Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 4, 2018

Youtube daily what Apr 26 2018

Today's question is: "What were the seven last words of Jesus Christ on the cross and

what do they mean?"

In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.

Afterwards, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.

The seven statements that Jesus Christ made on the cross were (not in any particular order):

(1) Matthew 27:46 tells us that about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice,

saying, "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why have you

forsaken me?"

Here, Jesus was expressing His feelings of abandonment as God placed the sins of the

world on Him—and because of that, God had to "turn away" from Jesus.

As Jesus was feeling that weight of sin, He was experiencing a separation from God for

the only time in all of eternity.

This was also a fulfillment of the prophetic statement in Psalm 22:1.

(2) "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing" (Luke 23:34).

Those who crucified Jesus were not aware of the full scope of what they were doing because

they did not recognize Him as the Messiah.

While their ignorance of divine truth did not mean they deserved forgiveness, Christ's

prayer in the midst of their mocking Him is an expression of the limitless compassion

of divine grace.

(3) "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise" (Luke 23:43).

In this passage, Jesus is assuring one of the criminals on the cross that when he died,

he would be with Jesus in heaven.

This was granted because even at the hour of his death, the criminal had expressed his

faith in Jesus, recognizing Him for who He was (Luke 23:42).

(4) "Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 23:46).

Here, Jesus is willingly giving up His soul into the Father's hands, indicating that

He was about to die – and that God had accepted His sacrifice.

He "offered up Himself unblemished to God" (Hebrews 9:14).

(5) "Dear Woman, here is your son!" and "Here is your mother!"

When Jesus saw His mother standing near the cross with the Apostle John, whom He loved,

He committed His mother's care into John's hands.

And from that hour John took her unto his own home (John 19:26-27).

In this verse Jesus, ever the compassionate Son, is making sure His earthly mother is

cared for after His death.

(6) "I am thirsty" (John 19:28).

Jesus was here fulfilling the Messianic prophecy from Psalm 69:21: "They put gall in my food

and gave me vinegar for my thirst."

By saying He was thirsty, He prompted the Roman guards to give Him vinegar, which was

customary at a crucifixion, thereby fulfilling the prophecy.

(7) "It is finished!"

(John 19:30).

Jesus' last words meant that His suffering was over and the whole work His Father had

given Him to do, which was to preach the Gospel, work miracles, and obtain eternal salvation

for His people, was done, accomplished, fulfilled.

The debt of sin was paid.

Hungry for more?

Subscribe so you don't miss the next video!

Visit for more great content.

And check out the details section below this video, there is one book I recommend, along

with several related articles.

If you'd like to learn about Bible Munch, or if you're interested in Bite-sized devotionals,

subscribe to Bible Munch on YouTube, it's linked right here.

Now remember, Got questions?

The Bible has answers, and we'll help you find them!

For more infomation >> The Seven Last Words of Christ | What were the seven last words of Jesus Christ on the cross... - Duration: 3:31.


If There's a God, Why Did He Create The World? What's In It For Him? - Duration: 7:43.

If there's a God - why would He create the world?

It is, after all, strange that a Being who is defined as infinite, perfect and needless

would choose to create a world – what's in it for Him?

Why would a God who has no needs whatsoever create the universe?

And not only that, if He has no needs why would He then make demands on his creations?!

What benefit does He gain from this?

From a vague glance at religious texts, one might think that God created the world for

Him to be glorified and praised according to this literature.

But if this were the case, it would imply that God was lacking in something, and created

the world in order to satisfy his desire for praise.

This doesn't fit with the definition of God as perfect and needless.

Furthermore, even if God did have some kind of ego problem, why would he want glorification

from us?

Imagine a Harvard lecturer giving an in-depth class on quantum mechanics.

As the lecture ends, one of the intellectually inept cleaners praises his talk in front of

the entire class.

The lecturer would feel rather embarrassed that the person most impressed by his talk

was someone very uneducated.

See the quality of a compliment is dependent on the person giving it.

Thus, if God, the creator of the cosmos, black holes, and galaxies created miniscule, finite

human beings, the last thing he would say to us is "praise me!"

Why would he want praise from such insignificant human mortals?

If anything, he would say to us, "hey you over there, keep quiet!"

But strangely, there does seem to be a lot in Jewish law and Jewish literature about

recognising God and honouring Him.

And if we know it cannot be for God's sake, there is only one other option available…it's

for our sake.

If God is totally needless and perfect, the only reason He can have created the world

and given us life……. is for us, not Him.

God's creation of the world must be an act of pure altruism where the benefactor gains

nothing in return - it is purely for our sake alone.

It is the only option available.

But this still doesn't explain why God created the world; it only shows that it was not done

for God's benefit.

One/ way of understanding God's motive for creating humanity is by considering another

aspect of the divine: yes, God is perfect and needless, but He is also good.

Now, imagine a man who lives on a desert island; he wants to help others but he does not have

the opportunities to do so.

Is he a good, loving person?

In theory, yes, but in practice, no.

Thus before God's creation of the world, He was only good in theory.

But for His goodness to be actualised in practice, He needed to perform the greatest act of kindness.

What is the greatest act of goodness He could perform?

If God is the ultimate good, the greatest good He could do is to bestow Himself on a


That recipient is humanity.

The famous Torah commentator, the 'Ramchal', writes that "God's purpose in creation

was to bestow of His good to another".

A fundamental aspect of the Jewish worldview is understanding that God created the world

for our benefit alone.

However, I would not be surprised if someone reading this would feel slightly puzzled.

Does the world we live in really seem like such a pleasant, perfect world?

It certainly does not all the time.

This is a world of strife, challenge and hardship.

Yes, it is also a world of beauty, meaning and happiness, but it also contains adversity

for everyone – nobody can escape it at some point in their life.

Does it make sense that this is the greatest a goodness that God could have done?

Imagine being chosen as the winner of a Nobel Prize for a superb scientific invention.

However, what everyone else doesn't know is that you plagiarised the concept from someone


How would you feel when standing at the podium after accepting the prize?

You would be given all the respect, honour and glory you could possibly ask for.

But deep down, you would feel like a fraud as a result.

The same is true here.

There is a kabbalistic idea that prior to creating the world, God simply gave people

the wondrous experience of "olam haba" - the next world - straight away, without

having to go through life here in "olam hazeh" - this world.

And his creatures were simply embarrassed, even ashamed – because they had done nothing

to deserve it.

The Talmud discusses a concept known as the 'bread of shame'[5], which refers to having

bread that was not earnt – there is certain shame in it.

Therefore God chose to create a framework in which we would first have to go through

this world in order to earn our place in the next.

This is a world of challenge and hardship – because it allows us the chance to grow,

to better ourselves and the world around us.

And if we do so, then the reward is truly our own.

The Ramchal continues to explain – "God's wisdom…decreed that for such good to be

perfect, the one enjoying it must be its master.

He must be one who has earned it for himself, and not be given it accidentally [or by chance]".

But we still have a problem with this: why didn't God just dupe us into thinking that

we had already earned our share in the next world?

Why didn't he just make us think that we had already done all the hard work?

God can do anything, after all.

The answer can be explained as follows: God created the world as the greatest act of kindness.

And what is the greatest good that God could have bestowed on mankind?

Himself - He is ultimate goodness.

The ultimate pleasure a human being can experience is closeness to the divine – by building

and enjoying a relationship with Him - that is the ultimate paradise.

Now, a relationship, by definition, requires two partners; if we were all robots duped

by God, then we would not have our own consciousness, or any true individuality.

And without our own individuality, without our own choices, there is no relationship,

there is nothing meaningful, there is just God.

As Rabbi Jeremy Kagan put it in The Choice to Be: "The Creator cannot create our self.

Self cannot be given, for then it is not self.

We must create it through our choices.

Then we come from ourselves and stand as individuals before the Creator, able to relate to Him

as an "other".

Only in the act of creating from ourselves is there personal being on some level distinct

from the Creator, allowing the possibility of the Creator giving, for only then is there

someone to give to."

When we speak about the reward that one receives, ultimately it is not about something that

one gets, rather it's about enjoying the fruits of one's labours, enjoying the relationships

that one has created, it's about enjoying the person that you have become.

For more infomation >> If There's a God, Why Did He Create The World? What's In It For Him? - Duration: 7:43.


[HPA Q&A] Tapered rod bearings. What should I do? | Performance Engine Building - Duration: 1:38.

- Jay has asked, what do you do if there is taper

on the plastigauge when measuring the rod bearings?

OK well this is one of the situations that gets

a little bit tricky because there's nothing we

personally can do.

What we're gonna need to do then is get our components

back to our engine machine shop and have them

actually correct that.

So this may involve grinding the crankshaft

to an undersize journal size and then we would use

a oversize bearing set to take up that clearance

and start with a fresh journal finish.

So it really depends on exactly how bad our taper is

as to what we're going to do with it.

Also depends as well on exactly what our application is.

So a lot of the things that we could get away with

in a relatively low power, low RPM application,

with absolutely no concern whatsoever,

once we start stepping up to engines that are producing

maybe two, three, four times what the factory

power level was, and exceeding the factory rev limit

by significant margins,

when we get to those sorts of engines,

everything has to be absolutely perfect.

And if anything is outside of our specification

it's going to need to be addressed.

That question was taken from one of our free live lessons.

If you like free stuff, and you're the type of guy

who wants to expand your knowledge,

click the link in the description to claim your free spot

to our next live lesson.

You'll learn about performance engine building

and EFI tuning, and you'll also have the chance to ask

your own questions which I'll be answering live.

Remember it's 100% free so follow the link

to claim your spot.

For more infomation >> [HPA Q&A] Tapered rod bearings. What should I do? | Performance Engine Building - Duration: 1:38.


That's What I Am - #ConchitaLIVE - Spielberg, 14.04.2018 - Duration: 3:56.

What are we playing?

'Morgens bin ich immer müde' again?

For more infomation >> That's What I Am - #ConchitaLIVE - Spielberg, 14.04.2018 - Duration: 3:56.


What's the difference between disponer & disponerse - Duration: 2:07.

For more infomation >> What's the difference between disponer & disponerse - Duration: 2:07.


[M COUNTDOWN] Comeback Stage: TWICE : What is Love [Engsub] - Duration: 3:32.

Everyday, in a movie

In a book or in a drama, I feel love

Um - I learn about love

My heart keeps beating as if it's my own story

Makes my heart pound and swell with hope

Um - I want to know so bad

Ooh Maybe someday

Could it happen to me, too

When will it be? Who will it be?

I wanna know How it could be as sweet as candy

I wanna know How it's like flying in the sky

I wanna know know know know

What is love? What love feels like

I wanna know How it keeps you smiling all day

I wanna know How the whole world turns beautiful

I wanna know know know know

What is love? Will love come to me someday

Just imagining all this

Just thinking about it almost makes my heart to burst

Um - How good it feels

If, one day, for real

Love does come to me, I might just cry

Um - I really want to know how it feels

Ooh Maybe someday

Could it happen to me, too

When will it be? Who will it be?

I wanna know How it could be as sweet as candy

I wanna know How it's like flying in the sky

I wanna know know know know

What is love? What love feels like

I wanna know How it keeps you smiling all day

I wanna know How the whole world turns beautiful

I wanna know know know know

What is love? Will love come to me someday

Where in the world are you right now

Just when will we

For more infomation >> [M COUNTDOWN] Comeback Stage: TWICE : What is Love [Engsub] - Duration: 3:32.


Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean (Remix) ft. Ariana Grande - Duration: 3:24.

Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean (Remix) ft. Ariana Grande

Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean (Remix) ft. Ariana Grande

For more infomation >> Justin Bieber - What Do You Mean (Remix) ft. Ariana Grande - Duration: 3:24.


나의 든든한 편이 생긴다면?What if MYTEEN becomes your closest friend?!::Makestar - Duration: 0:57.

Friend asks for advice after fighting with her family.

My parents keep telling me not to do it without even listening to me.

[Answer, MYTEEN! #7.CHUN JIN]

Think about it~ It's because they care about you

and truly love you..

If they don't, they won't even care

On the contrary

ignorance is really scary

Telling you not to do something

is all because they really care for you

Would they say the same thing

if they didn't love you?



tell your parents

that you want to talk

about this

Once you talk it though,

you'll resolve the misunderstandings

and get to know them better


It's nobody's fault


Got it?

Want to grab something to eat?

Let's go!

For more infomation >> 나의 든든한 편이 생긴다면?What if MYTEEN becomes your closest friend?!::Makestar - Duration: 0:57.


What to Eat in Merida 5 Food Experiences You Must Have - Food Bloggers Recommend Merida Mexico Food - Duration: 9:04.

In this video where going to show you what to eat in Mérida, and 5 different food experiences

you must try in when you are here.

We have the amazing duo of Tommo and Megsy of FoodFunTravel who have eaten their way

through over 85 countries and have been living here the last 15 months showing us three of

their favorite food experiences.

We also have our good friend, Nathan Aguilera of who's also been living

here and he's also going to show us what to eat in Mérida.

So let's go to Tommo and get this video started with our first food experience.

[Music Playing in Background]

So botanas translates directly as snacks in English and essentially it means you are getting

free food whenever you order a drink.

And everyone likes free food right.

[Music Playing]

So they bring out so many dishes but one of our favorites is called Niño Envueltos.

Which is actually meaning wrapped children.

It's sort of weird, but, the actual dish itself does not have any children in it.

Definitely one of our favorite dishes and they don't always bring stuff out unless you

ask so do make sure you ask for niño envuelto otherwise they'll just bring you food and

you might not necessarily get exactly that dish.

Another reason we really like Eladio's is because it's all locals every time we go there

we're very unlikely to see another tourist.

It's locals having fun they are getting up and dancing.

Everynight of the week, everyday of the week pretty much.

They are bringing out all this food for everyone you order a couple drinks and it's just continuous.

Alright this morning we are in Parque Santiago and we're going into the Santiago Mercado

where there is a street food Restaurant we really love called La Lupita.

[Music Playing]

Bienvenido a La Taqueria Lupita

Not only is the food incredible here [laughing] it's some of the best street food in Mérida.

The very first thing you should come and order is the Lechon Panuchos.

Ok so these are the panuchos.

So it's a tortilla, that has been sort of split open and they stuff it with refried

beans and then they fry it, and on it we've got Lechon, which is just a slow roasted pork.

And then on top we've got the Chicharrón.

So this is the same sort of pork fat but it's just been super dupe extra fried.

This stuff is the Cuerito, which is the skin it literally means little leather.

So much liquid going on there.

OMG it's just, it's so rich it's like a greasy and juicy in all the best possible ways.

Definitely not a first date food, but when you're a little bit used to each other like

we are.

You just shove it right in your face.

[Music Playing]

El Haguey is an awesome food experience it's one of our favorite restaurants because, unlike

other restaurants along the beach in that area.

It's actually on the beach.

So they can get their chairs and tables out on the sand.

Or they've got a swim up bar just off the beach.

[Music Playing]

Absolute main thing you have to try is the shrimp and octopus in bone marrow.

Now I know it sounds a little bit weird, but actually they mix it all in with bone marrow,

with butter and it's actually served in a log.

Would you call it a log?

It's the bone.

It's a bone

A log of bone.

It's delicious, one of my other favorites is just a simple guacamole. and it comes with

prawns all around the outside and you just scoop that prawn into the creamy guac I, I

love it.

What do you like?

I'm a massive fan of their crunchy fish tacos.

Which are cornflake crusted pieces of fish perfectly deep fried.

Through them on a wheat tortilla and add a bit of cabbage and some salsas and things.

A bit of mayo and your nailing it a really perfect baja style fish taco.

[Music Playing]

Cheers [glasses clinking]

Glad you are here.

I'm going to take you, show you a couple of my favorite spots to eat.

First we'll go to a market to try authentic al pastor tacos.

Then we'll go to one of my favorite restaurants and try some local Yucatecan dishes.

[Scott] Ok so the Pastor Taco place.

What makes that such a special food experience?

[Nathan] It's cool cause it's a Yucatecan fusion food.

The lebanese people brought it over here.

It's a variation of their shwarma.

It's a cooking technique, they make huge shwarma with lamb meat and it's been adapted for Yucatecan


[Scott] Oh interesting, and what's the adaptation?

[Nathan] Pork instead of Lamb meat.

[Music Playing]

I recommend for your first time getting the classic Pastor Tacos.

Ok, Sounds good.

As it turns on the fire, the meat will get crispy and they will shave it off directly

into the taco.

[Megan] I think I could eat a hundred of those, how many do you think you could eat?

[Nathan] Let's find out


[Music Playing]

I think this place is really special because it's very local.

This is where you'll find a lot of the local people doing their shopping.

Everything from food, to clothes, flowers, it's a huge fish market, vegetables, fruit,

you could even by a pet here.

I recommend when you come here trying the original Al Pastor Tacos they do a really

good version of them here and you can always tell when somewhere is good when it's filled

with locals.

Of all the stalls this one is always filled with locals.

[Music Playing]

And then after that we'll head to Manjar Blanco.

One of my favorite restaurants here in Mérida.

It's just better versions of all your favorite market foods.

[Music Playing]

May we please start with Palos Salbutes.

These beans are my favorite we swear they have crack in them.

This is my favorite.

This is so good, everytime this is so good.

Best place in Merida to get it.

This is cochinita Bebil.

This is very Yucatecan.

Typically you'd put this on a tortilla or you could have it with these crack beans.

I love this.

This is another one of my dishes that has a lot of outside influence on it.

This one is, it's really good.

Consistently here.

[Scott] Alright it's time for a recap, what was your favorite food experience.

[Megan] I'd have to say my favorite was going to be the seafood at El Haguey and the beach


All the good stuff there, all the good stuff.

How about you?

[Scott] Probably the pastor tacos.

I just liked how easy it was it was right there at the local market.

You got to walk through the market going in there and then the flavor was really good.

So we hope you liked the video if you do, please go ahead and give Tom & Meg of

some love.

Their launching a new podcast called "The Dish."

[Tom] & one of the things that we're going to be talking about in the first episode is


So it's going to stick with the Mexican theme, and there's going to be loads more food episodes

as we explore famous dishes from all around the world and the history of those dishes.

[Megan] Go and check it out and also go and check out Nathan at

as he eats his way around the world.

Well let's toast to that.Here's to Mexico.

[Megan making noises]

[Scott] That's pretty good

[Megan] Oh, I should have brought my Jaguar whistle-e-e-e-.

Why did you do that?

I'll punch you in your sleep tonight.


[Scott] Weirdo

[kiss] [Megan] The food of the Yucatán is delicious.

[Honking Horn in the background]

[Megan] oh that lovely horn in the background

For more infomation >> What to Eat in Merida 5 Food Experiences You Must Have - Food Bloggers Recommend Merida Mexico Food - Duration: 9:04.


Hostos: Opportunity is what you get - Duration: 2:57.


I got a question for you

What does this hood know about opportunity?

Do you really think a community that defines struggle, get a free pass?

I'll tell you what we know.

We know the heart of Commitment.

The face of Resilience.

We've wiped the tears of Courage.

In fact … we see it every day.

That's what makes us.

That's our DNA.

We climb higher

We cross borders

We go beyond

Here's another thing we know,

If you haven't been to the So Bronx, where have you been?

You see, it's where lives are transformed.

It's where we've been busy changin' the world.

Because, when it comes to Opportunity, we leave our mark in history.

Our past has made us stronger.

It's about where we're from and where we're going.

We are NYC.

Better yet We are the South Bronx.

Community is our middle name

Where we don't just dream the American Dream We embody it.

We are America

This is Hostos

And Opportunity is what you get.


For more infomation >> Hostos: Opportunity is what you get - Duration: 2:57.


What Are Phobias & How To Treat Phobias With Virtual Reality - Duration: 4:48.

Hey Bea, did you know that I have animophobia? That's the fear of animations!

Ehm, that's not a real phobia... and you do know you're animated, right?

Don't worry he'll get over it and for now let's look at the psychology of phobias.

Phobias are classified among anxiety disorders because they are based on fear.

That is what a phobia is actually an exaggerated fear. We all feel scared from

time to time however having a phobia can interfere with your day-to-day life.

Let's take the fear of heights for example there's a difference between

getting a bit queasy when you're on top of the Empire State Building and

refusing to go to a job interview because the office is on the 27th floor.

It's been suggested that more than 10 million Americans suffer from some sort

of a phobia and what are people with phobias usually afraid of? It can be

anything from needles, seeing blood, heights, snakes or even social situations.

Some phobias are very well-known such as claustrophobia

the fear of small spaces. While others like alektorophobia, which is the fear of

chickens are a bit less known. There are some other really weird phobias out

there but we'll get back to that later on in the video. We all have some things

that we find scary but phobias take the fear to a whole another level. A person

with a phobia feels strong irrational even paralyzing fear which often

interferes with his or hers day-to-day life. Let's say Sophia is suffering from

arachnophobia- the fear of spiders. Purely the thought of a spider is enough

to trigger Sophie's fear if she sees a spider in real life she might even have

a panic attack! Having a panic attack by the way? Not really something you would

like to experience. The symptoms include pounding heart, sweating, shaking,

shortness of breath, feeling of choking, chest pain, nausea and dizziness. You feel

like you're losing control over your body and you may even start fearing

death. For Sophie all of this can be triggered by a tiny spider. One way of

curing phobias is the use of cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT for short.

Cognitive behavioral therapy helps the patient to recognize the problem, gain a

better understanding of the behavior and to use problem-solving skills to cope

with a difficult situation. Through CBT the patient learns how to face his fears

instead of avoiding them and also how to calm his mind and body. And today phobias

can even be cured with the use of virtual reality. Clinics such as Phobius

in Vienna are making this possible.

In this way the

patients can come into life-like contact with their fears without actually being

exposed to any danger. And Sophie could come close to a spider even without

having a spider in the room! With a bit of help even battling with a phobia can

have a happy ending. But of course I wouldn't end this video without letting

you know some more hearts to believe yet real phobias that are out there. So

here's your top 5 weird phobias: in the 5th place we have Numerophobia the

fear of numbers and the mere thought of calculations. The fourth place goes to

coasterphobia- the fear of roller coasters. And the third spot

we have Globophobia the fear of balloons. Sometimes the balloon itself

sometimes the fact that it made pop. In the second place there's Pogonophobia

the fear of beards or being scared offer around bearded men. And the first place

goes to bananaphobia - the fear of bananas.

The list of phobias can be endless. What people are afraid of is also highly

individual and let's admit it it's a scary world out there!

Nonetheless the treatments of phobias prove one thing - working on

yourself and facing your fears will give you a happier life full of new possibilities.

And now we'd like to hear from you!

What is the weirdest phobia you've ever heard of? Let us know in the comments

below. Don't forget to subscribe to Iconique for more psychology insights and

we'll see you guys next time! Have an amazing day. Bye! This video was

done in collaboration with Phobius. They're actually the first Center in the

german-speaking area that focuses on the treatment of anxiety disorders with

virtual reality. They link traditional exposure treatment with innovative VR

technology. It's pretty awesome that the patients can overcome their fear of

heights for example without having to climb up a real skyscraper. The virtual

reality technology enables them to be faster and more effective in treating

all different kinds of phobias! Check out their website to find out more.

For more infomation >> What Are Phobias & How To Treat Phobias With Virtual Reality - Duration: 4:48.


BOMBSHELL DOJ Sends Criminal Referral For Andrew McCabe; Here's What It Means… - Duration: 14:09.

BOMBSHELL: DOJ Sends Criminal Referral For Andrew McCabe; Here's What It Means…

The Department of Justice's inspector general sent a criminal referral for fired FBI Deputy

Director Andrew McCabe to the U.S. attorney's office in Washington, D.C.

According to Fox News, federal prosecutors in Washington will now determine whether McCabe

should be charged criminally for lying to federal agents at the DOJ and FBI.

McCabe is now closer than ever to being charged for lying to federal prosecutors.

The explosive admission follows a report from the IG's office last week, which revealed

McCabe lied at least four times to DOJ investigators when questioned about leaking sensitive information

to the media.

According to the IG's report, McCabe lied once to former FBI Director James Comey, once

to FBI officials, and twice to DOJ investigators about authorizing leaks about former Secretary

of State Hillary Clinton.

McCabe provided the information to The Wall Street Journal in October 2016 that downplayed

the severity of the FBI's investigations into Clinton's private email server and

the "pay-for-play" scheme at the Clinton Foundation.

News of the criminal referral quickly scorched across Twitter on Thursday:The criminal referral

is also major news because it may set precedent for the DOJ to charge other former officials

for breaking the law.

It may also spell trouble for Comey, who lied under oath in June 2017 when he testified

before the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Comey told lawmakers that he never personally leaked or authorized anyone at the FBI to

leak information about the Clinton investigation.

Comey answered "never" and "no" to both of the questions from lawmakers.

On Wednesday, Michael Bromwich, the attorney representing McCabe, released a statement

stating that Comey is lying about that claim.

McCabe asserts that Comey knew he was leaking information to the media about the Clinton

investigation and authorized it.

If that's true, it would mean Comey lied under oath before Congress — which is a


Will a criminal referral be sent to prosecutors for Comey?

If McCabe is on the verge of being charged for lying, then Comey should be subjected

to the exact same treatment.

Do you think McCabe should be charged for lying?

Comment below.

For more infomation >> BOMBSHELL DOJ Sends Criminal Referral For Andrew McCabe; Here's What It Means… - Duration: 14:09.


What Influences Body Image? (It's Not Just You) - Duration: 7:03.

Samantha Skelly: In this video I'm going to talk to you about what influences body image,

and something important to remember, it's probably not you.

What's up, Phoenix?

My name is Samantha Skelly, and I am the founder of Hungry for Happiness, and if you truly

want to end the battle with food and your body, you've come to the right place, so be

sure to subscribe to the channel, hit the bell.

I release these videos every single Thursday to give you high value content to truly end

the battle between food and your body.

[00:00:30] Okay, so let's talk about the three big things that truly influence the way that

you feel about your body.

Number one, conditioning society.

Think about when you were growing up, how many conditions you had around how you felt

about yourself.

[00:01:00] I want to relate it back to the whole complex of, "You're the fat girl, you're

the one with big bones."

If someone says something to you on the school ground when you're really young, you're going

to metabolize that, and you're going to take that in as truth, and your whole life you're

going to be creating evidence as to why that's true.

It's a story, it's an identity that's not yours.

It was conditioned on you from either your parents, someone at school, society, whatever

it is, and so what is really important to remember is asking yourself, "What do I believe

to be true about myself?

What do I believe to be true about myself?"

[00:01:30] If you are unclear about that, ask yourself, "What do I want to create?

How do I want to feel in our bodies?"

Our identities drive everything, and so if you have an identity around the fact that

you're the fat girl, or you're the fat guy, or whatever it is, ask yourself, "Where is

that being driven from?

Who told me that?

Do I believe that?

Why did I choose to take that on?"

[00:02:00] Maybe you weren't even aware that you took it on at such a young age, but it's

present now.

Just like we are the creators of everything that's in our lives, we're also the destroyers.

We can destroy the things that are not serving us so that we can create things that are in


Ask yourself, "What's the reality of what I want, and what is the new identity or story

that I get to create to allow that to become a reality?"

Our identities shape everything for us.

[00:02:30] Number two, and this is an obvious one, but social media.

We get it that this is obvious, but are you still following #Thinspiration and all that

garbage that is making you feel like you're awful looking, and you have horrible whatever,

and you're not perfect?

I did that for years.

I was constantly scrolling through all of this thinspiration, and fitspiration, and

it just made me feel like shit constantly.

Social media is a beautiful tool, but filter it for yourself.

Filter it under the filter of happiness.

How does this make me feel when I look at this image?

If it makes you feel depleted, if it makes you feel sad, if you're comparing yourself,

get rid of it.

Don't even ask yourself the question.

[00:03:00] Why are you addicted to the struggle of comparing yourself to other people?

Get clear with yourself and ask yourself, "How do I want to feel, and what do I need

to filter in my feed for me to feel more of those sensations?"

[00:03:30] You know, here's the thing, happiness is our natural state as humans, we just kind

of screw it up along the way.

We become addicted to struggling, we think that if I compare myself enough, I can shame

my way to happiness, and everything will be perfect.

No, no.

Filter your information.

Follow people who inspire you, who light you up, like Hungry for Happiness.

Just kidding, not really though.

But filter your information so that it makes your soul feel really good, because ultimately,

when we are feeling good, we're going to do things that allow us to feel even more of


If we're feeling bad about ourselves, we're going to binge eat, and we're going to go

down that rabbit hole.

If we're feeling so nourished, and so alive, and so vibrant, we're going to choose to do

things that are just going to escalate that even more.

[00:04:00] What are you choosing, and how are you filtering that information on a regular


What we have to understand is what we achieve in our external world has nothing to do with

our body image, nothing to do with our body image.

So often, we use our body as like, "I can't apply for that job because I'm not skinny

enough yet," or, "I can't put myself out there," or, "I can't date that boy," or, "I can't

do this."

Ignore all of that.

[00:04:30] Maybe you have a story around like, "Skinny girls get what they want," or whatever

that is.

I don't know what your story is, but get clear on what that is, and understand that self-worth

and the feeling of feeling good in your body is going to come from within.

Happiness is an inside out job.

You're never going to force your way into happiness, it's all going to come from you

creating it internally, and creating it in your body.

[00:05:00] There's so many videos on my channel about this, and so if you have not gotten

into that, go check those out.

Understand that you achieving, and you hustling for your worth is not going to make you feel

any better about your body.

Know that it's an inside out job.

It does not come from anything in your external world.

[00:05:30] Okay, in a moment here, I am going to share with you my ninja strategy that took

me from an intense hatred of my body, into a loving and peaceful state, but before I

do that, if you've not gotten in on our Five Day Food Freedom Challenge, go do that what.

What are you waiting for?

It's a totally free five day challenge where I'm going to walk you through step, by step,

by step and give you tools and strategies to finally end the battle you have with food

and your body.

If you've not done that yet, click the link below, and go do that.

All right, so my number one ninja strategy, here we go.


Be honest with where you're at.

Don't kid yourself.

If you hate your body, looking in the mirror and saying, "I love my body," a thousand times

a day is not going to make you love your body.

You've got to be honest where you're at.

Acceptance is everything.

[00:06:00] I accept the fact that I do not like my body right now, and my intention is

to learn to love my body.

I did a video on this, and it's called The Negative Side of Body Positivity.

Go check it out if you're unclear about what I mean by that, but we have to be honest with

where we're at, because once we have the honesty, then we have the acceptance, and from that

place we can truly transform.

If we hate our bodies and we're trying to convince ourselves that we love our bodies,

it's not going to work.


Go check out that video so you know what I mean.

[00:06:30] All right, if you liked this video, give me a thumbs up.

If you didn't like it, give me a thumbs down.

Let me know in the comments below if you have any questions about anything else.

If you have a video you want me to share, let me know in the comments, let's get the

conversation going.

I am here to support you to end the battle with food and your body, so however I can

be of service to you to make sure that gets done, let's do this together.

Thank you so much, have an amazing day, and we'll see you next Thursday.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> What Influences Body Image? (It's Not Just You) - Duration: 7:03.


What's it Like to Work From Home? - Duration: 2:01.

Hey everybody how's it going? So you know I always get the question from people

"What's it like to work full-time from home?" and since I just had a

visitor this morning I thought it would be a good opportunity to elaborate.

I have been working full-time since from home since 2011. When I initially started

I had to ask myself the question, Well you're either going to work too little or

you are going to work too much and since I didn't have kids at that point

I erred on the side of working too much. Gave myself a fantastic base, a foundation to give

myself, my career, a giant boost and stability which I've been able to really

capitalize on over that seven years now. Over the last few years I now have two

daughters, a two-year-old and a four-year-old, so you're certainly going

to have interruptions throughout your day which you need to be thankful for.

They certainly like to come in and say hi.

You know the biggest thing I want to say about working from home is it gives you

wonderful flexibility. Just yesterday my daughters had their doctors

and dentist appointment, with I was able to do. I can go to all of their dance and

gymnastics and all their activities on a day to day basis. It also means

working 9 o'clock 10 o'clock at night because you need to get everything

done and because it's 15 feet from your bedroom, you need to make sure that you

have the motivation and the focus to not just be entertained by all your stuff or

distracted by all the stuff in your house. So I love working from home,

I never want to do anything else but it definitely has its challenges. You need

to go in being focused, you need to understand the commitment, you need to

be thankful for the distractions. Your kids in your life grow very very quickly,

so you know while it's a very vitally important to have a separated portion of

the house dedicated, I have my office of course, for working only,

Things are definitely going to work to distract you, but be very thankful for

the opportunity. Work as much as you possibly can, maximize your efficiency

during the time that you are working and it should work out really wonderful for you.

For more infomation >> What's it Like to Work From Home? - Duration: 2:01.


Jimmy Acosta Jumps Shark With What He Just Said About All Trump Fans Like You - Duration: 1:56.

For more infomation >> Jimmy Acosta Jumps Shark With What He Just Said About All Trump Fans Like You - Duration: 1:56.


What Are Angels?--TW Answers - Duration: 3:01.

Welcome to Tomorrow's World Answers,

where we your questions straight from the Bible.

Follow along in your own Bible and read

for yourself what it has to say.

Today's question is:

What Are Angels?

You have likely heard someone speaking fondly

of a deceased loved one, referring to them as an angel

currently watching over them.

The Bible leaves no doubt the fact that angels are real,

and we should turn to it to discover their origin.

Let's begin in the book of Job with a passage most Bible

commentaries agree pictures a host of angels

celebrating the moment of creation.

When Adam and Eve were removed from the Garden of Eden,

cherubim were placed at the boundary of the Garden

to prevent Adam and Eve from returning.

These examples occurred before any human

being had ever died.

These angels could not have once been people.

Matthew 22:30 gives us more information.

Here, Jesus states:

This would have been a prime opportunity

to say that they will be angels,

but that is not what Christ said.

He used the term like to show that they are similar,

not that they are the same.

The book of Hebrews reveals to us our status

relative to angels both now and in the future.

Most marginal references explain that the term

"a little lower than the angels" is meant to convey,

"for a little while lower" this is confirmed

by using the same wording to describe

Jesus Christ in verse 9.

While many take comfort in picturing their deceased

loved ones as angels.

The truth however is far greater.

We have been made for a little while lower

than the angels, but with the opportunity, subsequent

to a resurrection from the dead, to be crowned with glory

and honour and to have all things under our feet

as stated in Hebrews.

If you would like to submit a question for the show,

please email us at the address shown on the screen.

To watch every edition of Tomorrow's World Answers

visit us online at or search

Tomorrow's World Answers on YouTube.

At our website you can also watch this and many

more Tomorrow's World programs.

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Call, write or visit us online today!

This program is a production of the

Living Church of God.

For more infomation >> What Are Angels?--TW Answers - Duration: 3:01.


What North Korea Really Wants: A Normalized Relationship With the U.S. - Duration: 5:20.

For more infomation >> What North Korea Really Wants: A Normalized Relationship With the U.S. - Duration: 5:20.


What do you know about Belarus - Duration: 12:31.

For more infomation >> What do you know about Belarus - Duration: 12:31.


Paula White 2018 ‒ A Word In My Spirit "What Will You Do" - Duration: 9:41.

Paula White 2018 ‒ A Word In My Spirit "What Will You Do"

For more infomation >> Paula White 2018 ‒ A Word In My Spirit "What Will You Do" - Duration: 9:41.


What is the Ashrei? Understanding Jewish Prayer - Duration: 2:54.

The Ashrei, which is essentially psalm 145 with a few additions is one of the most fundamental prayers in the jewish service.

Chanted three times every day, psalm 145 has been read out loud, for at least 2,000 years, something we know

Because of how it appears in the dead sea scrolls

Tradition says whoever recites the Ashrei three times each day, is sure to be one of those who dwell in the world to come

Because it contains the verse, "You open Your hand and satisfy every living thing with favor."

Poteach et Yodecha

This is the core of the whole prayer and a central idea that people both embrace and struggle with -

God actively sustaining us. People often touch their tefillin, and in the Sephardi community open their hands or lift them,

The Ashrei begins with two verses there to get you into the right mood to say

Psalm 145 so it starts, Happy are those who dwell in your house

And then it moves into psalm 145 an alphabetical acrostic

Each phrase digs into an aspect of our relationship with God. On a surface read it feels repetitive...

I will discuss the majestic glory of your beauty, I will relate your greatness, the Lord is good to all...we get it! God's really great.

But all the repetition is far more purposeful and interesting than an initial glance reveals

There are levels of dissecting the poem, different ways to break down the section stanzas and words

Key words are repeated throughout creating a tapestry of meaning, so let's follow one word: happiness


Happiness first appears here, in reference to living in the world

And then here, in reference to people who pray and then here, in reference to people

Who believe in God. Is it referring to all of these? what does a person need to do to be happy?

Just live? just pray? just believe in God?

What's the intended meaning for each line and how, do these three

Possibly contradicting appearances change that meaning

And then take that for all sorts of repeated words - praise, God, majestic

generations, etc.

That's just the english the hebrew is obviously far more powerful

It finishes with a verse borrowed from psalm 115 that works as a segue into the rest of the service through the word

Hallelujah. While the surface read of Ashrei is simply a variety of ways in which to bless God it's

by digging beneath the simple phrases and

discovering the contrasts and contradictions

that turns Ashrei into a beautiful meditation

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