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How to Draw SpongeBob SquarePants Dancing | SpongeBob SquarePants Coloring Pages for Kids - Duration: 11:02.Let's learn with us How to Draw SpongeBob SquarePants Dancing
SpongeBob SquarePants Coloring Pages for Kids
Mark Zuckerberg ▶ On How To Start A Business - Rules and Habits For Success - Duration: 9:36.Mark Zuckerberg: purpose is that feeling that you are a part of something bigger than yourself
that you are needed and that you have something better ahead to work for
purpose is what creates true happiness I always think that the most important
thing that entrepreneurs should do is pick something they care about work on
it but don't actually commit to turning it into a company until it's working and
I think that if you look at the data of like the very best companies that have
gotten built I actually think a tremendous percent of them have been
built that way and not from people who decided upfront that they wanted to
start a company because you just get locked into some local minimum a lot of
the time I remember that night I launched Facebook from that little dorm
in Kirkland house I went to Doakes with my friend kayaks and I remember telling
him clearly that I was excited to help connect the Harvard community but one
day someone would connect the whole world the thing is it never even
occurred to me that that someone might be us we were just college kids we don't
know anything about that there were all these great big technology companies
with all these resources and I just assumed one of them would do it but this
idea was so clear to us that all people want to connect so we just kept working
on it day after day after day and I know that a lot of you are going to have your
own stories just like this a change in the world that seems so clear that you
are sure someone else is going to do it but they're not you will yes it was so
throughout building Facebook I mean there have been lots of challenges and
they're all these times where in anything you do where you know you're
really going to be pushed and you feel like you want to give up or something
like that and you know this gets back to it was talking a second ago about how I
think the media there's a little bit of cultural bias towards thinking that you
know one person does this right I mean people say that you know I built
Facebook or Steve Jobs built Apple or whatever but you know that's really not
true right I mean if we're more people we
helped but there were thousands and thousands of other people involved in
building these things and the reality is is that as strong as any one individual
is no one person can deal with all the challenges that are going to get thrown
at them in anything that you do I just think like there's no way that any one
person can overcome all of the different things that you need to do to build a
start-up or take on any kind of other project in the world but if you have two
or three or four partners then I don't know I mean maybe over time one of them
doesn't like it and then drops out but you still have enough strength on the
team to power through all the challenges that you have and that's kind of how you
go no one does when they begin ideas don't come out fully formed they only
become clear as you work on them you just have to get started if I had to
know everything about connecting people before I got started I never would have
built Facebook movies and pop culture just get this all wrong the idea of a
single Eureka moment is a dangerous lie it makes us feel inadequate because we
feel like we haven't had ours yet and it prevents people with seeds of good ideas
from ever getting started in the first place oh gee I you know I take this
responsibility that I have really seriously and I really think that
Facebook needs to be focused on building the best experiences for people around
the world right and we have this philosophy that building the products
and services and building the business go hand in hand
in a world that's changing so quickly the biggest risk you can take is not
taking any risk and I really think that that's true right a lot of people I
think thanked that you know whenever it comes to whatever you get yourself into
a position where you have to make some some big shift in direction or do
something you know they're always people are going to point to the downside risks
of that decision and locally there may be right right I mean if for any given
decision that you're going to make there's
upside and downside but in aggregate if you are stagnant and you don't make
those changes then then I think you're guaranteed to fail right and not not
catch up so to some degree I think it's really right that over time the biggest
risk that you can take is to not take any risks the greatest successes come
from having the freedom to fail anyone working on a big vision is going to get
called crazy even if you end up right anyone taking on a complex problem is
going to get blamed for not fully understanding it even though it's
impossible to know everything up front anyone taking initiative will always get
criticized for moving too fast because there's always someone who wants to slow
you down in our society we often don't take on big things because we're so
afraid of making mistakes that we ignore all the things wrong today if we do
nothing the reality is anything we do today is going to have some issues in
the future but that can't stop us from getting started so what are we waiting
for it is time for our generation defining great works you know what
you're doing all right maybe college students like it
but no one else is going to like it and you know there's not going to be any
money in doing this so all right so you only really do it if you care all right
if you're passionate about doing it and then it's start growing and people said
it would be a fad and it would never be a good business but you know you keep
going because you care not because you're you're trying to create a
business the entrepreneur so I think build things that lasts for a long time
keep going because they care fundamentally about the change that
they're trying to create in the world and they're not in it just to build a
company what when I was in school and studying computer science I always
wondered whether it was the real thing right is this like like alright I'm
learning programming but is this the programming that you really need to be
able to build whatever you want in the world and it turns out the answer to
that is absolutely yes right the stuff that you're looking at
that you're learning here is absolutely are absolutely the skills that you need
to build anything that you want and you know a lot of times I think people just
get afraid because it often your dream is its it seems like it's so so far off
but if you just kind of focus on building stuff that you think is good
and and you keep on going at each step along the way and don't let people deter
you from that and you just really care about what you're doing and kind of
don't give up but each step along the way then you know I think that's how you
that's how you build something good my hope was never to build a company I
wanted to have an impact and as all these people started joining us I just
assumed that that's what they wanted to do too so I never took the time to
explain what it was that I hoped we'd build a couple years in some big
companies wanted to buy us I didn't want to sell I wanted to see if we could
connect more people and we were building the first version of newsfeed at the
time and I thought if we could just launch this it could change how we all
learn about the world nearly everyone else wanted to sell without a sense of
higher purpose this was their startup dream come true
and it tore our company apart after one particularly tense argument one of my
closest advisors told me if I didn't agree to sell the company right now I
would regret that decision for the rest of my life relationships were so afraid
that within a year or so every single person on our management team was gone
that was my hardest time meeting Facebook I believed in what we were
doing but I felt alone and worse it was my fault I wondered if I was just wrong
an imposter a 22 year old kid who had no idea how things actually worked now
years later I understand it that is how things work when there's no sense of
higher purpose so it's up to all of us to create it so we can all keep moving
forward together you know it's this deep belief that you're trying to make a
change you're trying to connect people in the world and I really do believe
that if you do something good and if you help people out then
eventually some portion of that good will come back to you and you may not
know up front what it's going to be but that's just been the guiding principle
for me in the work that we've done and I hope that some of the work that we do
can play a role and empowering you and so many more entrepreneurs to build add
the next great companies
Conor Maynard, Anth - How It Go (Lyrics / Lyric Video) - Duration: 4:18.Hey :P
How to Make Chicken Tacos - Duration: 6:12.Hey guys, if you're anything like me, you love tacos.
I pretty much could eat tacos every single night of the week, and so today I wanted to
show you my go-to favorite taco recipe.
It's a take on like chicken tinga, which is basically chicken that's cooked with a whole
bunch of tomatoes and spices, and chipotle peppers and it's super delicious and really
Let me show you how to do it!
So first up let's brown the chicken.
I have about a pound and a half of boneless, skinless chicken thighs, so today I'm using
the thighs, but if you wanted to use chicken breast, that totally works too.
I've got a medium sized Dutch oven over medium heat.
We're gonna add in about two tablespoons of oil, and then we're gonna brown the chicken.
When you're browning chicken, you wanna make sure that you don't overcrowd the pan, otherwise,
it'll steam the chicken instead of browning the chicken, so we're gonna do it in batches
So my chicken thighs have been seared.
Since there's no skin on them, they're not gonna get super brown, but we just wanna brown
a little bit to kinda lock in any of the moisture and some flavors.
So they're not super brown, but I think it's important to kinda brown them to lock in flavor.
So to that same pan we're gonna add in one onion that I diced, two cloves of garlic that
are minced, then we're gonna give that a big stir.
We're gonna let this mixture cook for about two to three minutes until the onions are
kind of soft and translucent.
So right now we're forming like the base for the braising liquid for the chicken.
This braising liquid is gonna have tons of flavors, the onions the garlic, we're gonna
put in some green chilis, and then the real kicker is we're gonna put in chipotle chili
that comes in this like delicious, slightly spicy, adobo sauce.
So my onions are looking good, let's move on with the braising sauce.
So to that, we're gonna add in some spices.
We're gonna add in one teaspoon of cumin, you want ground cumin, and then we're gonna
let that toast with the onions as well.
One teaspoon of oregano, and then kind of like a secret ingredient here, we're gonna
do half a teaspoon of ground coriander.
Coriander kind of has like a lemony herbal taste to it, which I think is gonna go really
well to lighten up the braising sauce, so half a teaspoon of that.
Give that a big stir and just toast the spices for like 30 seconds.
So one of the reasons that I love this taco dish is that a lot of it's just canned ingredients,
so I've got a can of tomatoes that we're gonna pour in, and then a can of hatch green chilis.
So no chopping, you can just buy canned vegetables which is totally easy and fine.
And then to that, this is kind of like the magic ingredient.
these are the chipotles in adobo sauce.
This is the brand that I find at my grocery store but I'm sure there's many other types
of brands too.
So we're just gonna take out one of the chilis.
You could do two but I'm like a super wimp when it comes to heat, so we're gonna do one
of these chilis in there.
If you wanted to add a little more spice you could do some of the liquid, but again, I'm
a wimp.
Just add the whole thing on in.
It's totally fine that that chili is whole, we're actually going to blend the braising
liquid later, and serve it as a sauce, so anything that's whole will get blended down.
Next, let's take the chicken and put it back into the pot.
Just rest it right on top.
Lastly, we're gonna add about a half of a cup to to kind of three-fourths of a cup of
chicken stock.
You wanna add enough stock so it almost covers the chicken.
If you don't have chicken stock, you can totally use water as well.
And then a big pinch of salt and we're ready to braise this.
We're gonna braise this on the stove top for about 30 to 35 minutes until the chicken has
cooked through and it's fork-tender.
My chicken is cooked through and it smells amazing, so I'm gonna carefully remove the
chicken from the braising liquid and put it into a separate bowl.
And it's okay if kind of some of the pieces from the braising liquid gets on the chicken,
it's totally fine.
So you want to try and get all of the chicken pieces out of the braising liquid, because
we're actually going to blend the braising liquid and I don't think we want like blended
chicken in there.
Maybe, I don't know [laughs].
I don't.
So we're gonna go ahead and shred the chicken, and while I shred it I'm going to keep the
pan on top of the stove and let it reduce a little bit.
We wanna cook it until it's reduced by half.
This is just gonna intensify all those delicious flavors.
Okay, so I have got my chicken in a bowl, and just using two forks we're gonna carefully
shred the chicken.
It's really hot, so be careful.
Since it's braised, it's actually really tender so basically it just falls apart.
Okay, so my chicken is pulled, my braising sauce has reduced, let's go ahead and blend
the braising sauce and then we'll serve it kind of on top of the chicken like toss it
in a little bit with the chicken, and also as like a dipping sauce on the side.
So I'm just gonna ladle it into a blender.
Okay, try to get every bit in there.
And then we're just gonna blend on high until smooth.
And that step is totally optional, I just like having kind of like a sauce to go with
my tacos, like a dipping sauce or a drizzling sauce, and since it has all the flavors that
you cooked the chicken in, it's gonna go super well with the tacos.
So my sauce is done, my chicken's pulled, let's make the tacos.
So to my pulled chicken, let's just add a little bit of that sauce, we'll give that
a stir, and then we'll make our tacos.
So I've got some corn tortillas that I've just gently, kind of torched on my stove.
You have to have a gas flame for that, unfortunately, but it's totally optional.
So just a little bit of a toasted corn shell.
You could use flour if that's kind of how you like your tacos, we're gonna put in a
little bit of the meat mixture right in the center, so put that right in the center than
we'll add in all of the fixings.
So I'm a huge fan of pickled red onions, I think they add so much flavor and crunch.
So we're gonna add those right on top.
We're gonna add a dollop of sour cream.
Some avocado, you could also do guacamole if you wanted.
To me, kind of half of what I love about tacos are like all the fixings on top.
So make it whatever you like in terms of your tacos.
I like this combination, but you could add like gooey cheese, guacamole like I said before,
a salsa, any way you like your tacos, you could totally customize this.
And a little bit of queso fresco right on top, a little drizzle of that braising liquid,
that was a little messy, a squeeze of lime, and then some cilantro, and if you don't like
cilantro, you can totally skip it too.
There you have it, there is my chicken taco.
I can't wait to dig straight on in.
Looks pretty awesome, right?
Thanks so much for watching.
If you liked this video, make sure to give it a thumbs up below, and hit subscribe because
I upload new recipe videos each week.
How to make friends - Duration: 2:13.How to make friends
The video will introduce you how to make friends
Making friends helps children develop a culture of communication and emotion
Pick the time
Pick the time your friend is free, do not talk to anyone
Look in the eyes, speak clearly, smile happily
Introduce your name, ask for the person's name
Share interests
What you like, what you do not like
Listen to your friend say
You hear that person talking with respect
End the conversation
You can say a sentence such as: I have to go, see you later
How To Attract Women Into Your Life | Bootcamp Documentary - Duration: 48:15.My goals are: be a really social guy, to have a lot of girls in my life,
and to be able to achieve the best potential within myself
they fuck
Down talk not up talk
After this weekend, where do I start?
I'm feeling fantastic! I'm feeling absolutely fantastic!
DIY crafts in hindi-5 quick and easy DIY ideas|How to make rakhi in 5 minute-Tarika Ek- Rakhi anek - Duration: 13:07.-------------------------------------------
How To Do Acne & Rosacea Treatment In Best Way Possible In Home - Best Rosacea Treatment - Duration: 2:57.Rosaria most people are unaware of its very existence but if you have ever
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when those red patches played knew it is time to soak half a dozen chamomile tea
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the redness does not abate with any medication it is time you trial Icarus
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and honey might just be the thing you're looking for
leave this mixture on for 15 minutes and then wash off with lukewarm water for
instant relief which is your best treatment for rosacea let me know in our
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How To Track Exact Location Of Your Family Members By Nadeem Pardesi - Duration: 9:40.
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2017 Fiat 500 | Cargo Capacity Review in 4k UHD! | How Much Stuff Can Fit In That Trunk? - Duration: 11:57.Hey guys and today we're going to see how much stuff can fit into the trunk of
the 2017 Fiat 500!
Now before I get this review rolling I would like to thank Rick cake Fiat in
Weston Florida for allowing me to review this vehicle for you guys. If you are
interested in purchasing a brand-new Fiat and live in the South Florida area
don't hesitate to check them out. They will get you into the perfect Fiat in
no time, and remember that all of DriveAndBeDriven's reviews are 100% Honest and 0%
Biased. So, let's get started! Now, I did conduct a complete in-depth
review of the 2017 Fiat 500. So, if you are interested in knowing more
information about the 2017 Fiat 500, don't hesitate to check out that full
in-depth review, but today we are going to see exactly how much stuff you can
fit into the trunk of the 2017 Fiat 500! Now to unlock the trunk of the 2017 Fiat
500 there's actually only one way to do that, and there's also only one way to
open up the trunk of the 2017 Fiat 500. So, to unlock the trunk just come to your
key fob design, right here, come to the very bottom button and it is going to pretty
much show a trunk opening up. All you do is hold that button down, and it will flash your
hazards indicating that the trunk has been unlocked. Then, all you have to do is walk
up to the trunk, come beneath the Fiat logo as well as beneath the 500
numbering, press the rubber pad right there, and it will pop the trunk open a
little bit... and you press it again to open it up the rest of the way. Now, what
you are going to be looking at right here is going to be nine point five
cubic feet of space with the rear seats folded up. Now in comparison to its
competitors... Now the Fiat 500 doesn't really have any direct competitors, but
if you are comparing it to vehicles that people may be cross shopping this Fiat
500 with, it is going to be on the lower end of the spectrum with the rear seats
folded up. So if you are looking at this cargo area with those rear seats folded
up the Chevrolet Spark is actually going to be at 11 point 1 cubic feet of space.
That Smart Fortwo is going to have twelve point four cubic feet of space,
the Mini Cooper Two-door Hardtop is going to be around thirteen point one
cubic feet of space, the Volkswagen Beetle will be ranking around, right
behind that, at just about fifteen point four cubic feet of space, and the Nissan
Versa Note will have just about 18.8 cubic feet of
space. So, like I said, the Fiat 500 is going to be lagging behind some of its
competitors with the rear seats folded up... and the main reason for that is going
to be because of the fairly short rear overhang that the 2017 Fiat 500 does
have. It's not going to be that much of a rear overhang that the Fiat 500 has...
Other competitors are going to have a little bit more overhang allowing for
you to pack a little bit more stuff into your trunk. Also, another thing that is
going to decrease that cargo rating is going to be the sloping rear-end because
this rear end is going to slope down just a little bit... there is actually going to be quite a
bit. So, that is going to eat up some of your cargo area, but once you fold down
these rear seats... and it's actually fairly simple to fold down these rear seats,
you just press this button, right here, and push down the seats all the way
down... and I do have both the front driver and front passenger seats adjusted to my
comfort at 5'11" and these seats do fold down with no problem. Let's also fold
down this seat here as well and these seats do fold in a 50/50 split fashion
So, what you are going to be looking at right here is going to be thirty point
two cubic feet of space with those rear seats folded down, and in comparison to
those same competitors that I mentioned earlier... This is when the Fiat 500
actually jumps up the grid line quite a bit. So, if you are looking at the Smart
Fortwo... The Smart Fortwo actually does not have any back seats so it's seats down
rating, as well as, it's seats up rating is going to be that same twelve point four
cubic feet of space. The Chevrolet Spark is going to rank in at just about twenty
seven point two cubic feet of space. The Volkswagen Beetle will have twenty nine
point nine cubic feet of space. Then, this is when the Fiat 500 will come in at
thirty point two cubic feet of space. Then, the Nissan Versa note has thirty
eight point three cubic feet of space, and the Mini Cooper hardtop two-door at
forty point seven cubic feet of space... And the main reason why the Fiat 500 is
going to jump up all of a sudden in its cargo area space with the rear seats
folded down is going to be because of the overall roofline and proportions of the
Fiat 500. Fiat did give this vehicle a very high roof line right here and, as a
result, that is going to allow for this vehicle to be able to fit lots of things
into the trunk and pretty much pack things all the way up to the ceiling. So,
that is going to give the Fiat 500 an advantage over a lot of its competitors,
but looking inside of the cargo area at the overall material quality inside
of here it is going to be pretty basic inside of here. You are going to have sort of
like this lining that is going to be very traditional to most vehicles... Not
much plastic lining in here at all. You are going to have a little bit of a
plastic bumper guard portion, right here, just protecting a little bit of "portions",
right there, but overall not too much going on inside of this cargo area. Also,
right here Fiat also gives you a single incandescent bulb back here, as well as,
your amplifier "that is going to be your amplifier". So, it is going to eat up just
a little bit of cargo space there as well, but not too much to where it is
going to be too much of a problem. Also, if you do try to lift up this floor
there's actually nothing underneath this floor, but Fiat does offer a spare tire
which you can mount underneath the Fiat 500, but I believe that it's going to be
a dealer accessory or an aftermarket option. I'm not 100% sure on that, but
they do not offer any fix-a-flat kit or spare tire underneath this cargo load
floor. Also, with those seats folded down you are going to see that is not going
to be a completely flat load floor. It is going to have quite a bit of a "hump"
there, and Fiat doesn't give you any cover to pretty much cover up the bottom
of the backs of your seats. So, that's definitely something to keep in mind, but
Fiat also gives you this pretty helpful cargo cover, right here, to keep people
that may be wanting to look inside of your trunk. It is going to be very small,
but it does serve its purpose since it pretty much is going to cover
everything instead of this trunk. You cannot see anything when this trunk is
closed, and Fiat will also give you this helper lever right here... Which is sort of
like a vinyl material. You just put your finger in there, and you close it right
on up, and the tailgate of this vehicle is also pretty small! Alright, so now
let's see how a pool noodle with a 5.3 foot long length fits widthwise inside
of the trunk of this Fiat 500. So, let's put on this pool noodle right inside of
here put it against the wall right there, and coming all the way over here you
will see that the Fiat 500 does not fit this pool noodle widthwise. It is going
to arc up quite a bit, but not terribly bad. Fiat also gives you a mini cutout
right there. So, that is going to help the pool noodle fit in there a little bit
better, but overall this pool noodle is not going to fit, but it will still
receive a couple of points for that. Alright. so now let's see how this pool
noodle fits lengthwise inside of the trunk of the 2017 Fiat 500... And I do have
that front driver's seat adjusted to my comfort at 5'11". So. let's slide this
on in there, and you will see that the pool noodle is going to protrude out
just a little bit. So, it is going to lose probably a point for that. Alright, so
now let's see how a suitcase... a 22 inch suitcase fits heightwise, as well as,
length wise inside of the trunk of the 2017 Fiat 500. Alright, so now let's see
how a 22 inch suitcase fits height wise inside of the trunk. So, let's put in our
suitcase, right here, push it all the way back to the back of the rear seats, and
you are going to see that it is going to protrude out quite a bit there because
of this sloping rear portion of the vehicle. So, let's close up the trunk, and
see if it is going to fit and it is not going to fit because this is going to
protrude out quite a bit, but let's see if it is going to sit lengthwise. So,
let's fold down this suitcase right there and you're also going to see that
it is not going to sit lengthwise. It is also going to protrude out there quite a
bit. So, I would definitely like to see Fiat improve this. They probably can
improve that that much for this model year since it (the Fiat 500) does have quite a short
rear overhang, but if they are considering to redesign this vehicle I
definitely recommend that they add just a little bit more rear overhang to
this vehicle, or move up the seats a little bit more, and add a longer
wheelbase. So you can fit a 22 inch suitcase lengthwise laying down inside
of the 2017 Fiat 500, but let's see how many laundry baskets can fit with the
rear seats folded up. Alright so now let's see how many laundry baskets with
an 11 inch height, and a 17 inch diameter fit inside of the trunk of the 2017 Fiat
500 with the rear seats folded up. So, let's put in our first one... One... Two...
And Four... Alright, so let's see if our tailgate will close with four laundry
baskets inside of here, and the trunk will not close with four laundry baskets.
It is just not enough for the Fiat 500 to squeeze inside, but let's see
if we can put three inside of here I'm going to put this in the center, and
maybe a little bit easier since this vehicle does have that window cut out in
the center. So, let's see if this will close... and it does close so you can't fit
a total of three laundry baskets with the rear seats folded up inside of your
2017 Fiat 500. Alright, so now let's see how many laundry baskets can fit with
the rear seats folded down. Alright, so once again let's fold down these rear
seats. All you have to do is come right over here push down this button, and then
push this button down, as well. 50/50 split... Very, very easy to fold down!
That's actually a really neat addition that Fiat decided to add in here. I
really like that feature a lot, but let's see how many of these laundry baskets
can fit on the surface of the trunk with the rear seats folded down. So. we have
One... Two... Three...
Four... And five... And it looks like you can only fit a total of five laundry baskets
inside of here. We can't fit another one over here because it will begin to start
overlapping with the rims of that one, and we can't fit another one here because it
will also begin to start overlapping with the rims of that laundry basket, as
well. So, overall we can fit a total of five laundry baskets with the rear seats
folded up.
Well, that's it for this cargo review! Comment, and tell me what you
would like to see in future videos! Don't forget to Like, Subscribe, and Share. This
is Marcus, and thanks for watching DriveAndBeDriven. Keep it positive, and I'll
see you next time!
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Drawing Bags
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how great thou art - Koj Yog Vajtswv - Lon bay duy ngay Instrumental - Duration: 8:01.
Man Utd predicted XI in 2017/18: How Jose Mourinho's side might look with new signings - Duration: 1:31.Man Utd predicted XI in 2017/18: How Jose Mourinho's side might look with new signings
Jose Mourinho has already splashed the cash this summer bringing in striker Romelu Lukaku and defender Victor Lindelof. However, the Red Devils boss admits he wants two more signings – a winger and midfielder.
The Premier League big guns have been linked with Chelsea ace Nemanja Matic and Inter Milan star Ivan Perisic. However, Inter boss Luciano Spalletti claims their move for Perisic is "over" after the club failed to follow up any interest.
United have since been linked with RB Leipzigs Emil Forsberg and a stunning move for Real Madrid ace Gareth Bale. But how could Manchester United line up in their opening fixture of the season against West Ham? .
How To Make Your Boyfriend Your Husband (Full, Step by Step System!) - Duration: 6:53.So you've been dating your man for some time now and you can't help but think about
your future together.
Maybe that means worldly travels, or perhaps even children.
Before these things happen though, you're really hoping to tie the knot and get married.
So then, how do you make your boyfriend get down on one knee and commit to marrying you?
Hey YouTube, Amy North here.
For those of you who don't know me I'm a relationship coach from Vancouver, BC and
author of The Devotion System, a program I've designed to help women find and lock down
their dream men.
Today what I want to share with you are the steps, or milestones rather, that you'll
need to meet if you're looking to get your boyfriend to become your husband.
Before I get started here I want to quickly ask that if you enjoy this video or find it
at all helpful then please take a moment to hit the subscribe button below.
Not only will I appreciate your support, but you'll also gain access to all of my other
dating and relationship advice videos.
So please, don't forget to do so!
Now, let's begin.
So, first things first.
If you're going to get your man to marry you it's important that you love yourself.
Now you may be thinking this sounds odd, I mean, you already got the guy, so why should
you focus on yourself?
Well believe it or not so many men stick around in relationships even if they know that they're
not going to marry that person.
Maybe it's for convenience or perhaps they just don't have the heart to call it quits
with their girlfriend.
Despite how unfair this may seem or their reasons for doing so, it's true that there
needs to be a certain amount of admiration there if they're going to marry you.
And when I say admiration I mean it in two ways.
First, he needs to admire you, obviously, and second, he needs to know that you admire
After all, if you don't love you, then why should he?
So, how do you show your guy that you love yourself?
Well the easiest way to do so is to have standards for yourself, a ceaseless sense of confidence
and most of all, a source of happiness that isn't him.
As much as you may think that your man loves being your knight in shining armour, he's
not there to fix you or fill a void.
Sure he'll support and protect you, but he needs to know that you are your own person.
Now this doesn't mean you need to hide all your flaws, because let's face it, if you've
been dating for sometime then he's going to know your vulnerabilities.
Rather it means not depending on him to be your sole source of happiness and having your
own life outside of the relationship.
That's step one in any healthy partnership.
If you'd like to learn my secret tips for upping your odds to appear even more confident
around your man then visit my site, and watch the free video presentation.
The tricks you'll learn there will make him wild with desire for you!
You don't want to miss it!
The next step to getting your boyfriend to marry you is to share an emotional connection
with him.
Now I say emotional connection here because as you've probably guessed, it's about
more than sex or being physically attracted to one another.
Not to be mistaken for depending on one another for approval and support, an emotional connection
happens when you and your man have mutual feelings towards the same things.
For example, this could mean having shared goals or realizing the beauty in simply holding
hands as you stroll together.
It's about sharing similar morals and beliefs.
About seeing eye-to-eye and behaving in a way that you know one another would be proud
of, even when you're not together.
It can be hard to pinpoint an exact moment or experience that will create this connection,
but believe me, you'll know it when you feel it because when you do share an emotional
connection, you'll feel an unspeakable sense of belonging and acceptance between you and
your boyfriend.
Once the two of you build this connection he will be more inclined to want to marry
you, which brings me to my next point.
If you want to get your boyfriend to commit to being your husband then it's important
that he feels you add value to his life.. and I'm not talking the monetary type.
What I mean here is bringing happiness to his life and being the best part of his day.
When you can be the reason your boyfriend laughs or smiles, or be the person he goes
to for support or a comforting shoulder, then he's going to want to keep you around.
To make him realize that you bring value to his life there are a few key things you can
For starters, appreciate him.
Men love to feel appreciated by their woman, so make a point to not only verbally thank
him for all of the things he does for you, but also show him that you appreciate him
by taking the time to do thoughtful things for him.
Now, this doesn't mean you have to bend over backwards or break the bank to let him
know that you think he's swell, but rather something as simple as surprising him with
a nice home-cooked meal after a long day of work, or a back rub before bed, those are
the acts that will really mean something to him.
On the other hand challenging him in a way that makes him want to be a better person,
and showing a genuine interest in his day, those will also get you far.
Simply put, by being your boyfriend's best friend he'll realize that the idea of life
without you is unbearable, which in the long run will do wonders for getting him to marry
After all, if he doesn't, someone else could!
Moving on, if you want to get your boyfriend to make the leap and marry you then it's
important that you have an unwavering commitment to one another.
This means trusting each other fully and completely.
It shouldn't bother you when your man goes for a night out on the town with his pals
because you know that he's with you and only you.
This works both ways too, he should trust you to be your own person and faithful to
him, even when he's not around.
So many couples overlook this one and instead keep one another on a short lead.
What I mean by this is that even though they say they trust one another, they still let
their jealousy or worrying get in the way of their partner being their own person.
So instead of you both being able to go and experience your hearts desires, you don't
because you're too worried about upsetting one another, or possibly even being yelled
at — which by the way has no place in a relationship that's going to result in a
healthy, happy marriage.
Of course trust comes with time, but if you're considering marrying your man then now is
a good time to take a step back and evaluate the relationship.
Unless you have this kind of endless trust for one another, you should be focusing on
this before jumping into marriage.
My last tip for you is to be open with one another.
Talking about the possibility of marriage in a causal, subtle way can do wonders for
your relationship.
Now again, I said subtly, so you don't want to throw the "Would you marry me?"
question at him — that puts him on the spot which isn't fair, and it won't necessarily
give you a honest answer.
Instead find a way to bring marriage into the conversation and lightly ask if marriage
is something he wants to experience in his lifetime.
His reaction should give you a pretty good idea, and chances are he'll ask you too.
Opening up communication between the two of you will take you far.
After all, maybe he was too scared or shy to find out if marriage is even something
you wanted, or perhaps he assumed that you weren't into that kind of thing.
Who knows!
The only way to make it known that you'd like to get married is to talk about it, so
get chatting!
Well that does it for this video, as always thanks so much for watching.
If you have any questions about what I've covered here then feel free to post those
in the comments section below and I'll do my very best to get back to you as soon as
Again, if you enjoyed this video then please take a quick moment to click the subscribe
button below and check out my other dating advice videos.
If you like what you learn then go ahead and share those with your girlfriends; after all,
it's your support that allows me to keep coming out with new videos for you all.
So, until next time take care and good luck!
See How Eating Apples Daily Can Make You Lose Weight - Duration: 1:24.OUR WEBSITE :
See How Eating Apples Daily Can Make You Lose Weight
We all heard that apples daily can make you healthy.
But, also losing some weight is true here.
A study from Food Chemistry said that no-digestible items in the apples make more good bacteria
in the gut, thus resulting in weight loss.
A study of 2012 of experts from Iowa University stated that ursolic acid pills make more calorie
burn and more muscle mass.
A study of 2008 stated that women who had 3 small apples daily, lost over 2 lbs in 10
This was in comparison to those who had no apples.
The ursolic acid is in the apple peel.
And the vitamin C is below the peel.
Fiber- apples have many fibers and this is the main cause for weight loss.
High fiber diet is great for losing weight since fibers fills you up more.
Also it causes satiety and you feel full.
Average apple has 5 g fiber.
Fiber intake is best about 38 g daily for men under 50.
For women under 50 is 25 g daily.
Low calories- apples have little calories.
If you replace these by sweets you can lose weight amazingly.
Sweets cannot be resisted but this fruit is a great replacement and healthier too.
Don't Forget To Follow Us On Other Social Media :
Subscribe our channel for more!
How to start a WordPress website from scratch | Step by step beginners guide - Duration: 9:34.Hey guys, Bryan here with WP Cupid Blog and today I'm going to be showing you how to
start a WordPress website from scratch step by step.
The process is going to be quick and easy.
In this video I'm going to be going over 4 different steps to get a WordPress website
started with the #1 recommended hosting provider straight from
The hosting provider is Bluehost.
Step 1 is how to sign up for an account with Bluehost, step 2 is choosing a hosting package,
step 3 is registering a domain name, and then step 4 is installing wordpress on Bluehost.
I've provided a link in the description below if you want to follow along with me
in the video.
The cool thing about the link provided below is you will get a discount.
You'll get a free domain name with your hosting package.
Some awesome features you will get with Bluehost's hosting is a 1 click WordPress install, 24/7
support from Bluehost, and a 30 day money back guarantee.
You'll also receive over $150 in advertising offers from Google and Bing.
Bluehost is one of the top web hosting providers and is the #1 recommended hosting provider
Bluehost also powers over 2 million websites worldwide.
Feel free to walk through the steps with me to start your WordPress website on Bluehost.
Before we get started a little disclosure the link is an affiliate link.
I'll receive a commission which helps support this channel and helps us put out WordPress
tutorial videos on a regular basis.
Let's get started.
First thing you want to do is head on over to bluehost.
I've provided the link in the description below so that you can get your free domain
name discount.
You'll see the get started now button on the page.
Click the button.
This is where you can select your hosting plan.
You'll see three different options.
You'll see a Basic plan, Plus plan, and a Prime plan.
I recommend going with the basic plan and then you can always scale up whenever you'd
If you have more than one website then you'd want to choose either the plus plan or prime
I'm going to choose the basic plan for this tutorial as this is most common.
Go ahead and hit the select button on whichever plan you would like to use.
We are now brought to a domain page where we can choose the domain name that we want
completely free.
Or if you already have a domain name you'd enter it in over on the right.
For the new domain you can select if you want it to be a .com, .net, .org, etc…
.com is the most popular domain extension so I'd recommend going with a .com if you
I'm going to type in a domain here and click the next button.
You are now brought to a create your account page.
This is where you will input your information.
We have first name, last name.
Business name is optional.
Put your country address information.
Put a phone number and lastly the best email for you as you'll get emailed a receipt
of payment and a copy of your login credentials, etc.
Below that you will see package information.
You'll see account plan.
This is where you can select the term for your hosting package.
You have 12 months, 24 months, and 36 months, and 60 months.
As you can see you'll save money the longer you purchase your hosting for.
I'm going to select the 12 months package.
Setup fee is free.
Domain is free.
You'll see site back up pro.
You can unselect this as there are free backup plugins you can use for your WordPress website.
Search Engine jumpstart you can keep unselected.
This isn't necessary to have.
Sitelock security find is security for your WordPress website and protects it from hackers.
I'd unselect this as there are really good free alternatives.
As you can see your saving a lot for this hosting package.
Below that you will input your payment infromation.
I'm not going to fill this out for protection of personal information.
Once your information you want to select the I have read and agreed to Bluehost's privacy
policy and terms of service.
Now click the submit button.
You are now brought to a confirmation page.
Bluehost is also going to at this time email your dashboard login information.
You might need to pause the video while you wait for the email to come in.
Now we need to login to the bluehost dashboard.
You can click the link they gave you or just go to bluehost's website and up at the top
you will see login.
Click login.
Enter your account credentials and click submit.
Once you do that you'll be in the bluehost hosting home dashboard as you can see here.
Scroll down a bit till you see website and then under that section you will see install
Click install wordpress.
You should now see do it yourself free and on the right hand side you will see the install
Go ahead and click install.
Once you do that you will see a select which domain you would like to install to.
So select the domain you want to use for this and where you see the directory part next
to it just leave that blank and click the check domain button.
It's now going to check your domain name.
This could take a few minutes so just be patient.
Once that is done you will see the last step.
You want to select show advanced options.
You will see where you can change the site name or title.
You want to put the name of your site here.
You will see admin username.
If you need to change that you can.
Under that you will see your password listed.
Feel free to change it to a password that you would like too.
Select the box that says automatically create a new database for this installation.
Make sure you select I have read the terms and conditions.
Click the install button now.
Now you'll see a page or a popup saying we're setting up WordPress for you.
Just be patient.
You'll see a progress bar at the top showing the progress of the WordPress installation.
Once it is done it will say your install is complete.
Click on the view credentials link.
It will now give you the url of your website, the login url for WordPress to make edits
to your site along with your username and password.
Go ahead and click on the admin url link.
Put the username and password in.
And click the login button.
And you will now be in the WordPress dashboard where you can start creating your WordPress
website by adding pages, blog posts, etc…
Up at the top you will see your site title.
Click that or hover over it to where it says view site and click on it and you can view
your site as you can see here.
What you see here is the demo default theme for WordPress.
If you go to the site themeforest.
They have hundreds of premium pre-made themes for every industry.
So if you don't have a lot of knowledge in design you can easily find a cheap theme
put together really well here.
I provided the link in the description below.
If you decide to go with a premium theme you can email us or send us a message on Facebook
and we will setup your theme like the demo content and give you all the plugins you need
to have a successful site completely free.
Our email is provided in the description below along with our Facebook info.
And that is how to start a website on WordPress step by step.
Alright guys, thanks for watching.
That is how to start a WordPress website from scratch step by step.
I provided a step by step summary of this video via text in the description below.
I've also provided the link to get the free domain name discount below.
Give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more WordPress video tutorials.
How to replace front wheel bearing HONDA JAZZ GD TUTORIAL AUTODOC - Duration: 20:23.Use a socket №32
Use a socket №17
Use a phillips screwdriver
Using sidecutting pliers remove the cotter pin
Use a socket №17
Use a combination spanner №19
Use a socket №10
Use a socket №17 and a combination spanner №17
Use round nose pliers to take the locking ring out
Use a hydraulic press to spew the wheel-hub bearing from the pintle
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