today we are going to sign cheese WITH OUR HANDS
just do this
can i have some cheese
For more infomation >> how to sign cheese - Duration: 0:23.-------------------------------------------
How To Plan For The Future ~ More On Estate Planning by Blue Dot Wealth Management - Duration: 3:06.
I'm Rob Young, owner of Blue Dot Wealth Management.
We are going to continue our conversation about Estate Planning and why it is important.
Sometimes, when we are talking about these kinds of things, we get a little lost in terminology,
so I thought I would tell you a couple of stories to illustrate how a Trust can be beneficial.
First, most people think you need to be old to have a Trust.
As these stories show, being prepared at any age is important.
So let me introduce you to Jennifer.
Jennifer was thinking ahead when her daughter Charlotte was born.
She made a good salary and talked to a planner about the "what if's" in life.
Through that discussion she purchased life insurance and set up a trust.
While she was happily married, she had concerns about some of her husband's family members
and had some concerns about his money habits so when she set up the trust for her daughter,
she was careful about who would control the money and how it could be used if she passed
When her daughter was 5, Jennifer was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away in less
than six months.
Everything that had been put into place has allowed her husband and daughter to grieve
without worrying about day to day things.
Their home, Charlotte's college education, after school care, all of those things were
thought about ahead of time.
Furthermore, it was important to Jennifer that the life insurance pass directly to Charlotte
so that she had a legacy.
That was only possible with a Trust.
Our second story is about Tim & Kate.
Tim and Kate have three kids, one of whom is their son Dylan who is considered Special
Caring for Dylan, while a labor of love, has made juggling careers and schedules difficult.
While they have been fortunate to make a good upper middle class income, they each have
had periods where they were part of layoffs.
They have, like Jennifer, made sure that they have plenty of life insurance to take care
of their three children.
Specifically, however, there is a part of their Trust that has a Special Needs provision
in it.
This allows Dylan to remain eligible for benefits that he would not be eligible for if he were
to inherit a large sum of money.
In the event that Tim and Kate pass first, they have a detailed plan in place with Trustees
that can help the family navigate care for Dylan.
Having that protection in place is invaluable and will take an immense amount of stress
off of Dylan's siblings and extended family.
Again, this kind of protection is only available in a Trust.
Not every family is going to go through these kinds of life changing events when they are
young but these things are far more common than people think.
I hope these stories have illustrated how having a trust in place helps everyday people.
If you have questions about Estate Planning, you can certainly reach out to us but the
best resource is an Estate Planning Attorney in your local area that is familiar with your
state's specific laws.
We hope you have enjoyed watching this video.
As always, Thank you, and don't forget to follow us on Social Media or visit us at Blue
Dot Wealth Management.com
How to choose extra virgin olive oil: 3 do's and 3 don'ts - Duration: 7:52.
HOW TO COPE WITH NIGHTMARES | Video by Psych-Minded - Duration: 5:07.
Are you currently suffering from
nightmares and you're not even sure
where they're coming from? Why it's
happening or especially -- what to do? If so
then this video is for you. Along with
lots of helpful information on what
dreaming is, we're going to talk about
how to cope with nightmares specifically.
Welcome back to Psych-Minded. I'm your
host Kalley Marie and today we're gonna
talk about a topic that was requested to
me for my Instagram page. So if you're
not following me on Instagram go ahead
and follow the link in the description
to follow me there. And if you have any
video requests you can always drop a
comment in the comment section below!
Let's start off by talking about dreams.
Psychologically, dreams are one of the
most interesting topics in psychology.
Dreams do serve a purpose and they serve
a purpose in terms of emotional
regulation. So when we have a dream, or we
have a nightmare, and that consists of us
running -- maybe we're running away from
something or and in the dream we're running
away from a big scary monster. The
literal context of the dream is that
there is this big scary monster that
exists. However the subtlety of the dream
is what we want to pay attention to.
It's the symbolic meaning of the dream
that provides us with this psychological
clue as to what the dream is trying to
resolve. These psychological clues within
our dreams can help us pinpoint what the
source of our angst is and what is
causing these bad dreams or nightmares.
So dreams essentially help us sort out
our problems. They help us take the
issues that happen during our day and
while our brain is asleep, it can process
solutions when it's not having to spend
its time busy trying to stay productive
and alive. So in order to get to the
symbolic root of whatever nightmare you
are having, one good way to start doing
that is tracking your nightmares with a
dream journal. You might consider writing
a couple thoughts down the night before
and then in the morning or in the middle
of the night if you do wake up from a
nightmare. You can write down what
occurred in that dream. Once you're able
to look at the course of a few weeks or
a few months, dealing with these dreams
or nightmares,
you might be able to pinpoint what the
cause of the problem is. If you keep
having a recurring dream about being on
stage and being nervous that could mean
that you're having some sort of
performance anxiety. You may have never
been on a stage and performed in your
life but the symbolic meaning of that is
being in front of people and being up
for judgement. So you want to take a look
at the symbolic meaning versus the
literal one and doing a dream journal
can really help with that. Next when you
are awake during the day, one of the
things that can be helpful is working on
your coping skills. So are you eating
Are you drinking plenty of water? Are you
getting exercise to the best of your
ability? These factors can really help
you sleep at night and can help calm
down some of the nightmares. Be sure
to look at anxiety reducing techniques
during the day as well and before
bedtime.Find what works for you and try
to settle into a routine of coping
skills both during the day and before
to help you sort of calm down and go
into more of a relaxation mode. So this
next tip I have found especially helpful.
I have struggled with insomnia and bad
dreams and nightmares on and off for my
whole life. One thing that is
recommended and that I recommend you do
as well is to not stay in bed if you
are having trouble falling asleep.
This can make anxiety so much worse and
make it almost impossible to go back to
bed. So one of the best things to do is --
if you do find yourself waking up in the
middle of the night -- get out of bed and
try one of your coping skills. Do it
out of the bedroom. Do it in a spot that
is not associated with the anxiety of
not being able to fall asleep. Another
great point to remember is that these
nightmares will eventually pass.
Typically nightmares are rooted in some
sort of stress or PTSD and most the
times if we're using our coping skills,
we're getting therapy -- we're doing our
best to heal, these nightmares will pass.
Using the nightmares as a signal of your
healing can help you to work with the
nightmares rather than be afraid of them.
Lastly, please seek professional help.
Do not be afraid to go to your general
practitioner to get a temporary sleep
aid or something to help you if you are
absolutely exhausted from the nightmares.
That can be one of the unintended
consequences of nightmares, is that you
are completely exhausted. You get
absolutely no sleep and it can be almost
impossible to sort of get over that hump
of exhaustion. So if you need to go to
your doctor or a psychiatrist to get
some help with sleeping or even a
therapist to talk through some of these
stressful issues, please don't hesitate
to do so. If you have any questions about
dreams or nightmares or you would like
to see more videos about dreams and
nightmares, please leave a comment below!
If you like this video please give it a
thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe
to this channel for more amazing mental
health content! And I will see you guys
next week! Bye!
free playstation | psn gift card codes l how to get free psn for free🔥 - Duration: 3:47.
Potato Smiley | How to make Potato Smiley at home instantly | by Recipes with Riya - Duration: 5:23.
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Hello friends welcome to my channel Recipes with Riya
today I will share Potato Smiley Recipe with you
The frozen potato smileys found in the market
will be eaten by all the people
how much crispy are formed and how quickly they are made
If you have made potato smileys at home in less time,
then how will it be?
Today, i have came with this recipe for you
How can we make potato smileys at home instantly
Let's start making
Lets look at the ingredients for making potato smileys
2 cup boiled mashed potatoes
2 tsp corn flour
Salt to taste
¼ cup bread crumbs
¼ tsp red chilli powder
First of all, add bread crumbs,
corn flour,
salt ,
red chilli powder in potatoes
And Mix it well
we have to make a binding dough of it
our dough is ready to make smileys
rest it for 10 min in refrigerator
After 10 min our dough is ready
Take out it on a platform
Divide it into 2 portions
Make a large size ball
Greese some oil on platform
so that potato does not stick on it while making smileys
spreading it like this with the help of hands
We do not have to thin it too much
The thickness of smileys we want thick it same
Take a small bowl
Smooth its upper texture with the help of small bowl
Bcoz due to spreading it with hands it has many finger pressure on it
So smooth it with the bowl
With the help of this small bowl,i will start cutting it
If you have any cutter of a round shape then you can cut it off
I have taken a straw to make smiley eyes
With the help of straw make its eyes like that
I have taken a spoon to make smiley smile
With the help of spoon make its smile like that
in the same way, we will make all the potato smileys
to fry the smileys, heat a pan with oil
When the oil becomes hot
Put all the smileys in it
Oil is heat on medium high flame
Fry them from both sides until golden brown
Gas is on medium high flame
smileys have become golden brown from both sides
now take out it on a tissue paper
instant potato smileys are ready
If u like this recipe so plz press like button
plz must try this recipe
tell me in the comment box how u got the recipe
If you have not subscribed to my channel yet
then please subscribe to my channel.
Press the Bell icon together
Do not forget to share this recipe with your friends
Bye bye
How To Swap Mouthpiece of Your MIQRO - DaVinciVaporizer.com - Duration: 0:38.
The DAVINCI MIQRO comes with two mouthpieces. The flat one for discreet use
and an extended one to pair with the 10 millimeter water tool.
To swap mouthpieces, simply open up the top lid of the DAVINCI MIQRO,
push the mouthpiece in to detach, remove the gasket and replace the gasket onto the new mouthpiece.
Reinstall into the top lid of the MIQRO and you're ready to vape!
How kitchen gadgets help you track your data for weight loss - Duration: 4:27.
Hi everyone in this video I would like to
Show you something that I bought today. I'm always looking for
kitchen helpers for small little gadgets that make my life easier and you know
that I am weighing everything that I'm eating especially now that I am on this 90 day challenge and it's all about
Losing body fat to come closer to my BMI, which is the target
My own scale just broke and I went into the shop for a new one
so this is what I came up with and the funny thing here is
It's not it's not working with batteries anymore. So kind of just turning this wheel
You actually like the old school do no more which you had on your bike earlier days
So you see here on the on that side
It says now it's 51 grams or 11 because I'm pushing and here it shows you the four
marks same as if you have
The information on your cell phone how much?
Charger is left. But the good thing is this is completely working without any battery, which I am very much like it came with
It came
39.95 euros and it's it's interesting because
I hate throwing away the batteries so it's just is this
Old-school and it says by turning the energy energy wheel
Energy is produced for a minute after that. You have to return it again, which is fine for me and
For a minute in a similar way to a dynamo kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy and produces
Electricity which is able to bring the scales into operation
So that's really an and it's made in Germany, which is nice
Also, and I was in in that shop and I explained to the saleswoman
What I'm doing with it as I put everything into my Fitness Pal app, and I need to weigh it upfront
For example my breakfast how much?
How many grams of oats put do I put in there the protein powder?
Everything I track and I said I need a scale which is quite accurate accurate and she says that's not a problem. This one is
What does it say
Accurate weighing sensor, which is in 1 gram, which is in 1 gram increment
So it's pretty precise and fine for what I need it
and she said yeah I did that as well, but I was just fed up doing it and
Here I hear again. It's all about consistency
I'm doing this now since I would say I know the fitness power since four years
and I know what I eat know what type of food but still I'm not hundred percent sure and
Familiar with the macros how much protein is in there?
How much carbs and then somehow I have to sum it up at the end of the day?
I want to know have I reached my hundred sixty grams of carbs, or have I reached my
120 grams of protein so that app makes it very easy and that woman she
she told me that she was fed up doing it and this is where where
where the Panthers are
Really going to be divided into people who are consistent and who want to achieve?
their goal and people who just give up and want to
Do as they always do and don't want to put in a little effort in to be honest how much effort is it
Just weigh it. I mean if you if you'll buy
Ready meals or some of them already have these barcodes and you can just scan it with your cell phone
And it's immediately in the PAL
But I'm not friend of that. I eat as little as possible
processed food
Yeah, that was my share for today casa de sac cars all design. It's called it's a German brand and
Company called hawkman in ants back that's in the middle
I say, you know northern part of Germany, and I just have a new kitchen helper
That was all for today and more to come tomorrow. Bye
Lesson 5 - How to Introduce Someone - Duration: 4:34.
Hi everyone! In lesson 1 we saw how to introduce ourselves
In today's lesson we are going to see how to introduce other people
So pay attention to our conversation.
Good morning, Cris. Good morning, Ana. How are you today?
I'm great, thanks. How are you doing? I'm doing fine, thanks
Ana. this is Pedro. Pedro, this is Ana.
Sorry, what's your name again, please? My name is Pedro.
Pleased to meet you Pedro Pleased to meet you too, Ana.
Did you notice that Ana didn't understand Pedro's name?
So she asked what's your name again, please?
To introduce people, we always use the demonstrative this
This is Pedro. This is Ana
So listen to the conversation again and repeat in the pauses.
Now read the conversation with us is speaking in the same rhythm and intonation
Now you are Cris. You are going to interact with me and with Pedro
So read your part on the screen
Good morning
I'm great. Thanks. How are you doing?
Sorry, what's your name again, please?
My name is Pedro
Pleased to meet you Pleased to meet you too, Ana.
Now you're Pedro
Read your part on the screen
Good morning, Cris. Good morning, Ana. How are you today?
I'm great. Thanks. How are you doing?
I'm doing fine, thanks,
Ana, this is my friend. My friend, this is Ana
Sorry, what's your name again, please?
Pleased to meet you
Now you're Ana
Read your part on the screen
Begin when you hear the beep. Ready? Go!
Good morning, how are you today?
I'm doing fine. Thanks. This is Pedro. Pedro, this is my friend
My name is Pedro
Pleased to meet you too.
We have prepared an activity for you. It is in the description below
also in the description click on the first link to go to our website
there you'll find all our lessons in order
to see a playlist with all our lessons, please click on the card
So if you liked this video, please hit the like button
Subscribe to our channel if you haven't already and don't forget to ring the notification bell
So you will know when another lesson is on
Share this video with your friends and follow us on our social media. Bye. Bye
How to Make Tortillas & Tortilla Chips at Home - Duration: 3:59.
Last year I put together a short little video for my buddy over at Brothers Green
Eats on how to make homemade tortilla chips.
I bet you didn't know you could make these at home!
Can you believe how much my hair has grown since then?
Yeah, I'm growing it out.
Recently I made some homemade tortillas using masa
harina and I thought about that video I did about DIY tortilla chips...
so here I present to you this video on how to make both tasty treats.
First up, DIY tortilla chips.
Tortilla chips. Bet you didn't know you could make these at home.
And in less than a minute I will show you how to make these crunchy treats
Fill a pot with a neutral oil -- I use sunflower oil -- I like to use my wok
for this. And get your fresh tortillas. A variety will work, but it works best with
corn tortillas. Cut the tortillas into fourths. Once your oil is hot, add the
slices. You don't want to add too many or they'll pile on top of each other, and
you want each one to have its own space. Once they start to turn golden, remove
them from the oil onto a kitchen towel or paper towel. Salt them immediately.
You can do this in batches. Drain, and personalize it with spices! Try cumin,
paprika, sumac... the list goes on. And why not fry up some blue corn tortillas
while the oil's hot? YUM. Now I just need some guac. I hope you try making these at home.
I'm gonna go make some guacamole. Peace!
And then to make your homemade tortillas,
the key and only, actually, ingredient here is masa harina. Have you ever heard
of masa harina? Depending on where you live, can be a bit of a specialty item. In
certain parts of the world -- like Mexico --you can find it on absolutely every
corner. Depending on where you live in the United States, it may be harder to
source, but Whole Foods would definitely have some. Masa harina is a
corn flour that has been nixtamilized. I love that word: nixtamalization
typically refers to a process for the preparation
of corn or other grain in which the corn is soaked and cooked in an alkaline
solution, usually lime water, washed and then hulled.
So you want two cups of masa
harina and a half teaspoon of kosher salt, then add one and a half cups of hot
water from the tap and mix it together with your hands,
kneading it for a few minutes. Throw a towel over it and let it rest for about
20 minutes. Now you're ready to make your tortillas! Grab a pinch full, about the
size of an apricot, and begin to flatten it out using your palms and fingertips.
You could make these nice and perfectly flat using a tortilla press... I don't have
one of those. I would really like one, though, so if you're a family member or a
friend watching this and you need any ideas...there you go :)
Or you could make them thin by using two sheets of plastic, putting that tortilla
dough in between them and pressing them down using something heavy like a
cast-iron pan and doing that. I like them a little thicker, though, and kind of
that rustic handmade look. Connor lived in Guatemala for a bit and he said that
this is how his host mom prepared them. So I'm just like his Guatemalan host mom,
I guess. Then get a cast-iron pan hot and put the tortilla dough in it. Heat it for
one or two minutes until the edges start to curl up a bit and when you flip it
you'll see some brown toasted spots. Heat the other side for one to two minutes as
well. And now your DIY tortillas are done! At this point, you can either cut them
into fourths and deep fry them like you saw done in the DIY chip video, or you
can just use them as a taco. That's my preference.
Here's to delicious tortillas and tortilla chips! Until next time, don't forget to keep it quirky.
I'll see you back here soon.
My name is Roberta Lucca, I'm an unconventional entrepreneur. My passion is bolder in everything I do
Do you dare to be different?
If you were a band and
bands usually create music out of jams, right, especially if it's jazz music, but, you know even traditional
musicians and rock stars and etc
they actually have some ideas of some things and some sounds they want to experiment and
and very often they go into jams to
to align themselves into a specific rhythm and a specific lyrics and you know to create music together and
And it's all about improvisation as well
So they go there with themselves totally present play the guitar sing a little bit play the bass
Whatever, drums and then they create great music
hopefully great music out of that and
For Bossa
we found out at some point that we were in a position
all the decisions and everything that we were creating game-wise was kind of top-down and
We had the opportunity to join a massive global Game Jam
where we sent four people of our team there and
Ended up creating Surgeon Simulator
At the time, we were already experimenting having this kind of time off
Inside the company on an ongoing basis
And we said for games
Is there something else that we could craft that make sense for us?
And that's how game jams came about
So in practice, what happened is that every other month
Since we were I don't know 10 people
We stopped the whole team to allow themselves to get together in teams
However, they want to compose the team. Usually the teams have
One or two developers. They have designers, a game designer.
They have artists. And sometimes some someone from marketing also joins
What they do is -
They get together they have ideas, they brainstorm a lot of ideas
And they create a game and there are only two rules
One rule is you cannot work on your own
Persuade someone else or if you can not persuade someone else that your idea is amazing
Chances are you should be joining someone else with a better idea than yours
The second rule is the game needs to be playable at the end of 48 hours
the one that we're doing this month is
amazing because
We actually created a mini exhibition inside the office so that people created
each team created a whole experience around the game
Then all of us were kind of going around and playing the game and kind of having a feel of that
Which is much nicer than than doing a presentation, right? Because sometimes with presentations
You're like, okay, this game is amazing. You ask a lot of questions, but you actually have not played it
What happens for Bossa is that all the projects that we create from Game Jams they either get
killed because they're not good enough or they get
Picked up by someone else or someone in the teams. I don't know
I want to do that in my spare time
we usually
Have a conversation with the team and say well maybe we can allow
and in the future we can consider if we publish the game
Because it's not of interest of Bossa or something
But most importantly, the best ones go into our roadmap
Meaning it goes into production
It goes into the next available slot for us to build the game full-on
Game Jams became part of our culture and it's so funny because it's
I have to give credit to my co-founder Imre
He's the one who started crafting game jams
And he's so on it, adamant on improving that on an ongoing basis. So
That's how we roll here. We love doing things differently. We love being bold
And we love to take those risks
from a business perspective
It's actually costly for us to stop a whole team nowadays 80 people for two days to do that
It's so important for the way that we create games. It's so important for
For the team to feel comfortable to create great things together
but also to have the the purpose and the autonomy and feel like you know, they
They are doing something that has meaning
Because they created that
It was not me as a founder or my co-founders saying
Hey, you should do that because that's what I believe right and as a company
I think it's so important that we give the teams, and we give our best people the
The space to shine and the space to create awesomeness
If you liked what you watched there's more coming every week. Subscribe and let's be bolder together!
How To Install GTA V - Duration: 1:02.
Hgggg Angry!
**Aba gayo yo laptop**
Doodh pokhxu yesma
tel pani halxu
fodao yeslai
chait chait chait
tero aukaat yehi ho
anda khalo friends
haters gonna hate
euta anda bachyo
let me press enter key!
Homescapes Level 966 - How to complete Level 966 on Homescapes - Duration: 3:37.
"How to beat level 966 on Homescapes"
"How to play level 966 on Homescapes"
How to cycle on National Cycle Routes & Other car-free roads - Duration: 10:14.
How to Speed Up Windows 10 7 2018 - Best PC Performance Booster 2018 - Duration: 1:57.
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How Much Rice Can One Plant Produce?! - Duration: 4:47.
As a rice farmer I've never really considered: how much rice can one plant produce.
I suppose it's the scale of our rice farm that has me calculating in acres rather than
individual rice plants.
I know that, on average, we yield 10,000 lbs. of rice per acre.
But how much does a single rice plant yield?
Never thought about it until viewer, Steve T commented on Episode 75, titled "Dissecting
a Rice Plant in Search of its Head" with this question:
"How Many Kernels of rice does the average rice plant produce?"
Well Steve, it's a great question and we're going to find out!
And how we're going to find out is simply by pulling a rice plant and counting the rice
that it's producing.
You see each rice plant produces a seed head, as seen here, and each seed head is comprised
of several spikelets or blooms that are forming rice as we know it.
It's just fascinating, to me, that just one...oops.
That just one of these kernels of rice, or rice seeds, was planted in the spring and
now, at the end of summer, has produced this plant and therefore all these additional seeds
for our consumption or for next year's crop.
But before we find the final number of how much rice this plant is producing I should
mention that a number of factors determine this:
the variety of the rice, the overall health of the plant, as dictated by the level of
fertilization, weather patterns, soil type and ah hum, the farmer.
I should mention that this variety is Calrose medium grain m105.
Now, as I count this rice I thought rather than you just listening to me count 1,2,3
monotonously that I would represent each kernel of rice as a step in which it took to grow
this rice plant.
For example if there were only 10 kernels of rice than I'm going to include 10 farming
operations required to grow the plant, representing each kernel.
You'll see what I mean.
But first let's head into the shop.
Here we are.
Here's the rice plant.
Just let me remove the kernels for easier counting.
Let's move this screen to the top right and add a counter.
Finally let's add our first operation of farming a new crop of rice, which as I explained,
will represent the first rice kernel in our count.
51 kernels of rice, or seeds, that this plant produced.
I can't call it the average for this variety or the average for this field.
I would need to count several more individual rice plants to get that figure and I just
don't have time.
51 grains of rice is just how much this one plant produced but it gives us a good idea
of an answer to Steve's question.
And in those quick scenes we ended our farming operation and crop progress right here at
the plant being pulled.
Again, every kernel I counted was represented in a scene depicting the work that it took
to get this plant to this stage.
By the way, all of those scenes are from past episodes of Rice Farming TV so if you'd
like to know more about what was happening in a particular scene comment down below and
I'll link you to the specific episode.
Well guys what did you think?
Expecting more or less out of the production of these rice plants?
I want to thank Steve for the great question and encourage you guys to keep on asking.
I try to get to as many comments and questions as possible.
Thanks for watching guys.
Give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this episode and take care!
1 How to respond to Islamophobes?| responding to Wilders' #MuhammadCartoonContest | Fadel Soliman - Duration: 0:41.
How to access / open the Control Panel on Windows 10 - Duration: 0:36.
Right click the Start button, and click on Run
Type in Control Panel and press OK
All done!
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