Forgive Plz
No regrets
WHAT I EAT EVERYDAY IN THE BREAKFAST - Duration: 4:28.-------------------------------------------
What Makes a Honda: Kristina's Story - Duration: 0:58.As a member of the quality division for this next generation Odyssey,
my main role is to bring the voice of the customer to the development team
so we can make the product better.
Volunteering with Girl Scouts brings me such joy.
My troop especially responds when I bring science experiments or design challenges to them.
I'm always inspired to see how they're willing to think that nothing is impossible.
I think that's one of the driving factors in the back of my mind
for why I want to have the Women in Engineering Network,
to connect the women of the company in a meaningful way.
My dream for all the girls out there who are interested in
math and science and engineering as a future career,
is that they persevere and don't give up, and follow their dreams.
And maybe they'll be working with me at Honda someday.
What's In My Pencilcase//The Sads and Sonya Show - Duration: 6:55.Welcome back-- Welcome back to the Sads and Sonya show!
Im Sads, and Im Sonya.
This is our first video, and so we're gonna be doing a
Whats in your
pencilcase "challenge(?)". *chuckles*
*chortles while Sads doesnt contribute*
*laughs weirdly*
We have our friend,
Pojja Mongray here.
We not gonna disclaim our identity (well not other ppl). Cover your monograms! *covers monograms*
*camera shakes*
I've got a pencilcase (no kidding)
*shows pencilcase*
So we're gonna start the video!
First of all,
I've got a
Pojja: You have really bad backlight.
I've got a SARASA
Sarasa. Sarisa, yeah.
*Sads finally does something*
So this is-- this one is in the colour
0.7 *Pojja laughs at Sonya's professionalism*
*gibberish* Sads: Pojja is tryna be a professional here
And she know she isnt
And *Pojja is offended*
*Sonya consoles Pojja* Sonya: So we're gonna
"swatch" it for you.. *SWATCHES*
0.7, 0.7.. *POINTS TO 0.7 ON PAPER*
This is 0.7.. So the next thing
I have is....*WAIT FOR IT*
Ink-a-do tattoo *laughs at weird name*
Stress Counselling - what is it and how can it help - Duration: 2:46.Hi I'm Laura Hollywood from and I'm doing a series of videos for Mental
Health Awareness Week.
Today I'm going to talk to you about stress.
We all get stressed from time to time, I'm talking really when stress gets out of control.
We usually get stressed when the demands placed on us exceed what we are able to manage.
So often there's stress around work, you might notice that you are staying later or going
in earlier, you may be checking your phone all the time to check on emails.You might
be going to bed at night just thinking how you're going to manage the next day.
Often when you're stressed you can become frustrated so you'll become more snappy at
people, you might be angry.
You might shout at people a bit more than you normally would.
There's also with stress there can be physical symptoms so it might be stomach aches or headaches
it does vary in different people.
It's just a feeling of running on empty, you might notice that you're not eating as well.
You may be drinking more caffeine or alcohol in the evenings trying to cope.
How I can help you with that is.
First of all we'd look at what's causing the stress, we'd see if there's things that can
be changed.
It may be that you're someone who finds it difficult to say no to things so we would
work on you developing your boundaries and being assertive and learning how to say No.
I'm going to say a bit more about that in another video I'll do about relationships.
You may also be someone that really likes things to be perfect, I've also done another
video on perfectionism, so if that's you please watch that one as well because that will help.
We'll also obviously look at relaxation things.
We can look at simple things like how you breathe, most of us breathe in a really shallow
way and just general tips about stress management.
It may also be that if the stress has been going on for quite a while you may start to
get burntout and then it's really about looking at how you can give yourself some time to
recover from that.
Ok so there's just a few ideas of how I could work with you around stress, if you'd like
any more information then either get in touch with me on the website
or you can email me or phone me I'm always happy to answer any questions.
OK until next time take care.
Song #9 - Hey I dunno what to say - Duration: 1:58.Hey Hey I dunno what to say Now
They They They don't get their way
Now Walk away today isn't your day
Nay Nay this is just horse play
Pay Pay or else you can't stay
Stay Stay or else you will drift away
Now Bae Bae this isn't okay
Replay Play and rock away
Hey Hey I dunno what to say Now
They They They don't get their way
Now Walk away today isn't your day
Nay Nay this is just horse play
Pay Pay or else you can't stay
Stay Stay or else you will drift away
Now Bae Bae this isn't okay
Replay Play and rock away
Remember what Emma Daddery said about Sports Day - Duration: 0:09.Now,
remember w0t
daddy ;) told you about Sports Day:
"This won't take long,
I think I can
do all this in less than half an hour."
What is Habitat AmeriCorps? - Duration: 1:18.Hi my name is Dominiece Jackson.
I'm from Chicago, Illinois, with Habitat Chicago.
AmeriCorps is a national organization where you're doing a year of service, helping
communities throughout the U.S.
Before I joined AmeriCorps, I did not know about construction, and kind of just went
in with an open mind and learned a lot, asking a lot of questions, making a lot of mistakes.
And I really think I got the process down of how a house goes from nothing to complete.
If you're willing and able to learn and you're curious, try it because you'll
be amazed at how much you'll learn.
You're constantly in a space where you're growing and you're changing.
I definitely want to continue working in communities that want to see change and growth, and I
want to make sure that other people learn these skills and are able to take care of
their own homes.
AmeriCorps has given me patience, curiosity, and it's given me joy.
louis armstrong *what a wonderful world *tradus - Duration: 2:23.I see trees of green, red roses - they bloom for you and me.
And I think to myself: what a wonderful World!
I see the blue sky, white clouds, the spoiled from the light Day, and the venerable
Dark night - and I think to myself, what a wonderful
The colors of the rainbow that appeal to heaven so pretty make up, reflected in the
Faces resist the people who see it.
I see friends who are like, "Well, are you? "
welcome - what they mean is actually "I love
I hear little babies cry, see how they grow up -
they will learn one day more than I have ever known.
And then I think to myself, what a wonderful World!
WHAT TO WEAR FOR JULY 4TH| | RED, WHITE AND BLUE OUTFIT IDEAS - Duration: 4:30.Hello guys welcome back to my channel.
Fourth of July is right around the corner
so I thought it would be appropriate to show you some outfits that I would wear and you can wear this holiday.
I just love playing dress-up with a theme and had so much fun styling my red, white and blue into stylish outfits for this lookbook.
These looks are not only cute but also super comfy comfy, can't beat that right?
And they will pretty much work for anything you're going to do for July 4th this year
from get-together barbeque with friends or outdoor festival, or just watching fireworks at night.
I hope you guys enjoy, don't forget to subscribe and stay tuned for my new videos.
Have a fun and safe holiday and I will see you in my next video! Byee.
This viral bhangra dancer on what Canada 150 means to him - Duration: 1:41.Hi, I'm Hasmeet Singh Chandok, I'm from Halifax
and this is my story.
I came here to Canada just to explore
opportunities in terms of my education and in terms
of work
and trying to give back to the community as much
as I can.
I have loved the city from day 1, I've loved the
people I've lived around from day 1.
They have received me and I would say everybody in
my community so well.
They give us a chance to live they way we are
and to retain our identity.
Please welcome the Maritime Bhangra Group!
I'm part of a dance group called Maritime Bhangra Group.
Whatever money is raised
through different forms
is 100% given back to the
community through different causes.
I think it's the shared responsibility of every
human being living in this community to
give back to
the people living around them and to the community
living around them.
I think as a whole, as a community, how we have
welcomed either the refugees
or how we have responded to a crisis,
whether it's in our
community or anywhere around the world.
The way we have approached them is something I would think of as
very unique and makes me proud about Canada.
Opportunity for all I think this is
something which inspires me.
I think in spite of
looking at personal differences
let's find similarities and see how we can do better for the people who are not as privileged
as us.
In 2017, this is my Canada and this is
my story.
How To Get Into an Ivy League School | What NOBODY Is Saying - Duration: 7:11.-------------------------------------------
What caused the derecho? - Duration: 3:47.-------------------------------------------
WHAT'S IN THE BOX !! - Duration: 10:42.(SCREAM) What's up everybody!
Welcome back!
If you're new to my channel please do Subscribe!
And to my Subscribes, hey how is it going?
And this is my friend Ulo Hi guys..
We will play, WHAT'S IN THE BOX Before we start, I just want to start a quick
shout out to Samantha Martinez, Jenna and Maya and Levi
of Brazil Oi..Hi.
So, ready..let's getting started..Yehey!
So guys, what were gonna today is that we have a friend here
Who's gonna put some items in the box and we..
Were gonna guess WHAT'S IN THE BOX.. yeah..
So by just putting in our hands here and were gonna figure it out
If we are correct or wrong..
(Laugh) Roud 1..Yup!
Okay let's see Ok.. ok, one sec.. oh my God (Laugh)
Oh my God..oh my God (SCREAM)
(Laugh) Oh my God Lani
What was that?
It smells Oh my God Im so scared, I don't want to
do it (SCREAM)
What's this!
What was that?
(SCREAM) (Laugh)
Ah..let's see Ahm, ahm,ahm,ahm Oh my God
Ok, ew..What was it?
This is..
(Laugh) Oh my God!
(Laugh) What is it!
(SCREAM) Oh my God
You want to smell it…
(Laugh) Smell it..
(SCREAM) (Laugh)
Oh my God, thats..that is the poo Is it a poo
It's Dogs Poo (SCREAM)
It's a's a spice?
Dog food?
(SCREAM) Ok..That's ok..that's ok
Alright..this one is poo?
(Laugh) (SCREAM)
You are so nasty Oh my God
(Laugh) That's so nasty..
I don't like that!
Oh my God I found that one on the street
(SCREAM) Your so nasty, you took that from the street?
And you put it in the fridge?
(Laugh) Yes, keep it fresh noh…
Oh my God Ok..Round 2
Freak..oh my God What is this?
(SCREAM) Oh Lani
(Laugh) Oh my gosh
(SCREAM) What was it?
I don't know (Laugh)
Let's be brave Let's do this for the team
Ok..Oh my God (Laugh)
Ok, give me a sec (SCREAM)
What was that!
(Laugh) Oh my gosh
Please don't bite (SCREAM)
(Laugh) Im so scared
(Laugh) Ok..ok…ok..
What is this (SCREAM)
Ok..ok, I think I know Oh.. this is a teddy bear
(SCREAM) This is a teddy bear..
(SCREAM) Mine is chicken
(SCREAM) What was it (Laugh)
Is it a frog?
Its a teddy bear, its a teddy bear Ok let me see
(Laugh) (SCREAM)
(Laugh) Round 3
Let's do this Oh..oh
I didnt even like, put my hand (Laugh) Ok..
(SCREAM) (Laugh)
Ok ahm..getting there Oh my God
(Laugh) Ah…Ok..
Ok..this is..I know what is this (SCREAM)
I think I know what is this Ah.. what is this
Ok what is this Oh..I know this one
(SCREAM) (Laugh)
Mine is cream..whip cream No..
Mine is ahm a vase with something inside Oh..soap
Is this shampoo Is it shaving cream..ok cool!
Ah..Im trying to figure out what mine is Oh my God..oh my God
(SCREAM) (Laugh)
What was it?
I dont know I dont know
It just feels so rough and weird Im just giving you a moral support
(Laugh) It's so
I don't know what it is (SCREAM) (Laugh)
I don't know what is this (Laugh) sorry
Yeah cactus!
Yeah Oh my gosh
(Laugh) Oh my gosh I need to wash my hands first
Ok..Round 4 (SCREAM)
Smells so stinky I can smell it..
I can smell it…
I can smell it Ew..Are you ready, Yeah!
This stinks!
(SCREAM) What was it!
(Laugh) Oh no
Do not taste..This is poo This is poo..I don't know this is poo
Do not taste it This is Salmon..
(SCREAM) What's this
Im so..Im gonna faint Lamb?
One of its kind (SCREAM)
What is this Meat?
(SCREAM) What was that?
This is …it has a tail It has a tail?
It has a tail Ok let me just
A bird?
Oh my God Ok..ok..
Gummy Worms (Laugh)
Gummy Worm I dont know..I think it's a fish
It's a fish It's a type of fish?
(Laugh) Whats Tilap
(Laugh) Oh my God
(Laugh) Oh..what was that?
Sting Ray There was a poo in here
I couldn't even eat the gummy (Laugh)
Last Round..
Oh..grrr..ok (Laugh)
Alright,,Let's see (SCREAM)
What was that?
I dont like pricks me Spaghetti..
Yes…(SCREAM) You got it?
Yeah i think, I got it Ah..what?
Soldier up (SCREAM)
(Laugh) You can do this
(SCREAM) What is this
This one is..Is it moving?
It's pricking me Is it cactus?
(SCREAM) (Laugh)
Oh my God (Laugh)
Why are you hitting the box Yeah beacause its pricking me
Oh, I cannot do that (SCREAM)
What was that?
Is it cactus?
This is toothpick?
Oh yeah… and then ahm Im just trying to figure it out
Is this beef?
(Laugh) Ok..
I know what I gonna do Marshmallows?
(Laugh) Oh my gosh
Ok.. let me figure it out Ok.. oh my God
Why is it breaking?
Oh my gosh.. what was it in toothpick?
Its ahm boiled egg Yeah…(Laugh)
Boiled egg Is it..can I peak?
Oh my God (Laugh)
Oh my gosh What did you do with that egg
Yeah..Oh my gosh Give me a sec
This was..
My throat was aching (Laugh)
Whats up guys welcome back..(Laugh) Why did you pause
What's up guys welcome back Today no no hold on
(Laugh) Whats up sec
Whats up everybody!
(Laugh) Everybody…(Laugh)
Thank you so much for watching guys I hope you had fun
Thank you also for passing by Your welcome (Laugh)
Don't forget to Like and Subscribe!
Will see you again next week!..Bye…
What's Trending On Friday 6/30 - Duration: 2:37.-------------------------------------------
Video: Body camera video shows what led to police shootings - Duration: 1:35.-------------------------------------------
What is the Ideal White Blood Cell Count? - Duration: 8:39.-------------------------------------------
What is Alien Swarm Reactive Drop? - What's this in 4 Minutes - Duration: 4:07.Hi I'm Lister and this is What is Alien Swarm Reactive Drop in 4 Minutes
On those nights when I wanna play something fun with my friends, it can be kinda hard
to pick something.
Often times, my first choice would be League of Legends, but sometimes I want a change
of pace.
At that point, I'd scroll through my Steam library and remember this beautiful old game
that no one seems to know.
Alien Swarm was and has been one of my favorite free to play games of all time.
In fact, even among paying games, the gameplay is so fun that I've been recommending it to
my friends alongside League of Legends and osu for a long time.
Of course, if the game is so great, why isn't it more popular?
In my opinion there are a two major reasons that it couldn't become more popular.
First of all, the entire campaign is only seven missions long.
The first playthrough is amazing as game elements are introduced over the course of the campaign
and it feels challenging and exciting in equal parts, but once you get to the end, you realize
that your only option from there is to replay the same campaign, perhaps at a harder difficulty,
perhaps as a different class, perhaps with a different weapon load-out, but that's all
there is.
Secondly, the first point wouldn't be as big of a problem if the game had Steam Workshop
support so that the community could put up cool additions to the game such as new maps,
characters, weapons, and skins.
Given that the source code was released to the public, it almost seems like Workshop
support would allow this game to live forever.
Unfortunately, Valve didn't set that up.
If only there was a modern re-release that included a heavily expanded main campaign
and Steam Workshop support...
Ok, trolling aside: Alien Swarm Reactive Drop is everything that the original was missing
and more.
It has the same gameplay that made the original such a gem with the addition of some polish,
much more base content and Workshop support that round out the overall experience playing
the game.
In my opinion, the game is slightly too hard for anyone and their grandmother to pick up
and play without dying, but for the most part, I think the difficulties are moderately intense
without being unfairly punishing.
For comparison, I'd compare the harder difficulties to Dark Souls.
Experienced players can achieve some pretty impressive feats with a bit of planning and
coordination while newer players will likely struggle.
In terms of progress, there is a leaderboard based on how long it takes to clear each mission,
but very little emphasis is put on this aspect.
There are levels to gain through playing missions and guns that are unlocked as you increase
your levels.
After reaching the max level (27 in the original and 31 in Reactive Drop), the player can "promote"
- which is essentially prestiging from Call of Duty where you go back to level 1 and need
to unlock all the levels and guns again.
At first, this is an interesting way to introduce a player to the different guns and the promotions
feel nice, but eventually level feels like a bit of a chore and the promotions don't
offer anything outside of a little badge next to your level.
Speed-running is the main end-game and some people have gotten amazingly skilled at it,
but not everyone is interested in or coordinated enough for that.
I'll link a speed run in the description for anyone that's interested in seeing what it's
Overall, my opinion of Alien Swarm Reactive Drop is that it's very worthwhile playing
through all of the content at least once.
The gameplay is fun and clearing missions with a coordinated group of friends is a lot
of fun.
However, Reactive Drop suffers from similar problems to the original Alien Swarm: lack
of long-term progression, lack of real end-game content, and somewhat limited weapon variety.
Even so, if you think of the game as an adventure to play through with friends, then it's 100%
worth experiencing.
Thanks for watching!
Like, subscribe, and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Twitch.
Thank you :D
What Happened to Racelympics Episode 3? - Duration: 2:51.Announcer: This is a Racelympics Update!
What's up everyone?
MarbleGenius149 Tube here.
And today, I gotta to do an update on why Racelympics Episode 3 isn't coming out.
Well, first of all, I ordered something that has to deal with the third course.
And I needed so much and I'm going to have to use a Skyrail for this one.
And unfortunately, it's going to come at July 5 - July 17.
But then, I can't wait!
And if I don't upload it on June, maybe I'll lose subscribers.
So, make sure you still have your patience for Racelympics!
(Fidget spinner spinning on my bedside table)
And also, I made a new intro for Racelympics SportsCenter style. (Credit to Ballyweg!)
Even though he's not around anymore.
And SLN! Media Group just beat him in subscribers.
(Fidget spinner spinning again)
Anyways, Racelympics episode 3 will come out either July 5 to July 17.
I actually apologize for the misconception.
Anyways, Racelympics will come out on July 5 to July 17. (remember!)
Anyways, this is MarbleGenius149 Tube signing off, wishing you an early Happy (& safe) 4th of July!
Anyways, see you marvelous marble racers and Hot Wheels racers too. See ya later!
What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital | Consciousness | Spirituality - Duration: 18:54.What a Shaman Sees in A Mental Hospital
The Shamanic View of Mental Illness
In the shamanic view, mental illness signals "the birth of a healer," explains Malidoma Patrice Somé.
Thus, mental disorders are spiritual emergencies, spiritual crises, and need to be regarded as such to aid the healer in being born.
What those in the West view as mental illness, the Dagara people regard as "good news from the other world." The person going through the
crisis has been chosen as a medium for a message to the community that needs to be communicated from the spirit realm.
"Mental disorder, behavioral disorder of all kinds, signal the fact that two obviously incompatible energies have merged into the same
field," says Dr. Somé.
These disturbances result when the person does not get assistance in dealing with the presence of the energy from the spirit realm.
One of the things Dr. Somé encountered when he first came to the United States in 1980 for graduate study was how this country deals with
mental illness.
When a fellow student was sent to a mental institute due to "nervous depression," Dr. Somé went to visit him.
"I was so shocked.
That was the first time I was brought face to face with what is done here to people exhibiting the same symptoms I've seen in my village."
What struck Dr. Somé was that the attention given to such symptoms was based on pathology,
on the idea that the condition is something that needs to stop.
This was in complete opposition to the way his culture views such a situation.
As he looked around the stark ward at the patients, some in straitjackets, some zoned out on medications, others screaming,
he observed to himself, "So this is how the healers who are attempting to be born are treated in this culture.
What a loss!
What a loss that a person who is finally being aligned with a power from the other world is just being wasted."
Another way to say this, which may make more sense to the Western mind, is that we in the West are not trained in how to deal or even
taught to acknowledge the existence of psychic phenomena, the spiritual world.
In fact, psychic abilities are denigrated.
When energies from the spiritual world emerge in a Western psyche, that individual is completely unequipped to integrate them or even
recognize what is happening.
The result can be terrifying.
Without the proper context for and assistance in dealing with the breakthrough from another level of reality, for all practical purposes,
the person is insane.
Heavy dosing with anti-psychotic drugs compounds the problem and prevents the integration that could lead to soul development and growth in
the individual who has received these energies.
On the mental ward, Dr Somé saw a lot of "beings" hanging around the patients, "entities" that are invisible to most people but that
shamans and psychics are able to see.
"They were causing the crisis in these people," he says.
It appeared to him that these beings were trying to get the medications and their effects out of the bodies of the people the beings were
trying to merge with, and were increasing the patients' pain in the process.
"The beings were acting almost like some kind of excavator in the energy field of people.
They were really fierce about that.
The people they were doing that to were just screaming and yelling," he said.
He couldn't stay in that environment and had to leave.
In the Dagara tradition, the community helps the person reconcile the energies of both worlds–"the world of the spirit that he or she is
merged with, and the village and community." That person is able then to serve as a bridge between the worlds and help the living with
information and healing they need.
Thus, the spiritual crisis ends with the birth of another healer.
"The other world's relationship with our world is one of sponsorship," Dr. Somé explains.
"More often than not, the knowledge and skills that arise from this kind of merger are a knowledge or a skill that is provided directly
from the other world."
The beings who were increasing the pain of the inmates on the mental hospital ward were actually attempting to merge with the inmates in
order to get messages through to this world.
The people they had chosen to merge with were getting no assistance in learning how to be a bridge between the worlds and the beings'
attempts to merge were thwarted.
The result was the sustaining of the initial disorder of energy and the aborting of the birth of a healer.
"The Western culture has consistently ignored the birth of the healer," states Dr. Somé.
"Consequently, there will be a tendency from the other world to keep trying as many people as possible in an attempt to get somebody's
They have to try harder." The spirits are drawn to people whose senses have not been anesthetized.
"The sensitivity is pretty much read as an invitation to come in," he notes.
Those who develop so-called mental disorders are those who are sensitive, which is viewed in Western culture as oversensitivity.
Indigenous cultures don't see it that way and, as a result, sensitive people don't experience themselves as overly sensitive.
In the West, "it is the overload of the culture they're in that is just wrecking them," observes Dr. Somé.
The frenetic pace, the bombardment of the senses, and the violent energy that characterize Western culture can overwhelm sensitive people.
Schizophrenia and Foreign Energy
With schizophrenia, there is a special "receptivity to a flow of images and information, which cannot be controlled," stated Dr. Somé.
"When this kind of rush occurs at a time that is not personally chosen, and particularly when it comes with images that are scary and
contradictory, the person goes into a frenzy."
What is required in this situation is first to separate the person's energy from the extraneous foreign energies,
by using shamanic practice (what is known as a "sweep") to clear the latter out of the individual's aura.
With the clearing of their energy field, the person no longer picks up a flood of information and so no longer has a reason to be scared
and disturbed, explains Dr. Somé.
Then it is possible to help the person align with the energy of the spirit being attempting to come through from the other world and give
birth to the healer.
The blockage of that emergence is what creates problems.
"The energy of the healer is a high-voltage energy," he observes.
"When it is blocked, it just burns up the person.
It's like a short-circuit.
Fuses are blowing.
This is why it can be really scary, and I understand why this culture prefers to confine these people.
Here they are yelling and screaming, and they're put into a straitjacket.
That's a sad image." Again, the shamanic approach is to work on aligning the energies so there is no blockage, "fuses" aren't blowing,
and the person can become the healer they are meant to be.
It needs to be noted at this point, however, that not all of the spirit beings that enter a person's energetic field are there for the
purposes of promoting healing.
There are negative energies as well, which are undesirable presences in the aura.
In those cases, the shamanic approach is to remove them from the aura, rather than work to align the discordant energies
Alex: Crazy in the USA, Healer in Africa
To test his belief that the shamanic view of mental illness holds true in the Western world as well as in indigenous cultures,
Dr. Somé took a mental patient back to Africa with him, to his village.
"I was prompted by my own curiosity to find out whether there's truth in the universality that mental illness could be connected with an
alignment with a being from another world," says Dr. Somé.
Alex was an 18-year-old American who had suffered a psychotic break when he was 14.
He had hallucinations, was suicidal, and went through cycles of dangerously severe depression.
He was in a mental hospital and had been given a lot of drugs, but nothing was helping.
"The parents had done everything–unsuccessfully," says Dr. Somé.
"They didn't know what else to do."
With their permission, Dr. Somé took their son to Africa.
"After eight months there, Alex had become quite normal, Dr. Somé reports.
He was even able to participate with healers in the business of healing; sitting with them all day long and helping them,
assisting them in what they were doing with their clients .
. . . He spent about four years in my village." Alex stayed by choice, not because he needed more healing.
He felt, "much safer in the village than in America."
To bring his energy and that of the being from the spiritual realm into alignment, Alex went through a shamanic ritual designed for that
purpose, although it was slightly different from the one used with the Dagara people.
"He wasn't born in the village, so something else applied.
But the result was similar, even though the ritual was not literally the same," explains Dr. Somé.
The fact that aligning the energy worked to heal Alex demonstrated to Dr. Somé that the connection between other beings and mental illness
is indeed universal.
After the ritual, Alex began to share the messages that the spirit being had for this world.
Unfortunately, the people he was talking to didn't speak English (Dr. Somé was away at that point).
The whole experience led, however, to Alex's going to college to study psychology.
He returned to the United States after four years because "he discovered that all the things that he needed to do had been done,
and he could then move on with his life."
The last that Dr. Somé heard was that Alex was in graduate school in psychology at Harvard.
No one had thought he would ever be able to complete undergraduate studies, much less get an advanced degree.
Dr. Somé sums up what Alex's mental illness was all about: "He was reaching out.
It was an emergency call.
His job and his purpose was to be a healer.
He said no one was paying attention to that."
After seeing how well the shamanic approach worked for Alex, Dr. Somé concluded that spirit beings are just as much an issue in the West as
in his community in Africa.
"Yet the question still remains, the answer to this problem must be found here, instead of having to go all the way overseas to seek the
There has to be a way in which a little bit of attention beyond the pathology of this whole experience leads to the possibility of coming
up with the proper ritual to help people.
Longing for Spiritual Connection
A common thread that Dr. Somé has noticed in "mental" disorders in the West is "a very ancient ancestral energy that has been placed in
stasis, that finally is coming out in the person." His job then is to trace it back, to go back in time to discover what that spirit is.
In most cases, the spirit is connected to nature, especially with mountains or big rivers, he says.
In the case of mountains, as an example to explain the phenomenon, "it's a spirit of the mountain that is walking side by side with the
person and, as a result, creating a time-space distortion that is affecting the person caught in it." What is needed is a merger or
alignment of the two energies, "so the person and the mountain spirit become one." Again,
the shaman conducts a specific ritual to bring about this alignment.
Dr. Somé believes that he encounters this situation so often in the United States because "most of the fabric of this country is made up of
the energy of the machine, and the result of that is the disconnection and the severing of the past.
You can run from the past, but you can't hide from it." The ancestral spirit of the natural world comes visiting.
"It's not so much what the spirit wants as it is what the person wants," he says.
"The spirit sees in us a call for something grand, something that will make life meaningful, and so the spirit is responding to that."
That call, which we don't even know we are making, reflects "a strong longing for a profound connection,
a connection that transcends materialism and possession of things and moves into a tangible cosmic dimension.
Most of this longing is unconscious, but for spirits, conscious or unconscious doesn't make any difference." They respond to either.
As part of the ritual to merge the mountain and human energy, those who are receiving the "mountain energy" are sent to a mountain area of
their choice, where they pick up a stone that calls to them.
They bring that stone back for the rest of the ritual and then keep it as a companion; some even carry it around with them.
"The presence of the stone does a lot in tuning the perceptive ability of the person," notes Dr. Somé.
"They receive all kinds of information that they can make use of, so it's like they get some tangible guidance from the other world as to
how to live their life."
When it is the "river energy," those being called go to the river and, after speaking to the river spirit,
find a water stone to bring back for the same kind of ritual as with the mountain spirit.
"People think something extraordinary must be done in an extraordinary situation like this," he says.
That's not usually the case.
Sometimes it is as simple as carrying a stone.
A Sacred Ritual Approach to Mental Illness
One of the gifts a shaman can bring to the Western world is to help people rediscover ritual, which is so sadly lacking.
"The abandonment of ritual can be devastating.
From the spiritual view, ritual is inevitable and necessary if one is to live," Dr. Somé writes in Ritual: Power, Healing, and Community.
"To say that ritual is needed in the industrialized world is an understatement.
We have seen in my own people that it is probably impossible to live a sane life without it."
Dr. Somé did not feel that the rituals from his traditional village could simply be transferred to the West,
so over his years of shamanic work here, he has designed rituals that meet the very different needs of this culture.
Although the rituals change according to the individual or the group involved, he finds that there is a need for certain rituals in general.
One of these involves helping people discover that their distress is coming from the fact that they are "called by beings from the other
world to cooperate with them in doing healing work." Ritual allows them to move out of the distress and accept that calling.
Another ritual need relates to initiation.
In indigenous cultures all over the world, young people are initiated into adulthood when they reach a certain age.
The lack of such initiation in the West is part of the crisis that people are in here, says Dr. Somé.
He urges communities to bring together "the creative juices of people who have had this kind of experience,
in an attempt to come up with some kind of an alternative ritual that would at least begin to put a dent in this kind of crisis."
Another ritual that repeatedly speaks to the needs of those coming to him for help entails making a bonfire,
and then putting into the bonfire "items that are symbolic of issues carried inside the individuals .
. . It might be the issues of anger and frustration against an ancestor who has left a legacy of murder and enslavement or anything,
things that the descendant has to live with," he explains.
"If these are approached as things that are blocking the human imagination, the person's life purpose,
and even the person's view of life as something that can improve, then it makes sense to begin thinking in terms of how to turn that
blockage into a roadway that can lead to something more creative and more fulfilling."
The example of issues with an ancestors touches on rituals designed by Dr. Somé that address a serious dysfunction in Western society and
in the process "trigger enlightenment" in participants.
These are ancestral rituals, and the dysfunction they are aimed at is the mass turning-of-the-back on ancestors.
Some of the spirits trying to come through, as described earlier, may be "ancestors who want to merge with a descendant in an attempt to
heal what they weren't able to do while in their physical body."
"Unless the relationship between the living and the dead is in balance, chaos ensues," he says.
"The Dagara believe that, if such an imbalance exists, it is the duty of the living to heal their ancestors.
If these ancestors are not healed, their sick energy will haunt the souls and psyches of those who are responsible for helping them." The
rituals focus on healing the relationship with our ancestors, both specific issues of an individual ancestor and the larger cultural issues
contained in our past.
Dr. Somé has seen extraordinary healing occur at these rituals.
Taking a sacred ritual approach to mental illness rather than regarding the person as a pathological case gives the person affected–and
indeed the community at large–the opportunity to begin looking at it from that vantage point too,
which leads to "a whole plethora of opportunities and ritual initiative that can be very, very beneficial to everyone present," states.
Dr. Somé.
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