Calibrate the application once.
We need to know the object size for calibration.
I chose a 53cm hight lamp and a 4cm width cube.
Then I measured the distance between the subjects.
It was 1m and 64cm.
Point the camera at the lamp and fix the picture.
Enter the known 53cm hight of lamp
Set lines at the top and at the bottom of the lamp.
Choose calibration in the menu.
Rotate the calibration wheel untill the distance becomes to be 1m and 64cm.
Click "OK".
The same operation we do in zoom mode.
Put the zoom mode on.
Point the camera at the cube and fix the picture.
Enter the known 4cm width.
Set lines at the left and at the right cube edge.
Choose calibration in the menu.
Rotate the calibration wheel
untill the distance becomes to be
1m and 64 cm
Click OK
The application has been calibrated.
It's ready for use
Choose the object to which we measure the distance.
Fix the picture
Enter the object size.
In our case we enter the middle man's hight.
Set lines at the top and at the bottom of the man
Everything's ready!
For more infomation >> How to calibrate and use the distance application v2 - Duration: 2:40.-------------------------------------------
How To Use ETH Network Fee In Atomic Wallet - Duration: 2:21.
As you know Atomic Wallet is a custody-free platform support over 300 cryptocurrency assets.
First there are Coins and then there are Tokens.
In this video I'd like to clarify some of the fee details because when you will send
or exchange your assets you should pay attention to it.
When you send it to someone just click on the asset to deploy the settings,
set the amount, use Cntrl+V to paste the address to send, enter the password of your wallet
to sign the transaction, and... you should pay attention to the fee line so that everything works.
The Hash of the transaction says everything works out.
Any of Ethereum based Tokens need it.
This is a prerequisite for sending any ETH tokens, it is not the Atomic Wallet fee,
it's miners commission.
So you should have some balance in ETH to manage their Tokens.
In the "History" tab you can see that your assets were sent, click on the deal and see details.
Just click once on the Hash to open the web page on block explorer.
There you can see all the details of the deal.
When transaction will be confirmed by miners and added to Block you'll see that your balance is changed.
The same way if you want to Exchange something.
Click on Ticker and use the Search to set the trading pair.
Set the amount and pay attention, Ethereum based assets have a Network fee to exchange it.
If you did something wrong there will be the Error hint.
In this case, we set too small amount to exchange.
The rules provided by the Exchange service and we should set the amount by these rules.
When you do it right everything works well.
Our exchange request has been sent and in a few seconds we saw that our assets have been sent.
That's it.
Download the App at and manage your assets in a clear secure interface.
Stay tuned and follow us on every social channels!
How to Use Storytelling to Build Your Brand 📖 - Duration: 4:00.
Hey, Showstoppers, it's Steven Storino from stevenshow08 and in this video, I'm going
to tell you how to use storytelling to build YOUR brand…and it's more important than
you think!
Without it, you're dated and dry!
So hit that Like button if you're excited AND be sure to Subscribe to get help with
online marketing and branding.
PLUS watch until the end so that YOU can learn how to give yourself the best start online,
since Stevenshow08 is all about making YOU the star of YOUR own show!
But before we get started, if you're looking for all the support you need as a young entrepreneur,
you definitely want to sign up for the stevenshow08 Branding Quick Start Guide.
You can register for it by clicking on the link below.
So, Showstoppers, where do we begin when building our brand?
Patrick Hanlon, who wrote the books Primal Branding and The Social Code, gives seven
steps to proper brand building.
If you missed my video going over these seven steps, make sure you check it out.
And make sure that you subscribe so that you can check out EACH video that's part of
my Branding Basics Series!
Now, Step One of the seven steps to proper brand building is: Sharing your brand's
creation story.
Remember, this is the story of how you started and WHY.
But lots of people don't tell stories right.
They tell a story about how their brand began but they don't make anyone care.
Because, like I said in an earlier video, branding is an experience that you deliver
for your target audience.
So when you draft your creation story, you have to put some personality into it.
That way, when the right people come across your brand online, they like it.
Nobody knows storytelling better than a kid, right?
So when you tell a story, make sure you do it right, by having the story have a happy
That's the kind where you talk about your brand legacy.
That's the foundation of your brand.
It's exactly what your brand wants to achieve or DO for your target audience.
And since you researched your target audience, Showstoppers, you KNOW what they want, what
they need and why they need it, in the exact the way that they need it.
But now, you need to tell the story of that.
This way, your target audience understands that YOU understand THEM and what makes them
Make that in your storytelling that you explain WHAT your brand does to serve its customers.
Tell the story in the words and phrases that your target audience REALLY likes.
Make sure that the story that you tell explains the following: What is the value of your brand?
What do people get out of it?
Be specific.
In future videos in the Branding Basics Series, we'll go over how to craft a brand creed
that your target audience will respond to.
So make sure you subscribe right now so you don't miss a single video!
For now, just think about how your creation story can be told in a way that uses emotion
so that it surprises your audience and makes them think and feel.
Data informs BUT feelings SELL.
If people feel great about your brand's purpose and what it does for THEM, they will
love you and follow you everywhere.
Now you know how to tell a brand creation story that your target audience actually cares
But do YOU have a way to get your show off the ground once you've launched it?
No problem.
I've got my stevenshow08 Branding Quick Start Guide to help you out!
Click the link in the description below to get your copy right now.
No worries.
It's free.
If you like this video, hit the Like button below, share it with your friends and be sure
to subscribe.
Remember, Stevenshow08 is all about making YOU the star of YOUR own show!
'Bye everybody!
How Busy Moms Should Manage Their Tasks - Duration: 0:41.
Meet Sandy.
She is a successful corporate executive, fantastic wife, and a superhero to her kids.
However, societal pressure and guilt to portray the perfect mom and wife make it increasingly
One day, she decided it was time to take back life, and that's when Sandy found MyWoosah.
A personalized solutions company that helps moms like her with home management,
so she can focus on the things that honestly matter like spending time with her loved ones.
Ladies, it's time to stop feeling guilty and start to Woosah.
Thank you MyWoosah.
HOW TO LOOK DIFFERENT || Andreea [ENG CC] - Duration: 5:02.
Hello everyone, I'm Andreea and welcome back to my channel
On today's video I'm going to
give you some tips to make your makeup looks different and unique from everyone else's
So I'm going to explain why I have these two little hearts on my face
And how I got the idea to make this video /whocares
This heart-shaped glitter
You know what's under it?
A pimple
So I thought that covering it with glitter wasn't a bad idea, because it's a good option to hide your pimples
And you should try it
Because it works and it also looks good on your makeup
It's a good way for nobody to know what's underneath
I'm a big fan of lipsticks and I have a lot of them
So, to try changing my everyday makeup
I try to use a different color every single day
And you can do exactly the same with your blush and eyeshadow colors
Even with the eyeliner
Because, who knows? Maybe someday you wanna go around with green eyeliner and there's no problem with it
And talking about eyeliners
One of my tricks is making more than one
You might be thinking, "how do you do more than one?"
Very simple
I usually do the normal one, but somethimes I like to add some lines here and there (under and above the eye)
This will always change your makeup
Even if you only do it in the tear area
And do it pointy, like a cat
This is something I've been doing for years
And I'll keep doing it for years and years
To brighten my look, I love to
I really love it
I like to put on cream or powder highlighter, or even these eyeliners with metallic colors
And this area will always look good and emphasize your eyes makeup that way
Well, this is a trick to the ones who are blonder because I am, in fact, blonde
Sometimes I just like to avoid putting makeup on my eyebrows
I just wear mascara and an intense lip color
Honestly, it changes my face completely (because it looks like I have no eyebrows)
And it even makes me look younger
So if you want to try it even if you have dark eyebrows, there's no problem
Another thing I like to do to look different is to do smokey eyes in brown, grey, black or any color
But not putting any color on my lips
I don't put on eyeliner or fake lashes either. Just the smokey eye, mascara, do your eyebrows if you want
I don't usually do them
And a nude lip
If I already know what clothes I'll be wearing
Well, I just wear black
Now that I have my hair pink, I like to do my makeup based on my hair color
You can see that now I wear a lip color similar to my pink worn out hair
And it's a good way to play with makeup and create a good harmony
For example, if you wear blue pants you can do a blue eyeliner, you know?
You should try it
If I don't wanna make more than one eyeliner or my pulse is bad (it also happens to me)
If you see that your eyeliner is coming out too thick, you can like... continue the line from the end up
I should've recorded some example videos, because I think I'm explaining myself very bad
If you're more daring, you can try doing an ombré lip but with different colors
(omg such a new thing)
I usually use lip tints to make my lips more juicy
But if you see in these pictures around here, you can see that you can also do ombré lips with different shades
And they actually look really interesting and cool
You gonna be the best of the party
This is a trick for those with colored hair, even if I don't do it because you can clearly see my roots
And because I'm lazy
If you have colored hair you can try doing your eyebrows with the same color of your hair
I usually leave my natural hair at the beginning and then start putting the color I wear on my hair?
You can also do it on your full eyebrow
Having them natural it's okay, putting on makeup it's okay, doing crazy stuff with colors it's okay
And even if you don't have colored hair, you can do it because it's also okay
(Another misfortune)
Why do I have such a bad luck in life? I was talking for more than 5min and didn't realize that my camera stopped recording
And I already forgot everything I said because I'm such a mess and I'm improvising everything I say?
A nice trick if you dont have metallic lipsticks is
Putting on any lip color and powder highlighter on top
I promise it'll be the perfect metallic color, truly
It's lowcost, easy and possible
In summary, do whatever you want. Makeup is a form of expression and we should use it that way
Even if you go around with a huge drawn heart on your forehead
We should go however we want, dress however we want, do out hair however we want and do whatever we want
Because that's why we have tastes and personality
Just feel brave to do different things and not always follow what everyone does of some rules of society
I'm sure I've said a lot more but now I really don't remember
So, I'm going to end the video right here
Unless I remember something in the next few seconds
wich I honestly doubt
(And, In fact, I forgot talking about wearing lenses but that's good for another video)
I hope you liked the video and if you didn't, too
If you already did some of these tricks tell me in the comments, if you're going to do it tell me in the comments and If you aren't, tell me in the comments too
Because every comment is well received
Click the "like" button if you liked the video, subscribe if you aren't already and see you next time!
Origami - Face (Person) (How to, Tutorial) - Duration: 4:22.
Paper : 15*15cm (1 sheet)
The front down.
3 equal parts.
Draw eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
*With Proof* free robux codes - how to get free robux 2018 - Duration: 4:08.
Please go to this link:
How Do You Run A Workshop That Touches People's Lives? - Duration: 10:15.
Cathy: So do you ever wanted to run a workshop and facilitate something and just didn't know
what to do?
We're going to give you some really good tips here.
I'm Cathy Vartuli from the intimacy and I'm here with Monique Darling and Peter
Petersen from
Cathy: Thanks so much for being here.
Monique: Thanks for having us.
And we're super excited to invite you to a weekend intensive getting to dive into the
basically how we lived our life for the past 10 years and really getting to dive into what
makes an amazing facilitated events.
Cathy: Yeah, I know that when I would go to events when I was new into the community or
watch, ah...
I really wish I could do that.
That looks so cool.
And you know, when you're sitting in the audience you don't know all the work that's going on
behind the scenes, but I know I did this the hard way for a lot of time.
Cathy: Like the first classes I taught it was just like brute strength and fear and
Am I doing the right thing?
So we have between all of us, I think, thousands of workshops that leaves experience in different
From QiGong and dance as well, play parties, cuddle parties, energy sex, pujas.
I teach marketing as well.
So we have this breadth of different experiences and one thing we found is there's a commonality
to it.
So there's an actual toolbox that we use over and over again to generate workshops and facilitate
them in a way that's really easy.
In fact, Monique and I had never taught a workshop before, a particular workshop.
We posted it, we knew that we could teach on it.
We had the topic...
Monique: Either of us could have taught by ourselves.
Cathy: Yes, yes.
But we had never taught together and we didn't actually have a plan for it and everything
was kind of running a little late that day.
We sat down in 10 minutes using these very tools and generated a really powerful workshop.
I was so proud of that workshop.
It was so good.
People were like, "Oh my God, I never thought of it that way."
Cathy: So we're going to show you those tools so that you can have a framework.
We're calling it the Facilitator Toolbox Intensive.
Where you actually leave with these toolboxes that you can build the things you want to
create really easily without all the fear and worry as you go forward in your career.
Peter: Can I ask you a question?
What was the difference between this workshop you facilitated the other day and one you
did early in your career...
Where you said, this was really hard, a big struggle?
Can you explain the dichotomy between the two different types of workshops that you've
Monique: Perfectionism!
Cathy: There was a whole bunch of perfectionism, but I also didn't know what people needed.
So well, like I was guessing and part of it's experience you learn it, but we're going to
distill our experience so you can walk in with that.
I didn't know how to warm up the room back then.
I didn't know how to anchor the ideas.
I didn't know when to give them a break and how to get them back from breaks.
I didn't know how to mix intellectual thoughts and experiential things that you're so amazing
at, Monique.
Cathy: I didn't know how to blend that with like some physical movement like you do so
well because that really helps the body calm down.
I was really smart on how trauma works and how the brain can be afraid, but I didn't
know how to integrate that in a way so that whether I was teaching an hour event or a
five day event to keep people engaged, inspired and flowing along that versus like, here's
all the information.
Cathy: I would get so nervous.
I would over-prepare I'd have five times too much information.
And I would throw it all out as hard as I could.
And then they would leave drained and stun.
Monique: They're blown out.
Cathy: Yeah, some of them left and, I feel so bad about it, but I'm sure some of the
people left my earlier workshops going, oh, I'm really bad at this.
There's too much information.
I don't know and I can't get it all.
It's going too fast.
And maybe more than some of the more advanced people were fine, but the new people, the
people who are shyer, a little intimidated by the topic, were probably just overwhelmed.
Peter: I think when you're a beginning facilitator you tend to think that logic is the way to
get that information out and and we're very logic based and we're like, "OK, I'm just
going to get all this information," where when you become more of an experienced facilitator,
you start listening to more of your intuition and realize that there are certain little
nuances to how to keep the audience compelled and interested on every single word that's
coming out of your mouth.
Cathy: Get them to embody the information.
I can give you a checklist right now, but you have the checklist.
It's not in your body and your not going to use it very well.
And that's one of the things we're going to do for the facilitator weekend.
We're going to invite you to two events that we're running and let you participate a little
bit so you get a taste of what's actually happening.
So you can experience it even if you're afraid and we promise to make a gentle and easy.
But so you can embody that and try it out.
Get a taste of it and be like, oh, I would like to do it a little bit this way.
Monique: When I started, I didn't trust my intuition at all.
And so I started with Cuddle Parties because it was a way I can sit and hold the script
and you read something, but it was so scary still.
At least it helped me be able to get up there in front of people and I'd practice every
single night whether I had one person or 30 people in the room.
And so it really started helping me acclimate to what does it feel like, what does it feel
like when I'm offering this?
And so I would sit and write a whole outline like Cathy's talking about and have 30 exercises
and have all this information and make sure I need to give this to you.
And as you start facilitating more and more then you realize the rooms giving you way
more than you could give the room.
Monique: So I set this intention and I'm like, OK, here's what I'm wanting to bring to the
And then in whatever is alive in the room, than I allow that aliveness and that energy
and what's coming up to be able to help teach the intention that I brought.
Peter: The more facilitation that you do... you do start to realize or certain cues in
the audience of who's listening, who's checking out, and how to augment your delivery so that
everybody is really more encapsulated with the information that's coming from who you
People want to listen to compelling stories.
They want to listen to people that have some vim and vigor and passion and desire for what
they're doing.
If you're just kind of drab sitting there spewing out all this logical information,
you're going to lose people in the first few minutes.
Cathy: If you can't engage their brain and their heart, you're not going to teach them..
You're throwing information like little sticks versus like, I'm going to feed it to you and
help you integrate it.
Monique: You want to create this container where people feel like it's OK to get it wrong.
It's OK to experiment.
It's OK to test new waters and see what's available to you because that's the majority
of people that are coming to the workshops or wanting to try something new or they're
wanting to integrate something that they've been called to.
So if you're throwing stuff at them, that's not going to make them feel safe to want to
experiment because it's just another to do list that they can't do.
Peter: So have a guideline, have an agenda, but be willing to throw the agenda out the
window if there's certain people in the room that are not understanding what's happening.
So we're going to help you learn how to trust yourself to be able to hold a room with people
and offering what it is that you have experience on, that you love, and helping them co-create
with you.
Cathy: Yeah, and if some of you are like...intuition, reading the room?
I'm a very analytical person.
I'm somewhere I more on the right of woo.
I'm a PhD.
Monique: Cathy's a pragmatist.
Cathy: We're going to actually walk you through the steps.
We're going to talk about how you get prepared before, how you build up anticipation in the
How you build relationships with the venue, the people at the venue that you're going
to work with.
Monique: Your hosts, if you're traveling around the world, but that networking with others.
Cathy: You're so good at that.
And then just bringing people in and like how do you get them in the room so that they
feel comfortable.
How do you start the event?
How do you give them breaks so they actually come back.
We'll walk you through all the steps including self-care afterwards and how you can follow
up so you can engage more deeply.
Peter: Even engineers and scientists have intuition.
Cathy: I absolutely agree, but I know some people that want to facilitate may actually
use their intuition and notice energy, but that's not their focus.
And that's one thing I love about how we teach together as we have that balance.
We all speak the language of pragmatic, and intuition and experiential and logical.
Peter: it's a blend.
It's a balance.
Monique: You get to come play in your spectrum.
And here's the pieces.
So many people do workshops.
And for me, I, and Peter and Cathy, we love doing play shops.
Because if you're not loving it, if you're not enjoying it, if you're not diving in to
the places that feel good to you, then you're not going to want to continue doing it.
And so the whole idea of this weekend is to help you succeed and offering what your gifts
are and then giving you this toolbox, and the set of plans like this whole container.
Cathy: A recipe.
Yeah, recipe can make a difference.
You can make it enough for 10 people or 30 people or a thousand people.
You can make different varieties, oh, you're vegetarian, OK, I'll leave that part out.
So you have like, flexibility.
You can mix the flavors and change up what you're delivering.
Monique: We hope that you'll come join us.
Cathy: Yeah, it's in May and it's going to be in San Jose, California.
Monique: So thanks for listening.
And if any of this calling to your soul or your heart or you're just like, wow, I'm really
curious and intrigued, then please click on the link below and find out more.
Cathy: And if you're feeling like you're too shy, too big, too old, too young, please realize
that your audience has those same fears.
The peoples whose lives you want to touch had those same fears and you can help them
past that just by modeling that very thing.
I used to think I was too much, too shy, too old, whatever.
I used to think it was too big.
I can still make a difference for people.
You can make a difference for people and they are calling for you.
There are people at three in the morning praying they will come forward and share your information.
Monique: Yeah,
Cathy: Thanks guys.
Have to see you there!
Arsenal news: Mesut Ozil returns to training – how did he perform at London Colney? - Duration: 2:22.
Arsenal star Mesut Ozil has been spotted in training at London Colney after another illness that sidelined the attacking ace over the weekend
The German playmaker missed the 3-1 home victory over West Ham at the Emirates on Saturday after being ruled out with the mystery sickness
It is the seventh time since January 2017 that Ozil has missed game time through illness, though the Gunners produced a good display in his absence
Ozil was at the centre of the action among the main squad during his return to training at Arsenal's base in Hertfordshire
He was snapped duelling with Danny Welbeck for a ball during a training drill, and looked his usual self on the field
Ozil started the opening two games of the season, though he was withdrawn from the action against Chelsea at Stamford Bridge
Reports suggested that his absence was due to a bust-up with Unai Emery during preparations to face West Ham
However, the claims were rubbished by the new Gunners manager who stated Ozil has picked up an illness
Ozil's return to training in the early part of the week strongly suggests he will be fit and ready to face Cardiff at the weekend
Still, the club's top earner could face a fight to regain his place in the side after his replacement Aaron Ramsey impressed against the Hammers
The Welsh midfielder had played just 76 minutes of the first two games but was a strong presence during his full appearance at the weekend
Take a look through the gallery for the best snaps of Mesut Ozil in training alongside his Arsenal team-mates
Affinity Designer for iPad - How to Design A Poster for Circus - Duration: 17:21.
Hello everyone and welcome back I am
your host Elias sarantopoulos. In this
Affinity Designer for iPad tutorial I'm
going to teach you how to design a
poster and specifically how to draw and
put elements together
for a circus layout. I will take you
through the whole process by first
creating the vector rays, followed by
drawing a curvy shape using the Pen tool,
joining paths and adding dashed lines. We
will use a vintage displayed typeface
for our text and ornamental objects and
add a couple of extra elements to
complete the poster design idea. All that
with Affinity Designer in your iPad.
And so inside Affinity Designer let's go
ahead and create a new document by
tapping on the New document icon, for
device I'm going to choose Print, size A4
is fine but for the purpose of this
tutorial and because I want to have more
horizontal real estate I'm going to
choose the Landscape mode and then tap
OK and now we have a new and empty
document inside Affinity Designer. OK so
a couple of things to set up before we
create the rays. So tap on the Document
Menu and let's look at the Snapping
Options. I'm going to Enable Snapping,
Snap to Grid, Snap to Guides, Snap to
Spread and then Snaps to Layer Bounding
Boxes and tap Done, There we go.
Also go back to the Document menu, I'm
going to have a couple of Guides, one
Horizontal and one Vertical, there you go.
Also I'm going to make sure that I
don't have my Snapping On. So I'm going
to select the Rectangle tool, going to tap
and drag to create a rectangle like so.
OK now tap on the Snapping On, let's
change the color and it's going to make
sure that sits right at the center like
so. OK no need for the Guides, I am
going to toggle off the visibility. Now I'm
going to select this with the Move tool
and then I'm going to Convert this into
Curves, there we go. And so with the Node
tool, going to marquee select those two
nodes, those two bottom anchor points, tap
on the Transform Studio and then I'm
going to move the anchor point or rather
the bottom center right here because I
want to taper this in those two bottom
nodes and I'm going to do this with under
the Dimensions with the Width so you can
do this interactively or even better you
can tap and
tap zero. That's exactly what I want OK,
just make sure this sits right at the
center there you go so I'm going to tap
two fingers on the canvas, I'm going to
tap and drag to create a Duplicate like
so which I'm going to rotate this so tap
one finger of the canvas to constraint
the Aspect Ratio, there we go.
Marque selectors to tap on the Edit menu
create duplicate again rotate tap one
figure on the cameras to constrain the
aspect ratio so here okay we have our
first group so I'm going to tap on the
group icon here there we go
which I'm going to duplicate so tap on
the edit menu and duplicate this gonna
rotate this 15 degrees but inside I'm
gonna select all of these by swiping to
the left and change the color like so
okay so here's the second group I'm
going to tap on the first group
duplicate that group and rotate it do
the same on the this group there we go
and we have one more to go
like so so now we have all these groups
which I'm gonna marquee select with a
move tool
okay and I'm gonna size this up like so
and now actually we can group those
groups can give it a name let's say if
you wish race now let's go ahead and add
a frame around the poster and for that
again I'm gonna use the rectangle tool
on the top and drag one just gonna
change its color alright and also at the
bottom of the context toolbar I'm going
to change the corner type instead of
to round in verse now here I'm going to
set the radius corner by dragging this
red handle like so and also let's go
ahead and add a stroke to it okay this
stroke can be let see around twelve or
so just make sure in the alignment under
the advanced you use the center okay
alright now another thing I'm gonna do
is tap again on the rectangle tool and
tap and drag to create another rectangle
this time no need for stroke just a fill
they're gonna tap and hold and drag this
under the race okay
and ask for the race I'm going to tap
and hold and click those inside the
rectangle right here the center like so
and the other thing is I'm going to
joinder the layer options just change
the opacity of the race to let's say 50%
now let's go ahead and draw the curvy
shape inside this affinity designer
poster so first I'm going to tap on the
lair studio here and swipe to the left
select those two layers and then tap on
the layer options and tap on the lock
icon to lock them so I don't
accidentally move them
then select the pen tool in this case
I'm going to tap and drag one node with
two Bezier handles now in this case you
don't want to extend those two handles
too far away just here and then just tap
and drag tap and drag for the next point
here what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna
actually change the direction on the
path so I'm gonna tap one finger on the
and for this bottom handle I'm gonna
brings very close to the node release
the finger from the canvas tap and drag
and then one more tap and drag like so
there you go let's give it a color here
to see what we're doing all right now I
want this to be duplicated so I'm going
to tap on the edit menu duplicate just
bring this to the other side and under
the transform studio let's go ahead and
flip it horizontally so tap on the flip
horizontal icon there we go now I'm
going to mark you select those two tap
on the edit menu create another
duplicate move this down there we go
and under the transform studio you can
flip this vertically so tap on the flip
vertical icon like so okay so I'm gonna
select those two curves the top two
curves which is this one and this one
tap on the node tool and they under the
in the context toolbar we're gonna tap
on the joint function others too have
been joined those two curves have been
joined I'm gonna do the same for the
rest two curves
again I'm gonna join them and then
they'll those two can enjoin them again
so now I have one curve that all join
paths okay in this case I'm just going
to sizes down a bit
like so okay let's also give it a color
so for film that's gonna give this dark
blue kind of and for the stroke just
gonna use black
there is one more thing I would like to
add in this curvy shape so tap to select
it and I'm going to go to the Edit menu
and create a duplicate so under the
color studio I'm going to swipe up on
the field so no feel just a Stroke and
for the Stroke white is fine OK now I
need to bring this end so I'm going to
first make sure that I don't have my
Snapping On so I'm going to bring this in
here from all sides,
like some. OK and instead of a Solid
line I'm going to have a Dashed line so. Tap
on the Stroke Studio, tap on this dashed
icon and for the width I'm going to do this
numerically so one 1.5 point is
fine, under Dashed Pattern 2 is fine for -
and for the Gap 2 is fine as well and
under the Advanced Options here for the
Cap I'm going to go for the Ssquare and then
for Join I'm going to go for the Bevel
option, like so and there we go, that's
exactly what I was going for.
So since this is a poster I'm going to
add a bit of a text and for that I'm
going to use a Vintage Display typeface
that I came across and I actually
provide a direct link to that at the
bottom of the YouTube video description in case
you're interested. So I'm going to select
these two curves, going to lock them just in
case so I don't want to move up
accidentally and then I'm going to tap
on the Artistic Text tool, tap once, The
Circus let's say, make sure is Center
OK let's size it up and let's change
the font to this Vintage Display font
that I'm using, there we go. And under the
Positioning actually you can have the
Leading here you can adjust the leading,
you can also adjust the Tracking, OK,
All right let me adjust the leading
even more then bring this down and then
just size this down like so. OK now
let's go ahead and change the color,
let's say color like this and then let's
see, instead of Regular I'm going to go for
Bold OK and then under Stroke, let's
have a bit of a stroke here which I
don't see it very much so I'm going to
increase the Stroke Width OK like so.
Let's see on the Stroke I'm actually
going to go the Alignment on the Center under
the Advanced Options and under the Layer
FX studio I can have a bit of Outer
Shadow here. OK so at the bottom we
have the Context Toolbar and we have our
Options you can actually do this
interactively so tap and drag the as you
see I can do this interactively.
And it depends what you don't
need to have a lot of Opacity, something
along those lines. OK and there you go
that's the typeface or in the center. So
since this is a Display font it also
comes with some nice extras like scrolls,
ornaments, and panels so let's go ahead
and add some. So I'm going to tap again
on the artistic text tool I'm going to use
the extras here and then I think it's
the hyphen (-) OK. I'm going to rotate this
slightly and then just size it down and
just move it into place.
Maybe size it down a bit more OK and then
just let's go ahead and duplicate this
and under the Transform Studio again I'm
going to rotate this let's say
horizontally like so. OK so what else
can we do, well again using the same font
I'm going to tap again on the Artistic
Text tool and I think it is the forward
slash, there you go so this one I'm just
going to slightly rotate it and then I'm
going to change its color to the same
color as the frame and I'm going to size it
down and move it into place then rotate
a bit more, move it close the frame, there
you go, something all those lines. OK so
we got that which I'm going to duplicate
so go to the Edit menu and duplicate
this, bring it to the other side
just kind of rotate this like so and
then I'm going to select those two again,
I'm going to duplicate them, using
the Edit menu just going to move them down
and I can actually rotate them like so.
And just move those to something along
those lines.
Now before I close on this Affinity
Designer and tutorial couple of elements
that I would like to add so the first
one will be just a Circus tent
that's a PNG file here. OK but I'm
going to size this down and then
position it around here.
OK now this one is going to resign
under the rectangle but right on top on
the rays so I'm going to tap and hold and
move this under here, there we go.
And then one more element that I would
like to bring that will be just a
texture so I'm going to drop that in I'm
going to rotate it. OK size it up and
then I'm actually going to tap and bring
this under the Tent and the only thing I
want to change here actually under the
Layers Options instead of the Blending
mode Normal to be let's say Soft Light,
like so. OK and just looking at this
couple of things I would like to move
move around that would be those
center pieces just going to bring this up a
bit like so.
Well there's a lot you can accomplish
inside Affinity Designer for iPad
including designing posters. In this
tutorial we covered some basic vector
tools together with vintage display
typography and other elements to create
a poster idea. Thank you for spending
time with me let me know if you have any
questions below the comments section and
don't forget to subscribe to my channel
and share the knowledge. Elias Sarantopoulos.
No Man's Sky NEXT: How to Switch Third Person And First Person View | PS4 Tutorial - Duration: 3:26.
hey what is up YouTube this is Pete
coming back with another No Man's Sky
video and in today's video I'm gonna
show you how easily you can switch
between third-person and first-person
mode and vice versa
it may be like a really simple thing
guys but me I actually struggled I
wasn't able to figure this out you can
check you can go back to my stream and
go back to my first video that I've done
and I just couldn't figure that out you
start your game in first-person mode on
your avatar but when you jump into your
ship and you you know want to do some
Psiabooshka then you can't really
it's it's not in third-person you have
to switch to the first-person mode at
least it was like this for me so if
that's something that interests you stay
tuned I'm gonna show you how to do this
but before we get started I'd like you
to subscribe to my channel and also
enable your notification by hitting the
Bell button as hard as you possibly can
because it's very very good for you
and once you do that we can jump into
the tutorial okay so very simple all you
got to do is just to click this button
on your ps4 controller not too sure how
to access this menu on PC or Xbox but
I'm pretty sure that all you PC and Xbox
gamers will be able to figure that out
after you see this menu so all you do is
you just access this quick menu and
switch to the left to where it says
utilities click on that one and switch
to the right toggle camera view except
or you know on ps4 it's just X button
and that's it that's how you do it on
the Avatar so I'm just a switch back
real quick I just prefer that first
person it's really so cool you know
especially that your avatar looks so
nice now and you can like customize your
avatar and everything so I think that
this first-person mode is not gonna be
something that I'm gonna be playing a
lot unless maybe if I'm gonna move wants
to take some like I don't know some some
footages maybe like and put some
background music on it or something I
don't know I might do that then then
then maybe I'll be playing with the
third sorry first-person mode but
anyways let's switch to the ship now
alright guys so very simple
and the same happens with your ship for
me when I started the game every time I
went into my ship I was in first person
mode so I'm thinking for the rest of you
it's probably gonna be the same so all
you got to do again it's going to be
that button on ps4 controller to access
that quick menu go to the left
utilities click on that one and they go
switch start ship view and from now on
you can enjoy your game in felt person
Oh which looks in my opinion so much
cooler and ya know a whole new way of
flying your ship basically really cool
absolutely love it so yeah guys if you
found this video helpful in any way do
not forget to like and share this video
and also for those of you who are new to
my channel I would really appreciate
your subscription and as well if you do
that don't forget to click that
notification Bell button so you never
miss an applause from me and we can do
some sriracha and it's good it's very
very good for you alright guys thanks so
much for tuning in I'm gonna plane that
No Man's Sky now in third person Pete out
How to Make Your Beats into Album Worthy Songs - Behind the Beat #1 Logic Pro X Tutorial - Duration: 9:31.
what's going on guys my name is Cole
Zarick welcome to a video where I'm gonna
be breaking down the first song sunset
off of my new album moon sets now if you
haven't heard the song yet I recommend
going and listening to it so pause this
video and go check out the song be right
back and then we'll go behind the scenes
basically what I want to do in this
video is break down the beat and the
mixing behind it kind of give you guys a
behind-the-scenes of how I put this
together I'm gonna walk through the raw
logic file with you guys and show you
all the things that I did to help make
this beat into a song and towards the
end I'll give you guys some special
insight behind the lyrics some of the
meanings and where they came from would
you guys be interested in merch got this
moon set album logo printed and it has
my own Cole's Eric logo on the back I
also got my own just Coles Eric logo
printed on a black hat I did this to
kind of celebrate the album release just
let me know in the comments section if
that's something that you guys would be
interested in buying any of these two
hat designs alright with all that out of
the way let's get started with the video
so where I found this sample I just
typed in I think just hip-hop samples or
trapped hip-hop samples on YouTube to
find different songs I came across this
sample here so the concept behind this
album is that it takes place at
nighttime so I wanted the very beginning
of the album to sound and have the
ambience of nighttime like crickets and
just noise so I went on to YouTube and
found different sound effects that I
liked that were clear and had good
resolution and I added it to the beat
give that like a demo I'll deconstruct
your whole worldview like a demo listen
so you don't need a platform they have
influence so I really like this
transition I'll mute all the vocals here
but I really like this transition I
think it's building it built really good
suspense from I basically took out all
the highs of the sample created this
this bass that kind of conveyed that
something was was fielding so I have
this one hi-hat just just establish a
rhythm so basically what I did during
this transition was I slowly cut out the
volume of all the outside noise sounds
so you have more quiet and clean and
we're gonna get into the song now I cut
the high frequency of this sample so
that it becomes more muffled and on top
of that I added just a billowing 808 to
create some suspense when you even think
about skipping one track or cut the
music off that's grounds for a specific
years like two or three
I created this album for me so to me
this was the most important part of the
entire album I wanted to stress I even
stress in the lyrics that you better not
cut the music off or skip a single track
because so many times I would go back on
the albums and projects that I put out
on soundcloud and there'd be like three
times the amount of plays on the first
song where the rest of the album just
depletes so I wanted to make that I
wanted to put emphasis on that that this
whole album there's no filler in it
every song stands a
on its own merit that it's something
that's worthy of your attention so the
drop was the most important part so the
inspiration behind this drop is actually
Mike one of my favorite songs off of J
Cole's kod album and that's windowpane
for me that part took me completely by
I didn't know when the beat was gonna
come in the kick drums just absolutely
hit you out of nowhere and that was the
same type of feeling that I wanted to
inject into this song so I'm especially
really proud of how the drums turned out
in this song my favorite part about the
drums here are the snare so these are
the two I actually stacked two different
snare sounds the first one
some of the other things that give this
B personality is when the bright when
the beat drops you hear this noise I
love how that turned out and then when
the beat goes you hear a little
I think injecting those type of sound
effects can give your beat a lot of
personality and kind of take it to the
next level if you can find a sound that
sounds really unique and different
there's another thing that gave it a lot
of hit and personality is this little
percussion sound here so you hear that
along with the snare
and then with the drums all by
themselves when this when the snare hits
it like it like creates tension when the
snare hits and then there's a release
tenet then of course I in I inserted a
deviation of the sample so that it would
come in and it was create this high
frequency sound right when the right
when the when the drop comes in
I also brought the frequency back up so
you can hear all the highs again so
going into the verse I created some
bells to give it a different type of
dynamic so now I'll take a second and
talk about some of these lyrics so I
start out saying I represent a certain
demo meaning demographic under 10k Club
now the under 10k Club to me is anyone
under 10k whatever followers subscribers
just because you have under 10,000 what
Evers doesn't mean you don't have
influence the thing that fueled me
writing this album is the fact that I
could influence that one person it was
clearing out all the masses and trying
to like I want to get this heard by
everyone and it pinpointed more on I
want this to be as meaningful as
possible to the one person that listens
to this album front to back that's gonna
do it for this video I hope you guys
enjoyed watching I really appreciate you
guys let me know what you think about
the hats this one or the the black holes
Eric one I don't know where it is right
now just leave a comment below I'm gonna
probably set up a merch shop and have
that one item ready for you guys to
purchase if that's something you're
interested in I'm gonna try to make it
as cheap as I can I don't want to like
have this more as profit I've wanted to
do merch since I was 16
I'd be in high school painting my logo
on two shirts and trying to sell those
to people for $5 at like street fairs so
that's gonna do it for this one thank
you guys so much for watching again I
will see you guys in the next video
Champions League draw LIVE stream: How to watch group stage draw on TV and online - Duration: 3:12.
The draw for the group stage takes place in Monaco at the Grimaldi Forum, with the ceremony getting underway at 5pm this evening
Once the draw is made, the first round of fixtures are due to be played on September 18 and 19
This year's finalists will battle it out at Atletico Madrid's home ground, Wanda Metropolitano
The event will also see the winners of the UEFA Player Awards announced. Champions League draw live stream Fans will be able to live stream the draw for the group stage via UEFA's official website which starts at 5pm
BT Sport customers will also be able to stream the event on the BT Sport website and through the official app
Champions League draw TV Channel If you're a BT Sport customer and would prefer to watch the draw unfold on TV, you can watch the ceremony on BT Sport 2 this evening
Coverage on the channel is due to start at 4.30pm and the entire programme is scheduled to last for two hours
Champions League draw format - How does it work? The draw is made up of 32 clubs, 26 of whom qualified directly while six came through the play-offs
The teams have been be split into four seeding pots for the draw, with Pot 1 consisting of the Champions League holders, the UEFA Europa League winners and the champions of the six highest-ranked nations
Pots 2 to 4 have been determined by the club coefficient rankings. One team will be taken from each pot to form a group, but teams from the same association cannot face each other
Who is in the Champions League draw? POT 1: Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Barcelona,Bayern Munich, Manchester City, Juventus, Paris Saint-Germain, Lokomotiv Moscow POT 2:Borussia Dortmund, Porto,Manchester United, Shakhtar Donetsk, Benfica, Napoli, Tottenham Hotspur, Roma POT 3: Liverpool, Schalke, Lyon, Monaco,Ajax,CSKA Moscow, PSV Eindhoven, Valencia POT 4: Viktoria Plzen, Club Brugge, Galatasaray, Young Boys, Inter, Hoffenheim, Red Star Belgrade, AEK Athens Champions League latest odds - Who will win Europe's top prize? Manchester City 5/1 Barcelona 6/1 Juventus 6/1 PSG 15/2 Bayern Munich 8/1 Real Madrid 8/1 Liverpool 10/1 Atletico Madrid 12/1 Manchester Utd 16/1
free roblox codes giveaway 2018 /how to get free roblox codes 2018 / free roblox gift caed codes - Duration: 2:17.
free roblox codes giveaway 2018
Task Manager Hotkey- How to Open Task Manager on Windows 10 Using With Task Manager Shortcut Command - Duration: 1:29.
If you want to know what is windows task manager shortcut or task manager hotkey then this video is right for you.
For opening task manager there are 2 task manager commands or task manager keyboard shortcuts are available.
And these shortcuts work exactly same way in all windows O/S versions. Lets say windows vista, windows 7, 8, 81 and windows 10.
Well enough talk. Let me show you both of the task manager shrotcut keys
First of all we will press ctrl+alt+dell to bring up task manager.
Once ctrl+alt+dell is pressed you will see this prompter window.
Now to open task manager just click on this Start Task Manager option.
And you will see task manager will be opened like this.
If you are using windows 8, 8.1 or 10 then after hitting ctrl+shift+dell you will see this kind of prompter screen rather tha the previous screen.
Once you see this just click on the task manager option like before.
In case you are still using windows vista you will see this kind of screen instead of the previous 2 screens.
As before just click on Start Task Manager to pull up task manager.
Well As I said you before there is another hotkey available. This one is the best one actually.
If you press ctrl+shift+esc keys all together task manager will opened directly.
I always use this second method to open task manager as in this way I can bypass an extra click and save little bit of time.
How to Run a Eco Friendly Screen Printing Shop - Duration: 4:01.
Hey guys I'm summer with BELLA+CANVAS a few months ago we launched a video
taking you through some of the key things we do at Bella Canvas in order to
reduce our ecological footprint in today's video we're teaming up with Cole
from shirt agency to show you how you can take it one step further to stay eco
in every step of the t-shirt making process from the garment to the printing
to the packaging
most of the damage to the apparel industry has on the environment takes
place during the manufacturing process oftentimes you see manufacturers wasting
tons of fabric and water at Bella Canvas we recycle absolutely everything so no
excess fabric paper or plastic is sent to a landfill we also dye all of our
fabric in the US with the most efficient dye machines that only use three gallons
of water per pound of fabric the average manufacturer uses 20 gallons we also
only use eco-friendly dyes and all the water is run through a filtration system
that recycles any water used so you'll never find harmful runoff from any of
our dye factories
so one big step to make your shop a lot more eco-friendly is to switch from
plastisol inks to water-based inks water-based inks are gonna be able to
fully biodegrade whereas the plastisol inks are a PVC based ink so even though
they have been improved in the last decade or so they're still not going to
be nearly as eco-friendly so with plastisol all you're gonna have a print
that ultimately won't break down the same way that a water-based ink would
break down a water-based ink is just pigment going on to the cotton fabric
and so it's going to degrade just as quickly as the cotton will another major
step is to include a water filtration system for your shoot out booth a lot of
shops will have their water runoff go directly into the city sewer which
obviously is polluting far more than you need to
one good suggestion is to get a filtration system there at the end of
your shootout booth which will allow you to capture all those nasty particles so
a lot of people when they're cleaning are going to use a product like this
which is a cancer-causing aerosol not only is it bad for the environment but
it's also bad for your employees so I recommend going with green chemicals
they clean up just as well and it's possible for you to purchase them at
only a few cents more than the cheap stuff another option to offer your
clients is a recycled polymer so instead of using the cheapest poly mailer when
you're shipping individual shirts to clients what you can instead do is use
recycled based poly mailers these normally aren't a hundred percent
recycled but they're at least twenty-five percent recycled material
which is always better than nothing
so here at shirt agency to try to limit our impact we actually do not create
shared agency boxes we use the boxes that the shirts are shipped in with and
then we just simply re label and ship them back out this allows us to have
every single piece of cardboard be used and go to the final customer instead of
us just throwing them away another thing that we do is all misprints become rags
so that we don't purchase any rags for the shop everything is reused until it's
absolutely destroyed and then on top of that the city of LA is really good about
recycling so we actually have a recycling dumpster that's larger than
our normal trash and we found that about eighty-five percent of our waste can
actually be put into the recycling instead of being sent to a landfill I
think that customers are searching out different premium aspects to your print
shop aspiring to have higher standards for your shop it's going to attract the
right kind of customer if you want to learn more about our eco friendly
practices at Bella canvas be sure to click the video here we'd also love to
hear how you and your brand are taking measures to reduce your own ecological
footprint be sure to let us know below see you next week
Be Different.
How To Get Spotify Premium For Free In 2018 - Duration: 1:56.
Please skip to 12 seconds for the video to start:)
how to create channel on YouTube - Duration: 3:49.
today i'm gonna show you how to create a YouTube channel and and continue with it and
you can earn money from it of course that's my background from boku no hero okay lets
go first press the sign in button and choose one of your account like that ... that's
mine they are so much and lets go sorry not that lets go with that and my password and
next here it is that's my YouTube channel this video is a little bit short so i will learn you how to upload a video and that my channel and videos home customize channel
video manager and that create here like that upload video select files to upload go whatever
you want video .. screen .. anime i like that the battle between goku and frieza vs jiren
from anime dragon ball super so much i like it ... i like it so much .. description write what ever you
want like the battle between goku and frieza vs jiren ... tags dont put so much tags on that
like goku .. frieza .. dragon ball and its uploading
(i Cut the video because it will be a little bit long ) okay c'mon just 5 ... just 5
oh okay set the thumbnail ... that or that or that lets go with that i like it .... (that's the end of the video hope you like it .. enjoy)
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