Thứ Năm, 30 tháng 8, 2018

Youtube daily can Aug 30 2018

Schooling can become paid.

Hi! The other day the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky

published on his page in one of the social networks

the message that the study of foreign languages

in schools should become paid in order

not to sponsor a brain drain from Russia.

Logic Vladimir Volfovich, obviously, is this.

Due to the budget, young people receive

a high-quality secondary education,

and after graduation, for various reasons,

are disappointed in their country

and understand that living in another country

will be "definitely" better.

Because of this, the only sure way out of the situation,

the wiser young people,

considers admission to a foreign university or a job at work abroad.

From this side of Zhirinovsky, of course, one can understand.

After all, if a brain drain from Russia passes this way, it is really insulting for the motherland.

In this situation, I, and I'm not afraid to assume that most taxpayers,

the opinion on the inadmissibility of sponsoring the state of brain drain abroad

completely coincides with the opinion of Vladimir Volfovich.

If Zhirinovsky, the head of one of Russia's largest political parties,

proposes such unpopular measures

to protect the intellectual resources of the country,

the situation with the leakage

of young specialists in the country can be described as critical.

In this regard, a mere measure

in the form of the introduction

of paid foreign language instruction in schools,

the problem with the refinement of intelligence in the country,

absolutely, definitely will not be solved.

Dear deputies, I appeal to you:

"An integrated approach is needed here."

First, it is necessary to prohibit all citizens of the country

from the age of zero to 60 years to go abroad.

In general, to the old age,

thoughts of foreign countries never occurred to the head!

Secondly, foreign languages in schools do not need to be taught at all.

Even if somehow someone can go abroad

- it's not scary!

Anyway, he will not understand anything there!

If these measures prove to be insufficient,

then it is necessary to resort to an extreme measure:

it is necessary to prohibit everything altogether.

Let people know only what the government will tell them.

Only in this way will the state guarantee that the people will be happy.

However, dear deputies, seriously, we have already passed all this,

but unfortunately, the bright future of prohibitive tactics, unfortunately, did not bring.

Therefore, preventing people

from building their happy future at home or abroad is not right and not fair.

Are we worse than others?

Politicians are constantly thinking in some way to limit the people,

so that it would be better for him to live from this.

This is nothing strange - it's their job.

Dear friends, love your house, the entrance to your house, the yard of your house,

your city and then you definitely

will not want to leave your country.

Well, if for some reason you still leave it,

you will certainly want to return.

Subscribe to the Channel Shtorm to keep abreast of the latest news

in the field of education and not only with a share of author's humor.

Put your likes if you liked this video. Thank you all for your attention. Bye.

For more infomation >> Обучение в школе может стать платным. Schooling can be paid. - Duration: 2:54.


Make Disciples, Only God Can Make A Convert - Duration: 25:59.

hello and welcome again to my channel

Jesus doctrine today I want to talk

about the very very exciting topic of

discipleship Jesus says some very strong

things his final words before he ascends

into the heavens he says in Matthew 28

and he says go therefore and make

disciples of the nations baptizing them

in the name of the Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit the reason that

Jesus' final of proclamation to his

disciples was not going get converts but

was go and baptize and make disciples is

really important, the reason Jesus is

focusing on this disciples is because

it's through the discipleship program

that you were really going to help

you're really going to bless you really

go into minister you're really gonna see

deliverance is you're really gonna see

transitions taking place in people's

life Jesus never said go and get people

saved and make converts go and make

Christian so that they can fill the

churches Jesus yes he wanted us to be

saved but he wanted us to also be

conformed to the image of his son he

wanted us to have the inheritance, he wanted

us to have the blessing of Jesus but you

can't have that in your life except you

have the likeness of Jesus being formed

and forged in you, being like Jesus

was always the greatest need and

discipleship has always been the means

to fulfill this need now if you're

anything like me you got saved you

started attending church and you kept to

yourself and God began to do mighty

things in your life on your own and it

was just you and Jesus for a while

although you attended the church and

people were there with you

it was very much you in Jesus if you're

that person today I am not telling this

to take anything away from you but even

Paul the Apostle with his dramatic

conversion experience knew the need to

be discipled and he had Barnabas taking

under his wing and take him away for a

season to be built upon he what he

learnt to minister he learned the

scriptures he learned the character of

God yes God was doing something special

this great apostle but he don't need it

to be discipled though he knew the

Scriptures it wasn't enough there was

still a process of spending time with

the Brethren (and God) being accountable to one

another in the brethren to being

sharpened for we know that iron sharpens

by there is essential absolutely


Discipleship isn't about

knowing the Bible or knowing the

Scriptures perfectly inside and out it's

not that at all

thus like worship is about the

Scriptures being inside of you and

changing who you are you taking on the

nature and the character of Christ oh

that's exciting and so when you get

disciple you're going to be challenged

on the way you think the way you

approach the way that you look and you

are going to challenge other people to

consider why you do that and why you

don't do this and it's part and parcel

of the process both you and the person

disciple in our learning as you go

through the issues and the difficulties

and the challenges of walking out the

Christian life together

discipleship is essential Jesus taught

multitude he preached on the

mountaintops he spoke to crowds even fed

thousands he spent a lot of time

teaching in the synagogue and correcting

the scribes and the Pharisees in public

he spent times always ministering to

crowds however,

this is not the whole

picture of the Ministry of God the

Ministry of Christ also went and he went

into houses and ate with people it went

into a quiet place and he taught men how

to pray you got people to a place where

they were able to ask questions and be

able to have conversation with him to

shape and to challenge who they were he

was able to share things about their

life he was able to reveal things that

he could see in the individuals life it

was not always this corporate experience

of being ministered to for a son there

was a complete of her element of Jesus's

ministry which we call discipleship the

reason that Jesus preached the multitude

is because he could get his message

heard by by thousands at the same time

powerful, but the reason he discipled

only a fear was

you cannot have personal relationships

if everybody you cannot go around

telling everybody your personal

information your personal life your

personal business but when you bring a

group of friends close to you and

there's a mutual trust that's gained in

that shared now you can begin to impart

who you really are your deepest secrets

why you do what you do and when you do

it you can begin to show them the

relationships that you have with your

parents and with your family and with

the Brethren your relationships that you

have with sinners and with the unsaved

as well as with the religious rulers and

teachers of his day Jesus who decide

which it was able to challenge

stereotypes the Samaritans they're

unclean don't go near them he was able

to deal with racism with prejudices with

preconceived ideas about bringing up

swords and fighting the Romans and

establishing a kingdom for our own means

you see it was who discipleship that the

impartation of how to practically live

for Jesus Christ

is shared this is what Jesus did it's

this process that it helps us through

the Holy Ghost to form Christ in us

fully so that we are ready and equipped

for every good work, you see the discipleship

ship is the key now now there's probably

some people watching is thinking oh the

side worships only really needed for

those that are going to be the pastors

or the preachers or those that feel call

or leadto minister or to lead in these

sort of ministries I want to tell you

that is absolute nonsense Jesus says go

into all the nations and make disciples

why because everybody needs discipleship

everybody needs that experience

everybody needs that family structure

around them that close-knit, someone to

speak into their life in a time,

someone to guide them,

someone to guide others,

someone that they can lead and guide.

discipleship is a process it's not

designed to make you a pupil for the

rest of your life but to bring you into

relationships where you're teaching and

when you're learning and when you're

growing not just from your own

experiences but from that of the rest of

the body of Christ for that of the rest

of the local church for that from that

from the experiences of

were Christians even not in your church

around you. Its through discipleship that

you aren't able to grow beyond your own

practical experience this is essential

Jesus was speaking about his disciples

and he said you know what govern

disciple and make disciples and those

disciples will make disciples this is

something that can continue forever

it's perpetual its sustainable this

isn't just a message that helps you this

is about giving people the character

that will help generations to come

and so we've got to be really really

clear that discipleship is essential for

everybody men and women need to be

disciples some of you think all women

aren't disciples Jesus didn't choose the

twelve, Jesus didn't just disciple

those people that would lead the church!

He disciples the people that came to

him that wanted to be discipled, now he

had limits there were some people I

fully acknowledge he says go and tell

somebody about what you see or go back

to the place where you've come from he

did do that why you cannot disciple

everybody there's no two ways about it

Jesus would have been swamped with

thousands of people if everybody could

have been a disciple at the same time

but what Jesus also understood that if

he invests properly in a group of young

men and a group of women that will

invest in other men and over women and

then once those disciples are forged in

May they can disciple in other men and

over women and the longer you a disciple

the less contact time you're probably

going to need with those people that

disciple you freeing them up to disciple

of us this is about perpetuating the

kingdom of God, His righteousness and the

character and the nature of Jesus Christ

in your life.

So you're probably thinking

okay I said a lot about Jesus discipling

in everybody let's have a meet

specifically about Jesus disciple in


and so I'm gonna read from you

Luke chapter 10 verse 38 downwards now

it came to pass

I say when's he entered into a certain

village where a woman named Martha

received him into a house she had a

sister called Mary which also said Jesus

feet and heard his words.


so we got two sisters Martha bless her song was a

good sister and she does something that

is very typical of righteous holy

women she opened their home up to Christ

and she allowed Christ into a home she

allowed him to come into her house and

to minister not only to herself but to

her sister Mary and to her family it's

through opening ourselves up the through

the discipleship process that we allow

the blessing of the character change and

the confrontation to become more and

more who God wants us to be to happen in

our life now when they get into the

house something interesting happens Mary

sits at his feet, like anybody would when

they listening to someone is teaching or

guiding or instructing

now let's see what else happens

but Martha was cumbered about much serving and came

about to him and said Lord do you not

care that my sister has left me to serve

alone bid her therefore that she helped

me and jesus answered and said unto her

Martha Martha you are careful and

troubled about many things but

one thing is needful! Mary had chosen a good part


shall not be taken away from her


so Mary he's sitting at the feet of

Jesus whilst her sister a is doing what

women do and they cater, they feed they are

hospitable and they make everybody feel

so welcome in the house.

This was something that was very important

This is something that's crucial today

Christians ought to be hospitable

however, Jesus used even hospitality of

Martha to begin to teach something but,

Sometimes there is a time that you've

got to be still and be and hear the word

of God.

You've got to be still and have a

time to reflect, there's gonna be a

time where you're able to sit at the

Masters feet and have a time for

yourself with God.

He wasn't condemning Martha for her actions,

in fact if Martha had not opened her home then there would

have been no discipleship happening

here because,

discipleship is always a

choice an individual has to open

themselves up and it is clearly Martha's

decision to be disciple that Mary ends

up being blessed.

We need to not condemn this woman here now because,

we need to

understand what's going on but, Jesus uses

Martha was opening a home and Mary sitting

at the feet of Jesus, to be able to show Martha,

'not only do you need to open yourself

but that sometimes you need to sit at

the feet and listen for yourself that

isn't to say that serving isn't an

important role.

Some people make this into gender, saying Jesus was trying to make

everyone a disciple and everyone a

teacher and everyone a preacher.

Discipleship is not about preaching,

discipleship is not about gender,

it's about character and Jesus here is trying

to teach that sometimes opening yourself up

and then being busy about the things of

God, the things of righteousness,

the things that need to be done isn't enough,

sometimes we need to take that time

alone in the same way that Jesus

preached to the multitude and he took

his disciples to quite solitude place,

to pray.

There is something being

taught to men and to women about having

alone personal time, where God is able to

minister to our needs.

Discipleship it's his personal character confrontation us, Now

Jesus wouldn't have been able to do that

to a multitude, he couldn't just up his

sermon and say Martha you're not doing


then Edward you ain't doing that,

Suzanne and you're not doing this,

Norman, Peter, Bartholun follow me you ain't

doing this right but in the smaller

setting he was able to spend the

individual time and minister

individually to people this is what

discipleship is about it's about that

intimacy with God it's about that

intimacy with one another as you reveal

the things on your heart and never feel

the things that God is dealing or gonna

speak to you or speak through you to

another intimacy another proof that

Jesus chose to disciple absolutely

everyone is the fact that Judas of

Iscariot who Jesus knew would betray him

he still chose to take him on board and

disciple him even though he seemed like

such a waste let me tell you this some

other men that I have invested time

following up in that have never made it

for God that I've tried and I've spent

time working and believing God that

they'll be saved and it all some known

to you think those things built me those

things built offers that witnessed it

those things built a multitude of people

you see sometimes we get into this

mindset that we should only work with

people when it's going to work out the

way that we want or when we see the

expected outcomes

we desire that isn't mine discipleship

was for everybody even for those that

were known that they may not make it but

you still try to see what would come

about from this so Judas of a scab it

was called to be a disciple of Jesus

even though jesus knew who's gonna

betray but I tell you this there's a

power for dynamic when people can see

that you're working with people because

you value all people devalue them as

precious and special regardless of what

they do or they're going to do but you

still give them the time of the day and

you still believe God for them it's

empower 'fl thing to minister to people

issues women have often asked me should

they be women's beside worships I'm

gonna kind of try and answer this by

explaining why men's discipleship suffer

men only and why there may or only with

it imagine you've got a male pastor

who's preaching the word but he's not

just preaching the word and men's

discipleship he's opening his whole life

up to you he's exposing his own personal

struggles as a man with his morality

with his decision process with his

thought process with the mistakes that

he's made he's actually going up onto a

pooping and exposing himself and then

opening them for questions so that

people could probe and understand what's

going on inside of his character that

makes him think and see the way that he

does it's a very intimate and a very

very private thing that a man does when

they take someone on to disciple them

when they begin to share their life and

the reason that preachers do this isn't

because they believe that they can

disciple a thousand people in the room

at one go through Minister side Bishop

but they believe that if they can expose

something if they can extend themselves

out and show the experiences and the

times and the challenges and the

questions and the wisdom that they've

gained and the heart and and the deeply

personal things this isn't just what the

Bible says here in the ministry this is

about a man exposing his own life

exposing the life of others men that

he's spoken to this is about sharing of

manhood so that other men can see what

makes a man tick but more than what

makes them tick what processes men need

to go through

what stages what emotions what battles

the in particular those men have been

through an over men are going to go

through in order to make Christ fully

formed in their life and it's always

presented in a male led arena for that

reason you don't you can't have a man

exposing very personal and very intimate

things about his manhood to a woman

that's not his wife it wouldn't be right

it would be wrong in the same things

true of a woman's beside worship however

obviously we don't have women preaching

in the church where I attend and so you

don't see we missus up we ship anywhere

in that sense from a pulpit however even

with the men's type worship and only

with a women's discipleship where you

have this coming together and this

speaking this coming together and this

fellowship in these coming together and

having intimate relationships menses our

bishops are done so that men can come

together the men will group together

that there were way for a day that they

can begin to speak they can begin to

share they begin to pray together

there's a time for it like Martha and

Mary Mary's made time for Jesus men so

side bishops get men away from work from

their children from their families so

that they have time as men to speak and

to fellowship and to share their lives

their experiences their struggles with

one another so that they can be

strengthened it isn't about just the

preaching it's about making up

opportunity for men to feel comfortable

in communicating these things now I've

often seen that women are far better at

coming together in twos or threes or

picking up the phone and sharing their

hearts their feelings and their emotions

and reflecting on what the Word of God

has said and what they should do but

it's not normally the case with men you

normally have to fight to get them to

talk so what you do is you bring them

together you say things you challenge

them and you let them go and have those


men's discipleship is so important we

recently seen massive problems in

youngsters particularly young boys and

going to church young boys and

maintaining and living for God and the

reason is because they have all these

expectations that can't be fulfilled

from just being

saved their needs to beat the cypher

ship there needs to be a venes to

express to learn to do to experience to

change who they are and to go and to go

out and to to experiment to try to

preach to minister to express and it

without discipleship without the leading

and the guiding of other men

how are these young boys ever gonna make

it how are they gonna have ever figure

out what their the destiny of their life

is what their will is if there's no

people around them there to encourage

them to continue to seek God encourage

them that when they don't know where to

go to just keep moving forward encourage

them to do something so God says stuff

or in some cases to tell them to stop

and to try and this offer direction and

see what God might get involved in we

have got to be very careful that we

don't just get people saved and leave

them to themselves Jesus believed in

discipleship so there are some

experiences I want to list down

specifically that I feel that every

believer and the every single believer I

can't stress it enough no man no woman

needs to be left behind with this I

believe every believer needs to have a

few of these experiences that I've just

written down on a bit of a notepad when

I think about my discipleship process so

the first thing is I learnt to pray from

being around of the disciples I heard

them pray I saw them play they made

hands on me and prayed God and believed

that I'd be filled with the Holy Ghost

I'm speaking the spirit they

discipleship is that process and without

discipleship chances are you're probably

not going to experience some of this it

was food discipleship that I first

learned how what to do when I went to go

and visit the sick when I went to go and

visit someone at a house it was a new

believer it was when I first learnt how

to take control and dominion over

situations that were demonic it was

where I first learnt so Messel against

the flesh and I was first challenged on

how to correctly wage war against my

flesh and deny myself it was food as I

push it that I learned these kind of


it was food aside worships that I

learned to give practical advice it was

through discipleship but I learned how

to take correction but not just the

correction how to give encouragement how


to receive encouragement and why

sometimes we need to have correction and

encouragement and how we need to balance

the two so not hurt and destroy people

it is through discipleship that I

learned how to use the Word of God not

as a sword to divide people apart and to

cut people up but to heal and to build

them up and to speak into lives destiny

and future envision you see discipleship

was a crucial aspect of my life and of

me I can't I can't stress that though I

got saved and I was doing well and I

attended church of my own accord once I

got saved of my own decision I felt like

God spoke to me it's really free

discipleship that I've seen the greatest

acceleration in my Christian walk and

what youngsters want is they want to run

before they can walk the only way that

they're ever gonna get to a place where

they're gonna be happy that they're

gonna have the joy and they're gonna be

useful the way that they want to be

useful is if we take them in and show

them how to make themself yourself we

show them from our own experiences only

fast-track Allah we give them advice and

we allow them to go through those

experiences for themselves as they're

learning so that they're engaged in this

Christian walk nobody young wants to be

a Christian by name only everybody wants

to be a disciple but they just don't

know it they want the joy they want

peace and happiness they want purpose

they want supernatural power they want

anointing they want understanding of the

Word of God they want the character to

be able to deny the flesh they want to

see change and impact on the world that

they're living in but they can't and so

they get frustrated and fizzle away

particularly young men book who

discipleship you have a chance to

wrestle back against this you've got to

make disciples now a lot of people

saying you know we got a study to show

yourself approved yes you do but that

isn't what discipleship is discipleship

isn't just the studying to show yourself

approved as a work man rightly dividing

the word of God discipleship is about

you building relationships with other

men and disciple in them and them decide

billing you and you gain underneath the

wing of your pasta or of a senior man

someone that's been around and that

knows the Christian life that's

experienced wings and you know what you

might come to them with something that

never never been

before but between the two of you that

you're gonna work it through together

discipleship is a place where you can

share your struggles and your successes

encouraging one another but ultimately

allowing Christ to be fully formed in

your life

I believe that discipleship is the most

important part of the church and that if

a youth group are meeting and they're

active and the youth groups growing but

there is no personal individual

discipleship you are letting them down

because you are failing to help them to

develop the character that they need to

make it for God I'm not saying that you

have to start people having fun but

there needs to be the personal

commitment to making sure people grow

into the strong able Christians able to

make decisions April to discern able to

know what to do in given situations that

really ought to be taught and learned

through discipleship men and women have

slightly different roles with regards to

ministry women have a ministry that's

completely exclusive to women that no

matter how much a man tried we can't

enter into record childbearing and

child-rearing rearing we can't

breastfeed we can't bear children we

can't give birth to the Living Young we

can't experience some of the things that

women have gone through God has made

them unique and special and that element

of their life and ministry should they

wish to go into that area of their

ministry is divine and that's a place

where only enough a woman could really

disciple a woman about those processes

and what it's like to go through that

there's a specific place where women

need to disciple women and men need to

disciple men equally men is a place when

it comes to the ministering of the Word

of God if they want to go on to be a

minister now I said it earlier

discipleship is needed whether you want

to preach or not whether you want to be

the leader of a church on the side mushy

peas for all men but if you want to go

into those sort of ministries you've got

to be discipled by a man about those

sort of issues a man that kids been

through it and that knows what the life

is the notice of struggles and the

battles that knows what the Word of God

says very well because that's what

you're going to be preaching and so

study to show yourself approved is

important but that doesn't replace the

cycle ship the two is completely

different and you need to do both if you

want to be a man of God leading Bible

studies rightly dividing the word Oh

encourage everyone to study to show

themselves approved but if you want to

be a preacher you need to be giving

yourself perfectly in that area of your

life and the only reason I'm mentioning

it is because I know a lot of people

think discipleship is for the practice

of building preachers it's not show

yourself approved and that extra

fervency in going that step further and

giving themselves is required if you

want to minister and help others in

their needs as a preacher so jesus spent

three and a half years disciple ii met

three and a half years poor the apostle

got saved and for three years he again

goes to the dark side of the world and

begins to learn what it is to walk out

this Christian life it's important that

we understand that discipleship is not

getting people to get past the test so

that they're ready to learn for the rest

of their life without advice

discipleship is an ongoing process but

after you've intensively got yourself

involved in discipleship and you

allowing people and you learn certain

things you then qualified to begin to

start disciple in coffers you're still

at the start for yourself this there is

someone over you but you're probably not

going to be as dependent upon them to

lead and guide you about certain things

that you've learned and so now they've

got freedom to take on up over man

you've got to be careful that we don't

forget that we also still need to be

disciples and ultimately we're all

disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ who

speaks to us but that is not an excuse

to cut yourself off from prophets and

sisters please do like and subscribe to

my channel Jesus doctrine and I'll keep

you updated with lots of other new

videos that I'm doing make disciples of

all the nations

For more infomation >> Make Disciples, Only God Can Make A Convert - Duration: 25:59.


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we see these things,

and so we have some kind of tangible relationship to them.

But when you go to your doctor

and they take some fluid out of your body

and then come back and tell you about it,

we don't see all the biotechnology that's happening behind the scenes.

We don't see the whole market in fluids and data that's behind that.

It's totally invisible to us.

Heather Dewey-Hagborg, take one.

I studied visual art alongside computer science.

And so my work is really trying to ask deep questions

about technology and how it functions and its impact on society.

In Stranger Visions, the question was

how much can I learn about a stranger from a hair.

I collected genetic artifacts,

so things that strangers left in public, like

chewed-up gum and cigarette butts and fingernails.

I extracted DNA from them and analyzed it.

And then what came out of that were these 3D printed portraits

that represented one genomic interpretation

of what a stranger might look like

based on their genetic material.

One aspect, was the kind of genetic surveillance aspect,

that there was this vulnerability of the body.

And then the second thing was this new technology

was emerging of DNA phenotyping.

DNA phenotyping is the attempt to create

an actual picture of a person's face

from nothing more than their DNA.

Two years after I exhibited Stranger Visions,

a company called Parabon NanoLabs launched

a product called DNA Snapshot

that claims to do just this—

to take DNA from a crime scene

and make a picture of "the criminal."

And this I knew from my work and Stranger Visions

was just not possible; it was too subjective.

There were many possible interpretations

of one person's face based on their data.

It wasn't this reductionist process.

Actually, it was complex and nuanced and messy.

The biotechnological universe is growing all around us all the time.

DNA phenotyping, recreational genetics,

databases like 23andMe and,

GEDmatch, the criminal database.

We have to really radically think about

what it means to live in a time where there is no genetic privacy.

We have to be hackers.

We have to, like, DIY the whole thing.

I would really like to see more artists

and creative people working in

public interest technology,

making visible this kind of hidden world of biotechnology.

For more infomation >> What Can Your Genetic Portrait Tell the World? #PublicInterestTech - Duration: 2:47.


How can accountability partners change your life - Duration: 4:33.

Hi everybody

It's already my last evening. So today was the last day

Of our holidays. I hope you can hear me. Well, I have lost my my earphones in the mountain somewhere. I

Really enjoyed it. I

It was

I'm here many years already. I think 15 years every year. We're coming to the same place to the same hotel

but some

major changes have taken place

so I

Feel I feel very happy very comfortable we are satisfied usually at the end of holidays I

Tend to get a bit I used in the past to become

Bit short-tempered because everything was going back to normal. I didn't want to leave I was not really



Maybe expecting more from that we then

could have happened but this has really changed and it makes me happy and

Usually I spent a lot of money in behind you can buy wonderful clothes and shoes

so I must admit a

thousand euros that was no problem for me to spend but it made me very

Unsatisfied once you spend the money you think somehow I thought I can you buy me some

Some satisfaction with that, but it's not

the same

It always costs a lot of money and I just don't need it I'm very relaxed this time

I have you as accountability partners

I have something to look forward to when I'm coming back home because nothing has changed you were there before?

You were here with me. I took everything with me

My cell phone my laptop

You as a group

So you will be with me when I'm back home. So I think that made a big big difference

And I'm very happy with that

So, yes, thank you for being with me. I know it's holiday time and

some of you are maybe on vacation, but I think when we are back and

Middle of August end of August everything will come back to normal we have to reschedule

I would like to make my the next webinar tomorrow in a week

That would be the 18th of August. So we're gonna make a post about that in the group. I

Became aware that I am not really

Focusing or I

Haven't really written down what I really want. What do I want to achieve? I'm not I'm not after any

Material things like I want this car or I want to have this house

So I have to get a bit more clear about that at the moment. I can just focus on my

90 day challenge when it comes to my health or

to my goal

Sticking to four times per week 30 minutes of cardio. I definitely accomplished that during my holidays and

I want to reduce my body fat at the moment. This is the only

Measurable goal that I have so I will stick to that and I have to become more clear


what I really want to achieve in my life or with this online business I have to

Write it down and take some time maybe half a day to really I was not in the mood to do it here

This is everything that I want to do at home

Because it's important we need to be clear about that

How can the delete but the universe deliver something to us?

If we just don't know what you want by ourselves, so that that will be another

Duty and tasks for me that I will follow up

So yes, I have to say goodbye to what a wonderful City Hall and I'm definitely coming back next year

Maybe we can make it a bit earlier and go twice a year. You don't know

So I will all come back to you tomorrow. I love you. Bye

For more infomation >> How can accountability partners change your life - Duration: 4:33.


İngilizce Dersleri - 10. Ders ***Türkçe ve İngilizce Altyazılı*** ( 'CAN'li cümleler) - Duration: 3:10.

Hello everyone. In this video we are

talking about modal verb 'can' in

affirmative, interrogative and negative

sentences. Let's start with the

affirmatives. In affirmative sentences we

use 'can' between the subject and the verb.

For example; 'I can play piano', 'He can speak German'. As you see it comes after

the subject and before the verb. To make

it in a question we use 'can' at the

beginning of the sentence, like that;

'Can you play piano?' or 'Can he speak German?'

To make it in the negative we use 'not' after can, like that; 'I cannot play

piano', 'He cannot speak German'. In the

negative form we can also use 'cannot'

like that; can't so as a short form we can write it but

pronunciation differs in American and

British accent. In American pronunciation

it's used like /kent/, in British

pronunciation it's like /ka:nt/. again

American /kent/, British /ka:nt/.

If you go to America and you want to pronounce that word like can't

be careful that you pronounce it with the long /a:/ phoneme,

not with the short one like 'cunt'. It can be very offensive for Americans. Especially for the women.

Now let's look at the usage of 'can'. Firstly can't

denotes ability of someone for

example; when you say 'I can play piano' it

means that I am able to play piano or 'he

can speak German' means that he is able

to speak German.

The second usage of can denotes

possibility of the sentence ,for example;

when you say 'I can come to your party.

I'm free on Saturday' means that I am

available to come to your party, 'I don't ,have anything to do so it is possible for

me to come to your party. I can come to your party on Saturday.

But if in negative you say that 'I can't

come to your party' it doesn't mean that

physically I'm not able to come, it means

the situation is not possible. It's not

possible for me to come to your party

so I can't come to your party. Let's look

at another example; 'They can't be on holiday. I saw their car

in front of the building this morning.'

means that it's impossible for them to

be on holiday. Because today I saw their

car in front of the building. So as you

see can and can't or can't is used for

ability and possibility.

If you find this video helpful please do not

forget to like this video and subscribe my channel.

For more infomation >> İngilizce Dersleri - 10. Ders ***Türkçe ve İngilizce Altyazılı*** ( 'CAN'li cümleler) - Duration: 3:10.


How short can royals' dresses and skirts be? Royal protocol queried after Meghan Markle steps out in - Duration: 2:55.

 Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, is not afraid to live royal life her own way

   Since marrying Prince Harry, Kate Middleton's sister-in-law has broken a few royal outfit rules, as has every woman in the famous family

 However, Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis' aunty raised eyebrows more than she has before recently as she attended a performance of Hamilton in London with Harry in a short black tuxedo dress

 Many people commented on how short the dress was for a royal, with many pointing out the length was not royal family friendly

  Top Stories Meghan Markle tuxedo dress: Duchess of Sussex's short outfit is a Meghan Markle favourite Meghan Markle flashes legs as she joins Prince Harry for a performance of Hamilton  Others loved Meghan's daring choice, and applauded her for showing off her amazing figure

   But did Meghan actually break a royal rule? Is there a minimum length of skirt and dresses for the royal women?   While the Queen is reportedly not a fan of short skirts and dresses, there is no known royal rule that says how long a skirt or a dress should be

   Having said that, it's easy to believe there are some guidelines, as the Queen, Kate Middleton and other female members of the royal family usually opt for knee length or longer

  Most Popular Loose Women: Coleen Nolan issues statement after explosive Kim Woodburn fight Kim Woodburn Loose Women: Loose Women receives 448 Ofcom complaints over row Cheryl sparks concerns as she shares 'frail' snap as Liam moves on  However, have been occasions when the Duchess of Cambridge has chosen a shorter style for a royal event

   In 2013, Kate wore a black and white polka dot dress during a visit to Warner Bros Studios which fell a couple of inches above the knee

   In fact, Kate has worn a lot of dresses in the past the same length as Meghan Markle's black tuxedo dress – and so we doubt the Duchess will be in any trouble

  Top Stories Meghan Markle and Prince Harry welcome new member to the royal household Why Meghan Markle looked so different during London outing with Prince Harry Meghan Markle's fashion quirks – the style notes the Duchess of Sussex follows every time

For more infomation >> How short can royals' dresses and skirts be? Royal protocol queried after Meghan Markle steps out in - Duration: 2:55.


Prince Harry 'Can't Stop Singing the Songs' of Hamilton, Teases Wife Meghan Markle - Duration: 3:17.

 He'll be back — because he's a Hamilfan!  Prince Harry surprised the audience at a special West End performance of the smash musical Hamilton on Wednesday night when he launched — briefly — into one of the show's numbers

 Despite the public teaser of his vocal abilities, the prince's wife Meghan Markle says he sings all the tunes at home — not just the songs performed by the king

 Speaking with Rachel John, who plays Angelica Schuyler in the London version of the Broadway hit, Meghan, 37, said, "We saw it back in January, February and thought it was incredible

"  Continued Meghan of her husband, 33, "Harry loved it, it was the first time he saw it, and now he can't stop singing the songs!"  Harry greeted Jason Pennycooke, who plays the Marquis de Layfette, with a "Bonjour!"  "The first time round [I saw the show] I was laughing so much

Just fantastic," he told the actor.  The song Harry performed was "You'll Be Back," which is sung by King George, his sixth great-grandfather, in the show

 And Meghan — who wore a $595 black tuxedo minidress by Judith & Charles — added, "We could just feel the energy

It was so engaging."  The show was a gala performance to raise money for one of Harry's charities, Sentebale, which helps young people in southern Africa

The event raised "hundreds of thousands of pounds," the charity chairman Johnny Hornby said

 Every Photo from Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Summer Date Night at Hamilton  "We knew Harry and Meghan had been to the show almost secretly, although a cast member tweeted it, and loved it," Hornby told reporters

"Harry and Meghan love the show. This is the third time that Meghan has seen it. They were very involved in the event; we chatted about it and they were so excited about doing it

"  And referring to Botswana, where the couple went shortly after meeting in summer 2016 (and where a stone in her engagement ring was sourced), he added, "You know how much music is important in Lesotho and to be able to bring all these things together, and how important Botswana is to the couple, is so beautiful

"  "I think for the cast it's even more electric that Lin-Manuel is here because he's theatre royalty

And of course tonight we have true royalty too."  The money raised on Wednesday will help "open a camp to help young people with HIV in Botswana later in the year, so the money will go directly to Lesotho and Botswana," Hornby added

For more infomation >> Prince Harry 'Can't Stop Singing the Songs' of Hamilton, Teases Wife Meghan Markle - Duration: 3:17.


How Much Home Can You Afford - Your Mortgage - Fifth Third Bank - Duration: 1:22.

Here's the deal with figuring out how much home you can afford:

in order to know what you can afford,

you first need a clear understanding of your income versus expenses.

It's important take a financial snapshot of where you are now –

what your current debt is,

how much you spend on everyday things,

and any immediate purchases you need to make –

to make sure you still have room for savings in your monthly budget.

Then, try to estimate how much your future debt, spending, and income will likely be,

to see if your desired mortgage amount is still manageable.

Remember to take into account the increased costs of home ownership,

such as renovations, maintenance, and utilities,

and consider large future purchases like cars or your children's tuition.

Once you've reviewed your budget, you'll want to get pre-qualified with Fifth Third.

Prequalification gives you an estimated amount that you can borrow from us.

The process is quick and easy.

You'll submit information regarding your income, assets, and debts,

and in return will get a letter showing you're prequalified and ready-to-buy.

Then, you're ready to start house hunting.

Get started online, call, or stop by one of our financial centers to obtain

your prequalification and begin shopping for your new, affordable home.

And that's the deal with figuring out how much home you can afford.

For more infomation >> How Much Home Can You Afford - Your Mortgage - Fifth Third Bank - Duration: 1:22.


Heart problems can now be detected through handwriting. - Duration: 0:44.

the letter b shows the blood circulation

in our body open B from down shows a

weak blood circulation leading to heart

related problems in later night soft me

here the brain does not receive

sufficient blood supply which can cause

headaches migraine or sinus closed B is

the correct formation which leads to a

healthy blood circulation in our body

For more infomation >> Heart problems can now be detected through handwriting. - Duration: 0:44.


How to Stop a Binge (You Can Do It) - Duration: 5:56.

What's up Phoenix and welcome back to the channel.

In this video we're gonna be going into how to stop a binge.

You know that moment where you're like right on the verge of binge eating.

There's so much we can do in that moment, so I'm going to break it down and show you

step by step how to make sure you don't give in to a binge.

Alright, let's get started.

First of all, if you've never been here before, welcome.

I drop video's every single Thursday to help you end the battle with food and your body.

So if you're new, be sure to subscribe and hit the bell, so you are notified every single

time it goes live.

Alright, let's get started.

So what is your body actually wanting when you're binge eating.

Your body first of all is not wanting food.

It's not wanting to numb your emotions with food.

Your body is wanting a state change.

It wants to go from one vibrational frequency to another vibrational frequency.

Now, that doesn't mean numbing the one vibrational frequency that feels sticky, or feels awful,

whether that stress or pain or anxiety or whatever it is, that doesn't mean numbing


In fact when we do numb it, we miss the lesson.

We miss why it's there in the first place.

Our body only knows how to communicate to us through sensations, that's it.

Our body does not have an English language.

Our body can only communicate through either physical ailments, if our bodies breaking

down or if we're sore or if we got stomach aches and things like that.

That's how our body tells us somethings wrong or the emotional side, our body gives us signals

like tension, anxiety, stress, fear, doubt, all the rest of it to let us know that something

is out of alignment or we need to slow down or we need to look at something or need to

feel through something.

And so how we stop binges is not through ignoring them or suppressing the emotionality, it's

through leaning into it.

And I know that may seem counter productive because in every other area of life, we feel

pain and we're like let's get rid of it.

Put a bandaid on it, let's take some aspirin, let's pop some pills, whatever we need to


But for the sake of this and our relationship with food, we really need to feel into that.

Now when I say state change again, we can create a quick state change through binge

eating, because it immediately changes our state, but not for long.

And then we feel shameful and guilty that we used food as a drug in the first place.

That's not what I'm talking about, but through feeling our emotions and through understanding

them ... like okay, I feel this sensation because this, or I need to have this conversation

with this person that I'm putting off, or I haven't completed this thing that I need

to do, or I did this really bad thing and now I'm feeling guilty.

Sensations are leaving clues for us everywhere and so what is your body communicating to


What are you needing to pay attention to.

For us to use food as a drug, we can't actually get that information.

We need to be in a state of non-consumption for us to allow that data to come through

to us.

So that sensation is data, right.

It's divine data that just gets downloaded to us and we get to feel it and we get to

understand what it is and do something about it, in the way of healing it and loving it

and slowing down and taking action to help dissipate it and get it to a higher frequency.

So when we're binge eating we can't do that and so what you need to get really clear on

is how do you want to feel.

What is your reason or what is your intention for putting that food in your mouth.

And so just by like being present in this moment and simply just by asking ourself these

questions, we're going to derail binge eating.

But what tends to happen is we don't ask ourselves these questions, we get into like this hypnosis

state where we barely remember, we like come to and we're like oh shoot, I ate all the

Ben and Jerry's or whatever it is.

And that to me [inaudible 00:03:38] frustrate with ourselves and we're like oh, did it again,

I have no will power, I'm never going to be able to get out of this, I'm not good enough

for it.

And then the whole self sabotage cycle starts and rears it's head.

And so when we can take steps before, we can understand how to change our state through


The second we start feeling and we're present we begin to shift and change our state.

And so we're not going to stop binge eating through dieting or through restriction or

whatever it is, we're going to do it through actually feeling.

We have to feel in order to heal.

In a second here, I'm going to show you my number one strategy that I used when I was

overcoming binge eating to help me truly shift that narrative and get into a place of being

able to heal my emotions rather than numb them.

And before I do that, I want to make sure that you are signed up for our five day food

freedom challenge.

That's five days, it's totally free.

I walk you through step, by step, by step to help you end the battle with food and your

body by giving you videos and meditations.

And there's a community to help you as well.

So if you've not yet joined be sure to click the link below and get your bum in the door.

So one thing I always ask myself as I was getting through this battle with food is,

what am I really hungry for?

It's never about the food right, so I had to ask myself, what is that thing that I am

hungry for?

What is my body asking you of me and how can I honor it?

And when you sort of ask yourself those questions, you begin to get beautiful answers.

To go oh, you need to slow down, you need to go have that conversation.

You need to drink some water, you need to go out in nature, you need to do something

fun, you need to not take yourself so seriously.

And once we begin to start to really untangle all that and honor what our body needs, our

body is then like, oh, she's listening to me, or he's listening to me.

We have a relationship, this is like a back and forth thing.

Versus your body trying to communicate something and you going, nope, I'm not doing that.

This is a way we begin to start re-establishing that connection between mind and body, head

and heart.

Alrighty, that is it for this video.

If you enjoyed this video, let me know by writing in the comments and giving me a thumbs


If you did not enjoy this video, let me know as well.

My intention is to create quality content for you every single week to help you end

the battle with food and your body.

So thank you so much for being here, I appreciate you so much and I'll see you next week for

another video.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> How to Stop a Binge (You Can Do It) - Duration: 5:56.


I can't wait meme - Duration: 0:26.

For more infomation >> I can't wait meme - Duration: 0:26.


Preview: Life Can Change In Seconds | Season 2 | 9-1-1 - Duration: 0:46.

For more infomation >> Preview: Life Can Change In Seconds | Season 2 | 9-1-1 - Duration: 0:46.


[The Haunted House EX: The Haunted Memory] Ep.09 I can't trust you, both of you. - Duration: 13:51.


what's wrong?



I just lost him.

Let's go.

That's madness..



He fainted.

What do you mean..?

Where is Gaeun?

Stop it..

That's enough!

Don't come any closer! It's dangerous!


Don't do anything to Hari!




This is all because of you came to our school.

That is what I have to say to you.

You both are the same.

Neither of you did good.

Nothing happened before I met you two.

The strage happenings..

and now, Gaeun and Hyunwoo..

All these happened ever since I met you.


just can't trust you both of you.


Leave us alone.

Are you guys leaving?

You guys seem strange today.

It's weird that they fainted at the same time..

Did something happened to you guys?

I'm not sure..

what is going on here...

Now you know my secret.

But why don't you do anything?

Because it's not the right moment.

The Haunted Memory Ep.09

How do you feel today?

If you don't feel okay then you'd better take a day off.

It's okay, I don't have a headache anymore.

What a relief.

Do you remember what happened last night?

I can't remember clearly but vaguely.

You came to rescue me.

Thanks Hari.

Oh, that's what friends for!


No,no,no!! Don't coma any closer!!


What a coward!

Are you stupid or something?

You are real Gaeun, right?

Oh gosh.. Do you have some kind of trust issue?

You weren't there yestday! She scared the hell out of me!

You are Gaeun that I know, right?

Yes I am. You don't need to worry from now on.

What if you turn into a ghost again?

That won't happen again.

I don't feel that creepy aura of her anymore..

Did you feel that ghost's aura..?

Yes I did..

Should I call it a possession?

Anyway at that time,

I felt her aura and

I kind of know what that ghost have in her mind.

A ghost's mind?

She loves and cherishs Jumin but..

on the other hand, she hates Jumin a lot.

How was he related to her?

- Good morning everyone! - Good morning sir!

Sir, what's with that sunglasses?

I palyed computer game all night long.

It's okay. I got the new character and the defense item set.

Why? Can't I play games?


Oh, no, not really.

- Sir. - Yeah?

Do you know Sooyeon Park?

Sooyeon Park?

She graduated our school few years ago.

Well.. Are you sure that she was student of our school?

Yes sir.. She was here about 5 years ago..


Why wouldn't I know about her?

I've been a teacher of this school since 2010.


Study hard as good children today and

don't running around under hot weather.

Who hasn't come to school yet?

Jumin and the new guy.

They haven't come yet?

I don't know that sir.

What a carefree life.

When they come to school, tell them to come see me. Okay?

Yes sir!

Have a good day!

I think they are going to be absent today.



I need to tell you something..

Hyunwoo, do you want to hear me out for a moment?

What is it about?

I've thinking that..

We may find sooyeon's school records.

Seriously? From where?


Are you sure that all the teachers went for a dinner?


They just all went.

But do we really have to do this?

If we get caught, we will get more than a gig!

But there's no other way!

This is the only place where we can look school records up.

Guys..I feel somewhat like it's crime..

There must be sooyeon's school records in it.

Oh, I found the school records of 2013.

Why..are they all balnk..?

Other records got no problem.

What happened to this school?

Did someone erase it on purpose?

Wasn't it too clean to be erased?

Or someone might have swapped it.

The one that we saw could be fake.

I mean, who did that?

Did..the ghost do it?


Don't be frightened. It's me.

You almost make me pee on my pants,dude.

I'm sorry.

Can I talk to you for a second?

It will make me more confuse if I have a word with you right now.

See you next time.

If you guys are looking for a records of that ghost...

How did you know that?

I saw you came out from the teacher's room.

Did anyone see us beside you?

I'm not sure.

Anyway the school records that you were looking for might have erased.

How did you know that?

Not only the school records but also the memories of all the students and teachers of this school

and the whole of the school have been manipulated.

Manipulated by who?

The ghost who was a student of our school...

Soo yeon.

The ghost controls human's memory?

The ghost manipulate by human's soul as she pleases.

And also

yours are being manipulated.

Also by sooyeon?


Then by who?

The one who manipulating your memory is...


Excuse me?


Gangrim that you know

isn't human.

Hari: Hyunwoo..!

Hari: Hyunwoo..! Wake up Hyunwoo!

Gangrim: He fainted.

Hari: What do yo mean by that? Wait, where is Gaeun?

Hari: What is going on in our school?

Jumin: This is all because you came to our school.

Gangrim: That is what I have to say to you.

Hari: You guys are the same.

Hari: Neither of you guys did good. I can't trust both of you.

A: leave us alone. B: Tell me the truth. Who are you?

For more infomation >> [The Haunted House EX: The Haunted Memory] Ep.09 I can't trust you, both of you. - Duration: 13:51.


9-1-1 Season 2 "Life Can Change in Seconds" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.

[clock ticking]

I need help.

It's OK.

I'm here.


For more infomation >> 9-1-1 Season 2 "Life Can Change in Seconds" Promo (HD) - Duration: 0:31.


Can the market rally keep going? - Duration: 5:37.

For more infomation >> Can the market rally keep going? - Duration: 5:37.


What a scrapyard in Ghana can teach us about innovation | DK Osseo-Asare - Duration: 14:18.

Come with me to Agbogbloshie,

a neighborhood in the heart of Accra,

named after a god that lives in the Odaw River.

There's a slum, Old Fadama,

built on land reclaimed from the Korle Lagoon,

just before it opens into the Gulf of Guinea.

There's a scrapyard here where people take apart all kinds of things,

from mobile phones to computers,

automobiles to even entire airplanes.

Agbogbloshie's scrapyard is famous

because it has become a symbol of the downside of technology:

the problem of planned obsolescence.

It's seen as a place where devices from around the world end their life,

where your data comes to die.

These are the images that the media loves to show,

of young men and boys burning wires and cables

to recover copper and aluminum,

using Styrofoam and old tires as fuel,

seriously hurting themselves and the environment.

It's a super-toxic process,

producing pollutants that enter the global ecosystem,

build up in fatty tissue

and threaten the top of the food chain.

But this story is incomplete.

There's a lot we can learn from Agbogbloshie,

where scrap collected from city- and nationwide is brought.

For so many of us,

our devices are black boxes.

We know what they do,

but not how they work or what's inside.

In Agbogbloshie, people make it their business

to know exactly what's inside.

Scrap dealers recover copper, aluminum, steel, glass, plastic

and printed circuit boards.

It's called "urban mining."

It's now more efficient for us to mine materials from our waste.

There is 10 times more gold, silver, platinum, palladium

in one ton of our electronics

than in one ton of ore mined from beneath the surface of the earth.

In Agbogbloshie,

weight is a form of currency.

Devices are dissected to recover materials, parts and components

with incredible attention to detail,

down to the aluminum tips of electric plugs.

But scrap dealers don't destroy components that are still functional.

They supply them to repair workshops like this one in Agbogbloshie

and the tens of thousands of technicians across the country

that refurbish electrical and electronic equipment,

and sell them as used products to consumers that may not be able to buy

a new television or a new computer.

Make no mistake about it, there are young hackers in Agbogbloshie --

and I mean that in the very best sense of that word --

that know not only how to take apart computers

but how to put them back together, how to give them new life.

Agbogbloshie reminds us that making is a cycle.

It extends to remaking and unmaking

in order to recover the materials that enable us to make something anew.

We can learn from Agbogbloshie,

where cobblers remake work boots,

where women collect plastic from all over the city,

sort it by type,

shred it, wash it

and ultimately sell it back as feedstock to factories

to make new clothing,

new plastic buckets

and chairs.

Steel is stockpiled separately,

where the carcasses of cars and microwaves and washing machines

become iron rods for new construction;

where roofing sheets become cookstoves;

where shafts from cars become chisels

that are used to scrap more objects;

where aluminum recovered from the radiators of fridges

and air conditioners

are melted down

and use sand casting to make ornaments for the building industry,

for pots which are sold just down the street in the Agbogbloshie market

with a full array of locally made ovens, stoves and smokers,

which are used every day

to make the majority of palm nut soups,

of tea and sugar breads,

of grilled tilapia in the city.

They're made in roadside workshops like this one by welders like Mohammed,

who recover materials from the waste stream

and use them to make all kinds of things,

like dumbbells for working out out of old car parts.

But here's what's really cool:

the welding machines they use look like this,

and they're made by specially coiling copper

around electrical steel recovered from old transformer scrap.

There's an entire industry just next to Agbogbloshie

making locally fabricated welding machines that power local fabrication.

What's really cool as well is that there's a transfer of skills and knowledge

across generations,

from masters to apprentices,

but it's done through active learning, through heuristic learning,

learning by doing and by making.

And this stands in sharp contrast

to the experience of many students in school,

where lecturers lecture,

and students write things down and memorize them.

It's boring, but the real problem is

this somehow preempts their latent or their inherent entrepreneurial power.

They know books but not how to make stuff.

Four years ago, my cofounder Yasmine Abbas and I asked:

What would happen if we could couple

the practical know-how of makers in the informal sector

with the technical knowledge of students and young professionals

in STEAM fields --

science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics --

to build a STEAM-powered innovation engine

to drive what we call "Sankofa Innovation," which I'll explain.

We took forays into the scrapyard

to look for what could be repurposed,

like DVD writers that could become laser etchers,

or the power supplies of old servers

for a start-up in Kumasi making 3D printers out of e-waste.

The key was to bring together young people from different backgrounds

that ordinarily never have anything to do with each other,

to have a conversation about how they could collaborate

and to test and develop new machines and tools

that could allow them to shred and strip copper instead of burning it,

to mold plastic bricks and tiles,

to build new computers out of components recovered from dead electronics,

to build a drone.

And here you can see it flying for the first time in Agbogbloshie.


Yasmine and I have collaborated with over 1,500 young people,

750 from STEAM fields,

and over 750 grassroots makers and scrap dealers

from Agbogbloshie and beyond.

They've joined hands together to develop a platform

which they call Spacecraft,

a hybrid physical and digital space for crafting,

more of a process than a product,

an open architecture for making,

which involves three parts:

a makerspace kiosk, which is prefab and modular;

tool kits which can be customized based on what makers want to make;

and a trading app.

We built the app specifically with the needs of the scrap dealers

in mind first,

because we realized that it was not enough to arm them with information

and upgraded technology

if we wanted them to green their recycling processes;

they needed incentives.

Scrap dealers are always looking for new scrap and new buyers

and what interests them is finding buyers who will pay more

for clean copper than for burnt.

We realized that in the entire ecosystem,

everyone was searching for something.

Makers are searching for materials, parts, components, tools, blueprints

to make what it is they want to make.

They're also finding a way to let customers and clientele

find out that they can repair a blender

or fix an iron

or, as we learned yesterday, to make a french fry machine.

On the flip side, you find that there are end users

that are desperately looking for someone that can make them a french fry machine,

and you have scrap dealers who are looking how they can collect this scrap,

process it, and turn it back into an input for new making.

We tried to untangle that knot of not knowing

to allow people to find what they need to make what they want to make.

We prototyped the makerspace kiosk in Agbogbloshie,

conceived as the opposite of a school:

a portal into experiential and experimental making

that connects local and global

and connects making with remaking and unmaking.

We made a rule that everything had to be made from scratch

using only materials made in Ghana

or sourced from the scrapyard.

The structures essentially are simple trusses which bolt together.

It takes about two hours to assemble one module with semi-skilled labor,

and by developing tooling and jigs and rigs,

we were able to actually build these standardized parts

within this ecosystem of artisanal welders

with the precision of one millimeter --

of course, using made-in-Agbogbloshie welding machines,

as well as for the tools,

which can lock, the toolboxes, and stack to make workbenches,

and again, customized based on what you want to make.

We've tested the app in Agbogbloshie

and are getting ready to open it up to other maker ecosystems.

In six months, we'll have finished three years of testing

the makerspace kiosk,

which I have to admit, we've subjected to some pretty horrific abuse.

But it's for a good cause,

because based on the results of that testing,

we've been able to redesign an upgraded version of this makerspace.

If a fab lab is large, expensive, and fixed in place,

think of this as the counterpoint:

something low-cost,

which can be locally manufactured,

which can be expanded and kitted out incrementally

as makers acquire resources.

You can think of it as a toolshed,

where makers can come and check out tools

and take them via handcart

to wherever they want in the city to make what it is they want to make.

And moving into the next phase, we're planning to also add

ceiling-mounted CNC bots,

which allow makers to cocreate together with robots.

Ultimately, this is a kit of parts

which can be assembled locally within the informal sector

using standardized parts

which can be upgraded collectively through an open-source process.

In totality, this entire makerspace system

tries to do five things:

to enable emerging makers to gather the resources they need

and the tools to make what they want to make;

to learn by doing and from others;

to produce more and better products;

to be able to trade to generate steady income;

and ultimately, to amplify not only their reputation as a maker,

but their maker potential.

Sankofa is one of the most powerful Adinkra symbols of the Akan peoples

in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire,

and it can be represented as a bird reaching onto its back to collect an egg,

a symbol of power.

It translates literally from the Twi as "return and get it,"

and what this means is that if an individual or a community or a society

wants to have a successful future, they have to draw on the past.

To acquire and master existing ways of doing,

access the knowledge of their ancestors.

And this is very relevant

if we want to think about an inclusive future for Africa today.

We have to start from the ground up,

mining what already works for methods and for models,

and to think about how might we be able to connect,

in a kind of "both-and," not "either-or" paradigm,

the innovation capacity of this growing network

of tech hubs and incubators across the continent

and to rethink beyond national boundaries and political boundaries,

to think about how we can network innovation in Africa

with the spirit of Sankofa

and the existing capacity of makers at the grassroots.

If, in the future, someone tells you

Agbogbloshie is the largest e-waste dump in the world,

I hope you can correct them

and explain to them that a dump is a place where you throw things away

and leave them forever;

a scrapyard is where you take things apart.

Waste is something that no longer has any value,

whereas scrap is something that you recover

specifically to use it to remake something new.

Making is a cycle,

and African makerspaces are already pioneering and leading

circular economy at the grassroots.

Let's make more and better together.

Thank you.


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