Funny Videos
For Kids In Hindi
Video #5 (a): Breed Focus: The Pandikona Dog by Mr. Kodanda Ramu Reddy [Subtitles in English] - Duration: 7:04.Hi, this is Ramu.
I am a native of Kurnool. I am a software professional in Bangalore. I work for HP.
This video is about Pandikona dogs.
We are trying to cover whatever information we could,
- to give more exposure to this breed.
First thing, I am not a dog breeder.
I just wanted to let you know because I don't want people calling me for dogs
I am just trying to bring awareness among people,
- about this wonderful breed.
Which has evolved naturally into very good and sturdy dogs.
These dogs are very strong, very loyal and very intelligent.
They are relatively immune to diseases that usually affect other dogs.
There is no selective breeding of these dogs.
In Pandikona, only a dominant male mates a female.
Hence, these dogs have evolved naturally.
These dogs come in a variety of different shades.
There is no particular pattern with skin coat shade,
- in Pandikona dogs.
One can see: a combination of black and white, pure black,
- completely white with patches of red or some other mixed colors; it can be of any shade.
These dogs have a very good and obvious bone structure, unlike other free-ranging dogs or pye-dogs.
These dogs are free-ranging. No dogs are tied at home.
Each dog has its own territory or boundary, and they roam freely in the village,
- and get into fights very frequently (with each other).
These dogs take their guarding duties very seriously.
And do not allow anyone to trespass in their territory without their master's presence.
They can coexist with other farm animals without any issues, but few dogs have more prey drive (than others).
Such dogs are given away to other villages.
Only quality and well-behaved dogs are kept in the village; like they should not bite people for no reason,
- and they should not kill other animals like sheep or hen.
Dogs which have all and only good qualities, stay (kept) in the village.
You will know the difference when you get to own a Pandikona dog.
To get a dog from Pandikona, you need to travel down to the village of Pandikona and get it from the villagers.
And it is not the practice in Pandikona to sell dogs for money.
They basically give dogs and pups to people in their farming circles and shepherding circles.
I have seen many dogs being picked up by police officers,
- and other government officials for guarding their farms and houses.
The reason that these dogs are strong and fierce is because, this terrain used to be home to leopards, jackals,
- wild boar and many other wild animals.
And these dogs were used to defend -
- against these leopards and mostly wild boar.
Since these villagers are traditionally cattle herders, these dogs were and still are,
- used effectively as shepherd and livestock guardian dogs.
I want to mention one more thing: you get to see markings on these Pandikona dogs.
These are made by the villagers, with hot iron to improve the immune system of dogs.
This is a very old practice that the villagers follow to keep their dogs healthy and strong.
I have witnessed many dogs crossing 14 to 15 years of age.
That shows how strong and healthy the dogs are in the village.
Most of the Pandikona dogs come to heat twice in a year, with a litter size of five to eight pups.
Now let us go to Pandikona and see these beautiful dogs.
I am Adhi Narayana from Pandikona village, Kurnool District.
Ever since my childhood,
- I have been keeping dogs.
The dogs from my village,
- are generally brave and fierce.
Next to our village is the forest, which is inhabited by Leopards, Wild Boar and
- Jackals.
We keep these dogs for guarding our homes and our farms, and mainly our livestock. When the sheep go into the forest for grazing,
- the dogs protect them from Jackals; deter and sometimes fight them to guard the sheep.
Pandikona dogs are of good height and build.
Overall, they can be termed as,
- medium-sized dogs.
And these are strong and powerful dogs. We have given some dogs and pups to different states and districts.
Police officials have taken Pandikona dogs for their homes.
Officials from the Collector's office have gotten pups from here, and pups have also been taken to other states.
Pandikona dogs are synonymous here for their strong sense of loyalty and strength.
This has garnered a notable reputation for the village.
These dogs are primarily work dogs and are raised for that purpose.
They accompany their masters or the bulls to the fields in the morning.
They remain there until dusk and return to their respective homes in the village after sunset on their own.
Both the pups you see here are from my village. As you can notice, they are strong and powerful for their age.
Both these pups are just over 2 months old. And both, are from the same old line,
- which our elders bred in their time. We have tried to preserve the same line by maintaining them.
There used to be a dog in every household in the village.
A very special thanks to Mr. Venkata Ramana Pasila for his original efforts to shine light on the Pandikona dogs.
End of Part 1
How to Come up with Good Ideas and Make Great Video Content! 'How to make a YouTube Video Vol 1. - Duration: 13:10.Today I'm showing you how I come up with an idea, research, gather the data, and
transform it into an amazing video content. This part 1 of my series on the
whole process of creating a video, filming it, editing it, uploading it to
YouTube and promoting it so it can be successful on here!! Stay Tuned!
Not three separate devices, this is one device! To associate with people who are better then yourself.
I am gonna make him an offer he cannot refuse!
Hey everybody I'm Sam and this is Entiversal!
Today I was thinking: what video should I make and this idea came to me that there
are a lot of people wondering how do I make videos how I can get involved in
this process of making a video and uploading it to YouTube and this is my
first video of series of how to be on YouTube and create content with 0 budget
the only things that you need is your hard work and your time and I believe we
have a ton of that, right? So let's just get into it! You want to talk about stuff that
you're already thinking you're already interested in because that's how you can
put your heart into it and just speak freely and not trying to memorize
something or okay I need to do that about that and I think that's that's the
most important thing speak about stuff that you're interested in speak about
stuff that you already can speak you know you already speak to friends
so why not make a video about it, you know! Okay so Idea of a video? And I recently
did my five favorite the best movies of the first half of 2017 and by the way
which you can watch and I was thinking okay so what can i film now I'm
still you know in this phase I'm thinking about movies so okay five best
movie than five always movies I don't really want to talk about the worst
movies right and I don't really watch you know bad movies
and okay so what about the movies that, you know let me down the most the movies
that I expected them to be good or respected something of them but they
just didn't deliver right that can actually be very controversial because
for some people you know they love them some people will hate them and I can
just say what let me down what I didn't like what I expected to be good but it
wasn't but then I can say okay but like that and that then you can see what
score I gave them and this will spark communication people will either
love me or hate me or you know support me and this is a great idea, right? That is the idea of
of videos okay so how we start as I said I want to talk about my five
biggest disappointments of movies in the first half of 2017 I'll be able to
connect my five best movies on the first half 2017 so go to google chrome and there is
this wonderful website which I'll be talking a lot about which is called IMDB
so here from like two years or three years and a half I am not sure. I start adding
adding every movie that I watch so here I have a very good chronology of the all
movies that I have watched previously a obviously and in 2017 so what would you get
into it and and I will select release date because I know I want the ones we're
which were in 2017 right and I'm going there and I'll try to see okay so
which movies were my biggest disappointment and You might not be making
a video for movies but whatever you are just think about what you want to speak and
just find a place where maybe you have gathered information about that maybe
you chatted it with your friends or is just in your head just open a MC word and
just try think about that just write it down
have it on paper "paper" and that is your scratch, that is your base and it doesn't have to be
perfect doesn't have to be good it just has to be your thoughts and how you feel
because how you feel should be the the base of every video of everything you're
doing that's the thing that nobody else has never be perfect never might not
even be that good but just give it the best you can and don't don't
procrastinate and don't wait just do it so I'll try to actually extract the ones
I got quite disappointed with but okay so I guess in 2017 the word but
those are four okay so don't hate me you know I'll talk about those movies and
we'll see how you feel but I wanted five and anyways you know
I might do ten or I might do three or whatever so when you have your thing you always
always want to search for what others have done
and you shouldn't copy them in my example maybe I have forgotten some
movie you know how maybe there is a movie that was big disappointment but
still I just didn't think about it or maybe I haven't watched it so I want to
go ahead and watch it and and see if I feel if it is a big disappointment and that
can start very good you know discussion and whatever you are doing for your video
just search for you know the biggest the biggest three, four videos or blogs
or whatever talking about that and see if what you're doing is some kind of
relevant what others are doing and you should always keep your ideas as
a base but you can see what others have done and maybe include something but
always think about how to do it better because you want it to be as relevant to
as many people as you possibly can but you want to do it better so you know go
to their comments, go to their feedback and see what people expected more what
people wanted to see more and notice okay that movie shouldn't have been
there or that we should have been but okay why didn't you talk about you know
the things that you like but you do things that you don't like - why doesn't
it think about the exact comments of other people you know in IMDB or
something like that I mean here I'm speaking only about my video but you
relate that to the videos that you are doing right so we see would
people expected more as a presentation is a full package of what you're
doing and its relevance to them and then try to expand on that and do it better
than you know those million views video okay
so as you have seen I have walk through some but I can see that I can see that
the biggest movie flops okay so I don't want that so you want to see the things
that I actually relevant what you are doing right you don't want to just have
some kind of a polluted research okay and be rings I mean come on I don't feel
you watch okay i watch that and i kind of expect more of it so yeah
that's a good example here we go, you know. I pick something uh so that can be a
really really good topic because not many people have actually talked about
that yet and here's another thing about research
in that data gathering so we need to look for how to actually maybe manipulate
or change your vision for your video in a way that it's more relevant okay so
that's like you know a ting that everybody are
talking at the moment so let me do a video about that but you also can okay
so that's an interesting topic and in a way that I can say there are very little
people that actually talking about that but there will be people that are
searching for that so very low competition there will be searches so
I'll pop up really quickly and really easy and actually for smaller accounts
and if you're starting out that's the best thing you can do because even if
you do a really you know viral thing it's very hard to get into line if
you're small and when there is a thing that you know people are searching for
but there is almost no one doing something you can actually pop up in the
first page or in the second page or even in the third page you know you
can you know get some exposure you want to have some kind of transcript out the
structure of what you're saying but I wouldn't recommend writing down the
exact words that you want to say because when you're on camera you want to be
free you don't want to be thinking about okay I need to say that and that you
want to speak from your heart and give and give yourself through to the people
that are watching to you because that is the real that is the truth, right? And as you can see
now I am on fire because I am speaking about stuff that I believe in and
stuff that you know comes from my heart and that's what I'm doing and that's
what I believe is working what I do is before I film a video I go into my head
my head and just talk about that like I'm talking to a friend go on through your
video you know what you want to say maybe one two three times so you don't
get stuck so what I do to help myself with that is now get here snipping tool
and I'll just take a picture of the movies that disappointed me and then I
can use that picture in the video to show it to you
and most of all is to actually help myself white man on camera while I'm
filming is okay I know what I want to talk about those are my points but
instead of reading from a word I just use those pictures it's so much easier in a
picture I have my score I have you know the movie
I have main ideas of the movies I have the exact you know points and bullet
points but into pictures then I can just go through my pictures and actually you
know it's a like flow and I can talk about it and that's for every video you
want to talk about you know technology or maybe the new iPhone okay so you want
to talk about first you know maybe a little history of iPhone so you know put
your - the first iPhone there you know and maybe then you want to talk about
the numbers that it did so put a picture of the number that in it then
you want to talk about okay so what are the rumors of the new iPhone so put
maybe a video of some kind of you know a blog post with a picture about the
rumors and then you want to talk about what the actual IPhone will look like and
then put a picture the actual iPhone in there when you're filming you can go
through those pictures oh yeah I need to talk about that
that's my bullet point and you actually talked about that to yourself
and you have trained it so you can say it fast then you know easy so everything
becomes so easy right and that's with research and data gathering I'll show
you my flow for top five best you can see it's really really short and that
the 20-minute video will be even more you see there just 10 picture but there is
so much extra information in them you can see when I start talking okay so you
know the first movie I want to talk about is Guardians of the Galaxy I can see the ratings, I can
see the metascore, I can see popularity, I can see who was in it you can see
the colors okay so let's talk about that and that is the score I gave and
then I can talk about Logan okay so I want to talk about how high it is in the
rankings then okay I want to talk about Lion and that and that, it makes it so easy
guys because you are on fire that's your thing you're interested in
that you've trained it before you know what you want to talk about and then with
those pictures they just speak to you speak to you and everything comes to you
so that is what I do guys I believe that can help you a lot and you know just go ahead
and do it if you found this video useful make sure
you like it share it and subscribe to ENTIVERSAL. My next video of the series
is how to film your video on the next to 0 budget go ahead and see it stay
Shark Attack Videos For Children Fish Shark Swimming Pool Dance Video Shark Eating Dinosaur For Kids - Duration: 11:13.Shark Attack Videos For Children Fish Shark Swimming Pool Dance Video Shark Eating Dinosaur For Kids
SPECIALE 100 VIDEO - REAZIONE AL MIO PRIMO VIDEO! - Duration: 8:10.-------------------------------------------
CAMPAÑA CONTRA LOS VIDEOS DE GEMIDOS | ft. Jonatan Clay, JR INN, Tonny Boom... - Duration: 3:10.-------------------------------------------
Top 15 Videos You NEED To See To Believe - Duration: 29:30.15.
Miracle Mattress
What is shown is nothing short of a miracle, and the fact it was caught on video is even
more astounding.
The ordeal was caught by a camera which sat over a couple parked cars but had a decent
view of the busy road nearby.
Everything happens quite quickly so it's important to pay attention.
A man is bicycling on the side of the road when a large black truck speeds by him.
It's unclear if the truck hit the man or simply knocked him off path.
Either way, the very second that the cyclist starts to fall to the ground, a mattress falls
from the back of the truck.
In a swift motion that seems nearly impossible, the mattress slips underneath the man and
saves him from touching the ground.
The mattress carries the man as it bounces and skids a few feet before stopping.
The rider sits atop the bed, clearly confused and shaken.
He looks around him, specifically at the new mattress lying beneath him for several minutes
before getting to his feet.
Several people walk up to make sure he's okay, and to get a closer look at what just
There are no words to describe just how impossible this is and the footage, though quick, is
Lightning Target Lightning has the ability to strike anywhere
at any time, nothing about a previous strike will prevent a second one.
Still, it's very rare for lightning to hit the same spot more than once, especially a
small surface area like a single tree or person.
This video, likely recorded by a street cam in a park, defies the odds by capturing several
rare occurrences, though unfortunately at the defense of a pedestrian.
Firstly, this video captures lighting striking and gets a pretty clear up-close shot, considering
the type of camera used.
Secondly, lightning is shown hitting the same object twice, something that has only been
documented a handful of times through history.
Thirdly, it provides a view of a person getting hit which is even more rare than the previous.
A man running through the rain is shown moving into shot from the bottom of the view.
Just as he's in the middle of the shot lightning strikes down in a flash that's easy to miss.
He instantly falls to the ground and lays motionless for several seconds.
Eventually, and miraculously, he begins to move his feet and sits upright.
The pedestrian is clearly disoriented as he sits on the pavement and holds his head before
walking away.
He runs a few feet and lightning reigns down again, knocking him to the ground a second
What's truly odd about this video is that he ran several feet before being hit again.
This happening once is improbable and this man was unlucky enough to experience it twice
This video was posted by Shlomo Wollins, an Israeli reporter, in May 2007.
The clip is only about 9 seconds long, but that's long enough to showcase this jaw
dropping, once in a lifetime event.
Of course, this is no shooting star and is not to be seen as a magnificent sight or a
positive occurrence.
It's just the sheer fact that Shlomo was able to capture it on video, and share his
struggle with the world, that makes the footage incredible.
The footage shows a rocket hitting a home which is in the rightmost side of the shot.
It is only shown for a split second because, as he said, Shlomo was knocked to the ground
and likely unable to keep the camera recording.
Another video, which comes from a CNN live report shows something similar being caught.
While reporting in Israel, a reporter was forced to flee the area several times due
to more incoming rockets.
While this footage does not show as much of the effects as the one posted by Shlomo, it
does show what it's like having to flee, and how often they were hitting in busy cities.
In addition, it was a pretty interesting video to captured during a live airing.
Bridge Collapse
This footage has been shared countless times since it was captured.
While this is considered the biggest fail in history, it's also considered a great
piece of research for the engineering that surrounds highways, bridges, and roads today.
This video shows the first Tacoma Narrows Bridge, a suspended bridge in Washington built
in 1940.
The bridge, which was the third largest of its kind, opened to traffic in July 1940 and
collapsed only a few months later in November.
High winds and a phenomenon known as aeroelastic flutter caused the bridge to begin swaying,
bouncing, and twisting like a jump rope.
This footage shows the mysterious and jaw dropping motion of the bridge.
The movement is so unnatural to us now that it almost looks fake.
The bridge contorts for several hours, which is presented as a few short clips in this
video, before it breaks apart and completely collapses into the water below.
Skydiver Meets Meteor
While the details of this video are debateable, the possibility of it's authenticity is
still fascinating.
In 2014, this skydiver from Norway claims he was nearly hit by a meteor while in the
Anders Helstrup explains that his helmet camera was recording during this dive, and caught
the object nearly hit him just seconds after opening his parachute.
The footage moves fairly quickly and it's hard to identify the meteor.
After a slow motion shot and a still frame were created, though, the rock is in plain
sight and quite easy to see.
Helstrup explained that at the time he wasn't even fully aware of what happened, he explains
that the meteor quickly zoomed past him as it spiraled down.
At the same time, he was also moving quite fast and turned to his footage later for answers.
Many believe this was just a rock that had been caught in his parachute, but others are
convinced this is true footage of a meteor.
If the footage is genuine, and not just a regular old rock, this video is the first
and only of it's kind.
Floor Free Fall
On May 24th, 2001 the unthinkable occurred at this wedding hall in Israel.
After a beautiful wedding ceremony, friends and family of the new couple gathered on the
dance floor to enjoy their night and celebrate love.
Men, women, children, the elderly and everything in between were gathered on the dance floor
when this event happened.
In this video, which eventually went viral, was provided by the wedding photographers
and filmographers.
Dancing, clapping and music can be heard filling the large reception hall.
The camera is pointed to a young girl being held by her father.
She is, of course, smiling as everyone crowds the dance floor clapping in joy.
As the crowd bounces in dance it becomes clear that something is wrong, the room appears
to be shaking.
At first it seems like camera error or perhaps the result of dance moves.
The cameraman moves to the side of the crowd and a split second later the floor collapses.
In a split second, the floor and it's crowd disappears into dust.
The cameraman, as well as a few people that avoided the dancefloor, are left safely on
the sidelines.
The footage shows a woman yelling, running in confusion, and peering into the sunken
floor as if searching for someone.
One man walks up toward the floor as if he missed the event and looks around for answered
before he is pulled out of shot by someone else.
Parents carrying their children run from the sight and mothers yell for help.
The floor collapsed due to the massive weight and movement being applied to it.
However, the main cause is that the wedding hall used a material that was not allowed
to be used a short time before the completion of the hall.
This material was deemed too weak and unstable for dance floors or reception halls not on
the ground level.
As a result of this error, the family involved and others affected sued the wedding hall.
It took 15 years for them to receive compensation, but were finally awarded about 120 million
shekels, roughly 33 million U.S dollars.
Skiing is yet another sport with possible fates.
The only thing more unpredictable than sliding down snow at high speeds is mother nature
In this video, which was posted online and went viral shortly after, a skier faces an
unexpected obstacle while taking on a massive mountain.
Just after heading down the mountain an avalanche occurred out of nowhere.
The skier was quickly covered by the immense weight of snow.
His helmet camera caught the whole incident, from the start of his ski, to the snow engulfing
After he realizes what has happened, he begins yelling for helping and trying to get air,
which can all be heard in the video.
Lucky for him, two friends witnessed the avalanche and quickly ran down to save him.
One man can be seen on the video, quickly digging the snow away and pulling the skier
He gasps in an effort to breathe and seems to be sobbing.
He was very lucky to walk away from this, and was even more lucky that friends were
Otherwise he could have been trapped under snow for hours or even days.
Skilled Trucker
It seems like every other day videos are shared online of incidents involving large trucks
on busy roads.
Fortunately, this video is the exact opposite.
While traveling on a Korean Highway in February 2017, this skilled driver saved not only their
own life but the lives of fellow drivers.
Due to a sharp curve in the road, this 18-wheeler began to skid across the pavement and tipped
to one side.
The truck drove forward on one set of wheels before swerving into the left lane.
This resulted in the truck tipping on the left side and nearly going over the highway
Luckily, the driver gained control and got the truck back on track.
Clearly, this large vehicle should have tipped over entirely.
However, the driver was able to prevent that from happening and even avoided other drivers
in the process of balancing the vehicle.
It's best not to imagine what would have happened if this driver did not pull off the
impossible, and it's even more amazing that the ordeal was caught on video.
Russian Meteor
In February 2013, a meteorite hit Russia.
Civilians all over the country caught footage of the fascinating occurrence.
While the hit was massive, it was considered small.
This video, shows several shots of the mass plummeting toward the Earth.
What looks like a bright shooting star at first, quickly becomes a giant rock blazing
Of course, the closer the meteor gets, the larger and brighter it appears.
In several videos, the meteor seems harmless as it burns off before making impact.
In others, though, a loud boom can be heard as the object blasts through the sky.
In addition, car alarms and breaking glass can be heard as well as the concerned yelling
of witnesses.
8 months after the meteor made it's way to Earth, it was recovered in a lake.
It weighed about 570 kilograms (or 1,200 pounds) and has been deemed the largest meteorite
recovered in history.
While the footage is provided to us in plenty on the internet, for those that witnessed
the occurrence, this was truly once in a lifetime.
Motherly Instincts
For those of us that love our pets like children, this video is pretty hard to watch.
A young woman, Tamara Seibert, was walking her two dogs when she entered an elevator
and had to save her dog's life.
Apparently, the larger black dogs leash got caught in the elevator door and as it descended
down, the dog was pulled up.
It appears as though this dog is wearing a prong collar, which tightens as it's pulled
and has slightly sharp prongs which poke into the dog's neck.
These collars are usually used on larger dogs to help the owner keep control.
In this situation, however, this was not the collar for the dog to be wearing.
As the leash was pulled up it likely caused the collar to tighten and poke into the poor
animal's neck.
Luckily, Siebert reacted quickly.
She lifted her dog to alleviate pressure and tried to remove the collar.
She released him for a moment to stop the elevator.
The dog hangs from the leash and kicks in a panic as the woman hurries back to hold
him up.
The elevator door finally opens and the dog falls to the ground.
Seibert tries to comfort him but he runs out in fear, with his tail between his legs.
The owner looks at her hand which may have been affected in the commotion.
After this Seibert stands in between the elevator doors, trying to calm herself down as she
cries and holds her chest.
She eventually slumps to the ground, sobbing more, before picking up her things and walking
Thankfully, this video doesn't have sound because the cries of the pup were probably
hard to listen to.
It's also a good thing that this owner was able to react so quickly and knew how to stop
the elevator to save her best friends life.
Rain Wreck This traffic cam shows a highway near an underpass
where cars are traveling over the slick roads through what appears to be a storm.
The lanes are already flooding due to the amount of rain pouring down, which presents
an obstacle for drivers.
As the weather continues, a hole with a lid can be seen pushing water out.
This is likely a manhole which leads underground.
As many may know, when streets begin to flood the water washes into underground sewer systems
to prevent flooding.
In this case, it appears that the flooding was occurring too rapidly and the underground
storage had filled to the top.
The lid bounces up slightly several times.
Just after an 18-wheeler passes the opening, the lid flies off and tons of water gush onto
the road.
Both the amount and the pressure of water pouring onto the highway continues to increase
until it is up into the air.
The fountain reaches several feet above ground and comes crashing onto passing cars.
In the mess of water, the lid was thrown onto a passing truck, which can be seen when the
water stops spewing.
The truck is stalled in the middle of the road as water flows around and other vehicles
continue to pass.
A white car, which looks as though it could have been a cop car, pulls near the truck
and slows down but eventually speeds off with the rest of traffic.
The video cuts and next we see that the driver is out on the road, likely waiting for help
or trying to push their vehicle.
The water begins to spew again, sending the driver running to safety.
Something like this has probably only happened a few times in the history of highways, and
it's almost incredible that it was caught on video.
Of course, you've got to feel a little sorry for the driver and their ruined vehicle.
Miraculous Jump
Base Jumping is a risky yet exciting sport in which people jump from fixed structures
or bases.
Usually these locations are thousands of feet off the ground.
Parachutes or wingsuits are used near the end of the jump.
In this case, a base jumper in Russia was quite unlucky.
The jumper, who seems quite young, prepares to jump from a 120 metre (or 390 feet) power
pylon as his friend records the adventure.
The jumper is clearly nervous as he shakes in anticipation and hesitates to leap.
He eventually goes for it and jumps off the pylon.
He plummets toward the ground which becomes bigger and bigger the further he gets.
He releases his parachute in due time but unfortunately it does not properly deploy.
He continues to fall and eventually hits the ground with a massive force which sends snow
flying around him.
Lucky for him, that snow is exactly what saved him.
Though malfunctioning parachutes do occur often, the probability of capturing a video
like this is pretty low.
Not only do we get to see how the parachute failed, we get to see the result of a failed
base jump as well.
Double the Winnings
This video comes from a news report from 1999.
Australian citizen Bill Morgan was being interviewed by a local news station about his recent lottery
winnings, when he miraculously won the lottery again on live tv.
Bill was living paycheck to paycheck in a small trailer and described his life as "miserable".
After an allergic reaction, his heart suddenly stopped and he was rushed to the hospital.
Doctors were unable to save him for 14 minutes.
Eventually his heart started beating again but doctors feared he would be in what was
essentially a coma for the rest of his life, and urged his family that the right thing
to do was take him off life support.
12 days later he suddenly woke up, despite the doctors predictions.
After leaving the hospital he quit his miserable job and proposed to his girlfriend.
He was determined that he would make the best out of this second chance at life.
His girlfriend said yes.
There's a saying that encourages someone to buy a lottery ticket to cash in on their
streak of luck after good things happen to them.
Certainly waking up from a coma and someone accepting your proposal is good luck.
Bill's luck got even better when he bought a lottery scratch off though.
He won a brand new car with a cheap scratch off.
Local news contacted Bill to interview him about his unstoppable streak of recent luck.
During the scene he was asked to purchase another scratch off, to reenact the moment
he realized he had won a car.
Bill bought the ticket, from the same station as before, and bent down to scratch it off.
In the midst of his scratching, he paused as if he was baffled.
Immediately he looks up and says "I just won again I am not joking".
This time instead of a car, Bill cashed in on 250,000 dollars.
He began to sob and laugh at the same time in this moment.
Store employees came over to check the ticket, confirmed he won, and congratulated him.
Store employees were surprised at the win and explained they literally could not believe
his luck.
Bill called his fiancee to inform her that he'd be buying a new house.
The odds of winning the top prize on a scratch off are about 1 in 600,000.
The odds of winning twice are even lower.
Shark Encounter
Thanks to modern technology and Shark Week, seeing footage of a shark is nothing miraculous.
In fact, for adventurous divers, coming face to face with a shark isn't that rare either.
This video, however, provides incredible footage of an unexpected encounter with a great white.
Terry Tufferson is a YouTuber with few uploads, but about 24,000 subscribers.
The sparse videos he has shared were filmed via Go Pro.
This particular video, posted in June 2014, shows Terry using his Go Pro while jumping
off a cliff.
The tall cliff was over a body of sparkling water, and he likely only recorded the event
to demonstrate the use of the Go Pro, or share his thrilling dive.
Shortly after Terry hits the water, though, he captures something he was completely unprepared
As he begins swimming underwater in an attempt to reach shore, a large white mass can be
see slowly appearing as it approaches the camera.
Within seconds it becomes clear that this figure is a great white shark.
Gargled yelling can be heard by Terry has he becomes motionless.
In a struggle to swim to land, or at least a tall rock, Terry comes face to face with
the shark many times.
At one point, he even swats his hand and yells as if to "shoo" the shark away.
During this whole ordeal the great white seems fairly unfazed by Terry's presence and even
his motions.
Luckily, Terry makes it to shore safely.
Perhaps the most fascinating thing about this footage is just how unexpected it was.
Terry was clearly not a skilled diver exploring underwater wildlife, he was just swimming
and seeking a thrill.
His pure reaction combined with the rare footage makes this video, which has over 36 millions
views, unique to say the least.
Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills and I hope you're enjoying the video so
If you've ever been curious as to what I look like in real life, then follow me on Instagram
@dylan_is_chillin_yt, with underscores instead of spaces.
I also have Twitter @YT_Chills where I post video updates.
I'd really appreciate it if you followed me and feel free to send me a DM if you have
a questions or suggestions.
If you'd like to see more of these videos in the future, then hit that subscribe button
because we upload new countdowns every Tuesday and Saturday.
Action Flick
Dash cams have provided us with countless amazing, hilarious, thrilling and mysterious
videos through the years.
In this case, though, someone's dash cam caught something you're not likely ever
going to see in your life.
In fact, it looks as though this is a scene cut straight out of an action blockbuster
starring Tom Cruise.
While going down a two lane highway the black car to the right begins to merge quickly into
the left lane.
In a matter of seconds, a motorcyclist also speeds from the right lane into the left.
Both vehicles are going fairly fast and it's likely that the cyclist didn't even see
the car was getting over.
The cyclist hits the back of the car and his bike is immediately blown into a mess of debris
and dust.
Somehow, at the very moment he hit this car, he flew into the air and landed on the top
of the car.
Now in any other case he would've been thrown into the middle of the road.
Not only did he get thrown perfectly on top of the car, he even managed to land on his
feet and gain enough balance to not fall off as the car came to a stop.
Though the car that carries the dash cam stops, you can still see the cyclist riding atop
the second car for a few feet, just crouching in place while staying balanced.
This incident is the epitome of a miracle or at least an amazing defeat of the odds.
This bike rider was likely counting his blessings for the next 10 years.
Thanks for checking out this video.
Be sure to subscribe because we upload new countdowns every Tuesday and Saturday.
Or if you're still not convinced, here are some of our other videos that I think you'd
KITCHEN GADGET TESTING #23 - Duration: 24:52.- All right everyone, it's Barry here.
Welcome to My Virgin Kitchen.
I hope you are well.
Today we are doing another kitchen gadget testing video.
Huge, huge playlist is now created,
if you've missed any of the kitchen
gadget testing videos, to date.
You can click up here, or there
should be a link down below.
As always, before you comment down below,
consider some of these could help people with disabilities.
We have some right old stonckers today.
I'm very excited.
One of which, I needed to do some prep for.
Well, if I'm completely honest,
I needed to do a bit more prep for it
but we got around it, I think.
So, three hours ago, I opened up this box.
This is a HyperChiller.
I love it, we got some really cool
brand name things today.
Basically, you can make iced coffee in one minute, flat.
Rapidly chill hot coffee and other beverages
without diluting them.
Brew, chill, and pour.
And you can do wine.
You can do whiskey.
Ooo, Jack Daniels.
Tea and juices, for all you people
who like Nutribullets and crazy stuff like that.
You can chill that to your heart's content.
And this is how it works.
It's like a little cup with water in it,
which freezes and turns to ice.
The chamber, in there the black bit,
will hold the fluid.
And then inside that is ice.
And we can, within 60 seconds
we can make frozen, latte stuff.
Use it to chill a bottle of whiskey,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
But you can make iced coffee in one minute, flat.
So about 7:00 a.m., it's now 10 a.m.
That good, about three hours ago I opened this box.
I took out the vessel, the time capsule thing indeed,
unscrewed it all.
And you kind of have these different
compartments with the lid, a small cup,
a larger one, and the big plastic thing, that it sits in.
So I filled, as the instructions said,
I filled the small cup with a bit of water.
Screwed down on the lid.
And then you fill the bigger, silver cup with water.
But you pour that into the big, plastic cup.
And then you screw that all in together.
It took me a little bit of a while
to actually make that work.
I couldn't get the thread lined up.
The first lid wasn't screwed on right.
But we got there in the end.
And that was it, you literally,
shove that in the freezer.
It does say for 12 hours.
Now, sadly, due to a family commitment tomorrow,
I want to get this video up so you can see it.
We're gonna try this one with three hours freezing.
And if it fails, we'll do it again.
I did a test to open the freezer,
I needed to make some room.
And I discovered Daim bar.
I saw these in the freezer, so I had to have one.
That was my breakfast.
So anyhow, we're gonna leave that right to the end.
So, hopefully it gets as much freezing
time as possible and it works.
But as I say, if not, we'll look at it next time.
And on another note of something we'll do next time,
this is the the Rack Master 3000,
that someone actually sent me.
Very, very kind of them.
The only downside is, this is basically,
if you don't know, I'm really, really bad with cling film.
This is, like, a machine that does it all for you.
I think you have to use their own dispensers of film.
You can't put any old cling film in there
as far as I know.
So if anyone has one, let me know down below.
But I'm gonna order those, in time,
again for the next one.
Hey, sticky fingers, how you doing?
Ah yes, this literally, arrived this morning.
I've got 112 gadgets as it stands right now, to review.
I counted them as well.
But then as I was out, to get one from there,
one came through the door, and I thought,
"Yeah, we'll look at these."
And all that was in there was bubble wrap, and these.
Which actually, look really faded, actually.
They look like, maybe, crab claws?
And that is kind of why and what these are for.
You just take one off like that.
I've got a whole packet of them,
so if anyone wants these, I'm doing
a giveaway at the moment, on Facebook.
If you want to enter a competition,
free gadgets I'm giving away.
I'm doing loads, it'll be on YouTube as well.
So this is it, there is no,
it says, "Get a grip, get a grip."
So this is it, errrrr.
Kind of which reminds me of a Crane Kick from Karate Kid.
Ah, the old one.
I haven't seen the new one, I refused it.
So, basically, it's a tool that's designed,
you see, you've got like little fingery bits there.
Like there are little spikes to grab stuff.
It's a tool designed, so you don't
have to get your hands messy.
I'm thinking maybe when you go
sweet corn or a barbecue, something like that.
But also un authentic ribs.
Yes, we are gonna make some, well really,
this says, "Slow cooked mini ribs."
These are not slow cooked.
You go to a pub, all they do is put them in the microwave.
"Authentic, slow cooked, pulled pork,
"ping, two minutes at your table."
It's not, it's reheated.
But that's what we're doing, okay?
Because it's gadget video.
If you're making it from scratch, do it properly.
So I am gonna shove these slow cooked,
mini ribs, in Chinese style sauce,
in eight minutes, right down there.
Oh my gosh, I nearly put the box in.
Remove the packaging.
Absolute, donkey.
Aw, look at that, that's authentic, right?
"Remove outer packaging.
"Pierce pouch several times.
"Place on a non metallic plate."
Let's pierce it in the style of a psycho.
Eight minutes.
Every two minutes, I'm gonna give it
a little shaky shaky.
You don't need to see that.
Let's jump to it, but I'm gonna
give it a little wash first.
But anyway, these are bendier.
It's gotta be said, they are smelling stoncking.
I've given these a nice little wash.
"Get a grip."
I'm giving the gadgets away all around the world, as I say.
Keep an eye on social media.
But for these, because we're out of boxes for them,
we're gonna wrap them up, take a picture
and hide it, like a treasure hunt, local to me.
And maybe put a little note in it, going, "Well done."
So keep an eye out for that too.
"Get a grip.
"Get a grip, Johnson."
Homer's keeping an eye on it.
It's getting there.
Next to my book, thanks to everyone that pre-ordered
that off our last video.
Hello, dogs.
They're just chilling out.
They're pretending they don't know about the smell.
They might come over when they come out.
Just about to finish now.
That bag is gonna be horrendously hot.
So I've got the scissors to open it.
And maybe I'll transfer it with these.
It's gonna be hot though.
Whooo, oh my gosh.
I'm worried I might actually pierce the bag.
All righty (laughs).
So that's probably why you shouldn't cook barefoot.
That was the sound of a sploge or a rip source
landing on my foot.
So anyway, let's do it, shall we?
Your thumb goes in there.
And yeah, down like that.
Kind of like a snake, ssssss.
Or a bowling ball, whoooo.
I actually really don't enjoy eating ribs anyway.
Ah look at that!
Just grabbed it really nice, look at that!
That's really cool.
I'm not getting anything on my fingers.
Mmmm, that's been slow cooked.
Mmmm, but it has worked really, really well though.
I'm not getting anything.
There's a big gap though.
I was thinking some of the sauce might pour on my fingers.
But it's holding it like, it's gripping it really.
I think the grooves help get it in place.
One handed as well, mmmmm.
All in all, although they look
a little bit naf and cheap, and you
can probably do your own botched version somehow.
And then there's clacker teeth
that you can get from joke shops, where you wind up.
How about that?
Maybe use those, or dentures.
Use your nana's dentures.
But these, these work great.
So maybe for barbecues and stuff in the summer.
Ribs, highly, highly recommend it.
I might have just eaten all those ribs.
Anyhow, next up Joseph Joseph made this one.
I think them and CHEFIN seem to be
my favourite companies for gadgets, at the moment.
Also, Dreamland or Dreamfarm or whatever they're called.
So if any of them wanna reach out
and sponsor a video, I'm more than happy to do that.
Because, remember, these aren't sponsored.
And giving you a lot of love, love you.
This is a Joseph Joseph Can Do Compact Can Opener.
Compact, space saving design.
This looks like a button, doesn't it, on an oven?
It's basically a can opener.
But just like short and look at that
it's quite thin.
Place on top of can, against can edge.
Twist the top to grip and begin cutting.
Cut fully around the lid.
Then press the button on the side, there, to release it.
And that is pretty much it.
A tin of beans.
I actually did struggle to find
tins that don't have the old ring pull on them.
Sorry, classic can opener, sort of styling at the bottom.
Place on top of can.
Okay, okay, so this, okay, this goes like that.
So we're locking it in.
Okay, we're locking this, into there.
Oh yeah, so it's gone under the ridge.
It's gone under the ridge of the can, like that, okay?
So I presume I wanna hold it in place.
Oh my gosh, look at that!
It's going around it, it's like one
of those crazy custom like Hoover things.
Like the robot things that were supposed
to take off and let everyone Hoover their house
without even touching it.
They need to make one of these with sensors on them.
Did it go off?
It's gone all the way around but I think
it's just stuck where I've put it on.
Oh, you see that?
It's kind of bent that a little bit.
It just doesn't wanna cut through that
but then if I press this button,
will that suddenly go, Whoooo!
Okay, that releases this thing.
But no, that does stay on.
But that's fine.
That actually works a charm.
Baked beans for lunch.
Wait, some of you might not know this
but I have only ever had two kiwi fruits in my life.
One, it made me feel a bit uncomfortable.
The second time I ate it, I felt
like I was eating a hedgehog.
Then I realised you have to eat
the green bit in the middle.
This gadget right here is, a little bit of a weird one.
It actually turned up like that, damaged like this.
Really great, a lot of them do.
You kind of get used to it now.
I believe it's from China or somewhere.
The actual package in total.
Easy, that's the main headline.
"Easy, only three steps.
"Cut, insert rotating, easy kiwifruit slices device.
"Peeling and cutting at the same time."
Looks like a little, green witches hat, doesn't it?
"Witty, delicious," no joking, "Witty delicious kiwifruit."
Are you witty?
Are you a comedian, kiwifruit?
I mean, tell me a joke.
But to be fair, it has got some
pretty good visual instructions.
So we'll do our best, to get our kiwi out.
Still have no idea how they got
the word witty on their packaging.
I wonder if they employ English translators?
That could be a really cool job.
You could put, like, crazy words on it.
"You mean you can make a kiwifruit out of shoes?"
Okay, so step one, which is covered by the sticker.
Which is not coming off.
It's like proper welded.
We need to cut and there's like a thin thing inside it.
It looks like a birdcage.
Look at that!
Okay, it's very, very cheap feeling.
That is so light.
But this thing here, oh, oh wow it pops out.
It looks like a shark fin.
It's actually the saw that we use
to saw the kiwifruit in half.
Just take our stick off.
Okay, okay, nice, nice, we're there.
Step one, achieved.
Step two says, "Insert, will this product,"
it's like a question, "will this product
"at the centre of the kiwifruit
"after the centre of the insert,
"until the skin edges.
"Does need to take in from the product
"will be included with the knife insert again."
What, what?
I'm just gonna go for it.
I've got about four kiwifruit here.
I'm gonna push it in, I think.
I think it means until it hits the skin.
I should be able to feel it.
All right, all right, all right.
I'm gonna twist it so it's meeting the skin on all sides.
I managed to get the sticker off.
Step three, turn while cutting.
"Please slowly rotating, prevent the skin burst."
Prevent the skin burst.
It's like an outrage.
So we're gonna rotate.
But we do it gently, okay, I think,
to prevent the skin burst.
Look at that!
That is actually really, really cool.
It's all right.
Let's do it a bit quicker.
In she goes, until you hit the skin.
Twist, and okay, I got a little bit
too overconfident there.
Take your time with it.
And you'll end up with lovely chunks of kiwi.
And I don't mean use it on people.
Now then, I love the concept of this next gadget.
It's right down there, little tease.
It's a salad maker, slicer thing.
Loads of you have asked me to review this.
Here it is, this is the Salad Cutter Bowl.
Which I think is also marketed somewhere,
maybe a slightly different place, company, wherever.
It all comes from the same factory I bet,
as the 60 Second Salad Maker.
And they've done the tagline,
"Enjoy a nutritious and delicious salad.
"Make your salad in 60 seconds."
See, that's it, they copied it.
So you can also do a fruit salad.
But we're gonna go for something a bit more savoury.
The steps here, you can get the bowl out.
Which we'll wash.
Put the ingredients into the bowl and wash to clean.
Make sure the ingredients are no more
than 3/4 of the bowl.
Close the upper bowl and make sure
the upper cover fits well with the base.
Again, the English on these instructions
aren't that great either, but we'll skim over this.
Basically, you get the bowl part.
Crikey, that smells like it's just
come off the production line.
Literally, like it was made in my front drive last night.
So basically, you fill this bowl up.
Which is deceptively smaller than when I saw it online.
So I need to 3/4 fill that, at the most, apparently.
Close the bowl and make sure the upper cover
fits well with the base, fits well.
Cut, rotate, oh we rotate that,
nice, nice, cut again.
And then it says, "Cut the ingredients again."
Okay, then apparently we'll go like that
and we'll have a lovely salad, great.
Now the annoying thing with this bowl
being so small, is that we're gonna
be very limited with what we can put in it.
And in regards to it being a 60 second
salad maker thing, it's not.
Because I'm now gonna have to slice up so many bits.
So let's help it out.
Love that, isn't that the most awesome looking thing ever?
It's just sort of mesmerising.
A tomato, red cabbage.
Just gonna take the tops off them.
This reminds me of the Super Mario mushroom gadget.
I don't know if you've seen that video yet,
but it's awesome.
And as good as it is, it ain't gonna
take those heads off, is it?
You have to get a very lucky slice.
So, there, there, like that.
This is the most random salad ever.
I just wanted to get a bit of colour in here.
And of course, a massive lettuce.
Let us hope that this works, remain calm.
So, let's stick this in there.
All right, that's gonna be a tight, old squeeze.
That as well.
Radishes and the tomato (laughs),
the tomato, it just doesn't want to go in there.
Let's try and find room for it.
You're getting tailored, mate, sorry.
There we go, to be fair, it's slightly
over 3/4 full, but it's in there.
We've got the tomato, radish, red cabbage, and lettuce.
"Iceberg, dead ahead!"
All right, so we put this on top.
It doesn't look in, it just turns like that, okay?
It's there, we're there.
And then,
then we just slice, don't we?
So let's make sure we get a good view, look at that.
And we're gonna go through.
That cut nothing, that cut a little bit.
Okay, okay.
Gonna go through again.
This is really weird.
And then we hold it
and spin it, but I'm gonna spin
so you can see it again.
I was half expecting tomato juice
to fly everywhere but not yet.
And then it says to do it one more time.
Whoo, it's like a free gym membership.
All right, "Done the making,
"enjoy your delicious salad."
A lot of years making sand castles.
I know what I'm doing.
I feel like I neatly arranged it.
Has the tomato even been touched?
No, it just nicked it.
Ah, no, right, I'm gonna take
a bit of weight out of it.
Let's reduce it right, right down.
Let's see, bit less now.
So let's try it again.
It's like one of those, like a magic trick
or something, and you're sawing
it in 1/2 and the tomato survived.
Again, I don't feel like I actually hit the tomato again.
It's too high up.
These divots don't go,
I'm not even hitting the tomato.
Maybe this is a cheap version of it.
Maybe the actual, better one has ridges
that go all the way down.
Because this is hitting this bowly thing.
I'm not being able to hit the bottom.
Look at the radishes, they're just
hanging out, going, "Hey, don't mind me.
"I'm just in here hanging out."
A big knife coming down, you're like,
"Whoo, whoo, whoo."
Water your plants, we'll move on.
I had croutons and dressing to go with it.
I was gonna save this gadget to
the next video, but that failed so epically
that I'm gonna bring this one forward, okay.
But before we do, let's have a little interval.
Don't forget the My Virgin Kitchen podcast
is available every week on Soundcloud,
Stitcher, or iTunes, all that stuff.
Free to download.
Have a listen on your commute, all that stuff.
My new book is available to pre-order
on Amazon worldwide, out very, very soon indeed.
And of course, don't forget to phone
me on social media for loads of
behind the scenes bits and bobs.
And facts, and that interactive recipe
roulette thing that we've just started,
is gonna be heavily involved in that.
So, cheers for love, let's do this one.
Also, we're gonna be doing Livestream
cook-a-longs every single week, from the new studio.
So you guys can cook with me.
Now I'm gonna post the ingredients on social media.
And I'll give you guys a few days to get them.
And then we'll cook it.
So, anyhow, this is the Butter Dispenser.
Like, you guys know how much I like butter dispensers.
We've had fun and games with it.
There's one called a butter sprayer
that loads of you tagged me in.
It's so expensive.
I refuse to spend whatever it is,
like, $100 on something that's just gonna spray butter.
All right, I could probably make, I could make that myself.
I'm sure they'll send me one.
"Butter mill, butter dispenser, margarine too."
Isn't margarine more unhealthy than butter?
I thought it was.
"You can spread a stick into a 10 foot ribbon."
Would you wanna do that?
Do we want a 10 foot ribbon of butter in my house?
No, we don't.
"Spread and save," oh you cheeky things,
with the dollar as the S.
Obviously with the dollar.
And the fact that it's calling butter a stick.
You know in the UK we don't tend
to get sticks of butter, we get slabs, like that.
Okay, well that is a stick shape.
We're gonna have to cut it down.
That's what I'm gonna do.
I do sometimes get that, when some
people send me recipes to try now,
in America and they're like, "a stick of butter."
In the UK, it's like a stick is something
that comes from a tree.
That's it, we don't delve between it.
So I've kind of made my own homemade stick there.
We'll stick with it, banter.
It's got some sort of, I guess that's
something for it to sit in.
And has some horrendous, where has that gone,
horrendous serving suggestions there, look.
Shot in the 80s or something.
Sweet corn, toast, who would have thought it?
Butter on toast.
And a ribbon of it on some, "Peas and carrots, Jenny."
That could have changed Forrest Gump entirely.
"Lieutenant Dan, butter dispenser."
I want someone to do a recreate
of Forrest Gump poster and they
can have this gadget, okay, with
butter dispenser and my face on it.
All right, bonus if the pugs are sat by the bench.
"Life is like a butter dispenser," great film.
I just realised I don't have anything to put this on.
Oh here we go, the world's smallest slice of bread.
Look at that, it looks like an injection needle.
Twist and spread, it's a new dance move,
twist and spread.
"To load," crrr-crrr, "unscrew the cap
"and pull out the handle."
Unscrew the cap.
All right this is the cap.
Wow, look at this thing.
Pull out the handle.
No, this is the handle.
I think I'm making this a lot harder than it should be.
Insert a stick of butter or margarine, screw on the cap.
So hopefully this is gonna fit.
So any Americans that get stuck
in the UK and they need someone
to help them make a stick of butter,
give me a call, I'll be right over.
Screw on cap, oh, so this square.
Look at this, this is so crazy.
This goes in here, like that.
Oh okay, and then we,
oh, this is old school, this is like a torture device.
You know what's coming.
I can't screw it anymore, because
my hands are all greasy.
That sounds wrong.
All right, we'll try and go with that.
"Twist handle clockwise to spread.
"Twist handle counter clockwise to stop."
Counter's a very American word too.
"Counter, we're gonna counter this, okay."
We don't tend to use that so much.
I think we use anti-clockwise, okay?
So, let's just twist and see what happens.
This white thing should make that stick, Oh it is!
Can you see it's going down?
We haven't even looked at the bottom yet.
Where's it gonna come from?
Where is it gonna come out?
It's all sealed.
Apparently there's a really small hole there somewhere.
Oh, it's there!
Wow, it's really thin.
No wonder you get 10 foot out of it.
Well, let's see, let's keep twisting.
Oh I just heard a pfffft!
And I thought it was the dog.
Look at that!
Oh my gosh, we're actually making ribbons.
Look at the shape on it, look at that.
Crikey, that's the best butter dispenser yet folks.
And it just wants to keep coming.
And then we just counter-clockwise to stop it.
Shake it off, Taylor Swift style.
Yeah, bit of help (laughs).
This is a darn lot of butter to put on your bread.
Oh yeah, yeah, okay, better.
I first was gonna go fshhh, like that.
But that is spreadable, that is better.
Butter banter.
That is much more spreadable than
some of the others we've done before.
Yeah, so yeah, I'll give this away
if you wanna do the Forrest Gump poster thing.
I'll announce the winner on Twitter.
And tag me @myvirginkitchen and my personal @mrbarrylewis.
Last one, the freezer thing.
All right, so I've just made some coffee.
I was kind of hoping I could use my mug.
But what we do is we pour it directly
into our frozen chamber, which might
not be completely fully frozen.
We'll try it, if it doesn't work
we'll give it the benefit of the doubt
and retest it next time.
The plot thickens.
Apparently we pour the coffee brew,
straight into the thing, swirl it round.
And then we pour it out into our mug or glass.
Now I want you to see it, so it says put an ice in here.
So is that cooling it down as well?
Does it not work in there?
You pour that right in and then have it as an iced coffee.
Let's get that vessel out of the freezer
and see if it has actually frozen.
It sort of has.
Whoa, have I got to pour the coffee into that little hole?
That's bonkers.
Oh no, oh my gosh, it's a sloped lid,
so I pour it into there.
Thank God for that.
I have transferred the coffee to a jug though.
I go quiet when unsure of things.
Okay, "Pour the coffee directly
"onto the sloped lid.
"Liquid will flow through the opening at the bottom.
"And into the cooling chamber, " that diagram
that we saw earlier.
After the coffee is in the chiller,
gently swirl it every few seconds
to keep the coffee moving.
I kind of like this.
It does feel very, very cold.
It's really cold at the bottom.
"In one minute the coffee will have
"cooled off by up to 73 degrees Celsius.
"Now via the spout, on the other side of the lid,
"pour over ice," baby, "and enjoy."
Sceptical, very sceptical.
We don't have any ice cubes but
we've got ice from the freezer, that will do.
Oh that's really cold.
Here we go.
Oh, there's peas in it, "Peas and carrots, Jenny."
Oh my gosh, I'm gonna get, we're gonna
retest this, all right?
But this is a test, actually, to see
if it has, actually cooled it down,
if I don't burn my hand.
Oh, wow, that is actually really cold.
I'm just bobbing for peas.
Well, of course it's gonna be cold
because I poured it on ice, but let's just do this.
That is really cold.
I can't believe it, that's awesome.
So that has actually worked, for the ice and peas.
Rice and pea, ice and pea.
Peas and carrots.
I've gone in and then of course,
to get that real ice coffee vibe, boom, look at that.
Love that, love that.
To be fair, that is just like iced coffee.
And that's without the 12 hour freeze
and ice cubes, when we put those in there.
So the start of the next video, I'll revisit this one.
So there we go then folks.
Boston's joined me today.
He's been a bit of a quiet one.
He's being a bit of a baby.
Don't forget to check out the rest of the playlist.
If you see any cool gadgets you'd like to send me
or even send me a link to, do get in touch.
Check out
And subscribe for regular recipes and food fun.
Bye mate!
See you guys.
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