women, Kurdish women
who play a major role in building Democratic Confederalism
and that are an example in the struggle against patriarchy today in Rojava in western Kurdistan or in northern Syria.
Nowadays, some see the women of Kurdistan with weapons in hand, in the fight against the Islamic state,
in the military fight, but that only represents 10% of the fight.
90% of the Kurdish women's struggle is against feudalism, against the patriarchal system
and against the capitalist system that has been integrated into society.
This is something that we see daily in the reality of Rojava,
we see that political structures are organized by women and this women even hold more positions than men.
Initially they began with the quota system of women's participation
but in a very short time these quotas have already been overcome.
Nowadays in several organizations women occupy more than 60% of participation,
Every political and administrative structure organization of society is governed by the principle of co-presidentialism
that is nothing more that every position of leadership necessarily has to have
a man and a woman occupying this same position and the decisions are taken by the two.
In this specific case, whenever a woman is elected, she is elected by other women, the vote is not mixed.
We have women's organizations, in an exclusive context where only women work,
but, also, we have mixed organizations, in which women participate.
In all these organizations there are specific committees and working groups for the empowerment of women
When we talk about the movement of Kurdish women,
it seems that it is something very recent, it seems that it has arisen now,
but in fact this revolution inside the revolution, so to speak, that it is a revolution of women
that takes place at the heart of this social revolution, begins in the 70's.
In the 70's, several Kurdish movements in search of identity redemption
and even Turkish colonial denunciation, mainly, against those populations who had their rights denied throughout the 20th century.
These movements began to be structured and culminated in 1978
with the formation of the PKK, the Kurdistan Workers' Party,
in which Sakine Cansiz was one of the women who participated in the organization and founded the PKK
together with Abdullah Ocalan and other comrades and from then on in the 80s this party gains a much larger share
and in 1984 the guerrillas structure themselves much more strongly and effectively begins the clash with the Turkish state.
The Turkish state was already in a process of dictatorship
and the repression was already very large and the Kurds organized in guerrilla resistance,
especially against the Turkish state.
At that time women were already participating in the guerrilla army,
they were always there, they only didn't have the degree of autonomy they have today.
In the 1980s, they began, mostly from prisons,
Kurdish women were systematically arrested and inside the prisons
they began to organize into resistance movements and empowerment movements between them.
In 1999, Abdulah Ocalan, the leader of the movement, is arrested
and then he begins to make a very deep reformulation on what would be the aim of the Kurdish movement,
if it is independence as a nation state or not
and from there he leaves this idea from the perspective of the State for believing that
the State is the greatest reproducer of the capitalist and patriarchal system,
then breaks with this idea and brings to the center this demand of the women's movement that:
before thinking of a free society, we have to have free women;
before thinking about breaking the class structure,
we must first think about breaking the gender structure of gender domination.
From then on, from the 2000s, Democratic Confederalism emerges,
as a theory, as a proposal, and there, in the heart of Democratic Confederalism,
is every perspective of the emancipation of women, and this is something that,
often Western movement neglects this process,
this development that takes place over time, with effort, with much struggle by women,
reducing every struggle or movement to the guerrilla or women fight,
yes it is wonderful to see that women have equality even in war,
but this is all a small part of a whole much larger process involving a very strong internal struggle,
a critical process and critical self-criticism, which has made the whole party reconfigured and radical changes
and also a well organized strong women's movement.
The struggle of women in Kurdistan is mainly against patriarchy, the patriarchal system.
They build their own autonomous system, where the main essence is no longer weapons
but the creation of their own system, building their own organization.
While building its system, the movement criticizes four important elements:
nationalism, sexism, fundamentalism and positivist science.
These are the four important elements that the state imposes in practice.
And the state is the last instrument of the patriarchal system of civilization.
The Kurdistan women's movement struggles against these four aspects.
Another differential of the movement that I think, I don't think, I'm sure that contributes exponentially
to the debates of the feminist movements of the East, the West, the women's movement of the world as a whole,
is this debate about Jineology, the science of women or science of life,
since the word Jinen is related to both the concept of life and the concept of woman.
This science is a new epistemology that seeks to return to the past,
to redeem the lost elements with the structuring of patriarchy,
so to rethink science from a women's perspective, from an anti-patriarchal perspective.
This would mean not only rethinking political theory as a whole with this feminist perspective,
a feminist political theory, but also at the same time
rethinking the way science reproduces itself, then being a new epistemology,
it breaks with this positivist pattern of science and it proposes a new form of education,
a new form of scientific debate, a new form of structuring of society as a whole.
Jineology is the basis of Democratic Confederalism too, it is one of the pillars of Democratic Confederalism structured in
radical grassroots democracy, gender equality and environmentalism,
so Jineology structures itself in these three spheres and dialogues with these three spheres in a simultaneously and harmonic way,
but obviously based on the emancipation of women.
And by bringing Latin American movements as a whole, we see a number of other feminisms that
also relate directly to Jineology or direct bridges could be drawn,
such as the indigenous feminisms that we often see in the countries of northern South America,
we have "chicano" feminism, "comunal" feminism
I think they are all elements of a rescue of a feminine ancestry that
has often been forgotten or placed in the background as a secondary knowledge,
but at the same time bringing the woman to the centrality of political life,
breaking with this structure of the woman as a slave of the private sphere
and bringing effectively to the construction of the public space.
As a women's movement in Kurdistan, we have the opinion that our ideology, our projects,
can serve to build a universal women's movement.
For example, the science of women, a science, a radical thought, which today criticizes
positivist science and patriarchal thought to criticize the structures that have been built within the sciences.
This science, or this academic work, can serve to build a universal women's movement.
We see interest in the Kurdistan women's movement and the system being built in Kurdistan
is an example, a hope for women around the world.
This is international solidarity. I see the interest and the attention here also in Latin America.
Long live to international solidarity, is the most important.
Road trip moto Episode 1 - Portugal: Parc do Gerês, Aveiro - Duration: 7:44.
It's time guys ! Winter is finally over
It's time to go back to the Adventure !
The squad Cafeine Crew, Balou1nsta and Blkmrkt meet again
This time, we go to the Portugal
and we're going to start this trip near Montalegre
Let's make it simple
We're going to cross all the Portugal from the North to the South
Going to Spain in order to ride Andalousia into Valence
And crossing all the Spain in order to going back into the North of the Portugal
We've got about 4000 kilometers to do during this trip,
and i really hope we're not going to have troubles this time...
But hey ...i very much doubt it...you know how the things are going on we've us !
After more than 15hours of driving, we finally arrive to Montalegre (Portugal)
Serious things are going to start tomorrow,
but first, we need to sleep a bit because we are so tired ...
After a good night, and a restaurant with my grandma
It's time to start it quickly and taking the road
It's about 3:00PM, and we have to pack all our stuff on our bikes,
putting gasoline
checking the map, and then, taking the road
Oh and yes... i forgot to tell you something ...
It's snowing guys ..
Yo, I have lubrifiant everywhere on my face ?
No, but you have water everywhere
Let's start the trip?
My bag is closed ?
Yes !
First step, we need to cross the Gerês Park
and next going more into the center of Portugal into my next grandma's house, near Aveiro.
We have about 400kilometers to do,
expecting that the weather is gonna be okay during our progress
to take the full advantage of the roads
It's so beautiful mate !
and the smell of the forest is so powerful !
This remember me the forest on islands, you know ?
for example Madagascar and others
The first 100 kilometers after our departure to Montalegre were a bit complicated
Espatially for me because since i bougth the Africa Twin,
i didn't rode my Daytona not as much as before,
And these to bikes are totally different !
So by this fucking weather, the road totally dry, and my position problem on the Daytona
i'm a bit late behind Nico and Balou
But i have no choice, i really need to be okay on this bike again
Because the good roads are coming and the weather seems to be better.
And i really think that Nico and Balou are going to push it a bit more !
We stopped a bit into the city of Fafe
in order to chek the bikes, calling someone, and going back to the road again
We are going to the Bryan's Grandma,
see you later guys ! Kiss !
We're crossing some roads section that we could ride them we've a better speed
But we are so upset because we can't because the ground is still wet
So it's impossible for us to ride it like we would
Damn, this road is awesome but we can't do nothing because of the wet ground !
it's too bad , it's really to bad ...
Luck is going to be with us now,
because these awesome twisty road are going to continue, and the ground is going to dry !
Here we go ! We're going to have some fun !
This section is really cool to ride
When you cross into villages, forest and grapes,
We are always at the same speed, always on the same kind of curves
it's very nice and it never stops !
I have some awesome shots mate !
He is at my right, you are at the opposite, i'm among you
we're crossing ourself ! It's absolutely crazy !
We are untrained yet, we made some shitty enlargement on the road
I was watching you on my visor
i see Bryan on the other side !
Next, we go back to the road on same roads like before.
We were shortly separated because of a itinerary problem
But everything is quickly gonna be okay.
Night is falling, and we are now in the Hills near the city of Aveiro.
Right here, we can see the arm of the Atlantic Ocean coming into the city
and all this we a beautful sunset
It's now so dark, and i'm opening the road
I didn't take any clear glass for my Helmet
I must ride with my visor opened
Unfortunately, something hurt my eyes
I made a mistake and we nearly went outside of the road !
Nico and Balou were just behind me and they followed me into this mistake
Damn ! We almost fucked up !
WE have now about 37kilometers todo before arriving into my second grandma's House
These 37 kilometers are going to be done almostly into the highway
We'll arrive at my Grandma's house later on the evening
And we will finish this day by eating a big Barbecue with my Grandparents, near the fireplace.
The perfection to finish this day that wasn't easy,
As much as a point of view of the weather, and about timing.
On the next episode, we take you into the south of Portugal
near Portimao, crossing by Nazaré, a big famous city
Because of these big waves which can size about 30 meters of altitude !
We're going to have the opportunity to ride some crazy roads
But not so easy to ride !
Follow me on my youtube channel if you want to be ready for the next episode
You can watch all my others videos about other road trips we made
You can also follow me on Facebook and Instagram
And you can go to my website: WWW.RIDEWITHBLKMRKT.COM
if you want to access to all of the articles and exclusive pictures
See you very soon for the next episode
Take care of you and be careful on the road !
ACABOU DE SAIR! Como fazer LIVES de jogos do ANDROID pelo PC! - Duration: 2:49.-------------------------------------------
Entrada do Noivo You Shook Me All Nigth Long Instrumental AC DC | Música Instrumental para Casamento - Duration: 1:58.-------------------------------------------
Do You Agree With Rush Limbaugh, Who Says That Now The Trump White House Owns CNN - Duration: 3:44.Do You Agree With Rush Limbaugh, Who Says That Now The Trump White House Owns CNN
Does Cyborg Justice's OST fit Brutal Doom? - Duration: 3:14.I think I as able to make the music fit for a perfect loop.
The download of the map, "Control Workshop", is on the description. It contains the Cyborg Justice's song.
Maybe someone wants to play on it or use as base for something more enhanced.
So? Does the music really fits Doom or Brutal Doom?
THINGS A GIRLFRIEND WILL DO FOR YOU - Duration: 10:10.little things in relationships if you want to help the other person out it's
good to go run some errands for them make their life easier
Hey you guys. Good Afternoonish kind of.
Sorry we started this vlog super late
it's been kind of a stressful morning
Yeah, Ryan had a quiz
I had a quiz, discussion
and two chapters of homework
and a midterm yesterday
then work after that
and now I have work soon
then tomorrow I'm working again
Hen House gives free tea. Complimentary
It's good tea
Very relaxing
love you
we just went to the store. Got some bananas bananas and Ryan had to get some
ice cream it took in like five minutes and eight
ball app to decide whether or not he should go get ice cream and when you
shuck the eight ball app. Oh, here he'll show you.
So when I saw that I was like, Okay! fine.
got his ice cream
I didn't eat most of it. I ate like 1/8 of it
I remember before I used to eat ice cream everyday
Now it feels like a sin
but it's good to limit myself
E: you deserve it though because you got an A on your midterm
I hope. I hope
I feel like it was an A, but I hope so
But an A or a high B for sure
E: Was the test hard?
It was easier than what I was studying for
Studied for a whole week
But the test was like, what?
Well like for example. You know how you study for a test in depth
But then on the test it's superficial?
no, what's it called?
just on the surface?
that's it
So like what? wow.
E: oh, I see
E: but better safe than sorry
no no no. Better to know it than not know it
E: yeah that's what I meant
now its in my head
E: mm-hmm yeah that's what I meant
Now I have to go to work. It's time to go, babe
E: Time to go
E: But babe you haven't been in the vlogs for so long
E: Everyone's sick of Ellen
I'm sorry but I've been really busy studying and working
with everything. But next week I promise I will be there!
E: well you're going to go to work then I hope you have a good day at work. Love you
BTW if you haven't added us on SnapChat or Instagram. Do it!
Both are the same name. S-I-G-
Sign Duo
If you haven't followed or added me go ahead and do it
Because we use it a lot and it's lit!
hi guys I'm sorry that the vlog is kind of like jumbled and we weren't really
like vlogging Ryan if you don't know Ryan moved out of his house he used to
live with his parents but he moved out and he's been living with his friend
but he needs to find a place to move into because where he's living now you
can't stay there much longer so we've been looking for places and this morning
went to go see a house there's that and then also my parents don't really want
us be vlogging in the house that much I mean of course they have their own
privacy and they're very nice about it but it just makes it a little bit
difficult when we possibly have to be careful or like you know make sure that
like certain things aren't or aren't are not showing so it just makes vlogging a
little bit difficult especially when I'm just home all day but I wasn't feeling
it today Ryan left for work and then we just took a nap I just fell asleep
Ryan asked me to go to Daiso for him to get these gloves that he needs for work
and I didn't really feel like going but he won't get them if I don't go and buy
them now because when he gets off of work it'll be closed already and Daiso
is this Japanese one dollar store that we both love and we love going together
and it's like one of those stores where you go in wanting nothing and come out
spending $30 but everything was only $1.50 or like $1 so we're going to go
there and I'm going to try to make this day
I'm just going to try try to make this day a little bit better I mean go get
some gas for the car because it's empty right now my engine light is
on so me go get gas and then we're going to go to Daiso. yep
I'm glad I didn't
have to wait for gas
It's like really empty around here
Not a lot of people are out
It's weird. Weird
Okay! Let's go to Daiso!
okay, before we go in there. I have to make a
promise to you guys and to myself that I'm not going to buy anything else but those
gloves okay
Hold me accou..
hold me. hold me
responsible for that okay
you guys have to hold me responsible
I had to walk in with blinders on. Don't look at anything look at anything else just go
straight to the gloves
I have to wait in this long line for Ryan
I must really love Ryan
whole $1.62
I'm so proud of myself I only got the gloves and the line the
line was pretty long but I don't mind waiting
Ryan needs these for work and I love him, and I need to do more things for him. You know
or you know. I do things for him, but the little things in relationships if you
want to help the other person out it's good to go run some errands for them
make their life easier
cause I love him
and I'm out of focus. Everytime
I'm so out of it today
Hi you guys
I just got off work
and I cam over
She's so sweet. She picked up some gloves for me
because I work really early tomorrow
here you
thank you. thank thank thank you
Is that the right one?
What?! Why?!
I'm just kidding
I'm just playing. Thank you
You're welcome. what do you need those for?
For work tomorrow
What are you going to be doing?
moving stuff
dirty stuff
oh, I see
I don't want to get my hands dirty
yeah, after I came home
from Daiso I was just editing all night and I tried YouNow - I think we're going to
go ahead and do that we'll keep you informed good night you
guys have a good sleep
bye love you!
Going to go home now
Sign Duo
Reforma trabalhista, contas do governo e assistência psicológica nas escolas são destaques da semana - Duration: 1:04.-------------------------------------------
Reforma e prédios do regime comunista - #2 - Duration: 6:00.-------------------------------------------
Jak dzieciątkości podróżują do innych AU [Fandub by: Kan Helder] - Duration: 0:30.-------------------------------------------
Do You Practice Hospitality? (Gospel Reflection, Mt. 10:37-42) - Duration: 2:36.How wonderful it is to have
guests to entertain others
to practice hospitality.
Jesus takes that and shows how
there's even a greater
spiritual benefit of practicing
spiritual hospitality.
That's what we're going to get
at in this week's spiritual
One thing I've learned
traveling a lot so for those of
you may not know my dad was
in the army and actually my
dad's been deployed a lot.
He spent a lot of time in Iraq
and Afghanistan.
My sister has been deployed
several times. My family's
lived in Panama and Germany.
So we've traveled a lot and
we've gotten to experience a
lot of different cultures.
And one of the coolest things
in any culture is the value
of hospitality especially when
you get those really rich
ancient cultures where they
still maintained that sense of
hospitality. So for example we
have friends who are Muslim and
when we go over to their house
it's like they bring out the
hummus they bring out meat
and they've always prepared way
too much food.
So just in case a guest stops
by and they treat you like
you're a king and hospitality
feels incredibly good.
That's a key thing that
we see in this Sunday's Gospel.
We see the importance of
hospitality but Jesus takes
it to a supernatural level.
You know that's a great
principle Saint Thomas Aquinas
would talk a lot about the
spiritual life is that natural
things to the action of grace
become supernatural through
grace. They become oriented
towards Christ and they lead to
a greater fulfillment.
So there's a sense that
in hospitality for Christians
when we're accepted as a guest.
There's a supernatural benefit
where when people accept us
into their homes into their
lives that there's blessings
that pour upon those who are
good Christians or those who
are good to those neighbors
those folks those
strangers whatever it might be.
It's the power of hospitality.
So we wanted to do in this
week's spiritual exercise is
think about that.
How are you practicing good
Are you accepting Jesus Christ
in your midst when you accept
other Christians when you
accept the foreigner the
stranger somebody outside of
your normal values
whatever it might be and you
accept that person in
the spirit of hospitality
making him feel like welcome
guests. So do an examination of
conscience around that and try
to grow in your practice of
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