Have you ever been part of a conversation, or maybe you have seen something on social
media where someone is saying, "Oh look, another Christian judging!"
"I thought you Christians weren't supposed to judge?"
These types of statements come from one of the most misused bible verses..In this video,
we are going to look at the bible verse about judging and how it is often the most misinterpreted
verse in the bible.
By the end of this video, you will have a three-step process for a knowledgeable and
loving answer to " Can Christians judge "?
What's up friends!
What's up friends and family, my name is Daniel and if you haven't already, please
hit that subscribe button, ring that notification bell, then get yourself a cup of coffee cause
today we're talking about JUDGMENT.
(Scary zoom and music)
Here's the thing
Here's the thing, Christians are often accused of being judgmental people.
But, should Christians judge?
Believe it or not, a bible verse about judging is one of the top bible verses taken out of
Matthew 7:1-2 reads " Judge not lest ye be judged.
For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use,
it will be measured to you.
Here, Jesus is giving what is commonly known as the "Sermon on the Mount".
A large crowd of people have begun to follow Jesus as He traveled through different cities.
He was teaching in the synagogues *(churches), healing all different types of sick and paralyzed
people, and even casting out demons.
The huge group of people that followed Jesus were from all walks of life.
Some were *scribes, some were *Phrasiees (jewish religious leaders) from the synagogues where
he had taught, some were those who had been healed or delivered.
Along with the original 12, there were also men and women who were following Jesus to
be discipled*.
So, as Jesus comes back to His base of operations in *Capernaum (map) near the Sea of Galilee,
the crowd has become so large that Jesus climbs up the side of a mountain to be better seen
and heard as He begins to teach them.
What Jesus says here begins in Matthew chapter 5 goes through Chapter 7.It is here that we
find the verse where Jesus says: "Judge not lest ye be Judged".- Matthew 7:1
The very first part of this verse,"Judge not', is often used as a way to say, "Only
God can judge me".
I mean, let's be honest, we've all been on the receiving end of a judgmental attitude.
Don't judge me!
Ok, so even if it is one of the most misused verses in the Bible, what is it actually about?
Matthew 7:1 is about hypocrisy.*
*New Spirit Filled Life Bible (Jack Hayford) Jesus does not forbid criticism, opinions
or the condemnation of wrongdoing.
What He forbids is censoriousness, the spirit of faultfinding that overlooks one's own
shortcomings while assuming the role of supreme judge in regards to the sins of others.
We shouldn't condemn other people.
We are called to love people, believers and nonbelievers.
So, here's a three step process to deal with a judgmental scenario in the future!
Number One - When someone says, Christians shouldn't judge, lovingly remind them that
this is from Matthew 7:1-2 and that they aren't using the entire verse as intended.
It's actually about hypocrisy.
Explain that while Christians are to refrain from judging others we must always be judging
our own heart.
We must earnestly ask the Lord to examine our heart, our motives, our words and respond
to the Holy Spirit's conviction.
Number Two - Read a little further and Matthew 7:5 tells us, first take the plank out of
your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's
In this verse, Christ is warning believers.
Do not make judgments in a condemning or hypocritical manner.
This is what the Pharisees were doing.
Many people overlook the command to judge within Matthew 7:5 when it says, "Then you
will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye."
Jesus tells us to judge yourself first before you make judgments about others.
Number Three - But before we make that judgment, we must
make sure we are judging righteously from God's Word and not relying on our own opinion.
This is why it is so important to know and apply the truth of God's Word *(scripture).
Romans 12:10 - Love one another with brotherly affection.
Outdo one another in showing honor.
In all things we are to conduct ourselves with affection and honor.
Friends, I love you, I thank you so so much.
If you've enjoyed this video please share it with a friend, hit me with a like and as
always don't forget to subscribe.
God Bless and MadLuv
For more infomation >> The Bible Verse About Judging | Can Christians Judge - Duration: 5:54.-------------------------------------------
PSA: Tornadoes don't plan ahead, but you can (15 seconds) - Duration: 0:16.
Projections need to be...
[message notification]
[message notification]
Next Thursday?
I can't do Thursday,
but I can do Friday.
[arguing over each other]
NARRATOR: Disasters
don't plan ahead.
You can.
Talk to your loved ones about
how you're going to be ready
in an emergency.
Batch or Continuous, Real-Time TOC Measurement: What Can Happen in 6 Minutes? - Duration: 1:03.
What can happen in 6 minutes?
A lot if you're only getting snapshots of information.
Your lunch could disappear in a split second.
Taking the perfect selfie could cost you.
Or you could easily miss danger lurking in your water.
Problems can occur in matter seconds.
Imagine what can happen in 6 minutes.
At-line batch TOC measurement can only provide snapshots of your water quality every 6 minutes
or more.
But, a lot can happen in 6 minutes.
With true continuous TOC analysis, you have real-time data to tell you exactly when an
excursion starts and ends.
This helps demonstrate compliance and gives you complete
control of your water system.
The 6000TOCi: Real-time TOC compliance.
Rudy Fires Off A Pair Of Silver Bullets That Can Demolish The Witch Hunt - Duration: 3:43.
How Much Rice Can One Plant Produce?! - Duration: 4:47.
As a rice farmer I've never really considered: how much rice can one plant produce.
I suppose it's the scale of our rice farm that has me calculating in acres rather than
individual rice plants.
I know that, on average, we yield 10,000 lbs. of rice per acre.
But how much does a single rice plant yield?
Never thought about it until viewer, Steve T commented on Episode 75, titled "Dissecting
a Rice Plant in Search of its Head" with this question:
"How Many Kernels of rice does the average rice plant produce?"
Well Steve, it's a great question and we're going to find out!
And how we're going to find out is simply by pulling a rice plant and counting the rice
that it's producing.
You see each rice plant produces a seed head, as seen here, and each seed head is comprised
of several spikelets or blooms that are forming rice as we know it.
It's just fascinating, to me, that just one...oops.
That just one of these kernels of rice, or rice seeds, was planted in the spring and
now, at the end of summer, has produced this plant and therefore all these additional seeds
for our consumption or for next year's crop.
But before we find the final number of how much rice this plant is producing I should
mention that a number of factors determine this:
the variety of the rice, the overall health of the plant, as dictated by the level of
fertilization, weather patterns, soil type and ah hum, the farmer.
I should mention that this variety is Calrose medium grain m105.
Now, as I count this rice I thought rather than you just listening to me count 1,2,3
monotonously that I would represent each kernel of rice as a step in which it took to grow
this rice plant.
For example if there were only 10 kernels of rice than I'm going to include 10 farming
operations required to grow the plant, representing each kernel.
You'll see what I mean.
But first let's head into the shop.
Here we are.
Here's the rice plant.
Just let me remove the kernels for easier counting.
Let's move this screen to the top right and add a counter.
Finally let's add our first operation of farming a new crop of rice, which as I explained,
will represent the first rice kernel in our count.
51 kernels of rice, or seeds, that this plant produced.
I can't call it the average for this variety or the average for this field.
I would need to count several more individual rice plants to get that figure and I just
don't have time.
51 grains of rice is just how much this one plant produced but it gives us a good idea
of an answer to Steve's question.
And in those quick scenes we ended our farming operation and crop progress right here at
the plant being pulled.
Again, every kernel I counted was represented in a scene depicting the work that it took
to get this plant to this stage.
By the way, all of those scenes are from past episodes of Rice Farming TV so if you'd
like to know more about what was happening in a particular scene comment down below and
I'll link you to the specific episode.
Well guys what did you think?
Expecting more or less out of the production of these rice plants?
I want to thank Steve for the great question and encourage you guys to keep on asking.
I try to get to as many comments and questions as possible.
Thanks for watching guys.
Give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this episode and take care!
Denuclearization talks stall as North Korea goes strong on what U.S. can offer - Duration: 2:29.
Amid stalled nuclear talks between the U.S. and North Korea... we have more on that letter
North Korea has sent to the U.S.,... in which,... the regime asked Washington to bring something
to the table.... if it wants to talk in Pyongyang.
The U.S., meanwhile, has renewed its ban on Americans traveling to the North.
Lee Ji-won starts us off.
It appears U.S. President Donald Trump didn't have a choice but to call off his Secretary
of State's fourth visit to Pyongyang as Washington had "nothing to offer" the regime.
Citing an unnamed government official, Reuters reported Thursday what was in the secret letter
Kim Yong-chol, vice chairman of North Korea's Workers' Party's central committee, sent to
the U.S.
It said "Mike Pompeo should not come to Pyongyang, if the U.S. has nothing to offer."
The regime has been asking the U.S. to declare an end to the Korean War, while the Trump
administration has been pushing Pyongyang for a inventory of its nuclear and missile
programs and other military assets.
The official added that the North Koreans seem to be thinking the U.S. is not fulfilling
its side of the bargain,... which appears to back up a report by U.S.-based media outlet
Vox, which said President Trump promised North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a peace treaty sometime
soon after their summit in June.
But the Trump administration continues to insist denuclearization has to take place
before anything else.
Amid concerns over the stalemate, the U.S. remains firm on its restrictions on the regime.
The U.S. State Department has extended its ban on Americans' travel to North Korea for
another year,... until August 31st 2019.
It cited concerns about the threat of arrest.
U.S. law stipulates that travel restrictions on Americans may be imposed if "there is imminent
danger to the public health or physical safety of U.S. travelers in the country or area."
But it's known that "individuals who wish to travel to or within North Korea for extremely
limited purposes," and whose travel is in the U.S. national interest, can apply for
a "special validation" from the State Department.
There will also be exceptions if the trip is justified by "compelling humanitarian considerations."
The ban was imposed in September last year after the death of American student Otto Warmbier,
who was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor by the North after allegedly trying to steal
a propaganda sign.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
How can a weak day make you strong? - Duration: 3:04.
Usually I always stick to what I'm saying, but yesterday I had a very special day and I want to
Tell you what, I did
So I had a plan to work out my normal routine or booty workout
But I just had no power and energy to do it. I was so tired. I
Was already sleeping in the office during lunch break
I just closed the door and I was lying on the floor thirty minutes, and it was really relaxing
Then I came back home and I wanted to start my workout, but I just could not get myself
Together and do it
Instead. I it's getting worse instead. I had a big big
protein bar with chocolate
It's pretty low in sugar to be honest, but
Usually I don't eat that but it's always in there
In the kitchen if France gets kind of craving, so I thought well ago I got I go for half of it
but who eats half a protein bar so I had the full one and
I decided to just work two hours on the business and I had the plan to go to bed at 9:30
This is what I did and it I must say it really feels awesome. I can't remember when I went to bed 9:30 and
It was really relaxing. I had a good rest and I I even overslept this morning. Usually I get up
5:15 I heard the alarm, but I just
hit snooze or turned it off completely and
All of a sudden I thought wow and then it was quarter past six, which is still okay and fine
But I just wanted to share that it sometimes really good to follow
What your body is telling you? I
did that and
Didn't feel guilty. I just really enjoyed. I enjoyed the protein bar
I enjoy just being two hours on the business. I enjoyed going to bed at 9:30
This is what my body told me and I did it I
Think once in a while, it's okay. Just we need to make very sure that we are not falling into old patterns or
Have these occasions two or three times per week
I can't remember really when this happened but it feels good that I allowed myself
to do it
Yeah, so I think today will be a different day
And yeah, I'm going to work out and I'm not just pretending it I will do it
But I just wanted to share with you that I had a bit of a weak day
But it made me very strong. That was my share for today and I come back to you tomorrow. Bye. Bye
classic clean vines i can show to my english class - Duration: 4:53.
*Loud noise* Ahhhh Stahppp I could have dropped my croissant
I like your accent... Where you from? I'm Liberian. Oh my bad... *whipsers* i like ya accent where ya from
People say I can't do what I want without college
I don't need a degree to be a clothing hanger
Haha... I do that
Go... Go Go Go
Don't fall... Don't fall off
Annie, don't fall
In Katrina, we're like hurricanes ardilla
Not to be racist or anything
Hey, I'm lesbian I thought you were American
Two pros chillin in the hot tub five feet apart cuz they're not gay
No, this is a crayon
I swear to God did you wash the dishes? I thought you wanted to do that you were wrong
Do I look
This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life, it's water melone solder water ballon
That was legitness
You can't sit with us actually Megan I can't sit anywhere
All the guys are just heeda lines what I'll take you to Mickey's
Road work ahead
Yeah, I sure hope it does you should get the orange soda. It's amazing. Okay, I'll have the strawberry soda
How much you people not talking hey yo, you know this boy he's got his
I'm sorry. I fell asleep was waiting on you to make me a sandwich go back to sleep and starve
Somebody our prom has been killed. Please help calm down. We don't want to panic at the disco
It was the hardest Oberer driver you've ever had and I never went to avoid Jabbar
It is Wednesday in my deeds
I'm in my mum's car
broom broom
Get out Mika. Oh
Hey guys. Look at this new dress. My mom bought me sweet. It's a jumpsuit. You were fooled, haha
Duke do you want the ball?
Hi, my name is Troy have a basketball game tomorrow
Point guard I got shoe game and mothertrucker dude, not hurt like a but she gonna stick watch your profanity
Toss me my keys. I said my keys. I thought you said printer even
The babies are one of the most dangerous animals in the world, so I built this cage to keep them secure
So there's no possible. Oh my god the cheese of truth
Immigrants calls cancer
Why are you on Who am I let's go to the beach beach in Cayman Joe
Sanem & Can | IDFC - Duration: 1:07.
They say, you will return abroad. Is it true?
I don't know
Don't leave.
Arsenal news: Why Cardiff can exploit this Emery tactic - Higginbotham - Duration: 3:29.
That's according to ex-Southampton and Stoke midfielder Danny Higginbotham. They picked up their first points of the season with an unconvincing 3-1 win at home to West Ham on Sunday, following defeats to Chelsea and Man City
And the former Premier League regular has slammed manager Emery's new approach at the back, claiming the formation 'was leaving too much space'
Talking on Sky Sports News, he said: "West Ham should have won the game, they should have been out of sight by half-time but they missed a lot of chances
"In the average position map, there's too much space, there's too much space down the side of Arsenal's centre-backs
It caused a lot of problems against West Ham. "Arsenal wanted to be on the front foot but West Ham were able to quickly turn defence into attack
" With full-backs Hector Bellerin and Nacho Monreal often pushing high-up the pitch, the Hammers' pacy wingers often exploited the empty space in behind the defence
And Higginbotham believes Emery's side will struggle to progress this season without finding the right balance at the back
"The last thing a centre-back wants to have to do is to come outside the width of the 18-yard box," he said
"Bellerin is ending up a centre-back. It's all over the place." He added: "It's ok saying you want to press high but you have to have your back four comfortable and set otherwise you're going to have problems and teams will take advantage of it
"You want your centre-backs in that area more often than not - otherwise it makes the recovery runs very difficult
"When you are pressing so high, the back four has a real issue. If you don't press up with your midfield, there will be spaces
But if you do there will be spaces in behind." Arsenal return to action on Sunday when they travel to Cardiff
And Higginbotham believes the Gunners could run into similar issues against the Bluebirds' wide men
"We know Cardiff are a physical team but they do have players with good pace," he said
"Murphy is very quick, very direct. If he's running at the centre back because Bellerin is out of position the team becomes disjointed
"Against Bournemouth and Huddersfield, when the ball went to the Cardiff wide players it was the full-backs that are facing them up
"That might not be the situation Arsenal find themselves in. And that could be a problem
" Cardiff have picked up goalless draws in their last two games against Huddersfield and Newcastle respectively, following their opening 2-0 loss at Bournemouth
How Can You Trust the Media When They Trust Mediums | Tyler Henry & Theresa Caputo - Duration: 7:08.
I find it interesting how there are still a lot of people out there who will watch a
news story and think, "yep that's true" without ever questioning the facts, biases,
or incentives of the speaker.
But ultimately how can someone put their trust in a media that puts its trust in mediums?
A medium is someone who claims to communicate with dead people.
Imagine if you had this superpower?
What would you do with it?!
Maybe help the F.B.I. solve the millions of unsolved murders?
Maybe find the buried treasure of Captain Jack Bootpirate?
Maybe ask the first president what he thinks of the current president?
But no no no what do these mediums do?
They decide to work in some back-corner of a carnival charging $5 bucks a pop to tell
people how their Grandma whose name starts with the letter J is so proud of the person
they've become.
Two of todays most popular medium's are Tyler Henry and Teresa Caputo.
They each have a TV show where they talk to a celebrity's deceased loved ones…
Now I ain't guna to list all the reasons why mediums are fake because there are plenty
of videos that do that effectively by revealing to you the tricks of cold reading and hot
The purpose of this video is to ask how something so blatantly fake can be taken as truth by
so many members of the media…
So why does the media believe these bamboozlers?
I believe there are 3 reasons in particular…
The first reason is due to a credibility loop: once enough people believe something then
it becomes real.
These mediums appear with one celebrity, then another, one show, then another, and eventually
they're accepted with as much credibility as their associations.
The second reason the media believes in mediums is because as humans we want to believe our
deceased loved ones are okay and they're proud of us.
This is why you'll never hear a medium say something negative about those who passed
For example you'll never hear a medium say, "Grandpa doesn't like your current girlfriend
because he caught her cheating on you with your best-friend Jacob!"That would turn
the reading into a whole other show…
I can forgive the average person for believing in a medium, because heck, when I first started
researching them I wanted to believe or at the very least believe enough to keep open
the window of possibility, but the more I researched the more clear it became that these
guys are nothing more than professional hucksters.
And since it was so clear to me it should be even more clear to "journalists", but
the fact of the matter is that many of these so-called journalists are nothing more than
hair and makeup, which leads me to my last reason why the media believes in mediums:
Eyeballs = $$$: The truth is our modern media is less concerned with truth and more concerned
with money.
And so the novelty and hope mediums offer to unsuspecting viewers keeps people glued
to their screens.
The media is therefore willing to sacrifice it's long-term credibility for short-term
We must therefore ask ourselves…
"If the media can't tell fact from fiction then what else are they telling us that is
fake, wrong, or misleading about a particular story, person, or narrative?"
In watching a news story their should be more question marks going through our heads than
just a series of periods and exclamation points!
And once we start to question the credibility of the media just a little bit more, regardless
of our political persuasion, we'll hopefully start to realize that there is more to a story
than meets the eye… and we don't even have to see dead people to recognize it.
One of the Most Important Lessons You Can Learn From Your Body - Duration: 4:56.
Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to attend concert and YOU CAN too – here's how - Duration: 3:03.
The 100 Days to Peace music gala reflects the centenary of the final 100 days of the First World War
The gala evening is hosted by Lesley Garrett CBE and is the only opportunity to see Sir Karl Jenkins conduct The Armed Man: A Mass for Peace in England this year
The concert will support three charities which support military veterans facing mental health challenges
The charities are Help for Heroes; Combat Stress; and Heads Together which is the Royal Foundation's campaign and mental health initiative
General Lord Dannatt, a retired senior British Army Officer and member of the House of Lords will greet the royal couple at the event at Central Hall Westminster, on Thursday, September 6
He said: "We are delighted to welcome The Duke and Duchess of Sussex to the Central Hall Westminster for this commemorative event
"We have been overwhelmed by the support shown by our sponsors, ambassadors and all three beneficiary charities
"How to get tickets The only way to get tickets for the event is through Ticketmaster
Tickets are expected to go fast, with music fans urged to book as soon as possible
The price for the music evening starts at £66 with all proceeds going to charities
Tickets can be purchased HERE. The concert will be the second event the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attend in less than two weeks
On Wednesday the royals went to see the musical Hamilton at the Victoria Palace Theatre in London
Prince Harry even sing on stage himself, blasting out the opening line of a song from the production
The Prince started singing "You say…" from the song 'You'll Be Back' to a delighted audience
The musical mocks the British monarchy's role during the foundation of the United States
The real George III was one of Prince Harry's ancestors. The royal couple attended the event to raise money for the charity Sentebale, an HIV charity Harry co-founded in 2006
Sentebale supports the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people affected by HIV in Lesotho and Botswana
Denuclearization talks stall as North Korea goes strong on what U.S. can offer - Duration: 2:31.
It became clearer, that the main reason the trip to Pyongyang by America's top diplomat
was cancelled last minute... was a message from Pyongyang.
The gist of it was this: don't come unless you have something for us.
Lee Ji-won sheds light on the deal-breaker of a letter.
It appears U.S. President Donald Trump didn't have a choice but to call off his Secretary
of State's fourth visit to Pyongyang as Washington had "nothing to offer" the regime.
Citing an unnamed government official, Reuters reported Thursday that the tone of the secret
letter Kim Yong-chol, vice chairman of North Korea's Workers' Party's central committee,
sent to the U.S,... was that if Washington is not willing to give something, then Pompeo
shouldn't come.
The regime has been asking the U.S. to declare an end to the Korean War, while the Trump
administration has been pushing Pyongyang for a inventory of its nuclear and missile
programs and other military assets.
The senior official added that the North Koreans seem to be thinking the U.S. is not doing
enough,... which appears to back up a report by U.S.-based media outlet Vox, which said
President Trump promised North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a peace treaty sometime soon after
their summit in June.
But the Trump administration continues to insist denuclearization has to take place
before anything else.
Amid concerns over the stalemate, the U.S. remains firm on its restrictions on the regime.
A U.S. State Department official said the department has extended its ban on Americans
traveling to North Korea by another year,... until August 31st 2019.
The reason given for the ban is the concern over the threat of arrest.
U.S. law stipulates that travel restrictions on Americans may be imposed if "there is imminent
danger to the public health or physical safety of U.S. travelers in the country or area."
But it's known that "individuals who wish to travel to or within North Korea for extremely
limited purposes," and whose travel is in the U.S. national interest, can apply for
a "special validation" from the State Department.
There will also be exceptions if the trip is justified by "compelling humanitarian considerations."
The ban was imposed in September last year after the death of American student Otto Warmbier,
who was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor by the North after allegedly trying to steal
a propaganda sign.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
Crash days - Live the days you can the ways you can ( Tales of a Wheelchair Nomad ) - Duration: 1:16.
♪ music ♪
'Live the days you can the ways you can' That's my mantra and it allows for days
like today, a crash day, Yesterday was a crash day as well, I'm expecting the rest
of the week to be a crash day until I go to Cornwall. I need to rest and recover, so
I'm chilling, looking after myself, getting some editing done, and just watching
some vids.
♪ music ♪
Instant noodles for lunch and pizza for dinner, still that's not all for me, some
of it's for Vin too. Vin : Pizza !
[ bottles thud ] ♪ music ♪
♪ music ♪
As much as I like the pain killing effects of Oramorph it tastes foul, it's something
I really hate taking.
A rest and recovery day, these days out number the fun days, quite a bit, but are
less vlogged about because I do less interesting stuff. But they're a fact of my
life, I live the days I can the ways I can. Right now I'm going to sleep.
PLUR peeps ☮️ ❤️ 🤝 🙏🏽 👋🏽
Denuclearization talks stall as North Korea goes strong on what U.S. can offer - Duration: 2:48.
U.S. President Donald Trump is said to have cancelled his Secretary of State's trip to
the North Korean capital this week after he received a letter from Pyongyang, which in
previous reports had been described as belligerent.
More details on that letter have been leaked, and it seems it was Pyongyang that implied
don't come unless you have something for us.
Strong words, but where is their confidence coming from?
Trump says it's China.
We have our expert guest in the studio to further discuss this, but first our foreign
ministry correspondent Lee Ji-won has this report.
It appears U.S. President Donald Trump didn't have a choice but to call off his Secretary
of State's fourth visit to Pyongyang as Washington had "nothing to offer" the regime.
Citing an unnamed government official, Reuters reported Thursday that the tone of the secret
letter Kim Yong-chol, vice chairman of North Korea's Workers' Party's central committee,
sent to the U.S,... was that if Washington is not willing to give something, then Pompeo
shouldn't come.
The regime has been asking the U.S. to declare an end to the Korean War, while the Trump
administration has been pushing Pyongyang for a inventory of its nuclear and missile
programs and other military assets.
The senior official added that the North Koreans seem to be thinking the U.S. is not doing
enough,... which appears to back up a report by U.S.-based media outlet Vox, which said
President Trump promised North Korean leader Kim Jong-un a peace treaty sometime soon after
their summit in June.
But the Trump administration continues to insist denuclearization has to take place
before anything else.
Amid concerns over the stalemate, the U.S. remains firm on its restrictions on the regime.
A U.S. State Department official said the department has extended its ban on Americans
traveling to North Korea by another year,... until August 31st 2019.
The reason given for the ban is the concern over the threat of arrest.
U.S. law stipulates that travel restrictions on Americans may be imposed if "there is imminent
danger to the public health or physical safety of U.S. travelers in the country or area."
But it's known that "individuals who wish to travel to or within North Korea for extremely
limited purposes," and whose travel is in the U.S. national interest, can apply for
a "special validation" from the State Department.
There will also be exceptions if the trip is justified by "compelling humanitarian considerations."
The ban was imposed in September last year after the death of American student Otto Warmbier,
who was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor by the North after allegedly trying to steal
a propaganda sign.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.
Can't Take My Eyes Off You - Frankie Valli/君の瞳に恋してる - フランキー・ヴァリ (Live Cover) Lyrics/歌詞 和訳付 - Duration: 3:41.
$66 Custom Door Anyone Can Do!! - Duration: 11:42.
Hey guys we're Evan and Katelyn and today we are upgrading our pantry door because it
used to be boring and now it's really cool and you can do the whole thing with just some
plywood paint and a few tools I was checking the list in my head I was like it has to be
longer right now it's just plywood and paint yeah and a few tools yeah too alright let's
go so after diving into the wonderful world of door dimensions get on down to real fake
doors that's us we learned that standard door knobs don't work if your door is thicker than
2-3/4 because we're upgrading our existing door not building a new one it can't be too
thick you lost your sandal hahaha I did so that means we'd need to take standard dimensional
lumber and somehow remove half of it so we whipped up this design and we're gonna use
quarter inch plywood to cut all the little strips the easiest and probably cheapest way
to rip this into strips is by using a circular saw and some sort of edge guide thingamagopper
there's a whole bunch of these out there we're gonna use this Kreg thing the reason we're
not using the table saw is cause it's big and kinda floppy and just the table saw's
big and floppy it would just be awkward and the other option felt safer
that worked really well it felt good it felt secure a few things I'd recommend use all
protection eye ear mouth just practice safe woodworking heh you can cut that out if you
want I'm leaving it another thing that we learned is while moving this along you don't
wanna have a clamp down here so just have two clamps here two points of contact then
it won't wobble it'll be nice and secure but other than that so we realized that it's gonna
be a lot easier to cut our strips to length if we can start laying them down and attaching
them on the door so we're gonna take this off the hinges and then prep it and then start
attaching them as we cut them I'm just gonna what how is it still attached oh haha alright
so we've taken down all the high spots everything is nice smooth and flush and ready for glue
and then paint now it's time to miter up some of these to length and keep going seh heh
heh heh you didn't know what you were gonna say after that whoa look at this teamwork
alrighty first glueup complete let's go into montage mode haha looks like a door the cool
thing about this project is you can use a combination of this plywood and what was the
other stuff oh trim trim yeah you can also add some trim to make it even fancier for
our diagonal design we're gonna take these strips and use quarter inch dowels to space
them evenly down the door up the door all around the door wow that was done fast yeah
now it's time to get creative with this glue up we have clamps that can reach here right
uhhhh maybe so we've been debating the best way to do this oh yeah well poop because we
need these spacers in order to get all these to fit correctly but we don't want the wood
glue to permanently glue the spacers in place so what we're gonna do is wood glue and super
glue heh heh I zoomed in really dramatically hahahaha we're gonna use the super glue to
clamp things in place lets do super glue in the corners hold it down for 30 seconds while
the super glue dries wood glue everywhere else then remove the spacers before the wood
glue dries hopefully everything should be ok everything will be ok I'm nervous let's
do it alright now hold for 30 seconds we should just like include all 30 seconds maybe this
is when we can run our patreon shoutout across the bottom of the screen thank you guys for
supporting us on patreon it feels like it's been 30 seconds alrighty how many more of
these a lot the final piece of the puzzle ahhhh oooo this is looking so good weeeeoooo
does the Supervisor find our work to be acceptable quality standards meh ok next step we are
gonna drill the hole so we can add back this door handle so it's a usable door so to get
this whole in the right place I'm gonna drill until the drill bit exits hey and then we're
gonna flip it and drill in this way so we don't have tear out on the back or front yay
sweet perfect ahhh alrighty I think the last modification we need to make room for these
hinges so if you look right here when we added this wood we covered this up a little bit
and it doesn't sit flush anymore so we just need to remove this and I'm gonna do that
with a router real quick yes awesome wooo that's satisfying haha so now we're gonna
patch some of the minor little gaps we would normally probably use wood putty but ours
is oh gosh oh it's like fish it's dry it kinda looks like cat food we're gonna use this instead
I think this is maybe a little overkill but it will dry in an hour and I don't wanna use
cat food alright so we're trying to choose colors so what are your general thoughts too
blue too green too green too brown too gray let's put them next to each other so if there's
subtly differences they'll come out alright to the store bonk alright so we have tested
our two colors it's hard to see do they look literally the exact same yeah but I promise
in person this one looks better Domino it is time to paint which we are very excited
for so we could just do this with a roller and brushes but we have all these little details
so for the first time we are going to try a paint sprayer wooo ahhh so anyone who's
used these before is probably thinking guys you need to rotate it 90 degrees and we know
that now we misread the directions and it worked ok still
it's so pretty oh it's so ugly alrighty two coats later it's looking really good we need
to pop the hardware back on and then we hang it oh it looks so crisp I think I have an
idea we'll use my flip flop as a height spacer do you need more flip flops I need more flip
flops the flip flop nation hey one is in the flip flops are too high oh yeah proper level
of flip flops time to drive in some pins ok Evan's tried not to look at this you wanna
look now ahhhh hahaha it looks just as we imagined but better it looks even better in
person look how professional and like upgraded that looks ok lets see if the supervisor approves
do you approve ah the power of humble plywood and a little bit of elbow grease why why was
your elbow greasy well I hope you guys are kind of inspired to maybe take on upgrading
a door I kinda wanna do all of them I think it was really cool that the fact that it was
a flat panel door actually made this project easier so if you have cheap doors this is
the project for you thank you guys for joining us on another episode and we'll look forward
to seeing you in the next one bye dangit haha today we made a door hahaha and turday turday
and there was like bllllrp I know right it requires [unintelligible mumbling] it was
really boring hahaha haha I dunno I thought I'd try something new I don't know if that
worked haha
28 ways you can get disqualified. Swimming rules and regulations according to FINA - Duration: 4:37.
Swimming doesn't seem like a complicated sport with a lot of rules.
However, there are at least 26 rules that can get you disqualified.
1- On the starter's command "take your marks", swimmers shall immediately take up a starting
position with at least one foot at the front of the starting platforms.
The position of the hands is not relevant.
2- Any swimmer starting before the starting signal has been given, shall be disqualified.
3- Some part of the swimmer must break the surface of the water throughout the race,
except it shall be permissible for the swimmer to be completely submerged during the turn
and for a distance of not more than 15 meters after the start and each turn.
By that point, the head must have broken the surface.
4- Standing on the bottom during freestyle events or during the freestyle portion of
medley events shall not disqualify a swimmer, but he shall not walk.
5- Obstructing another swimmer by swimming across another lane or otherwise interfering
shall disqualify the offender.
6- Bending the toes over the top of the touchpad or over the wall is prohibited.
7- At the signal for starting and after turning the swimmer shall push off on his/her back.
8- swim upon his/her back throughout the race except when executing a turn
9- The normal position on the back can include a roll movement of the body up to, but not
including 90 degrees from horizontal.
10- Pulling on the lane rope is prohibited.
11- Upon the finish of the race the swimmer must touch the wall while on the back in his/her
respective lane.
12- From the start and throughout the race the stroke cycle must be one arm stroke and
one leg kick in that order.
13- All movements of the arms shall be simultaneous and on the same horizontal plane without alternating
14- The elbows shall be under water except for the final stroke before the turn, during
the turn and for the final stroke at the finish.
15- The hands shall not be brought back beyond the hip line, except during the first stroke
after the start and each turn.
16- During each complete cycle, some part of the swimmer's head must break the surface
of the water.
17- All movements of the legs shall be simultaneous and on the same horizontal plane without alternating
18- At each turn and at the finish of the race, the touch shall be made with both hands
separated and simultaneously at, above, or below the water level.
19- After the start and after each turn, the swimmer may take one arm stroke completely
back to the legs during which the swimmer may be submerged.
20- At any time prior to the first Breaststroke kick after the start and after each turn a
single butterfly kick is permitted.
21- Both arms shall be brought forward simultaneously
22- over the water and brought backward simultaneously under the water through-out the race,
23- All up and down movements of the legs must be simultaneous.
24- At each turn and at the finish of the race, the touch shall be made with both hands
separated and simultaneously, at, above or below the water surface.
25- It shall be permissible for a swimmer to be completely submerged for a distance
of not more than 15 meters after the start and after each turn.
26- In Medley relay events, swimmers will cover the four swimming strokes in the following
order: Backstroke, Breaststroke, Butterfly and Freestyle.
Each of the strokes must cover one quarter (1/4) of the distance.
27- In relay events, the team of a swimmer whose feet lose touch with the starting platform
before the preceding team-mate touches the wall shall be disqualified.
If you want to learn more about swimming check out our other videos and subscribe to our
Only if you are passionate about swimming, I recommend visiting our webpage at skillswimming.com
, but only if you are passionate, otherwise you won't like it.
Thanks for watching! see you next Friday!
Swim fast!
For a long time I wanted to show the place where the Egyptians eat
A typical Egyptian place
the restaurant is called Hosny
two-story building
we all gathered. really late
now we will eat. be sure to show you
large family table. for large families
Mom us here
or there
Malyak: Potatoes. Soup probably, yes?
Malyak: No
Eeyore: I want potatoes and a bane.
Malyak: I have 3 pieces.
We were all given plates
Now we will choose. Probably we will take meat
Malyak: Pizza. Pizza is not sold here. Here is Egyptian food.
Here such bread have brought. Egyptian bread
Chose that we will order.
A pound of meat and a pound of cutlets (koftas)
rice and potatoes
as a shish kebab. only not from a chicken but from meat
begin to bring salads
This restaurant is famous for the fact that it serves a lot of different salads.
This pickled eggplant.
This is called Thina. This is also some kind of salad.
This is called babaganun. From eggplant.
It's called ... What's it called?
Denis: Tommey. Yes it is a tommeia. It is made from mayonnaise with garlic. A fresh vegetable salad.
Beets are served in this form. This is boiled beet. Besides that there are carrots.
With sesame and poured all with sunflower oil.
The next we have is salinity.
Pickled cucumbers, carrots, radishes and other
And all this can be eaten with bread.
It's like our salad Olivier
Only in it are potatoes, carrots and peas.
so that gradually cover the clearing
Mom: Let's get started.
Mom: Pleasant to everyone's appetite. Yes, everyone has a pleasant appetite.
Mom and Denis brought soup.
Soup from above is covered with polyethylene
To not cool down.
By the way I wanted to show ..... How to eat this food.
Take and scoop with a slice of bread salad.
and eat it
This salad of eggplant
Aya put a salad
Soup as a cream.
soup chicken, huh?
Salad is very similar to Olivier
The composition includes boiled potatoes and peas.
Rice came
Denis it to you? Denis: That's all. Yes, rice to rice. Delicious.
As soon as the bread is finished. Bring more.
Small pickled eggplants
very tasty
The potatoes were brought.
They will bring one now. Malyak: Yes.
The meat was brought.
This is a meat shish kebab. Beef
And also brought Egyptian koftas.
We have cutlets, and they have such long koftas
Malyak: It was very tasty, remember?
So here is a table.
Malyak: It's very tasty.
It is tasty especially to dunk a shish kebab or koftas in this tommeya sauce.
Aya how is it? Aya: It's tasty.
Malak: Hot
Hot? Malak: Yes
Put in tommeya and eat
His beloved grandson will not pour some water even for a grandmother.
Denis well, how is rice delicious? And what more did you like? Denis: I have not even eaten yet.
tommeya very tasty
it is meat that is tasty with tommeia
it is softer than mayonnaise
Deni: It's mayonnaise with mustard, garlic, yogurt
there apparently yogurt or sour cream.
Mom, did you want to say something?
how was it I said everything?
Hava I said everything
This is how much we ate. Eaters.
ate a little meat, salads
By the way this restaurant exists since 1975.
The most delicious thing they do is Nescafe.
very tasty always
One Pepsi can be attributed.
Malyak: I do not want to. Tell them to bring the juice.
Let's get to drinking
And Malyak brought a pure Egyptian drink. Lemon with sugar.
all the Egyptians drink it
the wrong side of the straw
Mom has tea. Mama, you have green tea, right?
With mint
Malyak: It's not sweet. How not sweet? Sweet
Denis, what did you have? Denis: It's nothing. Mango juice was once.
Aya, what do you have? Aya: Pepsi.
My Nescafe
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