🎶It's everyday bro🎶 (x3)
🎶I said it's everyday bro🎶
What up famsquad, it's your boy um-
I can't understand what he's saying sorry no captions
(Muffled talking)
(Pain and suffering)
1000 likes and I'll shove water bottles up my ass
How to share time and space with less conscious people - Duration: 15:18.hi and welcome I am Maurice Kok author of the book the
Journey of an Ascended Master and in this video I'm going to share with you how to
spend time and space with less conscious people and I will give you some tips so
stay tuned
Hi and welcome in my hotel room in Dubai the reason that I came to
Dubai is for shooting a video program breathing into wealth out of your money
struggles and into expanding your life into wealth increasing your abundance
and today's the last day that you are going to hear from me for probably a few
weeks because here in Dubai I will take all my time to do the video
course and tuning out of youtube for a while so if you want to keep following me and
topic it is really interesting breathing into wealth you can check it out over here
you can get into the course now for two and fifty euros tomorrow the price will
rise so don't wait it's alright with two hundred euros so it's worth get in now
so in this video how to share time and space with less conscious
people I discovered over the years that I had a really hard time I think it
started already when I was a child but I was not aware of it when you share space
with other people with different consciousness there are few things can
happen to you if you are not aware most people are going to tune in into the
common consciousness I don't like to say thin levels but is the easiest to
understand when you are really conscious your level will be like like this if
there are a lot of people with consciousness like this some people
arise some people lower and if you want to be all present in that room that
has to be a common common level to speak to each other so what happened to the
most people are on this path and probably you want to watching my video
is that you will discover it every time you walk in a room every time you
speak with people every time you walk into a city you have to lower yourself
to fit in to communicate and this can be a really awkward because what I
discovered is that every time I went out of the room out of the city even here in
Dubai I feel tat I am doing like this riding a wave on different consciousness
levels is that you have to process all that stuff you're picking up on that
level out of your space to get in your highest state level and if you can get
used to it and know what to do and how to do it it can be just the breath to
get out of your space and jump into your own level again for me it's like a few
breaths luckely but it was not like that it has to be days of days of days of
being in nature to get back to myself so what is happening when you agree to
someone agree to go to a birthday party agree
to work with all the people agree to spend time and in an airplane and want to be
present there if you have to communicate with other people you agree to a level
that matches otherwise you cannot communicate so what happens from most
people is this is the level of the one who you want to spend your time and
space with and we are going to do this lower
ourselves and be with them because that's the easiest way that's the way
that is natural just lower yourself to the lowest one and keep communicating
with them but we all really want to another option how you become aware you
can choose which options you want in the one three options for me so the other
option is to ask them to reach your level invite them to get here and to be
there together but the thing is when you want to do this not all the people can
reach this not all the people are able to get in your state and a lot of people
even don't want to come there so for me I decided to invite all the people I
meet to come over here and now I'm going to the third part is what will happen if
they don't reach you over there because I'm not going to lower myself anymore I
don't like to lower myself anymore and what happens with people who cannot
reach this they choose to stay here they don't even see me they don't even know
that I was there maybe they see me in a split second but their brains don't
register that I was there so what happens is I am walking in the room
supermarket for example and I want to buy something but they cannot reach the
space over here the consciousness over here so I walk to
the stuff I want I grab it I pray for it and I walk out the only
thing that I see in the eyes of people that they are not there this is just the
program because they cannot come here so they stay there
it's a program running all over every day every second next customer after
customer after customer, I don't care if they cannot reach this they're not worth
talking to, this is maybe hard set but this is how it works on do you want
to low yourself every time and every time get stuck in a prison again
into that less conscious space, I'm sorry, so this is what I do I don't lower
myself and there are few times not much that I do lower myself if I really want
to ask someone something or if I'm going to help someone out in the
breathing wealth course I had to step some levels down because when I'm in a
course like like this and teaching I have to experience everything again what
all the people's experiencing and then I'm stepping out and when I'm doing that
in short period of time of those days running through all the states I know
exactly which step I made and how I can get out of it back into my own space so
that is why I am consciously onconsciously I choose to record and then
I'm dropping down experiencing everything with all the people who are
going to join me and joining me in a few days and then I know how to jump out and
teach it to other people so that is one of the things that I'm choosing to lower
my consciousness and get stuck again into that process it's not really stuck
because I know I can get out but I experience that feeling of getting stuck
again and this is the that's the other thing to choose when or which level you
want to take if you can become aware of this and when you are aware of
this you can choose you are not falling into different levels you are not
feeling the gravity anymore there is gravity but you are not going into it and
sucking back into it gravity but you have to be okay with being alone 100%
because when you are in the highest state and nobody can reach you it is
like that you were alone fully alone 100 percent alone walking on the
street and nobody sees you nobody notice you and you are there just
walking until someone who actually can reach that state pops in see you catch
your attention and serve you in whatever way they are willing to serve you and
you asked so how can you become there on that level and how can you choose in it
for me and what she's letting go of everything and becoming i don't know if it is
becoming but when you are totally okay with being alone cross into your
enlightenment feeling who you are and then you can step out of that reality out
of that reality you just step back into your own space each your own level of
consciousness just breathe into your highest state and just keep breathing
into it for a lot of people when they are laying down closing their eyes they
can breathe into this that inner space it's really hard to do that outside
because you're really there's no gravity and most people are automatically going
to low down and can Into that reality again with you just keep walking and the
reality is around you but you're not going to dive in so when you are in your
own center space you're walking around you just keep breathing into yourself and
don't interact and weaken don't interact with everything around you until you are
getting used to it just walk like a nobody like you don't know anyone when
you're in a city don't know you have never been there before you know nobody you
know nobody there's nobody you know so you don't have to look for all the face
if you see someone familiar so when you're walking in that city you have no
clue you don't know anyone you can just be by yourself it's easy to do better
than in your hometown or whatever because you're always searching for
people you know and when you do this and you keep breathing inside yourself
choosing every breath for the highest state you can reach or beyond just
breathe consciously and walk over and over and over and over this is
how I do it did it in the beginning I was just breathing once becoming aware
and and step into it but just keep walking and breathing and watching
around you just watch don't interact with it with just watch around you you
don't have to ignore people but you don't want you exchange the energy on
this lower level and when you reach the top level of where you want to be and
where you are you can fully open yourself and then you are going to see
that everything starts to fade a little bit all people are if you look in
their eyes there's no spark in it there's just an automatic program what
is running just a mind who is running all the time and when you are there you can
invite everyone to come to your state which who you want to interact if you walk
into a bakery and invite him or her to get to match your level order your food
and you can see it in the eyes if someone cannot match your state
it's like program running and if they can match your state it will notice it you
will have a whole different conversation and you can feel the energy behind you
too and take that really sharp in the rest
of the rule not so this is how you know what this is how I do it and this is
what I wanted to share with you so if you like my video click on the like
button below subscribe to our YouTube channel and don't forget to share this
with all the people you would think they may find it interesting because I'm here
at loving service I love to share my insights and if you can help me now to
reach persons you think who can use this be my guest
so stay tuned and you will see me in two three weeks or you subscribe to my
breathing wealth course you can see me tomorrow again so just subscribe
No. of newborns below 400,000 for first time this year - Duration: 0:44.Recent data show Korea is quickly heading towards a demographic cliff due to its low
Statistics Korea forecasts the number of babies born this year to come to 360-thousand,...
falling below the 400-thousand level for the first time.
The number of newborns in the first five months of this year totaled 159-thousand-600,...
a decline of over 12 percent from the same period last year.
The agency says Korea's the only country in the world where the number of newborns is
to decrease by nearly half in a single generation,... pinning the blame on economic factors including
high costs for education as well as childcare.
Zynex Plays Roblox #1- Elemental Battlegrounds First Time Playing - Duration: 4:04.Sub And Like #JoinZynexArmy
Bridge project is on time, officials say - Duration: 1:27.-------------------------------------------
Exports at Korea's top 10 biz groups jump for first time in 4 years - Duration: 0:49.Korea's top ten business groups have seen a rebound in their exports for the first time
in four years.
This,... according to the Korea Economic Research Institute,... that says exports at 47 affiliates
came to a combined 119-billion U.S. dollars in the first quarter,... up nearly five percent
from the same period last year.
That's a stark contrast to the downward spiral seen since 2013.
The pickup was led by the electronics sector,... followed by steel and chemicals.
But, there are concerns that the recovery momentum will not carry over into the latter
half of the year.
The think tank says the uncertainties include increased protectionist sentiment and possible
modifications to the Korea-U.S. free trade deal.
POOL DAY AND FAMILY TIME || AmyLostSomewhere - Duration: 3:45.what picture
oh crap! I got water in my ears
I turn and see you're like
yes girl
Fun Story Time For Kids Play Pango Comics Cartoon Pango Storytime Kids Play Game Video - Duration: 11:03.Fun story time for kids play pango comics cartoon pango storytime kids play game video
M28EKM - Real Time F1 Virtual Racing Application - Duration: 4:09.Hello Guys As we all know , we are in the twenty
first century of technology and therefore we are trying and looking
forward to establish coverage in a relatively new market of a virtual
reality experience for the live F1 racing events. By developing the virtual
reality application, users will be able to experience F1 racing in a
360-degree view. This application further allows the viewers to broaden their
imaginations by allowing them to sit in the cockpit of an f1 car virtually.
This way they can enjoy the racing even while they are sitting at their homes
located in any part of the world by simply using our VR Racing app in their smartphones.
Flat screen TVs are now a thing of the past with the advent of virtual
reality. Users can now experience Formula 1 at a completely different level
with the use of our application. How is this possible? Well, we place virtual cameras all
across the F1 circuit & inside the cockpit of the Formula 1 cars
This means that the user can select his mode of viewing, he can stand with the audience in the
stadium, he can start in front of the start/finish line
or he can even sit in the driver`s seat of his favorite driver; lets say its Lewis Hamilton
All these selections can be made by the user according to his convenience throughout the racing event
And all of this in 360-degree viewing by simply using a VR headset and his own phone and our application
We know that Formula 1viewership has drastically dropped since 2008 because they
have only the TV channels. Our vision here is to revive the magic of this cutting
edge sports. We want to do it by giving the viewers an opportunity to enjoy the
free TV channels and also have an opportunity to choose the paid
subscription app that will give them the real feel of this event.
It is so convenient that all the user needs to do is just open the app and put their phone in the
VR headset. It is a cross era product which not only allows the viewer
to experience with surprise and joy but also be deeply fascinated at unknown
future; bringing their quality of life to a higher level.
A good team is a headstart in itself is what believe in ELITE. We try to balance a
friendly & professional atmosphere at the workplace which helps us to achieve our targets
in the given time period. Notifications are given in prior in the case
a deviation arises. Considering work, it is assured that it is done in
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we reach out at hand, we try to help each other to the maximum because we believe
teamwork is the path to success
poi leaves indian recipe | south indian spinach recipes | Easy Evening Tea Time Snacks | Recipes - Duration: 2:28.Traditional Recipes
GETTING DRUNK FOR THE FIRST TIME | STORY TIME!! - Duration: 8:18.Welcome back again meet akane. I'm anthony Serena and today or when we have our looks short time
Doesn't what 30 and shipwrecks along, okay? Well? Why you think about that? I'll just go and quit with my story
And there's going to be some video added to it. You can see
It happen
six years ago our first trip to Ghana and
let's just say it was like a very big experience for me because I
Don't drink and I drink but not to the point where I?
so uh
Let's just say he was the one who?
Helps that situation. I don't know it needs to be stressed me out and
There's a point where I just like you know what I'ma so to enjoy myself
And have a couple of model liners, so that was like a big entrance
We went to the bar some girlfriends of friends that you met there, they're amazing
You haven't spoken with God knows how long
You guys are watching this video. What's up? What's up? What's up? I want to give her on instagram something like for people, too
But memories guys memories, so we're in the pool now and we're drinking having fun
and Dom yeah, and
honestly guys if you're in the water and the temperature of the water I
Didn't know
How much I was drinking
But I was drinking a lot. I'm healed I got over
And once I got in the pool. Let's just say
He was lost
So Ivan was after him a little fourth invite everybody
You know I realized to lock my teeth for the room
So I made out her down sit down on the side on my rock and some extra firm desk got the key night came back
So when I came back now on my favorite scope sex man
Might be smaller school
But there's all of sudden, so I have a camera angry about the beverages, but I'm going to try our best every theater. Oh yeah
Yes, so my baby so today
When was God made her great like everything?
Whatever. It's almost yet ship some pussy wait until you know I helped her and I brought it back to the room and
She rang from the toilet not foolish enough for you to put it
And I think this you know put your finger in your mouth and throw up status
On my face don't you look where you're figuring it too? Huh? Hey come on stripping on your throat
So anyways I went over to her house watching her throw an energy bottle in the back for thoughts that she's actually throw up
She throw a bit I
Wish to the number right?
you just hold on so what happened with the friend of medical school now we put the litter on go to the club, so
What happened was actually a little bit better?
But I put her in that hold on let me tell my story alright my side of the story
So what happened was I put her in bed?
Right should see mother there
She stopped going up put her in bed
like you know what you'd never expect enough under two weeks probably to come the
Department will send us tell us that you know that what happens is rita that you will be able to make it and then I'll
Come back the room
so I went outside and was at a club and
Gathered your party and having fun, and that's what exists, but I know in the video your pictures, okay?
You're gonna see those right now this minute
somebody on Sunday
But going on right now
To Determine the winners walking the route to hotel
Hello ever and then angels there forever. Oh, they all named buffalo. That's a lot. She's looking for the
Sidebar big brother oh, okay. It was there all night. I was like. How does somebody
Leave their 12 at the time girlfriends were things about
These are girlfriends
Okay, I marry like
Probably q over. I don't want to say I really died
But I felt. I have a point because the amount of like vomit that was coming out. It was like
Beyond me let me in the bed. I even know I even ended up in the bed and he
went out there like
Maybe the pictures in the video the next day guys. Oh, I nearly breathe meanwhile
I'm in bed, and you go there, but anyways hold on first of all
Going to go to the club would be like
Hey guys
I'm so sorry really yeah
Yeah, I want you to do that right guys what this whole superfluous you are on vacation
You know me the press not sad know I worked there my scene. I told me situational
You know three background and she'd right now should be shoot through it
But I put her in bed you not I'm on senate ten minutes you guys
I'm going to go back to take care of through the committee. They won't any minute
What do you guys think when you guys speak about the video and if you go?
anyway, so yeah, that makes me like my
Drunken excuse
I never for the rest of the trip. I that I didn't even like look at any type of dress story
That's my story my drunken story if you like my story, let me know
Please don't drink like that. If you don't need to drink like that. Don't make like that and if any
Girl die or if you're in a relationship don't make them make you drink
Like don't think like that's on the vanity drink. Yes. Yes. I force it backwards of the drink next step get important enough
You're not telling the real story
Exactly, but I'm just saying if you're stressed out soldiers because it's at work day
Not what he was not worth me
for my life
Well, you know way
I want the next morning because me and that guy was working out working out working out for how much?
once before a
Couple months ago in that much much
but your original so hard to get our nice little body for Bikinis and his trunk and
My Belly wouldn't go down the way. I wanted to but anything something. That's throwing up
Well, I'll show it all like what some pictures you can see
My Mellie would like as even like sorts of cocoa a little bit, so I'm just like I said to him
I'm like maybe every time before we go on a trip
I need to do a little bit of positive my that's how you models like you know, it's a nice and a
Well, thank you
like comics and
Want to put you in my life forever forever?
what's making me happy this [ambiguous time frame] - Duration: 3:33.Hello, so I love the idea of monthly favorites videos as a good sort of catch all place to just talk about stuff that you enjoy.
However, I know that the second I decide to commit to doing that,
I will get into, like, the second month of it and discover that I have lost all joy in life, and nothing has meaning,
or, more likely, I will just find that it is such a chore that it loses all of the magic that makes me wanna do it in the first place.
AND SO I have decided that I'm go with the format, but reframe it without any sort of time constraints.
So, like, I'm gonna do a thing now, and maybe I'll do it next month, or next week, or never again.
So today, here is a numbered, but not actually ranked list of things that have made me happy in some relatively recent amount of time.
First up – oh I should say that I am also doing this because a while back I made these numbers for a video –
uhh.. [shrug] but, you know, I have them now, so I have to become a person who makes list videos?
Anyway, FIRST UP is Glow.
I watched the whole show in an afternoon and it was just fun.
It's got some issues, but watching these women, both as characters and also the actors engaging in something that just appeared so joyful was a blast to watch.
It was a solid use of a few hours of my Saturday.
Most of the finale looked like it was just magical to be a part of.
And there are some really cool featurettes of the cast, like, behind the scenes, learning to do all of their stunts, and stuff...
Uhh, it's great.
It's a wonderful show about ladies wrestling on Netflix – I didn't tell you what it was first.
Now I did. OK great.
Second is So You Think You Can Dance, which is a reality show that is what it sounds like.
And I have not seen since coming to Missoula, but I used to watch it all the time.
And then I discovered that it is one of the great perks of my Hulu membership,
and now I'm just so happy that I get to watch talented people's dreams come true,
and hear awkward commentary from my reality TV parents,
and, like, occasionally cry at people's beautiful, emotional, moving backstories. It's great.
#3 is this incredible video that Taylor made,
which, someday I'm gonna have a list – a playlist – on my channel that's just me being all,
"So, Taylor made a great video, and, blah blah blah blah."
Um, but, so Taylor made a great video.
It's just a great video about our feelings and about how we devalue them and probably we shouldn't.
But it's told through the wonderful personal story, poignant message format that Taylor is so incredible at.
#4 is a fantastic video that Sophie made about putting her art up on her walls.
She's uncomfortable even calling it art at the beginning of the video, which is silly because it's great, and it is art,
but just this idea of creating things and surrounding yourself with those things,
and valuing the things that you are creating enough to do that is just inspiring and beautiful and made my day.
Finally, #5 is a glorious Game of Thrones version of the opening number from Hamilton.
I have not been able to get it out of my head and it makes me happy how freaking good it is,
and if you like Game of Thrones and also Hamilton, you should listen to it slash watch it.
OK THAT'S ALL. Tell me about good happy-making stuff, OK, BYE!
What's up youTube so recently I a had cupping session done
sessionsession done
You know where people put cups on you, and then just pulls the muscle upwards to relieve your muscles
And it just makes you feel good
I know you're seeing it before you've seen it on Michael Phelps and I have a whole bunch of those right here ah
See don't get me wrong it looks weird, but my back feels amazed
Here's my experience on how I got my cupping session done. So here we go
everybody, so I'm here at acupuncturist with tomorrow and we are going to be doing a
cupping session I've never had any
Copying of some sort in my body, so I'm super excited and super nervous at the same time to do this any advice Relax
It's gonna be fine. I love it. All right trust me. I do sure okay all right got it
So what does cupping do so cupping is a really ancient?
Method of healing all around the world is in the middle east institute in Africa is using AsIa usually used with fire
But now these days we actually use suction because it's a little bit safer, and I can control how strong it is
And what the what that's going to do is kind of pull up
On the mush this muscle in the tissues
And it's going to kind of pull out all the gesta and it's going to start to bring in circular
Circulation you like the areas that you your body kind of starts to forget about because it's there all the time yeah
So the cupping is like a safe way to get your body to like
Remember that needs to work on that area and it brings all that blood flow and healing to that area gosh
I'm going to be so relaxed now do this like
Alright. I'm good alright, so I'm going to find the oil
So this is what a massage except backwards
Just do it. Yes exactly
experts massage, so we're going to have we're going to pull up instead of pressing in and
Coming does leave some mark because it's bringing all that less low up
We like to say it does look a little bit like you lost a fight with an octopus cool
because of Barodia Pizza
You can tell it like that bernie pisa. How about you whoa doggies? Yeah?
Well cool. Cool cool. Okay. I meant can I do one more yeah, well more pop. How's that?
Good, okay
whoa, whoa
So yes very very popular with athlete. Tell me if anything's you strong, and we'll just pull it back a little bit
Wow, like so you wanna your cooking so she will be
Give me up. I think it feels awesome. Just food, but basically oh
The look of reptile nothing like that. Yeah if anyone gets too strong go ahead, let me know not it will go great no
It's like so much like pulling my skill
you can see the skin is a little bit starting to turn red underneath a
Little bit purple up on the upper ones
and that's just pulling the blood up to the surface and told me to bring all kind of new fresh blood and
circulation to the area also good, oh
Yeah, if you live in in our sandwich
They're big cities or anywhere where you've gotten stresses is really this role really does help a lot
It helps with pain it also helps been traditionally use when people have fevers or cold especially in Southeast Asian cultures on with Vietnam
It's very often used to help
Bring the fever up to the surface of the skin and release fevers it cools the blood when it comes up higher
One way to help reduce fevers. Well, I actually did a workshop for a forensic science group a lot of times
Kids will get sick or something happens and they end up in the emergency room and especially from South Asian families
They may have done something like this or something called washout
Which is when you create the skin it gets mistaken for child of you the marks oh
So I went to speak to the scientists and the police
Department and nurses about
cupping and watch on traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Asian medicine and how
how the therapeutic value works and what it actually looks like we make it tell the difference between
Therapy and child abuse. Oh, it looks pretty good sometimes I get people in here
And it's so dark that it's like black what you know like mixed with a kansas skin turned completely black what?
Happens in for people with injury of people that are holding a lot of stress
Older Folks
Almost glow a little yeah, we call it stagnation. We're stuck get strapped
So you literally have just no circulation, and it's getting sort of trapped in that area
And so we're pulling it back up, and so that's why you'll get so much discoloration there
We noticed that people hold a lot attention sometimes in this area. They don't even realize it. Yeah
along the outside of the Scapula
Cool. Let me think it none of us sit where I pressure this isn't hurt right, so okay
So you don't have any spinal disc herniation is anything like that?
Sucking am Akira think to go over your spine
This edge of this one seems a little darker, so I'm going to put one in the middle of that
Let's see if we can pull something off there
oh As I'm looking in areas where it's really just coloring and that's going to show me where to put more cups
So I know you wanted to try as trouble a bit more technique
And one that you should call
lighting cup and when you grab a little oil
So sliding coming is where we're going to take the cup and and literally just slide it on the cantaloupe
How many bits to strong it can be stronger okay? So I'm simply going to grab it and
We're going to pull it
Whoa, how's it feeling? It feels really good. Yeah, wow so like if it's kind of like a massage in reverse. Yeah
definitely go see
Like duct tape. Yeah, don't take I would like give up an awful. Good. Domino is a good way, so it's like on
Lunacy I don't know I'm sad with the melody
It's easier to get like a big area and just kind of stimulate the back way just getting things circulating
We can always stop it or we can reduce deflection - whoa this one right there. That's so cool. Woo. Oh
Which one does of this? I think it's really different for everybody everybody likes different
You know depending on what their pain level is or what's going on with their body right there?
It's great that means that it's working. It's going stuff up and oh
Yeah, I know that's awesome. We want that. It's like the whole good. We know
They're not dying. This is your opposite of dying. You're getting better
Yes, it's harder to do the neck when you're face down. It looks a little better on your mother
But you know like what I can do. I'll show you one other techniques that we do
Oh, whether shaw or these little red marks that help
to D granulate the tissue
basically a lot of cultures use either a coin or
Scoop I get tiny sticks booth. I'm using jade today. Oh
So we just scrape down
The area to help release the muscle
And this is one of those things when you see what it looks like afterwards that can look a little scary
But it that usually feels really great when it's happening, and this is another ancient ancient technique, but it's still
Commonly used in a lot of Salvation families
This is what happens when you drill these bathtub challenges. Oh
Jumping into things right around my body breaks everything
Thank you for fixing me. Oh. Yeah, anybody says they saw that they saw this on
Guava juice, I'll give you $20 off your squirrel procession
Oh link it in the description below if you want to go here they on the same table. I'm laying it. Oh was it whoa?
That don't quit. They're cool. Don't get again everything closed
I'm just really lightly conned trying to integrate
Everything still okay?
Looks gnarly, I can't wait to see what I look like looks gnarly
But it feels good and now you're just like Michael. Phil. Yeah
Exactly, well. Yeah, you could win a medal walk out of here and win a medal and mess up your hair yeah, I
Mean your head for a betting is like awesome and all so it would be a baby
All Righty, I
Think you're good birth cupping session you survived it. I did that was
So good
Look, do you see look goes it? I guess it's pretty impressive really yeah, wow
Look coke
Whoo all right well anyways I hope you enjoyed today's video
That was extremely amazing special thing since tomorrow for giving me my first session
It was great absolutely anything
So if you want experience an acupuncture or a cupping session on the same table that I did and mine
so you can look at
Everything will be in the link in the description below check it out this cool wow amazing. Stay Juicy
Arbeitstier & Bärenmutter: Anne Wünsche hat keine "Me-Time"! - Duration: 1:40.-------------------------------------------
Please give me at least 30 minutes of free time! [Hello Counselor / 2017.07.31] - Duration: 17:55.Let me ask you something.
You don't trust your wife?
Or you don't trust other men in Korea?
I don't trust anybody.
- Not even your wife? / - No.
You don't trust your wife?
She gave birth to 3 children with you.
I don't trust her yet.
You don't trust her after 14 years?
Then when will you be able to trust her?
Maybe after another 10 years.
Let's take an example.
If your wife gets tired of everything
and decides to leave you, what would you do?
Everything is under her name.
Our restaurants, our house and even my phone.
Is that why you're following her around?
If I didn't trust her...
You should've said that from the beginning.
- Please give some to him. / - Give some to him.
He keeps telling me that everything is under my name.
You'd prefer to give them to him and have freedom?
Yes, that is what I would prefer.
I'm upset, too. I haven't met my friends for 10 years.
- Go out. / - Go meet your friends.
Go meet them and have things under your name.
(Well done Jung Chanwoo!)
Go meet them and have things under your name.
Why did you put up with this for 14 years?
You could've exploded.
I'm afraid to make things worse.
We have a family. We have kids.
I have to bear with it. That's why I stay silent.
Other people around you know about this, right?
They think it's because he loves me very much.
I guess that's how it looks to other people.
"You must've saved a country in your previous life."
"You're so lucky. How can you complain?"
They don't think it's serious.
So I'm the only one who gets frustrated.
This is what's sad.
It's great that you love your wife very much.
But why do you live with someone you don't trust?
Are you that unsure of yourself?
You think she will go to any other man she meets?
There's nothing great about you?
Also, other men have
their own philosophies.
They have moral values, too.
Don't look at them like they're...
Korea is a safe country.
(Please don't worry anymore)
Look at your outfit. She should be suspicious of you.
You're dressed like you're about to go clubbing.
What is that on your pants?
It's a mask from a drama.
A mask.
Why did you have to put it on there?
(That serves you right)
What is he like when you two are working?
Our two restaurants are 10 minutes apart.
We work separately. He's at the Chinese restaurant.
He can look at the other store through his phone.
But there are blind spots on the camera.
So if I'm on my way to the bathroom, he asks,
"I can't see you. Where are you?"
"I'm in the bathroom."
He must be watching all the time.
"Where are you planning to go?"
Where else? She goes to the bathroom to pee.
I could be talking to a male staff or customer.
If we're talking, he calls me and asks,
"What are you talking about so joyfully?"
I can't answer the phone when I'm really busy.
Then he calls the restaurant.
I answer it thinking it's a reservation call.
"I guess you're really busy." Then he hangs up.
It's really suffocating.
You keep watching her on the camera?
We only opened the lamb skewer place a year ago.
She doesn't know much about it
so I watch the camera to keep things under control.
But you check on where she goes.
The owner should keep an eye on the restaurant.
She is there.
If she's gone for 30 minutes, I'd understand.
I don't know whether she's in the bathroom or not.
Must she tell you she's going to poop?
She can just answer her phone.
That's why I bought her a wireless headset.
(Oh my)
She can answer my call and tell me.
She has to answer the call while she's peeing?
I do. I always have it around my neck.
Imagine how busy I must be.
I have to look at my phone...
Sure. It must be tough.
Why do you live like that?
Aren't you tired?
I'm fine. I can do this for 10 more years.
(3,650 more days)
Is he sensitive only about you going out?
Is he nice to you when you're home?
He restrains me in other things, too.
He takes care of the finances at home.
So things are yours only on paper.
What? You said you gave everything to her.
- He makes me use credit cards only. / - No cash?
- I can't use cash. / - Why not?
So he can figure out where she has gone.
So he can tell where I've been.
Before I buy essentials or children's clothes,
I have to confirm with him first.
- He has to okay it first? / - Yes.
What else does he control?
He picks out my outfit every day.
What? Your outfits?
Did he tell you to wear this today?
He doesn't let you buy what you want?
He says I have a terrible taste.
I always have to wear casual suits.
I have to carry certain bags.
He says that way I won't gain more weight.
That's what he tells me.
Did he pick out that outfit, too?
Hey! People like us must wear vertical stripes.
No horizontal stripes.
That way we look taller.
It's ridiculous. He says everything is under my name.
When our second child was less than 100 days old
he told me he wants to start a Chinese restaurant.
Then he said, "You have to start working in 2 weeks."
He never discussed it with you?
Then after our third child grew up he said,
"I'm going to redo the interior."
"Go work at the lamb skewer place."
So he never discusses anything important with you.
She's more like a slave than a wife.
A man doesn't need a woman when he does business.
You're disregarding her.
You're starting to show your true personality.
Everyone here is quite shocked.
A man becomes indecisive when a woman gets involved.
But she's your wife.
This is the year 2017. Isn't that right?
Is that so?
Don't you have a daughter?
Would you be like this to her when she grows up?
Not to my daughter.
How would you feel if your daughter's husband
restrained her like you are doing to your wife?
My daughter wouldn't live like that.
Then why are you making your wife live like that?
We've known each other for so long.
You're being unfair.
(Let's just drink water)
Let's meet the family members.
I'm her mother.
It must break your heart.
When does she seem to suffer the most?
I went to a cafe with my daughter once.
After about 10 minutes, he didn't call
so I got worried first.
Because he always calls?
It's very upsetting.
Have you ever talked to him about it?
If I step in, I'm afraid
things might get bad between them.
Is there something that he does well?
He treats me well on holidays and my birthdays.
He gives me lots of spending money.
He doesn't even let me cook when I'm here.
He makes me my favorite dishes.
Even when he's very busy.
He's doing a good job.
If he wasn't so obsessive, he'd be a great man.
He loves her very much. He's good to her mother.
This must be their daughter.
She got upset as she listened to her mom.
I'm Choi Nayeon in middle school.
- You're the eldest? / - Yes.
You're really big.
Do you think your dad restrains your mom too much?
He calls every 10 minutes when we go shopping.
"Where are you? When are you coming back?"
Mom looks like she's having a hard time.
He doesn't do the same thing to you at all?
No, he doesn't.
I would hate it if he did that to me.
Couldn't you tell him not to do that to mom?
- "Dad! Just stop!" / - He would listen to you.
They are always busy working.
I don't talk to them much, so it feels awkward.
You don't get to talk to them much?
What would you like to do with them?
I want to go to an amusement park.
That's nothing big.
You've never gone with them?
About 4 years ago?
(She's longing for her parents' love)
She wants to go to an amusement park with you.
Can't you do that for her?
I want to do that for her, too.
But we can't afford to do that right now.
Last year, I let the children
and my mother-in-law go to China.
Did your wife go, too?
No. She had to work.
It's more meaningful to go with her parents.
But that would cost a lot of money.
I have to hire people to work for us.
That would cost $120 per day per person.
If I hire two people, that's $240.
How many $4 noodles must I sell to make $240?
(Ha ha ha ha ha)
Why are you laughing?
You don't think we can calculate that?
(How much was that?)
Aren't you working hard for your family's happiness?
But your family isn't happy.
If we work harder for 10 more years
we would be able to live comfortably.
I don't think you'll let go after 10 years.
I am an ambitious person.
I want to do a lease business.
If everything works out,
she won't leave even if I tell her to.
So she has to live like this for 10 years?
You're being obsessive because she has to work?
Because you have to make her work?
Yes. Because I love her.
It's to protect my family.
But your family isn't happy right now.
It's not about you becoming successful by yourself.
Everyone else is suffering.
It's meaningless to be successful by yourself.
You keep saying you want to protect your family.
Did you ever get hurt by your family?
I was born into a traditional family in Hwanghae-do.
I'm the second son.
I was treated unfairly a lot because of that.
That's why I want to create a happy family.
That's why I live like this.
I'm doing my best to live my life fully,
but she says she's hurt. I'm quite shocked.
I came to Korea when I was 20 years old.
I worked from 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. every day.
I worked hard for 20 years without a break.
Who will repay me for that?
Think of it this way.
I did it so she has to do it as well.
That's what you're saying.
That's not love.
Did you love her to be repaid?
Did you work hard to be repaid?
It's love when you make the other person happy.
He keeps telling you to wait 10 years.
What do you think?
I'll suffocate to death before that.
I'm too frustrated.
I wish I could have one hour every 3 to 4 months
to spend time alone reading books.
You came here just for an hour?
I will give you that one hour.
(What did he just say?)
(How frustrating)
You shouldn't say it like you're giving a gift.
This is how you feel, right?
Why can't she understand how I feel?
I'm doing everything well. What's wrong with her?
You know that he loves you, right?
You want him to love you a little less.
That's the scary thing.
What do you think love is between a married couple?
You share hardships,
you share joy.
You trust each other. But...
He's too...
He won't give me even 10 minutes to think on my own.
Is that really love?
I didn't want to say this.
She went through two big surgeries.
- She was sick? / - Yes.
She removed her bladder and had cervical cancer.
I was quite shocked then.
(He got upset thinking about the past)
She had to be put under before the surgeries.
I cried so much before she went in.
She was put under general anesthesia.
Big or small, cancer is cancer.
If she dies, who would raise our children?
That's why I became more obsessive.
She must stay alive.
When was that?
It was about 2 years ago.
Excuse me, but I asked you when that was because
I've talked to many professionals about this.
She doesn't smoke and she doesn't drink often.
If she had cancer, it's because of stress.
The person who put her in
that surgery room was you.
You put her there and you were sad about it.
That's ridiculous. That doesn't make sense.
What would you like to say to him?
I should work hard.
Please look at him while you talk.
I will work hard.
Please give me at least 30 minutes.
Why is that so hard to say?
(She is in tears out of frustration)
Do you understand her concern now?
(Nod nod)
Is it a concern? Ahn Jihwan first.
I've been broke before.
Being broke is inconvenient but not unfortunate.
You can buy a building later by saving up money,
but your children will have left you already.
All you have to do is change the way you think.
It's very simple.
So I don't think it's a concern.
She has the right to spend time alone.
If you take that away from her
I think she'll lose her health and happiness.
You keep talking about 10 more years.
But once you lose your health, it's all meaningless.
You may not even have 2 years.
If you understand her concern, press the button.
(What does the audience think?)
5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Please stop.
Why don't you say a word to your wife?
I've never proposed to you even after having 3 kids.
I never got you a ring.
But if we work harder for 10 more years...
(Who can stop this stubborn man?)
(Oh gee)
Please, don't say that.
You don't express your feelings well.
She is willing to work hard with you
for the next 10 years.
She will. She just wants 30 minutes of free time.
Please, talk about that.
I will give you an hour.
- A week? / - Every day?
One hour every week is too much.
That's too much?
(I knew it)
Be a man. One hour every week.
She has worked hard all her life.
One hour every week.
Okay. One hour every week.
You won't call?
No calls. One hour.
If he doesn't keep his word, write to us again.
(I'll go read books)
Please, show us the result.
How many votes did they get?
163 out of 200 votes?
(They got 153 votes)
The 50 Greatest Disco Songs - Best Disco Songs Of All Time - Super Disco Hits - Duration: 2:22:19.
20 Greatest Horror Movies Of All Time - Duration: 12:10.The horror genre is home to a lot of quality flicks, as well as low-budget schlock, making
it hard for a viewer to determine what's good and what's a waste of time.
Fortunately, we've patched together a list of those films that are worth the watch.
Though these movies are all pretty different in subject matter and tone, they're all worthwhile
horror films that have helped define the genre.
The Exorcist
Even four decades after its release, 1973's The Exorcist is still the possession thriller
by which all others are judged, and for good reason.
Its ability to infuse a stewing sense of dread alongside moments of body horror stands alone.
The grotesque tour de force made no apologies for its use of profanity or gross body fluid
spewing, and it's a lasting classic as a result.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Existing at the perfect intersection of art and schlock, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre from
1974 is a tangibly dirty, grungy, and frightening movie.
Launching sequels and a remake franchise that are by turns too loud and too trashy, the
movie that started it all is an exercise in unpleasantness.
Its characters are largely unlikable, its villains the perfect version of incomprehensible
hillbilly cruelty.
"Look what your brother did to the door!"
The plot, essentially about a Texas road trip that goes south fast, will remind you why
they tell you not to ever talk to strangers, pick up hitchhikers, or ask questions about
what's going on in the rickety old house at the edge of town.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The very definition of a time-worn tale in cinema, the 1978 version of Invasion of the
Body Snatchers is a story that's been remade over and over again, which speaks to the strength
of its premise.
The feeling of being helpless in an unrecognizable society is something many might identify with,
but the slow burn introduction of these alien invaders is deeply disturbing.
Thrilling to the final frame, it's a story that stays with you, anchored by an excellent
cast of smart, unique characters that you root for — making it hurt all the more when
they fail and fall.
Ridley Scott's Alien from 1979 continues to resonate so many years later because it has
a lot of unique qualities — a female protagonist who's just as strong and capable as anybody
else, a profound sense of isolation, and an enemy that cannot be reasoned with.
Its characters are constantly under the gun, tasked with identifying their threat while
simultaneously struggling to survive against it.
Beyond the impressive intellectual framework, there are also some shock and awe scenes that
have since become iconic moments of cinema.
The Shining
With brilliant performances from its cast, quotable lines, unmatched cinematography,
and those awful twins, The Shining from 1980 is an absolute masterpiece.
"Hereee's Johnny!"
It worms its way into your head with beautiful imagery and a hypnotic pace, showing the dissolution
of one man's sanity over the course of an isolated winter at the Overlook Hotel.
Stanley Kubrick's at his best here, with deliberate choices made for each frame that's as visually
stunning as it is packed with unforgettable tension.
The Thing
John Carpenter is considered the Master of Horror, and this may well be his best effort
in the genre.
Taking creature feature elements and combining them with the who's-who paranoia of a Body
Snatchers remake, The Thing from 1982 plants its characters in isolated Antarctica and
tasks them with surviving against an alien lifeform that can assume their likenesses.
It's a rich premise that combines subtle, character-based interplay with full-blown
body horror, like a human head scuttling around with spider legs.
With a cast to root for and a villain to fear, The Thing is Exhibit A in the argument for
John Carpenter's primacy among horror engineers, a remake that runs laps around its source
material and bests any modern attempts to do better.
Return of the Living Dead
An offshoot of George Romero's Living Dead films, this spiritual cousin is easily one
of the most goofily enjoyable zombie movies ever.
1985's Return of the Living Dead follows a group of dirtbag ravers whose graveyard party
gets upset by a zombie uprising caused by acid rain.
Return takes a lively approach to its material that still feels fresh, even if the hilariously
dated fashion of the characters decidedly does not.
"Why do you eat people?"
"Not people, brains!"
Being too self-serious about zombie material is a trap that lots of movies fellows fall
into, but Return sidesteps that problem with aplomb.
It's not a parody — just a great ride.
Jacob's Ladder
This quiet character study from 1990 follows Jacob Singer, a Vietnam veteran and postal
service worker who slowly comes to believe that either his sanity or reality itself is
falling apart.
The film is notable for some standout sequences.
Take, for example, Singer's long gurney ride through a hellish hospital littered with body
parts, blood, and inhuman monsters gone mad.
The sequence has influenced horror media for decades afterward, so even if you haven't
seen this movie, you've definitely seen its impact.
In the decades since its release, it's developed into a noted cult classic, lauded for its
indelible imagery as much as the deep melancholy at its core.
The first film ever to kick off the self-aware horror trend is also still the best.
"Oh just some scary movie."
"You like scary movies?"
"Uh huh."
"What's your favorite scary movie?"
Wes Craven — who was already horror royalty thanks to The Hills Have Eyes, The People
Under the Stairs, and the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise — outdid himself with Scream
in 1996.
This funny, freaky slasher flick subverted every trope in the book and roundly mocked
the horror genre at large, while still scaring the hell out of its audience.
"Oh you wanna play psycho killer?"
"Can I be the helpless victim?"
The Blair Witch Project
The found-footage project that started it all, 1999's The Blair Witch Project launched
plenty of copycat projects that never got anywhere close to the haunted, pine-scented
quality of the original.
The forest itself becomes the monster in this ultra low-budget camcorder picture, where
every tangle of twigs and leaves takes on eerie suspicion.
Following a group of hapless young filmmakers as they circle the wilderness, lost and increasingly
certain they're being hunted, the film is a story about madness, isolation and distrust
while still infusing a classic ghost story in its bones.
Its title antagonist is never truly seen and maybe not even real, but that's part of the
beauty of the film.
The witch's absence offers an uncertainty that gets to the heart of what horror is — fear,
and a sense of helplessness, in the face of the unknown.
Back in the days before OKCupid or eHarmony, a widowed middle-aged businessman had to get
creative when it came to finding a date… or at least, that's the premise of Audition
from 1999.
This Japanese horror film is a very slow burn with a scream-worthy finale, as the poor lovelorn
protagonist realizes that the young lady he's auditioned to be his new bride comes with
a checkered past and some disturbing baggage.
In addition to boasting stellar performances and a creative, scary script, Audition has
the added benefit of making your worst Tinder date look like a great time by comparison.
The Descent
Claustrophobes be wary.
If you've got a fear of being trapped in tight spaces, The Descent from 2005 is one of the
scariest movies you could watch.
The unique story of a group of female cavers who get lost in the uncharted depths, The
Descent is a top-notch horror experience that gets taken to the next level when the heroes
stop spelunking and have to start caving-in monsters' skulls.
They've got to fight for survival, all while wading through massive lakes of blood.
Be sure to catch the version with the original ending, which was deemed too dark for U.S.
audiences and cut from the theatrical release.
The Mist
A lot of Stephen King's horror novels have been made into movies or TV shows, but only
some of them have been successful at translating the tension and terror of the source material
to the screen.
"I don't think you'd like it Henry."
The Mist was of the few to get it right thanks to the unsettling plot tweaks sprinkled in
by writer-director Frank Darabont.
The 2007 film tells the story of a New England town beset by unspeakable, otherworldly horrors
that descend under the cover of an impenetrable, mysterious mist.
It's a solid monster movie, but its scariest moments are the ones that reveal the dark
tribalism of human beings who believe they're witnessing the end of the world, and it pulls
no punches on that front.
King even famously said that Darabont's gut-wrenching twist ending for the film is the one he wishes
he'd written himself.
Paranormal Activity
Found footage horror got a fresh face with this 2007 movie, which proved that you don't
need a gothic mansion or dilapidated cabin in the woods to make a highly effective haunting
All the action of Paranormal Activity takes place in the comfy, carpeted setting of a
suburban townhome, as a pair of newlyweds learn that they're not entirely alone in their
Like its genre predecessor The Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity is all about
the slow burn.
Even the most ordinary occurrences like a door swinging shut or a hall light illuminating
offscreen are imbued with foreboding, and the teeny-tiny cast does a convincing job
of making the "found footage" premise feel real.
Profoundly disturbing to the point of being unwatchable, 2008's Martyrs was one of the
progenitors of the French "extreme horror" movement, and earned that distinction in every
single way.
From the opening sequence, which depicts the chillingly merciless murder of an entire family,
the movie only gets harder to watch.
It's a "curiosity killed the cat" parable about revenge, mercy, and humanity's search
for meaning, and it's unlike anything you've ever seen.
It challenges you to keep watching right up to the cruel and bitter end.
But watch the original, rather than the 2016 remake -- because that one's scary for a whole
different series of reasons.
Let the Right One In
Not to be confused with Let Me In, the regrettable American remake, Let the Right One In was
a sleepy Swedish surprise.
In the 2008 pic, a bullied young boy named Oskar makes friends with an unusual new neighbor
who only comes out at night because, well, she's a vampire.
But Let the Right One In doesn't go the way of Twilight or True Blood and try to get too
campy about human-vampire relations.
Instead, it's a smart piece of commentary on the loneliness of the human condition — that
is, when people aren't being drained of blood, bursting into flames, or getting torn to shreds
by a bunch of cute little kitties.
You're Next
Home invasion thrillers are a staple subgenre within the horror-film family, and You're
Next is a perfect specimen of this often-mishandled storyline.
With an opening scene that sets just the right mood, a stylish execution, and a bad-ass final
girl who you'll be rooting for from the get-go — there's nothing about this 2011 movie
that isn't utterly on point.
Except, maybe, for the fact that there's no sequel.
Goodnight Mommy
This Austrian feature from 2014 is a master class in making the audience feel very, very
Two twins develop a syndrome that makes them believe their mother, lost in depression after
being disfigured in an accident, has been replaced by an impostor.
The story unfolds with trainwreck inevitability, as their investigation turns from curious
to cruel, playing with the allegiances of the audience in an excruciating way.
The story is riddled with blank spaces and patches of silence where a lesser film would
try to tell the audience too much.
The amazing result is that viewers have to do the legwork on figuring out what's really
going on.
And the film is not so much about jump surprises as it is about the pure horror of watching
innocent children do terrible, unspeakable things.
The Witch
Not only is The Witch historically authentic to an eerie degree, but its careful approach
to introducing scary, supernatural elements into the real-life religious anxieties of
colonial New Englanders is intensely unsettling.
And the climax of this 2015 film is an emotional piece of hell.
A lot hinges on the endings of horror movies, and this one sticks the landing with confidence.
It's an unsparing picture, the very meaning of dreadful, and a modern classic.
Get Out
A meet-the-parents situation goes terribly awry in Jordan Peele's directorial debut Get
Out, which hit theaters in 2017 amid a wave of well-deserved buzz.
The movie follows interracial couple Rose and Chris, who are visiting for a weekend
at Rose's parents' estate — a classy place where the polished veneer of white liberal
tolerance turns out to be masking some deep, dark, terrifying secrets about why there aren't
more black folks in town.
Get Out fully lives up to the hype, delivering suspense and scares while also tackling complex
and uncomfortable racial issues with incisive wit.
If it doesn't make you scream, it'll definitely make you squirm.
"Sink into the floor, sink."
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DOFUS Touch Time – Incarnam Lairs - Duration: 2:51.-------------------------------------------
'Time for talk is over' regarding North Korea: Haley - Duration: 1:51.The American ambassador to the UN says the "time for talk is over" regarding North Korea,
following its latest ballistic missile test.
Nikki Haley's patience with China is also running thin.
She says Beijing must condemn the regime, and actively deter any further provocations.
Yu Joonhee reports.
Ambassador Nikki Haley say there is "no point" in holding another emergency session of the
UN Security Council,... unless the international community is willing to seriously challenge
North Korea.
In a statement released on Sunday, Haley said...
Pyongyang has already defied numerous UN sanctions,... and further talks would be a "waste of time",
in the absence of full cooperation from UN member states.
She also echoed President Trump's opinion,... that China must take a more active role in
reining in the rogue state, being its main trading partner and lone military ally.
Trump vented his frustration over China's indifferent stance, tweeting on Sunday that
Beijing had done nothing to address the regime's growing threat.
Vice President Mike Pence, was also stern in his view that the U.S. should continue
applying intense pressure on North Korea, until it forfeits its nuclear and missile
Speaking to reporters during an official trip to Estonia on Sunday,...
Pence said Washington would gather the support of nations across the world to further isolate
Pyongyang economically and diplomatically.
He also appeared to take aim at the previous administration's foreign policy approach,
saying the "era of strategic patience is over" with North Korea.
The Vice President was softer in his criticism of Beijing,... saying although China could
do more... it had taken unprecedented steps to rein in the pariah state.
Pence pointed out China's unique relationship with the Kim Jong-un regime,... that gives
it a rare ability to significantly influence decisions made by the North.
Yu Joonhee, Arirang News.
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