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Poor Merri! SweetPea run to bit coz annoy her baby cry | SP warm Merri seriously | Monkey Daily 1844 - Duration: 4:30.
Teenage Boy Reportedly Bit By Shark In California - Duration: 0:39.-------------------------------------------
Guru Yoga - A Bit About Vajrayana - Duration: 4:51.So, just take a moment to open to presence,
awake presence.
What's that mean to you?
See, when we think about the Buddha, awakened beings
or those sages who lived in the past
...somehow they awakened,
and, we hear that ... I don't know about you ...
sometimes we have a tendency to think,
'Oh, they have gone to some kind of special place, la la land, pure land,
and then disappear,' or something like that.
In fact, that's completely wrong.
Awake presence is everywhere.
You are surrounded by these awakened beings
everywhere ... every phenomenon, every molecule
of your body … cause it's inseparable from your mind.
Awakened Beings are inseparable from your own mind.
In order to realize THAT, we engage in this kind of practice, vajrayana practice,
yidam practice, so that to become a bridge to realize
the inseparability of awakened mind and our own mind.
So, see, invite, or welcome, open to - whatever phrase
you can relate to, to that awakened presence.
Like air ... natural state ...
In that, bring your personal connection, personal feeling
which entails perhaps the connection to
your specific teacher,
or to specific yidam deities
you feel a strong connection with.
So, then, see if you can imagine that in front of you,
like catalysts, or the embodiment of all these
awakened presences or beings just appear.
And, ask Her, 'May I realize I am not separated from your mind, body and speech.
Please help me.
Please come to me, merge me, be one with me for today's practice
so that I can come home on this cushion
right here right now during this session.'
In our tradition … Guru puja ... we have this prayer,
'You are my Guru, you are my yidam, you are the dakini, dharma protectors.
I have no other refuge than you
in this life, next, and all future lives.
Please be my constant friend and guard me from interfering forces.'
So, with this strong yearning, she dissolves,
happily dissolves into light ... and comes to
the top of your head and melts into your body.
You are completely one with Her … Her body, speech and mind.
And, keep your teacher to your heart center ... condensation of the awakened beings.
And, also recall all those countless seen, unseen beings.
We practice on behalf of them.
Because, again, we are not separate.
No separation.
In the experience of transformation of our own body, speech and mind,
all the beings are also liberated
… experience a transformation of their body, speech and mind.
Because, our mind-nature has no differentiation.
Cultivate bodhichitta,
'May I awaken for the benefit of all the beings,
without exception, countless seen and unseen others and myself.'
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